l M . 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr-JSATUBDAY - , DECEMBER 21. 1889 I * ' I THE CITY ' 1 riro Chief GnMlg in BiiR&osts tlint the B lupnlo of the Now York Ufa Insurances m imlillriff bo used as n Dro observation fl lower B ' The Mnniloraon guards , which is com H posed of colored pcntlomcn nnd rom 11 ronniled by Commodore Uullcr , will M give their first of a sorlcs ol l > nlla on the H evening of .Tnnunry 50. ! m The Klghth ward ropuhllcnn club mot M at TwmHv-fourth nnd Cuming sttoot H t Inst night and orinuii/odrveoclnlsoctoty. B It will bo Uopt up until the next ctun- B paign B A boy nnmad Silas Purdy was nr- B rested yostordny nflornoon on the H charge of passing n counterfeit sllvor M dollar on Danbuuin , the chop house H man The boy will bo tried today • H Julius Rcatz , the man who was in- m Jurod in the o ploiiou at the gas works H last Monday atoning , died at St .To- m soph's hoHiiftal yesterday evenIng from m ' the olTools of the iniurios recelvod H Coronar Iro\ol will hold an inquest M this morning Hi IVr onnl InrnKrnitlis fll C. M. HandiiU of Alma Is at the Paxton H Mrs 0. A. Scott of York Is at the Paxton M V. A. Holmes of Norfolk is at the Paxton H i Edward Updlkci of Howard Is at the Mur- H ray , B . Chnilcs W. UicRor of DoWitt l < at the Mil M A. Uhkestad of Ord Is stopping at the Mil BBJ j , c. Arnold of Genoa Is registered at tha t H r. Casey BBjl < j , M , Cnldcr of Taiaorn Is stopping at the 1 Casey Hf J. P. Allen of Fremont is stopping at tbo Hr Murray K Robert Hyitti of Lincoln is registered at ilio HL Muriay Hf Charles T , Ncalot EJgar is stopping at the Hj Paxton Ht h. O. Russell of bt Paul is a guest at the 1 Paxton 1 11.11 Ucath of Lincoln Is registered at the 1 | Millnrd W S. C. DiHny of Hastings is at the Mor- J ohauts H X V , Parkins of Wooplng Water is at the 1 BBB Merchants , II V. Martin of Dlair is registered at tuo BBJ Merchants B M. D. Cameron and wife of Schuyler are BJK guests at the Merchants Hr 1) J , r. ales of Albion is slopping at the BJB , Merchants Hj II A. Hendricks of Sterling is n guest at K ho Casey H William Osborao of Gretna is registered at Hf the Paxton H ! C. I1 . Creighton of Lincoln is stopping at BJK the Paxton H | V.V. . Barker of Grand Island is' stopping BB | at tbo Cisoy H | Fran l : Slinrpo of Iiattlo Creek is a guest at BK the Millard B | J. M. Kilpatriclc of Uoatrico is registered BBR at the Paxton Hf Miss Cairlo Thomas of Grand Island is a BBJ ! guest at Uio Murray Hf Hcniy Grosshaus and wife of Sutton are BJK guests at the Murray H | George II Hornby of Valentine Is among BB { the guests at the Cisoy Hi C. II Do LaMatyr and wife of Promom BJB nro among the arrivals at the Millard Hj r. Hsmay nnd F. L. Esmty of Fremont , BJB are nmong the arrivals at the Mui rav m Thomas Klcharilson of Co sal Laitc BJB jRanclio Is among the gucst3 at the Paxton Rj' Jay \V. Kennedy , genorul neent'for Cham- BJflji , Dorlain &Compiuy , uinnufucturing pharma BJflyJ cists , Dcs Moines , In , (9 ( in the city RJ-V John G. Pollock , proprietor of the Thurs BJrtJ\ ton , the leading hotel of Columbus , culled BJflETT ) * * upon till ! Dun yesterday , E ' Oninlm I'luittliiifClirr Vrrnon B. The funeral of our late brother , .Tut Hoetz , Hb takes nlaco today Kvcry incmhor is rc- Hf . qpested to meet at Gcrmania hall all o'clock BJI1 p. m. _ Joun Hdsuii , Piisldcnu H | A Court House Klovntor B A petition was circulated throuch the court B , t house asking the county commissioners to B' havn .111 elevator placed la the buildln ? . The BJflj docuincul was signed by the four district BB > Judges and nearly all of the attorneys , ] ur- BJflL ors and omplo } os around the court house B JHoro Cliildri'ii in DJsputr > . Hu Mrs Henry Dovol was in Omaha trvlng to B. obtain possession of her two children who B' > nro being kept hero bv their father The BBVf couple liavo boon living in Council UlulTs BJBJ for uevoral years , but have separated Dovol BBV refuses to glvo In und legal proceedings will BBV follow H > AV'nnt ( > ( i , today B' Tun Dr.n rospcctfully requests the pastors Hl of this city and otheis having charge of oa- HI ; tcrtalnincnts which are to bo given Curist- BBVT , mas , to forward notices of their scrvicos and BJBu programmes of their exorcises to this oDice BBk as early as posslblo today BBV * It is dcitrod to publish them in Sundays BJflj paper H * Most complexion powders have a vulgar BJflk laro.hut Popanl's ' Is alruo boautiflor , whose BJflJf effects are lasting BBb • > BBV , Brolnt- Gnu v H ; v' An excursion train carrying about fifty B * business men of Omuhn left oa the Milwaukee B > road yesterday morning for Dawson , fa , Bb vrhcro an iinmcnso pas well has been discov- BByjl ' orcd , and the prospects are good for a big BBMft real estate boom The party Is in charge of BBVV. . J. Albright , C. II Cooley , secretary of BBfr the Dawson town nnd gas company , and Mr BJBJ McCaguc , all of whom are interested in the BBW [ boom BBh * • Bb IIoiKl'ord'ri A011I thnRphatli B' For Abuse of Alcohol BR it rclic\cs the depression therefrom H | a iion.\sio juky hystum B' It i\plrcil "Willi thu 1'otUJui-y of the W District Court , B % The petit Jury of the district court was A , discharged at noon It was the last Jury B > that will servo the litigants of Douglas B | ccuaty under the old system Thn now Jury Bk law nmII go into effect for the February HK1 term The couaty Doird will , at its first HK meeting In January , make 6. list of not loss BBBp than one-tenth of the legal voters of the BBBk * 1 county apportioning them among the various BBpJK election precincts , which bIiuI ) bo known as BBn | | ' the Jury list The board shull select the Jury BBf ] , from this list The county clerk shall write BBMg , each name on a ticket and deposit it in a box BBUf orwbeol Tweuty Oays before the first day BBK-r of any trial term tno district clerk shall draw MA- - * - from this box or wheel the names , not less BBT , ' than thirty for each two weeks the court BBf' shall bo In sosslon , and these uliall servo as H | ' petit Jurors BBVt' It was as gloomy.nnd dull Inside the torn BB ; pie of Justice us It was without , Ttiu busl- BBB dcss of the term is tioing drawn to a close , BBB , and in the shufllo Judge Douno was tha only BBKf prize wiuuer Ho cauisht a llttla appeal from BBBj' , a Justlco court entitled Lulimau vs Kdholm BBB , It Allien , a suit lor goods BBH ] Judge Clarksop hud a show for business BBI ) for a tow mlautcs , hut the case assigned to Bu , to him , Dougherty , the Waterworks com BBC pauy , was coatlnuod until next termand tbo BBWt" court spent the morning la meditation , BBBJf Judge Hopewell wcut to 'tcHamah BBUF" at noon'nnd will rotura Tuesday to try the BBBJf case ucalast Tom I.acev , the last ease to bo BBBL tried in the criminal court this term , BBBJI * Judge Hopewell somonced Maud Per BBBR rester and John McDonald , tno colored B § children under fifteen years of age , to the ro BBBK ' form school for Incorrigibility , BBBJT Kj an A Walsh have brought suit against BBht It C Moore Nuls O. Hrown ct a I. to have a BHu Judgment against the latter declared a first BBmk lien upon certain property In liees place BBUj JoscpliluoH , Kennedy has commenced suit BBr against her husbutid , II li Kennedy , Kutlo BBK 11. Kuhn and Charles H , lllbbius to Uuvo an BBM | alleged fraudulent transfer of two lots m BBMk Vcnlso's addition set aside , BBVf John V , N. Cheouy has applied for a dl- BBpv torco from bis wife , Ida J. , on the ground of BBh3 desertion , BBBf Frank II Pond has commenced suit BBei against Samuel K. Pelton aad Morris Mor- BBTf u risou to recover f 1,0 ,90 on a promissory bVj ! MTIlil : OM1S' CIlltlaT IA3. He v. AV , J. llnr < hi'fl Appeal to M nko It Itniuir There are bundleds of children la Omaha who know of Christmas only ns a dim nnd unsubstantial dream Our Idea is to make It a reality of cheer anil hope to them The only way to make true men and women out of the waifs of our nitons Is to Inspire thorn with the thought of their own importance Onu way to do this U to teach thorn that tha respectable part of the commifolty cares for thorn and expects somothlng of them The distribution of the gifts will bo under the personal supervision of Nov Mr Savldgo utnl myself , and whllo the only question asltcd isiAro jou in nccdl" wo will try to use our supplies Judiciously Money nnd supplies of all sorts may bo ont to my rosl deneo until baturday night On Mon day and Tuesday of next week nlonso send to the Mission chapel on Dodco street , I will gladly send for bundles If people will inform mo w here they are to bo had Youi s , voryijirdially , WlLt.tAM J. IlAltSHA , 203 South Twenty-fifth avenue ' It tss\\cot to live , but oh I how bitter to bo troublcn with n cough day and night Dr Hulls Cough Svrup , Uowover , Is n sure remedy 35 ceuts "I cannot slug ton Ightl My throat is sorn " "Of course vou havn't tried Salvation Oil ! " "No Then got It and you will sing llko the olrds " _ _ _ _ _ nuuwNttijij's ansuaij Tim Itrllllntit Musical Prngrnmtiio Itcndrrcit ! ) y the.Senior * . At Urownetl hnll Thursday night a select audience hod an opportunity of marking the musical progress made by the sealer olnss during the past year The occasion was the annunl muslcnlo glvoa In the college hall The affair wss under the direction of Miss Margaret Wallace , and to her the result must hnvo proved highly gntlfylng A feuturo of the ontertalument woithy of special mention was the various quartottos and duets on two pianos , tha rythm and perfection of tnno In each solcctlon evidenc ing faithful work and painstaking Instruc tion It would bo hard to discriminate nmong the instrumental performers , tbo only point of comp irison being the difficult ncss of the selections Among the vocal selections the sarao uui- foim excelleiiLO was noticeable To nn encoio Mrs Cotton lcsponded with You may coino tomorrow " u.110 soio nnu cnorus nt the close formed a fitting flnalo Follow ing is the programme Miss E. Thorpe sang with oxqulslto ease and swoctness "Of Thee I'm ' lhinlcing Mar garita , " hieing musical taste und the pos sibility of future success 1'UIT 1. Piano Quartette , Overture Zampa..Horold Misses C Thomas , M. Putnam , N. Hunting , P. Doty Vocal Solo Call Mo H ictt" Den za Miss N. Holt Piano Duet , Columbine Minuet..Dolahayo Misses H Thorp and C. Wasmor Piano Solo , Ktudo in A Flat AVolleiihaup Miss G. Tow ler Vocal Solo , Lullaby Chadwick Miss tl Iialubolt Piauo Duet , Minuet , Hocchorlnl Misses b. Uarso nnd G Fowler ' Piano Duct , Lo Hovillo du Lion Kontski Misses C. Palmer and A. Harkcr • PlllT II Fantoislo for two pianos , Don Giovanni vanni" Mozart Albcrtl Misses C. Wasmor and J. Tlshue Vocal Solo , "Of Thco I'm ' Thinking , Margunta" Moycr-Holmund Miss U. Thorpe Piano Solo , "Sorcnaao" Shubort Miss A. Darker Piano Solo , Moments Muslcalos , " on W , No 'i Shubort Miss C. Wasmor Vocal Solo , Como Hello ( LucrcziaHor- gla ) Donizetti Mrs Cotton Piano Solo , "Vnlso" Etudo..Joachim-Ruff Miss J. Tishue , Solo and Chorus , Charity , . Rossini Quality Will Till Of 2,451,5U-1 cases of chomDagno imported during tbo past ton years , comprising 20 brands , over ouo-fouith was G II Mumm's Extra Dry , " which during the same period was over 200,000 cases in excess of any other brand _ _ _ _ HUMAN KPLZOOr It Is Beginning to Affect Local Money Clinnirors The reported influenza CDldomio among bank clerks In the cast is attracting coasid- crablo attention hero Investigation discloses the fact also that slight bj mptoms of the contagion nro making their appearance in this city It is claimed that the goruisof the dlscuso are transported in money , which accounts for its develop ment in banks before sproadlug through a com munity Teller Stubbs of the Omaha National , said that ho had been suffering for two orthreo days from a peculiar feeling in the nose and head , but thought nothing of it William Wnlluca of the sama bank scouted the idea of poisons being exposed through the handling of money , principally because in thirty years experience as a banuor ho had not had his attention cnllod to n case wbero anyone had become possessed of n contagious illsoaso in that manner William Hamilton , teller at the Merchants National , assorted that such a thing could very easily occur "I havobecu compelled , " said ho , "to handle money that was so filthy aad dirty that It almost made mo slclc " U. H.Wood Is eomplaluing now of an Itch ing In the nostills that greatly annoys him Luther Drnko was a victim a few days use , but two or three generous applications of quinluo and Scotch wbisky brought him out all right O. S. Reed , at the Nebraska National , could not bo induced to bclicvo that bank people wcro mora liable to catch lnlluonza thnu any other class Ho contended that tha epidemic started in Pui Is , came to Now York aad is sure to spread all over the country Teller Yates stated that his three children are afflicted now aad in bad condition \ Howaro of frauds Rod Cross Cough Drops will euro jour cold Snin Iturilctt Arrlvo * . Samuel Hurdetto , the ox-United States revenue inspector , who is under indictment for complicity in the wholesale embezzle ment of funds In the office of revenue collec tor , appeared in the ofllco of the United States marshal yesterday and surrenderor blmsolf It was oxpectcd that ho would bo arraigned at 3 o'clock , but Judge Dundy set tbo tltno for 10 o'clock this morning , Uurdutt was allowed to go on his own rccognizaaco by JIurshul Slaughter and loft the building In company with O. II liothacker and W. P. Hochol As tha party was going down tbo stop Mr Huruott was accosted bva Hbb rcportor , but as soou as Mr Rothaokor saw HurduS stop ho took him by the arai and tried to pull hlin nwny Hurdott excUtmoii Lot mo nlono ; 1 wont say anything ' * liothacker continued to pull while Hurdott explained that ho wauld not hnvo nnjthlnir to say until after bo had been arrnlgnod and bad hoard the In dictment _ A HUMAN OASOMBTIlit , A Norllk Gcntlemin Attempts nn Impossible Hole T. W. Klonlzy , a young man from Norfolk , Is lying In tooin 43 nt the Hotel Casey a vic tim of his own Ignorance When discovered about 11 o'clock yester day mornlnc ho was on the point of death It seems that whoa ho rctirod Thursday night , instead of turning of the gns ho blow It out with the usual result After 0 o'clock jestorday morning the chambermaid called him sovoi al times but got no response Having completed her work In all the otbor rooms and thinking It time for hint to got up , she called for assist nnco from the oillco to nrouso him No amount of noise , however , could arouse him , nnd , divining thnt there must bo somothlng wrong , Mr Casey broke open the door of the room A smell of gns w hlfh nlmost knocked him down at once settled the cause of troubl • . Klont7V wus unconscious and breathing very heavily Or Jones was cnllod , who brought tbo man bacic to his sonsns , The latter will pull through all right , though his cscapo was a very nurrow ono O'MJIMi'S IIOPKS How tlio Towns New Iloatl Project In Considered The citizens of O'Neill ' , nccording to tolc- graph reports , are feeling Jubilant ever iho prospect of another railroad for their town which , when built , will give them communi cation with Sioux City Lust week they entered into a contract with the ollicl vis of the Nobruslca & Central road , in which the latter obligated themselves - solves to complete the line by August 1 of no\tycnr from Sioux City to O'Neill , whllo the former hnvo pledged SiU.OOO either In precinct bonds or cosh subscriptions "Whut effect will such a road have on Omalial" was asked of a gontlouinu con nected with the Union Pacific "I cant imagine , " said ho , that it will hnvo any Omaha need not fear comiiotit'on ' of any town within -IDO-mllo ladius of bar btoux City lias 110 market that anyoodv would think seriously of shipping cittlo or grain to I predict that when Omaha gets rail communication with South Dakota the two or three small packing houses utSlonx City will bo foieed for want of business to close up Tbo cattlu und hogs from Dakota which keep those institutions 1 uuulng will then como here " The now award of differentials mndo last Wednesday by Chairmen Walker , Midgloy , raithorn und Pinluy , in their meotiug at Chicago , on Nebraska and Kansas business , has been received nnd is tnu subject of much consideration nmong freight men , Whllo no changes have been made In the sebedulo of local rates adopted December 10 by the Union Pacific , H. & , M. und Elkhorn roads on trafllo nut of Omuha to interior points , thn 11 tc M. is much dissatisfied and Tom Miller , general freight agent of that road , is now in Chicago making a light His objections scorn to bo biscdonthe fact that these differentials touch Lincoln tbo same -FremontMJoat- - rice , Hnstings , Graud Island , York , Norfolk , Kearney and other points uny distinca west of thn river This , it is imagined , will will give Omaha a slight advantagu over the Capital city It raises the rate on llrot and second el iss from I cents a hundred to 5 cents , and on third and fourth class flora 3 cents to 4 cents , thus giving Omaha an ago ovcrtbo old differential of 1 cent When General Freight Agent Mollcn or the Union Pacific left Chicago Thursday the mutter was still under discussion , theicforo he could not say whether these awards would bo adopted or rejected , W. O Stlth is the name of the gentleman who has been nppointed general frolght agent of the Memphis route at Kansas City , as successor to II A. Johnson , now of the Union Pacific Asassistantgenei.il freight ugentofthu Mlssou.-i Pacific u number of years , Mr Stlth became known as ono of thn brightest men in the business Ho has several Omaha friends who are greatly pleased to hear of bis elevation The Missouri Pacific will put a new time table , mailing slight chnnges in the arrival and depaituio of passenger trains at this point , into effect ncxthundiy The day express - press , now duo here at r : h"i p m , will then " nirivo ono hour earlier 4 55 and tl.o time of dopnrturo for the through to St Louis train nt night is changed from 9:15 o'clock to 8.50. It is rumored that D. E. Thompson , gen eial superintendent of the U. & M. road , contemplates becoming a gentleman of leisure and will therefore resign his position Januury t to tnlru a trip aoroad Mr 'thompson's rotiioinont will doubtless elevate Alexander Campbell , now superin tendent of the western division nt McCoolc Thompson commenced his career twenty years ago as a brnkemnn on the Q and has been connected with that system in varioas capacities over since J. M. Barr , who will sticcood C. F. Rcsso- guio January 1 us superintendent of the Mis souri river division , nrrlved in Omaha yes terday He left last ovcniiig , accompnnlod by Vice President Holcomb , Mr , Kesseguio and K. M. Udxtcr , on a tour of inspection over bis territory Chief of Construction J. S Cnmcron loft yesterday for the east to spend Christ mas with his children at their homo In Con necticut and report to the Union Pucltlo ucadquartois in Hoston tbo result of investi gations recently made by him in Utah All the rage , Rod Cross Cou gh Drops five cents per boxsold everywheio A Motor Conductor IrptostH Omaik , Dec 20 To the editor of The Bee : I cant sco why It Is that Tnc Ucu gives tba rtreet car men the worst of it in its columns Elthor the passenger who said ho waited so long on the morning of the 17th is a story teller or ho was asleep These selfsame passontrers who Kick so hurd will stand on the plalfoim nnd crowd us so wo cant get nrnuud when tboio is scarcely anyone ono in the car Hcli Punch p. S. I wish I had time , I would llko to tell you of some of these people wo have to deal with Piles ! Piles ! Piles ! Dr Williams Indian Pile Olntraont will euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when other olmtmcuta have fnilod it absorbs tbo tumors , allays the Itching at once , acts as a doultico , gives instant relief , Dr Williams Indian Pllo Olntmont la prepared only for piles and itching of the private parts , and 1 nothing else Every box Is warranted Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of I prlco , 25c and tl per box WILLIAMS MFG CO , Props , Cleveland , O. ' ' • ' ' • -i 'yn " " " • MCOICINB M M MmJtaffesflF OUINEAjfo For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver . ? LB BY ALL DRUGGISTS PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX J ? . ALLEJST & CO , Sole Agents TjOR UaiTEU STATES , SOS & aor CANAIi ST , NEW YORK , ( if your druggist does not keep them ) will mail Beecham's Pills on receipt of price tut inquire first ( Please mention this paper ) CONSUMPTION , TN its first stnjro ? , canjbo successfully 1 chocked by thn prompt use of Ajcr'a Cherry Pectoral Ken In tiio later periods of tba dlsenso , tlio cough Is wonderfully rcllovcd by this medicine " I have tiic < lA\vcr's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect In my practice This wonderful preparation omosaxed jay life I liniln constant cough , night sweats , was grnntly reduced lit Jlesli , and given up by my phjslclaii Onn bottle anil a half of the Pectoral cured me " A. J. I' .ldson , M. ! > • Mlddleton , Tennessee " Sov oral jears ngo I was severely ill The doctors mid 1 was in consumption , and that tlicy r-ouM do nothing for inc , but advised mens a last Jcsortto try AVers Cherry Pectoral After taking thlsvmcdlclno two or three months I was cured , nnd my health icmnliis good to tbo pri uit day " James Dlrchartl , Darlen , Conn " Sevcrnl j ears ago , on a pnssngolioino from California , by water , I contracted so scveio a cold that for sumo lajn I was conlltiul to my Blatn-room , nnd a phvslclnii 011 board considered my llfo In danger Happening to have n bottle of Ajer's Chmry Pectoral , I tisid It freely , and my lungs wcro noon restored to a henlthy condition Slmo then I liavo Invariably recommended this prep , aratiou " J. 11. Chaudlcr , Junction , Va Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral , issrjiniiinT Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mas ? , Bold by nil Drugglm Trice fit ; Ulott1ei$5. Reading AT THE Wholesale Price • It is a law of trade that nearly evciy article costs less at wholesale The Youths Companion is a weekly paper , whose cost is only S1.7S. per year , but the fact that 430,000 persons subscribe to it lias tiansformed it into a rich Feast of Literature The quantity of reading is increased Continuous Supplements every week , Double Souvenir Num bers with Colored Covers , and hundreds of new and choice illustrations attest this The character of the paper is excep tionally high Among its con tributors are the great leaders of the worlds thought and the suc cessful makers of the worlds history Additions to its long list of 430,000 subscribers are now being received for 1890 , and each hew subscriber receives the privileges , accruing to all fiom this phenomenal circulation . Send for full Prospectus For i.75 , Tim Companion will be sent the icst of this year free , and for a year from Jan , 1890 , Tun Youths Companion , 41 Temple Place , Boston , Mass DOES CURE . . . j.rM Jn u l ijmiilii III.I.H q In its First Stages Il litreyollyct theucniiltie j For imprnv ed and economic cooiery use Lieiiig COMPANY'S ' 1 CXTRACT OF MEAT , for Meet Ten , Soups Made rushes , 8 uicea , ( Oamo Fish , c ) Aside or Meat Jelly , Ki tips tor liny leii 'ilw > r time , nnd li cheaper aiul of liner llnvor : th&uany otheruocic Conulno only with J. von LtoblK's oj"naturoaaobovq , In blue ono pound of tixtracc ot lleot eijual to forty pounds 01 leiui beef 1 I PRINCIPAL POINTS 1 ' I EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1802 PARNAM STUEKT WEAK MEH ? : ! . | C min OHlvJ.r , KiiiHuaovtr w./.r.r C5EiEais' < > S5Pn. J"i ! ip n v in > cui * - ? sS t 2Tr "WMATimWMMiuui.Hfiit fa t > le.VV HTil'VUl t ' u > II i k r ru , rtilw * • Ik.m'-'Lbi * < > H"tik " ' Tlt M > itraaiUi kletlrtt Curretl fr * * IBIWI IB wttlUlliiflOOI'CtM * . KLTwllai | > i7lu' > ' , > " - < > p. WtrucuoM- - UJIDXBSU0TfiI0C0.luUteU.lli , taXttiOOjli PRACTICAL PRESENTS I Parents who arc desirous of securing for their boys.practical and appropriate pros fl B cuts , will find our Boys Department the best place to get them Can you think of f M anything that will give your boys more lasting pleasure and comfort than a nice l M suit or overcoat ? # \Vc are showing handsome styles for big and small boys , and H the tremendous cut we have lately made on our finest goods , places them within H the reach of all The styles of suits we are offering at $3.60 , $4.90 and $5.50 you jj B will not find anywhere else , except you pay twice the money for the same vlB goods In Children's and Boys Overcoats we offer extraordinary bargains as we ' } | are determined to close them out One small lot of extra fine Children's Over | H coats , of elegant designs and neatly trimmed is marked at less than the value | H of the Cloth We have never cut so deep as we did this time They must all go if H before New Year and the prices are made to move them ! fl | FURNISHING GOODS | 1 Our Furnishing Goods Department is a regular Bazaar for Holiday Presents * k l Nowhere can you find a finer assortment than we carry , and you will not find H anotherplace that sells them so cheap f | Embroidered Silk Suspenders Silk Umbrellas : | | Silk and Cashmere Mufflers Fine Gloves IH Silk Handkerchiefs Choice Neckwear fl | All these goods we sell as close as the Staple Articles No fancy prices in ' , H our store Vou will save about 50 per cent on all purchases made in our Furnish ' : i H ing Department i1 H ffll Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets f'H ? ' . . . - . z z . . . „ Holiday PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN , Silk Umbrellas Silk Underwear Silk Mufflers Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs Neck Wear Nightshirts Smoking Jackets ] In facteverything in Men's ' Fur nishings.can b eiound at Dr.J.E.MGcREW , Tilt ) Well Known Sucelullst , K t - * XOT6v\i ! fe tlln trcntincntor am * &ttyiy \ \ \ aiironus of I'm- ifffliiw fe v VTI , IHSVAHrH W talarftK OkotiinUBlrlct- , f Cptm iir > , i < uro iiunr- g , V Sw nntoml frponuv fL * 1 qwpI $ t'JrrlHJLii Irupo- , . / , f \ \ " " " Hbsnhilclv L _ 1 A ) II cured , hi'ri.l ( r Jft-lV Pi I book , "Tlio I ire JK&JV { ft ) Bttrot , " for Jlun f " tW& l Nt'rvousne , ( > ii- \ , V / \ quickly nnd per Fbiorji-j Ti- / I munentlr , 'IrL-ut- ' 7 / went by corro- utTim Y rt Hf pRC73 3 PJBb turnips fur ' repljr , SKI//K ij &S i ? Consultation S.E , Cor , J3ffHckson Sts ! Omaha .rnmnmMiKTfmmarMiiij 11 mini 1 m IWHOLESALE PRICES MEN'S ' WESCOH j CALF SHOESW \ f .cnmli-H * vitiiiiH , J fea z i , J llutlanl.net ) urL'oii' / J J 'm KriiBH Tlii | | a or y fnrsy 'X jilnllitof..Mrilj fe 3 ' \ [ urn or lilo X p By \ \ n : iii cent for jf * m * J tf 8IZE8 5T012 , - - - - $2.55 Wrliafnr iiur ruuioauc Ehoot lent by < .jl < uri'BJ C. O. I ) If KlcenL It ent mill unler FAVORITE , PIKE & CO , 45 to 49 Randolph St , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS We rtfer to Artrcur A Co . Chicago , bj fxrmlnlon , SHOE DEALERS ebtated Hue * ° t UooU and Btioea manufactur ed by 0.11. Henderson ot to , of Chlcuco Fao > torlea at Clilcaro Dixon , Hit and ton Du Lap , Wli.-.Uoul.l wrlta H\M. N WATSON , re > l- dtnee VHKMUNT NKU Tra > Uug afcent | ( Ue aquarter XorMubU rii _ | : AT TME Exfo5ITioni = : PARIS 1559 , , The Highest Po3siblo Premium , IFHE ONLY - * GRAND * PRIZE FOR SEWING MACHINES , WAS AWARDED TO WHCElER & WILSOH MFG , CO . AND THE * GR0SS 0F THEN LEQION OF HONOR , WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER , The President of the Company WHEELER & WILSON MFG CO , 180-187 WnlMBhc , Chicago SOI.ft KY P. E. FEODMAN & Co 220 fl lUlh St , Oninlm , NcO The lnriie t , iiutc.t una iliiu.l In tuo world , It H'aMcngerccconiiooUatloiia unexcelled How Yori to Olajjaw vh La3onJsrr7 Ancliorln , Dee . . . .21st | TinnosslnTan ttli lurne'hia , Dee . . . 'Jdth | Clrcntsla , Jan lltli Now York ta Azores , Gibraltar anl Italy Victoria , Janunry4th. Samok , Second Ors ami KTniitton rntos on low est tonus , llxciuslon 'llckoti rcniitod , made awillnblo to return tjynltlior tlis 1'lctiir- eequo Clyde oiul Noitli of Irulftnd or Hlver Wtrsey and South ot Irolaud or Naples and Gibraltar MXCUIIKIDNS OT PAIIIS Oil CONTINLNTU Touii-t on lowust tonus Travoleu' Cirmlar I.ettirsof Credit ami Drafts for uny amount at low est current ratea Apply to any ot our local agents or to He tan Brota , Chicago Ills H.B , HAM 31. \ . Moiinea ft II Ma net , tf P. Depot \iJPr r iS ti a * li'tnndaj ' T n wiple.mwtefr m on * wrllInu , Acrifit * vpnte l , OIIILI ' 111'l.lV 11111,11 t U , l. 'uol , ! ry , I hlmifO TlfViKEN SPHIKG VEHICLES I B < MdiiJio/i > i4nimdi u 0mL ni OnM • nallr lmnrp Bd with wu 1b .lutUeitooui a and .bjrun MCorUluf to tba wolubt pat oa tuua , CUHod cqutllr veil to roURh country or rlna Vu drive * wW l io Uaet aatUmotlon A GOODRICH Attfy at-I.aw.lSl Deir XV lioru St , Chicago | advice tree ; SI yean ex ) bimneim quietly aud HtaUf traiu Mted HHCOB l3ril&D00uE Ma , OMAHA NEBJ Mi l foil TUK TEEAIIIEXT Of JJJ ll H GEEfill nJinLDISEffi : oe2. : . loei@ : , ] \ \ M APPLIAHCES FOR DEFORMITIES ADD TRUSSEStl l H Treitmcnt of ev.ry form ox Utttaie requirioff I H ' MEDICAL or SlJROICAI , THEATIIENT f'e H • NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIEMTS.1 it H UoirdAtteudance BtitAccommodation.InWtii.1 ille B ei _ OT WRITE FOR OntOULARBoa EformiUe aal H eH Braces , Iruiica , Olub i'ett , OurratureioEjiH lFlUa i' H Tumcri Oint-or , Oataxrh , BroocbiUi , IDhlatloB Ji H Sleotridty , raralysii , Epil.pir , Sldnty , Bladdir I H j . Ear , BSdnano Blood and ill fiurtlcaldperaUon ! M DISEASES OF WOMEN i .K'ilS , wk Ham iiniT inuBD i Liua.il tmriHTaKSTroa M woms DiBiiucomriJinMT ( STBICItT fSIVATI ) ' B OnlyBtlUlloHedicallcitltateiaakingaBpetialtTof I H PRIVATE DISEASES ah mood ni . . . . . . . ( . , .fmir iMud jbiiui roiiti I H riao lrrontll.il.m llboiitBtTrr ll.w Unlinlln I'e eH Iriu tf rU..rririLruiT it rnluBui > iii | It e eH Uocicoan.l.nU.1. K.alilsiiorl.alr.i.tDli > talbiiillra \ H tr.iai.c.r.lrp.fi dnomirki.lDilic.l..oDt iitiorieDdtr , f.e H Coenronflnirlirpttrird c.ll.al.oDiult.ioritai i M tbl"/ > / ; • ' " " " . .irlll Kcd In ililn frr.iitr.a j e el Bflnif Ttl MFM PRBKi Upon Irlii . i l'l j i H BllUa I U IVICR herTou.Dli.u.l.laipsKiier.llrpli , * At H 111 , ! liltit ad Vail.Me | , llha..U llil Ailori IhB H OJHA1IA.UEDIOAI , Sc HOROIOAI IHBTITUTJt [ i e H 13th anl J3oitt BtretU , OSAILA , 1IEJJ , . rl H Healthjs Wealth : ' | | Du rro Wrsi'H Neiht ami niuiN * TnnAT- | ( H iii'M , it KiiamiituilHnui.lnofor Ily U'iln , Dlit- M H neiH , Coimilslons I ltn , Nurvoim Neuialula , I M lloeadadio , ertllls I'rohlnitlon ranted liy tli ( t' . H ii a ot nlcoliol tolmcxo WiiWofuluui , Mental H eH DejiresHlou , trfifttmlim of tne llraln , nMttiHliijr lu U H IiiH4iittyandlpiidlnit iiilii > ry.iiu aynudilcatli , 'JI ' I l'rciiiiitnrn Old An ' , llurrtnncss , I < 9 > ot Toner 'tta ' H In i Hker nex , Involuntary lessen and hpcriiiat- H torlm acuu 0U ( > vovnxirtloriot ( tlioliraln pelt B abuse or overindulgence Hatli bux ( outulm B one uiontU'H troatini nt * l w a box.m kU noxei BBMB fort'.Ki.Bontb ) mall pr < paid on receipt of price , > WD GUARANTEE ! SIX BOXES J H Toiuronnj cae Wltli enchrrder rccehod by < mbVH uafornix Ixixohnccoiuiaiikdutlit\UiV ( e\vlll JuWmWj MMid Hie piiixlmsfroururlileii cuariiiitfo to reVmV1 I lnnd tlio money It tliutiiutmeiii Uoen not effect llBVMl a dirt , ( iuiruntt'in imuod only or Uoodmau # Jjiul'I o , Uruitk'liirf/hoUi Ayents , lllj l'arnam . . Street , Omaha , Nebraska , H $5,00 I A fall nt of Tcetb nn rulilior for uiiarnnleed to XVMVJ Ixaawcllinadnai iilato amt out frum any dental aMMM ] oniielu tiiliLouulry , und lor wltklt yuu nouM u * ra diarnil urerlwlcaa utucli , . , , , MMMB Tftlli extracted wllliuut lialn or danaor , ant nltu < MMMB Out the nt iliolufnriu , lint lllier or vlectriutx ABMM1 liulUanJ tjlur lUilnut ut half ratet HMMJ Hatlxlnoiiiiii ( uurniitecil H DR BAILEY , DENTIST , I I'uvton Illotk , lOlli nuit Fanmin Streets , H 'XaVo l' .lontor on lotn Street AVmB | Oi'lSN KVUN1NOB UNi'IL t 0'CXOCIC _