Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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M She Eagerly Doslros a Union by
H the Railroad
H SlioAtlrnntngo oTtlic Uoiineotlon null
H J low the Country , Crop1' ' , Ho-
H foiirucs.l'eoplo In i > rei80l (
H Our Men
H The Dakota Comnuttof
H Mcinrs Joseph Barker , Joseph Qarnoau ,
H Jr , AUred Mlllanl nml H. S. Merlin occupied
H scats on thu piriform nt the meeting of ttio
H rcalostntoixchatiRO , nml , a * soon as the
H rcgulur business ot the hour had boon ills
H posed or , I'rosldont Hnrtman called upon
H thcoi ns the commlttco to the railroad con
H vent Ion at Mitchell for n report
B Mr Joseph Barker , who had been selected
H ns chairman of the comtnlttoo , submitted n
H written report which wus of great intcrott to
H the lnrjjo attendance After a brlot doscrlp-
H tton of the trip to Mltclioll , where the con *
H \cntluti was hold on last Tuesday ovcniwr ,
Um the report was ns follows :
UM Among the delegates nt the convention
1 wore farmers , soma of whom bad driven
UU over fifty miles in lumber wagons to tlnd out
UU what their neighbors could do to sccuro nn
UUoutlot \ for ttiolr stock and grain , Both at
P > J Yankton and nt Mitchell your commlttco
VaBvcra most cnthusiasticiilly received , every
VSH nttoutlon was pnid them and they wore
VaB driven ever the country and special fentures
PJ of each locality wore pointed out und do-
VaH scribed
> "J'hc convention was attended by over 200
VaB people most of whom were dolceatcs 1 ho
VaH object of the mooting Was to Impress upon
VSH the Omaha delegation the earnest desire to
Vaaa secure u rnllrond to Omnha nnd to satisfy us
Baal thnt they would do nil posslblo for the towns
UUt and counties tboy represented to further
B and md the enterprise both by work and
BBS money Tliey told us they know the value of
Vaaa Omaha us u marltat for their stock and were
Baal dotermincd If Omaha would start the work
> to do all thnt Omnha could reasonably da-
VaH ntnnd to aid it Wo uro assured that every
VaH owner would rIve the right of way , that the
VaH farmers would glvo the work of themselves
RaaB andtha teams to build the road way und that
SaF the townships would kivo the company build
B B ing tlic road all the bonds their state consti-
* H tutlon would allow them to gtvo
> Your commttteo would report thnt they
SK'never before met n community so united and
Baa so cntbiiklastlc Wo wcro impressed tbnt
_ V they meant ovcry premise they mndo and
AVB that they looked upon a railway to Omaha
* _ ns of vital importance to them
BV There was only ono point on which thov
VaAB did not agree und that was the location of
BV the line from Yankton to tbo mtorior of Da-
BH "YanKton oxprcssod her profcronco for a
BVB railway running parullol to the Missouri and
BVM sonio twenty miles away from that river
BB Mltclioll nnd Forest Cltv wuntod the road
BB through Mitchell unci direct to Forest City ,
B _ | while the north Ucslrcd It to run up the
BmH James river to Huron and beyond Each
B _ | locality prescntod special reasons and the
BH advantages of their various localities , but
B _ | all localities agreed on Yankton as the llrst
B _ | place In Dakota , from which tbo road should
B _ | start For ourselves , Judging from what wo
B _ | saw nnd heard , each nnd all of the routes
B _ | nro good and each had soma special nttrnc-
BVM tlon We found tbo country wo passed over
BVB well nnd generally settled The soil is
* _ good , well watered und ilattor than that nf
aaM Nobruaku Artesian wells are to bo found
_ _ all nlong thn valley of the Jim river The
SAB soil produces largo crops of wheat nnd
* _ ether grain whllo It is ono of the best states
l _ w for cattle , hogs and sheep
BVf Mitchell is a good sample of the wide
BVj nwnko Dakota towns It is built chiefly of
SB brick and stouo found lu largo quarries along
| BB the Jim river It has tbrco or four good
BB banks nnd a number of good stores wall
iBBj stocked with goods aad evidently doing a
IBJ largo business It has two railways and a
BS population of 2,500 people
BbB "Ihoclty of Yankton is n very attractive
BBj ono , solid uau well built , surrounded by the
BBS most pleasing country wo have seen outsldo
Bj of Kobraska The delegation who met und
BVa cutot-tulned us there were wido-awako , intel
B ligunt business mon , that any city might be
BB proud of , and they fully understand their
B own interests and the vnluo to Yankton nnd
B Dakota of a road to Omuha and its market
BB Wo found them as willing to do all tboy
BB ) can to sccuro the road as any otbor
9Mm part of the state , and if it were passible mora
BBV i > nrnl > At
BB The statistics of tho'trndo of Dakota
BBJ which at present goes to Sioux City , and
BBj which amounts to fully two-thirds of all the
BB produce of bogs and rattlu of the state , was
BBJ sufficiently startling to causayourcoromittoo
B to strongly rccommond Omatia to lese no
'Bvfl ' time in striving to secure this growing trade
B Not only is It nocossnrj to have a road to
jB BJ Yankton to sccuro the trade of Dnkotu , but
UBJH wo found a very largo trade in northern No-
[ BJBB braska is lost to Omaha and is now secured
BBB to Sioux City for want of this Yankton road
BB The number of hogs alone rccoivod at Sioux
BBM City this season is already a serious subject
BBJ for the consideration of our packers In South
BV Omnhu
B l Many ether startling facts were brought
Bj to our notieo by the business men of
BBJ Mitchell nnd Ynnkton which time
BJ will not allow us to enter upon
' ; BBj Sufflco it to report to you that wo have ro-
BBJ turned to Bay that wo are profoundly im-
H pressed Willi the importance to Omaha of a
X BJ railway to Yunkton und Dakota So ltn-
nBJB | ) portant do wo consider this road to Omaha
( BBJ thnt wo bellova It would bo suicidal to ncg-
S BJ loot this unanimous and hearty invitation
n Bj which Is now mode by Dakota to Omaha to
j Bj como into their state nnd secure their fnend-
iBB ship > ind their trade "
jBBm The report was rccoivod with a burst of
jmBB applause , and Mr Barker was asked to
{ B speak further of bis impressions Ho said
jiBJB ho was simply astonished at what ho saw In
( B ] Dakota , und was capocmlly impressed with
j BBJ tbo carncstucss of thu peopletho
{ BB cotmnlttoo mot on tbo question of
I BJ a road to Omaha But , " said
/ BB ho , " Omaha has rivals in Dakota Sioux
\ Bj City , St Paul and Minneapolis are bidding
i BB for the Dakota trade and they are no mean
f BH ' competitors Thoronro three ways to cot a
I BBJ road to Dakota Ono of tbotn is to got the
J BB ) Chicago & , Northwostoin to oloso up the gap
I BB between Hartlngton und Yankton ; another
I Bfl ' is to Inducn the Missouri 1'aciUo to build the
IBBj . line ; und the third and best plan is to build
B B ] an iudepondont road from Omaha "
BBh Mr Alfred Millard rolteratoa Mr Bar
BJBB - Iter's statcmonts and called ospoclal atten-
SJBB tlon to the immouso stock trade that Omaha
IJBJBT wns losing bocnuso there was no railway
tSJBl connection with Ualtotn
hBB Mr , Garnoau spoke of the value that a
EBB road to Dakota would bo to the commercial
[ IBB intorcstsof Omaha The merchants at the
IjBJB , Dukotus wuntod' to buy their goods in
UBBJ Omatia , but were offcctually burred out by
jl Bj the pro sent system of railways
vBB Mr Borlln spoke briefly of the feeling In
] BB Dakota for un Omaha road und urged the
BJ oxchouga to go on with the work , aad have
BBj big ussunuiecs of a substantial oharactor to
jBJB Klvo the Dakota people when they visit
\BVJ \ Omaha next month
IB At toduy's meeting of the exchange an
( BB hour will bq devoted to the discussion of
( BB propositions tbat have been received from
IBV two manufacturing establishments that
BB wuut to locuto la Omaha
| bS l < "or Omaha , Present nml Kuturo ,
/ BB The following circular has been sent to
' BB every business man in the city :
i B Dear Sir : Wo wont you to attend a special
, , iyjH meeting of the Omoha real estate oxchanga
j BB on Saturday next at 11 oclock The meeting
19 M is called io > oonsider Interests of vital iniport-
( B nnco to Omaha Every business man Is ex
JH pcoted to bo present , uud the oxebango most
BBJ cordially Invltos you Ono hour devoted to
, BB the matter under consideration will almost
BB insure Omaha's future greutuess aa a mauu-
BB , fauturlng cuutor Wo have two very Import
portsnt propositions to submit We want
Bj you to hear them , and wo must have your
Bj earnest and actlvo assistance You cannot
Bj ufford to neglect this opportunity * to do the
BB city a great service
i , Bj Como , Saturday next , December 21. at 11
Bj o'clock a , m. , real estate exchunge , New
I BB York Life building
' " , BB W , B. TiTLon ,
J BW John W. Paul ,
iJgBB D. 0. IUttkhson ,
| j B ] Commtttoo Real Estate Exchange
K B If you have no appetite for breakfast , a
B BB pint of Cooks extra dry Imiierlal cbatupagn
E BB ) Will five you ono Immediately ,
1BM' : '
l bWsL
Tlio i'ctlt Jury Iterates the Chnr cs
of * IrotesRlonnllsm
Inasmuch ns ft has boon stated in a certain
local paper that the county commissioners
selected professional Jurors for the Septem
ber term of the district court , a reporter of
Tun Ukr vrat detailed to ascertain the stand *
lng of these chosen ns to rcsldonco and former -
mor Jury service The result shuwe that
there novcr was a jury caliod lu Nobraskn ,
territory or suto , composoJ of so many old
tlmo cltizons nnd of so many who have done
loss Jury sorvlco Not ono of the few who
have served before has boon on a panel
wttbln three years , nnd the majority of
that few took their solemn oath
to do their Jury duty more than ton yenrs
Following nro the names of the regular
Juror * who have served durinir the present
torin , the length of their rcsldonco In the
county and the number ot tlmos they have
served prior to the present term :
Henry Khrensfort , 20 years , torvod ono
term before ; M. Duffy , 30 yenrs , never
served ; James Sllghtman , 27 years , never
served ! James Duffy , 10 years , served ono
tcrnij 1'otor Kcmmerllng , 4 years , never
served ; Conrnd Lotsgce , 21 years , never
served ; Chris Willo , 23 years , never
served ; P. J. Williams , . 12.year's served ono
term ; V. W. Solon , 4 years , never served ;
titithor Poland , 21 yenrs , novorservoul Murt
Ilamze , 2. > years , served unco ; J. C. Poti7ol ,
lSyoars , uover served ; E. U. Eillng , 23yoars ,
served twice before ; U. H. .ludsou , Xlyears ,
novcr served before ; JnmesStrolo , 23 yenrs ,
never served before ; Churlos Johnson , 21
years , never served ; H. D. Hill , 21 years ,
served once before ; P. O'Mnllv , 21'years ,
served once before ; J. M. Oibbs , 14 yenrs ,
novoi-sei ved before : J , B. J. Kvnn , 21yoars ,
served once , eight years ago ; J. P. Hayes , 4
years , nnvor served : Andy Johnson , 11 years ,
never served ; II , ( J Cnhow , 7 years , nnver
served ; David Boban,6.years , njvor served ;
WiUon Moron , 23 yonrs , never served ; A.
Patrick , 20 years , novcr served ; Hobort
Oorgoy , 29years , never served ; L. W. Denton -
ton , Hi yeuis , served once ; Mads Mortennon ,
21 years , nnver served buforo ; F. A. Mc-
Ardlc 2Syears , never served ; Ooorgo Ited-
man , 32 yours , never served buforo
Cntnrrh origtnntos In scrofulous tnint
Hoods Sarsaparllla purlUos the blood ,
mid thus porinanotitly otirres cntiirh
A Student or the Subject Corrects
Seine Popular lirrors
Omuix , Neb , Doc II---To ) the Editor of
Tub Bui : . Di-metalUsm Is n subject In
which I am greatly Interested , nlthough I
was unable to attend the recent silver convention - I
vontion In St Louts , to which I was an
accredited delegate .
I wish to correct soma details nlthough I
entirely ngrco with the opinion thnt bi
metallism is imposslblo except by the con
currence ana co-opnration of the great com
mercial nations
If this fact were only rocognlzod nnd ad
mitted , much of our nationnl dlflleulty In
dealing with the silver question would bo
obviated Unfortunately the contrary Is
uphold by the largo majority of our politi
cians , especially in the west , and the
theory that wo can "go It nlono"
has also some advocates m the east
Mv present purpose , however , is merely to
call attention to some of tbo errors in con
ticctioii witn the subject
1. The standard silver dollar is full legal
tender , upon n par with gold , although Its
intrinsic value Is fluctuating nnd It is suldom
worth mora than eighty cents It Is , tboro-
fore , a mistake to say that as a legal tender ,
silver in the United States is only good in
amounts of $10.
2. Nothing was done in 1S73 to demonetize
silver further than it had already been de
monetized At that date no silver dollars
had been coined for several decades of
years in fact the entire nuin--
bcr colnod since the foundation
of the government was an insignificant
amount Tbo reason lor this is a curious
ono , considered with the present situation
Tlio rales adopted of 10 to 1 was too high ,
the Fionuh standard of 15 to 1 being then
much nearer the correct llgures , and the
conscnucnco was that the few dollars which
bad been coined at a more " favorable period
weio worth a premium , and were exported ,
leaving practically none In circulation The
revised coin act became a low in this year ,
und the silver dollar was loft out ns nn en
tirely useless uppondage , but subsidiary coin
of tbo present standard which was not
wortli nar then was Included , and was nnd
remained legal tender in tlio sums named
There was no trick nor unfair dealing
nbout the matter the circumstances
clearly explain the omission but the
silver agitators persist in the assertion
for popular clamor , no matter how positively
it is disnrovod If the proceedings and de
bates * in congress , botn in 1873 and at the
previous sosslon , were carefully read when
this co In ago act was under discussion , I do
not believe any ono would over again feel
disposed to repeat this stale charge
3. The present lnwful ratio of sixteen to
ono is fully met In the standard dollar It It
contained grains , as suggested , the ratio ,
instead of being sixteen to ono , would bo
about nineteen to one , and so much nearer
nn honest dollar
It does not contain 112 ; grains of pure
silver , ns stated , but so much standard or
alloyed silver , the pure silver being 371
grains ; whllo the gold dollar contains
23 22-100 grains of pure gold
In view of the present situation of the
silver business , I cant see how the sugges
tion of an additional issue to the extent of
$75,000,000 , would help inattors , even if the
actual value of ttio coin was rnlsod ns pro
. The total of silver coined to Novem-
or 1 , 16S9 , is about $313,000,000 , bat of these
many millions only nbout ? uuUi)0.0UU ) are in
actual circulation , although the governmout ,
to oncourngo their use will deliver them to
all parts of the country frea of express
charges , The romaindornro stored in govern
ment warehouses und the warehouse receipts
therefore clrculuto as money just as do legal
tender notes or national bank notes
It is stated tbat the proposed plan
bf increased colnago is similar
to that proposed In Secretary WIndom's re
port Secretary AVindoni's plun is , howovnr ,
entirely different Ho would coin no moro
dollars , but instead thereof would issue cer
tificates based upon the market value of the
silver deposited The plan however , is
shown to bo impracticable as well as of du-
btus legality The ouly suggestion of this
character which I think possesses real morlt
is the plan first proposed by Hon C. N , Jor
dan , late treasurer ot the United States ,
which was to authorize the issue of National
bnuk notes upon a depo&lt of silver It
would bo expecting too much from a republi
can congress nnd administration to believe
they would bo wllllug to adopt a suggestion
coming from a domociutic ndministration
even it It could bo shown to bo both offectlvo
and legal so 1 am incllnod to think wo shall
contiuuo to flounder upon * this question until
tuo great rectifier Time settles thu matter
for us in weal or woo , as the case may be ,
II W. Yatks
An Absolute Cure
is only put up in lurgo two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure tor old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin nrup-
tlons Will positively cure all kinds of piles
MENT Sold by Goodman Drug commany
at 25 cents per box by mall 30 cents
"Pnlm Hoot '
Charles Whipple of Yerdan was arrested
by Deputy United States Marshal Hepfinger
charged with selling liquor without oliconso ,
and arraigned before Judge Dundy He
pleaded guilty and explained that he kept a
temperance hall where various kinds of
temperance drinks wore dispensed Some
unprincipled vendor ot pop had foisted a lot
ot palm root upon him with the explana
tion that it was a bona tide temperance
drink The reyonuo Inspector declared the
palm root to oo a very poor auahty of
stale beer , and placed Whipple under arrest
Judge Uundy fined him $20 and coats
Rlnrrlngo Licenses
Llcousos wcro issued to the following par *
ttos by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name aud Hesidonce Ace
I Johnson Hock , Omaha ,34
\ Vattio Ulggs , Omaha 29
] Charley P. Peterson , Omaha 30
I Edel Carlson , Omaha , , . , . . , ,24
j Elmer II ilichards , Douglas couuty.,22
( Catherine L. Frye , Douglas county 20 i
iSBMa * i' ' i ' 'f ii' ' , i'tfii ' r ' iV'ff' ' '
Accordingly , LUtlo Evelyn Flloa
With Her Grandparents
Miller , tlio J''nthrr , Hooted nnd
Tlirentnnoil by Mon nnd Women
in His Attempt to Separate
the liovlnc Hearts
Daughter Against Father
Llttlo Evelyn Miller is Btill In the posses
sion of her grandparents , Thomas nnd Cath
erine Burrus
The circus was continued yesterday morn
ing nt the Hotel Derby Miller , the father of
the child , called nnd opened his little paekago
described In yesterdays Bnc As the
rope with the hangman's ' noose dropped out ,
hit fenturcs grow nshy pale , whllo his knees
shook llko thosa ot a man In mortal fenr
Old man Burrus wits in the room at the time
nnd called him outDo .
"Do you know who sent this rene 1" chat
tered the terror-stricken man
"I no not , " was the response
Well , nro you propnrcd to glvo mo the
child 1" nsked Miller
When train time comes you can have
your child , ns I have agreed , " responded the
old mun "Whllo it breaks my heart to give
her to you , my word is good under nuy cir
cumstances , and 1 proper to keep it "
"AH right , " responded Miller , and ho left
for a chop house to get breakfast
When ho returned It wns 3 oclock The
old people were nt brenkfust with llttlo
Evelyn Miller pocrod through the windows
dews , whllo tlio poor llttlo daughter shrank
from his guzo
Soon Sergeant Graves nnd Ofllcor Savugo
They bud been sent to guard the Ohio man
Then cjmo nn o111ca boy in a cab It was
proposed to drlvo Evelyn to Council BlufTs ,
fearing violence in Omaha
At llrst Miller declared that ho would not
consent to the old mans request to let him
and the old lady go to the depot For a time
all pleadings wcro vain Finally , however ,
ho unbent his stiff conscience long enough
to acquiesce
It was a sad party that wont to the doDOt
Tlio llttlo ono sobDcd una cried the entire
But the station was finally reached
What a party awaited them I 'lho
best people In the city were
there They had road Tim Bun The Council
Bluffs dummy came in and the scene ot
Thursday was ro-onaetod. By the nsslstunco
of au olliccr , the little ono was finally put on
board the train nud with her wont tbo giand-
Ill remit nny mans ilno thnt gives that
follow a sound thrashing , " said the mayor ,
as tears streamed dawn his cheeks
For shame , " cried the crowd , for
shame "
The dummy started und , as It pulled out ,
a half seoro of norculoan gentlemen of vari
ous sizes bourded it All the way to the
Bluffs there worn ominous mutterings
Finally the transfer was reached
Now the circus opened It bad thrco
rings , and moro performers than anybody
The Inst farewells were said , the tears of
the old people mingled with these of llttlo
Evelvn , as thu gratiduarunts prepared to
surrender the child Miller was oxultaut ,
triumphant , bo had won
But had ho ? As Low Dockstader would
say , "I guess not "
Como on , " said Miller impatiently
• 'Ob I cant I cant '
, go , go Dent lot him
take mo , grandpa ; deut lot him take mo , "
said the llttlo ono
"Ohmy hcartis breaking , " Bobbed the old
Deut lay your hands on this girl whllo
I'vcgot her " thundered who
, a man was
trying to coax the llttlo ono to get on the
train , "or bv the Almighty It will bo the
worse for you "
" 1 wont , t wont , 1' ' said the frighteued
Just then the llttlo ono sprang Into her
grandfathers arms ,
Put heron the train , " said Miller
"I cannot , " responded the old gentleman
"If you must tear her fiom my arms , take
her "
And Miller took her Ho grasped her llko
n master would a slave , lileo u terrier dog
would u rat and then it was the gentle
mnniy conductor who spoke His quiet volco
arose above the din of shouts of Dent lot
horjro " Keep her , old mun , " etc
"I want no quarreling on my train and
will not pormlt it If this girl is provided
with aticket nnd wishes to becoino a passen
ger , well and good But I can permit no
disturbance on my train "
Miller , in tbo meantime , had entered tlio
car Some one cried out , fake the cirl , old
man , and go away " They did so Ihey
boarded the Chicago , Burlington & Q-iiucy
and were away Ilk ) a flash , the conductor
giving tbo signal to leave nt once The cheer
that went up spilt the roof of the depot
Discomfited , chagrined and defeated , Mil
ler slunk away and came to Omaha , whllo
the ofUea boy stood not upon the order of'
his going , but went
The old man and old lady are going homo
• When they reach Noiflaha county the whole
population will fjrn out en masse to receive
them with open arms Should Miller go
there after bis child , so it Is thought they
will also turn out en masse to receive him ,
it Is expected with anything but words of
Miller is understood to bo making an effort
to have the old people arrested in Iowa , but
should bo drop down in tbo neighborhood of
Shenandoah , where the old pair is going , it
Is expected trouble will oasue
AVe nro tlin leoplo
Business mon from Nebraska for Chicago
cage , Milwaukee and all eastern citlos
will pIoubo note that by tlio now tirao
Echodulo ( in effect from und after No
vember 17 , ISS'J ' ) , they can tirnvo at
Omaha about 4 p. , in , can do buBinosi or
visit with Omnlia incrohnnts and trionds
for nearly two bourn and ciuittit.n take
the through Pullman sleoplnp car of
the Chicago , Mllwaukco & St , Paul
railway short line fast train nt Omaha
depot of the Union PucIDo vail way at 0
p. m , ( supper served on dining car leav
ing Council Bluffs at 0iU : ! p. m. ] , and
nrrivo at Chicago at 0:80 : a. in ( break
fast also served on dining cur ) , in ample
time to malco connections with the fast
rooming trains from Chicago on the
principal eastern and Eouthonstorn
lines ; orlf desired , passengers tor the
cast can romiiiu ever in Chicago a few
hours for business or plonsuro nnd vo-
sumo their journey by tlio afternoon
fast and llmitod trains of nil tlio eastern
orn roads
Tn addition to the foregoing , another
through short-lino Iroin leaves Omnha
dally at U:15 : n , in and Council BlufTs nt
0:40 : a , in , arriving in Chicago at 0:50 :
a. in , making close connection with the
express trains of all eastern roods
For tickets end further particulura
npplv to the nearest tlakot ngent or to
P. A. Nash , general ngent , 1601 Farnuru
street , Omnbn , Neb
Lofolon , in Norway , is the principal
fishing district of that country Last
year the fishermen took 20.000,000 cod
worth $1,000,000. ,
Mounet-Sully has boon mudeakuigbt
of the Legion of Honor , and tbo result
is a suggestion in England that Ilonry
Irving should bo knighted
TRADE pjgjMJWr- . MARK j
REMei ? ? * AIiNI
17 W. Lombard Et , Balto , Md , Juns 0,1&8S.
Robbed of sleep by toothache ; swelling great
In face , rubbed with Ut Jacobs Oil ; flnl appli
cation relieved ) went to sleep ; morning ; twin
all gone , JOHN llOHKNlHOtdKB
At Dsuaour * ano Uumiii
THE CHARLES A. VOGEIEB CO . Baltimore , 111
AM UtrrtK 1 IVI C.IN I THj3 PARIS EXPOSITION ByV. . C. Bkowxrm , .
iMPDCAQCn ' C ± OAr > T ? AFRICAN STUDIES I. TRIPOL By A. P. Jacassy Illustrated
llNonCAO'LlJ orAUC EXPIATION A Novelette ' '
* By OctAvh ThAN'kt , Ills'dbyA B. Puost
sons Chiol Electrician Illustrntod
A NICIXVrM t 1 n/l C7
nnd THE LOST PLANT , " by John PlKKSON .
Mtigarlne clurlns 18V0. The nnrara of other Important contributors will appear lu moro
specific nuuoiincemcnts ; nnd sovcrnl important projects , ot which the beginning at lciut
will full wltliln the next tnolvomontl . nro purposely reserved for description when
arrnuRenients In proorc-s Tor them shull ha further advanced
I CHABLEuuCMMER'8801 ' , MBllMewYoit 1
ovnit a million DisTiunarnn
. Louisiana State Lottar/ / Company
Incnrpnritcd \ the t nlslntiire Mr IMucntlonal
nml Charltuble ptirpo.ea an I If * fniticlil a mutlo n
imrtol tliu present 'tuo Constitution , In 1STJ , by an
overwhelming | > oiunr | toic
Its MAJIM0 Ill lltV\VIS S take iilaco
Soiiii-Aiiiiiuilly..limii ( mid December ) nml
tnkcpluc ! ' Inoiioh ol'ilm other ten months
of lltoyear , nml nniitll'lliJiwn in public ,
nt the Academy of Musie , Now Orleans , La
For integrity of its Drawings and
Prompt PaymiW Prizes
Attested asTollowa :
"WodolKrcbr certify that'wo supervises lho ar-
rinKements fur nil tlio Monthlr an 1 ttoinUAnnual
Draw lima of lha l.oulimiil'i-tatc lottery I'oraranr ,
mm In uer on mannce nuJ control the Draivinm
thomsolvnw unil thut tli9 fuTtia nro cimduttoJ with
honesty , falrncs..nn < t In Kuotl fulth towom nil pur-
tlo .nnd wo nuthorlzo tlio Coniptny to use this cortl-
Acute with Irtolmllesijr Oiiro-C'iiiuuros attaheJ , la
Itsaaverllsauicnti " .
We , the unJerslunad Uanlcs nnd Banters , will nay
nil prltos ilr.iwn In the I-oulslnnn State Lottortos
whichranr bo urtssentei nt our counters
It M. WALMSLEV , Iroa Loulsiaua Nat Haut
l'IKltHB LANAUX , lres State Nat'l Bank
AIiALDWIN lres Now Orleans Nat'l Ilane
CAUL KOI1N , I'ro3. Union National Rank
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , January | 4 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , - $300,000
100,000 't'iulcots ntSOcaoli ; Halves
$10 ; Quarters , 5 ; 'J'enttis $2 ;
TwcntloiliB , $1.
VU17.V. or Is rmo.Ko
l nu/.H of tw.m ) is )
1 I'HIZli ! Or" Ii0.OJ0 Is fO.IIXI
1 1'ltlZK 01' a.WI ( Is 2a. ' IJ
3 1'KIZKS OK 1U.UU lire .V.UIU
5l'UlKK-Ol' f.UUlnro ( "iVJUi )
SS 1'HIZICS Of li ) nro 21.UK )
1UI I'ltl/.KS or ) nro , KI.UW
: ui hki/ks ok .Kuuro aim
AllllOXtllATlO 1MII7LS.
100 I'riiei of JVIInro 1 M/W )
lmj iio : ( Hiiro )
1UU do Uuro 1 S0UUU
mo l'rltes of fminra W. 'KXl
/ J Vrlio * of 11M ) nru / . tf'.DJl 00
3.134 1'rlzos amounting to . . . $1,054,800
NOTK 1 Ickotn ilniwlng Capital frizes nro not en
titled to tenuiiiut prices
* tyFoit Cum UATrs or nny further Infarmntlan
desired , wrlto leitibly to tbo undersluned clearly
tntlim your rosldence with Piute , County , Street
nnd Number Moro mpld return mall delivery will
be assured br your vncloslin ; nn envelope boarlnj
your full address
Address M. A. DAUIMUN
New Orleans , La
Washington O. O.
tlyor.llnnri letter cuutalnlnK MoNEr
sued by nil JSxpregs Companies , New Vorlc lSsohaii ts
Draft or I'ostul Note
Address Reglslerei Letter ; containing Carreicj ti
New OrleanjLo
UKMKMlirjIt tbnt the inymont of Prises Is
New Orleans , and thollckotsiarJ Binned by thepresl
dent ot nn Institution , whoso chartered rlffhts aio
recoKUized In the highest courts ; therefore , buwarj
of ull IraltatlonH or anonymous schemes "
ONUDOIXAIl Is tlin privoof lho smallest part or
fraction oruttckctlsSUKIJ UV US In anydrawliiK
Anytbtiitrlnour uuuiu orforedZor lea * than & dollar
aJaswinJlo j/
llim \ tt'f - ' ! 'V fl'arfc Assortnionl or
HK9 m m MEN'S ' T00L ciESTS' | '
> A S L , S'l ' A l'ULti LINE OP
M x - r f/ tarSUND l'OIt CATALOOUK
Rl1 1405 Douglas Street , - Omaha
Of the Method of '
OoaitlyctiiiE liie Auction Sale of
Max i&w & Bros' ' Jewelry Stock
You can ask for and examine any article be
fore you , have it offered , and then have it put
up at once , thus enabling you to get it with very
little delay
REMEMBER , the QUALITY of every article is
GUARANTEED as represented
Sales Daily , 10:30 : A. Mr , 2:30 : P. M.7:30 : P. M.
The store is for rent and fixtures for sale
J. H. FRENCH , Auctioneer
engravings , .aa MMm , ? mm isbt-hallet&'davis
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
Hos 303-404-170-604. .
HIBH Morphlno HnbttCurod
OffftB 1 S R/l AT "OSIK WniiHOT lAIN 1'ny.
rill SHI mentsea r , and costs less tlian
I I V SlB to continue the habit
2UJAMB8 Utm.Plr.n , ICAWaAH Oitv Mo
TC0IIQ ( 9 .Op ii Vi-nr.
QCPiTTAT flDPDD Atomplctesotot the
orlijlAL Uribll , Mnitnnno rrom the
nrsc number , Jan , 'SI , and a suliscrlit-
tlon tor 1 ° W (7.60
The natno , bound In cloth ( < 1 volf ) r. .UD
The numbers ( or lM'J and a subacrltitlon
for IRK t.m
The came with bnct tiuinbers , bound lu
cloth (1.00 (
"By alhorouKhknowlcdgeotthe natural ikws
whicn govern tne operations of dleu3tlon and
nutrition , and by a cnroful nppllcailon o ( tlio
line properties of well solecteil Cocoa Mr Kpps
has provided our breakfaactables with a dell ,
catoly flavored bevoratte which may save us
many heavy doctors bills Ic 1h l < y the judicious
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
maybe eradually bull tup until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease Hundreds
ot subtle maladies nto Hooting around lis ready
to attack wherever there is a went point Wo
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well rortllled v > 1th pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame " civil Service Uazotte
Mode simply with boiling water or nnlk Bold
only in half jiouud tins , by grocarH.Iaboled thus :
f ft WEAKMFMssr' 'ssa.Kr ,
nianliooil , etc , I III m liil i. valuable trt ntlw < n • ! ] >
conulnlmr rull jAitlcuUrs fur homo cure , xrca ot
" " PROF F. ' ct'FOWLERi MoodllSi Conn
HRIRklNRIIMF- and Sanitary Etifjinoor Plans , Eatimatoa
i aJllllMllDil C SpooiUcations Suiwr vision ot Public Work Brovrn
Buildlnir , Coucll BlulTa , Iowa
NQPU I | D7-Justice of the Pence Ofllco ever American Express , No 41
. OV/IIU WL Broadway , Council Bluffs , Jowa
QTHNF Hi QI1WIQ Attorno.vs-at Law Practice in the State and Fed
O I UllL Ot OliYlO oral Courts Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
MfiNTflPiMtrRV Surgeon nnd Homeopath Room 0 , Brown
PI . lYIUIl I uUlVlL.n I buildinu 115 Ponrl St Offlco hours , 0 to 12.
a. m. , 2 to 0 and 7 to 8 p. m.
just ; oi'kmi : . sos uboadway
The bobt Bool and Veal in the market Everything of the best quality and [
prices right down to tbo lowest notch Lard , Suusupo , Oysters , and everything
kept in tlio butchers line Free dollvery to all parts of the city
• * J. Ii CKAY , Proprlolor
Frlilny nnd Sntiirdnj Kicnln ; : * nml SntitP * -i l
tiny Malliiro , Her 20 nnd 21.
im Tim kvbsi" or Tim skason aa BB
Appenmiico of ilr II
An < troinnnnTnnit > < r thn msnngomnnt of Mr , VVU iBfl
It llAlivirp ) : i-nllnathn sri'M success , BH
lYIcpi-l'aiijuct nd parqnrt circle It to ; bslcnr , ' t H
J5l ller ,2.Vi. Mnllnco prices , 5So sod II tjslsof H
eciuioponi 'lliundajr , - B H
BOYD'S ° figGE | - iiAir |
eSl ? RICE & DIXEY'S ' . H
_ o _ Woild L'nmous Traduction , - BH
Pearl 'Pekin ' I
" * " "
" , With tlio Knilncnt Comedian , H
NIGHT and 1
Dec 25 anil25. 60 ARTISTS OO B
ruacc Ah Presented by this Coin * UM
nnd H. yciita k" on snip l'ue.ilay luornlnK 1
' " ' ' . . " HONE
"I'm : l'mr.Nix Niviu : Dins
ONE NIGHT ONLY-Monday , O03.23. .
Tl10Orc.1t t'omilnr Vnvorltoa , .IH
Wltli tlio ftssistnnocoof their own Httpern Sup ° ' H
liortlui ; Coniimnv , when ill nnpeur in 'tUM
ovi ryboily'8 fnvorlto piny , H
"Anil the Villain Still I'liiMieil Her " 'H
Ucgnlur prices Scats go on aulo Snturdriy ' H
fjMK GOLD MBDAii , PAUjo , ulToT sLW
m Bmakfast Cocoa 1
tfiiwSr X * absolutely pure ami al
i H
• . RS ? p\ * * i otuble 1M\
\ MiwNo Clieniicals
/ f II I i | 1Y\\ \ * uird tn It * piTpurttlcn It hti nr * 1
I ll I All ' ra * ' * r * * tm" ' * * * trtliStli of Uoco 1
I I II I ? 1 [ la | | Uinixetl \ with bUrcb , Arrowroot or SttRtr ( l H
Rl ' IW ill * " * ther"r * * * r niott ) onoiiiical , j H
| V B J III all toiling lti ikan enl ctntaciip It If Lfl
WkBI II 111 dfltcluu * . iiourUhlnfr , itrct'Stl'tulnr ' ' , Kl- $ WW\ \
EjT I I III HlR HIIY 1iarTMtBnJ idmiratiljrbdkptetl Fj
r } < xw ,
j bjrCrorers e orjuIiorc
j W. BAKER & CO . forchester Mass \
\ , " " .
elerr RogeriSilver
Plated Flat Ware , Cutlery Notions , ; '
Fanc > GoodsAlbums , ToyV\nlhes , t.
Coal-Collar Springs nnd nil the , {
t\ValcheiJe for the holt ,
days ?
Our largo and folly Illustrated I
catnloirao mailed to dealers only , y
All mall orders rccclvo oar v
prompt and best attention
Address 417-UB K. Fourth St . St Iouls Mo 1
IlItBJCC & itr.v AIOI.DS *
Fashionable Confectioners A
The very latest novelties to lnnquatn nnd " * * !
rlratojiartles Cliolm fruits , uon-toni , choco .
ntei , liutterctins , and old fus hloned molasse '
candy a specialty Orders for pnrtles Rnd ma ' ,
orders promptly filled iJt ) > 11 pad way , Coun lS
F. M , ELLIS & CO , ;
and arjirniNa stn > iitiNTrNDnNT3. : : %
Itooins4 W and 4.1 ! Ilco llullillnOmalia Neb . *
anil Huoms ll nnilMIB Merrlam Block Council * i
Ulnlls lowu Corrcspoudoucu aollclted §
S. E. MAXON , ;
Architect and Superintend nt , J
Room 2B1 , Merrlam Block , j
Apple and 1'lura Hatter Mince Jlent Swtet nnd ' &
Sour I'lcklos , Olives In Hulk Bnuer ICrttut Par * * l
MnploSyrup and Honey , Unckwlieal I'iour and "i
Hominy , OraiiRos , Oranherrles , Cullfornla . -
drapes , Lemons Nuts , Italsin3 nnd Celery -j ,
Ilest Country Uuttor , 'Ma per lb Our prices always - ,
ways the lowest No uOu Uroadway , ojipodlto • :
0 den House >
Until the 16th of January wo will tivn n , ticket
to every la cash purchaser or goods at our
store 'lho ticket will ontltlo the holder to a
chnnco lu the following prlzus : *
1st 1 beautiful Oold Coin Heater , price $10. i
, 2nd 1 ll-slielf llower btand with arches and >
liauuliie imslcot $ iu f
aril I'alr of ladloV club skates IS.2J.
4th Pair ot bovs club Kkutos , 71c. ,
These nrlzeBw111 bo distributed Immediately , " ;
after the date glvon BllUQAUT CO , J
11 Main St S
liios OrricEK W. II M. l'usicr
Corner Main and Broadway , j |
Dealers in foreign and domestic exchanss Jf
Collections mads ana Interest paid on time da A
Posits HE
Room 2 , Opera Ilouso Ulock , Council UluSs ,
Iowa , iK
• , uj ; S40 Broadway Ooixrioil BluLffs \ M
Visitors nnd purl'liu ' ' scrs equally wclcorao J |
Our Btocli Is thVinrrrost and finest In the west , comprising sorao of iho cholsost In the following goods : . • < 9
* Rich Cut Glass in choicest patterns Gems in Royal Worcester and Doulton , Hungarian , Carsbad , Beedapesht M
Latest in Bronzes , Sterling Silver , Onyx , Tabbs , Piano , Banquet and Table Lamps Woodard's and other makes of * m
Choice China in Game sets , Fish sets , Desert sets , Soup sets , Dinner and Tea Ware and an elegant assortment of < J9
Dainty Pieces for the table ofevery description "JBi
Medium priced goods in all lines that can not be duplicated in price • jgfl
W\ l. 3VC AIJEBB , 34:0 Broadway W
Take Electric Motor at Millard or Paxton , It will land you at our store in twenty minutes , H
BftW tWJ iTJii-TTu'--i-triLi : : iiWirTi i "nTtntttBgawwi