Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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H TlaHy and Sundar , Ono Year $10 00
six Months sou
. Thrro Months . SB )
Sunday lice One Year ! W
WceKly Hee , Ono Year with Premium . . . 2 00
H Omaha , Hen Iln' ldlnir
rhlcnpoomco , roiltookcrr Iltillcllns
Now York , ltooms H and isTrltnino Undid
H * Int ,
1 WnalihifrtotiNo BUI Fourteenth Street
Council Jllun * , No 12 I'carl Street
Hi Lincoln KMil'Btieet ,
South Omaha , Corner N and 28th Streets
HI connnsi'ONor.NCK
H All communications rclutlnit to new * and wll-
H lorlal matter Bliould bo addressed to the Kdltor-
Hi lsl Department
H All business letters nml remittances should
he addressed to The Ileo I'ubllshlnn Company
m Omaha , Draft * , checks nndpo < tolllco orders to
H ] , JC made pnyablo to the order or the company
The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors
I ilru llullillnp ; Farnam and Rc\entconth Btroets
HJ Tint Ilco on the Xrnlim
Hjl TlierolsnoexnisofornfnllurotoKotTiin Hee
B on tlio trains All newsdealers lmvo been noti-
> tied to carry a full supply Ira\clors who uant
Inn Hi Kami cant KHt It on trains wlicro other
Omaha capers nro carrlod are rocjuosted to no-
i tlfyTmi llrR , . ,
„ „
l'lcase bo particular tophc In all cases full
Information as to date , railway and number of
1 train
H | { Oho us your name , not for publication or nn
H necessary use , but as n Runrantv of irood faith
Hj * xan DAitiV moil
H- Sworn Stntnmant or Circulation
HH . Ftnteof Nebraska , I. ,
1 Conntv o Douglas | ' _ .
1 Ororco It 'izscliuck , ( secretary of The Men
1 rulillshint ? Company , dee solemnly swear that
II Uio nctualcimilalltm otliir lUtt.v IIek fortlio
HI ! Vicrenillnit December It , lbS'J.\n3 as follows :
1 Sunday , Dec , 8 Sl.fiK )
; Jloudiv Dec fl * 1H.4IM
1 > Tuosrtuv.Dtc.lU 1H.T07
" : ' Wednesday , Dec 11 10.701
i Tlmrsdav , Dec , U a 1.0W
I ITldav , Dec n W'.ISI
J baturday , Ilnc.11 SM.19S
HJ Aveiago 20,128
m anouiiK ii ivsuiiccic
H Rwoni to beforome and subscribed to In my
t prepenco this Htu day ot December , A. IJ 1S33.
Hi Ibeal.l N. 1 > . KMU
1 Kotaiy Public
I State of Nebraska , I. .
HE County of Douulas f"
B Gcorfo 1) ) . l7SChucW , being duly sworn , do-
K poses and sajs that he Is secretary of 'Iho lice
K 1'ubllshtnu ; Company , that the actual averase
H dally circulation ot Tup : Daily Hi e for the
H • month of December isSv * . 18.221 copies ; for
January P 'i , 1C.07-I copies ; for 1'ebruary , lt % ° ,
H- lHlja ) copies ; for March mO , 1SM4 copies :
M ror April , 186y , l , BT.ll coplosjfor May lew ,
H 1HW9copies ( ; for June l T ) , 1 , bjS copies ; for
HI July , I8.7.H copies ; tor August lt . > , IV
H Bfil copies ; for Boptetnbcr , 18M ) , 18,710 toples ;
HB for October 1S8H. I8yal copies ; for November ,
HB HC , lltaio copies GEoitnp II IVscnucK • •
Bmoru to before me and subscribed la my
presence this33th day of ovembo . A. D. 188J.
HJ lEeal.1 N. P. Fntr .
Hi Tin ; Linuoin postolllco war is over
HJj nnd peace roosts tifrnin on Salt creek
B Tun flro Hijiits should bo liberally
Hi extended , and that promptly Frnmo
Hh shells must bo relegated to the suburbs
Hi Ovur two thousand bills have boon
HI introduced in confjress since the spssion
HB opened Two-thirds of thom will perish
H. in the committee rooms
Hh United and onorgctlo work is ossen-
HH tial to secure a railroad to the Jim river
H | valley Omaha must meet the people
H , oi South Dakota half way
HB'f * * , Only the bravo aosorvo the tare The
HH wf fitreot cur company is bravo Five
HP cents will carry a passonpror from the
H' , fort to South Omaha , a distance of
Hli' - u olfjht miles
HH IN vlow of Juror Culver's weakness
1 for biblical lore , it is a serious question
„ whether the ends of justice were sub
, served by excluding newspaper readers
HJ and accepting bible readers
HH ; Till ! colhipso of the Western States
H . Railway PassotiRor association will be
H * followed by the demise of ethers equally
HJ ; useless State and national regulation
HH deprives these combines of vitality
HH They are kept up througn force of habit
' BWitii the postoflico and state treasury
B , at its command , and nn occasional rail
B. ' roai3 contribution , the Burlinrrton organ
H' at the capital is enabled to inako up the
HH doflclonoy in circulation with public
HJ coin ,
HH Till ! pretended or an of the local
HH demooracy , having induced McShauo
' - -to outer n fruitless contest in the
HH courts , now confesses that Rush was
HH elected Truth will occasionally pone
H trate the dark and nolsomo abodes of
HH | : bar'l organs
H pj All that ia . necessary to sccuro fac-
HH | i torioa and elevators is to properly
, . present the advantages of Omaha to
HHj < capitalists The real estuto oxchungo
Bi' , ls < loinj { its part vigorously and sya-
| V tamatiually , with favorable rosuits
HB | , Let the good work go on ,
Bp Till1 : street car service as a whole is
HH ? all right It is the lack of judgment in
Hf the matutgomont that the people com
l1 plain of During the morning , noon
HBw > nnd evening hours the service is inado-
HHt > - qunto nnd should bo increased to nceom-
HHm modato the public Trains should bo
HH f regulated according to the traffic
HBm | | Tiik two last issues of Tin : Sunday
HBwj ) Bki : contalnod the first and second
HHk % > jmrta ot u remarkable urticlo by i\Ir.
HHf Grant Allan , reproduced from the
HHJ FOrtni'jhtbj litvtcw The writer treated
Bjfn ot n , uost iutorostlug pbaso ot the
H , , woman question , or the true spboro of
HKm woipan Tjiu Brci ! has received tv halt
Hf dozen letters from ladies who take issue
HHf | with Mr Alton upon the propositions
HBSJ advnncod , which are highly mtorest-
| | ; ' ln8ln a later issue it Is proposed to
HHfj print all these letters , with ethers
H , that in the meantime may bo racolcd
' . ' Guoitai : Smith suggests that the oas
H , lost way out of the boundary muddle is
H , for the legislatures ot Iowa and No-
H . braska "to extend to oaoh ether the
HHa courtesy of giving or transferring poltco
HHfj regulations ever the territory ot
H < that part of the stutos that
HHV't becomes dotaohed from the seats of
HHI | justice by the shifting ot the Missouri
HHm , river " An a moans ot facilitating * the
H' ttdmlulatration ot law , the suggestion is
HHfj * > a good ono It possesses the merit of
HBV ; mutual concession for the gen oral good ,
HKH * , and would * relieve the onioials of both
HHfJ states of needless annoyance in deter
HBVJ' mining tholr jurisdiction , pending a
HHV . doflnlto settlement of the boundary
H : question elthor by congress or the
HBH . , ; • courts The matter should bo brought
HBS to'tho attention of the Iowa legislature
h ' nt its ttesslon next month ,
lXFLUKxaixa legislation
The statement mndo In the United
States senate by Senator Ohandlor , re
garding n. sclwuno to obtain contri
butions from oHlcors of the navy to bo
used in promoting legislation for the
reorganization and equalization ot the
pay of the porsonncl ot the navy , was a
disclosure likely to c.tu39 some consternation -
nation in naval circles Mr Chandlers
resolution In regard to the matter ,
which provides for an investigation ,
was passed with very slight opposition ,
nnd it may result in developments
which will interest the whole country
It apponrs beyond question that there
lias been a thoroughly developed
Bchomo to obtain from officers ot the
navy financial contributions to bo employed -
ployed In influencing cdngro33ional
legislation in their bo halt , and It is not
to bo doubted that some ot thom hnvo
responded with their money
The disclosure apparently mndo a
strong Impression upon some of the sen
ators , and there were some very pointed
observations doprccating uttoinpts out
side ot congress to influence legislation
Mr Halo romnikod that it was plainly
a matter of deep rograt and mortifica
tion 1o know that public legislation and
outsidu offbrts in the direction of ac
complishing it were bolng liawkod
about by attorneys in Washington The
Maine senator remarked that there
wore a great mnny tnon in Washington
living pretty well whojo source of income -
como wasflorived from supposed influ
ence on logislutlon Mi Butler , while
disposed to exonerate the navalolllcors ,
oxprcssoct the wish that the otTort to
drlvo away lobbyists would bo applied
in other directions as well as to ollluers
of the army and navy Mr Cockrelldo-
clarcd that the developments were a
disgrace to the nrmy and navy
The good to bo hoped for from the in
vestigation ot tnls tnattor and what It
may disclose is such a movement for reform -
form with respect to the lobby as will
ultimately result in destroying that
baneful influence upon legislation aud
prolific source of corruption It is some
times said that the lobby us an institu
tion is not so powerful nor bo great an
evil now as it was some yours ago , and
it is probable this is so For somoyeais
following the war the operations of the
Washington lobby were can-lad on with
a boldness and a munillcenco of oxnotv-
dituro not only unprecedented ,
but not likely to bo rcpoatod
unless the country shall again experience -
porienco a like general demoralization
of the public conscience But it is no
palliation of the continued existence of
an eradicable evil that its mischievous
power is somewhat diminished The
fact that there is a lobby , and that a
senutor of the United States is enabled
to say on the floor of the tenato that
thoio are a great many men living well
in the national capital whoso Income is
derived from their supposed influence
on legislation , is a reproach to congress
and to the country , and the sonatoror
representative who will inaugurate a
movement that shall result In extirpat
ing the lobby and setting up adequate
barriers to orovont its return can
achieve lasting fatno
rAiaums' ixdvutedxess
It is probable that congress will make
provisionsforonablingtko superintend
ent of the census to ascertain the
amount of indebtedness of the farmers
of the United States , as represented in
mortgages A bill has boon introduced
for this purpose , which also piovidos
for ascertaining the porcontuiro of
farmers who are tenants
The value of such information , if
thorough and trustworthy , will not bo
questioned An approximately accurate
statomono of the number nnd amount of
farm mortgnges in the country might
have an important bearing upon the de
termination of certain economic.ques
tions , and so largo a part has this matter -
tor of the indebtedness of farmers boon
made to play in the discussion of these
questions that it Is certainly ' most de
sirable that the facts regarding it
should bo carefully gathered ,
nnd as nearly as possibio # trust
worthy As it is , demagogues
are free to make any stiuomont
regarding the extent of farmers in
debtedness , according to the interests
they may wish to serve , and thus while
ono class greatly exaggerates , nnothor
goes quito as far from the truth in un-
dejestimating the amount The otTcct
in cither case is injurious to the farmer
But there nro obviously very great
difficulties in the way of securing this
information , and it is a serious question
whether it can bo obtained so fully and
accurately as to bo of much value The
ollorts of the states which have under
taken the task Illinois , Michigan , Ne
braska and borne ethers have had far
from satisfactory rosuits , and It is very
doubtful whether the general govern
ment would bo mete successful in
gtithoring this information Neverthe
less it may be well to undortnko the
tnsk , for the knowledge is certainly
needed , and if first results should not
bo nltogothor satisfactory the oxporl-
ouco would bo likely to suggest a way to
render future investigation mora sue ,
oossful _ _ _ _
It is reported from Ottawa , the capital
of Canada , that the soalltig Hoot from
British Columbia will bo much larger
next your than over before The pnst
soasoii has boon an exceptionally pro
tltublo ono , aud thoseulors are prepared
to take their chandbs They do not an
ticipate that there will bo any Interfer
ence with tholr design to do this from
either the British or Canadian govern
ments , , and they assume that because only
a fow,6oizures were made by the United
States cruisers during the past season it
is not the Intention of this government
Jo press thom very hard pending u settlement
tlomont of the question of jurisdiction
ever Bohring sea It Is true that this
govnrnmont has boon somewhat lenient ,
evidently desiring simply to waru in
truders upon the sealing grounds of the
rltk they were taking , rather than to
nggravato the controversy by wholesale
arrests , but it may bo necessary to
change this polloy If the reported
plans of the British seniors are
carried into effect The govern
ment cannot without virtually surren
dering the posltlou It has taken , and
doubtless will not , permit nn unre
stricted invasion of the seal waters ot
Alaska , and It the doftant sealers un
dertake what it Is said they propose ,
and arc not prevented by the British or
Canadian governments , It Is not to bo
doubted that this government will sum
marily donl with thom
Moanttmo it Is po3slblo that the quos
tlon of jurisdiction In Bohring sea maybe
bo Batlsfaqtorlly and permanently set
tled The British government Is un
derstood to have boon prosslng the matter -
tor upon the attention of our government
mont , and it Is to bo presumed that the
disposition at Washington to reach a
Rottlemout Is qulto as earnest as that at
London If such Is the case an agree
trent may bo effected before the next
sealing soaon opens , which will obviate -
ate any further controversy and settle
for all tlmo a question which ought to
have boon disposed of long ago
Omaha has boon bowling along the
past year through the impetus of in
ternal improvements these made by
cltlzons largely with homo capital
The offorU of our business men are now
being directed to the Inducomcnt of foreign -
oign capita ! to Invest hero This Is the
great object to bo sought No legiti
mate boom can bo had in any ether way
The prospects for the coming two years
in Omaha are brighter than ever bo
fore This fact Is travolltig far
and wide , but the reasons for such
a happy state of affairs tire not
known to any extent outslao
ot a r.ulius of throe or four hundred
miles There never was a tlmo whan
the brilliant prospacts ot Omah a could
bo shown to such good advantage , and
millions of dollars of bastorn capital
could bo induced to invest hero simply
by advertising this city This work
should bo put Into cbmpatont and judic
ious hands , and carrlod on systematic
ally and pcr3lstontly. Money thus in
vested would return hnndsomo dlvl-
donds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nou'uum : in this soation of the coun
try can an advertising medium such as
Tiik Sunday Bisk bo found The issue
of next Sunday will , if possibio , bo
nbovo the high standard of excellence
nttainod by Tin : Sunday Biu : , Issued
just before Christmas , it will contain a
limitless variety of original features
peculiarly appropriate to Christ
mas-tldo. Kvery page will attract
and hold the attention of the
render The issue will bo a mag-
zino of literary merit ; a compendium of
the best and choicest intelligence and
information upon current topics , a cotn-
ploto nowsnapor , with the very latest
and host dispatches from all quarters of
the glebe In fact all of the standard
news and other departments of The
Sunday Bek will be full to roolotion
with wholesome , fresh and attractive
reading Look at it
Fkw like incidents in the history of
Omaha stirred publlo sympathy to amore
moro dangerous pitch than the attempt
of the man Miller to gain possession of
his little daughter Although the courts
could not do othorwlso than award him
custody of the cnild , the stolid iudiffor-
once ot the man , to her tears and plead
ings were well calculated to prove that
his efforts cloaked nu ulterior purpose '
Having neglected hisollsprlngforsovon
years , paying not the slightest attention
to her welfare , it was natural that she
loathed his presence and repelled his
ufforts to forcibly take her from her
generous grandparents Millers con
duct and charaetor are not such as to
inspire confidence that the child would
receive the tender care from a heartless -
loss piront and stepmother which en
deared her to Mr and Mrs Burrus
With the latter she is in safe and
kindly hands , and she will probably ro-
raaln with thom despite Millers fran
tic appeals to the law
Tiik legislature of North Dakota has
passed and the governor has approved
the bill to enforce prohibition , be
ginning on the first of next July The
bill follows the lines of the Clark law
In Iowa and provides an endless assort
ment of pains and ponultioj for vendors
of stimultmts The druggists , however ,
will bo permitted to soil the cheering
beverage for medicinal purposes This
wise provision is a safety valve for the
epidemics which invariably follow pro
hibition The vital statistics for the
last half of the year will therefore possess -
soss great value for specialists on con
Tim Utah commission-a-oport3.that
thirty-fivo thousand dollars have boon
expended on the homo for reclaimed
Mormon women in Salt Lake City , but
ventui-o no opinion on the suecose of
the institution However worthy the
motives animating the mon and women
in ohargo of the homo , there is little
doubt t\iat \ fulluro awaits thom The
prejudice of the Mormons against
everything wltha government label is so
great that the women of the church
prefer death to becoming an object of
charity at the hands ot the prosecutors
of their husbands Time serves to in
tensify tholr hatred
ConokksSMAN Mills is trying to effect -
foct adomocratio comblno against the
bill reimbursing the victims of Silcott
Rogers schema will fall The victim
ized domooratio congressman are not
sufficiently patriotio to munufacturo
party powder at th'olr own expense
Tun opposition to the confirmation of
Judge Brewer vanished when put to the
• test Even the prohibition senators ot
Kansas voted for him , showing that
while differing as to moans they
are d unit for Kansas mon foroflico
To the Thomas County Herald , greeting :
Dent blow out the gas
Uivo generously and promptly to the suf
fering poor of Dakota ,
Juror Culver achieved a worldwide
fame In hanging the Jury oud thus saving
the conspirators from that operation
Since the verdict in the Cronln case a wild
cry of jury reform has been raised These
cries come and go but the old jury method
goes on forever
Chicago la now trying to convince herself
that she has the genuine Russian Influenza
The ambitious city by the lake dent pro
pose tu let New York beat her at anything ,
The new gorernmoat ot Brazil Is In dan
cer of bolnjr hoist with Us owu petard " A
mutiny has broken out idong the soldiers
In Itlo do Janolcaaad , tua republican official *
are traveling on.a rpcKy road
WlththoRoldnfl adsof her noh cereal
overrunning tha ms at country stations
and lytaR In heaps alonq all the tracks be
tween , the great corn bolt may bo said to bo
In full dress thfTscasoii ,
An archaeologist has discovered that Iimo
bull onglnatod whom the * Amorlean Indians
Before the gatneibecamo the pastime of the
degenerate paleface It was probably the
custom to burn the umpire nt the stake
An Ohio man njafiTod Kya has n fancy for
christening his daughters attor thotstatos
It is 6nfo to say there will never bo any Miss
Iowa Ityo if her papa oyer tasted any of the
original nrtlclo
The Urothorhood league proposes to have
two utnplros for each game of ball in the
future , This will materially enhance the
faclnntlon ot the national game for players ,
and spectators will now have twice as much
to kick at
Much pressure Is bolng brought to boar
upon Claus Surccklcs to have him soli out
his now sugar refinery in Philadelphia A
man worth $30,000,033 ought to be able to
holdout ngalnst surh Influences , but It is
thought bo will eventually sell
With the present magnificent crop ot corn
It Is a shame tint the Nebraska farmer
should be compelled to ru3h It Into mnrkot
nt urovailing low prlcos The elevator pro
ject of the Omaha board of trade Is the key
to the situation and should bo pushed for
ward as rapidly as possible
Editor Squlros wus foiled inhlsnttompt
to turn hhnsolf into a ens tank and thus sc
cure nn undue advantage ever his ' -lonth-
some rlvab" in Thomas county , lie has
sufficient material In stock , however , to en
tertain his readers with oxnlosivo oditorlals
on the nutritious qualities of water gas dur
ing the dreary winter months
The rumpus stirred up by the Portuguese
explorer in Africa , and which caused Eng
land to put on some war paint , turns out to
have been nn expedition In the Interest of
military science The strides of the Kuro-
pcan nations In armaments during the lust
fifteen years naturally created a wjld doslro
to test the machinery of destruction on ani
mated targets Germany proclaimed peace ;
the Russian boar dared not slutto his thirst In
the Hellespont ; Franco fumed nnd frowned
by turns , while Austria nnd Italy groaned
under tholr military powers and dared not
flro n shot lest the explosion would shatter a
throtio A vast magazine of explosives ,
there was not room in Europe to test in
actual hostilities the value of the latest im
plements of war Major Sorpa Pintos ex
pedition furnished the desired opportunity
Armed with machine guns ho strode into the
dark continent to enlighten the world , kicked
up a war with n horde of undisciplined sav
ages , nnd promptly mowed them down The
savages were urmed with English guns , land
this explains nny the lion is lashing
himself into a fighting uttltudc But what
is a few hundredjsayago llvos compared with
the benefits to llowifrom a practical demon
stration of the uiodorn Gatling The vnpor-
Ing3 of England cauj not affect Pintos sue
ooss with the forces of civilization " The
armies of Europe applaud htm ,
U ho recent a.ldre.38 of Mr Parnell at Not
tingham was a vigorous reply to some of the
Into speeches of'Lord ' Salisbury regarding
Iroand The Irish leader declared that the
objeet of the homo-rule movement was to '
rsisnoratoIrolarid.jOspeelally regard to
her industrial condition He said that man
ufactures might bo Uovqlopol to such nn ex-
toatas to tnlco the strain off the land nnd
onaolo the pcoplo to look to othermoana than
farming for gaiqlngva Ilvltig , hut the Idea
was not tenable that Ireland oouid bo gov
erned by England's promollngherindustnos
Irishmen themselves must promote frlsh
industries by building harbors , clearing out
the channels of rivers , and reclaiming waste
lands not at the expense of the English
exchequer , but of the Irish exchequer , or ,
best of all , through the efforts of local and
individual enterprise and with private capi
tal , Mr Balfour's plan of making railways
through impoverished districts was a vain
expenditure of money Homo rule aimed at
national regeneration , and this implied the
regeneration of the industries und the indus
trial and commercial spirit ot the people
If homo rule were granted it would not dis
courage tbo rich people of , England from
promoting industrial developments , hut the
money would bo Judiciously and advantage
ously employed instead of boing'wastod , as
now , to maintain in power n government of
fraud and trickery Expenditure of that
sort would enable Ireland to get und to keep
her head above water and so exercise and
develop the qualities of her people that she
would bo no longer an exhibition for the
wonder and scorn of the nations of the
* *
M. Ulanc , the eminent French engineer ,
has just maJo an interesting report upon the
trrildtiul extension northward of the desert
ot Sahara Far within the present limits of
the desert ho has found in his explorations
ruined buildings which amply attest the
presence of human occupation aud industry
years ago But sand dunes , blown by south
ern gales , are constantly oncraaching inoro
nnd moro uoon the cultivated land of Tunis ,
where the Investigations were made , and
presumably of nil the other North'Afrlcan
provinces except perhaps Morocco It is
matter of course that the cultivable area of
Egypt has greatly decreased since the days
when it was the most powerful kingdom of
earth Unfortunately M. Ulanc can suggest
no remedy for this state ot affairs Ho
doubts whether enough water could bo ob
tained by artesian wells to thoroughly irri
gate the threatened borderland , and ot coumo
there arc no streams which can be used as the
Nile is used to fight bark the encroachments
ofthodeseit The Nllo rises In the great
lakes aud dense fprasts of Central Africa
and flows past Dfsrbor in mighty volurao ,
but Its flood receives no additions of consequence
quence In lower Egypt ; It constantly loses
by evaporation ntfcb , y pumping for irrigation
so that comparatively little of Its water overreaches
reaches the Mediterranean , It is about tbo
only instance known of a great rlvof which
is biggest in the middle and smallest at both
ends , though numerous smaller streams In
our own southwestern states loss themselves
finally In the sand njj.or a somewhat similar
loss bv ovaporatfjii Apparently , unless
some gigantic scheme can bo devised for
making a great laico In tbo Saharan basin ,
the whole northern coast of Africa is doomed
to become a mere fertile strip along the
coast , widening out in Morocco bahlml the
shelter of tbo hIgU.mountain , ranges which
dip back generously from the coast there
Eyon the oases are said to bo decreasing
yearly lu extent and fertility ,
Italy has now in Africa under its direct
dominion 70,000 kilometers in the north of
Abvsslnla , ( composed of the high plains of
Ilabab , Monta , Beget , Asmara , and the
provlnco of Ileal Amer , ) and exorcises gov
erning power over Impero Ethiopia and
oyer the Oplan territory , that covers an ex
tent of about 3,000,000 kilometers , with an
estimated population of about 20,000,000. If
not all , certainly many oi these places have
a great colonial future , and to this Crlspl
deyotos all bis force and attention Their
olovatlon above tbo level of the sea gives
them a most salubrious climate , and so shows
great possibilities of their boooming colonized
nized by the Italian working classes , and
decreasing emigration to America , a ques
tion now occupying the minds ot statesmen
Nntural1ythls will take much ttmoto aeoom
pllsb , for colonization never has boon , and
novcrcanbo , instantaneous ; but It Is Just
to acknowledge that with the treaty of
nllianco with King Menolllt nnd the official
declaration of the protoetorato In Ethiopia
with this last battle Premier Crlspl has
completed a wortt ( organized dihgontly and
secretly ) ot great political Importance , by
which Italy wliracqulro Increase ot power
In Africa , will olvo n now impetus to commerce -
morco and ogrlculturo , and will ( benefit the
world at largo In progress of civilization
The five Central American states have suc
ceeded nt last In drawing up n scheme of
rudimentary union which Is guarded , con
sorvntlvo and conciliatory The ingenuity
with which objections have been evaded Is
quito remarkable The question , for ex
ample , of who shall bo first prosldont , which
has so long blocked all such projects , is now
settled In a way which , It primitive , is nt
least practical and has scilpturo precedent
On the 15thof | Scptuinber next the presidents
ot the five stutcs nro to moot -it the capital of
Honduras and draw lots as to wlfo shall be
prosldont of the United States ot Control
Amoricn for the following yenr That puts
an end to Intriguing , yet not tn tiopos , since
n twelvemonth later will give some ether ono
ot the state presidents a chance
During the first ten jcars , from lb'JO
to 1UO0 , the new union will bo to a
great degree tentative Its presi
dent will deal simply with foreign
affairs , In which it desires to present ut
once a national consistency , A common cit
izenship , free trndo between the stntcs , nnd
gradual identity of laws , judicial systems ,
nnd so on , will bo the features of this exper
imental decade , and then in 1890 will como
tua more perfect union , " with Its todoral
nrmy in place of the state forces , The at
tempt is ono In which our country cannot
fail to take an interest The thrco northern
states , Guatemala , Houduras and San Salvador
vader , bring , among other things , much the
creator population and nroa to the now
union the two southern , Nicaragua nnd
Costa Hica , bring , among other things , their
relations to the great Intcroccanic canal It
is qulto possible that Jarring intcrosts may
at nny tlmo within the next nine months
break up tiio whole project But at least a
bettor start toward success has boon mndo
now than at any previous tlmo since union ,
or rather reunion , has been undertaken ,
Ono of the mostimportant outcomes of the
home rule ngltntion in England has boon the
tremendous impetus given to the federal
idea Med who have ahvajs made fun of
federations have latterly taken to a study of
what they moan and wluit they can accom
plish What is called colonial federation , a
union of nil the British possessions as a
means of establishing closer relations with
the mother country , is lnrgoly the fruit of
tory contemplation of those questions of gov
ernment involved in a Dublin parliament
Sajs an English unionist who rejects Glad
stone nnd all his statesmanship : The fed
eral system which was first introduced in
the United Stutcs , nnd has since been modified -
fiod in other countiies , especially in Ger
many , seems to do ono of the greatest dls-
covorios over made , and of an importance to
human happiness which cannot possibly bo
exaggerated " Ho oven hints that federa
tion is the true solution of the Balkan penin
sula dispute , nnd that there nro English men
of both parties ready to fuvorauch a political
consummation It does not take nn over
sharp eye to see that the colonies of Aus
tralia , when they ask for a federal union ,
will find few obstacles placed la the path of
their ambition and true welfare
* •
The last year has been a critical ono in the
history of France It is not too much to say
that the very existence of the republic has
boon involved In the political issues which
huvo been presented to the people The coun
try , however , has plainly Bhown that it is
tired of moro theoretical politics , and wnnts
something that Is practical and businesslike
It lias decided that it is lu favor of such
measures as will maintain and promote its
internal prosperity , rather than these which
present a premise of foreign honors with a
possibility of dangerous entanglements Tbo
effect of the Into elections is manifested in
the new spirit which prevails In the cham-
bor Instead of the political groups ot the
last session , there have arisen industrial ,
commercial and agricultural groups , ia which
members of all parties stand sldo by side
The prevailing spirit is beyond doubt ono of
toleration , moderation and concord What
ever may bo the rumors in regard to a pos
sible war bo tu ecu Trance and Germany ,
there can bo no doubt that the overwhelming
opinion of the French ropublio is for peace
It will bo in tbo interest of pcaco m East
Africa if the report proves correct that the
Germans have at last captured Bushiri , the
leader of the insurgents When Uushiri do-
stroj ed My wapa in July Inst no told Mission
ary Price that there would bo no peace as
long as ho was alive Until tbo Germans
killed him , ho said , he would devote his IIfo
to keeping the country in as disturbed a con
dition as possible The Germans say they
have suppressed the rebellion , but it is cor-
taln there can be no assured peara as long
as this white-haired old trader of Pangaui ,
who hates the Germans as interlopers , is at
large to foment fresh disorders
A. Wonderful Uhangc
Clileauo Herald
Prison lifo wiU'go especially hard with
DanCoughlln , Ho will have to work , and
he's been a policeman
A. I'orcniilal Suggestion
nilfudelpMa Tlmei
Thehabltof dawdling away the first month
of the session , which has become a conflrinod
one , leads to the conclusion that tjie data for
the opening of the congressional jsossion
should bo changed
, iV Puzzler ,
Cltlcagu Keua
The cider-makers at thou session In Chicago
cage have been requested by the 1'rotoetlvo
Older ot North American Wives to aottlo
this point : When a marrlod man gets into
a shocking condition lata at night by eating a
section nt minccplo , what is in the plot
A IroipB0tlYO ltlne ,
Chictno Tribune ,
These are my present pneos on handker
chiefs , " said the laundryman , in a oold ,
businesslike tone , but I'm not making any
contracts I may have to run the figure up
about CO per cent next week "
Bliould Follow Hojoa
St iMttt Glalje Democrat
Most ot tbo wcathor prophets rushed into
print a month ago saying that December
would bo a very cold month , and that the
winter would bo a very Boyoro ono All of
which shows that in meteorology , as In ether
things , it Is well to hood tbo advice of Hcsea
Bigolow , esq , to let knowleugo precede
prophecy ,
Portuirul und Her Troubles
Lisuoh , Dec SO The Portuguese govern
ment is agitating tbo holding of an interna
tional congress for the settlement of the
questions which have orison from the dispute
between Portugal and Great Britain concern
ing their respective possessions in At ricans It
prefers to accept European opinion to Eng
lish dictation It is reported that the Portuguese
gueso are anxious for Dom Pedro to leave
Portugal The calmness with which the people
ple of Hiazll accepted the overthrow of the
emplro and the establishment of the ropublio
encourages the radicals hero to bellevo they
will eventually achieve a quiet , bloodless
revolution in Portugal
Judjro Field to Pass Upon an Impor
tant Quostlou ,
A Scarcity of Freight Gjim Cam
plaint oftlio Claries ' Farmers At-
• KttH llanec Kltzgornlil v& Gould
lilncnln In Brief
Lincoln Uuniuu op Tim Ostuu Has , 1
1029 P Stiiekt , }
Ltvcoi.N , Neb , Dee 20. |
This morning , before Juugo Field , the
question whether oh not the court Bhould
order the removal of the causa of Lowery &
Company vs the Chicago , Burllmston &
Qulnoy railroad company from the district
court to tbo federal court was discussed
The suit Involves about5150,000 , predicated
on three claims on account ot the excessive
rates , dlscrlmlnn\lon nnd loss by reason of
lonlcngo of grain In course of transportation
The arguinont for removal wsa that the Inter
state law governs nil Intoistate traffic ;
that the company is governed and guided by
that law , and must bo Judged by the law
which can only bo done hi the federal courts ,
the traflla which forms the subject in contro
versy being interstate , and from $01,01)0 ) to
50,000 of the clulm being founded with con
necting lines beyond Chicago , whoso rates
the defendant could not control and for
which , according to the Judgment of Judge
Cooley they could not bo hold responsible
for The counter argument was that thu In
to rstato law had not nbro itod the common
law , only supplemented that law ; the plain
HIT claimed under the common Jaw that he
had might to brine a suit in , and have it
trlod by the st ito courts The decision was
Tlio District Court
In the case of Anna It Stewart against
Asa Stewart , Judge Field today granted a
decree In fu or of the plaintiff for divgrco ,
dividing the property , which Is worth about
$12,000 , , equitably botwon the parties
The Wohlonbcrg divorce caio was also do-
cldod this morning Fred was given his do-
crco ns prayed mid the care nnd custody of
the children Mrs Wohlonbcrg , however ,
secured 8lr , > 00 alimony , andthecourt grunted
the plaintiff fittoon days to rustle that
amount in
Tlio case of the Nebraska Stock Yards
company vs E. D. Meyers occupied the nt-
tontion of Judge Chapman nnd a jury this
forenoon Thisnctlon wus brought to recover
on promissory notes given in pajtnont
for lands sold During the trial onbof the
Jurymen was called from the box to testify ,
nnd his return was objected to by the defendants
fendant's counsel The objection , however ,
was overruled , giving nllegod grounds for
appeal After a short sitting the Jury gave
the plaintiff judgment for $1,407.
This afternoon the case of Lowery vs the
Western Union Telegraph company occu
pied the attention of thu second court , it
will hardly bo subml'tcd before tomorrow
The case promises to bo shaiply contestud
Tlio case wus brought to recover damages
for non-delivery of telegraph messages dur
ing a pending cram acal at Chicago in which
the plaintiff was interested , and which ho al
leges caused him to lese money
Scarcity ofTr.iln Cirs
The state board ot transportation is in re
ceipt of a letter from A. T. Hempston , n
member of the shipping committee of the
Chirks' Farmers alliance , complaining that
the Union Pacific railroad company is dis
criminating against that organization at
Clarks , Merrick county , in the disposition of
cars for the shipment of corn from that point
Hempston sots up that grain buyers thoio
have received their full allotment of cars us
ordered , nnd in this ho alleges that there has
been discrimination against farmers as ship
On the part on the board Secretary Gil
christ writes Hempston that there has been
nn extraordinary demand for oars to move
corn throughout the west , but that the bonid
would hold that cars should bo distributed
pro rata until cars can bo furnished in suffi
cient number to meet the demand of ail
shlppors , regardless of party , company or
Tbo Osceola elevator complaint was con
tinued this morning until December U9 at 1
FllzucraUl vh Gnuld
It is learned that the United States circuit
court has appointed Edwin L. Towio of Par
sons Kan , special re tcroo in the 81,500,000
suit brought by John Fitzgerald of this city ,
on behulf of himself and other stockholders
of the Fitzgerald & Mullorv construction
company ugainst Jay Gould , Russell Sage ,
Vice President Morton uud the Missouri Pa
cific railroad company This suit , it will no
remembered , is tbo outgrowth of tlio con
struction of the Denver , Memphis & At
lantic nnd the Pueblo & Stnto Line rail
roads , both of which were built by tlio plain
tiff nnd the stockholders of the com
pany ho represents for the Missouri Pacific
folks The suit was commenced in the dis
trict com t of Lancnster county but was re
moved to the federal courts nt the instance
of the defendant Tbo roads run from
Pueblo , Col , to Chotopa , Kan , a distance of
COO miles The defense set up mattes it
necessary to examine the right-of-way of
nearly all of the construction line , and for
this puipo30 a referee was appoiutod , '
City News and Notes
F. C. Rough was lined $20 nnd costs for
carrying concealed weapons , by Judge
Houston this morning .
W. A. Mowery , the real estate agent who
was arrested Wednesday for obtaining
money under false pretenses , was dismissed
today on motion of plaintiffs attorney
A. T. Betzor , an employe ot the Journal
boolc room , returned from Red Oak , la ,
today with his two children who ran away
from homo a day or two ago
Colonel E. P. Roggon was moro seriously
injured than at first supposed In his racket
on tbo street car Wednesday evening His
attending physician says that ho sustained n
fracture of tbo nnkio und will bo laid up
E. Hill , a former Omaha tailor , but of lata
manager of a business for Helm & Thomp
son ot that city , is posslblv in serious trou
ble It is allowed that he has succeeded in
getttng the firm deeply involved by nogll-
gonca If not criminal carolcssnoss , Mr ,
Thompson is hero making a tborougn Inves
tigation , but declines to talk until bo has
gene to the bottom of matters Two suits
now pond in the county court ngalnst tbo
firm here for goods purchased by Hul and
then mortgaged to secure payment
Herpolshoimor's dry goods store was dam
aged to thooxtontof about $500 by ilia last
Omaha's mayor-elect passed through Lin
coln on his way homo from Wyomiug today ,
Dentil ol'a AVoll-Knoivn Itnritnne
Boston1" Mass , Dee 20. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bbb ] Alonzo E. Stoddard , the
woll-known baritone , died this morning at
the homcepatbio hospital of heart failure , re
sulting in part from a severe attack of ty
phoid fever Ho began his operatic career
with the Emma Abbott company aud in re
cent years gained high honors with the
American and Rational opera organizations ,
us well as with tlio Emma Juch coiapauy ot
which bo wus a member when ho was token
IT f ilPoltlvcly Cured bj
PaRTTRx ? these Little Illls
UMl\lbI\W TheralsorelieTeDIs
Hlmil ! tress from Dyspepsia ,
HF isiEL Indigestion and Too
HJ I VCR Hearty Eating , A per
fl hlLLt feet remedy for Dixit
jH [ " # • * * > % uens , Nausea , Drowsl
j JH ne j , Had Taste In tfu
IMMBH * Moutb.Coatedlongue ,
Pain In the Si Je , TOR
PID LIVEB , ftc , They regulate the Bowels ,
and prevent Constipation and Piles The
• m&Uest and easiest to take Only one pill a
doss 40lnHTiL Purely Vegetable , Price
5 cents
nnsTonED her health ,
Bor SS ycAM I differed from bolls , ctytlpdss
and other blood affections , taking during thnt
tlmo pent quantities otdlffcrent medicines with
ontEhlngmo any pcrccptlUo relief , friends
Indacedmoto try 8. B.8. It Improved mo from
the shut , nnd alter tsVing tc\cnd bottles , re
stored my health as far ns I could hope for ot
my age , which Is now seventy-fivo yesrs
Mns 8. M. Lucas , Bowling Green , Ky •
Tre8lUcc.ii Illood edPldnll > eaiiesmallcdfreo
BW11T Hl'lXMFIO CO . Atlanta , Oa |
Uti Finn AM STitrr.T , Omaua Nbs |
( Opposite Faxton HoUU '
Otnco bours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sunilnya , 10 a. m , ia
I pm
Bpeclallits in Chronic , Nerrou , SUln anil TilooJ Dlt-
tJtrConsultitlon nt office or br niMl free Medi
cines pent br mntl or express , lecurolf pneked free
from observation Guarantees la cure quickly , safe ,
Ijr nnd jiormnnontly
nous l'lijHlraldtcayurlaintrfrom Intlittcrvllon , < * >
cess or IniiulRcnco producing 5lo.ivesnon ! ilesporv
tlcncy , pimples un tholnr , nvar lon tOAochty rnsllr i
discoursed , lack of contittmuo.ilull unlit lor study
orbualnvM , nml tluds MfH a imrucn Hnfoly , pormnn-
ontly and prlvntoly cured Oonstitt Dra.Botti A llctts
\Y.n Furiiftm Htryoi , Qiuutia , Neb I
Bloou ana Skin Diseases SsSSJrfbffiiS's ' ; I
results , complttely erwllcntod without tlio aid of
mercury , bcrufula erjrAlpelns , fci r sori1 * . blotclie * .
ulcers pnlnatntlio hena and toiios syphltltlo sere ]
tliront , mouth aud tontine , catarrh , etc , permaooatlj
cured whore others hnve fulled 1
Kidney Urinary % tTm T lnt f
qunt burulnn or bltfody urine , uriuo I1UI1 colored or I'
with milky Hcdlineutou HndinK , wenk back , jjonurr ]
been , KleotojBtltls , etc rroinnuyand safely cured ]
cbarwes reantniblo
STBICTXTRBI r ' U , , r !
rarn nU u ree :
movHlcniupIeto wilt outcutLlujr c&ustla ordlllutlait
Cures erTcctel nt borne by patient without a tnoruoiits
pain orunoyancQ
To Young Men and Mile-Apd Men
? PIIDT ? luo awful effects ot early
AQTTDT UUlUi "Vlco , which brings orpanlo
weakness , 'luttmyinirbolli muiA nail boar , with all
lUdreaOod IlU , purnjunenlly curcil ,
rmn RUTT ? Address those who have lui-
ilfltii DhllU paired themselves by Improper
hiduUeucos ana ami Bolltnrr ltnbltB , which rufu belli
bony and uiltid , iiiillUlun tbeui tor bushiest , study i (
uiarrlrtge . . . . - -
Ma Kin H ) MEN or those cnterlne on tl < at nappy {
Ills , avrsro c < t pliyi > kl&l debility , quickly nsMituJ
Ii bused upon facts , lint practical experience , co-
oudjverr eas Is uspeiMidlr studio 1. thus Btnrtlna
nriKnt.trilrl medicines are prepared in our own ia-
bsiory oiactly to suit encti case , ill us alTtctlng cures
without Injury _ . . . . , .
IJ hefd 11 cents poetaire for polcurntud works oo
chronic , nervous nnd delicate dlwonso- * . Thousands
rural IV A frlenillf letter or call may uroyou fu
tur > nuircrlnu and slinuio , nndndd golden jcim to UXu
tJfUo letters answered unlt-s accompanied by I :
cents In stamps Address oreull ou
UW IT&TDim Street Oiuulia , Keb
" *
L isms -Soij .n Gkvm
• en . > > - Circuljr 1 tri Hlt.3pr9 , g- . j
lABlETINF.MfnVco.oRovn.Lr cauJ j
f6 MOi.V'S • " T'SJiV THE O N.LV- > iciir * | v-2a PW CUArUfJTEED |
nftagr lAiu ' .yqplfrjcuke ? yon
.sww < ciwiuTC rxATA R RH I
AniniNF Mrnir70 " " " ' • f" " *
For sale by Goodman Drug Cm \
lUHinlliH mid Tears SuiU Is tlui omirxo of
life , muilu up nf sunxlilluwiml gloom , fjlinU i ,
news and sorrow , rlilienniul iiowrty , brail Is
niKlilisinii WuiiiuydlaprltlinRlooni Imn '
lih the sorrow uml irulii rlilits ) but nkkneM '
wlllovertu1 < eiiasooii rorlalti Votbap I
Idly , that cimmy can ! > vanquished i | > aln
umluilinniuii burelieved ) tluin U u talus
for every i > omul , mid sUuiro lias placet ! II
v.itiln ! the reach or nil IlicralimoiIUcov
cry tlrnt bus iironji tujrreat a bit lne ns IJr
luffs I.lrer 1'llls. In malarial rifjlona , j
where VuvnrniidAgnv , J lllou J > l u i iiui /
BllmenUliuIiUiittoudiTunsndllveriirevull , I
they liuie prcmn uu liicntliiuililo boon , as ) I
hundred Ihouianilllv lot ; Itnis < - testify I '
Tutt's Liver Pills
Price , 2Cc OHIcc 39 & 41 Park Place , H. y.\
The Tyler System of Dank Counter * I
_ pjitqualUd In Style Qutllty or Frloa 1
The Tytor Desks 300 Now8tyles , ;
Toother with 1000 Styles T.ll.s , Otialrs , to j
and Desk Combined 0 Styles , finest ea Eirtn
100 Pit Illu.triUu CiUIokus Ttte FesUr , 7 CU
TYLER DESK CO , St Louis , MO , LliS.rV
• fl