Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : UltlDAY , DECEMBER 20. 1889. * 7 I
_ _ ho ntlvortlBomonto will bo taken for
_ _ thcso column , after 12:30 p. m.
B TormB-'Cnnh In ntlvonco
Advertisements under tliH bead 10 cints per
_ _ line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
mu ftr'iucnt Insertion , and $1X0 per llnr j > er month
_ _ No ndveitifcments taken for less tbau Si rents
H for llrst insertion Seven words will be counted
J to ( he lire : titer must run consecutively nml
mj must be paid In ADVANCH All advertlse-
menw must be handed tnbeforo 13:30 : o'clock p.
m. , nml under no circumstances will they be
_ _ taken nr discontinued by telephone
Parties advertising In these columns nnd bar
lng their answer * Addressed In carnotTiir Ilr.n
villpleasoaikfor a check to enable them to get
_ _ their letters , as none will lie delivered except
; on presentation of check All an&wers to ad *
-vcrtlsemunts sliould be enclosed In envelopes
All advertisements in these columns are Dun
_ _ llsiied in both morning mid evening editions of
'J'iik 11 kk trie circulation of v blch aggregates
morn tbnn 18,000 papers dally , and elves the ad-
• vertlsers the benefit , notonly ot the city clrcu-
_ _ Intlonof TUB Urn , but also of Council RlulTs
_ _ Lincoln and oilier cities and towns throughout
_ _ this section of the country
_ _ _ t Advertising for these columns Mill bs taken
_ _ en the above conditions , at the following busl-
_ _ nees houses , who are authorlred agents for Tin
_ _ Dee special notices , and will quote the ram *
_ _ rates as can bo had at the main ounce
' '
JOHN W. HULL , Pharmaclst South Tenth
CHASF It iiIV : , Stationers and 1'rlntets , 113
South ICtli Street
Sll FARNbUOHTIl , Pharmacist , 2113 Cum
lng btreot
W.TTllU0llE3. Pharmacist ( HI North ICth
HO ? W. PAHII , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven .
'vo'tli street
_ _ _ _
H T.ruailKS' PHAHMAUY" , EMS Farnant Street
_ _ _ ClTtXTllOTnratffeil young man , Olllco
1 Oor soiiio clerical work , Oood roforcncon ,
W Address It US lloo Jlll-su *
ANTHD Situation by n practical book
keeper , or comptcnt to till any olllco posl-
K lions bust city references Address It 41. Hoc
W ctsiaat
WANTUD-Sltuatlon for . trained Hagllsh
( room and houseman Oood references
W Mrs , Hrvgn , tilth S15th. C01-2JJ
WANTKD Position by husband and wlfo
as head waitress and night clerk ; or work
m In prlrato fninllv Cim glvo references Ad-
W dross Ilex r/W. HnsUngs Neb , tiiu luj
SITUATION wanted to work In a laundry by
a strong , experienced girl Apply to UIJN
W llliliHt A. 0. Larson , all ltrr
Alt 1S1'RCTAIILn ! young Scotsman , ago ai ,
wants situation as coachman for a prlvatu
_ _ _ family Address Win Martin , Southern hotel ,
_ _ _ cor Uth and I.o avenworth Bts oil 20t
mm"UlfANTl' \ .D Situation by a good cook and
W TV laundress Apply Til ! N Uth 60J l t
WANTF.D Situation by registered pharma
cist , l'lvo years oxpcilcnce , best of refer
B enccs Address box \a \ , Doa Jlolties , la ,
_ &B7 107
KKOtSTRUIlD druKglst wishes situations it
will pay you to investigate Address H B lleo
H 4 ll 1 J
WANTED-SItuationbya ilrat-class custom
cutter Address John J. Uruank , Owosso
B Mich . lloxffW DI8dllt
ANTKO-Oood street salesman till Cnrist-
mas ; Rood wages to rl ht man 1O. .
Craudall Itoom 3t > , ilarkcr block 1143 l'JT
LwftV VV-Ar 'i "liI , Au cnerRctio O. AT It man for a
V > tendy position Address V01 NV I.lto
blllldlllf lllji-2U (
wl WANTKD-A britrbt , honest boy to work in
TT nowa stand at Webster St depot GUIIOJ
OtlAIIA Shirt Pactory , ltli Farnam young
mini for outalilo ; references OXJ i0
WANTED-Two or three Tirst-class can
Missers to Introduce In principal cities in
Nebraska an arricloin ceueral demand : piollt
largo Address It : . ibis olllce fitti'Jit
WANTKD Ladles and gents to represent
national corporation Excellent position
fSV twenty years Applicants must send ten cents
PoBtiiKc lllss Iluttio Marks , box 834 , Sioux
- - latr la tkissaj
WANTIUl 30 more carpenters forCheyenne
Albright's Labor Agency 1JJJJ Karnam st
TI1K Denver State Lottery Co want agents
Tickets B0 cento Address A. 0. lloss & Co ,
Denver Cole 4SH-SSX
ANTHD-Solicltors. address with refcr-
ences ( Jankers' J.lfo In3. Co Lincoln Nub
ft , cja yj
VM "Wl ANT11D A first-class coatmaker to ko to I
* T > Dunlap In P.J , llurkij fi83 l'Jj
WANTKD Oood live canvassers for some
ot the best selling articles in the world
( J. II , Jordan , Cozzens nouso , titli and Harney
Bts . a23
VM " 1\7ANTED At once one lioller maker for
T r heavy sheet Iron work Must be able to
} lay out work Permanent Job to rlirlit man
) Vnrney Heating Mfg Co , Lea\enworth , Kans
| . 210
WANTED ! XJ0 men for Tennessee and the
_ south , cheap rates Albright Labor
Agency lU'O l'amam st 119
AOKNTSl Write for terms S3 aaniplo corset
free Schlele & Co , auo Ilroadway.New Vork
I 7J1
WANTKD-Salesmen at J75 per month salary
and expenses to sell a line ot silver-plated
ware , watches , etc , by sample only ; horse and
team furnished free , write at once tor full par
rlculars and sample case of goods rroe Stand
ard Silverware Co , Hoston MasB 731
MEN to tin vol for the Ponthtll nurseries of
Canada Wo payJiO to flln ) a montu and
expeiiioa to agents to sell our Canadian grown
block Add Stone & Wellington , MadisonWis
WANTKD Haliroad laborers srnd tlemakers
_ for the south ; reduced rates Tracklayers
for Iowa ; also Ml men for city work ; Jl ' per
day or Hi per moutti , Pllloy , Kramer & Co „
cor lltlinudl'arnamsts B47
WANTED Canvassers at Siugor Bowing
_ Machlno office 1518 Douglas street
„ ftti i\a
WAN ! ED Immediately , a good girl as cook
and laundress at Dr Coirinan's , ! ! 7th and
B Bt Maiysave 001
sl H "WTANTBD Laay cook for clunot 8 , no wash
H T T tug $5 : 1U lvultresses for Colorado aid
H Idaho , fM , fnro paid ; nice girl for a ranch ; l for
B 1'remont , Uhousoxeopers ; cauvassors ; laundry
B girl ; 2 chambermaids ; dlsliwashers ; Htiorgon-
kV t'laliiousuwork , Mi-s , Jlrega , yilii H. 11th.
| 663 0 ?
GiIULfor L-ennralhomework , no wasulng and
ironing N. E. cor Slst and Wtbster
H ( H8-UU
WANTED Willing young girl for house
_ work.8iiP.aid. Ki3
i i
H ' W/ANTKD A good girl for general house
H II work In a small re&taurant , Situ Fanutn
fsH WTANTKD-Ooodchambermaid torSUKull-
H V 1 road an South Omaha ( Ml Hit
H Trjfltl , wanted , L'ltil Davenport ; small family ;
l H VJwIll pay H per week ai 111
WANTED atrl for gouorul housework
ltecommendatlons rctiulrod J. A. UalrelL
f 1128 N. Ittlh st U)8 ) _ i9
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework ; small family ; good wages ;
H E210 Ohio st CCG su
WANTED Olrl for housework , ouly two In
family , Callnt louilamllioust 013 S3 }
WANTED Hood steady girT oTlFeiiaral
liourswork , wo ssthst wrj ai
< H * \ATANTED Oood girl for general house
H Tl work.apply"115Jonesbetween Bt.Mary's
H Ye and Louvonwortli • Ku in
WANTED Olrl for general housework at
at Wl 1 bt Mary'j ave 67tf 11)
WANTKD A irtrJ for general housework
HSU N 10th. 611
WANTED A few more ladies to learn dress
, cutting Call at Mrs It O. Moses dress
' xaaklng parlor for partlculari , 1718 Cans st
b h 1KM J 8J
WANTKD A good kltchon girl , ltefereuca
, rsqulred alu Harney eU bit
j PWE 88MAKt NO ,
s sl TVT' ' s . llTwalshT U18 Capitol ave7dro.B It cloak
I OTXinakcr ; plush coatsretltted.rellued.steamed
i sB ltSdJOt
H , T\ribi5 ODONOIIOK dressmaking , at IKS
1 JJL Douglas at PlusU cloaks steauled , rellned
' andrefltted ; Ui dlt
H TOUIHWINKUKItO areas and cloak maker
i JJplusb cloaks to order and steamed ; sealskin
H ( cloaks repaired : all kinds r trimmings fur
f H nislied ICXI Capitol ave , , repairing of all kinds
j r'i
H '
'HiNnAOKMENTBtodadreMmakingln lam
H JUJlllesioUcltcd , Miss Sturdy.Gl'J ' BWthBt
1 | Tr" " WANTEP-To " RENT <
Hi WTAKTKb i\vo furnisneii rooms na table
f H T T board ( or gentleman and wife : prrmauent
H' if siUilled : uverntdn must be drst-class. Ad-
OOAn pi N o.
B OAnD nd rooms , 1 8S Clilcagost
col g'J
Iri31UlEN'l10room house Mil Harney . ,
. modern Improvements : suited for roomers
aud boarders , bee Dr Neville 1103 Douglas st
6t2 a >
lilOIl IIRNT- Splendid 8-room bouse In Hans
J- com place Furnace and all modern im
provements Party going away and will make
speclnl terms till My 1. C P. Harrison , N. Y.
Mfo bldg CGJ-LH
IjlOIt UKNT-Neat JDcottagnln first-class re-
pair In llanscom place , S blocks from the
motor C. K. llnnlson , NV Ufo bldg.CCO
J neil HENT-Al-room house 82. S. Ifth st
J H77 - ' 4J
rpilN-rooin mndern houoe , futnlshod or un-
-L furnished , good location , HJSa 17thli02l
li02-l ) >
T Oll IlKNT l-rooin Hat with clty wolcr nml
JU water clotot , close to business center J10.
lloborts , WS N , ICth st U' .M - 'It
JjT l HRNT-Vroom house , 5 . K. Rir ' llth nnd
JU Vlnton.tli per month , on electric lnotoc
IJIinilTroom lints 707 S JOtli St , all modem
lmpro\ements. Including steam heat Tlios ,
1' . Hall , ail Paxtunblk f > at
rillli : lower storr of house No.S)7 ) South 21th
Ant , n rooms and closet , nlr heat , mantel and
grnle , gas hot nnd cold nnd cistern water.bath
room , good cellar , nlco sodded Jurd , nt 8 'i
mouth , ul'
LAHUl" house torrent Jnnulro HC1 Dodge ,
'ITlORHENT-l-room cottage 1124 N 19th st
. | J 4VI > J
9 room tlat in excellent location , hotiso nud
furnlturo for lent very reasonable ; furni
ture ail new : rooms nil full ; a barguln Co
operative Ls.nd and Lot Co , K N ltltn st
IjlOH HENT Hats and Stores In the new
- building on the south east corner of 10th mid
Jones streets , four blocks south of larnani
The Hats are ns cnuvenientlv nirangod and
completely ounlppcd as any in the city Call
and RcotHorn Apply ut the middle store , fi-om
lltlll UandUtllU Ooorga Clouscr C'JIBI
Tj'OH HUNT The handsomest 7-ioorn modern
X Hat in Omnlia , pnvato hall , electricity , etc ,
at SHU Painam st , & A. blomnu , 1.W1 l'amam st
ii'W '
_ j
IriOll HUNT 2-room cottage , Sill llarncvst ,
Sll S. A. Slomati 11)1 ) Puriium et U' ' ) S
Oil KENT tsothortoti Hall , room 1 Union
block N. W. cor Ifitli and l'nruam sts
JJ2.M ) , a pretty Vroom house , SKI Califor
nia st
MO , 10-room modern brick house , Capitol nve
near 18th Ht ,
K18 , ti-room modern brick house , all couven-
ienco s , l'Jtn st
JH.B-room cottage Davenport at
S3 , 'J-room cottage , Uiltb nnu Davenport
, llflgl
" 1710It UBNT iight-room : bouse , with ample
X ; grounds , corner Leavenworth nnd 21st sts :
batti room , hot and cold water Apply to Lonls
S. Heed &i Co , room ID , bond or ti.ulo building
1I < OH HUNT Now 8-room housa tld and Call
- foinln streets , all conveulencns , joiioroom
rottago , 'J.M7 Hamilton , $18. A. C. Waiccloy.ioom
f.05 N. V. Llfo biillillng SKJ
FOll KENT l-room cottage , with closets ,
pantry , etc SOiaaitlut . itoS
"IJIOIJ HUNT Houses and stores Property
X ? cared for , taxes paid Midland Ouarantee
S. Trust Co , lfiH l'arnatn st , Abstracts 670
FOIt RENT Now room house 22d& Caltfor-
niabtrcCts , all conveniences , $50 ; also O-room
cottage , S.M and California , $ ; K-room cottage ,
Kl" Hamilton , I1H ; store on Hamilton street
nnd Lowe ave , wltn rooms behind 1:0. A. O.
Wakeley , l oem 605 N. Y. LKo building 038
TflOll KENT House 310 North 83d. Inquire N.
XI w. cor d and Davenport 8i > J
371011 Iir.NT 7-room Hat Inquire nt the Fair ,
: Thlrtoenth and Howard Ml
FOIt UENT Cottage , four rooms with four
acres of land on Btata Htreet between Fort
and Florence 31U per month Apply 317 SIlth st
IjlOH HENT House , 11 rooms 310 N. rid st
J Enquire , Mrs M. A. Dotwllor , n w cor Kd
and Davenport 113
IF you wish to rent a house or store see II E.
Cole , Continental block ; olllco open evenings
DON'T fall to read this It jou wish to room
and board , or oltlier In the most convenient
place In the city , About halfway between
l'amam and Harney , on tue west sldoot Jtith
You will IInd nice rooms , and board If re
quired , at very reasonable rates IIousi lust
opened Mts Oanloy 037-21
TjlOIt KENT 2 nice warm rooms , all modern
X1 conveniences , wltli board , -1115 Douglas
060-25 ?
"VTICE rooms , steam heat , 1719 , Davenport st ,
XN 6M 3rr
RIOR RENT A nicely furnished double front
XJ room suitable for three or four gentlemen
Apply at - "U N. 10th St , cor Daenpoit st , ,
l oem 1 G. 4 21
TJOOMBand board 103 So 23th Bt
XV 67S-J10J
KOOM8 for gentlemen : tew table boarders
wanted 17l3Davcnpatt st 680 ffi *
T7UHST class loom and board at 421S 11th St ,
X" ristaurant f 77-10J
J71011 RENT 1'Urnlshed rooms in new house
. It blocks from P. O. with all modern con
veniences , including heat , gas , bath , etc No
210 No nth at , E03-18J
OOM and board with prrUlego of homo
comforts ; charges very reasonable ir > ll Cal
ifornia st r a iaj
FURNISHED rooms , steam heat , gas and
bath , gentlemen only ; references required
700 8. 10th st C1U22
FOR RENT Very pleasant room sultablofor
two gentlemen , furnlturo new on best car
line , 820 per month each for board and room
Address P ft ! , earn ilou olllco , 311
,111 N. 19th One extra large front room ; one
Xhall loom Hath room lioor Also table
board Mrs Churchill , 48-1-21
ROOMS with or without board , for three
pout lemon ; private family : references 182 |
Dodge street 7Ji
FOR IIKNT-Sult of rooms over stove store ,
1021 Howard Btreot CTper month TJt
JJIOR HENT Handsomely furnished rooms
. for gentlemen ; bntn , gas , furnace boat 243J
Dodge st 3/2
I710R KENT Well furnished room , with
- board ; best location In city Call at 2215
Dodge st " 903
QT OLA1R Kuropeau hotel , cor lltn and
tJDodge , bpeclal rate by week or month
SOUTH front , tuinlshed room , " 112 Dodge st
82-J2U *
1CELY furnished room , 2105 Douglas
\ iVlittt
TTIOR RENT Elegantlynewly furnished rooms
X' with or without board , one block from post
nlllco all modern conveniences , bust location In
tlio city ; also take day boarders Call at 107 817tb
t Ull J9J
rilWO nice trent rooms , UHO Davenport
i 177
3POK RENT-Nicely furnished rooms,83 to 130
per month , at220 N. loth , cor Davenport st
Apply , Room 1. rij J 4t
I710R RENT-NIcaly furnished roon 4 to t20
: per month , at.K0 N. 16th , cor , Davenport ot
Apply Room 1. 12& J tt
IilOR RUNT Nicely furnished rooms to VX >
- ' per month , nt 220 N. ldth , cor , Davenport
Apply , Room L 123 J
ITimiNlSHED rooms at ICON , 19th st
J 1.13 20J
SUNNY Rooms Use of bath , new building ,
furnished or unfurnished 202 ! 1-arnam ,
Hat H. 7JSlt
I AltUI ! well furnished and heated room , alt
XJcourcnlencea , Brat class board , 22U3 Farnum
403 19J
ITIOR RENT FurnUhod rooms.1701 Capitol ov
E 1W W
JjiOU RENT Furnished front room , suitable
• fortwo ; modem coa\oulences , 1915 Capitol
ave 40fl in ;
"ITIOR RENT To gentleman and wife or two
X' or more gentlemen a uulte ot rooms on par
lor floor , new house and new furniture , all ac
commodations the belt , on best cur line in city ,
AddrebS P 2raro lleo olllco UD3
IilO intirNT Two rooms , furuUhed or untur-
? wished , 1720 Capitol ave 7115
KOOMH with or without board , 028 B 17th.
630 20 ;
ICfiLY furnished room suitable for 2 , gas ,
batn hot air Kit 813th. 810 21) )
NICELY furnished rooms with Ore , cheap
1903 I low ard at 018 22J
A HANDSOME front room and flrst-class
board , t2j Puruaiu , ci Sil
XTlCKlt Yfuralitoea rooms ror gentlemen only ,
IjlOH RENT Purnlshed rooms , also front
and back parlor lfWJ nouglait G14
ITIOR HKNT-A pleasartt room for gntiemen
' All modern convenlcnees , Corner aitli nnd
Bt Marys avenue , of ( COS 'lothbrick T ldenee
\ir ANTED A gobd location for new hard
1 waie store ; a lire , growing town In east
ern Neb or western low a ; address R , 111123d
st . Minneapolis Minn , tan-so *
ROCIMSfoTllgntTiousekeepln SlTrTiotli
99 2f
fjU'ltl' .i : unfurnished rooms , hall and closet ,
X new house , city water Apply befOrtfIan
7 nt 2U1 Pacltlc BJ7-1BJ
IjIOR RENT 4-roomsuite , unfurnished , sult-
X } nbU for housekeeping , gal , water , etc , , to'
fninllv without children ; northwest cor1 . 17th
and Webster st VJ7
IilLAT.4 nnd unfitrnlshcl rooms for nouse-
. keening , conveniently locatwl In suits of
from 2to 1. modern conveniences Rutt * Rent
lngageticy 1VQ Parnam 152 1 M
10IIKIIOOM and liasemont : 7-room tlat alt
inodfrn convenletices ! cheap to good party ;
over 1001 Howard • t " > 2
( STORKS at , 707. ,01711 S ICth 22rOT each , large
Ostiow w indows , steam heat furnished , Thos
V. Hull , 311 Paxton blk tfll
T7IOR RENT Fine basement on S H eoincrot
X. " ] 0th and Jones st , well"sultnd for a barber
shop , plumbers olllce and many other things
Inaulroatmiddlo store of the building (1 cor go
Clouscr 512
IjlOH RENT Stores nud corner tlat over drug
- store , a e cor 10th and Jones 3ust' , tiB place
for a dentist or doctor who wants his olllco on
same tloor of living room Apply atthe build
lng No 7un a 10th st Ocoigo Clouser M.I
OFFICES for wntchoTpl WitTinoil building ,
steam heat , elovnlnrtncd all modern Im
provements , 1Mb and Harney st :1T0 : .111J
T7HW RENT-Halt store 1310 Douglas St _
OR RENT-Storo , 1111 Farnam St 1'0xl23
feet , " 2 stories and cellar Nathan Shelton ,
1014 l'arimm St 741
FOR RENT-Tho I-storybrlck building , with
or without power , formerly occupied by the
It o Publishing Co , 018 Farnam st TUo build
ing has n flre.proof cement basement , complete
steam-heatingllxtitres. watqron all the floors ,
gas , eta Apply at the olllco of The lleo 013
THE auction pale o f toys and Xmas goods , of
all kinds at 1118 Farnam St will continue
every afternoon and evening until the stock is
all close il out Dent miss this sale 6S1 19
HE COLE , notary publto and conveyancer
SEND 10cents In stamps for map of Omaha
C. P. Harrison , K. Y. Lite 101 '
X AlIES and gentlemou can rent masquerade
XJauits at 622 N. 18th St U33-J18
SUIlSCHini ; for shares In the Security Hulk !
lng and Loan association , authorized cap
ital 10,0nO,0OO. N. II Apple Agt , rind Local
Treaa , Room 10 , Ware block 010J17r
AUCTION sales every Tuesday and'Friday
moralugatllltDouglasstreet Omaha Auc
tion & Storage Co , at !
HTi COLE , reliable D10 Insurance
' FB3
TJ E. Cole , rental agent ; olllco open evenings
J J. Wllxlnson , room 818 Pnxton block
THE banjo taught as an art by Gee P. Oolleu-
beck , room 'lf Douglas block 930
OST &M-1110 bill , 8 8.3 bibs bet 20th and
Walnut nnn Park ave and Poppeton nve
Return to Mrs W. A. Shropshire , 1008 s and st ;
liberal 10 ward 04519J
STRAYED or Stolen A female foxhound , 4
mo old , long-eared , plaster pasted between
eyes Rownrd if returned to2b0i Farnam St
fl5 ! lat • *
$10 REWAnD 2 water spaniels , male nnd fe
male 1 year old , iiver-colored , answer to the
names of " Daisy and Sport " Return to 814
Harney G12 20J
per sonals
LADIES and gentlemen desiring correspond
ents address Corresponding Club Kansas
CltycnciosB stamp f/TO } * •
PKRSONAL-Ollve ISrancli Is a positive cure
for nil female weaknesses Also have Olive
Brunch Pile Remedy , sure euro tor piles Sam
ples free Lady agents wanted Address Miss
Zoo M. FlrDy 104) Clark St , Oraahu Hon -AgK
for Nebraska 81 for 1 mo treatment 883-11 ?
WANT n < stock of merchandise or hard
ware , about 8. .OW or J.1.00J. will put in
11,000 cash , balance good property , AddressK
37. lice 027 28
ISrANTED a stock of general merchandise
VV from $4,000 to tlO.OtiO for cash und prop
erty Address R 33 Itoo office iOl-S )
TX/'aKTED / Coed commercial paper Ne-
V t brnskaMortgngo Loan Co , 519 Iaxtonblk
WANTEI100 lots In Woodlawn and II &
M. park or a few acres to plat near tbo
city , 417 Sneely block , 40923
"fXTANTED-a stocks hardware 3 stocks gro-
V > ceiles , 5 stocks general merchandise
stock clothing , 1 stock millinery , a Homing
mills 1 manufacturing business In the city , 2
lintels , 1 cigar and tobacco , 1 jewelry etock , l
creamery , 1 drug stock 417 Sneely block
ar > l 20
CASH paid for second-handbooks ! at the An-
tlquarlan book store , 141.1 Farnam 837JI0J
WANTED Furnlturo , carpets , household
goods , for cash Wells Auction & Storage
Co . 817 S. 13th st VM
DIRT Wanted In llemls Park betweenlEud
and Pleasant and Hamilton aud Cuming
sts Apply to the llemls Park Co , Rooms 15
and ID , continental bile , 15th aud Douglas st
CASH for all kinds of household goods at 1114
Douglas street , Omaha Auction A Btoi age
Co „ , . 2tKl
MERIIOAN'HSE for our customers who have
cash.secnred paper and real trade
Itoom 1C Chamber Commerce Oil
rriRACICAQE storage at lowest rates W. M ,
J-llushmap , 1311 Leavenworth 715
THE Hotel dept of the Union Paciflo Hall
way system uollclts storage of nil Kinds at
their warehouse In , the Ames building ; Ninth
und Jones Trackage-and urupla facilities , for
handling , etc Reasonable rates K0 , J It
TPKE cleanest and best storage In the city at
Xlow rates at lilt Douglas street
Auction Si Storage Co 20 (
ORTUNE Teller-Mrs. X norman can pe
consulted on all affairs of life Satisfaction
guaranteed No 310 N , Uth at 4:4J11 *
R8. ECCLE9. tUe famous fortune teller and
tlairovvant , buslooss , lore , marrlago and
changes C07 B. 13th , next to Darker hotel
a 20t
It NANNIE V. WAURFNclalrvoyantmod-
lcal and business medium , Female disease
a specialty ; 119 N icthst , rooms Hand 3 , 747
UlTTLESKY'S Shorthand and Typewrit '
lng School , Darker block Day and even
lng classes Terms six dollars 610d21t
" ' '
T71 J. 80T0LIFFE.
X' • Stenographer and Notary ,
Ull first National Rank Dulldlng ,
Telephone 1S1X 830
LEARN shortnand and typewriting under
Prof Omaha Commercial college ,
corner 15th and Dodge , students write from oO
to 10J words per minute In threemontbl ; office
drill one month free ; only reporting style
taught : no text books needed ; students put In
poMUons ; grammar , letter writing , spedlng ,
penmanship , free ; typewriters for rent and sup
piles for sale , Shorthand taught by mall Write
us for circular * . Rohrbouga tires Omaha ,
630 dM
STANDARD dnorthanrt schoolroom MS.YTaro
blk.lsucceosor to Valentines ) the largest , ex
clusive shorthand school In the wtst Teachers
are verbatim reporters Particular attention
paid to typewriting Mechanical construction
ot machine taught by factory expert Circulars ,
" " -
TTtpU BALI ! Furniture ot 10-room modern
X. house , or will rent furnlshedtlooation the
best , Alex M opre aol Bheely bit CU3 I9J
Olt BAL rboroughbied Myjtfound laml
IJIOlt 8ALH A oompletliphotographer's out I
ot and a large burglar proof safe ; for sals
cheap S. M. PresH South Omaha 607-121
1 TlbTt SALE first class restauranT aniTBaf
. cheap Must be sold'OT Dee , 20 ; long lens * ,
cneaprent Object , going Wit of business Ad
dress 1113 , Ufoolllce iHiri 4 21 ,
BKINO sadly tn need dMfundJ I will sell my
stalltun for } 200 , only , (65 cash , Positively
worthtm Address IljfljJloooffice , MO 19
ljlOR SALE 2 small ( safes Inquire Jacob
X ? Hernstein ; Ui H J3tli-jj _ _ MO 221
WflLLsellmy line driving horse for tlCO ;
H small cash paymenu { Address It 23 , lice
office Jj _ 53119
TTlOll SALE At a bargain On account of rc-
X1 moral from the city , III sacrltlce line porcelain
celain , glassware nnd iioil < eholil ware , all suit
able for Christmas gifts Rnqiilro , 411 Convent ,
58(1 ( 1DJ
ITIOR SALE A avhorspower Porter engine
. in good condition , weight 5.101 poundscylln-
cler 11x18 ; tor particulars apply to The lleo
office 703
FOR SALE A quantity of building Btone !
appt > totho superintendent lleo building
ITHNKcarrlntco teams nnd slnglo drivers and
? fresh milch cows for salant W. II Millard's
Hillside stock farm Horses wintered nt reasonable
enable rates T.J , FlemingmgrCalhounNeb
"ITIOIt SALK or Kxchango-Four full-blooded
X ? Jersey cows , flue driving team as there Is In
tlie clty.ono double carrlngo , ono double cutter ,
one pliactontSnyuer makoand ) one road wagon
( bnyder make ) ; all nearly now ; will trade for
gogd property and will assume ) light Incumb
rance Room 210 , First National bank building ,
M lm.TNlTouarantuels.Triist C ° - N-YTLife
bldg.completoab'.tractsrurntshea and titles
to real estate oxaminodpcrfoctud 8. guarantceiL
COMPETE set of chattel mortgage nl > -
stract books , cheap 1302 Farnam st , room 2.
a HIE Security Abstracts ot Title Co furnish
complete abstracts of title to all real estate
It' Omaha und Douglas Co First floor New
York Ufa bldg trip 12
MONEY to loan 011 first mortgages or would
buy llrst mortgage paper Italian Ilros ,
rooml Continental block 591-19
MONEY to loan on Improved property : can
place from It.ouo to $30,001 Immediately
Harris room 4111st Nat Rank bldg 7U1
PHIIIaDKLPHI a Mortgrig o& Trust Co fur
nlsli cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western office George W. P. Coates ,
room 7. Hoard of Trade 701
ONE hundred dollars private money to loan
or will buy short time mortgage or good
note , room 13 Hoard of Trade 703
rpolAN A apodal fund ot 1100,000 In sums
X. of 810,000 nud upwards nt very low rates
The Mead luestment Co .314 S. Pth at , 781
MONEY to toau on horse * , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , orgnns.dlamouils ,
lowest rates The llrst organized loan olllce In
the rlty Ji akos loans from thirty to three hun
dred and Rlxty-llvo nn\ . which can bo paid in
part or whole at nnv " time , thus loworiug the
principal and Interest , Call und see us when
3'ou wnntmoney Wo can ussLst you promptly
nnd to your advantngo without removal ot
property or publicity Money always on hand
No delay In making loans , C. P. Reed k Co ,
319 8. Uth St . ever Rlngham & Sons 703
RESIDENCE Loans flliito 7 per cent : no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attorneys
neys' fees W. It MelkleV First Nat bank bldg
V 707
HAVE $100 to loan on 'llrst mortgage secun-
tyfor two years from Jan'y 1st. or will buy a
llrst mortgage note Addrjess R 39 Uoa office
Un L _
V IIORT loans on Jlrst dais chattel securities
Oat two percent Over &rtl Howard 051
IIILDINO loans Djy , Sholes , 210 First
Nationalbank i 1 * 751
WfANTED First classi'lnslde loans Lowest
T > rates Call nud sooitis Mutual Invest
ment Co , " 1604 Farnam , tIL 781
MONEY to loan on nny1 security
tor short time at low
rates Lou est rates
on personal pfdperty
The nenderson Mortgage Investment com
pany , room 400 , Paxton block 771
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
at a low rate of interest It will pay vnu
to see 11a botoro you make your loau lllobo
Loan and Trust Company , successor to ( late
City Land Company , 3J7 South Uth at , oppo-
Blte Hoard of Trade 29IJ9
I WANT a few gilt edged 7 per cent loans O
F. Hanson N. Y. Life bid 444 19
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co Loans of $10 to
il.OOO ; get ourratcs before borrowing and
sate money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call R208.Sheoly blk,15th&IIoward st
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought , LouIsS Reed io..r 13 , boardJrade
ONUY to loan 0. F. Davis Co , real estate
and loan agents F > 03 Parnam St 7.0
IruilST mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay D , V. Sholes , 210 First National bank
MONEY to loan : cash on hand , no delay , J
W. Squire 1219 Farnam st First National
bank building 775
MONEY to loan on city or farm property ,
lleo J. Paul , 1G0J Farnam st 770
TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings
$1.000 Private money to loan or will buy good
mortgage W. L. Seiby , r 13 , Hoard of Trade ,
I' OANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
Jpor bought McCague Investment Co , 768
< _ 20ooo to loan in amounts from ( tOUOto(10uoo.
tDon C years time on good improved real estate
in city Must be loaned by Dec 15. Henderson
Mortgage and Investment Co . Room 400Paxton
block Omnlia , Neb fa52 d 29
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out dolny , and purrnaso good commercial
paper und mortgage notes S. A. Bloman , cor
13th and Farnam 777
* U E. COLE , loan agent Open evonlngs
MONSY loaned on furniture , horses and
w agons , rates reasonable City Loan Co ,
118 S Uth St , opposite Millard hotel . 732
MONEY to loan on real estate security at
lowest rates , llefore negotiating loans see
Wallace , R319 Drown bldg , loth and Douglas
SEE Bliolos , room 210 First National bank ,
hot ore making your loans 754
DO YOU want money Loans made on furni
ture , pianos , horses , eta , without delay ,
publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan
of this kind will do well by calling at this olllce
before dealing elsewhere , A. E. Greenwood X
Co . room 111 & 2J South Thlrtoenth street 231
CHATTEL loans at lowest
confidential J. U. Umlnger , 1417 Pruam st .
' ' • ' Ufll
ONEY-O0 , CO or Hobdays on furniture ,
pianos , horses , hpuses , etc J , J. Wilkinson
618 Paxton blk ry- B34
LOANS atlowest ratesTcash always on hand ;
notes bought ; money ) advanced on any
available security The Peoples Financial Es-
change , room 37. llarker Vyick 838
PRIVATE money to buyismall notes or mort-
gagea Room ii Hoard jot Trade 811
DO YOU want money ? , Wf so , dent borrow
before getting my rales , which are the low
est on any eum from tl to ? 10,000.
1 muke loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , bouses , leases , etc in any amount at
the lowest pusslblo rates , Without publicity or
removal of pi operty y f
Loans can bo made forrane to six months and
you can pay part at any lime , reducing both
principal aud interest If you ewe a balance
on your furnlturo or horses or have a loan on
them I will take It up ajid.carry It for you as
long as you desire * '
If you need money you wTll Und it to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing
II F. Masters , room I , Wlthnoll buildlng,15th
and Harney 701)
MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos ,
horses , and wagons Ilawxeye Investment
Co , Room 33 , Douglas blk , 18lh and Dodge sts ,
IK you hare small amount of ready money ,
and wish to engage In the hotel business , see
Alex MoorOjSWl Sneely block 610 19J
37IOR BALK-My 2Uh & Lake st gVocery store
. doing a strictly cash business of W5 to 175 per
day Half cosh or good paper , balance time or
trade , td N.Brown's O.O.D.,7Wand71N.18tu. ! !
! 475-H2-
_ _ _
SUIlSCftlllK for shares m the "Amencan , "
the largest building ana loan association in
the world U. A , Upton , special agent , 16th
and Farnam at )
TjWU BALE ' A drug and Jewelry stock in a
X ! thriving county seat in uorteastern Ne
braska ; will be sold chtup us present owner
mu _ _ le ve _ o _ uke cbarBe ot other Interest * .
T > AttB chance for a man with 80 or t.100 to
XV take one-halt Interest in pleasant and prof
itable business ; good location Call ai 1509
Douglas at 3d floor /V.-22t /
rpii LKAt K The Arcade hoteTSrvalpuraisS
X Neb , A brick building , contnlnlng-i rooms ,
furnished complete , city water , no competition
A fine opening tor the right kind of n tenant
Rent reasonable Party applying must bei well
recommended A personal Interview preferred
Apply this ; week to II K. Joluiseu , Valparaiso ,
Neb r.rn-10
ON nccount ot sickness wo offer the best
* mall business In the city for sale , Mitchell's ,
1519 Farnam 532-21'
"I tOUTOHS Tor sale , complete and new
X-/homoopatnlo apothecary , 421 Convent at ,
687 mj
TRIOR HALE First class saloon In ono ot the
XJ best Nebraska cltle-i only good nnd respon
sible parties need apply Address R 40 Dee olllco
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B , " , ° " *
\\T ILL buy a lumber yard It location suits
11 What have jou to Oder ? Address (1 E.
Vnnratteu , Tutyas , Neb , rwi-22t
TilOU 8A LK CoAl yrtnl doing a good business ,
X ; all compkto ; must sell before January 1st ;
linte other business Apply to J , 11. Panotte ,
room 21 , Dougtas block 05,1 I
" \\7ANTED-\lanager for Sioux City Must
II lni est 8600 In stock Salarv JlliOO Call or
address with references , I' , II Thompson First
National bank building , Omaha , All 20
71 FEAT market , W Interest Rood trade , estnb-
ill llshed 8 years , little money requited ; lncs -
tlgato , Adilresiitan , llee , 047 J
IilOR 8ALT-or i\cliange-12 shares of JI0O
. each ( paid up aud nnu-assessnbic ) [ Initio ot
Oottysbtirg stock for good lmpioted farm or
lnsltio city property •
Full lot withinD-iullo limit ot postotllce.clear
of rncumbrnuco ,
Finn truckage lot Paddock Place MI feet
trnrkago ,
lee acres.near Scotia , Orcclcy Co , , elenr of en
cumbrance ,
KM acres near Chndron , Well Improved and
Stock ot cjothlng for good lot or tarm ; must
bo clear
S. A. Bloman , laoI Parnam st yw )
JilOll SA Mi WiiU established commission
: business ; good rosnom lor soiling Only
8800 to 31,000 required Address P 4 , lleo 8J2
"I7\OR \ 8ALE-or Trade , a w ell established Book
X ? antl stationery store Rex B18 City 780
PARTIES ticslrous ct disposing ottlielr busl-
ness In any line will do w ell to call on or ad
dross W. It E. Si M. E. , Room 15 , Chamber ot
Commerce " 779
FOR PAI.E-Cheap , or rent reasonable 1 lco
house l&OxWOxSO feet capacity 11,1)00 ) tons ;
front on It R. track Inquire Omaha Ice Co ,
310 8.15th st 430 20
'ITIOR EXCHANOE Motchnndlso for cattle
X ? or horses Lock box 20 , Stuart , Neb
021-27 *
TXT HO lias something to trade fortr.230 oqul-
Tvtylnafurm in Holt county , Nobrnska ?
Address R31. Hee office 092
IflOR EXCHANGE Splendid JI.500 grocery in
. ' choice location : cheap rent and excellent
trade ; for a clear farm in Iowa or Nebraska J ,
II Carso , 417 Shcely block 630 21
IPIHSTclats Nebraska farm 28J acres , 100
J under cultivation ; this j'ear'a crop on the
place ; well stocked ; cleur , want good im
proved Omaha property C. E. Meagher , 723
N Y. Llfo blilg 4JD 20j
I II AVE $7001st mortgage paper nnd land In
Iowa , Kansas or Nobruskato trade lormdso
lllseley , Shenandoah , la , 401 21j
WHAT have you to offer tor JJ0.0W In silver
mining stock that will bear Investigation
Mlno favorably locntfd In Colorado , near
smelters , on railroad ; 417 Shcoly block 373 21
L. BELHY'S add to S. Omnha , one lot
• 8300 to exchange for horses Room 13 ,
Hoard ot Trade 290
TMPHOVED farm and city property for mer
chandise Address , Room 15 , Chamber Com
merce 779
J710R rXOHANGE B0 ncre3 clear of oncum-
. brance in strips of 10 acres , In Mercer coun
ty Illinois , for stock of goods or city property
Apply loom 218 First National bank oulldlng
ITIOR KXOHANOn A business yielding a
: profit ot from 8,1.000 to S6.onopor nnnum to
exUinnge for good city property Am willing
to assume light lmcumbrance Apply room 21a
First National bank building 783
GOOD equities In Omaha property and No-
broska land to trade for second mortgage
nnOmaua property W. It E. & M. E. , room 15.
Chamber.of Commerce TeL 111) . 821
ANTED Horses to winter at $8 a month
per head on farm near Irvlugton , Plenty
ot grain nnd hay to feed , good shelter and good
care given them ; homes called for and dellv-
ered.Y , it Homan room fl Frenzer blk 741
A 9-room house on Dodge stcable line , cheap ,
all modern convonlencos , Fred J. llorth-
wick , 21JS. lltb B13 21 _
"IjlOH SALE or trade A claim 100 acres In ono
X' of best farming sections of Neb Well
adapted to stock raising Magnificent range
Call on or addiess Woodbrldgo Ilros , 619-24 ?
FOR BALE-Cheap7walnut hlll , new 2-story
X' 8-ronm house , barn and out-bulldlngs. Full
lot , high , and sightly , fences , south trent , on
car Una Terms easy , or will trade for clear lot
m good location A. Phllpott , 1014 California
Bt * 022-21 *
\X7K have some good property , farm aud vll- "
II Inge , title ncqulred under mortgage IVe
haven't much Invested In It but dou'twant to
carry it Will sell or exchange for Omnlia prop
erty Money In It for some one Room 398 , First
Notional bank bullolng 52 19
LIST your property with U. E. Cole
ITIOR BALE Very cheap , no trades , farm
X ! 641.70 acres , see 8.18 N 8 W Hamilton coun
ty Neb , Smiles from Marquette , small Iioubo
stable , ijVOacres pasture fenced , living water ,
price only 510 per acre , 85,417.60 , one-third 183,5
crop Included Terms JJ.200 cash , balance 0
per cent interest F. K. Atkins , owner , rail
road building Denver Cole 788
"CIOR SALK Tue Tlatto Valley ranch three
X ! miles west ot Valley on the U. P. Jty Co ,
containing over 1,101 acres with line Improve
ments , for particulars apply too P. Davis Co ,
150S _ Fat lianijBt 43123
IP YOU have anything to exchange call on or
address II E. Cole , It 0 , Continental , office
open qvenlngs 454
OOK atthlsOnlyJOOOwill buy cor lot GOx
13D So front on paved st It taken soon , J ,
D. Zlttlo 810 N. Y. Life nldg 319
OOUTH'Oinana lots W. L. Selby'a
FOR SALE O easy terms , the new cottage
erected by me on George St , corner Lowe
ave ; property naslooft frontage onOeorgo st
by 150 frontage on Lowe ave For terms apply
Room 218. First National Hank building T i
IFyouwantanylots in Orchard Hill , apply to
Room . First National bank building , for
terms nnd location , 783
ITUVE-ROOM cottages ( $1,600 oacn ) . 8100 cash
. down , balance.813 per month Thos F. HalL
311 Paxtoii block BJ3
TjlOH BALE Cheap , brick house , carriage
X ? house and a stable ; to be removed Apply
to the Rorais Park Co , rooms 15 and 18 , Contl-
nentol _ block , 15th and Douglas Bts un
Tf'AUail / k WestcrrloldrealestatoBOmaha
SPECIAL valuator of Omaha real estate and
Nebrasxa lands ; ten years experience ( lU
8eay. 618 Paxton block 409 J14
TpOU HAL13-fi'.0 will buy lot 60x120 In Omaha
X' View , one block from motor line , nicely on
grade Lots In this addition ore worth (1,000 ,
and the above price Is open for u abort time
only _ 0.11. Tzschuck , care Omaha Hee 761
SOUTH Omaha lots W. U. Selby sadd * 500.
SPECIAL bargain tor a few days Tleautlfill
lot tn Plalnvlew addition prlcel 1,230 , very
easy terms II , E. Cole , 0 , Continental block
andliaOlNaitli 7329 1
ITIOR 8ALU-A new house Just being erected
. on Cuming st In Sherwood park ; the house
lias all modern improvements , hard wood finish
througnouti.also , largo barn , with 160 ft front
age on West fct by JtO frontage on Cuming st
I will sell this to tno right party on reasonable
terms Room 210 , First National Rank building
THE best lluslness ,
Residence ,
Vacarjt and
suburban properties In the market
are for sale by "theoldrellablo"M , A , Upjon
Co , 16tli and Farnam 780
t , . | . . . , . . '
Tub PAcmoExriiK98 Coiipanv , Office of the
1'resldent , Omaha , Neb , December 6th , 1889 ,
Notice Is hereby given that the annual meet
ing of the btockUolders of the company for the
election ot directors , and the transaction ot
such otber business as may properly come be
fore It , will be held at the offlie ot the company
No 1216 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb , unluurs-
day January • , 18) ) , at 11 o'clock a. m.
lly order ot the Hoard ot Directors
Attest ! E. U , Along KHAN ,
WW P. ntCHtt President
Secretary D fl 13 2i > 27 J 2.
I.- Muiiu- .
TV1KH0HANT8 and Public in General : That
J.1X on and after this date I will not pay or be
reaoo ntlbld f or auy bills or debts contracted by
any one unless ordered by me personally ,
Dec I6tb , 1S3J , JOUN E. KnowiKS ,
1'J S4l
Notlco to Printers , nook til net cm antt
Scnttoncr * .
Sealed Proposals will be received at the ofrtce
ot County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska , un
til 2 p. m. , raturd ) - . Dee 28th A. D. 1881.
For furnishing said ronntr with blank lwoksi
all kinds of Stationary , lithographing , book
binding , district court otr dockets and nil ether
printed work which may be required by said
county for the year ot IrW Samples ot said
worknnd stationary ran be seen at said clerks
onice also , estimated quantity of each requlrod
may bo nsertatned A cortllled check for 810U
nin t accompany each old
The Hoard reserres the right to reject nny or
all bids
Witness my hand and Seal of Douglas founty
thlsch day of Dec , lsw M. D.llnt-us ,
I ) lid to 27. County Clerk _ _
tenco Stores Olllce ot purchasing nnd de
pot Comrals ary of Subsistence , H. 8. Army ,
Omaha , Nebraska November SJ , 1 D. Sealed
pioHisalslu ] triplicate will be received nt this
oftlce until 12 o clock nt conlrnl standard
time,011 Friday , December ! W. IKsi , at which
tlmeaud place they will bo opened In the pres
ence of bidders , for the furnishing and delnery
nt Omaha , Neb , the following subsistence
stores , viz ; Pork , baron ; hard-bread ; bncon ,
breakfast ; cheese , V. A. ; crackers ; ilottr , fam
ily ; hams , s. c. ; Inrdfnnd oattnoal , reeked
Prcferenco will be gl > en to articles of domestic
production ormanufacture , ) , conditions ot qual
ity nnd lit lco ( Including In the prion of foielgu
pioductlonsor mnuiitacturo tlie duty thereon )
being equal The right Is reser\ed to reject anv
or all bids , lllank oroposals nnd Bpeclhcatlon ' s
showing in detail the articles and qunntltles re
quired nnd giving full Information ns to condi
tion ot contract , will bo furnished on applla-
tlon to this olllco W. II HELL Major nudjo
BU. . B. A. 21 "SJ O 1B20.
_ _
Notion tn Uiintrnotorfl
Scaled Proposals will bo lecolvednt the olllco
of County Clerk Douglas County , until 2 p. in .
Saturday December 2Mb , 184 > , tor erecting one
Pllo ltrldgp , near the center , See Wl , T. 18.TL 11 ,
over the Little Paplo Plnnsand spcclllcatlous
011 llloln County Clerks ollicc
_ lllds to bo accompanied by cortllled check for
The Iloard reserves the right to reject nny or
all bids MD Rociik
D lto57 , County Clerk
X lUiin Service Rosebud Agency , B. Dakutn
December lth 1S8J. Sealed proposals , lndorsod
• • Proposals tor Hold Seeds ' nud addressed to
the undersigned at Rosebud Agency , s. Dakota ,
w 111 lie received nt this ngoncy until ono o'clock
of December 28th 18.V , for furnishing for the
Hosobud Agency , 8 Dakota , nud delivering nt
Valentine Nebraska , or Rosebud Agencj- ,
nt such time ns moy bo required , about
LOO bushels Seed Oats , ] son bushels Seed
Potatpos and 5O0 bushels Seed Com F..tch bid
der must state specneatly ! In his bid , the propo
sed prlco ot each article to be offered for deliv
ery nndor a contract All seeds mus'bo of good
nuallty sullablo for seed purposes In the local
ity wherorequired The right Is roscrtedto ro-
jeet anv or all bids or any part of any bid , it
deemed to be for the best interests ot the Bervlco ,
Oeiitifiei ) Checks Each bid must bo accom
panied by a cortllled chock or draft upon some
United States Depository , lnadoBaynblo to the
order of the undersigned for at least live per
contot the ntnount ot the proposal > vhlch checker
or dratt will bo forfeited to the United States In
case any bidder or tildders locelvlng an award
shall fall to promptly execute a contract with
good nndBUlliclentsurltlos , otherwlso to bo re
turned to the bidder For further information
aDplvto the uudorslgnod J. OEO WRIGHT
US Indian Agent tUdit
"VJOTICE Is hereby given that forfeiture of do-
X > linqucnt leases und contracts ot school und
other educational lands will bo dofeiied for
sixty days froui date , and that nil leases and
contracts not then paid will be declared for
feited , JollNSrKKN' ,
Com'r Public Lands and Ilulltllngs
Lincoln Dec lOtlt 18M > , dlMOt
Notlco of Annual nicetlnii
Notlco isheroby given that the moet
lngot the Rtockholders ot tne Union Stocx
Yard bank South Omaha , Neb , as provided by
ltsby-laws , for the election ot directors aud the
transaction of such other business ns may
Sroporly arise , will tnko place at the . irsc
atloual bank of Omaha , Neb , on Wednesday
January8 , lb'Jl ) , at 4 o'clock lu the afternoon
d8d3ut E , U. HRANCH Cashier
I Notice
There will be n. stockholders mooting of the
Coliseum Rulldlng Absoclation of Omuha , at
their olllce Room 40 Chamber of Commerce
llulldlug , Omuha , Nebraska Baturduy Jonuarv
Itthlbtiu , at 2 o'clock p. in , for the purpose of
electing a Hoard of Directors and the transac
tion of mien other business ns may como before
said association W. B. Lindsay , Becrc' nry
- - -
PROPOSALS for Erection of School liulldmg ,
U. 8. Indian School bervlce , Oenoa Indus
trlalSchool , ( ionoa Neb . Dec 14. IHbD Bealed
proposals Indorsed Proposals for the erection
of a school building " and addressed to the
undersigned nt Genoa Nebr , will be received
at this school until ono o'clo-k of
189 for the erection the school
grounds at such a point as may bo selected by
the superintendent , u two-story brick building ,
nbotit 40x50 feet 10 Inches , with a one story au
dition about 23 feet 6 Inches by 20 feet 4 Inches
Plans and sneclllcatlons of tne proposodbuild-
lng may be exnmlnod at the olllco of the "lleo"
of Omaha , Nebr , and at the olllco of the super
intendent of the school at Genoa , Nobr Kiich
bidder must stute specifically In his bid , the
ttmo that will bo required by hlin in the erection
of the building ' 1 lie right Is reserved to reject
any or all bids or any part of any bid If deemed
for the best Interests ot the service Certified
Checks Each bid must bo accompanied by a
cortllled check or dinft upon some Ui.ltcd
States depository , mndn pajablo to theorder ot
the undersigned , for at least live per cent of the
amount of the proposnl , which check or draft
will bo forfeited to the Unite 1 States In case
any bidder or blddeis receiving an nunrtl Mmll
fall to promptly execute a contiact with good
and milllclent sureties , otherwlso to bo returned
to the bidder W. H. HAOKUS , Supjrlnteud-
ent , u0 < 1211
uj InBtantlr reltcrref the most Attack , No n
Bt waiting for rceulte Its action in irarac'dT-U
jatanirect andoertnn ( odncureiathen iiult _ _
fn all cnrnbltt cases _ A amsle trial conrinccaH
_ ltbemr > 8ttket tical Price Mc ) and 81.UOi of |
H dratcglRts or hj niafi Trial pnekago/Vtvto any fl
mJ l'L , Mi rriM n 'i" ' h ? , 1 , ? _ * ; _ _ _ _ . ' ' - Vwlr ll
THElliyjIilJlBLES ;
nUIH7TN0T0N n0UTn. | Leava | ' Arrlvo
Depot 10th ft Mason ts Omaha Omaha
pm S } 'e7fllUl Kk . „ ails p ra 9:50 : am
Chicago Local 8:40 : p m 8S0 : a m
eSWlul0 Kl' - W'05 in 3 So
M , , , i ' p m
Colorado Mall 0-15 p m a--a 1 "
Chicago Past Mall , via V.
P. Tiansfer
4:15 : p m
KansasClty Rxpross . . , . 9c : : _ m q:1i : a ra
Kansas City Kxpress . p m oiistg
Depot 15th Webstersts Omaha Omaha
St Paul Limited ai 5 p " m [ 9:3,1 : a m
_ C. MBT PAUU Leave Arrive
Depot 10th Sc Marcy sts Omaha Omaha
No 3. Mall 0:15 : a m
No 4. Kxpress 8:00 : p m
No 1. Mall 7:15 am
No , a. Bxpress 0:05 : p m
Depot 15th and Webster Omaha Omaha
No 4 , Bt L. & K. O. Rxd 10:30nm. :
No 2. nt 1. , & K. O. Uxp 8:50 : p. m.
No a , St L. 4 R. O. Kxp 5:33 : p , m.
No 1. Bt UJt K. D. llxp.l I 6 : < 0 a. v
DWto-ffilr cr sts o _ ? K. 0 _ rih [ e .
• 'ShtKipress ! n , } ? , cpreS8 * 9"5 m 8:30 : p Jii
{ • eiU u in Oiuo a m
V _ _ tlbuled Express : . : . : . 4I5 p m lo oo a m
Depot loth and Marcy sts Omuha Omaha
Overland Flyer 7:85 p ra 7)10 a m
Limited Fast Mall 8:15 : u in 4 20 p ra
! ? ; Impress iM 5 ui 4:00 : p m
JOrand Island Bxpress . 4 : < 5 pm 12.85 pm
Ii iW ll' ' . ty "kP" " . . . ! m ltS : ) a S
• DaRy ner 8W : p m T30 ! * m
tDally Except Sunday
Depot 10tn& Marcy ets Omah
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No B St _ Uxp , Dally . . 415 ; p m 12:20 : p m
• lgtn _ - b1gr.ts. . j& f K
_ _ _
Hi ? ? , lix l .lyi:5Prfl8 ! : . - iioa p m itoo p m
SJ : . l Limited :45 : p m 0:35 : am
• Florence Passsnger „ . a in 8 S a S
• gjourClty Ac'om'dat'Q ' ' 6 : < 5 J , w y
JfJouxClty Ao'qjn'dafa 4145
• a w
tDally Kxcept Monday , _
DepoVJotM .tT
- M y . g K _
_ _ _ _
AtlantlcMallD.ll ' : : : : : Tg : gg 7 0S
V. B. * M. V. R. u ; Lelve Arrive
Depot 15tha ; Webster sts Omaha Omaha
IUack Hills Kxpress 8:61 : a m 6:45 : p m
Hastings _ ; Buperlor Ex i55 am 6 : p m
Lincoln 4 Watioo Pas * , . . 60 p m 10Uz > a m
David Oty & VpfkPass , 6:00 : p 5 ioS a m
Norfolk Pass , ; 6:00 p m 10:85 a m
' ' "T .
WM'iTrTi rirTTO
* Wm
AVcatwAnl • Ill
Runntbg between Council lllufts and AW fll
bright , in addition to the stations mentioned ! B
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty.fourta 'fll
gtr _ e _ _ anilat the Snmiiilt in Omahv { _
llroad'l'ransl ' Omaha ] tjonth AI- HI
* r- f r. depot Shtely Omaha bright > _ Q
A. M. A. M. A. mT A.m7 A. m7 A , M. iU
6:45 6:61 : :00 : 8r05 ! _ _ |
6:10 : Alt ; 8J0 : 0:17 : S.W : fJS :
61(0 6K7 7:00 7:07 7 : JO 7:33 : 1H
7:35 : 7:12 : T.U : SrOO •
7 M5 7:63 : d : ( sli : s ; 5 8n0 : „ ]
SSi 8:1 : ! H:56 0:00 : • f
8:45 : 8:12 : VOJ : 0:12 : 9 : 0:30 : !
9:35 : BU : 0:55 : 10o0 :
0:46 : 0:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10i10:35 : < ]
10:41 : lOi'J ll.iio 11:12 : ll:2j : 11:30 : ,
111(5 llM : PM PM PM PM ' .
P. M. P. M. ISrte U\i : \ IZM UiJO H
12(5 : 12:62 : 1:0,1 : 1:12 : 1-2.1 1:30 : B _
111. , 1:52 : 2:01 : 2:12 : 2 : _ 2:30 : !
2ai : 2:42 : 2:61 : 3:00 :
2tC > 2:55 : ,11116 : iit : ma . 3-M '
3:50 : 3:67 : CIO (115
3:11 : 3:52 : 4tA : 4:12 : 4:21 : CM ) ,
. - too 4:57 rio 6:15 :
4tlA C' > 2 6:05 : 6:12 : 6:2 : * 6:1 : = 0
5(1 : 6:5. : 8:0) : (1:12 : 8:25 : 6t : )
8tl 0:52 : 7:05 : 7:12 : 7:25 7:1 : *
7:15 : 7:6' : ' 8:05 : 8:12 : HabW : :
8:15 : 8:12 : 0.05 nis : HB6 : 0:80 :
0:41 : 0:62 : 10.01 10:1210:115 : : 10:30 : '
H:0J : 11:07 : | , vr } | : [ 11:51 : 12:01 : 18:05 : T #
_ ll:55 _ jfti : _ ijw _ , JLiJU , „ . , „ , wXUi \
ICnntwnnl 3
" AIrBoulnl SliToT OmaKa 'Iraus-llfrord- I
bright Omuha ley Depot f r. way )
A , M. AM AM A. M. AM AM S
6:15 : AH7 0:0) 4
6V : , rOO 8:10 6:15 : (1:27 : 0:35 i
7tO 7:01 7:15 7:20 : 7:32 : 7:46 : !
7M 7:55 : 8:01 Bill 8.3 ; 8M : '
8:0.1 : 8:10 8:22 : 8tJ0 . . . , , J
8:501 : 8:65 : 9:07 0:15 : 0127 0:3 *
SV : ( ) 0:10 : Vii : B.80 ' ?
n:50 : 0:55 : 10:07 : 13:15 : 10:27 : 10:33 :
10:05 10:10 10:3) ) J
: : 10:22 : :
10M : 10:51 : 11:0 : ; 11:16 : 11:27 : 11:35 :
1H50 11:61 : PM PM PM PM '
P. M. P. M. 12:07 : 12U1 12:27 : 12:2.1 : '
12-60 12:55 : 1:07 : :15 : 1:27 : 1:33
I,0 : 1:3.1 : 2:07 : 2:11 : 2:27 : 2:83 :
2:50 : 2V. : : i:07 : 3:16 : 3:27 : U:33 : 1
3:2. : ) 3:20 : 3:37 : 3:41 : * . %
3:10 : 31V1 4:07 : C13 4:27 : ( : !
C20 C25 4.17 : 4 : < 5 ;
CV ) CM 6:07 : 6:15 6:27 : 6:35 :
6:20 6'll : 6:37 : r.l : <
6:50 : 6:61 : 6.07 Gl,1 , 0:27 8:35 :
0:60 : 6:55 : 7:07 : 7:16 : 7:27 7:85 :
7:60 7:56 8:07 8:15 : 8:27 : 8:35 : j
8:50 8:5.1 : 0:07 : 9:15 : 0:27 9:36 :
u:50 : 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:11 : ln:27 : 10W5 !
10:50 10V : , 11:07 : or 1I'W : 11:12 Ui50
I2:5o | 12:55 : 12:21am lv 12Ml | . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . ,
Stiltiirlinn Tlino Oartl 1
l/Cavo Omulm dally except Sunday for polut *
rctweeu Wobstorst and West Side 6:5) ) a , in . 'J
0:60 : n. 111. , 6:15 : p. m , 0:15 : p. 111. i
For Portal dally except Sunday 7:50 : a , m * ,
3:60 : p. m. v
For Portal Sundays only 6:35 : n. m „ 13:43
p. m.
Arrive dally except Sunday from West 8lde '
and points between Vt est Side nud Webster U
6:45 : a. m-7:15 a in-WiOp. m.,7:10p. ra , *
From I'ortal dully except Sunday arrive 0:10 : 'iiuE
I a. m. , oU1p 111. J
Prom Portal Sundays ouly ai rl013:15 : a. m. , -s
2:20 : p , in 1
R No 2 0:15pmlA No 6 OsDam
A No 4 0:10am I ) No , 1 N(0ara : s
A No 6 5:0JpmA : | No 3 5:55p : m , '
No.2 D.lOa mlNo.5 Ii27am ,
No 0 4:55pinNo.3 : 7:11 : u in 9
No.4 8:00nmNo. | 1 6:15 : pin 4
A NeB 9(0amA : ( ! No 1 Mam J
A No.4 6:3JpmA : | Ko.6 5(5pra : "i
A No.2 10:07am. : A No 3 6:10 am
A No.4 10:25pmlA No 1. . . .8:00p : m
A No 8 4:35pmA | No 7 12:00 m 8
A No 4 0:10 a. m.ANo.3 | 5l3p. : m i
AN0.6 C:3up. m.ANo.6 ,6:20a.m. : •
A No 8 6.00 p. m. | - -i
A No 10 VillainA ] No 0 0:35am
A No 12 0:60pmA : | No Ut . .0:551) m $ j
A daily _ lt dally , excont Saturday : O except _ _
Sunday ; D except Monday ; • fast mall _ i
2 >
* $ Wi3r ceo -flxri : l
' z i
INSTRUMENTS plaoad oa raojrd during 3
yesterday * |
A D Carpenter et al to O L Harbor , lot 10 , I
blk 1 , Tipton place , w d 600 je
E 11 Corbett und husband to O Rouscarou , 4
lot 6. Auburn Hill , w Q 700 4
John Riley toJohu Kin e H lot Uand nil $
lot 4 , blk 7 , Hillside und No Ivd I 8,600 J
John B King nnd wife to John Rlloy , lot 8 ,
blk 1 , Kllby place , wd 1.000 A
John Simanok and wlfo to V F and F ' a
-Kuncel , part lotB , Uarkor's allotment , -3
wd v 4V ) , 'J
John Kuncel and wit6 to V F and F Kun- • ]
cul lots 12 and 13 , blk 15 , Albright's if
ann.jx , wd ] ,0O0 fir
G E Clark to K P. Lntspn , lot 21 , blk 3 , M
l.nko View < iod , 1 aJK
J 0 Vim Closter to a J Fox , lots 7 and 8 , , > , &
Valley place , vr d C00 4S
Miles and T Thompson to A J Langor , lot ' , § '
C , blk 2 , Fowler place , Vf d. D09 Tjf
South Omaha Land company to A B Wol- %
cott , lots , blkV , Soutn Omaha , wd 1,200 *
B L llmery to thu public , Kmery udd to _ |
blk 2. Valley , Plat .j
O O Oeorgo to IIR Downs , lots tl and 10 , M
( Scores.ssub , wd C5Q
D O Patterson and wife to II L Newton , < j
w a lot It , blicl , Polsomplni * . wd 100 _
F D MUtns nnd wlfo to S W Rauker , e H -1
lot 2 , blk 2 , Improvement Association , .
add , wd V 4
J If" Llsy nnd wife to Julia Mezlk , pt lots - 1jfj !
Inndftblkll Campbell's add wd 1,000 ml
W W Doten to F A Doton , lot 12. Lud- J
i\1ck place und lots2Jand21blk8 , lied tt
ford place , w d , 3,000 _ f
Herman ICountze and wife to I O Rene X
diet , lots 11 and 12 , blk 15 , Kountze " "If
place , wd . 2,300 M [
William Coburn xherllf , to W T Seamnh , ' _ U
ptlotlO blk"lV'Bhlnu's.1daad , deed . 1,370 % S
JH Van Closter to II M Wilcox , lot II , %
blk 18 , llanscom place , wd 8,009 JJ ,
Jacob Urbank to Albert Ky/I , a lotd , mi'
blk 3 , Improvement association add , - |
A NolsoiitoCourity o ' t " "iouglasj' ) strip M
ouwloof uwne32-10-12 , wd 60 t _ _
A J Popploton and wife to O P Btebblus , -Jem
lot 1 , blk lit Poppleton park , wd 1,667 _
A J Poppleton and wife to (1 P Btobbtns , ' ! 3l
lot , blk 11' ' , Poppleton park , wd 1,37 } ' • J _ _ I
G P Btebblns and wife to I ) R Shannon , 1) ) _ J
lots 1 and 2 , blk IV , Poppleton park , JgB !
Twenty-four transfers , , 139,713 wl
Iliilldlnn ; Icrinlm * B&
The following permits were Issued yestor- JH
J , It Webster , frame dwelling , Harney 91
and Twenty-fourth streets . . . . .I 6,009 wl
Mrs L. W. Hmilli two-story dwelling , flK
Hurueyuud Twentieth , 6,000 jfl
D. R. filmnuon , brick store , Lowe avenue qH
and Cass 5,000 ,
II , WVates two frame dnelllncs , Web . Wil
_ ster and Thirtieth , , . , 4,000 . f |
Four permits ,
110,009 _ _
Dr Howard Crosby says that the ffH
Amoricun 1b the clennost man in the _ _
world , physically nnd morally , and la am
Now York tliero la loss crime , lest S _ U
dnugcr to llfo and property and loss to , a9 |
olTourt rollnomont and morality thanln BJ
any ether city of Ita elzo ever Know a , - jX
Mites * Nerve and Liver Pill * . afl
An Important dltcoyery They act on the ' _ D
itver , stomach and bowels through tha J _ _ |
nerves , A now principle They speedily _ B
euro bllllousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver , 'am
pilot and constipation , Bpiimdld for men , J _ B
women and children Smallest , mlldBst , WM
surest 00 doses for 25 cents Samples fret : jU
_ atKut > u Co ' * , ICth and Douglas . M