Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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H Will Find Employmtmt In Three
H i Proposed Mttnufactorlos
H Most Vnlualilo Protionitlnin to Ho Il > *
H ciinRdl nt ttio nicotinic , Sntur-
H Uny Next ltcnl Estnto
B Auction
M A lilvnly Session
H President Hnrtinnn's Ravel lias as much
H lnflucn % ever the Ileal Estate cxtmngo
H members as a fcrulo la tbo hands of n deter
H ] mined l ural pedngopuo It reduces babel to
H sllcnco and sots asldo private Interests Tor ,
H thu public good ]
H After it had accomplished its purpose yes
H tcrdny SecrStnry Crary announced that
H the folloivlnt : property would bo auctioned In
H the rooms tomorrow ut 11 o'clock :
Lot 1 , block V , l'lnlnvlow , 5U\124c.uli ;
: $20(1. (
$20(1.Lots 1.1 , 14 , in , block 11 , Hertford pluco ,
307x1 * ? , * 1,00U time , thrco years from Sep
tombcr 1 , lS'sO , nt 8 tier rent
Lots 1 , 2 ntul 3 , block U , Lowo's addition ,
180xlJiKi ! $1,600 in Improvements 91,800 , duel
l AURUSt 14 , loJl
t 'lbo following lots were listed :
B Ix > t 11 , block SI , Duuont place , 00x12.5 ,
H S2.400 , cash $1,400.
B Ka&t JH fool of lots , block 1 , Isaac &bcl-
B dens addition , QUxl' 'l , $35 per front foot ,
H cash MOO
M Lot I , Crescent parti , 50x150 , ilirco-rootn
f nimo liouso , f.l.SOO , $700 casli
H 'iliou everybody comtnoncod to tiuz2 oud
H the BUbJcct was tbo coining of lnnumernblo
H enterprise * to this city 'Ilia nnturoof some
H of these many of tbo monition * feared to
H state , wbllo others told ns much about thorn
H ns they know Later the prcsidont stated
H that next Saturday at 11 o'clock thcro
B would bo a meeting of the ex-
K change nt which every mcinbor trasoxpectcd
B Enterprisingdtlzons who tvorb not mombeni ,
B oven , uro invited to bo present , 'llianro-
BS posed Industries would bo discussed , and
BS from sumo of the projectors dollnlto proposl-
BZ tlons had been renewed
MS1 Ono of these was a knitting factory which
BXwould olvo employment to 150 people mi-
BX ether u " wagon factory , which would ufford
# occupation to QUO men ; tlio third was a boot
> and shoo factory which would require several -
oral hundred moro hands , If all of these
should bo secured the laboring nnd mochun-
fl ical fortes of the cltv would bo increased by I
1,500 , men When tbo forcoof these proposi-
tlons was felt by those present , the enthusiasm -
asm it occasioned pronusod well for a hearty
fl consideration of the entei prises
Every morning uftcr the meeting of the
} oxchiiiRo thcro will bo n meeting of the
fl committco on relief of the Dukota suffarors
SB The following named have boca added to
I the committco : P. S. 1'crlno , Colonel S. S.
BMK Curtis , Nnthun Merriam , .lohn V. lioyd ,
BMfl GcoiroW Amos , It , S. Berlin , JosopU Bar
I lcor The original committco consisted of
M John W. Paul , T. C. Liruncr and F. K. Darl-
M } Next Saturday thcro will bo a mooting ot
> the sumo relief committee and that of the
B board of trade in order that concerted action
uiuv bo taken In socunng and forwarding
> Todnv It ! s quito llkolv the committee
HMB which nttended the railway confercuco at
Mitchell , Oak Messrs Joseph Barker , Jo-
HMB scph Uarneau , Alfred Millard and Uichard
BMB Uorlln will report the result of ttio confer
BMfl once 1'ho enthusiasm of the Dukotans is
HMfl reported to have been very und to have
HMfl infected thu delegation from this city
J Moro Kltvainpi
m The subject of moro elevators touched
B upon at the real estate exchange mcotiug
B Wednesday , is discussed by a prominent citl-
M zen as follows :
B "In vlowof the blockaded condition ot the
M railroads , and their Inability to liandlo the
B rush of grain shipments seeking the mat not ,
H some provision ought to bo maao to remedy
this evil and prevent its repctiiion in the
J future To do so , the bourd of trudo and the
J real estate oxchnimo , If the former will not ,
jBM can cut out work of vast material benefit to
HI the cltv and the state At prcsont , the rall-
B roads are short of cars , and taxed boyoud
BBl their cnpaclty to handle the Nebraska corn
Bar crop , and the corn is dumped on the ground
BJ In some localities nwaitlng shipment Can
BB ada and Now England uro bnro of corn ,
BJ and the prlco in Nebraska is ut a
BJB llguro so low that it docs not pay tbo farm
BJH ors On account of the demonetization of
BJH silver , BOttlumeni of the mining regions is
BJH retarded and wo nro deprived of a nourish
BJH ing inurltPt in that direction , wboro scarcely
BJH a bushel of corn can bo raised In the menu
BJB while , London Is depreciating silver und
BJB buying it at a low ilguro for export to India to
BJB enable that country to crush the American
BJB fanners Strange to say , a largo number of
BJB the people of tbo United States are blindly
BJB aiding this London schema But , to the point
BJB in question , The first thing to look at is :
BJB Orautiu should bo the principal gram market
BJB for the western slates , with daily sessions of
BJB the board of trade The troublu is the lack
BJB of clovntor storage capacity , and an open
BJB dally session of tbo board of trade
BJB "At the very best , Omaha cannot store
BJB moro than 5.000,000 bushels at nny ono time ,
BJB yet Nebraska raised 142,000,000 bushels of
BJH corn alone lust year , and the crop of this
HHB year Is still greater This hews the utterly
HHR Inadoqunto capacity of our olovutois to hnn-
HHfl dlo anything lllto a lospnctablo portlrin of
HHB our principal crop What wo want is
HHM moro elevators , as public warehouses , with a
HHI storugo capacity of 15,000,000 , to 20,000,000
HHB bushels to receive and stoi o tbo grain , to cii-
HHB nblo holders to take ndvnntugo of the mar
BHH kct , so the farmers will not bo forced to neil
HHB , when prices uro too low to pay for produc-
BJBJl Without entering into details , the ship
HHB ments of corn to points outside of the state
HHB are not less thau 50,000,000 bushels per
BJBH annum ; so , it will bo scon with the proposed
HJHJ elevator capacity at Omaha , the crop can bo
HJHJ easily handled if this city U made the base
HBB from whence tbo Chicago , Uuluth and St ,
BJB Louis railroads can draw their gram ship
BJB ments for the east just as they do front
BJH South Omaha for provisions ,
BJB Smaller elevators and cribs combined
BJB ] can bo built and operated at Portal , Lincoln ,
BJBJ Beatrice , Grand Island , Norfolk and other
BJBj transfer | > olnts , where there nre none , and
BJBJ in this way every bushel for shipment can
BJBj bo logillmutoly handled with uiousonublo
BJB ] profit to the dealer mid the farmer , provided
BJB ] the railroads will adopt the moro lucrative
BJB ] practice of tbo short haul on all car load
BJB freight loaded and unloaded bv Bhlppcrs "
BJH Under the prcsont rule ot the long haul
BJB I on such freights to una t rom distant mar
BJH kots nn additional and unnecessary quantity
BJB of rolling stock is required , und this is so
BJB much dead capital to the companies , fto-
BJB ] sides , when the rush ' comes , as in the
BJH prcsont case , the supply of coul Is wholly In-
HHBj ndequata to the service required Under a
BHB short Haul say between Columbus or Ilea
BJB trice to Omaha ono car hauling grain und
BJB lumber cau earn $25 per day , while another
BJB between either of these points to Chicago is
BJB earning $15. In short , ono car on the short
BJB run cuu make six trips while thapther is
BJB making one to thu moro distant market
BJB With these facts bo palpu ole , It is surprising
BJB that our railroads and the board of trade
BJB take no action toward bulldiug up a great
BJB elevator system at Omaha , inuking this city
BJB the principal homo market for the farmers
BJH of Nebraska and tbo west , "
H 'Jho Dakotu MittViTTS
| At the business meeting held at 4 o'clock
H the comimttoo appointed to Investigate the
H rumors ot Buffering in Dakota reported as
H Your committee appoltilod to investigate
BJB the reported distress among the settlers of
BJB South Dakota beg leuvo to report that wo
BJH have found the condition to bo such that any
HHB aid from the citizens of Omuhu will bo uo-
HBBB copied and greatly appreciated Wo would
HBBBj therefore locomuicnd that a committee bo
BJH , appointed to work In conjunctfou with a
BJH similar committee from the . Omaha
BJB ] board of trudo , with power to increase the
BJBJ committee If necessary , and the appoint
BJB ] itionta norto bo llmltod exclusively to tbo
BJBJ members of the real estate axehuago , such
BJH committee to havu authority to collect such
HBBJ provisions ns may bo thought best , and If
BB B enough is socurcd to send a special train ,
BBB providing suitable rates cau bo secured Wo
B H would ulso recommend that ouo or moro rep
B H reseutathes bo sent along with tbo train to
B H see that the goods are properly distributed
H B The above rciort | was adopted r
BHB Mr , Snolcs , of the St , Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railroad , sent word that his road I
would ship free of ohnrgo nil goods that may
be donctcd by thu pcoplo ot Omaha
How ttio Koccntrlaltlcn of" ttio Ittvcr
AITVrttH Tlinln
Omaha Doc , 18. To the Editor of Tub
Deb : On Pobruary 34 , 1837 , you pub
lished in Tiik DAti.r Bun an ar
ticle over my unma In reference to the
lands along the border ot the Missouri river
nnd ot its abandoned bed , by reason ot tbo
cutoff corthoast of the city
In that communication I made no reference -
once to the decisions of tbo snprotnn and
state courts , upon which my opinion was
Whllo tbo public attention is being di
rected to this matter by the rccont doclslon
of ( .luilgo ifrcwcr , I would like to revamp
that , articla and add some authority for the
propositions thorcin stated
"l'ho meander lines run In surveying frac
tional portions of the public lands bordering
upou rivers nro run , not as boundaries of the
ttact , but for the purpose ot defining the sin
uosities of tbo banks of the stream , anil as
the moans of ascertaining the quantity of
land hi the traction and which Is to bo paid
for by the purchaser Uy Co.vs , Schurmeir ;
TWallacu lU S ) , 274.
Urants by government nro to bo construed
according to the common law unless It has
done some act to qualify or exclude that con
struction ; therefore , a grunt bv the United
States of land lying upou the Mississippi
rlvor , without reservation , passes to the
grunt eon title to the iniddlo thread of the
current , that river not being nuvleablo nt
common law Middloton vs Pritohnrt 1 111.
510 and 3 Scam ( III ) S10.
"WIito lands nro bounded by a stream
nbovo tldo water the gr.intoo tnkes to the
middle of the stream unless the stream or
river bo oxprosslv excluded from the grant
by the terms of who deed
"Dcmeycr vs Lege , IS Barb ( N. Y. ) , 11 ;
Morris vs Hill , 1 Mnnn ( Mich ) : Boscaweu
vs Cantorbcrg , 8 Poster ( N. II ) , 1S.1 ; ox-
partc , Jennings , 0 Cow ( N. Y.,51S ) ; Middle
ton vs Sage , 8 ( Conn ) , 221 ; Gavil vs Cham
bers , 3 Hum ( O. ) , 49i ; Morrison vs Keen , 3
Grconl ( Mo ) , 474 ; " and liundrods of others ,
in the same direction
Therefore the purchaser of the fractional
lot bordering on the banks of the Missouri
river , ncqulrod title to the centre of the
stream , subject only to the public casement
for unvlgutlou or commerce See also Chat
ham vs Barnard 11 ( Conn ) , GO : Jucltsou vs
Hathnwny , 15 Johns ( N. Y. ) . 447 ; Cortelyon
vs Brand , 2 Johns ( N. Y. ) , Jo " ; also 4 Neb ,
Iliis seloctton from scores of similar cases
ought to catch the attention nt least of ttioso
who enn sou Justice only In court rulings , or
until tbuj bavo pnid the costs of a similar
ruling in their own particular case
Government lands are survojed Into
square miles ns ncoily us possible That'is
to say , rectangles of ono milo square till all
the apace in n state , and each squure unlo is
numbered and Known only from the base
line of the state and n principal mcndian "
Tbo Missouri river is neither a base line
nor a meridian
Lands in Iown nnd Nebraska have no title
whatever omnnatinp from this river as a ref
orcnto or witness , it simplv forms the statu
tory stjke line and the closing line of survey -
voy , " making fractional sections and lots
along its course
The rights of an owner of land extend with
his boundary Hues from hell to heaen. . He
cannot move his space in the world into
the space of another His land is
fixed , nnd must remain within the
space defined by the original survov nnd
grant His title to lands bordering on this
river o\tords to the state l'nc ' to the center
of tbo stream , ( see reference ) and no fur
ther This line terminates bis riparian
Tbo title and space of other parsons on the
opposite sldo of the river end hero also , aud
ivbo forfeit no rights to their original space
In tbo world by the accident of
n stream 6f water changing Its
channel This rlvor , by washing nwnv
Its banks often travels across nnd boyoud the
meander lines of Its surveved location , open
ing n now channel a long way inland , and
carries with it all the rights of navigation
and commerce ) it had in its Hist defined chan
nels This right of navigation relates to
the wnter only , not to land
Its chaugo cannot disturb the title to the
lands along Its official bed nnv moro than It
can uftect the title to the lands over nnd
across which it has become a ticspassor in
itsnow chnnncl
IJccauso law cannot restrain this river
from trespassing uoon the rights of individ
uals in its neighborhood is no reason for
pcoplo to seek to become partakers of the
The question of Jurisdiction is also raised
by this lawless water channel The stnto
line Is much moro easily determined anil do-
lined along its abandoned channel than upon
its trencnerous waters ; and why may not
the legislatures of Iciva and Nebraska ox-
ten d to each ether the couitcsy of giving or
transferring pollco rcgul itlons ever tbo ter
ritory of that part of tbo states that becomes -
comes detached from the scats of Justice by
this shifting rlvor ! Why not 1
George Smith
The bast euro for rheumatism or neuralgia
Is Salvation oil , used according to directions
25 cents
The news from the scat of war is con
stantly contradicted ; but not so from Dr
Hulls cough syrup ; every report concerning
It proves it to be the best cough syrup
icnown Only 25 cents a bottle
Illghwny Bobber Cuiiglit
The pollco made another clover catch
Prank Leonnrd Is In Jail to answer for rob
bery John Urown of Council Blurts cimo
ever to see the Magic City sights aud Prank
Leonard took him in tow , uud after Blearing
him into the wcods near Twenty-sixth and I
streets robbed the verdant Iowan ot his wad ,
between $25 and $ ,10. Tbo matter was re
ported to the pollco , with thp result of an ar-
Court Matrlu City lOlectlon
Court Magie City No 1QS , Independent
Oi'derof Porcsters , elected oflltors Wednes
day evoniug as follows : Chief ranger ,
Charles Singer ; vice chief ranger , Ed
ward * E. Conley ; recording secretary ,
Joseph Moloy ; financial secretary , William
Bronnan ; treasurer Judge Patrick J. King ;
medical oxamiuer , Dr J. A. A. Kelly ; senior
woodward , Benjamin A. Pinncrty ; junior
woodward , John McLuin ; senior beadle ,
John Smith ; juulor beadle , Patrick Shea ;
trustees , George J , Seltzer , Patrick Itowloy
aud Henry Lockncr
The court wilt hold publlo Installation in
Knight of Pythias hull , Wednesday ovonlng
January 1 ,
Messrs George J , Seltzer , Judge Patrick ,
J. King , Marshal James P , Maloncy , Andrew
Gallagher and E. Go tidy were appointed a
committco to make arrangements for lbo
public installation
Eiuinnn Clirisim . u ( Ally ,
The Emanon will give a line party Christ
mas night President Arthur W , Saxe has
appointed the following committees : Recep
tion Messrs Samuel P. Hrighaui Arthur
W. Saxe , It H , Lawrence and It N. Carpen
ter , Messrs tlollls E. Hoglo , J , E. Colmob ,
1 * . Cuudlugtou , and D , A. Pierce
Iiirnvnrein Oi > tmliig
At the mooting of the South Omaha Turn
voreln society Wednesdaynlght it was decided
to open the now liall Saturday evening , Junu-
ury Id The following committee was ap
pointed :
Arrangements Messrs II II , Uavon
Frank Iluinpert , Charles A. Kafer , Bernard
Blum and J , C. Daniels , with authority to
appoint bub-conimlttecs.
Messrs G , Kuutber and Bernard Blum
were api > ointed delegates to tha district
'X'urnvcrein , which will meet In Omaha on
the 20tb tind 27tb.
Nut cm About ttio City ,
Prank C. Marshall of the A D. T , day
force , Is lib
The third ot the series of progronslvo
liitfh-nvo parties , will be given at the Ema
non Friday utemug
About People
Nicholas Brown is In the city looking over
the field to start an Irish-Catboliu paper
J. II , Adams came oror from Couucll
Bluffs yesterday ami informed bis many
frlonds that on Sunday morning two of his
employes skipped with $50 in money
Commissioner Hlchard O'Kecffo and Oli
ver F. Davis wcro down yesterday pinning
some matters of interest with their property
on Missouri nvonuo
David MoTIgh of Vnlpirniso Is In town
looking after his real estate lntorcits
Boyd Carloy who bus been spending some
months oq his fathers farm near Chimney
Hock , Chcyenno county , has returned
Mrs , Charles F , Foxworthy of Lincoln Is
visiting her parents , Mr and Mr * . O. M ,
Mr and Mrs James Mann of Johnson nro
visiting their daughter and son-in-law , Mr
and Mrs Hey E. Hall
Mrs W. H.SInbiuchnnd daughter Fannie
have pone to Uandolpb , O. , to visit relatives
Prank ltlchnrdson , who has been attend
ing school at Lincoln , has returned
* Grnvo Cause for Antloty
exists when the kldnoys lese tholr activity
Prompt measures should bo taken to rcnow
it , otherwise Urlght's dlseisc , diabetes , or
some other organic dlsoase , is to bo npprc-
landed us a consequence Hostettor's Stem
noh Bitters is u most ileslrnblo diuretic , ' * ns
Its stimulative nrtlon upon ttioso organs
never cro sc9 the border line ot sa'otj nnd
merges Into irritation , as do many stimu
lants used for the same purpose by the caic-
lcss and uulnstructed The stimuli of com
merce , llcry nnd unincdlcntod , nro not suit
able corrective agents In n case like this
They excite without producing n permanent
ly dcsirnblo result The Just medium between
tween them and nn Ineffectual diuretic is
the Bitters , which is also n specific for mal >
nrlal complaints , dfepepsia , constipation and
rheumatism ,
'llio IttKsInn '
In Uussla , where thoio's djnnmlto in every
breath they draw ,
Where everybody has a name that almost
brenks jour Jaw ,
Whcie they double up the alphubct and
rudely break It off ,
Aud half the names aou chunce to meet re
semble Whoopluicopff ,
'lis there they recently niranged soma In-
flucnrhtl fad
That oi cry body's got to have , and got to
have It bad
Already it has found its way to lands beyond
thu seas
Its In Chicago there ! Kcrchowl 1 knew I'd
have to sneeze
Chnngoof llfo , backaokc , monthly Irregu
larities , hot flnshns , are cured by Dr Miles
Nervine Frco samples at Kuhn & Co 's 15th
and Douglas
XIM IVtRN im Snir.ET , Omaha , Nna
( Opposite I'axton HotsU
OmceboursSa m , toSp m. 8uni ] j , Ws m. , to
Specialist ! la Cnrcmlc , Iterroun.Bliln and Blood Dis
tarCoaialtatton t otnoe or bj mall fre Medi
cines sent by mall or uxpreia , securely pncttid , free
from observation Guarantees to euro Quickly , safe
ly and permanently
lions rtiyslcal decay , ttrtsltiK from indhtretlon , excess -
cess or Inthilffence producing nleepleniiess Ucspon *
rtoncy plmnles on the face averMon to oclety , euMlr
dls-ooraKed , luck orconrtdenco dull unfit fur undy
or business , and tind a llfo u burden , bafelr , p < * rmnn-
ontlr aud prtyatoly cured Consult Drs IlettsA UettJ ,
HtM Ftirnmin Street , Omaha , eb
Blool anfl Skin Diseases & , ! ?
ruaulta , coniptttcly orndlcatiMl vrlthnnt the aid ot
mercury , hcrufula erysipelas , f rer uores btottbes ,
ulcer * pains tn tbo head and t ones , syphilitic Bore
throat , mouth nd tongue catarrh , etc , permanently
cured where others have fallod
Urinary mfiialrnll , ; ! p , , ? t
Kiflney ?
. . . . oa
qucut burnlnc or bl < 5ody urine , urine hUh co orcd or
wtthniilxr scdliuentOQ uauJlac weak back.Ronorr
hcca.Kleet.cyfllltls , otc rroaiptly and safely cured
charges reasonable
C3rnBT r < l'llI ' I'UPI Guaranteed per *
O X JttlXVf X U X& l I manont cure ; re-
ranval complete withoutcuUtujf , catuilo ordlllatlon
Cures effected at homo by patient without a moments
To Yonng Men ana MiddlG-A ea Men
HIIDD Th8 awful effects of early
AQTTDD uUIlu Vice , which brings orniulo
\Teakness , destroyiiiiz both mind and body , irlfli all
ItudreadoU Ills , permanently cure 1.
HD0 TJOTTt ! Address these who have lm-
UllUi DDllO paired themselves by Improper
Indulgences and und • olltury habits , vhlcn rufn boih
body and mind , untitling lUum fur business , study ot
marriage . , . . .
MAluuEl ) Mtv , or tboio enlerlnK on that happy
tl { , , aware cf pbyalclal detillltv quickly usslslod
la based upon facts , first practical experience , see
iiud-0T rycass is especially atndlel , ibus stirtlnK
arigbt , thlrl-me1lclu 9are prepareO In onr own la-
baiury oinctly to suit eacn case , thus uStcilnx cures
without Injury , ,
ny"herd tl rents poatatro for celebrated vrnris on
chronic , nvrrous anddcllcatuoiseises Tbousunda
i urert OT A ( H.ndly letter or call may save you fu
ture autloilng aud shame , and add golden yeura lo Ufa
t No letturs answr-red nntcta accompanied by <
cents la stamps Adslrcsa orcall on
1 > U4. Uii'l'TS & It&T'Sii ,
UOa IfUBua Btrcet Omutis < c b.
State Line
To Glasgow , Ilclfusl , Dublin mill Lltrrpool
Cabin paasaiieSli to KO , accordfln ; tf > local ! > n of atat
room EitufUmttttuKU
Sleeruse to and from Europe at 1-anal Rates
ADSTIM U-UJiu Iff A CO , Cen'l Ageuts ,
M Urondvruy , .Vcur Vorlc
Jon * . Hllgf.v , acn'l Western Adeut
III Handolph St , Clilcajo ,
1U1UO K. MooiitS , TII03. McOsank ,
Agents at Omaha
M HEN mVil
H ruai HUE a.n.ral and HEUVOUS DEBILlTTi
fTTT } V Vr.aksiis of Bodyaud MindiEf/wtl
I • U MXSU of Errors erEuesus In OldorYounr
DiVsil No" . KiailOdli nillr > li > n4. How lo tolrt . , |
Bu iik iiinwi uiiriUriiiOuiii ! > ) * niiTDofiiouir , 1..I1IM. , IIOaE TULlTn T-Hu. > U li 4tj.
ra tMllfj rr a < I auu > , TtrrllarlM , ul r.Kif CwulrlM
Ihiu wrll.tbr . H vk , rulUtplMftUon , sod nr f > aJlo4
lH > lt i ( rat M4riM Ull tttCiast 60BIlfAID , u. > .
Watches Jewelerj , Roger "SII er-
Plated Flat Ware , Cutlery , Notions ,
Fancy Coods.AlbumsToy W lhes ,
ioal-Ccdlar Springs and nil tbo
f latest novelties for the hon
our largo and fully Illustrated
catalogue mailed lo dealers only
All mall orders recelre oar
prompt and best attention
Address 411-4111 K , Fourth St , St Louis , Mo-
" PSK ®
waii me waxio msus/sBirroMct/M
It can W slven tn uruii of iulTe or lea ur tn vts
ttelrawf ftH J , without the knowledge of tha patient
HMeaaary \ It Is absolutely harmless and will en <
a parmaueat and speedy ours , whether the pstlent , Is
• Bioderat6drlukeroranaleohoUowreok.ITi,4Iw\KU
VAIIH it operates so quietly and with such osr-
talMy thai the pstlent underaoea no laeonvenienee ,
aud tore he Is aware , hi * ooupleta reformation U
• ltectea * 6 pte book of particulars free
UUItN A. H0.16U A DoiKlaaaad IHtb Jk OuwlacBUi
* * 4iiup .Uti . ULAKIC UUL'CCX OO.Oasak * , * " *
IN Its first stages , can , l > o succc stnlly
checked by llio prompt tiso of A > or'
Cherry lcctornl li > ou in the later
{ ictlods ot that dl AVe , the courIi Is
wonderfully relieved by this tncdlclno
"I linio iisnI Aynt's Cherry Teetotal
with the hist oltejtIn my practice
This underfill preparation omosa\cd
my llfo I bad a constant ciiuuli , night
sweats , tvas greatly led need in flesh ,
nnd given tin by njy ] ili\siclau. Ono
bottle and a liall of the l'ectoral cured
mo " A. .1. Khlson , M. D , , Middloton ,
Several yenrtRRoI wns soverelylll
The doctors said I was in consumption ,
nnd that they tould do iinthtnp ; for mo ,
but advised mo , ns n last nvsort , to try
Avcr'a Chciry roLtoral After tnUitir ;
this inedlcinn two or tlireo months I
was cured , nnd my health remains good
tn the present day " lames Illrchard ,
Dnrlcu , Conn
" Soernl years ago , on a passage homo
from California , by wider , I coiitrnUul
ro socro ft cold that for some days I
was confined to my stateroom , and a
physic Inn on board considered my Ufa
In uniiger Happening to have a bottle
of Ayers Cheiry l'cctornl , I used It
freely , nnd my lungs w cro soon restored
to a bealthv condition Si mo then i
hav o lnvnrlnbly ri commended tills prep
aration " J. 11. Chandler , Junction , Ya
Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral ,
rmrAnm nr
Dr J. C. Aycr & Co , Lowell , Mast
Bold by all Drucgleta 1'rlceit ; sliLotties,15.
AMUHKatnxTt .
Frliloy anil Sntitrtlnj Eu'iilngs ami Satur-
tlii ) Mutlnce , Hoc 20 nnd 21.
ir i he uybst or this skason _ j
Appenranco ot Mr
And couipnuy , under the inannneniont of Mr WM
It lil.NrlwcntliiKtliiJurrat ancccss ,
by llrjinun HownrU.inlled
Prlcos rarquft and panitet ) circle $1 0 ; bale * ny
: anlk'iT , * . .Mutlnce prices , T5c nml $1. fcato of
&eai opens Thursday
BOYD'S ° figggE | sPKciMn
Sfi * i ICE & DIKEY'S '
_ 0 _ Wctld I'umous Production ,
ch = s PearS PeKIn
° Wtth'thoEmlneitCoiiKdlau ,
Oec 25 and26. GO ARTISTS GO
Ttiocr As Preseuted by this Com
rw/'tt . pnity
PERFORMANCE anTNlghtoln New York
run EJt. fl tl , Too and Mr Mallneo l'ricos , 0c , ; 5o
and tl Seats go on sale Tue day morning
The Piiii six Nkveu Diks "
ONE H16HT ONLY-Monday , Dee 23.
ThotJreat t'onular 1'avorltes.
nm/roK am ) bmh.i.ii ;
With the assistances of their ovvnSiiDero Sup
portlnt ; Company , w ho n 111 appear In
eierjbodj's favorite play ,
"Anil the Villain Still I'ursucil Her "
Uegulai pilces Seats go on sale Saturday
s S = SSKVrVTl / in name /t. / .
• nmnaapiA Perfect Alt Albu-n containing 24
1 ° Kit fe Beautiful holographs representing
Teaand Cpfee ( culture , will be tent
on receipt of your address
' CHASE & . SANBORN 1)6 ) Broad St , Boston ,
Western Dcpt 80 Frankll St , Chicago , III
"lly a Iboroueh Icnowledga ot the natural laws
whlcti govern tno operations of digestion and
nutrition , and by a caret Ut application of the
nuo properties of well selected Cocoa Mr , Eppa
husprovldedourbreukfasctabtes with a deli
cately llavored beveruce which may save us
many heavy doctors bills It Is l < y the Judicious
use ot such articles of diet that a constitution
maybe irraduatly built up until stronit enough
to reslit every tendency to disease , Hundreds
ot sutitle maladies are iloatlu ; around us ready
to attack : wherever there Is a w eak nolnt We
may escape many a fatal shaft by Weeping our
selves well rortltied with pure blood and a prop ,
erlr nourished frame " ctvll Service Uazetie
Made simply with Lolllni ; water or milk Bold
only in half jxmnrt tins , by CTOcerd labeled thus :
Has 303-404-17O- . i
has stirred up the community Never had an advertisement such an effect on Go '
' thing buyers Our stores arc crowded from morning till night what a contrast ll'l
to the empty houses who arc trying to imitate us in the paper And the way Mil
* • people buy those $9.75 Suits and Overcoats , it looks as if they arc convinced |
that they arc getting a special price on them These large crowds of inlelli- UH
gent buyers are the best proof in the world that we arc doing exactly as we pro Hfl
miscd Many that do not need the goods and only come to look arc tempted in- Hfl
to buying and they ought to be The values we are offering in this sale arc not HH
picked up every day and at every place Even WE , who claim to sell all the HI
year around considerably cheaper than other houses can not offer you such bar ( HI
gains very often flfl
In connection , with this great $9:75 Men's Suit and Overcoat Sale ' SI
we commence Monday morning a general Clearance Sale in our Boy ' s Dep- H
.artment in which values will likewise be slaughtered Monday morning we offer ' U
you a choice of several lots of Knee Pant Suits which heretofore have been selling H
at $4.50 , $5.00 and $5.75 , all of them now $3.50 or you can have your pick from " " jfl |
10 different styles of the finest Knee Pant Suits which have sold from $6. to $7.50 HI
they go now for $4.90. These will make excellent Christmas gifts for Boy s hI
Next Thursday , we shall begin to distribute our elegant Hojiday Souvenirs and KI
will also forward one with each out of town order * HI' '
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , H
I : B
sJaP vqI I < f 1 -
> yliIfe \ \ 10
/ / easy useSapII , ® in
house-cleainingSawpoltoisasoIidcaike I
of scouring seep used fora.ll cleaning I
purposes except * rheleiundiyvTryik I
The nppoaranco of a house Is the great test of the houso-wlfo * * skill Ttioso who use HI
SAPOLIO are called skillful because tholr houses are always clean You , too , can bo skillful H ]
A calio of SAPOLIO Is all you need SAPOLIO quickly cleans everything about a house < HI
Health is Wealth
"l S t-H I QltALM I
Dit.B.C.West's Nairnm > IIiiain Uiirw-
mist , ft KuarnntcedHDeclllofor llybti-rla , Jllzzl-
ness Convulsion * , lit . Nervous Neuralgia ,
lleeudnctip > crvous Prostration cnused by ilie
Nibo o nlcoliol tobacio Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , SoftenlUKot tno Uraln , resiiltlnBln
IiiHanlty nndiiiudliitj to inUery ao-ay and death
Premature Old Ace , linnnnr-ss. Iioss or Power
In cither sex Involuntary Lobscn and Speriuat-
torlirca caused hy overexertion of the brain , self
abuss or overlndulirenco Kaih box rontulns
one months tro-Uinem. fl.ODa box.orBlxooxos
forK.OD.kentby iimll prepaid on receipt of price
To cure nny case With each order received by
us foi six boxes , uccom panled with VvXb , we will
hend the purchaser our written iru&ranteo to ro
tund the money if the treatment does not effect
a euro Ouarimtuaa IhsubiI only Dy Goodman
Dmirto . Urueglsts Solo Agenta , 1110 Farnam
Street , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Mltb li'ailnr uu te j no ( sitliiK refjulreJ aentlSo
sttmpfnrcircular Dr M. Hey tinllli , BpeclU-
iit.m untutt , , ut j juis uo
MnnrtnnH BE8T3RED.
cou.loc l'r m lur Ik * * ? . Ncdous IXUtltjr , Lost
iluiouod lim trtttdlnvslneTcrjknowu rem
dj.hMalMH > TDred s simple memos of self-cure , srhlcll
Le will send ( sailed ) KHKK Co Ills fHlow ufretere
idOrsu.J.U.itLLVtS , J' .U.lJgiK.VW W > i > ikCitr
Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 So 13th St
• lO ICcxtiiii * Tor I'nticiit * . Koot'plinn OtooiiH ill ) aiul < 10. ? H
rvfATT "lvn.'V ITerlnif from Nervous liobllltr , lost Mjiiliond , Kalllnu Memory Krhaustlnt H
1U JVXJXJ l > liliJ > Drains , Ti-rrlblo Dreams , Head unci Mart Aclie , nnd nil the effects Icadloicto H
onrlydccny and iMsrhaps Ooiisuinptifiu orlnsunlty , treale I bclentlllcnlly hy ncrr nioltiods Coiisultiiilun froa j H
Catarrh , llueiimatl in , Poisonous DIscharKos , milky urlue , pilnful b\vi > II1iils qiilckly relieved mid radically H
ennd llliiitratudlmok , " 'aSoeruCirroni" lenata Hen t forl/ucstlnn I.lstcm nny Chronlo IMncmo _ cj M
IM I.YIDTVT I'PIl C llraicsnndirussen liort Iki mile.apparatus and lemvillcs for auccessful M
lJVjV\JJYUl.l.l 1 JJiO trcalineatot o ery foniiordlseasoriiiulrliiK Medical or Hnrmcal trvatinent B
Wo make a specially ot Braies , Trusses , l. 'lub 1'eet , Curraturcs of i-plne. Piles Tumors , Canror , llronchltts • B
Intaalntlon Klcctrlilty I'aralyrls , Kpllepsy , Kidney , Uladder , Kar , Mklo and Uiood and all Buritlcal Opera ,
tlons , JlnokH and question hlankHfieo
t Cll ' , A Cs7UM ? \rrk ATIJAT A BPKC1AI/TV. llnok , nrcalars and Question list on Nerv- H
IJJDl'i/VOl'ii ) KVJXlLlliL \ ousness < oiisllpntlon , .Seumlulu , Uiucorrlma , Pain lu tha , H
Back , l'rolapsus Uteri , Piles , Female Weakness , Dyspepsia , tikin l'lmplcs and all Uloail Diseases
Sypli'lix , Kcrufuln , Dull illaml , Skin , Url . 11.11y li < ea ' nml Glocu Cuioil fur IJIfo , ' H
Can bo cured In 20 to CO duys uy th
use ot the
Magic Rflneiy
Kor tale only by the Cook llemedyCo , of Oraalia
Nebraska Write to us ( or ttio names and address of
lialleiitswho have Lion cured und from whom wo
have permission to refer Hyplilllsla a disease that
uaaalnaysballled thosklll of the most aniluentpliysl
clans , and until llio dlscorery of the Cook Itimedy
I o's > ! ll A.IU Itl' .M UDY , " not one In IKty iror liavlQK
llio disease has buon cured Wo K"'irautoo to euro
uny case ttiat can he produced Those who have
taken nit nury , potash , a M. B. sucitsiilterntiaor other
udvirtlsed rciuettks , with only temporary bonetlts
can now bo periunntnllr cured by the use of the
• M AUIO Itl'.lll'.UV" of the Cook IU mody Co , Omaha
Neb liownro of ImmllaUona It Is abaoluUly Im
possible for for any ether person or company to have
our formula or any remedy like It In erred and result a
'IheCoofclUmcdr Cn.lias beta treatlm < pollents for
fouryeurauuilhavoalways given perfect aatlsfuct-
lon liter am financially responsible , liurlne u capi
tal of over 13MJW. niaklnH their Kuarantee uood , V\ •
solicit the most obstinate ittaes-tliose who hava
tried every known remedy anil lost all hope of recov •
ery Cornspondwltbusanrt letuspift | ou In poss
ession of evidence t hat roiivliicca thu most skcptUal
alark what wbatwosay- lbo end you MUSI usa
our "IIAIJIU KKMUllV" before you can bo permtu-
ently Lured It la the roost heroic blood purlller over
kuotru , VVnt for particulars All letters conlldeu-
PAIITinU He sure you nre setting ; the Cook
uRUHUn Itomedy Co'a Maglo Itetnudy
None others are senulno Parties dalmlntf lo be
aseuts for us are leipostora and frauds I'ull liartlo-
uTarsfres Address all coiamuolcatloni to
The Cook Remedy Co ,
Rooms 418aud 419 Faxton Blotft
f j.Q .1 Nafe sure soJ alvsys r lslle Laalea aal ,
Yff UmcsUt t < * UUsni red U.UUIC
Jf U m. Meted ehb LttM rlbbea Take ao tken
B Hal 4c. ( ils.1 ht peilteuUis ul "JlUleT fef
IT I ale < 'lal.lUrl > yr tara > aalL/'w.iu
C CJl.lc4e.Urtl.eia.Cfc. HUW.B , rklU-b
I3JtTi3 C'3 EITiJa353. , ?
H.W.C0B. l3iH&D0DO hia OMAHA NEB "IH
rou iits TuauTurjcr or xvu ? Ll
B stTa < lliUasAjipararusaadBemeaiesforBuccessf ! * - ' ! B
Treatmeat of svarr form of Dteaasa requiring Sa al
OaaraarAttsodaacs Best AteommodatJoes la Wast , Ma al
tCTWRITE J0R OIROULAIta oa D.formlUss aa4 ' !
grates Xruaats , Club Fast , Oufvatar.s of bpins.rilaa , ill LB
Tumors , Caner , OsUxrh Bicachdls , lahalstlea TaH
OalyBeUaMaMedioUIasUtutamskiafaBre.laJtysl 1 > H
AllUlee * Dbwu sae.euf ally treetet , BrUlllll relaea MaH
remeTsaCreaUetysi.i > > llk..t u'e ry . . Hl.r.Un jttaH
Tr Ua tf.rl iUTITtLrOISa .
) r.tllee eaelileUltd ! J sH
ais ee Iteel.Sat ken . . . .
y ay eeri.ipoat.a.u all tesstiisalse J sH
UeeieeetaaaUel , MelUlaferlairamBUlaltreullrea IvaH . . . , . .3 1
paeafMaellelnleTtTefires CelleeiseeiallaieraeM iBaB
tfi2 'Ze"wiu > l > , , < vmseadta J > Ua ret > rereaf , iMaafl
i00KTOMrtf.V.f. , ByMiV.Varf 1 |
, lu ) aaa VerUo/ele , vllk o.Mlloa ll.L JiaH
Uth and Oedf * EUalU , OBAHA , MKB | l