Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    TR1C OMAHA TJATTTY BTC1D : fflttDAY DECEMBER 20 , 1889 3 I
H Wheat Strong nnd Stubborn unci
H Advancing Stoadlly
V Out * Quiet nnil I'YnturoltMR Ire
Hj visions hltotv Mttlo or Nn lm
B provoment ( Jntllo Slow mnl
H | Prices Wcnk IIoks Active
H CuiCAOO , Doc 19. [ Spcclnl Tctcijram to
H Tub Urn I The wheat marltot was strotiR
H urn ! stubborn today , ndvnnclnc steadily and
B resisting ttio nttucks of tlio powerful bear
K lender * . Ttio fore-Inn situation continues to
B harden and cables from the nrlncipal coiitl-
L nental nnd Kiigllsh centers all rullect the
F same BPntlmcnt Liverpool quotes Callfor-
A nlii wheat higher In nil positions and the Inst
H London cable records an advance of Gel in
H California on actual sales Spot California
| In Liverpool Is now } ( tl lower than It was n
H year npo and California futures TJfil lower
H The bull news features today , nsido from
R cables , vvcro to bo found In tlio llfjht north
B western movement and In the liberal export
K clearances of wheat nnd Hour , amounting to
H 1M0,71 > 7 bushels The falling off In Dakota
K nnd Minnesota receipts was a , long time com
K Ins , but when the tide turned the subsidence
B wns rapid Local shippers and exporters
B bom and nt the seaboard report an unusual
B activity in that branch of the trade now
H Arrangements have boon inado nnd nro malec
HM lng for n shipment of considerable lines of
H wheat abroad during tlio next six weeks , and
H tlic.v anticipate n larger business durlug the
B Inst half of the crop year thau during the
H first hair This Is rovcrsing the usual order
H ot things , a circuuistonco due probably to the
H heavy homo crops of consuming countries
H Western Europe and England have boon cat
B lug largely of their own products and are
only now feeling the urgency of supplying
M future requirements This accounts for tlio
H continued and to most bear speculators l ho
B unnatural hardening tendency of the foreign
Bm niurliots in the fnco of the forced depression
HB of this side May wheat opened in Chicago
nt bSJio , advanced to S3 } c , sold off to Slijfc ,
a rallied to 8.1@S3 > c , was pounded down to
VM ti2c again and men slowly lifted itself to
V' 83 , ' 6c , where it closed Every titno the
H morltot got to fc3o Jones nnd his
B strung following had an abundance
HBV of wheat for sale OlTcrings wcro absorbed
B with apparent reluctance until the last hour ,
H the market taking property with a grlmacn
H like a man who was asked to sit down to a
H second banquet before getting up from tlio
B ilrst On the Inst rally the tone was soma
BS whatdifferont and the bulls were looking
HBW jnoro cheerful The market is now up lo
from the bottom Uccembor opened nt 77 } o ,
Ml ranged nt 77K ( 7 o and closed at 77 , ' < u.
Vmr January opened nt Ts , ' c. ranged at 7S@7Sj * * o
H ntnl closed ut 78 ? c 'lbugulnou yct > lorday
H was lc
H Thcro was much nervousness and irrcgur
H larlty in tlio prlco of December corn with n
B general tendency downward dnring the lirst
HVB hnlf of the session , the opening Uguro being
HVAt . " .lo , but it quickly sold ofl' under Tree offer
HVS lugs from it parry who appears at present to
HVM control the fluctuations in this future , and
HVB n2e was touched before the dceliuo stopped
HVMf The prlco rallied to lOe.docliucd ngam to ; WJsC ,
B and then becaino firmer and advanced to
J S3 @ 3.1 c and it closed at UHj c January
was fairly actlvo and about steady , but May
H > B was freely ollered nnd althouirh not much
V change In the price was brought about the
B general tone was ono of weakness , The ro-
HV coipts tiero were not far from the estimates
K but nn inspection showed only twenty cars
H of No aowrof the Oil cars ' which were ro-
H ceived The eastern marlcols were quoted
H Bomowhat easier but the export inquiry was
B still reported as.being . active and the market '
H" was quoted linn
H Oats were quiet mid featureless with the
H speculative business light in character and
B prices Indicating a general steadiness If
KB nnythlug , January was u shade flrmor , with
M sales at 20jjc , whllo May halted at22 @ I
H ' Zi ° - ' ° ho posted receipts were much the !
H same as recent averages , while nothing of
H conBcqucnco was withdrawn from store It
H is goncrally believed that thcro is 1
f • • little or no outstnndkig December
B Interest , as this montli is oltered ut iWJfc 1
H with scarcely an inqury noted No 2 rogi
H • ular was 20ji'c. ( ) . No 2 white , May do-
H livery , was saleable at 24Jfc.
H Provisions showed little or no Improve
H irent Outsiders failed to Increase their in-
| tcrcst in the trade , nnd among professionals }
H the late quiet fcelinir was maintained in full
H force It the general marital ttioro was cor-
B talnly no now feature , and in.tHo actual sit
BaBBl nation no change to speak of occurred Hogs
BBMVM little mora than held their own nnd the
BbBMS product ranged closely to yesterdays range
BBMVa of prices Closings were unclianced for De-
BBMV > comber nnd May pork nnd May short ribs ,
BBMV | andc higher for future lard January
BBBV | pork declined 5c and closed near the bottom [
Jfft figures or at $9.23 | ( ! ) .25 after selling at
f'J.22X@10. ' ! ) ! The becember product was '
BBSB almost uomiual , resting ut fS.tio for pork ,
BfMff J5b7 > ; for lard and ? 1.77 for ribs ;
Lard for January was steady nt f.i,00and
ftm short rios for the same month at1.7.3. . The
H days ' now speculation was coalincd chictly to :
| May , which sold at i9.IV0.07 for porlc , * 0.05
H 30.(17) ( ) , ; for lard , .US l. 'JT for short ribs 1
H l'orlc for the same dollvery closed at $9.07 } . ,
m lard at $0.07 , short ribs at flJJ The cash \
H property was quiet Lard Bold sparingly for J !
B shipment at $3. 7K and } io was paid torn
H few car loads of lu-pounu green hums for do-
H llvory this mouth The unsoasouablo weather
m prevailing checked the demand for meats for
B .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
M Cnicino , Doc 10. [ Special Tologratn to
H The 13ir.1 : Catt/.k Tlio big decrease in the
H run of eattla has no stimulating effect on
H prices or demand , ns that factor is offset by
H the warm unsoasouablo weather ulid the up
H preach of the holidays , hence , outside of tlio ,
H inquiry for a few good cattle , business was ,
H slow nnd the fcoling weak all around , with
H prices a strong lOo lower on such steers as
H have heretofore boon selling at (3 23 and
H under , The number of Toxaus on the
B • market was estimated at 2,0U0 , all of which
H that were for sulo sold at steady prices
B Natlvo butchers stock was also steady and
V in fair demand Stockers and fced-
H era wcro In good demand and scarce
B Shippers need not look for any Improvement
B In cattle for the next two weeks
1 or so Ckoleo . . to extra hooves $1.50
(2.1.20 ( ; medium to good steers , 11150
§ ta 1K0O lbs , W.50 < 3l.2oi 1200 to HWHbs ,
IBS * ( aoo@i.65 : ; 950 to 1200 IDS , ? 2.73 ( < fJ.0O : ;
stockers and feeders , ? 2.25 ( < lt.OO : ; cows ,
§ bulls and mlxV'd , Sl.20c32.UO ; bulk , 12.00(33.1)0. ( )
Texas steers , f J.20i3.g0 ; cornfed , 53.0-JWiJ.ffi ;
§ § | cows , tl.60 < 32.W ) .
H Uons Uuslnoss was ngaln active , with
another slight upturn all around Packers
1 paid Sy OOiSa.JO , mostly JU3 , and shlppors
13.70 tof'1.70 ; a few common sold at f IS5 ,
P H and now fancy heavy nt K1.S0.
M New Yoitit , Dec , t9 , | Special Tolcgrara to
m Tub Uce I Stocks-In spltoot the very dis-
B courngtng talk after tbo close yesterday roB -
B , gardlng stocks In general , the market opened
ftp broader and more buoyant , than for soma
BVK time Heading and Missouri PaclQo wore :
_ ; among the active stocks Sugar Hofinorios
1 among trusts , and Chicago , St Louis &
Pittsburg preferred among the low priced
M shares , were most prominent The market
Ml showed 4 temper 111 marked contrast to that
of yesterday , tbo slight advances of the open
Ij ' log Uguros belug followed by n further ap
proclatlou all over tbo list Missouri Va-
ffBi ciflo assumed the loud tu ailvunco amoug ao-
• 1 tlyo stocks and scored
a nut gain of % per
ffM cent to 70 , % wblla tbo Improvcnior.tlu others
was for small fractions only , and Heading
was hold steady at 'i i i. The feature ot
Ml the market , however , was Chicago , Bt , Louis
j & Pittsburg preferred , which rose \i ) per
l cent Sugar opeued off I per cent to WJaud
Bpr recovered only to 57. Itoforo noon tuoro was
B , a decided change In the market Sugar
' Trusts dropped to 50)i and went to 57H on a
Am Mcond bulge St Paul dropped from 70 to
2 , Missouri Pacific from 70J < to 70 , Ton J
nesseo Coal from 77'lo ' Wi , Lackawanna
from 130J to 1D0.V. Heading and Union
Pacific held at tbo best prices Orangors
wcro very quiet , except these named Tlio
nulls emphasized the fact that whllo the
market Is dull prices go down easily , but
when shorts wish to buy stocks nro scarce
The ' west seems to bo taking St Paul , Union
Pacific and Atchison The day in stocks
closed oven better than it began for the
bulls Missouri Pacific was the leader nil
day and closed about 2 per cent higher at
77 ' > f , after touching ' ! ) $ . The strength was
excellent , showing 17,000,000 surplus ever
dividends The forecast for colder weather
gavotcno to coal stocks nnd Lackawanna led
in strength , going from 130tf to 137 > f , clos-
lug , at 137. Atchison closed 12 better nt
J } ( . Union Paclllo } ( higher nt C9 f. Western
Union Jtf higher at bOJf Northwestern nnd
Iturlin ton were dull and stendy Sugar
took a spring up to 50 , closing nt 5S > . Chi5.1
cngo . ( Ins went un n point for the day to 43)58
The . total sales wore larger that for many
days , at 231,000 shares The best buying of
the day was by shorts
The following wore the closing quotations 1
„ ) . H. 4s regtiltr 12 .Vorthern Pftcldo . ! B
IJ.S.4scoupons . . .127 doproferred 70 ? .
II.41srogiUkr { ( ! , . Iiltfj O. k > , W lIH < t
U.H.414 < conpoas..l04ii doprororred H01S
Pacliluisor , 'M ill ) .V.r.ljontral 107. 'j
Cfntrat Pactllo xi \ I' . ltv K IS
Chicago.VAlton { . . .13J nocklsland WU
ClilCftnollurllnL'ton , UM XcStl' . . Tli
ft'Julncv IM' ' itoproterroil 1I3JJ
JI..I-.VW PI7 StlaitlVOmaha . H3' ' S
llllnolsCantrAl I17f doprererreu flbii
KnnsasJlc Texas . . . lW..SI. \ . L. & l : 15
LnkoShors P'j ) rtciprafjrrad Wi
Michigan , Central . n Western Union . . . M
MlsRourllaclllc . . 7ti ?
Moncv On call , easy , ranging from 3 to
7 per cent
PiitMB McitovxiiLB 03 _ > 7 * $ per
cent <
Stekmxg ) l\cit.\snii Quiet but steady ;
sixty-do i , ' bills , t .S0 f ; demand , * 1.S1J/ .
nilnniK titoclo
Niw Yonic , Djo 19. fSpcclal Tologratn
toTun Ubr.1 The followiiiif arj the rain1
tngstock quotations :
Aspen 25.1 Homcstnto ( K
lICHt ! & Iteleher 230 Morn Silver 200
Cliollar 225 Iron Silver U.O
Con Cal \ Va 1.10 Mnxlcnn 228
IleadwooilT 1IU North Hello Islo..l0J '
Hureka i ; ( 'on .TJ0 ( inttirlo 3150
KICtlsto 150 Plymouth 2Jj
Itnnd OfTerimrs
Washington , Doc 19. [ Suacial Tologratn
to J , : Tin : lJp.i ! . | Bonds ofTorcd : (710,000 at
81.27 ; $2,000 at SlAfc
Thursday , Dec IP
There was no decided chnngo in today's
cattle market , values remaining about the
same on all grades and kinds of stock Xho
market was slow to open , nnd the forenoon
was wall aavanccd before the buyers got
Into | the saddle or made any attempt to begin
the days business When the market did
open the movement if anything was moro
frco than yesterday The buyers wanted a.
few cattle and thny bought thorn moro read
ily j With so few cattle hero , the offerings
were pr'jtty much cleaned up before the
close It must bo berne In mind that com
mon , cattle nro extremely slow nnd weak
oven at the present low prices Ono small
hunch | of cattle reached $4.25 nnd another
bunch sold atI.OIbutthubnlkoftho beeves
went at $2.C0@3.30. There was a pretty good
showing of stockers and feeders , but tbo de
mand J did not appear to bo very
actlvo , and the sales were not large
The country cannot ba expected to buy very
frcoly j when the market on beeves is no hot
ter than nt the present time Sonic natlvo
feeders j sold at S3.25(32.S7K ( und stockers at
$2.25@2.30. Dosjrablo cows sold with moro
case than yesterday , and thcro wcro in
stances wl' ere salesmen thought they got
linn prices for some thing which the buyers
happened | to want The cows sold at $1.25 ®
The market was a shade stronger and active -
tivo | , ttio yards being cleared at nn early
hour ] The pnpularprlco wusf350 , and whllo
bogs j sold under that price , the proportion
was , much less than yestordav Ono choice
load ] of heavy hogs reached 53.57 , the nlgh-
est , price paid slnco Monday Light hogs
sold , at the same range ns yesterday , that is
nt , fJ.50(7i3.55l ( ! but there were moro sales at
the i latter price
Slice ] ) .
There were no sheep on the market , but a
load i was received consigned direct to a
Cattle 1,200
Hogs * 5,500
Sheep . . 131
I'ruvtilllii r Priors
The followinir is a table ot prices paid In 1
this market for the grades of stock mon
tloned :
Christmas bcovos $1.00 ( $5.10
Prlmo steers , 1300 to 10'JO lbs . 3.00 W4.00
Goodsteors , 1250 to 1150 lbs . . 3.00 ( rtJOO
Good steers 105U to 13X ) lbs . . 8.00 ( S3.S0
Common 1000 to 1150 lb steers 2.75 ( TJi.UO
Wcstorn steers 2.40 < ft290
Common canners 1.00 001.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 01 SO
Pair to good cows 1.80 < ti > 3.00
Uooq to choloo cows 2.00 @ 3.50
Choice to fancy cows , . . 2.50 ( ft 'I.OO
Pair to good bulls 1.50 @ 2a )
Light stockers and feeders . . . 2.00 @J.OO
Feeders , 030 to 1100 lbs 2.20 @ 3 03
Fair to cholco liplit hogs 3.50 ft3.55
Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.47 > < ft3.57 } 4
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.15 @ 3.55
H'peusoiiliitlvo Sales
No Av Pr..No. . A v. Pr
40 100S 12 00 20 1120 13 05
5 1172 2-85 23 1023 3 10
4. , . . . .12S7 2S5 29 1120 325
111 1135 2 90 55 1853 3 30
1 ioso y 00 1 i3.)0 ) 375
24 1090 3 00 1 1010 3 75
3 110.1 00 54 14b3 4 00
18 1237 ! 1 00 11 1413 4 25
U,1373 3 03 1 - .1700 4 25
5 501 123 4 1070 2 00
ii 715 140 1 11S0 2 00
18 1018 145 18 1122 2 00
1 1000 150 1 1140 3 00
0 1013 150 13 1027 2 00
21 1013 1 07f } 13 1205 2 05
4 1103 175 12 1019 2 10
H 1107 180 24 85S 2 10
13 1011 180 3 1050 2 10
18 1015 180 3 1180 2 15
SI 1027 185 1 1200 3 15
19 lid ) 1 67Jf 25 1030 2 15
0 1101 190 2 895 2 15
13 1000 1 90 10 1013 2 15
21 993 190 18 1130 3 17W \
14 1020 1 IK ) 31 803 2 20
0 UOt 190 7 920 3 20
1 1030 1 IK ) 8 031 3 23
23 907 I 93
1 900 2 00 10 953 2 05
31 787 325 17 1021 2 70
23 783 2 35 13 893 3 75
43 903 3 40 10 1043 3 80
3 1237 3 50 3 P87 3 85
10 900 3 00 20. , * . 1123 3 87W
21 , , 9,18 2 03 '
1 010 100 1 1150 2 00
1 1230 105 1 1800 3 50
1 1150 105 1 1530 3 05
3 1375 100 3 1133 3 05
1 , 1100 2 00
40 COS 2 25 51 597 3 30
n17 740 190 0 09J 3 00
1 BsO 2 75 1. . . 250 3 50 1
19 813 1 1)0 )
2 1510 3 23 1 2000 3 00
1 1780 3 75
1 1010 3 35
No Av Sk Pr No Av Sk Pr
10..231 80 8 40 65 , . 205 300 3 60 I
48..203 120 3 45 68 . . .833 100 8"60 I
65..221 100 3 45 53..820 310 3 60 )
00..237 200 3 47 > jf 03..200 120 3 CO I
C7..240 , ,40 8 47' ' < 50..303 200 ft 60
CI..247 210 3 47K IK..SS9 240 3 50
M..2S9 } 80 .1 47j < 01..315 120 3 50
M..329 | POO 3 47 70..22:1 : 80 .1 M )
01. . . 257 3C0 8 I7'i 59..278 JVVI 3 W
02. . . 273 100 3 47ff tW.lll7 80 3 M
61..313 40 8 47l 50 , . . .293 110 3 50
63..21 ! ) 200 3 47k 03.,253 SO DM
7O..2S0 120 3 47K < " ' 0..y73 140 3 60
75. . . 214 100 3 47)J ) IK.251 ) SO 3 60
53..ni7 200 3 50 07..250 40 0 50
03..274 200 3 50 77..221 40 0 CO
j f > ' 3 . . . .232 1C0 3 50 113..330 120 0 60
60..300 ? 80 3 50 6(1..384 ( 100 3 60
65..1103 ' 120 3 60 fi0..301 3 60
40..0301M 8 60 ti5..2S7 120 0 60
53..205 3 51) 60..278 SO 3 60
89..371 120 3 50 W..S03 2i0 3 W
4U..299 200 3 50 O0.,2r5 SO 8 60
64..257 SO 8 60 69..32U 100 0 50
70..2U3 120 3 50 63..293 100 3 50
03 < j . . .Ml SO 3 50 67 , , . .293 40 360
09. ( . . 240 SO 3 TiO 71..213 2S0 3 50
09..22 ! ) 120 DM 49..877 180 3 60
52..331 120 0 50 CO..312 80 3 5' )
(10.257 ( 40 8 50 67..889 80 3 50
70,233 ( 200 . ' 150 71..235 SO 3 60
53. . . .8.10 2iK ) fl SO 73.221 8 52)f )
59..2S3 180 0 50 ? 2..201 COO 3 62 > J
48. ; . . .292 120 0 50 07..273 1C0 8 62) ) < f
07.,1(50 ( 40 8 50 40..8S0 8 624
77..853 120 0 60 01..239 200 3 52k .
0i . . .313 200 3 50 43..374 80 8 65
02..275 210 0 50 70..199 3 55
48..813 SO 0 50 St..210 120 0 55
59..210 3 50 7t.19J 8 53
0I..01G 100 3 50 03..839 8 65
5S..385 : 120 3 50 US..241 SO 3 5J
07..293 000 3 60 111..247 II 65
01..007 8S0 8 60 55..331 8 57)4
60..323 80 3 50
PurohaHps ol' llojs Toitay
Showing the number ot hogs bought by
the packers and loading buyers on today's
market !
Armotir-Cudahy Packing Co 2,224
Omaha Packing Co 2,310
Swift & Company 207
G. H. Hammond & Co 242
Hogs averaged yesterday 272 lbs and 03 to
the car
DIspoHliioii ol' Cattle Today
Huyers , No
Swift & Company 409
Gcorgo H. llammonil & Company 40
Armour-Cudahy Packing company 385
Hotlisclnld & Underwood 37
Hamilton , S. & Co 48
Hoeker&S ' 7
Nets Morris ,
Shippers 333
Live Stock Notes
Hogs stronger
Cattle steady
Common cattle weak
J. Tlcrnry , Earllng , fa , was over with
stock , and remarked that up to 11 few days
ago the largo crop of snring hogs in Sboluy
county was unusually free from cholera , but
about a wcok ugo a car load of Dakota stock
[ pigs were shipped in and sold out to differ
cut parties It scorns those pigs were af-
footed with cholorn , nnd in u few days com
plaints came In from all around that section
that the cholera hud struck the pigs und
they were dying In largo nuntbers
There-arc said to bo a good ninny cattle
feeding f in Nuckols county , Nebraska , but
In | the immediate vicinity of Lawrence there
are hardly so many ns Inst year Thcro are
more j hogs , but the cholera Is doing consider
nblo dnmago in tlio county
. On an average , about 0110 lump Jaw is con
demned : per day
Niels Nlolson , Danuobrog , topped the cnt-
tle market , selling n bunch ut $4.25.
Kmloy Hrothors of Wlsnor , sent rtown n
car of choice hogs that topped the market nt
* I 3-67K.
AViili Uattlc
On the market with cattle : George
Clark ' , Belgrade ; Foley , P. & Com
pany.Greeloy ! Center ; J. C. Corley.Allianco ;
T.J.Irwin , Hyunnls ; Miller & Company ,
llrudshaw ' . ; John Foley , Hradshuw ; W.
Frauds , Palmyra ; Klingei'man Bros , Chad3
ron ! ; O. Hrown , Uurr ; It Suho , Oakland
II H. Koch , Jlnrtington ; M. S. Hegarty ,
Oakland ! ; T. Hnrrls , Central City ; W.
, Moncll , Ulmwood ; Minshall & Company ,
Stella N. Nellson Oannebog ; T. IS
McPherson , Arapahoe ; B. F. Downer ,
Arapahoe ; O. W. Hogers , Indianola ;
G. 1 II Warren & Company , Grafton ; A. S.
Crane ' , Ohiowa ; F. E. Kogors , Wilsox , Mo ,
N. W. Castle & Comnany , Oakdale : II G.
Siihr ! , John D. Suhr , Hooper ; Phillips Si J. .
lulawn ; J. M. McKoynolds , Davenport ;
Parsons & West G. F. Smith , Soux CityIa ;
F. E. Hlgloy , Lyons ; Englo & Mustard ,
OnawaJ W. Mills , Charles Fahtschlldo ,
Mondamln , la
With IlO-H.
On the market with hogs : Sackot
& II , Cedar Unpids ; Morris & D „ llelgrudo ;
Cronch Brothers , SL Edwards ; W. F. liars
ton , Bumell ; Foley p. & company , Grcoloy
Ccntro ; J. W. Nicholson , Marauetto ; B. .1.
Tiernoy , Anslev ; J. H. Dickson , Bennett ;
A. Loverly Ashland ; C. H. Parmler Cedar
Creek ; H. L. Messner , South Bend ; J. Tur-
noy Broken Bow ; W. T. Barston , Bu rwoll ;
Waibach Lbe & O. company , Walbaoh ; R.
Bloco , Kcnnnrd ; Klingennan Brntliors ,
Chadron ; J. Ilustio , Chadron ; Wilkinson &
G. , Avoca ; J. W. Stocker , Logan ; Wilson &
Lass , Logan ; Newell & B , Herman ;
M. S. Stevens & Company , Dcnlscn ; JJ
Doherty , Dunlnp ; John Tionoy , Eurllng ; J.
llown , Blanehnrd ; W. L. Boughn , Harlan ;
M. II Hegarty Oakland ; W. Francis ,
Palmyra ; Dalters & Compauy , Stella ; Perry
Wood , Lexington ; J. C. Goodoll , Burr ; N.
Nielsen , Danuoburg ; . ! . H. Hume , Madison ;
II Buako , Platte Center ; J. M. Dlneon ,
Platte Con tor ; JvC Carrie , Platte Center ; i
D. G. Hobb , Endlcott ; B. F. Dawncr ,
Arapahoe ; C. K. Van Buskirk , Ox
ford ; Armsvurger & Company , Ox
ford ; A. M. Johnson , Loomis ; i
Jones Brothers , Hastings ; G , G. Vrccland , 1
Juniata : C. D More , Harvard ; Joe Ceates 1
Exeter ; D. J. T. Itood , Crete ; William Gr6-
shans , Sutton ; Bank of Coin , Coin , la ; J.
Bower & Co , Blanchard ; J. M. Lamar ,
Elmo , Mo ; It II Duncan , Wilcox , Mo ; T.
E. Itogors Wilcox , Mo ; M. B. Huff
man , Nellgh ; Henry Lolsy , Wisnor 1
Emloy Brothers , Wlsnor ; Miles Cannon ,
Wisuor ; N. W. M. company , Cornelia ; F. C ,
Bliss , Howells : A. F. Stuefer , Dodge ; Per
kins & O. , Octavia ; Phllipps & J. , Inland t
Mahoney & Company , Bruno ; J. 61. Mc
Koynolds , Davenport ; NW & 61. Company
Nerd ; William Guhrke , Shlckloy ; Bunon &
Huntington , Oakland
* P UO l > UC13MA. KK13 T.9.
CmoAdo Dee 19 , l : 15 p. ra cloio
Wheat Higher ; December , nominally 77J o ;
January , nominally 7slb 'o ; Mav 81 < o asked
Corn Weaker ; December , 33'iii ; January
WtnaMay,33@33 \ c .
Oats Flrmor : December , 20J/Q2lo ; Jan
uary , 20K@2lo ; Muy , 22 ; c.
Hye 15ko.
Barley Nominal
Pnmo Timothy $1.23.
Flax Soed-1.30K.
Moss Pork Weaker ; January , $9.2JJf ®
9.23 ; March , nominal , $9,45 ; May , W.UV4-
Lard Firm ; January , $3.1)0 ) ; . March ,
$3.97k ; May $0.07k ,
Short Klbs - Firmer ; January , $1.75 ;
March , $1.83 bid ; May , $1.93.
Butter und E/gs Steady
Flour Dull and unchanged ; wintorwhoat t ,
$2.00(244.83 ( ; spring wheat , $8.0531.93 ; rye ,
$3.50 < 2.85 ; bucUwheat , $1.6J@i.0J porowt
Provisions Unchanged ; shoulders , f4.12 > 4 %
Ci4.23 ; short clear sldos , $5.00@5.i0.
Butter Dull and unchanged ; fancy cream
ery , 27 > (338o ( ; line , lS@31c
Eggs 20@21o.
Cheese Quiet nnd firm ; full cream ohod-
dars and Oats , } { @ ' ) ) { \ Young Americas
'i'allow Steady and uuchangod ; No 1 solid
packed , ! ' ® ? c
Hides Unchanged ; light groan salted , Co ;
dry calf , SJJJo ; deacons , each , 200.
Receipts Shipints
Flour , 29,000 20,000
Wheat 00,000 80,000
Com , , , 309,000 293,000
J ]
Oats , 117,00'J , 124,000
Now York , Dee 19. Wheat Heccpts ,
21,600 ; exports , ; spot moro uctlvo und
Arm ; No 3 rod , 65 > { < 3S5 } < u In elevator , bOJ h
@S7o afloat , S0@S7iu f. o. b , : ungraded rod ,
77i ! < gb5J1 . Options higher but Arm-r No , 3
rod , December , closing n.t85 'a
Corn Receipts , 8,900' ; ' exporl , 22,400 ; spot
weaker and quiet ; No 2 , 42ko in elevator ,
i'i io afloat ; uugraded mixed , 8Sftig43) < JJ
options lower aud steady ; December closiug
at 4'2 > Vo
Outs-Recolpts , 114.000 ; experts 60,000
sales , 293,000 futures ; spot , llrm ; optloust
fh-mor and quiet ; December , 29 , o : spot No-
2 white 31ko ; mixed western , 37 ( < j30o.
Coffee Options closed barely steady at
6(215 ( points down , 'alesi 49,690 bags ; Do-
ceiubor , I15.75@15.95 ; May , • ia00@iu.a0s
I spot Rio , quiet und easy ; fair cargoes , 1V.S0.
Sugar Haw , dull and nominal ; roflnod ,
qnlot , . . , f
PoJroloum-Qiilcf.Unlto/l 1 / closed attt.MK
for "
January ,
Kggs 1 Steady ; western , fSKfliWc
Pork 1 Quiet ; mess , " tiWoctod , $10.50 ®
Lard-Strong 1 nnd ulotpr ; wostcrn steam ,
$0.22'4 , •
] Hu ttr-Dull and wd.ilcf Elgin , 29o ; west
crn dairy , 9@18c ; creamery , 14i8i"c (
Chepso 1 Quiet ; western , 8ldc. (
Ht liiiuiM Dec , -W Wheat Hlehor ;
cash , 7So : May , ® i > i& , <
Corn Firm ; IJeeoinbor 27Uux May,29140.
o. . Oats-Firmer ; unshj 1914c ; May , 22 > 4Q
0 ,
1'ork Firm ; cash , $ ! ) .S7i4.
lluttcr Easier ; creamery , 3123c : dnlrj' ,
, Hliuinnicill . Dco.19. Wheat Receipts ,
230 cars ; shipments , 25 cars ; market actlvo ;
local ' millers chief buyers ; Closing : No 1
hard , December nnd January , 7Do ; May ,
SIV' ' c ; on track , SOc ; No 1 northern , Decem
ber , 81c ; May , 81t" on track , 78c ; No 2
northern December , 72o ; Mny , 77 fo ; on
track , 72i370o.
liivoromil , Dea 19. Wheat Firm ; poor
demand < \ holders offer sparingly
Corn Firm , demand poor ; new mixed wesU
orn , 4s O d per cental
Kiiiibh Ciiv Doc 19. Wheat Steady ;
No 2 hard , cash , 01c bid ; No 3 hurd , cash
Corn Quiet ; No 2 , December , 32'Vo bid ;
No 3 , cash , 2J'/o bid ; December , 32Ko bid
Oats No 2 , cash , 17 fc '
Cinclminii , Dec 10. Wheat Steady ;
No 2 rod 70 4J77Kc. ( ! 4
Corn-Quiot ; No 2 mixed , 32(333& (
Oats Firm ; No 3 mixed , 23o.
lilVE 8XOC1C
Chla.iao , Dee 19. The Drovers Journal
reports as follows !
Cattle Receipts , 11.000 ; market steady ;
beeves . , $2.73@5i0 ; stockers nnd fcoders ,
j. 'i.25ij3.00 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.20 ( < 9
2. ' , i0.
. Hogs - Receipts , 2.000 : market nctlvo nnd
strong to 5o higher ; mixed , $3.50$3.75 ;
heavy , $ . ' > .60 < 33.77 , ' 4 : light , $3.50@3.75 ; skips ,
$ 'J.0 < ) $3.S0.
Sheep Receipts , 8,000 ; market slow nnd
closing lOftiMMo lower ; natives , tO.UOC'W.OO ;
Texnns , $3.00 ® 1.00.
Moux city , Dec 19. Cattle Rocolpts ,
000 head : shipments , 320 head ; market
dull and unchanged ; canncrs , 75c@
$1.20 ; cows , Sl.OUj53.15 ; stockers and food
urs , $1.50@3.90 ; vout calves , ? ' .00@3.15.
Hogs Receipts , 4,400 ; markut clospd
20o higber ; light , $ .1.433.62k ; heavy , $3.43
( S.3.C0 ; mixed , $ y.40f(3.47j4.
. Niiilminl Stuu 1'tirdi , lOast St
. Ijouim , Due 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,400 ;
marketstead- to fancy natlvo stcors ,
H.30C45.10 ; stockers and feeders 52.00 ®
8.20.Hogs Receipts , 0,500 : shipments , 1,700 ;
market strong ; heavy , $3.00(33.70 ( ; packing ,
$3.1. -3. . 5 ; light , $3.40@3.00.
Kansas City , Dec 19. Cattle Rocolpts ,
0,000shipments,2,500 ; choice weak ; natives
$3.004.40 ; cows , S1.50@8.S0 ; stockers and
roedcrs , $2,00S3.00. (
Hogs Rccolpts 8,000 ; shipments , 900 ;
ovcrything , $1.50gl.55. (
GrocorlcR , Prmlucc Fruits , Etc
Eoos Strictly fresh , 2l@23e ; coldstorago ,
, Hides , Pelts , Tallow , Etc Green salted
hides , 4J c : No 2. G. S. hides , 3 > 4c ; dry Hint
hides , 5@7c ; calf hides , 4 li$4J4o ( ; damagea
hides , 2c loss ; sheep pults , green , each , 25c@
$1.00 ; Bhenp pelts , dry , per lb , 7@13)4o : tal-
low No 1 , 4c : No 2. 3@3J4c ; grease , white ,
4 ® Wc ; yellow , 24(33e. (
Buttkk Creamery , fancy 23V523o ( ; choice ,
20ij21e. ( Dairy , fancy , ,15@l7o ; choice , 14@
15c. j Country , fancy , 14$15c ( ; good to choice ,
18 < ? $13c ; fair , iOC lle ; Inferior , 09c. (
Pickles Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small ,
$0.00 : gherkins $7.00 ; C & B chow chow ,
qts , $5.83 ; pts , $3.35 , , " . .
Potatoes 25@i0c : for choice
Okion's 40ii7Hc. ( ) ,
Saueii Kiiaut Bbls , $1.75 ; h'f bbls , $3.83.
Suoaiis Cut loaf , -9ccut ; loaf , cubc3 , 8)40 ) ;
standard , powdered , 8 > 4c : XXXX , Dowdored ,
Oo ; grnnulated , standard , 7o ; confectioners
tioners' t A , 7ifo ; whlto extra C , 0 > c ; extra
C ( Neb , 05 c : amber , Oc ; California golden
C , ae
Beep Tonoi'es Salt , bbls , $20.00.
Hav $5.00@i,00. )
Choi- Feed $12.00.
Coiin lUc
Oats 17c.
Veal Cboico , medium size , 6@0c ; choice 1
heavy 3@4c.
Lye $1.75@1.60 per case
Live Pioeoxs Perdoz , $1.50.
Game Prairie * chickens , $4.00 ; mallard
ducks , , $3.00Q3.50 ; mixed ducks $ l.50@'J.OO ;
teal , $1.25@1.50lacksulpo ; , 5l.00@1.83 ; quail ,
$1.2. . i@l.75 ; Jacic rabbits , $4.00@4.50 ; small I
rabbits . , $ l.O0@1.20 ; squirrels , $1.0l1.10 ) ,
plover , 75ca > Jl,00j venison saddles , ll513c ( ; I
carcasses , Cr10e.
LeiioSs Fancy , $5,50@7.50 ; choice , $3.50 ® !
5.0O. |
Celeuy Per doz , 30c.
Califohnia Gkai-ks $2.00.
Salsoda 1h@4)4o ) Per lb
Staiiom 4 4 ® c per lb
Stove Polish $2.00@5.87 i > or gross
Biiooms 4tio , $2,00 ; 3 tlo , $2.20 ; stable 1
$3.80 ; common , 51.5U@1.75.
Laud Tierces Rcllned 53/c ; pure loaf ,
0)4c 1 ; kettle rendered , 7c. Add % o to } { a for
smaller , quantities
Fakijjaceous Goons Barley , 3@3 < c ; fa-
riua , 44c ; peas , 3e : oat meal , 2 ? ® 5e ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 3i4 ( ( 3c ;
saso and tapioca , 0@7o ; Lima beans , 2 0.
Cokfkh Roasted Arbueklo'a Arlosa ,
24 c : McLaugiilinsXXXX 2t5fo : German
2l o ; Dllworth , 214o ; Alaroma , 24c.
CorKnn Greou Fancy old golden Rte > ,
21c ; fancy old peaborry , 23l4o : Rio , choice to
fancy , 28c ; Rio , ' prlmo , 21u ; Rio , good , 19c ;
Modi a. 29c ; Java , fancy Mandenllng , 27c :
Java , good interior , 24e ; African , 20140.
Canned Fisii Brook trout , 3 lb , $ i,40 ; snl-
mon trout , 2 It ) , $2.33 ; clnms 1 Hi , $1,23 ;
clams , 2 lb , $2,00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 lb , $2,25 ; deviled crabs , 3 lb 1 ,
$3 50 ; codllsh balls , 2 lb , $1.75 ; caviar , J4 lb 1 ,
$2.25 ; cols , 1 lb , $3 10 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 ;
lobsters , 2 lb , S3.95 : lobsters , deviled , } 4 lb ,
$3.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , $1.75 ; mackerel must
ard suuco , 3 lb , $3.03 ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 3 lb , $3.00 ; oysters , 1 lb$1.00oysters ; ,
2 lb , $1.80 ; salmon , C. It , 1 lb , $1.90 ; salmon 1 ,
C. K. , 2 lb , $2.80 ; salmon , Aluska , 1 lb , $1.05 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $2.05 ; surluips , 1 lb ,
DitiEi ) FnuiT Currants , new , 0c ; prunes ,
casks 1300 lbs , 4'/o ; prunes , bbls or bngs ,
4jC ; citron pool , drains , 20 lbs , 21o ; lemon
reel , drums , 20 lbs , 20o ; ford dates , boxes 12
bs , Do ; apricots , choice evaporated , 14o 1 ;
upricots , jolly , cured 23 lb boxes , 15a ; apri
cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25 lb boxes 1 ,
10c : apricots , choice bags , 80 lbs , 14 > 4o s ;
apples , evaporated , Aldort ; 50 lb boxes , 0ko 1 ;
apples , star , & ? * o\ \ apples , fanoy , Alden , 51b ,
lOu ; npplos , funoy , Alden , 3 lb , 10)4u ) ; Salt
Lake , U)4ot ) blackberries evaporated , 50 lb
boxes , 6) ) i@0io ! ; cherries , pitted , dry cured 1 ,
14o ; pears , California fancy , M * boxes , 25In ,
12c ; poaches , Cal No Infancy , Ksunpbags ,
SOlus , 15o ; nocturlnos/rod / , 14o ; necturlnes ,
silver boxes , 15c ; pittodbplums , Cal 23 lbs ,
boxes , 8J4o ; rnspborrlos , jcvap , N. Y. now ,
254o ; prunes , Cnl , R Ct 90-100 boxes , 25 Ids ,
fiJfo ; prunes , Cul , R CC0-70,9o | ; orange peel I ,
15o ; raisins , Culifonild'pouilons , crop lrt9 ,
$2.25 ; raisins , Cal , looseWmscatelscrop 1889 ,
$2.10 : Galcnclas 1883 ! 8 > Vc : Valenclas , old ,
7o : Cal sccdloss sks , 7'ic *
Canned Meats Corned bcof , 1 lb square
cans , $1.20 ; corned beef , * S lb square cans ,
$2.05 ; corned beef , 01b > iSquaro cans , $0.5U ;
corned beef 14 lb squarooans , $14.00. Lunch
tongues , 1 lb round cans , $2.00 ; lunch
tongues , 3 lb round canS , ' $ .75. Brawn , 1 lb
stpjuro cans , $1.20 ; brawn , 2 lb square cans ,
$2.00 ; brawu , U lb square cans , $0.60 ; brawn ,
11 lb square cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , IK lb
round cans , , ox tongues , 2 lb round
; ans , $0.00 ; ox tongues , 2)4 lb round cans ,
t7,00oxtongues,31b ; round cans$3.00. Chipped
beef , lib round cans , $2.00 ; chipped beef , 2
lb round cans , $1.00 , Roast beoL 1 lb round
cans , $1.20 ; roast beef , 2 lb round cans , $8.00.
Potted ham , * . { lb round cans , & 5o ; potted
bum , \i lb rouud cans , $1.20. Deviled ham ,
\i \ lb round cans , 0.301 deviled ham , J4 lb
round cans , $1.20. Potted ox tongue , M lb
round cans , 05o ; patted ox tongue , k lb
round cans , $1.20. Compressed ham , 1 lb
square cans , $1.75 ; compressed ham , 3 lb
square cans , $3.75. Trlpo , 3 lb round cans ,
11.80. Minced collops , 2 lb round cans , $3.20.
Boneless pigs foot , 2 lb square cans , $2.25.
Ono pound cans are packed two dozen und
four dozen to the case Two pound cans are
opacked one dozen and two dozen to case
Half pound cans packed two dozen to case
Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to'
ocaso. . All nrices per dozen , not
14ots Almonds , lB lOo , Brazils , 12 > 4o ;
I Alberts , 12J4oj pectus , llo ; walnut 13 > oj ;
peanut < cocks , 8J4 1 roasted , Ho ; Tcnncseo [
peanuts < 7c
SAUSAon Holognn , 4di ox Frankfort , o' ,
tongue , 8c ; summer , 18o ; hcodchecso , Co
Pofi.riiT Chickens , i > or doz , llvo hens ,
$3.25 ; prlng , $2.50@3.75 ; dressed , per lb , 6 ®
80 ; turkeys , live 8ijl0c ; dressed 810c ;
ducks | , live , per doz , $3.603.00 ; drosscd , per
It , 9(14110 ( ; gerso , llvo , jior doz , $3.00(39.00 ( ;
drcssod , poribl , 8 * 9(5. (
, Arrl.Ei Per bbl , common , $2.00(32.23 ( ;
choice , $2.50 ( < ? 4.0O.
MtNcn Meat 20 lb cans , 7'fc.
Honet 15a per lb for choice
PimsEiivr.s 9410epor lb
Jellies 4W4ko per lb
Bkeswax-No. 1 , 10@19&
PhovisionsHnius , No 1 , 10-lb average ,
10e ( , ; 20 to 23 lbs , OKc : 13 to 14 lbs , 10) ) 0
shoulders , 5J4c ; breakfast baconNo 1 , Sue ;
ham sausage , 84c ; dried beef hams , 7 > 4c ;
beer tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry snlt moats ,
64 } < 3.Vfti > orlt ; hum roulette OJ40 ; add lo
per lb for small lots
Mess Poiik Per bbl , $10,50.
Bananas According to slzo , per bunch
BuTTi' .uiNn Tubs , 13o ; rolls , lla
CocotNUTS Per 100 , $3.00.
Cider Bbls , $3.60 ; hf-bbls , $3.00.
Mai'li : Suan 12)i ) ( < tl5o per lb
Candt 9 > 4@22o per lb
Chocolate and Coco 21@37o per lb ;
German dilatory , rod , 8c
Phis Feet Pickled , kits , 75o ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , $2.33 ; pickled trlpo , kits , G5c ;
ptcklcd II C trlpo , kits , 83a ; spiced pigs
hocks 1 : , kits , $1.15.
Sricns Whole , per lb Alsplcc , Pc ; CasIS
sla , China , Oo ; cloves , Pcnang , 23oj nutmegs ,
No 1 , 73c ; popper , ls@10e.
tiiNomt .Inmaica , ,1/ pints , MOO per doz
Cheese Younc Amoricnsfullcrcain \
factory twins , U@12t c ; off grades , 73o ;
Van RossenEdom , $ il.5i ( per doz ; sap Bnao ,
23c ; brick , 134o ! ; limburger , lie ; domestic
Swiss , 13@14c.
CitANliEiutlES Capo Cod , $9.00@10.00.
OnANciES Florida , tier box , $3.00c5.00. (
Buckwheat Fi.ouu Per bbl $5 50(3(5.00. ( (
Wool Fine , nvorago , 22 ( ! 23o ; medium ,
nveragc , 21@28o ; quarter blood , nvoragc , 20
@ ( 81o ; coarse , average , 16@l7c ; cotts and
rough , nvorago , 14U' c.
Funs Beaver per lb , $2.f > 0 < 34.00 : otter ,
each , $3.00@7.tX ) ; wolf , each 50cCrfl. ' - ' 5 ;
coon , onch , 2575o : mink , each , 15 ( < XG0o ;
uitiskrat , fall , 5(390 ( : skunk , rat , 23 ( 00o ;
badger 1 , rat , 25@S0c ; door skins , fall , per 16 ,
18(51870 1 ( ; winter , 12 , < t82c.
BniNS Choice handpicked navy , $1.73 ®
l.SO . , ; Choice hnna-picked medium , $1.05 ®
1.70 ; choice handpicked country , $1 501.05 ;
clean J country , $ I.501.00 ; Inferior country ,
WnAiTixo Pai'kr Straw , per lb , 1W@
2J4c ra ? , 2J4o ; manllla , li 5llJ c ; No
1 ' , < c
Bags Union Square , 35 nor con toff list
, Salt Dairy 280 lbs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
host trade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best ( rrade , 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock Bait ,
crushed , $1.S0 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb
, bags , 85c ; bulk , 224-lb bags , $3.25 ; common ,
in bbls , $1.23.
Flouh State , $4.005.00 ; fancy , $5.00 ®
5.40. j
Fish Dried codfish , 4K@Sc ; sealed her
ring ] , 24c per box : hoi herring , dom 55c ;
Hamburg ) , spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi herring
imp , , 80c ; mackerel , No I shore , $11.50 ;
fancy moss , $13.50 per 100 lbs ; whlto lUli
No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; sal
mon 1 , $3.50 ; nnchovios , 85c.
Oils Koroseno-P. W. 9 > 4o ; W. W..HK < s ;
headlight ] , 12 ; gasoline , 74o , 12c ; lard No 1 ,
44c ; No 2 , 40o ; salad oil , $1,25@9.00 per
dozen '
Soaps Castile , mottled , per pound , 8@10o ;
castile ' , white , per pound , 13@15c.
Drills nnd Chemicals
Acid Sulphurio , per pound , 2 , ' ' c ; citric ,
per | pound , 51c ; oxalic , per pound , 14c ; tarJ
tario 1 powdered , per pound , 42c ; carbolic , 37
@ 1 44c.
Alum per pound , 2J4c.
Ammonia Carbonate , per pound , Ho
AuitowiiooT Per pound , 10c.
Balsam Copaiba , per pound , 03c ; tolu , 63
® 1 35c
Boiiax Roflnod , per pound , 10c.
Blub Vitihol 8c.
Camphou 48c.
Cuttib Fish 27o.
Dextiune I2o.
Gltceiiine 21c.
Hops 37c.
Indiqo 75c.
Insect Powder 13a.
Moni'HiNE $2.85.
Onuji $3.00.
Quinine 47c.
Rock Salts 27c.
Sapi'kon Am 33c.
Sapi'ron Span $1,07.
Saltpetre 8c.
Sulphur Flower 4c.
Soda , Bi-Carii. la
Silver-Nitrate $1.28.
White Wax 52c.
Yellow Wax 88c.
Linseed Oil COc
Linseed Raw , 57c.
Castor Oil No 1 , $1.21.
Sperm Oil $1.10.
Turpentine 53a
Neatui'oot Oil No 1 , 57c.
Twines nnd Itopc
Binders Twine Sisal , 13c : Hf & Hf „
14c ; maiiilla 15c. '
Clotheslines Cotton 50 ft , $1.20 : cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 ; jute , 50 ft , 99c ; Jute CO ft , 11.00.
Cotton Twine Fine , 20c ; medium , 19c ;
heavy hemp , Ho ; light hemp , 17c.
Sail Twine B , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14o ;
manllla rope , 14c ; sisal rope , ll4c ; now
procqss , 8 > 4o ; Jute , 9 > 4c : cotton , 10a ; hldo
rope , 17c. „
Lumber nnd Hulldfiii ; Material
Stock Boards A , 12 inch , s 1 s , 14 ana 10
feet , $45.00 ; B , 12 inch , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 i
feet , 11.00 : C , 12 inch , s 1 s. 12 14 and lOfoot ,
$30.00 ; D , 13 inch , sis , 13 , 14 und 10 feet
$23.00 ; No 1 com 13 in , sis , 12 foot , $18.00 ;
No 2 com 12 ' in , b 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $17.50 ®
18.50 ; No 1' com 12 In , sis , 10 18 nnd 20 i
feet , $13.50 ; No 2 com 12 m , s 1 s , 14 aud 10
feet , $17.00.
Poplar Lumiier Clear poplar box bds , Vi
In , b 2 b. $35.00 ; clear poplar , % panel , $30.00 ; I
clear poplar , s , i in panel , $25.00 ; clear poplar ,
K in panel stocK wide , s2s , $23.00 ; clear '
poplar corrugated coiling , % , $29.00.
Posts Whlto cedar , 0 in halves , 12owhlta ; I
cedar , 5)4 In halves and 8 in quarters , lie ;
whlto cedar , 4 In round , Ida ; Tonuassca red
cedar , split , lOo ; split oak , whlto , 80 ; sawed
oak , 18c. •
Siiip'L\p No I plain , 8 and 18 In , $17.50 ;
No 2 plain , 8 nnd 10 in , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G ,
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 }
2x0.il5 0015UO 1500 1000 1000 1800 18 00 )
2X8.- . .15O015OO 15 00 10001000 1800 18 00
2X10..15 00 10 00 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800 !
2X12..15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 )
14x43x8.10 00 10 00 1U 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 19 00 )
Fehcino Nol , 4 nnd 0 in , 13 and lift ,
rough $10.00@10.50 ; No l,4ond 01n,10 ft ,
$17.0O17.50 ; No 2 , 4 andO Id , 13 and 10 ft ,
$13.5014.00 : No 2 , 4 and 0 In , 10 ft , $15.00 '
® 10.00.
Finishing 1st and 2d clouri Inch , s 2 s.
$19.0051.00 ; 1st und 2d clear , VA aud 2 Inch ,
s 2 s , $17.0050.00 ; 3d clear , lj/Inch , 8 2 s ,
$43.0O40.00 ; B select U ( . VA and 2 inch , b ;
2 s , $37.00(333.00 ( ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 Inch , s 2 ]
s , $15.00 ; 3d clear , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $311 00 ; A so -
ivct , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $31,00 ; 11 select , 1 Inch , s 3 ;
s , $30.00
Battens , Well Tuihno , Pickets O , O.
Baits , 2 > 4 inch , 00o : O. G. Butts , 2 > 43 , ss ,
35u ; ii-m woil tubing , D. & M. und boy ;
$23.00 : pickets , D. & II , Hat , $80,00 ; pickets ,
D. & II , , square , $19.00.
Flooring 1st com Olnch white plno ,
$34 00 ; 2d com 0 In whlto Pine , $31.00 ; 3d j
com 0-in white piao , $20.00 ; D com 0-ln whlto
pine , (20.00 ; com4 und ( Jin .vollow plno ,
$15.00 ; Star 4-in yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and
3d clear yellow plno , 4 und fl-ln , $19.00.
Shingles Per M Xjl clear , $3.80 ; extra
* A * . $2.80 ; stoudard A , $8.40 ; 5 Inch clear ,
$1.0031.70 ; 0 Inch clear , $1.75@1.80 ; No 1 ,
$1.10t , 15 ; clear red cedar , mixed widths ,
from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California
red wood , dimension widths , $1.60 ; oypress ,
clear heart , dimension widths , $8.25 ; laths i ,
Boards No 1 com , sis , 12,14 and 10 ft ,
$18.00 ; No 2 , do , $15.0J ; No 8 , do , $14.00 l ;
No 4 , do , ( ships cull ) , $11.00. Add SOc per
Mit for rough
Ceiling and Partition 1st com 9In
whlto pine partition $38.00 ; 2d coma
whlto plno partition , $37 00 ; clear > 4-In yellow
plno coiling , $20.00 ; clear JiMu Norway ? ,
$13.60 ; 2d com ; Vin Norway , $12.50.
Liue Best , 80c.
Cement -$1.25.
Plaster $2.20.
Hair 20a
Buildino Brick Common , $0.007,50 per
M ; solccted , $7.50(39.00 ( perM ; sewer brick
$9.00@10.00 per M.
Sauu CO per cent discount
Doors , Blinds axd Mouldings 50 and
10 per cent off
Tiimfin Felt $2,00 per owt
Straw Board $1.40 per cwt ,
Thn Itlcn Crop
New York , Dsa 19 , [ Special to Tun
Bee.I i The harvesting of the rico crop Is
not only completed , but Us threshing nnd
milling so far advanced thattho outcome can
. . .
now ! bo nccurntoly determined , Enrllor estimates
timates nre more than fultlllud , except In the
case of Georgia ; the falling away In that
state , however , Is made up by gains In the
Carolina , * . Tbo total product along tbo At
lantic coast Is 100,000 barrels , ns against 115-
OOObarrols lastycnr The yield ( cleaned ) of
the rcspcctlvo states Is ns follows ! North
Carolina , 23,500 barrels ; South Cnrollnn ,
103,000 , barrels ; Georgia , 02,600barrels. Lou
isiana turns out much hotter than expected
ln , the onny hnrvost and the yield will fully
equal that of last year The entlro crop was
cut nnd housed under unusually fnvornblo
circumstances and It Is therefore In better
shiipo for carriage than for sovcrnlyenis
past The quality is of high order ln the
Carollnns ; fair to good In Louisiana l > ros-
cut range of vnluo is 54 cent to 1 cent
per pound below importation cost of equal
f.railes . of foreign rico Wo have the follow
jj tabic from Messrs Dan Tnlmago's Sons ,
New York , setting forth the total consump-
Hon of rico In the United States for the past
seven years :
Domestic Imported
bbls bags ,
1SS3 390,000 351,100
1SS3 325,000 37S.30O
1SS4 410,000 333,000
1835 000.000 240.400
1SS0 ! 015,000 20S.O0O
1SS7 ! 443,000 410,000
ISmS 40V0OO 491,600 ,
1SS9 ( estimated ) 515,000
Of annual Imports , 130HM , ( to 175,000 bngs
entered nnd consumed 011 the Pncilla coast ;
nnionnt In excess thereof entered for con
sumption In ports on the Atlantic coast As
will bo noted the annual consumption Is
steadily increasing , having Inst yenr reached
950,000 ; packages ( Dags 224 pounds en and
barrels 230 to 850 pounds ca ) As tlio de
mand is running 111 advance of last year It Is
anticlnntcd that the Imports of foreign this
year will bo nearly or quito us much us these
otlSSS Of those , thd quantity above men
tioned will bo used oa the Pacillu coast , and
250,000 to 300.0.H ) bags on the Atlantic coast
for , trade requirements cast of the Rocky
Provisions I I i Stocks
Basement First National Bank
_ 805 South 13tli Street , - Oumlm ;
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - 40,000
Officers and Directors E. M. Morsoman , O
tl Hitchcock , tos OurneauJr , A. Henry K
MAnderson Win oManl v nres : ; h. II Will
alms , A. P. Hopkins pres ; A. Millard , casnler ;
1U. ' . liryant , assistant cashier
Capital I . . $100,000 i
Surplus l Jan 1st , 1SS9 . ' 2,000
He.niiv J AV Yates , President
Lewis 8. Mr.nii , VIce lresldeut
JoiisS Coixtss
\V. II S. IludiiKf , Cashier
. Cor ] 2th and Farniun Sts
A General Uanklui ; Dullness 3. ransatcd
Correspondence solicited
NW Harris & Company , Bankers ,
IO3-I03 Dearborn Street , CHICACO
70 Bloto Strnat BOSTON .
f > m IIBl Morphine Habit Cured
BiUlHinffl AT I10MB WITHOUT 1MIJJ. 1'ay-
Bir I BIlVB ments easy , and costs leas than
Ul I UIIVB to contlniio the linblt
211 Jambs Huiidino Kansas Ciiv , Mo
Tffi WEAK CM ? , ? &
0 ( LB - ill fcjB'Si'orf.mily ilcc-ny , l. > t
> i nfiSralitc I iff"iaualm.llolrc llio ( oK.I ;
rontalnlns full iialtlciilars tat lionio cuiv , mc ol
C P 0F. F. ' ct'l OWLER , Moodus , Conn
Boots and Shooa
Bucccsson to llocd , Jones & Co
Wholesale Mannfaclurers of Boots & Sloes J
Agents lor nn ionnubbcrBliooro..llCC.I10 imdlI08
Il&raejr street Umahn , NebrnskH
' WSCS *
SiOIiZ& ILBlt ,
Laser Beer Brewers
lat'Worth Klulilecnth Btrtet , Omailu , Kobr t .
MaMfactars . , of Galvanize ! Iran Cornice
WlnJuw-c p anJ motutlloikrllKtals Julia ISpencler ,
l < roprllur liMauillUBuutU iota mreet
Steam Flttlngi Pumps , Eto
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
t9am , vrcr ! rallwAr nnd lulnlntr auppllei , etc
Kj , H" 1 nnd wi VarDBin tlreai , Oiniilin
Steam and Water Supplies
lUlllday win ] 111III1 , 018 and ilSJonoi itOmnha
Uy Hon , Acting Muntiter ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
fhsol-lron wor' < . itc ra pumpi i w ullh U13-1216
lA'aTCimortlmreed Qualm
Iron Worke :
WrongM and Cast Iron Bnildiug WorK
KnvlneMrsu work , general ( oundrr marhins and ;
biacktulib work , ( inico and worki U. r. Ur ,
and lttU ureet , Dmilitt
OMAHA WlftH * matt WOllKS ,
Mannfacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Lleik ihIIi , wlnJow uu rJ . flower > Unil > , wlr aiU | > ,
etc la Nona 1'illi ' ttrcol , Oniaba
Hanf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes I t ,
Vaults , Jail wori , Iron utiuttur and M c cpii
a. Anilraeu , prop r. Cor Hill aud Jajmon Bli
gash Peers , Etc
M. A , DlSimOW A CO ,
Wboleial * manufaoturera of
M , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings
Urauch omw , ma anil Itard itrtett Oaiaba , Nel . '
" "
Of Mb Omatia , Limited
_ AgrlouluirnMmplomont8j
< - >
Agricnlt'l 1 ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
lliignlc tto AVhole lo Omalia , Ncliratta
MOMXE , Mir.TlUllN . uroDDARD CO * .
Xanufarlurpni and .lobbrrsln
Wagons , Baggies , Rikcs , Plows , Eta
Cor.Vih niuH'AClllo Unit . , Omnln
* rii2i9J Motorlala
A. ilOSPhCjr ,
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IMS | lou < ln atreet.Omaha , Nebraala
? • - '
Boots jtnd ShooB
w v7mousu A CO ,
JoIiIisb of Boots and Snoei •
101. 1 im llOJliauiilai ! tr.'i't , Omaha , Manufactorf ,
. Biiinii > rrsirF l , rn < tiin
' , ,53 *
Ooal , Coke , EtO ; ,
Miners and Shippers of Coal and Coke
UbOmSHI 8. National llank Itulhtlnit , Oinnha
Jobbers of Hard aad Soft Coal
. Oa Boulh ISth > lrf et , Omalia Kcbraaka
Shippers of Coal and Coie :
. 311 South Hfi .ireet , Omaha , Nebraska
Commission and swrngo
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpeclaltlcj-lluitor , ! sc . ohcci > i > . pnnltrr , uur.'a ,
1I1J llowaidattvct Omaha , Neb
: 1
' 8 f5' ! „
Wliolcsale Cigars ?
mNorth Cth StreetOmaha , Neh ' • Hello US } ,
: ' .
Ory Oooda and Notions
M. E. SMITH Jt do ' . ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
IIM and 1101 l > ouilit , cor llth .Iroct , Omaba , Neb
Importers &Jobbersin DrrGoodj , Notions
Qenta'Kurnlnhlnii flooli ( Virnir lllh anil , Uarnejr
; atrcota , Omaha , Nabrnskn
r , 3
" Furniture
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
fe'arnam atreat , Omaha , Nobraaxa
" "
Omnha , cbra ka 1
'i ' z
Wholesale Grocers
Ulh and Lenvenn'crth ftr 'ot" , Omaha Nebraska
I >
Hardware . . ,
.rj %
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel .
Springs , wage slock Jnrirrniv Iiimbar , utc 1209
Jill lluruejstre * t , Omaha *
Builflers * Harflware and Scale Repair SHop i
Ilccbaulca Tools and llnlTalo Boles 11 % Douglas f
trcct Omuba , Neb
Lumber , Etc
Wholesale Lumber , Etc
Imported and American i'orlland Cenifnl Stat * . .i-- "
aicut XorMllwankoo llrdrnutlo Cement
aniUJuli.oWlilto Ilmo
' '
Dealer in Hardwocd Lumber , \
Wood carpciaand parquet lloorlnz t > th aud Ujuglai ' "
itrceln , Oinnbn , Nebraskn {
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 1
lath treat and Union I'aclfla track , Omaba j
Healer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ? ,
Doora , etc Yardn Corner Ttli and Ooiwai 001c * '
Corner 101b and Iiougtas , * . *
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc i
Comer Mil and DoubLi street . Omaba , } :
O. N. DIETZ , ' ' ]
Dealer jn All Kinds of Lumber , ;
13tli and California ttroets , Omaha , Kobmeka ,
Mllllnory and Notions ' •
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 1
. SM.210 nnd SUSauthlltb street , ;
Notions i
Wholesale Notions and Furnisbing Goods i
1HI Harncr street , Omaha ?
OIlB " . { ' '
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils |
Aula Craneetc Omaha , A. H. IIUIiop Manager ' |
Wholesale Paper Dealers |
Carrf a nice look of pr.nllng , wmpiiInK nnd wiltlct 3
paper Hpuclal atteutlou xlven to i ard paper , *
t . I 'j ' T 1
8afea to , ' , Ji
A. L. DEANE & CO . f
Qrnoral Agents tor * Ji
Halls ' Safes , • *
821 ana 031 Bouth 10th St . Omaha ±
ToyaT to I
Jobbers of 3
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goofy i
Uouie FurnUIHnr flood * . Cblldren'R CArii tfOi U jk
Samara atrett , Oiotlm Neb , _ k
Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Ry ' |
The Lest Jtouto from Omaba anil Council M
UlnfTn to "m
Clilcago , AND Mllnnukce , I
St I'aul , Mlnncaiiolls , Cedar Haplds , m
Bock Iiland , .t'raeport , Itockfonl , Wi
Cllntou , ' llubiKjue , Uareuport , , 'J |
Elgin , MailUon , Janosvllle , j3
Dclolt , Wluoiin , Ca Crosse , • m
And all other Iraporuol point . Ea.lNorlb a t aud < * > 'S '
boutUuat - 'Jjj
_ rorIbrooub ticket , call on the ticketageat at 1KB ' %
rarnam.lrvet.ta . llark r llloek.or al Uota i'aeita 4fl
pepot - 3M
Kuilman Weeper , and tbe duett Illnlua Car In 4 tb i , fl
world are run on tbe mala llnu ot too Chlcaiio till 'fl
waukee ft 8t. I'aul llallwuj , and every attention li * M
paid to pattenxere vr courteoua eiuplore of the M
. . . . .
Manager 31
i. IfTlJcKfcli Ai.l.tantUeuorat Manager * 1
Aj v. Uj OAllrjtNTJtU , Oeneral faitenye , ab 1
• d Ticket Agent * m * mum Q
T.J.UUAliJLQiMtalButilsUaaiaii . _ _ _ , i