Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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I uiH
, , - . THE PAIL ? BEEV
H k nOSHWATBR Editor
M rcims of sunscnirriON
_ THIlv and Sunday Ons Ycnr HO ( JO
_ Mx Months "J "
H Turrit Montta . . • j. ; JJ
_ Bunday lice One Year . . . . . . SW
_ Wcetly lice Ono Year with Premium . . . 2 00
m ofkicus
_ Omahn , rico UnlMlng
H New York , Hoorai 14 and 15 TrlUuno Dulld-
H "Tv ' nshlnRton No S13 Fonrtemth Street
_ council Muff * . No 12 Icarlbtreet
_ Mnroln 11CT P Stieet , . , . ,
H EouthOmabn , CornerN Ami &Uh Streets
m counnsroNDENcE
_ _ _ All communications rolntlng to now * and edlMl
_ torlal mutter should bo addressed to the hdltorni
_ Ul Department ,
H business MrrrKrts
_ _ fl All hnilnrfts letters and remittances should
_ _ _ tie addressed to The lloo 1'nbllsldng Company ,
_ _ Omnlin Draft * , checks nnd poHtolllceoruorslo
H bo made paynblo to tlio order of tlio company
Mc Publishing Company , Proprietors
_ _ llr.R Hulldlng I'nrnam and Bcvcntoonth Streets
H " !
H 'Iho Ileo nit tlio Trnln" .
_ _ TlierolsnooxcHsoforBfalliirotoKctTiiRHEB
_ _ en the trains All nowaoenlrrs have been notllilt
_ _ tied to carry a , full supnly f rnvelcrs wno wantt
_ _ ' The IIik : and cant Ret It on trains where other
H Omahapnpers iiro carried are roauestod to none
_ _ tlfyTMK Her . . . . ,
_ I'leasd bo particular toplvc in all cases full
H Information as to date , rnllw ay and number ot
_ _ Oho in your name , not for publication or tin
H accessary use , but as a guaranty of good faith
H. thc daiiiy nuia
H Kworn Statement of Circulation ,
_ 8 State of Nebraska ! . ,
_ _ _ - County of Douglas rBJ <
_ j. Ueorito 11. Tzschuck , secretary of Tha Jles
_ _ < h rtiblMiIng Company.doeisolemnly swnar that
_ _ _ > P thoBCtualcirculatlonofTiiK IUU.Y HiR fortho
A • nccx cndlne December 14 , 1880. was as follows :
_ ? ' ' • Bundav , Doc , 8 ? 1.M
_ JtondnvIlecfl ? . W
W Tuesday Dec 10 1U.T07
_ , Wednesday Dec It IW 'M
_ ' Tluirsday Dec IS ai.OM
B rrldav Dee n 20.l
- Baturday , Dec.14 . ! .
H Average 20.1S8
onoiidi' n.T7.scnucre.
" Sw oru to before mo and subscribed to ln mv
H f presence tins IttU day or December A. D. 133V.
M ea-i , NFu' ' , : -
. ; i Notary I'ublia
* State of Nebraska ( . . _
ji County of Douglas , | aa
y OeorRO U. Tzschuck belns duly sworn , de-
r pooes nod says that lie Is secretary of The Ilea
L i'nbllsliliiB t'ompaiiy , that the actuM nverauo
H % dally circulation n ( TiiK Daii.v Uee for the
month of December 18 ! $ , 11.231 copies ; for
1 ? January , ism 1H.5T4 copies ; for February , 1889 ,
18.W3 copies ; for Jlnrcli , 1H'J. 1H,8 : > 4 copies ;
H for April , 1SKI. 18.WJ copies ; for May 188l > .
H IH.noacopies : for June , lbw , copies ; for
H July 1MH , I8.7.1i copies ; tor August , lMft > . ISth
, B51 copici ; for Boptcmber , 18HI , 18,710 copies ;
Ht- for October 1889 , J8/J97 copies ; for November ,
H 1880. 10.310 copies Oroiini : H. OVscnucK
H " Hwoni to before ma anil subscribed ln my
H" presence this 3Jth day ot November , A D , 1RSJ.
H IBenl.l N. I > . Pril
Jim McSiiakb's ' contCBt for tlio city
H treasury is a matter of interest
H. ENOiron yotltions for olllco have boon
H' . signed and soalcd to roach from Otntilia
H * to Colorado canyon
Hiisr JuDOiNa by tlio number of lawyers
Hi employed , Mr McSlmtio did not ox-
H lmust his surplus in a fruitless chase for
Hl the city treasury
H . Si' Rkicd has mndo a collection
! of newspnpor pictures of himself Bo i
H\ : „ is probably preparing to mortify the i
H ? flesh during Lent *
f "
H-i Tmcni : is eomo signtlfcanco in the
Hjf , , name ot Silcott's successor Hartnhorn
Hip will net as a restorutivo for congrcs-I J
H ? slonnl faintness
i * The prohibition visionnrios who are
Hi trying to prevent the conllrmntion of f
Hji Judge Urowor will succeed only in mak1
HHV ing themselves rediculous
r . Ir England and Portugal should si in-
H'l ultanuously draw their artillery , the
H | < ' Bhock woqld shako Gibraltar and Maks
Hlv alolo alTalr of Intornutional interest
H It will probably save Croninvillo u
Hfj , m good deal of worry and oxpouso to know
H' | at once that the Methodist general con
HB • .foronco in 1802 is to bo hold in Omaha
H | , Tin ; reply of Indian Commissioner
H f . Morgan to his opponents leaves no room
Hjr -lor doubt that the parlies klckod out
H ? of the Indian service richly deserved
the leather
HH This Methodist general con foronco
HH : > should not bo neglected Omaha must
HI ' ; assort horsclf and prevent rivals from
H' j } robbing her of her rights at the
H olovcnth hour
HH- '
IrTUi'i iuinlstors are justified in ox- :
H ) ' pounding the word to limited congroga-
v tionson Sutidny , who shall say that the
HHk nowapapors must not preach lay ser
Hif' ' raons to throo-llftbs of the peoploV
K Sknatoii Inoalls is whetting his
K knjfo for another ' rebel skinning uf-
HK fair in the senate The vitriolic 1
Hlf ' statesman is never so happas when
Hk' ' fluying southrons and prohibition
HF WicSTKitN interests are liberally rep *
H roBontcd in the measures already intro
Hf duccd in congress Enorgotio and per
HH | 'elstont work will bo nocpssnry to pro ,
K' ' * vent thorn being pigoon-liolod to death
HL Till harbors are now asking thorn
H B Bolvob why they did not Hoop still and
H Hf , porroltsomo onoolso to agitate the Sun
HH | f day closing movoiuont They have [
HHnb gene and done it" without boiibo or
Hfff .
reason _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hl ; ' Tin : old combine displays remarkable
H # gall iu attempting to organize the
Iji- county board , But it will not work
It There uro enough decant members on
HHfr the board to souoloh tlio romaants of
! tll ° g'111 '
_ _ _ ; ;
HE Bkoaush Contractor Cushiug Is nl-
HH logod to huvo bought his way to the }
HHV mayors chair Liveryman McShano
HH - inubt not imagine that ho cun bulldoze
K i his way into the vaults of the city
HH treasury , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| , THIS ministerial association proposes
HH | ' to indulge in the harmless nmusomont
HH | ot firing paper wads at the Sundny
HHiJ : newspaper Moanwhllo wlekoduobs
| 4 stalks abroad and poverty and distress
HJKT sigh lu vain for the kindly word and
1' * helping hand
HH | municipal busitioBs for the past cloven
HH | < * months is a gratifying exhibit of the
HI financial affairs of the city The vari-
HH | , ous funds show a substantial balance ,
UL and the city will enter upon the pro
K Bfosslvo era of 1690 with a clear bal
k , . - unco sheet and a Burplus In the trous-
t / ury , The record has few p arallols in
HHpt ' thp history of the city
to push the rron/r.
The commlltco on ways mid moans
has virtually agreed upon the construepat
Hot of n tariff bill It Is Understood to
bo the , intention to improve the holidav
recess by giving a hearing1 to cortaln
interests concerned in the tariff , so that
the commtttoo may bo proparcd lmtnomo
dlntolynflor | the recess to address its
attention to the tasit of framing
n bill If this programme Is cartlo
riod out it ought to bo possltin
bio to have a measure ready
for presentation to the house not later
than the first of March It does not
seem to bo nocossnry for the cotntnlttco
J0 consume ' a great deal of time in obtin
taining , information from the prolectod
interests \ The scnuto fiiruico compo
. ,
mlttco giivo a very thorough ntid oxno
tended . huaring to those interests duran
ing the lost congress , and there can bo
very Uttlo now or additional informatic
tlon to bo obtained No great change
has tnlcon plnco within a. year In the
cotnmorcial conditions which can have
materially | , affected the manufacturing
industries of the country , nnd certainly
whntovcf , clinngo has taken plnco has
not boon to their Injury The iron in-
duslry in nonrly all branches has lmou
proved , , and It could doubtless bo shown
that most ethers nro moro profitable
now than they were a year ago But If
the ways and moans commltteo will reto
strict its inqulrios to the holiday recess
there will bo no objection , since this
period Is usually given to idleness
Th premise thus glvon of a
. . .
purpose to moot this question promptly
and dispose of It with the least posflblo
delay \ will bo gratifying to the country ,
Another long and tedious contest ever
the tariff , with the inevitable uncorso
talnty as to the result , could not fall to
bQ more or less damaging to all the Indc
forests concerned nnd to the general
business , of the country This quc-jtibti
should bo settled by the present concc
gross In a wny to remove it from controdt
vorsy for some years to come ,
and the ropublicnn majority in
congress will make " ti grave
mistake If It shall fail to do this Its
determination . . to tnko hold bf the quostl
tlon without delay would do doubly
gratifying . if it implied tin assurance
that it would make such a revision of
the tariff as the country desires and the
conditions warrant
But the prospect of this being done is
not altogether Uattorlng The demand
for the repeal and reduction of revenue
tnxes thrcatons to dofent a. gonornl revision -
vision of the tariff iu thod
direction of lowering duties
and materially enlarging the
free lvst Already there has boon ln-
troducod into the house n bill abolish
ing the tax on tobacco , and such a
measure is very llkoly to pass This i
would ' rodttco the revenue of the government -
ornmont about thirty million dollars ,
An effort will bo made to reduce the ,
tax ( on spirits , and this also will have a
very good elianco of success Another
proposition which may carry will bo i
for < the reduction of the duty on sugar ,
which is now about seventy-eight per
cent ad valorem to twonty-fivo per cent t
nnd the payment of a bounty of one
cent a pound to growers of domostie
sugar It is estimated by the best in-
formed ( inanciors In congress that the !
rovonucs of the government cannot bo i
safely rcducod moro than seventy mil
lion 1 dollars , so that If the contemplated
cut in internal taxes Is made und the
sugar duty reduced there can bo very (
little l if anything tnkon from tariff du-
ties This is the prospoot now pre
sontcd , and it is not oncournging to
those who uro honing for relief from
material modifications of the tariff
Mr Henry W. Grady is undeniably
the 1 most eloquent champion of tlio
' now south " He bolievcs deeply and
earnestly i In a great f uturo of power and
prosperity for that soctlon , to bo
nchioved i by Industry , cntorpriso and
education , Ho is in full and hearty
sympathy with the progressive spirit of > '
the tlmo us to all mnterial r.ud moral
conditions By tongue and pen ho
has done much to stimulate the
people of the south in the work
of industrial restoration nnd develop
ment in which they have airoudy been
so lnrgoly successful His in ton bo and
patriotic devotion to the interests and
welfare of his boction is worthy of all
admiration , nnd everywhere com
mands It
But whlloMr Grudy has grown Into
sympathy with now and hotter Idons
and iniluoncos iu allot her respects , ho i
romalnB firmly bound to the political
traditions nnd prejudices _ , of the |
old south This was clearly shown
in his speech ut the banquet of the Bos
ton merchant ! last wcok , the Uowing
and glowing periods of which could not
conceal the fact that the old southern
spirit still dominates him so far as the >
political relations of the whlto und colored I-
orod citizens of the south are concern od ,
and that in obodlonco to It ho is pro
pared to disregard and violate the , con
stltutlon nnd laws of the country Mr
Grady's address , the eloquence of
which has boon widely and just
ly extolled , discussed the race
problem , and among ether things tlio
orator said : The negro vote can
never control In the south , and it would
bo well if partisans ut the north would
understand this " and ho further do-
clnrod that no power under this gov
ernment could reestablish negro su-
premaoy in the south In ether a-oihIb ,
wherever the negroes may bo in the
majority In that boction they will not
bo allowed to oxorolso the fight of the
majority under our system of govern
mont to control Having thus unquali
fiedly proclaimed the purpose of the
southern whltos to disregard the pro
vision ot the constitution which says '
that the right of oltlzons of the United
States to vote shall not be douled or
abridged by the United States or by any
Btato , ou account of race , color , or pre
vious condition of servitude , " and rote
nullify national laws in order to keep
the negroes from tho.onjoymontof their
rights , Mr , Grady makes a plea for
patience and toleration for these on-
irlomlos of the constitution and the laws ,
Who uro the norlhorn partisans that
iroMr. . Grady would huvo understand thut
laltho colored citizens of the south will not
mabo poriultlod to have their rights ?
I They are the people who domund that
I the constitution shall bo respected in
every soctlon of the land nnd that the
nntlonal laws Bhall everywhere bo lmtht
partially nnd equitably administered ,
And what answer should bo glvon
to the appeal for toleration
and pntloncoV Shall it bo snid
that a mistake was made in
making the negroes cltizons nnd
clothing thorn with the rights of citl-
zonshlp nnd that now the only ropara-
tlon for the blunder is to leave thorn to
tin mercy of their political onomlos ?
And If this bo not admitted , how much
further can toleration and putiouco bo
extended in justice to these wronged
oltlzons and all who are wronged with
thorn ? When will the tlmo bo rcaohod
beyond which the law-rcspcctlng
people of the country will
not permit the constitution
and the laws , which nro the safeguards
of their Hbortlcs and their free instltu-
tlons , to bo ignored and doflod ? The
trouble with Mr Grady and nil who
think with him is that they have nolhmi
ing just ntid practicable to propose for
the solution of the race problem They
propose visionary schemes of negro
cmigrntio n or colonization , knowing
full well that they cannot bo carried
out , and thus dallying with the grcnt
issue they go on violating the national
law und plead for toleration and
patience Perhaps it is wisest und best
to hood tlio appeal , but It is as cortaln
as fate that tha wrong and Injustice in
behalf of which it is made will in time
be remedied
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
The doadloclc In the Montana logisftf
laturo Is practically broken The do-
tailsof the agroomontnro not dolitiitoly
known , but the fact thut the domocrutto
sonntors itppoared in the chamber nnd
wore sworn tn U evidence that an un
derstanding satisfactory to both parties
has been reached The divided house
hnd not reached a settlement at last ac-
counts , and it is possible that some
delay may bo oxpertoncod in bringing
it togotliDr Apart from the political -
cal significance of the contest , the dead
lock seriously endangered the welfare
ol the state The machtnory of
the courts was stopped ; conflicts ,
ol authority menaced public order ,
and necessary legislation was delayed
by ti conflict primarily duo to the sonii-
torships Involved Neither the repub
licans or democrats could afford to con
tlnuo this state of affairs to the consli-
tutional limit of ninety days , and it was '
the part ot wisdom for both sides to unbend -
bond for tlio common weal With the
- deadlock broken the court will bo or
ganized , and the judicial branch ot the
state ' proceed to-business at once It is (
probable that the olectlon of sonntorsand
all political legislation will bo sot asldo '
pending an investigation of the Tinmol
precinct returns , and the interim devoted -
voted to such measures us are necessary
for statehood
IT is intimated that the adminlstra-
tlon may send Governor Pornkor of
Ohio to represent the government as
mlniator to Russia Republicans genn
orally would approve the appointment ,
und there is every reason to believe that t
the governor would make a most credit
able and useful representative Although -
though the post ot minister to Russia is
a llrst-class mission , it has generally
been filled by rather commonplnco
men , who made little impression fa-
vorablo to themselves or , the country ,
upon the Russians Forakor would not
bo I likely to fail in this respect Ho 3
can bo depended upon to assert himself
whenever occasion warrants , and his
ardent Amorlcanism would win him a
measure ' of attention and regard which
few ' of our ministers have onjov'od at
the I Russian capital The prcstdont
might i easily mnko a loss worthy soloc-
tlon | than that of Governor Forakor for
the I mission to Russia
The attacks of the prohibitionists on
Judge Brewer utterly failed to even
check ( for a moment that gontloman's <
promotion to the supreme bench The
senate i coinmlttoo hits unanimously rec- !
ommondod i con Urination , u fact which
proves that the senators recognize
Judge Brewer aa eminently qualified for
that exulted position Judge Brewers '
igreat crime in the eyes of the prohibi- [
tlonists was his refusal to sanction the
destruction of property without com
ponsntion The asnaults servo to illus
irate to what depths fanaticism will
istoop to defame nnd coerce the oppo
nents of modern blue laws .
Tin : plans outlined for the state fair '
by the board of trade are on a scale
common surato with a gonufno Ne-
braskaii oxposltion A vnrioty of sites
are under consideration , nil convenient
of access , and an organization forraod ,
with ample capital to carry out what
over pledges are glvon There Is no
reason to doubt that the inducements
which Omaha will offer for the location
of the state fair cannot bo mutohed
All that is necessary is for our business
omen to evidence their faith in the on-
tcrpriso by becoming stockholders in
the company
-5-SS5-S-HS =
itTins sonnto committee on torrltorios
shows a disposition to expedite nptiou
on the bills for the admission of , Wyora-
ing and Idaho The iutontion Is to
bring the question before the sonata at
the curliest posslblo day , nnd press
othem to passugo so as lo give the friends
ivot the measures in the house ample
iutlmo to.combut the expected opposition
ot tlio democrats There is no doubt
that a prolonged and heated contro- ,
vorsy will result
. .
n"Wiiilk Mr , McShano is browsing
IIuround republican wards for pretexts :
to annul the will of the people ox- >
opressed at the ballot box , Mr Rush can
find ample material in domocratlo
wards to not only offset any posslblo
ohango , but to lucreaso the majority
substantially ,
said to Congressman Connell that |
Omaha is too progressive to bo satisfied
with anything loss than a ono million
3nflvo hundred thousand-dollar govern
moiit building Mr Windrlm has eyl-
deutly caught the stop
i '
Tiicbattloof the four-legged beasts
in Indiana does not compare In fiendish >
brutality with the fight of the human
beasts in Montana It is shocking to
think that mon stood unmoved around
the ring nndgfcrmittod ftiurdor to bo ,
committed uffftionVtlcss brute , It Is to
bo hoped thb - png slnto will wlpo out
tin bloody stait by vigorously punish
Ing the murJoror and all participants
Tlio crlmo justifies a temporary revival
of the vigilante .
liLLt.i i
The rainbow of premise points unlaw
mistnknbly to Calvin Brice as the tioxt
Ohio : senator , . The latest reports Indthl
cnto that thoSfvoriegatod gontlomnn
from > Iow 2tM < hns secured threoi
fourths of the Uotnoorntlc members If
the deal Is consummated Columbus will
oxporlotico n great rorlvnl In the na"r
lionnl ganio of poker
Till ! frothing democrats of Indlnna
who threatened all manner of dlro ca-
lumltios ' to Colonel Dudley should ho
enter the state , slunk Into their holes
when ' ho npncarnd in Inillnnnpolis The
men who were loudest in denouncing
him were convonlontly nbsont The
accusers fled from the accused
Tub Iowa state board of health dls-
plnysconitnontlablozoal In quarantining
ensosof diphtheria aud scurlot fever
Both ' dlsensos nro ascontngtous nnd cor-
talnly moro to bo dreaded than smallioi
pox , and too much vlgllunco caunotbo
exorcised ln confining thorn to the nar-
rowest limits
Dkmociiatic and mugwump papers
are ncodlossly nlarmod over ropublicun
affairs in Iowa The ropublicun party
successfully managed the state for
thlrty-llvo j years , and it will continue to
do so iu the coming years without the
ndvlco or consent ol the onotny
The honor of Mississipl bus boon vlnut
dicntcd nta torrlblo cost to the manly
art Two hundred dollars Ono and two
! months imprisonment nro not cnlcuui
lutod to seethe Mr Kllraln's bruises or
compensate < him for the loss of the lug
gor's crown
, .
Tlio .llonrnnn Ocaillook
iS'cio l'ir/c / llorli
It Is rumored that ono ltoy poraistontly
tried on the Montana legislature deadlock
has been whisky
Alirnlinm Lilticolii '
Baltimore Amtrican ,
At the end o another 100 years will there
bo another American who will bo culoglzod
as highly as George Washington
The l-rohlbiiloii Utopia .
/Cun < ts City Times
There It not.a town In Kansas of 3,000 Inhabitants -
habitants or upward where liquor Is not sold
with the cognlzunto of the authorities
An Unkind Out
Wo hear that Chicago will not patronlzo
the worlds fair if , it Is hold in New York ,
Very welL Wo ? shall not have to Increase
our police force
Wrf'Oan Use Kn
St.Loitfi aiobt-Dcm < icral
The formidable ' set of defenaos which
nro being erected along the Pad lie coast side
of Canada willxorcia ln handy to the United
States after tho'Dbmlnlon gets annexed
o , a
The liuHt I'lacp tn lluar It
Jlitffato Kxpi-css.
The market reports lndicato that sugar has
gene down ngan IJut thuro Is a cross , or a
leak , or a break in the wire from the mar
ket" to the grocery store , The news hasn't
reached the fatter place yet
HoniRwhnt Kqulvocil
lliiladclphla Lcdtjcr
An esteemed contemporary in its account
of a steamer that took lire recently , says ;
The i crow nnd stewardess wcro taicen off in J
boats i She was saved by her iron hull " It
is I believed that the latter illusion Is to.tho
steamer <
Oscitatlnui Monotony
- yew York Sun
There is a similarity of tone nnd language
in the letters which Hon Grover Clovet
land is writing by the do/on In the Interest
of the further education of tha democratic
party Oscltatious monotony describes these
epistles hotter than any ether phrase that
occurs to us at the moment
Why Doninur.its Olijoot
Clitcauo Inlei-Oeean.
The Australian ballot system has ohangod
Boston's democratic majority of 9,000 to n
republican majority of 5,000. No wonder
the democratic governor of Now York is opposed ' -
posed to this law ln his state , just as demo
crats everywhere are opposed to it It takes
awoy the occupation ottbo ward boss who
directs his men how they shall vote ,
' 'fjko" Journalism
Kearney Hub
Thef Omaha World-Horald Is winning a
great reputation in the disreputaulo field of >
"fulto" journalism Its latest feat In this
2lino was the publication of an extra last
Saturday giving the verdict of the Cronin
lury With ull of the aocompanying thrilling
dotalls , when no vordlct hod been rendered
The World-Herald appears to regard this
kind of newspaper work as cxcoodingly cute
and about the proper thing , but a publlo that
has boon repeatedly victimized In tbls mon
nor , and from the sanio source , probably
falls to see It The paper that practices It is
not entitled to publlo support or confidence
Vl . • •
Washington dlsyjucbos state that Ulalco
has already entered upon his regular
quadrennial presidential campaign
The English byrifllcato who nro huntiagtho
world ever for tthMoutlot for their surplus
funds should buy ' a Do Lossops' Panama
canal ? j
The klug of Siam " has just married twenty
now wives IJH , majesty Is probably Ju a
posltlon'to give Miss Vokes soverul lutcrost- '
ing items for "My Milliners Ul\W \ •
Tlio organ LlaWe- ) departing from east
cm churches aud { rieotricity is taking his
place This sboul not bo taken as an in
dication that tlib , people of the future will
worship wholiy V machinery
Wbilo Now-York dudodom is forced to
concede that It wj , longer has the finest opera
xhouse in the country , it sooths its envious
soul with the thpiiht ( | that wild western Chi
cage cant Bay "f waliyalgU't for foyer
A Pennsylvania girl postponed her wed
ding bocauBO bIio couldn't get the white horse
owned by a certain liveryman for the date
sba bad fixed It is safe to say that this
young lady's hair had not the warm tl'jt of
an autumn sunset
Senator tamoure of North Dakota and ox-
Governor Ordway are calling each other
hard names , and a personal encounter bo
tween thoni is said to bo a probability , These
y1"statesmen should wrap a Dakota blizzard
about them and lie down on the pr&irlo to
cool off ,
The theory oluborated tn Alpbonso Dau-
dots latest wprk that marriagj and inisfor-
tuuo are synonymous with mon of genius ap- |
psars to Una substantial continuation in th
casoof his countryman , Mcissonior It is
said thatslnco his recent marrlngo the great
painter ' Booms to have lost all ambition ,
spends very few hours a day in his study
nnd does a great deal ot aimless sketching
and , daubing
Pennsylvania shrowdanss Is rapidly on-
crouching uiwn Connecticut 'cutonos * . A
plcturo doalrr of the former state , wishing
toi soil his stock nt auction , which n local
law forbids , had his clerk isiuo an execution
against himself , and nov the sheriff will sell
his goods
W. S. Hisioll , Cleveland's old law partner ,
is i engaged to be married , and the ox-prosl-
dcntls ' said tohnvo wrltton the gushlost of
gushv ! letters on tbo marriugo state East
"r papers have been foiled ln their attempts
to get possession of the precious epistle , but
it will no doubt lie published tn duo time
* " our of the seven members appointed to
Invostivato ) Sorgcnnt-at-arms Locdom's no-
counts have agreed to report a bill holding
the rovcriiinont rcsponslblo for the salaries
of the mombora with which Cashier Sllcott
ob condod This gives an air of doront hesi
tation to the proceeding and nnswors the
purpose as well as a unanimous docislon
Jsaballa j , the ox-qucon of Spain , lias onII
torod her sixtieth joar in good health and
The queen of Grceco is a beautiful swimU
mor The queen of Portugnl is another andv
lores todnsh ntnld tumultuous brenkars
Miss : Helen Gladstone , vice principal ot
Ncwhnm'collDgo , Cnmbrldgc , looks moro Hue i
her famous father thun does nuy ether of
his ] children
Queen i Murgherlta ot Italy Is said to bo i
much interested la Volapuk Slio takes a i
periodical printed in that lnngungo , and hai
learned to rend it with cuso
George Eliot's ' novel , "Komoln , " was n i
bad bargain for her publisher Ho paid her '
f'15,000 for ft , nnd of the llrst ext > cnslvo cdl1
tlon only 1,500 copies were Bold
Miss Susannah M. Dunkloo of Newton ,
m . , was thu Iir9t woman to become a
ba troastlror in the United States SUe i
has hold the position for tlltcen yours
Mtb Catlicrino Donovon of Daltlmoro has
given 5100,000 to Johns IlopkliiB university ,
oxprcsslv stipulating that no portion of tno J
money shall ho used to give instructions in i
tbo dead languages '
The otnpross of Gcnnanv , during her vlst
i0 Constantinople , is said to have expressed [
a wish that the BUltun should not present
her with the oostly diadem ho hnd ordered ,
its vnluo being oxcosslvo considering the ]
state of the Turkish coffers
Mrs IlodcAon llurnott lms recovered from
the effects of her recant accident and has
roturncd to Loudon It is confidently expected -
pected there that site will now make an early
reply to tha serious accusations thnthavo
boon mndo against her in the matter of Little -
tlo | Lord Fauntloroy "
Mine , l'attl has glvon orders to have built
for her on her estuto at Crafg-y-uos , Wales , '
the prettiest rrivato theater In the world
Although It will scat only about ono hundred I
nnd fifty people it will bo us complete in all I
Its details ns the largest opera house It will
bo finished next spring and Henry Irving
will dedicate It
The Suintorvlllo , Pin , Times knows a girl
who made Inst year ten bales of cotton ,
worked two acres m potatoes , milltod throe
cows , did the churning , did all the washing 1
and | ironing , worked tbo garden , mads 115-
gallons of syrup , twenty-two bushels of
peas , nnd sold them for $33. She sold her
potatoes ( for S"5 , her cotton brought her $151 ,
she made $05 talcing in sowing , making in the
aggregate ' 021. She did most all the work
herself , , and only paid out a few dollars for
extra work ,
Ni > lirnskn Jottings
There are seven farmers alliances in Hnr-
Ian 1 county
The McCook brass band is still giving
open-air ' concerts
A progressiva high flvo club has been or
gani/ed by the elite of Aurora
The work of laying the waterworks pipes
at Sow.ird lias been completed
The Columbus Telegram has chungod from
an cvoning to n morning paper
A threo-story hotel is being built at Well
flcot , Lincoln county , to cost $10,000.
The board of supervisors of York county
has appropriated { 100 to each township for
the improvement of roads
Palmyra elevators shipped 42,000 bushels
of grain last month and ono elevator alone
has paid out this month $1,000.
The cowardly dog poisoner is nbroad in
Tecumseh and there is weeping nnd gnasa-
ingot f tooth among canine owners
Ninety lioad of cattle were stolen from
Robert McDonald near Uurnott and no trace
of the missing stock hns yet bocn discovered
13oth elevators at Gresham are full of corn
and largo piles have been shovolnd out on
the ground Ono elevator received 1D1 loads
of shelled corn in ono day
F , N. Morwln is now boIo proprlotor of the
Bcavor City.Trlbune , Mr Green hnving ro-
llrea after throe short months oxperioucb
in j the newspaper business
A iJorwyn young man recently put , on anew
now shirt and came near dying Poisonous
matter la the coloring of tlio garment was
the ' cause Ho will rccovor
Tlio Ellthorn Valley road is putting in a
j side track between Sewnrd and Bee to no
commodate shipper ) . An elevator Is to bo •
oreotcd , and a uew town started to bo called '
Cottrell |
Charles II lttcknnls qf Falls City , while
reading I the otborovening , was stricken .vlth
congestion ] of the optic nerve and lias become
blind The doctors hope to restore the sight
of ono eye
Cora nnd Fannie Butler , two Lexington
young j ladies , married the mon of tboir choice
last wcok , allthough their parents objected
because j Eannlo was only llf tcon years of ago ,
After tho'lvoddlnc Fnnnio aud her husband ,
Willard Helteroranrl , fled to Iowa to esgapo
the ' indignation of the old folks
There Is a loud howl nt Crotghton ever the ,
selection ! of George L. Jameson as postmas-
ter nt that place , and a petition is being cir
culat ( < ; d asking him to refuse the offlco ln tbo
interest of harmony Congressman Dorsoy
comes ' in for a roast and ha is throatencd
with political death so far as Knox county
is concerned for the course ho has pursued
in the matter
A well dressed woman with a little baby in
bcrurms alighted fiom the train at Dor- '
cheato . last week and at once wont to a hotel
where she cmployud u nurse and left the little
tlo ono lu her euro after liberally providing
for Its keeping The mother boarded the
next train and where shu came from und
whither she wont is still a mystery Quite [ ' a
sum of money was found in tbo child's cloth
A young man natnod George WInters ro-
siding south of Lul'ortc , concluded that it
was not good for man to bo ulono nnd for the
purpose of coining a holpuinto paid court V
an estimnblo young ludy In the vicinity , says
the Wnyno Gazctto , She did not look upon
Ills suit wlti the sumo ardor as Winters und
in order to pursuado her that she needed a
protector und that lie was the man best !
suited no undertooK to interview her with a
carving knife , threatening her life unless
she married him Ho was brought to Wayne
and examined by a board of lunacy and pro
anouticed insane Friends agrcoa to euro for
him and were allowed his custody ,
Iowa Hem * .
Clinton is making arraugoaients for a paid
flro department
A pork packing establishment Is to bo
opened at Contorvillo
Cattle in the vicinity of Martdialltown are
iddying with what Is called the cornstalk ,
disease "
Dr , James , a Des Molnos corn doctor , has '
made the startling prediction that the cud of
the world will come July 1 , 1890.
Al Mosby , who sold the llyuor to David
Martin , the uolorod man wlio killed bis wife
at Oskaloosa , was convicted and fined & > u.
The ltcd Oak Express is out with an ele
gant holidav edition containing an illustrated
review of the progress of the city and Us in-
A farmer living near Fort Dodge gave his '
bogs , which were dying with cholera , a
spoonful of camphor aud ull the porkers thus
treated recovered
A Ilock Island man on a visit to Davenport
took a ride on the electric railroad , when
bo wanted to get off the car ho grabbed the
string uud pulled the trolly off the wire Tbo
car stopped , the lights went out nnd In the
darkness the Itock Island man made bis es-
" po before the conductor had time to Inter
vlow himi
Jack Lnvortv , tiSanborn pnlntor , foil from
the ) roof of n house the othor'dny , n distance
of twonty-flvo feet , striking on his lioad anil
got up , went back on the root nnd finished
his Job
A few days ngo n largo tumor was removed
from the thigh of Miss Ollio Ovorturf , ngod
olghtcon | , ot Solmo She was getting along
nicely , when in changing lior position In bed
ono of the main nrtorics burst nnd she bled
,0 death in half an hour
Snmuol Tragdon Is In the Fort Madison
penitentiary under a llfo sentence for kill
ing a man who eulogbod Jolt Davis , Ho
hai already served nearly twenty-two years ,
and although ronoated attempts have boon
made to secure his pardon they have boon
The Chicago , Burlington & Qtilncy rail
road company has brought suit against the
Fort Madison water company for 'Ul.D.H
damages ' suumnod by the railroad company
from the landslides diiringthospring of 1S8S ,
claiming | that the slides were caused by leak
ago from tlio roscrvoir , which is situated on
a bill ubovo tlis railroad traolts
Tlio Two Uukotns
The now M. E. church nt Tilford wasdodl-
catod : Sunday
The state tonclicrs' nssoclatlon moots at
Yankton December SO 3f und 13. !
John W. Dwlght own9 a farm In North
Dakota almost as largo as the state of
Hbodo Island
Tlio merchants of Sioux Palls have agreed
to close their storoj at 0 p. m. , commencing
with the Now Year
In n row ever BOtno cattle near Eden
George Scott , u hired man , shot a flugor oft
the hand of a sixteen , vcnr-old boy named
McVuy and then Bkipped to avoid nrrost
Van B. Baker , formerly principal of the
Spearllsh normal school was recently son
tonccd to Imprisonment for llfo In West Virn.
ginlalor the inurdor of his wife and motherb
in-law. i >
Captain Gcorgo P. Walilron , who was ro-
moved from the Sioux reservation opposite
Pierre : tno ether day , was the first provost
marshal of the territory nnd was at ono tlmo
a member of the kousu ct representatives
A box of tin rock specimens was shipped
from liapid City lost week by the Hnrnoy
Peak Mining company to their olllco in Lou
don , England The specimens wcro nil
taken ' fiomlocntlons owned by the company
Iu the Black Hills
A few day * ago A. Kotchmn of Clear Luke
was found lying In his barn in a pool of
blood An cxauiltiation discovurod a scalp
wound penetrating to tha skull , both eyes
blncitcnod . nnd the nose broken Apparently
the . wounds were Inlllctod with a club Wilw
lintn ' Erickson was arrested for the crime ,
but discnnrgod for lack of ovideuco
Kctchuin is in bad condition
, Intelligence lias been rccolvod nt Sioux
Falls from Boston , Portland nnd Now York
capitalists that Insures the location ot tire
moro [ ! manufacturing ostabiishmonts for
Sioux Falls Ono is an oTtonslvo knitting
works with a capital ol fiW.OOO nnd the
ether a felt boot factory , representing a
capital of 1150,001) ) . Both establishments will
locate , _ , in South Sioux Falls und will begin
active operations ln the early spring
. Gunilcr Gundcrson , living on the Chicago ,
Milwaukco .t St , Paul railroad about four
miles , north ot Canton , was Tuesday night
detoctcd in tboactof placing large boulders
on the track und arrested bv a dotoctlvo sent
out to discover tbo author of sovcrnl recant
attempts nt train wrecking Ho was brought
to Canton and bound ever in $2,001) ) to nwait
the action of tbo grand Jury In default of
bondsmen | ho was scut to Jail Gundorson
gives no explanation of his attempts to proti
duce J ] a whoicsalo loss of human life
Criminal ami Other Cases on Trial
Another ICIcction Contest
Before Judge Clarkson the case of Ncttio i
Mills , charged with grand larceny , came up
Some time last summer the defendant was in 1
the employ of Mrs " Fritz Wlrth of the Euro
pean hotel , and in conjunction with one or
two of tlio miilo boarders it is alleged , put up i
a Job to rob the house , and did rob Mrs
Wlrth's room , carrying away two or three 1
watches , a necklace , some ringtt and a lot of t
other jewelry These valuables were taken
to ' St Joe and hocked nt a pawn shop , whore i
the ' bulk of thorn were recovered
This morning the case of Tom Lacey ,
charged j with nighwuy robbery , comes up >
In Juugo Donne's court M. A Upton &
Company ( sues F. J. McCarthy , claiming
* ( 100 as payment on a contract for the salobf
a j lot The lot , however was not sold , but
Upton 1 & Company want the above sum as I
compensation t for their services in endeavor
lug I to procure a purchaser
iJudgo Waiteloy U engaged in hearing tbo (
case i of Fitch vs Williams , a lien on a lot of t
lumber ] furnished to eomploto tbo construel
Hon ' of a cortaln building
County Co irr
In the county court , before Judco Shields ,
the ' election contest case of Louis Llttlolleld {
against i Justice of the 1'eaco Gustavo An-
dcrson i is in progress Littloflold alleges in
3his pctitiou serious error on the part of the
judges and clerks of nil the products at the
late election in the count nud return of the
vote polled Ho further alleges that the ro-
suit of the vote , us reported by the board of
canvassers , which is ns follows , is orroncous
and unjust The vote : Anderson , 1,1131 ;
Littloflold , 1,2T8 ; Snchsso , 1,1(13 ( , giving An-
dcrson a mnjoritv over Littlcllold of 103 , und
ever SacliFso 221. The contestant further
alleges that in the Second distiict of the
Fourth ward , where there was u larco force
of workers for J. Johnson , another candl-
date , and for whom there was over two bun
drcd votes cast , that the returns she wed that
ho did not got usinglo vote , and thorcforo
Johnson's votes wore cast for Anderson , and
that the latter Is holding said olllco by fraud
Mr Stricklcr Llttloilcld's nttornoy , says
that ha is making a fight for a recount of the
Bernard , Snchsso , another candidate for
the snmo oMce , has also filed n petitio n in
contest against Anderson , alleging same
causes Llttlcllold's case , however , will ,
prejudge the latter's , and in the case of Liti
tlelleld being unable to make a showing ,
Sachcsso's case will bo dropped ,
Unlte l Kiates UmirU
On account of tbo Illness of Mr Webster ,
ono of the attorneys In the Polack case
court adjourned nt a o'clock yesterday until l [
Professional Otiomists Oivo Tostl-
mony In the I'nllnclc Case
The testimony in tbo case of Pollack vs
sundry insurance companies is being nar
rowed flown \o \ scientific flnenoss Two
chemical experts , Samuel Unrron , chomlst at
thosinclllng works , and S. M. Muollnr , pro
fnssor of chemUtry at tha Omaha Medical
college , were put on the stand and their ro-
plies lo questions uskod proved damaging to
Pollack's sldo ot the controversy , The
theory of spontaneous combustion was ox-
ploded by them Mr Harron showed by ,
an oxncrlmont bofora the Jury that the
scorching of the ceilings nnd melting
of the Bolder on the skylight must have boon
cousod by toanlng tbo goods burned in oil of
some kindus the goods were not burned suf-
ficlontly to cause sucli hent or flames
Prof Mueltor tea tilled thut tlio goods wore
so slightly damaged that the boat generated
was not sufficient to cause the explosion that
blow to fragments the plato glass window in
the front part ot the store ,
The attoruoy representing Pollack piled
Muollur with a multitude ot cross-questions
to corner bun , finally asking at what torn
poruluro lead would molt Tbo wllnoss oould
not rcplvdoflnltoly , but bollvad somewhere
botwooii800 ° and-JOO3 Fahrenheit
I-ayf. Itothschlld was the next witness
Hn donlad going up slain late tbo night of
the flro and doalod In tote tha assertions
tnudu by FJshor and Jenkins concerning Iu -
iloTho emperor .of Itussla paid all the
expenses during his Into visit to the
king of Donmurk The total umount
was something toriifio , buico upart
from the cost of the entertainment of
tlio immense number of persons who
were resident nt the echloss there was a
vast outlay iu connection with the army
of lluasian police agents , with whom
the whole neighborhood wus swarming
for two months
jaaK HMHHgjjBHHBfli
Tooting the Loflnllty of the Bunk Bx-
atnluntlon ClmrRO j
Stale | llmtso Jnttlngi Slputliig of the I ]
Unlvorslty Itogonts Supreme jil
Court t'rneoeillng Tlio Ills ! [
trlot Court City Notov lH >
Lixcoi > UuitEiuor Tug Ovuu Use , ) f I
10-jaPSTitrKT , V H
Lincoln , Neb , , Dee 17. ) 1 •
The case ot George AY Post vs the State M
BnnklngDopnrtmciit , pending In tlio supreme m
court , Is nttracting a good deal ot Interest ( HH
and nltontion HH
Attorney Goncrnl Loose today filed his jl
brlof In the case for the respondents , and ho ( l
considers , its loading features nt length , The .1
legality of the uniform clinrgo of $ M for the Sl
examination of balKs is the milk ot the , m
cocoanut The case was brought to knock - H
outthochnrgo for the reason that it Is the \
lnaximuin , and banks of small capital there J
fore huvo to assist for paying for the examt- ) ) <
nation of ihoso moro wealthy in cap1) )
Hal nnd hence bettor nblo lo pay At . ,
a meeting of tlio state banking board , hold ' '
some months ago , the board decided upon the
maximum } chi'rgu , and upon the passage ot
the y necessary resolution it bocatno the law
for the guldnnco of the cxutninors The
attorney , gonrral takes up the law , cites ! i i
authorities . , and seeks to sustain the right of K
, the . board to make tbo charge nod the at- J
tending . right of the oxumlnora to collect it y'
The case , it Is thought , will bo passed upou j
by , the supreme court within a very few {
days , for it is ono ot importance to the I '
examiners , the public and very many banlts i ' (
operating in the state 55
fltnto lloino letting > U *
Deputy Labor Commissioner Jenkins ro- [ ;
eclved the standard weights , mcasuros and W
bnlnnces . for tlio state todny dlroct from the t1 }
United , States court and gcodillo olllco at jl
Washington II'
Amendments to the charter of the Omaha ' < • " ,
Street Hnilway company wcro filed in the •
olllco | of the socrelary of state today The
capital stock of tbo company is increased to "
$5,000,000. ; '
Tha Missouri Pacific railway company has ,
filed a motion for a rehearing in the Elm i\i. \
wood elevator case and the state board has m
fixed upon January 8 , 1S)9 ! ) , ns the data for ' ' ,
arguments I
Some friend ot Governor Thayer's who re
sides ut Crete , sent him a line turkey for his h
Christmas dinner It came by express today l *
nnd is said to weigh twentv-sovon and ono ( t
half : pounds The governor , however , will .
dtuo with Mexico's officials on Christmas
Board or Unlvor-itiy Itcfouts
Tbo regents of the state university mot ,
this ntternoon nt 8 o'clock for tlio closing ' ' < i
suasion of the year Sittings , ns usual , will
• bo hold In the chuncollor's rooms Merrill '
nud Knight , regents-elect , nro bore It Is rtij
learned thut Acting Clianccllor Bessoy will i
bo < continued as the h' end of the institution n ,
it Is given out that the appropriation of tlio jir-
late legislature is insulllclont to warrant in- j" I'
dulgcnco in luxuries , nnd thut the university
will bo run without a chancellor proper until
after the next session of the state loglsta- J-
turo '
There is a full uttondnnco of the board '
The Supreme Court
Today's proceedings In the supreme court k
were as follows : %
J. Si Sherhau and John Schomb of Omaha 9
were aiimittpd to practice fi
Tlio case of the Desert National bank vs 1
Nucltolls was continued I !
Metcholson vs Smith , submlsslonsct aside , ft ,
motion suggesting diminution of the record . ,
sustained , und the uaso continued If
Villagoof Edgar vs Mills submitted on
motion ' to reinstate cause Bragman vs" " v1
Burr , contlnunnco sot aildo ; leave given do- v
fondant to file briufs nnd aiuso submitted I ;
Wbeeler vs Stutc Plaintiff allowed to V
fllo | transcript of record In tlio case of Wag i (
ner vsjlreed leave was given defendant to -h
file reply briefs instanles State ex rol |
Smith vs Brown Lone given plaintiff to %
lllu | amended petition , and submitted ou (
motion to strike amended partition from ,
llloo State vs Mnhor Keport of recelvor 1
showing sale of real estate snbmittcd and
sulo confirmed j
Thn Dlmriut Court '
C. W. Hoxte , bailiff during tbo pending
term of the district court , was handsomely
caned { by an admiring jury this morning
Captain Billingsloy made the presentation
Judge Field todny gave J. A. Bockstuft
Judgment 1 for $ S47.4l nnd $ I)91.8'J ( ) , respect
ively , la bis cases against the Firomaa's
Fund nud the Liverpool , London nnd Glebe .
insurance j companies , brought to rccovor for , .
losses i sustained iu tbo Metropolitan fire of V
1887. 1 i
The United German Evangclcstical Lutheran -
eran church asks the court for permission to - '
mortgage its property not to exceed Sl.Ml ) to
meet tbo balance of an old mortgage now *
Al fioborts was soulcnced to two years nt
hard I Igoor in the stutn ponitoutiapy today by
Judge Chapman for attempted rape
The court issued a capias this morning for
the urrcst of Uelnhard Adams , tbo West
Lincoln ] saloon keeper who skipped out while . .
under bonds for trial for soiling liquor on , i
Sunday j
Uavid A. Kiddle filed his petition today nl-
leglng l damages In the sum of 53.00J against
James A. Baker for dcfumallou of chaructcr
Fraternally ltouininberrd
, Itawllns post and relief corps of Beatrice , *
Neb , has most kindly donated to Farragut i
post I and relief corps for use and sale at the ,
Grand ( Army of the Itcpublic fair , ono benu- \
tiful i plush rocker , one fine cano rocker , ono
box 1 miscellaneous nrticlos Such acts of
kindness 1 are duly appreciated Wo extend ,
our i heartiest thanks
II C. McAiiTiiun ,
Commander Fan-ngnr , Post No 25.
Mus Maiiv B.Cook ,
President Farrugut Hcllcf Corps
Cltv Wows anol Notoi '
lion Charles Merrill of Stromsburg , member - <
ber of tlio board of university rogonts-elcct ,
is in tbo city
Arcumonts in the Scrogglns-McClollan 1
rorere'o case are in progress iu the cloak
rooms of representative hull at the capitol ,
They will uot bo concluded before tomorrow
Prof , U. E. Barber looturod at the Church
or.Ubrlst this evening on tbo subject of Our i
Neighbors Across the Atlantic " A fine
audience greeted him
dBishop Skinners rod ribbon chib of Lin-
coin will be represented nt the prohibition
convention at Omnli.i . by J , W. Crnddock , It
It Itandall , William Fullerton AC itlckots ,
O. M. ( Iron , S. M. Bonodlut , A. N.Wynkoff ,
C. M. Cadwalador , C. L.Outhwalt und ft A.
Hawley '
The reception committee for tlio Orand
Army camp Ilro fpr the evonlugot December
10 , is as follows i P. A. Gatcholl J. Alex
under , O. K. Goodoll M. O. IVaiiklln , Wlll-
iam Gllllsplo , J. S. Harwich and II C. Mc-
Arthur The fair opened tonight , Henry
Cowen , Ooncrnl Webster , Paul Vundorvoort ,
II C. Kussell and General Kimball Willi do-
liver addresses during Its progress
Tbo musical department of the state uni
versity gave a recital at the ehappcl this \
ovoulng Tbo programme was of high order
and a lurro uumbcr of auditors were very I
jhappily outcrtninod |
The school touchers of the city hava
formed n society for the discussion of meth
ods of work , 'i hey moot every three weeks ,
und term themselves the Froobel society ,
The club Is olUccrcd as follows ; President ,
Mlis Klloy ; vice president Miss Cole ; . ,
irecording B' 'croUry , Mrs , Franklin ; corro- ]
Bnondiug secretary , MUs I'ryso' , treasurer , i
Miss Ailkeu ,
The oldest union soldier in Indiana
is William Leo , who resides on Indian
crook , near Columbus , Ind , Ho Is
nlnoty-two years of ago and is still halo
and hearty , Ho was i-ocontly granted
u pension with $1,500 back puy , Ilo has
boon in Btraightenod circumstances for
several yours , but this suln will onublu
him lolivo in comfort duriug thu re
mainder of his duya -