I • THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 18. 1889. 3 [ H I. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS fl | Wheat Opens a Llttlo Stronger , but H Soon Dcollnoo H BUT LITTLE VARIATION IN CORN B Onts Hlion Mnrked Jiillne I'rovl- B ilorm liattj > llnnillc Cnttlo Quiet HI nml I'riccH UnolimiKcit Hob * Hb I'rnctlcnlly nt n Standstill B cihcauo produce : maukbts , B Cnicxno , Ioo 17. [ Spoclitf Tolcgrara to Bff Tub UKn.J Wheat made a llttlo show of HV stronKth tins morning and the prlco of May Hff ran up fromS2Vo nt tno opening to 82c Tills HI Binull advnnco was the fclgnal for a ronuwal of spcculattvo oftorlngs on a largo scale by Kb the bear party The market yielded to the Hb | pressure , declining ? c Only a moderate Hff business was donaon the advaneo , but trans Hft actions were very llboral on the buck track , HV especially around S2 , ' o and b2c Tlio 6'Jo ' Kb limit was reached about 10:3J : , but It was nl- Hb most Impossible to till orders at that figure HI An hour or so later 82o was touched otico mora and tlio market durtnu tno last half Kb hour was heavy ut prices very close to the KV bottom Several local operators bought Kf freely early In the day on strong cables , KB Ocerbohin quoting Cc advance In cargoes of KB California wltcatand reporting a signal firm KK ncss in the continental markets The mar V kut was HUbJoutcd to a heavy prcssuro KH toward the lastand May went to 8I2 cc1osIiik KH at tHJifQcMc Ueeomber was dull , opening ut KK 77o , ranging nt77j < ® * Uri closing at the lnsldo KB Junuary oponcdal , 77Jfo and sold off to Tlc , KB which was the linnl quotation 1 lie closing KB prices show a net shrinkngo of } idt > } c 'J ho KB donicstio movomcat tables do not produce BB1 anything sensational In the northwest re- BBi ceipts contluuo to taper olT , though some BB ! what slowly The tenor of advices from BBj that section is getting decidedly bullish BH Farmers 'in Dakota and Minnesota liuvoun- BB questionably sold oft their wheat closer than BB bas been generally supposed , in soma quur- BB tur3 being compelled by necessity to do so BB and in others having been carried off their BB fecl by the mammoth proportions of the BB ; inovomont The country markets in the BB northwest are relatively quite as strnug as BB nnywheru else lu the country Just now BH Chicago is the center of the weakness Tim BB ) spcculattvo sentiment leans to the selling BB ) Bide of the market This Is the hcadquur- BBj tors ot n powerful and aggre3sivo bear p.irty BB ] nQd the operations of the leaders are con BB ] ducted with a degree of dash and conildcnco BBj that attracts a largo and lnlluentiul following BBI ' • 'bo hcavywoights go on the theory that the BBi only time to buy wheat Is after It lias been BB | olil and there is a proflt in sight Some BBf times they vary the monotony of the tire BBI grammo by buying in their whent at a loss , BH but they are scomlngly in slight fear of that BBL rort of thing now " Whcnovor the market BBm R0t3 unitllcy K ° at " batnmer and tonga BBI 'Ihuslt happens that when the conditions BBb 1oo1c In03t favorable the market Is likely to BBI Rot smashed in the face The foreign news BBB today ts bullish enough to have caused an BBB advunco ordinarily , and largo purchases were BBM made in expectation of a permanent and BBft healthful rally A pleco of news that was BBM chewed over a good deal was the last olUcial BBM estmiato of the English crop of wheat at BBI 73,000.000 Duchcls , which Is loss than provi- BBJ ously accepted estimates , but 4,000.000 bush BB1 o'8 ' moro than Sir John Lawcs' estimate BBJ Tll ° enormous rocclots of com at SULouls , BBI amounting to 407,000 bushels today , making BBf 1,000,000 bushels in two ' days , guvo shorts BBf inoro courage to stay 'by outstanding con BBf tracts and oven to moderately Increase thorn BBf 'J ho continued wet weather which was ro- BB | licdupou to hold the marliot ut least for BB | this months delivery failed m its desired BBI efl uct uftor the first half hours trading had BB passed without bringing in any heavy shorts , BBI and under the free offerings of cash and the ljBOlhugot December by a leading operator BBf there was a decliuo of J.jC In the future BBI named and cash offerings were disposed of BBf at mainly a reduction December opened at BBi 8 'f ' ° > aold sparingly at ! ! c , declined to and BBf closed at 32 0. May aoclincd from 33J ( ir ) BBf 33J/0 near the opening to 33c later There BBI was a K00(1 demand at the last named figure , BBJ which urovented a further decline The es- BB | tluiatcs for tomorrow are 220 curs Out of BBf 805 received today 44 cars were of contract BBf grndo The foreign marketsnroilrm and ex- BBf llorl clearances llboral The caslor feeling BBf in the wheat market contributed somosym- BBf pathetic weakness to the corn speculators BBI Forclgu advices were encouraging to hold BB | cra anu" export clearances were llboral , BBM In tno rcRu'ur ' market for oats a marked MMMB dullness prevailed , with few outsldo trading MMMMM orders nnd llttlo desire on the part of local > operators to do aught but a light scalping trade The feeling was barely steady , as MMMMMB 'll-v f ° ' 1' ' ani' ' was ° ' ; rcrcd at " ? i < or at the MMMMMI recent lnsldo figure The receipts were MMMMM ) fairly liberal and there were no reported MMMMM withdrawals from store The Interest MMMMM 'n ' sollcr months was entlroly absent nnd MMMMM No 2 oats In store were nomlnully IMJ c. MMMB AVlitto oats for future dellvory were scarcely MMMM1 BBM Provision traders found their market an BBf oa9y ono t0 bandlo There was no unusual BB Btlr m n"y hranch of it , and on both cash BBf enl | speculntlva accounts the business trans BBM acted made a poor showing The days BBM movement all around was under an average , BBM J'ct ll' ' ° markct met with a fair support BB tinder the circumstance , the feeling Bm being Influenced doubtless by tlio rccoiots Bb of bous falling umlor expectations BM Compared with yesterday the closings were BBb unchanged for pork and January shortrlbs , BBV "H ° blgher for December and May short BBI r'bs < and 2 } o lower far lard For cash do- BBf livery lnrd sold at 15.85@5.00 , Id-lb grcan BM hams at $7.20 , Now York green shoulders BM averaging U lbs at in and boxed short clear BM at Co Sweet pickled hams of 14 lbs average BM brought 8o for January dollvory The cash lard taken amounted to 1,7. ' > 0 lbs The llttlo MMMB spcculattvo Interest developed was confined to January and May The now trading in B fact was mainly lu May , which sold at BBB $0.0 30.00 for pork , td 0. ! > @ 0.07 > 4-chieny BB ° " sjilit for lnrd , and $4.00 ( < j4.02 > 4 for short BBB r'lja- ' Pork for May closed at tiMtf , lira at B W.02iOH.05 } { and short ribs ot tl.02 > . The BBBi llnal quotations for January stood at $9.25 BBK | for > orl < * ' - ' • 87.j(35.yo ; ( for lard and $4.70 for BB short ribs December product quiet B CIUUAGO IjIVIS STOCK BBB CniOAao , Dee 17 , [ Spoolal Telegram to BBB Tub Ubs.1 Cattle Trade was quiet with BBB llttlo or no change In prices as ooinparod B with yesterday or the close ot last week B I'rlmo fat cattle were scarce , yet It scorned | a sufllclcnt number for Tuesday , which , as Is H well known , Is on off day to trade The H weather was warm for December , wet and 1 murky , making the handling of fresh meat 1 without summer appliances extremely unsafe 1 There were but few Texans among the early MMMB arrivals , scarcely a sufllciont number to • make a maruct Natlvo butcliora stock sold M R shudo stronger , osjioclally prlmo oows and heifers Stoelcers and PB B feodcrs wore rather scarce , with sellers B rather disposed to move prices up a M notch or two Choice to extra beeves b sold at $4.004.05 ; medium to good steers , V 1350 to l.VX ) lbs , $3.5(3)I.S0 ( ) ; 1200 to 1330 lbs B H.O0@3.Wi 050 to 1200 lbs , $2.70(33.60 ( ; H nocliors aud feeders , $3.00(33.00 ( ; cows , B bulls and mixed , $1.00 ( t2.05 ; bulk , $2.V0a)2.0O. ( H steers , $ j.23$2.b0 ; cows , $1.50@2.10. l lloos i'rlcos nnderwent little or no B change us compared with yesterday , the H bulk selling within a rauga of $3.00 to $3.03 B for packers , ( shippers and asserted light A BB B ] few rough and common sold as low us $3.CO B H \ ° , n-i 65 "lul a few , a"Wi beavy ut $3.65 to BHB kinanqiaH H' New Voiik Doc 17 | Spoolal Telegram to _ Tnit ltBK.I Stocks It was no surprise to B the trade that the stock market opened very BHB du" tllls mornlnK' 'ino approach of the hoi BBB Idays puts anything more than a routine BBB market out of questiou llonry Clews fools BBB bearish because ot the weather auQ advises BBB caution while comparatively close money ox- PBB 1u' * V > White gives bulls no onoourago- PBB Uinut Nat Jones Is still out of the market , PBB unJ Cammack has oeasod active opera BBB tlous With tie o condltlous no broad or de- BBBJ clslvo market can bo expected The rote BBBJ cuttlug in the west , present and prospective , BBBJ threateus to make a bad opeulug for the uew year when the bulls hnvo boon promised so much The markct today opened with activ ity only in exceptional spots , In only two stocks were there movements worthy ot no- tlco , the remainder ot the list being stagnant within narrow limits and with no pronounced tendency In cither direc tion First prices were steady at about those of last night , nnd only Sugar Refineries nnd Missouri Pacific showed any animation what ever Whllo the latter was llko the rest ot the list , without any movement of Import nnco , Sugar was ratbor erratic , with a general - oral downward tendency , though the most Important fcaturo of the trading tn that stock was the dlflorcnco mudo between sales In a regular way and these at seller at tliroo Oays , which was held nt about 1 per cent at 0.1 , but declined to flljf , selling at 01 seller at thrco dnys Oregon Short Line was a strong feature of tlio hour , rising on small trans actions from C5 to 67. Toward the end of the hour , however , there was a llttlo moro ani mation , nnd Consolidated Gas showed a marked strength , rising ljf to OOJf During the hour to noon coal stocks lost the slight gain of the early morning , whllo western railroad stocks showed Improvements Northwestern , Hock Island , Missouri Pa cific nnd Union Pnclflo each made gains Ot H to K per cent Chicago went to 43j ! nnd olt to 42. The following wore the clostng quotations t II B. U regular 1S8 Northnrn Iiclflo . ! Ki ! U.B.4scoupons . . , IS7 dopreferred 7tl > < U.S.4' .4sro iilftr.imJi U. & M.V lllii U.H.4'4s coupons . 104fi do preferred M H 1'i.cliltilH ot MS 110 N.V.Contral 107 * . ' Onlral t'aclno 3K : { P. IMcK . . , 18 ( ; hlraijo.feAlton . . .132 Hocklslami 3 ChlcacolIuriln ton U. , M. He St.1' . . 7C Apulncv IM' .i do preferred 114 D..U.VVV I37fi StlnulOmaha . 33W HltnolsContral 11" ! . dopreforrcn , , . . 08 T. , llW , ! 5 tr.Uon Iaclllo . . . . . . H9t < KansASKTdxas . , . 11 W..8t. It * l\ lii'i I.akeShore I0"i doprefiirred . . . . . 3 < J ? | Michigan ( eutrnl . * J74 ! Western Union . . . 85S Mlssourllacltlo . . . li'J'i AIonkv Kasy , rauglug from 5 to 7 , last loan , 5J . Phimo Mekoastilb Pxrr.it 6'ii'i } per cent Stbiiliso Exciuxan Quiet but steady ; sixty-day bills , $4.60i ; demand , S4.8if. ; Mlniui ; Stoolcs New Vohk , Djo 17. fSuoolal Telegram toTnn Uiir.1 The following are the min ing stock quotations : Caledonia 11. U..12S Iron Silver r.0 Crown Point 125 Mexican avi Con CuL & Va 431 ( Intnrlo 3ir,0 Dead wood T. 0 Plymouth 2JJ ElL'rlito 1J ) Sierra Nernda Mi Ualo.V- Norcross..2ri UnionCou 210 Iloineitaks WO PUODOCtJMAItltUT-l. Ciiicaqo Dec 17. lilo o. ra cloos Wheat Lower ; December , lOVe ; January , 77Jifc ; May 8iffflS2o. . Corn Irregular ; December , 32 0 ; Janu ary , 31 c ; Maj % : ! 3' c. Oats Steady ; Deoombor 20 0 ; Janu ary , 20 f@20jc ; Mny , 3aJi@-v's - Hyo December , 45J e. Unrloy Nnmltiul Prime Timothy 81,20 ® 1.22. FlnxSood 1.03M. Whlsky-S1.02. Dutternnd Ezgs Steady Pork SteadyJanuary ; , 0.25 ; Murch $9.45 ; May $0.65. Lard Steady ; January $3 80 } @ 5.00 ; March , $5 92@5.U3 ; May 5.02K@ . ' 5.O5. Utbs Steady : January , $1.70 ; March.$4.80 ; May , 54.021 . Flour-rDull nnd unchanged twmtor wheat , $2.00J44.3jj ( spring wheat , $ Jfi5J4.00 ; rye , $2.50 2.83 ; buckwheat , 51.50552.00 porewt , Provisions Shoulders , ? 1.12J < C 4.2.j ; short clear , ? 5.00@5.03 ; Bhort ribs , $4.70 4.80. Butter Uuohaoged ; creamery , 17@27J u ; dairy , 15@24o. Cheese Market quiet with firm quota tions ; full cream Cheddars und Oats , 'J } { @ O e ; . Young Americas , lOJ c Kggs Easy ; 20@20).f@21o. ) Hides Unchanged ; light green salted , 0c ; dry calfr > @ .lo ; deacons , each , 20c. Tallow Unchanged ; No 1 solid packed , 4c ; No 2 , 33) ! < c ; cake , 4 | o. Uccoipts Shipmts Flour . ' . 21,000 17,000 Wheat 82,000 28.000 Corn 271,000 231,000 Oats 212,000 15:1,000 : Ni w Yorlr , Dee 17. Wheat Ueceipts 22,000 ; exports , 74,000 ; spot Armor and dull ; No 2 red , SIM- " * in elevator , 85X@S0o afloat , 85@80Jio f. o. b. ; ungraded red , 3'JJ ' ( tlrMc Options dull and lower ; No 2 red , December closing at 84fc } Corn Hecolpts , 4U.20J ; exports , 122,000 ; spot quiet and steady ; So 3 , . 42Ji@42j > { u in elevator , 43 @ 13 . , 5 o alloat ; ungraded mixed , U8Ji(243JXo. ( Ojittons lower and weak ; Decem ber cosing at 42) ) 0. Oats Ueceipts , 30.000 ; experts , 100,000 ; spot , ilrm ; options dull , firmer ; December , SS' c ! snot No 2 white 32ttfc : mixed west ern , . ' )7 ) ( < S3'Je ; white western , 30@33o. CofToe Options closed bnroly steady at 10 @ 30 points down Sales : 43,700 bags ; Decon.- bor , $ l5l > 0@15.9. > ; May , 310.15@U1.2" ; spot Hio , easy and quiet ; fair cargoes , $10.75. Sugar llaWf dull und nominal ; rellned , dull Petroleum Steady ; United closed at $1.03J4 for January Eggs Steady ; western , 23 ( o)24c. ) Porlc ( julut ; mess , inspected , $10.50 ® 10.75. Lard Easier nnd quiet ; west ern steam , $0.25 , closing at$3.22K. lluttsr Quiet ; Elgin , 2'Jo ; west ern dairy , 0@18c ; creamery , 14@J7c. Choose yulet ; western , 8@10o. Liivnritiiol , Dee 17 , Wheat Steady , demand fair ; holders offer moderately Corn Firm , demand poor ; ncwmlxod west ern , 4s 2d per cental Sr liiiuiH , Dee 17. Wheat Lower ; cash , 77/ 'o ; May , 81 ? @Sl3 o. Corn Luwor ; cusn 27 0 ; May , 29 > fo Oats Weak ; cash , 10Kc ; May , 22Vc Pork Quiet at $10.00. Lard-Dnllat$5.70. Whlsky-$1.02. Uuttcr Unohanged ; crearaory , B2@2le : dairy , 18022a. AliunuuiiDli * . Dea 17 , Sample wheat Steady , raodorately active , early in day gained l o over yestordoy's price ; receipts , 220 cars ; shipments , 50 cars Closing : No 1 hard , December , 78c ; May , 82 } a ; on track , 71)jj0 ) ; No 1 northernUeeomber , 75 'jc ' ; May , SOtfe ; on track 77c ; No 3 northern , Decem ber , 72o ; May , 77c ; on track , 72@74e , Clnuiiiiinti , Dec 17. Wheat Dull : No 2 red , 70(2770. ( Corn Active , lower ; No.2 mixed , 32@3l. Oats Firm ; No 2 mixed , 25c. Whisky $1.02. KniiHim City , Dee 17. Wheat Quiet ; No 3 hard cash , COo bid ; No , 3 hard cash , B5) ) o bid ; No 3 red , cash , 07 } o. Corn Steady ; No 3 , cash , 33 , ' c ) No 3 , cash , 22o. Oats Wo , 2 , cash , lBo asked ; December , 17'4 'o bid _ ' IilVC SIOUIC Cnloaco , Dee 17. The Drovers Journal reports as ( ollo'vs : Cattle Ueceipts , 7,000 : market steady ; beeves , $2,70G$5U3 ; stockers and feeders , $2.00@3.00 ; cows , bulls aud mixed , $1,00 ® 2.03 , bulk , $2.00@2.10. Hogs - Receipts , 23,000 ; market steady ; mixed , r3.40&3.70 ; houvy , J3.WCu53.70 ; light , $3.50(23.75. ( Sheep Hccolpts , 8,000 ; market 10o lower ; natives , $3.00 ( . a5,50 ; ; western , corn fed , $4.50@5.23. Kansas City , Dec 17. Cattle Reoeipts ; 4,500 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market steady ; natives , f3.00 ( 4.40 ; cows , $1.G0 ( < $3.30 ; stockers - ors und fcedors , $2.O0C < $3.00. Hogs Receipts , 8,700 ; shipments , market tower ; everything , $1.47Jjl ( 53. t-luux Ulty , Dee 17. Cattle Receipts , 820 head ; shipments , HO bead ; market steady aud unctiaugod ; cauuers , 75vS ( 11.20 ; cows , $1,003215 ; stockers and feed ers , $1.50C < i2.00 ; veal calves , $2.O0@3.15. Hogs Receipts , 3b00 ; market strong ; light , $ ; ) .47 > 4'Q43.52 > f ; heavy , $3.45 ( < ? 3.35j ' mixed , $3.250c3.47 > f. Nutloniil 81 licit Yiu'tl-i , ICast Br , liiiuiH , Doa 17 , Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , ; market strong ; fair to raaoy native steers , $ -Jo5(5.10 ; stocuers and feed ers $1.80 2.10. Hogs uocolpts , 0,000s shipments , 1 markotstoady ; heavy , f3.50a3.00 ( : packing , $3.40(33.53 ( ; ligbt , $3,4003.00. O.M.VI1A lilVC SL'UOIL Cattle Tuesday , Dec 17 , There may have bcea a few Instances where catllo that appoarad to strike the buyers - ors Taney did not soil any lower , but they were so lew that It would bo snfo to call the market lower on all grades , Common cattle were about ns bad as tnoy have been any ttmo As showing the wny the buyers fell about tt ono of them remarked Hint if ha bought any of the half fat cnttlo lie would want to get them lower A Christmas steer , a full blood Hereford , sold nt $0.10 , and n heifer ot the same kind sold at $5.10. Tlio built of tlio steers sold at $2.SO@3.00. Good stockers und feeders were not very plenty , nor were there many outsldo buyers Such cattle as changed hands brought about t < tcnd.v prices , A few uutlvo leodors sold nt $2.00fc2.i. { ) , and some westerns nt $2.7002.73. There was a fair showing ot cow stuff in the yards , but n good deal of It was on the com monlsh order The market did not show much change so far as prices were con cerned , but salesmen Complained that it was hard work to unload except , in cases where the Block hnnponed to strike the buyers fancy and ( lT > @ 2.43 bought the bulk or the cattle Hum The buyers set out this morning to gain a reduction of Cc , claiming that the prices paid bore have boon richt up to Chicago nnd mora than the packers could afford to pay They offered only $3.13 for the bulk , Hint is5o lower than yesterday , although a few cholco loads sold early nt3. . . * 0@3 53. Suitors were unwilling to make the concession and as both sides held out stubbornly the trade was extremely slow It was into lu the attomoon before anything llko n clearance wnscfTcctod In the end the buyers succeeded In getting the hogs their way , the general market bolng about So lower , Slmcp There wis not a load of sheep In tlio yards nnd tiuttuug to make a market ttnuuipts Cattle 2.200 Hogs 5,000 Pre vail in .r PIodm The following Is a table ot prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Christmas beeves . " $1.00 ( 15.10 Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs . 3.00 @i 00 Good steers , 1250 to 1433 lbs . . 3.00 0M.00 Good steers 1050 to 13J0 lbs . . 3.03 fibJ.SO Common 100J to 1150 lb steers 2.75 ( fil.90 Western steers . . " . 2.40 @ 2 90 Common canners 1.00 ( t l.50 Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 © I SO Fair to good cows 1.80 @ 2.n0 Cholco to fancy cows 2.50 @ 3.00 Goon to choice cows 2.00 Qol ' < D Fair to good bulls 1.50 W2,33 Light Btockera and fodor3. . . . 2.00 @ 2.00 Fcedors , 950 tu 1103 tb3 3.23 @ 3 03 Fair to cholco light hogs 3.50 M3.35 Falrtochoico heavy hogs . . . . 8.45 @ 3.52 } Fair to cholco mlxod hogs 3.4U @ 3.50 It preset.tntIvu Sales CHRISTMAS STEEItS No Av Pr No Av Pr 1 1730 $0 10 CillllSTMAS I1K1FCR9. 1 1230 5 10 sirens 10 1014 2 85 2 1410 $3 20 l 1500 2 90 3 11SO 3 25 12 1028 2 00 10 1227 3 23 18 OSS 2 90 23 1223 3 30 21 970 2 90 IS 1279 3 50 1 1110 3 00 20 1233 3 M 3 1123 3 00 19 1274 3 50 3 1430 3 00 38 1204 3 00 30 10S1 3 05 19 1111 3 00 27 1000 3 10 14 1474 3 05 13 1111 3 10 42 1237 8 70 1 1210 3 10 0 9.13 . 8 75 19 1131 3 10 17 1337 3 80 COWS 8 8S8 140 20 015 2 15 1 1110 1 00 II 1157 2 13 17 1059 170 3 9S0 2 15 4 907 175 0 1112 3 15 23 900 175 10 951 2 15 31 921 180 13 S91 3 17 8 1027 185 18 9.10 2 25 10 1121 190 21 1033' 2 45 0 1100 193 8 1171 2 15 8 ,10SS 2 00 8 1131 2 50 0 , .1242 3 12JS 1 12J0 2 75 15 1039 3 15 15FEEDERS. FEEDERS 0 725 2 00 13 970 2 70 0 847 2 50 32..1003 2 70 88 909 200 32 S04 2 75 HULLS 4 1437 170 1 1590 2 25 1 1590 170 1 1030 2 25 1 1500 2 00 00CALVRS. CALVRS 13 273 193 9 170 3 50 1 470 3 00 STOCKEUS 10 029 2 55 OX EST 3 1000 2 00 WKjrcllS CATTLE Owner and No , Av Pr A. C. Dots ford ' 10 feeders , tailings 1100 $2 25 8 feeders 875 2 00 , 11009. No Av Sic Pr No Av Sk Pr 40.233 ? 3 40 58..270 200 $3 45 01..335 80 U 40 53..313 200 3 45 77..238 200 3 45 01. . . 197 100 3 45 5S..2'i0 100 3 45 5(1..001 ( 200 3 45 03..282 300 3 45 45..832 3 47 23..341 40 3 43 51..1107 3 47t ? 07.33.3 210 3 4.5 57..297 40 3 47'f 72..2.30 210 3 45 53 . . .318 SO 3 47K 73..2(55 ( 100 3 45 51 . . .310 SO 3 47l 71..283 120 8 45 50..304 40 3 47'f 09..220 80 3 45 Oil..293 240 3 47K (15. ( . . 273 230 it 45 00..329 80 3 47K 03.i03 : 200 3 45 00..348 2S0 3 47" " 01 Ill 4D 3 45 Gl..200 40 3 47K 03..28U 320 3 45 75..201 J00 3 47K 58..270 200 3 45 53..317 280 3 471tf 57..310 210 3 45 59..209 120 3 47tf 03..230 120 3 45 59..282 40 3 47'5 38..204 120 3 45 57 . . 301 280 3 47J4 73..291) 240 3 45 40. . . 400 SO 3 47U 50..329 S9 3 45 53.331 8 47 > 2 07..813 3 45 59..300 40 3 47WJ 20..205 80 3 45 00..313 * 40 3 47J < ; 83..174 40 3 45 51. . .321 80 3J7K 51. . . 820 200 3 45 04..810 240 3 i U 51. . . 311 40 345 05..290 3 47J5 51..314 320 3 45 01..309 40 3 47 > rf 48..831 100 3 45 53..344 3 50 02..280 120 3 45 49..340 3 50 50..323 100 45 57 . .313 240 3 50 01..203 200 3 45 00..291 40 3 50 09..292 100 3 45 51..310 480 3 50 00.279 200 3 45 03..421 120 3 50 59..330 120 3 45 43..220 3 52i = f 00..310 400 3 45 75..201 200 3 654 53..818 240 3 45 51..313 3 52 } | 07..239 120 1145 03..201 40 3 52i $ 21..313 80 3 45 107..239 40.3 05 01..337 240 1145 CO..233 8 55 07.299 120 3 45 75. . . 190 3 55 • 07.297 240 3 45 rios 07..U0 80 3 10 Willi Jlnua On tlio market with hogs : J , M. Enmnuol , Council UluffsIa ; Wilson Loss , Logan , la ; T. O. Adams , Logan , la , ; A. Haas Herman ; R. A. Temuleton Si Com pany , Tokamah ; Anderson & , J. , Oakland ; W , H. Errett , Harlan , Ia W. L. Uoughn Harlan , la : M. II Hegarty , Oukluud la ; J. S. Potter , Shelby ; Tanners 8. & E. Com pany Colou ; Swodoburg Ely Company , Swedeburg ; A. E. Tunbcrg , Hooper , Neb ; H. T. Church , l'lorce ; Kodon & Z. , Missouri Vullsy , la ; II S. Greene , Dow City , la ; Wilson & Scott , Vail , la ; SblrtcllH & M. , Vail , la ; M. D. Stevens Si Company , Denlson , la ; William llerilon , Denlson , la ; Lingo & llrumcr , lilnghAui , la , ; Gruba & Company , Man ning ; Slovenson brothers , Anslcy ; Hake & Hruss , Mason ; Dryer & Sbaw , Havonnu ; Jones & , P. , Aurora : Ira arlftln , Palinor ; Foley , P. & Company , Qreely Center ; O. W. Parks , Hurwell ; Babbitt & Evans , South lleud ; E. U. Murphy , MoroBcld ; M. Halloran Inland ; Thomas Powers , Suttou ; J. W. Price , Hrunnlng ; D , JT Roed.Croto ; M. Mackoy , Eustla : L. F. Hltt , Coin ; Cook & Hamilton , Huell Point , Mo , ; A. A Nixon , Alorsomun , la ; C. Schneider , Snyder ; Ilrugger Urothers , Leigh ; Farmers * union , Leigh ; J. H. Uarncs , Loretlo ; llouo Si Shoots , Elgin : Fuller , S. Si P. , Newman Grove ; W. T. Uickoy , Columbus ; J. li , Woodworth , Schuyler ; Ullss & Hltss , Schuyler : 11. Emerson , Cedar Rapids ; F. W. and A. J. WestWlsner ; H. L. Harris ! Wisner ; F. W. Meloher & Company , West Poiut ; J. T , Muthorson , Pllgor ; A. W. 01- linger , Kearney ; Krebo & Conway , Scotia ; E. A. Pcttloone , Fremont O. S. Edmonds York : W. T , McElvano & Company , Urain ard ; Wagers Si Doylw , O'Noll ; T , J. Hale , Uatllo Creek ; N. W. &M Company , Clear water ; Obrlen & W. , Atkinson ; W. H. Wood , Overton ; George Howell , Overton ; .1. H. Hume , Madison * > lj , H. Urooks , Coburg ; .1. R. Jones , Hondorson ; Davis St Cunningham , Hlll dnlcV > n J , H. Nessly , Vilisca , la ; J. C. Welclu CJnrlnJn , la "Willi Crfttlc On the market wltVi 1 battle I S. C. Gregory , Hrocit ; Fred SHrWer , Horlln ; John Sandbcrg , Oakland ; C. W Milter , Concord ; N. Moore , Coloridgo : N.tT , Paul , Coloridgo ; John Englc , Ponca ; F. C Stnrks , Ponca ; T. J. Coffee , Ponca ; mMi , H , Hegarty , Oakland ; S. E. Lcanso , Cnrsont M. Winters , lielby ; K. M. Tarboll , Fremont ; Grant Thompson , Coresco ; A , E. Tunbclg , Hooper ; 11 , F , Roberts , Dun lap , la ( W. W. Cook , Dnnlap , la ; W. and II F. Carpenter , Dunlnp In ; .1. P. Poesloy , Hnibun ; R. Hoda Silver City ; J. W. Sal ters , PorUinouth : J. C. Pattcrsou , Archer : John Knox , Palmyra ; W H. Lu cas , Ashland ; J. Hastio , Wabash ; 11 11 Day , Weeping Water ; C. 11. Rhodes , Corona ; .1. R. Porter & Sons , Hnlgler ; E. U , Murphy , Morellold ; John Hnstlu , Hanlon ; William Mover , Hunion ; William Frohm , Hntilon ; F , McUausland , Whitney , In ; Cassady & W „ Whitney , la ; J. F. Robinson , Whitney , In ; C. Schnoldor , Snyder ; J. H. Uarncs , Lorottn ; R , Glnley , Clarkson ; Emel Elchblatt , Scribner ; A. C. Stnwall , Ccdur Rapids ; J. U. Woodworth , Schuvler ; J. Russell , Fuliuiton , two cars ; R. J. Morrison , Fullortou ; C. J. Peterson .t Sons , Mindcn : Fred Urown , Clnrks ; J. J. Miller.Vu' ' .Ioys Heldon Si llrothorsClmpmati ; W. J. llurgor.Tloniphan ; Jennings Si Walk er , Davenport , la ; Henry Slovors , Scribner ; G. Hubonthnl lleomer , J. G. Mathoson , Ill ger ; A. J. Spltzer , Stanton ; R. McAdam , Oakdnlo ; A. O. Storrlck , Atkinson ; W. H. Wood , Overton ; J , W. Stuart Elm Crook ; Jack Creek L , & C. compans * , Rawlins , W. T.s JcnltliFs Hros , Madison ; E. A. Packard , Mnmiilla , In ; .1. Kelly , Hack Grove , la : J. N. Arthur , Uroolis , la , ; Thomas Uoo , Cor ning , la I.lvo Stuck Notoi Hogs Be lower • Cnttlo market lower Common cattle very tow No Bhccp to inuko n mnrkct A. Gilchrist was at the yards looking fof ' feeders John Kelley of Ceresco , a well ltnown fatmorund feeder , was among the visitors ut thn yards D. Day , Wooplug Wnter , Neb , was nt the yards with some Christmas cattle There was a thoroughbred steer that wolghod 1,710 pounds , und which took the premium at the Nebraska state fair Ho was only a two yoar-old pnd had boon fed on ground corn und onts , mixed , There was also a very fancy heifer tbat emtio in for a sltnro of the praise The steer sold to Swift & Co at $0.10 and the heifer to Armour nt $5.10. OMA.UA WHOLKSALI3 aiAUIEETS Groceries , Produce Fruito , ICtc Eoos Strictly fresh , 21@23e ; cold storage , 18c. 18c.Hides Hides , Pelts , Tallow , Etc Green salted hides , 4J/c : No 2 , G.-S. hides , 3Kc ; dry Hint hides , 5@7o ; calf hides , 444v } ( > dnmagca hides , 2c less ; sheen pelts , green , each , 25c@ $1.00 ; sheep palts , dry , per lb , 7@l3) o : tal low No 1 , 4c : No 3. 3@3)fo ; grease , white , 4@4 o ; yellow , 2KW3c. JJutteu Creamery , fancy , 23 ( < s23c ; choice , 20(3210. ( Dairy , fancy , 15l7o ( ; choice , 14 ® 15c. Country , fancy , 14.K ( > o ; good to choice , 12@13c ; fair , lOMUu ; inferior , Uc ! Pickles Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small , $0.00 : gherkins , $7.00 ; C & U chow chow , qts , S3.85 ; pts , $3.83. Potatoes 23@30c for bhoico Onions 40.7fooe. * SAUEn KiiAUT-llbls , $4.73 : hf bbls , $3,83. Suoaus Cut loaf , 9o ; cut loaf , cubes , 8J o ; standard , powdered , 8 > 4e : XXXX ; uovvderod , 9o ; granulated , standard , 75Jc ; confectioners tioners' A. 71fu ; white extra C , OJjfc ; extra C Neb , 05 e : amber , O.Vc ; California golden C,0J.fe. HeepToxiu'es Salt , bbls , $20.00. Hay $3.00@0.00. Cnot' Feuii $12.00. ' • ' I3han-$10.00. < Corn 19o. 1. Oats 17c. > Veal Cholco medium size , 'J5@0o ; cholco heuvy , 3014O. ii > Lte tl.75@4.50 per case • LivjjPiouons l'or doz ; , $1,50. , „ , Game 1'ralno chiokons , ? 4.00 ; mallard ducks , $3.00@3.50 ; mlxod duoks , $ I.50@3.00 ; teal , $ l. 23@t.50ackBnlpe ; ] , S1.00@1.25 ; quail , $1.2. ) @ 1.73 ; Jackrabbits , $4.004.80 ; small rabbits , $1.00@1.20 ; itqulrrols $1.0i@l.l0 ) , plovur , 7ncffifl.0O ( ; veuisou saddles , H@lSc ; carcasses , 0 ( < gl0c. LEMOXS Funcy , $5.50@7.50 ; choice , $3.50 ® 5.00. 5.00.Celert Celert Per doz , 80a California Grapes $2.00. Sai.sodv l ? @ 4 * .io per lb Starch 4@bc per lb Stove Polish $2.00@5.87 per gross Uroosis 4 tie , $2.00 ; 3 tie , $2.20 ; stable , $3.80 ; common , $ l.51.75. ( ) Laiiu Tierces RoHncd , 5c ; pure loaf , 0) ) o ; kettle rendered , 7o. Add \ a to % c for amnllor quantities Faiun'aceous Goons Uarloy , 3J3 } o ; fa rina , 4Ko ; peas , 3c : bat meal 25/ot3c ; mac nroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; nco , 3K@3c ; saso ' nnd tapioca 0@7c ; Lima beans , 2j c. CofFEn Roasted Arbucklo's Ariosa , 21e : McLaughlin's XXXX 21.5 b : German 2l'iio * ; ' ; Dilworth , 24Uc ; Alaronia , 2IKa Con'EE Green Fancy old golden Rio , 24c ! ; faney old peaberry , 23t c. ; Rio , cholco to fancy , 22c ; Rio , prlmo , 21c ; Rio , good , 19c ; Mocha 29c ; Java , fancy Mandeuling , 27c ; Java , good interior , 24c ( African , 20J c. Canned Fisii Uroolc trout , 3 lb , $2.40 ; sal mon trout , 2 lb , $3.35 ; clums , 1 lt > , $1.25 ; clams , 2 11) , $2.00 ; clnm chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ; deviled crabs , 1 lb , $2.23 ; devllod crabs , 2 lb , $ .3 50 ; coilllsh balls , 3 11) , $1.75 ; caviar , Jf lb , $2.25 ; cols , 1 lb , $3 10 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 ; lobsters , 3 lb $3.93 : lobsters , dovlled , l { lb , $2.25 ; mackerel 1 lb , $1.75 ; mackerel must ard sauce , 3 lb , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato suuee , 3 lb , $2.00 ; oysters , 1 lb , $1.00 ; oysters , 2 It ) , Sl.SO ; Balmon , C. R „ 1 lb , $1.90 ; salmon , C. It , 2 lb , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1.05 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , S2.C3 : shrimps 1 lb $2X0. Dried Fruit Currants , now , 0c ; prunes , casks 1300 lbs , 4 > fc ; prunes , bills or bags , 4 } o ; citron peel , drums , 20 lbs , 21c ; lemon ficol , drums , 20 lbs , 20c ; fard dates , boxes 12 us , 9c ; apricots , cholco evaporated , 14u ; upricots , Jelly , cured 25 lb boxes , 15c ; apri cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25 lb boxes , 10c : apricots , choice , bags , 80 lbs , 14 } c ; upplos , evaporated , Alden , 50 lb boxes , OWe ; apples , star , & % apples \ , fancy , Alden , 5 lb , lOu ; apples , fuuey , Alden , 2 lb , 10 > o ; Salt Lake , 9o ; bluckborrlcs , evaporated , 50 lb boxes , 5 j@0K ° t cherries , pitted , dry cured , 14c ; pears , California fancy , } ( boxes , 251b , 12c ; peaches , Cal No , 1 , fancy , J sunpbugs , 60 Ids , 15a ; nocturlnes , red , 14c ; nectarines , silver boxes , 15c : pitted plums , Cal 23 lbs , boxes , 8 } o ; raspberries , ovnp N. Y. now , 25 > 4c ; prunes , Cal , It C , 90-100 boxes , 25 Ins , 6o ; prunes , Cal , RC , 00-70,9o ; orange peel , 15o ; raisins , California Loudons , crop 1U > 9 , $2.25 ; raisins , Cal loosomuscatelscrop 1SS9 , $3.10 : Galencius , 1833 , 8 } < c : Vuloncias , old , 7o ; Cal , seedless skB , 7 0. Canned Meats Corned hoof , 1 lb square cans , $1.20 ; corned beef | 3 lb square cans , $3.03 ; corned beef , 0 lb square cans , $41.50 ; corned beef 14 lb square 'caus , $14.00. Lunch tongues , 1 lb round loans , $2.00 ; lunch tongues , 3 lb round cansy $1.75. Hrawn , 1 lb squura canB , $1.20 ; brawn , 3 lb square cans , $2.00 ; brawn , 0 lb square cans , $0.50 ; brawn , 14 lb square cans , $14.00 ; Ox tongues , IK lb round cans , $5.lK ) , ox tohguos , 2 lb round cans , $0.00 ; ox tongues , 3m lb round cans , $7.00 ; oxtongues,3lb round uaiis$3.O0. Chipped beef , 1 lb round cans , $2)00 ) ; chiuped beef , 2 lb round cans , $4.00. Roast beer , 1 lb round cans , $1.20 ; roast beef , 3 lb round cans , $2,00. Potted ham , Jf lb roundl ( cans , 03o ; potted ham , H lb round cans , $1.20. Deviled ham , } { lb round cans , 03o ; idevllod ham , \i lb round cans , $1.20. Potted ox tongue , ft lb round cans C3o ; pottadi ox tongue , K lb round cans , $1,20. Compressed ham , 1 lb square cans , $1.75 ; ctrainressud bam , 3 lb square cuns , $3.73. Tripe , 3 lb round cans , $1.80. Mlncod collops , 3 lb round cans , $2.20. Uonelcss pips foot , 2 lb square canB , (3.25. Ono pound cans are packed two dozen and four dozen to the case Two pound cans are packed ono dozen and two dozen to case ; Half pound cans packed two dnzon to case Quarter pound cans packed four doten to vase All.orlces per dozen , not NUTS-Almonds , 15 l0o , Uruzlls , 12Jfo ; fllborts , 12 , ' < o ; pecans , xto ; walnuts 12a } 'o ; peanut cocks , 8'fo ; roasted , Ho : Tonnesee peanuts , 7c , HAUBACiE-HoIogna. 4M1KO ; Frankfort , 7o ; tongue , 8o ; summer , l8o ; headcheese , Co Poi'LTiiv Chickens , per doz , llvo hens , $3.23 ; sprlug , $3.50@i.75 ; dressed , per lb , 6@ 8o ; turkeys , live , HQlOo ; dressed , 810o ; ducus , live , per doz , $3.50(33.00 ( ; dressed per lb , 9llci gcoso , llvo , per doz , $8.OO@9.00j dressed , per bl , 8'd9c. An-LES-Per bul , common , $2.002.25 ; , cholco , $2.5004.00. Ml neb Meat 20 lb cans , 7J/C. Honbv 16o per lb for cholco PiiK8BiivM-V.Jl < 210oparlb. • .Tr.t.T.us 4CT4K ° per lb Hke.swix No I , lOtaiPc Provisions Hams , No I , lfi-lb average , 10oj 20 to 32 lbs , Xc : 13 to II lbs , ! 0. ' { c ; shoulders , 5) ) < o ; breakfast bacon No I , 8Zoi ham sausage , % \t\ \ dried beef hams , 7Jfc ; beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , fi 'j M 'iJfcper lb ; ham roulette 0 fo ; add leper per lb for small lots • Mess Pork Per bbl , $10.50. Uanaxas According to size , per bunch $2.00443.00. HiiTTr.iitsn Tubs , i3oi rolls , He CoiKUNUTS Per 100 , $3.00. Ai'i-LK Hotter fl fo CiDER-Hbls , $5.7.0 ; hf-bbls , $ .1.00. Mapli : Sl'hmi I2 ( il5c per lb Candv 9Ji'(222o ( per lb Ciiocolue and Cocoa 21(330 ( per lb ; German chlckory , red 8e. Pies Feet Piekled , kits , 75c ; sptcod pigs tongues , kits , $2.33 ; pickled tripe , kits , CJo ; pickled II O trips , kits , 83c ; spiced pigs hocks , kits , $1.15. Si'icr.s Whole , per lb Alsptce , 9c ; Cas sia , China , 9c ; cloves , Penung , 23u ; nutmegs , No , 1 , 75c ; popper , lbj$19c ( , Ginher Jamaica , M pints.$3.00 per doz Cheese Young Americas full cream , 12 > < o ; factory twins , U@12Wo ; oft grades , 7@So ; Van Rosson Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , 2ia ; brick , 12 > Vc ; limburger , Ho ; domostle Swiss , 111 ® 14c ! CiliNiiEKHlES Capo Cod , $ D.O0 < 310.00. Oranoks Florida , per box , } 3.O0M5 Of ) . Huckwheat Flour Per bbl , $5 50@0.00. Wool -FInc , average , 22S23e ( ( medium , average , 31@22o ; quarter blood , average , 20 @ 21o ; course , average 15@l7o ; colts and rough , uvorago , 14 ( 100. Funs Heaver , per lb $3.504.00 ; otter , oaoli , f3.O0i37.oo ; wolf , oaeh , 60cCrf$1.25 ; coon , each , 25(3)i5u ( ) : mink , oacb , 15 ( > l.C0o ; miiBkrut , full , r > 9c ; skunk , rat , 25rf00c ( ; badger , vat , 23@S0c ; deer skins , fall , per lb , 18GV270 ; winter , 12ii22o. Heanb Choice hand-ptckod navy , $1,75 ® 1,80 ; cholco handpicked medium , Sl.fl.Vij 1,70 ; cholco handpicked country , $15001.05 ; clean country , $ l.D9ujl.G0 ; Inferior couutry , $1.00(7/1.23. ( WiurriNo Paper Straw , per lb , 1U@ 2Uo ; rug , 2)fo ; raaullla , li , SgOJ c ; No 1 , 7o. Baos Union Square , 35 uor cent off list SALT-Dalry. 280 lbs In bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , 00 , 5s , $3.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s , $2.40 ; best irrade , 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock snlt , crushed , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 501b bags , 83o ; bulk,234-lb , bags , $3.25 ; common , In bbls , S1.25. Flour State , $4.003 00 ; fancy , $5 00 ® 5.40. 5.40.Fisit Dried codfish , 4 ! @ 8o : scaled her ring , 2lo per box ; hoi herring , doui 55o ; Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi herring imp , 80c ; auckcrcl , No t shore $11.50 ; fancy me3s , $13.50 per 103 lbs : white lish No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; sal mon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 85c. Oils Kcroscno-P. W. 91 , 'c ; W. W..llKo ; headlight , 12 ; gasoline , 74o , 12c ; lard No , 1 , 44c ; No 2 , 40c ; salad oil , $1.2oft9.00 ( per dozen Seats Castile , mottled , per pound , 8@l0o ; castile , white , per pound , 13@15e. Uruzs nnd CliRimcals Acid Sulphuric per pound , 21fc ; citric , per pound , 51c ; oxalic , per pound , 14e ; tar taric powdered , per pound , 42c ; carbolic , 37 @ 44o. Ai.um per pound , 2 } < c. Ammonia Carbonate , per pound , 11a Arrowroot Per pound , 10c. Balsam Copaiba , per pound , 03c ; tolu , 53 © 55e. Horax Refined , per pound , 10c. Hluk Vitriol 8c Camphor 42c. Cream Tartar 31o. CuttleF1311 27c. Dextrine 12o. Glycerine 21c Hops 37c. Indioo 75c. Insect Powder 13c. Morphine $2.85. Opium $3.(10. ( Quinine 17c Rock Salts 27o. Saffron Am 3Jc. ( Saffron Span $1.07. Saltpetre Sc SuLPiiun Flower 4c. Soin , U1-01111. lc : Silver-Nitrate $1.28. White Wax 52c. Yellow Wax 32c Linseed Oil 00c. Linseed Raw , 57c. Castor Oil No 1 , $1.24. Sperm Oil-$1.10. Turpentine 53c Neatsfoot Oil No 1 , 67e. Twines nml Hope Binders Twine Sisal , 13c : Hf & Hf „ 14c ; mntitlln , 15c. Clotheslines Cotton , 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton , CO ft$1.40 ; Jute , 50 ft , 99c ; Jute 00 ft , $1.00. Cotton Twine Fine , 20c ; medium , 19c ; heavy hemp , 14c ; light hemp , 17c. Sail Twine 13 , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14u ; manilla rope , 14c ; sisal rope , UKo ; new process , 8 > ic ; Jute , 9 > Jc : cotton , 10c ; hldo rope , 17c. Lumber nml ifuildiittr Materia * . Stock Hoards A , 12 inch , s 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $45 00 ; B , 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet , 41.00 : C , 12 inch , s 1 s , 12 14 and lOfeet , S30.00 ; D , 12 inch , sis , 13 , 14 und 10 feet $23.00 ; No 1 com 12 in , sis , 12 foot , $18.00 ; No 2 com 13 in , a 1 s , 14 and 10 foot , $17.50@ 18.50 ; No 1 com 12 In , sis , 10 18 and 20 feet , $18.50 ; No 2 com 12 in , s I s , 14 und 10 feet $17.00. Poplar Lumiier Clear poplar box bils , M In , s 2 s , $33.00 ; clear poplar , % panel , $30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $23.00 ; clear poplar , } < in panel stocic wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ; clear poplar corrugated celling , J , $29.00. Posts White cedar , 0 In halves , l2cwhito cedar , Xsla halves and 8 in quarters , lie ; wlilta cedar , 4 In round , lOu ; Tennessee red cedar , split , 10a ; split oak , white , 8c ; sawed oak , 13c Ship Lap No 1 plain , 8 and 18 in , $17.50 ; No 2 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G , 818.00. DIMENSIONS ANI ) timiier 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 13 ft 20 fl 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 , . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 1000 18 00 18 00 2iO.15Xl ( ) r)00 15 00 10 00 1000 18 00 18 00 2x8. . . .15 00 1500 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 2xl0.,15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 1800 2xl2.150O15 0O 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 4x48x8.10 0010 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 19 00 FimciNa Nol , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough $ t(1.00@10.50 ( ; No 1,4 and 0 in , 1(1 ( ft , $17.00C 17.50 ; No 2 , 4 and 0 lu 12 and 10 ft $13.50(314.00 ( ; No 2 , 4 and 0 In , 10 fi , $15.00 @ 10.0O. FiNisiiiNa 1st and 2d clear , IJ/.inch. s 2 s. $49.00 51.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1)7and ) 2 inch , 8 2s , $17.00(350.00 ( ; 3d clear , U ipch , s 2 s , $43.00040.00 ; U select , 1 } { , \k \ ] and 2 inch , s 2 s , 17.00033.00 ' ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $15.00 ; 3'd clear 1 inch , s 3 s , $30.00 ; A select - lect , 1 inch , s 2 s , $34.00 ; H select , 1 inch , a 2 s , $30.00 Hattens , Well Tuhino Pickets O , G. Hatts , 3 inch , 00c : O. G. Hatts , 2 > { @ 3 , ss , 35u ; 3-in well tubing , D. & M. and bov , , $32.00 : pickets , D. & II , Hat , $20.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , square , $19.00. Fr.ooitiNQ let com flinch white plno , $34 00 ; 2d com 0 in white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0-in white pine , $20.00 ; D com 0 in white pine , $20.00 ; com 4 and 0-in yellow pine , $15.00 ; Star 4-in yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow plno , 4 and 0-ln , $19.00. Shingles PerM XAcleur , $3.20 ; extra • A" , $2.80 ; standard A , $ J.40vC inch clear , $1.00@1.70 ; 0 Inch clear , $1.751.80 ; No 1 , $ l,10l. ( 15 ; clear red cedar , mixed widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; latha , $2.60. Hoards No , I com , sis , 12,14 and 10 ft , $18.00 ; No 3 , do , $15.00 ; No 3 , do , $14.00 ; No 4 , do , ( shins cull ) , $11.00. Add 59o per Mjt for rough Ceili.nu and Partition 1st com 9f-ln white pine partition $32.00 ; 2d comm white pine partition , $27 00 ; clear -ia yellow plno ceiling , $20.00 ; clear ? iMn Norway , $13.50 ; 2a com -V-in Norway , $13.50. Limb Uest , 80c , Cement -$1.25. Plaster $2.20. Hair 20c Huildino Hrick Common , $0.00@7,50 per M ; selected , $7,5H@9.00 perM : sewer brioir , $9.00@10.00 per M. Basil 00 per cent discount Doors , Blinds and Mouldinus 50 und 10 percent off , TARiitin Felt $2.00 per owt Straw Hoard $1,40 per cwt A Playful Wlinle A forty-foot whulo came nour capsiz ing a fishing bout with two men in it four miles ut sea oil Long Branch , says a special to tno Now York Journal Lewis Cliusey and Jcsso West , fishing partners , were setting lobster pots from a small sltllT , when they saw a great dark body rising from the depths With a tumultuous rush of water * the great fish enmo to the surface within ten foot of the sUilT , Tlio crcaturo ntouco liogan to spout tovronts of wnter , some of which foil Into tlio boat The fishermen trlotl to row nwny but the whnlo followed thorn olosoly frisking about in n , play ful bul ilnngorous mnnuor Once , with a whisk of its tail , tt tout an oap Hying from thi ) hand ot 0110 of the 111011 , but it wns recovered Several tiinosthocrcn- turo sank slowly , only to rlso again dan gerously nohr to the boat Neverthe less , the fishormou kept rowing for tlioip lives toward Innd They know the fish was not nngry , but playful , still they fenrod its gleeful pranks would capsize or crush thulr boat The whalo'a at tention was finally dlvoi-tod by a piece of board lloatlng about , aud ho lushed it about nnd rat soil a great com motion in the billows When Inst soon tlio crcnturo was toy ing wtth the board in a desultory way near the horizons edge Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup reduces - duces in Humiliation vvliilu childt'on are teething 2-5 cents a bottle A now calculating mnchino has just boon invented in Franco , nnd obtained a gold medal nt the exhibition The inventor is M. Bolloo , of La Mans , a clover machinist , nlrondy very favor ably known by other useful inventions The mnchino does addition , multipli cation and division with astonishing rapidity , und all bv a turn of the wheel M. Mnscnrt recently gave an account or the invention before the academy ot science SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank 305 South lUlli fctrcet , - Oinitlia ; COMMERCIAL NATIONAL Mill * Cnpltal , - $400,000 Surplus , - -50,000 OfTlcers and Directors U. M. Morsoman , Q M , Hlti'HcocK , Jos OarneauJr , A. Henry , B M. Anderson , Wm U.Maui , v pros ; I , . IL tTlll alms , A. 1' . Hopkins , prej ; A. Millard , casnler ; III. . llryaut , assistant cashier NEBRASKA National Bank U. S. DBPOSITORV , OMAHA , NEB Capilnl $100,000 Surplus Jan 1st , 1S8 ! ) 52 , < I00 OFFlCnitS ANU DIUEd'OlIS : IIknrv . Vati- , President Liswis S. Kkii : > , Vice President A. U.TOUZAMN , W. V.MORSE : , John S. Cihiins 11. c. ciKiiisn , JN II l'ATIUCK , W , II S. Hun UK" , Cashier THE IRON BANK , Cor 12tli and Far nam Sts A General Banking lluslness Transacted [ J P WANTED Bflftl I I 1 ISSUED BV CITIES , 1 S | | | IB ( MS COUMTIES,3CHOOl WIS WW DISTRICTS , WATEH Correspondence solicited COMpANC8 | , ETC NW Harris & Company , Bankers , 103-165 Doorborn Street CHICACO 70 State Street BOSTON PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A • ! • 1302 FAIWA.M STREET MflPfflMB Boots and Shoos KIIiKEXDALL , JOSJCS Si CO , Bucceisori to Heed , Jones A Co Wholesale Manufacturers ofBoots StSoons AkodU for tliislmi Itubber Cboo Co , 1103.1131 and 110 ] li&ruey street , Oiuatia , Nebraska Broworo STOIiZ & TLtilt , Lager Beer Brewers P8t Worth Kluhteenth Street , Omana Kebraikt Cornice ' EAQLE OonMOE WORKS , Manufacturers ofGaHranlzeillran Cornice \Vluilow-csi > and metalllo ilylulilj John Epenoter , proprlttor luaananjBoutUlOtbsircct ' > Steam FjttlngtJPumpat | eto.r OLAUK S i-KAM HEATIKU CU „ Pumps , Pipes anil Engines , Steam , > iir , rallwar and mlnlnit supyltei , etc KM , va and W < Varnainitrael , Omaha . U. S. WIND ENOINE & PUMP CO , Steam and Water Supplies Ilalllilar wlnl mills 918 and 030 Jones St , Omaha Uyltuss Acting Manager nnowNEi.h sTco , Engines , Boilers and General Machines , etusliriiu woric steam pumps , saw mills 1)13-1215 Leayenwotth street , Omaha Ironworks PAKTON Be VIEHLINU WON WORKS , Wrongnt and Cast Iron inildlng Wort Kn lnc , Iran work , grnaral foundrr , machine , and blacksmllb work , illllcaanil norks U.l" . UT and nth ttract , Omaha , * OMAUA WIJIE & UtON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window auartls Bower standi , wire nuns , elc uiKorlUUitb street , omaba ' OMAUA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Mauf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults , jail work Iron iliuttcrs and flro esrapia a , Audiaen , prop t. Cor , lull and Jacksou bts ; anah Peers , Eto M , A. DlSiniOW & CO , Wholesale manuracturars ot U\ Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Enoch ufllce , ltlh and Uard streets , Omaha Neb nSOUTHOMAHA UNION STOCK YARD CO , Of South Oma Mei OMAHAJOBBERS1 DIRECTORY " I H 1 = 4 flNlxbER METCALFCO . , ' H Hgricnil'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ] ltuc lcl , < lo Wholoiiiile Omaba Nebra k . H moune , m 1 Umax a stodeZuFd coI ' H > lnnuracturer nmlJobb < < rsln H Wagons , Buggies , Hikes , Plows , Eta Cor Dih and TaclBc stteets , Omaha H Artlsta' Mntorlnla M A. UOSVE , Jr , 4 H Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ' UUDounlaisttectOiualifi Nebraska H Boots nntTshooa | H w. r.moh se ' s : CO , M JoDosrs of Boots and Sboci lOMm llOMXUKtAs siroct , Omahs Manuractorft i H Bummeratreel , linilon H - , . "j H Cqtll , C0K0 , Eto H JAMES W. THAT J IE nCOAhCoT * | H Miners and Siiippcrs of Coal and Co & : ltoom 211) . 8. NntlonM I'ank ' llulMlnif , Otnnua . H OMAUA COAL , COKlf&LfMECO H ' Jobbers of Hard aid Soil Coal an PoulhlSth iltcet , Omaha Nebraska M NEBRASKA FUEL CO , 4 1 H SMppcrs of Coal and Colic , 311 South Uth street , Omaha , Nebraska , H . M ommlBslon and Storage H RWDELL & RlblEI.L , * H Storage and Commission Mercbanis , H Bpeclaltlea-lluiter. rots , cheese , pnultrr , Kama " H 11W Howard street Omaha , Neb H . . ' H DEAN , ARMSTRONG A CO , . j H Wliolcsale Cigars 1 | 40JNorth Ctli Street , Omaha , Neb Hello 1138k I H Ory Cood9 qnd " Noliono , ; H M. SMIIu , t co " . , ' H Bry Gccds , Fcriiisning Goods and Kolions I 1103nnd 1101 Domingcor 11th street Oniaha , Neb , , 'j H KILPA-IRWKKUOU DRV GOODS COt M Importers & Jobbers in Dry Good ] , Notions , Qents * Furnishing ( ion Is Corner litis and name ' | streak Om ha , NebrnsiA M 1 = a H Furnlturo ; H DE WEY A hTONE , . j M WiioIeEalG Dealers in Furniture , Farnam street , Omaha , Nebraska | " " * CUAR1.ES SHIVERIOK , M • Furnitnre . • Omaho Nobraika , H = 9 QrqoorloB , , . H r „ nj rj * McCORDllRADY s7car M ' . WMesale Grocers 13th and tauTcnwcrttutr ets , Omaha , Nebraska H -a | Hardwnro . • H WJ BRo7lTCU , " * M Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel Springs , isognr slock , hnrniviiro lumber , ulo 1309 M 1311 IlarnoT strewtOmnha i M UIMERAUOU A TA YLOR " H Bnilders'Hardware ' and Scale Repair SnoQ ; Mccho lcs Tools and UnlTnlo Fclcs 1103 Uouglaa ) ' ' | street * Omaha , tb M Lumber , Eto , . . . „ - - . • 1 JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , \ B Wholesale Lumter , Etc s Imported anil Amrrlcnn I'nrtlanil Cement Etat , , ' ' . M agent for Milwaukee llrdrnullc Comcnt 3 M BndQul.or Wliltalilmo • H CUAS R. LEE , " * M Bealcr in Hardwocd Lumber , ; Woodcarpoti and parquet lloorhir 9tb ani Djujla * -s \ | sirocis , Omaha , Nebraska ] M omaha LVMimn ca % " \ H All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , ; I 18th street and Union I'aclllo traek , Omaba H LOUIS BRADFORD , | • " H Bealer in Lninlier , Lath , Lime , Sash \ ' I Doors , etc Yards Corner 7tb and Douiiai Offlo # . * H Corner 10lb and Douglas | • H FRED W. GRAY , \ ' ' 'fl ' Lumiier , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc Corner till and llonglns street ? , Omaha H C. N. DIETZ , " . fl Dealer iu All Kinds of Lumoer > m Hill and California streets Omaha , Nebraska H Mllllnory qnd N otlona H I. ORERFELDER A CO , m : H Importers & JoDoers in Millinery & Notiona - M3,210 and 51 } South 11th street " . | H J. T. RORINSON NOTION CO , ; , H Wliolesale notions and Finishing Goods * j 1131 Harnor street , Omaha U H CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , " 'fH ' | Wholesale Rcanci and • Luhricating Oils * ' j fl Alio Grease , eto Omaha A. II Ubliop , Maiiagery J H Paper ii M GARPENIER PAPER CO , ; ? ifl Wholesale Paner Dealers , . ! ! anlcosiockof ' . , and H Carrr nrin' .lmi wrappInK wrltlcS If 1 paper Hpuclal attention glten to card paper a I H * . - ° - f e ? t0't. . . ii ' bC bsI - - A. i. DEANE & CO . ' , | | fl Ocnornl Agents ( or f. 1 Halls ' Safes , | 9 021 nml 051 South 10th Bt . Omaha Itf'aB I ' f ' I tfl Toys , Eto f * j B II UARDYA CO , Ifl Jobbers of jj } j H Toys , Doll ? , Alliums , Fancy Mi , , | fl House Furnlihln * floods Children's Carriages i:0f -X 1 1 I'm nam street , Opisha Neb d a af B CHICAGO SHORT LINE II OF THP Sisl Chicago , Milwaukea S , St Paul R'yi1 ' ifl The liest Route from Omaba and Council iMH Bluffs to MM - THE EAST - ifl TWO TUAINB DAILY BBTWKF.N OMAHA ftfl AMU COUNCIL , iSLVVlH JH Chicago , AND Mllnankce , 1M Bt l'aul , Minneapolis , Cctlar Baplds ' WM Hock Island , Fiecport , Itockford 3 M Clinton , Jlubtuiuo , Davenport , i M Elglo , Madison , Jniicsfllle , Jj | Ucldlt , Winona , Lf Crosse , i UH Xadallotbsr Imporlunt points Kast , Northaast ani uBuH . BjutUtlkll , ? a H For through tickets call on the tleket ageat at IK * l fl H rarnaru street , lu liarker Uluek , or at Uulca 1'aciii If M I > euot eH H Fuilman Blaepers and the nst Dining Cars Id tbs ) ! SbbH world are run on the mala line ol the Cbicauo , MlC .fli H waukee ft St l'aul Italiwar , and tvit attention if 'ma ssl paid to passengers \ > i courteous siaplojes of tlisj < t ] H * ° lS im'l EU fleneral Manager - UsH J. K. TUCtfKK , Asu.UntUsuenl Manager . _ j - > s H . , . CfAllj-H.M'ltll. ' A. V It Ucneral 1'asssngtr an . H Ticket Agent H UKO.K.UBAirrOBD.AulsisatOeD rall'as sag % C ' a M • Od llckst A nt .laffl ( I r.J.QUii4. & x JSatiirlnt ndeB . fIfl