I The Omaha ' Daily Bee I HI n H B Hi NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 18 , 188ft. • NUMBER 181. I " TWO JUDICIAL DISTRICTS , HH H A Bill Introduced Dlvldlntr NoI H braskn for Judicial Purpo303. H AN UNPOPULAR APPOINTMENT , Judge Itrrwcr Offends Smith Dakota H Tim Opinion ICxprrnseil Hint B Uiiwen Wns Mtudercd A K Tnlk Willi Villi Wyok B Washinotov Hl'rravTiir Ovwi Bee , I BIT 1)13 FOUIITEBNTH STUEET , > flj ) Washington I ) . C. Dec , 17 , ) B Air Mnnderson introduced n bill today dl- B vidlng tliu stuto of NebrasKa Into two jiitllc- p B tal districts ns follows : Thut part of tlio state lying north of the I'latto river Is to bo known us tlio nurtlicrn district , and all Unit m part of tlio state south of tlio Platte to con stltuto the southuru division When nny BBpf part of a county lies upon bath sides of the HbM Plntta such county or counties shall bo In- HflS eluded in the southern district , and the prcs- j cntdistriclcourlofNobruskashnllbo known BBV as the northern district court The present BBm Judge , district iittornoy nnd marshal for the HAV district of Nebraska uro by the bill assigned a to the northern district , uud the prosldont Is j directed to nppoltit officers for the southern HJ H division , Seuator Maudcrson says the rap dlly Increasing nnd tmnieaso pjpulatlon of J Nebraska tniikcs it necessary to hold terms AS of court at so many places that the olllcors of BBS a slnglo district can not accommodate the HflW acmands of the public Ho bcliovcs that HBB upon the showing of 1,100,000 population the HBB stnto will bo alvlilcd into two districts , HjflM Senator Paddock introduced a memorial of HflV the Omaha board of tradoln luvor of Chicago HflW for the worlds fair and a potltion from tno Hjflfl Nobrasku Congregational association In favor Hft R of additional rollglous fucilities BBBJ Senator Paddock Inlroducod bills granting BBBJ a pension to James Drake nnd for the relief BBBJ of George L. Turner ; directing the secretary B Bfl of the treasury to pay f 17(370 ( to William II Hfl fl Hart of Platuniouth , Nub , on account of BBBft Indian deprodatioas ovidonca of whLdi it > HlflH filed with the commissioner of Indian alTuirs BBBt Mr Allison proscnted the potltion of BBVft Amanda M. Fletcher Cook of Davenport , la , flflflf nruying for the payment to the children of Bflflj ) K * Fletcher the uuiount of the moneys and Bflflj ) propcity stolen from him by Cheycnno , Bflfll Brule , Sioux and Arrapalioo Indians m lbOo Bflflw Mv- teller introduced u bill providing that Bflfll actual bona Ddo settlers on lands subject to flflflf preemption within the lutoUncoinpaligroand Bflfll White river Indian reservation in Colorado Bflflj who bavo previously and clsewnorc taken Bflfll land under the pre emption laws may talto Bflflj an additional Id ) acres within said rcsorva- flflflj tion by paying M.33 per ocro at any tlmo flflfl | after a bona lido rcsidenco on the laud for Bflflj twnycuisund within thirty-three months Bflflj after filing a declaration statement therefor flflflt Proof of residence and the improvement of Bflflj the laud must bo made within two years flflflf Mr Teller also Introduced a bill granting Bflflj right of way through public lands for Irrlga- flflfl ] tion purposes Bflflj ; Sonutor Picrcoof North Dakota introduced flflj bills today establishing a penitentiary In his Bflfll state and giving the provisions grained by I on act to provide for tbo division of Dakota flflf' " into two states nnd to enable the pcoplo of Bflflj North and South Dakota , Montana und Bflflj Washington to form state governments nnd Bflflj to bo admitted into the union approved Feb Bflflj ruary 23 hist An appropriation of Bflflj $30,000 is made for a penitentiary in North Bflflj Dakota , Hn also introduced a bill uppropri- Bflflj otlng $100,000 for a survey for the purpose of Bflflj irrigation in the stnto of North Dakota ami Bflflj on appropriation of $15,00(1 ( for extending the Bflflj military and repairing the quarters of Fort Bflflj Ab rah urn Lincoln of North Dakota Bflflj Senator Pcttlgrew Introduced a bill pro Bflflj vldlng for the opening to settlement of all Bflflj abandoned military reservations in South Bflflj Dakota ' 4 ho lauds are to bo entered by flflj homestead Bflfll UIIOINO NEllIIASKA AITOINTMI' NTS Bflfljj The Nebraska delegation this altcrnoon Bflflfl called in u body upon tliu attorney general in Bflflj ) accordunco with the agreement ut the incct- Bflfljf Ing last night und urged the iuimedlato up- Bflflfl polntmcnt of Bonjauiln S. Baker of Falr- flflflfl bury for district uttorney and WlUiam F. Bflfljf Gurloy of Omuhafor assistant district at- Bflfll toracy Bflflfl , JJAKOTAJJS K1CKINQ , Bflfljj Information was received hero this nttor- BflflJT noon by Senators Moody and Patterson that ' BflflJI Judge Brewer who was recently nominated BflflT to bo an associate justice of the supreme 1 Bflflj } court of the United States , had appointed u 1 Bflflff clerk of the United States court for South 1 flflflt Dakota and had taken for tills position a ros- BflflJ ident of Kansas It is undoi stood that Judge Bflflj Urowor inudo tnis appointment very soon uf Bflflj ter receiving Information Unit ho hnd been ( Bflflj Dominated to bo an associate justica of the i Bflflj supreme court , it is customary for the po- flflflj ( ition to bo filled by the mutual agrcomout ; Bflflj of the circuit uud district Jndgos and tha up- Bflflj' ' polntmcnt is mvnriably a resident of tbo t Bflflj state in which bo is located for oftleial no- flflflj tion Thorowcro a number of nromineut t Bflflj applicants for this position in Soath Daxota , Bflflj ono of whom the two senators had detenu- Bflflj lncd to recommend for appointmoat They Bflflj nru naturally very Indignant tonight over Btflfl the action of Judge Urowor in goinir outsldo i flflfll their state to scloct a man for tlio position , Bflflj ) They ulll tomorrow unite In a telegram ask Bflfljj ing that tbo appointment be revoked und will t Bflfljj Insist upon the selection uf ono of Bflfljj their constituents The senators say they Bflfljj bnvo had enouu.li curpet baggors during the Bflflj | past uftccii or twunl ) years , uud they will 1 Bflflfl Insist in a very vigorous manner upon having Bflflfl ono of their constituents made clerk iMorco nnu ms coiicaguo will enter a vigorous protest ugulust the appointment of the clerk for North Dakota from outsldo their stuto They huvo been udviscd that un Omaha gciitlomuu is to receive the appoint ment X TALK WITH VAN WICK Ex-Senator Vim Wyou will leave In n few anys for New York uiul Pennsylvania Ho has been looking after pensions fur many of the old soldiers iu Nebraska Ho inslststhat full Justlco will not bo done until every dis abled und dependent soldier is put on the pension list Ho bus been urging the department not to deluy iu naming a return to the pubilu of 'JX ) acres of laud which tha supreme court lias decided the Ii , & M. railway holds unjustly In answer to many enquiries from No hmska ( Jcnoral Van Wyck says ho cannot Und any spot , from the prairies of Nebraska Dtid Kansas , where there is un over-pro iuc- tlon or beef Ho urges tlio farmers every where to organlco alliances , saving that or ganized capital , corporations and trusts nro extorting from them and imperiling their Interests , and if they have not the manhood to resist they will bo ground down to ruina tion WAS aUWEN MUltllRIlUD Casslua M , Clay Aneostette , now a clerk Ibemuor department , but who during the famous Molllo McQulro prosecutions in Pcnnsylvuulan in 1677 und 1B78 was an utter uov , udvnnces the theory that Prunkliu H. Gowon , the well known Philadelphia rail road man and luwior , whoso body was found at Wormlep's here on Saturday did j.ot suicldo , but was murdered Aueestotto • ays that Gowen was unrelenting in bis prosecution of the Mollie MiGuires , and that the criminals vowed vongeunco Ho does not believe that Goweu bought a pistol nt a sloro here as reported , but thinks that ho was murdered uud ihe mur derer escaped tbrougb a wiudowlu the hotel Anestmtu savs that during the Mollie JJo- Guiro trials there was dur.gor of Gowen's assassination , Ane.stotto was thu protocut- lug oftlcer during tlio Mollie McGuire tiials , which resulted In twenty of the criuiluuls being bunged obMeiui mows orncE Thoto who visit the peuslon bureau f ro- auently uud have boon frequent visitors at that vast bee tilvo of industry during tuo past four or llvo yours , uro Impressed with Commissioner Rnum's rcarrnngomont of the business of the ofilco and his dctormtnntlon to facllltnto the work as rapidly as possible It Is almost Impossible to decrease , with the present force of employes , the number of pension application * , owing to the fact that there ara quilo as mnny applications daily rccoived ns nro disposed of dally . IJvory posslblo contrlvanco has been app led , how cvor , to docrcaso the number of applications on ' Ilia A comparison of the work under Commis sioner Tanner with that of Commissioner Hlnck ( democrat ) , shows thit there hnsbecn a i steady increase of tlio number of pension j allowed uudor republican administration ever that uf the democratic administration The month of November is an nvcrago ono for comparison , During the month f No vember , ISM ) , there wore allowed of original pensions , 0,5.Vi ; Increase , 2,0" > 7 ; reissue , Ml ; restorations 117 , unci other classes of pen sions making an aggregate for the month of , : > > . During the nnmo month of 1587 there wcro nllowod of original pensions 2,5-14 ; Increase 2,073 ; reissue , 7S3 ; restoration 211 , unci other pensions making a total for the month of S.0VJ Dur ing the month of November 18S3 there were of original pensions grunted 3,0-12 ; Increase , ; ! . ( ) . " , J ; reissue fi04 ! tustoratlon , bit nnd other pensions aggregating for the month 10,537. During tliu month of November IsSO , under the present administration , there wcro al lowed of original pensions , 'J.)3 ) : increase , 7,010 ; rctssuo , 1,410 ; restorations l' .ll , nnd other pcrsions bringing up the grand total to 14,139. Gcnoral Raum has made largo increases In the woik of the ofilco ever that under Cor poral Tanner , although the latter hud a great deal more work with the same force than did Commissioner lllack During the month of August last , when Commissioner Tanner was at the lioliu , thcrt > were allowed of original pensions 4t , > 79 : nicrcaso , 733 ; re issue , 23t ; and other punslous making a total of 7,517 , n llttlo ever half ns many as wcro nlowed | under Commissioner Kauui lii3t , month , During August , Commissioner Tan ner rejected 2,001 pension claims ; while under Commissioner It mm there were re jected during the lust month 7,200 , which should bo considered in the comparison of work performed by the sntno forcoundor the two commissioners Thuro were pending August 31 last , 411,853 pension claims , while nt the end of last mouth there wcro pending 12,1.005. There wcro pending at the cud of last week 423,725 pension claims These figures ludlcato that Commissioner Raum is just now disposing of about the sumo num ber of claims as are daily received and placed err file Ho would have made greater reductions in the number of chums pending hail It not been for the assembling of congress - gross nod the immense increase of applica tions filed During the last wcok in August , under Commissioner Tanner , there wcro re ceived 3,000 claims and 1,300 wcro disposed of During the lirst week in December , under Commissioner Raum there wcro rc coived 4b0O claims , nnd 4S30 wcro disposed of In ono way or other It will thus bo seen that Commissioner Rainn is by a very largo per cent coming nearer to tha disposal of as many cases us are rccoived than any of his predecessors The room adjoining the public business room of Commissioner Raum nnd looking out from the commissioners ofilco is about 18 by 20 feet in size It has four or five chairs , u largctablo ] nnd a number of maps When your correspondent was shown into this room by Commissioner Ruum tbo other day there were seen piles of pen sion cases as high as a mans head on the floor and lurnlturo in all a good wagun load These are papers in compli cated or largo cases which the commissioner looks into himself and gives individual and special attontlon Each of these cases is as complicated as a largo probate case before a district , judge , and the work required to dis pose of them by the clerks und tliu commis sioner is similar to that of a complicated civil case in court The soldiers and tUeir widows throughout the country may rest assured that there never was as great attention given to their cases by a commissioner and his employes ns now The commissionerand his principal examiners and members of the appeal board often stay in the building until after dai-K , looking up testimony and passing upon cases If congress will only glvo a sulllcicnt number bor of additional omployos the work of the ofilco will soon bo disposed of ; but the work is arranged at present so that there will bo n steady decrease of claims pending from this time on , and it is behoved that under the prcsont arrangements the work will bo brought up to date within two or throe years at the farthest , oven though congress does not glvo an increase of employus I''or the lirst time in ton years moro rasos will bo duposcd of now than are received nnET suoais.i The Nebraska delegation in congress nro receiving a great many Inqultles from their constituents respecting bout sugar culture In every section of the country where It Is posslblo to produce sugar from beets farmers want to know what $ pcouriigcmoiit the gov- eminent will giva them in turning their at tention to its culture The belief is general m congress that a bounty of 1 cent a pound will bo glvgn for the production of bcot sugar MISCELIAXEOUS The bill for the trunstor of the slgnnl ser vlco to the agricultural department was sent to tbo secretary for his views The senate commltteo on agriculture today tool : up nil the bills and resolutions relating to the cultivation of beet sugar , nnd after Informally considering thorn referred them to the eccrotary of agriculture Congressman Kerr of Iowa was nt the bond of the delegation of Sacs and Foxes , and showed them through the capital today These Indians came on to secure n larger share of the annuities , which now amount to ! 813,000 n year , for Unit portion of thu tribe loll in Iowa They think that the remnant of their pcoplo , who nro in the Indian terrl- tory , rocolvo moroof thisgovornmout bounty than their share Senator Paddock will go to Atlantic City on Friday to spend the holidays with Mrs ' Paddock and his daughters Senator Muudorson intends to spend the the hohdnvs with friends In Now York Congressman Connell will oat his Christ mas dinner in his house at 1400 Massachu setts avenue Messrs Dorsoy nnd l aws nro arranging to go to their nonios In Nebraska for the holi | days , Bergeant-nt-nrms Holmes has about com pleted the personnel of bis ofilco The now cashier , who came this morning , is I . J. Hurtshorn of Euimlttsburg , la W. O. Shut leff of Waterloo , la , has been appointed tel 1 ler All nro ready to assume their now duties when the accounts of Lcodom uro Bufllcicntlv straightened out Mr , and Mrs Mnrcius gniltti of Davenport , la , sro at the Kbbitt Judge Groff was not at tbo'gonoral land ofilco today on account uf the serious illness of his second daughter , who bus malarial fever An order was signed today removing the postofllco from Brownsville to Elk Creek , S. L ) . Krlck Roondal is appointed postmaster Souutor ICoody will go to St Paul on Thnrsday on law business to remain ten days Hy direction of Hio secretary of war pri vates Alexaudor Smith and Joseph Cokfey , troop It , Ninth cavalry , now with their troop , will bo discharged from the service of iho United States ; ufso Privnto Charles L. Gray , Company H , Twcnty-drst Infantry Alex Clifton of Nebraska was today ap pointed a storottecpot lu the internal revenue Borvlce Gonciral Clarkson has arrived from on ox- touacd visit to his homo in Iowa J , IU Snvder of Iowa was today appointed messenger In tha house of representatives Pciiiiy S. Heath UOBIIlOt ) thi ; POSTMAN Ilolit Highwaymen Oo n SiiogcsuCuI Jul in Iiiiiidoii , LoNno.v , Doc 17 , As a postman was de livering mail In Ilatton Garden this morn ing , ho was attacked by three men who wounded him , robbed him of his letter bag , curried him to an adjacent room , locked him in auU afterwards escaped It is stutod that tbo mall stolen comprised rogtitcred pack ages from the Capo of Good Hope , contain ing diamonds Tbo pobtofllco authorities , however , declare that the .oapa malls were i delivered yesterday . NEWS ] I OF NEBRASKA TOWNS Toohoy , the Murderer of Erwln , Escapes From Jail HIS WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN X Farmer Iltows Ills Itrninn Out ANew Now lliillrcmtl to O'Nell Testi mony In tlin Hcnn C.tsc Meeting of Dairy men Murderer Tnohcv ICHcnnc Dakota Crrr , * Neb , Doc 17. [ Special Telegram to Tim Him | Jnmes Toohoy , the murderer of Klmcr Cnvln of Sioux City broke jail this evening Ho is still nt large , ItcialU of the Krwin Murder Cnse Dvkota Citv , Neb , Dec 17. [ Spoclnl to Tim Ubc.1 The excitement over the murder of young Urwln in Covington has not abated nt all , aud at tbo corouor's in quest yesterday most of the evidence goes to show that tbo murder was without a canse , and that It was not done in self defense ns the murderer claims There were eight ur ten eye witnesses and only ono witness tells a story that corroborates the prisoner Tlio other witnesses toll about the Bamo story , which differs a great deal from the ono the murderer tolls Tom Slovens , a banendor In the saloon wherotho murder was commit ted , was on eye witness and gave his testi mony us follows ! "Al Ewin , gonornlly known ns Agent , ' was iu tlio saloon during the evening several tlmos aud as ho und two of his frlonds took a drink together this mnr , Toohoy stopped up to Agent and says , why dent you nsk mo to drink with you Agent ' To which Agent replied 'If you waut n drink buy it yourself ' When ho said that Toohuy culled him sev eral Insulting nnmos , to which Agent reuliod by slapping him on the mouth with the back of bis hand Toohoy said nothing further , but walked back to the kitchen where ho worked during the day , and us ho came buck ho was nrmed with a long butcher knlfo , which ho carried in his hand As ho came by the bar one of the bartenders ( Billy llcff ) stepped out and took the knlfo away from him , and then some of the boys said , You better luok out , Agent , for that fellow had a knlfo for yon " Agent replied that It was nil right , as the fellow meant nothing by It , and then he called Toohoy up und treated hlin After Toohoy hnd drank ho said , "Wo will forgot that wo had this scrap , Agent , nnd lot it drop " Toohoy then went back to the kitchen and Immediately reappeared , and some ono asked him where ho was going Ho replied that ho was going to bed Agent was at this time leaning against the bar , with his loft arm resting on the bar rail , and Toohoy walked p.ist him about four feet , and as ho wheeled around ho caugh Agent by tbo throat , nnd plunged the knlfo in to him , saying as he did so , You , I have got it in for you ' When ho struck Agent I came from behind the bar'and choked the man down , and as ho fell ho pulled tbo knlfo out of his victim I picked up Agent and sat him In n chair , but bo was dead when he was put in the chuir " The rest of the witnesses told aDout the same otory as Stevens , except ono , who said that when Agent hit Toonov , ho hit him hard enough to knock him down Toohoy bus his preliminary hearing today and ho says ho will plead guilty as lie killed Agent lu self dHfenso Toohoy said that all ho was sorry for was that ho could not turn the knife around after ho struck Agent , so It would leuvo a larger bolo " It Is expected there will be trouble at the tnul ns the friends of Erwln say they will bang Toohoy is they ever get their hards on him Bli-w His Ilenil OfT SttELTOK , Neb , Dec 17. [ Special to Tub Bbe.J Vorcel V. Hervort , a farmer living about tno mlles north of this pace ' , commit ted suicide today His wtfo being the only person In tbo house at that time rushed into tha room and found him lying across a bed with the whole top of his head blown off with a shotgun , which lay beside him A Now Knllroail to O' Vell O'Neill , Neb , Dec 17. [ Special to Tnn Hee | A now railroad to ONeill Attorney C. L. Wright of Sioux City nnd Donald Mo- Lain of Now York city , general manager , were In O'Neill last week and presented to the citizens of this town and precinct a con tract wherein tlw Nebraska & Western rail road company obligates itself to complete the road from Sioux City to O'Noill by Au ' gust 1,1590 , nnd the citizens hero agree to vote precinct and city bonds to the amount of $50,000 or in case such bonds do not carry to pay that amount in cash to the said rail road companv The contract has boon circu lated nnd nearly ovcrv voter in the citv has ' signed it nnd a largo majority of the , voters of the precinct Iho leading real estate men of O'Neill bavo also donated to the company a largo amount of land and town lots , and the contract specifies that this point Is to bo the location for n largo perma nent round house largo enough for lirtoon engines , nnd is to bo tlio lirst division of the road west of Sioux City There is no lonper 1 n doubt of the ourly completion of this road to O'Neill , and It Is expected that the grad ing will be most of it done this winter if the weather will permit The depot of tbo now mad is to bo on Fourth street between tbo Patter bouse and [ our present depot , orlnging the two depots close together nnd making It very conven ient for the business of the town The largest - est contributors of real estate to tbo rullroad I company are Patrick Fuhy , John J , McCaf- forty , J. Dixon Avery , M , D , Long Patriot Hagcrty , Michael Cavaunugh , C. O. Millard , David Wlsogasoor , David Fitzgerald and John Fitzgoruld Dairymun in SeHsiou Falls City , Neb , Dec 17. | Special Tel gram to Tim Ubb ] The Nebraska dairy iron are iu session at tills place today , The , HrHt meeting was held at the court house and a largo crowd was in altendanco The ad- dress of welcome was dollvored by Samuel 1 Llcbty of this city and responses thorcto were made by S. O. Uassell , J. II Munrad , O L. Gaorlelson , A. M , N. Root Dr Ash burn , J , Dixon Avery ano others , An Inter esting programme has been provided by the local commltteo In honor of Nebraska dairy men The followlug dairymen were presents J. O. Merrill , president , of Sutton ; D. P. Asbburnvlco pruslaentof Gibbon t S.G , Has set , secretary , of Gibbon ; C L. Gabrlelson , of Iowu ; J. T. Sawyer of Wisconsin ; J. P , Munrad , F. A. Tripp , O. N. Uoxtar , of Chicago cage ; R12. McCarry of Indiana ; Hill of Kansas City ; Uatchelder of St Louis , and the following Nebraskans : W. A. and An drew Carpetitor , Auroras F. B. Howe , Fair mont ; J , M. Ucnuett , Hebron ; A. M. N. Root , Omulias William Sutton , Pablo Rock ; O. Camptou , Unnucttt J , Dixon Avery , Fre mont ; Urown , licatrlco ; Marble , Mtnden ; G.T.Ferguson , Stollu ; Persall , ruirfield ; J. T. Stanhope , Omaha ; U. It Stouffcr , Hcllvlllo ; A. G , Porter Ltuooln and Pctor Homings of I'awnoo , The session will con tluuo until Friday lOnrnay .Nriv * ICeauncy , Neb , Dec 17. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tub Hec | J.V. . Holmes , nmnagor of tha Kearney stons works company , claims that they bad the lowest bid proscnted to the couucll last uight ami reports say ho will en join the council from closing up the contract with O. II , Huberot Council Hluffs , tbo suc cessful bidder , Mr , Holmes grounds nro that ho gave prices on Akron , O. ' , piping and that the contract was let for another , the difference of price between tha two being enough to bring bis bid below Hubers Just what tbo result will bo no ono can surmise , Peter Uridgeman , who was Just released from Jail ou a tbreo mouths sentence Xor as " sault , was arrested and Iptaced In jail for stealing n bedstead nnd a tew household nrtlclcs from a storage rofttn Ho was mar ried recently to his divoijcod wife , aud ho wns short on house furnishing goods A dlsputo arose today Sn thu meeting of the board of supervisors , i Some tlmo ngo they ndvortiscd for bldsUo complete the court house Lnst Snturdny was the final day to rccclvo tbo bids When Saturday night came there wns only ono bid in , thatof W , T. Scott of this olty Today Mr Camp bell , a contractor , put in a bid nnd claims equal recognition with Mr Scott , fho lat ter claims that ho hasa , Inlr aud rcnsonnblo bid and demands that the contrnct bo given him Tlio board Is in a dilemma , all owlug to their advertising the bids lu an obscure sheet IJvlitnncn In the l > cnn Case • Wuxn , Neb , Dec 17. | Special Telegram to Tun llEi : . ] The introductory oviuenco in tlio Dean cuso began this morning Noel Henjaiuin , thirteen years old , testified to going with his two brothers after the cows nt B o'clock ' lu the afturnoon Four Indiaus dressed In dark clothes , fifty steps away , began shooting Wo ran Into a corn field At the Bccoud shot Jlmmlo wns killed The Indians drove off townrds the agency Wo carried 'Jlmmlo to the house nnd went for mother , who was at a neighbors , nnd told lior what had happened ; wcut to Ponder for father The shots were lirod from a revolver Wo bad not boon playing with n revolver that dav " . , W. J. Hciij-nntn , fatUor of Noel , tcsttflod that Noel told him thuttholndiatis had killed Jlmmlo The uoy's uiothor then tcstlllod that Noel told her boui6 fellows hud killed Jlmmio Lufccronk testified : Was on tlio reserva tion July 27 ; saw three Indians In a wagon ; they acted wild , as though Intoxicated ; know Henry Rico : saw hluj in Pender that nftornoon James Allen testified : "I examined the ground where the bcya said the Indlnns were when shooting ; found tracks loading oft towards the agency ! dent ' know when the tracks were made " E. T. Hull testified to the same ns above William Meanov testified ! "I llvo on the reservation about sixteen mlles from Hon jamlns ; saw the dcfondlints near my place at nbout 5 o'clock , ono on horseback nnd ono on foot ; two men , a woman and chil dren in a wagon , and a boy tiding behind Lllack Hawk seemed Intoxicated ; am positlvo it was near 5 oclock " 'iho remaining ovidonro was immaterial nnd unimportant The stuto failed utterly to connect the defendants with the shooting When tno state rested the defense put in no evidence The attorney for the p-osecullon inudo un nrgumentbut the dofouse submitted the case without argument The court then ndjournod for supper A verdict of not guilty was brought iu at 8:25. A Fruitless Clinsc Okd , Neb , Dec 12 [ Special Telegram to The P.En.-Hobort. | C. Nfeliols , sheriff of Valley county , has jist ! returned from a long and devious chase after * John W. Pol lock , a farmer lately residing in Garfield coi-nty. Pollock was respectfully connected nnd supposed to bo well off Ho quietly left the county October 1 , disposing of his chattel property before leaving When the fact of his going was noised abrond nnd his nffairs looxed into , It was found that his chattel property was mortgaged , In some in stances two or three raortgatres boiug placed on tlio same chattels October 30 Nichols wns sent after him nnd rauod him to King Fisher , I. T. . ' wliorp he fiand him Pollock was surprised and admlttfil tfiit ho-Uld not suppose that his trull couldr have boon traced His tracit led ncrofS Iowa , Illinois , Wiscon sin , again through Iowa , Missouri and Kan sas to Indian Territory About twenty-eight miles from Davenport bo arrived nt the uouso of a friend who drove him into Daven port during tbo night , whore lie took the , morning train for Kansas City Nichols had the pleasure of shaking bands with bim , but being unable to procure'a requisition bad to leave him where ho found him Jail llrenlir-rH. Dakota Crrr , Neb , Dee , 17. [ Special Tel egram to Tub Hee.J A bold attempt was made to liborata the prisoners iu the jail hero this evening at about 8 oclock Tnoro was only ono man guarding the jail , and on some small pretext ho was sent down tewn As soon as ho was gone a crowbar was handed to the prisoners by a brother of ono of the mon confined in J.u ) . With this they broke out soma of tha barn of the steel cairo and then pushca out tbo part of the brick 1 walls where snmo prisoners had made their cscapo before Only three got away , us the deputy came just thou and urovcuted the rest from escaping The three that cscapod are held hero on a charge of highway rob bery The sheriff has a lurgo posse in pur suit of the escaped Gypsy Queen Sold Waiioo , NobiDee 17 , [ Special to Trie Bee I Today Gypsy Queen , the fastest trotting mare in Nebraska , was sold to A. J. Feoku of Syracuse , N. Y. , for $10,500. by her owners , Johnson & Perry of this place Gypsy Queen is six years old and was raised nt St Udwards , Nao , and has a record of 2:19 : . Messrs , Johnson and Perry realized a handsome profit over their purchase price , besides making over $10,000 lust season on the track A Merchant Married Sidset , Neb , , Dee 17. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tnn Hue ] Edwin J. Vunderhoof , a prominent grocery morchantof this city , was married hero thla ovenlng to Miss Emma Flanders of Ashland Neb , nt the palatial rcsidenco of T. U. Dawson The ceremony was performed by Uov Hardwoy of the Methodist church The young couple re ceived many costly and useful presents Pawnee County Agricultural Society , Pawnee Citv , Neb , Dee 17. [ Special to The Bee.J The Puwitoo County Agricultural - cultural and Mechanical association has elected S. Bernard president , N. S. Wright vice president , Charlto Scnappnll snerotarv , and F , L , Bcunot treasurer A now board of directors was elected ano the constitution amended in a few sections 1 Thus starts tha eleventh ycur of.tho society's existence Applied tor n Dlvorno Nehbiska Cur , Neb , Dee 17. [ Spoolal Tolcgram to Tun Bee.J Lfss than a year ago James Cook , a young { farmer near Dun bar , married un estimable1' young woman Today bho applied for a divorce , mid alleges 1 that ho has heaton her continually siuco the 1 first wcok of marriage , and otbonvlso mal " treated her g Gets Aiiotlinr Trlnl Cextiui , City , Neb , Dee 17. | Speclai to 1 Tub I1ee. " | Au adjourned'torin of the dis trict court was bold hero yesterday , and by a ruling of Judge Post , Colonel VV H. Wobstcr gets another trialon bis embezzle . ment case , at tbo next regular term , This was thu only important matter " disposed of , and the judge went homo this morning Hound Over Nemiibka Citv , Neb , Dee 17. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee 1 Fielding Hall , ono i of the principals In the recent shooting f scrape , had his prcllaiiuary examination today , and was bound ever to the district 1 court to answer to the charge of attempted 1 killing The trial or thu Hess brothers has > been continued to December 20. The Wmitlier Forecast , For Omaha and Vicinity Fair weather For Nouraska uud Iowa Fair , warmer , southerly winds For South Dakota Fair , followed by light rains , warmer southerly winds Grady Under Hid Weather Atlanta , Go . Doc 17. Henry W. Grady arrived homo this inornlsg from the north Ha Is quite ill , but bis physician thinks not dangerously A FIGHT ON JUDGE BREWER Hols Ohm-god. with TJnduo Love For Railroads CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS A Short fission of tlio House Fnvor- ntilo Itcport on the Illnlr ICdil eal I mi al Itlll llio 911- uott 1'ioblciii. Uiilooltrd-Fnr Opposition WAsiiiNdTON , Dec 17. The executive session of the senate this afternoon lasted more than two hours The principal topic of discussion was the nomination of Judge Brewer to bo associate Justice of the supreme court This wns celled up by Scnutur In- gulls , on n favorublo report from the com mltteo on judiciary Although there was no minority report the confirmation of the nomination was opposed by senators of both parties , who based their objections upon two groutds 1 , Ills doclsion in prohibition cases in Kan- bus , which aftorwnrds wcro rovctscd by the supreme court - ' . that the stntemontof the facta in Judge Grcshani'B review of the appointment of the receiver for the Wnbash Bjstcuiof railroads by Judge Brouor , whoso order in the case Judge Grcsham vacated so far as it affected the roads within its limits and circuit It was assorted that these things Justify the suspicion that Judge Brewer is a iriundof corporation interests ns against those of the public , and that the factsas stated in Judge Greshum'a review , warrant an Investigation 'Iho friends of Judge Brewer , it is said , denied that ho was iu nny wise unduly in fluenced iu bis notion iu the Wabash receiv ership , but adjournment enmo before the case was disposed of It is believed , how over Hint his nomination will bo confirmed , probably tomorrow Congressional lroo cdiuus Senate WAsniNGTOK , Dec 17. The senate com mltteo today ordered favorably reports upon thu following bills : To relieve the treasury of the necessity of carrying upon the books tbo balances of un available usscts that have accrued slnco the formation of the government , amounting to about $23,000,000 ; the direct tax bill in the shupo in which it passed both houses of the last congress The senate commlttoo on education and labor instructed Chairman Blair to . report favorably his educational bill This action docs not , bowovor , bind any member of the commltteo as to his action ou the tloor of the senate I'ho nomination of William T. Harris to bo commissioner of education was ordered rcportod favorably The senate commltteo on pensions rofcrred the dependent pension bill to a sub-corn- mittco A'inong the bills rcportod from the commit tees and placed ou the calendar wcro the following : To relieve the treasurer of the United States from the amount now charged to him and deposited with the several states ; to in crease tbo pension of pensioners who are entirely helpless Mr Halo , from tbo committee on appro priations , rooorted back a small , deficiency bill of $150,000 for publio printing and bind ing and JJoO.000 for the preliminary prititing of the eleventh census The bill was passed A communication from the president to congress In regard to the international marl tlmo congress now in session und recom mending earnestly thut a further extension of therlimit of its continuance of two months from " the 1st of January , 1S90 , bo authorized , was presented and ( with nccompanylng papers ) referred to the commltteo on foreign relations Mitchell withdrew the resolution offered by him last week In reference to the faliuro of the pension bureau to furnish linn with copies of certain papers in a pension claim Commissioner Raum bad sent bim the papois with a letter stating that the refusal to furnish them had been based on an old regu lation of the office , which seemed a judicious ono , in order to prevent wusto of the effec tive strength of the ofilco Mitcboll re marked that any senator , representative or duly authorized attorney of un upplicant or the nppllcdnt himself should have a ritiht to copies of the papers There was a brief dis cussion on this point Mitcboll offered a resolution ( which was referred to the post ofllco commltteo ) calling on the postmaster general for estimates of the IncreaBOd cost required for the oxtonslon of the free deliv ery system to nil towns and citlos having not less than 3,000 inhabitants , and where the gross postofllco revenue is at least5U00 ; also cities and towns of 5,000 inhabitants and with gross postoffico receipts of S7.OO0. Senator Turpie , from tbo commltteo on pensions , today made a favorable report on Quuy's report fixing S73 per mouth as the pension to bo grunted all persons who have become totally helpless from injurlos re ceived or diseases contracted when in the military or naval Bervlco of the United Stutcs Among the bills Introduced in tbo senate 1 toduy are the following : By Mr Pierce Directing tlio secretary of , the interior to cause the necessary surveys , to bo made to ascertain thu feasibility of diverting tbo waters of the Missouri , James , Mouse and Red rlvors to the purposes of irrigation in North Dakota and to cause the 1 sinking df artesian wells to develop the 1 artesian basin underlying the state It ap ' propriates 1150,000. After un executive session the scnuto ad journed House WAsniNOTON , Dee 17 , The session of the house was brief After the introduction of [ a few bills a resolution was offered for call calling the slates nlphabolioally for tbo in troduction of bills Rofcrred to the commlt tee on rules , As nothing could bo done the house adjourned At the session of the Silcott defalcation commltteo it became ovldont that tbo major . ity favor an appropriation bill to cover tlio deficiency , but tbo minority opposed it and I 1/ necessary will make a minority report , The commltteo reassembled after the ad journment hour toduy and resumed conside ration of the legal points involved and prac tically reached un agreement on tbo measure which muy be regarded us a compromise bo- > tween the diversu vlows of the members , 'J his mensuro will provide for the reference of the subject to the court of claims , which tribunal is to determine tbo responsibility i for the defalcation and adjust the claims of the members who lost their money If it follows from the findings that they are en- . titled to reimbursement nnothor mooting of tbo commltteo Is to bo bold to perfect the form of the measure and to agree on the detnils _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlin Now Kxtrndlllnn Trpnty , ' Wasiunqtox Dee 17 , President Harri son today transmitted to tbo senate the ex tradition treaty with Eaglaud referred to in his message , negotiated uy Secretary Blulno mid Sir Julian Pauncefoto , the British min ister Hy Its terms the number of extra * ditiblo offenses is largely increased The most important addition is that of cmbczzlo- ment So If the treaty bo ratified Canada nnd the Unsted States will cease to exchange a lisbs of undesirable residents who have hitherto seemed immunity from punishment , The Saraoan treaty negotiated at Berlin ; lost bpring has not been transmitted to the senate , Nebraska , Iowa und Dal 'ot i Pcunions Wasiiij > eton , Dee 17. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee.J 1'cnslons granted Nebraskans is s Original Invalid Albert O. Van Epps , Omaha ; George Clark , ( deceased ) Beaver City ; Albert A. Palmer , Sowards J , E. Blake , Oreto , Increase Samuel Martin , Omaha l ; Peter Urowo , Talmago ; Stephen Dcltch , * S " Malcolm ; George C. Whitney , Stunrt ; Francis Houchin , Rod Cloud ; Olaf Olson , Nowmnn Grove ; F M. Lackey , Uulbertson ; Androtv Lawrence , Ewlng Original widows , etc Luclndn , widow of John Guyor , Alma ; Mary U , widow of George Clark , Beaver Citv Citv.Pensions Pensions for Iowanss Original invalid James McKco Avon ; William 11. Stratton , Smithiand ; Jolin Mtddloton , Marshnlltowu ; Mlcluicl J , Appleton , U'ost Point Incronse George \ \ \ Sylvester , Kvlra ; Richard ! ' . Martin Hedrlck ; Wltllam Bacon , Greenfield ; Jacob Rank , Deep River ; Charles Morgan , Redman ; Robert Wilson , Lnfnyetto ; J. M. Argabrlaht , Lamonds Rob ert Anderson , Clarkson ; Siuiucl W. Porter Webster City ; Presta Jadtson , farmington ; Gustav Hnll , Cassad.v ; Francis M. Rather , Sac City ; Mosscr Jackson , Panora ; Joseph Lnwson , West Dos Monies ; Samuel II Mix , Cedar Rapids ; Jesse C. Calloway , Rose ulll ; Samuel R , Cain , Hartford ; John Ratston , Keota ; Thomas W. Ilolninn , Con trovllle Rctssuo lames W. Simmons , Shenandoah Origlnul widows , etc Mary A. , widow of John Kenny , Cicsco Pensions for Dakotans : Original Invalid Wli.slow Abbey , Mitchell ; William La- Grunt , Bonllla Increase lames Kgan , Vermillion ; Daniel Wntcrbury , Watcrbury Western Patent * Issued Washington , Dec 17. | Spcclal Telegram to The Uee | Patents were today granted ns follows : Nebraska V. Long , Peorln , Neb , frnco wire strctchor ; Moso Marks , Omaha , horse collar rustener ; Thomas L. Register , Tenu- tnab , Neb , windmill governor ; Max V. ii Stodinuollor Pomoroy , In , butter workc ; Jon A. Wahlstroiu , Wiikotlukl , Neb , uiidd- lings purifier Iowa .1 nines Brady , lliooklyn , N. Y. , us slcuor to Fitrh typewriter company , nt Dcs Moines , In , key lever for tyno writing machine - chine ; Asher A. Bnuvcr , Creston , In , car pet stretcher ; Anson E. Clay , Newburgh , In , grain meter ; S. Cordorman Wavcl.iud , • In , harrow ; Kugctio Hurnion , Rlppley , In , halter ; Abnor B , Knaton and R. I ) . Criswoll , Wlnlcrset , la ; said Criswoll assignor to Kenton , fifth wheel Tor vehicles ; Ander Jen- Bcn , Onktleld , In , wlro fencu machine ; Henry Phillips nnd F. W. Byors , Ottumwu , In , said Byors assignor to Phillips , pick or tool holder ; John \V. Puterbaugh , Clarlnda In , fence machine South Dakota James W. Reed nnd C. II Martin , Sioux Falls , Dak , paper pulp ma- chiuo Allowed the Ancount" . Washington , Dec 17. First Comptroller Matthews has decided to allow tlio accounts of United States Marshal Noodles of Okla homa and of the United States commission ers nppoluted by Judge Shackelford for duty in that territory , on the ground that the ser vices rondcrcd by thorn were legal and proper Tno accounts amount to about 8130,000. llnrtnliorii huocoeds Silcott WvsnixoToy , Dec 17. Scrgcaut-at-Arms Ilolmos , of the house lias appointed E. J. Hartshorn , of lown , to be cashier of his ofilco , in place of Defaulter Silcott Hart shorn has given a bond of $50,000. Bond OfiVriimn WvMinsaTOV Dec 17. [ Special Telegram to The Hee.J Bonds offered : ? 1 , 'J30 at 51.27 , $1,850 at $1.01 . WEST'S TltlAJj Much Evidence of n Criminating Nn- turo Adlucad ' Cnioioo , Dee 17. ISpaclal Telegram to Tub Bee ] Iu the trial of James J. West , ex-prcsidunt of the Times company , on tbo charge of fraudulent ovenssuo of stock , muck evidence of a criminating nature was udduced Mr Huiskamp , now president of the Times company , was ono of the witnesses , nnd testified that ho first beard the charges against West In President Odoll's ofilco at the Union National bank Then the cross examination recurred to the conversation of witness with West when the latter told him that stock had been ovur-issuod to tbo ex tent of 1.0VJ shares Did West not say , " naked the lawyer , that the stock over-Issued was less than 1,010 shuros ; that it was u mistake which must bo corrected nt once and that the credit to him of S10 shares should bo annulled 1" "No sir " Did ho not turn ever certain certificates , for 810 shares to you that morning anil after wards 200 morel "No , sir " When did you got the certificates ? " "A day or two later " "Wboro bavo they boon sincol" "In the Times ofilco safe Did you not see your lawyer , Mr Gurloy , nnd then say to West that you were auro ho was not guilty of an Intentional ever issue ; that Mr Gurloy would defend him for noth ing , but bo did not want to take the respon sibility of annulling the shares without a vote of the board of directors ? " Captain Huiskamp answered tlio question in sections , saying that Mr Gurloy would defend West if ho was guiltless ' of criminal intent , but denying tbo rest of tbo implica tions In the question GA.THKitI.SG 1'IIfcJU IN The Mayor or Silt Lnko nnd Oilier OflialulH Arrested Salt Lake , Doc 17. The recent invostl- Ration of tbo grand Jury into the nllogod frauds in the disbursing of funds and the making of contracts bv city and county offi cials is resulting in a lurgo number of ur- rests Mayor Armstrong was arrested last night , there being nlno indictments ai'ainst him charging intent to defraud the city nnd county Today Chnrlcs A. Smith , Bishop Runnoy , Jcsso Fox County Surveyor John C , Cutler County Clerk L. I ) , Youug , Abram Cannon , Alonzo Young Joshua Midgloy , Stephen A , Manio , William N. Williams woie also ancstod on indictments nnd taken before tbo commissioner and gave bonds in the sum of $1,500 each All will bo nrraigned Saturday A Cool Criminal Kansas Citv , Mo , , Dee 17. ( Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] Probably ono of the strangest things that ever happened In the criminal history of Missouri was brought to light In this city today in the case of Billy Mitcboll , who will bo hanged in the jail yard hero Friday morning for the murder of Michael Kllrisky moro than a year ago It .vus dyvolopod that in nil of Mltcholl's long imprisonment and subsuijuont tedious trlui , his mother , who lives ut W koileld , ICun , lias been kept in Ignorance of her bey's trouble , and now that the execution is so near at hand it is feared that to suddenly Inform hoof the young mans horrlblo into would result seriously Mitchell Is tlio cool est man ever sentenced to death iu this city , When ho returned to the jail after the vor- diet had been announced ho suids Well , boys , they're going to hang me " Ever since ho has expressed a wish thut the execution might bo hurried up , ns ho wanted to gel it off his hands Mitchell's sister is with him , but his wife refused to oven lend her pres ence to tbo murderers last hours A tMinpli'inoutiU Petition Chicago , Dee 17. [ Spoolal Telegram to Tub Bbe.J Charles W. Larno filed a sup plemontal potltion in the superior court to i his bill today for a rccoivorfor the Harmless spur wire company Ho charges J. Alien Barber , president of the comiunyj John A. its Street , secretary , and Richard Street with coucoctlng and attempting to put in operation u plnu to wreck the company The , amended bill Insists that the revocation of : the license , which makes the company's i Block valueless , was brought about at the 1 instance of Strcots , limber and their assocl- ates solely with a View to prujudico the lit I teresti of Luruo and tha stockholders , m AThouiiaiiU Minora Strike Rocuesteu , N. Y , , lea 17 , A thousand coal iniuers in the Wulston and Adrian mines struck this morning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ECHOES J 1 OF THE CR0N1N TRIAIU I Frlonda 3 of the Sontonood Mon Call H and Coiulolo H KUNZE | HAS DRIED HIS TEARS , M Tlin Prisoners Krqieotlng Anotlicy H Cll.tnci ) for Libert } l.onueueckcr M Tolls How tlin Vol diet H WlIN lU'UL'Il ' d. M The Pleasures oT Hope fl _ Cntcton , Doc 17. There was a sound o | flflj weening lu the visitors cngo lu the Jail this | Vfl ] morning i flflj Friends of the four mon convicted yesterday - H day called on thorn nnd dcploiod their Into BflJ Butko alone received no callers He pro BJ serves the same c ircloss demeanor ho has SH exhibited slnco the trial began M Llttlo Kuiiro hnd recovered his spirits H The fact is nil the prisoners , now that , the ifl _ suspense U over , are looking forward with flflj hope to the possibility of n now trial H Culver ttie Onus * , flflj Cnlc\bo. Dec 17. State Attorney Lonpo BH necker \ this evening , lifter neonferoucowitb , B _ ono of thu Cronlu Jurors whose nnmo ho t\itU v _ _ held ] , told how the vordlct was reached flflj As surmised , Juror John Culver , who spent i jflH much ' of his spare tlmo during the long cvon- } t H ings I rending thu bible , wns an Influential ] _ factor 1 lie lirst incident In this connection TBI ] occurred . while the trial was In progress 1 Iflv ] the tlmo when Mrs Couklln tcstlllcd Tlint \ jflfl evening Culver untitled his fellow jurois that ; ] fl _ he . Rolcuiiily believed she had cumJflfl mittcd pci Jury Luler Mrs Hoortol , ] ha , thought , was a liar , and Martinson , { the expressman , did not really know liurko , jflfl while the Carlsons wcro plainly tolling false | Bfl hoods To llii.str.ito : As to Expressman jflfl Martinson Mrs CuUcr told of u mistake - { . made by thu wife of his pat tner who oue day Bfl saw a in a n riding In a buggv whom she was sure ! was Culver when hi fact she was on- tlroly mistaken Culver seemed to see iu flB nearly every witucs fur the statoavin- dictlvo ' or purchased perjurer He plainly . fl ] hinted that It looked UUo a conspiracy un tha flB states ( tart The matter of having witnesses , under the charge of detectives was ono ot Bl the tilings ho thoughtlookcd bad Ho wasn't sure Dr i.ronln was ever iu the cottage nnd Bfl when asked : How do you account for the bloody trunk ! " said , Why , for all wo know u dug may lmvo been taken in it " The • Bfl ciuso uf Cronin's death hud not been proved , flj and bo contended that ho was impressed with the idea thut Daniel Cuughllu had a flj good face , flfl When the tlmo for balloting arrived Culflfl vor voted for the acquittal of all the defendflfl ants Ho steadfastly declared that Hoggs Bfl particularly ho would not send to Jail oven flfl for ono day The result was a long Btruggla flfl and repeated ballots , ending iu the comflfl promise verdict announced flfl Farmer Pierson had voted steadily for the flfl execution of all live dcfoudntiti uud was tlio ' flfl lnst man to yield It was he who was holdflfl ] ing out tuwurd the cud , and not until an . hour or so before tbo verdict rcaelicd tbo flfl publio did ho glvo in , . flj The leading thought of the jurors , other than Culver uud Piorson , seemed to bo to flfl prevent a dlsagocincut They apparently bo- flj licved thut n mistrial was what had been flfl aimed at by the defense flj i < - • 1 * * HJ llouncitia'Cliiii-iiu-Onol Ollioort ) . > fl Chicmoo , Doc 17. Detective John Stlft M and M. G. Crowo aud Patrolman Redmond flfl McDonald , who testified in favor of Daniel ' • M Coughlin in the recent Cronlu trial received Bfl notice of dismissal today from the lorco for pfl conduct unbecoming olllcors nnd for neglect flfl of duty " 1 ms is only n beginning of the flfl rtmovals , " said an official today , and from flfl this time ou „ vou can look out for the ro- j H movnlof Claii-iia-Gnol mon nnd their sym 111 pathizcrs daily " , ) Woodriiff'n Case jflfl Chicaoo , Dec 17. It seems probable now jflfl that tlio indictment against Frank Woodruff \ M for complicity in the murder will not bo jflj pushed to trial , but that ho will bo trlod for Ifljf hoi so stealing tflj | IIHAL ItUnSlA.N llSKLUENZA - jjfl llcaltlt Officer Edison's Opinion ot the jflj Now Yiirit Cuscn I (111 ( Nnw Yoiiic , Dee 17. The snnltnry in- IjHJ snectnr who investigated the report of Rus ' - Ifljl nlun inllucnza reported today to the board of jjB health The matter was brought to the at- JBl tentlon of the board by Lellman , who noli- , -JjflJ lied it that seven mem hers of the family of * | H Albert Klumroth wcro suffering from what jflj ho bollovcd to bo Russian inllucnza , Tbo ' IH inspector says The ngus of those attacked * IH rauge from fifty yours to four years , all but • jH two little children being over twunty.ono ' 4flJ | years No cause of the uttnclc is apparent 4J None of the family huvo bcon thrown into 1IJ contact with iinyono suffering from the jflj dismiso The first case occurred on Decern ; jH ber 11. The first syuiptons wcro midden * { faintness , chills and marked prostration jflj Then succeeded headache and u general feel Jflj lug of malaria followed by ucuto corz7a , M r Iflj winding up with bronchitis Kxntmnation • > ' Bfl showed thouatlant nbout ns sick us persons * " ' $ BflJ with n uud cold The duration of the attack flfl was tuo days and upward Health Officer jflj EdUmi said hn hud no doubt this was real H Russian lulluciua , Succor lor Stiii'vlni ; Indlnns IH Dcluth , Minn , , Dee 17. [ Special Tele- T jH grutn to The Bbi : , [ Tha oxpediution to ro- • jH llovo the starving bands of Grand Portage fll Indians returned to Dululh this morning Jfl after a lake journey of .100 miles Indian V 'flj Agent Leahy was iu charge of the oxpodl- " flj tlun and the supplies , which consisted of two fl cur loads uf Hour , pork nnd bcof , were put off ' flj in nearly equal portions at Grand Murals j flj und Grand Portage , At the former place flj | there were no actual cases of suffering , but ' - ' flj at the latter thuro wcro nbout one hundred , flj and sixty Indians in a deplorable condition IH for tno want of actual neccss irlus of life * ] M The arrival of the food was bailed with ' ' flj every evidence of extravagant joy , us a boat ' . HJ was not looked for at this Into time of the ' jfl ] year Runners were sent out to the differ ' IH cm settlements uud the tribal rolls wcro tiifll present In a few hours , A grunt feast fol- lioBj lowed , and with care the Imilans now have lllBl enough to last them until spring , A total of * _ 2'JJ Indians were roilevud < ffl | aThn Ijiiw IMiisi liu Kiifnraed iIH Kansas Citv , Mo , Dee 17. | Special Tele- ilBJ gram to The I1ek. | The elevator men of IH this city met ut noon toduy aud appointed a Ifll commltteo to confer with Railroad Couimis- Jill sloner Johu B , Brouthltto ou the Impending 7III fight butweon the stnto aud the elevators f IH Mr Breuthltto met thu commltteo this after lllH noon , but the conference resulted In nothing f IH satisfactory to thu grain men The coinmis- S&IH sloner suys the law must bo onfoicod , and 'SIM that It Is his business to help enforce it , Thu * ilfl grain men are determined thut they will not * * IH qualify their elevators as publio warehouses till as the law directs , claiming that their ale | | H vntors uro prlv-ato property , to bo used as MlM • they see fit < /H * * -IIH Coiimil I.en IV Iteoill Dainnndcd Sill [ Copyright IMbu Jinn * CtanloHllcniltitA - | H ZvNziiuii , Doc 17 , [ Now York Herald JHffl Cable Special to The Beh.I The Moorish | _ govornmout has cabled to Washington do * Jy | inauding tbo recall of Consul Lewis Gioat Mill cxclteinont prevails in Tangier * owing to bis - all action un Sunday relutlvo to the suUuro of a -111 case containing Uro arms , 'III * • < fM | lOloven L vB Loir , IH London , Dec , 17. The bark Tonly Castle JJ"J wtni wrcuked ut Holyhead today Klevcn uflj per uub were drowuua , Mfl • tlm k _ _ -ajflfl