[ THE OMAHA ' DA.LY BEE ] I NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA FRIDAY MOBNMG , DECEMBER 13 , 1889. NUMBER 17oT" fl BOSTON MERCilAN TS BANOUfiT HJ _ H HI Spoochoa by Olovoland , Grady and H Andiow Garnctflo JJI H THE NCED OF BALLOT REFORM HH H Orovcr Dllntrs on ttio Sutijpat Withr H Compliments for Massachusetts H and Sly DIlh at Hill Orndy on Hi thu Hnou Problem , oI' ' H A llrllllnnt AHsrtiiiblngB W * Bostov , Doc IS Over four hundred of H < tlio | rotmnont business men of Hosto i And Hi Now I net ind crow led thonpartinants of the Hi Hold Vcndomo this evening on the occasion HI of thonnnuul biniuct of tlio Boston Mcr- H ] ch lots association At tlio round ttiblo in Hjl thu center sit , Hon Tosculi A Lane , prosl Ht& & dent of Did aBsoclittou At his HjR right ucro cx-Prcsllent Clovel uid Hff end ll VV Grady , W L Putnam , HJ I' A Cflllns lolinLoi 1 i' I'lam L Uus JH Bull und Leopold Murso , l I iJ on Ills luft JH tvero scitcd Goicrtor Ollvci A nes Andrew I Ciirnoj-ic , General Ulnton U iMhaiindCol f loctorSaltotistill ill tucsts of tlio tssocl- HJ.ation After rcidlng a lctlcrof tegrcltrom JJJI Jiunes KusrcII I owcll President Line pro JJJ , cccded In u brier sp cell to In induce Gov JJJt ernorAmcs who welcome l the g citsoftha JJJl occasion Picstdciit 1,4110 then Introduced Hi1 ' ex President Cloicltnd who i as grccte 1 JJJ with long continue I applnuso , shouts und JB cheers Cleveland spoke luBUbslanco as foi f/ 10WS ! HH1 ' 1Iu luul a KowIul tribute to tlio Hoston JJl' t merebiints of thoul ten tlmo and their heirs H and successors thu lioslon merchants of JJ | today In thu course of Ins rem irlci ho ref - f ' ferred to the imminent d ingci which HV | threatens us from tli i intimidation und eor Hf ruction of our voters whti.li may bo Justly Hji charged to solUsh schemes seeking success JJM through politii il action But these evils Hlj huvo neon ncglcctc 1 by honest men dls Hjl ttistcl with all political cndcivor , they have HH been tolcr ited by respect iblo men who In Hi ivoaltncss of patriotic sentiment hnvo re Ht gurdo 1 thorn ns onR phases of slnowd pollt Hi lull man itcuiont , ind they h ivo been Hit actl n" encouraged * by the honors which JJJ3 have been bestowed upon these who boist of JJJl their use of such ngonoics In aid of party Hfl * ul reiiiacy I ] \luuv of us therefore may nlio to our H2 selves a shire of blame when wo llnu con Hfi fronting us tbeso perils which threaten the Hfc cxisteneo of our free Institutions tuo nroser | vution of our nutiouul honor ana the psrpetu Hli lly ofourtountry 1 ho condition annexed Hlf to the founding of our government u | on the Hti' sun"ra"o of t io pjaplo wis that the suffrigo Hil should bo free and pure Wo consent d to Hi ' ablda by tlio honest prcpondoranca of politl Hit cal opinion , and wo did not consnnt that a Hf * ° frc0 vote , oxprcssing the intelligent nnu HJf thoughtful sentiment of the voter , should bo Hl ; ; balanced by a votu of intitnidntion and tear Hff or by in unclean corrupt , vote dismacefuUy Hl bought and treacherously sold HI ? ' Let us look with i degree of pity and Hlli charity upon these who yield to fear and In Hi timid itiun In the oxorcn > o of their right of Hh Buffrugo ihoui.h thov ought not thus to HI3 yield wo cannot forget that us against tholr Hll free ballot they see In the scilo their con H | j tinned employment , the comforts of their Hli homes and thoinuintctiuneoof their families Hll Vo "C0li not ? tllllo our scorn and contempt Hil * or tno wrulc" u ,10 , bisoly sells Ins vote , and H. * t. _ , -lvho for a brlbo betrays his trust of citizen Hf11 BUD ' And yet the thouirut will Intrude I Itself , that ho but follows in a low and vul HF &ar fll9'IIOn ' the example of these who pr > Hit ceoduioutlio theory tint political action Hli Ilmyr lj0 lui' cd to private gain " H | ] As n remedy for the corruption of voters HH tl10 spealter enthusiastically hailed the ad HM vent of ballot reform Iloseid V 'iherouro no leaders in tniscauso These HJ { who seem to lead tbo movement nro but HJj swept to the front by the surging force of Hj V Urlotic sentiment It rises fur above p ir H | ttsanship aud only the heedless , tbo sordid Hji and the depraved refuse to join In tbo Hid crusn'e , HJI ' i his reform h predicated upon the cool HJ l deliberation of political solllshncss in its on HJ I dcavor to i rostltuio our suITri o to tbo pur HK | poses of private frun It is rightly supposed ' B' > that corruption of the voter is entered upon HJ | with such business calculation that the cor HJI runtor will only pay n bribe when ho his HJ occular proof that tlio suffrugc bo has bir- HK Ruined for is east In bis interest So too it HI is reasonably expected that if the employe HI or laborer is at the t'tno ' of casting his ballot HV romovid from tbo immediate control of his HJ employer the fitillti of fear and intlmida Hi < tion will load to their abandonment Htf The ch uigodomamicd by this reform In HfJ the formalities surrounding tbo exercise of HV thoprlvilegoof suffrato bus given rise to \ HH real or pretended solieltudo for tbo rights of I our voters , and the fcai has been expressed HKf . that inability on the part of electors to con HJg form to the requirements of the ( imposed H } J chance might produca great incotivenionco H and In feomo eases result In dlsf ruuehisemont Hj , | It has even becu suggested that thu iu- Hj'j uuguratioa of the now plan might encroach H ] | vpou constitutional guar miles Hjl "It will not do to tccuso of hostility to the Hjff roforra all those wbo present these objec- j H ] | tlons but it is notmniss to inspect their Hj rimlis tor enemies iu dlsmilso Though tbo I HJ | emergency wbleh is upon us is full of danger HJI an I tbouth wo sadli need ultof all rights i HJ | should bo scrupulously preserved Uut thcro i Hji should bo no snuffling und no frlvllous ob- HJ Jcetions should bo toiemtod When a dwell HJj lug Is in flames wo use no set phrnso of HJ speech to warn its inmates and no polite , HJ and eomtly touch to effect their HJ rrseuo .Lxt crjonco has often domnti HJ stinted haw ijuiclily obstacles which HJj seemed plausible If not convincing when Hjl ur cd nt , dnuta mcasuroof rofnim arodissl- HJ' paled by tbo test of trial , an 1 how readily a i HJ ncwordci of things adjusts Itself to huccoss HJ fill use * * * ' As it bus been with civil ' HJ service reform so will It bo with ballot ro HJ / form , except that the coming victory will bo , Hji inoro speedily aehloyod end nill bo tuoro ) HJI comlileto HJI And as tbo grand old state of Masst HJ > chusetts was foremost to adopt and demon HJ strito the piaaicabiltty aud usefulness of HJI civil service reform , so lias she been first to Hjl adopt n thorough scheme of ballot reform i HJr and to provo In pnctica Its value and thu In- HJ ) vulidity of the objections mildo uguinst It " Hji 1 allowing Cleveland euino tlonry W Hji Grady of Georgia , who was warmlv received Hji Mr Orady suld bo was Invited to discuss the HJj rueo problem 11a sail Mho south , the HJS ruirostuud richest domain on earth , Is so HJf scunllly people 1 tint but in per cent of its Hja luuds uro cultivate t I ho sous of Now Tug HJI land beck with troubled eve some now lido i HJ / rude let slueo 1WKJ the emigration of norlb- Hk ernors to the south uus been docroasiug bo- Hjl/ / causoof'bo rueo problem and the suspicions HJ it breeds 1 ho southerners are so beset with HK this problem that their very oxlsteneo do- H\ \ penda upon Its right solution " H ! Kephing to thu Imputation that the south Htreated the negroes unjustly , the speaker H suld Ibis ioar the south ralsod 7100 H > bales of cotton , which enormous crop could Hj , not huvo eomo from thu bands of dlscon H tented labor iho negroes of Georgia who HJ twenty tlvoyeirs ago were slives now pos HJ scss CUvooiiou worth of property Tor HJ oviry Afro Amorlum agitator stirring up HJ strife ho could show a thousind negroes HJ happy in their cabin homes und with their HJ children In school H is admitted thcro is HJ discord and vlolcnio but it is mls- HJ Judtou Lawlessness iu Iowa is accepted HJ as an accident , whllo that In the HJ south Is ascribed to race causes i , HJ 'J he bluck will cast a free ballot when ig- HJ tioraueo uiiv where is not domlnutol by the HJ will of the iutulllgeut iho whltvs u-a HJ bundod not In prejudice but uoccsilu The HJ negro vota remains an Ignorant and credu- HJ lous faction , the prey of the urserupulous of HJ both parties and plaj s u pai t m every cam i Hji jialgn by which eicry Interest of society is HJ jeoi arducd und every upproaoh to the bal HJ lot box debauched Against such eauipulgns HJ as this tbo southern whites uro bunded as HJ Massachusetts would bo uuuor similar elr- HJ cuiustuncea" HJ In reply to the challenge as to the alleged HJ smalluessof the southern vote Mr Uradv HJ * suldi "iho stxtceu soulbum states lu IbitS 1 J E v7 per cent of tholr totil vote , the Now J I'nglind stitesbut 03 tor cent of theirs The negro has learned that the ballot bo * , | which promised most has yielded him least , aud at last has realized that his best friends nro tils nolghbors , with whoso prosperity his own ) is bound It would bo well It notthcrn partisans , would understand that the negro votocinnovcr control the south If there bo n human force which cinnotbo withstood , it i < Is that of the b indod Intolllgon o und ro B | onsiblllty of a free community Upon that the south relics not upon the cownrdly incnaca of the shotgun 1 oreo bills will fall The north may surrender its liber- tics to n federal election law , but never ngnln will a single state bo { dollvorcd { to the control of an Ignorant or Inferior i aeo Tlmo alone cw toll how the nroblom i rcsontc 1 will bo solved " Iho spenlter believes th it it will bo solved by a pcoplu ' bound in honor to its solution Ilo ashed 1 P silence Out of this alone can como perfect worlt 2 Conlldoace In this alone enn you Judge ' fairly . J Sympathy In this jou can help us best 1 I Glvo us your sons as hostages that thoj in vy help swell tlio Antlo S ixon cur rent until It cm carry without duntei this black infusion S Loyultv to the republic , for there is sectionalism i i loyulty as In cstinngcmcnt Glvous a broad und perfect loyalty tint loves 1 nnd trusts Geonti i ul ko with M issa chusotts , that knows no eoatb no north uo enst no west nut en te rs with cqu-l tid pitrlutio lovoovory foot of our soil every stito of our mil in " . Andrew Ciruegio was then Introduced Prior to ontorlng Upon the discussion of his topia ho rofoncl to Clovolund us ono vho [ hlstoiy would dcelaio hid tried to do His duty J and who possessed the lesoect of tbo cntlio country touaidlcss of pirtj Cuinoslo then proceeded to u brief exposition of the t J ro.ress mile by this eountri during tlio p > isttblrty vc irs in commerce , m tnufiicturlnb nn ' . 1 mining leel iring th it In the lust two { industries she now heads the world wbllo her ere lit Is tbo lirst utnong nations . C irne io tt is followed by lion L Putnam , J the 1 ito democratic candidate fortoveiuor of Maine , who spoico bi telly I I UNO IWLL * All Zanzlbaii Pnyinir Iloiimso to the AlVlenu I5lorer /W7tu it Dee 1J Iho Drltish Indian steamship navigation company ted ty gave a luncheon 1 to Henry M Stanley , on board tbo steamer Arawatta which has arrived hero as , the pioneer vessel In the servleo between . : Great Hi I tain and Last Africa Stnnlev ma lo a speech in which ho predicted the i rapid growth aud prosperity of Last Africa All Zinzibar is ougaged In feting Stanley and the members of bis oxpcdltiou Conurntultitliuis liom Victoria , Lovuov , Dec 12 Tbo queen bos sent a ' c iblo dispatch to bUmloj , la which stio says "Mv thoughts are after vou and your brivo followers ' , whoso hitdshlps nnd dancers are ntnnond < I acitn , congi ltulito you all , in eluding < /anzlbirs , who displayed such 1 devotion < and fortituda during jour marvel ous ( expedition I trust Lmm P isba is maU lug I favor iblo progiess " Ihc corporition of Loudon has invited Stanley I to accept the free lorn of thu city iho ceremonj of present ition willtukoplaco 1 in I Guild hall iho parchment confernng citizenship < upou Stanley will be enclosed iu ' a gold casket lievliomii in a Fraud [ Copirta ' ISO Uu Ja nst Ooi Ia i Msitii'U 1 Londov , Dee IS fNoiv York Herald 1 Cable Special to Tun UlpI Loybourn of Catholic bank fame according to military aulhuritios hero has no right to the title of [ colonel , neither has ho any right „ o the letters tors • R. G " after hi3 name , nor any right to 1 wear Crimean medals His sola claim to i membership in the tfoyal Engineers is that t > c irs ago bo wis clerk in the ltoyal Tngl ncors department at Woolwich OOlcia's ' 1 here are so rctlcont a to glvo the Impression that Loyboura is oven a more shady obar actor than his fabrications deuote Spain ii'iluittll Madiud , Dec U The papers hero muni fast a great uoal of irritation at Senator Calls propos it in regard to Cubi nnd roundly denounce It I Ills is a subject upon which Si am Is very sensitive The Lpoca suvs This is a mad idea and It cannot bo th it anyone In Washington takes it seriously Lvcn if a republic public were est iblished In Spain she would not soparuto Cuba Spain is rcsolvod at nil haz ards to maintain the intognty of her n itional 1 territory and political divisions do not exist thereon " lniluf nzo in Il < rlln Hi ni iv , Doc 13 Influenza is spreading throughout the country lbo administration of Justice in the courts is suspended because all the Judges ore down with the epidumic It is proposed to close all the schools , es I ecially at Dantzlc , where half tbo children are affected rtiiiu I'utilm'fl Condition /ANznun , Dec 13. Lmln Pasha had t restless ullit ( disturbed by frequent sevens shells of couching He Is unable to swallow solid food Ills bi ulscs eoutttiuo to bo vco j piinful Othcrwiso bis condition Is un i ehaugod on i o uTolTLTuGriov Hlx IiidciiBiidcius nnil Tliroo Deino- crais Prol ) ilily Lli cri il ' CmcAao Dee 12 Iho most Important t locut election prob ibly ov or hold tn Chicago took place today It was to control the newly created board of nine waterway com i missioners the members of which nio to have the raising ana disbursing of funds estimated at from 115- 000 000 to * J0 000 000 to bo used tn rarrjing oat the great Chtciifco dratnaio und ship canal project which will necessitate Unemployment for an Indelluita tlmo of from ten to llftecn thousand men Cumulative voting was pormlttod and the democrats and republicans each nominate I but iivo moil , the aim being to secure the majority of the board A ' citizen or independent ticket was afterw irds put In the Held with bix names , three former democrats aud ttirco former republicans At midnight the returns from about half tlio | redacts Indicate the election of the six independents nn I the tnr o remaining pi ices will fall to tbo democrats i On this bisis the board , which promises to play an imporluntpart In Illinois politics i , will stand three straight democrats , three Independent doiuocrats and throe indopend- outropuhllcaus Holibcil Ills LiiiDlnyrr St Joseiii , Mo , Dee 12 ISpecIal Telegram gram to This Hue J About two weeks ago Montnguo Uayncs a dashing joung English 1 man who was omplojcd as bookkeeper for tha Li on A , Judson hardware company , went on a sprco and was thrown outof a bugty and seriously hurt Ilo was engaged to bo married to a prominent society lady , und being In bad company at the tlmo the accl I deut lupponed , ho left the city in preference to staying hero aud suffering disgrace Since ho left his former employers have boon examining their books aud today thny Und that Uayu sis short to thorn to tbo extent of 81 WW lluvnos served two jours in the Jollut III , puultcntlurv for forgery A lot t tor was rowlvod from Hint to lay saving that ho has been hialngliibt Louis slaeo ho lolt here _ n I utlinr In 111 il Mills Sick ; Ciucuuo , Dec 13 Luther LaQln Mills i , tha eloquent special counsel who was to close tha Cromu trial for the state , will not bo able to appear , Ills illness has taken a very serious turn and at the consultation of utter in * ! today It was decided that Judfeo Lougo- > ncckor close tbe arguments - TWO NOMINATIONS LAID OVER Objocttons to Indian Ofllclala Morb' Ban and Dorchostor _ _ _ _ THE REDUCTION OF DEPOSITS , \ \ Itidoin In MnHtlni : No Time An- other iIiKllclnl District Proposotl homo Hilln InirodiiOBil l'ail * docks Hank I n i ; McnsutCi . WAsnivaTOV nonciv Titr Ovunv Unn , i 513 POLHTEI Silt STIUICT , > • \Va811i\otdv D C Dec , 12 J At the mooting of the senate cominlttoo on Indian ] affairs today the nomination of Indinn Cotnmlsslonei , Morgan nal Superinteudont of lndl in Schools Dorchostor wore lal 1 ever to tbo next mooting of the committee Ills notprobablo tliat action will bo taken on these | nominations before Januiry iho Church ( of Homo nas objected to both of these nominations , nltliougti its objection hns not been 1 formally lilt before the coinmtttco It is i charged that their toltcy is In opposition to | the C ith ) lie church and C itholio Instltu . tlous , tha-out of twenti sK Catholic sit Dorintondents 1 of senools twenty bivo boon by 1 them dtsoh irgo J , un I lint If their policies nro , continued they will lese to the Citbollo schools moro tlinn J1,50U 000 Invested under contracts ' for schools Iho Grand Army of the ' Kcpubliclms nlso objected to Morj , ins continuation on account of his military record liroUN ElttNCST The reluctiou of the deposits of Unltod States money in national b inks his begun In c irncst 'iccretiry Windom tins mnllel letters to the banks hiving these deposits in which ho tudtcites thouinouuts to which the reduo tlons must bo made The minimum iiiiniod for each bank will rrduco the $47 OOJ,000 hold by the binks to about tli 000 000 Secretary Wludom Intends - tends to reduce to * o0 000 the deposit with banks where it Is not necessary for the gov ornment to keep an open account and where depositories hive been made simply for the coavcnicnco of collectors of customs , oto iheso latter banks are located in cities of fiom 10 000 to 13 000 inhnbltuuts and gouor ullv hold'from 51 000 to 8100 000 cich The poltcv of thu government li is oecu In making u depository Tor the eonvenleneo of feleral olllcers to rcquiro a deposit of $ o0 000 in bonds to sccura the acposlts M my small banks which have been made depositories will have all of their govern incut deposits taken from them bee uiso it is not a necessity to maintain them In largo cities where the government keeps nrcounts a unst which cheeks nro drawn for the pay uientof pensions iml other cxpeuscs tbo bilancoleft with tbo banks has run up fiom ? aU0K ( ) to * ° OK ) 000 Tint is now to oo ro auccd • tbo amount dem indod by publio no"eslt ' In some larto business centers the jtevornment will vvlthdriw sovcril mil lions from tbo general circulating medium of the hanks Manj of tbo banks , in yield iugupthcii deposits will take out nn In crease of circulation , so ns to not rcduco their general funds to a point Which will embarrass them No doubt amajoiity of tbo b inks would thus iucroaso their clr- c nation wore it not for the fact th it most of bonds deposited hero to secure Unltod States deposits were borrowed It is estimated at tlio treasury department that of $ Jo 000 000 which Is to bo w ittidrawn from the depositories not moro than two or three million will go back li the way of In crease la the circulation of banks Secretary Windoiu says th it his plan for the purchase of bo ids deposited to secure Unltod States deposits is working so well that there will bo no stringency in the money market , und very little If any reduction in the circulat tng medium of the country iho transfers of these values have however caused a slight lluiry in oankiugcircles In Now Yoik , and westoni bankers report that tholr agents In the east are charging 7 per cent on ever arafts now whereas a few weeks ago but > or 0 per cent w is charged , but thov report at the same time an equiva lout Increase of Interest allowed for credits with tloeistorn reservengonts Dmingtbo past three or four months there has been a stcadv incrcasoof tbo interest charged on tbo over irafts of the western b inks und at the treasury dej ai tment It is said that to this f ict and tbo customary demands for money at the close of the c ilendar year is duo mora than anything else tbo increase of interest SOME llirLS JNTllOnUCED Senator Manderson has Introduced a bill piovlding that tbo secretary of the Interior shall extend the time of tbo payment of the i purchase monov duo for lands sold on the i Omaha reservation nfter the sales made i under the act of August 7 , 1833 so that the i tlmo for such piyinout shall do on the 1st duy of December , lbJl , that the second pay ment shall bo duo in ono year thereafter and the third payment to bo duo and pal 1 in ono i year from the day fixed for the second pay inent , that thu intuicslon the payments i shall bo p lid on y at the time they uro duo und that the act of IBs ! shall renin in in full foiccralso thn tbo lands upon which pay ment is extended shall be treated tn all respects spects bi and in the state of N"biaskaas if fully paid for and pitents issued Tbo sen- a tor nlso introduced bills for the relief of vV oils C MeCoolt and Robert H Stewart benators Allison and Wilson represented a largo number of petitions from their eon stitucnta asking that a bill bo p isscd making itn crime to upeculato on the future of furm proauco or to llx the price for the future by speculati ° n Senator Wilson h is introduced a bill cor rectlng the muster of Joseph 11 Dorr for merlv colonel of the Eighteenth Iowa cav nlry , nlso a bill authorizing the postmaster tent ruUo lease premises fcr the use of post olllees of the first , seconl aid thirl classes ami a bill amending section 2u of the ictof Murch J 1U79 , making appropriations for tbo postoftlco dcpiiiinent by provialng that publications of the second class , ono copy to i c ich actual subscriber whoso postolllco ad aress is within tno coun'y where thu same nro i rinted In whole or in pirt , and pub llshe t sh ill go frno through the mulls but tbo same shall not ba dolivoi ed at letter ear ricr ofllces or distributed bv carriers unless postage is paid thereon at ttio rate of 1 cent a pound or fraction thereof The i ruto of posture on newspipcis oxecptlng ; wcokllesaud periodicals not exceeding two 1 ounces hi weight when the same are dc- posltoJ iu u letter carrier ofllco for delivery ; hi Its earners sh ill ho uniform ut 1 cent each Perlodteils woichlng moro than two ounces shall bo subject when delivered by such curators to postage at the ruto of 2 cents etch und these rates shall bo ptopaid by stumps uttlxed " . Senator Wilson of Iowa today Introduced 1 bills for the relief of John liurns , John L Humlel Pdward L Lattannl John Ivinnev , Tbo negotiations now coiug on for tbo ro louse of tbo bondsmen of Kccolviir Lovojov at tbo Neligh ofUce has brought to tbo front ; tlio necessity of some uetlon on the govern ment s part lor tbo earlier settlement of the accounts of registers and receivers and iu J ordui to bring this about moro readily Sen utor Paddock today introduced a bill for the croitionofan auditorshlp for tbo general J laud ofllco Iho idea of this is to have an ofllclal stationid in the general land ofllco whoso duties il will bo to sattlo thoaccouuts ; of the otllccs In tbo laud department lust as tbn sixth auditor of the treasury settles the accounts of tbo postmasters 1 he action of Acting Commissioner Stone tn holding that county Judges are not competent potent to take filial proofs in commuted liomostead or pro omptton oases has caused } u great deul of distress amoug Bottlers in tbo west wbo resldo fur away from the district J courts All sorts of appeal ) have come on t especially from Nebraska , asking that some steps bo taken to set asldo this ruling of Mr htouc In consequence of these requests Senator Paddock has Introduced a bill to au I thorite such county Judges to take llual proofs tn commuted homostca 1 or nro omp Hon cases , Just as thov do In homestead cases rott i\OTiiEn juritCiMj msTittcvr A bill w is introdocod in the sennto to lay bv ' Mr Lav Is of Minnesota establishing an additional Judicial circuit ( the Tenth ) com prising tbo districts of vllnnr-sot i , North Di itota South Dakota and Montana 1 ho usu il court powers nro conferred by tbo bill nnd the simo compensation nllowod the Ju lco nn 1 other ofllccrs a * prol ldcd for The terms of this circuit court shall bo the same ns now provided by law for the terms of the circuits jt that district and the following additional terms ' Couitssh ill be hold In tlio district of Minnesota and In tlio city of Minneapolis un the | llrst Moud ti of I obrunry ami the second Monday of beptomber in the ton , mid a Judge shall bo nppolntc 1 hi tlio president to have tbo custom iry inrlsdlctlon Wll SONS II10P01ITIOV SenitorWilson of lowi his ti popular proposition ' for making the republican party popular Speaker Hood hns donoasplonltdthtng , " hosais j , , In appointing the most Important committees so thnt the homo can got to woru nt once Now tf ho will nnmo the other com nlttocs promptly and if the np proprlation eo umlttco will rojort ono or two of the ai proprluttou bills before the boll dnvs ] ind If the ways and mo ins commltteo will glvo us n tariff bill within ton days say after J > the bolidavs wo can adjourn congress by the 1st of luly , oi oven earlier , and wo w lit score u gro it pdlnt with tbo basin ess In terests of the count j " ' Uut vou don t re illy boltovc that Is going to bo done enatorl' was asuod iho senu tor ' sonly answer wis a sinllo of doubt Speukor Ueud sajs ho will unnouueo his committees for the bouso ns rapidly as lie completes thein Tuo bulk of these unknown to l thu puollo nro oxicctcd next Moud iv All , orqulto all of the coramittoos will bo announced j by ono uoolc fioin todnj , when the holldav recess Is cxpectc 1 Spo liter Heed j h is so fur shown mure f icllity in thom m iko up of committees than any of bis pro dccc3s i rs iho oldest men in the bouso s ly { that thev do not lemombor to over have scon thu committees nnnouncod at so early uata o 1 of the session Mi'crttAvrous Iu the sennto today Mi Voorheos of In dl , inapiesentoda petition slened by n largo number l of citizens of Nobr isko , pr lying that Robert | Ashlov the agent for tbo Omnh i end . Wlnnob igoindi ms bo restrained from elec tioneering Inllueneing uud Inlimtd iiuil , voters at elections by virtue of his ollli I il position | iho petltlODTS say tint Ashley uses i the prestige of his olllco for political purposes ] and thnt ho inlluunces these under bis control P L 11 Rich wis today appointed post mustci | at Torcstbuig , Sanborn county , South I Dakota vl o WE lliifcgs resigned Assistant Sccrotnry Ch mdler ted ly ills missed ' the uppo il front ' thu decision of tlio i commissioner of tbo general land olllco in , ] thoeisa of Llmer L 1 lluch involving tbo , west 1i of the southeast Jf and tbo uortho ist } { of tno southwest M and the southeast if of ; mo uoithucsl ' .f of section 37 township i | north ringods west , McConk land district Ihc usslstnat secretary ulso mo lilted the do clslon , of tno commissioner in the case of Murii Stevenson Jackson involving the | northwest \ { of Bcctlon J5 , township 11,1 [ north range u2 west , VVaturtonu S D laud district to tbo extent of allowing tbo , claimant , to iilo additional proof iho sennto commltteo on tin inco has made a favorable repoit upon Senator Piddocks , bill amen ling section BUS of the levised I statutes , of the United States providing for the organization of national banks with a less c ipitul thun \ > 0 000 Iho bill provides that In any pi ice of not , moro than 5 < hJ in habitants u bank may bo ort inizcd with a cup tul of iwj 000 aq 1 in places of loss than L 3100 ; inhabitants and nv * below2 000 banks may boort , inlrod wlti cupital of $ U > t > )0 ) and In places of less population than 3 000 I banks m iv bo org mizqd with $10 00J capital Senator Munuersou proposes to call upon t the supervising architect of the treasury to morrow morning aud show him the neecsst tics for the early orcctlon of publio bulldiugs lu Norfolk aud Hastings iho senatoi thinks that these two cities uro iood cindidates for tliooxpiuditu-o of money for publio build hits espcel illy on account of the fuel that United States courts a . ro hold in o ich place It is generally bellovod hero that Itepro sentuiive Dorsoy will bn chal-mun of thu house commltteo on banking und currency Pliuit S Hiixru SUSP1J < I UI IN A1IL . An Awful Position of Two Loaded Pnsspimor Cnr Wivva fo , Man , Dee 13 A cltizon Just an Ived from the Pacific coast tolls of a thrilling nceidont to the Canadian Paciflo through express in tbo mount tins fho rail gave vv > on a" point on the side of the mountain lilfcti uoovo tl n Columbia rlvor fbo engine pas od ever safolj , but the two coaches following swung about and toppled ever The bank was almost perpendicular and the cars would have tumbled several 1 hundred feet into the rlvor had It not bcou } that the coupling twisted around and held tbo tremendous weight The weight of the engine and thn balance of the train proventcd thu suspended cars from , drawing the whole train down Thd suspense wus dreadful Iho frightened passengers were compelled to remain In their perilous position until the tnlu hands built a platform around and underneath the hanging cars , enabling all to make their escupo Iho place vhero the accident occurred is considcrod the most dangerous iu the mountains DAVIS ON QUINT , A Illgli-MltiiliMl llofusal to Attack tlio Diintr General Boston , DOC 13 When General Giant was dying nt Mount McGregor the lloston Glebe instructed Its Now Orleans correspondent spondent to Intcriiow Tefferson Davis Mr Davis was not soon personally , but sent tlio i following lcttor to a frlond In Now Orleans 1 Your icquest on behalf of tbo Uoslon i Journal for mo to prepare u criticism on Gen , erul Gnats military oareor cannot bo com plied with for the following reasons ! 1 General Giant is dvlng ' 3 J.tiout.li ho inyidQd our country ruthlessly - lossly it was with an open bant uud , so ftr as 1 Know , ho abated uoltber arson or pill ago and has since the war , 1 believe , showed 1 no malignity to the confederates olthor of the military or civil , servleo , therefore , , Instead of seeking to disturb the quiet of bis oloslug hours I would If it were iu ray power contrlbuto to tbq-peace of bis mind j and thecomfortof his body " Nebraska , and row i Pi nslons Wasihsotov , Dee 13. [ Special rolograra tolUEliEE ] Penslonswranted Ncbraskans Original invalid Jumfs L Polco rails Citv , Jobu b Lindsiy Plattsmouth In crease Benjamin D Mills , Republican City , Oliver Terri , lluskville Original widows i ets ElUubeth , vvlddw Garvin M Cnnstto , Stum Pensions for lownnst Original Invalid Charles Shrlver , Contorvtllo , Osborn Clark , Otlorvillo , Timothy p Carson , Dallas Con tor , Charles II Mill , Waosfr Olty , Samuel i Al roiter , Havorly , William Gruco Oska- loosu Incieiso Columbus Caldwell , Center Point , Jacob a Hlcbstiuo , Gurwin , Na poleon L Austin , Andrews , Joseph JJlunlt , Ottumwa , John S l'eregrluo Brooks , James A Una bliannani John A Itoulg , Grout , bumuol S Culberson Wlntorset , Henry S Dinks , Perry , Milton Hutts i , , 1 redencot llarnson Oboiton Gait , Henry Thomas Uoouovtllq/ibos W Lias LoMars i Hotssue-Dinlol Dean , ML Sterling ) John Loogbery , Viilanovta { Washington lutbott , Adol , Divid O ilemmenaver , Conwav , hqutie lomonds , Warsaw Original widows ij etc Phoebe S , widow of Nathaniel Hurt , Anita , minors of Henry G Poke , Ottumwa , l'muia , widow of ljo\i Preoman , Osslin , WUllamA father of William W Anderson ; - son , Vail , i.llzsbetb , \ Joow of John Hlnklo Mondamlu riio Utntlor | I orponst , For Omaha aud Victnity-Fair weather Nebraska and Iowa Fair , lomor teuiora turo , with northerly winds , fair on Satur- dav boutl Dakota Tair , northerly winds i , lower temperature i CONGRESSIONAL I / PROCEEDINGS _ _ _ _ _ The Houao Aalcod to lovoattgalotho Ballot Box Ft aud REPORT | ON SILCOTT'SSHORTAGE - _ _ . , Tlio Coinmlttr'o Hcvcrolj Contloimis br-iBeniit-ai-Arma I ccitoin'd Ij > o io Methods Ilo Nat or CJ muted tlio Cash llutloi's Hill House Wasuinotov , Do3 13 lu the house tills morillng ' , Mr lluttcrworth of Ohio , using to I il question of privilege oITerod n rcsolu Hon providing for the nppoitilmot t of a com mlttcoof llvo to mikon full and thorouck Invest ! ) ntlon , and report without delay their findings lu regard to contiacts ( a copy of wliteh u | paired In tbo Cinciunnll Com morciul Guzctto and other public Journals list October and to which the alleged slg notuies of several members of congress wuio nttlched ) , which vvoto d eel ired by tha pa ] crs to bo a schema to defraud tbo united Stutes in the mutter of the propose 1 i urell iso of eertnu ballot boxes Mr lluttcrworth re id the ) rr- innblo uud resolution himself and then stutod that ho hud out a word to sny In refer once to the ni itter As lbo publuntlon hid first uppeured lu the Commercial Gazette on Cetober4 the numoof J nines L Cntnpbcll ulono api cared It had been current rumor , however , throughout tlio state , that tlio n imcs of his honored colleagues Senator Shornnut and Mr Mclflnbw , aud his name ns well us the nanus of others w tb on tl o paper As soou us iittcntlon wasc died to tTfc matter , it was developed that the contrtct and signatures wcro lorgeiles nnd the cdl tor of the Commticial Oazetto premptlv so st ited In a double leaded edltntial Uut not ; withstiintliiig that editorial , it commenced to bo bruitc 1 about tn it notwithstanding the exposuroof tlio forferv , the jersons wcro interested in the contract und that , because ceitiln indivllunls Ind been eiutht on both sides of the pollttcul line , It was thought well lo suppress It Ho ( lluttcrworth ) had callol the attention of Iho editor of the Comnicrc cinl G izutto to this fact , nnd he niraiu iu uu editorial bad said that such statement wis unauthorized uud utiwurr lined nnd that the paper had been suppressed because it wus a fon-orj Mr Hrcekenridgo of Kentuckv , whoso name is npj ended to the nlleged contnet , v Igorouslj denied nny knowledge of ttio eon tract The resolution vvns adopted and the report of the Silcott commltteo was prosentel to the house iho report gives a detailed stito ment of the assets aud liabilities of the ser geunt nt-urms December 5 Iho shortage is stated to bo 0 70S It states that the com initteo has not yet mnlosutllciont lnv stl-i tion of the matter of discounts und noti s Mmy notes the commitleo believes , were forged to cover the dofalcilion aire id v existing It also suvs that the commlttoocannot too severely condemn the manner in which the scigcant at aims eon ducted the aft lirs of his olllco Mr Pijson of Illinois immediately upon the conclusion of the reading of the report ollorod i resolution authorizing the commit too not only to examine iho accounts but to take cbar&o of the assets of the ofllco uutil further orders from tno house to receive any proposal from Leedoin for muktng good any deficiency and also to tnako a full report as to tbo effect of any deficiency Thcro was a protr ictod debate over this regarding the responsibility of the sergeant at arms nnd whether ha wus acting ns tbo agent of the members or of the troisury depart u ent and tbo opinions expressed were voty conflicting Finally Hon tetlo of Maine offered a substitute resolution directing the commltteo to report as to tno effect or result of any dellcicncy , and especially as to the unpaid salaries to the members , aceompanvlng the report with the bill if necessary 1 his was adopted as was also one offeied by Hen phill of South Care Una dlroctlnir Senioint ut-Anns Holmes to arrange with the troisury dcpirtment for the payment of the mileage ot members i'lio committee sajs in closing ' It ap pears that a portion of the cash under the control of Silcott has never been counted during the six years of Mr Lcedom s lrcum bency bj am other person than Silcott and it does not appear that silcott ever counted thu cash , or that Lee lorn over iskcd for a count until tbo evening of the Sth in statu when the deficiency appeared Mr Lcedom scorns to have exorcised no careful supervision of tbe interests committed to his care " Mr Browerof North Carolina intioduced a bill for tbo repeal of tbo t ix ou tobacco m allits forms Hcforied Mr Wilkinson of Louisiana annourcod the death of his colleague Mr Gay of the ibird Louisiana distiict and as a mark of respect the house adjourned until Monday _ _ foennto UAsnivoTov , Dee 12 Mr Walcott was excused from service on the commitlceoii In dian affairs Potitlons were presented from various par ishes in Louisiana in fuvor of a national elec Hon law by Messrs Ingulls Shormnn and Lvarts Among the bills Introduced aud re ferrcd were Uy Mr Butler Foi the emigration of per sons of color from tbo southern stutes lly Mr Gorman For an International ex position at the national capital in lbJJ llj Mr Stewart 1 or ttio free coinage of fold and silver and the Issue of coin cortili- eutes Mr Gibson offered n resolution ( whtoh was referred to the cominl tco on foreign ro latlons ) instructing the cominlttoo to inquire into the expediency nnd practicability ot ao quiring or settling apart territory for the oc eupition by the netro or colored citizens of tbo United St ites and also to inquire how fur mid iu what manner tbe government of the United St ites can and oueht equitably to nld tbo free linen of the United States and tholr families and deseonda its to emigrate thereto and scttlo therein and to establish a Bjstoni of con mon school education Ingulls offered concurrent resolutions ( which wont over ) for a holiday recess for the two bouses from December 19 to Jauu aryO Under the resolutions offered bj Aldricb and Plutt tbo following chaiiL.cs In commit tecs were agreed tot Iho appointment of a select comuilttco of fifteen senators to bo called tbo qua lro centennial commltteo to increase the commltteos on immigration , co ist defenses , mines and mining and publio buildings and grounds to iiiiiomouibcisoaeb , tbo coumilltco on Indian depredations to seven members , the commltteo on postofllcos nnd post rouds , torritorics , publio lands und pensions to ton members , and tbo contlnu- unco during thu present session of a scloot commltteo on Irrigation Dolph offered a resolution ( which was ro- foric 1 to thp committee on library ) lnstruet ing the commltteo to mqulro into tlio advisa bilitj of tbo orcctlon in Washington of a memorial building in which shall be received and retained such statue ? und portraits of publio mca and oinlunut citizens of the United States and such historical paintings nnd ether works ot art as may bo provided by law After nn executive session the sej- am ndoutncd | till Monday Committee Meetings , WasiuSoton , Doe 1. The tlrst session of tbe ways and means commltteo was held this morning , when an organization was of- fected lha usual order in regard to too distribution of the presidents message was made and the prcsont tariff law wjis ordered printed in tl o shape of a bill , to servo as a basis for tbe preparation ot a now tariff measure iho following sub committees v.'eio appointed On the Public Debt , ruuding and Pay ment Thereof McKinloj Dlugloy and Car Its'o On Rcvonuo Provisions and Commercial I rireaties liurroivs , Pavuo und Mttls On Auiendmonts to the Customs Laws Uayne , I a Polloto ud McMillan On Amendments to the luternal Revenue Laws McICennn , Gear anl C H llrecktn- rl Ice On Uollof Bits ' nnd Clalms-Dlngloy , Bur rows aud l lower Notioof these sub committees will have churgo of the question of r ites ui on Imports or internal taxes thu full committee li mug charge of this subject an 1 tha subcommit tees concerning tltouisclves With a luiiulstra tlvonffairs llioscnato commltteo on comutcr a held Us llrst session this m jrnliig nn I sub lorn- mlttoeswcro ipiolntol iho committ uon Itidlin nff ilrs nlso bell its first session todij All bills upon the subject of lndl m dopreliltons were sent to the now subcommittee on tint subject 1 he house n | proprl itlous com nlttoo mot tl ' It morning and complete 1 Its orgtutz Ulon iho following subcommittees were np pol ited Sttndri Civil r siinon , Cogswell McCj urns Kami ill mid Sio ers Lcfrlslittvo , oto lliittorvvorth , Cinnoii , Brewer , I ornav nn 1 Doekerv D strict of Columbia McComai 1 lender son Morriii Clements nn t Dieltorv Pensions Morrow , ltcldeu , Peters SiVc'is ami Urcckinrldic lMrtilleitlons Broiler , Butternorth , Coesivell , Ha idull and Sijers . Dellclone es-llonderioii C union Peters Brcekluildgo nnd Clements PerninnctitApproprlitlons-Beldcn Peters Morrow Doe cry uud 1 ornci ' . A I AMIIA Of IvLOI'LllS Miss Aim Sickles siiniil } t ollowctl in ll r HclniivcH * I < > itsii tin Nrw Yom , Doc 1' JSpecnl loletram to , itn Urh 1 Iho elopment of the convi nt- bred , unULhter of the ( .allant soldier Gen oral Daniel L Sicktes , Drill ! 3 to lulud the f let that sensational immures have been frequent in the Sickles fimlly tJMiss Alt i In \ eloping followed in the footsteps of her older sister , Liuri who tin aw i\ In Pirts with n poor southerner numed McC irthj tn October , IS 9 She wis twenty sl c ye irs of ngo it the tlmo und highly uccompllshod Laura nctoni ) illicit tier rtitbcr Ceuuril Daniel L Sickles to Spain when ho wis ni i olntcd minister in 180 uud was educated in i M idrld In 187U her trnndtuolbor died In Madrid , and she went to Pans with her 1 fntticr and stepmother I ho gcnprit hud 1 arrin ud to como to this coun trv ou October 10. nn t hud en g igcd t ass tea for himself wlfo and d tuirter iwo nights before the time t for Ueparturo Miss Sickles ran uwaj to Londou ] with McCarthy Miss Pci io Sickles , daughter of the late George ( Sic cles father of Genoi il Sickles nlso eloped she ran away ono moonlight nlkht i fiom her homo at Now Rochelle uud was \ married lo Willi mi Qulnn Dutmg the month of S ptembor 13i3 Miss Roma ] Sickles , sister of Perio also clop d with \ u biitehci s clerk named Georeo , Mead , in i South Manchester , Conn Mead was a brother j of tha 'amily s w ashwomati A few vcirsnto bencial Sicilies' father , George | L Sickles ciuscd a social sensation bj I m irriing his housekeeper rhocucum stincos : of this nnrriaga were of such n nature turo i as to cuuso much gossip It cimu out that i old Mr Sickles liojsekeepur hud bornu * him j three illegitimate daughters two of whom are now married Sickle llnully consented sonted i to have the muirJago ceremouv per formed j so ttio inlldron mentioned would bo bis I lawful helia < > t tlu Geiuint'H Diuglit r . J\rvvVoiii Dec 12 The report puullshod today that General Sickles daughter had eloped ' with a bai lender named i nomas Don ham 1 turns out to bo a mistake George J Saw j or snid this morning that the voung ladyreferrc ] I w iu „ ha newspaper urti lo w is probably General SIckIos' half sister , the i daughter of his fathers secon I wife General i Sickles'daubhtor is in Spain and has ] becu for s jma yeai s THE ItACi . COM L.KCNOU . rndoaTorlns to Itoacli ConcliieioiiH I air Alike to All liim s CntoAOo Dec U [ Special Telegram to Tub ' Bee 1 The conference of trunk lines central , trafllc und western states pisscntei roads todav , on tbo question of abolishing the 1 payment of commissions on p issonger busi ness met today , Chairman Abbott presiding \ \ Ith the view opreaching conclusions on tbo , subject , winch should bo fair alikn to tbo cistern and western lines a conforcuco com intlteu was decided upou lbo commliteo is to consist of six lines to bo appointed by ; Chuirra in Abbott in tlio \V estern States Passenger association Ihreo lines lead up east from St Louis ono from Peoru and three from Chicago to bo appointed by Chun man Bliuiehurd , the conference commltteo to J promptly report tholr recommendations to , their rcspectlvo associations for netion , thereon so thut declsivo action can bo had at the Now York meotlng fho dlfllculties 1 bui rounding the oxlstlng situations with ro gaid to single trip rates to California lointB from thn territory cust of Chicago and St St LouIb were fully discussed Some of the 1 Indian ipolls Louisville nnd Cincinnati initial llms being ubsont the matter was rofcrrod io a commltteo consisting of the Chicago and ; Ohio river and rel ited lines including two , lines in the Western States Passenger asso oiution to definitely dUposu of and put in iilTeet ut as o trly n dav ab possibio such ad vanced rates us may bo agreed upon lluoiigh Biilini ; A ] > iirovof ( Ciiioaoo , Dee 12 | Special lolngram to 1 The Brrl The Important qncslion of throuc.li billing was ofllciully approved today by tlio conference mooting ot trunk lines , central tiallleand western frclghtussocialion toads In tuo following resolutions Resolved ihat it is the sense of nil lines 1 here represented that through btlltm , should I prevail provided a satisfactory agreement enn bo bad as to detail Hcsolv cd 1 hut a special commlttoo bo ap pointed consisting of the Joint rae commit tco and a representative of trifllo and ac counting departments of roads cust and west of Chic ito including roads on the trunk lines association which shall cousi ler tlio subjci t of through oi inter llnu billing and its dim , cultlcs as presented by the Joint ruto commit tco aud report with recommendations the f result of their deliberations ut a subse juent meeting to be culled by the Joint rate com raittee the commliteo and Us number to bo ! determined by the Joint rate com initteo iho subject of through billing has already ' been treated at length lu brief , it will allow iinv shipper to ship i-oous on ono bill of lad mg to nny destination Iho shipper s ro spunsibillty ends when ho recolves his bill of [ luding A Itnilrond Humor St Paui , Minn , Dee 13 [ Special Telegram gram to Tub Bee ] A lacoma , Wash , speciality's ' It is rcportod the Illinois 1 Central is coming to Pugat Sound C II Prescott of the Northern Paciflo received a loiter todav from the chief engineer of I the Illinois Central asking foi profiles aud \ figures for the next best pass through the ( uscado mountains to the ono < hosed by tbo Northern Pacific Duplicate profiles and j 1 plaas were forwarded tonight iio lias iiiihiii siiiiiin Bostov Doe 12 President Adams of tbo ' Union Paclllu railroad suvs bo has heard nothing ot the reported purchase by the Union Paciflo of the projected Dallas , Paciflo & Southeastern railroad MssPtoiiH Hgnlng St Pavi , Dee 13 A special from Browns Yulloy , Minn , says the Slsscton Indians bec.un signing the treaty for the opening of their reservation louay It is believed bo > nnd a doubt that asufllcleut number will sign to carry the Pleasure through . Iiinr-heil it Itnvlslior Ciuttanoooa , Tunn , Dee 13 Laura Stivers , a seventeen year-old girl , was us- ' saultod in the woods yesterday by awblto man numed Will Hardin A pobso of citi i- zens taught Ilutdln last night aud lynched I him I CROWELLMURDERERSCAUGllf I Oharlo3 Shepherd and Ohrlat Fuoiat M Tholr Nnmos H THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THE DEED H A Third Mm Implicated nnd All M Hoslilriun ol Set liner lliuy two ' H Lodt , < d In the I icinotit Jail H Other State Nt-WJ ! | look It Turo In the HikIi H ScitttiNi l Neb , Dee 13. [ Spcelil Telo- H tram to .un Ui r | Iho two mon who mur H dercdCul Pulslfor were capture I bj the H citizens ot this place about 11 o clock this | morning 1 hoi ttirnol out to bo two vouug H men from Scribnor numed Charles Shepherd H ami . Chris 1 ucrst 'iho former had booit H until . i few weeks ngo working lu St in lci's H blacksuntii shop tti Scribnor and the latter B worked for Joseph Shepliorl In n livery | birn J lhoi woio trwed about four miles B north , ot Crowcll yeslordiiy anl thcro the M tiackvvis test , riiey came Into low n this M mornliiL'about [ 3 o clock on two horses thov | ha I stolen of u fin mcr name 1 Groves mid fl | their t cvi lent intention mis to get ui other WM team 1 In Seribncriind loivo thocouiitiy lha B | team ] thov hid Btolcn was u i air of poor H hoiscs and they had no use for them nnd w uitcd soincthlug faster fl | Ilia town being ( , unrdcd all nltht thov I wcio seen aud loft on foot Intiburrj , H | t I xtctnt , tlio brush alone , thu 1 llthorn river , ivLctothoy ' wua captuicd without resist 'fl | unee ] ibej were bioiiLht Into town very H quictlv und one lodged in the juil nnd tlio other , tied in the Clltton house Shu iff lal H len 1 utitvcd fiom Howols on the pissoni.er ill train i ut 2 Wand took charge of the prison $11 crs i Ihocowd around town hilswullel D | tteitlj | on heurinf , of ttioeipturo It la ostl jfl united i that there were 500 men ind noirly II nil i uiixlous to hang the prisoners 1 ho most il proininent | men in Scribnor , howovoi pre SI vcntelnnv lvnchiiig holding the crow thick Am bv I mined force Sheriff AIii.Ilin . took tlio II prlsuucis i to 1 romont on the 2 ( Dpissengor | l train i It look about thlrtv armed deputies II to I keep tbo crow i from tutting hold ot tbo II two I men Hopes wore freely shown in the II ciowd i It Is understood thnt they have al cofessed i to tbo niurdci and numerous other HI climes i HJ Contt'S-i tlio Crlmr * HJ FnrMO\T Neb , Dec 13 ( Special HJ lolo0nm ' to rim Urp I lbo murderers ofC 1 Pulslfor , tbo Crowcll grain buyer , nro ' now In the Dolce , countj Jill in this city i A iuard of fourteen mined men brought them to 1 romont at 3 45 this after I eon 1 hcio Is so no talk of lynch ! lg here , but such n thin ) , is not consldere I likely to tauo place Dr I sleo of crlbnei was brought with the prisoners uud placed in Jail also Ho b is eii on ov idenee of u kiiowlcdco , of the crime vv hlch looks ba 1 for bun Ho Is said to buio known that 1 ucrst an I Shcpcrd wcro tolng to rob some ono nnd tbnt ho bad demanded of them iu alvanco a sharoof tlio booty After being plni c 1 in Jail uud tbo excitement Incident to tholr travel h id died down 1 uorst and Shep herd made a confession of their tuilt iu tbo presence of Shorill Million J P Smith and C G Bowlus llielr stitements wera writ ten down and each attached his signature to • the document which Is prictleally tholr dcith warrunt , Yom correspondent Inter vlowod the young mon ntO 30 this evening Uoth talked f rooty about the mallei arid both confessed their fullt lboy planned tbo deed the ulght thov executed It 1 hey had heard tti it Pulslfor carried a good dell of money \ \ ben they met htm in the io id and ordered him to throw up bis hands ho didn t do so Instead , ho put Ills bund iu bis pcekot nnd tho.v supposed ho was after his tun Thev imuicdi itcly shot and ho foil Lich claims the other shot llrst After bo dropped they went through his pockets aud found $10 or.0 ibis they divided after they lutt the secuo Last niht ( the } slept In n Bti aw stack neui Scrlbum 1 hey n tended to 150 homo but thow s ivv that tholr Homes were guutded Hoth were asked tf they hid not road dctec- tivostori ° s und dime novels bhepberdsald , tie hud read a great many und thinks thev huio ha ] nn effect on him Puorst has read none Both tulkcd calmly of theii erlmound s ltd they haven't c.lven much thought as to its enormltj The Jail will bi heavily guarded tonight as a precaution against what niai occur • Tom Horn Hi mi inhered rnnvtoNT , Neb , Doc 12 [ Special to Tun Bi e 1 A delegation of nbout llftcon om plovcs of the Fremont , LIU horn A. Missouri ! Valley railroad took occasion to civo CI a Horn who has Just severed a long connoa ' tion with the road as division supot Intend ' ' ' * ent and other positions of trust , a big stir • prise ihoy gathered ut his homo on West sixth street After botng given a cordial . . vvelcomo at the Horn mansion Frank Ketchum , who had boon selected as spokes } I man for the delegation notilled Mr Horn that the purpose of the visit was to give him an expression ot the boirty frleuashlp which ' all the boys ' of the road bavo for him Uo then piosonted htm with a mngiilflcont gold watch which bo asked bun to accept us a t tnbuta of that respect and friendship fllr 4 Horn was completely surprised Although usually so re idy to respond to compliments iu a becoming manner , in this lustuueo ho was so touched with tbo incident that ha / could only manifest in that more eloquent - manner which comes tin ough hnlf suppressed emotion how dienlyhowus ufTcctrd lbo tlmcpioco is 0110 wInch nny man would havu reason to bo proud of It wus bought nt 11 il cost of$3'0 uud uus made lu Switzerland by ' a biothcr of Prof Acassiz , the naturalist , X who is ono of the most sullied workmen iu y tlio world ' An Ilium iino Corn Cinp , 3 ; Cnr.Ti : Neb , Dee 13 | Spcclal to lint j Ilti ] lhoCreto branch of the Mlssour j Paciflo In Nobrasku a line extending from * Weeping Water to Crcto , a alstanco of Ufty- f ? four miles , presents 11 novel sight Iho Hue 1 Is a now ono and consiquontly is not pro vldcd with as many elevators nnd other 5 grain storako houses as elder rouds und as 1 ovco thing with a covering Is ulreudy full , ji ( farmers who huvo corn for shipment are ( compelled to throw It on the ground until the > railroad can haul it away At ovorv station • each sldo of the truck is lined with u treat ' Vollow umb inkinout ot corn hlthir than the roof of nn ordinary house 'iho railroad Is hauling It away ut the rate of fortj or flty ' curs a day but it still accumulates and tha ' supply In the tributary country seoins not to ' bo ICbsoneJ lo build sheds foi it would ; cost mroe than It Is worth und farmers and dealers nro compillcd to take the chances Of * * " * • ( wcithor It is estimated that ut ttio present V ruto of handling tbo crop it will take the railroad llvo months to haul it out of tha . country , : Itoinl Arch IUiihoiih riiEHONT , Neb , Dee 13 [ Special Tolo grim to UiB BicJ fho Grand Chapter lcoyul Arch M isons of Nebraska which uon- * vened here yesterday adjourned this after noon at 4 o'clock lh0 8cssion was entirely : harmonious 'iho next chapter will con vena " nt Lincoln The following oftliors were ; elected for the coming > car ; Grand lneli , , 1 rlcst , Milton J Hull , Ldgnr , deputy grand , ' 1 rank II * oung , Caster , fcruud king John B Dtnsmorc button , gtund scribe , Robert J L 1 renth , Kearney , traiid treasurer Hutb \ G Clark , Omaha , traud secrutary , Wllllaui It Bowen , Omutiu , trand chaplain Hey ' Jacob A , Hood Schuyler , grand captain of II tbo host Albert W. Criles , Chadrou , graud i * priuclpal sojourner , I dwurd L Ixnvmun , UM McCook , truud ro > nl arch captain , Charles jM L Riltcnliouse , Hustings ; trund master M third vail , Jesse Itlchurds Ueatilce , grand < ] l uiajter sccouu vull , W illlam W. Fiuoh , Cett- II