Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1889, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee I
Dotiloatlon of the Ltirgost Oporatlo
Struoturo In the World
President llnrrlson and \ Ice Presi
dent Morton Attend \ilollna
Hlnirs llcr Swcct-st V ils-
tltiKiiisliLil Gntliorlng
In tlia Windy Cltj
Ciiicaoo , Doc 0 The union depot was besieged
sieged tills morning at 8 o'clock by an Im
mouse crowd of pcoi > lo eager to cntcu a
Kllmoso of President Harrison , who was ox
icctcd to nrrlvo at that hour preparatory to
particli iting In the ceremonies nttendant
noon the formal opening of the auditorium
building the building In which Iluriison
was nominated by Uio national republican
convention as the candidate for the position
I which ho now holds
Mayor Crcgior , Gcnoial Crook , Postmas
ter Sexton President Peck of the Audltorum
company , and other members of the reccp-
tlon committco boarded a sueclal Panhandle
train , and accompanied by n number of
other prominent citizens ami representatives
of the press were taken to Western avenue
utid 1 lejitccnth street where they nwiltcd
the arrival of the presidential train When
it urrivod the president s car was attached
to the 9 | ccial train
When the train nrrhodnt the depot there
was a mighty cheer from the crowd of C OuO
pooplc followed by a rush and
Hcruuiblo to get a look at the chief execu
tive iho prcsidontl il | artj ami tlio rcccp
tion cotninlttoo were hurried into
Xho escort consisting of the 1 irst utid bee
end regiments , national guards , vetorau or
ionizations and civic bed cs then led the
wny down Jackson strcot to Michigan avenue -
nuo and to the residence of L crd Peek
Cro vds along the route ( lacked c.ich side of
the street through which the procession
passed , an 1 there was much cut ! usia-ni
shown All the publlo buildings nud many
private rest leuecs weio decorated witti
buntlnc , i.nil Hags
Lntor in the day the president visited the
Auditorium building When ho was being
shown through the froat audieuco room his
presence vv as discovered by the opera pee
nlo who woru engaged in rehearsal The ro-
kearsal was at once stop ) ed mid the orches-
. strucu up witu tuo btar bpangtca wan
ner "
After leaving the Auditorium building
tbo president was conducted to the bo ird of
tra lo , where ho rccoiv cd an ovation from the
assemble 1 oulls and bears
Dedication of the Auditorium
Ciiicaoo , Doc 9 in nudlonco of 5 000
people and an outsldo asscmblugo of 10 000
enthusiastic spectators tonight witnessed the
dedication of the largest an 1 grandest op
oratio structure in the world the Chicago
Auditorium TIvo thousand electric
lights illuminated the interior of the
colossal structure to the bright
ncss of noonday and thousands of in
candescent border lights of various
colors thatliung over the atago , the mngnlll
coat proscenium arch and the mammoth
orgati , the grand fojer and the carved
mahogany pillars tbo handsomest gilded known to modem decorative art com
blncd with the presence of one of the most
distinguished and cntical audiences in
America , rendered the occasion oao long to
1 our jears ago Terd W Peck and a lurfo
numl cr of Chicago capitalists eoncelvod the
idea of forming themselves into n joint stock
companv for the purpose of erecting a build
lng that would surpass any other struoturo
of Its kind in the world Xho result Is an
edifice costing $3 000 000 , which leprcsents a
great triumph of modern uiehitectural and
decorative skill
lho atidltorlum building is aniquo In that
It is the Urst theater over built wl'h an in-
toricr Bhapcd hko n cone or speaking
trumi ot It has an arched roof and dlveig
tng walla retreat in a sorlos of constuntlj in
creasing achievement circles being the nemo of acoustic
H At a few minutes past 8 o clock this oven
H ing the presidential paity entered the boxes
H reserved for them nnd as the vast
H nudionca fullj recognized the chief magls
B trato of the nation the momintnry mpluuso
B dreponcd into a long ovation Iho magnlll
M cent 1 5 stop organ with its "OOOplposnnd
Uclls breathed forth in accomp-inlmcnt with
the orchestra lriunipbnl Puutusla " coin
B posed for the occasion
Amonc the nioiij notables present were
President Uarrl on , "v ice President niul Mrs
J Morton Prlvito Scciotary Hnlrord 1 irst
A Assistant Postmnstor General Clarkson and
k wife Qoucral It A Ale.or and wife Jude (
A Gresham and wife Governor Plfor and
iBAmv wife of Illinois , Gonornl Gcorjo Crook and
pBAma wife Governor Marriam nnd wife of Minna
pBASJ sotu , Governor Larrabeoaud wife of Iowa
pBAma Governor Hoard of Wisconsin Governor
pBASJ Gordon ot Georrla and Mayor Grogler
mWj In nppropiluto lniiguoie Major Cregier
ma vvolcomod the guests of the ov onlng , and to
1BASJ every courteous allusion to the prosldont
iBAmV the Kovornora of surrounding states and
IBAmV ofllccrs of the Canndiau provinces picscnt
IBAmV the nudienco responded with rounds of np-
M clause In concluding the mayor invited the
mWl guests to another occasion of oven creator
1BASJ Importance which would bo un era in Ctiica-
VJ go's history three years hcueo the worlds
mWA Ibo mayor a bappj allusion was heartily
bWJ cheered
mWj In response to loud cries the prosldont of
iBAmm the Auditorium association spoke briefly ,
mWJ saylugtbo occasion marked the proudest
IBAmW moment of his lire Ho divided the honors
iBASJ of the occasion , how over , with his associates
iBASJ Mauutor Adams nnd the architect to
mWJ whoso genius the cdiileo would bo bo said , a
asttag uionument Ho concluded "by say
mWJ Ing ' Ladles and gentlemen , I have the
bWJ distinguished honor of introducing to jou
IBAmV the president ot tba United States "
mW After tha npplauso hud somewhat subsided
my President Unrrlaou advanced slowly to the
§ front nnd bowing to the treat assomblngo ,
mw spoke us follow i
§ , Ladies nnd Gentlemen Same of my novvs
ftaper friends have been puzzling themselves
u order to discover the reison why I had
§ loft \ \ nsliiu ion to bo prosonthoro tonight
mw Ido not think I uccl , in v low ot the mag-
J nlflcont spectucle prosontcd to us lint a to-
§ nlfelit to state the motives which impelled
! my presence burnlj no loyal citizens
J ot Chicago who sits hero tonight unaor this
J witching und luukiilllcent sc > .no will ask for
J auy ot.ier reason than that vvhlcn Is here
presented [ Api lauso J I do most hcurtily
J congrntulato jou upon the completion and
J innugurution of this magnlllcout building ,
J without an equal in this country and , so far
us I know , without an equal in the world
Wo liavo about us tonight in this mngnlli
cent architoctuie , in this tusteful decoration ,
V' 'a ' , wlllel1 is education and Inspiration
[ Applause ] jt i | Kbt well tempt one whoso
iurrounaiugs were much farther removed
from this sieuo than is the capital city to
make n longer Journey than I lmvodonoto
stand for un hour in v low of such a spoctacla
ot umtnlileeato aud grandeur und urchitect-
ural triumph us this [ Applausol
And It that bo true tlicro
hWJ surely is icason euouih why
tbo president uiav turn asldo for
a little vvhllo from publlodutv to mluglovyith
citizens ir celobratiug an event bo hith and
M so worthy of conimomoratton as this trl-
uniph tonitht [ Prolonged applause J Not
a B ] eech , not certainlj the careless words of
nu extemporaucous siieech , can adequately
express all tbo bontiments I feel In contcm-
dating the tilting culmination of this deed
( Ai piauie 1 Only the voleo of au
inuiortal elngor can bring from
these arches those echoes which will
_ tell us the true secrets and architectural
triumphs of their construction | Applausol Iou I
\ou will permit mo to thank vou to thank
the mayor , to thank the prusldent of this as
Boclatlon nnd to thank nil these good citi
zens with whom I hove been today brought
in personal contact , for that kindness
nnd respect with which you and
they iiavo received me , and
jou will pormlt mo to thank jou ,
my fello v cltlrcns for the cordiality which
vou liavo klndlv displaced here tonight It
is my wish , and may it bo the wish ot all ,
tint this great buildlug may coutinuoto bo to
all of your population that which it should
bo nn odlfico opening us doors from nUht to
night calling your pool lo heroawny from the
cares ot business to these enjoy monts nnd
pursuits nn 1 entertainments which develop
thosiuls of men fAt l'lausaj ' ll , s tno
hour to ihsplro these whoso minds nro heavy
Willi daily toll , and In this inneiilllccnt en
chanted prosoneo to lift them for n tlmo out
of these dull things into these higher things
where mon shoul illvo IGreit upplausol
1 A cniitnta comoscl | for the oceision was
I sung by n chorus of ilvo liUndiod voices
nfter which Hon John fa Huuuols of Chicago
cage delivered nn address
Ihcn MidumoPatti escorted bylnnagor
Adims api cared and was receive 1 with
tremen lous applause In tones that ha 1 lost
none of their sweetnesso- power the world
famed eantntneo sang the familiar melody ,
' Homo bwcot Homo
I ho expected encore followed nnd Pattl responded
spondod with Hunters Chorus " which af
forded wonderful ovldoneo of the power and
flexibility of her mnrvelous voice
Kcoeatcd attoinnts were mi Jo to oltcit nn
other song but she responded bj n BUilllug
bow of n < Knowludgcmont and lctircd
Two selections were rendered by the
Apollo club and a concert by the org in nnd
orchestra nftor which Governor 1 ifer of
Illinois dcllvcre 1 the do llcitorv nddress
I ho exorcises of the evening closed with
Hallelujah ' ' bj the Apollo club , Jcined In
by the audioncc
An Aceldeut I'tovuiitnd by Coolno H
Cmotoo Dec , 0 A few cool mon tonight
prevented an nceidont that might hnvo
turned the great Auditorium fostlval Into
nuurnliu , W hilo Vlco Preside it Morton
was about to alight from his cirrlago at the
stage entrance the horses attached to the
vehicle took fright and Jumped mndlj about
A few i ooplo were in the inclosure but
thesa prove 1 cqn il to the omorfconcj , and
grasping the prancine horses held them
while the vice i resident nnd pjrty alighted
fiom the eariiigc
Pocullni nnd Delisting Ilnbit of a
Clank on I oud
New Yonic , Dec 9 [ bpccial Telegram to
The Bi.e 1 John BlaLto ono of the Inmates
of tuo Long Island City Jail , cats black spi
dors The morning after his commlttu
about a month ngo ho wis summoned to
Drcnkfnst with the other prisoners , but said
ho did not want anything to eat Ho ate
nothing all day and on the following morning
refused food Btiko frequently nsked the
kocpors if his wife hi 1 called and seemed
very dejected when informed that bIio had
not On the third morning of his imprisonment
mont during which time not a moiscl of
food had passed his lips , Mrs Ulako came
to the Jail aud asked to sco her husband
When alio was being sotrcned a small tin
box illlod with bl ick spiders was found in
hoi pocket blio said she had brought
them for her husband and said
ho would starve to death unless
ho obta ncd soma black spiders A consulta
tion by the Jailers was hold und it wis linallj
decided to give him ono of them and sco
what effect it would * have A keeper took
ono of the spidtrsout of the box , gave it to
Jils wife nnd allowed her to talio it to her
husband Ho took the spider n vorj largo
one allowed it to crawl over his hand press
Ing it between his lingers , deliberately put ,
it in his mouth and ate it llo said that ho
ate two spiders before each meal aftci wl ich
he could oat any kind of food without en
dangering ills digestive orcans Mrs Ulako
has called at the prison almost every other
dny since her husband wis committed and
brought u box containing from six to ulcht ,
Ulako for a number of ye irs has boon a
1 crank on the subject of food , and always
declaicdthut all food which the pcoploof
the promt generation oil contains a certain
amount of poisonous matter aud unless
something is caton to counteract it , a per
sons life will bo greatly shortened Ho
finally came to the co elusion after various
experiments that spiders contained the de
shed substance A number of phjsieinns
will examine Ulako with u view to learning
if ho is mentally sound
Why Iho Wnldrons Were Uilvcn Oft
.Uj Aeont "McChPHtioy
Pirnnp , S D , Dec 0 fSoecial Telegram
to Tin 15ee ] Iho reason for the forcible
ojectinout of Judge Waldron nnd son
Charles from the Sioux reservation was to
daj made publlo by Indian Agent McChcs-
ney 8 and causes sensation J'liey made
charges against McLhcsncy of toiruption
which Secrotarj Noble investigated through
a special ugent und found groundless iho
sccrotnry then ordered both Waldron3 put
off with several thousand cattle and horses
they herd on the rcservo , with instructions
that every white man bo ho halt breed ,
squaw man or otherwise should bo driven
oil nt the llrst sign of raising trouble among
tbo red skins as the Wuldrons had done
lhlsordei Is sweop'ng ' aud effects every
settler on the milo square at Tort Picrro ,
certain ones of whom McChcnoy says liavo
made trouble with the different tribes in the
past , _ _ _ _
Sioux Chiefs Hound lVrt nshiimton
PiBiiiiE S D Dee 0 [ Special Telegram
to Ijie Hee | iomorrow llvo head chiefs
from the Chojcnno ugincy will start for
Washington to confer with the president
about the opening of the bioux leHorvutiou
Iheir names aio White Swan Chnigor ,
1 lying Ulrd , Crow Lugla and Uruvc I jl.1o
accompanied by Agent McCkesnoj An interpreter
terprote'r was found and from the chtofs it
was learned that thoj propose to ask the
government to bind itself never to take from
thorn any > nero lands , but lcavo thorn in un
disturbed possession of w hut rem ilns in the
bloux i osorv ition Tbo say they earo noth-
lug for becoming citizens and being allowed
to vote hut onlj want to bo loft ulono here
after on what lauds icnialn of the rcsorva
Dnkotn'M DcHtittltr
Pjemie , S D Dec 9 [ bpoolal iTolegram
to The Ulp 1 Governor Mollotto is absent
on a tour through Sully Hyde and Tuulk
counties , looking into the condition of re
ported dcstituto settlers there Ho will
I robably issue u manifesto upon his icturii ,
calling for such aid us will bo deemed ncios
snry to tide the settlers ever the comind
John v in I th Hold lor Murder
Ciscim .iti , O , Dee 0 Last night
liridut ( Hjrne , aged sevontv jears , living
ulono in a little cottage , and who had accu
initiated considerable inonej and bonds
which she koit In the house was wounded
bj u burglar und died later bho accused a
man named John Smith us her ussalTant ,
and ho was uricstod while in bed this mom
The outlier I orroist
Tor Omaha and Mcinlty Kaiu , followed
by fair weather
lor Nebraska and Iowa Light rain or
snow , lower temperature , winds shifting to
J. or South Dakota Llkht snow , lower tem
pernture , winds shiftlug to northtvestoilj
A Urotherhood Ileulloii
New Yobc , Dec 9 At a meeting of the
Urotherhood baseball clubs this afternoon
the following officers wore elected Come
llus Vnncott postmaster of this citj , presl
dent , L. 13 laltottlcj president , V U
Hoblnson , secrotarj and treasurer A board
of directors nus also ulextod
Bright Prospoota BagardlrtT the
Qront Sioux Rosorvatiou
Tlio Committco nn Public Ijnndfl ltc-
poits UiinniinoiiHlj In Favor ol
Judge CrofT'ii Cotiflriiin-
tlou Uapltnl Novvii
Wasiiinotov Uuheau Tub OvtAn * . Hrn ]
fiu rouiiTrENTu btiiprr , >
WASiitsaTON D O Doc 0 |
Senator Pcttlgrowr has received a letter
from ex Governor Poster of Ohio , who is n
member of the commission nppnliitol to
negotlato for the ot ctnng of the bloux Indian
icscrvatlon in Dikotu nnd Nobrtska In
which ho Btntcs that ho has Just recclvod
from the ngent of the Indians the
rolls containing the slgmturcs to the treaty
and that ha will now bet , In woric upon the
mi ort of the commission to the scerotiry of
the interior Iho governor Bays that the
document which the commission recently Bub
mitte l to Secretary Noble wis not a coni | leted
rciort butsitnplj n drift , unl that as soon
ns the report coint loto is prosoatod to the
s-cretary cf the interior therowll ! bo noth
iiifc in tbo way of PresldontHarr son Issuing
his proclamition throwing the r9sorition
open tosottlomont Ihls e in bodono within
tills inontli Governor 1 osier sivsthaho
will bo in Washington not week , when ho
nnd other mumbors of thu commission will
moot representatives of the bloux Indians iu
rcgnrd lo the nnieniltncntt which vvcro made
to the treaty by the commission The governor
ornor states that the commission ana becre
tary Noble early iu.iced that no further
lcKlslatinn would bo necessary nt the hands
of congress except to ratify the amondmcuts
to the trcitj
onoii wirt , nr COMIHMED
Iho senate will promptly conllr ntho nom
in ition of Judge Groff to bo eoinmlssinnur of
the gonerallaud ofllee Iho cominittoo on
public lauds to Iny submitted a favorable report -
port by n unanimous vote
Delegate 1 red Dubois of Idaho today ad
dressed a letter to Speaker Iteed requesting
thui In the formation of the house commit
tees the territories bo given as much represent
sent ition as they have in past congresses
Ho nsked on the l art of the delegates from
the tciritonos that thov bo civon rcure
scntation on the following committers Ac
n ultural military nffiirs postofllces nnd
I est roa Is publlo lands territory , Indian
nftutrs private land el ilms and mines and
mining Mr Dubois asked tint , in addition
to these committees a delegate bo assigned
to the committco on Pacific railroads
A caucus committco of the senate has decided
cided upon assignments for the Dakota seiia
torsas follows Mr Moodv is male chair
m m of the committco on Indiun deprcd ition
claims and is nssifned to a plnco on the com
mittco on mines and mining Mr Pctticrow
fcts a place on Indian affairs and railroads ,
Mr Pierce on territories and Mr Casey ou
railroads The latter senators will also have
places on several minor committees
There was but ono surprise in the makeup
of the committees annonnced by Spcakor
Reed todly That was in making Judge
Kelly of Pennsylvania the ' father of the
house " chairman of the committco on man
ufactures Iho Jidgo has boon upon the
commlt'coon ways nad moans so long th it
it was generally nccoptcd that ho would
again go upon the committee though
his acc , nearly seventy seven years would
naturally argue agalast his remaining upon
such an active bodj with the prepaiatiou
of a tariff bill b fore It Iho letter to
Speaker Heed from the Judge stating that
ho would bo pie iscd with any assignment
made for him off the vvajs and moias com
mittco explains nil however Judco Kelly
says the committco as now formed is
first ciass in ovorj r03pect being composed
of representative republicans who will pro
Borvo the best interests of the country in the
preparation of the now revenue bill und
gunid the manufacturers and producers of
domestic raw matorlal alike Iho commii
tcoon manufactures , with Judge Kelly us
chairman is to bo an lmportnut ono and will
afford the father of the house • a fcood 0p
portunitj to oxorclso his diversified abllltlos
in tbo direction most needed
Mr Howell ot Illinois has shown a special
adaptibility for the position of chairman of
the committee on elections Ho has served
for throe congresses Ho is a iluo lawyer
has made a study of election laws and is con
ceded to bo eminently fair
No ono thought for u moment that Mr
Cannon of Illinois would not bo at the head
of appropriations as ho has served on
the committco so many jojirs with
such universal efficiency Ho is
careful honest and economical , jot not
stringent when the development of the coun
trj nnd the best Interests of the ) eoplo are at
sta > < o Ho is free fiom that dutnncogucry
which has characterized the work of liundall
and Ilolman during the past six years who
eicatcd a laigo dclictciicj , who refused to
" inako nppioprlatlons for services rendered or
Imperatlvo in the maintenance of the government
mont mid also refused to recognize the do
ilclcncv when It was pointed out to them all
because they wanted to show the country an
apparent saving and a lur o surplus in ad
vanccmcut of denrocratio reform " espeo
inlly ' tariff reform "
Never in the history of the government
has there been etronge-committees an aogod
than announced to day
Each man on the republican sldo is able
und honest is a rcprnscntativn of his party
pure und simpla and ho will stand llrmly
upon the | rluciples of his party The demo
er itlo selections were made with the sinblo
thoueht of furnishing the host ability possl
bio for the work they have to do Iho com
inlttecs give general satisfaction
Senator Mandcrson Introduced u resolution
requiring that nil matters relating to beet
suuar bo referred to the committee ou agri
culture of which Senator Paddock Is chair
man , also a bill making an appropriation for
the establishment of u military post in the
. ranter of Alaska nnd the exploration of tha
Youkon river , Alaska , ulso a bill for the
purchase of a picture of Gcnoral Gcoigo II
I nomas for the eapltol also n bill for a
bridge across the Missouri river between
the counties of Douglas and Sarpy In Nebraska
braska und Pottawattamie in Iowa , also a
bill provt ling for an appropriation for the
purchase ot suear beet seed from abroad und
the exemption from duty of sugar beet ma
ehinorv together with a bill forthaoncour-
ugomont of the cultivation of beet sugar und
the manufacture of suear therefrom and
providing for u bounty on every ton of sut ir
beets i used in the Unttod States
and delivered to the fautory and manufac
tured Into suuar and und a bounty in addi
tion of b5 cojts on every hundred pounds of
sucar thus manufactured to be paid to the secretary
rotary of the trea un Au appropriation In
bulk is to bo made for carrj lug out the pro
Visions of this law but the sums to bo male
nro left blank In the original bill , to bo sup
plied by the committco on agriculture
Senator Pa Idoelc is not ucbind his col
league in fostering this Irdustry , and inas
much ns all bills relating to the subject will
bo referred to tbo commit too of which he is
chairman , it is fair to prcsumo lo ; ( station
favorable to bcol eulturo wl 1 bo had early
In the session
The senate committco on Judiciary at its
meeting this luornlnc , took up for consider
ation the nnmo of Judge Hrevvor to bo u i as
sociate Justice of tbo supreme court of tha
United States The statement came bofora
the committee In some form or other that
Judge llrovver was committed on the ques
tion of prohibition and hold such views on
the subject or bad been connected with pro
hibition so as to impair his efficiency on
the bench and disqualify him from Bitting
In liquor cases an 1 the committco laid the
nomination aside for investigation
worn ; or iowa skvatous
Senutor Allison introduced a bill today to
establish a port of dellvorv nt Sioux Cltv |
Ho alio relntro luce I bills vvhloh ho ) repose I I
in the last congress ns follow si I or tno re
lief of the college of physicians nnd surgeons
nt Keokuk , compensating it for the loss of
college and hospital bull llnga by llro vvhllo
vised by the Unite t States during the rebel
lion , to reimburse the sovcrnl states for
monojs expended bv them on nccount of
troops cmploj c 1 In suppressing the robot
lion , appropriating $ ' 00 000 tor the construe
tlonof u public builllngnt Davcniort , ap
propriating foOJ.OOO instead of l-JOO.OOO ns
proposed two years ngo for n
publlo building at Sioux City , appropriating
* 200 000 instondof $125 000 for n public bllild-
lni ; atPedar Rapids , nmcndlng nnd altering
nu net npprovc 1 Julv 13,1SSS , nulhorizlng the
construction ot a ratlroid , wagon and loot
passenger Drldgo ncross the Missouri river
nt or neir Cllntjn la , extending tha time
within which tbo bridge must bo begun and
completed two yevrs nnd waiving the foiuial
survejs ns to location , etc
A memorial wus BUbmlttod by Son
ntor Wilson , sltrnod by twentj six citizens of
Uilmoro la ocnator Wilson prosontcd bills
appropriating $ > 00 010 instead ot $ Uj 000 as
projiosod two jo irs ago to construct a publio
budding at Port Dodce , , appropriating * 100 -
000 lustc 11 or f T 00J for a publlo uuiidlng nt
Uurlincton , also a bill irovldlng that no
postolllco shall bo changed into the fourth
el its if it has gross receipts amounlirg
Jl 100 or box rents nnd commission consti
tuting the postmasters coinionst'ion ,
amounting to $1 000 a joar
Senator Manlcrson introduced n memorial
from the board of ttadc at Omaha in favor
of the cxtonsion of the mcrch int m irino
service and a memorial from the Nebraska
state agricultural bo ird iu favor ol lociting
the world s fall at Chicago
sut i uvisoits OF THE CT\SU3
President Harrison will send to the sennto
within the i cxt month the names of the
supervisors ot the rioventh census f here
willbolnnll of these ofleers [ 175 lholr
nominations are to tbo coiiilrmod bj the scu-
ate the s imo ns other presidential olllcors
lhoso supervisors or [ superintendents will
have the otnplojmont of the enumerators
and will manage n very largo army of mon in
the Held lhoso who desire to procure em
1 loyment In the taking of the census should
make application to the supei vigors us these
ntllcors have not only suporvislrn of the
enumerators but other employment It is
expected that members of congress and senators -
ators will very largely control the appoint
ment of enumerators but private citizens
will have much influence , according to the
political power they w iold und the rospecta
billtj of tholr standing -
Tlio suoorvlsors will bo cha-god with the
subdivision of tholr districts for the purpose
of enumeration , they will designate to Su
perlntondent Porter the names ot enumer
ators to bo cmploj ed nud the suicriutcnd-
ent will make the appointments Iho law
I rev ides tliut the appointment ot enumer
ators shall bo w Ithout refcrenco to political
aflin-itions nnd with an cyo single to tboir
lltnoss Profcicnco will bo felvcn ox-unlon
soldleisaud sailors who hive the proper
qualifications to lit them for cQlclcnt serv
Ice Iho supervisors will direct the work
of the enumerators and revise It when ro
celvod nnd forward to the general oQlco In
Wushlngtou iho pay of a supervisor shull
not bo less thun ? j00
The enumerator after being qualified Is
imposr-d with the dutyof visiting i ouonally
each dwelling house in Ins subdivision
and each family therein , and each In
dividual living out ot a family in
any place of abode , and by inquuy mudo of
the bead of such family or of the momoor
thereof deemed most crcdiblo nnd worthy of
trust or of such individual living out of a
futnih to obtain each nnd every Item of In
formation and nil the paitloulatB required by
the net ot congicss authorizing the taking of
the Eleventh census When no person can
bo found nt the usual place of abode of such
family oi individual living out of a familj
competent to answer thd inquiries made In
compliance with the requirements of the law
then the cnunioratorshulloblainthorcqulred
information ns nearly ns may bo praetioablo
from the family or families or person nr
I orsons living nearest to such place or abode
The superintendent may employ special
ugents ot other means to make an enumera
tloti of all Indians living within the juiisdlo
tion of tno United States with such infornia
tlou ns to their condition as may bo
obtainable , classifj ing thorn as to Indians
taxed and Indians not taxed
Lnumei ator will make nil of tholr reports
nnd recoiv o all of their instructions from
supervisors and will make up roiotts to
these supervisors Iho compensation of enumerators
merators will bo ascertained and fixed us
In subdivisions where the seporlntendent
of the census shall doom such an allowance
suuicient on alio vancu notoxcoc liiif , - cents
for each llviug inhabitant 3 cents for ouch
death icportod 15 cent3 for each fnim nnd 20
cents for each establishment of productive
industry enumer itod and retui ned , and for
oa h surviving soldier , sailor , or m irlno
or widow of such soldier sailor , or
mnrlna returned B cents may bo given in
full compensation for allservices Provided ,
that the subdivision to which the above rate
of compensation shall applv must bo dosig
noted by the suporlntoudent of the census at
loastone month In udvmco of the onumcr
tion Rates of compensation for all other
subdivisions shall bo fixed iu advunco of the
onumerution by the superintendent of the census
sus , with the npproval of tbo secretary of
the interior , according to the diQleultj of
enumeration having rofarenco to the nature
of the region to be canvassed and the
density oi sparscness of settlement , or other
considerations pertinent thereto , but the
compensation allowed to nnv enumerator in
any such district shall not be loss than 1
not moro than $0 per dav of ton hours actual
field work each when jier dioin compensa
tion shall bo established by thn secretary of
the interior , nor moro than J cents for each
living inhabitant cents for each farm and
10 cents for each establishment ot produc
ttvo Industry enumerated ind returned vv hen
n per capita compcus ition will bo doomed id
visablo by the secretary of the in erlor No
claim for mileage or traveling oxuensos will
bo nllowol uny enumerator in either class ot
subdivisions except in extreme enses and
then onlv when nuthority has boon previously
granted by the superintendent of the census
1 ho su | orintondent of census will prescribe 1
uniform methods and suitable forms for
keeping accounts of the numboi of people
plo enumerated ot the time occupied in
Held work for the purpose ot ascertaining
the amounts duo to enumerators severally
iho subdivision assigned to any enumerator
ahull not exceed 4 000 Inhabitants , ns neai as 1
m ly bo , uccoraing to estimates based on tlio 1
ion th census iho boundaries of all sub
divisions shall bo clearly deseilbed b > civil
divisions , rivers rpads , publlo Burvcjs or
other easilj distinguished lines
I here is a great deal ot general and statls
tical information which enumerators will bo ,
designated to procure , besides the number
nnd charactcrof the Inhabit ints There will 1
boinformation regarding the natural products !
of the cround and manufactories iho porio 1
of 11 mo which the enumerators are expected I
to put into tholr work Is about thirty days
Iho supervisors lira expected to complete
their work within seventy llvo days Iho
enumeration is to ba begun on tbo llrst Mon
day or Juno next and the enumerators are
require 1 to make full reports to the super
visors on or before July 1 allowing but thiity
days In whlca to complete their work
Hepresontatlvo Connell has recommended
the nt i ointment of lun ) Look of Lincoln to
bo supei visor ot the coiibus for the I irst con
gressional district ot Nebraska Mr Con
noils recommendationis eiuivalentto an
appointment as the republican congressmen
have been given tlio privilege of naming the
supervisors ot their distrlets It is under
stood that btoofer of tVomont will bo up
pointed in thn 1 bird district of Nebraska and
Mr liundall of Clay county in the second
Peter H Swnnki of Norfolk , Neb , is trj
lng to settle the Lovejoy matter His claim
for relief as bondsman is believed is be a
good ono and the Nebraska delegation will
secure the passage of the bill for his relief
unless the general lind office accepts bis
pioposed compromise
Captain Lind ney of Fullerton , msocntod
with ilrad Slaughter is in the cltv
The two senators from Ioi u today intro
duced a number of b Us ( ranting orl/lnal
pensions nnd Increased pensions to thler
constituents Peiusi b Heatu
Speaker Rood Atmouncos the Most
Important Ones
MoKlnlcj , Cannon nnd Kclli Carry
Off tlio Chlot Honors Proceed
ings iu the Upper nnd
Lower Houses
\Va hi\otov Dee 0 Connor of Illinois ,
from the counnittoo on rules reported u
resolution authorizing tlio speaker to appoint
various standing aud select committees of
the house und specifi ing the Jurisdiction of
each committee Adopted
A bill was Introduced defining tlio duties
of the sergeant at arms ot the house The
bill wns referred to ttio spoclul Investigation
committee with loivo to icport nt nny tlmo
A number of resolutions vvcro thou * lnt'0
ducod nn 1 roforro 1 nftor vv hich the speaker
announced the appolutmout of the following
com dittoes
Committco on A ] proprlatlonsIes rs
Ciiinon , Huttorworth McUomu llonloison
of Iowa , Peters Cogswell UcldenMorrow
Hrowci of Mlchigin , Kami ill , Pornc } ,
biyios Hreckouridjo of Kentucky and
Mmuf icturcs Messrs Kollov E D laj
lor of Ohio Arnold Morse , Sanfotd , 'Wilsou
of W est V lrglniu Hj num , Williams ot Illi
nois Grimes and l owler
Llectlous Howell , Hnlilr Cooper , Hnugcn ,
bhermun Dalzell , Dcrjcn , Grconhiglo ,
t-omstock , Crisp Olcrrnll Outhwuito ,
Marsh Moore of ioxas and W Iko of Illinois
Wuysnnl Means Messrs McKInloj , Uur
rows Pnj liter , Ulnglium McKenna Pajson ,
La Foliate Gear Cirlisle , Mills , McMillen ,
Urockonrldgo of Arkiusas and 1 lower
Mlleago Messrs Llnd low nsond of Penn
sylvania , Wallace of Mas3 ichusotts Cluuio
and Pennington
iho following resolutions were Introduced
and rofcrred 1 or the appointment ot a
selcctconiuiltteo of nlno meiubirs to which
are to bo referred all propositions rotating lo
ai id lands for tbo cro ition of a committee
on immigration toconslstof eleven members ,
for the appointment of a world s fair com
mittco to consist of niuo members
A Joint resolution was passed a | propriat-
mg $ .00 000 for the pi intlm , of 4 000 copies of
tbo agricultural report of lbS'J
iho house then at 11 o clock adjourned
until Wcduesdaj
Wamuvotov , Dec 9 Alirgo number of
petitions and memorials vvcro presented to
day nnd referred to npproprinto commit
tees Among these w is ono by Mnndcrson
from the state board of agrlculturo of Nc
braska In favor ot Chicago as the slto for the
worlds fa rtu 1803
Petitions from various states in favor of a
national bundav rest law , and ono from iowa
against the pissago of such a law or of the
Blair education bill
Among tlio numerous bills introduced aud
rofcrred were the following *
Tor the namisslon of Idaho nnd Wyoming
Into the union , toprovido n tomporvry gov
ernment for the territory of Oklahoma
Uy Blair * -To restrict the snlo and use of
opium in tbo Distiict ot Columbia and in tbo
Sherman offered a concurrent resolution ,
which was referred to tbo committco on
foreign relations re luestlng the president to
invite from tlmo to time , ns lit occasions
arise negotiations with nny government
with which the United btates has or may
liavo diplomatic relations to the end that
any differences or disputes between the two
governments that can not bo adjusted bj
diplomatic agencies may be rofcrred to at bi
tratiou aud peacefully adjusted by such
furplo offorcd a resolution that the pro
nosed penal enactments against trusts uf-
fecting commerce among tno sov eral states
should provldo for the soizurcof ti 1st goods
on lawful warrant and information and for
forfeiture con lis cation nrd sale of the same
Morgan offered a resolution which wis
a reed to instructing the couimitteo on
foreign rolntions to inquire nud report as to
the best mctbol.of incren ° inf , the trade ,
eommerco und intc-courso between the
pcoplo of the Prco btato of ConkO and the
people of the United States
Pierce Introduced a bill to creotothoot
flco of survejot genern1 of Noith Dikotn
Mandcrsan offered a prcamblo und resolution
tion ( which was utreed to ) instructing the
committco on agrlculturo to report on the
subject of the nroduction of sugar from beets
In the United Stales aud what logisl ition If
any is necessary and deslinblo to promote
and accelerate the industry in this country
ihe senate then proceeded to the consider
ation of cxoeutivo business and at S 10 adJourned
Journod until tomorrow
Continuation affile Investigation by
the Uniiso Committee
Washington , Doc 0 Iho house Invest !
gating committee today examined a number
of members with rogaid to the nets Silcolt
is said to have forged nnd taken up to- fear
of the extradition 1 uvs
nopresenUtlvo MillsN argued before the
committee that the November salaries should
bo rcgarlod as lost by the members and that
tlio amount remaining in possession
of the sergeant ut-arms should bo
distributed nt a rate I roportiobata to tno
losses among the mombcrs who were out
their salaries for the period betvvcon March
4 and November 4
Catchlnts of Mississippi made a strong
argument in support of his position that the
government should be ir the loss and rcap-
proprlato the sal tries of the members
iho question us to the sergeant at nrms
being a government ngont oi the individual
ngont of the members perplexes the coni-
mittco trnatlj on account of the compllca
tlons to vvhlcn the adoption ot oitnor viovv
Nrfvv I'o4tmnstors
Wasiiinqton , Doc 0 [ Special Tolograni
to Jul lita ] Nobrasku Hostwlck , Nuok
discount ) T S Durham , viceO b Hon
dcrson , resigned , Urainard , Uutlor county ,
A lnlbotvico William It Campbell ro-
moved , larvvell , Howard county , James 1
Lang vlco Johu Jcnison , reslgnod Hart
ford Scott's ' Hluff county , W J PrOuu
vice John Ltnerv , resigned , Imperial Chiiso >
county Aionzo Cunningham vlco J L Big
lor , resigned , Whltnoj Dawes county , 1
Lurrio , vlco William Hitchcock , resigned
Iown Ochevcdau Osceola county , II
N Moore vlco A N Iiandall removed ,
Curbon Adams county , M I ( ampbell vice
S D belby , rcslcuol , , lauslom Uuthrlo
countj , G N Dwis vlco J 11 btavbiuMi
resigned , Class lnjlor countj , Asa S
Wrifcht , vloo M J Hush Busponded , Pekin ,
Keokuk county C Howell vice 1' it Illuh-
nrdbon resigned , West Pilot , Iowa county ,
I rank Poppam vlco J C bprlnfcor , lo
Dakota Iiobej , Aurora county Mrs
Harnbra Duster vice J b Houiw , removed ,
bpcarlUh Lawrencecountv , J it L Ilcurj ,
vice W L Masslc , removed
Nebraska , Iowa und Dakota I'oiis'ohn
Washington , Dee 9 [ Special Teletrain
to Tut line ] PcnslonsjraiitcdNebraskans
Original Invaied John Hottos Nlekerson ,
IucreasoHradford liingcr , IZdward W
Ileluoooner , Osceola William Carrutb ,
Austin , Samuel A Prances , Arlington ,
Dolus W Graves Beatrice , John Hart
Bberer , Lincoln , Wallace Wilbjjs Plalnvlow ,
Thomas D 'leuovek , HaradJ , Allen Y ,
bnebuer , Cbadioa , David U UUckburu ,
Nesnrkj Hlchnrd T Urown ; Tecumseh ,
1 ovl H Monroe , Hnrttngton , Gcorgo Oren ,
rurnorOron MeCollv , Steele Cltj , Peter
liobinson Omtha , William Lester , Central
Cltj Reissue Thomas Wallace , Woster-
vlllc Mexican survivors lilchard V Webster
stor , W ostch
Pensions for lownns Original invnlll
\ \ llllam L Honrv , Cambria , John \ \ Inzcnnt ,
Llnovillo , John Bennett , I cnox , 1 twnrl A
la'lninn ' Hlcn Creek , Nelson Moore Mitt
bum , lliomns Skldmoro , Ocjon lnoronso
( navy ) Gcorgo W McWilllun Ida Grove ,
Chnrlcs Lirvor , PorsinDavlll lnttcs Dow
ncj , Anson Hood liundolbh , William P
Glliuore Niishnu James M I nj ton , I eon ,
lohn M btonobrikor , Corut ns , Lewis
Turner , Now bhoron , Gooreo 11 Lntsfiicti
Kent , Alburt L Wilcox Porn \ Allen
Thompson , Wntorloo leremlnh H Urnll
Wapello , Gcorgo Dug in , Lngodv isanu
Hun or , rnlrlleld , John A V Whltnoj ,
} > cola Alex L Holland Mount Avr , Will
inn Goun lrj , Hurlliigton , Honrj L Dash
toll Albin , Joseph Anton Hurlotto Dubuque
buquo , John H clsher , Spencer , Tolm
Lverall , Llknder , Mnllhow Inckson , Hur-
llnfcton , Cornollus lorncj rnirllold , M ir-
tin 1 1 loshor , Pnlinyrn lames C Poster ,
Dcs Moines , I ovl Artnsbv , Allcrton ,
Hendrick W Urown Ames , lohn Clirko ,
1 loy 1. Dosalvo H Hat mon , Peterson lohn
A Johnson , Llnovillo , Nelson \V lddv ,
Wnshtn , I 7oklol Bopnrt Osknloosa ,
Henry Mndden Muscntlno , Chirlos
Cooper Lowell , Henry Baker ,
liurr Oak , Andrew Antran than Sltonc ,
noj lit lssuo James Inskoop Knoxvlllo
Oiigln il widows etc Mary Antlm mother
of lohn A Preston Hrooks
Pensions for Dnkotnns Onglnnl Invnlll
Ch irles L Weho Hnrtlott Iucicnso
\ustln L lliavor rtedcrlck Barren W
Pay , Lakcton , Henry Qulcir 1 Ik Point
Ii\l\G IN bl Vll
Inuncnso Crowds \ lew the llntnnlitn
) f lolT < rson Dnvf * !
New Onu ins La , Dec 9 lliero was no
diminution today In the crowds which
vlowed the body ot Jefferson Davis ljiag in
state at the cltj hall Manj private dwolU
ings are draped in mourning Cltv ofllcials
saj that jnder the prcullnr clicumstanccs of
the case Socrctnrj Proctor s roplv to Major
Shalaspenro s dispatch ofllciillj unuouncing
the death of Mr Dwis was veiy traeoful
and written inaklndij spirit
bcoretary I'rootor's C > urno Approved
Ni wOitLrvNLa , Dec 0 ri o Picayune
commenting on the failure of becrotary
Proctor to take ofllclal notlco of the death of
Davis sajs Wo are stronglj led to the
conclusion that the secretary of vv ir , so far
from Intending wrong has ndopt"d what ho
believe 1 und what wo balivo was a wise and
consciv itlvo course iu the premises "
Confidornto Veterans Pleased
New OitcrANS , Dec 9 All the confeder
al veterans are veiy much pleased with the
fraternal spirit which characterized the remarks
marks of Captain Jacob Gray of the Grand
Armj of tbo Republic made before the ex
ccutlvo cominltteo Saturday night On that
occasion ho stated that ho would bo prou 1
ns a soldier of the United States to Loner
thomemotvof the Illustrious patriot soldier
dior and statesman of the south Ho could
not forgot that Jcfforson Davis had been
also n soldier of the United States who hud
rendered distinguished service or fail to
recognize that ho was a great and pure nun
Jefferson Dav is should as a gallant soldier ,
bo accorded a soldlor s burial with ovorv
show of the profoundest respect nnd love of
his pcoplo If it is agreed " continuo 1
Captain Grav , ' that the body of the dea 1
chieftain shall bo berne into the comctery
upon tlio shoulders of the veterans , I as a
ropiescntatlvo of the Grand Army of the
Republic shall certainly demand to have the
right to nssist in the performance of that
sad bonornblo duty ' It Is learned that all
army ofllccrs while they cannot take nny
official action in regard to the death of
Davis have gi oat respect for him ns a boI
dior and stutcsmau aud will attend the
funeral "
The Davis Pund
Nlw Oiii i a\s Dec 0 The committco o
raising n fund appointed by tl o governor mot
tonignt nnd Associate Justice lenner nt
whoso tesldcnco Davis died was made
chairman It was stuted lor Mis
Davis that she would rofusc to accept
donations but had no objections tothocomplo
tion of the capital stock of the D wis land
company of Jackson , Miss The Inttor was
organized with a viovv to raising 5100 000 to
purchase some six thiusand ncies of land in
Arkansas , owned In Mr Davis
A Friendly G A IC Man
New Ohleans Dec 9 At a mooting of
the committco in cbargo of the funeral the
following telegram was read
Pittsfiemj , Miss , Dec 9 lo Iho
Coramnnder of the Grand Army of
the Uopublio Now Orleans Particlpnto
with the south in the funeral ot her
great chief our record on the Held will
stand It now and time will applaud it boio-
aftcr Moiuiis SciiEri'
MomberoftboU A li •
Wyoming Vows Notes
Lauamie Wyo , Dee 9 TSpoclal Telegram
gram to Tup Ui e 1 At the closing mooting
of the Wjpmlug Academy of Sciences , Arts
and Let'ers ox-Governor John W Hoyt was
ro oloctcd president for the ensuing j car
It the mooting ot the Ilocky Mountain
Wool Growers association just hold at
Rawlins resolutions were adopted in favor
of tariff reform and that the administration
bo requested to conform to Its election prom
ises iu the matter
A resolution was also adopted requesting
the legislature not to ro onnct the wild anl
mal bounty law The flock masters say they
do not wint the terrltorv to piy them for
killing wolves boars , eto , as they are nblo
to protect tholr Hocks at their own axpenso
iho bones and clothing of u man supposed
to bo Hvron Row loy who dlsappeaiod from
I vnnston nearly four j eras ago have been
discovered at Hell Springs near Rawlins
Lfforts nro now being made to hear from
relatives of the docoised 1 hero Is nothing
to Indie ito that Rowloy came to his death by
foul means
Mi niiuliip Airivnls
At Southampton Cider fiom Now York
for Bremen
At Now York Persian Monarch from
London , Auronla from Llvorpool , I aNor
mandio from Havro , Poluria fiom btctton , |
and 1 ms from iiroincn
At London Sichted Muulioban from i
Boston for Glasgow
At Philadelphia Ohio from Liverpool
At Glasgow State ot Nebraska fiom Now
x "ork
At Now Yoi k 1 ho Pdain from Ainster-
dam , the Rhatcia , from Uumburt ,
A Tonnnsseo frncodj
MuitriiFi suouo , Icnn , Dec 0 Idwin >
Pletehor a prominent jonng citizen , was
shot and killed Sunday mornlnr by Prank B
Sol | li , a young attorney rietehor and a
companion called on Selph to demand the ro
trietlon of a nowspaperartlolo iu thoulter
cation which followed Solph was knocked
down nnd beaten and while prostrate drew
a revolver and fired the futul shot
Itlnndv J runic Myuterj Fxplo Ird
Ciiicaoo , Dec 9 Iho Milwaukee bloody
trunk mjbtorj vvasoxilodod this afternoon ,
when a hotel portoi called on the chief of po
Ilea aud paved that the property was his
Ho had gene to Milwaukee last May to look
for work , und being unsuccessful found it
convenient to Jump his board bill , loaviuc
the ti link behind iho police are satisfied
of tbo truth of his storj
Ihry Sirttchod Jack * Nock
QitKLfcsuwio , Ky , Dee 9 Jack Turner ,
who lust Wednesday killed Motley \\11
llama , son ( of Hon D M Williams was
taken from Jail at nn early hour this morn
log by a mob and banted
Brutal Work of Desperadoes iu a H
Oolot ado Town ! |
llin Sin rlfTniul Clr-ik or the County | H
Bupp tsrd to ho Implicated in j H
the Otiti-ago Arrests j H
to I ollovv fj l
Cnuscd llj nit I It etion Contest H
Honour Cole , Dec ° | Special lelu- A | | H
Iram to Till Mn 1 W hlto caps hot Uy en . H
tcrcd this cltj bundnj morning between 13 H
and 1 o clock captured bound nnd gauged H
Attomcj s John S Bennett and W 1) Kcl- f H
boj , and loaded them Into n wagon lwo < H
miles south of town the prisoners vvcro ' . H
dumped into a cactus bed , llioir b i"l s nnd H
limbs laid bare , nnd the white hooded vlt- H
lalns pioeceled with blacksnake whips to ' H
cliustlso the gentlemen nigh unto death H
After the beating the two nttornejs vvcro H
unbouud nnd left to tut homo ns best they j H
could lhoj nro both confined to their beds l H
mil the attending ihvslcitus | ienounced I H
thorn in n critic il condition Bennett was j H
scvcrolj hurt about the ho Idas tlicv ill iigcd7 ( H
htm down the stairway from tils offleo M
Mnnj rumors ai'o nlo ns to uh\ the nttor H
nojs were trcitcd In such a summary man j H
nor Investigation ulreadj begins to promise j H
some startlhg doveloi inents , and It boglus j H
to look ns though some of the prominent men | H
of the city had aided nnd abutted the wlilto i H
caps in this cruel outrage Roecntlj pipers | H
were filed in the countv court of this county H
contosttii ( , the elections of B A Buskins as ' H
treasurer L C. W ithcrbco us sliuriff nnd H
Charles McPherson us clerk the contestants H
alleging bribery nnd corrupt nioasuios lit the < H
polls bj the incumbents Indignation meet ; H
lugs wore hold and committees were np- ' H
pointed lo w ilt ti | on the contestants ashing H
them to w itli Iravv the suits Xhcso nppcals H
were not heeded except as to the treasurer H
Some of the most during ot the couimitteo H
promised the contestants th it - it H
the suits vvcro qot withlrawii certain H
parties would be w ilted upon ilucnts H
of a similar n ituio were undo bj others nnd Hewing
owing to the f let th it tuo two victims of the H
inciclicss white cai s vvcro nttoriicvs in the < ; H
case ngainst the eontestcl parties , lea Is t H
manj to bcliovo that tlio nbovo name 1 cleric H
and Bhorlff are in collusion with the des | cr- j H
auocs B"nnett opeulv charees the sheriff i H
ns heme tlio ono who used the horsewhips H
with the most effect H
Anothci rumor is to the effect that the H
attomovs wire ch istised on aciount of t H
suing for attornevs fees in the case of M
Strickland vs J it\Is iho tormor theory - H
has the most believers aud seems the most H
plausible llicio were Bovcuof the white H
cis Papers mo now m the hands of tha H
oQicots and ui rests will bo male today - H
Lntcht 1 roni tlio * olorado White Cops j H
Hoi.voicr Cole , Dec 9 [ Special felo H
gram to Tiil Bel j flio contestants in the H
cases of W ilson versus McPherson clerk , j H
and lemjle versus Withorbco sheriff received - H
ceived the followiuc notices through the j H
mnll tins morning j H
A A Jeniple Take notlco the first j H
move male bv vou from this tlmo i l con H
tests will call out the white caps toictulato j H
the matter Iookoujaur confederntcsand j H
If vou want a like cxpeiicnce it wont cost H
jou a cent hj order of vv bite ca | s " H
* D R. W ilso n iou can count jour turn H
next If a single move is made from this tlmo j H
on in tl u contests Wo are bound to icgu H
lata this business if it is necessary to resort H
to tlio ioi e us well as the blacksnakc H
Sltned white caps " f M
iho nbovo tallies out the cert etness of H
tbo ruuior that McPherson clerk and H
Wltherbec sheiiff or their fnen Is nro in H
direct collusion with the white cajs who so H
uniicicifulls whined Attomcjs Uennett H
an I Kelsoj jestcrdaj moining H
A uow bond foi costs was filed ted ij In H
the case of Wilson versus McPherson nnd * j H
thocoatcst will go on in splto of the white H
caps The good citizens are thorouthly H
arouse 1 and Indignant nnd will sco law und Herder
order prevail iho nictations m ide by H
contestants nto sprcili nnd quito positive H
against it cu nbent McPherson and If proven j H
in court will show that ho gulncd his election J M
by fraud and corrupt measures " H
fho atrost was made this ovonlng of Wll- * H
Ham Lovctt upon complaint that ho vvas the J H
person who furnished the team nnd wagon H
to nnul Bennett nnd Kclsoy to the place J M
where thov weio whipped by the white H
cips Othoi uirosts will bo mndo tomorrow H
Ueunott still continues to openly iccuso H
Sheriff W ithcrbeo us being the | orson who H
called hi in from his room nnd vva1. tbo H
white cap who applied tlio whip with tbo H
mostilnndlsh delight iho present indica H
tlons aio that Lovctt if guiltj will turn H
evidence at , ilns the remainder of the vIl.1- H
lantcs , ind till ui-csls will bo mudo at once H
lOllltbSl OLCUPII b Tim DVV H
Ho Resumes Ills Address to thn Jury H
In thu Ctoniu Case U
Ciiicaoo , Dec 9 At tbo opening of tbo ' |
Cronin trial this morning loirost resumed |
his address to the Juiy In behalf of the defense - M
fonso . Ho prococded at length to argue on fl
tbo reliability of tlio circumstantial cv lilcnco M
und the danger of using it to convict the M
pnsonors Ho declared the defense had M
worked under duadvantago throuuhout tba M
trial Xho prosecution had 15 000 detio ives M
in its employ who were moinbcrs of tlio H
Clan na Gael throtif-hout the country H
This referred to the unti Cronin faction
- < H
of tlio Cinn-un Gnol Iorrcstsail the Jury ' |
would bo forced under 1 osiers ' argument to >
acquit Hcggs flic acquittal ot Hcggs was 1B
equivalent to sajing tl nt there \vus no eon M
spiracy in ciimp .0 , and there being no ion M
splracy , the case of course , falls to the v |
ground , and the acquittal ot the other de * |
fondants fellows as u logical sequence For M
rest admitted that tbcro was a peculiar coin '
buiutlon of circu nstanccs against his clients , |
and showed bow It was to tbo llnnucUl J M
intoicst of some of tbo principal |
witnesses for the state , Dlnnn and 1 1
the Carlsons , to show that it was a |
white horse that took Cronin awav nnd that 'ViH
It was In the Carlson cottage that he was |
killed Both are making money fast in conjifl
sequenio I orost bitterly scored the wit 3iB
nosscs for the prosecution who are connected tifl
with the Cluu na Gael Ho prococded with iiH
mucli sarcasm to annlvzo the testimony of J iH
the various wllnessos for the state , cl liming 1
that they all tcsiifiol as if they had boon t : M
truiuea to bolster up a desperate case ' ' l
Ihcy all had remarkable memories i l
und some of them remarkable ojtsitht , 1 1
being able to see in the darkness l M
bolter than In the dajll ht Iho trouble * l
with thlsTBvldenco was th it it was too cir ' m
eumst intlul una Its details fitted toeetl cr too , . H
closely to bo In uccorduuco with the unturo M
of thliif , * ihoro was no evidence , ho said , M
that the blows on Cronlu'a head caused bis , B
death lhoj wore not sov cro , the skull wu H
nowhere fractured I orrest will probably M
occupy all of tomorrow s session M
Caiiio iJaol W Ithout Comic y M
Ciiicaoo , Dee 9 , L'aptuln Sehuettler ' ' 'I
came back from Milwaukee this morning J l
from another Cooney chuso but without k'I '
Coonoy Ho said ho did not think Coonoy AH
had unj thing to do with tbo Mllwau'neut AiB
truuk tlicro is u mystery eouneLfed : H
with it that the t Olico there would do well to * f H
Investigate ?
I ought a Duel With Bivoul H
PrsTii , Dec 9 A duel with swords baa H
been fought bj Count Karolj nud Count il
I azar , and the latter was severely wounded 1H
iho trouble uroso vor a quarrel in the dlot v4H