I I m i I" The Omaha Sunday Bee 1 m H r ' H m _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ in i-iimm ia > mttt H NINETEENTH YEAK • ' OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , D&CEMBEll 8 , SIXTEEN PAGES " NUMBER " m SHE LOVED JEFFERSON DAVIS A Washington Woman Drapes Her Houbo and Mourns I IN THh SHADOW OF THE CAPITOL The Colors of llio Lost Cause Flutter in the Itrccr.c Itced Not Knslly lie in Sllcott honked lie . fore Lrnplnjr * , Washiwoton UuitEUT Tun Osiaiiv Bee , i 513 FotlHTKIiNTlt STltEET , > Wasiunotok D. C , Dec , 7. ) There wus mourning In the nations cnpl- tal today over tlio death of the president of tlio Into cotifcdoracy A. lnrgo number of the residents of southeast Washington were 1 indignant this morning when they discovered ! that a house within the shadow of the cnpl- [ tul displayed the emblem of the lost cause [ mingled with mourning The house is a J small two-story and English hasomciit brick I structure , the numborof which is 2.15 Second l street , southeast , end Is dlructly opposite the t Lincoln public school All the public schools are named after prominent men end on this ono stands the monument to Abraham Lin coln , and tlio rebel llaa displayed was talcon by I union men as n slur on not only the national I cnpltol but on the numo of the dead patriot | Lincoln All day long the house was nn ob- ' . ] cct of Interest ns well as ox pressed indigna tion becnuso of the unwarranted dlsplny | The shutters and blinds of the dwelling have ( been closed ever slncu the announcement of I Jefferson Davis death In fact the very I structure seemed to weep today with the I womnn who occupies it A crowd of colored J people were loitorlng about the i premises when your correspondent rang the f bell They were not etiarry in their con I domnntlon of the flaunting offense , and mut- | tcrcil threats of Indignation against the I owner In answer to the ring a small , thin and determined looking woman opened thoU I U door Slio was hardly Jlvo feet in height , E dressed In deep mourning and worosomoold- y time Jewelry Iter hair tvos smoothed plainly I down over her forehead Her faeo was flushed and her manner oxcitcd She had answered the bell hoforo in rcsponso to the > quostlon about to bo put Her eyes Hashed indignantly whan thu question came : > , r "Is your house in mourning for the dead i ' < loadorof the confederacy 1" , She urow herself up and in on oxcitcd voice cxelaluiod : ' I ' . For whom clso than ' Jefferson Davis would this symbol of uiouruwg bo liuug It out " ' 3 She wns exultant in her tones and sccmod i to glory in making known the fact In response - | sponso to a number of questions she said that I her husbands nauio was Frederick Fairfax , and she was the daughter of Lieutenant Cool or the United States army , who died when she was an infant and loft her the house she at present occupies Her husband , owing to exigencies of the family , did not go to thn war , but all his relatives , ! . with the oxceptlon of Admiral Fairfax , ' < fought on the rebel Bide After imparting this information she rcquostod your correspondent - ! respondent to como In as she wished to close • the door so as to lot the house boar its h ' semblance of mourning She led through o * narrow hall to the darkened , uncarpeted if parlor Thcro was a scarcity of furniture < f Around the walls hung pictures Indicative 1 ' , of the lost cause , notable among them being : 1 that of Robert E , Lee Over the mantel 1 bung an oil painting of the Madonna and the § $ , ifont Close by was the bust of George ' i V. ashingtoii Mrs , Fairfax seated hot self I and roquo3ted her visitor to bo seated Then > I with flashing eyes mid flushed face she begun i ) to talk : I 1 "I glory In the fact thnt I am the llrst Dcr- I I son to decorate my homo for too dead Jof- I | forson Davis As soon as I received I { word of his death T prepared 1 \ the mourning and hunt ; It forth I I never know Jefferson Davis , but I am the ! woman who J. Q. C. Lamar once sold ro- eomblod Jefferson Davis when ho was a youth I have mot General Lee , but then I ' love Jefferson Davis I love all ho lias ever | done all his words , actions , deeds What less { could I do to show my respect for the great H I man thou to put out the colors ho loved so B I wolll I am rosponslblo for It , I would have B > done It do matter who did not This Is my H H house and I shall do with the nluco what I B B choose B B ' 'Do you ask mo If anyone has protostodl B B No , sir ; they have nothing to say of what I B B do I have been waiting aud longing for this B B tlmo to show my respect B B "lias no ono ottomptod to remove thorn , B B you ask mol Then her eyes ilashod wild B B nnd her face grow rod as she almost hissed : B H I "I would line to know the fellow who would B H ' altomiit such a thing , do would loam a B Bj thing or two that ho would not forgot during B fl < his Iifo 1 will say once for all that thuso B H \ decorations uro out to stay till after the fun B BJ { oral and lot no ono attempt to remove them , B B I Lot bun dare " B H I The action of Mrs Fairfax was hardly B H \ were unusual than that of the southern con B Bf gressmon and others who mot yesterday and B Bf . adopted resolutions expressive of sorrow B H V over Mr Davis death and praising his patrl- B BJ J B H V 1IBEU WILL UUN IT B B jj Speaker Heed has givou the democratic B B | members of the house to understand that ho B B ' does not propose to bo dictated to , by thorn B B in the formation of house committees A B B delegation of the leading members from the B B democratic sldo of the house called upon B H him this morning and enquired It ho pro B B posed to consult ox-Speakor Carllslo in B B reference to arranging the democrats upon B B r the various comimttoos , The presiding olll- B B t ccr smiled as bo listened to the request , and B B whoa it wn8 finished be said : BM "No , I do not think I will " B H Hut , " oxclaimad one of the democratic B B members , you must remember Mr Cur B B lisle Is the leader on the democratic sldo and B fl ho most assuredly ought to be consulted In B B this mutter " B B Speaker Hoods eyes twluklod with B H amusomoutas ho ropllcd : "It was only a B Bj few days ago that I was recognized as the B B' ' leader ou the republican sldo of the house B H If my memory serves mo right Speaker B fll Carllslo did not send to mo with a vlow to B B consulting mo about the malio-up of the com B B mlttoes I thiuk lean make up the commit B B toes of the houno very well without B B deiuocrutio asslstauco , at least I shall try B B very hard . " B B There wus a disturbed look upon the faces B H of tbo democratic members as they quietly B B stole uway from the headquarters of Shaker Hood B fl The democrats want Mr Carllslo to bo B l placed nt the head of the minority on the B B conimltteo on wnya aud moans aud this Mr B fl Heed would have done without any suggos- B B tiou like that which was made by visiting B K wembors They also waut Mr lloltuuu to B B go on tbo commltteo of appropriations , B which Mr , Hood will not grout The tiuia B B sat arrived for Mr , Holmua ts bo toned " down , and Mr Heed Intends to sco that it Is done , so for ns committees nrc concerned Slnco Mr Ilolman hns been a member of tlio committee on appropriations ho has secured - cured moro appointments of democrats under republican presidents nnd has kept moro democrats In ofllco than any republican has succeeded In doinp for republicans under re publican administrations Spsaker Itccd told General Urown of Indiana , today that ho Intended to exert himself with a view to announcing his com tuittco before the holidays , Mr Uccd ex pressed ddubt ns to Whether ho could com plete his work bofoio recess , but said thnt ho would nt least announce the committco that had work to do between this tlmo nr.d the first of the year Ho referred to the commltteo oil elections \vajs uiul means and possibly appropriations 'Ihcro hnvo been very few instances where a speaker an nounced the committees before a holiday recess The work of prcparlnK them Is ex ceedingly delicate , The speaker Is com pelled to revise the coinmlttces a dozen times or moro after ho tnlnks ho has them finally completed Thcro will bo especial contention for these places , since the ropuo- lloaus have both branches of congress and tno presidency , nnd are in n position to complcto a great deal of legislation a sTUimtn vntuH Cashier Sllcott develops Into a well lubri cated rascal us his crookedness is further unearthed Ho has had In bis mind the stealing of all the money ho took away with hnu and absconding to Canada for several weeks Some days before ho wont to Now York bo called upon Colonel Cannday , sorgcant-nt-nrms of the sennto and nsked him whether ho was n good lawyer Colonel Cannday Is not n lawyer but ha has wide oxpcrlcnco In public affairs Sllcott Informed the colonel that ho had a very iutricnto law qucstiou to put before aim and wanted his best ndvlcc Hoforo stating his case however - over , ho hesitated and departed with a promlso that ho would return again Ho culled two or three times subsequently but finding the colonel out of his house sought the ndvico or a regular attorney Ho was trying to ascertain whether a de falcation in the position ho occupied in the Horgcaut-at-nrm's ofllco would constitute a critno extraditable under our treaty with Great Hrltain Ho also wnutoj to kuow what her ho had bettor toke up the thirty odd forged notes which ho had discounted nt ono of the banks here The notes were drown September 1" last It was customary for members who were hard np to malto a note for n months salary in advance , glvo It to Sllcott and have him take It to a bank for discount On the Saturdny before his departure Sllcott re deemed all of the forced notes ho could find , but It is not known what ho left unpaid The best lawyers state that if ho were to return here at any tlmo ho could not bo held , for the defalcation ; that If ho was success fully prosecuted for n crime it would have to bo outsldo of his official nets There continues to bo doubt as to whether the members will lose the accumulations from their salaries deposited with the sorgcant-at-arms. They will undoubtedly lose their , private funds which they de posited Since nearly all of the members are losers of nt least one months pay by the defalca tion , it is likely that a Joint resolution will bo passed appropriating money for their reimbursement MISCELLANEOUS This evenings Star has portraits and good pen sketches of some of the new members of the house It says of Umahu's now member : W. J. Connell is a tall , luindsomn man , with sandy hair and moustache , both very long and very straight Ho succeeds John Mc- Shane , the cowboy member , and is ono of the best lawyers In Omaha Ho began lifo a poor boy m Ohio , and by hard work teaching a district school two or three winters man aged to got his law education Once at work in Omaha he rose steadily Ho is a shrewd young man with several hundred thousand and is sure to make a successful member Assistant Secretary of the Interior Chand ! lqr today reversed the decision of the com misslonor of the general land ofllco in the case of Emily A. Luther and allows the claimant to fllo final proof to soetlon U , town ship 111 north , range 13 west , land district of South Dakota J. M. Uailoy , Jr , of Sioux Falls , S. D.who was treosuror of Dakota territory under Governor Mellotto Is here for a dav or two SedatorPettlgrew , Judge John II Drake and H. W. Caldwell , prominent citizens of South Dakota , were the guests of tbo Grid iron club nt its monthly dinner at the Saoro- bam tonight The Gridiron is tbo newspaper correspondents club , aud it has ns ' its guests mombora of tno oabinot , senators , congress uon and other national characters 0. II Marlnor was today appointed po3t- master at Northvillo , Spink county , S. D. , vice S. H. Stanton , removed H. E. Gregory ; Is to bo appointed postmuster atl'icrro , S , D. W. H. Glocklor of Plorro is an applicant for the nosltlou of United States laud regis ter ot Pierre or on the Sioux rcsorvatlou i when It is open to settlement William Tonnant , an oxtcnslvo miller of t Aberdeen , S , D. . loft here for his homo to night Ho will stop en route at Munclu , Ind , where ho will look into the advantages i there for manufacturing , Mr , Tcmiaut may locate at Muncie and establish a Hour mill I with a capacity of eight or ton hundred bar rels per day When ho came hero a wcok : ago it was with a view to inaKing inquiry of [ the Brazilian delegates to tbo international I congress in regard to the opportunities for the milling bushiess in Urazll , but loarnhig of the natural gas advantages in Indiana , ha concluded to visit that state Coneroasman Laws has about $50,000 tlod up In the defalcations of Cashier Sllcott Ho has not drawn any of his salary PsiuiY S. IlEvru Grabbed a TrouHUro Ilex " VlI.lIl aTON , Del , Dee 7 , While John O Patterson was staudtng at the Delowuro bank counter this morning clipping coupqns from bonds which be kept on deposit there on unknown mao seized his deposit box con taining (13,000 worth of securities , most negotiable and rau uway with them The police are after tbo thief , l'nn-tinorioaii ConlurtMiac Washington , Dec 7. In the Pan-Ameri can co n fere a co today the outira report of the commltteo ou committees was approved l , /.egarra of Peru was elected , first vice presi I dent and Hotnero of Mexico second vice presi dent , . llin Kclijiso lOxucillllon Washisoton , Dee , 7. The navy Do | rt- tncnl is informed of the arrival today ut St Puul do Loundo , AfricU , of the United State * ship Pousacola , haying on board the Ameri can ccllpso expedition All well , A Hrpr IIan Hint , New Yohk , Dee 7. The stoumshlp Fi- nauco , from Urazillun ports , arrived hero this afternoon Captain llaker states that at Maranham bo heard of a riot In which six persons were killed and twenty others wounded ; all natives On November St , when tbo ship left Para , all was quiet ALARMED ABOUT THEIR LAND Many of the Settlers Near Poudor Badly Scared HOMES ADVERTISED FOR SALE A ailacrcniit Shoots n Neighbors Horses Noir Dakota City Two llurfilnrs Ccmvlctcil nt Pro nioiil Nebraska News , BoincboUy llliindcred Penbeii , Neb , Dee 7. fSocclal to Tnn Hr.E.J There has appeared for the past three lisucs ot n local uapor notlco of a sale of several hundred acres of Omaha lands , the sale to take place on the 23th of this month Thcso lands ore tracts which have once been sold to settlers and are supposed to have reverted to the government In consequence - quenco of u failure on the part ot the pur chasers to make rull nnd proper payment , and In soma Instances this supposition is correct , but in many It is not Almost ono third of the lnnd described in tlio nottco ot sale Is today held by mon who claim to have compiled strictly with the law In every re spect , and in support of that claim uro ready and able to produce receipts duly Blgned by the receiver at Nollgh , and while tno majority of those whoso land is advor- Used for sale under thcso circumstances fool that it Is n trivial mtstnlto on the part of the officials in describing the lands , there uro mnny who are halt scared out of their wits over the matter Soon after the first notlco appeared a , regular run was made on the newspaper ofllco in nuestof copies of the paper containing the notlco , and it has continued so since , many of them begging to see tbo original copy , hoping to detect on error on the part of the compositor in placing the description in typo Tbo most oxcltod man of the numerous grangers wns oao Charles G. Malmburg , su honest looking Swede residing near this place , just in the edge of Cuming county , who came In Inst night Ho was next to insane - sane ever the matter , and to comfort him was impossible Ho had four receipts , two signed by F. II Galbraith mid two by Mrs B. Lambert , with the Umtod States seal , etc Ho had bought another mans interest , pay ing $450 , and the four receipts from tbo laud ofllco aggregated $170 , the whole amount being ? ( ) , ' ( ! . Mr Matmburg's ' case is only ono of a great many , aud while a majority of thuin feel quite certain that it will turn out nil right in the end , they anticlpato that it will bo coccssary for thorn to go through a long tiresome process known as the rod tape act before getting matters straight ened out The Indignation of sottlcrs at this stnto of affairs in this aud Cuming counties is intense , and growing each day as some now man discovois his homo advertised for sale A Great Lamb Hunt Madisow , Neb , Dee 7. [ Special to Tub Bee ] About four days ago a numborof Chicago bloods stopped off at Madison and went out to Marshall Fields stock ranch , n few miles east of town As their object was to hunt the obtained permission from Mr Fields agent who has ohargo of the ranch , to shoot any wild game tboy might find After a day of fruitless hunt ing the bloods " blood was up and souking tbo agent of the ranch made him an offer of $10 a shot at his flock of lambs This ho ac cepted on the following terms : Foroach shot the bloods should pay to the agent $10 for each sheep killed , tboy to receive $3 In re turn ; for each ono winged $3.00 was to bo refunded When twenty-ilvo of tbo "lnnocont lambs bad been offetcd up at the young bloods " altar , and as many shots sent after them , the bloods , " crestfallen nnd with a look of disgust on their haggard faces , quit and handed Mr Fields agent S250 without rebate - bate , packed tbo hunting equipments and de parted for other Holds The agent was reluctant - luctant to take the money , but when ho thought of tbo great danger his flock bad passed through bo changed his mind and ho is now $250 ahead by the transaction Patriotic Blair School Otilldron Bla.ui , Neb , , Dee 7. [ Special to Tns Bee ] The school otilldron from all the different schools In the city united yesterday In n flag-raising. The scholars ot the West school have chipped in" among tnemsolvcs and bought a flag ror their school building ! and bad a programmo appropriate for the raising yesterday , besides tbo scholars from the other school The members of the Grand Armv post were invited and attended inn body The balance of the schools are ' talking of getting flags , and it is expected ' ere long tbo stars and stripes will bo float ing from the top ot oil the school Udlldings 1 In the city _ _ llnrulnrs Convicted rnuMONT , Neb , Dee 7 , [ Special to Tiib i Uhe.J Leonard Henly and Thomas Francis , two mon who have boon confined in tbo Dodge couuty Jail for two or three weeks , have Just bcon convicted of burglary Tboir crlmo was breaking into Ed Pratt's Jewelry store on thu evening of October 14 , during tbo absence of the proprietor , and stealing ubout (500 worth ot Jewelry , As much as tbrco weeks attor tbo robbery some boys found some of the stolen goods in a bolo under u bcor vault They took the Jewelry homo and then watched to see if any ono np- poared to search for the valuables Soon i after Francis and Hcaley were noticed ] around the spot , apparently hunting for something The goods and Francis were identified , tbo latter having been chased by Jeweler Pratt immediately after the robbery Ho plead guilty and Healy stood trial , the Jury in the case of the latter bringing in a verdict of guilty last evening . A Dastnrdly DzciL Dakota Citt , Neb , " Dee 7. [ Special 1 Telegram to Tun Uee.1 Ono ot the most dastardly deeds ever committed has Just como to light and the perpetrator discovore d by the shrowdiiess of Detectho Ward of Omaha November 3 Dennis Mitchell , a farmer living ubout fifteen miles from this place , found ono morning six of his host horses shot dead in bis pasture aud no clue to find the fiend who did tbo killing The matter was kept very quiet and a man put to work on the case , and ho has at last got evidence , - donco enough to place a warrant in tbo hands of the sheriff , who wont to the homo othe accused this morning , but found the bird had flown The accused is a neighbor ot Mitch oil named Tom Crosby , and ho killed the horses for spite , as bo and Mitch ell did not agree vc-y well Driving tlio Lust Hniko Reatkice , Neb , Dee 7 , [ Special Tolo- firam to The Hie ] The formal celebration ot driving the last spike on the now Kansas City & Beatrice railway will take place with imposing ceremonies Tuesday afternoon next at Virginia station , this county , The Bea > trice city officials , board of trade and promt- ncnt citizens will participate in the coreI moulc * . The first regular ( excursion train will leave this city for tvausas City on Mon day , December 10. About tbrco hundred Beatrice citizens will join the excursion Hutching In n Hnil Hole , BnATiticn , Neb . Dee i , [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Dnn J Slicrlff Flynn of Mndi- son county arrived liero last evening for his mtn , James Hiitchlns , who was captured Wcdnosdoy Inst nnd who is wanted nt Nor folk j for tlio attempted murder ot Captain Goodrich in that locality last summer Ilutchlns I Is a solf-confcssod moonshiner with an old record The United Stntcs authori ties tI t will probably glvo" Ilutchlns some at tention I when the Madison county officials arc done with him Sheriff Flynn took his prisoner l to Norfolk this morning , HurirlniH nt Llntfiunimtti Plattsmoutii , Neb , Dpo 7. [ Special Tel ogrnm to Tun Bee | Early this ovenlng while , F. B. Soolomlrc , manager of the West ern Union telegraph company In this city , and wife were down street shopping , burg glars entered their house through o broken patio of glnss In the window and carried away on overcoat , a suit ot clothes , a . revolver nnd Bomo voluablo Jowclory , The thieves ( are yet at largo , although closely pur sued by the pollco Bontrloo Building ; Statistics BuATitiCE , Neb , Dee 7. [ Special Telegram - gram i to Tun Bee.1 The Beatrice Daily Express issued a fourtcon-pago odltion this evening ' , giving the building statistics of the city < for the present year , which shows that over ' $ SOU,000 have been expended in build ings nlono In tbo city for the eleven months ending December 1. Tbo edition of the paper mentioned has oighty-two columns of local advertisements An Old Nebraska Citizen Ilc4. Bbatiuce , Neb , Dec 7. [ Special Tolo- grnm to The Bee 1 Hon H. K , Harrington , an old nnd well known resident ot this ulty and southern Nebraska , dtod at Richmond , Va , last night Ills remains will bo tnkon to Pontine , lit , tor burial Mr Harrington was the fnthor of Mrs C. M. Rigg ot this city Mr and Mrs Tllgg will depart for Pontine tomorrow to attend the funeral , which will take place Monday Post Oilloerti Klcctetl Ueatbice , Neb , Dee 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bee | Hiwlins post Grand Army of the HepublloNo 33 elected officers for the ensuing year last evening as follows : P. C. , Louis Achoubach ; S. V. C , Alex Graham ; J. V. C , F. T Holt ; Q. M. J. H. Craig ; officer of the day , J. D. Nelson ; officer of the guard , J. Carpijuter ; chaplain , G. L. McClcllen ; delegates to . the state encamp ment , F. T. Holt F. T. Hall , E. T. Root ; al ternates , Alex Graham , , F. SI Richards , J. ' W. Ebersol Editors Have a Personal Enooitntnr Stkatton , Neb , Dec 7. [ Speoial Telegram - gram to The Bee.J Our , little village was thrown Into a state of incitement today over an altercation bctwqcp the editor of the News , W. E. Irons , and , the editor ot the Herald , W. O. Ashwcll , The News con tained an article regarding Ashwoll in its last Issue , and when tut two editors mot to day a oorsonal cncoilnttWollowoa A Saloonkenper Sued KcAiixr.v , Neb , Dojj 7. [ Special Tolo- grom to The Bee ] Mrs Orpha Allen , wife of Fred Alien , brought action today against J. E. Pulvor and bis bondsmen for tbo sum of $3,000 , claiming that Pulvor sold her hus band liquor and damaged his buslnoss ca pacity to tlio above amount Dcmncratio Sorelientls PnsnisB , Neb , Dec 7. [ Special to The Bee ] Some of the douiocrats who are sere over their defeat at the late county election nro trying to work up n schema to make trouble for Robert Asnloy , prcsont agent of tbo Omaha and Winnebago Indiansclaiming thnt Mr Ashley used his lnfluenco with tbo Indian voters for the republicans , Dentil of a iNorl'olkKx-l'oatmn'jter. Noiifoi.i : , Neb.j Dee 7. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] D. T ; Graham , an ox- countj judge and ex-postmaster at Madison , died hero last night Ho was taken with [ typhoid fever In Ootoher and did not rally Ho came from Orange county , Now York , five years ago A Failure nt Ainswortli AiNswonTH , Neb , Doc 7. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tub BEE.--GoodwIn & Hart , general oral commission merchants , failed tsday The liabilities are not known , but are quito i heavy ItETUUNKI ) TO THE OLD LOVI'7. ' A. Well Known Opera Singers ClinrcoD Airnlnst Ills Wlfi Cuictao , Dee 7. jSpocial Telegram to , TiieBee.1 It was quito an Italian story that [ Opera Slngor George Sweet told in Judge ) Horton's court this mornlag , a story pos sessing all the usual southern elements of > love end perfidy and revenge , but without the usual climax of bloodshed Mr Svvoot Is | the well known barliouo singer While , studying at Milan for the stage ho mot tbo beautiful , tropical comploxlonod Eltvla HcrJatta Besides possessing a thrilling volco Mr- Sweat has a mustache like a toner ! mid-tho facial liulmonts of a vocal Maestro Ellvla's youthful but warm heart capitu- luted ut his first assault , The couple lived , in Milan several years after tholr marriage , In July ISM ) . Then ho brought bis brldo to Chicago , arriving tiarn in 1881. April IB , 1887 , the singer returned to bis house at No | 45 Cass street to find , his wlto gene She lett word that she had $ > no bomo to Italy to her mother Sweet Insists that she has ro- turned to a former loWK UQd presented lot tors to sustain bis charges Ho said ho had j two boys , George and jsjfrcd , aged olght and niuo years , and they ) ' wpro now at college in Milan Ho did not ! want tholr custody Just vet J. Harry , BaUa d aud Thomns W. Prior , the latter tlio treasurer of tbo Chicago i cage opera house , wprof Witnesses tor him I and bo will get a decroq , " - r-ms Assistingtlio ; lnndren.il Indians Sioux Falls , S. 'J ? „ Dee 7 , [ Sneclal Telegram to The Beb , | The government will soon commence ssulng boot and flour to thoFlandreuu Indians on the rosorvutlont north of here about twenty milo , nnd will continuo to do so for six mouths The con tract calls for fifteen tons of Hour and 30,000 pounds of beef This Is done on account ot the shortness of the crop for the past two years and Is the Ural time that tbo Flan drouu Indians have oyer received rations for the reason that they were the llrst to accept the sovcralty plan offered by the govcrn- ment • + A Lon C'ruisp , San Fhancisco , Dee 7. Tbo United States steamer Thetis arrived hero today from the Arctio ocean , having completed on olght 3mouths' crulsa Tbo Thotls was caught In ' on Ice-pack near Point Barrow , August 18 , and narrowly escajwd destruction Captain Stockton also report ! that the Thotls has traveled along the entire coast line of Alusko and made a longer orulso thun over attempted Iby any ouu vessel iu ono seasou DOM I I PEDRO IN PORTUGAL The Ex-Emporor of Brazil Arrivoa Safely at Lisbon WILL , ISSUE NO MANIFESTO , Ho Hns No Doilro to Stir Up Trouble A Carrier PIrooh IJonri ltnok the Exiled Monnrnh's Fnrowoll Hough Kciubllciiii9 | , Welcomed bv liinir Cnrloi Ltsnov , Doc 7.-Tbo stenmor Alnjon9 , with ox-Emporor Dom Pedro of Brazil nnd party on board and flying the old Brazilian flag , arrived in the Taeus this morning She anchored oft Bclom , n suburb of Lisbon , but was not compelled to undergo quarantine , Dom Pedro , the ov-omporor ; Count nud Countess d'Axcu , son-in-law nnd daughter respectively of the ox-emooror ; three sons of the count and countess , and Prlnco August - gust of Saxo-Coburtr , another son-in-law of Dom Pedro , came nshoro Immediately Hoforo the party loft the steamer she was boarded by King Carlos , who cxtondod a warm welcome to the ox-emperor. Dom Pedro is in excellent health and spirits , and appears not to have suffered by the roccnt events In Brazil Baron do Loreto , who wns the last minister of Interior under Dom Pedro , was also with the partv It Is loarncd from Intcrvlows with the members of Dom Pedro's party that ho nnd his family was nt his summer resldouco nt Potropolls , near Itlo Janeiro , when the revolution elution occurred Upon learning ot what had happened ha nt once returned to Rio Ja neiro and hold a meeting of his ministers and councillors of state Ho tried to form anew now ministry with Senor Sarawa at Its bead , but to tills Gonujal Da Fousecn ob jected , saying a republic had been declared and was supported by the military ; that the presence ot the Imperial family in Brazil wns incompatible with the existing state of affairs , and that they must soon leave the country The emperor , after consulting with his friends , decided to agrco to the do- niauds of the republicans No communica- ions were allowed to pass between Do m Pedro and forolgu representatives At2 o'clock the following morning Manner Tompoeslci , with a detachment of soldiers , went to the palace end placed the members of the imperial family under arrest while still in bed Ho bore written orders from Da Fonscca that the emperor and his family should embark forthwith The government would not allow them to wait until daylight , as it was foarcd that any demonstration In the strcots in favor of Dom Pedro might ro- Rult in bloodshed This moaturo was con sidered doubly necessary by the republican leaders , as the students In the city were welt supplied with arms and were greatly oxcltod Count d'Axou and his wife , Princess Isabel , the emperors daughter , nnd tholr children were compelled to leave the palace at 3 o'clock Sunday morn ing nnd walkodM to the quay Dom Pedro and the empress followed ina cart riage under the escort of a body f > t troops The imporinl party omlmrkcd on b steam launch and were taken to a man-of-war wnlckCTOcocdcdlmmcdlatelyto IlhaGrando , almost sixty-eight miles from Rio Janeiro , where the party were kept as prisoners until afternoon , when they were transferred to the Alngoas The latter vessel at once sailed for Lisbon , An ironclad accompanied the Alugoas to prevent the landing of the royal prisoner at Bahia or other Brazilian ports Hlo J.inMro tlio Provisional Capital Lisbon , Dec 7. The ropuDllcan government - mont of Brazil Issued a decree November 15. It proclaimed a provisional federal ropubbo The united provinces of Brazil will form a confederation and will elect Its delibernto bodies and governments Until the election of the now leglslatura the provisional govern ment will govern the country The federal government has been proclaimed and no otbnr form ot government will bo recognized until the nation expresses Itself oy the pop ular suffrage in this respect The army and navy will bo subject exclusively to the order of the provisional government The civil and military officials will bo subordinate to tbo central government Rio Janeiro is con stituted tbo provisional capital of the ' con federation The decree is signed by General Da Fonsoca , president , and his miuisten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dom I'odru Interviewed Lojjdon , Dee , 7. A special dispatch from Lisbon says that in an interview on board the Alugoas the cx-omporor stated that ho did not intend to issue a manifesto Ho saldi "I hnvo no desire to busy myself longer with Brazilian affairs I had no Intercourse with the republican government I received a telegram nt my summer palace at Petropo- lis , announcing that the revolution had trl- umphed Upon its receipt I wont to Rio i Janeiro and placed myself at the disposal of the revolutionary government The palace i nt Rio Janeiro was Instantly encircled by troops aud Ingress and ogress was stopped The siege lasted thirty-two hours , during wlilcti time iny family suffered much from > want of food Wo were then taken secretly , i ufter midnight , between a double fllo of sol ' diers , from the palace to tbo arsenal und ' placed on board a war ship As soon as wo were on board she took her departure - parturo for Una Grande Upon our arrival I there , though the sea was rough , wo were 1 transferred in small boats to the Alagoas The omprens was agitated and wept cbntlnu- ally Her bands and wrists were hurt as she was being hauled on board the Alagoas I i myself , was docply affeotod , and spent the time watching the coast as it gradually dls- appeared from vlow When the shora line i dropped below the horizon I let fly a carrlor pliteon bearing my farewell message to i Brazil " Tbo ox-emperor eagerly questioned his i interviewer about the news from Brazil 1 which had been published in Europe Dom Pedro scorned to bo enjoying splendid hoaltb The empress appeared frightened aud dazed When King Carlos boarded tbo Alagoas he mot Dour Pedro at the ton of the stairs , The dethroned emperor and tbo king kissed ] heartily , A few words passed between thou and Brazil was not alluded to The ex-empress said : "I never will for glvo these republicans tor tholr rough trcat- ment of inp " ' The ex-omperor and his party embarked 1 on the royal yacht and wore landed at the naval arsenal Upon disembarking they were approached by a number of old servants who were weeping , The family thou drove to the he el Hrugauza All along tbo route they received respectful greotiugs from the people It is stated that Dom Pedro will ro- luulu at Lisbon for a month and will tbeu go to Cannes x A Later and Different Story , Lisuon , Dec 7. Many inquiries have been made ot Dom Pedro touchlug Ills future und lilt attitude toward the gorommcut of Brazil J In answer to all these ho confines I hlmsolf , to tbo declaration that it summoned to 1 Brazil , ho will go Ho alludes to some of the 1 prlmo movers In } ho revo lution 1 with respect , to others with disdnlu ! None of thcso men were In direct communication with him , but nil thnt 1 pnssed between them wns through Inter ii mediums i The conspiracy was n complcto surprlso iI i to ovcryono It was after embark lug I Hint the emperor hoard of the decree con tinuing I his civil list Ho declares Hint ho will not nccept either the list or the donation of ' money offered him by tbo provisional gov ernment , Thu Journal of the Brazilian Republic - I public of Novoinber 10 , publishes n letter I from Count il'Eu , the emperors son-in-law i , to the minister ot war , reslgnlug the I command of the nrtlllory and loqnestlng leave ! to go abroad The count xvrttcs that ho ! had loyally served Brazil and uut for the circumstances i which obliged htm to quit the country i ho would bo ready to serve It under nny i form of government In the evening , before going to the Hotel Braganz.i , where the Imperial family Is quartered i , Dom Pedro drove to the burial place of the house of Brugnr.zu and kneeling on i the tomb of his father remained some time in prayer Dom Pedro lias already received numerous tolegrnms from European sovereigns eigns and notables Till late hi the ovenlng the halls ot the Bragntira hotel were crowded with ministers and deputies wailing to bo received by Dom Pedro Dom Pedro and wife were uttlrcd in the simplest manner AMI31UOANS IIOMUWAItl ) IIOUNI ) . aiuny Prominent People Take Steam ers Ko > * This Country ICflpl/rfuhl Wt > V Jamts Oonloil JJcniistM Pahis , Dee 7. [ Now Votk Herald Cable Spcciul to Tun Biic : | People con tinuo to tnko flight to the sunny south or nro homeward bound Among these who hnvo loft for the Rtvicru nro Mr nud Mrs White law Koid , who expect to return for u Now Years dny reception at tbo legation Amelia Hives-Chandler , Mr Chandler and Alexander Harrison uro in Algorics Mrs James Brown-Potter has returned from the Pyrcnncs much Improved in health and is staying at the Hotel Vote ] , In Versailles Minister Robert Lincoln returned to Lon don yestordny His sob Abraham Is convalescent Among others who have bcon doing the gay rounds of Paris nnd who departed on tbo steamer Umbrla today were a party of Hostomnns , including Francis Pcabody , Jr , Montgomery Soars , Gordon Prince , J. S. Dudley Ryder , Mr Chicker- Ing , Mr and Mis Walter Potter nnd Hester Potter The now Red Star liner , Friesland starts on her first voyage today across the Atlantic , having among her passengers George P. Niplss and family , D. II Hunter of the Paris McUaull mission , Miss IdaClark , the artist , Miss Whitman and Miss Palmer of Cincinnati The Bourgogno sailed with Mr Knoedlcr Mr end Mrs Fritz Hofinglinus , Mr and Mrs lv M. Colgate , Miss Nellie Everest of ' Phlladolp hla and Mrs John W. Oakley of Chicago a yjiP blot tonio in French society is tbo mnrriogo oVthenStu of The "DTne ? "lfonoro Doluyncsg to Mme Slinone do Crussal Dues , daughter of Duchess Duzcs The bride-elect is extremely pretty , with blonde hair , brown eyes und spiriluello features Slio was brought up by her mother , who is the first huntress In Franco The American I-cllpsu Expedition ICnwrlilht lSb'J bi ] James am dnnJemieU.1 Lon'Dov , Dee 7. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to The Dee ] The United States corvette PoiiBacoln , Captain Arthur Rjals , with the solar ccllpso expedition ou board , orrlvod at St Paul do Lauda toduy Tbo voyage down was very smooth , The astronomers were at work on the In struments all the way down nnd are all ready for the eclipse It is now thought advisable to attempt to take the party and all their instruments inland , but they will locate nt Capo Lode immedi ately and send ono or two branch parties in land with such instruments as are not bulky or heavy and can bo set up end adjusted European ecliuso ob servers are beginning to arrive here The college of the royal astronomical society of London has already arrived with a small outfit of apparatus None of tbo Frouch or German astronomers are yet here Capo Lode turned out to bo in every way the most favorable point for locating the American expedition Not only are the moteorologiral conditions likely to bo better , but tbo party can llvo for the most part on tbo Pcnsacola , as she will bo at u safe anchorage near the shore The health of the party is thus insured The eclipse is several seconds lor.ccr there than ut Muxima and the chances for clear after noon skies appear to bo rather better V1SGHACE AND HEATH Tlio Dishonest Secretary of Mllwiiu- kce's ' School Hoard Kiiicldns Milwaukee , Wis , Dec 7. Augutt Schnt- tcrbcrg , secretary of tbo school board , shot and Instantly killed himself nt his residence ' this morning because of the dlscoverv of crookedness in his accounts , tacliat- tcrborg raised a bill of a Boston - ton publishing house from fS.IU to $ S0S.34 , nnd drew thn money When the discovery was made last evening ho ro- funded tbo money , hut an investigation of his books wns ordered and ho lulled hlmsolf rather than face the other crooked develop monts Schnttcrbcrg was a reckless poker player , nnd It Is believed ho has lost thous- ands of dollars of the school money in that way Ho leaves a wife and several children , Wlllielin'g Itoipnusa to n Toast DAUMbTAUT , Dee 7. [ Special Cablegram ' to The li-i : . ] Iu the banquet given In thq ducal palace tonnrhtthoempororof Germany ; responded to a toast in his honor given by the grand duke Ho thanked the grand i duke for his very gratifying reception aud I referred In very complimentary terms to the cooperation of the Ilcssmne in the great Btrugglo for German unity Ho hoped if It should bo necessary to fight aguln in tbo na- tlonal cause that the Hessian steel would [ prove as hard as it showed Itself in the war of 1850. Ho concluded by calling for cheers l for tbo Hessian people und ruler and for the house ot llesso Tito Presidential Party Indianapolis , Ind , Dee 7. The prosiden- tlul visitors to tbo opening of tbo Chicago auditorium arrived hero at noon today , Tlio i trip was uneventful The president spoke briefly to a crowd at Richmond Tomorrow the president and his party will attend , church In the morning aud will leave at mid night for Chicago , Nebraska and Ifuiiinn Jlntes , Chicago , Dec 7. The vexed Question ot . Nebraska aud Kansas froigbt rates is still unsettled and a committco considering it to- duy laid the matter over to next Wodnoe- ROYAL REGARD FOR STANLEY Ho IIccoIvob a Coitfrrntulatory Mca * < Bttgo From Wilholm REPLY OF THE GREAT EXPLORER , ; Tlio ' German Captivated liy the Stjlo ot the Travelers Answer Umlu ' Pashn Also Hciiicinhcrcd by tlm Emperor German Ne\v . „ lC i < pi/iliinM8U / btf A'eio Votk Amehtt IVs I .1 ' ; Beiilik , Dec " . Tlio latest news from t Etnln Pasha Is that there nro strong hopes . for his recovery His brain Is now known 'I io bo uninjured nnd the fever Is reduced * In response to an inquiry from the emperor Mnjor Ullssmanii jeslerdny cabled : * "Emln Pasha is much hotter , but ho must for the present remain ut Bngamoyo Ho chnrgos mo to tell your majesty that < the eniporor's congratulations are the best reward for all his work , unit he bogs leave to express his liumblo thanks " The empcior cabled to Emln : Now that you have nt lust loturncd fiom your post where you hnvo rcinninod over cloven yenrs < with true German loyalty nnd devotion to duty , , 1 nmliul ( to greet you I hnvo felt especial satisfaction from the fact that it was through territory uiulor our protection that the German forces were uble to smooth tbo wny to the coast for your totuin " At the sumo tlmo the emperor cabled to ' Stanley ns follows : "By your perseverance nnd tnllexlblo courngo you have now , nftor repeatedly dossing the dm k continent , over come a now ulid long suecossion of exceeding perils nnd utmost unendliinblo hnidshlpn That nftor surmounting these your return Journey should load you through lauds covered ored by my flag affords mo great satisfaction , and I wclcomo you heartily to civilization nud security " Stnnloy wlrod the following answer : Imperator - porator et rex My expedition has now reached its end I have hnd the honor to bo hospltnbly onturtnincd by Major Wissman and others ot your innjcstj's ' officers under him Since arriving from Mpwupwa our travels have como to a successful conclu sion Wo hnvo been token ucross from Bngamoyo to Zanzibar by your mnjosty's ships Spciber and Schwnlbo , and all honors coupled with great uffublllly have been accorded us I gratefully remem ber the liosnitulity nnd urlncclv affability extended Io mo ut Potsdam nnd am pro foundly Impressed with vour mujosty's con descension , kindness nnd gracious welcome With a full and slncero heart , I cxcliiimi 'Lonir llvo the noble Empcior William 1' " The emperor is immcusely pleased with Stanley's reply , which shows tbo explorer has caught the tinging style ngrccalilo to the imperial cars The minors Btrliio , involving ns it docs now the whole fieJl of mining operations In Wcstpbalcn , coupled with the attitude of the reichstag toward the socialist bill , tin catena to embarrass the government very serlfausly t ft . A * motion * to repeal the law exacting " isy from workingmen , certificates from t tholr last cmplo\cs piovoltcd in the house a signlllcjiit defeat Dr Wlndlhqrst . , . warned the ministers that the feeling of tbo country was with the miners , end if lie law did not interfere to protect them from tbo tyrauny ot the coinpuuics the mm would to certainly driven to the last extremity of starvation ' vation nnd despair Deputy Hummacher a national liberal , defended the employers The employers now refuse to even negotiate with tbo dulogatcs sent to them on behalf of the men Her Houttichcr , the minister , tent dispatches to the emperor nnd to Bisinmclc recommending that an imperial commission c to nrbitrnto the diffoiences bo immediately V created Troops are held in readiness to - guard against and suppress any resort to vie lence The men In the treasury coal mines hi tbo Saar district , have forwarded a potltlon to the empcior appealing for help They say ' even the unmarried mon cannot llvo on the present wages * Twelve Belgian officers nttachod to tbo war dopurtmont recently arrived iu Viounn Their visit was kept a secret and the manu facturers of the Wann Lienor repeaters were allowed to make a contract with | thcm to supply 100,000 , smojl bore guns , the arms to bo deiivored in installments and the whole contract to bo finished In March , 1691 , which ' is a good step into the future when wo remember - * member the energy which Russia Is now showing in providing her army with a now end improved gun Herr Boottichcr hns been in consultation | with Priuco Bismntck in regard to the | { _ roichstag's opposition to the expulsion , ' _ H clause of tbo socialist bill The chancellor | insisted In his usual vehement way upon the > - | nccossity of the cluuso ns nn integral part M of the bill , Thu rumor that tno oil ) ' M will bo dropped Is without foundation B Ou the contrary the governor is bringing nil ' M possible influouco to bear In order to force M the reluctant national liberals into line Id | support of the objoctlonnblo expulsion clouso . J on the second reading As the national r M liberals have renewed their understanding M with the ether groups that support the bill ; | they uro regarded as pledged to act with * _ l them on the ilnuldecision of this point , l bj From Hamourg wo loam that all udvluos ' H from Rio Janeiro concur iu the report that fl perfect ( juiot reigns aud that thcro is a full ' < M resumption of trudo and all industrial coin M mercial activity M Premier Preto , now at sea , is expected to M land at Humburg , whence ho will go iu- „ M mediatoly to Cannes for a conference with M Dom Pedro The meeting of the ndhercuts - J of the monarchy to dccido tbo line of action * H to bo followed will not bo hold ' M until Dom Pedro reaches Cannes In M the meunttmo Dom Pedro is advised ' M to mulntain absolute sileuco In order M thnt no utterance of his may prejudice the t M monarchist cause M Consul Yoliscn Balls for Zanzibar on MonJH day to make some peaceful arrangement ot * | the dlsputo between the sultan mid the Ucr- r M man East Africa company Ho Is ucuompon * M iod by Ruuinraan , the explorer Herrfc'cLultH ot Hamburg goes out ut the same tlmo to , M conduct the trading operations of the ' , M country , M It is stated that in a recent fumlllar con " * | vuisution with Deputy Mltiuol Emperor | William said : Political pantos uro shcoc ' : | frippery I know only two the ono that is - , M for mo und the ono that is against mo " B Tbo relations between thu foreign office fl here und in Vicuna move in the direction ot 1 the uggruvation of all the bad features | Count Kalnoky , according to official advices , , | finds his colleagues reluotuut to follow Bis- * " " M marck's line of conciliation with Russia , and i H therefore desires to resign , loavlug ilaron H Kullay iu oillco us ills successor Couut _ | Kalnoky is reported to huvo said that Aus- - • M tria has postponed the recognition of I'rlnue M Fordlnund out of respect for tbo wishes of M Hlsmari-k , but tbo ultimate rucogultlan of ' H Ferdinand was a well settled point Iu her M policy , it is plain that Bismarck's function . M us a pcacemubor is becoming a polutof Krcat ' / _ | friction between the ffiluUtors < M (