I The Omaha ! Daily ' Bee H NESTJDTEENTn YEAH OMAHA , FiWaY MOKNING , DEOEMBEKliTsS0 NUMBER 100. IN A FLOOD OF CHAMPAGNE m j j B The Mooting of Stanley , Emln Pasha , j j B Casata , and Wlssnian j j H j H A PROFUSION OF TOASTS DRUNK , j j B Emln Pnnha'a Hnrtl Imok Ho \ \ nlks H Out or a Window mid H rrnctiir- Ilia Skull H No Ivory HH H r rryone Ton tPil H ICoi i/nW WW I'U Jnmen (1 jnfou fl'iui't * 1 j j fl.as.iiiau , Dee Now [ Votk Herald j j B Cnblo Special to lilt ; Hi jThe | meeting f between Stanluj , Lmlii Pnshi , Ouptulti Ca B sntn nnd Major Uissmnn took plnco nt Atom K ycstcnlny morning on the opposlto bank of B the Klnghan river The healths of nit the B explorers nod the tsuul Unul tonstscro Bf drunk in champ igno All the p irty arrived HHt at Uagamoljo ut 11 this morning W Issman HH # had piovldcd horses for btanloy nnd Lmln , • mill upon them they in ido a triumphal crtrj HBV into Bngnmoljo The town was profusely HHV decorated Vcrdant nr lies were built ncro s HBb all nvenuos nnd pultn brunches \va\cd from H every window A siluto of nlno guns wis H fired by Wlssuinn's foico and the same nura S bar by tlio German in m of-wnr All the obi B ccrs of the cxpoilition wcro sumptuously cn- B Bft tortnlncd nt luncheon ut Wissmin's hcad- B H qunilcrs Thocaptiln of the bporber on bo B BJ half of the omparor of Gcrmunj B BJ formally welcomed lit at Stnnloy then BBVk Emln and congratulated tlieni on their re B Bft turn to civilization All the \cssols in the BBBj roadslrcd wcro dressed In bunting BBS Many persons arrived hero todav from B Bt /unzlbur Atnoug them was Nlehol , who B H camn on bLhnlf or Sir William Mnckmson BBV president of the Emln Pasha relief com B K mlttco , the English . .oii-ml Mr Chun hill , B H Judge Crackncll of the Lngllsb court , the BBS German and Italian consuls BBS In the ovenlncn bin mot wns hold ind BBS nmid a flood of chanipngno the German BBS consul general , Stclfansand toastc 1 the BBS ) que a of Encland nnd Wissmin toist < nl BBS ! Stnnlcy , calling him Ins mister in AiriPin BBSJ oxplontlon btmloy in reply said ho BBSS thanked God ho had pcrfowiicd Ills duty Ho BBSJ bpoko with oniolion of his soldiers , whoso BBSJ bones wnra bleaching In the forest and re BBSJ tnnnicd that with him and those of his party BBSJ the work was ulii lysonwud Ho Uoro tcs BBSJ tlmotii totho'diiinoinlluoncothut hnlguhled BBSJ him In his woik J lien ho and BBSJ "J min Is here , Ci sjt i is hei c , I nm Inn , nnd BBSJ nil thoyoung Mintloiiicn who \ ent witU mo BBSJ nro litre " and l include 1 by thinking Wiss BBSJ nnu and the Wcr dd for thair kindness iu BBSJ lending him stores BBSJ Einin Pasha toastcu the cmpeior of Gcr BBSJ many and Mijor btairB returned thanks for BBSJ Stanley's offlcers Captain Hrachonuury BBSJ the senior imvil ofUcer to istod Major BBSJ Wissman 'Jhis toast wis drunk with en BBS ) thuslnsm the whole company joining in BBS ) singing 'Tor lies a Tolly Good Follow " BBSJ Stanley and his men will atrivo hero to- BBSJ morrow by the Sporbor , whleli tins been BBSJ spec mil ) plated it his disnosal by the em BBS ) peroi of Gorman } Emln s pcoplo will como BBSJ over in n British m in of wir BBSJ iinsiPil Ily Iuiiith BBS [ ennuip'SS9ij / ! ; Jim rVoi ( in llem-f\ \ BBS London , Do S [ Now York Hoi aid BBS Cable Spec ! il to Tun Dec 1 Throughout BBS the length ntid-broidth of the United King BBS dom , nnd the Bimo in iy bo s ild of Europe BBS nnd the rest of the clvill/ol world the nnmo BBS of Stauloy is on every tongue On the BBS streets in the elubs , wherever men congrc BBS gate the tbonio of conversation U Stanley , BBSJ his wonderful notilovemouts and his mod BBSJ est ) , ns lllustrttod in the lottei to the Hcr- BBSJ aid which Is on nil sides hold to boamastor BBSJ picco nnd to stamp its author as a truly IBBS great man Stanley is it member of the 1 BBSJ Turners company of London 'iho com BBSJ pany attended a banrjuct at tlio Ilolbrono BBSJ restaurant tonight Uurdetto-Coutts pro BBS ) aided IIii read the following telegram from 1 BBS the king of Uelglum BBS "I understand you will , as master for the i BBS second year of the Woisblpful Company of BBS Turuois , propose at the nnnual din BBB tier tlio health of lorn Illustrious hon BBS oraty member Mi Iltnry M Stanloj Lot BBB mo ns nn honorary moiiibor of the worship BBV fill company , n title-1 am proud to possess , BBV assuroyou before hand how cordially and ' BBV gladly I Join the I urnor in all tboir exprcs BBm sions of admiration of the unparalleled and BBT heroic services rondcrcd by mv friend Stan BBb loy to Btiento and chlllzitlon in that vas * . BBb conttnont In the discocry of which ho has BBV taken so great n share BBB King of tlio LIclglaus , sovereign of the BBB Congo stntcs " B BJ HurdctUCoutts In proposing tlio toast to BBS Stnnloy referred to Stanley's mission as nn i BBS English cntorprUo The American ling had j BBS boon handed to travelers by the corrcs BBS pendent ol the is'ew York Herald nnd com BBB placontly placed ever his tent as a testimony BBS to thut onergotlo organ They were onlj too BBS dollehted that the weary traveler would be BBS able to enjoy the refreshments provided and BBS grntoful to those who sent him , but they BBS woul 1 not have iheso things obscure the fact BBB that this would be n purely Lngllsh enter BBS priso , toncettod , orgamzod and subscribed BBS for by the Kugllshmon and cnirlcd out by BBV ono who was nouo the 'v nn hiicllshman M because ho lidded to the . i of the Anglo BBM Saxon race something of the quick resources BBJ nud electric ouorg ) of their dear trans at- BBV lantlo cousins BBJ iho messugo dispatebod by Ilurdett-Coutts BBT to Zanzibar was as follows 'Iho Turners BBJ company ut their nnnual d'nner ' with the BBJ lord major and other old frknds of yours BBJ , after listening to a full aud gracious telo- BBJ > grain with respect to yourself from the king BBJ of the llolfeiuns lmvo Just drank jour BBJ health with stirring enthusiasm I congratu- BBJ Into jou ou your splendid athknonicnt and BBJ send jou a heurtv welcome home BBJ Uciidi tt Coutts , Master , " BBM I'nilii In II ml I lick , BS ICnpj/rio ) t mibti Junta G tnUti Iknmlt " \ BBJI Awtmui , Oca B [ Now York Horrid BBV Cable Special to Tun Ilui' | Emln l'asha BBJI oppous lobe utterlj Incapable of shaking BBJ off the ill luck which has pursued him for BBV years , Hois ncaislghtcd uud walked out of BBT u window last night uud fractured his ukull , BBJ At this iiiomont ho Is lvlug in n most critical BBJ statu nt Dugnuioijo All the doctois tnno BBJ gUeuhlmuii oxtcpt Stanleys physician , BJ Doctor Parke who rem this with him Under BBJ tlio most favorable circumstances ho cannot BBJ bo movt d for ten days Uo Is receiving BBJ o\oryturo and attention from Wlssmau BBJ nnd his oillcors ilor majesty's ship Somali , BBJ Captain Prazer , has been placed ut in ) dls BBJ posal toeon\e > my men to Zanzibar Allot BBJ thorn who liu\o stuck to mo will arnvo hero BBJ tomorrow News of Wlssmau'a promotion BBJI to the rank of major has just been retched BBf ! \ Ivory , BBJ ICofiVi toht t8S3 buaiiit ( ] > r h i I1'mii'.i ( BBJ ICiaiuo , Doe U | Now York Herald BBJ CaMe Special to Tub Use J Wo tiara o march of two hours tomorrow to tlm King ham river , whera wo will stop As there Is only ono boat , wo shall bo all dnj crossing the stn am Wo should reach Hngnmollo Uccoinbor 1 5 J hero nn English man of war nnilnnoof Wissmin's ' \csscls will meet us and ; convoy us to Zanzibar The Egyptian govcrntrenthns eharterca n Urltlsh-Indla steamer to carry En In and his people to j I'KJI't ' Emln brings with him isj ofllccrs , soldiers , civil servants women nnd children , but j not a single tick of Ivory II was all burnt or dcpoilto I w ith nitlvo chiefs btanlev saj s ho llnds his rcw ard In the ac complishment of his deeds lie his i cccived the llorild s caravan of provisions for his people Blr Mnelcny'n lilluJti [ Ciipi/rfoM ISM by Jim ( lntn ) mm " 1 Lrtsnov , Dei ; 3 i oiv York Horild Cable Sneclal to Tnr llrp I Mrs John W Mack i ) won her libel suit ted iy before Hnroii Hud llcston ngilnst the Manchester Lxnuiiuer nnd tlio limes Ou April 0 these pipers printed the following 'It is not gonorillv known that Mrs Mici ay , who entertilnod the Prlnco of Wales on Wcdnoidiy night md whoso pntlcsvvlll 10 conspicuous this soison wis ouco whut tnu Amerlc ins call a wishwoman , what wo call n washerwoman bho was n poor woman with two children to support nnd washed c'othns for some of Micltay's miners out In Novid l Ono of the mou said to Mncitay ono d ij knowing lint bo md a good hcirt , 'ivontou go in nnd boo n poor widow she is In great trouble and very poor ! ' Mnclciv wont to the ottngo saw tlu wi low , fell iu love with her mil inirriol her Chmgoof fortune hid not snoile 1 her good qual'ilcs for overv ono from the 1 idles who sit nt her table to her servants and tradespeople admire and like her " In thesostiitouionts reliting to her ante cedents Mrs Micknj held tint thuro wis not ono sj liable of truth , nd tint she felt compello I to bring an action of llbi ) , hut was content to stij pioc odlnjs upon the defend ants apologizing fullj , paving costs as be tween solicitoi nn l client , nnd p ij Ing also a liuitlsoiiiasutn to ichirity to be mined by Mrs Mickaj Hiron HuJdIc3ton thought tlio ilofuu hints stiodll thinu themselves ex ccfdinglj luckj In llnding n Inly like Mrs Mickaj , who w is willing to ba so lenient Judgment wns formilly ilven Iu accord uuoe with the terms of the settlement JHI r 1) Vla DEAD flio I'resiilciit nt I lie ConK ilci ncj l'i s < s Aiv ij it li ! .10 Nrw Oiiiivs Li , Dec B Jefferson Dav is died ut U JO this morning [ Jefferson Dwis LED was born tune ) 1 UIn Christian ciuntj Kj , grnduitodnl West Point in lbJS , served as licuicnintof mfiutry at western posts lb2S 1.1 of Pirst DiaLoons , , ns adjutant 1S33 J4 and on frontier service IS34 After resicn- inc TunodO lbij , ho became n cotton planter In Wirrcu countj , Mississippi lbl > Hi , pros klential elector from Mississippi 1M1 , mem bcr of tlio Ifnltcu States house of rcprescnti- tlves 1S44 ( > , colonel of I irst Mississippi rllle volunteers In the w ir with Mcx co ISllj- 4" eng ied ( at Monterey and Hueni Vista ( severely wounded ) , member ofthoUnitea Stales senate 1M7-B1 ind eh ilr- m in of the committee on military nffairs lSUol set rotary of vu in President 1'lerco s cabineut ls > ! i " , mom bcr of the United States senate and chair man of the committee on military affairs 1&37 01 , president of iho southern confed eracy 1 ehruiry 4 till ciptutcd Mij 10 , lbOl ntlrwiuvillo On , ind piisonor of war lbOo 07 nt Portress Monroe , Va J TilEY HAVE JOINED HANDS A 1 cclerntioii ol Iho K or Tj nnd the I arnieri St Louis Mo , Doc 5 The Farmers md Luborors' convention mot again this morning but ns no committees were ready to report no icgular business w is trmsic od llus has proved n busy day in the next revolution , ' ns begun by the Tirm eis' and Liborors' union of Amer ica resulting practicilly in the com bination of the middio classes with 400 000 voters In the ranks Iho scciet lonforenco uotweon Povvdeily of the Knights of Lihoi and President Jones of the Paim crs' and Liborers' union resulted In n thor ough understanding bolig re iched , nud ted iy President Jones said the tonfedera tion was now nn ostiblishcl fuet , whllo Powdcrly ndirntted tliero was much truth in what Jones Bai 1 During the dav Generil W oavcr of Io va the fntnous jreen backer , arrived and was with Puvvdorly the lion of the hour At the afternoon session the committees not being ready to report , Powderlv and General Weuvor addiessed the convention The PrcsldPiit Will Visit ClilcnKO Citiovco , Dee B [ Special Telegram to Tub Hi u | A special from Wushlngton savs Private Secretary Halford stated that notwithstanding rcpoits to the oontrarv , the jiresUlent and party will start for Chicago on the afternoon train tomorrow to attend the 1 opening of the Chicago nuditorlum , with i Pattl ns the nttrnctlon Tlio pat ty v 111 con fllst of the president Mrs Harrison Puvato , Secretary Hulfoid , Vice President nnd Mis Morton , Postmaster General Wanumaker nnd Gcnornl nnd Mrs CI irkson Mrs Hal ford will not to , but the othois named above vvill to unless something tinoxpeett d hap pens President and Mrs Harrison nnd Mr Hulfoid will spend Sunday in Indianapolis i and proceed to Chicago Monday morning 1 he romulndor of the purty will to direct to i Chicago from hero Vice President ana Mrs Morton w ill bo i accompanied by their niece , Mrs Sands , and 1 Mi Chilton the vlco presidents puvato , secretary Ilio party will leave Wushiug ton in President Ingalls' nr over the Chcsa jicako Ohio railroad and Chleio , Cinciu null , Cleveland A. bt Louis railioad 'Jhp Nntinunl Ijuo Stnclt Exclinime Cmoino Dee 5 [ Spoclal to TiibHee J At to lays meeting of the National Live Stock exchange resolutions asking there ponl of the oleomnigerliio bill bv congress and touching on tlio matter of tlio loxas fever wcro Introduced and rofeircdto the oxoeutivo oommlttoo for action , as was also the resolution introduced vosterday regird- Ing the leasing of cits to indlvlduils uv the railroads 'Xlioro was considcrablo of a squabble over the matter of divisions of com missions , iho south and west lighting Chicago cage on the question Nothing dcflnito was dccidod upon nnd the matter will ba tnKcu up by the exceutivo committee this uftor- noon bix members were added to the oxccutlvo committee , ono from each ex change 'Iho first uunual mooting of tlio national exchange will bo hold in Chicago the llrst ' 1 huisdav In October , lb'JO ' Otllcers were chosen us follows W. II Thompson Jr , Clitcaco , president , v Ice pres ldents , M 1) Scruggs , Kansas Citj , J A Hake , Omaha , E J bcusoneo , bt Louis , J V , vlnuont , Peoria , A J Parsons , Sioux City . C H 1 laker , Chicago , seciotuiv , Low V Doud , Chicuto , treasurer President Ihoinpsou appointed the follow ing exceutivo committee Charles P , Childs , Kansas CitJ P. lllancliard , Ouiuha , W. U CassIdj.St Louis , J. Koion- bauin , Cnkago , M V , White Peoria , lliomas Corohlnu , St Louis lliu cxciutivo committee tills afternoon decided that they coul I do nothing until the local exchange lutilkd the louiuiissioner's work Adjournment was then taken ] ) lbinls i il tlio Mot Inn , Torruv , Kan , Dec , 5 The supreme cojrt today dismissed the motion for the heating of the Wallace county scat election case It is bellov od tbo decision of the supreme coui t will have the elicit of quicllug the people ' J FROM j I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL _ _ A Bill to Trmisfor Uio Sltmnl Seri vlo3 to Rusk's Bureau CANDIDATES , FOR STATEHOOD Probability ; Thnt lilahti nnd Wyonriiig \ \ III Soon Enter tlio Sistri lioml More \liniit Si ccitl'a Dclnlevtlon Washisotov Uuitrtv The Omvuv Urn , i lt3 PoenTEKNtlUbTltEBT , V UASiusiirov IJ C Uoc r > J Sonntor Piddock Introduced n bill to lay provl ling for the trnnstor of the signal ser vieofrom the wnr department to the agtl- cultura' ' department The semtor says tint the aim and scopa of the work o ( the sicnal bnroiu tins no connection wiintovor with that of the war department , that the signal service is most valunblo to the farming and shipping interests especially the former nnd that it should bo within tin control of the secrotnrj of ngn-ulturc A good deal of sentiment lus been woikedupln fiver of this proposition und there is every reison to believe tint it will succeed The sonntoi also introduced n bill to pension Eliza U Dounnca and ot hei s of .Ncbi lsk i TWO MOID VMIUTIOLS TCltltlTOI IC9 llioro is vcrj little doubt iu the minds of the loiding lcpubllcms of tlio sonnto and the house th ltut leist one now state will bo mnilo ut the present session of congress Id the is to coinu into the union It Is also probable th it Wyoming will bo ndmlttoJ to statehood Chalruin PI lit of the senate committee on territories sivs ho is in fnor of it least udililttlug Idaho promptlj , and that ho is ready to make i nvoriblo report upon it bill to that end as soon as It reaches his committee Iho thrco or foui members of lbs house who nro in line for the ell lirmnnship of tlio house commlttco ou tcrrltoncs nro committed in favoi of statehood for Idaho Delegate I rel Dohois sccuicd favorable action during the last con tress to admit Id iho to statehood , nud ho lias been hard at workslncolus nruv il woilc ing up the necessary sentiment In favor of stntnhood foi Idaho , his territory Mr Du bols said todav that there appealed to bo nothint in the way of statehood foi Idaho , nnd that nrompt iction would bo taken on the bill as soon as it is introduced Mr Du bol who has m innt d statehood foi his tor ritorv so skilfully aud brought It already to the v ergo of success will intioduce id iho's statehood hill upon the llrst cill of the house for the introduction ot measures CONCritMSO SOUTH 1MICOTA Senator pettigrow ted iy intioducod n bill providing for the tin o an I place of lioldinc the terms of the United St ites district court In the state of bouth Dakota It mikes the state a district , divided Into tluco divisions , to ho know u as the eastern centr il md vest ein divisions , as follows Die counties of Chy , Union Yankton lurncr , Lincoln Honhomme Ch irlcs Mix , Douglass Hutch mson llrulc , Amora Davidson , Hanson , McCoolr , Mlnnohahi Moody , Lane Lyman , Miner Sanborn litudle Klntsburv Brook ings Hamlin , Deuel Grant , Roberts , Cod dlngton , Clink , Uii , Marshall Spinir , Urown , McGrcporj , lodd and the Yankton , alsseton Wnhpeton and Crow Creek In dlan reset v itions shall constitute the oust orn division o t the court tv hich shall ba held at the City of Sioux Fulls The counties of MePhorson , Edmunds , Qiimpbell , Walworth Potter Sully , Piulic , Hand , Hyde , Hughes , Buffalo , Jorauld , btanlcy , Know Hon and the portion of the counties of Pr itt , IncKson and btcrling not included in nny Indian reservation ind the Standing Koek , Chejonno and Lower Brula Indian reservation shall constitute the cen tral division , the court for which shall beheld hold at the city of Pierre All tnat portion of tlio st ito of South Da Lota lying west of the central division and In addition thereto the Rosebud nnd the lied Cloud Indlar reservation shall constitute the western division of the court whicn will beheld hold at the city of Dead wood Iho toims of couit shall ba hold nt Sioux I alls ou the Ilr3t Inesdny of October and April , ut Plcrro on the thiid Tuesday of November aud ut Dcadwood on the first Tuesday of January und July All civil suits not of a local nature must bo brought in the district where the defendant or defendants fondants reside , but if there nro two or mora defendants residing in different districts the action may bo brought in either of the dlvls Ions In which n defendadt resides When a defendant is i non resident of oitho- sub divisions of the distiiet action may bo brought in any disvlsion of the district wherein the defendant may bo found 'Iho circuit court of the United States for that district shall 6a held ut bioux Palls on the llrst lucsdiv of October nnd April in each Voar , and cases taken by appeal or will of error from any of the sessions of the district court in the district shall go to the circuit court hold at Sioux Pulls SHCOTTS III PAItHTIOV Cashier Silcott's defalcation will It is be- llovod , reach ? 12i,000 or SI W 0J0 It has been discovered that his speculations c\tend back ever u period of about one ycir and Include : transactions ou the turf , the operation of u pool room , sponulatlons in stock nud grain markets , wbnlcsalo endorsements ot mem bers of eongicss who speculated und lost mouoy and tlio keeping of a woman Ihoso who know much of the private transactions , of bilcottdurini : tbo past twciv o months were not surprised when it w is announced at the capital this morning thnt ho h id absconded i vvitli over 70,000 of the funds bolonglug to , the seigoant-it arms of the house , although the discnvuiy and its announcement created consider ihlo agitation among the members of congress nnd others About a year ago drafts began floating around through the country , endorsed bv ; Sllcott , and rilling for vniious largo and i small sums of inonov bearimr the names of members of congress who spcculnto Ser . geant at-Arms Lcedom s ivs th it be was not aware of anything of this kind and was , proally sururised when the discovery was f tnndo this mnriiiiig that Sllcott w is a hoivy defaulter Iho drafts endorsed by bileott bore the word 'rashlor , " which of course i hoids tbo ofllco of sergeant at arms rospou- slblo for tlio amount , as his endorsement was In an ofllcial cupuclty Undoubtedly a considcrablo portion of his short igo has gene to make teed these drafts , many of which weio protestad It will I ba discovered that tliero are soma public luon behind bileott uud that ho has , notalo.no been the benellciary of the money i which he has taken fioiu the onh a ho occu pied When the shoitago was llrst made known ut the house the inombors were in- elino I to enjoy the ngitation it creitcd , but they nro looking quite serious ihls evening lhoy lmvo come to the conclusion that they will probably sustain losses ItUcustoman foi the members at the close ot the session to siti receipts for their pay bj the month I ns fur In alv inco as they uxpect lo bo absent from tnu n itiounl capital , botno ot the members vvio havn b en hero siceo last Muuh signed receipts up to December nud very few of them drew their bulurics for last month although their receipts aiu in tlio hands of I ho sorgeint at ai ins Iho question arises , how inn thesu incinnors prove that thov have not received their pay for Nov em ( ber or hold Mr Iteedom responsible All of the members of the house except the following are said la have signed lho Novem , ber pay i oil Ad wis of Illinois Pelix Camp bell of Now York , Carhsloof Kentucky , Cos- > well of Wisconsin , Chotham of J orthCaro Una Cliinio of California , Cooper of Ohio } , Cuniniiiigsof I ow York , Foreman of Illinois : [ nois ( ttrfnrd of booth Dakota Hoiuplilll of ooutli Caioliua Honk of lonntssoi , Pi ice of Louisiana , bpluolaof Now \ork Many of the uiombers went to the capltol this morning without a dollar in their pockets and expected to diuw on their salaries for current expenses They were borrowing ! this ovonlng nnd limiting chocks I ni'alnst their prlv ate net ouuts General 11 row no of lndiuna wns the first | man i to run ngtlust n inng and discover thnt something w is wrong In , the ofllco of the serge i nit at arms When ho presented his check nt the counter sonictlmo before the ] defalcation wis tnndo public the o ork asked him to uleaso withhold his cheek till the house convened The gcncrnlsuspcctod that something was wrong but consoled lumsult w ith the thought that the susncnsloit of p tv- tnent was duo to a transfer of the ofllco to Major Holmes , the now sorgenut ut nrms When the sp nkcr laid before 1'ie house Mr Lccdom's Btntcmont of hU cashier a defalca tion n resolution vvus oftefed providing foi an Invostlgtt on Everything was luidoeleir I hero is vcrv little If anyj doubt that pending the Investigation money will bo approprlali d to pay th j members their1 salaries 1 here are these who coutpn 1 that the law contemplates the navmantot nnlatlcstb members tnonthls and that it thov rofuscto draw their salaries every inontb thev nssuino the rest on sibllitj The olllco of scrgcant-at inns ts prncticillv n prlvuto banking house for representatives J hero uro ictnlar hlottci and ledger accounts opened , the same as by private banks A number'of members have mule deposits there Heprescntiuivo Pick lor ot South Dikotn only the other dav de posited StlOOof his Individual funds nud ho ins an idea that ho will loosa It Many of the members permit their sal tries to accu mulate and thus use the ofllco of tlio ser geiitit-ul arms as a swings bank For in- nt an lci Mr Hermann of Ogilcn has not di iwn nny saliry or mllenga for moio than six months und it is said ha h is dua him up wards of $ .1000 Heprpsentntivt ) Connolt of Onlihn did not go to Now York tnls afternoon Ho in tended to co ihero to buy sonio suppllos for his now homo in this city The reason thnt thogontlctinn chungod his mind this morn ing Is thnt ns soon as he Ireiched the house hn inquired of lollrr Hnllcntinc , in the ofllco of the scrgi mt-it inns for a state nient of his account Mr Hallontltio told him tint ha had $2 1W1 to his credit Mr Conncll w rote out a check nnd bunded it to Mr IJilleutlno , who BUid ' Lxciiso mo sir , but this bink Ins stopnod paj ment " \uv losrvusTriu abraska Ear ldav , Ilieh irdson county , W A Smith , vicoJ H Morchead , remove 1 , Burton Ko\u PiihacoUnty , Murv M Hints ton , vice II II Humphrey , leslgned , Mllier- ton Butlot county A M Klllrc vlco J II Filr , resigned Unadllla , Otoo couutv , B Dormnnieo II Iiucktus resigned Iowu Nortlillold , Des Moines countv , E McCollin , vice D G ltilou , resisnod , Ur ban i , Uoiiton couuty , William C Cook , vlco E Goo lesigiicj South Dakota Wontvvorth , L iko countj E E btovctiBOii , viccC H Weiss , lomoved visibintiom Semtor Mandorsoi to lay seeurod tlio passage sago of his icsolution relating to the castci n bound trv line , which wis doscribel in these dl p itches list night On Monday ho will introduce n resolution directing the commit tco on agncultuio to enquire into the culli v ition and tno manufacture of beet sugni ard to appropriito mouoy for experiments In beet culture for sugar purposes to bo car ricd on at the i xtierimontat stations Assistant beeretnrj of the Interior Chahd lor todav aillrnicd the decision of the com mlssioncr of the general laud ofllco in hold ing for cancellation the homestead cntrv of John Parrel for the northwi st * 4 of the northeist' { and the north ) { of the north west of section 19 township 3J north rmgo - west , and the northwest ii of the northeist li of section 24 , township33 north , ringed west , Niobrara land district Representative and Mrs Couger nnd d lugbtcr of Des Moines huv a located nt 9JJ Thlitecnth street oppasltoPranklia square for the winter MissCoogor wis a great fivorito hero two soisonsyngo and will bo welcomed by n largo numooi of friends Miss Conger is an excoedinuly attractive girl and will bo n bright addition lo thu younger society circle , 1 ho president today sent to the senate scv enl hundred nominations of persons np pcintcd to ofllco during the recess of con giess Ihey were In the departments of state , justice thelntoilor war und navy ben Uor Halo today introduced a bill for the i eliof of sufferers by the wreck of the naval vessels in Simon last Much J C Boiton of Sioux Fills S U , isnttho St Jainos Pr.uui S IIlath > MILLEU'S III POUT Hostilities to the Poiloril Government In Certain Stales Washington Dee B In his nnnual report port Attorney General Miller says During the year 3 237 civil suits nnd 14 MS criminal prosecutions were terminated , and there were pending J/J50 of the former and 7,812 of the latter class Miller rpeommends that provision bo made for a United States peni tentiary nnd n United States reformatory , the lattoi being intended for the conllno ment of the milder class of criminals Ho also urges the establishment of n prison ureau m the dep irtment of justieo where could bo gathered , collected nnd rccoidod in permanent form the criminal statistics of tbo United btates In tbo chnptor on tbo law and business the attornov gononl sivs Very soon after March 4 last it was brought to my attention that nt the recent congressional elections tliero wcro numerous and far reaching violations of the fcderil laws relating to such elections It vvus charged thut by intimidation of rotors , by the seizing and destroy Ing of ballot hexes by the substitution of fulso ballots , by false returns , bv the briborv of voters and the election ollicers , and by various other means well known to tnoso ongagud in this no farlous business the popul ir will was stillud und fnlsihed and the returns obtained were wholly at variance with what would lmvo boon the result of a free and fair vote hon estly counted Iho district nttornoys have been instructed to investigate where the department has been informed of violations nnd to prosecjto every person implicated in such violations ot the federal laws , and lu a number ot states such piosecutlous liavo bocn uccossful A largo number of indictments have been returned Upon sonio of them trials have boon had In a uumbor of casts convictions i ave boon ob tallied It Is proper to shy that In some cases efforts have boon made , soma of thorn recently , to prevent ami erlppln these prose cutions by attempts to intimidate marshals from serving prccesacj * and witnesses from giving their testimony , such intimidation going to the extent of uctual assassination But it must not bo supposed tint hostility to the United Stutos courts and United btates oillcors is confined to eloetlon mntters On the contrary the rdcarjls of the depart > ment of Justita show In coma districts that the civil proceedings pf , these courts and criminal prosecutions wholly disconnected with the olcctlvu franchise cannot proceed i because the lives of peccssurv witness sura i In such danger that it would bo simply Inhuman - human to unfarco thqir Attendance , and ; tivlng of their testimony , ! whllo ovldouco Is 1 ubundant thut in certain localities no occu- p ition Is so dangerous as the faithful per foruianca of his dutv by a United btates marshal Of course , such lawlessness can not ho tolerated " I I ho uttornoy general spanks of the Import - port nice of sonio chances'iu ' the Judicial ays torn * which will onnblo tbocnuits , and cs- pecially the sunioma court , to dispose of ac- cumulated business , and in this connection 1 tails | articular attention to the Davis bill , " which was fully set forth m the repot tot his J predecessor for lbSS Iho uttornev general 1 c ills ntti ntion to the fact that In v lew of the establishment In tbo past year of now courts ii quiring u largo lncrca.su In the expenditure of money in payment of witnesses , the cstl- mates fni the next j oir have been in the buui of $1 0J0 010 instead of $ J03,000 , appro ' printed for tha current j eat Tlio Wmthei lonOiht Tor Omaha and vicinity , Fulr weather , Tor Ncbi iska nud Iowa Fair , variable winds , warmer , except Iu eastern Iowa , ati- tlouiry tcinperaturo For South Dakota : Tatr , noitwcstorly winds , warmer Ailnllnn I'uitl Arrives Nlw Yon * , Dec S Mme , Adellui Pattl- l , Mcollnl , M M. Collna aiid Mme Nordica ur- rlvod today on tbo Teutonic , A ADVENTURESS i ' FROM OMAHA , Badly Burned Whllo TJndor the Iu- fluenoo of Liquors LIVING UNDER A FALSE NAME - Kltllo I Owen Palms Herself Off ns Mrs Pprklns nml Ncnrl ) Meets Her Domli In n Clilcngo lloul " 3Ir Perkins ol Oninlin " Citteioo , Doc B [ Special lelcgrain to This Hi i | -A vvllu shrleK and the evur start ling ] cry of ' Flro" uwakoucd ucarly every person ' In the Palmer house late histavcning Iho sound nppenrcd to ovcij ono on the fifth floor ns though it emanated from the next room to him nud n score or raoro ot the guests rushed to the main hull iucronhor- rlblo sight was witnessed A hnndsotno joung vvouinn with her nightdress ablnzo wns almost llj Ing down the hall fnntlcilly sctoaiiilng , She exerted nvcry effort to os enpo the llamcs which well nigh surroui dod her So startling and horrible w is the scene thnt her long bl ttk hair wns In II lines before any ono could rctover self possession enough to render assistance 1 wo Jewelry druminois wcro the first to moot her 1 hi owing nblinkct nbouthoraml placing heron the floor , the flames were ex tluguished In her endenvors to cist off the night dress , shn w is frightfully burned Her nrm , b ick and should crs weia masses of burned ilesh bho was carried to her room , tlio resident phvsicliu wuse tiled und nil possible relief idmlnls terod bho asked the doctor pltoously If she was llkelc to die , und when he told lier slio was very dangerously burned , she said ' ilicu I w nit to make n confession I registered ns Mrs Porklns of Omiih t Hint is a ficticious name lam not legally mur- licd , but am morilly mat ricd to ono of tlio most c\tensivo speculators on the Chicago boirdoftrilo ISow If I die ho will bo the nnlv soul who will kno v who Mrs Per kins is < > Here her strength dep irtod and she said no moro Aftei n few hours slio wns removed moved to Mercy hospital At the ofllco no infuimatiou could bo gii led rcguiding bcr Manager lownsond sail bho arrived Tiles day night , registered as Mrs Perkins Omaha lint's all wo know about her , " sild Mr Towusend , ' except that she is not only hunt sonio but highly Intolltgont and refine ! ' An inspection of her room showed-that her clothing must hnvc caught liio wnllo she wns removing the blower fioni the crate iu which a bed of red hot coals was glowing ilr-r Idoiilitv 1 ttnhllflhcil Chicago Dec fi [ Spcclul lolcgrim to Tiif Ble J The mystorj suiioundlug the beautiful young woman who was bidly burned at the Pilmer house was cloaied up todaj Iho woman Is not a resident ot Chicago , but is from Omaha , Neb , und Is something ot an adventuress bho reached Chicago last Tuesday iiight drove up to the Palmer house in a cab and logistcrcd as Airs Perkins " It is presumed that she was under the in flucuco of liquor when she reached her room last night , as she caiclcssly allowed her night dress to catch iho from the hot cools in tlio grito The woman , when in Omiha was known as Kittio Owen , but on becoming icqu lintod with C L Perkins n dry goods merchant nt 211 Jackson street this city , sheehangedhur name and called herseit Mis Parkins * Mr Porklns was seen today und did not deny the relations w ith the woman Ho said he met in Omaha during ono of his business trips there llio woman was taken to Mercy hospital by some of tha Palmer house people as soon as she was able to bo rcmovoil bho wis badlv burned on the breast bands , arms and sides but she was resting cislly todiij , nnd the physicians at the hospital who mo nt tending her suy slio will recover Mr Pcrains eillcd ut the hospital today as soon as ho learned thnt the worn iu was there , and ha savs he will do ovcijthiug In his power to nssist her OLD HUIOII" MAD Tlio Eccentric Old Speculator Cte- iitcn n hconp on 'Clnnj/ / Cmcvao , Dee B ISpeoial lologratn to TiiEllrr-B ] T Hutchinson , Old Hutoh , " created a scene on the boird of trade this morning The old man was fooling Irritate 1 about something oi other and thought that Walter Chapman , who was standing near his chair , was looking over his business card Hutchinson thereupon ordered Chap man awnv , but ha responded that ho had no Idea of looking at his card and that ho had as good a right us Hutch to stand there ibis riled tha old man , who got ut ) and in an excited mnnnor paced the floor exclaiming that the crowd on 'ehaiigo were it lot of gamblers nnd no bettor tlim moro boys Ilia ' bo\s" formed a ring nnd applauded the hntirouiptu speech , which nettled him still moro Floor Manager Harris tiicd to restore order , but Old Hutch tumod on him In forming him in forclbloluuguogothat ho was n boy with the rest , th it nobody had uny respect foi him nnd that ha gnmblod with tha bovs Furthermore , " uddod the excited old man , ' there nro not moro than lltty traders ou tlio board iho rest oiu onlv gumblors , looking around to see how they can make $ > " Hutchinson then retired fiom the room nmid tremendous cheering During tha ti-oublo business on the floor was wholly Buspendod , every ' pit being dosertcd hymn : Aiiouus Hu Scouts the AUDI l > lloncc of tlio Dulonsp Chicago , Dee B When the court was called to order for a furtbor hcarlnir Jn the Cronln case toduj Ily lies of counsel for the prosecution took up the argument to tlio jury Ho began hisaigumont by arranging the facts to show that the lines of the defense - fenso had boon arranged before the murder was committed llien followed n review of tdio cxp-rt testimony ns to tha blood stains and the alibi evidence ot O'bulllvnu und Coughlln Ily ncs proceeded to show tlio ln- consistencies In the nllbi evidence , und after reviewing the matter ut length said , nil this aBidu , It made no difforenca whether ( ough- Hit or O bulliv in werooicr at tha Carlson cottage , whether either of them struck u blow at Cronln , the main tiling was u conspiracy to murder und that wns proved Regarding the testimony for Coughlln givun by his brother policomnn , Hv no siid It was strange they should have kept the knowledge to thorns Ives till tl oy came upon the witness stand Regarding the man Smith , who urovo the white homo , Coughlln not only allowed him to get nw iy , hut deilberatclv gave a fulso description of him to Captuln Schaack If Sml'li ' were in uoccnt ho would coma forward , toll the truth und v Indicate cotigtiliu In reviewing the clroumst intiil ovllonco > against Kutuo , Hynos outlined tha belief ot the prosecution regarding that prisoner Ha 1 Is tjiought to have guilty knowledge of the conspiiacj , but to have taucn no nctivo part 1 in the tragedy , llynoa discussed the quca tion of tbo association of Coughlln und Kunze , und Kunza und O bulliv an , uud Hoggs and Eurico as mittors lending proba blllty to their connection In the conspiracy Referring to tha lonely sltuntlon of the Carlson cottao ho said to connect an\ono with entering It w ithln n w celt of the tnuider , either before or utter , vvus to conucct him with the crime Concerning the knlyos fouud on Coughlln Hnyncs expressed the opinion that Coughllu did notsuppoio he would bo nrrosted , nnd that it i ho thought his pocket was n safe plnco it to t lildo thorn In There was , ha sail , onlv one chance in a million thnt nnv man would bo i found carving two knives llko these of Cionln'8 ' llnv ties then too * tip the nltbl of Hurko nnd nt length dissected the evidence of the nrny of saloonkeepers who tcHlllo.l iu that ii legnrd , drawing the conclusion that it vvus Inconsistent ] nud insufllclont , Referring to the row iu Camii2d Ihncs said "lliov were ready to neenpt the testi mony of an English spy ( I o Caron ) who hud boon 1 it spy for jcirs , rcadv to atccpt the statement J that tliero weio spies and thl'it Or Ciouln was ono ot them , nccoidlng to Dm Coughlln ( " llvnos Insisted thnt the evidence showed < the appointment ot n sccrot commit tee and thu surroundings ho said shows it was appointed for iilegil put poses Ho pro poses th it the fact of thu conspiracy and the murder ) showed the truth of Cionln s charges against i the tliaiiglo inn JitinuvE noiutoit , Itcconiliieiiilnil by ( In ilnry Unit Eli c- trio VlroHo Itinlcd , MiNMAions Doc B 1 ho coroners ' jury In the inquest on the bodies of the victims of the ' 1 riuuno bulldiog lito brought In it ver- dirt this evening Hie vcullct declares thnt . the owners of the lrlbuno building it not . legally . responslblo are morally culpibto for the loss of life 'lhov flndtliattho lira originated in tlio room i of the Republic in league ( unoccupied ) , from causes unknown In coi elusion the verdict snys I In the opinion ot the Jnrv had it not been for tlieobsliuctiou mot with In the ulcctrio licht ! vi ires the liddcrs would huv a been erected < In time to have saved nil the people th ' it w ci a In the sixth and ev cntli stories at tha ' time of the nrrlvtl of the tlm dep lit ment and Robert MeCutehcnn would not hnvo fallen , mid pcihaps others who went down i the llrn escape would hive rviult.it thcmsolvcs of tlio opporlimlty offered by the flro department ladders histoid of tirnvmg the lire nnd siroko to rcMCh the lire esetpc Ihoroforoave would recommend thut tha elty authorities tuko sumiuiirj sttps to nivo nil electric wires in tlio heiut of the city pi iced under ground " A ma HO I EL UUENS Destruction ot tliu "Mniiii r ilieln Homo it I'itihbiirt ; Pittsiiuiio Dec B Tlio Mononguhelo house burned to the erouiul to luv causing a loss of about $1" > 003 , nmplj insured Iho building covcrod the entile block und was nev en stories In hoigith Most of the guests lost all of their personal property Iho lira slnittd ncir the bottom ot the freight elovttor just about noon and the llmies und sniolto Immediately shot mi the shaft thu suioko filling tha cntlro upper poitlon of the building Ihcio were ibout two hundred Liiests in tlio hotel moro thin h Uf of whom Weio iu their rooms intnj dressing for dinner J hej rushel for the pnssenger elevator , but lluu- Ing the shaft ilso filled with smoke , rushed to tuo stairiv ivs , and every ono got oit stfcly Scv oral invalid Indies and others who hid been oveicome by flight were cirrled out bv the fliemcti The chainbernnlds ind some othoromplojcs hid to take the Iho esc no Several narrow oscipes ire recorded ino only accident reported ported w is tlio injuiing of two llromeu who were bidly biuised bv falling debris Iho dimagn to the structure will iinount to $100 000 and the guests will lese oonslclera ble In damaga to personal property THOSE RATC3. Very Much Afrnlil of Antagonizing Lincoln Ciuoaoo Dec B | Special Telegram to The Ule ] Iho general mnnagcis of the Interstate Commeico Rillw iy issocl ition mot ted ty in informal session to discuss a resolution vvnich would furnish u solution to the Kansas and Nebraska rata making trouble Iho political aspect of the case w as froclj comment d on , the danger In antagonizing Lincoln Interests being ndmlttod on all builds As maters now stind Nebraska will favor Lincoln ovcrOm iht All but ono of the lailway und wtuchouso commission are Lincoln men J ha gist of the whole discussion was whether Lincoln rites nhould bo equnlizca vvitli these to and from Omah i The Burlington nnd Union Puclllo favored equalization while the other lines ) either favoicd Omaha or wanted a compiomiso At adjournment no dcflnito conclusion hid been reached but nil agreed that the so lutlon appeared much ne tror than It had Ihero is nuniveisal wish to settle the matter tor , thu orlv dlfforenco of opinion bolng the most expedient method The liisnnity loilro Cincivs iw , Dec B The case of the United Stitos against illiam Means and J It Decamp of the late Metropolitan national band wis called for trial this mor- ing in the United States court Ihe chnrgo Is conspiracy to vlolato the United States national banking law 'iho attorney for Mead made application for t continuance on tno ground of the physical and mental dis ability of his client , amounting to insanity Iho application was opposed by the distucl attorney , and the question wns raised w hethor there would not bo ordered un in quest for lunnev Pending the decision thu court look recess On reconvening the court doltvcrod its opinion It did not legard Means mental condition such ns to prevent him from male Ing n roasonob'o defense Motlm was made foi an Inquest of lunnev but it wis over ruled nnd the case proceeded Moans made n pltlablo appealanco Ho sink into his so it nnd appeared wholly oblivious to his surroundings His physicians say ho has hallucinations ot grandeur and seems an sot bed in great enterprises Iho covorn- ment phjsicluus thought lclm sufllcloiitly sane to endmcrtrial , A ll < friclorv Irmnnrr Ciiicuoo , Dee S [ Special Telegram to Tiir Bins I A refractory pilsoncr sucecedod today in temporarily defy ing and defeating Chicago Justieo Patrick Allen wits charged with malltious mischief Ilia complaining witness Miss Nellie West , stated that jes torday Allen hud thrown a rock through her wiudow When she got this fai Paddy gioiv so angry that ho began to swear , and t iking a lot of silver change from his pocket threw It nt the complain tut Alton became bo furi ous thnt the people In the court room became pmic-stiliken uud sturtcd for the door , und it hub only nftei a hnrd struggle between Paddy and Iho polled oillcors thnt ho was taken down stairx In about ten minute s the prisoner wasugain bought up , and ho began linking threats that If ho had a revolver ho would shoot tuo witness As u matter of nn caution the clerk removed from the desk the ink wells and o\ery thing clso that could servo as missiles In the hands of the com batlv o Paddy Again tlm prlsouur broke out in demoniacal onslaughts und his trial was finally iwatponud , LookH Itnil fortov. . DiiIp , Atmij < tGa , Doe 5 [ Special Telegram , to The HkeI iho Investigation of tlio Rev Walter Dale w is brougnt to n close to day when Gcorgo P. Hortoit of Wadesboi o , i wont before the commlttco Dtlo is charged I with being ono J M Nuttnl who murried I and deserted Hortou's sistci Hortrm'ft ideii- tlllcittou was compioto Ho faced Dall and 1 declared with cinnliasls that ho was Nuttnl Dilu was pluccd liuilci in test ou ttio chaiga i of bigamy Ho will bo given u preliminary trial tomorrow I lectrio Bimiir Mm I'lnnil Oii'lt } . Ni w Yoith , Dec 5 Mrs Ollvo E Friend , Mrs Emily Howard , Orrin 0 Ilulstoad and Gcorgo HuUteid , the remaining electric sugur BWindlcis , entered the plca'of guilty this forenoon in the court of general scisioua [ to the Indictment of grand larceny in the first degree , 'ihoy were remanded for BCutcnoo • ' UNCLE I I SAM'S ' ARID LANDS Mnjor ] Powell Estlmrttos Thorn nt 1,000,000.000 Acroa COST < OF THEIR REDEMPTION About Ouo Uiilulrnil Million Acre Cnn Ito Mnilj Arnhle nt $ lO Eneh alio Sun line oT Ir- rlgnllint Dlieiisscil . L I I'rlvtWo Parties It-olnlni llinm k Nivvoiik , Dec & Major Powell , chief i of the folcnl commission to rtport upon the host i method ot irrigating the aril lands of the countij , rendu piper upon the subject before j the chamber ot commerce this utter J noon ( Ho bognn with the stntemont thnt nbout ono halt of thu lands of the Unite 1 Suites , cxcluslvo ( of Alaskn , nro nnd lheso hinds , ho said , so fur ns they cart , bo brought under cultivation by Irrigation , nro tlio best lauds m the country because . the crops are cert ilu of not being subject to- the , changes of extreme wet and oxtionio dry ' seasons , ns in case of lauds depcudcut upon rain ' Ot 1000 000,000 acres ot nrid ; land 1 In the Unltid btntos , nbout - | 0,000 t 000 are now under cuttlv ntion I bv ] irrigntiou und nbout 120 000,000 altogether vnn ba rendered tu iblo bj that method ' Major Powell estimates tint the ] f lonstiuctlon i of lcservolis , t mills and other 'i works neccssarv will cost at the l ita of $10 • < . pcrucre ! Assuming 100 00J 000 icics uio to bo rcdeuacd in tills wuv the cost will uggrc- gnto ' fl 000,000 OH ) For the proper cirri ing out of tha work n change ' iu the hiiul laws isneccssars Where Irrigation Is unnoeess try the lnud is culti vated bv private liutiitivc , encu farmer bcii g able to raise Ills crop In cm tuo inde pendence of bis nulghbors hi nrid countries ice i co opci ition for the distribution of wntor t from Its source Is esscnti il In humid i countries , tha tendency is toward Bimill hold J lugs , while in and countries it Is ton ard j largo holdings ' Many Inrirt and small strc tins run through j the nrl I belt , but tlio nuiount of witer ob | tnlniiblo is not largo onuiigh to irrlg ito nil I of . the nrid hinds which thev tl averse and the question uri9t8 , what portion of them i aio entitled to use the w iter Mujor Powell holds that thej should bo used nt iho points , where tliej wl I do the most good This , point , he s i\s is where a stu mi turns fiom t riHlihig er stil mountnin torrent to a low land streim which mingles with thu soil of the land from which It Hews If taken tbovethit point it would bo where the chilly utinosphero of the high ultiliido would make It loss tisiful in the pro luetlon ot crops If taken below that point , tuo waters would be too much cvuporitcd and w tstecl on the win lhus Inking tha Ar- 1 insis liver ns an example , water enough to tirlgata 1,000,000 ncics in Colorado would bo tcduccd to onlv enough to inigate ono or two bundled tnous ind acres across the line iu Kansas Ilio same rule , Major Powell says , applies to the waters of the upper Missom i , Colorado , Rio Or mdo , Del Noito and Columbia livers , Ho estimates the aggregate value of the vvotorsof all these rivers ut S3 000 00),000 i'ho forests nt the headwaters of these riv ers serve as catch basins and must bo pre served Provision also must ba made for controlling md protecting tlio laigo body of i pasture lands not stiitablo for cultivation ' , ' Iu addition to these uio great tracts of mineral lands nhieh should bo held by the government until the minerals have been dla covered , when thev should bo paicolled out iu quantities only large enough for eco nomlcil working When tlio itoiago lcser- vousuud irrlgiting canals uro completed vast water powers vvill have been created suitable for u atiuf loturlng purposes Iheso wilt exist ut i olnts on the can lis higher up than these it wlikhtho waters uro to betaken taken for Irrigation llio govcrntnont , Mtjoi Powell snys , should not Le nlloiv-d to furnish any money ' for the completion of this grc it system of works 1 or thu prcsennlion of tt o forests nnd the parcelling out of tha water a great many thous inds of men will bo necessary , and to put tlio matter iu the hands of tha government would be to build up a bureaue t it \ and nn urniy of ofllcliUsm iho only thing the government should do Is to fui nisu wise laws to control the operations For tills work in hind the people would r ' naturally combine by hjdrograpblo basins , tlat is in the tonItory covered by u siuglo vvutcrshed Courts should bo established to ndju licato upon all questions arising from . this condition of affairs , though the govern ment itself should apportion tiio water among the different states in such districts Major Powell suggests that the inoua\ for carrying out these great schemes might bo raised by the issuance of community bonds or ether similar methods Snnipf lilui ; Original Watiiinqton , Dee B Secretary Rusk has rcceivod n report from the agrlculturnl ox pertinent station of southwest Kansas , an nouncing that it has been demonstrated that tbc arid lnnds of the west can bo made pro ductive without the nld of Irrigation Lx- { l peiimcnts have proved that desert hind un- I , irr gtted wil' ' produeo plentiful supplies ot 11 grasses and forage plants , including ser 1- ghum , ind It is believed wiicnt , corn and ' potitocsof good nunlily buosoquent crops | vvill need no straw foi the ro isou that the matted roots will Itecp the dry cartu from , bolng blown nvvuy by the high winds SOUTH DAKOlA'S HEbTilUIE ' She Onnot TnL t Cm a or TlicinV itli- oill Oiit > ilu ( Aill Mitoiii'ii s D , Doc B [ Special Tola- gram to im Hn ] Governor Mollotto wai In the city todav from Minor couuty , where ( ho had carefully invo3tigatod the grounds for the reported destitution Ho Bnld ho didn't believe the re | orts oxnggoratod t There had been no crop raised during the present jcar 'lharo were In the countv C50 families who needed or would need uld Of ; these families 250 are ut present abso lutely dcstltuto 'ihoy must bo provided tor and that immediately Every town and locality in South Dakota should respond us generously as possible und as promptly us ponBlblo io this urgent demand for assistance Ho hud hoped and expected the stuto would be amply able to provide for all the needy within her borders , but ufter it visit to Minor county was ubout convinced It would bo ncccBaurj to ask out side aid "I four the demand " said tlio gov ernor , "it ill bo too great nud for too long a I erlod for bouth Dakota lo meet ulonc " Killiil On a Hililgo Cinctoo , Dee B [ bpcclnl 'Jelegram to " Tui Hfb -Willi I un Mallon was walking 11 toward Jackson villa with a ludy last night I and whllo crossing the crook ou the South I eastern rallrouJ bridge heard r. train coining , They got out on the brldgo m far us possible , but not for enough us Million was Btrucn on the head and killed iho woman had her arm broken uud received other serious injur- les , Ki nliliil lo llonth St Josrni , Mo , Dee 6 [ bpetiil Toe grain to Tin Use j Walter Wright , the two year old baby of bvlvcstcr Wright , liv ing at 'Iwentv second nnd bentea btreets turned a kettlu of boiling water on himself tonight and was Bculdud to death 1 he child vvus playing in the kitchen while supper was ii being prepared , and whllo the cook was on- ! gngid ut work overturned the water 1'inrliil Hull i Explosion Hoibi , La , Dec 8 A boiler In Calhoui' t tin factory at Colfax exploded this morning , killing six men , two women aud wounding j many others , all negroes