Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1889, Image 1

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    HHr 1 > HI
I The Omaha : i Daily Bee I
hh H
B " "
j ItlnRocolvod JnWfishlngton With
H General Satisfaction
" " "
H Pensions 1\ir Ills luar V Hill to Li-
H | tnhllnti ii 1 Ixcd Iloitnilnry Hem -
m tvven Ncl > rnnkn nntl loivn
K C p tnl Gossip
H Washington HciiFAfTnr Omahv Hrr I
HH ] G13 I 01 RTCrSTlI ST trBT , >
HH Wasiiinqtox D C , Dec , 4 )
H Tbo appointment to lay of David J llroucr
B ot Kansas to boassociate justice of the su-
H ] > rcmo court of the United St lies to fill ttio
K vncanr-y made by the death of Assocl ito Jus
B tko Matthews iv w foroshidowcd in these
H dispatches lust tilfeht Xlio appointment Is
B a | plnudcd 0 i every hand sluco It was mndo
m In recognition of Ids eminent ability mid
B merits
K Judge llrovvor Is Itnown by a largo number
M of men in publlo life hero and Is spoken of in
fe tht , blithest terms ! lo Is n Jurist of unusual
1 qualities mid his promotion Is looted U | an ns
H ono of the most iibctal acts In the line of
M civil service roforin
m President II inison will yet In nil proba
R billty hnvo the api ointment of two or moro
M nssotlnto Justices to the supreme cjurt
B Tunticcs Miller of loyjn und 1 lold of Call
BIB fornlii can go upon the rctlro t lis * nt most
BBB any tnno It Is understood that they have
BBB oxirosscd u wish to rctlro us soon us the
BBB bench n' thu supreme court Is fully organized
BBB and their successors c in bo utrcc 1 ui on
BBB A belief prov nils hero that Ju igo Woo Is of
BBH the Unite t btutos district court of Indium
HHJ will bo given ono of these positions ludto
BBl Wooila is ono of the brightest 1 iwycrs In the
BBl country , wus a lovolist duruic the wn mil
BBl Ins ruidore 1 good 3t rv iec for the republican
HHJ partv In physl iuo ho is largo powerful and
HH commanding He is a voung innn an 1 would
BBM bavc u lout und active life befoiohim amidst
BBH many old men on tl e bench
COMM1NT ON 1MM10J1 9 11E10HT
BBB Tbo pirt of Secretary Windom's report
BBB which cil'cl ' out thu most interest was of
BBB couiso the section dovotel to the silvei
BBB ) question His recommendation lortlioissue
BBB of tioasury notes agnnst deposits of silver
BBB bullion at thu m irl et pileo of silver when
BBB del ositcd and his recommend itiou for the
BBB repeal of the compulsory feature of the
BBB present coin igo net are virlously reccivod
BBB ; by the silver men Senator Dolph of Oroeon
HHV approves his position 1 reo colnngo of all
HHV Vol , " ho slid to your correspondent this
HHV aftcinoon would at unco l lice all eommer
HHJ cial transactions upon i silver basis ind
BBl cause nil commodities to fluctuate with thu
HHV vaiIng toll price of sliver Alltaxos would
BBl bo | ild in s'lvcr and told voull become an
BBS nrtieloof n erchnndlso An atroemcut bo
BBS twee i thopinciil ! | n itions of
BBS the world to coin both gold and silver at
BBS son cthlngllko the ratio of present value
BBS would probably result in sustaining
HHV the value of each at the rutos agreed upon
HHV but if the Unit d at lies were to adopt frco
BBC comago of silver without such an agreement
BBfl she would ot oneo take her place besilu
BBJ Moxlco in Ha and other silver countiies I
BBj linvo not mid lime to examine the seeiotury s
BBS suggestion to issue ortldcatca for silver
BBfl ] bullion but if ns I understand it , the plan is
BBfl ] to issue certllleates for the market \ duo of
HHV ' the bullion to puts eurront ut their market
BBj vnluo from dnj today that would and must
BBfl injura the public credit I do not sco the
BJ beuollt oftho plan or what eoull bo gained
BBJ un ler It b ) the producers of silver I nm in
BBJ favor of a bl met Ule currcm ) but ur dor
BBJ cot dilions not dnucoious to the public
BBJ i bis view Is sustatuc 1 by most republicans
BBJ in both branches of congress
BBJ Miiuvsrcv and Iowa nn is
BBJJ A larco , trlst of bills wis introduced in the i
BBJ | senate OJ the senators from Nebraski mid
BBH oloivntodav 1 ou < out of liva me is ires uro i
BBfl Xamillu , hovvovor to Inr Ule readers hav
BBB in been introlucrd In the lust session of '
BBB coiercss Senator Paddock iutiolucid the i
BBB following bill which ho placed befoio the i
BBB senate duiing the list session or connrcss
BBS ] Jo lolund certain sums to purchvnrs In 1
BBH the Oleo and Missouri Indian reservations >
BBH in Nebruslcv an 1 Knnsus , npproi rluting
BH f to OiO for the establishment of a i ublic
BH building In Iicatnco ullowing postmasters 1
BBJf 10 per Lent of the bo < c roots where the l ro u
BBS Iscsuro not ovvnca by the govornmeut mi
BBS tborlzlng governors of territories to ap-
SSSB point Scloetmon , a clcik recorder asses
SSJfl soi and superintendent of district sclools 1
SSSB to rcmovo the charto of desertion 1
SSSJJ from tlie military rccoid of loren W Hust
SSSB uiLS for the toltof of Jumos Pace , amend
BSSH Int the net for tlio toliof ot cortnin settlers
BSSH on public lands and prov Idinj , for the lop.iy
BSSSj mentof coitain fees purchuso monevs nut '
BBSS commissions paid on the entries on publio
BBB lands before June II ) ISM )
BBSS bonator Paddock Introduced tlio following
BBB original bills
BB Providing for ttio disposal of the Tort
BH Bcdtwlck milltiirj reservation in thostutcs
BH of Colorado und Nebraska to actual sottlcrs
BB under the provisions of the homestead laws ,
BH a | proprlatlng f 00 000 for the establishment
BH of a publlu building ut bait T ulto Cit ,
BH rclloving the railwuv mail service from the
BH operation of the civil service law , amending
HH section D1J8 of thu revised statutes so as to
BSSH proviao for tlio ort inizntlon of national
BBH bunks with less capital than J.iJ.uOD
BSSH und prov Iding thut banks may bo established
BBH with fij ( KK ) c-ipttnl In cities containing a
HH population of ovoiSLOO , in cities with not
HH moro than J COO population with u capital of
HH ( ID 000 , in cities with u popul itlon of loss
H thin 3000 inrabltants with10000 , proud
HH iut for the construction of postofllco build
HH lns of where the recoil ts foi the pioeodlng
SSSB tbreo years liavo exceeded } J 100 annually ,
BBBBJ to pciulon Mrs A J Horton Glarko fa Mor
BBSS ) rlam Marv O IISlljIds and Uutlor Prcsson ,
BBBBJ providiug for tlio udjudoition and p-iwnent
BBBBJ of In li in depredation claims , uinondmir tlio
BBH tiuibci culture net by proscribing the char
BBJf actor of the ufllluvlta nuthorizluc , the secre i
BBJf turv of tlio interior to certify the amount of
BBB laud located with military warrants
BBB in Nebraska , Kansas and other
> states ; to usiauusn two auuiiionui
BBJ laud district In Cvobruska vvlth ofllccrs at Al
BBJ llunce and Hrolten liovv ; amending tie pro
BH emptiou homusteiid nets relating to settlers
BBJ oflld ivlts so us to uuultot ullldavit to bo
BBJ luudc before the clerK of the court iu the
BBj nbscuio of the district Judges
BBJ benator Pa Idock also presented the mo
BBJ icorlulof Ncbraskucitlzons for the territorial
BBJ cuvernincut for Okl ibomu , also the petition
BBJ oftho citizens of Otoa count } pravlnt , far
BBJ nn appropri tllon of f 100 000 for the improve
BBJ wont of thu banks und chuuiiol of the Mis
BBJ souri river at Nebraska City
BBJ bonator Mandersou reintroduced a number
BBJ of bills which ho introduced In the Hat con
BBJ cress Among them are mo lsurcs nuthoilz
BBl lug the president to confer the brevet lank
BBJ ui on oiurors or the United States nrmj for
BBJ talluut sorvlccs in tlio Indian cum
BBJ paifciia , for the relief of flionns
BH 1 Ictchei 1 olev , alius J homus I lotchcr ,
HH for the relief of I irst I ioulonnnt
flflj James Itcatraii ot the United States arm ; ,
J lor the relict of the heirs ot Onirics li
J Now ton und the heirs of Charles li Smith ,
f toiircvcut the summary cancellation of pen
J Biou ojrtiticato * an 1 providing for a hearing
J iu cases relating tliereto , to pension ( ran
BH villoll Juinorand Gcorfco W Paltott , up
preprinting JJOOOJO ( inttuad of JI7.V00J us
J the bill rooned | lu it S provided ) for n
J publio bullditiE , ut HaituiLs mm f ooojOfor a
BBJ public building at Norfolk , requiring con
J tcstunts in land cases brought betoro thu
BBJ local lund otlkers of the United Stun s to piy
BH tbu costs in such contests in certain cusvs ,
BBJ "x providlug tor the suloor islands in the Piutto
BBJ N rlvor in Nebruskaut publiouuotloa.reUtlig
BBJ to tlio eillclcncy ot thu infuutr ) and military
BBJ battallonr ,
BB boi ator Mood ) of South Dakota lutro-
BB dueed a bil ) fcianting to the state 5 per cent
BB of tjio sales of loads which liavo been sola in
BBJ bouth Dakota und vvhluh mny hero liter bj
BB , told , iinoludlng the ludlau recreations
BB Which are to bo opeutd forsettlomout
B Senator Wilton of Iowa Introduced a bill
subjecting Imported liquors to tl o provisions
of the Hws on icte 1 by the sev ral Btutos ,
nlso prohibiting the carrjlng of liquors Into
prohibition states bj nmendlng the Inter
state commerce laws , grintug p"islons to
1 1 rank S Wooster , Huth Gregg , lliomas r
ltUMcll , Hcnjimln V llanghkirk and Will
lam Clnvvsons
Assist uit Secretary of the Interior Chandler
dlor today afllrmol the decision of the com
missioner of the goner il lind olllco In the
o iso of Willi un Archer vs August Kluck ,
Involving the tlmbi r uilturo rntrv fortlio
uortheist 'f of Boetlon 11 , township 101 north
ranco5Jwcst Mitchell , b 13 laud district
ii viiiovs op tup vrvn
From tlio annual report of the commls
slonor of peiisinus , w rittcn by Cori or il I in
tier un 1 Inst Issued IiipHli correspondent
takes the following showing the issu inco ot
pensions by counties during tl o lust fiscal
County " No it ounty NT
Mlam * ) r ks rney 77
Mitrlope 11 Kolth TO
llauncr I Kovnlaha 41) )
lllatio • irivlmlnll '
Hot lluttu fft.lvnox 01
ll ono * li ancastor
llrovn Bllllncoln H
llulTilo slogan > lu
II irt Nt'LiOiip ' a )
llutl r l.S Mel nelson 1
( ass HJVlalUon 1 < t <
Telir "JMerrleK 111
( linso 04 Sancs lil
Clierri f 4 Seinaha 1 IU
Chevenno KiNuckills KM
CI ly liitiOmihiv ltcsvirvo 11
.Coltax sotoo . HI
' I imlng 41 I nwneo 1) )
C istor -S 1 erl ini * I
Davis llholps ft
1) ikota fit ) I lerco W
Dawes til I latto 7
lliwHon 10II oik " 0
llHiiel ISIItock -1
lllxon - . He 1 W Plow 141
li ) Itu Hit Itlellur lsoil -H
1)0ulii ) 110 Millnu Z.U
Dundj ilMnrpy c
1-un it 1 s iundori 1 7
lillmorc loUB UlulT It
1 runklln lUISewnid 1)3 )
I rontler uiUBri tin ut
1 irnas II Shermvn " 7
llnte -I7sinii" 11
( larllell K" " Stanton -1
( Jospor 1 Ihurston T
( Irant li rnaycr K7
( Irecloy niiluoinas 1"
Hall lnovnllcv 110
llamtltou 1 )1 ) \ ishlntton U
Harlan I0 | VV ivuu- I
Hijes lllVnbsttr VI
Illtrlicock W heeler II
Holt y ) \ ork oa
How \r 1 111
Tel raon ' 4 lotal 8 5.W
Jonnson v
In Iowa there nnvo been 20 bS5 Usucd and
in the two I ) ikotis I 410
1011 A PI\BD llOUMUlir U < JB
In the sonnto today Muudersou introduced
the following
Whereas At \ irious points on the enstorn
bound try of the st iti of Ncbtaski the mid
dlo of the eh innel of the Missouri has so
mntonallv en luted from natui il causes as
to lcavo lund3 origin illj within Nobr iskn
according to the piovisious of section . ot
the net of Auril 1J ISiil east of thu picsont
ml Idle of the main ch innol of the Missouri
live and disputes coicornlng the owner
ship of such 1 inds 1 aving arisen and there is
dungor th it Justi o may ba dofe ited in civil
m d in criminal cases on ucco mi of pleas of
Jurisdiction , tlieioforo
Uesoived lhat the sceretarj of the iu
tenor bo uud is hereby directed to Inform
the sun ito at as c irly a data as practicable
what informatio i if uuv ho has conceding
thu disputed ow iiorstnp of the lands mentioned
aril of Information in nnjwiso roluting
to the Biibjcctm liter ombraco.1 harem which
has como to his official knowledge with such
suggestions as he in ly make to settle the
Jurisdiction nnd ownership which may occur
because of the chuntes In the mi Idle of the
channel of the s ild Missouri rlvor and to re
poit for the consider itiou of the sdnuto a
boundary line between the states of lowi
and Nob-asna that shall bo fixed , determined
und unfluctuating
Collins Storj countv I P. Harrison vice
C 1 Cimpbcll removed , Mackburt Mndl
son county , 11 S Honham vice J D Love ,
resigned , Mlnburn Dallas countj L II
lones vIcoD C lil ch removed , Pntno
City Jasper county J J" Cowman vice \
II tirons removed
Oil loans In Washington are discussing
frcoly thoeiiididuey of Controssm in Seney
for the BUcces3orshlp to bun itor Pajno
Judto Senei has soivel four vcaialucon
tress and for savorilyoars h 13 boenavcry
prnminont member of the house commlttco
on Ju liclarv Ho i nn omlnont lawyer aid
Ins unusual influence at tlio uitloual cipltii
11a is a polished gentleman and would make
an accomplished senator Ho would stind
out iu st-ont contr ut with Senator Puv ne
Among the appointments minlo by Mc
Phcrson clerk of the house is that of ;
Charles U McICcnnev of Miunesota to bo i
eurolllut clerk vlcolviiigof Illinois
Pi uuv S II atii
Testlinonr of tlii Itay Iltvntor "Mnn 1
In tlio Iribiino ( IntI < 1111 lt
Mivncvioiis , Minn Dee 4 The Journal
to lay prints the story of Julius Miller , the 1
da > elevator man of the burned I'rlbuno 1
building which throvv3 now light on the '
cause of the lire Miller says that on Satur
dav , the day of the flro , atQp in ho saw
Lottus the night engineer , and his brother
go Into n room in the third Hoar , where the !
llro st irtcd Diey lit matches and pecrod
around Mlllor lold them to bo careful with
the mutches or they might Bet the building
on ilro I-oftus was on the stan I at the In
quest yesterday , but h lid nothlnt alio it tUJs
inci lent In nil testimony O A Williams
manatlng editor of the Irlbuno told his
story on the st ind this morning
1 ha funeral of the two operators James
r Igoo and Waltoi V Miles of the Asso
dated press took ulaco this afternoon Pom 1
fellow operitors from the Associate 1 press
foui from the \ \ ostorn Union un 1 four from
the North American telotraph company
acted us 1 all bo irars
Commercial Tditor Millman's funeral was
also bold this attemoan und his body was
tonihht sent to Uroadhead Wis
Ali day todav the coroners Jury continued
the Jurv hnnriugovidenco as to the doatns of
the different persons In the building the ot
forts to sccuro better ilro protection und >
other matters pertaining thereto
Nebraska anil Iowa Pension *
Washisotov Dee 4 [ Special Telegram
to 1'iiE Ull ] Pensions granted Nobr tskui a
Original Invalid James II 'Swltzor ' , Luicr-
ick , Albert Pitman , Ilubbell Incroiso
Larkin Tunk Minden , alter Huff Central
City , I aivln N Loomls Iluyos Center ,
Charles W Wooloy , Hosklns , Daniel
Cirounor , Plum Valley , Wnsliii tton Ander
son , Mln leu , August Duffer , Olmwa , Potar
A bharp , Humboldt , Daniel 1 Jones ,
lowurd 1 von L Lvuns , Iluyos Center ,
\ \ ilson Wilson , 1 ndicott James W Purdue ,
Auburn , Jumes Smith , 1 rloud
Pensions for Iowa Original Invalll
Willlnm Christy Des Monies , Miller lelg
lor , Mclirctor , bamuul \ \ loms Muinhull
town , Davit b liullock I est Nutloa , Jesse
liurglnS ubster Citi , James M Woo lcoclr ,
Sioux llty , John C dates bvviu ,
Herbert Mowcii Carina Increase Hon ) 1
mill It , bhlploj , Nuco Hcnston Couwuv ,
John C Hottte Olive Hiohard A ivllkln
son , 1 lot Is , John \ \ Law , Corv don , Will
lam II Christ ) , Creston , lliomas M Uidcr ,
1 alt Hold , William Seidell , Harper , William
U Javlor , Ames , Ikntoti A Matthews ,
Knoxvllln , Abram bells Mm ray , Gcorgo
W Sahiiku Corydou , Pitrick Hurloy , J m
luctuburt , Arnoll lwitgs Wushmtion ,
Abuer It Hunter , Sutherland ; John W.
1 uller Cuntcrvillo , bluphen 1. . Hawkins ,
DcsMoIiea , William J MoCorinlck , Lakes
burg , 1 lijah I Culver , CIirlon , Charles U
Novvcll W ilker , UIJili Houd , Westgato ,
Hiram N lurguson btoryCity , IlershallU
Pirkln Plojd Iteissuo Davtd it Horn
burgcr , llonopirtjoorgo\\ l.ldon
Iteissuo and iucioaso Patterson D Harper ,
Mount btcrllng
Mnu a It y'u Aiquittal
Comjtantinopju , Djo 4. Muusso I3oy
has been ucquiltcd on all the churtns Thu
verdict is tciierall ) criticised u uot iu au
cordauco with the facts
A Brilliant ABaomb'aso of States
man natl SaVanti
llio Count an Ij iger U"clpliMit of
the Latest New A Lrom tlio li-
plnrers O riiiiiny mill tlio
Slave trade
Great Intcroit in Ilarllu
irtiwriuhl ISSO b I 11 l i a > r Ii 1I 11 ' (1 (
Uninx , Doc 4 | Noiv York Horall
Ciblo bpocltl to litu lint J Count His
tunrclc t wo 11st night in Ills mugnlllcant ro
cot tlon rooms one o ( these parlli montary
biniuots which has rcndciol It famous
among distinguished men Anion , } the J00
guests present vvoro Count Houonth il and
Herr Von M irchull who represent Saxony
nnd Had on In the bundosrath or
tcncrnl council ot the empire , Herr
Von llandowltz anibass 1 lor at ( onstintluo
pie , now hero on louvo , the hereditary
princes of Hollerith il Pohrlngon and
1 uerstodberg , Count Woldorseo , who left
hero this morning to shoot vv ith the liatsor
ut Dessau , Herr \ on der Janu of the Hav v
rlun let moo , n son of the 1 imous toaer tl ,
Herr \on Mold Von Stouirlch Aon Ivriucl
and other members of the foreitn
ofllco who either know Amerlcv
well by Btudv or liavo boon at
taehod to the letatiolis at Washintton ,
Minister von Uoctlchcr , Count Autust van
Ulsmarck , major of the First dritoon
guards uud a cousin of Princa Htsuiarck ,
von Uodo director of the ronl museum
Prof Hirschour , rector of the unlvorjit" ,
the national llboril inoubTS of the rclch
stag in n bed ) , sever il loader ! of pirttcsiu
the opposition , Dr Hlrucs Hen UicKcrt
and Senator Wollso of thoudvineod liberals
and Hcingo Huone von Herro nan and
Liebor of the center , Counts Holstoln nnd
Mnrllch Piof beliwonnlger chancellors ,
doctors und others
I ho Horall telegram from Msuwah was
the first iutlmitlon that the Herat 1 rollof
expo lltlon and Huron Giavcmuth aud his
C3cort li id effected their Junction with Cuiin
Pash 1 and Mr btanle ) The news spread
through the brilliant tuthering llko flro In
prairie grass and Count Bismarck holding
the Herald telegram In bis hands was soon
in the center of u dense thro it ot ministers
nnd deputies eager to hear the grc it
news of the African heroes first meetlnt
with the comforts of civilization from which
t'icy liavo reiminol exiled so long All
these distinguished men Count Uistnnrck
Count Wnldcrseo Minister Von Uootiehcr
nnd others had enl ) kind words of Bjmpa
th ) for the explorers and the Hoi aid which
liashastcnod to meet the two great travelers
on their return
When a number of little tables covered
with vinn Is vvoro brought in the I oalth
ot Stanlo ) Emln , Qravenruth Wlssman and
the Heruld wis pledted ataln and utuin in
gioat flowing tankards of llofbraen or
bumpers of chumpngne To a ltttlo group of
which vour corresi ondont was one , Count
Ulsmarck spoke urterwaids with regard to
Last African matters as follows
I am tlad that the Herald generous nnd
ontorprlsing as that pijei Is , was
the first to communieito this great news
to us In regard to Last Africa it is
aifllcult for ma to say moro to the Herald on
the subject than I Intro in the retchsl i „ Wo
must vvmt for fuller and more detailed reports
ports from the absolutely faithful and rcl able -
blo men whom we line sent there men who
have the entire conlidenco uot enl ) of the
government b it of the German people at
largo Wissman has male 11 brilliant looord
not enl ) as a dashing oftlcor and cxploror
but ns a man of Bciouca bo is the only
German who bus crossed that coutlncnttvvlce
und lanltsnmoug the most distinguished Gor
man trivolors Ho and been eight or nlna
) oars in Africa before wo managed to secure
his services No other Gorman has sucli a
record behind him Ihuvo alioady pi ilol
the work ho lias done in the rnlchstag
Should ho succco 1 as well In pacifying the
southern districts as ho has in
the othois wo may ask him
to coma back to Berlin and [
listen to his suggestions nnd advice What
will then bo done , of course depends very
much on what the Gorman Last African
company deciles on The ovoots which have
Just happsnod will give that ontorprlso a
fresh Impetus It will however , bo at least
three months before wo can como to any
definlto conclusion In the mutter and bring >
the quosnon in propsr sh ipo before the pub
lie Vohson a morchaut who has doou In east
Africa ind in whom the company has every
conlidouco is going out there again before 1
long ns a commercial ugontot tlio company
Ho was in West Africa too , in the employ of [
a Gorman firm for many ) cars Ho will con
suit with our consul at Zanzibar who is on 1
excellent terms with the Lntllsh consul
there and will then , after talking the mutter
ever with Mujor Vt Issman , make a formal I
roporttotho company llien netotiatlons
will betin botvvoen the company nnd 1
this government which will bo brought ton
satisfactory conclusion , wu bono before
spring the govoinmcnt does not forgot
tint the principal object to bo attained in
I'ast Africa is the suppression of the slave 1
trade This is the object for which the
reichstag has supplied money Great results
may bo expoctdd from tlio congress now In
session working In the Intoiest ot clvlliza
tlon at Hrussols In this matter we simply
follow the gcnoial sentiment ot Gorman 1
people Wo huvo had a good deal of work
not always pleasant work olthor , but wo
found publio opinion to bo in favor ot giving
the matter 11 fair trial , of waiting for the
ohlckon to bo pioperly hatched In colonial
manors wo are only 1 ogliiners in the kinder
gurtcn , so to speak W hat are four or llvo
ioars in Hip history of u colonial outorprisol
1 have been chary of expressing an opinion ?
In tlicso matters but now wo uro c irriod
on the cres * nf awavo of public opinion
The kaiser aud the chancellor vvoro early
notified by vvlro of tlio Herald telegram
which moreover , appsarod In the Nor J j
Deutsche , Allgemclno an 1 other papers The
kaiser called on Count Blsm irck this mon
Ing an 1 expressed himself greatly satisfied
with the result and praised the spirit ot
entcrpriso and liberality of the Herald and
eentonthuslustto Wicgrams of vjolcomoaud
encouragement to blauley und Luilu Pasha
riio Stanley i \p < ilnlun
[ Oil mi luM 16R ) I y J11 ie ( rtord 111 lltmutt 1
Miiim , Dec 4 [ Now York Herall
Cable Soeelul to 1 ub Uli | Stonle ) ' * ex
I edition , accompanied by the force sent out
by the Herald , arrived here safely toda ) >
All the 1 uropcans connected with the eara
van uro woil with the exception of Stevens ,
the commissioner of the Now York gift
entcrpriso , who haj boon struck down with
fever and lies in mv tout very 111 Stanlej is
brlnjlug vvlth liim .il of 1 mln
Pashas peoile Mauy ot tbcsu
persons nro nge 1 docreplt qr stcu , an I tltoy I
are all bolng carried down to the 1 onst by
! Stnnio's Zanzibar men The troops and
carriers In bt inloy's command elicit the un
boundcl ' ndmlrntlon of overt ono 1 hey uro
under tlio most perfect discipline nnd when
on tlio road inarch In thiitpoifcctorderwhlch
could enl ) bo cxpcctcl 0n. . well trained
nnd ' a well provisioned iirmv Acting
under 1 the orders of Major W issman
LJeutonant bchmllt nndn few soldiers nro
nccompanjtng , us to the coast It is their
dut 1 ) to slightly prcccdo the main bo ly on the
march nnl make nil pr-piritlons for camp
Int comfort iblv at thev irious places selectel
for nightly halts Stinloj and nil of Ins
olllcors nro lou 1 In the.Ii prilsos of the kindly
reception the ) met with at the hands of tha
Germans ns a special courier was
Bout up to Mpmpwa by Major
W issman bearing man ) of the comforts of
life of which the gcntlomon ot the expo
dltion stind sorely In need I nm nssuicd
th it these tblnts were most welcome Al
though wo are oulv four dns from the
coast Stanlov is still expoettng to meet tlio
caiivanof provision ! which should have
boon sent out in nceorlinco with the direc
tions which ho gnvo four mouths ago
Comments nf tlio London Press nn the
Pri'Hltlotu h Message
I osnov , Doc 4 llio Tlmos welcomes tlio
oxtridition proposed in President Harri
son s message , nnd expresses surprlso that
the western states do uot revolt against the
heavy ex ictions of taxation Imposed for the
benefit of the cotton and iron workers of the
Atlantic tates President II irrisnn proba
bl ) bud th's ' lu mind when bo suttostod thut
the protective principles Should bo applied to
firm prolucts
The blandnrl thinks tariff loform ma )
1110 in something ronl a coiiplo of years hence
II ilf of the present oxpeildituro is mcro o\
travaganca that can bo olsponsed vv Ith when
the people decide to crush the spirit ot Tam
many hall in W ashlngton us they sciatched
it in Now Yorir
llio News says Piesident Harrison s pro
posal for a reduction of the surplus ran only
boa 1 illntlvo measure It warns Lngllsh
authors uud publishers not to expect too
much from the , oprithtngltatloii It ro-
girds the rofeienee to the tish ries ns tl o
most s itisf 1 ing part of the message
llio lolcgraph Is doubtful whether nuy
import int practical result can como from the
Pin American project nnd consl lers that It
will bo Interesting to witch the reception ot
the educational pioposul {
1 ho Chroniclesavs 'TJiocxtradition pro
posal shows a courteous recognition of an
honorable intentional obligation which should
bo 1 ceil 10c il here The proposnl touehlug
the bui plus Is tlm.ll and tame "
Lnnmlian Comini 111
Iokonto Out , Dec 4 The Mail ( Independent
pendent ) sas So fur as Canadians are
concerned the mo3t Interesting portion of
Pres dent Hirrisou's message to congress Is
that relating to the trade policy of his ad
ministration llio Mall rccontlv had occa
sion to tel ' its readers that this policy was
such ns to preclude alL hope during the
present tcpublic 111 lcginle of any such trade
nrrmgemontsns have boon fully discussed
in both countries ot into The mnssato bears
us out In this It Is Intact little else than a
roootitlon oftho propositi jus laid down in
the republican platform adopted at Chicago
last } ear ' ,
The Glebe ( liberal ) conTiientinB on ProsI
dent Harrisons mcssatv' says ltralsisno
now Issues a id throws Huto new litht upon
current politic il questions
Strength Results I roni tlio Advance
In London H-iIi-j
Hostot , Dec 4 fSpaeial Telegram to
IhfUleI The American Wool It porter
in its review oi the wool market foi the 1
week will say tomorrow ' lho confirmed
report ot the 10 1 or cent advinoo at the >
Loudon sales on all wools suited to 1
American manufacture bus furnished
strength to the market hero
this week , affecting line de'alno ' 1
and romblng wools tis ) eelally the former , !
which hive appreciated In value from >
cent to 1 cent over last weeks prices The
gencrul fooling even of the most corserva
tivo among the wool trade east is that prices 1
for wool h ivo touched bottom nnd that
hereafter the tendency must bo up
wnid Ohio flno lleeccs have Btrongth
cned sllthtly , In sympathy with 1
the advance in Austrn'ian merino utthosnlos
VN is very Hrra indeed at 34o for 11 choice 1
throw vvbllo Wisconsin \ . is held at 80(1 ( Jlo
The scoured cost of A XX Onlo is uow 75c
Michignn v still receives voiy limited atten 1
tion but during the week Prices have been '
Btiffencd somewhat , and these 1
who vvoro freely offering wopl
at TOo nio now holding at
He with no takers Delaines nnd Que No 1
combings nro tha strontest wools in the inur
ket and their scarcity has added much to 1
their stront position Ohio doloino has sold 1
this week utJ/iQ3lQ / und Michitan at JiMQ I
.lljfo Ono fouith and thice cltbths blood
wools liavo received a little moro 1
Inquiry , yet nro Btill rather dull three
oithlhs Indium and Kentucky has 1
sold for 29a this week but the parties who
sold at this llguro refuse to dispose of the re
tnuindcr of theli supply at less than 3Uc
Private advices from Mllwaukeo and also 1
Chicago state that quarter and Unco eighth 1
blood wools have Improved groatlv in do
maud recent ! ) and considerable bus bcoa 1
tuken by local western mills lexas wools uro
still quiet Now fall clip is arriving quito 1
frc < Mv , but prices are bo much above mnnu-
factmers' views thatonly a fowsmul parcels 1
have been sold nnd these at 50o clean , w hilo >
six to eight months wools bring from 55o to
00c Pulled wools move fuirly well mid I
stooKB are well sold i p The disastrous ilro
which visited the lioston dr ) goods district '
dostrojod some very heavy stocks of
hosiery and as a result ticsh supplies
have been ordered from the mills This will I
m iterully improve tha market for 1 irnbs 1
pulled California wools show u slitht 1m
provomenlon a basis ot 03o for clnau choloo
but Oregon , like all the territories is dull
The following are the seaboard quotations
Ohio NX , 0iQT5\6 , Ohio No 1
1 17CC-MU. Michigan X 80a ,
Mlchlgau No 1 , 8u@a7tJ , Ohio delaines 35@
BOc , Mlchltindclalues Jt3 > ( S Ko No 1 t
Ohio comblnts JJQ40C , No 1 , MIchlcan
comblnts .WG Jo , loxasjlne , 12u , Montana 1
IJfJJ'ie , California nortlfern spuut,2JCi25u ,
California pulled , 2B JJc , Vnllu ) Oregou ,
J-2@.lo , Kansas Unc , lSQ Oo , Montana
choice , SOQJIo
Hicvv t Hue cogs | 'Mattli vvs
AVashivutov , Dec 4V lho president to 1
diyseutto the sonata | tie ) tinmlnutlon of
DivllJ Ilrowcrof Knusjs to bo associate
Justice of tbo suproma court of the United
[ Daniel J llrevver , ; ipwly appointed asso ,
elate JUBtleo of the United btatcs supreme
court , is about fifty vcars old aud a native of
bminn Asia Minor Hts father , Uev ;
Joseph Uroivor , wa > minister to that coun ;
tr ) when thu Justlto was born Xlioap J
polutoo graduated from Yolo collcto and
ufleriioar's stul of law In Now \ork city
ho removed to Leavonworth , Kan , whore ha
early look a prominent place in his prafos 1
slou Justice liruvvcr la u nephew of Justice
btophon J 1'ield his mother having been a
member ot tha famous Held fumil ) lho
uppointmcut is tcnerall ) well received J
The Wtutlier I on out ,
For Omaha und vicinity 1 lldlny
Nobiaska Light rau or snow , nortlierlj
winds , lower temperature
Iowa Haiti , southerly winds , stationary
tamperaturo except In vvebtcui icrtlon i ,
colder *
bouth Dakotai Litht snow , followed by
elearmt ) uorthurl ) vYlndtt lower tempera
Over 1 Tivo Hundred Bills Introduced
la the Senate
\ nnrc Wnnts the Civil Sorvloo Imvv
AlmltHli il Short Hum Pi mincers
I'ctltlun tut HUntnslitp
W AsiilNOTOS , Dee • * I ho crodonttats of
Messis Plerco and Cisoy ns senators ftom
North Dakota were presented road and
plicctoufllo lho two senators then ad
\ inccd to the desk und tjolt the oath of ot
Hoar , from the committco on prlvilogcs
nnd elections reportol bick tlio r solution
offcicd b ) him Monday prov Idlng for n mo to
fur ascertaining by lot thu classes to which
the senators from theio stitcs shall bo ns-
Blned , ns to their respective terms of ser
, Cullom thereupon proscntol cortllloites
from tha two houses ot the North Dakota
legislature design itint Piotco as sen itor for
the long term
fRHnar contended that the legislature had
nothing tu do vvlth thu matter , which ex
pressly devolved on the senate
Got man rem xr ted that Itontlcally the
same ease hid been pioseutcl In retard to
the Hist scua'or from Minnesota when tlio
legislature designated Rico ns the senator
for the long term und when the senate decided
cided thut the action could not bo letui led
b ) It
Cullom cxplalnod that ho had thought It
propci that the action of the legist it uro of
North Dakota shoul I bo placj t oil tha 1 ccor Is
of the senate as an expression of its desire
on the subject , and the resolution was igrccd
tonud theu tuo drvvvlng ( as providol b ) it )
proceeded The result wis that of the two
senators from Washington biuiia was us
sltncd to the cli3s who'o term expues
Mnrch I 1 * ' . )1 ) nnd Allot ! to the class ex | li
ing March , lsJ3 Of the bouth Diltoli sen
uti rs Moody's term expires Manh ! tsJl ,
and Pottlgrevv 3 March J lbJJ Of llio
North Dakota senators Pierce s term c\
I Ires March J , 1& II , and Casey s M irch 3 ,
Various cxecutlvo reports ind comm inlca
tions Were prcsontcd nnd refcrrc I to thu
niproprlito committees Sovuai potltlons
were presented and rcfarred anient them
oil ) ullom lrom the bhort Horn Pro
ducois' ussoci it ion 11 f ivoi of subsidies for
steamships to Co itnl and South America
and in favor of Chicago ns tno site for thu
propose l world s fair in 1892
Uy Cockroll I rein the Kansas City com
mcrcial oxebange , In fnvoi of bt I ouis as
the site foi the world s fair with Chicago as
second choice , also In favor of I cent letter
Among others Introduced nnd referred
were thofollowint
Hy bherm in 10 make and alter the logu
lntions as to uuio , pluco and the manner of
holding elections for representatives in eon
Hy Ueagan To dellno trusts , for the free
coinage ot silver , to repeal the net for the
buIo of ootids , to redeem legal tondcr notes
li ) Dawes Extending the sponsion laws
( the bill prepurcd by a commlttco of tbo
Grand Arm ) of the Ucpubllc )
U ) Stowaru lo provide for the free coinage
ago of both told und sllvci mil for the i
Issuance of coin certificates to circulate as
Uy Merrill To refund the direct ta\cs
conclude 1 under the net of IbOl .
Hy btooner lwo bills as to the election
of members of congiess also a bill to rou
lite comniorco by telegruph
Uy Vance To repeal tbo ci il service law
Uy Lvuts beveril bills to Increase the
salaries of United States circuit and district ,
Uy Vorhoos ror the pimcnt of nrroars i
of pensions from the dutu ot loath or dis
By Cullom To equallzo tlio rates of pen
sions in certain cases
Bvlarwtll-lo perpetuate the national
bnnkint svstem
Hy Davis Granting pensions to ox sol
dlerfl and nnilors it c ipaelintcd for manual
labor and to dependent rclutlv 0 *
Uy Mltcnoll lo prohibit objectionable
foroitn linmieration cncoutao „ desuablo
immltratlon nnd to defend American labor ,
also for the admission of Id iho as a state
H ) I re bor the nppolutmont of a com
mission on the alcoholic liquor trallic
Uy liitalls lo onuule the iuhuult mts ot
Oklahoma uud No Man s Land to prncuio
titles to town und city lots , also to rcmovo 1
the limitation iu the payment of pension
Itioscnuto then proccclcd to cxecutlvo
business and soon adjourned
Most ot today s session was dovotcd to the
introduction of bills tbo total number pro
sontod bolng 50j ntalnst 2J3 on tin llrst bill
day two yoais ate Most of the moisures 1
proposed were bills thut fuiled to become 1
laws during the last congress Among them
weio the following
Uy Pierce lo rclmburso North Diknta '
for the constitutional convention expenses 1
in excess of the amount orlfin illy apt ropri
atod , for the inspection ot live stock about '
to be slauchterod for consumption in some 1
slito or county other than thut in which >
sliughtorcd and 1 roliibltlng iuuortutlon of
udultcr ited articles
li ) Mitchell Lxtendlng the Mexican pen
slon act to all who served thirty dujs or
moro In auy war since 1845
Hy Turple Granting a pension of 1 cent ;
a month for oncb days ' seivico in tbo army
during tlio Into war
Senator Cullom Introduced a bill for the
disposal of ull public lands in the United 1
btatcs in California Orcton , Colorado No
vadu , Washintton , Montun 1 , North and
bouth Dakota and In the states that may bo J
formed nut of the territories of Arizona
Now Moxlco , Utah , Idaho Woming and 1
Alaska uud which shall not have bceii other
wlso disposed ot or reserved before tlio 110
coptanca of this act by lho states and the
ratulc itiou by contress It provides that J
those lands shall bo ceded to the states and
the eventual states in which the Hinds lie on
condition that the states shall convoy not
moro than eighty acres susceptible to ro
muuorative Irritation , to any ono suttlct
If tha st.ito shall elect to
sell the hinds the proceeds shall
bo used for the construction and mainto-
nancu of reservoirs ditches and other works
for thu irritation of such of the lands as muy
bo mudo remuneratively productive If the
1 mil is tivon to sottlcrs it is to bo taxed and ,
thu proceeds applied to irritation ] ui poses
Senator Mandersou Introduced u bill in
accord inrn with tha rccoininondulions of the .
secretary of war , to increase tha eilluiencvof
tholnfuntry of tru army 1 uch regiment
shall bo composed of twelve companies , with r
ono colonel ono lioutenaut colonel three
majors ono adjutaut and quartermaster
lho bill also provides that the number of en 1
listed men ot tbo army shall bo increased to
jo 000
iho cabinet will hereafter meet on Tues 1
dasand tridajs
" > rct AMlli a Horrible nth •
St Josei 11 , Mn , Dec 4 Ibpectal Tolo-
gram to Iiip Uek J Albert b Sherwood , a
) ounginn twenty ) oars of ate , met with a
horrible death this morning on his mothers
furm near Teas fourteen miles from St t
Joseph , iu the southern part of Huchatian
count ) Ho had been vnry much annoyed
latol ) bv skunks killing bis mothers chick
ens and dctei mined to put a stop to It by
setting a trap for the depredators When bo
wont out to the barn this mori ing ho found
a skunk in the trap and sent back to tbo
house for a gun J ha gun failed to go oft
the first time and ho sent back to the house >
for ammunition In tbo meantime he went
to climb over the barn ) era fchco ivliu the
gun in his hand when a board broke , letting
him fill to the troun I lho hammer struck
on the fence ns I111 wont down nuslin' the
cun to dischnrgo und the full charge lol c I
lu Sherwood s abdomen causing lmnicdiuto
death \0u11g Shorw 1 A s fntnll ) Is ono of
the most wealth ) in Hm liana 1 count ) flio
fui 01 al will take plneo tomorrow ufternoon
Tlio Mcctli g In Huston Dlsousirs the
Social l'rnlilom
Hostos , Miss Doe , 4 A giiorit Chris
thn confi rciuc iinler the ausplci of the
American ov ing illc il iilllanco of the U iltod
btatcs botan hero toJ iv Presl lent Doea \
called j foi th 1 det ills ot the work fi0111 the
representatives of the ill ft rent alliances
giv ing us n specimen of rolltlous destitution
the finding of save 1 church c Hikes til nb in
done 1 mil two of them turncl into cheese
factories Prof Lloy of fohns Hop tins uni
v ctslty spoke on thn nee Is ot cities Among
these enunierito 1 arc lho rovlv il 01 na
tlonallsm , 70il for Dottcr muulcii il laws 11111
their bu ter administration looking to the
prevention of | ovcrtv It is in v iln trvlnt
to keep people from leaving tha couutiv foi
thocit ) HUhor education should be no
v I lo I nt public cost only foi those of imirko 1
ubillt )
Sccietnr ) Strong dl I not bollavo there is a
city In the I ind tint lias not enough tool
in 11 uud women to s iv e it lho mount oil
said , Ilcieum I sen I 1111 " lolu ) it is
* Hero is in ) cheek tori , sent some ono
else ' Christnitty ! mist bo 11 contigion ,
sprcalingb ) person il touch
Kov I r ink Jenkins of Al iba 11a told of the
condition of thu niouutnln whites of the
south ruinllv fouls , mult distilling and
dlsicgnid of the inuriage ties hnvo woefully
corrupted thom There Is monthly pre ich
iut in the best > hurclios noprjer incutint
nnd enl ) Intel ) a Sum ! ly school I heir
ministers uro llllt rita and oflo 1 linmori1
au I ill 1111k 11 Is but no ) coplo ovei resoundel
moro roa lil ) to mission irj olTort nnd it will
bu our shame if lt is not nut 101 th
J M Uucl lev D I ) , of Now York clitor
ot the Chtistliu Alvoeato sud 010 oftho
nee Is is to tct rll of oxtr ivac nice utiles
tentntion iu the church an 1 private cvpcndl
turo w tilth often makes the minister master
of c roinonics in un otcluslvo club lho
next need is improvement in our methods of
nttn tin * tlio ) oung lhoy nio laitel )
socnl to j less detico Iutelloetu il nnd voiy
little of the splrltuil order At , iln wo neoit
to del end less u | on cxti mcous evangelistic
efforts 01 the hippodroino pi 111 1 hu sceptics
of the picscnt 1110 much more li ml to tloal
with than u totioration sii co I lieu thcio is
the doveloun out of sccict vices iiinong the
sons of the rich und a trow ii g toloi itlon of
the habit of modor ito drinking nmont
church mem hers
Itliunc Uyll-f Their In lnstrj Must
inr n Perish
Wasiii'vcton , Dec 4 At the Natlnnnl
W eel Growers moot ng ted ly a commlttco
to t rcpaio au aldrcss to the wool trowels of
the United Stntc3 wis appointed Columbus
Delano of Ohio president of the n itlnnal
association dclivcrcl thu annual ud Ircss
Hosill both food and clothing shoul 1 ba
pro luced at hoaio not purchased from
abroad w I en the people who consume then
1 ave the facilities for their proauction In
fl lenecd by the ac ot lbSJ ' ho continue 1
wool growing luntuishns tlnouth
out the United Stales in I without
relief must soin \ crlsh In Texas thu wool
clip of lSsl was valued nl S9 .23 AH In IN3J
it wus worth $ a010tli4 showing a loss of
$1 211 DUO Is it desirable oxtiuguish the
industrj host adapted to this vast section by
the crv of frco trade or frco wool I Uudcr
the iuilucnco of the act of 18SJ our aiinu il
clip has been reduced 5 > 000 000 jouuds
while It should have Increase 1 nt thoratoof
2 per cent annually to keep 1 ace with tbo
na ural growth of tbo country To these
who favor frco trile as oui true policy 1 udd
no pretest against frco wool If it bo frco
trade let us have it as u s ) tom suru
aud slniplo without udultoration
Let us do ouo or the other and have an
economic policy that is entitle 1 to an honest
and correct name A taiiff for revenue with
Incidental protection is u delusion nnl a
friud Wo need a national policy 01 this
subject honestly named If 't is protection
let it bo general and uniform cuibraru g all
American Industiles th it can bo profitably
pursue t by oui people "
At the conclusion of the address the meet
Ing adjourned and the delegates In n body ,
culled on the president and Secretary Itusk
Ihoir brief interview with the president us
well ns th t with the secrctarv of ngricul
turo's said to have been of uv or ) satisfactory
Two Deputy Sim Ids Held to Answer
10 thn Charge
Laiumif Wio Dee 4 [ Special Tele
gram to Iiip Ueb I Jumes Pinch , deput )
sheriff of Curbon county , una D in Mcllis -
tor , deputy Bhorlff of Swoetwator county
have Just been oound over to the grand Jury
of Carbon county for an aggravated assault
and battery upon Paul Hongo a Finlandor
The affair tiew out of tbo arrest ot a I'm
lander for Bring his rovolvei rincli took
the weapon aud ( .0 from the Pinlundcr nnd 1
pretended to have pud out the money for bis !
line althauth ho did not do so Hongo told
1 inch that bo hid not done right , where \
upuii the latter pointed two revolvers at his 1
head nnd was com ) oiled to hoi 1 up his ban Is 1
while ho soarehed him foi a concealed I
wc 11 on Not finding it both ho and MeAl
lister belt Honto over tbu head with a ro
volvornnd then placed bim in j ill Hongo was
tried for reslstlnt an ofHcor and ncpilttcd ,
aud then prcfeucd charges ntainst I Inch
un 1 Mc Vllister for assault I inch wus nlso '
bound ever for the larceny of the $20 und the
revolver llto uffair create 1 trcit oxclto
incut among the Lancauhlro and 1 inland I
miners at Carbon
G 01x0 W Ilollniul Killed by a
Youthful Ii ivor
ronsrxv.N D , Doc 4 [ Special Telegram (
lo 1111 : Uu : ] A most uonsatioual und fatal
shooting nffray occurred tvyolvo inilos north
went of hero last ovonlng W S Allen a
boy of oitbtcon , had boon for some time pa ) •
ing attentions to M-s Chnilos Holstou , the
step duughtor of George W Holland Mrs
Holston has a husband traveling for a St
Pu il tiouso and when Allen culled last night
Holland ordered him oft the piomises Allen
turned mid r 111 but Holland opened ilro on
bun with a rovolvei , 010 shot passing
through his loft hand and another throuth
his hat Allen then began firing at Holland 1
one bull passlnt tbroath the left cheek and
the other tlnouth the nock the litter in
Dieting a fatal wound Allen caiuo to I or
man and gave himsoif up , usklng that
Hoilan 1 ba nrrusied When tha olllcors
urilvolat Hollands farm ho was dying
fioin lossot blood
A IVrpntnnl Motion Qrnnk
St Josern , Mo , Dec 4 [ Spoclal Telo \
gram to liiu Hen ] An old man nuinol
Henr ) Obormeyer was urrostel hero this
ufternoon on u teletram from Dawitt , Neb ,
statint that ho was wanted for obtaining
money under fatso pretenses from ono W II r '
Pishburn Obermojer mortgaged a lot of
farm Imploineiits to I ishbum , obtaining tbo
tatters note for I'M afterward soiling the
note and leaving the stale Oburinuvor Is u
perpetual motion crunk , nnd nftei bujlug u
pair of mules with u part of the money nb
tainel from the sale of the note , expended
tbo rest lu experimenting on his hobbj ,
W rook nn the lVnnsylviinlu
Pjiiouuno , Dec i The eastbound day '
express on the Pennsylvania railroad was
wrecked near Lavvrenceburg , Pa , tbls
niorning by running into u Bide tracked
freltht train A dozen persons nro reported
mora or less injured , several ills believed ,
Nobmsktt nnd Krmsrtg Ilntos the \ H
Eiiltnna M
Not I tin ? mi rniHiirli to Do Injiislloo > M
to OinnUit V Livi ly HiHtlon of M
tlu Niitlnnnl lilvo Stock Vs- \ M
Hoelnllmi In Chlcnan 1 U
Unictno Dei i fSpeelil Telegrim to < H
Tim Hi 1 ] I lie teller il matintors of the l M
Interstate Coinmcrco Halluav association § |
are iu as gioat 11 quandary us over relative to < fl
thu btsis of rates 011 Kinsas und Nebraska B
business ' |
It n | 1 ears that tbo fltht tins come to bo H
nlinosl 11 lolttlcil ono bctvv ecu the rc | ub ' ; H
lie 111 city ot Lincoln nnl thodomocriilki \ * H
stroiithold of Omiilm Ut the lines would ' J M
prufer to in ike Omuhn the bash g point ( H
Die Lincoln merchants backc 1 b ) tbo sontl- ) i H
inont of tbo state nnd the 1 ulroiil commls 1 j |
nioncrs nil but ono of vv bom arc Lincoln 1 I H
men sii ) Lincoln must bo put 011 1111 nbso - ! j H
ltitely equal btsis with Om ihn lho 11 . < L j M
M lou 1 sas its PIittsmouth crossint forms j H
nb iut ns short a line to Lincoln ns to Omnlia" 1 ! H
und consequeiitl ) is disposed to favor I id- ! < H
cnln llio recent iteeisiou ot Chairman [ i H
Wnlker , rullhom Mlltlo ) mil 1 Inloy oil I H
Kins is und Nobriska rates specillus that | | H
thu rites to Lincoln shall ba 5 cents higher j H
011 llrst clnss nu 1 - cents on sKtli cl iss th in H
the euiruspoiidlng rites lu Oiinh 1 lho i H
question Is cnu the powci of I incolu bo j H
bruvol with im | unit ) I lho tcutinl iiiuna- | H
ters eonfiss the ) c innot insvvur the quis j H
tlon but nro in hopes thev m iv IIml Jio solu- I H
tlon befoio lho close of thn meeting I H
Niitionat 1 110 Htneu Do iters 3 \ U
Ciiicvoo , Dlc 4 P P Savigoof Omaha f \ M
was mudo chiiiruiiin of the second da ) 's 1 \ U
sission of the I Ivo slock Dcalirs' com en- l U
tion The committcajOii consltutlon uud b- | \ M
laws for tlio proposed ortini/'itiou presented 1 M
itsiciort flio first section providing that \ M
the ortnni ? itlon bo known as the National I H
I ivo btoclt 1 xchiiuge , wnB ndonted ns was 1 i l
ilsn the sceon I lollniug Its objects to bo the | |
development mil protection of tha live stock I ; H
in lustry ihioitl out the countr ) 1 he third > H
sietloi provldlnt for a bisls of ronrosanta- j H
tlon In tuo u\chinto showed Chicago en i H
titled to thirty foui out of a total of lift \ M
seven mombeis I hero wis a Uv el ) kick on I H
this from Kansas C it ) und Om ilia uud 11 ro i H
cess vv is iimillv taken • ] H
W hen the mcctiut rcroiivcued tl o mat | l
ter was smuotl cl over uu 1 the section was I i i l
dually adoi tc 1 Kansis Cit ) , boivovxir , vet , H
1 \ lluko of Onuha cbalrmin of the E , H
comm ttcu on ort uii/atloii submitted n res- S j H
oiutiou iskliu thut the rules and b ) luws bo [ It t H
submitted to the locil exchnntes for rntill f9H \ <
cition to bo re | orted lT"k ) b ) December 15 JS j H
and If ndot ted b ) nil to t ko effect I an mny jj ' ' H
1 KausisCit ) oppose 1 this lho Omaha HH |
delegation voted foi it , mil Colonel I'otors W j H
of Kiiusas Cit ) triated the Onuha tcntlc- a J H
men ton rail erpolntcl tilk 1 in ill ) u sub 1 | [ H
stltutc vv as adopted th it the rules nnd by- it | B
laws bo a lo ] ted by the exchanges voting for IE |
them E M
It wis decide 1 Unit the first nnnual mooting f H
shall ba held 11 Chicazo on the llrst J'hut's- 1 ] H
dav in Octobci 1S10 I H
1 lie commlttco to nnme the olllcors ro- SL H
ported the following list , which wus unanl- IH H
mously udopted lT I
President , W II Ihompson jr Chic igo Hi H
vieeprcsidcnts M D Schruggs Kansas U j H
Cm , I A Hike Oaiahn C J bohsunco , I j H
bt Louis , I V Vincent Peorli A J Par \ M
sous Sioux City , sccrutirv C W linker , I H
Clilcito , troasurei Levi Doud Chicago , L H
exec itlva committee Charles P Charles H
Kansas Cit ) , J U Hlauelinrd Omaha , W H
L Cassidv bt I ouis J liosonb mm Chic igo , f H
M \ White Pcorl 1 I'liom is Combine bt H
Louis Adjourned until tomorrow H
J ho Kniisas City dolctutes think their ex 1 I li l
ehanto vvill rcfuso to ratif ) the conventions 1 j H
work and if it does endorse it it will bo J I H
simply because of the sutisfactor ) set of men 1 j H
sol"ctcd for olllcers I I B
Iho report sat ulloat that the orcanization f jHI
ot the cxclmuco inonnt a new live stock trust I jHI
is emphatically denied by nit the dolcgntcs 1 tBI
President llioniDson nays tlio new oody pos I | 9 |
scsso3 only ndv isory powers and the esscn- 1 Jfl |
till feiturcof n trust is thcrcforo lucking liSJ
Ho added ihoro are evils on ) ugh in the llUl
live stock business and If wo correct them IIMM
vvlilcl is our onlv end In vlow , wo shall nc II UB
compllali a good thlnt for everybody , from IH1
the producer to the consumer " FJ JIHJ
1 nnt Hound itnii Ailvanocd 'BJ '
Cmc.ioo Doc 4 Iho Western States ifll
Passcntcr association to lay doeided that jj l
tbo enst bound pnsscntor rates from the H
Missouri rlvor should bo advanced on DoIflfl
comber lu based upon the n Ivnnco from bt Ifll
Louis to Now \orlc oil December 8 A com 191
mlttoo wns appointed to confer with the HH
trnnscontlncntal lines on tha division of the I HH
throuth rates H HH
rrmn Poiest Clrv to Oninlm HI
Hiust S D , Dec 4 [ Special Telegram ) ( j |
to Tin Hei : I At u mooting here of ropre IVJ
sentutlvcs from Mitchell , Porcst City and \ M
lllunt it was decided to hold a meeting at j fl
Mitchell December lr to ortnulzo a railway 1 1
company to construct and operate nrullroad fHfl
from Omaha to forest City , through \ auk fiBl
ton , Mitchell aud Ulunt ]
, yHHi
Sin ; Kills lwo Women and Unun 1 s J H
bin ml Hm lonslv HH
New Vohk , Dec 4 Shortly after noon j H
today Anloincttu Arolla wus shot and in HH
stuntly klllod by Asinda Huqub ) another HH
Itallun woman , wit whom she had u row H
over money muttois iho muidcRss also wfl
shot Maria Corcaz , j H
vVlicn the policemen ontorcd the room HJ
where the sliooti ng occurred ho found An- HI
tolnetto Arolla lying dead on the floor with MH
a bullet wound over her liea rt • | HJ
Maria Cereuz is dead Her mother was HI
shot through the loft olbovv vvhllo her sister , HI
Petromellet Pcrisco received u bullet in tno t IHI
left breast lho injured women vvoro ro HH
moved to the hospital lho lollco then HH
searched for Asuuda liuqubo uud found her HH
under the b d in the room where thn shoot HH
Ing occurred WI101 placed under urrost she HhI
refused to give uny oxplanutlon ether than IHJ
to Intlmuti tint the shooting wns the result 1HJ
of u quarrel over monov matters lho HH
prisoner is about twenty six yours of ute HH
An Iuoenillnry Hun I Itrepoi' Goes BVJ
Vtolontly liisnnn . H
Ciiioaoo , Dee 4 [ Special Tnlogram to BV
Tub Hi k ] lha attempted burning of the HH
Commercial hotel has tniton a now phase |
Ihoclurtoof arson against lhompson , the , HH
owner of thu hotel , bus caused him to become 1 HI
Insane HJ
Thompson begnn to act wildly after hobo HH
came aware that ho was suspected of having " | HJ
tlio building Urud und of so neirly causing fHH
the death of seven portions l atur lie was • HJ
Informol Unit an employe liudconfessed Mint ] H
lie was to bo paid 1100 for starting the flro HH
und be bccuiao so dangerous thut the pollco JHh
wcro called tiioii | to tiikucnargo of him Ho HI
was sent to the dotcution hospitil Ho raves JHI
constuntly HH
, HI
KK 111 Ai f-ti-i ii'h IriinlCM H
New Voiiic , Dco 4 lho shorift today i H
ma 10 an Impoitant soizura In connection H
with the fulluro of btern A. Stem Ha HJ
seized some heavily laden trunks which ar- , . | Hl
rived from tlio west , bolonclng to the firm , 5
aud which are slid to contain u lai to lot of Hfl
diamonds , watches und Jewelry 1 hose urn Hfl
supposed to bu the truultt which Jacob HI
btern had in Cluclnuati ) HJ