Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1889, Image 1

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    I The Omaha ! Daily Bee
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - ;
B Senators Listen to the Mossn.30
H With Mnrkod Intoroat
H "
B 1 ho Document Looked ITiioii ns the
H Cliariof Itrpulillcan Action In Uio
B 1 resent HiMRlon ot Congress
CdlMIH I ) StrlOtS
V Wabihhotov llumiv Titr OmaiiHrr i
HIS Pol iiTPrvTit bTitrr.T , >
BW Wabhiviton D C , Dec , ) )
j President , Harrison's ' mossigo received a
B \ery thoughtful bearing In congress todnj
Bf In tha sennto lb was observed thut Uio otdost
and most sagacious ot the statesmen listened
V to tliu rending of the document with the
H greatest of attention Senator John blicrt
Bm mnu scarcely took hli eyes oft the secretary
&V from the tltno ho begun to rend the message
tilt the last word ot it was uttered Messrs
H Lvnrts , Hnvvlej , Inalls | , , Allison and the
T Nebraska senators wuo among ihoso on the
&V republican side who sat almost
V uiotiOnlLss during the reading and
drank In ovcrv word of the
doi ument It was interesting to notice the
facial expression of the senators on the dein-
BK ocrntiasldo during the reading of the message
sago Vest ot Missouri , Duller of South
H Carolina , Moigari or Aluoiimn unit other long
H bedded democrats were compcllod by the
H justness tact und statemnnslilD displavc 1 In
B ho message to treat it with the greatest
B posslblo consideration Ono could have
H hoard 11 pin drop nt almost uny perlo 1 when
H the measure wus bolng loid In the liouso
H of rcproscntall\cs , a holy containing 330
H members , innny of whom ! iu\o never had
H any oxnem nco in public ilfo , thcio was
H not ns much thought fulness shown while
H the messato wus being read as In the ether
B branch of congress , but It was observed that
H iiHot tliosu who h no sorted in i D.isL con
H tress or wno arc noted as successful bus !
H , ncss men oi politic ! ins listened to every
H word of the reading ihoro is butono com
H ment made upon the picsldcnt's ' message to-
BBBj night and it is that of commen 1 ltlon 'llio
BBBt message is refcrrcu to ns a common sense ,
BBBf terse , concise , incisive business document
BBB | Lv en the most virulent democrat acknowl
BBBJ cdecs the wonderful comprehension of the
BBBJ m in who prep ired the message and cs-
BBBJ pcciully h s ability to ginsp the most compll-
BBBft Latcd questions iind tic it them in
BBBJ a in inner so simple th it the ordinal y citizen
BBBJ canundcisUnd
BBBJ Usu illj public men have cxpicsscd opin-
BBBJ ions ujoii the picsldcnt's message vcrj
BBBJ freelj , but these who liouid it reading this
BBBJ afternoon hesituto to express themselves ,
BBBJ Billing they ha\o not hud time to digest it
BBBJ and tnat it covers so many subjects that a
BBBJ Bccond reading will bo required by most
BBBJ poisons to fully cornprohoiid the document
BBBJ as a w hole Lspcual comment is made Uiou |
BBB ] the pension question and soldiers in und out
BBB ] of congress are greatly plotucd with it
BBB ] 'llio president has doaionstr Ucd that ho
BBB intends to maintain the position ho oecu
BBB pied during the can pulcii lust year und
BBB ] in the executive mansion st md bv the sol
BBBJ ulers us hodid in prlvnto life ihoso who
BBBJ are interested in pensions nro fully con
BBB ] viuccd that the removal of Corporal J aunor ,
BBB ] instead of being udetriment to them , will
BBB ] operate ns u blessing since the pi03ldcut hus
BBB ronowid his vows In fuvor of the pensioner ;
BBB and Commissioner Huum hus almost trebled
BBB llio capucitv of the i cnslou olllco In dispos-
BBB lng of applications
BBB - the declaration respecting the withdrawal ,
BBB of government funds deposited in national
BBB haul a Is appioved on cvoiv hund Men in '
BBB congress will buck the piesldenl up in tins
BBB policy and insist tlmt the icduction of loans [
BBB to bunks shull bo made swiftly und brought !
BBB down to llio minimum
BBB In u word the messngo Is so fivorablvra-
BBB ceived bv men in congress and Is so comulcto '
BBB that It is ni copied us a fair outline of tlio
BBM General legislation congicss will enact ut tuo ' J
BBBJ present session
BBBJ 'Xha messugo was handled by the Press ns-
BBBJ eociiition vc-i s itisfuLtonly ft wus put into
BBBJ tjpe ut the government olllco on i'nd ly , iiuJ j '
BBBJ the Ihst proof was pulled on Saturday morn
BBBJ lug f ho prcsi lent correct ! d the proof sheets
BBBJ on buturduv uftoinoon nud yesterday it was
BBB ] jrlntid iNInty copies were placed in |
BBB ] the hunds of Colonel Crook ot the wlilto
BBB house stuff of clerks , who took them to New
BBBork , whence the mos ngowas distributed I
BBB by wire throughout the country 1 ho West
BBB era Union telegraph company placed it
BBB on their w lies ul J o'clock this morning and f
BBB gave It to the country free of tele ranh tolls
BBJI 'llio iidtntrablo manner in which the mess igo ,
BBB was laid before the country through the
BB jiress and the tolcgraph is duo to 1'nvuto )
BBS * bcerotnry llulford , who has given the work
BBM his personal attention and who did not sleep
BB till it was boy and the point ot dehij
B Major Holmes of Iowa , the new sergeant
BB ! at arms of the house , was at the capitol this
BBJj afternoon cutting himself in readiness to us
BBS lumo the duties of his official position llio
BBJJ mujor suited to > our correspondent tlmt ho
BBa would not tnko hold of his olllco for two or
BBB thrco d tys , or until ho bud solcctod his ns-
BBM aistunts and the books of the present scr-
BBM | , cant ut-arms were run bo us to turnover
BBM iho oHlclal accounts of the ofllco llio scr
BBM ccant-at-arms handles botwocn $1,500,000 and
MBB $2,000,00(1 a your , and in fuct operator a pn
BBM vato bulking institution fortlicJJOmomUois I
BBB 'iho omploycs are paid fiom the counter ot
BBB the sergeant at arms , und It is qu'to ' u ro '
BBB sponsible mid busy position , requiring the
BBB nnsiatanco of several clerks Iho sergeant
BBB at arms has several deputies and ii | points
BBB the capitol polite force Ho is required to
BBB glvoa bond of about if JTi 000 Major Holmes
BBB Is popular in Washington , where ha mndo
BBB man ) fliends during his service us a member
BBB of the house His selection by the caucus
BBB without a canvass bus proved to bo highly
BBM satisfactory to these vv bo brought It uhouu
BBJ | ' 1 ho oldest members say they do not recall
BBM that a man was over bofoio made sergeant
BBM Bt nrtni without seeking the position
M , Bupcrintcnacnt I'ortor has divided the
MBM itatcs of Nabraska , Iowa and South Dakota
MBM Into Buncrvisors' districts for the taking of ,
BBJ the census us follows ,
BBJ NobrasVn Knee districts , First District _
Bt Adams llutler , Cliuse , Clay , Dundy , Ill
BBJ moro ranklln , Premier , ruruas , Gosper ,
BBJ Huinlltoii Ilurlan , Haves , Uitehiook , Jef- [
BT fersou Kearney , NudcoiB Pliolps , Pollt ,
BBJ lied Willow , Saline , bowurd , iliajor , Web )
BBJ iter una Yoilt counties
BBJ Second District Antelope , Arthur , Han
BBJ nor , lilutue , lloono llox Uutte , Hrown , lluf
BBJ falo , Hurt , Cedar , Choiry , Cheyenne , Col-
BBJ fax , Cuming , Custer , Dakota , Danes , Diw-
BB& ton , Douel , Dixon , Dodge , Douglas , Ciarllold
BBJ Ornnl , Oreelj , Hull Holt Hooper , Howard , 1
BBJ | Keith , ICeyaluliu Kimball Knox , 1 incolii i ,
BBl Logan , I oup Mel'liersou , Aludlson , Merrli k ,
BBji Nance , Perkins , Pleieo , Platte , Itoex ,
BBJJ Sarpy , Scott's lllulT , Sh rlilan , Bhormtiu 'i '
BBJI Sioux Stitnton lliomas , Ihurston , Valid ) ,
BBJ \\ushliigtoii , Wnyno and Wheeler counties
BA 'llnrcl Dlsti ict Cuss , tluto , Johnson , fan f
BT caster , Kcuiahu , Otoe , Pawnee , Kichardson )
BBj | and SiJiidois counties
BJ Iowa four districts , FirstDl.trlit Cedar ,
J Clinton , Davis , Dos Moines llcur/ , Iowa ,
J Jackson , Jasper , Jeffeiuon Johnson , tones ,
J Keokuk Lee Louis i , Mubuskj , Munealino ,
J Poweshiek ' , Scott , Van Hurcn , Wapello ami
'Waaliluj.toii counties
BBJ | Second District Allamakee Denton Blank
BJ ] lawkIJromcrlluchuuauUullcrCnie usuw \
BJ C'luv ton , Delaware , Dubuque , Pavettc , Ploy d ,
BJ l'liuikliu , Crundy Hurluti , Howard , Lluu
BJ Mitchell , fama and Wiiinessliick counties
BJ 'llilrd District Adair , Adnms , .vppanoose ,
BJ Audubon , Cass , Chirac , Dallui , Decatur ,
BJ Krciuont , Outhrlo , llurrhou , Lucas , Mudl i'
BBJ1 son , Marlon , Mill * , Monroe , Montgomery j ,
BJ , i'age , Pollt , Pottawattamie , ,
BJ Shelby , 'laylor , Union , Wuireu undWa ue
} i sountles
Fourth District Hoone , Huenn Yiita ,
BJL Calhoun , Carroll , Cerro ( Joido , Cherokee ,
Clay , Crawford , Dickinson Kmmctt , Urccno ,
Humlltnn , Hancock , Humboldt , I In , Ko >
suth , Lvon Marshall , Monenn O Urlcn ,
Osceola Pain Alto , Pljn'outh , Pocahontas ,
Sac , bioux , Story , Webster , Winnebago ,
Woo lliury , Uirth nnd Wright counties
• outli Dikota two districts , ( Jut district
Aurora Doadlo , Honhomme , Hrookino' " ,
Drown , Hrulo , Unflalo , Campbell , Chnrles
Mix , Chirk Claj , Codington , Davison , D y ,
Doulo , Douglass , L linun Is , Faulk Grint ,
Hamlin , Hind Hanson , Hughes , Ilutehln
son , iljdo , Tor mid , ICIngsburj , Lake ,
Lincoln McCook , MoPhcrRon , Marshall
Miner , Minnehaha OMoody , Potter Konorts ,
Sinborn , Spink , Sullivan , Turner , Union ,
Walworth nnd Yankton counties and the
Slsscton Indian roscrv ulon
Second District Milcinan , Burdlclc.llutto ,
Chatcnu , Custor , Del ino , Dovvov , r.wlnir ,
fall Uivcr , ( Jiccrtry , Harding , Jackson ,
Lawrcnco , Llugcnbeel , l.vmun Mnrtln ,
Meyer , Novvlon , I'onuliigtnn , Pratt , Prosho ,
Hhlnohnit | Sehanisse , Scobv , Shannon ,
Stanley , Stcrlln/ , Todd , Irljp , Wag
ner i , Wushabaligh , Washington , /Solbuch and
unorganized territory
. Within nfaw ucclcs Mia secrotnry of the
Interior , upon tuo recommendation of Super
Intendent { Porter , will appoint the superln
tendents ( of the various districts of the state
to t suporvlso tlio taking of the Llovcnth con
bus llieso BUpcilntendcnts , by and upon
the titvice ) of republican senators nnd
congressmen | , will select ounmoritors Not
until , the superintendents uro nppotuted will
the i enumerators bo solccted As the work
in I the Held upon the census will not bo begun
under ' some months yet , these who want to
procure omnloimcnt in connection witu the
census should npply to the superintendents
or supervisors when these ofllcors are up-
pointed ; by the secretary of the interior ,
probably In lutiuarj
Nebrnskn Hnssll Mills Knox countv , W.
P Hill vleoGeorgo W Huip r , removed ,
Whitnev , Diwos countv , Wiliimn LSurkoll ,
vice William Hitchcock , removed
Iovvn Coal Creek Keokuk county , W D
Hrunson vleo II K. Whaloj , resigned ,
Woden Wlnnohigo county , folin Cornall ,
vlecC IIlct.rudv , resigned
South Dakoti Alwe.da Sanborn county ,
Mrs E II Fitch , vice A Hi own , resigned ,
Central City , Lawrence county Aucus
McLcod , vice V 1' Comes rcsiuicd * , lowing
KiiLsbury ! countv , ( J O Wnde vicq Elmer
Hilton , remove I , Lallin , Lawrcnco county ,
William McLuull vice Robert Florm inn ,
supei ceded Wounded Monco Shannon
county , C D PrcscoH , vice G E Uartlott ,
Capttln Daniel Robinson , bevonth m
f intry , huviiig setved over forty vcais In
the army , was today nt his own request
placet on the retired list
On the lccomniondation of the regimental
couunntider the following transfers in the
Ninth eavnliy nio ordered
First Lieutenant ( jC0ilo It buinett from
troop 1 $ to tioop C.
First Lieutenant Bugcuo F Ladd from
troop C to troop U
Around the capitol ted ly nn Impression
prevailed th it Prosid"nt Harrison was about
to notnintiato ludge Hrowor , who occupies
the United States circuit court bench for tuo
districts of Kunsns , Iowa , NebraBk i , etc , to
1111 the vacancy on the supreme
court bench made vacant by the doitli
of Justice Matthews but it Is denied that
tile prcsidont Intends to make the appoint
inoutUst nt this time It is intimated that
seine weeks will olupso before the nomina
Hon is made
The sonatois from South Dakota wi ro the
only members In that dignified branch of the
n itlonal leglslaturo who were florally re
memhered ted ly Mr Pcttigrow's friends
sent him a tnbuto In the shape
of a llsh en which in immor
telles wns the crimson inscription
Pickerel Statesman " I hut by the way is
Mr Pottigicw s pet name up in Dakota It
is a beautiful lloril design and was gener
ally admired Senatoi Moody received a
laigo lyre in roses a charming piece of
Iho Unltod Slates war ship Galena loft
Now York this morning for Hajti Iho
Dlphm will soon Join her
Secretary Windom today appolntPd Special
Age its Suaulding , Montgomery and Chamo
a commission to investigate the chines
made by Uoston merchants au vlnst Dr Ld
vvatd Schcrcr the chemist of the sugar labo
ratory at the New Yoik custom house J he
charges ngalnst Schoror affect nis integrity
and nlso his competency
iliis ovomngsStir says Mrs Sonntor
Paddock will spend a part and uorhnps all
of the prosoac winter nt Atlantic City with
her daughter , Miss Fannie who has been
for some time and still is in poor health
Lhoro will bo great rocrot to < - the illness of
Miss Paddock who won many hearts hero 1
last season by her vvln3omo naturilucss and
grace and much disappointment that Mrs
Puddoclc and licr daughter are not to bo ,
seen in Wusluugtoii society for soma months
at least , " 1'i.uiiT S. Heatu
Tlio Prc-Biniilinn Law Still Valid In
tlio Now stnti H
Wasiunotov , Doc 1. Assistant Attorney
Generil Shields of the Interior department
has given the secretary of the Interior an
opinion as to the effect ot the seventeenth
section of the act admitting the now states
which rotors to the act of 1811 ( the original
pro emption act ) and repeats the same as ap
plieablo to the new states IIo holds that
tuking % ttm whole section together the intent
was not to icpcal the pro emption laws , but
to make a grant ot lands In lieu of the eighth
section of the act of lb 11 , goncrally known us
the internal improvutnont grant , and to la-
peal that section us to the no vv states that the
act of 1SH was carried Into tha rev ised stat
utes and repoali d In 175 , th it If congress
had lntonded to repeal the pre omptlon laws
it could have done so by repealing the sec
tions of the rovUol statutes appertaining
thereto nnd not bv tuo repeal ot the old out
of 1S41 , nnd that the preemption laws so
contained In the revised statutes , except as ,
to Internal improvement grants , uro still la
force lu the new btates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
National Wool Grower * .
Washington , Doc J The National Wool 1
Growers mooting organized today by the '
election ot Hon Columbus Delano of Ohio
as president , G II Wullaco , prcsidont ot the
Missouri Wool Growers association , secre
tary , lhoro wus a largo ottondauco An
iuformal discussion on the present condition
and needs of the wool growing industry
showed the concensus of opinion to be that
vvhllo the rate of decroasu from &OOO0OW
head of sheep in 18 3 to • iO.OOO.OOJ head in
1SSS had boon nn estod , no appreciable ad-
vancolmd ypt been mule An coinmltteo on
reorganization and resolution9 was ap
pointed X afternoon the members ot tlio
convention called in a body on Secretary
Wlndoni and Assistant Secretary 'lichonor
Several congressmen from the western
stutes called ut the convention today nnd ox-
pressed thomselvcs as thoroughly In syra- J
pathy w Ith the wool ci ewers
rinHslflunt on ol .Ni vv Scnntora
Wahhinuton , Dee J The senate commit
tco on privileges and elections had under
cousl tcralion touay a resolution Intiodueed
yesterday ny Senator Hoar , providing for
the classification nf the sountors from tna
new states llio resolution met with unanl-
mous approval und will bo reportol to the
scuuto , probibly tomorrow
llciiiillllcnu htiantorlnl ( lanolin
Wasuinutov Dec 1 At a meeting of the
republican senatorial caucus this oftcinoon ,
the reorganization of committees was the
only matter under discussion Nothing wus j
saiu about olectlug now otllccrs
. , .
llio Woailiii lorrtnst
l'or Omalin and vicinity : l"Vlr weather ,
Nehraski und lovva Fair , warmer , south
orly winds
South Dakota Fair , vvurmer , southerly
_ _ _ _ _
( * ItoiilnniiiHt l-pircil
Paws , Dee 3 Iho chamber of doputlcs
rejected today the proposition to nullify the
electlou of tuo Uoulau lst deputy , Jaluiot
Great Propnintlons Mtvklnr/For the
Explorers Return
A Grnml Ilniiq tot null Other Honors
In Prospect I mln Pasha to Do
Incliuli il-A SreLllnji With
' •
Honors Awnlt the Great Kxploicr
lutmlahl 1SS9 tin Jim'i ( lanlrm lit inettl
Lonpon , Dec 3 fNovv York Horitd
Cable c Special to Tiir Hi p 1 Stanley will
bo \ surfeited with welcome upo l his arrival
in Englund Kvciybodv desires to do him
honor At the uoxt mooting of the council of
the I Itoval googrnphlc ilsocloty arrangements
will y be made for a banquet to Stanloj Emln
Pasha will of course bo Included m the invl-
tatlon should ho coma to London A pro
pisnl I will also bo undo at an early
meeting i of the common council of
the , city th it Stanley bo entertained at
Guildhall on a date to bo fixed by himself
It will bo remembered that the explorer was
made I a freeman of the city on the eve of his
departure , to rollovo Emln It has nhendy
bean decided thct should Stunloy accept the
Invitation I of the king of Uolgmm nnd visit
Brussels ho will bo entertained by the
burgomaster at a grand bvnquet to which
the delegates of the antl slavcrj ) conference
now In session will also bo Invited On the
d , ty following a gala performance w ill bo
given lu his honor nt the opera Stanley
will bo the guest of the king duilng his stay
in Hrussels
The cost of the Emln relief expedition will
not bo met bj the fund which was raised by
public subscription nud othorwlso When
the list closed shortly after Stanley sot out
the total nmount collected fell somethiug
short of 22 000 Of this nmount , it is said ,
only some i.4,000 is in hand As there yet
remains the cost of tlio homeward Journey
and salaries to bo paid It will be seen that
further funds will bo wanted
A Merthm With Mnnlov
LCoj wi fo/it / IS&0 by James ( .oiil m K * lift 1
Massowah , Doc 3 [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tnr Utn 1 I have mot
Stanley and I min , Dr Parke Nelson Bonny
and 5C0 men , women and children here Ilavo
found Stanley looKing hearty Ho weara a
Piussian cap and canvas shoes I presented
him with the American Hag with w.hicb I was
entrusted and it is now flying from his tout
Stanleys hair is qulto white and
his mpustacho Is Iron giay I min
is a licdit , dark man and wears spectacles In
a short conversation I had with him ho told
mo that he did not wish for any honors for
what ho hud done Ho simply deslreu to bo
cmplovcd again in the khedlvo's service I
ha.ocivcn Captain Casnti his letters Ho
looks wel ) , but the hardships which bo has
undergone seem to have qulto un-
dciiniuod his constitution All tbo
other Europeans are well Wo sh ill
all proceed towaid the coist
day after tomorrow Stanley , Emln and
Casatl were entertained at a dinner last
night in this camp by Liarou Grafenroth
Speeches were made by the baron nnd by
Stunloy The baron compllmeutod Stanley ,
Emln and their companions on tlieh march
from Central Afiica Stanley responded and
pi aised Germanys enterprising and civiliz
lng abilities
Jla-sinmgor Jeffrey In London
If nt yrloltl I'M by Jiim-i Uordon 71'iiif n |
Lovdov Dee J | Vow York Herald
Cable Special to lua Hep I Some time
ngo Chicago shipped E r Jeflroy , late gen
eral manager of thollllnols Central railroul ,
to Paris to gam all pnsslblo Information In
connection with the exhibition there which
would contribute towards making the '
worlds fair In lbtU a success Jcffrov s Is
now in London on nis way homo and was
entertained at dlnuor at the Victoria
this evening by n few Ameri
cans , chief among them being :
Senator Tarwoll nnd Melville E tStono of
Chicago and English guests Among these i
present were T. A , Denny , esq , F Church
wood , Sir Sidney Waterloo , John V. Far
well , II C Wicker , W J Chalmers James i
McLean , Mr Frazlor , Eugene ritoh , J F
Gelding , M E Stone James Stuart and Eu .
gene Field J. V. Farwoll presided Jof-
froi , after presenting a financial statement
of the Paris exhibition , said that no worlds
fulr hnd ever show ndlroct financial prollt.and i
ho did not bellovo ono over could Indirectly , 1
though they were immensely piofltublo in 1
manywnjs JofTroy prcsontol enthnslastl
cally the claims of Chicago as the host pi tco i
for the worlds fair in 1893 , saying that It t
was the center , commercial nnd in papula
tlon , of n vast and prosperous tributary tor
rltory oxtondlng nearly a thousand miles In
every direction it was uncqunlcd in political
power , railroad and water facII'tlL3 , sanl
tatlon , accessibility , climate , energy , lntell- !
getice and prosperity
, •
Parnoll's W'limnnlioiiti n Myttcry
[ Copj/rfoM I9H h / Jiihim ( Joi Ion Horn'lf ] .
London , Dec 3 [ Now York Herald 1
Cable Special to I hd Ui a J Iho St J imes
Gazette sajs thut coushlorablo embarrass
ment has been created in sepai at 1st circles
by the mysterious disappoarancaof Parnoll ,
whuso movements have boon entirely unknown -
known to any of his followers for several I
weeks Evorvono knows that Pirnqll has
agicat craze for keepinr Ills location a pro
found secret , but on the present occasion ho
hus sorlously Inconvenienced his political I
allies bv failing to fulfill several Important
engagomouts , Including ono with Gladstone
Decorations of Cluivnlior
ICovurttlM IW h\i \ It n't C7 inl ) Hsu f t )
Paws , Dee J I Now York Herald Cable
Special to 'Iiib Del 1 Thrco pilnters
from l'ailadolphia John S Sargoant , Dan
tel Uldgoway and Alexander Harrison have
received decorations of chevalier in tbo
Legion ot Honor from the French govern
Kill ) In hnn 1 innoisoa
SiFitiNCisco , Cul , Dee 3 rSpeclul
Tclogram to Unp Hti ] Mlko Kelly , who
was deputed by the brothoiliood to slgu
plujcrs , arrived in the city yesterday Hols
rather disippotnted ut not uelug ublo to
secuiu Clnrkson Clarkson has been offered
by the brotherhood the same snlniy ns ho
was getting from the league nnd Keliv
offered to mvo hltu WOO out of his own
p eiot , but It wasn't enough Kelly has
signed Hilly tv ash , who U said to bo a better
third baseman than Denny , Fred Carroll's
signature to a brotherhood lontract Is in
posscjs'on ' of IColly Hardio Kichardson h is
been looking around town all day for Kelly
to ha can simi one of the brotherhood con
tracts Pop Smith will not sign Ho
vvauts moro money than the brothcihood
will hive , mil besides sa.vs Kollj Insulted
him in a hotel lobbi ,
Utnh Wool Grower * ,
Sait LAitr , Utah , Dec 3 ( Special Tele-
grata to Tub ull 1 lhu Utah Wool Orow-
crs' nssoclntlon , representing 1,500 000 ahcdV ,
held n meeting to day Strong resolutions
were adopted tnv oi lng protection Charles
Crnno was mule dolrRim t6 the National
Wool Growers association meeting In
Washington next month to froimlu to urge
thapiissngo of laws hi the inteiost ot this
great industry
ANntlonnl Live Stock llvolinngo the
Ciiicaoo , Dec 0 Tlio first dav's session
of the commission men from Peoria Knnsns
Cllj , Omaha , SLLonls und blouxCity , niter
tstcd in the formation of a national llvo
stockexchangr- hold this morning W ,
C < Cannday was made temporary chairman
nud O. W Hakerof Chic igo temporary sec
rotary Committees were appointed , and
after i recess the permanent organisation comI
mlttco i reported W J .Ihompson , Jr of
Chic ! igo for pcimntient chairman nnd W I.
Urodcrlck of St I ouis for Bccreturj Mr
liiompson on liking the chulr , stated the
objects < of the meeting to bo
lo promote the fooling ot friendship nnd
confidence ' between the different markets
rcprcsonto i 1 , to secure nn oxprcss'on ' of opin
ion on matters of mutual Interest to con
sider , certain questions of general importance
to the llvo Btock Industry nud to consider
the ndvlsablhty ot tlio organization of n na
tional exchange for the purpose of securing
such legislation , both st ito and national , ns
would octter the condition of trade lu all
branches , for the repoalof such restrictions ,
both foreign and domestic , us nro oppressive
and obnoxious It is also , ho t ild , for
tlio purpose ot a medium of national char
nctci through which Its members can make
tholr grievances known nnl by which am
lcublo and sutisfuctory settlements of the
samn may bo olfected
A number of papers were road nnd rcsolit
tions introduced , all or which were refoncd
to committees
At the evening session the totnmitteo on
resolutions reported ns follow sHe
Ho it resolved by the several llvo stock ox-
chnnges in conference assembled that wo
proceed to oigiulzo a national live stork ex
change in pursuamo of and uudor the call
issued foi this convention
This was adopted und a committee on or
ganization appointed which , after u hrlof
session , reported In favor of the rules
adopted by the convoution of lbS7 Iho
moctlug then adjourned until tomorrow
cuvxrtvii vuimovi ! > union
The President or Nicaragua Signs
the JTicnty
Mawoua , Nicaragua Nov 12 President
Sncasca has signed tbo treaty admitting
Nlcn-agua Into the union of the republics of
Nicaragua Costa Ittca , Honduras , San
Salvador and Guatnmala , under the name of
the United States of Central America , but it
is believed the Nlcaraguan congress will re
ject the measure
The plan of the union provides that for the
first ten years it will sltnoh bo an offensive
nnd defensive alliance and tno prcsidont ot
the union will huvochnrgo only of the diplo
matic and foreign rdations of the llvo republics
publics At the explrition of that period the
union will bu cemented by the < adoption ot u
constitution , which will embracoull political ,
commercial and other relations betweou the
llvo retmbllos und foreign powers A com
mon monetary standard and common tai Iff
laws will bo adopted , but there will bo free
tr ido between the dlffoient republics Hon
dui is , Guatemala and S in IS ilv ador have ul
rcaly signed the tro.uly , and it is understood
that Costa Kien will do the sumo
Tariffs Tor NcbrnftKa anil Knnsas Lines
Chicago Dec 3 fSpn'al Telegram to
lite UeiJ J The geuorpl jnanagers of the
Interstnto Commerce Railway associition
met todaj to consider the most vital ques
tion they have yet bad under dfsousslon tbo
question of arrauglng proper tariffs for nil
the Kansas and Nebraska lines Iho question
tion came up under the decision of Chair
man Walker , Faithorn , Mldglcy anil Finley
of the Interstate Commerce Hnllwuj and its .
subordinate association The decision of
the .chalrmou Inclu"dq3 the rates to bo '
charged by all tbo lines In some cases the
rates were raised and in otbcis it ran
counter to the equalized basis of rates
agreed upon as botwicn Oftiaho ,
Lincoln and other points to eastern points
The discussion of the question showed a most i
complete divergence of opinion , the Uurling-
ton , Uulon Pacific and Uurlington & Mis
sourl Uivcr roads absolutely refusing to in
uny way change the present basis of rates ,
vvhllo the ether lines woroa3 , dcteimincd the i
change should bo made The whole quostlon
resolved Itself Into ono of oxpcdloiicv , none |
of the lines objecting to it raise in the rite ,
but many of them did object to any action [
which might cause future hostile legislation
P was agreed that thoKunsasnnd Nebraska t
lines bad already suffered su fticlently by
such legislation und it would bo the better
policy to Ioavd rates as thoy7nro The whole
day was spent In n fruitless discussion , the ,
solution being ns much In dlsputo at the ad
journment is it was m the beginning The ,
general opinion of the members Is that It
will take at least tbrco davs cither to agrco
on a solution or to agrco that they cannot
agree Considerable Ul fooling has been '
aroused ever the problem , which in briaf ro
lutes to the extent round about lines can t
compcto with direct lines Were it not for
the fact that all the lines are crowded with '
business a war in rates would appear almost
CocpHes on n Itnfr
'NfwYohk , Dae 3 Au appalling sight
was witnessed in the water oft the Delaware ,
breakwater about dusk yestmday evening
by the crow of the Norwegian bark Chris
Man Scrivor , which nnived from Buenos
A > res today The bjrk passed a hugo raft
on which were the bodiespf two mou dressed
as sailors I hey were dead and bad been
lashed to the lots of the laft About thrco
yards from the raft was the body of a
iniddlo aged womnn encircloo by a llfo pre
sei ver Lvery effort was made to find out
whaj vessel the raff belonged to , but the
captain of the bark was unable to dctorrolno
The receipt of the news ih shipping circles
occasioned no little oxcltomcnt Upon the
maritime exchange the opinion prevailed |
thut the raft aad the bodies iiutcomnfrom
the Old Dominion staaoiBhip Manhattan ,
which went down in aicollislon locently
The aijOnts of that line , bpcvuv or , say there
was no woman on tholr vessel
AVnnts ills XlURrtv
Chicago , Dee 3. ISpdcUl Telegram to
Tub Hle 1 Wulterll liidgood , the cashier
for the Frcdcrlkson land compau ) , who was
held for further examination before Justice
W ullace , is attempting to cot out of Jail on a
wrltofhubous corpus , for Svhieh application
was made to Judj/o Clifford this morning
Ho claims thut he is entirely innocent of (
any complicity in JVcderjiksen's ' deeds Iho
writ Is asked for on the ground that the
justice hud no authority to grant such u long
continuation when ho had hoard no test ! 1
mony whatever tending to ubow that Hld-
good was guilty ,
A rninons Oso Seltlnl
YoiMsrowv , O. Dee 3 The famous
mining suit of iCIuib oriy against Arms , In-
volvlng over 11,000 000 alio which has once
been decided bv the Unltod States supreme
court lu favor of tbo plaintiff , was settled
todav Arms , according to the agreement ,
transferred to Kiuiborlv un Interest lu the
mining stock and shares in the ralno which
has bccii In litlgutloa and ulso gives his
check for SICO.OOO In consideration or this
the suits brought against Arms by Klmberly
are to bo dismissed , .
Tryint ; to Answer * oop > ;
Chicago , Dee 3 The Western States i
Passenger Association today took up the
question of framing a reply to JudgJ Cooley's
recent letter on thu nbusu of the excursion ,
rate prlvilego ' was such diversity of
opinlui It was found Imposiibio to cousti ucl [
a letter expressing the unanimous sentiment t
of all } uo Hues
Ono of the Finest D ooia In the
Olty Burned
The Trial or the lVmloi tmilnns un
the Clinigc ol Mutilcr S t Down
for Todnf nt W i > nc
btnto News
Tire nt riemonf
I'mmont , Neb , De& 3 [ Special Tele
gram I to 1 he Hfe 1 1 he most dlsa.tious lire
In the history of Ficmont occurred nt 5
o'clock i this morning , resulting In the ontlro
loss ' of the fine two story brick block belong
ing to FrnuKliu Ward of New Yorit cltv , together
gothor I with Its contents The building
was occupied bj Goldgribor llrothcrs , Urj
goods , and N Tampler clothing , each
being ' among the heaviest merchants in tbo
It Is thought the origin of the fire wns
from the explosion of n lamp vv hich wns left
burning in Goldgrabci's sloro lloth tbo
proprietors nud two or three clerks were
sleeping In the second story and then first
knowledge of danger was when they were
wakened by the stilling smoke Iho IIro
hnd gained such hen lwuv bt fore being dis
covorcd that it was lmpossiblo to put It out ,
though the lire department did good worjc in
confining it to the ono building
1 ho loss Is estimated to ba from f 0,000 to
fOOOUO of which about $0,000 wns on the
building and from 120 000 to * . ' 5.000 on the
stock of ouch of the In ins Iho Insuianco is
fIJMO divided us follows
On the Huilding German Amorlcun of
New York , $ .1500 , Homo of Now York ,
$ . ! BOO
Un the Stocks Goldgrnber Urothers $10-
000 , N Sampler , M7.000 , divided as
follows Liberty of New Yorl ,
$1,000 , Phanix of Hrooklyn , $1 000 , Queen
of Loudon , 51 OIK ) , Homo of Omuh i
$1,000 , American Fiio Philadelphia S1.000 ,
Insurance company of the State of Ponnsvl
vani ! , $1,000 , Oultland Homo California
$1,000 , Hamburg , Hrcmcn , fl 000. American ,
New York , 31,000 , Amorlci , Now Yoik
$1 000 Union , California , $1,000 , North
Hrltlsh and Mercantile $1,000 Piovidonce
Washington , * 1 000 , Northwestern Nationnl ,
Milwaukee , $1,000 , Gerinania , Now York ,
tJ'JUO , Western , loronto , $ , ) * 00 , Hibcrnn
$1,400 , llow Hampshire , thOO , Michigan
Firn nnd Marino % 2 000. North Amcrlc in ,
? 2 000f Orient , Hartford $1,000 , I ircm m s
Fund , $3 0J0 , South Cillfornia , $ - ' ,000 , Im
penal $ JO0O
The Indians Will IIo Trioil
Waint Neb , Dec 3 Special lclogratn
to Tin 13i c 1 In the case of the stnto v s
Henry Hice , Gcorgo Hluckhavvk and Green
Ualnbowchni gcd with tlio murder of the Hen
Jnmln boy , near Pender , and brought hereon
on a change of venue from Thui3ton county ,
Judge Barnes , for the defense , filed a pica In
abatement , claiming that the court had no
jurisdiction In the matter Lie fore Thurston
county was organized thoresorv ition was nt
tached to the Fifth und Seventh Judicial dis
tncts for Judicial pm poses W hen the county
wus created by the lnstlcfislaturo It wus not
uttached to any district In a semen hat
hiialagoust case fioin Custer county the
ounremo pourt held that until the county
was nttached to some Judicial district by the
leijislaturo thu courts had no authority to
try persons chained with cilmcs in such
countv After nn agreement by the attornej s
on both sides Judco , Norris ovei ruled tuo
motion and the case was set for trial tomor
row morning Tnoro is a largo force ot ut
tornovs on both sides and from sixty to
eighty witnesses nro hero from Pender and
the agency The general opinion here is that
there is no possibditv of a conviction
Iho case against Di Kelley from Norfolk
has been set for Moudaj qext
llio ( .onon lull an soliool
Glnoa , Neb , Dec 3 [ Special to Ihe
Dld ] When Superintendent Hnclcus took
charge of „ the Indian school bo found it
In ubout as oad shape us it well could be
Nearly one half the pupils time cxplrod the
following Juno and the school was so nearly
ban ) rupt that tie had to put the amploj cs on
half pay and nlso soil oft stoclc , etc , to piy
the running expenses for the remainder of
Hint fiscal jcir But ho wis ovidcutlj tbo 1
right man In the right place for although ho
has had charge of the school bat ubout nluo
montlu , ha has doubled the quota , sjcccoded
In getting the scliojl gi ided nnd a high
school established , a grade in which only
four schools In the country enjoy , and thus
In nine months ho hus succeeded In taking
the school from a fourth place and pi icing it
in tbo front rank A largo number of build
inks are to bo built to accommodate the in
crcaso of pupils the coming season Mr
Backus deserves great credit for his untiring
efforts in behalf of the school , as ull this has j
bcon accomplished by hard and persistent
work Iho school now has ever J50 pupils
A New Church Dedicated
Oscloia , Neb , Dec 3 [ Special to The
Dee ] f ho Gorman Methodists ot this city
dedicated a very nice little church Sunday , i
free from debt Kev Uruns of Omaha , who
Is the presiding older of this district , had I
charge of the services , proaclilng in the
Gciman langungu in the morning nud ifter
noon and In English m the evening All 'ho
debt was provided for during the di ) , and
In the evening ncurlv money enough wus
raised for the purchase of a bell The
chutch was paclied
An overflowing meeting was held nt the
rnglish M L chuich , over which C E
Cox , tl a traveling trunk man of Lincoln ,
presided HiotherCox is a whole team in
revival mootlugs
Htnm Hoard of Exniiiliiorn
Guam ) Isr vni ) , Neb , Dec : ) [ Special to
lnp Hpe ] Iho stito board of examlnors to
the state board of pharmacy mot in this city
yesterday ana transacted tbo regular routlno
of business and reorganized by the election
of the following officers Henry Cook , prusi-
dent Ited Cloud , Max liccht , vice president ,
Omaha ; I E HUrgs vice prcsidont , Lincoln ,
James Hood , treasurer , Nebraska City ,
Henry D Hovdon , secretary , Griuid Island
The president apnolnted the following com
mittees On violation of the law , James
Heed , on finance , Max liecht , J E Itlirgs ,
on supplies , Henry D Hey den * James Heed I
und Mux liecht
A Lontrnotot Skip * .
Oxfoiid , Neb , Dec 3 [ Special to Tup ,
Hep J Considerable coiuinont was created
hero today when it became known that
Henry Kohstcen had suddenly and unox-
pectedly disappeared Kohstcen Is a Gur-
man carpenter w ho bus recently completed
ono and partlnlly finished a second house
near this city Lust week ho was paid by the
tvo school boards a sum ot money aggregat
ing * M0 , und on Saturday ovcnlng ho loft for
parts unknown , leaving numerous debts un-
paid Lumbci and hardware dealers uro in
the lurch to the tune ot several bundled del ' [
luis *
Iho Ilnnlkhlp " • ' ilomlsiiieii
Noniotit , Neb , Dec 3 [ Spjelal iele-
gram to tin Hue j D l . Schvyeick loft to-
day for Washington In the Interest of the
bondsmen of Howard S , LovoJoy , who , as
rcci Ivor of the Niobrara land olllco , defaulted -
faulted to the government sovcral years uco |
in n larc.a amount Judgment was rendered
npoiust them , but few of them are ublo to
meet it without hardship and they seek ro-
Hot It is claimed that some of them became
convinced of the dishonest character of tbo
receiver and tried to have him removed some
time before ho turned up missing
Lioklng In'o ihat Piirnlt in o D nl ,
Norn oil , Neb , Dec 3 [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Use | - Laud Commls-
sloner Stcen has been nt the nsvlum
looking into Hint fmnlturo deal Rot
ulinli Charles II Johnson lomplalncd It
Is tindcrstoo 1 that ho ntmrovo 1 Dr ICclloy's
Integrity of purpose and hold tint lie hid
savid < money to the stale lohuson chums
still ] that his bil w is thu loiv est mil Hint lie
should have hnd the contract Ur Kelley
allow i el Dovvov , < L Stone ot Omaha to bid on
n cheater elnss of goods nnl in that way
beat I hi in out of thu contract
I lie Limits I siuhllshc I.
FuuvtnNr , Neb , Dec 3 - [ Special lo Tnr
Hri ] In view of the numerous llres Fuli-
inout i has had latolv the city council last
iiiglit i 1 a ed a ilro limit ordinance In the
j future no frame building will bo nllowcl put
up lu lhu business portion ot the cltv , which
will no doubt do much to pi event the uliuni-
Itig frequency of flies here
A * ? uli lor W ntrcs
Nnnniskv Cm , Neb , Dec 1 ] Si)3Cinl
Telegram to Tnr Dei | George McCuno
had 1 sued Gcorgo Hn > or , n firmer , foi $1,000
wages for nlno j cars labor lloyor then In-
ducod him to suttlo foi $2" iolaj some
j friends interested thamsolvos an 1 the scttlo
ment was set aside und u gu ndiiiu uppointe 1
for j McCuno
Oroccrj I inn Puili d.
, NrmusKv Cm , Neb , Dec J. [ Special
Telegram to 1 he Hi l I J W. Wiildsmltli . < .
Conipiuy ' ono ot the oldest groce'rv llrms In
the ' city , failed today ihe nihilities are
not ' given , but aio said to bo covorud by the
12stiuintcn of the Amount \eeiletl for
the N i xl I wo V onrH
Wasiiivotov , Doc J The clerks of the
committees on nppiopriations of the senate
ami ' house have propirad comparative state
incuts ot the estimates ot the appropri itieus
nnd i expenditures far the mnlutci ante ot the
government , for the flscil jcirs IS'JO ' and
1 > 11 , from which It appears u net Increase of
the estimates for 1891 over these for the
current i year of $ JiS17S02 and i net mcruaso
of , the estimates foi the next \eir
ever the appropriations for this year Tit
? J3 0.U 112 1 he total cstlm itcs of the regu
lui und ponnancnt annual appropriations for
tno next fiscal jear nro $100 M 3 315 vvlnlo
tno total levcnucs are estimate 1 ut * 40" > 414-
117 showing nn excess in the estimates ot
the revenues over the cstimilcl apprepria
tions for next year ofIJ 571 [ )22 '
llio net em plus foi tlio present year is
placed ut $ > ! 5J' , ill , oi $ l'il ) IsJ moro than
the estimate 1 surplus for the next llscul
year this prospective decrease in thosuiplus
ls stated too without lefercnco to tbo \ ossi
bilitj of the cu ictmcnt of a rlvci and h nbor
bill , for In the estimates submitted by the
secretary of the treusuiy thcio is a notublo
omission of the ordinary piovislun for river
nrd huber iiniirovoincnts 1 or the prosorvi
tion of the existing works the sum of $ " " 7 ,
000 is asked , wbilo the report of the chief
engineer suys ib 5U r > . )0 cm bo piolltibly
expended next vear In these improvemei ts
Ihe stutementubovoquotaddlffcrs natcii illy
fiom that prepared by the tie isury donart
ment nnd exhibited in tlio bok of csum it < s
just issued , for the reason that thu post il ro
cclpts und lovoiiua are differently trc ited by
the treasury und tbo uppropiiatlon com
bllOl lllMSLIiP
Suicide orSi nator C ildavoll's Son-ln-
I nn it li-avenworth
LE r woitTii , IC > n , Dec 3 | Spcciil
folcgiam toluc Upl I Dr S F Taylor , a
son in law of ox United States Sen nor Alex
under Culdwell of this city , comm'ttod sui
cide In his rooms In the ex-senator s resi
dence this evening Two shots weie fired ,
the second prov ing fatal
No cause is ussvned for the net Dr
lav lor has bcon drinking very hoavilv foi
some time past 1 his evonlngho wont homo
about(1 ( o'clock and informed his wifothit
how is going to 1 III himself Mrs JajUi
tned to laugh the mitter off but the decor
produced a pistol when Mrs I rjlor ran from
the room Iho pistol reports followol im
mediately Ihedcccisod v is a sou of the
late United St U03 Paymister I ijlor of the
ivventy fourth infmtry Ho was thirty six
voirsold und loaves a wife Und two chil
dien Iho affair hn3 crctitod a profound
sensation here on account of the Ii1l,1i joel il
standing of the parties concerned
Nrhraslci , low i null Dakol i IViisIoiih
Washington , Dec 3 ISpecial lelogram
to Tin Ul c ] Pensions granted Nobras
leans Orlfehiul invalid Nuvy , Ld Kicek ,
Amsworth Diniol J Moyois Histln.s ,
Jacob Hoffman , Glen Alnlno , William P.
Allen , Columbus Incioaso Willi im
Downey , Lure in , Charles L Gilbert Or
leans , John II Morris Elk Cltv , Diniol I
Mclnturf , Stanford , Henrv Fiaki , Cedar
Ilapids , Samuel Oliver , Frccport , William ,
II Kocitloy , Honodlct , John C Smith , labia
Kock.AloxII Pollock , Oinaba , John M
Johnson , Ogillaln , Charles Wittstiuck ,
Firth , Conrad Wnggonoi , Giand Islani ,
Wiliimn Campbell Conlial Citj , 1' W
Cameron , Alnsv/orlh Original widows
Minors of Albert Mill , Hubbell
Pensions for lo wans Original invalids
Tames N Porter , Pralrio City , Ihnmas i
Shrlvcr , Albla , John West , uluson City , :
Divid W Smith , Wulnut , Jesse Shi ppord , {
rioarfiold , LdwirdH Mumlui , Eden , I J
wurd lhomas Ha elton , Andrew Kllgore ,
Woodburn Increase Leon udGridv , Grin
villo , Tohn Crowl , ' 1 renton , Lrnstus II
Smith , List Dis Moines , Solomon Walkei ,
Centorvillo , Asgiim Olsen St Olnf , Samuel I
Moonoy.Clemons , W llllam I Sutton , Hoono ,
Daniel 1' Coles , Knoxville , John H Day ,
llrighton , John S Wasson Dos Moines ,
Hiram Chase Sheffield , William J Emer
son , Davenport , Gcoigo O Stcadmaii ,
Des Moines , William O Carter , Atlantic ,
Ircdcnclc Seaman Dcs Moines , Andrew
Cogloy , Vinton , John C Hiiner , Wcbervlllo ,
iluycs Hiidcn Peru , Jncnb liertschl , Fui
lei , Ch irlos W , Scanlon , Indianola , Or
lando Van Hognrt , Griiincll , Frodeiick \
Spill , Hawkeye , Andeison Lee btuart ,
'ihoinas Newell , Oskiloosa , William P. |
Park , Allorton , Hcnrv Leonard Dtlmir |
John 11 Love Slgnurnoj , lhomas E
Hobbs Clear Lake , Ensloy Phillips , La
conn , John W. Estier , Churdan , Juincs II
layler , Hcd Oak , Jacob Porllno , Mt Pleas
ant , Albert Ciiimincs , Ash Grovu Mexican j
Burvlvors Louis Schnltter , Kieliardsvlllo
Ponslons for Dakotans Original invalid -
Evan H Bakko Valley City , Orocon lticli-
mend , Tyndull Increase San foi d J llaker ,
Stuigis , Alva W Scholield Danbury , John
C I tnko , lyndulujCirco H Ames , Michi
gan , S M llaker , March , Crus Wilson ,
Oclnchs OriglnnI widows , etc Jauo ,
widow of John Cavanaugh , Andover
rh o > Were All Slnni > r .
Sav I jiancisco , Dee J [ Special Tolo
gram to Iiib Hpe 1 Mrs Woolworth , nn
ovaiigolfst , Is nightly creating sensations In
Oakland Last night , for Instance , In ro >
sponso to the nxhortation , ' Smnors confess
your sins , " over fifteen hundred men und
women dropped on their knees and prajed
First there were low mutterings , then they
traduolly became louder una tlio shrill voices
of the women ro.l 1 bo heard above all
Presently nearly all began to ruvo , and
shouts aad exclamations of peniluuco filled
the lout 1 hen at llio first lull the excite '
ment began to woai oft and one bv ouo they
rose and , after looKing round ut their nelrfh-
bors , went out Mrs Woolworth rs un !
doubtedly possessed nf a great dual of inag- ;
"netism nud apparently cau do what she
likes with her audiences , iho Oiklund
pic-ichcrs frown on hci exhibition * .
huiiin.liii | Ainvals
At Hamburg Ihe Gellert , from New
At London-Sighted ; The City of Paris
from New York , aad the Illinois , from Now
Tfork for Antvvorp
At Now York Ihe Worra , from Hrcmcn > ;
the Lydiati Monarch , from London , aad the
Pennsylvania , from Au twerp
Judge < Wlnrr Ltys Stress Upon a ]
Tochnlonllty |
[ \
The Dolcnsu IioiisIiik Nothing Un * [ ' '
ilono to Save the Nocks or the
Conspli atoi < IiikIiiiiii'm
Apt Itepli
A I i il Hnttlo ? )
Cmctrn Dec 11 Judge Wing resumed his i1 !
nrmiincut In the Ciouiii ttill this uftcriioou ] t
Aftoi touching n number of mlnoi points , Jio < '
took up the question of the cnuso of death , 11
stutlng i the law tu bo thnt Hoc uiso must bo j .
proved In accordance with the tonus of the j
Indictment , also conviction could not follow '
lu this case it w is clurgul that Dr Croniu I '
died from the effects ot the Inllhtloii of j
wounds and cnntusslous on the ho id Tbo } '
speaker went on to nigiio that this illtgntlou
wus not piovod and th it the experts In their
tctlinoio could not suy that the nature of <
the wounds on Dr Cumin's hca 1 nnd fueo j
were such ns to iiceessnrllj cnuso death
Judeo Wing noxttook up the quostlon ns '
to whether or not the blood found in the cot
tage was huiiuin bloo l or not , an 1 slid the i
bcstovidcilca the prosecution could give was
that It w is the blood of some mninmul Iho
speaker then proceeded to nttack the tosti -
mony of Ex | crt tollman , given in regard to "
his idcutlllcn'lon ot the hair found in the t
iriink , In the cottage und on Dr Cronln's . j
hcud as the same hair Ho declared It to bo
fnposslhlo 'I his closed his address nnd ,
lughini took up the uigument on bull lit of gi
the prosecution M
DMr Ingham spoke nt lcncth of the killing S
of f roninand thodisposdof his hoiv , mid K
dolincd nud illiistrntcd the application of the [ ji
law of conspiracy Addrosslng himself to the Kj
vnluoof citcunistuntinl ovldenco ho quoted gj
legal ouinious to the effect that it may bo M
stronger th in uny direct evidence Judge fj
Wing ho slid , had taken up the oildcncobit M
by bit nud mgucd its wcikncss 1 Ills was B
simply the old story of the butidlo of sticks jS
So it was in this case 1 uch Incrimiiuiting S
circuuistnnco w is explainable upon the K
thcori of innocence but the combine 1 con j |
elusion tu which thov pointed was H
irresistible 1 lie circumstances from the a
time of the meeting In C imp JO totho finding M ,
of the clothes ot Croniu in the sewer g
showed nn intelligent human design It hud ff
its origin in hate its foundation lu the chat go I
tint Cronln wns n spv nud its end in the j |
butchcrv in the Carlson cottage und the bu- J §
n il in tbo sewer Air Itichum piocce ed to flS
unnlvze the uvlucnce , uud getting uuwu to th
the Cm lson i ottai.e , said jj
'W li } did Huilco rent the cottage nnd hold M
possession of it unoccupiCl , month after 1
moutlil Ho was a d iv laborer nnd working W\ \
only pirt of Hie time W bora were the * w j ;
brothers and the ilck sistct who wis tone ! F '
cupi the cotti o with him ? Why did *
they not uppcir uud tcstifi In his m
bchain Fiui oi Iho pcoplo were W :
to live in this cott igo yet It did not contain llj
a. single aitlclcof kitchen fuinituro It was M
to attend to ono of O Sullivan's men tint JET
I no doctor was called iho rottigo was Wi
clo e to O Sullivan's house nud Hurlco told jH
0 Sullivan about it soon us ho rented it K
Subsequently O Sullivan vuuehod lei him "
I hu sue liter dwelt at loucth on the bus M ,
plclous chiraclcr of the Iceman's tontr.iot W
foi Cronln's Bet vices tbo hiding of the j.H
vvblto horse , Coughlm's suspicious actions , Ji
etu IIo wento\er the gidUud of the rldo f
to the cottneo the murder , the subsequent jtt
bcstowil of the body in thu catch h isln and I
Burkes lllkht All this connecting chain of 1
evidence , ho sud , wis uildlsputed Ho ffl
touched u ion the alibi testimony and W
ah nved It was ill by friends of the accused , .
whllo the inculpitlng nvilcncQ was by un- m
pirtiil witnesses lnhnm then ptnccodod 9
to trace the connection between Coughlln , |
Kunra and O Sullivan Ho levlowed'tho
llLht between Cionln ami tbo trlahglo ns [
the moving cause of the muidcr and closed [ '
with un appeal for conv Ictiou
1 AHMiilVAMrj\I101tnUVUS10\
Annual C invputton ot thu Older In
Si IouIh
St Louis Dec , 3 The annual convention
of the Farmers and Luboiors' union mot [
hero ted ly w ith a largo number ot delegates ,
in attendance After aldresses of vvclcomo * i
the convention ussomblcd in executive bos-
sion Ihcso incotlngs are to be secret m
Delegates nro present from Arkansas , Ken I
tuckv , Knnsns , Viifclniu Gcortin , Ten '
ncsseo Loulsitna , Oklihoma Aim y land ,
Alabimn Nebi isku North C uollua , South
Carolina , Indi ma and Jcxas Committees W
were apjiointcd to confci with the ullianco
of the iioith on the foundation of a national
alliance und on co operation with the Farm #
on'Mutual Hcncllt association Dclcgitcs
to convention from the noith nlllaneo held
an informal conference this morning Under
the pi in of consolidation with the Farmers
nnd Laborers union this body will probably
adjourn to sit la convention buforo the week
At the meeting of the Firrrcrs' ullianco
this afternoon a committee was appointed to
center with a similm committee from the
Farmers and Laborers union to discuss the ,
ndvisubllitl of consolidating the majority j *
of the committee is not in favor of eon m
solidatlon ft
As to the proposed consolidation with the
Kniclils of Labor Pn sldent Livingstone of 9l
tbo Gcoigin st ito orgunlzatloii said "Wo ; WD
pioposa to form nn olfensivo and dufcnslvo Mm
nllluncn with the Knights of Lnboi and lo H
co opnrnto with them is long us it is mutu KM
ally advantageous If our pith lea Is us along
the same real It adds to the strength of both
aiders to work together When our ways IH
diveri'O wo cm part In friendship to meet ju |
furtlici along on some other issue 1 mil not Wm
ono of thoprliiclpaludvocatosof co opei ition aJl
with thu knights but I can sco
to he derived from such a step " '
Tim San Francisco Adv onturer Ex- W
Iiomi il Ity a I ollow Criminal W
Svv ritiNiisco , Cula , Dec 3 [ Special W
Telegram to Xm Dei J Iho young mun , W
A. C Williams who said ha is the Jlloglti-
mate son of tlio lloston uuUlouaire , Arthur ,
Goijinm , is ugaln u subject of comment A
week ugo ho said ho ha 1 b on hivon $1,000- |
000 in bonds and about iM > 00J lu property
on condition that ho wouldn't bother Cor-
ham any longer ,
Now comes to the frort m ex convict of
the Cook countv Jail , Clncig ) , who eajs that
Willhuns is none ether tl un u former con '
fidouco man who has loan in the county
prison und served a joai's torui in
Jollet = The reason Williams Is thus exposed IH
to Sun Franciscans Is Uucauso ho snubbed II
his former pal ana wouldn't tive him uny H
money Williams Is said to bo well known WM
to the eastern police utidoi the tiumus of
Hlaku , bai guenittl und Williams iclo- BJ
grams soot brought responses todav from llio
counti J ill that n man named lilake who 1J
answers Williams description served a term JhJ
there lhu warden of loliet says that a mun flj
named banguonitto who has all the char flj
ucterlstlcs , In habits and appearance , of M
Williams was under his charge for a year III
. , IB
Hiii | hung Wiuitt Illootl "IB
Saco , Mo , Dee d In the pollco court to- H
day Hop Long , proprietor of a Chloota
laundry , charged with assaulting unows- • *
piper reporter with u hot flatlrou , pleaded
guilty nud in upon court thioateiied to kill
the reporter on the first opportunity Ho - -
was lined $1 and costs , but refused to pay the
line uud was sent to jail
Poisoned llnr Child
ICai amazoo , Mich , Dec.3 Mis C P.Mills ,
the wlfo of the Lplscopal rectpr hero , administered -
isterod morphine to nor one year-old child
tonight and thou cut her own tin oat No *
cause Is aiilgnul for tbo deed , Doth will '
mmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmm %