Br * I The Omaha I . Daily Bee j NINETEENTH YEAK OMAHA , MONDAY MOKNIN& DECEMBER 2 > 1880. NuJKrTS9 ! 1 WAS A REGULAR FIRE TRAP L The Printers Had Often Wnrnod the M Trlbuno People H H IGOE'S LAST GOOD NIGHT " : V aim Telegraph Operator Slti nt ttio B , Sounder Till It client , Is Too Iinto B About Twrtny ltvrs Hup- m piMeil to Ho tioiU HB B Ecancr ) Tlmt Awed tlio Hpratntor * . m Minneapolis , Dec 1. four sinokc-blnck- m cned walls towering up above a steaming , H smouldering mnss of inactilncr.v , briclc and m building debris Is all that remains of thom m olght-story briclc Trlbuno building , In which , B until today , bad been printed tlirco daily and B a weekly papers , nud where was located a B number of arilccs M All day today n constantly changing and H cver-lncrcnslng crowd of sightseers thronged H the streets , watching the efforts of tlio lire H , men to cntiroly subiliio the llamas , which | B : they brought under coutrol about 3 o'clock H this morning , H Thu building had been considered danger H ous for Bomo time , Its loose construction per H | inltting the heavy machinery to } nr the H ' whole building There was but ono lire es B cape , and It was at the end HBV of the building where the flro raged H fiercest The slnglo stairway was spiral B narrow and dark and wcund around tin elo- HBV ] valor Thrco years ago the inadequate flro pro H/ tcctiou of the building was considerably ugl- 1 toted , the mutter being tuiccu up by the Hf trades und labor assembly * and carried H llnally to the city ofllciuls , an attempt being H made to hnvo tlio building properly pro , H tcctcd or condemned , but nothing came of it B For some tune the Union Loagtio club B room , where the flro started , has not been B i used , and Its origin Is a mystery , The room H Is close to the oluvator shaft and tlio break B ing of a window In the effort to oxlinguish H the flames gave a draft which quickly carried H the flro to the elevator and cut off the escape H i of these who had delayed A few broke H through the stifling sinotto and scorching B flames , but ethers sought to cscupo clso- | ] 3cing at the south end of the building , H { while the solitary lire escape Wusntttio north H / end , the printers wcro cut off A number B of tliom ciimbod out of tlio windows and 1 clung to the ledges waltl'ig for help , whi en H in suver.ilcnscs c.imo too late , their piteous H cries nttractctl tlio nttention of the fliemcn , H und n nuuibuiof them wcro saved , while 1 others full off the ledges or dropped on the H I telegraph mid telcphono wires down , which H I they tried to escape H ( 'llio sight of the sufferings of the burning , M I struggling men brought tears to the eyes of B I the bravest H / Ono of the most pathetic Incidents ' was the H 1 attempt of James Igoa to escape llo had H I got clear of the building nod was Gradually H ( worhlug his way along the wires to a place H ) of safety , while the crowd below anxiously K watched his bravo uttompt to save his wife K and four little ones their bread winner , Hut 1 I his strength failed , and u groau went H i up from tlio crowd , as ho was l seen to slip and fall to the roof of the boiler HI house , receiving fatal injuries IIo was H I lifted gently und lulcon to u urjg store but H died in n few moments , breathing u lust H word of loving care for his family H Seven bodies were found last night , all of H which have boon identified ' 1 hey were : B Milton Slckott , assistant city editor of the H Pioneer Press V James R Igoc , Associated press operator B Walter E. Miles , night agent of the Asocl- K l atcd press ' 1' Prof Olsop , president of the South DaB - B kota university m W. II Milliuua , commercial editor of thq i B Tclbuno B Jerry Jonkinson and Robert McCutehcon , BBB compositors BBB Other bodies are known to bo in the build BBH ing but bow many is unknown BBB ] ) Two men who could not bo identified were BBBJ | scan to shoot themselves before the flames BBBJ > reached them , and today the body of a man BBBj caught in the ruins Is In plain view from BBB Fourth street It is believed tnat the num- BBB her of victims will reach twenty and per BBB hups twonty-flvo , but until the debris cools i BBB off positive Information cannot ho obtained BBf Tno last man of the Trlbuno editorial stuff : B to lcavo the building v.ns Managing Editor BBV Williams lie was badly burned about , the BBS head and hands Mr Williams gives the fol- B lowing Btutoment of how several of these B nnmea above lost their lives Miles and I H Millmun , together with a number of J m printers started down the flro escape A H blnst of hot smoka und flame struck H Mlllumn and ho lost his hold I H and foil , knocking Miles off lioih fell to H the sixth floor , where they strucic and I H kuocked off Slukctt and Prof Olson The I H four men In fulling struck against the lowest H platform of the escape and bounded invav H from the building and were dead when thny H j * itruck thu ground , When Williams started 1 J down tlio ladder the llro was burning his j hair and hands'and ho narrowly escaped the H \ fate of thosu who preceded him The printers H i on the ladder escaped with slight burns , fgoo 1 , and Jenkins sought to escape by tlio wires , H MoUutchcon jumped from a window ledge 1 for an oxtenslon ladder , but his bauds 1 slipped and ho foil to the pivemont A not B was ctrotched to catch him , but ho was m too heavy for It nhd striking the H ground , was fatally injured So far BBV as learned uiuu of Uiobu In tlio Dulldlmr were BIB qultu soriausly burned or bruised In o-icup- ' B ing , but it Is not thought tuoir injuries are BBV dangerous B E lir.l'KATElll.T WAUNEI ) , M Minneapolis Typographical uulon , No 43 ' , , BBl I mot this ufternoon und adopted resolutions BBf ' stutlug that the records of the Trlbuno and BBvI Journul chapels Bhow that committees had M1 been repeatedly apielutcd | to confer with A. H I U. Nettlcton , who at the time nad charco of HI the building , and bogged him to furnish H ( proper moans of escape in case of lire ' 1 his H J no refused to do The case was taken up by H f the trades und lubor assembly , and a com H • jniltco from thut body luborcd long und earn i h csiiy , vuu neiiicton , uut an us ouorts B > failed HI 1 ho position In which the only flro escaoo B \ on the building was placed rendered Itprac- BB tlcally useless , and a prominent member of BB ) the lire department has said that ho had been BB trying for thrco mouths to huvoun additional BB flro escape placed on the building "Wo BB V most severely condemn thosu whosa duty It BB ' . was to place a sufficient number of llro cs- B capos on thobulldliig for not o doing , and in B our judgment this Is a proper subject for the B coroner to carefully and fully Investigate B and piaco the blamu where it belongs " BB Anton J , Danl , a bookbinder , was on an BB upjicr Moor , and It is hollared ho is among BB ) thu lost The olovnlor innu , tvho inado threu BB trips aftnrtho flro bioko out , says ho saw a BB man conio from an ofllco and try to escape , BB but u sheotof llama struck him und the uu- BB fortunata man drew u revolver and shot him m self This , it Is thought , was Uahl , H Chief titettson of tlio flro department lays H tha blame for the loss of life to tlio lack of H flro oscoihjs llo saya the department did all H that was possible H The nlavator man , whose bravo attempts to H bring down the occupants of the upper floors H whllo thu olevutor shaft was on flro have B been generally commende d says liothlohs H there wcro still several people on the eighth B floor when cscapa was cut off llo took a B couploof uomcu uplu the elevator n few BB minutes before the llro broke out , and bo BB says they did uotcomo down ugaln , BB The financial loss by the flro has been con BB lderubly educed from lust uight's estimates , B und it i thought that It will not exceed H (350,000. B Icoh'h hast " ! JO , " B New Yoiik , Dea 1. Tbo western circuit B . wires of the Associated press were burdened B with outgoing matter last night and \V. D , _ Chandler , ono of the moit rapid senderswas hurrying the lads nlong the lines that touches Now Orleans southward , Kansas City westward nnd Minneapolis northward The pace was warm , for It was Saturday night nnd Sunday papori ' would go early to press Suddenly Chand ler paused , shut his keys and looked up with nn expression on bis face J1 that challenged inquiry from his colleagues ns to what was the trouble on the wlro The Associated press telegrapher , Igoo , at Mln- ncapolls , had "broucn" and ull the men on . the line had paused , like Chandler , to llsttn I " 1 hero's n lire on the third floorof the Trlbuno building , " said Igoo on the wires , and I'm ' on the seventh " Then after n moments pause ho added , "Go ahead , Chandler , " nnd New York began again , nnd nftor n > brief space paused , for Clnvoland , who had a "tush" disputch and this was nil of Cleveland's message that Igoo rccolvod : . "CLKVBt.ANit , O. . Nov HO Captatu Joe Moffatt , the well known lake man , was killed ] todny by falling Into ttto hold of his vessel " Just there Igoo broke " "Hoys , " ho ticked ] on the wlro , nnd there was another brief pause and all the men on the circuit wcro listening with Interest for they hnd noted in the transmission by Igoo of the word boys a tremulousness of touch just as a layman could detect ti tremor In the human voice , ' 'hoys l'vo got to stand you off " I'm the only ono loft on this floor Everybody Is gene , and I cant stay any lonccr " Click , shut went hlskoy , and some operator on the line quiclcly opened nnd shouted alter fgoo as It wore ! " 1'alto the machine nlong Kavo the ma- chlnol' ' . ' roforrlng to the writing machine , the Associated press reports being executed on writing machines at all points , Hut there was no response The clicking Instrument hnil tlclcod Its half jocular message - sago in an empty room Near by sat the machine and the last words tiiKcn , which hnd been Cleveland's Item ubout the violent death Then the work went on again and no ono of his colleagues thoucht seriously of Igoo's good-by until there came the bulletins of the loss of life , among them a bulletin stating the faet that poor Igoo h id sViyod too long These 20 words ho remained to tnko were fatal They cost him his llfo and the men nt their Keys were grave us they worked on to Good night " One who had ' Good ' started in nt oven Inir , " find recolved his " 30" before the re port was closed It is now positively known thnt Dahl , the bookbinder , was not the man who shot him self In the ball , ho having turned up safe und well woll.Who Who the two suicides wore Is unknown It is also almost positively known thut there are no moro printers In the ruins , every ones earn being accounted for There is a bare possibility that some printers had gene to work without having turned In their card ? , but this Is doubted Several employes of a Swedish paper which was published on the uiirhth floor were in the habit of sleeping in the building , nnd nothing has been heard of them Also some law students slept in the building and some of litem may b among the lost To morrows search Is all that can decide this matter , und it will also scttlo the question as to whether the two women taken up iu the clcvutor just before the tire are among the victim * . iiETTLETOX ISSUES A. OAni ) . General Nettlcton issued a card tonight In which ho denies any connection with the burned Tribune building for two years past , and savs that while ho was in charco of It 1 no person or occupants ever requested of him butter'facilities for escape in case of fire IIo explains the visit of the repro- BCntatlvcs of tbo trades nnd labor assembly , with whom ho wont ever measures for pro tection , and thought they were fully satis fied ubout the matter Tin : cijEakance niiconu Financial Translations of the Coun try Kor the I'nst Week Boston , pec 1. ( Special Telegram to Tnc 15m.I : The following table , compiled from special dispatcher to the Qostou Post from 1 the managers of leading clearing houses of the United States and Canada , shows the i gross exchanges for the week ending November DOwith , the percontngo of lncreaso ' and decreuso , as compared with the corresponding spending week In 1SSS. • ! ? g CITIES CLEArtlNaS 2 jg : : New York 8tf20G03,2.VJ 575 Uoston , Sl.S.W.W 2.J l'lilludelpnla OT.TSl.auJ J2.5 Chlcnso ' C0.UI7.0 0 2. ! ) 8t. IiO ui3..i JGtTH,0' 13.0 Hun Irauclsco ] . ( iaiJ7 ! , ) 4.0 NewOneads 12,802,411 4.(5 ( Pittsburg 11.831)72 ; ) 10.9 Baltimore 11.WI.18.I JJ.2 Cincinnati , M 10.26H.4W 8.U Kansas Ulty 7TOl , li ! 11,0 Mluuoanolls C.ISi.iao 13.2 Louisville 5,7U,4'i3 2.0 Providence S.r > W,2iU 20(1 ( Milwaukee 6,2r : > ,0 < W 1.2 Detroit 4 , < )17WJ ) 17.6 Cleveland l,0nawJ2 2J.8 ht Iuul . , 4.120 , 'JJO 10.7 Omaha 3,94-2,602 20. ? llcmer : i,7tc.\ulJ wfi Memphis : iliio,0 | " ' u.ti Colnmbus 2.073.U0J 31,1 Hlohmouil lVOva 11,7 Inillanupolls . . . lh2 i,0Jj 2 8 ( iaivestou l , 7f > ' . 'l ' 0.0 l'ort Worth 1.7 ' 1IH 10,8 Uulutli lr.-0,60U ! r .2 lcorla . I , IIV ) ll.o 1'orttr.nd. Ore 1.0H.IGI 3f.3 . . H. Joseph 1,0.13.217 20.0 SprlnqtlaUU liKi6.07. ri 2.8 Nowliaven 1W0JI 0.0 Woicestor . . . . , , . . . . ir.8,21) ) 20.0 Norfolt 81f. ' > 3.8 lies ilcildes 11,111 5.1 Lowell Ml.tlhT B.8 ( Iranil ltanius r,2UW ( 17.0 Wlclilta 621,700 o.r , [ os Angeles 477.001 26.1 TopeKa , 80l.r,8l 0.0 • llutliilo 2,1/11 , JS ' 1 • Portland , Ore lMH.n&J Nashville , l , < sn.8'il Sioux City KII.OH • Keatllo 7T' ' ' , * 1-B • lacomn . . , . OOj.222 • lilrnilnKhiim 500.T1I Montreal fVH , < iK _ Total WT2.011,8il O.B OutsldoNew Vork.l 3fi5.40J.o01 U. | " * Not Included hi totals china noituons An American Ship Wreokod AOront ' Tvi > hoiii A Vlllngo lliirni'd , San Fhanouoo , Col , Dec 1 , The steam ship Gaelic , which urrlvod from China and Japan today , brings the news that the Amer ican shin Chccseborough was wrecked October - bor SO by running on a rock oft Stuchi-rl- Hama und nlneteon of her crew drowned Four of the crew were saved The most violent typhoon known heroin many years swept over the Islnndof Sade , on October SI , Fifty nouses aud us mauy boats wsro de stroyed . • On October SO at Kauldaraachi , In Nuguta- prefo , threo-fourths of the village was de stroyed by lire Threochlldren were burned to death aud lb3 houses ucstroyed Tlio Wcailirr I'orroast , For Omaha und vicinity : Fulr , followed by rain For Nebraska and low-as Fair , followed by light rain or snow , sllgntly coaler except In extreme oustern portion ot Iowa , station ary temperature , variable winds , For South Dakotut Light snow , lower temperature , northerly winds , Alilcrmnn Kioiio round , Wicilm , ICun , Dec 1. Alderman Stone , the prominent businessman who disappeared mysteriously some time ago , has been found by his son near Fort Scott , Kan , Stone has been iu ill health for boojo time , and it now appears that ho had become suddeuly Insane aud wandered away , for the past three months ho led the Ufa ot a tramp * L _ _ _ J _ . SECRETARY { J NOBLES ' REPORT " RccommondtitlorjB of the Intorlor Department to Congroas THE BUSINESS OF UNCLE SAM General Land _ Ofllco Affairs The IJInvnuili CciiRus Jtnllrontl Ijnnil OriuiU Tlio lmllnns llio Pan * slou liurcau Irrigation Noblo'rt Jtoport WAsnixoTo , Dec 1. Tlio report of the secretary of the Interior Is n very exhaustive ono Jt first treats of the opoulug ot Okla homa ; the successful negotiation of a treaty with the Sioux Indians in Dakota and the advent ' Into the union of the four now states North Dakota , South Dakota , Montana and Washington acNcitAi hnd omen With reference to the business of the pen oral ' lund ofllco for 1S 9 , the following table with reference to patents issued Is given ! Acres Agricultural patents , 70,141 , cov- erlug 11,701,110.07 Mineral patents , 013 Coal patents , 1.15 , covering 17,000 SO Railroad lands , covering > 42 , " ) , OI0 03 Swamp lands , covering 250,781.4,5 Stuto selections under educa tional urunts , covering 1 2,350 01 Indian und miscellaneous patents 15'Jy00.31 Total 12,781,71.110 Thoio can be found In the commissioners report tables assigning these dlflcicnt selec tions to the proper states aud territories in which they are situated The final entries inado during the yenr covered U,033r. ' , l3.15 acres ; the original en tries , 8,050,100.44 nci-os , and the railroad and other selections , 4,514,570.10 acres The total amount ot cash sales amounted to $3,379.410.40. The number of liunl entries disposed of during the year Miichod S0.000. There remained pending in the olllco on the 30th of June , lsSO , 1S0.01S final cntiies of all classes ; ofougluat entries of nil classes then pending 353 , 'JS4. Iinllroad sections un disposed of , 29,414,251.01 acres ( an lncreaso over thu amount pen dine at the beginning ot the year of 4.014,3S5 f > J acres ) . This does not Include 301,0.0.07 ucres of Oregon wagon road selections Swamp selections of vari ous states coveting over 2,0J0,0J0 acres were pending , and cducitionnl and internal im provement soloctlons covorlng 1,073,472.SS acres 'Ihncish receipts for \ho year , from nil sources , were 80,035,001.31 , a decrease ns compared with the previous year of $3t > 01- 2.10,03. Tills decrease , the commissioner ex plains , was duo mainly to the falliug oil in cash entries IllhlOATIOK The subject next in importance in the land ofllco , 1 deem thnt of the system already in augurated by congress for the redemption of the arid regions bv irritation The acts of congress on which it i3 based are recent aud are ns follows : On Mnrch 30 , 1SSS , a joint resolution was approved directing the secretary of the in terior , by means of the director of the geological logical survey , to investigate the practicabil ity of constructing reservoirs for thostorngo of water In the arid regions of the United States and to report to congress After wards , upon such report , congress Inserted iu the act approved October 2 , 1383 , making appropriations for the sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ondlng Juno 00. Ib80. For the purpose of investigating the ex tent to which the arid region of the United States can bo redeemed by irrigation , and the , segregation of the irrigable lauds in such arid region , and for the selection ot sites for reservohs and other hydraulic work neces . sary for the storage and utilization of water for irrigation and the prevention of floods und overflows , nnd to mnko the necessary maps , including the pav of employes in Held and in ofllco , the cost of nil instruments , ap paratus und materials , und all other ncces- sary expenses connected therewith , the work ; to bo performed by the geological survey , uudor the direction of the sect otary of the In- 1 terlor , the sum of $100,000 , or so much thereof ; as may bo necessary The act apurovod-March 2 , 18S9 , making appropriation for the sundry civil expenses J of the government for the fiscal year ending June30 , lb'JO , makes an appiopriatlon of f $250,000 for the sauio purpose Iu conformity with the provisions of the 1 above acts , the director of tbo geological survey has notilled the socrctary of the In- toriorot the soicctlon of sites for lesorvolr purposes , situated in the following states , and territories : California , Colorado , Utah , Idaho , Montana and Now Moxlco These , selections have been approved by the de . partment In the circular Issued by the act ing commissioner , In compliance with the ' Instructions of tno secretary , dated August 1 5 , 18S9 , itwa3 stated to the registers nnd re- celvers of tlio land oDlccs that information had reached the department that parties were endeavoring to make filings on aria ! lands reserved for reservoirs , irrigating ditches and canals , and for the purpose of controlling the waters ot lakes und mors and their tributaries in the arid regions , and the attention of these officers was called to the act of October 2 , 1838. T1IR ELEVKNTII CENSUS Whllo comprising all the investigations un dertaken In the Tenth , it will include two ad- [ ' ditiouul and Important features : An inquiry In relation to the recorded indebtedness of pi-ivato corporations und Individuals , and n • } list of the names , organizations and length of service of surviving soldlors , sailors und marines und their widows , I am nssurod by the superintendent that the forthcoming census ; as compared with any previous ono , will bo moro statistical aud less scientific ; moro aaaptcd to an actual inventory ot the nations progrebS in popula i- tion , industry and wealth , and less given to technology , descriptions and scientific dis 1- quisitions Tbo latest appliances for tbo rapid tabu i- lation aud presentation ot the results ot the census have been adopted , and io effort will 1 bo spared to present , -at ns early a data ns possible , the entlro results of another decade of the nations progress As an Illustration of the magnltudo of this nndortaklnir It is only necessarv to mention the fact that It Is estimated that there will ' be employed in taKlng the Eleventh census 42,000 enumerators , 2.000 clerks , from SCO to C00 special agents , 175 supervisors and 25 ex perts The number of published volumes will probably exceed these of the Tenth census The calculation bus been madu that if < the inquiry in regard to votoruns should yield 1,1.00,003 names , it will take eight , quarto volumes of 1,000 pages each to con tain them It Is to ha remarked that by the last clause of soctlou 3 of said act (25 ( , United States ' statutes , 701) ) It wus enacted ; All examin ations for appointment and promotion under ' this act shall bo in tha discretion and under the direction of tha secretary of the inter ior " Uy this the nppointmonts were re moved from the control of thu civil service * commission and In order to sccura compe tent clerks In this ofllco it was deemed Bufiiciont to rcquiro thorn to puss un examin , ation before a board established by the secretary - rotary and upon such subjects as bore near relation to the work to bo pcrforincJ , and not difficult for those of ordinary intelligence and education Such a board has Deen in , operation almost from the beginning of the work in the ofllco aud tbo results have been very satisfactory Uy it a large force uudor ! the demands of particular stage * of the worlc can b .ibtulnod near the place of demand ; and wncii this extra force is discharged , as It necessarily must be nftor a comparatively short use of from six months to a year , tbo individuals will find their homes ' and not be In the distress or danger that would awult such a body drawn together Irom all parts ot our wldo country under the moro general regulations ot the civil service commission XAIMlOAD UNO ( HUNTS Where a railroad company Is claiming the land by virtue of the grant , It Imposes 1 u great burden upon the commissioner of the land ofllco nnd the secretary of the interior to have to dctormlno Whettier the patents shall be issued or not If congress intends to forfeit the lundi , nil of tbo facts are before it The failure to act mav well bo tnkon as an Indication on the part ot the government thnt the forfeiture \ will not bo insisted upon ,811011 , would bo n Just ) conclusion on the part ot the ofllcers ot this department , nnd these patents may yet bo l issued upon the presumption that con grcss lf f docs not Intend that the forfeiture shall bo exacted and that there Is no need of furthordolny There should certainly bo found i somewhere the moral courage to glvo the I ovldonco of titloto thd rnllronds in It is given ' to the Individual it Is intended that any possible forfeiture will not bo Insisted upon The obligation , however , folrly rests upon con gress i , and It is hoped that the latter will as sume J It and net without farther delay , Not only the railroad companies are Interested hi the i decision of these matters , but nlso the | government , In order thnt Its business mny bo disposed of ; the citlzsns , who have purchased - chased ' from the company relying upon the | grant , and the settlers , who , In anticipation of the restoration of these lands to tbo pubc lie domain , bnvo settled upon thorn under tbo homestead or other laws I npprovu the rocomniondntton of the com missioner that thu Fifty-llrslcongross should give some oxprcsslon of losislntlvo opinion , by Joint resolution or otherwise , as to whether or not action should bo takun 111 thu land ofllco on selections now pending As to such portions of land grunts us are cotcr- miaous with these portions of roads still uncompleted - completed , It Is estimated that 6,000,000 acres , might bo restored to the public domain by the Immcdlato declaration of such for feituro INDIAN ArrAins Speaking of the Indian bureau , the secre tary shows that the appropriation for the Indian bureau for 1SS9-U0 was f0,0S3,851 , being a not lncreaso ovur the pruvious year of $273,710. If from the sum expended during thoyoar , $1,331.07 133 , wo deduct support of Indian school , $1,131,270.02 ; Intornst on trust fuuds , J713.040.8J ; fulfilling trcntlus with iDdlan tribes , pormancut , $370,557.13 , making 62- 230,871.27 , the balnnco is SJ,10OS0l U ; nnd this wo may assume to bo nearly the sum required - quired each year to supply tbo Indian tribes with food , blankets , clothes , medicines aud Implements , either us absolute gratuities or under ticatics that will expire within a low yeai s. The school system , with Us nttondnnt practices , is worthy of ndoption nnd oxuan- sion until It may be made to embrace all the Indian youth It is n model produced by the governments own generosity und by tno ability of these solcctod by it for suporln- tendonts aud teachers It is not Bomotbing newly discovered or to bo advocated us u rccont invention It has been In full opera Hon for years In the department of letters It glvos a good common school education In the department of Inbor IU Inculcates both n love for labor and a habit of working lb mav bo easily systematized sn as to have its form adopted in schools of different grades , and so that its pupils may bo gradually , when fitted and entitled , transferred to the white common schools * PENSION ESTIMATES The estimates for pensions inado for the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1839 , were not only inadequate but must have been known to bo so when recommended to congress The cstiniatoforthoproviousyear wasfSOOUO,000. Hut before this estlmuto . tbe prosentyoar was completed it was apparent thnt a do- flcloney would bo iuoUrrod , as it was in- currcd for the previous year , to the amount of ut least 83,000.000 , nud that this added to the original eighty millfo ' uB would not bo cnousrh to moot tbo obligations uccruing bo fore tbo end of oven thatjfacul yenr It was lenowu also thatlho pension list was increasinir , nnd if the payments of 1SS3-S9 could not bo met with ' $30OOJOOo ; but n do- llcloncy bill had to bo passed for $3 000,000 more , it must bavo boon ' anticipated that the former commissioners successor would bo ion Into ndollcloncy Yet the estlmuto for vonsions was conflned to { 80,000,000 for 1SS91 00. Tbo result If the cause were not so easily detected might produro nn unfair comparisou between the previous adralnistni tion and tbo prcsont as to tbo amount ox- pendod In this branch of the Borvice I do not hesitate , however , to assume the re- sponsibility , as I Pave done In the estimates for the next fiscal year , of recommending nn increase in theapproprlatfon for psnslous , so that aliboraland legalpavmontmaybomade to all the dosorvlng penbionors of the ropub- He The sum will reach $97,210,252. The report of the commissioner fortho last fiscal year shows that there were on the rolls on Juuo 30 , 1S89 , 489,725 pensioners , classified nsfotlows : 351,484 army invalids , 07,591) army widows , minor chlldren.and dependent rola- tivos ; 4,517 navy Invalids , ? 2,200 , navy wid ows , mlnorchildron and dependent relatives ; 00J survivors of the war of 1812 ; 0,934 widows - ows of these who scrviid'in ' that war ; 17,001 , survivors of the war wltlr Moxlco , and 0,200 widows of these who served In that war The names of 51,921 pensioners were added to the roll and the names of 1,751 pensioners dropped from the roll were restored , making nn ugKrognto of 53,075 pensioners added to the roll during the year Tbo names ot 10,507 pensioners were dropped for various causes , leaving the net Increase for the year 37,108. The average annual Value of each ponslon at the close of the year was 1131.18 , an in- [ crease for the year of J5.78 in tbo average amount of each ponslon The aggreguto an- nual value of all pensions at the close of ' the year was $04,210,552 30. an increase for 1 the year of 7,539,331.44 , , The amount paid for pensions during tbo , year was $33.27.1,113.23 , an lncreaso of $9,499,251,80 over the amount paid In the previous year The total amount disbursed 1 bv the agents for all purposes was $39,131- 803 44. At the close ot the fiscal year there was duo to pensioners ns first payments of pension on certificates which had been Issued 1 the BUtn of $5,5IS5,270,8l , , The whole number of claims presented 1 durlnc the year wss 244,240 , of whtcn 81.220 wcro for original ponslon , und 1QJ.020 for ln . crease of pension Tho-number of claims for original ponslon allowed was 51,921 ; the number rejected was 19,147 , The number of t claims for increase allowed was 123,001 ; the numnor rejected w&s 50.0J9. iThe commissioner makes several rccom- mcndatlons ns to amendments of the law 1und additional legislation NO HKIjIWANTI3D. . 4 South Dakota Able to Take Onra of Her Sufferers ' Yankton , S. D. , Dee 1. ( Special Tele- eratn to Tub Hue | Largo quantities of flour , clothing and provisions have been con triouted In this city to ijij the drouth suf- torors in Sanborn.and Miner counties , South Dakota people are abundantly able to take euro of tholr few drouth sufferers and will do it , and they brand as Infamous the falsehoods ( oolng circulated in the cast about tbrt total crop fultiiro and the uulvcr- sal starvation in Dakoa { Large shipments of hogs , cattle and sheep are going east from ' bore dally , nnd tbe Yunkton flouring mill makes a frequent shipment of Hour to Europe - rope direct Iu 18) ) > 9 thoiDukota whont crop wus 41,000.000 bushels , corn 2J,000OJO bush els , oats 22,000,000 bushels , potatoes 4,000,000 't cnouch uf nil to keep the people und to spare > Let the eastern money bags look out for the starving poor of their own communities and Dakota will take cars of herself • Sloro Santn Fo Itobliers Cum I it Ginkvjli.e , Tex , Dae 1. City Marshal 1 Iloncycutt received Information last night that three Santa Fe train robbers had been captured iu Oklahoma City , I. T. The ar- rest of these parties mukes almost a clean awcop of the outire party with these now arrcstod Several uro well known iu Gaines yillo The ontlro gaug will be taken to Pur- cell , I. T „ and will have their preliminary hbarlng before the United State * coinnils- sloner tomorrow , • ' - Tlio/Voranloiu ; Kntrlisli tfyuclli'nto , Chicagoiec l. Uis' .announccd tonight thnt Lawyer Cobln of th'i * city has about completed a deal whereby tbo great plant of tbo Michigan Stove company of Detroit may pass into the hands of un ICaglUh syndicate > company It controls , besides Its factories in Detroit , establishments In New York and Uuffato i J REED ) AND HIS REWARDS HIb Late Oppononta Will Bo Ron moniborod First HE | KNOWS WHO STOOD BY HIM Tlio Orntlcnicn Who Came In Ontot the AVot Will Flml It Very Dry Democrat * ) null the Contested Scots , Washington Hunimt Tnr Onuiu Bnn , 1 513 Fauiitbrnth SrucET , ! Wasiunoton , D. C , Dec , 1. ) . Now that the speakership light Is ever the iutorest naturally turns to the disposition that Mr Keod will mnko ot the Important chairmanships nt his disposal , in ether words how | , he will reward these who have worltod , for hltn early and late Ho will bo greatly assisted in this matter by the fact that the balloting was open IIo knows exactly who voted for him on the second bnl- lot IIo knows who stood by him from the flrst and who tbo gontlemcu are who climbed on his wagon when they saw that his wus the winnliiR team > Of course his late opponents - pononts will come tn for the flrst consldorn • tion Mr McKlnloy , ns already stated In these dispatches , must bo tondercd the chairmanship of the committee - too on ways and moons There is a general belief that Mr McKlnloy , rocogv nizlng.ulready what the venerable Father Kulloy has done , or claims to have done for him . , wilt pretor that the chairmanship of thatcommltteo bo tendered to Mr Kelly Instead I of to himself At the same time it must bo said tnat Mr McKlnloy very dlplot mntlcally worltod himself clear of any pledge in that direction by saying that as the com mltteoshlp J had not yet been oftcrod to him ho ' could not say that ho would declluo In favor of Mr Kelley Mr Cannon , of course , gets the npproprlai atlons chairmanship . As for Colonel Henderson of Iowa , ho will likely remain on the appropriations com mittee Tom Bayne of Pittsburg will got the chalrmnnshlp ot rlvors and harbors It Is said thnt Mr Hurrows wilt probably prefer to romuin on the ways , and means com mittco . Hurry lilngnam , the former postmaster of . Philadelphia , has been active enough in Mr Roods bobalf to onrn the r.huiruianship of postofllco I and post roads committee Dorsey of Nebraska will probibly obtain the ' banking and currency chairmanship.e . Cabot Ledge has beoa Mr Hoods right bower j in the light , and bus been expecting the ] chairmanship of elections , but Judge Uowoll of Illinois will probably get it Pavson of Illinois will rcccivo the public lands ] chairmanship Perkins of Kansas Indian affairs Boutolle of Maine naval uffalrs Dingloyof Malno merchant mnrino nnd fisheries 1 Farquhar of Now York wanted this | latter commlttco , but Heed will probably not i forget him for breaking the Hood New j York Wheat combination and practi cally , electing Captain Adams fordoontooper , so , that he will probably not got thut chairI inanship ] Mill ! icon of Mnhfo will got the public build Ings j and grounds probably McCouias ot Maryland , for some remark able , reason , seems to be anxious to leave his present important position on the appropria- tious 1 committee nnd light for n chairman ship , Tbo district committee Is said to bo his j ambition Ho may get it , nnd If ho does he 1 will only hold it ono week before he will believe 1 what bis friends now toll him that the 1 powers to appoint a friend to a clerkship ou , his committee is too big n price to pay for his j leaving tno most important committee iu the 1 house The ether chairmanships are still In doubt and 1 It will probably bo after the holidays be- fore Mr Reed will bo able to announce his selection The disposition6f the committors docs not lie 1 altogether In the hands ot tha Hpeakor The administration must bo consulted , aud Mr Hood is under too many obligations to Senators ; Quay and Piatt not to hear their their requests before llnally announcing his list JlEKU INTERVIEWED Sponker Reed was asked today by your correspondent ' if ho had any idea when his committees : would bo announced "It is im- possible to toll , " ho answered iu his slow , de liberate way "I should think not for two weeks , und perhans linger Mr Carlisle tooic until the 1st of January , and I shall bo doing wall It I am able to make up the list In two weeks So far I have not been able to give tbe matterono moments consideration " . " Then you do not look for much buslnoss tb bo done until nftcr the recess ? " "Hardly.v If the committees nro appointed In two weeks from now there will bo only n tow dava left before the usual Christmas recess Is taken , " Are you likely to appoint the commlttco on rules In ndvanco ot the other commltteos , so that the rules can be modilied before un attempt is made to do business ! " "I am not prepared to say what may bo done , but it would not bo surprising if tno committee on rules should bo appointed in I the course of a few days , bo hat the rules could be rovlsod whllo the house is waiting for other business " Can you express any opinion on the prob- able course of legislation this wintorl" ' • It would not bo politic for mo to do so , and In addition to that , I urn not able to un- swer the question This somewhat unncces- sary contest , " and Mr Hood smiled at tha recollection of the light , has taken up ull j our time , and tliero has been no J opportunity for consultation The views of various members will 1 have to be ascertained and conflicting opln- Ions reconciled Measure ) for which there ' seems to bo a public domund will be pushed , while ethers may bo dropped With our small-majority thoio will have to be har mony and conciliation if wo are to accom plish anything , " Mr Hood has received nutnorous tele- crams of congratulation from all parts of the country , und the original Reed man"was at the bhorcbam today in full force IIo has already received an application for a place A lady called on blm nnd wanted to bo placed In charge of thu ladies reception room on the house nido Mr Reed told her that the ofllco was not in bis gift , An tst : I > LAN It was learned today that the democratio members of the house yesterday adopted a very wise course in ono respect at lbust It was ngreod that a general committee of fifteen should bo appolntod who shall have supervisory control of all matters in which 11 is necessary that the party policy shn ll be maintained This committee will bo dlyldod up Into live sub committees , each having car tain lines ot work to look after nnd to ner- form Ono ot these sub-commlttoes will be charged with the duty of inquiring into all 1 the points at issue on tbo seventeen con tested election cases which nro to bo cou- ' tested The policy as now outllnod provides ) that wherovcr there is strong evldonco thut a republican contestant la entitled to the Beat which ho usks the sub-comtnittoo having them in charge reports such casus to tbo full committee and they will ' j advlso their party of the finding and will rcoommond that no contest bo muln- tulaed against the man who is ovidoutly on- titled to occupy the seat forwnich a cor till cato Is hold by a aemocrat at present On ' the other hand , In cases which show tbrt the holder has a prima facie right to his seat , or where the doubts favor tno democrat , it ishall bo so reported and vigorously fought This policy , It carried out , will materially aid In uottliug tbo contested cases and will be likely to result in simplifying tbo course of procedure 1NTEI1STATE OOMMBItCE JAW EXTENSION Along with the proposition to extend and perfect the Interstate commerce lnw will como before congress this winter the usual grist of frcbomea protecting railroad em- ployes nnd to prevent fires consuming pass , eager coaches lu cases ot accident , Thu re- J ' I ' " ' cent report of the railroad commissioner of lowu on the subject of mortality by accidents Olt railroads has created a great deal ot In terest ( among congressmen The last con gress bad before it probably n srnro of bills providing that there Bhould not ho stoves In passencer conches nnd thnt they Bhould bo boated by steam , hot ulr , hot wnter , elec tricity nnd various ether device * ; nlso thnt all freight trains should bo provided with air brakes und safety couplings Intended to preserve the llfo nnd limb of brakemen I'b It has been suggested that a section shall bo placed In the Interstate commerce lnw which will glvo the commission authority to sot up ruto nud regulations nnd make such laws ns the commission deem proper to gov ern the questions of beating nnd brnklng couches and cars 011 passenger aud freight trams ! In other words , it is suggested that the interstate commerce commission bo given the sumo latitude that the civil service com { mission Is granted in the wav of extending the laws This , of course , will have to bo done by the sanction of thu president , IMI'UOVRl ) I.ASD OriUR METHODS There is n very wldo contrast between the methods ) pursued nt the gcnotal land ofllco now , und these which brought nbout a reign of terror timong the sottlorson the public do- uinln nyoarnco A largo foroo of Bpeciul ngonts , dotuctlvos , were employed under the Cleveland administration to collect informaa tion Intended to cast suspicion upon homoci stendera and ether settlers and deprive thorn of tholr homes 1'ho old -adngo was reversed , nnd everybody was regarded as u thiet uu- less { J ho could provo himself otherwise The privileges granted by the constitution of the United States nnd the federal statuteswhich glvo homos to honost-intcntlonpd settlers , were regarded as or no ndy.intngo to anyone Now the good-intontionod settler can have everything Commissioner tl rod und SccroJ tary Noble expect the laws to bo compllod with , nud thnt the rules governing entries Upon the public domain shall bo observed , but the muro fnet that poverty or sickness prevents 1 the settler from complying with the strict letter of the nrgu- ment 111 favor of lonlency It It Is proven that the BOttler tins compllod with the ori- mary t requirements , observing the fiindn- mental t principles , nud has striven tn observe every point in thu law , reasou nnd manhood are exorcised lu behalf of the settler w lion J contests are broucht before the general laud ofllco There will bo no raids made upon the public domain , and these who honustly endeavor - deavor to obtain u home in the far west will bo assisted rithcr thau prosecuted by the fcdoral ( government MI3CCUANn0U8. , Senator Allison and his pleasant family have located ut 1024 Vermont nvonue for the season Hon J. P. Dolllvor of Iowa , the youngest member ' of the house , nud thu most eloquent J political orator of the country according to L-iccrotaiy Ulnino's way of thlukiiig , is at the Hamilton ' for the winter Senator Pottigrow and family are stopping nt the Hlggs house for a few days bsforo moving Into tlia Randolph house 011 First strcot , wnlcb has been leased for two oars , Ex-Senator and Mrs Van Wyelt nnd little daughter < urrlvod this ufternoon from Ne braska and will bo at the Rings for several weeks I'Lnuv S. Heath FltKXGU POLITICS Tlio Chamber Dovotiui ; Most of Its Time ; ti > Contested Elections [ Cflpi/rfuM ISSi by Jam ( JonlmJjiui' .l Paius , Dee 1. I Now York Herald Cable Special to The Hek.1 French politics bnvo I cntored upon a dull porlod The cham- her I dovotcB most ot its time to contested elections ( , and in their decision political con sldcrntlons have no small weight , even though the votes of the deputies arc In many cases ( most contradictory When the oleo1 tion I of a monarchjil imperialist , uonsorva1 tivo , , or Houlnugist deputy has been con firmed the majority are apparently seized with 1 remorse , und the next contest is , if there I is the slightest excuse for it , decided agalns , the untt-republlcan claimant Still . moro extraordinary is nn incident which occurred - currod ' lu commlttco , to wliich was referred tbo 1 contested election In tbo Mont Martro district 1 , After the committee had twice decided ( that Jofforlu was not legally elected , they turned around and came ' to the conclusion thut ho was duly 1 returned and entitled to his sent The report of the commlttco and the debate on it will bnrdly fail to glvo rise to an interesting discussion It will probably bo violently opposed - posed by the right and Clsmoucoau's radical followers , and it is most likely that many re publicans will take the same vlotv ot thu quustion 1 as doe3 the right and refuse to ad- mlt a man for whom only a minority of the 1 doctors voted Those who demand confirma tion of the Mont Martro election are occupy ing mi illegal position and can assL-n no ica- 0 ns ether thau political expediency for their votes They fear that if the Mont Martro election Is invalidated Doulnngor will again offer himself as a cnudl- ' dnto and that ho will again secure a majority of the votes cast They therefore demand the validation pf Jofforin on the ground of political expediency By so ' doing ihoy are ignoring the legal nsocct of the question What ia at prcsont taking place m tbo chauibor it another proof that such is the violence of political passions in . Franco Uiut it is Imposslblo for a political 1 assembly to decide of this questions sort Im • partially The electoral struggto is , as soon as the elections nro over , transferred to the chamber The victorious party at the polls has always a. tondonuy toward nn effort to mnko the victory moro complete by unsoatlng n3 many of their opponents ns possible , either with or with out good nnd sufficient reasons for so doing Many fair-minded men think this state of things might bo romodlod by doprlving the chamber ot its right to dccldo upon the vu- lidlty of the election of its members and to rotor the contested oleution to the judicial 1 authorities ot the country or to a spcciul tribunal crealod for that purpose , whoso lui- partiality would bo above question , , A Lnttt-r From tstinlny , [ Copi/i 10M 1889fci/JawiM GordonIicnnttl.l . ZiNzuuit , Dee 1. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to The Uek.I Stanley writ Ing from Mlkossl under date of November 20 , says that the party are all well and en joying the luxuries Major Weissmann sent them , but ho complains bitterly ot having [ been two years ami eleven months without news , tbo mail having been lost or robbed A postscript , wrilton on the morning of the 1 27th , states that Stanley had Just rccolvod 1 Acting Consul General Smiths letter , Cvory ono was rejoiced to hoar that tno queen still I reigns and eagerly wanted newspapers to learn the incidents of the last thrco years , m Irrltntml Over Fnlxo News ( CoptirtgMlfSibu Juni'j Oonfou ffsnnett ) Homb , Doe 1. tNow York Herald [ Cable Special to The Hik : , | The pope has not , as reported , sent a telegram to Mgr Salolll requesting hltn to visit Ireland on his way back from America The false nowa which is continually boiug circulated in ro- gnrd to the Vatican and foreign ecclesiastics t especially these of Irelund , is very Irritating to tbe holy sco , and all the moro so as It only creates misunderstandings in Ireland and among tbo Irish in America , • NovfiiilJor'tf Mntcnrolndcnl Foaturp , Wasiunoton , Dee 1 , The signal service weather crop bulletin for tbe mouth Bays the most prominent motcorological feature of tbo month was tbo great storm which moved from Texas northeast to tbo lakes * and thence to tbo maritime provinces , bo tween the 20th nud 29th. The cold wave fol- I 3lowing ia tbe rear of the storm caused frosts I and freezing weather as far couth as aorta J ern Florida . . . j. , . . 'r'i ' - Higr > ' "St ' - A'A r . ALLISON ] WILL BERE-ELECTED | Iown Demnndfl It ttml PoUtlolrma I Will Wisely Obey , : CAN DEMOCRATS SHOW THE WAY ? : 1 'J Prohibition or Lit'tMiso tlio ( Jnr-stlon S Which UJ Puzzling llnwkrtj-o , < 1'nrtlcs Killed in Saloon ; Hit With nn Ax j * • The .ivurlto Hon 3 , Dr.s Moines , In , , Uro I. ( Special to { The Hek.I The question of tbo election of a United States senator to succeed Allison Is | attracting moro attention oven outsldo the * J 9 state l than within it , probably for the reason ' 9 thntoutsldo ) the impression nrovalls that he is Indnnirerof defeat No such Impression 13 exists in the minds of republicans hero , who J | nro host Inrormed on tbo situation Uy 4 S3 coin 111 on consent ho was the necoiited o\u- jj' | didatoof the party durliu the campilgu if , the republicans hid sucurod n majority of A twenty-live In the nuxt legislature no ono \ would have thought of raising n question ns ; u his ro-olectlon. They hnvo n majority of j six | , , and there is no good reason why the i ) sltuitlon ] should bo changed on that account \ Kvnry republican member who was elected i this year , If not instructed by his county to j vote for Allison , was at least inado nwaro of - the , conornlfai ty doslro that ho do so , und j ho , fully expected to do bo Tlio 10publican J | holdover , senators also recognise thu general ' desho J of the party for Allison's reelection , : and probably without eco tlou will vote for \ him , The only exception that anyone has 5 suggested is Senator b'ltin of Taylor g county Hut there is no mason ' • to bollovo that Finn would holt n party cau- j T cuson . this subloct Ho was elected as a re- "at publican , und tbo republicans ) of this district "j want to nee Allison 10-nlcctcd. M010 thnu , ! that , Mr Finn wants to ben candidate for 'Wi congress from the Uighth district next summer - E mor , nud ha would hardly begin his c.mdl- S'i dacv bv antagonizing the wishes of the grunt ] X ] majority of the republicms of that district ? The democrats would be obliged to get not X only Kin 11 , but ut least three other repub- , j ilcan votes to defeat Allison , and they uovor g ' will bo nolo to do It , The situation is such 4 ] that no republican could uflord nov to betray Jk his party or his manhood by entering a 9\ \ democratic alliance to defeat so eminent n mi republican statesman as Allison The to who JR uro best Inlormod bollovo that Allison will Si recclvo the caucus nomination nud boolcctcd , a without a single dissenting republican vote 3 In n. Qmintlry 3 Dr.s MotsriIa. : . , Dec L [ Siwlal to W The tir.i : | Will It bo llconso or prohibition I M Tliat is the question which several thousand Iowa ' puoplo mo daily asking ; | 'lhoro has probably not boon n legislnturo J iu I twoaty years whoso coming has boon S awaited with moro public Interest than the . * ' approaching ono _ a The situation has Its iiurislng ns well as m its | serious sldos Doth ) . ' js are like the j follow who grabbed the bear und was calling ff forsomoono ( to help lilm lot go The douio- \ crnts bavo boon saving ull the while that \ if ; they only had the ohanco they would settle d the prohibition question mighty quick 1 Well , they seem to have nocurod the chaucc , ' | with the aid of n few nntl-prohlbltlon repub- ' Jf llc-ans ] , but th y nro not nt nil ready to settle If the t question Nor uiu tbo republic ins much j , hotter ' prepared There Is a general dlsno- & sltion on the part nf the latter to let the A democrats take the initiative Since they g think , It is so easy to dccldo whit to do , they 3 will 1 bo given the chance , So thu ropuoll- • if cans are waiting to sen what the dainocrats , § have ' to ofTcr There uro n few republicans , -j possibly four or five , who will fool like " 3 uniting j with the democrats to socuto " | homo modification of the present law Hut | the I dlfllcultv will como In whou 4 it is nttompted to form n law thnt will sat JH isfy : them and ut the same time satisfy the m democratio ' party . a There is n sharp difference of opinion bo,3 , tweon 1 the democrats us to what Ia needed m The ' democrats In tlio river counties dent 'M want auy local option , they demand n general - ? oral license law , and not n very high license f uithor The democrats of the interior couu,1 lies favor local option nud a high license " 4 The ' republicans who want u chnngo will ccr- .t tamlv not nccopt anything lower lu the mat J ter of control than nn optional prohibition A and high license ns an alternative I ' The republicans in the largur cities , ns n 4 rule , fnvor a modification of the luw that ! ' $ will permit ptohlbltlon to remain us the general - J oral law of the state , for thu countlos that i : want it , und high license for those who do J not They claim that this docs not surrender 4 tiny advantage that prohibition tins gained A uud docs secure some measure of legal con * j trol In the counlios whore uono ut ull now .1 exists 'i * Perhaps a majority of the republicans , at V . least u great mnny of them in tbo interior , \ < counties , or the prohibition counties , want v the law to remain as It Is with practically no ' ! changes They Bay that they are satisfied , und they dent see why everybody else is i not They talk in a lofty way nbout "no J bacltward stoo" and "no surrender 10 the J saloons , " when they know that for flvo years \ the law has virtually surrendered to the ea < V loons in moro than a do/cu countlos So in- 3S stead , of taking things us thuy uro , they J\ close their c.os . to the real nnd talk about ) * the ideal and impracticable , Some of them 4S usually wind up tholr remarks by the threat ! f that If the republican party lowers its flag Jj or makes any compromise with the sa- jg loons , " us they put It , there will bo a third , party in Iowa of indolliilto bIzo the first J year , A good niuiiy republicans are begin * & ning to hint that If it comes to u choice bo- jj tweon being ruled by democrats or being run 3J [ by cranks , they 1110 icady for the former II The dictation of u few crunk prohibitionists , "Ij who are never happy unless attaining notoriety - • * torioty , Is becoming very tlrejomo They m would probably have joined the St John m party , in u short time , ut tiny rate , for they 'M were not attracting enough attention as TJ plain republicans to satisfy tholr vanityj S 13. P. Wright , the prosldcnt of the State M Tompnranto • Alliance , who betrayed his trust and holpcd elect a democrat to tha ' , legislature Is 0110 of the conspicuous inon ot - , that class * ? Hit Hltn Willi un Ax a Buiii.ikoton , In , Dee 1 , [ Special Tele- X gram to Tub Hel.J Ohurles Smith , in a ro\r ffl with Don Huriltt ( both j-olored ) , hit the 1 latter ever the head with tha blunt end pf M nn ax , foiling him to the floor und In ull -H probability lulling him Smith is in jail , f ] Killed in n Sulomi 41 Bmti.t.voTON , la , Dee 1. [ Spoclal Tele- j ! gram to Tim Hee.1 Fred Petersen was m bit over the bead with a ohalr In the hands 5 % of nn unknown party 111 a unloon Thanksg giving day llo died toduy , Thu polluo havs | | no dues to the murderer 3) ) AVnlnui NoIp * , M Walnut , In , Dee , 1 , [ Special to Tun 4 HEE.-Mr. and Mrs , J , P , Williams of Coun- * i oil Jiluffs pent Thanksgiving with their 'fl ; daughter , Mis J. C. Spangle * Sj Thu Thuuksglvlng dinner and suppnr at 3)1 ) the Graro M. U. church netted the f-udloj ' ' * j Aid sociotv botwcea $10 and { 50. ti The grand ball at ( Jormuula hull Thanks M giving night was well utteaded and a uico m affair M A rnrmer Hurncil Out , * " 3f Missouia , la , Dee t [ Special Jfj to The Heb ] The house and barn of a Mr ; ' -j ! Hrown , living throe miles west of this city M was burned Saturday uftornoou , , • ! Kliot Ills Mother 9 St , Josei'ii , Dec I , Uharlos llorlora , agcA M ifourteen today shot his mother , because iU m refused him money , m i.Tr-r i i .irtiifiriir - lriMilfitlttill-l n i ajH