Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    T-HTr OIUATTA r > ATT/V TCTCTC ; SATllftnAV NOVIGIMBRR 30. 1880. .1 I
H Wheat Valuoo Inoltuo Downward
B But the Neb Doollno Small ,
B Com Ones Moro CoimnniiiU Homo At-
H tent Ion No Msrtcetl Autlvltr In
| rruvl loiiN Cnltlo Huilnoss
B Active Qutitntlnns
fl "
H Chicago , Nov 29 , ( Special Tclcqrnm to
H Tub Hke.J TIio "spoctnclo" totlny was the
1 November corn deal and news centers usu- '
H clly rulloil on to furnish luformaUon nffcctlntr
H wheat values were too busily eiiRncod In |
H other lines to supply the unlly budgut of
H facts nnd RORslp The wheat , market wns
H not especially Intcrcstlnp : or active The
H tone was barely steady and the pcnoral In-
cllnntlon Df vnlucs wns downward , though
m tbo not decline wns Rinnlt , TIio bulge In
H corn affected wheat sympathetically for n
M Unto , but the niarltct wenkoned later ana the
B early firmness disappeared , though there
B wns Bomo recovery In tone and prlco
B at the close TJcccmhcr opened at T9Vc
H receded to 78Jto ; ndv.tneol to "O-tfc , sold off
H to "OJic , spurted to TOX0 nnd declined to
H 78J c , closing at 7'JJfci May opened nt SIV ,
M declined to &lj c , advanced to cUp c , nlowly
B backed down to SJI c mid closed at S4@SIJ o.
1 Spcculntivo transactions were on a tnodcroto
| scale Operations tn December were all In
P the nature of closing tip trades or changing
m over May Is now by long odds the mo9t
m popular future The closing range today
1 wnt } i@Mo below that of last Wednesday
1 The Northwestern inovumont lcoons up ra-
B mnrknbly The total recolpts at nil paints
were lnaiH25 bu3hols and shipments
m 00,832. The movement thus far this woclc
B compares us follows with Inst week : Ito
PBV ccints ; i , 'J , .M : ! bushels , against 8,033,8111
pj Bblpmonts 1UT3U90 , busliols , against 1,035,8:13 :
BS bushels High water mark has clearly been
PfB passed Canvasses In the Interest of nrlvatn
PhM parties tend to favor thu theory of Inrgo
PBBj reserves of winter wheat , and a strong local
PhH party Is operating on the bear sldu contlnu-
PhB ously on the strength of mich pointers
PhB After n long Interval of comparutlvo nog-
PhB lect the com market commanded
PhB onca more a position interesting to
the speculators A corner tn the
urcscnt months dcllvory quickly developed
PhB Itself , but did not ut first glvo any token of
PhB the amount of force which lay behind it So
unprepared were the kcon scalpers , who nre
nothing if not wutehful tor signs of such
h movement , tliatouo of tholr number sold
10,000 bushels for Novombcr dolivcry ut
PhH < Cu , Just for a scalp , " as ho said when ho
PhB mudo the sale A fuw'mlnutes later ho paid
PhH 41c togot it back , u J530 scalp hanging to the
PhB other mans belt Tbo subsequent eours ' a of
PHHk tho.markct proved that the last purchase
PhhC was wise , oven if the previous sale huu been
H fooUsh The opening prlco of Novombcr was
lttl' c. and about tbo same tiuio sales were
PhHB tnudo at from 'Mo to atjjfc Ttio price quickly
PBBl ndvunccd amidst great axcltement to 30c ,
PHHM SO o nnd IlOl/c , then olT to USc , upward once
PhHM more , reaching on the second stretch 00c.
PhHI Outside news and other Influences outside of
j the corner were neglected or Ignored nnd
December delivery rccolved some stimulus
from the fact that jiartlcs said to bo the
PhHI principal holders of sullar' ' month contracts
Phhj bad been heavy purchasers of December for
a week baclr Tlicro Is only about S50,000
bushels of No 3 and No S yellow
J corn in store hero now , so that the
PhHI cornering of this months delivery Is no difll-
PhHH cult matter , seeing that tomorrow Is the last
ff day for delivery There was a fair amount
of activity in other futures and the advance
r all around was 'ln the end established , No-
PhHM vombcr closing at 55e bin 2 * c higher than it
I closed on Wcilncsday December closed at
! ! l @ 31' c. being nn advance o % @ } 4c.
May ginned J < closing at X\ic \
The speculutivo market for oats was dull
. and neglected , much of the time ruling
r weaker The posted recolpts wore fairwith
J liberal cstimutes for tomorrow , and
PhH the offerings of whlto , not particularly large ,
j proved moro than ample for the demand ,
J which was anything but urgout and chiolly
J local in character , December sold ns low as ,
J 20 0 , or IXa below Wednesdays close , with ,
PhB May weak at "iy ii c No S white oats ,
for December delivery were ofTerod nt 21 0 ,
PhH or loabovo No 2 regular Tbo latter was i
I dull ut 20c. ] 3ut lltllo wus uTored ( , with trad-
tag in cash lots contlued to samples With
j drnwals for shipment were unimportant
PBBI In provisions thcro wns no marked activ-
M lty In till the different branches of the
H market the trading wus enough to J
H Keep alive fnir interest , but for the
B season tboro was no unusual stir Cash buy L
' era mailo reasonably good purchases anil in a
1 spcculntivo way the movement had no
H special significance In general trade , how
B ever , a strong feeling again bold control
Prlco fluctuations were also kept within
V comparatively moderate limits , though tbo
I changes witnessed invariably Indicated a
H decline from Wednesdays ' last quotations
H Jn Novum ber nork the days actual sbrlnlc-
H ago was 15o , in November short ribs lUJ c ! ,
M in January nnd May pork 7 > fe mid in future
B lard 2 > c. January and Muy short ribs were
m unchnngod
| H OJ11U.VGU hlVli STOOIC ,
B Chioaoo , Nov 29. [ Special Telegram Co
K Tub Ueb ] CAT 'tLE llusitioss wus uctivo ,
B with a slight upturn all around , making au
H advnuca of 10@15oon prlnio to good native
b steers Loan and lower grades showed some
H strength , but not quotably higher Dost cows
H nnd heifers sold a shade stronger Dulls , cs-
H peclally those bought-on export account , nro
H ll'tetr o lower than last week Hut llttlo wus l
H goinf on In the stocker and feeder line and
H t > rices , especially on llttlo light steers , were
H down to low water miirlc Cholco to extra
M t jeves , f lU(7Ti ( ( 7\ \ { ; medium to good steers ,
* ! 1.S50 to l.f.OO lbst .00@ I.10J 1,200 to 1,850 lbs ,
IVffffl -U0Q .10t ; > .7J to 1,200 ! ! > s2. < io@XSO. Stock
H ors and feeders ( l , 'JDi.iii2.SU ; cows , bulls and
H mixed , $1.20i < 2.75 : bulk , $ l.95@2.30 : steers ,
iVffM rW2.1K : ( ' { ) ; cows , 1.50@ ' . ' .20. '
H Hoes Uuslness opened nctivo , with an
H nUvauoo of about De over the average sales of
H Tliursday and 6@10o higher than on Wcdncs-
H day , with packing grades selling at fi.70@ :
H 11.75 and bhlppers ( : i.75@'l.60 , but later on
H both packers and shippers sold a good nickel
H lower than tbo above quotations , some rough
B lots of packers as low as f. ) .6Iii.C5 ) ( ? ; and ship
Bf pcrs M.7203.75. Light hog buyers held off
hT from the start and did not go in until they
could till their orders ut yesterdays prices ,
1 which they did at thu close , going in at $3.05
jBBVJ ; @ : i.70 , getting all they wanted at these quo
New Vomt , Nov 29.ISpoetal Telegram to
Tub Hub I Stocks The wcalcnoss In trusts
and stocks today wns no surprise the
street or the trade , it was expected Events
combine to thii result Tbo Illinois supreme
court decision appears moro fatal to tbo Chicago
cage ( las trust as the days pass The great
Hoaton lire llllod muiiy with fears yesterday
and closer money at that center nnd the sys-
tomntlo raids on NewKugland , Atchison nnd
Burlington were tbo tulle Then , tlioy say ,
the public , is not in this time and the profes
sionals will sudor It was conceded at the
Windsor and elscwhoro ataongoporators last
night that there would bo forced liquidation
today , Missouri l'aclllo gets no kelp from
Gould and has nothing but the premise of a
regular dividend to rccomuiond it , The
bulls were not without hope , because the
general list held up so well In the face of
the pus trust trouble Wednesday , Their
fate Is In Btror.g holders .of tbo stocks
As stated , the Inlluetico of the lloston lire
was added to that of tbo Lynn tire and the
gas trust sensation this morning us a depressing -
pressing factor In the stock market and first
prices in the general list were from } ( to } (
percent lower than tnoso of Wednesday
evening and furtlior fractional losses were
sustained on extremely uctivo trading in the
first half hours business Chicago Gas was
still the chief ceutor of interest m the market
tnd afteropeulngdowu ltfpcruontatit % it
lurtber doellnod 3 , ' per cent to 41 % from
which point there was a substantial rally ,
AVbllo much less nctivo than Chicago Gas ,
Tennessee Coal ana San IVanclsca preferred
followed on the downward move , and the
former , after opening unennngod nt 80) ,
dropped to " 0 , nnd the latter , opening off l f
per cent nt ii } { , declined to 49. Cotton Oil
and Sugar also lost 1 per each Chicago
Gas rallied to 43 and Tcnncssoo coal to
78 , but the ninrket nenln gave way toward
11 o'clock and during tbo hour to 13
o'clock both trusts and railroad shares suf
fered ' Sugar trust went off to 0 > * orS . i
per cent lower than at the nloso Wednesday
Now Kuglnnd yielded to 4 < K , Atc'alsou to 33 ,
llurllngton 1 ] to 101Jltock Island to 03 nnd
St I'aul to C9 , i t it IJC per cent decline , Mis
souri Pacific to 00 , a 'i pjlnt docllno , Union
Pacific to 07 f , and L'lukawanna to 13 ! ) / '
There . was n rally of Importauco from the
bottom prices at noon Wunkuoss in Chicago
gas wns the leading feature of thastock mar
kctnt . thoclcso After 13 o'clock the prlco
touched . -lOJ-f , with a rally n llttlo later Dos
fore the close the stock again gave way and
went off to 89 nt the close , a break from tl > >
nt the close of Wcdnosday and fromGSsinca
the adverse court decision The bears were
very . nctivo all day nnd woronldedby n closer
feeling for money The lloston losses cut no
figure . Into in the day nnd lloston stocks suf-
forpd the lonst Atchison recovered to 34
after . noon and closed but H per conl lower
for tbo dny ut U3 , ' . llurlington , however ,
closed . at W } ( , the lowest point Other not
losses for thu day were : Louisville % per
cent . , St Paul 1 , Manhattan 1 , Trnnscon-
tlnentnl , Now England and Union Paeltle \ * {
each Dig four , Lackawanna uud Kock
Island 1 'j" ' each , nnd Northern l'aclllo pro
fnrrcd , . IK per cent Sugar trusts rallied from
the bottom and closed with n not loss of 2 , '
per J cent at C0V. The total sulos Were 219,724
The following wore tha closing quotations ;
IT SIs regular 127 Northom Iacifte , 31
II , H. Is coupons . . .1ST doprorerrej TIU
II.8.4' ' .Ssre < ulsr..hU ? . ' U. * N. W 11- ? . ! ) , ii ; dnprororrod H2
I'aclilLtWof'J : ] ll'ii N. V.t'antra ! 10H1 {
Central < Pacldo . . . . 314 I" . D..VK 13)i )
Chlcauo.t ' Alton . . .130 ItoclcIsland 7Ji
ChlcagollurllnKton tM.8t.l' ! 0.1'J
Aijtlinor lui' dopretorrad H3li
f > . , Ii.AtW iil ; ? ( SMttulSOmaka . 3UJ1
lllluolsCantral 1171 ? doprererroa 1)8
I. . II & W Ui ) ir.- lon lMclllc 7i
KansasdeTexas . . . KiV..St. . t , . & • ! • . 10i !
I.sko Hliora 108 > f dopreforrad 31
Mlclilunn Central . Ui Western Union . . . BJf !
MlssounlBctllo . . . IMS
Mosnr Tight at 0Q15 per cent ; lost loan
nt ' 12.per cent
PniMR Meiicantile PArnn OJJ734 per
Stuiiuno Exciianob Quiet nnd steady ;
sixty-day bills , $4.80Jf jMlemnnd , S4.S5.
Mtnliis Stocks
New York , Nov 29. [ SDOolal Telegram
to This Uee.1 Till follo.via.j arj the min
ing stock-quotationi :
Ahca 110 llomostako (110 (
Caledonia II , ' i Horn Silver 22'
Con Cul .V Vn 587S4 Iron Silver 19) )
Deailwnoit T. IVi Ontario : iflJ
Kurelca Con 3V ) Plymnutn 2D
UllMsto UU Small Uopos ,10) .
llniul OITcrlnus
Wasiiikotox , Nov 29. [ Special Telegram
to Tub line.I Bonds offered : $90,50) , at
81.27 ; $5,000 ut $ IM } ( . "
CnioAoo Nov 29. ll : ! > d. ra close
Wheat Firm ; November , 79o ; December ,
7D2 , 'e ; May , 84e.
Corn Actlvo audhighor : November , 53e ;
December , 3IXc ; May , 33Jfc.
Oats * Steady ; December , 20Vo , ; May ,
23Jb c.
Hyo November , 44Kc.
Uarloy Nothing doing
Primu Timothy * 1,1S@1.20.
FlaxRoed Cash , tl.39 ; May , $1.40.
Pork Easier : Novombcr and January ,
59.25. ,
Lard Steady : November , $5.93 ; Jauu-
ary , f5.87K. < •
Flour unchanged : wmtor wheat , $2,030
4.33 ; ' spring wheat , $3.05554.90 ; rye , $3.50 5
2.85 ; buckwheat , ? l.75@3.23.
Provisions Shoulders , f l.3"K@4.50 ; short
clear , ? 5.25@5.37X ; short ribs , ? o.47 > for No-
Hotter Good domnnd for tinest grades ; I
creamery,20Ji)20 ) > < fo' dairy , 14322c.
Clieeso Quiet ; full cream cheddars ,
9 @ 10o : flats , 9 > i(29Jio ( ; Vouug Americas
lO > CilOXc (
Eggs riteady ; fresh , 20@21o.
Hides Steady ; light groan salted , 0c ;
dry calf , G@Jo ; deacons , oauh , 20a.
Tallow Steady ; No 1 Bolid packed , 4c ; ;
No 2 , 3'4-3Xc ; cake , 4l/o.
ltcceipts Shipmts ' .
Hour 22.00031,009
Wheat 123,000 35,000 j
Coru 182.000 281.00J )
Oats . 133.000 99,000
Now Yorlr Nov 29. Wheat HeceipU ,
329,700 ; spot dull ; No 3 red , 83 } o in ole
vntor ; 8IWQS50 nlioat ; ungraaod red , 72 ® i
89 'fo ' ; options lower ; No 3 red , Novem-
ber closing atSb c.
Corn Hecoipts , 63,400 ; exports , 3,300 J
spot stronger ; Nq , 2 , 42o in elevator ; 42 ? i
43 o afloat ; ungraded mixed , Q0c 43c ; op-
tlons lower ; Novoinbor , 41J c ,
Oats Receipts , 238,100 ; exports , 80,003 i
spot dull but firmer ; options dull and easier i
December closing at 23 c ; spot No 2 white ' ,
30f@31c ; mixed western , 27ffil30c.
Corfoe Options close barely steady and 20
( S30 points down Sales : 71,500 bags ; No- '
vcrtbur , $13.85jJ ( 15.95 ; spot Uio , onsy ; fair
cargoes , * 19.75 ,
Sugar Firm
Petroleum Steady ; Uultod closed at
? 1.05Jif for December
Eggs Firmer ; wostcrn , 27c.
Pork Firm
Lard Easlor ; western steam , M.3i ; clos-
ingot 50.35.
JJuttcr Firmer ; western dairy , 0@18o ;
creamery , 13@20o.
Cheese Steady ; western , 7J ( ( ? 10o.
KmiRiia Oitv , Nov 29 , Wheat Steady ;
No 3 hard , cash and Novombcr , G2 cbld l , ;
No 2 red , no bids nor offerings
Corn Steady ; No 2 , cash , no bids nor
offerings ; Novcmbor , 23 > o bid ; No 3 , cash ,
23o ; ; No 3 white , oasa nnd November ,
23 > fo bid
Oats Cash and November , no Jilds nor
offerings ; December , 10 , ' c.
St limits , Nov 29. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 77 o ; May , tajfiiJS 't o.
Corn Irregular ; cash , 26fo ; Afay , 30o.
Oats Higher ; cash , 3lc ; May , 22 ! o. '
Pork-Dull at $10.25.
Lnrd Nominally lower nt W.70.
Whisky Steady at Jllrl
Huttor Unchaugod : creamery , 20@ > 5o ;
dairy lSffl'iO ? .
Cluolniintl , Nov 29 , W heat Quiet (
No 3 rod , 77@7Sc.
Corn Firm ; No 3 mixed , 33c.
Oats Stronger ; No , 3 , mixed , 24c.
Minneapolis , Nov 29 , Sample wheat
Firm ; recolpts , 070 cars ; shipments , none
Closing : No I hard , Novoinbor , 77o ; on
track , 7S@78Jfa ; No 1 northern , Novoinbor ,
74Jfa ; on truck , 70K@7HJfc ; No 3 northern ,
Novoinbor , J2c ; on truck , 72cq74o. (
MlUvniilcoe , Nov 29. Wheat Easy ;
cash , " 72c ; No 1 northern , 8lo.
Corn-Steady ; No 3 , U91i30a.
Oats Steady ; No 3 white , 22J/ &
Hyo Steady ; No 1 , 44'fc
Ilarley Quiet ; No 3 , in store , 4Sc ,
Provislous Easlor ; park , 19.35.
Llvnriiiml , Nov 23. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali
fornia No 1 , 7s UJ@7s SJ d per cental
Coru Firm ; demand poor
Oiiloago , Nov , 29. The Drovers Journal
reports as follows ;
Cuttle - Receipts , 7,500 ; market strong
for best , others weak ; beovns , $1,00@5 27K ;
steers , $3.00g4.40 ( ; stockers - and feed
ers , 1,00(32 ( SO ; Texas catllo , (1.59@3.U0.
Hogs Itecolpts , 3,200 ; market higher ;
early closed weak ; mixed , t3.55S3.S5 ; heavy ,
t3.iUK93.D0 ; llgbt , 3.5OS3. ( 0 ; skips , 13.00 ®
8.40.Bhoep Hecoipts , 7,000 ; market strong ;
natives , M.00 ( * , " 1.20 ; westorus f3.5u@4.25 ;
, Tcxuus , * 3.00@4.00.
Nuilniinl Hioo'x Vurdi , Unit Kr
Louih , Nov 29 , Cattle Hecoipts 4.103 ;
shipments , 400 ; murkot stroug ; fair to fancy
native steers , $3.40,1(4.60 ; stockers and feed
ers tl.S0eJ3.S0.
Hogs Kocclpts , 7.SO0 ; ihipmenU , 3,600 ;
market higher ; heavy , $ .10033.75 ; packing ,
t3.60ig3.70s light , J3.50T3.O5.
Knnnni City , Nov 29. Cattlo-Itscelnts ,
2,000 ; shipmnnts , 2,200 ; market higher ,
natives , , M.2Vg4.7ri ; cows $ I.OOJ,40 ; stock
crs ] nnd fcodors , t3.S0 ( ( "t3.10.
Hogs Hecelpts , 7,200 ; shipments none ;
market higher ; llgbt , t3.G7Ji'$3,70 ; heavy
and mixed , t3.02 . ! iS3.07j6 ( .
Sioux City , Nov , 29. Cattle Receipts ,
070 ; ; shipments , 377 ; market strong : cauncrs ,
IScW I-di cows , tl.UOcilJ.lS ; stockers nnd
feeders , , 8t.20ii" ( ) ; veil calves , tJ.O0@3.15.
Hogs Hecelpts , 3,800 , ; market weak ;
llsht , * 3.uSSI3.00 : heavy M.53@3.G0 : mixed ,
t3.09g3.70K. (
O.MAI1A lilVK sTUUll
_ _
Frldny , Nov , 29.
The market opened with such cattle ns the
buyers fancied bringing steady prices , but
the trade wus not particularly active , und nt
midday there were still quito a number un-
sold and the fcoling If anything , wns easier
There were a few pretty good cattle , In fact
some were bettor than any that have boon
hero In some tlmo , and It was such cattle that
the buyers bougnt , while common and undo
Birnble stultwas as bad as It has been any
time The native beeves brought f3.10OI.20.
There was qulto o showing of stockers and
feeders on todny's ' market , but the demand
was llitht and the trndo slow Dealers do
not look for a very heavy trudo for the bal
nnco of the week , as yesterday wai rt boll
day , whteh naturally kept country buyers at
borne 1 , and tomorrow being Saturday , few
will care to como In so near the end of tbo
week Some of the hall fat cattle that were
shipped J In for beef nro being sold
for ( fcodors ut prices right around
$3.00 % , and nro bomg taken back Into
the \ country to bo finished The native
\ feeders that changed hands brought fi.-IOyg
2.00. There were qulto a good many cows
J nmong today's receipts of cattle TIio prices
paid | were about steady Quito a string of
native i cows wont at $1,25(2.2.75. (
llos .
Todnv's trading m hogs was on n basis of a
strong , 5c ndvanco over yesterdays prices
The receipts were light nnd the trndo wns
soon over , the buyers npuarontly wanting
thn ; hogs at the money The market closed
tlrm 1 , with the hogs all sold
There was a. bunch of ubout the best sheep
In I the yards that havobeon hero this -nson ,
and , lliey sold nt $1.30
itcucipt .
Cattle ' 1,400
Hogs 3,5)0
Sheep j , . 109
Prnvnlllni Prices
The following Is n table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1390 to 1030 lbs.$1.10 @ 1.09
Goodsteors , 1250 to 1453 lbs . . 3.00 ( rtl.10
Good steers , 1050 to 13JU lbs . . 3.25 ( d4.U0 !
Common 1000 to 1150 lb 3toors. 3.03 (33 ( 35
Western steers 2.40 (3M5 (
Common canners 1.00 ( < c.Ur'9
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 ( pll SO
Fair to good cows 1.80 ( $2.00
Good to cholco cows 2.U9 ( < ii2. ril )
Cholco to fancy corn-fed cows 2.50 @ 10J
Fair to good bulls 1.59 Mi , 10
Light stockers and ffodors . . . 2.00 @J.O0
Feeders , 953to 1100 lbs 2.20 @ 300
Fair to cboico light hogs 3.57J W1.05
Fair to choice ho.ivy hog3. . . . . . 3 53 ( < J.G3
Fair to choicn mixed hogs 3.55 ( ! I.CO
Common to rough hogs 3.25 ( < 3.40
ltupros3Hi.Cir3 ilai ,
No Av Pr No Av Pr
1 1300 $3 00 22 1079 $3 50
5 040 2 50 13 1371 3 70
1 1340 2 85- 5 1478 3 70
39 1041 3 10 24 1037 3 75
1 1220 3 15 81 1310 3 73
14 1107 3 10 20 1JS9 3 85
20 1321 3 40 19 1291 3 90
02 1211 3 50 39 1227 4 20
2 780 125 1 1U50 190
12 903 140 1 1100 190
31 900 140 5 994 190
7 1033 150 43 ! U0 2 00
1 1300 103 . . . . . . . . 3 00
8 900 107k , ' 2 880 2 00
23 800 175 19 943 3 10
1 1410 175 21 1120 3 10
0 1157 175 22 991 2 10
10 912 ISO 4 1C40 2 15
18 1010 1 fcO 10. . . . , . .1039 3 50
3 1117 1 S3 2 1210 3 75
18 S3t 2 40 4 845 3 80
40 029 2 45 2 940 2 SO
10 873 2 70 20 1033 2 90
25 833 2 72K
1 870 2 05 23 803 3 00
0 095 3 40
4 320 2 00 1 100 3 00
1 1010 175 1 1440 180
10 SCO 2 35
Owner and No Av Pr
CO steers , Tex 1047 S3 40 '
J. W. Stoner
20 cows • 1034 190 *
20 cows , 1013 100 1
lfooder 1200 2 80 '
4fecdera 1003 2 80 '
7feoders 1003 2 SO >
G. Raymond
22stoers 1397 3 75
W. R. Mathews
19cows 601 3 05
Haley Livu Stock Co
21 steers , Col-Tox. : 937 2 10
33 steers , corn fed 1293 3 75
Sstcers 1071 2 S5
ISstcers 1100 2 85
28stoers 1174. 2 85
23cows 879 170
27 cows SU2 1 70
17foeders 925 2 40
No Av Sic Pr No Av Sir t' .
21..339 120 $3 45 CO..803 SO fl 67 > jf
60..209' 80 3 50 51 . . .325 100 fl 57H
53..Oil 40 3 50 71..290 200 11 57 > i i
48..322 SO 3 55 01..230 80 3 57tf i
58.243 40 3 55 50..275 120 ! ) X VA
07..313 SO 3 55 04..330 130 3 SVA
05 . . .337 210 3 55 02..340 40 3 57U
08 . . .293 3 53 1)0..200 ) 80 3 57 } ? .
53..277 230 3 55 72.25(1 ( 2U0 3 57K
69..237 120 3 55 04.205 100 3 07M
51..271 300 3 55 55.293 3 57tf
01..340 120 3 55 05.270 120 3 67H
54..331 240 0 55 01 . . .278 120 3 57K
67..383 280 3 55 73..221 100 3 67 $
09.300 1CJ 3 55 70..203 40 il 57K
61,292. 3 65 50..301 SO 3 57h'
65.231 80 3 55 CO..303 100 3 f.7)f )
04.200 310 3 55 07..318 120 3 57 J
67..231 100 3 55- 50.313 120 3 00
04..257 40 3 55 53..314 3 00
53.,303 80 3 63 53..299 100 3 00
Ci . . 1115 340 3 57K 53..327 440 3 00
05..304 SO 3 57K 43..314 3 00
70..343 100 3 67 S0.3iS 120 3 03
09.,250 200 3 5715 55.309 100 3 OO
51..321 80 3 57JJ 07..ISO SO 3 02J
04..271 100 3 57 > tf 74..211 3 05
No * Av Pr ,
SSOrogons , corn-fed 130 t4 30
S4 Oregon a , corn-fed 127 4 30
Disposition ol * Cattle
TIio Armour-Cudnh.v Packing Co 223
Swift & Co 743
GeorguH Hammond & Co , , 283
Rothschild & Undorwood 93
K. Decker , 39
Feeders and stockers 115
Disposition of Uo | > , s
Armour-Cudahy Packing company 1,401 ,
Swift & Company , 423
George II Hammond & Company , , , , , , . 419
Omaha Packitig company , 1,010
Disposition of Sheep
GeorgoII Hammond & Co , . , , , . , . , 65
Swift&Oo 84
With Cattle ,
On the Market with Cattle L. W.
btoelo , Garden ; G.V. . Perloy , Colon ; L. O.
Hut lor , Dow City , la ; R. V. McGouu , two
cars , Hawkey la ; J , D. Parker , Ludolt ; J.
L. Young Greenwood ; T. J. Wilbern ,
Greenwood ; J. Grabnw , Grotna ; Harris Si
It , two cars , Central City ; Fred ICelly ,
Onawa la ; Kelly & Mustord , Ouawa , la ;
M. Kelly , Ouawu , la ; J , Cuduby , two cars ,
Lorctto : Holly L. B. Co , , six cars , Rawllas ,
Wyo ; Hallotvay Cozad ; Guffoy &T „ Shelton -
ton ; D. & tt O. U'y ' , Denver , Cole
F. Newton Si Co , 3 cars , Jefferson , Col ;
Denver & Rio Grande railway , 4 cars , Don2J
ver Col : Atchison , Tor K * & Santa Fo
railway , 3 cars , Donvtr , CMll U. Uccrs , 3
cars , North Plnttc ; J. W.ilXj 'dge , Reserve ,
Knn ; A. Hlggins , 3 cnrafiAlfburn ; L- Hlgb
gins Auburn ; F. C. DIoKsdrt/i / S cars , Flambeau -
beau , Dak ; O. F. Smlthjoalotix- City , la ;
C.L.Young , Imogcno , ItlIAV ; Wallace , 5
cars , Coin , la , ; Hewer fc Ortou , 3 cars ,
Hlanchard , In i
with iii pr ,
On the market with ho g ' s .1. P. Taylor ,
Ashton > ; W. II Van Alstoln , ' Arcadia ; H. J.
Tlornoy , , Ausloy ; Isaac Deardorf , Morna ; .1.
[ . Mltcholl , Hendloy ; . pacs St Dodson ,
Hcndley ; C. H. Smith , Stamford ; Ilnywortli
Si Roles , Elwood ; John Ulggs , Hoartwull ;
H. : J. Morris , Western ; L. Hojbel .St Com
pany , Hlldrrth ; Jones Hrothers , Hustings ;
W. A. Flnley , Greenwood ; James Don5
ley , Memphis ; H. Hlumcr , Chalco ;
H. J. Simpson St Company ; Cameron ;
Packard L. Si G. Co , Crolgton ; A. C , Reuse
Si Co . Newport ; A. O. Warner , Alnsworth :
J. Hustle , Cooke ; P. Ehlers , Mlndon , In ;
Gurnsov Si Jackman , Avoca , la ; Schulleld
Si L. . Walnut , la ; Monagh & Co , Dcnlson ,
la ! li J. Holt , 3 ears , Dunlnp la ; J , J.
Dougherty j , Dunlr.p , In ; James Frailer , Cor
luinbus j , ; Hllss % HIIss , Schuylor ; II Emor-
son Cedar Rapids ; II , F. Hedges , li el grade ;
M. II JelTcry , Duncan ; F. C. Hllsn , Howi
ells ; J. H. Harncs , Lorctto ; N. W.
M. Si Co , Lindsay ; Halnos Hrothers
& Co , Gresham ; Webster Aj H. . Harvard ;
.Icnnings , Wulitcr & Cumpany , Davenport ;
S. S. Hcndv , four cars , Hopbnru , la ; D ,
Henderson , Hnstlngs ; 1'iirks & Mumm.Ord ;
Potter & lllaek , Elm Crook ; H. McHubbons ,
Gibbon ; Guffoy & T. , Shelton ; John Qulnn ,
Wood River ; H. Homuier , Noola , latj E. 11.
Southworth , Moosman , la
F , Suda , Miltlgnn
With She p.
On the market with shoe ) ) : M rso , R. Si
Co , Morsn Hlufts
G occrloo , Proiluo" , Prults , Ktc
Eoos Strktly fresh , 30@31c ; cold storage ,
18c 1
Hides Pelts , Tallow , Etc Green salted
hides J 4Ko ; No 2 , G. S. Hides , 3Ku ; dry
llliit hides , 5c ; calf hides , 4 > < ( < J"4) ) c ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25e@
$1.00 I ; sheep pelts , dry per lb 7@13Jic ; tnl-
low 1 No 1 , 3 ( S3Jfc ; No 2. 2X@3j ; grease ,
white , 4@4Kc ; yellow , 2J ( S3e-
Lr.Mo.Ns Fancy , t5.fiOf$7.C0 ( * , choice , $4.50
@ I 0.00.
Cuncsn Young Amoncns , full cream , 12c ;
factory twins , IK ISJ c ; off grades , 7@8c ;
Van Hossen Edom , tll.50 per doz ; sap sago ,
2Jo ! ; brick , 12J o ; limbnrger , lie ; domestic
Swiss , i@lle. : !
CitAxmntuiES Capo Cod , $9.00@10.00.
Ouanoks Florida , per box , $3.M@3.50. (
Duchwiibat Flour Per.bbl , $5.50.
Ai'l'l.r.s Per bbl , common , $1.60@2.00 ;
cholco ' , $2.00@4.00.
Cei.biiv Per doz , 3oc.
CALiroitNU GitArES $1.50(31.75. (
Peaks 40-lb' boxes , f 1.75@2,25.
* HAXAjfts According to size , per bunch ,
Butteiune Tubs , 14c ; rolls , 15c
CoooXnuts Per 100 , $5.00.
CniER Hbls , $3.50 ; bf bbls , $3.00.
Mai-lk Suoah 12 > j@l5o per lb
Faiiinaceoi's Goons Ilarley , ti < jiSrci }
furinu , 4Ko ; peas , 3j e ; oat meal , - 2Jf@5fi ;
muccaroul , lie ; vermicelli , lie : rico , : syt ®
7c ; sago and tnpioca , 0@7c ; buckwheat , bbls ,
$5.50. ,
Salsooa 1 ? @ 2 } o perlli '
Stakuii 4iSi@sc per lb >
Stove Polish $2.00 5,87. per gross ,
SfiOEs Whole , per lb Allspice , Oo ; Cas
sia , China , 9c ; cloves , I cnang , 28c ; nut
megs , No ) , 73c ; pepper , i .S 19c.
Pkovisioxs Hams No , 1 , 10-lb average ,
10c : 20 to 23 lbs , 0io ; 12 to 14 lbs , 10 > o ;
shoumers , 5Kc ; breaitfust bacon , No 1 , 8Kc ;
ham sausage , 8 > ifc ; drled.beef linms , 7 > fc ;
beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats ,
4jC'0 ( , 'c pr > r lb ; ham roulette , OXc ; add leper
per lb for small lots
Cofi'EE Roasted Avbucklo'a Arioso ,
24He ; McLaughlin's XXXX,24 , ' o ; German ,
23Ko ; Dilworth , 24c ; Alaromn , 24 > c.
Cofpee-Green B'ancyilold golden Rio
21c ; fancy old peaberry , 236 ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Rio , prime , 21c ; ' Rio , good , 20c ;
Mocha , 29c : Java , fancy andenling , 2Sc ;
Java , good Interior , 24c ; African , 21c.
Candy ! l > @ 23c per lb
Chocolate and Cocoa--21@37o per lb ;
German chlckory , red , 8c.
Ginoeh Jamaica , Jfpints , S3.00 per doz
Mince Meat 20-lb cms , tCc
Ilosr.v Kio per lb for choice
PiiESEiivns OJiiglOc per lb
Jellies 4@4 > < c per lb
Hbeswax No 1 , 10@l9c.
Diiibd FnuiT Currants , now , Oe ; prunes
casks , 1,300 lbs , 4Jfu ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
4)2e ; citron peels , drums 20 lbs , 32c ; lemon
poul , drums , 20 lbs , 17o : fard dates , boxes , 13
lbs , 10c ; apricots , cholco evaporated , 14c ;
apricots , jolly , cured , 35 lb boxes , lOe ; apri
cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 35 lb boxes ,
10c ; apricots , choice , bags , SO lbs , H > c ;
apples , evaporated , Aldcn , 501b boxes , 8 c ;
anjiles , star , SVc ; apples , fancy , Alden , 5 lb ,
10o ; apples , fancy , Aldcn , 2 lb , lOJic : Salt
Lake , 0 } c ; blackberries , evaporated , 0 lb
boxes , 5JJ ( ' flKo : cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
14c ; pears , California fancy , Jfs boxes , 25 lb ,
Pic ; poaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , J s uup bags ,
SO lbs 15c ; nectarines , red , 14c ; nectarines ,
silver boxes , 15c : pitted plums , Cal 23 lb
boxes , S jo ; raspberries , evnp , N. Y. now ,
20c ; prunes , Cnl , RC , 00-100 boxes , 23 lbs ,
O c ; prunes , Cal , It C , 00-70 , 9c ; orange 1
peel , 15c ; raisins , California Loudous , crop 1
SS9 , $2.25 ; raisins , Cal loose muscatels , crop
1 9 , $2.11) ) . . Valeneias , 1888. 8tf 'S Valencia * ,
old , 8c ; Cal , seedless sits , Ha
Sausaoe DoloRna , 404 > c ; Frankfort , 7c ;
tongue , 8c ; summer , 18c ; headcheese , 4Jc. .
Poultiiy Chickens , per doz llvo hens
$2.23 ; spring-$2.50 ( < $2.75 ; dressed , uor lb , 0@ t
lie ; turkeys , live , 0@l2o ; dressed , lll2a ;
ducks , live , per doz , $2.50@3.00 ; dressed , par
lb , 0@llo ; geese , live , per do/ , $8.00@9.00 ; I
dressed per lb , 9(5 ( > llc
Pigs Feet Pickled , kits , 75c ; spiced pigs i
tongues , kits , $3.35 ; plcklod tripe , kits , 03o :
pickled H C trlpo , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs '
hocks , kits , $1.15.
HuTTKit Creamery , fancy,23@25o : choice ,
2031c Dairy , fancy 10lSc ; choice ll ) @ I
14c. Country , fancy , 14(5 > 15c ; good to choice , |
12@13c ; fair , 10@Uc ; inferior , e9o.
Pickles Medium , per bbl , $5,00 ; small , i
$0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00 ; C & U chow chow i
qts , $5 85 ; pts , $3 40.
Potaioes 25@37o for cholco
Osiosh 40@50o for cholco
Saueh Kiiaut Hbls $1.50 ; h'f bbls , $3.75.
Laud Tierces Relluod , 6Jfo ; pure leaf , j
0 > fc ; icottlo rendered , 7c. Add , ' c to ofor
smaller quantities
Wool Fine , average , 32@23a ; medium ,
average , 31@23 ; ; quarter blnod , average , 0
@ 31a ; coarse , average , 15@17c ; cotts and j
rough , average , 14@10c.
Funs Heaver , per lb , $2.50@4.00 ; otter ,
each , $ . ' 1.U0@7.00 ; wolf ; ouch , 50cd l.25 J ;
coun , each , 2575o ; mink , each , 15@00o ;
muskrat , fall , 6@9a ; skmik , rat 23y,0)o ;
badger , rut , 25aS0e ( , dcor > tins , full , per lb , ,
18 ( 127o : winter IMS-Jo. 1 . . . . •
Veal Choice , mcdluui' lzo , 4@5c ; cholco
bcnv.v , 34c. ' / ;
Live Pinr.oss Per doi , ' 1)1.50. )
Gasib Prairlo cnlclcelfis ! , $4.M ) : mallard
ducks , 3.)0W3.60 ) ; mixedauews , $1.50(32.00 ( ;
tcul tl.S5fiJ1.5J ; jaeksnipo.l.00i51.23 ( : quail ,
$ l.50@1.75 ; } .ick rabbits , $4.00@l.59 ; small
rabbits , tl.00 ( < U,20 ; sqWrols $1.00 ® 1.10 ;
plover , ; veuisqii Buddies , ll@13c ;
carcasses , liC lOi' .
Hens Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ®
1,80 ; cholco hand plckpd.medium , $1,05 ( < $
1,70 ; cholco bund picked country , $ l,50ujlC5 ;
clean country , tl.50ffil.00 ; inferior country ,
$1.00(31.33. ( * " ' '
SuiiAiis Cut loaf , Oo'out ; loaf , cubes So ;
standard , powdered , SojuXXXX , powdered ,
8ic ! ; granulated , stamUrd , . 7Ko ; confectioners
tioners' A , 7fi } white extra C. 0 c ; extra C ,
Nebraska , iwa ; uuibcrJlJrfoi ) California
golden C , 0)4 ) o 5
Heef Tongues Salt , bbls : , $20.00.
Hat $5.00@0.00.
Chop Feed $12.00.
CO II St200. .
Oats 18c.
Flouii State , $4.00i5.00i ( fancy , $5.00 ®
Fiau Salt Dried oodfUh , 4 > j * C * 5o ; sealed
herring , 21a per box ; hoi , herriug , doui , , 55e ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi herring
Imp , 8O0 ; mackerot , > io 1 shore , $11,60 :
fancy mess $13 50 per 100 lb _ ; vhito ilsb
No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $3.75 ; trou$5.25 ; sul-
mnu , $3 50 ; unchovlos , S5c.
Oils Korosciie P. W. , OKo ; W. W. ,
ll ' o ; headlight , 12oi gasoline 74o , 12u ; lard
No 1 , 45o ; No 3 , 41c ; salad oil , $1.33(30.00 (
l > er dozen
Lye tl.754.50 per case ,
NUTS-Almonds , 15@7o | ; Hrazlls , lOo ; fil
berts , lie ; pocaus , lOo ; wuluuts , l'JKo ; pea
nut cocks , 8J < o ; roaitod , lie ; Tcunusso pea
nuts , 7ft
WiiAiTis.0 PipEft-Straw , per lb , 1 % @
2lc ; rag , aic ) ; manlllo , M , 50 , o ; No
lUtts Union Square , 35 per cent off list
Su.T-Dairy , 2SO lbs tti bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , Co , os , $2.30 ; best grnde , 100 , : is ,
$2.40 ; ; best grade 33 , 10s , $3.20 ; rock salt ,
crushed $1.SO ; dairy sail , Ashtou , 50-lb lmg ,
S3c ; ; bulk , 23Mb bags , $ .1,25 ; common , in bbls ,
Ganneii MeVts Corned beef , 1 lb square
enns , $1.20 ; corned beef , 2 1b square caps ,
$2.05 ; corned beef , 0 lb square cans , $0.50 :
corucd beef , 14 lb square cans , $14,00. Lunch
tongues < , 1 lb round cans , $2.00 ; lunch
tongues , 3 lb round cans , $4.75. Urnwn , 1 lb
square cans , $1.20 ; brawn , 3 lb square enns ,
$2.00 ; brnwu , 0 lb square cans , $0.50' brawn ,
14 lb square cans , $1 iiw Ox tongues , l's lb
round cans , $5.00 ; ox tongues , 3 1b round
cans , $0.10 ; ox tongues , 2 } lb round cans ,
$7,00 ; ox tongues , 3 lb cans , $8.00. Chipped
beef , 1 lb round cans , $2,0-9 ; chipped beef , 3
lb round nans , $4.00. Roast beer , 1 lb round
enns , $1.20 ; roast beef , 3 lb round cans , $2.00.
Potted ham , < i lb round cans , 05c : potted
bam , H lb round cans , $1.20 , Deviled bam ,
U lb round cans , 03c ; deviled bam , # lb
round cans , $1.20. Potted ox tongue , } ( lb
round cam , 05c ; potted ox tongue , \i \ lb
round cans , $1.20. Compressed ham , I lb
square cans , $1.75 ; compressed lintn , 2 lb
square cans , $3.75. 'J ripe , 2 lb round cans ,
$1.80. Minced Collops , 3 lb round cans , $2.20.
Boneless 1 pigs feet , 3 lb square cans , $1.35.
One pound cans arc packed two dozen and
four dozen to the enso Two pound cans uro
nackcu ono dozen nnd two dozen to caio
Half pound cans packed two dozen to case
Quarter dozen cans packed four dozen to
cuso All prices per dozen , net
Canned Fish Hrook trout , 3 lb , $2.40 ; sul- i
111011 i trout , 2 lb , $3.35 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.35 ;
clams , 3 lb , $2.10 ; clum chowder , 3 lb , $1,35 ;
deviled crabs 1 lb , $2.25 ; deviled crabs , ! ! lb ,
$3 j 50 ; codfish balls , 3 lb , $1.73 : caviar , & 10 ,
$2.25 J ; eels , I lb , $3.40 : lobsters , 1 lb , tl.OO ;
lobsters , 2 lb , $2.95 ; lobsters , deviled , \i lb ,
$2.25 : mackerel , 1 lb , $1.76 ; mackerel , mus
tard t suueo , 3 lb , $3,10 ; mackerel , tomato
satico , 3 lb , $3.25 ; oysters I lb , 05c ; oysters ,
2 lb , $1.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 lb , $3.1)0 ) ; salmon ,
C. It , 3 lb $1.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1 05 ;
salmon , Alashn , 2 lb , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
Iiiinilisr nntl Itiillil.nj Mncrlnl
Stock Ho.viidi A , 13 Inch , s I s , 14 and 10
feet , $10.03 : 11 , 13 inch , s 1 H. 12 , 14 mid 10
. feat , , $11.0(1 ( ; C , 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$30.0J ; D , 12 Inch , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 foot ,
$23.00 ; No 1 com 12 In , s 1 s , 12 feet , $18.00 ;
] No 2 com 12 In , s I s , 14 and 10 foot , $17,50(0) ( )
18.60 . ; No 1 com 12 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 und 20
feet , $10.50 ; No 2 com 12 in , s 1 3 , 14 and 10
feet , $17.00.
, Porl.AK Clear poplar box bds , %
In , b 2 8 , $ S5.00 ; clear poplar % panel , $30.00 ;
clear poplar , ; ' „ ' in panel , $23.00 ; clcur poplar ,
14 tn panel stock wide , s2 si3.O0 ; clear pop
] lar corrugated celling , } , $30.0' ' ) .
Posts White cedar , 0111 hulves , 12e : white
cedar &K In halves and 8 in quarters , He ;
white cedar , -1 in round , lOo ; Tennesson red
cedar , split , 10c ; split oak , white , 8c ; suwod
oak , , 18c.
Ship Lap No 1 plain , 8 and 18 in , $17.50 :
No2 ; ! p' ain , Sand 10 in , 815.59 ; No 1 , O G ,
13 ft 14 ft 10 rt IS ft 20 ft 23 ft 31 ft
2x1..15 00 15 00 15 00 1(1 ( 00 10 00 18 00 10 00
2x0. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 ( X ) 10 00 IS 00 19 00 ;
2x8..15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 03 18 00 10 00
2x10..15 CO 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 10 00 I
2x12..15 00 15 00 15 LO 10 00 10 00 18 00 19 00
4x4Sx8.1fl 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 |
Fencing No 1. 4 and 0 in , 12 nnd 14 ft ,
rough , , ? U1.00@10 5) ; No 1 , 4 and 0 in , 10 ft ,
$ i l7.00@17,50j No 2 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 10 ft ,
$ t3 50l4 00 ; No 2 , 4 and 0 In , 10 ft , $13.00
< < i 10.00.
Finishing 1st and 2d clear , 1 < Inch , s 2 s , i
t49.00@5t.00 ; 1st nnd 2d clear , XIX and 2 Inch ,
s 2 s , $47.00@59.00 ; 3d clear , ljf inch , s 2 s , 1
$ ! 3.0lfdj0 ) ! 00 ; B select , l'f , l > f and 2 Inch , s i
2 s. $37.00 ( 33.00 ; 1st and 2d clear 1 inch , s 2 !
u , $15 00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $30.00 ; A se
lect , 1 iuch , s 3 9 , $34.00 ; 1) ) select , 1 inch , s 3 ;
b , $30.00.
Siiinoles Per M XX clear $3.30 ; extra i
* A" . $3.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch clear ,
$1.00@1.70 ; 0 Inch clear , $1.75(311.80 ( ; No 1 ,
$1.10j1.15 ( ; clear red cedar , mixed widths :
from Washington territory , $3.40 ; California
red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ; cypress ,
clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; laths ,
$3.50. :
Do.lUDS No 1 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No 2 , do , $10.50 ; No 3 , do , $14.59 ;
No.4. do , ( ships cull ) , $11.00. Add 50c per
M f 1 for rough
Battens , Well Tuiiino Pickets O. G ,
Hatts , 2J Inch , 03c : O. G. Uatts , 2 @ 3 , ss
Mo ; 3-in well tubing , D. & M. and bev ,
$22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , Hat , $20.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. , square , $19.00.
FLOOitlNQ-lstcom 0-ln white pine , $34.00 ;
2d com 0 In white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0-in
white pine , $20.00 ; D com 0 in white pine 1
$20.00 ; com 4 and Mil yellow pine , $15 00 ;
Star 4-tnyellow pine , $17.00 ; 1st and 20 clear
yellow pine , 4 and 0-ln , $19,00.
Ceiling and Paiitition 1st com % -ln
White olno partition , $12.00 ; 2d com jf-ln
whitopinopartition $27.00 ; clear , % -in yellow
pinocciling , $ i0.00clear-ia Nonvayl4.50 ;
2d com Jain Norway , $13.00 ,
Lime Best , SOc
Cement $130.
Pusteii $2.25.
Haiii 20c.
IIuildino BitlCK Common , $0.0007.50 per
M ; selected , t7.50@9.00 per M ; suwor brick ,
$9.00@10.00 ner M.
Sash CO per cent discount
00 per cent off
Tahiikd Felt $2.00 per cwt
Stiuw UoAiii ) $ l.GOpor cwt
I'rcparini ; to Kick
Detroit Free Press ; A well known
citizen wus discovered Koing through
some singular motions in one of the cor-
riders of the city hull yesterday , and an
ncflunintanco who run against him cried
out : •
What on earth nro you up to now ? "
Taking off my diamond pin "
Hut whores your watchV"
"In ray coat luil pocket "
Afraid of boinr robbedW
"O no Its buainess "
How ? "
Why , the nsscssors have put mo
down for $4 tax on personal proparty ,
and I'm going in to kick "
"I3ut yoti'vo got a horse ? "
Yes , but ho wasn't in the day tlioy
called "
And a piano "
That hupponod to bo at the factory
to bo rovarnished "
But your bank account ! "
"Sh ! Its in my wifo's nnmol Keep
quiet Now , then , I am rendy to go in
and toll then thut the people nro ready
to lake up arms to rid thein&olv ' cs %
this terrible burden of high taxation "
Wo nro ilio People *
Dusinoss } men from Nebraska for Chi
will please note that by the now time
Bchouule ( iu oiled from and utter No
voinbor 17 , 1880) ) , they can arrlru at
Omuhaabout4 p. in , can do business or
visit with Omaha merchants and friends
for nonrly two hours and can then tauo
the through Pullman sleeping car of
the Chicago , Milwaukee Si St Paul
railway short line fast train ntOmulia
depot of the Union Paeillo railway t 0
p. in ( supper served on dining car ldav-
iug Council Btutrs ut 0I0 : ! p. m. ) , and
arrlvo at Chicago at 030 ; a. tn ( break
fast also served on dining car ) , in ninplo
time to make connections with the fast
morning trains from Chicago tin the
principal custom and southeastern
lines ; or if desired , pussongers for the
oust can remain over in Chlongo a few
hours for business or pleasure and re
sume their journey by the afternoon
fast and limited trains of ull the oust
er n roads '
In addition to the foregoing , nnother
through short-llnu train leaves Cbnalia
dally at 0:16 : u. in nnd Council Bluffs
at 9:40 : a. in , arriving at Chicago at
0:50 : a. in , making close connection
with the express trains of ull eastern
For tickets and further particulars
apply to the nearest tlekot ugunt , or to
P. A. Nush , general agent , 1601 Put
nam St , Omaha , Neb
Wool ty slant in Hr , Paul
Apropos of the increase iu thu use of
slang by ttio girl of the period the fol
lowing brief conversation carried on In
nudlblo tones In a theater a few even
ings I since by two wcn known Indies Is
a 1 llttlo of thd slnngi yet TIio cur
tain having tloscontk'u on the second
net Stophumo and Clarissa converse in
nudlblo tones us follows :
, Clarissa How does tno play hit you ,
Stophanlo Very bum quite the
buinmost ' thing I've scon In months
Clurlssn That's whnt
Never tilvo Up
. If you suffer with asthma , bronchitis , or
any other disease of thn throat or Iiiiirs ,
iiotliltiK can surprise you moro than thorn
rn pidiinprovemont thnt will follow the ttso
of . SANTA A1IIIS. If yon nro troubled with
cntarrh , and have tried other medicines , you
will bo unable lo express yottrnni&zeuiont nt
. the marvelous and instantaneous ctiratlvn
powers , ' of CAL1FOUNIA CAT-K-CUHB.
Thcso remedies uro not secret compounds ,
but 1 natural productions of California Sold
ntl u package ; tbreo for $2,50 , und guaran
teed by Goodmnn Drug Co
Senator Stnnt'ortl'M Fiitlinr's Tavern
Did yon note thnt old tuvorn wo just
passed ? ' ' said n follow truvolor , as they
pnssod a low frame structure near ,
Kilmer's station , on the line of thoNov
York Cantrttl , says a wrltor iu the
Albany Kxptoss "Tlittt once bo-
longcil , " ho coiitinustl , "lo thu father
of United States sonittor Lolund Stan
ford It was far back of the days of 1SII )
when the father of Lcland Stnufordtook
the contract for building the onibank-
ment of the old strap rail railroad
which connected Albany with Sohoiiuc-
tndy Just after bohnd complolod rais
ing the ombaiikmout n series of heavy
ruins eumo and washed away a large
portion ot tbo earth ho had piled up
By the terms of his contract Stanford
wus obliged lo ronitlr such dntnages
and , though it nearly ruined him , lie
wnsloynl to his ugroomeiit and by sell
ing ht s property , a good sized farm , ho
scoured ready innnny enough to con
tluuo his work on the railroad When
this transaction was.oiideil he had a llt
tlo money loft , und with ithopurchased
tbo property wo have just passed "
SflROEDER & mm ,
Provisions § Stocks 1
Basement First National Bank
305 South lillh Street , - UiniiliiO |
Cnpitnl $1011,000 •
Surplus Ian 1st , 183 ! ) o'J.OOJ
Hkniiv W. V.itb-i , lraililont
Lewis 8. ltEro Vlco President
W. V. MOItSK ,
John S. Collins
It C. Cusiiiso
JN H. l'ATIltCIt ,
W. II 8. Ht 'dliES , Cashier
CDr ISIh and Fnrnam Sts
A General Uanlilng Itnsluess Vnuisactod
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - • - - 40,000
OITlcors anil Directors E. M. Mor.iomnn , O
M. Hitchcock , Joj , OavneanJr , A. Henry , F.
M. Anderson , Wm ( lMaul v nre * . ; I , . H. Will
alms A. P. Hopklni pres ; A. Millard , cnsnler ;
V. II Iiryant , usiUtiiut cashier
! .
Boots and Shoos .
Successors to liccd , Jones A. Co
Wholesale Manufacturers of Biot ; & Sloes
-tcent for Hu.toii Ilubbcr Slioo Co . I lit ! . I Ml And 1)0 ) }
Harney Street Omnln , Nebraska
' -
SlUliZ lLVlt ,
Lager Beer Brewers
ITai Konh Klihlecntii Street , Omalia , yebr < k , _
Manufacturers ofGalyanized Iron Cornice
H Indow-csps nnd notable skylmbts John Kpenetor ,
proprietor , liwnnil lUSoutli IWIi street ,
Pumps , Pipes and Ensues ,
Steam , vi'er , mllwoy nmt nilnliiB supplies , etc
WJ.ttKniiit ! | t'arnam Btreet , Onmlia
u. s. mxn BsaiKB & pump co ,
Steam anil Water Supplies ,
Ilallk'nr ; u I mills , CIS nmt 9J0 Jones St , Omaha
II f. Hon , Adlug Mnnancr
UntiWKELU & CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
Bhoot-lron wori stenm pumps , saw mills 131J-15IJ
I.cavcnworlli atreul , Omalia ,
Iron Works _
Wroushl ana Cast Iron Building Work
Knl lief , I ran work , Konerul foundry , machine , nnd
blacksmith work , nmcu and irorks U. 1' . 11 r
and lull sliei't , Omalia
OMAHA ll'/fffSi JUOX WOItlCS , "
Manofactnrcrs of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rall . lnduwKuatds Itowcr stands , lre iuu f , ,
etc yti Norlb ICtU Hreot , Oinmlia
0.1UZ l SAFE A mo i WOHKS ,
iManfrs nf Pirn anil Rnrorlsr Prnnf Safes
Vaiilis , Jail work , Iron shutters nnd Bti ocapes
< B , Andrecn , prop r. Cor lltti and Jnkson bts
S SiltJ25Sr8' :
. m. a. visimow & co „
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sa li , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings
Branch unice , 121 h und Uard streets , OtniibaNcb
Of Soutli Omalia , Limited
aaMaMBMMM MaagSiiyIJi1' ' " * s ' ey wig''w "yiggwi
v AKrlcultiirnl tmplomonts 1
hixTxaim & m ktva lf v ' o. , |
AnTicoll'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ! |
llucfle < , etc Hliole sle Omaha , Nclitsils J'
MOUxfCMll.lttTitX , v STblf > A riD C 0i I
ilanufactnrersnml Jobber ln ' (
Wagons , Bngg ' tes , Rakes , Plows , Etc , f
Cor Dili rihI PacincFtiocis , Omaha |
AT ratB ' Mntorlnla _ _ | |
A. lWSPK , Jr ,
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs |
1513 llou < las > lroct.Oniatia , Xebraska * 1
Boots nnd Shooa "v
ir r. Moii sn s cb , f
Joblijrs of Bools and Slioe ? . )
Ml IU1IIU IMnglai strict , o-niiia. Manufactory • ! •
Hunuoer sirert , lioton
< 2oa\ \ , Coke , Etc '
JAMES Tr TiiVl'A HEilCOAl , CO , %
Miners and Snippers of Coal and CoKc .4 ,
Itooj 81 V. 8 , Natloinl Hank HitlMlii ! , Omaha , .9 |
OMAHA COA 1 „ COKE .t LIME CO ? , | ]
Jolibers or Bard aad Soft Coal 3 j
8W South 11th street Uninha Ncbra-kn. j 1
smut ask a Fini7cb. , J i |
Sliippcrs of Coal and Coke ;
ill South ISfi street , Omitm , Nebraika "i
ConimlB9lon end Stornso 4
mviiiELL sTiiiDb'uhL , " \
Storage and Commission Merchants , | j
Specialties llmtcr , o , chee'i" . pmiliry , b . ' " - ' 3 I
llUlloarmd street.Omaha , Xoli 1 f
Clgarj * |
VEAX , AliMSTnOXa A CO , ' * I
Wholesale Cigars J ;
102North ttli StreetOmaha , Neb Hello 1139 I1 .
i 'I
Ory J oris nnri Notions J > . 1
mTe smith s7cb. , i \
Dry Goods , Fnrnisliing Goods and Notions . j i
110nnd HOI DouaUs.cor.lltli slroet.Diiittba , Neb u
KlLPATJtrCK KOCH Dll r O O0DS CO , ' | | .
Importers & Jtain Drsr Goods , Notions %
a cuts Furnlf h' .iu ( loots , Cnrnir llth and Miruey sjj t
streets , O.Tiiha , Nebrnsta lj 1
Furnljuro _ _ . M j
Wliolcsale Dealers m Furniture | f
Fnrnam str-'et , Omaba , Nehrasta * j
cuAiii.ES smveHTck ,
j j
Farniturc |
* '
McCOIi D Mt A I ) V , t CO , ' f ,
Wliolcsale Grocers , f
13thandT.oavenwcrth t-jet , Oniabi , Nebraska , V
. . . = 3 .lA
Hardyyarq _ p
wj riiioAToir , . ij
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel . .II
Springs , vrngon stock , Inriirac , hi-nlijr , utc , 1303 4
Ull lliirnuy Mrti4t.Umu.ia. % ' ;
Bmlflcrs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop f
Mechanic ! Tools nnd llullalo Scnlc3. 1IU3 Douglaa -J
, , .
street utnabii Nib w
. . . ' 1 ' 4
Lumbar , . Etc &
JOUXA wakwielT , m : |
Wliolcsale Liuier Etc
, . _ |
Importcil and American rortlaml Cetui-nt. 8tat # * W :
ascnt for Mllwnukee llrtlranllc Cement J
anacjuli.o * WhitoIlnio ? ,
ciTas It J.BR , 4
Dealer in Hardwocd Lnmoer i
Wood carpets an J parquet rlor' , nir , tllh und ljuja ! ;
streets , llrata , Nebrnslcn "
AHKiiidsofBnildiiiiMalerialatWnolesalB f
IStb strost and Union I'acllli trno'x , Omaha "
iOtf/S imAVVOKDT ' * j
Dealer in Lnmlier , Lain , Lime , Sash - |
Doors , etc Yards Cornnr 7lh and l > .ma . 0CBc ( { ! '
Corner lutli and li > unla . .St ,
Fit ED If GRAY , jt
Lnmoer , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc f
Corner ttli and Douulns strett * . Omaha ' }
c. x. niE'ra , *
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier , , i
IStli nnd California streets , Qjoaha , Nebraska -J
Hlllllnory nntl Hotlons a
Importers & Jooliers in Millinery & Notions f
a.ilO ) ) und 2t. 33ath llth street *
Notion a. _ _ , ,
' "
Wliolcsale Notions and Fnrnishius Goods |
llil llarnoratroet , Omaha m
" 77 ? ! ! ' -1
Wliolesale ReSned and Luliricatinr Oils %
AiloCraaseiete Omalia AH IIUIioiMdnagor J' ,
P upi 3. %
Wliolcsale Paper Dealers f
Crrra nlcostock or nrntlng , irnppltia nnd wrltlnf , •
paper Special attention Risen to card paper , . .3.
A. L. DEANE Jt CO ] ' 4
Orncrnl Agents for 1
Halls ' Safts f
821 and 331 South 10th Bt . Omaha A
U. HARDYS : CO , ' &
Jobbers of W
Toys , Dolls , Alliums , Fancy GooJs , f
House Curnl'lilnii Uoods , Children's . Carriages i : jm
rarnamairet't.Oiuabn.r.cb , m
01'TBI ! i\ \
Chicago , Milwaito & St Paul By ' * 1
The llcst Itouto frum Oinnlia aud Couutll
ANli COUNCIL Uf.Ul'i'a §
Clilcngo , AND Milwaukee " *
St I'aul , Miiiiit'itnolla , Cedar Raplils , %
Bork Island , Freeport , Ilockfurd , M
t'llntou , jlubmiue , Dnvcuport , -m
Elyln , Madison , JanesTllle , :3f.
llelolts Wlnoiin , iA I'rosse , • , 'M
And all otbtr Important polnls Kail , NvrtUtast and 1 Tiji
bouitieil gM
For through tickets call on ths tlskel azeat at 1MI * JM
farnam street , Iu Darktr tlloik , or at Uoiom Vario * |
rullmao Bletpcrs and tin ) flnast Dlnlnz Cars In tn ail
world am runon the mainline ot till ) Ihlcntfo MIL ftl
stauiteifcll I'aul Hallway , and e er ; attention ll . .tf
paid to passenxers br courtuous amplorts ol ths jn |
. .
aoupany lLilll.l.Klt.general Manajttr . .M -M\ \
J.K.l'UCKBH , AaslstsntlieuvralMansser _ JH
A. V. It L'AlifKNTlIH , Ueueral I'assennaf and - II
tricket Asent Jm
OKO k. UBArKOBD Atitstut General t'asscssa * t $
ud Ticket Aicnl . . . . . . *
ff.J.UXJU&.GtBtnl8avtrlr.Uad iit _ j
. J
, . ,
. . . „
.i ! i i ir MiriMiirinMrt < nrTjayiTtiwniiufrirrrtrtrinif'rTr'iilrT"'V '