Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1889, Image 1

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    I The Omaha Daily Bee I
p h
H Crouln's Fcokot KuLvob Found In
H Coughllu's Pockets
H T. T. Cnnkllii Identifier ) the Cutlery In
H Cntirl ( lie I v-Uttcctlvo Unable
H to Control Ills Terror Dtir-
B 1111 ; tlio DlHclostttc
B Stir ltclitittnl Testimony
m Chicaoo , Nov 29 At tlio opening of the
H Cronln trial this morning llio state culled
H Hernard F Carboriy In rebuttal Ho testl
H llcil that ho was in Mat Dununay's saloon at
H the corner of Clark street unci Chicago me
| uuo on tbo night of May 1 nnd ho did not sco
H Dcfeudnnt Uurko there , ns testified to on bo
B half or the dotcno
H At tlio toncluallon of the exiunlnntion of
B this witness Biir rebuttal on boh lit of tlio
BBBM defendants wis begun A nuinbci of wit
ncsses wcrocilled to the stand to strengthen
H the alibi for Burke on the night of Mnv 1
M I Dwycr , lalin 1 Icmlng and Pat Homo ,
C P Hotrnii , Willi im Forluno anil Walker
B Gibbons , all testified in the snmu ( drain
'llio last witness n nenhow of Potcr Fortune ,
the brewer , was so drunk ho could hurJIy
clvo intelligent nnsuers to the questions
M Ho was followed bv Walker Fleming , who
substantiated the testimony of the other wit
Mni-tlmi ; llv Idence
J CmoAoo , Nov 29 A locul news bureau
H lias a neu sensation .n the Cronln c isc He
H tectlvo Flvim , ube 'ocked Don CoiiRhlln up
H nt the time of his arrest , informed Chief
H Hubbard today , as if ho had Just thought of
BBB it , ttiat Coughllit gnvo linn two 1 nlvcs on
BBV that occasion u hich at Couglillu's rt iiuast liu
J locked up in the s tft ty vault , lheso knives
m worn secured today mid taken to ono ot Pr
B Croniu's Intlinato friouds , who ident'fied '
BBBB them us the dead doLtor spioporty
J At the afternoon session a number of
BBBM keepers and frequenters of s iloous wcro
BBBH examined in recard to the opening of n ccr
B tain saloon on the night of the nurdci
H Then the defense rested nud State Altornev
B Lonconecltcr said
K If the court plcaso , wo have some ovl
BBBH dcoca that has coma to our knowledge ulout
HflIM 0 o cloLk or a ltttlo before 10 which wo
HJflflE hnvo not bad titno to look into Of course
H ( it would boot lactico in chief , piobabtv , but
BBSB not having como to our knovvletlj e until
BBSB tills morning \so feel like asking the coutt
BBVfl to let us introduce the evidence ut this lute
BBBBJ Com t llv how many witnesses do you ei
BBBBJ pect that evidence inl
BBBBJ State s Attorney Hy two reallj , nud ono
BBBBJ Who has had custoly of the nrttclos
BBJflJf roi rest Wo ol Ject to n reopening of the
BBBB ctsa ut the end of tlio rosutrebuttal
BBJflH State Altoinoi I mi | pose the court has
BJflJflJj the right at this tlmo to lot it como in under
BJflBW its discretion
BJflJflBJt Iho court tl en called tlio state attorney
BBJflJf toapilvato consultation , nt the close of
which ludga McConncll slid 'I tike it
HHHH that the ovidciico which the state suggests
HHHHJ should go into the case I have considered
whether to admit It and Into decided to do
Bflflflt so I do not think it will delay tlio opening
HHHHJ of the cuso to thojuiy "
Police ODlcer Uartholomow riynn was
HHHH ] tlion called to the stind and in t espouse to
Hl 3 < lu stions tistlllcd as follows
flHHHc . • • When Dnulel Couhlln ( was arrested I
HHHH was ordered by Licutcnunt Elliott to take
HHHH him to the Harrison street station , which I
HJHJHJ did When wo cotthero I searched lnm In
HHHH Captain L ! irtram's ofllcu These two kuiv cs
HHHH which I han in my hand 1 found in his pos
HHHB session I teok tlio knives mil a ro\ol\or
HHHH from Couchlm and took tlicni back * o 1 cad
HBHB qunrtcis , went unstnlrs to Lieutenant LIU
HJHJHJ ott's onico ana then took them do vn to my
HHVB box at headquarters and locked them up
HJHJHJ They wore there until September 10 oi 17 ,
HHHH when I tooic them over Is the 1 idelitj.uult
HHHH there they Iin\osinco remained Last night
HBHJH I called the attention of Captain Schucttler
HJHJHJ to thorn una took thorn to lnm Ididnotdis
HJHJHJj close the fact that 1 hud them to mi } ono
HHHHi prosccutinr the case UCnptnin Buittim
HBHJH l.noiv I hud tlio knives , but up to lust nhht I
flflfljf did not call the uttentiou Of any ono else to
B tlom < >
HHJHR this closed the direct oxaminntion and
HHHH Forrest uw ed to cxeluao the oudenco on
HJHJH the ground that the knives had been In the
HHHH possession ot the Btnto over slnco CouLhHn's
HHHH arrest I hu motion was overruled
HHHB On cross examination witness sold ho did
HJHHf not tell the chief of police about the knives
HJHJH because it did not occur to him tint it was a
HJHJB matter ot any consequence Witness nsked
HJHJH the assistant Btato attornoj for permission to
HJHJH put them in u sifo , but was told ho had bet
HJHH tcr tuko care of them himself as ho was per
HHVh lonallv respoiinlblo for them
HHpj 1 1 ConUlin , with whom Cronln lived
HHBl was then culled to the stand IIo identified
HHBt the knives us huvlng boon carried by Ur
HHBB Cronln wliou alhe llio snuillor ono the
HHHB Witness lud himself carried for two years
HHHJJ aiutiho then | , a\o it to Dr Cronln lho
HHV larger ono tno witness said ho had founu in
HHHJI the street If they wcro not Croniu's knives
HHHJI thev lonucd exactly like thorn lho witness
HHHJI saw Ur Cronln use a kmfo line the smaller
HHVI ono within a week before bo was taken
HJHJH uwiu anil piobably within two or three
HJHJH wcoks before ho saw him have the othoi ono
HJHJH at a tublo tvlioro ho was writing , sharp-ning
HJHJH u coniil lho knives were then admitted iu
HHHH evident o
HHHH It would boimpossibia to depiot the np
HHHB pcarancoof Cougtilin when ri\nii was called
HHHB mid this damning ovldenco Introduced in the
HHHH court Ilia face assumed a deadly pallor
HHHH una for fully llvu minutes his eves worollxed
HHHfl In ono unwavering starn upon the ceiling
HJHJH above Tor onlj a niiuuto did the direction
HHHH of his vision cliaugo As the kiiivus wcro
HHHH placed in tbo hands ot Mi Conklln hoctst a
HHHH hurried glunco at them utid as Couklmsworo
HHHH to their oxuet rcscmblaneo to the raurlerod
HHJHJI mans property Coukhlln's Up trembled nud
HHHI his luipenotrublo stool fcray ejes chuuged to
HHHI a haggard , hunted stare bespeaking all the
HHHI desperation and despair of the heart that
HJHJH ! throbbed vvlhlH beneath his hroast
HHHJ Two mora witnosscs wcro then ox-
HJHJHi nmlued us to matters connected with the
HHHJI saloon opening on the night of Muj-1 ibis
HHHI ended and the state attorney begau his ad-
HHBJ dress to the Jury
HHHEf Mr LouLcneelter announced to the Jury
HHHJr that ho will contlno tiimsclt to a rcviow pf
HHHI thu et Idcnca in tbo case leaving the urgu-
HHHk ments and speeches ta bis associates Ho
BflflJ said : "iho state does not wish that the
HHHf prisoners shall bo guessed guilty , does not
HHhJ deslro that they bo convicted upon iiuj thing
HHHJ doubtful Wo do not deslro that thoj bo
HHHJ convicted upon an > thing except tbo law and
HHHJ the ovideuco In the case , but It jou , having
HHHJ henid all of It , boliovu tliut the low and the
HHHJ evidence Justifies you in snj lug that thuv nro
HHpJ guilty , then wo do dcinnnd that
HHpJ your verdict shall bo In pccordutico
HHpJ with tbo law and the evidence , and nothing
HJHH short of a truthful verdict under the law and
HHVJ the evidence will moot the demands In the
HHpJ case , whether it bo to acquit or convict ,
HHpJ With that verdict tha people must bo con
HpJ tent 1 ho state couteuds that thu murder of
HpJ Ur Cronln was btougtit about bj a con
HBJ splraey Wo claim it wus concocted uud
hhhb cieeuieu , una mat , mcoo men on mat are
HHHH parties to tha cons > Iroey , together with
HHHI others not on trial lhut is our position
HHHJj Wo further cluini It wus a cold-blooded con
H | splrnci a conspiraci without parallel , coolly
HHHJf end deliberately planned , n couspirucy most
HHBHWf terrlclo in its effects If this is u consplraoj ,
HHHJIt as wo contend , tin n it has been
BflflJ planned foi wcoks and weeks before its cxe-
HflflJ cuiian , auu If that bo true you mutt notioo
HHJ tholiuo of uvidenco In the cuso in order to
HHHJ como to a correct conclusion "
HHHJ Ihostuto attorney then began with the
HHHJ discussions In the Clau na-Oacl aud the ap
HflflJ pniutment of the commtlteo to try the execu-
HHJ ti > o , of which comtulttea lr Cronln wus a
HHHJ member Iheu bckiunlng with tha tostl-
HHJ mony of the secretary of Camp SO tbo statu
HHHJ attorney rovlovvcd la narrative form at treat
HHHJ length tha evidence ot the ivituesses us to
HHJJ ] the row la Camp 0 ever thoiircmuturo
reading of the HuiTalo mlnnntv report
In Cronln1 * camp and the rcferenco
of tha matter by lieggs to Spollman IIo
stated that nt that camp meeting on the
night of t'obruary 8 wus the time wlion the
conspiracy begun Ho then continued his
i ovlnw of the ovldonco roga-dlng the Hongs
bpellman correal ondenco , etc , and catno
down to the meeting of CatnpSOon Tebruary
S3 , when Pntrick McGarry mndo charges
and Ucggs siid that ho thinked Clod that
Alcxnndor Sulllvin hid friends nnd that ho
( Hcggt ) was onu of them At this point the
court adjourned
He Mill Artsist In linonilliR Clilcnuo
I dp thu W tiild's I'nlr
Citictno Nov 20 | Special Telegram to
Tiir Hn 1 J'ho tislt ot exGocrnor Gor
don ' of Georgl t to Chlcigo is to bo in ido the
occasion of it grind boom for Chicago as the
location for the worlds fair 'lho various
committees which have been appointed to
rccclvo nnd otherwise do honor to the south
em lender already number nearly ono thou
sand ' in their membership , nnd It is cxpcctid
the ovitlon to bo tendered General , Gordon
will bo accepted by tbo soutnern politicians
as , an cvldonco ot the fraturn tl feel
ing entertained by Chicago people toward
the ex confederate south Ono thousand in
vitations alnno have boon issued bv n com
tntttcoof ladles , Including the wives of the
most prominent citizens or Chicago , for the
reception to bo glvon Mrs Gordon , wlfo of
the ox governor , to bo ( , iven at the Grand
Pucille hotel next Monday A reception will
bo tendered ox Governor Gordon by the In
quoU club tomorrow night and his address
on tlio rebellion wilt follow It is to bo pub
lished in full by the dally impcis and by
nirrccmint is to bo cordially commented up in
by the cntlro preis of the state I our
weeks nco , tbo Chlciio world s fair
committee issued the mntidato to the
city pros that hereafter no unfavorable
comments must , no made on tha so called
' southern outrides " tin 1 the frautia efforts
of the lovnl republican press to nbst In from
the roi'co of h ttilt h iv o occn quito laughable
rlo tncir cicdit however it must bo slid that
during that peuod not a vvoid has been pub
llshcd igalust which tha most chivalrous cx-
poi cut of mul-lollum pilnclplcs could tnka
exception Indeed their hitherto eitistic
comments upon tbo Kentucky Virginia nnd
South Carolina feuds have sunk to the level
of fritornal admonition and bespc ik rather
the well wishes of the mission iry man and
brother than the haughty railings ot the
northern icpubllc in editor to unregonetnto
southern l ) u bar ! ms
HOS.1UVloss nimi MOS
Prcri Ij Ames Ono ol tlio Iinrgcst In
ilivltlnal I osor-i
Hostos , MIS3 , Nov 29 The largest
bankers hero look for no bid llnancial affect
from the recent Ores Ono of the largest
owueis of pro ) ertv burned jostcrduy was t
L Amos llio Individual losers us a rule ,
are men abundantly able to stund their
losses lho general sentiment regarding the
effect of the llro is becoming more encourag
lag on n closer nnrljsls or the situation
William It Gray of the John C ko crs
ucci cy estimated tbo totul loss bj iiru at
$10 000 000
lho burned district todav is a scene of
dc = olntlon A pot Hon of the flro dep irtment
spent the entire night nnd this forenoon in
quenching thu remnants of the big bluze
while a cordon of weary oflkors are
still guarding the ruins The incoming
trains this morning wcro pneked with
people who have coma to sco the ruins 1 ho
walls of soma of the burned buildings are in
a very diuterous condition nud the owners
mo contemplating the razing of them to the
ground to prevent the possibility of ncct
dent Gan s of men have alreadi begun to
tear away the dtbris
11 n wholesale ) small ware business
of Uoston Is vvltn n single exception wiped
out , but all the firms will resume business us
soon aB suitable qua tors are secured
lhis morning un attempt was mndo
to llnd the remains of the missing tlremon
louci aud Uuckloy , in the ruins of Brown
Hurroll & . Company's building 1 heir coats
wcro found burled beneath bticks and this
seems to settle their fate rurther attempt
to 11 ml bodies will be made this altcrnoon
thonggrogite insurance on the property
destroyed Is&nWT.O asneailyas can bo
learned lho state irsuraneo commission
says with tlio cxi option of two or thrco newer
or sicnllor concerns there-is no probability
ofttie suspension of any Insurance com
Hartford Carpjt Mill Wfstroyctf
IlARTFonu , Conn , Nov 20 1'iro bioko
out Bhortly uefoio midnight in ono of the
Hartford carpet compunj a mills nt Ihomt-
souvillc 'lho flames gathered Buch rapid
headway that fearing tha destruction of the
entire plant aid was asked for and sent from
both thi place and Springfield and with the
local companj succeeded in keeping the fire
confined 'n tha building in which It started
The burned building was of brick live
stories and BOO feet long and was used as a
storage warehouse ' 1 ho loss Is estimated at
TltO.Uuu , insurance $ 171000 Spoutauoous
combustion was tbo causa ot the lira
I. > mi's IJuriiril IHatrict
Ltnn , Miss , Nov , 29 The board of as
eessors made an ofllcial statement of tha v al
uation placed upon tbo burned property this
year placing the figures at 1 000 500 uud the
number of buildings burned at 330 ,
OvcrM0U00 I as been subscribed In Ljnn
for the benefit of the sufferers 1 wenty llv a
acres ot territory , exclusive of streets , has
been burned ever , 7,000 pcoplo have been
throw n cut ot woik , 17S families are homeless
less and ono third of tha b lildlnes la the
business portion have been destroyed
I\itnl Tinmen In Now Jersey
If i n out , N J , Nov 0 A flro st trtcd
tVa morning in Levrer's bakery hero Tlv o
buildings wore destroyed , causing a loss ot
$50 000 Jacob Lerer was burned to death
nn I his wife and son so badly burned that
tboy iiuiy die
Ijitullnti HiHnitnl rturnoil
Lo\DcVNov 20 The fever hospital at
Rochester has burned All tbo Inmates wcro
rescued , but fiftcon ot thorn were taken from
places where they were In great danger
A New paper Itulliilnir Gnni *
Iouomo , Nov 20 llio Truth ( newspa
per ) building was gutted by flro tonight , the
loss is estimated at $ .10,000
Clgltt I'i rsniiH Killed nnd a Union
lliiilly Hurt
NiwYoiihNov | 29 A Charlotte , N C ,
special says A destructive cyclone passed
over a portion of Uuford county jesterday ,
doing great damage I'ho residence ot n
farmer near Washington , the county seat ,
was blown down and the whole f imily , con
sisting of the father , mother and'four chll
dron , wcro killed Instantly A factory near
Washington was blown down und two par
sous killed while a dozen others received
serious injuries The reports are vary
uieugro aud it Is impossible jet to get all the
names ot the killed
An nuitirz7 Ins ; Ho ik-lei epor Jiilcjl ,
KiNHiS Citi , Mo , ftov 1.9 [ Special Tel
egram to litis iiru | Samuel ICorschofor ,
for several years head bookkeeper for tbo
Great Western typo foundry of this city , v as
JailaJ today on u charge of euib ztlomcut It '
is sulu that Klrscbofer's peculations will
reach several thousand dollars lho Great '
Western has houses In St Louis , Denver aud
The Hrazll Minor1 Strike Uiitlud
iKUUNJtroLiu , lad , Nov 20 A special
from Hrazll , lud , says the seven mouths
strike U ended At a meeting of tha miners i
today the reports showed a largo number of
men at work and a motion to deeluro the i
strike off was adopted by a large wujorlt } .
Tour of the Flvo Rapubllos Ready
For Fodoratlon
The Ppoplo I avnp tlio Scliciu : * , Howe
o et lloi il Conrptloil the Spink-
crslilp Quays Dlointo-
rinl Motlitxls
Washimotov HuiiEVit Tun 0 f Hfr 1
W\8niNorov I ) C.Nov J9 )
The dclcgntcs fiom Central America to the
international Atncricnu conference are re
ceiving very Interesting und Important ad
vices from their homo governments concern
ing the success of the movement to rcuntto
the live republics
On the 1'ith of lust Scptombcrthoro assem
bled nt San Salvador a diet or conference ,
composed of llvo delegates from each ot the
republics , who agreed upon a basis ot union
which has slnco been ipprovcl by the gov
ernmentsof Guatemala , Honduras , San Salvador
vader uud Mcansrua and is now the bono of
contention iu the llttlo rcpublto of C03ta
liica lho president ot Costa Klca , M Do
Sotu , approved the protocol of tbo conven
tion , butnrcvolutlon was immediately raised
agulnst hlra by the leaders of the opposition
pirty , and ho was compelled to ubdtcalo the
presidency temporarily nnd pet mit his vlco
pros ! tent to tutio his scat It Is beliovcd ,
however that w hen the pcoplo ot Costa Ulca
undeistand the sltuitlon und tha cucutn
stances under which lho union Is to bo ac
complished th it they will approve it nnd Join
the new confederacy , although lho opposition
Is very active and determined *
lho plan of union , w hich has been under
discussion in the sovcral republics for miuy
years Is a popular oao among the poopla and
the only obstacle to carrying it out is the
Jealousy tint exists among the local leaders ,
who to use a homely plnnso , would rather bo
largo toads in small puddles than small toads
in lnrco , puddles
Uudcr tlio plan ot the union as auopted the
presidents of thu flvo republics are to meat
ut soma convenient point on or before Sep
tcmber 1 , next , and thcro cast lots to do-
termin o w hich shull cxerciso authority over
the llv o republics I ha one w ho is so selected
slnlloeeuuy the chair of chief tor ono year
to bo succeeded in turn by the presidents of
the other republics , also chosen by lot Iu
the meantime each ot the presidents is to ex
ercise locil authority in his owu country like
the governor of a state at d each country
will muiutun its owu congress ns the logts
luturcs of our states are intiiut lined
1 hero is to bo an annual meeting of the
genoril congress or conference with dele
gates from ml of the llvo republics which
shull consider measures for the welfuro of
all and take steps to complete the organiza
Hon of the confcdcracv by the prep nation
of n constitution which is to bo submitted
tor tbo appi ov al of the people
Although some cncoui agetnent was glv on
the western candidates by the conferenro of
the Pennsvlvauia delegation this tiflernonn
It is conceded tonight tb it Mr Heed will bo
elected speaker and probubly or the llrst
b illot
It was believed by the Hood people that
the unit rule would apply in the l'ounsyl
vatila delegation and that nineteen votes
would bo cast for their candidate so they
wcro disappointed when flvo ot tha ICoystono
members broke nwuy to McKinley und
fourteen only remained for tbo Maine man
With a solid Now Lnclutid , Now Jersey nnd
Now York II members from Pcnnsyivaula
1 fiom Indiana , i from Wisconsin 2 from
Minnesota , 1 from Missouri , i from Kansas ,
2 from Cillfornia nnd 1 each from Dattota
Montana aud Washington , Mr Heed h is al
ready foi the llrst ballot CJ votes If the
caucus which meets at noon tomorrow should
bo full 81 votes will ba requited to make a
selection , but it is p-obnbly that there will
be u dozen or moio absentees nnd that 7 >
votes will nominate If it should bo oiscov
ciedthutMr Koed fulis short of the nomi
nation on tno first ballot by ouly night or ten
votes his friends to night sav ' Ibero will
bo u rush to get on the band wagon , and be-
foio the vote is announced the gentleman
from Muiuo will bo nominated "
DtarAToit qoav *
Major John M Carson , tbo correspondent
of tbo Philadelphia Ledger , who is ono of
the oldest best known und most influential
noivspapcr men in Wushiunton , uud has u
n itionul reputation as a writer ou llnancial
topics , becumou i undidato for clerk of tno
house at tbo solicitation of Judge Kelly uud
some of the older members and at tbo ad
Journmcnt of thu last congress had pledges
from all but ono or two of the Pennsylvania
repiescntativos that they would give him
their votes A majority of those gentlcnnn ,
however , at the dictation of bcuutor Quay
at the Pennsylvania caucus today , will
violate these i ledges and support another
candlduto whom ho happens to favor In
speaking ot this tonight Major Carson said
' 1 anticipated this outcome It can bo ex
plained in a few words lho interference of
Senator Quuy has passed bov and the urbl
trar.y mniiagonicnt of the town caucuses to
the urhitrary manutcment of the congress of
the United States 1 had tbo best of reasons
for believing that a largo niujoritv of the
Pennsylvania delegation would bo with me
Messrs Darlington , Yurdley and Scrunton
lufoimed mo personally that they would sup
port mo and Wutaon guvo u like pledge to u
mutual friend Ibcsc four gentlemen , at tbo
dlctatiou of Senator Quav , voted lor my
competitor General Hiugham of t hiladcl
phiu did not at any tlmo say to mo
that I would have his support ,
but some of his most , intituato
friends had pledged that ho would
suiport mo llvo wcoks n o I had a talk
with Mr Quay iu bis commlltoo room I
then informed him that I had not consulted
him or Mr Catucion about tha clerkship be
cause I thought it was u mutter which did
not concern them , that tbo interference of
senators with house organization would bo
unwise and unpolitic , auu so bolleving I had
not como to him to solicit aid Quay assured
mo that bo shared my oollaf as to senatorial
interference , and declared that ho bud no
purpose to tuito liny Dart in the con
test Ho admitted that tils sympa
thies vvoro with my opponent nnd
knowing the man 1 expressed the fear that
bis ' sympathies would lead bim to solicit
votes for him Hut ho renewed thu uBsur-
uuco that ho would tuko no part in tbo con
test I huvo reason to believe that prior to
this lnterviow Mr ' ' '
Qu ly's sympathies had
materialized into uciion I nm c reditably infer
for mod that ho has sent for moiiihora uud re
quested them to vote against mo Iu onu in
stance vv hen a member replied that ho had
promised to sui poit ma and intended to dose
so , Quuy reilied , Well , perhaps you
nro strong cnouli In joui district
to bo independent lu ahothor
ouso to add foreo to his demand for a vote
agulnst mo Ho said Cursou repicsuuts
no one but u lot of d d , iriesponstblo
newspapermen without inllueucu or resi
dence outside the Dlstilct of Columbia ' "
How do you uccoutit for the opposition
ot Ocnorul lllngliam , ona of the representa
tives from jour own eitvI'
' I have no explanation other than that
given by HlncliJiu himself iwo duys ago
ho informed mo that a deal had boon ilxed
up , that it was Heed aud McPhorsou , that
bo would have to vote foi McPbcrsou , and
thatull the Heed men would bo ugulust
Does this action of the Pennsylvania
members take you out of t ! o contest ! '
• Not necessarily I think my name will
be presented to the republican cuueus to
morrow , I urn a candidate for clerk ngnlust
this pernicious aud corrupt system of boss
rule represented by Mr Quay I will per
haps bo beaten , but the tight will bo con
tlnued uutli bossism Is overthrown I will
not bo defeated if thOBU members will vote
for mo lu tomorrows ' cattotaw who have ox-
pressedthoirahhorroncoot Mr Quays Inter
ferenoo vv Ith the house orftanixaltoa "
Postmaster Gonorul Wnitntnnkfir's nn tin ill
report , ndvanco copies of which wcro given
to the press tonight , will conv Inro the publto
that It has nt the head of Its postal sen lea n
man of unriv tiled business capacity lho
manner in which Mr Wnnainikcr treats
business propositions is inclined to insniio
the greatest confidence in his catncltv It
will ba a disappointment to mntiv * th it ha ro
( uses to recommend the establishment of a
parcel post , lho people have minced under
the burden of high lutes for tbo transmission
of small oxpre < packagoi tilt they huvo
como to pray that the government would cn-
1 irgn upon the weight of packages which it
receives ns fourth clnss mnttor and enter
Into the express business on n small scato as
do Grout Hrltatn , I rmco and manv nthot
countries with alvnnccl governmental nor
vice Mr Wanumikcr thinks that thoio is
not suftK li nt room in the postotllco buildings
throughout tha country to warrant the cs
tabllshuicnt of n p ireel post ,
lho calling of uttontlon nt this titno to the
crowded condition of the postoMces cm
phatlzcs the linpoi tanco of adopting Sen itor
Piddock'n bill making nbpropri Ulon for the
construction of buildings for second class
postoftlcos , whcroin room tor the parent post
buslnoss can bo provided
J ho christian pcoplo ot the country who
believe in the enforcement of a Sundav law
nud the ooscrvunco of the first dav in the
week for worsuip nnd rest , will bo glal to
road lu Mr Wanamakor's report that the
patronngo of tbo postofllcps on Sunday has
e tuscd him to think that the expenditure of
the monov and labor Is not warranted by the
benefits dcrlv cd Ho suggests that the right
vviiv to begin rctreuciinicnt Iu this direction
is to stop the running of postul cats on the
Sabb ith
His rccommondation that the minimum of
annual receipts which will ontltlo
small cities to reeolvo the fieo deliverv ser
vleo shull bo reduced from $10,000 to $7 000
will bo h tiled with great delight by many
small cities throughout the country Mr
Wamimaker thinks that It will bo much hot
ter to extend the accommodations now given
the pcoplo by improving the scrvico and cs
tablishinc free deliveries In am ill cities than
to reduce letter post igo from 2 cents to 1
cent , although ho concedes that 1 cent pos
t igo Is sure to como within a short time Ho
simply beltovcs that better postal facilities
are of greater important o than cheaper letter
rites The report throughout is n Btroug
ono nnd shows the ability ot the postmaster
fccncrnl to grasp the practical subjects with
which ho has to dcil
The Dakotans in Washington to the nuni
her of fifteen assembled ut the National
hotel nnd partook of n Thanksgiving dimiei
ludgoJohnll Drake provide ! lho follow
ing gentlemen answerort to ( oil call Senator
G C Moodv , Congressmen J A Picklcr
nnd H C Haisbiough , Chairman C T Mo
Coy of the South Dakota republic in cotnmit-
Uo , Mnjor Kimball Captain Sherman Prank
Krotchmor , William Xcnnant , Captain
Gloison T G Shannon "W K Ituzgles
James Moody K. C Hayes nnd Mnjor D ivls
of the Minneapolis i rlhuno It was tbo llrst
Ibanksgiving that the Dakotans have had an
opportunity to ohsorva as full fledged Amer
ican citizens , and those hero could not allow
the opportunity to bo th tnkful and feast to
pass unobserved Gonulno regret was expressed
pressed by all present at lho absence
of thu typical Dakota rustler , Sen
ator Pottigrow , who did not arrive
until Into last evening I hero are more
anxious Inquiries fur him than for
all the othei repicsontatives of the Dakotns
and well they may bo for when hotukos
hold somotlung bus to como Senator Pottl-
grew has done more fpi Dakota at homo aud
abroad than any man in thrt < ountry w
Among the Into arrivals kirom South Da
kota is Li W Caldwell , oditoi ot the Sioux
Pills Press Caldwell bus been mentioned
in a very comnlimcntary way for reading
cleric of the house of representatives and
also for the supcrintciidoncv of the census of
his state Hosaidto lnrUiE correspond
ent tonight of both propositions " 1 could
not und vvould not accept olthet place Ido
not vvaut any olllco at this tlmo "
Allot the flv o members of the Nebraska
delegation are hero tonight tcady for the
confcrcnco und caucus tomorrow and the
opening of the session at noon on Monday
Mi Connell and family arrived last night
and are located tompoiarilv with Mrs Cole
man in Thomas circle , very near the rosl
donco which the Omaha congressman will
oct upy as soon ns it is completed Owing tea
a delay on the part of the contt ictor Mr
Connell a rcsldonco will not bo completed
under bov oral weeks
Congressman Connotl todav culled at the
ofllco of the supervising urclilloct of the
treisury and explained several things about
the abstract of the nvvard for the land embraced
braced In the Plnntors' ' house ( block 0) ) slto
wMch before wore somowbat difficult to un
demand Hie result ot this explanation
convinces the denartment that the nwards
come within the limit of the appropriation ,
and consequently it will Mot ho necessary to
c ill upon the bondsmen to make good anv
shortnge lho awards will bo pild ut once
and the government will prococd to acquire
title to the site
lliopresidnnt's racssago is completed nnd
is now being copied on a typowrltor , but will
not be sent to congress until Tuesday lho
house will not bo ready for it uotilthat time ,
for the first daywill bo tukea
up by the election of oflleers and tbo
the selection of scats Tlio message Is not to
bo printed ns usual and sent to collectors of
customs and giostmastors for delivery to the
newspapers , but will bo tologriphed from
Washington from manuscript copies when
the original ia presented to the house and
Nebraska Hluo \ alloy , York county , M
E. Kelley , vice Prink Holler , resigned ,
Chase Chase county O Falrls vlco W M
Uuzick , resigned , Chester J hay or county ,
John Hodllno , v ce S V Osdlck rtsigied ,
McCunii , Cherry county , Francis Mead , vlco
W V. D Hrandon , resigned , Plato , Saline
county Lmanuol Ilavelka , vlco Mrs It
Sturgeon , resigned , Shiokloy , rillinore
countv.J II Springer , vice II U Campbell ,
removed Stanford , Harlan county , A IC
Criwford vlco A P. IHcnrj , resigned ,
lrumbull Clay county , J U Elliott , vice C
M Walker
Iowa Stratford Hamilton county , Carrie ,
E Doe vice Claud Doe deceased
South Dakota CarsonrSnllj county , A J
Laklti , vlco H G. Poaso/TeBlgnod / , Center
vlllo , Junior county , Mrs M. AL Davis , vice 1
John r Davis deceased , J
Mr Victor lTosevvater , a student at Johns
Hopkins university at Uultlmoro , spent to
day in Washington J
1 hu leave of absence granted Second Lieu
tout James McAndrow , { Twenty llrst iu
tuntry , August Jl , 18bJ , Is extended ono '
month '
L D Hlehaids aud R. 1 } Schneider ot [
Fremont Neb , who have boon hero several I
days , will return to their homes the first of f
npxt vvook they dODarttomorrow night
A tolognm roccivod hero today announces
that theto is very llttlo hopo'for the life of
Abraham Lincoln , ] r . tbo son of Minister
Lincoln , who is now ly ing ut tbo point ot
death-in Versailles • Jack , " as lmwasfi-
mlllarly known In the family aud among
friends , was a very brluht boy and a partic
ular favorlto among the olUcors of the army
whose acquaintance ho made in tlio depart
ment whoa his father was sou a tor Mary
messages of sympathy have bnen cabled
ucioss the water to the distressed parents
iho daughter of the late President Gar
Held who married Stanley Hrovvn , lormerly
her fathers private secrutary , has bought a
piece of property In the outskirts or Wash
Ington un 1 lias had the deed made out to
Mary GarllelJ Stanley Hi own , using both
her ovv u full name and thai , of her husband
Puutr b Hlatu
\\nlkfi's Ifcoimunciiilutloii
Wasiusotov , Nov 29 The rcportof Coin
modoro Walker , ( hlot of the bureau of
navigation , reeommcuds among other things
that no man without previous naval service ,
above the ago of thirty llvo years ba here
after enlisted • , that the enlistment of aliens
for general service bo discouraged with a
view to Us llual discontinuance
The Author of the Proverbial Phil
osophy P\39cs ( Away ,
Ho Hntl Mntivt nrm Pi lemli Among
DIstiimiiiHhcil I'cntilo mi Until
Sides or tlio Atlnnllc V
Iiovnblc Old ainn
On tlio Hnrdt r ot Pour Sf ore
IC } yrlol t Iff ) bi ) Jimt ) iil m Hcmittf 1
Tiovnov , Nov 20 [ Now York Hortld
Cable Special to Tun Hrr 1 Mirtln Par
quhar Till per dlo 1 this attcruoon at the ago
of seventy nine
Not long ago I saw him , n gentle , sllvor
halroi , beautiful oil man , who g roe ted ono
warmly in his prottv light house bonctth
the shade ot the pre it gl iss paluco at Syden
ham Upon Wnllan Just opposlto us there
hung a splendid portr lit of M irttn uud his
brother , two handsome ooy s nnd in u corner
of the room n curious looking valklng stick
which some admirers of the old poet had
sent him from Lake Tuppor , a pleco ot w ator
bnrlod within the Adirondack mountains
nnd which tnkes Its nauio from one of his
ancestors who was ono of the old pilgrim
fathers Talking of bis early days ho
' 'I was n boy at school with Thack
eray , who used to call the school
charter house a slaughter house bo
ciuso of the dreadful tjrannv ot the head
m istcr Tolin Leech was nt school ut tbo
snmo ttmo and Aithttr Help nnd later on I
was at a priv ate tutor s with Ilorold Urowno
the prc ont bishop of Uochostor nail ho ind
I used to sit togcthci In church and listen to
thooloquenco of Hugh O Nell , who was
vicar of Albury , near Guildford At Christ
church I w is a fellow student with Mid
stone always the foremost iu in and never
mind how I dllTer from him now I still look
upon him with love Ho was an earnest ,
hard working and religious man even lu
these diys He was easily primus inter
pares A numboof Lton nnd Christ
church choice spirits formed themselves
Into a small social club which they styled in
compliment to their founders Initials the
W 13 G Lord Llcin vv is there and Can
ning and Scott aud Liddell nud Cornwall
Lewis , and I well remomboi my Hebrew
lectures with Huzzy , who wis aftorvvards to
becouio famous '
loll mo why vou vvioto joui proverbial
philosophy ! "
"Ah now wo came to business W ell in
1S23 I was very much lu love with my cousin
fsabol , who was afterwards to become
tnv wife , and so I thought I
vvould trnnsenbo my notions on the
holy estate of matrimony A hanpy thought
struck mo I will convoy them In the manner
of Solomons proverbs , and I did so inurticlcs
Hist on mariiago , then love , then fileudship
und fourthly on education Hugh McNeil
warmly praised them N II Wills , tho-fa
mojs Amerlcun poet finding a copy which
hud been beautifully printed by Richerby of
Abschurch lane , fanctOd the book was that
of some forgotten author of the Eltzabcthlan
or i and quoted it vvook after week In n peri
odlcul of Ills , tbo Homo Journal , and years
after when ha met the author was scared to
llnd a healthy , ruddy young man in ono
whom ha thought had boon dead 300 years "
'I want something about your American
'I remember Daniel Web3tor
in It 57 Ho was a colossal
unhappy , deep brewed dark angel looking
sort ot a man with a depth for good and evil
In his eye unfathomblc Aud I called on
Uarnum Yes the same Barnum who is
astonishing us all today IIo gave mo two
tickets for Jenny Linda concert und after
the concert hu introduced mo to her and she
told mo in her pretty broken rngllsh what
comfort my poor dear proveiblal philosophy
had boon to her Dr lalmago was n very
kind and liberal host In l&Tti and It was at
his house I mot William Cullen Hrvant
Longfellow , ttlgolovv and General Grant
They were nil so good
"I w is amused on my loctu-Ing tour In
America when I said to my agent one
dav Shall I road them my pleco upon
Washington ! ' and ho replied O no , any
thing else of v ours that you like , but Wash
ington is quito played out horc now Wo are
Bick of him ' "
"Mr Tupper , did you find lecturing a good
speculation 1"
' Yes very fair , So , in Scotland I used to 1
meet with the most splendid and cntbuslastlo
audiences The clergy wora not always
great friends ot mine , from a lecturing point
of view Ona at Salisbury told mo that the ,
perpetual Dearly beloved hrotiron' bad
spoilt him for eloquence and ho didn't care '
to boar miuo , but non conformist ministers i
are far moi o genial "
Tell mo something nbout your friends i
and acquaintances , the people you have 1
known In so long a life "
11 will Just take thorn haphazard Mrs
Hooeher Stowo , very taciturn Oul 'a ' , on i
whoso behalf I once broke a lance C irter >
Hall , Oscar Wilde , poor Prod Hirnaby ,
Rogcis the poet , whom I ooco mot in his nr-
tistlo house in St Jamas' place , Carlylc , who i
warmly bade God bless mo , Spurgeon , who i
vvroto mo encouraging mo to go to smiting '
, the Philistines with shaven ciowns , Tennyson
son , whom I visited nt Tarrlngford , llrown-
ing and Mortimer Collins , Dickens , whom X [
met several tlmos deir old frlond-Prof
Owen Matthews , Arnold , ICingsloy , Thomas
Copper the chartist poet dear old nun
George MaoDonald and sov oral ot tbo royal
ists I have met the princa consort over
gracious and kindly IIo introduced mo to
the prince ot Wales vvhon the latter was
quito a boy , and only three years ago At mv
last levco , where Lord Houghton the poet t
and I were the onlv ones in the old-fashioned I
court costume the prluco latroducod mo to
his oldest son "
bix WokIcs of riiloniliil Wentlior Suc-
( iri dun JJy Hani ,
( fopi/ilo'il 180 Ill lama Gordon IJtnnitU ]
1'au , Nov 29 [ New York Herald
Cable Special to The Hel | lho lovely
weutbor with vvhltli wo have bceu uninter
ruptedly favored for nearly six weeks
came to an end Monduv , and slnco
then the Bkies have kept ta a most de
termined manner the worst of all weather
The wIbo say the wet weather will last for a
fortnight Weather prophets are oiten
wrong , so let us llvu In hope
' 1 he dismal looking day did not prevent a
fair Held meeting at Mr , Uhorn's at Aslat ,
y osterday morning at 10 o'clock , the carl ot
Howtb , O Morse , Nailer Lnjlaml , id J
Harron Sir John Nugent , the Misses Hut
ton , Misa Games , Mm Gay on , W. Law
rence , Mr Ulair , etc , putting in
an appearance Tlio line chosen by
the bagman lay to the left of the
railway , 'llio ground was dreadfully
holding and boggy In placoi , und the result
was that VA J Harron , with the Halsov
huntsman nlono , managed to stay with the
hounds till tn the check After the check the
houn 1 * ran n n good pace ever the line of
criss fields Intersected with holgcs nud an
occasional water course , nnd thcro was no
difficult } lu keeping out of sight of the pa k
till they ran into the bagman nt nbout two
lcllnmcttcs to tholoft of the town ot Nay
Snturdnv h is boon fixed for huiitintr nt Ole
ron , but If the rain continues the excursion
to tlio pleasnntest line In the Pan country
will have to bo abandoned ns the valley is
run over with grass nnd In wet weather
great ; Inmago can bo done SlrVlctot lhookc ,
our present master s prolecessorlnofllio bus
returned looking quito hlmsolf ngiln and In
toi ds huntingrogularl\ the fox hounds
Pau keeps up its icputntlon for hospitality
ami every evening'ono hears of dinners Mrs
\V H ICnno , Mrs Hutton nnd P G I aw
renee seeming ns over to think they can
ncv er entertain their friends sunicicntlv
Iho thontorcontinues to bo well patron
lml As is well known , nothing d units pro
vmclnl troups
Amongst the latest arrivals moMaJoi aud
Mrs Malcolm Patton , lion and Misses
Stiubyn , Hon and Mrs Pollock , Hon and
Mis Moslvnnnd Misses Moslyn , General nud
Mrs Woodhouso Sir Ihotnns und Lady
Pilrbalru , Lady Louisa Knox Lady 11
S lUtidorson , Princess Soltiltoff , MijorH A
St John , Mr and Mme Lrancls Plintei
MlniHtpr Douglas Si glitrd Anuicstj
for Political OlT ntlt-i
Ponr vit Pimci , Haytl Nov 15 [ Special
to I hi , Hu ] President Hlppolyto has nt
last announced his cabinet , and so 1 trgoly Is
the north represented In It that thcro is al
ready much grumbling on the put of the
south W'hothai ot not this oxprosscd dis
satisfaction is to ba regarded us the Initial
phase of another revolution time nlono ill
shovv.but the political atmosphere of thb
island Is rlfn with vague rumors that jar
threateningly ou the car
Another m tttcr th w has caused almost as
much talk as t.o iippnlutmjnts themselves Is
thu omission to send the American niln *
istor to tha black republic the same
notification of the foniuitloii und
composition of the cabinet forwarded
to the smallest consul here Minister Doug
lass was loft to get his information from the
Hnvticn papers and the meaning of this np
parent intentional slight is dlflicult to
iho publication of the presidents pardon
of politic il uiTonuors not guilty of inurdor
nnd arson has been most favorably received
Ihoso who hnvovisitcd the loathsome prison
wheru some of these oilcndora huvo been so
long eontlned can Itnagino the Joy with which
it vv is received by the pilsonors Ihoio is a
dlffcrcnco of opinion concerning Legitime s
right to bo inclu toi in this amnesty which
is worded as follows lull ind complete
amnesty is given to nil persons who are do
t lined In the prisons of the republic oi who
have gene Into exile bv ro tson of politic il
events , from September 23 , 188 up to dnto
Inllvlduiils accused of muidoi or Ircendlar
ism or of other non politic tl offenses uud
who will uiswcr before competent tiibunuls ,
nro not Included In this lecreo "
.lmlgo Kiiokor Wilts In the rnmnus
Ah pen Mine Suit
DrNVEit , Cole , No ) 21 The famous
Aspen mine suit Inrolvlrg u one slvth inter
est in the Aspen mine as well ns one sixth
ot the $4,000 00) ) or $ j 000 030 th it h is Boon
tiken out was decided in favor of Judga
llucker this morning
Itucker bought this ono sixth interest for
$15 000 from Harvey \oUng A rich vein was
struck and Young rorused to complete the
trade Hucker biought auit and the decision
makes him ? ' 000 000 riekor than ho was last
night lho c iso will beappealed
Hnltl 1 tn Airiou nnd Muulir
Ciiicaqo , hav M [ Special lolegram to
Tun Hre ] John Klein nti old German , was
held to the criminal court today on the
charge of nrson nnd murder In March a
fiaino building on Clmk street was burned
to the ground and Mrs Cugeno V Dalton
and hot four j ear old child were cremated
b fore they could escape Some tlmo after
w irs suspicion fastened on Klein , ho hav
ing been known to hav o made thro its against
the 1 indlord fleeauso of some dillleilty the
two hud when Klein was ti ten int Mrs
Sophia Lime who live 1 near the burned cottage -
tago tostllled that alio Baw the defendant
near the place on the moinlng of the llro
Mirthn Mulligin an old coloicd womun ulso
a resident of the v iciuitv , saw Klein p iss bv
her house and disappear bchiud the cot
tiiRO Ton mtnutos latter the house was
on llro iho urlsouei denies his guilt but
refuses to glvo nn explanation ot his vv bore
abouls ut thotimo
In Alii n Ij iDoi Law Mult
PtTTsnuita f\ov JO The United States
district attornov entered civil suits today in
tbo United States court against James A
Chambers t nd Sellers McKce , trading as the
Cbumbcrs & McKco glass company , and
James Campbell and II Slicker presidents
tespoctively of tbo American Window Glass
Workers association and the Universal
Fodoratlon of \ \ indow Glass Workers , to ro
cov or tha sum of H 00) ) ( the line Imposed by
tbo ullon importation labor lnvv ) for cvory
intin alleged to huvo been brought to this
couutty bv or attho Instigation ot the ao-
cused for employment Portv blx men nro
alleged to have bean brought hcto In viola
tion of the law
fimtp To llobliory OovolopmtMitH
St Louis , Nov JO In ndditlon to the
nlno men nrrosted in iho Chickasaw nation
for lobbing the Santa To train at Uorwln ,
Monduv night , two women , the wives of two
of the men huvo bean urrosted At their
homes in Ardmoro , two largo packages of
Jewelry taken from the express oar , were
found lho women m ido confessions lmpll
eating tbo men undurnrrcst , and also several
others who are still at largo
Kansas Kiiiiorg Arrcsictl
Dpnveu , Cole , Nov 29 The United
States marshal has arrcstod J il Feazor
and J Isor , the two principal actors in the
bloody county seat war in Stephens county ,
Kansas , in vvnleh Sheriff Cross and four kllloj on ono side nnd ono of
Poazor's men ou the other Feazor has neon
here some time working us a painter A
third party has boon arrested near Pueblo
All thrco will bo turned over to the Kansas '
authorities fortrlu !
hti ntn hip Arrivals
At Lo rdon Sighted the liuriowmoro and
Ornnatnoro , from Uultlmoro
At Southuuipton The liave , from Now
At Glasgow lho State of Alabama , from
Now York
At Liverpool i'ho Michigan from Hoston
At Philadelphia iho Missouri , from Lou
At Now York The Turnesla , from Gins
gow , and the Allor , from Urcmen
Tlio VV rutin r Kppnrt ,
Tor Omaha nnd viciultj Fair weather
For Nebraska rair , warmer , southerly
For Iowa Snow , preceded by fair ,
warmer , southeaster ! } winds
For South Dakota Fmr , followed by
snow , colder in western portloiin , slightly
warmer in eastern portions , southerly winds ,
becoming variable
Dnrsny' * Irmilili Bottled
Santa Ft ; , N , M , Nov 20 The sale of ox-
Senator Dorsev'a herd of cattle by tnorlgago
sate tins been satisfactorily settled , nud the
sale will not take place
The Exporlonoo of Two Fromout | W M
Mon In Wyoming | H
llio SouthuosW nt V braHkn Teachers V j H
Association lliui Ollloets 1 bo % H
Llcphnnt nt West Point \ H
Hultt Tor Charges | ) M
Lost AH It ) tht > Ioich H 1
Pin most , Ineb , Not 11 [ Special to Tim 3 i pH
HirJ J S Hey of thU tit ) has Just re- 4 i pH
eolved Information of a thrilling Incident ot W M
Wyoming ranch life In which his two broth | | p |
ers A A nnd Ilerry Hov , wcro Involved t I H
'lheso brothers each own a ranch on the I ii ifl
liicr-iirlvcrotHrown'sPutk about eighty llvo 8 H
miles fiom the town of Grcru lilvcr which Is l
tholi ncaiut mill oul point Tbo eirciim- i
fi p iB
stance about to bo related occurred two or f s pH
thrco weeks ago , and the fact that it is Just I
malu publlo is owing to the loiuotoncss of $ li H
the place of Its occurrence fiom the ordinary jj H
channels of civilization these brothers had pH
comfoitnblo ciblus adjoining each other , : H
oich ou the corttor of nsoparito cliiltn lhny H
were the most comfortublo to be found In s pH
that region well fttruishol and wull supplied
with luxuries ono vvould scarcely I p H
expect to lltul In suih a secluded { , |
spot Hestlcs their ortltn try household , M
goods they had in their cabins several huu Ilp H
dro I dollars'woith of supplies Huforo loav- i
lag homo rcccntlv to assist In the fall round ? i H
up of cattle , hav Ing boon admonished to t iko P j pH
precautions ngnlust the deiirolutlons ot dl H
thieves who hul ) ioviou ly entered their ll pl
cabins nnd stolen a large quantity of goods , Bljl
they resolved to set a trip to catch tint In | fll
trudcra who might ba expected to take ad tU
vautngeof their absouco to i ob them n aln II
They accordingly locked their cabin doors i HH
nnd nttncl cl a string at one end to tbo latch i 91
on the door und at the othei to thu trigger of HI
n illio so adjusted that vvhon thu door was ' , IJ |
opened tlo gun vvould give the iu irucKlor a ' IIJ
hospitnblo welcome lode ith It scorns that \ S |
not long nftci lho llovs had left on the HU
totindtip thcli l inches wcro visited by ' sll
a Inn il churictcr of that section who IHH
was after booty Hu oponc t a dooi ot ono I H H
of the cabins niul us he did si the trusty gun t IpI
wnlch was standing sentinel was discharged IMpH
the contents took cllect in the groin uud at SH H
1 tst accounts It vv is thought the in in would HHpl
die lo nvongo lho woutt ling of their com iM
laden numbei of hlsptls j ithcrod nt the fflpH
ranches aud with lighted torch swept away 1HI
cvoiy vcstigo of priq crt ownolby the Hoys , Eflpl
Including their ciuius uud contents coirals , Slljl
barns now ing m icliinos hay rikes ote , 3flHl
and about thirty tons of hay , iu all amount | H |
Ing to about JJ 10) ) in v iluc lho men who $ flp |
are suspected of this balong to an orgtnlzcd SlHl
gang ot thieves who infest th it region and IBH
nro n tenor to the rinchmuu , whom they fflpfl
gieatly outiiumbnr tlH
The I lunli tilt i , ( ill 1 > " ( Imig s HfJ
Wist Point Isob.Nov 29 | Spec ! it Tel HHJ
cgram to Tin 11 u ] Wotdwas sent to the H IJ
agctit horc to hoi 1 the elephant locclved yes - H |
tcrday until nil charges uro paid IIeatonc6 |
sent word tn the pc0plovttar i < > -thLir > * chll- f |
* " " * p p
dien nt homo nnd ordered forty tons of hiy pi
nnd thrco 1 undred bushels of coin A pet I'H H
tion is bciujcirculated nsklng the gnvoiuor HBj
to order the animal removed from this vicln- HHj
itv List night about U o clock the llio bell ' , Hljl
rung nnd the people turned out in force but HHJ
uuon evami intion it was found th it it wis1 HHI
nothing but an electric disturbance in the HHJ
elephant h h ilr At the same time nil of the HHH
electric lights in town went out lho pcoplo BHI
arc auxiouslv awaiting the next freak fl HJ
I o lkinj ; AU < i Itioir Intel ests H IJ
Hi vtuick Neb , Nov J3 [ Siiucial Tela „ H IJ
gram to Tin Um I lion Charles Con lcrl , H HJ
liiltish consul at Now Yore , and August H HJ
Wolf of London , Ungland , roprcsontatlvca /IH / |
of the eastern bondholders of the Kansas ( H HJ
City & , Uoati ice railroad , and Novvmun Erb , (
general tuannttcr , and L Sammcrfleld , su- \H \ |
poriutendont of the same road vvciointho H |
city to lav lee ) ing ifter in itters of intorcst .j H
to their rend nnd to ascertain the purpose of ' -
the Union Pacillu in suddenly pre empting Hj |
cert ilu trackugo facilities in the iminediato rI H
vicinity of the ICuus is City & Hcatrlce depot SHI
A Vi w IWitrian i lu mi Ononeit H IJ
Bi atiiice Neb , Nov 2 * fS ifcial Tola jH HJ
gram to J. lit Hi.i 1 lie new Fifth slroet H HJ
theater was founally luauguiatod tonight H HJ
bv n gi ind bull given by the Kllpatrlck | HIJ
hose lompany , tl o leiding social organizaHjlJ
tion of the city lho hull waselocantly dec Hljl
orated with lings nud paraphernalia mol JHJ
dental to the tire department lho music H HJ
wits furnished bv an Omnha orchestra lho H H
nffulr was ologtint , enjoy uhlo uud sucicssfu HH
SoutlivvcNtorn N lirn-lcn Ti nolinrs H HJ
Neiikaska Citi , Neb , Nov -J [ Special HHJ
telegram to Ins lien | lho Southwestern HHJ
Nebraska Teachers association in session H IJ
hoio today elected the following oflkors for H HJ
the ensuing year President , W 1" laylor HHJ
of the nor mitt school Peru , vlco president HHJ
Charles lor Iv eo of Auburn , Becrotary aud ,
treisurer W II Gardner ot lecuinsch Fx- H
ccutivo coinmittco , F 13 McIClusky of Lin- HH
coin , William Clnrv of Nubrasku City and H H
George If Chatburn ot Humboldt _ H H
A I'm iiilioiiHo Dnttriiy < (1 ( AHfl
Yaiiuiaiso , Neb , Nov 3D [ Special : HHJ
Tologiam to 'iui : Hi n 1 1 ho farmhouse |
of Ij D Glassburn , about a mtlo and a halt HJ
northeast of town , was burned to the ground HJ
with nil Its contents last night while HHJ
Mr Glassbutn and fuinily wore in iHH
town attending a thanksgiving suppei It JHJ
is supposed the llro caught from n stovonlpo HHJ
which extended up through the roof For H
tunutoly the neighbors saw the flro and Hjl
saved all the outbuildings uud stable The HH
loss is about $ J,000 , , no insuianco HJI
P.ili bin y H ilcioiikei'lH rs Sur il HHJ
1'Aintiuitr , Neb , Nov 29 [ Spoclal Tele- , aHJJ
gram to The Ui.k 1 City Attomoy John ' H
Heasty has begun suit against Henry Hukor HJlJ
and James Moles , ealoonkoepors , for tlGO Hj |
occupation tax on billiard tables Ihosa- iHH
loonkeopors are nbout to sue the city for H
$7,500 collected heretofore from them , which HHJ
they claim to huvo bcou done under a void HjaH
ordmanco , The dovolopmoats uio expected H
to bo luloicsting HH
A Itunuh til" Mm C liiilunl 'JHJJ
Hhatiiici , Neb , Nov 29 [ Special Tele HHJ
gram to Tin Hue 1 Nine prisoners from Su- HH |
line county who have booa coniluod in the 1
Gage county Jail for some time past for safe -UHjll
keeping were tukeir to Wilber today for HHJ
trial three of the most despcruto of the JHHJ
pally wore shackled togolhor to hoop them *
from any successful nttompt at oscupo HH
lllliiolN IiicoriHirntloiiH JHJ
Ciuc'Aao , Nov , 29 [ Spatial lologram to ' aHJ
The line I At Spring-Hold , 111 , today the HJ
sccretury of state issued llccnsos to lho foi- . HjlJ
lowing Klordan rofrlgerator car and ' Hj
transportation coinpauy ut Chicago for the 3 Hj
manufacture of refrigerator railway cars , tfllj
eapttol stock , $ J 000,000 , lucorporatorB , Winf * * " ! ) | IJ
throp Pond , Charles 1) ) Kaufman nnd George HHJ
H Kuttci of Now York , Morris It Locke ot 9 H
LI Paso , lex , unu James L Pennllleld of H H
Chicago , a transfer olllco Is to bo maintained H
at New York city Paducab und Illinois l
bridge company of the state of Illinois , at H
Urockly n , Masse county , to construct u ate ol i H
bridge across the Ohio river ut Hrooltlyn for H
railroad purposes ; oapltal stock , 910OOO0 { H fl
Incorporators , Charles Heed , Sam Ilouiton
W. F , Puxtou and otbort H l