Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    i 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : - IDAY , NOVEALBER 20 , 1889. J |
; the omatia bee
| counoilTbluefs
f orriuu no lii i'i-aiuj hiiuir :
t Delivered by mirier In tiny part of the City nt
K- 1 Ittteil Cents per Week
I 11.W.T1I.TON MAN/Will
* , ' HrsisrssiiFiiti : No a.
< Nidin PiilTQU Ni ) , U
t riitpcn Cents n Week
From nnd titter November 10 TnR Dur/r
' Bee will bo delivered by curriers lu Council
f 1)IuIT8 ) nl Ilttccn cents a. week
i , minor miniiov
k N. Y. 1Co. .
Glcnton coal
jt Council UlulTs Timber Co , coal
f. \Vcntern Lumber and Supply Co
l llintchcr coal , see advertisement
| llcst coal and wood at C. H. fuel Co
Carbon Coal Co , wholesale retail , 10 Pearl
[ Fall solo begins Monday Host on store
The funeral of Antno , Infant daughter of
i Mr and Mrs 1 . Nolion , took place frotn tbo
; family residence , 1013 Avenue E , at 3 o'clock
t ycUcrdny iiltornoon
t John Anderson , the squatter against whom
ft a complaint was Med soma tlmoncn for Inter
fering with the owner of tliu property on
which ho was residing near Cut OH lake , will
have n hearing today before Squire Sehur/ .
I lrcnb N. , dauahtor of Mr and Mrs ii
f „ Drew , Hied Wednesday , ngod soveuteon
• I months Tno funeral took place at 3o'clock
( yesterday afternoon riom the ramlly resl-
t > aenco , corner of Fifth avenue und Twenty
t third street
L C. II , Smith , who was arrested on sus-
> plclon of beltiK connected with the Rang of
coat thieves loclteJ up Tuesday night , was
' yesterday released from custody , there bo-
! lng no evidence to connect 111 in with tbo
} commission of the thefts
J 'iho report of Secretary Zevelyof the board
{ * of trade is assuming mammolb proportions
x It shows that thu amount of bulluinjt done
I this far during the year will fool up noarlv
F W,75,0J0. ( ) nnd the real estate transfers over
f $4,000,1)00 ) , or aoublo these of last year
[ Itobort Stack nnd Thomas llrown , a couple
I of tough churaelors living In the southern
I part of the city , were arrested yesterday for
, disturbing the peace and nsiault with Intent
if to do cicat bodllv Injury 'Ihey were beat
X ins William Ballon and William Knlp ht ,
I When the police took a hand and landed
| . them behind the bars They will have a
& hearing this nioruliisr
jp The chief of the police force barely escaped
% nu attack of paralysis yesterday morning ,
f when Franlt Trlmlilo announced that ho intended -
' tended to bring suit against him to recover
* fiiO , which 'J'rimblo claimed was due his
' client , cx-I'olicnman Scott , us his share of
* the proceeds of the police lull Scott's nf rvo
i In usking for Dny of the inonoy is truly
- astonishing It may ba stated , hnwover , that
tbero Is no intention of placing nnv- reward
, on such conduct as Scott's , and his prospects
h for rccovoi lng the money are not flattering
> The hearing of the motion for a writ of
, : habeas cot pus in the contempt case against
t John Jay Krnlno.v , who Is now conllnod In
\ the county-jail , will take place before Judge
, * Aylesworth at 10 o'clock this morning
Frulney's attorneys are far from fooling suns
s' ' ruiiio regarding the outcome of the move ,
' and the opinion very generally prevails that
f there will bo n back clown on ihelr part at
* the last moment nnd that tno mortgaga for
1 $2,000 on Fralnoy's oroporty , which tlie state
desires , will bo given within u very short
f Unio nnd the prisoner released from custody
k Captain Thomas Cormackof the Omaha
I' police force came over the river yesterday
J , morniDg to sccuro a fugitive from Nebraska
f justice , who was arrested hero Wednesday
f night The pnsonor's name was John Englc ,
I ana ho was wanted for stealing $ J5 from a
man In Omaha Ho came over the river , but
& • was followed by bis victim , who complained
h to the police The loser of the roll had but
Just loft the station , when ho mot the tblof
K ot the corner of Uroauway nnd Uryant , and
g promptly arrested and townd him in Englo
ft , had but half the money on lus person when
M arrested Ho consented to return to Ne
ll * braska soil without a requisition
* & < Tbo Puuman restaurant , 534 Broadway
Hf Money loaned at L. H. Craft fcCo 's loan
fr oftlco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
| personal property of all kinds.and all other
S. articles of vuluo , without removal All bus
| ; luoss strictly confidential
H | Fountain cigar , a strictly lOo cigar for 5c
| at tbo Fountain Try one
e A complete surprlso to everybody our
B Jcrsoy knit ovorshirts call nnd see them
| Council Uluffs knitting works
mf * Drs Woodbury have removed their dental
B # ofllco to 101 Ponrl street , up stairs
k Ncumoycrhotel , llistclassrousonnblorates
C. 13. steam dye works , mill i ( roadway
Thu Manhattan sporting beadq'rs 113 B-way.
, *
Personal Inritiraplia
r MissJonnio Kapoof Monto/.uma , la , Is
visiting bur sister , Mrs L , . Blcdermin
i Dr T. H. Lacey has returned from Cblc.i
J ) go , where ho lias bcon visiting his mother
f < Chief Justice Fuller and wife passed
fr- through thu city Wednesday evening ,
Hit en louto to California
mif Saddle liock restaurant 402 Broadway ,
opcn day and night First class J. 12.
Yauey , prop
Probstlo's harness shop , 550 opera house
block , houdouarters for robes and blankets
Hj S. T. McAtteo , 2dl Main , 331 Pearl Finest
ijjr line fancy groceries in city
tft : * Ilousohold furmturo from a five-room
JK house , carpets , stoves , etc , will be sold at
i great barguln If takuu at once Call at 1403
IKi West Broadway
W , ' Always on Thu ? .
Hlf If you wish to purchuso a good and reliable
Bili watch SJi per cent loss than club rates , and
K * on easy terms , then call at once and make
t your own solectlon at C. B. Jncqueuiin &
KhT Co , 37 Main strcot
HS > *
t ; Tbo Hcchtclo has been remodeled and re-
Bik ' fitted and name changed to Hotel Jamesoo
Jff Mnrrlnto u Failure
fk Thrco now dlvorco cases have bcon Hied In
H | district court Nophl Long wants n divorce
Wg from his wife , Amelia , because she has
Mir skipped out and left him Mrs Ollle ICuyk-
f' endall llkowiso prays foran annulment of the
Hji marriage tics that bind her to a butbuud
Ki yclept Peter , on the triple grounds of drunic-
Kjr cuncss , cruel and ubuslvo treatment , und
Hjt adultery with ono Mrs Carroll and divers
Hp' other women Mrs lMz\o \ Long wants to bo
Rr rolcnscd from maintaining the character of
[ jtC wlfo toward J. W. Loug because ho Is ad-
, dieted to the Jlowlncr bowl , and Is also of such
F a bbjstly disposition that she can no longer
l live with him ' 1 ho potitlonliarratos sovorul
things that are entirely too llltby for imulleu-
k , tlon und if true should result in the brutes
Jf' conllnomunt whore ho will not bo in contact
1 with human beings , The three cases wilt
& como up for trial at the Jauuary term
i m
< - ' Twill pay you to wait for Chapman's
§ Christmas opening forlatest and fluostgoods
Bift Six foot vein of coal only < (0 ( per aero An
k * Improved farm of 100 acres , 14 miles south of
S Indlanolu , near O. B , & Q , railway , from
W Charlton to lies Motnes in thu Whlta Breast
% valley coal district , s. o. of see 8-73-2' ) . Will
H trade for Omaha or Council Bluffs property
If unincumbered , or sell ou easy payments T ,
! J , Evans or J , It Hico
Bit ,
& < Finest market in city J , M. Soaulans
Be < Blxby , plumbing , steam heating , Mcmam
W Now Ogden , largest , boat hotel In western
L Iowa Special attention to commercial men
HfE Now is the tlma to buy your furnlturo 0.
St A. llceho d Compauv have ' -oo many goods
JE for their storage capacity und are cutting
K prices to make goods go lleruey & Gay
Hk chamber suits , sideboards and dlniug tables ,
p. Windsor , Welch and Borkey foldiug beds ,
wV parlor Bulto9 , lounges and all kinds ot fanoy
K" ' chairs at unheard ot Uguros These goods
E' are all of the Unest desiirus and lluUb , Dent
K buy until you loam their prices A clean
F , swoop to bo made Coma and see for your
It la Oolobratoa Principally aa n.
Dny of Foaatlnff
Union Service * nt Hid Ilniitlst Church
Scvrrnl PnrtloA I'lml the fllar-
riiico Yuku Hurilonioino
' No to About the City ,
A Dnv of l''Rti4tlng. '
Thanksgiving day passed very qulatly In
the Bluffs , and without any occuircncoot
especial moment , The banks and the gicater
part of the business houses were closed , nnd
the sticctshad qtiito a Sunday appearance
Tbo wenthor was very chilly , although It
was not a dlsagrcoabtoday The wind , how
ever , was sttong enough to malto cxistenco
for moro comfortable Indoors than out , nnd
the street corners and other out of door
lounging places wore deserted Travel over
the motor Una wm but a tritla heavier than
usual , the majority of people evidently being
satisfied to spend the dny at homo , around
the family flroldo
Very few nrrangemotits had been mndo
for celebrating the dny , other than In the old
fushlonoJ , orthodox fashion Willi thou
sands thu dinner was the only unusual
feature of the dav , and witli others the want
of a dinner might liave tnndu the day more
notiuoablo through contrast , although scorei
of charitably disposed citizens took It upon
themselves to see that none were luft unpro
vided for , and hundreds of turkeys , chick
ens , und all the necessary "llxin's" were
distributed among the poor families through
out the city At the city and county Jails ,
und at thu hospitals extra dishes ap
peared on the menu , several baskets of del
icacies being sent to both the hospitals
In the morning the grand wolf chase ur-
inngcd for by the Coursing duo enmu off
with due eclat , in fact there moroeclat
than anything else , as there were fuw mem
ber * of the club who cured to face thu tig-
orous zephyis that were skirmishing ocr
the bottoms ' 1 lie start was made at 7:30 :
o'clock , but the cautuln ot the club , W II
Wine , esn , and Hr O. 11. Plunoy were the
only ones who vaulted into their Bnddlcs
when the order was given to move A wolf
was stnrtod Just south of tha city , less than
a mile from the kennel , and nn exciting
chase of four hours ensued , when the quarry
was pulled down and the sport was over
The wolf was so badly torn by the dogs thit
its carcass was not brought in , but thu
gallant hunters also captured two enormous
appetites which they did bring back to the
city and tinned loose In the afternoon with
astonishing results
The ladies of St Frances Xavler's church
kept their bazaar open during the day and
served a flno turkey dinner , which was
liberally patronized
In the evening the hall was crowded , there
bolng fully nno hundred und fifty couples ou
the dancing floor , while at least half as many
moro wore seated around tbo hall or at the
supper tables The ladioii In cliargo of the
supper tables bad all that they could attend
to during the eutiro evening The receipts
thus far tins week , Including last evening ,
will amount to over S75U , and by the end of
the weeK this will reach $1,000 or $ l , 'JC0 , as
the greater pan of tbo voting will ba dona
tomoiro'.v evening Fiom a financial point
of view , tins will be nno of the most success
ful bazaars yet held by the ladies of tbo
Prof C. C. Case , who conducts iho musical
convention next neck , will slug at the
Orpheus whistling concert December 0.
Sheet music 10c , K13 Broadway
P. C. Miller , best paper hanging and dec
orating Tbo best is tbo cheapest
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway
Working men's double heavy Jackets at
tl 'Si till Saturday night That is if the sup
ply of Jackets holds out that long Council
Bluffs itnlttiug works
Union Thimbu iiluu Horvlo s
The First Baptist church was comfortably
heated and comfortably filled nt 11 o'clock
yostordav on the occasion of the union ,
Thanitsgivlngsorvlces of the city churehos
On the rostrum were nearly all the pastors
of the city The choir of the Baptist church
led the singing Iho voluntary was a spirited
Thanksgiving hymn The Thanksgiving
proclamations of President Harrldon and
Governor Larrabco were read by the Hev T.
F. Thickstuu of the Bureau Baptist church ,
followed by an invocation by Dr Cooley
The 147th Psalm , "Pralso yo the Lord , " oto ,
was read by Dr Crofts of the Congregational
church and a bcautirul prayer offered by Dr
Phelps of the Presbyterian The Thanksgiv
ing sermon was then delivered by Dr Frank
lin of the Methodist church from texts found
in the 105th Psalm , first , second and third
verses , and the first chapter and twelfth
verso of Uovelutlon
The word of God abounds iu expressions
of pralso and thanksgiving The grateful
soul recognizes the good hand of thu _ Lord in
his dealings with the childien nf men , and in
token thereof brings tributes of pralso Wo
are assembled In this temple of worship this
morning not to boast ot what we are or what
wo buvoaccompllshcd , but rather in a spirit
of loyal obodianco to the pioclamatious of
the president and governor , and host of nil ,
because wo as Christian people bollovo that
God lives and reigns In the heavens nbovo
and the earth boueath and that every bless
ing of life , temporal and spiritual , comes to
mankind through His bounteous goodness
and watchful love A careful lovlowof the
divine mercies cannot fall to produce grati
tude Christian churacter and grateful
acknowledgements are over identical
Thanttsglvlng is the normal effusion
of the Christian heart whila ho
lives Long as I live will 1 sing prulso unto
Thee , O Thou Alost High , " is in perfect keep
ing with his nature , while In tuo language of
Shnl ? sfpoarn , lie may well say , Let uevor
day tier night iinliullowod pissj but still re
member what the Lord bath done " Truly
It Is well that lu unison with all christian
churches ot our land wo bring our tributes
ot praise into His sanctuary today
Let as look ou the luatorlo sldo ot this day
During the early years of our country's his
tory the pcoplo of Now England suffered un
told hardships and prlvatious During a
period of drouth one man suggested that his
follows should give thanks for what they
had iocolved , declaring they were vexing
heaven with their complaints , und during the
thanksgiving that followed the drouth was
broken and Now Uugluud was filled with
shouts of pralso In October , 1BU3 , Presi
dent Lincoln issued the first national thanks
giving proclamation , but an annual Thanks
giving day was n national instituttbn from
1777 to 17S1. The obsorvauco of tbo day
was iccoiuiuundod by the contlncTitnl con
gress , hut the fixing of thoduy was lelt to
the governors of the suvoral states
Tbo duty of prayer and thanksgiving U
grounded in Gods providential government
as in His absolute suprouiaov By Him
kings rule and princes decree Justice and the
magistrate has ( rawer His voice His arm ,
His will is the ull potent force that plans ,
shapes , decrees and brings about rciults in
the political , social and religious world , and
In tbeso da ) a when speculation Is every
where rampant , touching the real causes and
and conditions as regurds prosperity and ad
versity , when great diversity of opinion
leads to vastlv different conclusions , it Is
well for us to pause and barken to Gods
voice and learn that which shall make us
wlso Indeed Ours Is a land of marvelous
extent , and suporlor advantages , comprising
au area of yl < WXR ( > square miles ,
omitting Alaiko lidwurd Atkin-
sou , a writer of political economy ,
shows bnolly what portion of this vast area
is employed in the production of the principal
crops Our average crop of Indian corn is
Hourly two billion bushels at twcnty-liyo to
thirty bushels per aero , Tbo area ot the
com fields U 113,500 square m > Jcs , or less
than four per cent ot tno total area of the
entire country , After a careful statistical
deduction he adds it is perfectly safe to
affirm that were a reasonably skillful mode
of ugrlculturo generally applied to the urea
under cultivation would yield all that
could bo required by double tbo population
I have bcon Uius explicit In order to bring
before you Intelligently the Immcnso re
sources ot our country , and toprcpnroyou
fortbo prediction that Oed manifestly do-
sigfls to make this land the distributing point
ot vast supplies for tha nations
The guiding hand ot Infinite wisdom may
be traced through every decade ot our
history , nnd dcsnlto nil threatening factions
I firmly bcllovo this country h is a wonderful
future Immediately before her , u future that
means more than mere national greatness
Wo may bo compelled to wait American
slavery had to wait long for n Moses I bo
llovo that all the great problems that agitate
the world will find tholr solution hero And
so 1 firmly bcllovo the ovll of Intemperance ,
the traffic in strong drink , grown to such
glgantio proportions nnd power ns It tins ,
that the dav rrltl como In the near future
when the last nail will bodrlvon in tbo coffin
of the monster by sturdy blows from the
sledge hammer of publlo opinion and law
It hastens on apace It nhiucs in tno prom
ises of God , and our own fair land will bo
tl.o first to stand forth in robes of whiteness
to greet the pitlaxv of nations nndor the do
minion of the I'rlneo ofPcaco
In tbo corridor of the capltol at Washing ,
ton there is n picture representing the old
historic sentiment , Westward the stnr of
empire takes Its way " The scene repre
sents a long train of emigrant wagons toll
ing up the eastern slope of tbo mountains ,
Young inm nnd maidens , old men leaning nn
their staffs , mothers carrying their babss In
their arms The scene Is ouo that impresses
you nt sight You can see the color of thu
c.\0 ! can rend the expression of the faces ,
You can almost imngino you see and hear
the breathing ot the horses nnd cattle
There is a look of weariness on the faces of
some , and yet a heroic expression of ex
pectancy A few with greater est and
strength have pushed ou to the top They
have planted n flag on the summit 'Ihoy
stnnd bats in baud gazing for the first lluio
into the great Mississippi vallV They
seem to catch thu inspiration of bettor lands ,
bettor homos , dajs of coming prosperity
They signal down nlong the line The tid
ings ll\ from lip ( to lip Uach eager car
catches the uows Their fucos light up with
now Joy Tno very beasts seem to tug with
renewed energy nt the heavy loads , and you
ran almost hear the creak of the ho ivy
wagons You stand spellbound and listen
for the triumphant shout
O , my brcthion , do not listen to tbo pessi
mistic twuddlo of the growler Lift your
eves nnd look upwind Sec , the dauntless ,
fearless ones h ivn sealed the hotgbts Tnoy
arc looking out Into the future They see
the land of promise Tuny urge to noble ef
fort , to heroic deeds , for the right can fear
net Hear thu exultant shout of faith and
thanksgiving , us it beckons you onward , up *
ward to noble deeds of true citizenship Say
fears bo still , hope he trong Hoar the un-
pcls in hcavcu , blessings , and glory , and
honor , and thanksgiving , and power , and
might bo unto our God forever uud ever "
At the conclusion of the services a collec
tion was taken up for charitable purposes
and the proceeds , amounting to n very liberal
sum , ns indicated by the well llllod contribu
tion baskets , was given to tbo Women's '
Christian association hospital
The Hess Investment and Trust company
* 3 cabinets , only tl.75 , Schmidt's , 820 Main
Dr C. H , Bower , 520 First avc Tel 320.
Ssgutii GctH n Verdict
The Jury In the c.i3o of Saguln vs Slodon-
topf , returned a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff , awarding him f 1.403. The amount
sued for was SI.500 and interest , amounting
to about $1,700. , The Jury found that the
plaintiff bad received $331 back taxes , which
ninount they deducted , virtually awarding
the amount sued for This is a case which
bus occupied the attention of the court for
BovcraldayB , through as many terms of the
court 'Iho history of the case is briefly
this : Slcdcntopf sold Saguin tbnty lots for
tdCCO receiving in payment $1,500 in cash ,
and a note for a similar amount
The plaintiff iu the suit which ensued al
leged that Siodontept represented that the
tax title was perfect , ho having owned the
lots fortcu years , and guaranteed to tuin
over a fee title , which ho was Just rocolviug
'Iho title was never received , and tbo prop
erty was taken away from Saguin The note
passed through several of the banks
of the cltv , and Kimball & Champ finally
brought suit on it , but the Jury found that
the circumstances under which it was given
did not warrant its payment Saguin then
brought suit to recover the money which ho
had puid out , and this Just terminated It
lets Saguin out of the deal with simply
the amount of his attorney fees Tha other
side denies that the sale was effected by
false reproscntntions , and will move
for a new trial , and if unsuccesssful iu this ,
will appeal the case The Jury was out about
twenty hours , and during all of that time
stood eleven to one It began to looK like
a disagreement , but the one llnallv gave In
and the Jury was returned Fliokmger
Brothers were the attorneys for the plaintiff ,
and Burke & Hewitt for tbo defendant
Small bov cold hands double mitts ,
Council Bluffs knitting works
"Oh , you bad boy , Tommy , whotovor
kentyou so latn ? " Tommy got caught on barb
wlro fence ; couldn't break the wire and
couldn't oust the stocking got them at the
Council Bluffs Knitting Works , you know
Cluii'iiotcr Declpliot-Mt in the Pro
duct h of iho Typewriter
According to the St Louts Glebe
uemocntt , tno use of the typewriter
dooo not btilllo the writing expert
Mon and woinon who use tynawritors
show nearly us much individuality in
their work its they would do it they
iiBod ii pen It i hnrilor to doteot , but
thut is nil the ditferonco Any busi
ness mnn who is used to rending cor
respondence from coneonis which em
ploy sovorul typewriters can tell ( it a
Klunuu which one ot the half , do/.on
wrote the letters ho rccolved Signs
of curolossnesf husto ignorance of
punctuation or the pro hi so use of punc
tuation marks , it widoor narrow margin
nround the writing , some peculiarity in
capitalization all these things carry
meaning to the expert examining typewritten -
written copy
Hut the personal characteristics ot
the typewriter are better conconlod by
the typewriter than the person using
the pen Nervousness can bo discov
ered , but the qualities dopondltig upon
tomper.vmont cannot You can toll a
hnpoful , despondent , geiiorousorcloso-
llfitod man by the work ho does with a
pen , bdt when lie does it with a nmchino
ho hides liimsoK
The Uurlnust Contrivances Exhibited
nttlio Paris Imposition
Among the many curious in-tiolos ox-
hlbitod by Austrian and nungariau
merchants at the Paris exposition this
year , there is a case of toys which will
bring special delight to the small folks ,
says the Youths Companion
Older pcoplo , ludcod , often
stand with greatly amused vis-
Will be P&ld to any competent chemist vita will
Ccd , onaoah/Blt , a p.irttclu of Mercury , Potash ,
or other poisons In Svt If t's Speclflc (8. S , S. ) '
JIcnact nT rAug S3 , 1S . 'Tor dgh-
teen months I hart au etthig soto on my tonfioe
I was treated by tha best iocil pbyelchuu , bat
obUintd no rdicf , the sere gradually growlns
Korea I cocelailed tfnolly to try B. 8.8. , tnl
wts entirely cured sftcr nslug A few bottles
Yea have my cheerful pcrmUilon to publish the
ibo itstemcnt for tuo benefit of these uliullarh ;
aflllctcd , " 0. B. Mctruoni , nendcr oiiTex
Tlcstlseoo Blood and Skin Dlic t8a llulfrc8.
THE flWIFT BPKCirigjCO ! At'sBtgiffe '
340 DBroaci-wa.y Oo\xxioil Bli ffs
Special Lamp Sale This Week . <
Pine decorated Lamps 76c and $1.
Pine decorated Lnmps with decorated Shades to mntch 51.35.
Pine decorated Lumps with No 3 burner nnd docornled dome shades to match
Pine dcpocrntcd Vaeo Lamps with No 3 burner and decorated dome shndes to
match $2.00.
Pine decorated Vase Lnmns with No 3 burner and decorated Jomo shades to
match , fino.Ulsquo finish , $3.
Pine tlocoratod Vase Lamps with No 8 burner , same only oxtrti large , $ .1.60.
Pine decorated nntiqtio brnss Vase Lamps with No 3 burner , fine wintorsceno
dome shmlc3 $2.76.
Pine polished gold Lumps with fancy colored globes $3.
Wc have an immense line of Lamp Goods and prices on all of them equally as low Visitors and purchasers equally welcome ll
"W"A. . . JVC A.TT E 34Q Broadway • | J
ages , watching the surprising nntics
of these ingenious playthings , which
npucar not only to possess life so
cunningly tire their internal parts con
trived but to bo pussessod , each by
i-oinu imp of mischief
There is n gorgeous peacock , which
not only walks with nodding crest and
stately stops across a stage , but ox
paiuls its broad , many - eyed
tail in thu most natural manner
A btunll dog next dashes forth , barlts
furiously , then , as if recognizing I1I9
master , wags his tail and frisks about ,
so true to life that ono can scarcely be
lieve lie is nn automaton
A r-nbtt a vorylifoliku little bunny
then comes nut of his warren , urioks up
his long , sol ears , stires timidly about
for a few moments and hops rapidly
Afterward a monkey drops down
from his porch and performs a variety
of amusing antics , which invariably sot
the children shouting with laughter
Hut the most ntlractivo toy of the ex
hibit appears 'to bo a fat Chinaman ,
which is in reality a hugo top His
largo round hat seems to bo another
top , a top atop of n top The hat turns
uround upon the Cniunmnn's bond ,
whllo the Chi 11 annul himself turns
slowly around , nodding , and presently
unfolding his lnrge , gaily eoloaed fan ,
with which ho fans himself iu a most
lnuguid but aristocratic manner
rOrt SAVE AN > RNT. .
WAMTHD A position on the road for a.
hardware or nt-Tlcultnra linn , or will
work in store ; have bad ions loxpeileuco in
citherj good rferoncqgl\en. Address K a , lleo
onico ,
WANTED At once , n few general stocks of
inorchnnillDU for iood ; lariniUK lauds nnd
cash Kcrrdrny '
TCTOlt EXCHANQK We will Dili Inn lumber
X ? yard In western Iowa and Nebraska land ,
balance ensn , for a good stoctcof merchandise ,
ormeichanalae and building Kerr tOray
WIIV piy rent whon.yon cau uny.a homo for
Jl'i nor month and nmvaidx , including
Interest , of C. II Judd HiH liroadway ?
FOlt 8ALK Aero lots 111 Orchard place This
property Is located In tha Itlco nursery ,
soutnof the main part of thn city Hi mile *
from court homy Oeo Matcalf U 1'eatl st
FOIl SAf.U at less than cash valno on
moi.tlily payments or terms to suit , or
tiad" forumahaor Council Uluira unimproved
proderty :
New It-room house lot 57x139 , wltli all mod
ern improvement ! ) , on uth nve betweou leth
and lltn sts Ono block iroiu electric motor
line and one block from Miuiawn motor line
New H-room House adjoining tno above
Ihroonow Broom houses on Lincoln ave tno
blocks from electric motor line
Two now 4-room nouses four blocks from
electric motor line on Nortn 7th st
One new o-iocnu house four blocks from clec-
rlo motor line on North 7th. st
* Thr ce now 1 and il-roam houses ono block
rom electric motor line , corner Ave A and
l' .th st
llesldos the above I hat chouses and lots In
all parts of tlio city The above property 13
all my own and I will sell ou tonus to suit for
less than you can buy ns iood propeity und
lmprovoltyourseir for cash O. 11 Judd , UK )
Hroadway Council llliilla la
RHNTFItUK A n w olKht-room house , all
modern Improvements , electric bells , hot
water throughout house , centrally located
First class fnmlly can nave li for board of onu
person , ltoferences exchanged , or will rent
rorcish Address (2 , I , . A , Ilr.i : olllco
NHW Improved veal estate to tratio for unlm-
proven Omaha or Council Illuirsproperty
C. II Judd , iiuft liroadway
IHAVK three nouses on Lincoln and two ou
Sixth uveime for sale on terms to suit
These nouao- , are now , modern Improved , I
will sell these houses i > per rent Ies than j on
cm duplicate the same U. 11. Judd , SU < ) liroad
FOU RAMI OR UXOIIANOK-10 to n head ot
her es Will take clear propoity Improved
or unimproved O. II Motcair , Council Uluira
IpOU SAUfoit UKNT A Hi story , f , room
fiame house , looted on North tutu St Q. K.
Mctcaif , 10 l'earl St
i jT < ) IlSAIiOItnUNT : Acooda stall stable
Mx'M , on lutn * r. , between 3d and 3d avenues
(1. IX Metcalf , 10 l'earl St
AS I am contemplating largo improvements
lu Council llluiri 1 ulil sell houses and
lots ju mo'ihly payments or terms to suit be
low their i'mIi vuluo for the nest ; U day * . It
costs nothing to Investigate U. II Judd , CO !
Jlruadn tiy ,
ITIOIt KIjNT Ono seven-room houio on Fourth
• L avenues one olght-rooni house on second
end avenue , and onu elght-ronm house on Tenth
street ; all lilted up with ull modern conven
iences W. W. Itlluer , Pearl atreor
lKIf.i ) IIHOB & CO loan money The most
liberal terms olforod lui 1'earfst.
FOlt 8AI.E-.Vn old and well established
driiistore , established In 111. Cull rn-
iiulrnd , 4I.5JI , balance leal Oitato Address A
S , Itce Council uluifs
IF you are looking for Investments that will
net yon handsomely In a short tune , w have
Uiem Write or call on Kerr & liray , Council
llluirs , Iowa
WK have llrst class Improved city property
In good locution thar we will exchungo for
good Improved farm lund In Iowa that Is clear
Kerr & Pray , Councilltiulfa '
11OII8AL13 or Heut flardon laud w Ith houses ,
by J. 11. Itlce KKffaln at . Cojncll lllnlfs
NOTIOIS If you hdro'real ' estate or chattels
1 ou want to dispose of quick , list them with
Kerr * Or y , Council llluirs la ,
Wi ; have for sale some of the Unest houses
and lots In tlio-clly. , Ve ran sell you a
house and lot all the \\uy from Sum to U.i > vi
and some of them urO very clie.ipj well located
nnd title clear W. A. Wood X Co , fj-iJ Main st
5ACltBsmall frolt" ild vegetable farm Just
Inside city lltmts Ju splendid condition ,
l'orsulo at low price , terms to suit , W , A.
Wood J2J
EltAL IMTATB-Hougnt and Void and ex
changed Special attention Riven to exam
Ination ot titles W. O. James , ? > o u l'earl st
ASl'KCTAL lluslnesi Chance We have ono
ot the Unest mill properties In the west , 1(1 (
bbl rollitr mill , nrarfj- new , runs by steam or
water Owner dangerously In , and must sell at
once and at a sacriltce Mill located near largo
city , close to railroad A splendid piopnrty ,
makln ? money IJasy tei ins W. A. Wood , 6.W
MulnsuC llj _
l/iACUKfaim nearthority In high state of
cultivation Hisyterms , taiperacre , A big
barguln W. A. Wood
4 * i0AOltKfarmnear Hastings Neb , well Im
proved Can bo divided , tiood stoci farm ,
RU per aero The ycry best or terms W , A.
Wood Councll lllulfa la
FOlt 8AI.E-1-W acre farm In Jasner county
Iowa , located near coal mluoj that ara iu
operation Tbero la a tl\o toot veto ot coal
uuder the farm Heo , Metcalf , No 10 l'earl st
FOlt BALK-tO feet late trontaitTlocaiedl.b *
tweon O I ) , boat bouse aud Munawa beach
Also a number of cuolw0talQ | nogatu place
Oco , ilatcalf , No JO l'earl at
I have just received from eastern manufacturers a complete line of Mens' Boys ' and Chil'i '
dren 's Clothing , Hats , Caps , Gent Furnishing Goods , Boots and Shoes I will sell this
month my entire stock of goods at prices that were never offered before in this city I will I
quote you a few prices of our bargains Come early and secure bargains ii
Men's Denver Coats nnd Vests , M worth $3.50.
Men's Chinchilla Coats nnd Vests , $ a.b5 ,
other merchants bull at JiOO
f > 0 different styles of Men's all wool Dross
Suits at $12.50. the samosuits are sold else
where nt $10 00
Men's imported worsted i button Cutaway
nnd Sack Suits 12.73. worth JJiOO
Pine Fancy Woisted Piock Suljs and Sack
Suits fl3.25 , north $25 00.
Men's heavy Woiltltig Suits nt$4. worth$7.00.
Youths Suits ut 83.50.
50 different styles of Boys oil wool suits , ago
12 to 10 , nt $0 00 worth double the price
Ono lot Children's Suits , ugo 1 to 10 at $1.50.
Children's nil wool suits , airo 4 to 13 , I will
sell this mouth at $4.00. Yon will hnvo to
pay elsewhere double the price
MX ) pairs of Pants in Fancy colors , nil wool ,
from S.J.00 up , worth double thu money
500 Dairs of Hoy's ' long pants from 75c ud
Ono lot of Hov's Knco Pants from 25c up
Hoys' Chinchilla Overcoats with nstrachan
eollnrs nnd cuffs , ere 5 to 13. at fG.50.
I propose to utte consumers valno for their
money In Coal , and until further notlca my
prlcos nie nil rail Anthracite : Grate ami Kg < .
W ; No t and ltange , J.i.W ; Chestnut , tlVl Also
Host nrades ot Illinois and Iowa Soft Coal
Edlnburrf , Illinois , lump H5.00 : Mapluwood ,
lump , ti.u0 : tVntervllle , Iowa lump J..71i ) : Wal
nut lllock lump , J.IJJI ; Wnltobrcust lump J1..W :
Whltebieast nut , H : Tea , KJ.G0 ; Steam $ i ;
SlackJlH ) . Terms cash with order or delivered
CO II WM WULC1I. 015 South Main street
Telcphons VJ
Itooin2 , Opera House Block , Council Blurts ,
Tnos OrricEn W. II M. I'usnr
Corner Main nnd Uroanway ,
Dealers In forelgu nnd domostlc exchange
Collections made uud inteiost paid on time de
I'ltlCK MSI'
Oianulatod Sugar , 11 pounds a ] .oo
Choice U. CJap Tea per pound : io
Uood Hlo Coffee , per pound ao !
lloi" ! Ilollcd Oats , per pound in
California Hams per pound 70
8naker Oats per paruage K'o '
oed Laundry Soap 11 bins aio
llcst Laundry Hoap.U bins ssio
Cid r Vlncfiar , per gallon 15c
Coal Oil , per gallon , , jou
( lood Flour , per sack 1,00
llescllour , per sack [ guaranteed ! 1M0
Itememberthe pluie So Si ) ilioadway , op
poalto Ogden House Telephe JUL
Omnibus , Carriage ani Transfer
iinis :
WM , WELCH , . . Proprietor
iho 1'lnost I.lno of Lnudatis , Coaches and
lliuks Iu the City
fWl hnvo itnewiatln-IlnodcarilaBafor prlv
atucall , It Is the most elegant coach lu the
Special attention given to commeiclal men
and theatrical ttoupes Ilcst fudlllles In the
city for handling scenery
Telephone No B0. Telephone No 93
1IAIIN. lelepliono No 81.
The only line nuthorlzeed to ausire
turned In to Am Dlst Tel Co
Kxamlue the New Model llrllllunt Oak Stores ,
the latest triumph ot the novo makers genius It
has acast Ironjackettd lire bov opening into a
hot air Hue , that runs from tha bottom of the
stove 10 the top , passing through the Intense
huatntthe furnace Ittakes the cold air from
the lloor and heats it by direct contact with the
hottest Darts of the stnvo Why pay f-Vl for a
stove when this perfect bonier can be had for
ou'y ' 8-1 , It burns anjthlug Only at Odell &
llryants ; , fiuaandiio ,
J , 1) . hnwtmisoN , K. Ii , SnmiAiiT ,
1'ii's. Vice l'r > .
Ciias It llANNAN , Cashier
Paid tit ) Capital "
Surplus 35,000.00
Liability to Dopoaltora..335,000.00
Dlliurroiis-T. A. Miller , I' . O. Olesson , Ii lu
Shugart , K. K. Hart , J. II Hduudson , CUas It ,
Iluuuan Transact geueral banning business
Largekt capital and surplus of any bank in
Aorthwesternjowa , Interest on time deposits
HMMHHHHflaii | tfiiwaH
Antique brass banquet Lamps with ( lno tlomo slintlos ami tlunlox burner with '
oxtinculalicrsSO ' L
OUT silver banquet Lninps with line dome shudus nnd duplex burner with o.x- I
tlnguishorsfofiO 1
Antique brass banquet Lamp * with ( lno electric burner , silk frlnjro umbrella S
shades $3. "J
Oltl Bllver Bnnquot Lamps with line electric burners , slllt fritiRo umbrelU ; |
Ehndos S8.C0. ( ;
Pluno Lamps with umbrella shades $10. ]
Hlch gold weight oxtonslon library Lamps with 11 Inch shailos , I
Patent oxtunslon antique brass llnlsh Lamps , No 11 burners , 11 Inch docornled JS
dome shades $3. V
Boys * Caislmero Ovcivoats with capo nnd
astruchnii trimuiiiiR ut $0.60.
200 Children's Oveicoats , ago4 to 10 , nt $ l.i 0.
Men's nil wool Wonted Overcoats , at { 9.00
woith 11(1.00. (
Men's Kancy Woritod Overcoats nt f'J.50 ,
worth $17.00.
Men's Molten Overcoats nt$3.75 worth J12 50.
Men's Blue Ueaver Overcoats at * H.O0 ,
worth J19.T5.
Men's all wool Chinchilla Overcoats , satin
lined , $10 , otlmr merchants will ask for
sntuo coats $25.
Men's Storm Overcoats at $ ! ) 00 , worth $13.00.
Men's Working Overcoats , nt $2 95.
Men's Chinchilla Overcoats at Jti.00.
Mon's working Cloves nt 25c.
Men's Cheviot Shiits at DOe
Men's Water Proof Ovorshhts nt 75c.
Men's Best Blue Flannel Ovorshirts nt $1,50.
500 Fancy riatinol Ovorshirts from $1.25 up
Mon's Moleskin Slnrti at 60o.
Men's Cnmol Hair Shirts nnd Drawers at 10c.
Mon's Ci.iy Satin Trimmed Shirts and
Men's heavy Tunoy Striped Shiits and
Drawers 73c
Mon's Seaolot Shirts and Drawers at 85c. | j
Moils heart Canton Flannel Stilrls aud V
Driiwois-IDc. iT
Mon's ' Wool hs 'ociti at 15c. ' ) '
Men's Ca siuicre Soelts nt 25o. Ill
Mon's Heavy Suamleis Hlb Top Souks at lee , '
Mon's Heavy ltookford Seeks at 7c , '
Men's Woiking Boots at $1.50.
Men's Working Shoes at $1.00.
Men's Hand Welt Unit Shoos ut $3.50. , f
Mon's ' Wnukcmphast Shoes at $3 50. j' '
Hoy's Shoes from $1.00 up |
Ladies Kid Shoei at $1.50 worth $2,50. f
Ladles Pebble Goat Shoes 81.23 worth $3 00. !
Ladles Dongoln Hund Turn $2.25 worth $ ! l.00. f
Lndlcs' Pine C.ilf Shoes $1.50 worth $2.25. •
Ladles Oil Grain Button Shoos at $1.50. ) |
worth $2.25. I 1
Infant Kid Shoot nt 50c ,
Misses Shoes In nil stilci from $1.23 ai [ ,
| 300 Coinfoit-i from 73o up >
1 250 Wool Blankets fioin $1.23 up ,
I A tomlcto ] ) lluoof Huts , Cup ? , Gloves und
1 Mittens ut icducod prices )
Don t fail to come and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere
546 & 548 Broadway , Connil Bluffs , Iowa ! t >
AtSapDKnotU No ai South Main St Wo hantllo only first-class brands of coal Our Bluish Pcoi-Iess Is/indeed the > ' ,
peei of any sort , coal in the1 market Try it once and you will want It next time Wo also have ffood hard cord wood and f
steve ( n Jb 1 ] t 1 1 1l 1 ( | Jo timusPul1 woasuru , prompt delivery , and carefully prepared fuel fitiaranteod V
No ai South Nam St Telephone No , 203.
NOW - '
. JANUARY 1st • : ]
' , 5
OUR gffl
MEN'S ' , MS5 ' \ : i
overToats I
342 & 344 BROADWAY , I
, ,
Architect and Superintend nt .
Room 201 , Merrlam Block ,
. 1 H
A Ilrccoli-I.ondlni ; Sliotunn For . " $8. * H
\Vo have tlio Urgotit Use ol guns And amnni H
nltion in tlio city , mvl oiler you a tlnoly nnUhod M
double-barrel , broccli loaillne steel sliotpuu H
for t * us ono iiem umona our bargains Wo H
bavo the caenpoot and bust guns muJe , H
Why pay tfi for a ( tore when jou can eettbo M
lieu Oroai , 1'erfuct , Economical llcator torf.W/ M
11 Main BtrctL H