Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1889, Image 1

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    r The Omaha Daily Bee 1
I _ _ _ _ II
Ut Senator Stownit of Nevada Makoa
H. mi Iutorostlnnr Speech
m A Dead Done in the Dark of " \ \ lilcli
H No Itccotil Appears Kenmrlm on
B tlio Bpcnkorsliiu Aflptrnnts
B Hostile to Gnlilbug ? .
BL froc pi Ilnun nl trioS-fond liy
V Sr Louie , Mo , Nor 37 It wnsnoirly 11
HH o'clock before tlio Blhor convontloti was
called to order Hits morning 'J tiu following
resolution una presumed and after a lively
i S discussion it was rofencd to the commlttco
BJI on resolutions !
1 Resolved , That the * enntorsnnd reprcsen-
BBI tntlvcs in conurcss of tlio United States bo
HJBv mid are hereby icqucstcd to establish i unit
HHj , for ttio coimgo Of silver uith tlio
HVl South American Mntos that shall
Ml malio sllvct pass cut cnt on
} par with gold In nil tlio Amerlcis of the
Hi western hcmlsphcio , and tint the secretary
VI bo requested to oi en ncLotiatloits with the
Hi congress of the nil Ammiens now In session
Hi for tlio building of a lailioid from the UnltPd
HHL btatcs nnd through the stutes of South
HH America
HH ) A paper by John Thompson , vtco president
Hi of the Cliusa National I ink of Now Yorlc ,
HH' was tend Ho said tlio mov nil tut for the
HH moro llbornl use of silver In the currency
HH supply should bogialuil
HH First secure the colruiga of the maximum
HH M,00J ( > 00 per month , and sea thu results of
HH the aui'iitcntrd lolnnpe lu the Judgment of
HHlhomi son this would p no the way for the
adoption of fico tulnuho b > uxl unutlon Ho
! considered the situation ut length nnd added
' iho dcuionotlitlon of sllvu bus been nhd
HH ! Is a nickel profcrenco ctvcn to the creditor
HH over the debtor clnsses of our entire populu
Mon , nnd it Is tills preference th it Is driving
our mlddlo ( lasses into poverty and en
noting million dies to multiply their
nullluns Nothing in my opinion -vn 111
save oui pcoilo from social revolution
bo smcly ns the full lomonotlzatlon
of silver and Living it all the ndvaiitucs u o
1 now give to cohl , both in liw and in the nil
lugs of our treasury department "
A resolution olUrcd hi Jacns ot California
was received with upplauso nnd reloried
under the rules It says m part
\ \ horeiiB Wall street nnd western bond
_ holders are now at woik striving to eloet u
HH speaker for the ippronching confess whoso
HH rceorl is entirely opposed to thu silver in
HH tores ts ,
HJH ficsolvcd That the western nnd southern
HJH representillvis in con irss bo rciuestcd to
HJH su | i ort Bomo friend of silver for the speik
HJH crahip anil that their fulluro to do so will bo
HH ? a betrayal of thu uooplo and warrant iholr
HJH political de ith
HHT CongtCHsuiuu Bland wis then introduced
HHj and made n speech a 8pecc"i nt soma length ,
HHj in the course of wliieh hu slid
HHT Iho fire coinage of silver will scttlo the
HHf suvcrquestion and craatly lcllovo the poor
HHj The only question with the blmetalists in
HHj our countiy is whether wo should at once
HHj i repeal our demonetization laws or wait for
HH tl o concurrence of tl o other powers , Inelud
HH Ing Great Bi It lln It is significant thatyou
HH will lind scurceh i man In publio Ufa today
HH , Who will ussuma the responsibility ot con
HH tonalnc for thu single Lold , stuudard 1 am
HH in favor ot p uldlnig our o vn canoe in this as
HHj well ns nil other subjects If wo have
HHT cinctcil bad laws lot us repeal thorn
HHj Especially should wo repeal nluw that his
HH boeu so uuivcrsilly condemned ns has the
HH demonetization act of 1S73 No mattei
HH whether the interested few who engineered
HH this legislation meant well or not it was
HH practically n fiaud upon congress aud the
HH American pcoplo "
HH ' Bl ind spoke ut soma length of the bus !
H ncss depression nnd the financial ptnie foi
lowing the legislation of lbTJ , and atlded
"It is not claimed that the domouutiz itlon
i oi silvei ulono caused this panic lhcro
were ether contiactions of thu curicncy In
progicss Hut the probabilities are tnnt had
wo loft the mints oj on to the frco coinage of
1 silver there would nnvo boon i continual anil
HH heavy Increase in the coIiiulo of silvei del
HH' ' lars to counteract the effect of paper eon
HHj traction On thu continent to the sot th of
HHj us and to the west , in Asia there are 600,1)00 ) ,
HHj 000 of pcoplo who use only silver as money
HHt They uro tun best customeis of oui tnanu
HHf' facturors and the chlof source of our for
HJH , cigntrule Wo ought to huvo this trade
HH end proper legislation on the silver question
* ' will greatly aid us In seeming it llio fieo
( coinage of silver and ( old would mike Now
Yorlc the money editor for the exchanges of
_ the world "
Xhomas fordan of the Now Yorlc Mining
HJ itccord i end a paper and thoconvontlon took
H > a recess
HJ 'iho convention roussemblod at 3 JO nnd
HJ listened to pipers from JudtoMoriis of Uich *
HJ mend , Iud , and Controssuinn bymmos of
Colorado Senator btewurtof Nevada spoke
oft baud and bis romarlts wcro received with
frequent upplauso In the course of his talK
ho soldi Nntious have tried lead , iron aud
copper , but finally all civilized and semi
civilized nations huv o decided on silver The
use of silver is prehistoric Iho first wo
1 heard of the use of silver wus ns a mono } ,
while gold was llrst used nsanornamont and
later as uiotioy Tor thrco thousuna years
or moro tlicso huvo been the metals out of
which money was manufactured Now I
ay us long us u dollar can bo manufactured
outofuclveu nuantity of silver or cold It
HJ" makes nodlfforonfo to the owner what but
Hjj lion ho has With aitbor ho can gut a dollar
Hi ] and with that dollar bo can buy ttio
Hi s imo uuioeut of labor or property * * *
HH Diero Is nothing llko a scarcity
of money I'overtj , Inability to pny dcots ,
HH Inubuity to support n funilly will iimlto mon
HH cowuids Iho creation ot the great mlddlo
HH classes of Lngluud was brought about by
HH . a the dlHcoverv of gold In Mexico and South
HH America , free silver in Luiopa was the
HH % luuso of the pcoplo having some money and
HH a becoming indopondrut I ho farmers ot our
HH countrvtodnj , in conscqueueoof thorn ichlna
HV tlons of the money kings and the
HjJ • sold moaomotulists aio losing thu in
HJj depeudonco of chnrurtur for vv liich tlioy have
HJ ) bcon noted i heir mortgages uro making
HM thorn cowurds I will not trj to explain how
HJj this silver domonotizatiou frauu wis com
HJ ] mlttcd ibero was no discussluu in the sen
HJ ] * Date , not u suggestion that a dollar was to bo
HJj omitted ' 1 hero is nothing in the rciords of
HJ the socato to show how that dollar got out
Conferences of committees dent show , but
wo ilnd the fact that silver was omitted and
I I cnll upon Iho peop'o to explain how
it oceuircd There wasyJf 00,000tXX ) of
national debt that wo know of , aud It is
HJ \ intiuiatid that there Is ut least thrco times as
HJ much ether debts , county , city , municipal
HJ corporations , etc , malting f 10,000 000,000 ul-
HJ together Hvo hundred millions iu gold and
HJj sliver was belug manufactured a month 'iho
HJj jojplo hadantht to rely on that Now this
HJj lajcmu cut olt one-half of that supply nnd
HJj th ] debtor is bound by that contract " Sen
HJj i ntu blew art closed by urging that tboio bo
HI .I I lulu denmnd u | > on the congress to roinonrv
I" tire silver No dallying No compromise ,
HJj but a straight demand Meet the creditor "
HJj liosaid , fuco to face for if jou mutt yield
HJ | , hi in your properl ) jou might us vvull do It
I now as in the futuie "
HI Iho icportof the toinnilttco on resolutions
H wns read , recommending a memorial to
HH congress dcmuiiaiug the passage of lawsllx-
H ' Ing the coiuago valuool gold at - ' 5 8 grains
HH | and silver ut lUJJ grains slund vrd tluenoss
HJ ; 'lliopureluisuof utleist $1 00i,00jof silver
HH > bullion each mouth ami tlu fruo uud unlliu
HH . itod colnngo ot silver and told on equal
HJJ tonus under the connto | laws Attorsoma
dls utsloti tluso resolutions were reeom-
iiiitted for correct lou
HJj Valumltv" Wellcr nf Iowa , dlssoutcd
HI from the views of the other members of the
HJ ] committee uud presented u ulnoilty lepoit
HJj In which ho asked an endursement of the net
HJj of cougrcss ot 1634 by vviiich 0 porccut of
HI iho material was taken out of the gold del
HJ ] lat coin , also au endoisonitut of the Icglsla-
HJj tion v\ilei | | made the bllver dollar of Jn5.8
HJ [ Kraiu * nlno-tcnths tine the equivalent of the
H * 'v ' } brains , nino-teutha tine dollar baforo
HJ thu law uud lu ull the courts of record In
HJ limited payinouts this bo stated
HJ yiou' .d ' demouitrpte faith la the correct
ncss of the conclusions of the supreme
court tbnt the material of which money is
cotnioscd has nothing whatovoi to do with
the properties Imp irtct by congren and will
become a demonstration of the purpose to
lln illy reach n flnanelil system which ahull
bo is purely national as the constitution nnd
also n vv ho and patriotic cloinant lu the final
solution of the vexed tariff question Alter
reading a tolcgrnm from the president of the
Industrial lenguo ut Washington urging the
unlimited coin igo of silver thoconvontlon
nljourned until tomorrow
lWIt.M.Iil , ' - , MOl Ill-It.
President I itsgrrnlil Aunln 1) Miles
Hint blio is In Want
Iiiscit n , Neb , Nov 27 [ bpecial to Tin
Hub ] this mornings ' issue ot fur llLc
tontaii rd n special fiom Ircnton , N.J ,
stating thu the mother ot Charles Stewart
art l'nrnoll is lu nbwluto vvint , and that
nothing has been done to roliovohor distress
The spoclal quotes fiom .1 utiles Slcvln , who
Is In cliurgo ot the l'arncll estates , and who
attempts to severely criticize Toliir" 1 llzgor
aid of this city bcetuso noithoi ho nor the
Iciguo have eomo to her assistance
1 ho dispatch was shown to Mr 1 lt7gorild
bv Pur llrr ropre ontitlvo this morning and
ho hootb I ut tl o Iden and e tiled attention to
the ridiculousness nf It npp trout on Its face
Ho siid lint Mrs Delia 1 * unell hid < onsluor-
nblo pioporty ot her own mostly in real
ostuto nu 1 tint ho pprsomllv know Chniles
btevvnrt 1'irnell bad tivon poslttv o orders to
his ngonts that his mother snould bopropcily
eaied foi nnd m lint lined uosi les " ho
continued sbo has a son , John II l'nrnoll ,
who lives In tiooreh and who is ono of the
wealthiest poich growers in th it state , and
a daughter lu England who is ulso quito
wcilthy Anj one of her children would bo
willing to assist her If sbo were lu want It
dooi not stand to reisou thut she Is sulTorlng
for the common uccesi uics ut lifo un 1 her
sons nnd dauehtci know notnlng ibout It
lliu closing statement that she said she
would eurso tha d t\ that she ever m irriod a
Parnell Is too Inrcf ice I to bollovo Hoe iusc ,
if shn istruiv quote 1 she is tiuwoi t1 v to bo
tlio mother of so noble n patriot Iho inter
view with Mrs l'arncll if otio toolc plueo
has bean twisted nu t distorted so th it she
would bo tiu iblo to roeignize it "
In conclusion Mr I itzgornld Slid that if
Sleviii who is mailing so much nolso about
the mittor would firnish the statistics ot
her linniieiil eon tltlon md that if It was
found she was In wuntor distress she would
bo relieved promptli but thut statcmuuts of
this kind wcro unjust and slanderous to the
L.rr'atliish lcidci , who had the tcndeiest
svmpithy for buffering of any kiud
bTitioi • Itu llIl ) o .
North I ) ikotn s Semite Hns a Strln-
tioiit 1 uv Under CoiKiilnrntloii
Hismviick N D , Nov 2" l&pccial Tela
gram to fur Her 1 A prohibition bill
slmllir to the ono re id in the snn ito yester
day milting the 1 uv go Into offeet J inu try
1 , was h troduccd in the house today uud
Uvonits first rciding the sentiment is in fnvor ot a strict enforcement of
the law , an 1 nil the Iron clid provisions of
the Iowa and ICinsas laws will bo embodied
Consldoiablo busine- of importance was
transacted , and after the intioduction of
bills the lcgislituio took an adjournment
until lues lav net
iho most Important business transacted
was thu nnuouticouio its of the com
mittccs in the senate lhcro his been
no little speculatlou us to what Lieu
• onint Governor Dlckoy would do nnd n
lively rivalij eclated for the important com
inlttecs Senntor Hairgart introduced a bill
providing that a railioad company may pur
chase the bonds or steurittos ot any other
eompinv with widen it tui > have dlicctcom
munlcation Senator bwinston introduced a
bill for the ndrption of tha Australian svs
tern nf voting and caused a lively rusllo
amoug the members interested in ant itro
nlstlc bills Allen introduced a bill provid
ing for the vikoiou3 cxamin itlon of Bteam
bo it boilers and to huv o ull engineers el issl
tlo 1 as chief engineers nnd assistants Rowe
presented a bill for the reorganization of the
stuto dental orgmization uud to protect the
public a.ninst ( impostors and quacus
AScliomc II at Is Heine Uisaussodl in
Clilcti o
Cittavao , Nov 27 [ Special rologrim to
Tub Hi r | Iho Insurance business has been
extending In so many different directions
within the last fovvy oars providing against
loss from tornadoes earthquakes , the break
Ing of plato glass and the peculations of om
ploycs that a movement some time ago was
org inized for thu adoption of a system of insurance
suranco against the burglaries which are so
common in Chicago In London there Is
such a company , and it appears to be doing a
prosperous business An afternoon paper
contains an Interview with nil the leading
underwriters of Chicao nnd they pronounce
almost unanimously against the now schema
A concensus of opinion Is contained in the
following reply ot U A Walter & , Company
"Iho moral hazard would bo too ereat
\ \ hat a strong temptation to a man hard
picssod for money to rob his own homo A
llro leaves evidences behind , and when it Is
of incendiary origin wo can often doicct the
fact but there vvould bo no wav to find
whether the Insjror had Ipst $1 000 by
burglars or uot Anv man holding a polioy
could report losses and you would Qavo to
tuko iuui at bis word vVo dent sea bow
such a company succeeds ujiy where "
nm-nubriici ) iiil , brooic
Mn riitlci n Decision IIur u Depress
in ; Inlluoiicn on the Oas Irmr
CuiCAQO , Nov 27 fho adverse supreme
court decision upou the Chicago gas trust
had a decidedly depressing iufluoneo on the
stock ot that company on the Chicago stoclc
exchungo today
A mooting of the ofllccrs and heavy stock
holders was held today for the pjrposo of
agreeing on a feasible and legal nlin upon
which to rrorganizo the company Iho per
sons present at the mooting refused to talk
further than to say that three plans bad becu
discussed but not decided upon
tloneral Ldsull , who conducted the ciso
for the citlzcrs' roiumlttoo , said the decision
was a treat victory , but ho supposed the
trust would gel around it in some way
Assistant Corporation Counsel Darrow
said ho could not see that the decision will
hurt the trusts to on ) great extent , They
still retain tholr monopoly , and municipal
control of the gas works ts tbo only solution
of tha question As stated by Mr Darrow ,
tbo ias trust poopla bavo a complcto inonop
ely in Chicago , as they control not only all
thn , as companies , but are also the chlof
stockhuldors lu the company organized to
pipe natural gas fiom Indiana to Chicago
viitiii/.r ) oi om ; uoijtirUi
Outcome of it Idbel Suit Against the
He rmil Glob .
St Pawi , Mfiin , Nov 27 [ Special lelo
gram to litt Hei | The peculiar suit of
Mrs Thomas fsapp against the St Paul
Glebe for JlOOOOdamagos enmo to an end
this uflcraoon Ihocusois of interest to
every inpor connected with thu Associatol
press , us it w as based upon an Associated
press dispatch un lor data ot New York ,
August Id 'tha celebrated case of Mrs
May brick had ] twt been concluded at Liver
pool , unit in reviewing tbo evidence a eorrc
spoudent took oceuslon In Impeach the testi
mony of Mrs Thomas Nupp of Montreal
J'hu bt Vuul Glebe received and printed
this dispatch among Its foreign uuws It so
happened tint Mis Napp had moved to
\ \ hito Heir Lake Miun , uud when her at
tention was called to tbo artlclo she sued the
Glebe , though a half dozen other Minnesota
dailies nrintcd the urtiolu simultaneously ,
'Iho Globe sot up in its answer simply the
reliability of the Associated press Judge
Walkln charged the Jury to bnug in a ver
dict for Mrs Napp'aud she was awarded | 1
Nebraska Appolutmonta Will Const )
foi * v Time
It IB Iln-Aincrlsnn Says tie tmltinn
Sinn Iho llottso Clnrl slilp
AA li > the Kuler < ill tlio
J * itlon nro lliatitcrnl
Wasuisotov Huiipvu Titr Ojhiiv Hrr , J
Washington I ) , O , Sov J7 J
There i3 not likely to bo any moro No-
braslta appointments until nftor action is
taken bv tbo sennto upon tlio nominations at
ready sent In This has bcon Indicated by
tbo president and members of bis cabinet
Meantime the flood of applications for every
thing fiom rogistnr of a lind ofllco to iv li
borer In n postofllca contluuo unabated In
goncint terms it tuuybostitcd that tbo ad
ministration declines to m ilco any changes
In the lnrgo oflleos including presidential
poitofllcoo , until tbo terms of the Incumbents
h ivo expired nud oil this account applicants
will suv o thomsolvcs much trouble and worry
by rofinlning fiom pushing tholr claims until
neni the time when thi ro will bo soma
chance of tholr consideration
Congrc suiauOivrnof Indlinn , whonusUod
today ns to his oplnlin of the civil sorvleo
law Bald th it ho dli not bollovo that any at
tempt to tuko it off thu statu to books would
succeed , alt lough ho had no doubt nn at
tempt In that direction would bo m ido Mr
Owen oxprcssil his own sentiments In
lbforonco to the net by siviug 'I nm not
in fnvor of wiping it out cutiicly , but vvould
extend it so as to tnko in all of the unices I
think thoio should bo ono thing oi the other
A congressman snould bo rellovod ontlroly
of deciding between applicants foi ofilces
such ns postmasters or ho should hive ati
the Pittoingo to bo given to his district at
hlsdlsposil lh > civil scivico law however
ts un American nnd foi that rensou 1 am
agalust it"
tub iiousc oi niirsiut
The situUion rogndiig the house clerk
ship bus tilton u no v turn slnco ben Uoi
Qunj has appeared isuvigoious workei for
Ldvvnid Mcl'ncison us uyilnst Mujor Cur
son Ino ofllco bus been generilly conceded
to Ponnsvlvanli but slnco Quav s unlooited
for lnleifoienco It is possihlo tint Major
C u sons friends outside of that stico may
declluo to allow thePcnnsylvnuLidclcgitioii
to decide McPlicrson s nomination lhcrn
Is a widespread feeling that Quays inter
fereneo in house uffurs should bo met with
i rcbulca and this feeling mav yet matorlalizo
into a refusal to iccept Mcl'heison , oven if
selected by tbo Pennsylvania delegation
under Quny'b whip and sjiui
urn onowisa Biuosorre
The spcikerslup atmospheio continues to
loon tnoio llito Uecd ns the ho lr for the moot
in } , of tlio e incus upproacues All the Now
\ork delcgitlon me in the citv with the ex
ception oT tinco nnd of the sixteen who are
hero fourteen express their determination to
votoforMr Heed 1 his is not moro talk In
the ill but cich ono of the fourteen have
been seen by your cc l respondent nnd has
stated his decision Iho idea tint thoio has
been duiessof nnchincter in this connec
tion is tbo merest bosh No ono usked any
Now Yorltor to vote for Mr Rsod , but the
members have talked the matter ovei among
thomsolvcs and hio determined to stand by
tholr ntrcomontof Tobrunrj list that two
thirds shoul 1 control the whole It was very
soon manliest that the two thirds vvould vote
foi Reed , and vvbllo It is still asserted that
Mi Haker is for buirows and Mr Flood for
McKiuloy it Is generally supposed that they
w 111 ho on the band vv igon w lion the proces
sion moves
It has nlso boon developed today that a
number of the wostcrn men who30 flist
choice is for n man from the west uro willing
to vote for Heed when they see that there is
no chunco for their personal fav orltos If tbo
contest is not decided on the llrst ballot it is
quito likely Mr Hood will caln a great many
votes from members vv ho will be opposed to
htm on tb „ Hist ballot This did not seem
possible at first , but as the representative ! )
arrive in Washington tlio under cm rout of
Ucod sentiment grows stronger , and the fact
that ho has such along lead over bis coui-
petitois vvill doubtless aid him materially
Tlio Star tonight dovolos a column to chats
wlib the president nnd members of his cabi
net on tno topic What Have You to Ho
Thankful Tori' Tbo prcsidont said
" 1 hero are many porsoual roisons whv I
should bo thinkful My fimlly nnd social
relations have been oxtiemoly pleasant , and
although these are not things which I vvould
discuss in a newspaper , yet they arc gieat
factors in our happiness Nationally , wo
have cause for thanksglv Ing that the pist
v ear has bcon ono of such great prosperity
Of course there have boon exceptions to this
rule In a few disturbed localities , cut they
have been overshadowed by tbo greater
good Iho crops bavo boon abundant and
wo havn boon , In the lungungo of the procln
matlon frco from pestllonea aud fmnino ' I
trust it will bo a glad thanksgiving for the
entire nation "
becrcinry Ulatno replied "O , I have so
rainy things to bo thanlctul for that it would
bo Impossible to specify them "
becrotary Wlndom said that ho had 10 000
things to bo thankful for , in fact his reasons
for ( rnliludo were so numerous that ho
could not think of any ono Incident or condi
tion which was moro prominent Mian its fol
lows Health , " Bald ho ' is n gi cat thing
I have it and uni truly thankful "
Secretary Proctoi said that bo was almost
thankful this year that bis little boy was
well again and with him Mrs Proctor Is
hero uud the thanksgiving dlnnci will bo
cutcn at their Washinbtou homo in company
with his vvifo and son
Secretary Tracy said : 'I am thankful
that Divine Provldenco has put it into the
head of a Rbodo Island man to send me a
turkey I have not received It vet , but I nm
nevertheless thankful for the chunco Then
of course wo are all verv thankful for peace ,
health and good crops Iho postmaster
general said that ho was thankful that bis
house vvould ba filled with youue people to
morrow and ho was also thankful that the
v ountr pcoplo found enjoyment in coming to
bis homo
becrotary Noble says ho Is pervaded with
a profound sense of thankfulness that his
annual report is at last finished , aud as bo
adds in his charactoristio Mylo , that it
is no worse than it is Ho has
no doubt bo savs that thorn are other causes
of thankfulness but Just now ho looks upon
his completed report us his greatest blessing ,
not because ot its literary finish but for the
reason that it is a necessary work involving
great labor that Is finally completed
Attornov Geuetal Miller said : ' f am v cry
thankful that I will not bavo to work to
morrow I am also glad that tny unnuul report
port is llnlsbcd I would have been grateful
If wo could havuhaa bettor weather , but I
am tbuukful that wo have not had any moro
rnlnv days they couldn't very well bo
murh moro numerous , bv the way , I cau
suy I mn he irtlly tbunkful 1 have Just about
oleurcd mj aesk of pardon cases "
becrotary Husk grow eloquent making his
response tlo said ; "We should bo thank
ful as a pcoplo that wo are permitted to con
tinuo to live In a country peopled with a God
fearing , peace loviug , law abiding and intel
ligent race , that we thrlvo under tha best
syUsiuof government ever known , that wo
have had no wars during the vear , that wo
lonttnusto maintain peicoful relations with
nil the world , that wo have ao postilouco ,
that wo uro a people imbued vv lib that spirit
of brotherly love which finds expression in
so ceucrous a response to the calls for
assis'inco from scenes of Hood and flro ,
that tno prosperity of our nation is based
upon the peaceful avocation of agriculture
and that famine Is a word which has no tor
rorsforus AAlth fifty uuabols of ceicals
for every inhabitant of the land wo have
enough for ourselves and our herds , the
straugor , tbo foreigner and tbo millions that
• toy at homo to dream of paradise aud plenty
in America Wo Can soli tills year moro cot
ton thnn wo Rrov thirty juarsrtgo Wo can
snare moro vvhoit thm was grown in 1850
lour pounds of wool are grown for everyone
ono that was clipped in 1S00 Wo have
added to our store of apples , poaobes oranges ,
bnnnuas figs rnislns-nnd otliei trululn Biich
abundance ns to Initnto nn export trnlo
We nro searching the world for n
marl ct for our surplus production nnd
tn the incmtlnio our population In
croiscs so Hint tha culnigcment of cdnsuuip
tion ut homo far surpisscs any possible in
crease nhroil What am 1 thankful for lu
( llviduallyt Simply that I am pcrmlttod to
enjoy this country md thit lifu nnd that to
use a homely expression , lliavo hot bcun
lost in the shufllo "
CLissinovTioN ot spsUtous
Tonight onch senntor received n pimphlet
containing tha proceedings ot the sonata In
relation to the classillcatlon of senators from
17S0 to 1870 , prcpatcd nnd subtnlttc 1 by thn
i omintttoo on rules Iho extracts nro from
tbo scnato Journal mil begin with May 11 ,
17S1 , vv lien benntors Llsvvortlt uud Carroll
vveio appointed a committee to consider the
tnnttci ihun It wis necessary that
the senators ba at ouco divided in thrco
clnsscs nnd their io | ort provided thu follow
ing mode of proeoedurc
Hint thrco pipcts of an equal sbo tintn
borad 1 2 nnd I bo by tbo s 'crotary rolled
up nnd put into a box and drtvvn by Mr
Lnngdon Mr Wingnto , and Mr Dalton in
behalf of the lcsjicctivo classes tu which
each of thorn mo placed and that the classes
shall v icnto tbolr scats In the sou at o nu
cording to the numbers drawn for
thorn , beginning with No 1 , nnd that
when senators shall tike their soils from
states that have not vet appointed senators
they shall bo placed bv lot iu the foregoing
clnssos , but in sucli manner ns shall keep the
classes as neatly equal as may bo In mini
bors" j
the Journal shows tint on May 1 " 5 of the
Bimc vcar Ibis resolution w'is e irried iuto
effect On lulv 2 * . 17S0 , the senators from
Now Vorlc dievv lots for tholr classes In
conformity with the resolution , and that
the BcnatorB from North Carolina Khodo
Isl md and Piovidenco plantations ( ns It vv is
oftleliliv cillolln 1S3J ) , Vermont Kentucky ,
lennessco Ohio Litnsmm , Indiana Mis
sipplppl Miino Missouri Arkansas Mlcln-
gnu Florida Icms Wisconsin town , Cilt
formi Mtnrosotn , Oregon Kansas , West
Virginia , Novndn Nebraska and Colorado
followe 1 undei tbo iime regulation ban itors
idler nnd Stewart , who now represent
Colorado ml Nov idn , where the
llrst somitois from their respective
states and is they were pat tieipants in tbo
dr iwing thov cin very easily show the members
bers fiom the now states h > w It ought to no
done Iho picccdcnts are so many nnd so
cleir that there will bo no question before
the lcpublie in caucus on that score , but it
will bo necessary to detornjluo how thu
eight now scnutors are to ba dlv ided iuto
tliieo classes
Miscnrt VNEOLS
Tj D nicbirds of Fremont , Neb , chair
man of tbo republican state central commit
tco is in tbo city and will remain
unttl nftor the opening of congress
Mi Ulcliirds thinks that Nobris
Ita s heavy icpubllcin majority In
the lito election Indicates no falling off in
ropublieinUm iu that Bt ite He wlllhnvo
frequent conferences with Senator Mnndor
son during his stay hero
Joe Lustordav of Johnson county , lata as
sistant clcr t or the Ncbrns.Ua senate is in
tlio city as a candiualo for a position in the
Major Clarkson's stay iu Washington was
too short for any oouforoiieo on tbo Omha
postofltco Pli nr-S IIkatii
Homo Kulo Scouted ns n Chimerical
Lovnov Nov 27 A conservative con
ference at Nottingham j estcrday approved
Lord Salisbury's Booial piograuime but at
tached u. rider to it doelartng the party must
have an offcctlvo labor platform Durlngtho
course of the piococdtngs Lord Salisbury ,
roforring'fo the progress of the homo rule
idea to federate England Scotland Ireland
nnd Wales , siid ho considered the application
of suoh a Bchomo to Great Britain as uttctly
Considered nltocothor the conference of
which the most Important results were expected
pected by the tory press seams to bavo been
moro successful ns a creator of dissensions
within the party's ranks than in any ether
particular This is especially true of the
stand taken on federation , which is genor
allly cbaiactorized ns un uttomnt to place
obstacles doomed Insurraountnblo in the way
or the colonies in their efforts to further
thcii own schemes
Von tier Aim DiBhenrtonecI
St Louis , Mo , Nov 27 [ Special Telegram
gram to The Her 1 Chris Von dor Alio
returned from Columbus this morning and
rofuscs positively to talk about the mooting
there o\copt to say that the clrclo of clttos
for the American association was not completed
plotod Von dcr Abe wired his secretary ,
Gcorgo Munsou , to sign players but Gcorgo
wired bid that bo was helpless on tbo
brotherhood tidal wav o Chris is undoubt
edly losing heart and St Louis cranks nro
( .ettlng scared , many prophesying that there
will bo no professional baseball hero next
A Chlcaco Man Jmiipi Ills Rail
CntCAOO , Nov 27 An indictment was
returned today against Charles Hall for
issuing fraudulent warehouse receipts Ho
borrowed money several times from the
Lincoln Nattonnl bank giving warehouse
recolp's as security , nnd always paid tbo
notes until his lust transaction when bo
borrowed tt4 000 After paying $8 000 bo
defaulted on the remainder and the bank
found no wool in the warehouse to meet the
certificates Some time later Hall was hold
to the criminal court and his case has been
pending since IIo gave bail and lolt the
Thn nrnkommi's Trlcnil
WASiiiNnTov , Nov 27 lie Iiaihoad Com
missioner Collin of Iowa , who secured the
adoption of the resolution ct tbo recent
Farmers national congress calling for nn
investigation bv the government authorities
into the matter of improving the system of
couplings on freight cirs , bv in the city lie
has brought the matter to the attention of
muny eongreasmon and the subject
will icecdvo attention at tlio coming session
Life Having Service ,
WAsmsaTov , Nov 37 Tbo annual report
of tbo gcnoral superintendent of tbo Ufa
saving sorvleo shows attbqejosoof 'bo fiscal
year 825 Btatlons 1 ho work ; of the service
during the year is as follows Number of
disasters , & 28 , vuluo of property involved ,
(0 410 775 , value of proporty..savtd 15,054-
441 , numberof persons invplvcd , 3420 , num
ber of l orsona lost , 43 , nupibor of persons
succored 5
riiolr ToHr-iIWill.Sioii Dry
rAiiiiuuiT , Minn , N.oy 27 Joseph
Thompson of this city and J , } V. Thompson
of Forrest bavo received nottco of too death
of an undo of theirs in Birmingham , Eng
land , whoso ostnte is valued at fi 003,000 , to
which Messrs Thompson and two sisters ,
Mrs 1 dvvurd Kchoe ot this city , and u bis
tor llv ing in Illinois are tha only heirs
IV < nneil With it I | ne
Memiins loan , i\ov S7 , the cases of
tbo Bovcnteeti Favctto county election Judges
and clerks indicted for failure to count tbo
votes at the polling places and to file a copy
of tbo polling papers with the circuit court
clerk caiuo up today iho llrst count was
quashed , and on the Bccond the doleud nu *
pleaded guilty und wcro titled (10 each
' - ,
Tlio tattler iWcoast
For Omaha and vicinity i Full weather
Tor Nebraska ) Fair , much colder , with
cold wave , northerly winds
For Iowa Fair , clearing in eastern portion
tion , much colder , with cold wave , uortb
westerly winds
For South Dakota , Fair , roluer , With cold
wuve , followed Frldav byr'singtemperature ,
northwesterly wind * *
Diphthorin Ravaging nnd SprotieUuu
Oven the Entlio State
"ttliloh SetH Some Mntcil Coupled
Moiiilcrltii ; Whether Ihcy Aio
Marriott or Not I'ptlllon For
Altitichiath'a I'ntilon
rrlchtful lliiilitlicrln Scourge
Buiiljnotov , la , Nov 27 [ Special Tele
grim to Tin Uirl Iho fearful spread of
dlpbthoria in tins tnto is causing much
nlarni Hoports nro rcccivcl from many
places Unit the dlsciso is Increasing At
Crcston much Indignation hns bcon caused
bv the manner lit which funerals of dlpb
thoria victims nro conducted uud tbo num
her of cusos there is growing dully At Id o
kuk nine cases have been under q inrnntlno
this month At Utirlliigtou the sltuntiou is
fully as bad Oiio Iinnlv hero has lost two
children in a diy uud four others nro not expected -
poctod to llv o
Dns Moisrs In , Nov 27 I Special Tola
gram to IiirHrn | Iho sprcalof dlphthoria
und the neglect to proirlv | guind the city
ncnlnst it lias created much nlarm Iho
stuto nnd municipal nuthoritios huv o lln illy
conferred together to detcrmlno vvh it em
bo done It has been decided to enforce a
tigid qunnntino against infoctcd houses for
bid public fuuer lis of those who b wo died
of the dlsoaso and tukocverv possible meas
ure to Blnmp out tbo contagion iho local
boird of health bad bcon quito icmiss nnd
the diseiso was sprouting verv rupi Uy , yet
it is hoped that now it maybe brought under
It SetH tonii ) l't opli ) lliliiUlnir
UuniiNOTOV , In , Rev 27 [ Special Tele
gram to inr Her J Much Intctcst has bean
uroused in tbo Newton perjurv case in this
city bv the points raised In the support of a
dcuiuuci to tbo indictment tiled by New
tons nttorncy
OlIloG Cannon , a street car dilver of
Kausas City eloped to this city with a fifteen
year-old daughter of Sbciiff Howling of that
city Newton who is deputy county clorlc
nt Carthage , III , met the coui lo in this city
and assisted Cannon in gc'ting a marriage
llccuso , Bwoiring the tirl was
eighteen years of ago Newton
was subsequently indicted for perjury
Newton's counsel sot foith that under tbo
Btatutes of the state of lown dui mg tbo ox
lstonco of the circuit eouits m tbo slate ,
clerks bad authority to Issue liccnso , und
that when tha circuit courts vveio abolished
tbo authority was not transferred to district
court clerks and consequently thnt there
hns been no ono Blneo who could legally
issuo'such liccnso , furtbor , that if the
district court clerics have authority the is
auinir of u mairitgo liccnso wis a Judicial
function which could uot bo delegated to a
deputv , vvnich wis done in this case , ind
therefore there could Imo boon no prui \
If the points are sustained it Willi also
douut as to the lognlltv of most all marri igo
contracts sineo the elicult courts wcro ubol
ished Great interest is taken in the cao
by tbo legal ftatcrnlty hero und clsowheio
lbo case is under advlsomont
IVtittonlnc for Miinchrnth'H Pnrdon
Siout Citv , Io,7iNov 3" | Spooial Telegram -
gram to Inn Hee J Notice is published this
evening , ns lequlrod by law , tnat application
will bo made to thu covcrnor for the pirdon
of Fred Muncbrath , ] r , from his four vc trs'
scutenco for participation in the murder of
Itov Dr Haddock
Haddock was inurdorcd two sears igo bv
a mob of Baleen men John Ahrcnsdorf the
brewer who was indicted for the overt net of
murder , wis acquitted on his secoud trial
Munchiutbwns couvi ted and Bcntenced a
y car and i half ngo the supreme court af
firmed the Judgment a few wcoks ao Pend
jug an application for rehearing this cffoit for
pirdon is being mido in order to keep
Muuehrath out of the penitentiary A neti
tion for p irdon has been quit tly circulated
and signed by tbo lurg r pot tion of the bust
ncss men iu tewn us vvell us by the court ot
fleers und juryman
iho movement has been carried on quietly
for the puiposo of avoiding the stieniious
protest which otherwise would bo made
Now that the fact is 1 nown members of tbo
Methodist chuieh , of which Dr Hiddock
was u distinguished mcmbci , nro already
preparing a counter position Senutor
Lawrence will present Muncbrath's patltion
to tbo governor
She Got thn \ \ orst ot It
MAnsitAiivrow v , la , Nov 27 [ Special
Telegram to fur Hfb ] A rather sensa
tional divorce suit was decided here by
Judge Waiver , just before the final adjourn
ment of court last evening Mrs M C
Bovoiagc , vvlfoof one of the loading , photographers
tographors of this city , sued for a divorce on
the ground of cruel treatment asking ali
mony and the custody of the four children
Uevorago filed a cros 1 ill against bis vvifo
for dlvorco on tbo ground of tlio vvifo s Infi
delity with A W Dixon , a painter in tbo
Iowa Central shops whoso family rcsldos in
Des Moines bomo racy correspondence bo
twecn Mrs Heverigo und Dixon was pro
duced on tbo trial Judco Weaker dismissed
her claim of action on account of the fulluro
of tbo proof Ho sustained the husbands
charge of udultery ana grnntod him a dl-
vol co Havbrngo consented to ullow bis
vvifo half of the property and the custody of
two of the children
\ \ reck On thn Hook Island
MtscATivi , la , Nov 27. rSpoclal Tolo
grain to Tub Hut J Quito a sonous aeci-
dent occurred a rallo and n ball cast ot Mont
poller yesterday , caused by the west bound
freight train , No 23 , on tno Rock Isl ind
road ruunlng iuto a drove of horses on the
bridge at that point Iho tialn was In charge
of Conductor Slonakor und Englneor Honcjk-
ley The train was almost on the horses before
fore they were noticed the engine was
thrown off the track , followed by the two
cars In its rear Conductor blonakcr was
badly lulurcd , ho had his left arm crushed
at tbo elbow , and his right leg orusucd uud
bruised Englneor Ilonckloy received some
Internal injuries and suitors from some
bruises below the lower ribs on the left side
and back Two others were slightly Injured
whoso names could not bo learned
An Abductor Captured
Dubuque la , Nov 27 J Special Telegram
to Tun Hub J Sheriff McConn of this city
last night nrrostod James Itowe , who was
attempting to escape to Wiscousin with n
fifteen vcar-old girl named Delano Miss
Delano lives on a farm ten miles from
Clarion , Wright county She left homo j es
tordny morning for school Itowomothcr
with a bugiry and the couple drove to
Clarion where thnv took tbo train for the
cast ' 1 hey wore arrested on reaching Du
buque and word bus boeu sent to tbo utierlff
of Wright county of tbo capture
Acquitted the Old Man
Clinton , la , Nov 27. [ bpecial Telegram
to IiiuHel I lbo district court has been ,
engaged hero for the past week with tbo case
of the state against E M Davis , charged
with criminal asiault upon a Utile girl twelve
y oars old Davis is an old resident , owner
of the opera house aud a prominent mer
chant Ofcoa sixty live 'iho jury on the co
end ballot found a verdict of not guilty It
is supposed to bavo boon a blackmulliag
A horvant Girl Asili ) lntrd ,
Chicago Nov 87 [ Special Telegram to
Tub Heb 1 Emms Miller , o Swedish do
mestic employed by L.Uio\vn at Clifton
park plneo , was found dcid this morning
She had boon asphyxiated during the night
by Illuminating gns It is supposed she blow
nut the gas on rotlrlne but whether Inton-
tentlonntlv or not is not known Itls a singu
lar fact that this is the third death from this
cause in Chlcigo within u week , ill the mo
tlms being Swedish servant ( , irls
A Cnsu nt ltnnsnt City W hloh Hevonls
n Itoin nice
KatasOiti , "Mo , Nov 27 [ Spielil Tel
cgrani to The Hli | Ono of the most sonsi
tlonnl suits over put on trial hero wus brought
up before Judge Henry in the circuit court
this iiftcrnoonTtio , suit Itself is un equity
ptoeocdlngto sotnsido i deed for fortv acres
ot land in tlio southwoitcrn portion of the
city valued nt $30)000 ) , but the testimony
upbn which the cancellation of tbo deed is
asked rev cnls n romance Oil October 34 ,
ISjO , Hc70klnli 1C C Harrison son ot ono ot
the oiIglnal settlers of Missouri nnd in ex
tensive lund owner , married Ann Owen , n
lolgiilngbollo in this rouutv the yollnccst
nnugbtur of Colonel S C Owen who won
great ftiuio in the Moxic in w ir I ho v oting
couple lived hiipllv for cicht y eirs , when In
IbMlvomig Hnirlson bcciuno nllllctidwith
the gold rraza nnd determined to go to Cnli
fornl i Hu made two or thrco ti ips to and
from Cnllforni i brlncing homo consldi rablo
gold nnd Investing it in real otnto in this
citv , some nf which is now in litigation in
the present proceedings lu 1N > 0 ho
wont to California ngilii promising
his wife that it would bo his last
trip Mrs Harrison novel saw him again
lu 1S03 she married lames McDonoueh , for
mcrlj chlof otpollroof bt Louis In ls > < 3
she Bold tbo H u risen property in Kimsis
City lo James and lolin Laton , tbo deud 10
citing tint McDm.oiigh was hei liusbmd ba
Joining In the dee 1 with her to tint affect
boon nttei this silo Harrison unexpectedly
returned to Knnsis City allv o and lu excel
lent health Upon bearing of II irrlson s return
turn Mrs brouclit suit foi dl
vorco from II prison on the ground of desertion
tion , vvhiih dlvoico was grnnlcd to her by
tbo circuit com t at St Louis She Immcdi
ntcly leinarncd McDonough with whom she
is now llv Ing She Ind sold the land for
$2 > nn acio J-0-00 in nil Slnco then the
lund hns reichcd n value of nhout S.00 000
which is the icison foi tlio suit this ease
will bo i precedent In the event of u favor
able decision foi Mrs McDououl.Ii foi situ !
1 ir suits for 1 inds v ilucd at muny hunaicds
of thousands of dollars ,
'lllb U I' , U A , G
Negotiations Pcntllncr Which Mill
Itesutt in n Gnat Sjstom
Uosto-s , Moss , Nov -7 Negotiations be
tween Prnsidont Adimsof the Union Pa
ciflo nud the Denver , Texas & . Fort Wortli
people hive resulted In agreements yet to
bo diawn up nnd ratified , for the formation
of a coiporntlon to bo known ns tbo Union
Pacific , Denver & . Gulf rnilvvnY , which will
absorb the 1 ort \\orth reid nud the Cole
ra lo line of the Union Pacific , oxei pt the old
bouth Piilc road now known as the Denvoi ,
Le l Ivillo & Gunnison the nuwcompiuy
will bo on the saino basis as the Oregon
Short Line consolidated compitiy iho
Union Pacific will bi put iu control of the
Colorudo Contrni Diuver Mmshal &
Boulder , C key en no X Nmthcrn , etc but
vv ill issue no new securities and assuuio no
new obligations The now compiiy will
opcrato ibout fourteen bundled miles from
Cheyenne and Denvoi to tno Gulf of Mexico
• TofT ly's Ofl" r
CmcKao , Nov 27 JSpochl Telegram to
IheHeeI E L Joffoiy , ox-gcnoral nnn-
ngor of tlio Illinois Contrul , has bocn ofTerod
the position of second vice president of tbo
Chicago , Milvviiul o and St Piulroud Ho
has not yet announced his decision but vvill
probably accept
Tlio C , II & Q \\t I coined
St Louis , Nov 27 The upper house of
tbo mutiicipal assembly has gi inted the Chi
bugo , Burlington & . Quincy railroad frco nnd
unobstructed ontratico into the city , where
it is understood the company vvill erect u line
pu3songor aopot
Labor Will Huvo Another J usr.lo
With tin Conl Ititron
CnicAdo , Nov 27 ISpecial lcleginm to
IiibHil ] A d spatch from Pittsburg in
nounces thut a boy cot had boon beeun ,
ngalnst W L Scott , the Poniisylvanla coil
baron , and that the municipality and the
school board of Chicago vvould bo asked not
tobu/ coal from Scott's mines or these of
the Urazil lilock Coal company faupply
Agont.Guilefoidof the boaio of oducutlou
suld today
"I don t know anything about what Is
Seott'8 coal uud what isn't It is a fact that
wo have a coatraet vv itli Wo lver & , lodd for
Urazil block coal This contract lasts until
July 1 next Wo have bcon getting Hocking
Valley coal during the Brazil strikes , but
now that the troubles uro over wo expect to
go on getting that coal It Is n matter of
contract you know Other things beinj
equal , I bavo no doubt that tlio board would
ruthor no „ offend the orguiizcd mlueis and
fedarntod labor organlz itlons "
bald Commissioner Purity
"Iho board of publio works has had no
contract with either W. L bcott or the
Brazil Ulock Coil Company this year So
the boycott is on to that extent
or &ECIU1.T eociniY intckhst
A Chicago Julian Itoiiclurs nn Im
portant DouiHlon
Ciiioaoo , Nov 37 r-Spoclal [ lologiam to
Tin Bn 1 Judge Cliffoul this morning decided -
cided affirmatively tno test ease of whether a
person may retain membership in the supreme
premo ledge of a society , though bo has boon
Buspondc 1 or expelled from the subordinate
ledge 1 ho case cama up In the suit uf Mrs
Bertha Dahlborg against the suproino ledge
of Knights of Honor to roeover tbo death
benefit duo her in case her husband nt the
time of his demise was a member In good
standing Dahlborg Joined Chicago ledge
No 0J2 , Knights of Honor , in 1833 and lor
some time continued to pay bis duos Some
dispute ever a sielc bonelit caused trouble
and ho failed to pay his next nsBCssmcnt
lbo subordinate ledge dropped him from tbo
roll , but in its lomlttanco to the supreme
ledge made up Dahlberg's deficiency and
Bent Its full quota of the assessment Dalil
borg died nnd u demand was made foi the in
BUranco money , which was refused Judg
ment was tendered in favor of Mrs Dahl
berg for UK 28
An Attempt nt Kupi Aionaotl by thn
Woiiiiu'rt lliifcunul
St Josi pn Mo Nov 27 [ Spocinl Telegram -
gram to lus Ui b J On n farm twelve miles
northwest of Oregon , Holt county , this
morning Albert Nowland shot mid mortally
wounded Ins brother in-law , Michael Grflln
New lund had been away from homo for sov
cral duvs and duiing his ubsunco Griffin
riimiually assaulted his wife When
Nowland returned his vvifo told him of tha
occurrence and becoming onriged tie hunted
Grlllln up uud tired a load of buckshot into
him at shoit range Qrlflin Is dying Ho
has always been iegurcd is a bully in his
neighborhood Nowland surrenderad him
self to the sheriff and is now la jail ,
Corvlllnn Gum I om Yu.irsnnd a Hair
Amvvlui , Nov 27 1 ho trial of Corvilian ,
the proprietor of the cirtridgo factory lu
which the disastious explosion occurred last
September , resulting In the death of many
persons , uud Delauucy , the ougiuecr of tbo
factory , who were charged with botnlcldo by
imprudence , was conclude 1 today , The
judge scntonced Corvilian to four years and
six mouths and Delaney to ono year and six
months imprisonment uud a una of 3,500
frauu each
, , . , „ . , „ . I . , i i. , . , . , . | . lmni Vjutgnipi
Militia PfttiolHiirr Lynn to Provonf iH ]
Knlila by Thieves 1H
Nrmrli Tlneo lliindritl Bulldlnc * ' | |
Hnrnod , I Ivo Millions lou mill IjH
Fight Ihoiisniul Pcoplo lliruw n | | H
Out ol l.iiinloj incut 111
Giinrdlnir thn lliuoiil DlKttlrt 111
Linn , Mass , Nov 27 1 ho city to lay Is ill
well pitrolled by luilltli 2 , < 0 tnun iu nil being IIHJ
on duty Men nro stutloncf nt the cntr ineos ill
of the rulnoil streets , barring nil appro ichcs 111
to the burned distilct Guards are stationed III
nt the stores tint nro but pirliilli cluired | |
outto picvent thlovos ( rom lining > vhu Is III
left No ono Is allow ol to p iss the iiiMil ill
without a permit from the city cleric si I
Hi rough tbo associated ehiiitlos tunny ill
fnuilltos were furnished lodging last night In Jill
rooms hired nt lodging and dwelling houses , Ifil
aud rations of hot soup , ctnckois and broad J |
nro being servo 1 to all lu need of food As nil
soon us some plan fur assist nice e in bade ill
vised tlio woric of providing for the destitute 'MH
families will proiiess inpldly IH
Pniinliicut manufiietuiers no of the ouln 4H |
ion tint tlo total loss will i cacti no illy JIH
SoOOOOOO the iiumborot bull lines burned 1H !
w ro JJO of vvhleh 4J vveio biick blocks , lUiJ IH
wooden buildlugr.usol for business purposes -'lH !
uud 112 dwellings occupied bv 104 fimilies SlH
iho number of laboring people thrown out liBJ
of work is cstlmutednt 8 UOO til
No fitilltlos have bioti reported At 0 jll
o'clock this nioi nlng tin lire app ir itus f I om A ] HJ
Boston and other nl ices out of town took 11 Hi
their dcpirluio jil
ilia Insurmca adjusters it present osti- ] H
unto the told Insuinneu on the burned sill
prop < ily ut > . ' ? J,000 fho Insurance is 'Ull
priciicnlly a tot illoss , there being but little t I
s llv ago W
'Iho I vnn Dailv Item was tha first to cirot wl HJ
n little office on the sitn of its foriuui olllro ill
with the sign Daily Item ofllco All loady 111
for business " 'Ull
F W Breed , who lost the lnrecst , of his S | HJ
tbroo fuctoriei snjs Most of tha maun 411
facturois w ill rebuild hoi o nnd bi fore many m HJ
months wo shull sco the city us piospcious i § ) I
us bofoio the file " III
ihu rev i3ed figures of the buildings so far mI
ns known nro 4-brick buildings 11. ! wooden ill
stores nnd f ictorios uud 112 dwelling houses ; „ il |
Ono hiiudied und sKty two families aio III
hoinoless aud 87 shoo canufuctui Int ostab- ill
lishmcnts no wiped out ij
Shorth after noon the mayor called to Jl |
oincr a mooting of citizens desirous of aid 41 I
ing the KiilTarois lelicins offering ns- t ! I
slstineo in cash or any thing else vvoie ro jl |
ecived fiom Boston uud a number of neigh Si |
boring towns A commlttco wus nppointcd 111
to make n icportof the piobiblo loss the , J ] HJ
numbei of people deprived of omplovmont 111
nud tha length of time that would clapso be II |
fore they could uguiu { .ot to work ail
A sul)3ciiptlon list was thun staited Ml
and genorons contributions wcro received 411
Hostov , Nov -7 A meeting of citizens , .l HJ
was hold this afternoon , iho mayor 1- 311
Ing , to t ilio action foi tlio relief of tlio nut jl |
foi oi s uv tbo Lynn fire A leliet committee Jj1
was nppoluted and tj OjO sub < eiIbod on tha Jl I
spot 3 ]
The Iiobs nt rjceehtiurcr jgmI
Lrrciincitbl Pa , Nov 27 • • Consorvillv o * Sft pl
estimates place ho loss by last nights tlio at vi I
? 160 000 to 517" 0 0 without * ? 5 000 insui- ill |
aucc The flro Is supposed to bavo originated _ , All
from natural uas _ J&I H
A Lively Senile nt the Olnso of a Sc Jm\ \
Joseph Jiinl SliH
St Joshiii , Mo , Nov 27 [ Spoclal iolo Ull
( ram toliirBcB ] LotU cireles lioro uro 111
greatly oxcltcd over the fining nnd commit all
ment to jiil today of Jo3oph P Grubb for m\ \ |
liftocnyoars Judge of the circuit court , by MhM
Pi osldmg Judge bilas Woadson Trod lolin , Mil
a prominent voung man , was ou trial cuargoa w | I
with assaulting his brother with murderous 31 I
intent and Judge Grubb w is dofanding hiin j3J I
Judge Woolsou had ltlnlshod reading bis in ' 1B |
sf-uctions to the jury when Grubb jumped to drill
tils feet and with uugcr cried Ibis ' is a Will
d ( I outrage , a travesty ou Justice Hill
lhcro is not a line of voui instructions fill I
based on onoscintilli of evidence , sir It Is all
u dmnnablo outrage , and you are biased , mj
p irtlal and prejudiced " allB
Jud o Woodson calmly saidl bit down , Xllfl
Mi Grubb" ijjl
" 1 will not sit down 1 will not pay that iHtfl
much respect to vour court It is an outrueo Elll
and voj tlio willing pcrpetrntoi " 9 | { |
ludgo Woodson nroso to his foot , and , lus V rl
face livid with ingo , eried "I flnoyouf25 Inltfl
and commit you to the couuty jail Mr , BliB
Sheriff , the prlsonci Is in your custody " ill ! I
ludgo Grubb vv is hd from the court room alii
with difficulty and later refused to nrguo for Sill
his client ni the request of the court , cluim- lIHI
ing tint ho was n criminal and In Jail Later Sill
in the d iv be was released Grubb Is suld to .3111
bo ono of the host rend lnwycrs in the vyest will
Iu igo Woodson was govoinor ot Missouri SB II
from lSD to 1887 M
• Hi
For the f'tirlty ut Fond nnd Drink JK |
Ci ev u ami , Nov 27 The National Dairy W *
nnd Food CoinmlsslonciB' association of the jKL >
United States was oi ganlzod this afternoon ' * , >
bv dolcrntos appointed by the governors of jl
several states Hon Hlrun Smith of Wis- jm ,
consln was oloctcd temporary chairman , F | j
A Darthick , food and dairy conimisslonor of -M
Ohio sot rotnrv and treasurer JK
The objects of the association aroi "To * | j § .
establish u uniform standurd for the purity Wl
of humun food and drink and to eucourago a | '
lionnstv In the manufacturer und protect the W I
eonsumor" M
A constitution nnd by laws were adopted Ki
On the eniollmcnt of members George M fM
Storncs of Chlcaco , who has boon appointed M \
a deleeata from Illinois by Governor Fifer , j i
proved to be n manufacturers agent , nnd not ft f
a producer of food , und wus not udmittod to \ i-
membership m Ml
Don Bailer Sued Tor Hlitnilor M J
Wasiunotov , Nov 27 Sumuel Strong , $ K i
whoso claim against tbo district has become < ffi I
almost historic , today filed suit against Wi 1
Benjamin F Butler for SJjO.OOO damages for ffl 1
Blunder Gcnoral Butler bronght suit several 111
months ago nguinst Strong for money which , iS }
be nssortcd was due him as contingent coun fl I
sol out or the award made to Strong Hie Jfl ' ,
suit developed some highly exciting feuturcs , flK i
among which was the production of a paper sHf '
by Strong which , if eonuino , would show ' 5
that Butler bud agicod to nceopt for bis ser § L
vices an amount much lower than that ' ,
named In tbo suit , Butler dououncod the 9
document as it forgery and tbo ult foi slan- m
dcr grows out of this jm .
• Ji ft
Died lioiii Colli nnd lliinicnr Taj I
Ciiicaoo Nov 27.-Speclal | telegram to ffl f
TheBbb ] Hiram Spldlo , a flflaon yoarold m |
boy was found deal in a school bouso coal $ '
shed last nltht near Mattoon Ho , together 1sa
with his father , had been indicted for lar- Oj I
ocnj , and durlug tlio past vvouk had been , Wl 1
dodging the officers 'iho boys fatbor loft w 1
bbolby villi ) with him yesterday to stop lu ML h
this city , and , becoming tired und hungry , .3m l
Hiram stopped at tbo eoal shod , where it is JHMp
Inferred 110 died fiom tbo exposure and * * ? HH |
hunter , 91
A edcrnl Atintriilln hJh1
briE ) ) , Nor 87 In reply to tbo govern 'lwil
era speech at the opening of pnrllumcnt " jKN >
both houtes adopted an address expressing sl
the trust that the Present ditcusslon of the tgMM
subject of federation by the colonies would 131
load to tlio creation of a fcdoral Australia on * ill
a basis of mutual good vvill aud oudunug HI
tri n t i lu fll
i |
i i i m. ' < nim "e " > ' " " ' ' " 4 , l " " hj ' -i > - > * < " ' -i ' " ; < jHJHJ