I J I G * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1889. 1 . , , , , . . m - - Pi i i ' - ' ' x"ij i- - - i , t > ML a iwwwiiihi i iw , , , " " 1"1 in ! in mil THE OMAIIA BEE I COUNCIL BLTIFFS H' orriui : . no lis i > i-auij stuuut B Etllvtred by < • nrrlcr In any pirt of tlie City at H lift eon Cents per Woolc , 11.W.T1LTON MANAOKIl ! TKLKPHONKSl _ * Nimir iiiiTOH : No St | H rittccn Cents n Week H1 Prom nml niter November 15 The Dah.t _ B Cr.B will bo delivered by carriers In Council H Bluffs at Ilftccn cents n week _ B MINOR MnNTlOV ffKY.l' .Cft • BM Gtcnson coal HI Council Bluffs Vutnbcr Co , coal HI Wcntcrn Lumber nnd Supply Co _ H Thatcher coal , roe advortUomont BB Best coal and wood at C. 13. Fuel Co n Carbon Coal Co wliolosalo , retail , 10 Pearl HI Fall solo begins Monday Hoston store B | | The Avenue U sewer will bo comulotcd BW ] tbls week Bill l'ctorson's hall was tlio Bcono of an enjoy jjl nblo club dauco last evening BB Mr and Mrs J. V. Ktmbafl celebrate their HI Wooden wedding tbls evening HI Plnns nro being drawn for the now Wng- M tier block on South Main street _ _ H The Improved Order of Hcd Men moot tbls BB evening for Hip election of ofllcors BB Tlio paving of tbo alley from Hrvnnt to BB Boconil street , between llroadway and Vine , BB lias been completed Tlio Boston store , Council Bluffs , will bo BB closed nil day tomorrow , Tnankagiviug day H | Vothorlnghum , Wbitelaw & Co H Mr nnd Mrs Albnrtson cntcrtaluod a BH number of friends last evening in honor of HJ tbo second birthday anniversary of their H son BH Owing to tlio cliungo In the time of west BH liouiid freights tbo Union I'acillo Tenth swo- HB nuo depot must eloso their cars at 4 o'clock BH Pm. . HB The Second Presbyterian social this weoU will bo given Friday evening atJ.tio rcsl- _ _ denoo of Mrs Jennings on North First BB HB The funeral sorviccs of Mrs Ocorgo BB Brown were held at 2 o'clock ' yesterday af- BB temoon at tlio family rcsldunco on Ave BB- uuo BB Kollay nml Younkermant1io ttppo i-Hro.uI- Bfl way grocers , jestordnv ccloorutcd thu com . BH pletion of their llrst year In business In HB Council Muffs 'J liov cuturtulnud their HB ft lends In linudsotnu style HB Quarterly mooting is being held at the HHj African M. ] ' . church on Williams street HH Tlio services will closes this evening , Prcsiri- Hfl > "g Elder C. S. Jacobs is in attendance All H invited , V W. Lewis , pastor HHg Sheriff O'Neill took the prisoners Windom HH nd Uutts , who hava been confined in the H county ] ail'for sovernl months , to Avoca.vcs- HH tenliiy , to bo arraigned before the court at HH ' ' tbo east end of the county , on a charge of HH highway robbery HB Owing to the fact that outside parties fre- HB qucntly pass articles through the windows T to parties confined in the city jail , iho ntl- HHI tborlties Imvo decided to extend the pound HHj Jonco so as to shut these windows away from HH tbo public nnd worlc on tlio same was com HH nicmcd yesterday _ Hj A t oncert nnd festival will bo given toinar- HH , row c von in g In the building formerly occu- H'1 pied by Klsoinan & Company , corner of I3ry- Ht nnt and Itroadway , by the members of the HHAfrican M. K. church Supper will bo served HH lmmediatclv after the concert Admission HH 10 cents Everybody Invited Hj W. S. Cody , a brother of Contractor J. V. HHi Cody , lost tlio end of his right , thumb in the HHj lattcr's planing mill , on Washington avenue , HHi yesterday afternoon Ho was investigating HHjl tbo workings of n circular saw , nnd is now HHj nolo to tell just bow it goes The Injured HHj digit was dressed at Young's drug store _ H ( The postofllco will bo closed the greater HHt partof tbo day tomorrow During the morn HH } ing tbo regular Sunday system will bo fol- HHy * lowed , uud in the ovonlng tboofllec will bo HH ] open from 7 to 8 oclock Two collections HHL will bo mndo during the day ono In the HH ] morning nnd the other in the afternoon _ B * Tbo next meeting .of Bluff City Typo HH ] graphical union , No 203 , will bo bold next HH ] Sunday nfternoou at the press club rooms HH ] on Pearl street , at which the annual dec HH ] Hon of oQlcors , will take place Arrange HH ] incuts foe tlio annum ball at Masonic tcmplo HHi on Christmas night will also bo completed Hj . , At the last session of tbo board of county HHL supervisors It was docldcd to otter a oounty HHy of 5 cents for every pocket gopher killed In HHt the county The Itrst consignment of dc- Hl funct gophers was received nt tbo county HHV , auditors ofllco yesterday morning Tbera HH ] ivcro forty-six of thorn , and tney wcro HH ] brought In by Abner S. Chase of Hardin HH ] ' township The outlawed pests were quickly HH ] ' ' Incinerated under the court house boilers , B * The Westminster Presbyterian church HH ) . choir of Omaha under tholr " olllcicni director , HHV : Prof C. C. Uas9on , will give a. musical in HHBl tbo parlors of the Picsbvtcrlan church of HH | | Council lit nil's Fiidny evening , November BB 20' A prngrnmmo has been-especially pre BBT' ' ' pared for tbo occasion consisting of solos , HHM" ducts , quartotts audenoruses , and composed HH- of both sacred nnd secular music Admls- HHk ! Bion 25 cents H It was stated yesterday that a sneak thief HHb' bad managed to got away with n$2Jovcrcoat HHfrom in front of M. Marcus clothing store HHV on the preceding evening Soma of the fol- HHVlow's companions In poverty must have hoard HI of it , as two mora walked up to the place HHV about noon yesterday and quietly walked off HIv tvith a couple moro coats They were valued HHV'at ( Jo Atrncuof tbo thieves was shortly HHh i discovered , ono of them having sold Ills coat HHVto n street laborer for $2.50 , and an attempt HHV was mndo to dlsposo of tbo other nt a HHV restaurant near tlio northwestern depot , but HHH the plunderers bad skipped HHMu Tbo Puliman rostauruut , tOi Broadway HHIJ m HHM * Money loaned nt L , 13. Craft & Co 's loan HH ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , HHH'porsonal property of all kinds , and all other HHH articles of value , without removal All bus HHH • ' iness strictly confidential HHHh HHH Always on Tim . BBh < If you wish to purcbaso a good and reliable BH watch 25 per cent less than club rates , and HHV on easy tonus , thou call at ouco nnd make HHH your own selection at p , 13. Jncquemln & HHH' Co , , 27 Muin street HHH ] ' * HHHl ; ; The Hecbtclo has bocu remodeled and re- HHHHU fitted and immo changed to Hotel Jamosoo HHI' ' i > Twill to wait for ' HHHf pay you Chapman's HHHIL Christmas opening for latest and linost goods HHHr m v ' I'orxoant . RHHIi' rariicrnplm HHH • Mrs John Hammer Is visiting la Chicago HHH | It K. Wllsoy left last ovnnlng for St Joe HH1 0. S. I'lshor loft last ovonlng tor Kansas H City HHH * Mrs W. Seclce and Mrs J. M. Martin are HHVJ' visiting in llurlington , H Mrs , John Sibley of Des Moines Is tbo guest HHH of Mrs N , I ) , Lawrence H Mrs O. P. Kills of F.urok' , ICun , q- visit HHH , tag friends in the UlulTa , H' ; Mr and Mrs Hornco Everoit leave In a HHH few days for the east , to bo absent during HHH ] the BHB Mrs , J. 1) . Atkins has returned from n BBB' vi"il wil" tl > 0 fimlly of Conductor VA HHH Butcher at Ciotton , H. ' ' rGeorgo II , Howltt , esq , of the firm of HHHb' Burke & Hewitt , is uttendlng to legal busl- HHHHK Hess at Oranga City , hV H- I * Mr8 > Un Smith , who has boon visiting her HHHHK tlster , Mrs Horace Kverott , bat rulurnod to HHHR ber homo in St , Joseph H , Miss ICato Morgan of Baltimore Is visiting HHVj tier sister , Mrs N. M , Pusey , corner of Wil- HHHH low avenue and South Sixth street H Mrs S. C Downing and Miss Harriet HHV Owens of Marysvlllo , Ky , are visiting Mrs HHVH S. 0. ICoy , on South Seventh sUoot , Hl ! F' ll-lloba ot freeport , 111. , has returned HHHj , boino after a visit of several days In the HHHH Bluffs , but Intends to return nnd locate nero H Charles Travis , of Parman , Ohio , has ao- HHHH Y ccpted a position as traveling man for the HHHH1" Standard Oil company , and will mauo his HHHH home la this city - ' ' ' Six foot vein of coal only tlO per ocro An HHH Improved farm ot 100 acres , 14 ratios south of HHHH , lnatanola , near C. B. &Q , railway , from HRpB' Chariton to Dos Moines iu the White Breast HHVHV ' , valley coal district , s. o. of sea 67a'JJ. . Will HVHf trudo for Omaha or Council Hluffs property BBBJ' " unincumbered , or soil on easy payments , T. HHH J < Evans or J. II Rice HfflV HHf : H , ; * IN AND ABOUT TUi BLUFFS , A Qatjp ; of Sneak Thlovoa Apprehended - , hondod By the PoIIod THE FOOL AND HIS MONEY A JYglit For Hio roall\varOro isln reF tlic Niirihwrotprn Sltth Avenue Ucsliloiits Want n lloulovnril General null Personal Snatching Sncrilt Tnlnvrs It has developed that an organized gang of sneak thieves hnvo been nt work la the BlufTs In addition to the two cases nt Marcus1 clothing store , a haul was made nt Biedornun's about 0 o'clock la9t evening A thief wnlked away with two pairs of pants that were displayed outside Ho was seen , but managed to get away Captain Ander son of the merchants pollco nnllod the load ers of the gang about t < vo hours nftorvvard They had planted their booty and were evidently on their way to malto an other haul Andersen , accompanied by Marcus , was looking for them nnd met them near the Northwestern depot As soon as nn attempt was mndo to arrest them they showed light Marcus covered ono with his gun , but the ether wns In for a rough-niid-tumblo light , and ho had It Ho succeeded In nearly breaking ono of the oltl- ccr's fingers , but rncolvod a broken head in return Ho bad to bo pounded almost into Insensibility hoforo ho would submit to holng handcuffed , nnd ns soon us ho recovered ho wanted some more When tbo ofll- cer was turning In tbo call for the wagon the prisoner trlod to pick the lock of his handcuffs , with a burglars lock pick which be had in bis pocket This was taken from him and bo then tried to loosen thorn with a hand cuff Ho finally tried to slip them , but it would not work IIo swore that all the po licemen In the city could not look him up , nnd ho tackled a full quartctto of them sit the station nnd received another clubbing before ho was Dually landed In the steel cell coll.Ills companion hkowlso showed fight , but was overcome moro easily Both uro desperate - porato cruuinnls and ir they bad been armed some uno would have been hurt Mhoy gave the names of J. Kelly nnd J. Dovvell Kollv's head lias two long gasbos acioss the scalp , vvhero he was struclt by the onicer Iloswunis ho will pluy even with the ofllcers wlion he is released , which will not bo soon , nccording to the present out look It is claimed that there IssuDlclcnt evidence at hand to scud them over the roaa for grand larceny Thorn is proof that they did nil the work at Murcus'nnd Uicdermnns The coat stolen from Marcus , Monday nlgbt , wns Bolo : to Jim Wilson for fi The third coat is not yet locatea Two vags , giving the names of John Ger main and William Irving , wcro arrested on suspicion of being connected with tbo gang , and will bo heln for examination It is thought the whole outfit is now under loclc nnd key , as two ether suspicious characters , J. Brady and Phil Heagun , who showed undue interest in the fate of the others , were also towed in and locked up ? 3 cabinets , only $1.75 , Schmidt's , 220Main. Dr C. H. Bower , 5M First ave Tel 230. P. C. Miller , host paper hanging and dec orating The best is the cboapest Nice , fat , plump , dry plucked turkeys and all the accessories for a royal Thanksgiving dinner at Kollev & Younkormau's , 102 Broadway Telephone 309 , * They Savt a If m Shekels An agedslnner , who gave bis name as G. P : Thompson when arrested , was taken In out ot the wet last evening by the police Ho was "toundlng up tbo dens of vice in tbo upperpartof the city Ho was full to the muzzle , and was In company with n tough looking Individual , who was also arrested The old fellow had SI27.5 on his person which his ill-favored companion was un doubtedly aspiring to gob hold of , and would have succeeded but for thu Interference of tbo police There would not lmvo teen a cent of it loft this morning , but as it Is , the gay old patriarch will b.ivo about $115 In his inside pooket after pavlughis line , yet the chances are ten to ono that he will roast the police when he finds out where be spent the night J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway Now Ogden , Inrgost , nest hotel In western Iowa Special attention to commercial men Sheet music 10e , , 53S Broadway Tickets will bo on sale on Monday next for the concert nt Dohany's , Friday , December 0. General admission 50 cents , reserved scats 75 cents A Much NoeiWl Llirlit President Wright of tbooloctrio light com piny is trying to induce the Northwestern railroad company to put In an arc light over their Broadway crossing The motor com pany lias agreed to pay half the cost of maintaining it if the railroad company will do Its sbaro The latter is Inclined to think that the city should provide tbo light , nnd the city adtiorcs to the opinion that the cross ing should lip illuminated by the railroad company It is probable that the matter will bu settled ere long , and the light provided Probstlo'a harness shop , 552 opera bouso block , headquarters for robes and blankets S. T. McAttce,2.1t Main , 233 Pearl Finest line fancy grocoiios In city o Drs Woodbury have removed their dental ofllco to 101 Peail street , up stairs Ncumoyer hotel , first class.rcasonnblo rates j Oi j A Proposed Boulevard Some of the property owners on Sixth nvcnuo are agitating the improvement of that strcot to the river , thus making it a flno boulevard or drive They claim that as Fifth avenue is occupied by motor tracks , and as Brondwny Is only five blocks distant and has a motor line , and a line Is contem plated up Ninth avenue , that Sixth avenue will not do used fur street car traftlc Many of tbo best residences ot the city are located on this street , and quito a number of now and costly rcsldonces are contemplated The Btrcot is graded to the Northwestern tracks and a line brldgo spans tbo creek The strcot Is payed to Ninth , and grudlng could badono toward the river during the winter months , so that by the ttnio spring arrives the lining would bo settled and the street could bo paved Property owners will bo asked to set out shade trcos , and a petition will soon bo circulated usking that the improvements 'bo made Finest market in city JM Soanlans Blxby , plumbing , steam boating , Mcrriam block Fountain cigar , a strictly lOo cigar for Bo at the Fountain , Try ono A Move in Millinery , Jta amusing Incident occurred yesterday afternoon In the residence portion ot the city not a thousand miles from tbo site of the new hotel That is , it was amusing for all the disinterested parties who witnessed it , although tbo funny stdo was not quito so apparent to these more intimately connected with It 1 Booms thai a certain wpll known young lady of tbls city , who shall for obvious rea sons ba uamcless had Just Indulged in tbo luxury of.a now hat ono ot these wonderful spoclmens ot the milliners creation , con trived and concocted with inalloo afore thought tor the nominal monetary cousidora- Hon of $13,75. Tbo now gaza-obstructor bad been duly taken boine and fully admired , when tbo owner found it necessary to again go up town Now It so happens that the family owns a dog one ot these big , dignified ca nines , exceedingly well behaved on all oc casions ami altogether a very discreet and proper kind ot an animal And thereby hangs a tale not the dogs tall , but this story The aforesaid cunlno has a habit of lelsoroly trotting out to meet any returning member ot the family nnd then walking back with the newcomer This habit was tbo caufto of the troublothatonsucd Several o ( the young lady friends of the owner of the conglomeration ot ribbons , feathers and milliners sKlll wcro at the hou c awaiting lior return , and wnon they espied her coming down the street the lacn suggested ttselt to put the now hat on the dog , nnd Bend Mm out to meet hii mlstro3s. The plan wns Im mediately c&rrlod out , nnd the dog sallied forth , oven moro dignified than usual It was very funny , ot course , and the conspira tors were exceedingly ttcklod , The dog marched scdntcly along and the beloved but was nlraost In the bands ot Us mistress , along came a runuwny horse , tearing up the street nt n furious pace The nog took In the situation nt a glance Ho caU n wistful look at his mistress , but the temptation was too strong to bo resisted , and , dcspito her commands , bo joined In the cha < > Y Away thov went , the horse about twenty foot In the lead , and following llko the wind wns about ono hunJrod and twenty-flvo pounds of good healthy dog , with $10 worth of Sun day hat perched securely on his head , tbo long , sllic signals of distress fluttering be hind Is It necessary to sav that the sight attracted attontionl The chado swept up through the business portion of the city , and that hat wns moro generally commented on than It would over hnvo boon In church or even nt the theater It was a picture that was vividly Impressed on the tnlnd of every beholder Numerous conjectures were mndo as to who owned the hat and how It came there , nnd It Is certain that there nro hun dreds who will anxiously watch for Its next appeal anco In public Did you ask about the clrls , dear rcadorl What they said or what they thought depnnont salth not Put yourself in the place of the dlstrossod dam sel who will conduct the obsequies of that dog , and you will doubtless fully under stnnd whst transpired nt that end of the line Bxtonslvo preparations continue to bo mad for the grand co icort under the nus- plccsoftho Orpheus quartette Ml sBlgo- low , the famous whistler , will bo on band , Now Is the tlmo to buy your lurnituro C. A. Ueobe & , Companv have too many goods for.tholr storage capacity nnd nro cutting prices to make goods go BcrKey & Gay chamber suits , sideboards and dining tables , Windsor , Welch una Uorkoy folding beds , parlor suites , lounges and nil kinds of fancy cbulrs nt unheard ot figures These goods are all of the finest designs and finish Dent buy until you learn their prices , A clean sweep to be made Como and see for your The Hess Investment nud Trust company , SOUTH OMAHA NEWS Nntinnnl Iilvo Stock exchange A meeting of delegates from the various live stocK exchanges will bo hold In the rooms of the Chicago llvo stock exchange , Tuesday , December 3 , to organize a national live stock oxchnngo Tbo delegates from the South Omaha exchange nro : Mnssrs Hy.II. . Moday , James Elliott , Colonel E. P. Savage , D. S. Parkhurst James G. Martin , J. A. Hake , E. B. Branch , Ab Waggoner , J , B. Blanchard and George Burke Mem bers elected were authorized to send proxies and the members in attendance were uuthor- I7cd to cast tbo full vote of tun delegation The Chicago llvo stock oxobango will enter I tain the South Omaha delegation V. M. C. A. Meeting A fine audience assembled In the Methodist Episcopal church Monday evening in re sponse to Invitations sent out for a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association The Y. M. C. A. octette , of Omaha , consist ing of Messrs J , D. Zlttlo , George C. Jen- ncr , Edward Pickering , J. Mellon , Leslie J. Allen , W. G. Edwards , O. J. Gilbert and W. E. Johnson , Misses Ida Pickering and Anna Clavton , and Messrs , W. W. Slabaugh and Charles E Williamson of Omaha , wore pres ent After n pleasant social reception and u flno programme , consisting of songs by tbo octette , addresses on What are wo here fori" a vocal solo by Mrs AV 11. Slabaugh , a vocal solo and recitation by Dr U. E. C. Smith , and a song by the octetto , tbo Indies entertained the gentlemen with a palatable nud well served lunch Snenlc Thieve * Cauiiht The frequent losses In the postofllco news 100m have caused a watchful eye of late with surprising results Miss Lily Stott , who is in cliorge for her father , Saturday detected two sneak thieves , one a woman and one a man , and Monday caught u man stealing small articles Kell In n Twelve-Foot Sewer In attempting to cross tbo excavation for the now sewer on Twonty-fourth street ono of thrco young ladies mlssod her footing and slipped Into the sewer , falling a distance of twelve feet Workmen near by dropped a rope to the courageous girl , who fastened it around bor and sbo was drawn up to the bank Scold ( I in a Ijiiril Vat At 5 o'clock Tuesday oven ing Martin Long , employed in tbo Armoiy-Cudauy icUo pack ng bouses , foil in a tank of boiling lard and was fatally burned Mr Long lost his bal ance nnd fell In feet first and was scalded up to his arms Physicians were summoned , who did everything posBiblo for the unfortunate - nato man , but have no hopes for his rocov- eiy Mr Long was taken to St Josjph's hospital , Omaha Mr Long resides on Eighteenth strcot , Brown ptrk , and has a wlfo and seven chil dren Ho is about thirty-eight years of ago Notes Alio it the City D. L. Holmes has removed to bis new I block on N street Some of the packing bouses will stop work at noon Thanksgiving day rrank Claike , an employe at the George II Hammond packing house , Injured his luft thu mo Landlord Molchiors of the City hotel will plvo u social rocoptlon nnd dance Thursday evening Acting President W. N. Babconk bas issued an order to close the scales at tbo stock yards Thursday noon Coopers union No I of Omaha and South Omaha will give a dance in A. O. II ball , Howloy's block , Wednesday evening Alfred Andersen of this city w ono ot the fortunate ones at tbo fair given by tbo Swedish Ladies Iieliof society in Omaha City Ticasurcr Thomas Geary , through the Nebraska Savings bank , has received the proceeds of the 30,500 paving bonds sold to Chicago parties Tbo employes at the Exchange hotel gave a pleasant little dance Monday evening , nnd surprised their friends and guests by their elegant treatment Hon John P. Sutton of Lincoln , Treasurer John flush and Hon M. V. Gannon of Omaha will bo present at the moetiug in Hunts opera bouso Saturday evening In honor ot the fate of the Manchester mar tyrs tyrs.Tho kind hearts ot the ladles of tbo Young Woman's Christian Touiperanco union will inako many happy Thanksgiving by their thouglitfulnoss nnd goodness The young ladloa will receive contributions Thursday forenoon to bo delivered at the Methodist Episcopal church and In the afternoon they distribute tbem to the needy and worthy About People Robert T. Maxwoli has returned from Potior Miss Dell Dundas of Albion , is tlio guest of Mr and Mrs James A. Hull Dr Francis P. Murphy has removed from Oniuha and opeuod au ofllro over A. W , Saxes drug store , Cashier W. A. L. Gibbon , who was called to ; Chicago to attend the fuuoral of his brother-in-law , lias returned The temperance literary society will hold a bpociol business mooting In tbo Presby toriaa church Friday evouiug , Mrs , Nols A. Lundgren , who has bed such a trying spoil of slokues9 , Is rapidly regain ing her health nnd Is now up nnd about Mrs N. N. Ulchardson and Miss Cora , Parish , who have been spending a fortnight visiting friends in David City , rcturnod homo Mouday Mrs O. G. Lott of Osceola , Is In the city visiting her daughter and son-indaw , Mr aad Mrs , E , W. Harris Mm Lott will ra main during tha winter , Manager A. 0. Foster of the packing housosof Swift & Company , who has boon spending a fortnight at bis old Boston home , has returned and ls * < tt b'is dcslt HHjHhHHHHHHHHHh ' ! MAURER'SCHINASHOR N ' 3 kO Broadway OouirLGil BlixfTs THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK IN THE WEST Special Lamp Sale This Week Pine dGCornle.il LnmpB 76c una $1. Fine decomtou Lamps with decoratou Shades to mutch $ l.3o. Pine decorated Lamps with No , 3 burner and decorated donio similes to match $1.50. Pine dorooratcd Vnso Lamps with No 3 burner and decorated dome shades to match $2.00. ' Flno decorated Vnso Lamps with No , 3 burner and docoratcd dome shades to match , line Hlsquo finish , $3. Pine decorated Vase Lamps with No 3 burner , same only extra larpo , $3.50. Pine decorated nntlquo brass Vnso Lamps with No 3 burner , flno wintorsceno dome shades $2.75. Flno polished gold Lumps with fancy colored globo8$3. Wc have an immense line of Lamp Goods and prices on all of them equally as low Visitors and purchasers equally welcomq 1 W .A , . MATTBEB , 340 Bioadwa3r. MARKED BY A HOO RINGER The Queer Stamp Vat Upon tlio Olft of a Wealthy Boos or Ono of the funniest things that I have heard for a lour time happened u few weolts ago , " said a westerner to a New Yorlc Evening bun reporter ' Out in Indiana one of the pillars of society Is a wealthy and generous old soul with an immense fortuuo the result of the invention ot an ingenious trianpulur bit ot iron dcslgnod for the nosps ot hogs nnd called a liog rlngor Now , it happened that the pretty dauchtor of his pastor was about to bo married and ( surely a bride may indulge in a llttlo ladylltto wonder as to such things ) speculation was rife in the pastors fam ily as to what the good pillar would send as a gift On the morning of the wedding day there came to the house a great box bonring the card of the wealthy inventor With pleased anticipation it was opened It contained a dinner Borvieo of solid silver , oxquislto in design nnd finish With llttlo cries of rapture , the bride took out piece nfleL' pleco and placed thorn siao by sldo Then a queer llttlo murk , whore the monogram us ually Is , caught her attention ; she bout over it , anu what do you think ? Ex actly in the most ) conspicuous place oil each pieca the dour old donor , with happy inspiration , had had his hog ringer engraved The Seat ot Pnln and Pleasure The nervous system , often suffers a dimin ution of vigor , and causes mental annoyance , nnd oven positive disturbance , without dis- case in the sensoriuni itself It acts as amore moro reflector , in many cases , of inaction in the stomach , and consequently of incomplete assimilation of the food by the oed . This of course weakens It , in common with the rest of the tissues , nnd rondcrs it less nblo to boar without sulleriug an ordinary strain that would malto no'Impression ' upon strong nerves To supply a dellcit of strength , and remedy n suporsonsitlvonesss in the nerves incident to a lack of vigor , Hostetter's stomach bitters is far bettor adapted than moro nervino or siniplo tonic , since tbo off spring ot its use , complete digestion , is tbo vnrorous nnd early parent of nerve force ' and nuietudc Malarial attacks , rheumatism , bowel , liver nnd kidney complaints succumb to the blttors j vprythini ; Conflicting San Francisso Chronicle : A certain superior iudgo of ono the southern counties is a good man , but not over leavnod in the law Ho tried a case some time since and the defeated party appealed to the supreme court In an opinion ot moro than ordinary causticity JudgO Works sot aside his judgment on the grouna that the findings , that is the statement signed bv the iudgo setting forth the facts found by him to bo true , were inconsistent and conflicting When the southern judge was told of the result he naively roraarlced : Well , I'd like to know how I could help that Why , the testimony was conllicting " Bcerham's Pills net llko magic on a weak stomach GIVE THE ACTORS A CHANCE The Resistless Double - itnrrcled XoiiKUP Karaohos nt tlio Tliontor The woman who sits in front ot you at the ; theater , having on her head a double-decked , tliroo-masted hat , ter ror enough she may bo , isn't a circumstance - stance to the woman who sits behind you , having in her head a double-bar reled , hniv-spring , long-rango tongue , which she uses with an energy and con tinuance that make it a matter of try ing dilliculty , if not an ab olnto impos sibility , for you to enjoy the scene before fore you , says the Boston Glebe , Perchance my lady has seen the play before and is now bringing some friend to enjoy it , in which case she lscops up a contlnuul fire of criticism and cxulau- ations of scones present , mid such nn elaborate prophecy and disclosure of scones and events to como that you are entirely deprived of any inuocont pleas ure you might take in thinking out for voursolf the possibilities ot the plot or Idly watohinp its growth and develop moat according to its own laws of dra matic sequence Her ear-penetrating remarks run something alter this fashion : "That's Rodney ; he's really the dukes son , though no ono knows It , Ho was lost when a boy nnd brought up by the old shoemaker You fico Harold und Rodney noy both love Jivn , but her father thinks Rodney is'pqor and wants her to marry Ilarold , She does marry Rodney noy , thouch Now this scene is fine Her father comosrin , and linds thorn together - gothor and turns Rodney out Eva follows him , etc , oto , , oto , " until you wish , with anything but a pious ardor , that since she knp'u so much about the piny and Is firmly dotormlnod to glvo her information to the publio , she would hire n theatot- all to herself for that purpose insto ' ad of trying to start an opposition end Under the sumo roof A jolco comes unexpectedly , and , tak ing her unawares , she fails to catch it , Amid the laugh , JJut | follows her volco is hoard saying excitedly : What did ho sayV I didn't got It , ' ' and her long suffering escort pleasantly retells It , with which onlivonlng repetition you uro perforce oiitortulnod nt the oxpouso of whntovor Is being said on the stage , If a quotation from some familiar poem occurs , then she is happy , und displays her knowledge ot poetry nnd her ignorance of good taste by quoting it just ahead of the actor , destroying all the poetic effect and rovorslug the law of sound by placing the echo before the volco lu a way that Is simply maddoii < lug to everybody that hours it Ouo of these exciting climaxes comes when everybody seems to bo talking at once , and you nro straining your powers of hearing to the utmost when she ex claims : "O , dear ! I cant understand what they bay I wish they wouldn't talk so awfully fasti" This romnrk , comincr from confused sounds from tbo stageAvhlcb you uro sian rhubarb , as it is a Russian mo nopoly Why are turkeys so called ? They do not como from Turkey Slave moans noblp or illustrious Titmouse Is a bird Sealing wax contains no wax Shrewmouse is nq mouse Itico-papor is not made of rico or the rlco plant Cat gut should bo sheep gut Blind worms have eyes and can see Cleopatra's needle should bo named after Thotmos III , * Cipi'oiilmo in n Musician Goronimo and renegade Apaches will remain at Mount Vernon barrack , Alabama , during the winter Goron imo has become quito civilized Ho } ias learned to twang the banjo , and his i THE REALTY MARKET 1N3l'aUMKNra placaa on rajorl durinz yestardav 0 II Jetrors nnd wife to K II Miller , lot B , blkil Junction View Terrace , w d t 300 O U MlchaelSon and wlfo to W ,1 Council , lotUl bllciJ , Valley Place , wd 260 12 Mseuinu to fouls Coryell , lot (1 ( , Tord's Paiatogarcplat , wd . , 800 i : eisemun to IahiIs Coryell , a ii lot 7 , blk if , orchard lllll wd 1 3 V llltcliburtandwifoto J Carroll lotE blk 10 , letters add wd COO W I' I'ljnn to O Ai'lynn , lot it , Taylor's aUicd { ) " John Appel and wlfo to W Andrebsn , lot 10 , dlk ii Millard , wd , 100 Charles DoHobjrts and wlta to W 11 Uraddy lot IU , Dili z , sun ot J l ueu lcksadd wd , E.OO ) Bouth Umuha Laud company to Baranol It Anderson , lotaT nnd IJ , bile 137 , Bouth „ A Omaha , wd 1.050 William Coburn , aherttr to Hoggs k Mill , lots ti and7 , blic 6. Omuba View , deed . . SU0 Jlozci & Hill to It W Council , lots 0 and 7 , blk fi , Omaha View , qoJl , 0,103 Julia Ulrkh to M J McCartjr , part lot 8 , Wkit Jetter'sadd , wd 250 O Kaelber and wire to O K I'erkins , a H n alMMI.wd O.CO0 Bo Omaha Land Co , to T Wilkinson , lot 7 , ulic 2 , Bo Omaha , W A BM I ) Jettvr and wire to T Wilkinson , lots 6 andO.blke , Jettersadd wd W5 Q Vf l.oomU and wltu to 11 BorenBen , lot 81. Ullt 2. Ixiomls' 2d sub , w d i'A H A Kuhn trustee , to S w lies ley , lot 21 , hlk7.Crelgbtou Heightswd . . . . . . . . . . To'J ' It F Williams to O O Koboits , lots 1 and 2 , bit 2. Kverctt Place.w d , BOO A J 1'oppleton and wlfa to K N Hynd- man , lut % bile V. 1'oppleton park , w d. . 1S31 W U Selby , trustee , to 8 I Ka > nar , lots 7 , llandia.blkll , WfjBelby'B Jst add to SoOmahawd 1.050 O KStratton and wlfo to llattle libel • a I feet | ot b , btk li > . Heed 1st add , 0.0 d 1 Bo Omaha laud Co , to A A Hillings , lot I , blkfcf , fcoOmalu , wd , , , 2j Twtnty-tvtotrMuters , aggregating .121,115 Antique brnss banquet Lamps with flno dome shades and duplex burner with | ' ' extinguishers $5. Old sllvor banquet Lamps with fine dome shades and duplex burner with ox- ! 'tlngulshorst5.60. ' f Antique brass baipquot Lnmps with line olcctrlc burner , silic fringe umbrella * shades $3. Old sllvor Banquet Lamps with line electric humors , silk fringe umbrella shades $3.50. Piano Lamps with umbrella shades S10. Rich gold weight extension library Lamps with 11 inch shailos $2. Patontoxtouslon antlqtto brass ' finish Lamps No 3 burners , 11 inch dccointod i dome shades $5 , < COAL ! COAL ! COAL AND WOOD ! At Sapp & Knotts No 31 South Main St Wo handle only first-class brands of coal Our Black Pcorless is indcod the peer of any soft coal in the market Try it once and you will want it next tlmo Wo also have good hard cord wood and steve wood on hnnd at all tlmos Full measure , piotnpt delivery , and carefully prepared fuul guaranteed Remember the pluco , SAPP & KNOTTS , ' Ko 31 South Nam St Telephone No 203. struggling to hear , is the last straw that breaks the back ot your auditory comol , and you give up in despair , while oour soul is llllod with n burning doslro to unburden your mind by mak ing her a profound bow and Baying : Boar mndnm , your remarks nro ro ploto with instruction nnd ontcrtalninont , • but , unfortunately , the people on the stage will persist In keeping up such a talking that I am cruelly prevented from giving you my undivided ntloii- tlon Would you , in a spirit of dovotlon to the public good , kindly consent to take the stage between the acts , nnd toll us all you have to say on this sub ject , and then , for pity's sake , see if you cant shut up and give the actors a ohunco " Some would be as polite ns this , and some would not It depends largely on how they have been brought up Samples of Dr Miles Kostoratlvo Nervine nt Kuhn & Co 's 15th nnd Douglas , cures hcadm-ho , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu ralgia , lits , etc LIGHT OF THE RAIL Tlio Method of f-upplyliit ; Gas to Pns- siMiuor CoacliOM The method of refurnishing railroad cars with gas is ono of the most inter esting operations to bo senn in the great railroad hed in the old depot ot Thirty second and Market streets , says the Philadelphia Inquirer When a draft of empty cars is run on ono of the sid ings a number of gns men board the cars and oxumioo the small pressure motor iu the lavutories of each car If less than eighty cubic feet is reglslorod tbo tanks need replenishing , and long rubber hoses are attached to a three way cock at ono entt of the tank Gas under great pressure is forced through this direct from a main to the tanks It requires but few minutes for enough gas to bo forced into the supply tanks to furnish illumination for about thirty six hours By a clover picceof mechanism in the meter the light would bo immediately extinguished if there should bo any ac cident to the train It only requires a fraction of time end force of men neces sary to refurnish tlio old-fashioned lamp3. which have so often proved to bo the fatal causes of holocausts , the deadly companion of many railroad wrecks The Denver State lottery company wants agents Tickets 50 cents Address - dross A. O. Ross & Co , Denver , Cole OillciL Out or Name Irish stow is a dish unknown in Ire land land.Kid Kid gloves are not made of kid , but of lamb skin or sheep skin Gorman sllvor is not silver at all , nor ot Gorman origin , but has been used in China for centuries Dutch clocks are of Gorman manufac ture ture.Baflln's Bay is not a bay Turkish baths are unknown to the Turks There are no leaves in Vallombrosa , Milton to the coptrary notwithstanding Turkey rhubarb should bo called Rus- old surly manner has left him It is not probable , however , that his educa tion will go far Ho would rather play cards than lenrn to road , anil his former fondness for llrowntor remains IIo lins to bo closely watched or ho will got drunk at the Hrst opportunity IIo Iiiib , howovoi , mndo n bolter prisoner than was expected THE MILUniME TABLES . COPNOlti m < UPF9. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIHO n No 2 :15pmA | No S Mlnti A No 4 DUnin U No 1 8i 0ani A No 0 BUJpmA : | No J. . . SiS ipm CHICAGO & NOUTIIWESTEKN No 2 0.tOamlNo. 5 9:37 : am NeO 4:5.SpinNo.3 : 7l3am ! No.4 HiOOnmiNo l Ii : < 5pm CHICAGO MIIiWAUKUC & ST PAUL A No.3 OilOamA No 1 7 : < Wam A No.4 , . . . 0IOpinA : | No 6 5:15pm : KANSAS C1TV , ST JOSEPH & COUNCIL ULUliTS A No 2 10:40 : am , A No.3. . , .C:5p m A No.4. . . .lu:2SpmlA : No ! . . , C:10pm BIOUX OITV & PACIFIC A No 10 7:0"iamA | No 0 8:51ara : A No.12 7.00pmA | No 11 . . . .9.00pm OMAHA & ST LOUIS A No.P 4S5pmA : ] No 7 13:00m : CHICAGO UUUL1NGTON & QU1NCY. A No 4 BtlOa m.iANo.3 6:12p. : m ANo.O Ui-up. m. ANo.S 8.20 ft inANe . ANo 8 5:00 : p. m. | KANSAS CITY BT JOSCrH tc COUNCIL 1ILUF1 B. A No.3 10:07amlA : No.3 8:20am : A No.4 10:25pmA | No 1 6:03Pm : A daily : B dally , etcent Saturday : O except Sunday ; D except Monday ; fait mail SPECIAL NOTICES COTJNOnj BLTJFF3. l-OR SALE AND B-HT. TTIOR KXCHANGK-Stock of general mer- -L ? clianillse , store and dvtclllug In a peed Ne- urasica rallrond town , stock valued at $ " > ,000. buildings nt * 1,000 ; will taHo J. ' , r > 00 In cash or coed secured paper and balance In farming land Inquire of Kerr a Uray WANTED A position on the road for a hardware or agrlctiltura llrm , or will work in store ; have had long laxperienco in either ; good reference glvon Address 1C 2 , Ilea otneo WHY pay rent when you can nuy a home for $ li per month and upwards Including Interest , of U. 11. Judd , IKW llroadway ? FOU SALE Aero lots in Orchard place This property is located In the Klco nursery , soucnot the main part ot the city , 1 Si mllea from court home Gee Metcalf , 1) Pearl St IJIOIt BALI ! at less than cash value on ' . monthly payments or terms to suit , or trad * for Omaha or Council UlulfB unimproved proderty : New 11-roora house , lot 57x110 , with all mod ern improvements , on ttih ave uetweon loth and 11th sts One block irom electric motor line nnd ono block from Manawa motor Hue Now 8-room Mouse adjoining the above , Throe now 8-1 oem houses on Lincoln ave two blocks , from olcctrlc motor line Tnonow 4-ruoin nouses four blocks from electric motor line on North 7th St One newd-room house four blocks from eleo- rlo motor line on North 7th. St f'Thr ee now f > and 6-room houses ono block rom clectrio motor Hue , comer Ave A and 13th at ltesldas the above 1 havehouses and lots In all parts of the city The above property la all my own nnd I will soil on tonus to suit for less than you can buy as good propmty nnd lniprovoltyoursolf for cash O. 11 Judd , two llroadway , Council lllnlls , la KKNTPHLB A n w eight-room house , nil modern Improvements , electric belis , hot wnter throughout house , centrally located Plrst class family can hava It for board of one person , lteferouccs exchanced , or will rent Jorca-di. Addrtss G. L , A.-llKK olllce NEW Improved real ostnto to trano for nnlra- proveu Omaha or Council llluirs property C. Jl Judd , 6011 llroadway ' thrco nouios on Lincoln and two on IHAVL' Sixth avenue for sale on terms to suit These nouses are now , modern Improved I will xell these houses S3 per ceut leas than yon can dupltcato the sums U. II , Judd , 000 llroad way BALK Oil i.VCIIANli-10 : : to 15 head ot horses Will take clear property , lmpiovod or unimproved , G. K. Metcalf Council llliilfa fiVMlSALnoilUENT-A Vi story 5 room i1 frame house , located on North loth a : . G , 1. . Metcalf , 101'oarl st "ITlOUSALKOllllENT-AgoodO Rtall btable , X1 18x24 , on lutn st , , between 2d and 3d avenues Q. II Metcalf 101'earl st , - WAN1KO Panns within 15 to 25 miles of Council llluirs to exchange for good Im proved or vacant pioperty Jn this city Kerr & Gray AHAHOAIN In 3 lota hi good location , 1 block from motor Kerr & Gray AB I am contemplating largo improvements In Council llluirs , 1 will sell houses and lots in mp'jlily payments or terms to suit be low their cash value for the next UJ days It costs nothing to Investigate , C. 11. Judd , Coo llroadway ; _ _ _ _ IJXIU KENT One seven-room house on rourth avenue ; one eight-room housa on Second end avenue , and ono eight-room house on Tenth street ; all fitted up with ull modern conven iences W , W. Ullger , Pearl street IlHOS.i CO loan money The moit ODKLL terms ottered 101 Pearl st InOIt BALK An otd and well established : drug store , established In ISU Cash r - quired , IW ) , balance real estate Address A 2 , iiee , council lliurrs _ IP you are looking for Invejtments that will net you handsomely In a short time , wo have them Write or call on Kerr A Gray , Council llluirs , lowoj have first class lmprorad city property WK good location that w will exchange for good Improved farm land In Ion a that Is clear Kerr & Gray , Council JtlutTs Garden land with boujsj , J by J , It Hlce lUiMalu st , , Council HlutM- bri'JR If you have real estate or enattels j ( iu v , ant to dispose ot quick , list them with Kerr & Oray Council mutts , la , have for e le some oTthe llnsht houses WE and lots In the city > Vo ran sell you a house and lot all the way from IKW to llJooo and some ot thorn are very riieupi well located and title clear W. A. Wood tc Co , Ml Main nt rr ACitK small fruit and vegetable farm lust t ) Inside city limits Ju spieudld condition Per sale at low price , term * to suit , W , A. Wood KtiAL rtSTATB liougnt and will and ex- e changed Spscial attention glvua to exam ination ot tltlos W. C. Jnmoj , .So U I'earl st A SPECIAL Ilitslnrtss Clmnco We havoon * [ of the llnt-st mill properties in the wear , 40 bbl rollt-r mill , nearly now , runs by steam or until . Owner ilangoroiMly HI , and mint soil at once and nt a sacrlilce Mill located near largo j city clo o to ralhoad A splundid pioporty , makln money Easy tonus W. A. Wood , KM 1 Main hi , O. ll 1 r • I H ACHE farm tirar liieclty In high state oT / , cultivation , nu&yteiuis , & ! > per aire , A ulff b&rgu' u W. A. Wood : , 440 ACHE farm near Hastings , Neb , well Ira , proved Cuu bo divided , ilood stocc fnim , I $ -0 ptr acre Tlio virv best or terms W. A. J Wood , Council limits , la 1JM1K SALE U ) acre farm In Jasper county , . Iowa , located near coit mines that are in opeintlon There Is a live foot vein ot coal under the farm Gee Metcalf , No 10 Pearl St tilt BALK Ml teet lake frontao lncntedoT ; ; tweeu C II bnnt house ami M.intwa botch Also ii number of choice lots In Hegatta place Gee , Metcalf , No 10 Pearl st A Itrppo'i-Loniliiitr Sunt- run loiH We have the largest llr.o ol guns and ammu nition In the city , and oiler you n finely finished double-barrel , breech loading steel shotgun for $ .1 as one Pom among our bargains Wo have the cneapest and best guns made | ' Why pay $11 fur n steve wlion > oucan pottho lied Cros ? , Perfect , Economical Heater for WJ ? j BHUGAltT A CO . J 11 Main Street J S. E. MAXON , Architect and Superintend nt , j Room 201 , Merrinm Block , , , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA { . council , isLurrs Omnibus , Carriage an i Transfer . rjxins { WM WELCH Proprietor , , The Finest Line of Lindnus , Coaches and tr llncks in the City Y t37 I have a now i atlu-ltnod carriage for prlv ate call It Is the most elogaut coach in the city bpeclal attention given to cotnmoiclat men anil theatrical troupe ! , llest facilities In the city for handling scenery • officer : 1 OUDF.N HOUSE , 016 SO MAIN ST , Telephone No m. Telephone No 03 UA HN Telephone No 2si ) . The only Hue authorireod to ansne tmnod in to Am Dlst Tel Co ' # j No.27 Main St , Over Jacquomln'3 J" . ' - A NEW STOVE ' Examine the New Jiodel Ilrllllant Oak Stoves , the latest triumph of the Rtovu makers genius It has aenst Iron Jacketed lire box opoulLg Into a hot air Hue , that runs from the bottom of tha sto\e lothotop passing through the Intense , heat ot the furnace It takes the cold air from the lloor and heats It by direct contact with Iho hottest pins of the htovo Why pay fto for a steve "henthis perfect hnttercan bo had for oii'y 521. It burns auj thing Only at Odell * Hiyaiit'8. M8 and MO BELL & BERLINGHOF , ARCHITECTS AND HUPEItlMKNDKNTS , Room 2 , lOpera House HlooU , Council Bluffs , I Iowa K liios OrricEii w , II M , Punr.r | OFFICER & PUSEY , | BANKERS Corner Main and llroadway , COUNCIIj IIIjUIWM , KJWA Dealers In foreign nnd domestic oxchanj * Collections made and Interest paid on time d - posits • THE FAMOUS . phiok liisr , ItEAn OAHUrUMr CMANOIill UAIIV Grauulatcd Sugar II pounds , . . , t 1.03 C'hnlco IJ , (1 , Jap Tea p-r pound , , , 3,0 Good HloCoffHPperpoiind , , . , 22o Host Itollcd Oats , per pound , , . . . , , J" California Hams per pound , , , , . , , . To OuaKer Oats per paccago , , 100 Goodi.autKlrySoap.il bars -Xo llest Laundry Soap , 0 bins > o Cider Vinegar , per gallon . . , , . , . . . . Ijjo Coal Oil per gallon 10a Good l'loiir , pei sack , J.00 Hestl'lour , per sack [ guarantfedl , , . , . . , . 1'40 j llemfcmuertho place No SJ llroadway , op posite Ogden House , Telrphe 1UI. k ' CIMIj C'OAU COAIj I propose to give consumers value for their ? money In Coal , and mull further notice my 1 prices are-all rail Authraettoi Grate und Egg , 1 111 ; No 4 and itauge , ( J W ) ; Chestnut , 'l.50. Also - , Host arades ot Illinois and lotvu Soft Coal I Kdlnburg , Illinois , lump , tl.uO ; Maplenood , t lump , Hi JCentervllle , Iohb lump , tu&l Wat- 1 nut illock lump , H.51 : WtUtebreait lump UM | ( WUItebreast nnt , 81 ; Pea tJ.MIi Steam , tt ) I Slack , 11,80. Terms cash with order or dellreroij I OO 0. WM , WIH.CH , 015 South Main street 8 ' leplionq W , _ t V , 3 , lSDiiu-NUgoM , ' B. U Biiuoaut , { Pros Vied Pr * . I , Ciias , it , IIannan , Cashier ( CITIZENS ' STATE BANK , I OrCOUNCtMlMWS i Paid up Capital , $180,000.00 t Surplus 33,000.00 Liability to Dopoaltora..339,000,00 niUKOToiis-l. a. illller , P. 0. Glessou , K. L. Bhugart , U. Ii Hart , J , 11. Kdundson , CUas 11. llannau 'Irausuct general banking business Largest capital uud surplus of any bauk ill NoUhweiUra lowu lateioitos time U po lt < >