Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1889, Image 1

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    \ The Omaha l ! Daily Bee I
! _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| B Why Roed'o Frlonda Are Puahlnff
H Him For tbo Bpoakorabtp
H X'rlvato CltUenn liivn Xn Voice In
H | lYdrral Appointments Unndnll
H Very Hick Vent on tlio
M Montnita Outlook
H Wasuinoton Humcav Trrn Ouuia Ben , |
mWm r.trt FoiniTrnsTii Stkebt , >
H WASIItXOTO * . D. 0. , Nov 21. )
H Mr Hoed toduy talked for publication
H nbaut himself and tlio speakership and how
_ _ i ho came to enter the race
H Ho said Hint nt first lie was not inclined to
H enter Into a scramble for tlio position of
B speaker , but that ho was approached by a
B largo number of republican members ot tlio
K house , who told lilm ho ought to ba a candl-
1 duto pro bono publico Naturally ho shrank
1 from such a contest , but having entered it ,
M on < l having met with opposition from dlrcc-
B tlons least expected , ho was spurred to win ,
B and ho Intended to do no if possible Ho
K mid lb at ho should consider his do-
H feat nt thts tlmo n reflection
m upon his capabilities although ho thought
H ho was just as competent now as ho was six
H months tigo when tils friends pushed him
B Into tlio contest Ho was given to uudcr-
H stand ho said that the unit rule had been up-
| piled In the New York dologntlon lust March
| and that ha would receive it solid , and also
M that the Pennsylvania delegation woula bo
H tendered him Ho was then , as now , ccti-
P B fldent thut ho would sccuia the fullsuppatt
| of the Now England delegations , but lie bad
B recently boon informed that the Now York
B B delegation was unwilling to bo governed by
B B the unit rule simply by n majority vote and
B B that a two-thirds vote was required
B In order to apply the unit rule
B Mr Ucoa said that no was willing that two
H thirds Bhould say whether the unit rule
| should apply , as ho was confident ho would
B ba the first choica of at least two-Uilros of
8 the Now York delegation Notwithstanding
H the disappointment ho has mot In Now York
B and Pennsylvania , Mr Heed Is confident to-
B night tbat ho will bo spoalter of the Fifty
H first congress The same conlldenco Is maln-
H tallied among the western members , who
B have agreed upon a ulan in caucus by which
H the west and south will bo agaiust the east
H crn
BBBJ viuit much divided
B The representatives from the new states
B nrn very much divided in their preferences
R for u speaker Mr Ctlffuid of South Dakota
1 will vote for Cannon while bis colleague ,
BBB Mr Picltler , is pronounced for McKinley
BBB lo North Dakota Hanbrough is.for Header
BBB son on tic , "r-t Fallot , but will vote for Mc-
H Kluloy when the break comes Carter of
Hl Montana announces that ho Is under obliga-
HHI tlons to vote for Mr Heed to begin with
B owing to the fact that he assisted him tnaterl-
H B ally in his canvass during the last campaign ,
H but will aftcrvvurds , on account of the
_ wool and silver questions , throw his vote to
H _ McKinley Mr Wilson of Washington is
B undecided , but will bo largely determined
B by the Until decision of Herman of Oregon ,
B who focls that he owes Mr Hoed a vote on
BBbI the llrst bnllot , but on the authority of
M Senator Mitchell , will vote lor Major McKin-
HH ] ley nftcrwaids
BBBJ Minnesota hold two caucuses today and
IBB1 will hold another tomorrow The discussion
BBBI ted 11 v was devoted to their homo candidate ,
BBB Air A. II Heed , for eergesnt-at-arms. It is
BBB understood that all of the delegation , with the
H _ _ exception of Llnd , are disposed to favor Mr
H _ _ McICInley owing to the pronounced newspa-
H per opinion that it would bo bettor 10 support
H _ _ a western candldatu against un easterner
H Mr Lind , however , is controlled largely by
H Knuto Nelson of Minnesota , who has low
BBBJ tariff vlows and is likely to vote for Hcudor-
H sou on thut account ,
B Another evidence was given todav of the
BBBl fact that the prcsldont and his cabinet cfll-
B cers intend to follow the recommendations
BBB ° f the republican congressmen In the np-
B polutmont of federal oniccrs for the con
BBBM Biosslonsl districts roprcsentod by rcpub-
BBBj Means instead of the advice of miscellaneous
BBBf mambcrs of the parly or delegations of
BBB pcoplo in private llfo
BBBJ Ono hundred nud ton prominent ropub-
H llcans headed by General E. King from
BBBJ lialtiiuoio came ever here today and called
H upon the postmaster general for the purpose
H of making a rccouimondation for the np-
BBb pointment of a postmaster at Baltimore
B After they had presented their candidate ,
BBm the postmaster gcnernl looked thodolcgatloa
B 1" the fttca and smiling inquired :
BBBJ Are thcro any uioro cltlzous left in Haiti
BBBJ " Yea , " repllod General King , there are a
BBBJ few women and children ever there "
PBJB Stoclcbrldgc , the uowly elected rcpro-
BB scntattvo of congress from Ualtlmoro , has ,
BflB rccominciiacdtlio appointment of another
H man than tha ono urged by this delegation
BBBJ Mr King told the postmaster goncrul thut
H tlioy understood the man recently elected to
B congress from llaltimnro was not authorized
BjBH to spook for the 000,100 patrons of tlio Haiti
BBBJ more oftlco in the solcctlon of a postmaster ,
BJfflJ and that tlicv desired to tuko issue with Mr
BJflB StocliDi-lilyro's recommendation
BBBJ Well , " said Mr Waaamaliur , you have
BJBB elected Mr Stockbrldgo to represent you in
B congiessnnd I shull tuko it for granted that
B you have , by his election , dosircd It to bo
BJflJM known that ho is your authorized ropresonta-
BJBJB tlvo , mid it is the policy hero to rccognlzo
BJJflJf the recommendations of republican congi ess-
BJBBJ nion in the selection of federal oniccrs in
BJBJB tholr districts "
BJBJfl The delegation loft the postofllco depart
BJflJBJ uient Impressed withUio fact that represeutn-
BjBJB tlvcs of congress who are hold responsible to
BJflJBJ their constituents for their recouimenda-
BJflJBJ tlons will bo given tha privilege ot naming
BJBJB the federal oniccrs In their district , and that
B Interference on tbo part ot private citizens ,
BJBJB even thouirh they were parties to the olcc-
BJjBB tlon of their represoututlvo In congress , will
BJBJB Dot avail much '
H At the Bt , Louis worlds fair headquarters
BJBJB * couple of days ago Senator Vast , of Mis-
BJBJB sou ; ) , said eomcthlng bearing upon the Mon
BBBJ tana contest Ho was trying to Impress upon
BBBJ the managers ot the St Louis boom for the
BBBJ worlds fair the necessity ot bringing on
BBBJ protmnout republicans to work for votes , and
BJBB to Ulustrato the Importance of It ho spoke of
H the situation la Montana , ot the fact that
BJBJJ thn courts and state odlcois , with
BJBJB . tlio exception of the governor were ropub-
BJBJB llcans Republicans , ho said , usually sym
BJBJfl pathizo with republicans A republican
BBBM court would utmost Invariably llnd reasons
BJBBJ for favoriug n republican contest The
BJBJfl democrats would do the Bumo tiling It was
BBBJ ] only naturul , Now " said he , "I would bo
BJBJfl willing to bet a (1,000 from w hat X know oi
BJjBB the condition ot things In Montana , that two
BJBBJ rcpuollcan senators will como from the
BJBJB Btuto " Tbo remark Is the moro slgnltirant
BJBJB 1rom the fact that Senator Vest sucnt moro
BJBJB than half of the summer In Montana , being
BJBJB ll' ° 'ucsl ° f ex-Govceaor Howscr , who is
BJBJB "ow ° "u ot ll' ' ° Prou'iuent candidates for the
BJBJB1 United States senate 'lho Missouri senator
BJBJB is thoroughly coavorsaat witb tha Moutaun
BJBJBJ Very little has been heard recently con
BJBBJ . corning the condition of Congressman Hun
BJBJB dall , but todav his ion stated to a correspond
BJBBJ cnt that Mr ltuudall has not been ubla to
BJBJB leave his bed for over n mouth , Ho added
BJBJB tlmt 1la , fathi'i * was very sick , indeed , uud
BJBJB thcro Is not the slightest probability that ho
BJBJB will buublo to attend tlio opening session ot
BJBJB the house unci that , iu fact , the fumlly enter
BJBJB talus grave feura that It will bo Impossible
BJBJB for hm l0 lali0 Dart ' " lu0 deliberations ot
BJBJfl tha session at all ' 1 ho young man admlttod
BJJBJF that efforts have been made to keep from
BJBJJ ] the publia tha true condition ot the former
BJBB leader of the democracy , but tlicso efforts
are now useless Ho savs that his fathers
condition is so sorlous that it would bo Im
possible to cover It succossiuliy
t.A-sn omen DECISION * .
Land Commissioner Groft today reversed
the decision of the local olllcors ut Chadron
In thn timber culture ontrlcs case nf Amanda
K. Moore covering the northeast } ( of section
83 , township Dl , rnngt id , whlcn was con
tested by Alfred Johnson The focal ofllcors
hold the entry for cancellation on the ground
thut the claimant did not cultlvato or causa
to bo cultivated the third year after making
the entry the ( lvo acres broiton the second
year after entry ,
The'commissioner , In rovorsitig the decis
ion of the local olllcors and deciding in favor
of Moore , the claimant , says that notice of
contest was not properly Hied , and It appears
that proper procedure was not followed
The commissioner nfllrmi the decision of
the local nfliccra nt Chadron In the case nf
Mary G. Putcrs vs Albion C. Jones , Involv
ing timber culture entry for the northeast
\i of section 34 , in township 33 north , range
• 10 west , and dismisses the contest The
commissioner says that there is no testimony
in this case to Bhow that the claim is being
held for speculation , ns alleged , and thut
theio are defects In the service which
notifies tlio contnstco of the dcslro of the
contestant to contest the entry
Secrotnry Tracy this afternoon tele
graphed Acting Roar Admiral Walker of the
Hiundron | Uf evolution now at Boston to re
port Immediately at Washington The offi
cials of the navy und state departments re
fuse to make puollo the reasons for this un
expected order , but It Is Intimated that In
formation has been received of such a nnturo
as to warrant the prcsonco of cur Qcot In
Brazilian waters witbout delay
Nebraska Heaver Cits' , Furnas county ,
W. T. Agor , vice J. I. NlcKoison , removed ;
ItiMicdlct , York countv , Jo'hi ' Lett , vleo II
U Hrndhnin , removed ; Champion , Chasa
county , ,1. Keen Matthews , vict It A. Ewlng ,
icsigned ; Hustls , Frontier county , F. C.
Schroeder , vice T. O. Platnur , roslenod ;
Lashton , York county , Samuel Stockton ,
vice Kdwnrd Moore , resigned
Iowa Victor , Iowa county , D. S. Kcer ,
vice V. H. Connolly , removed
South Dakota Grace , Cnmpboll
county , II H. Parrott , vice U. J. Wiliard ,
resigned ; Lake Preston , Kingsbury couuty ,
L. J. Hates , vice A. Froomun , removed
Captain A. P. Cunningham of Now York
Is the last to announce himself n candidate
for the doorkeepership for the house of rep
resentatives Captain Cunningham has dona
vnlunblo work for tha republican pjrty uud
Is welt leuown In Nebraska and Iowa , where
ho rendered telling services for the republi
can party
'J ho following order was issued by the
war department today The superintendent
of the recrultlnir service will cnuso thirty
recruits to bo assigned to the Twenty-first
Infantry and forwarded , under proper
charge , to such point or points in the depart
ment of the Platte as the commanding gen
eral of the department shall designate After
arrival in that department tlio recruits will
bo distributed as equitably as practicable
among the companies of the regiment
Senator Potllgrow of Soutti Dakota , has
leased the handsome double house of Mr W.
B. Dodge , on the corner of H and First
streets , for n period of two years Mr Pet
tlgrow is having it handsomely refurnished
and decorated , and will bring his wife and
two boys to tbo city without delay
Whllo the members of the house are busy
canvassing the speakership situation the
senators present are busy preparing legis
lation Tbcra will bo a Hoo.1 of bills Intro
duced on Monday and both the Nebraska
senators will bo to the front when the gravel
falls , endeavoring to catch tbo eye of the
vice president Senator Mandcrson is still
in Now York When called upon this even
ing and questioned as to what bills ho was
preparing henutor Paddock said :
"I shall reIntroduce llrst , my bill pro
viding for a po3totllco building in all the
larger towns nud cities It will bn sub
stantially the same measure ns the ono intro
duced iu the Fiftieth congiess with a modi
fication us to details I have also prepared
a bill dealing with the subject of Indiun
dcDroclatlons which I hope will meet the
views of both houses I have also drafted a
bill to crcato too additional land districts In
Nebraska in the northwestern part of the
state , In addition I have a number of private
bills which I shall present "
Major Clarksou who has been spending a
dny in tbo city on route from Boston , where
ho attended the meeting to make arrange
ments for the next annual encampment of
tha Grand Army of the Republic , loft tonight
for Omaha
Congicssman Laws was a visitor today at
the Capitol , after which ho spout , some time
nt the postofllco department and gcnornl
land ofllees , Senator Paddock Introducing
him to the various government officials
Penuv S. Heath
Action Taken by Bitclicllsr to Ac-
quiru Titlu to It
Washington , Nov 25. Acting Secretary
Uatelioller took notion today looking to tbo
acquirement of the propperty at Omaha ,
Neb , recently condemned for use ns a Blto
for the proposed federal building The value
ot the property condemned is $133,903 or
$33,903 In excess of the appropriation
Several citizens of Omaha furnished a guar
anty bond of ? 50,000 to pay all necessary ex
penses In excess ot the appropriation The
attorney general recently gave un opinion
thut It wus competent for private individuals
to do this , and the acting secretary of the
treasury today requested the United States
attorney for the district of Nebraska to bo
instructed to take such action as may bo nec
essary to sccuro the payment of the damage
nnd oxpenscs In p\coas of the appropriation ,
aggregating $15,000.
A Discussion Over tlio Credentials of
tlin Itrnr.lllnil OrlecniPH
Wasiiinotok , Nov 25. The International
American congrcr.s today took up the ques
tion of the credentials of the Brazilian dele
fatea Delegate Nln , of Uruguay , wished to
know whether thecrcdenlialscmanatad from
the imperial or the republican government ,
but Senor Hurtada , ot Colombia , inovod the
adoption of the report , dosirlng to cut off any
investigation into what was now going on In
Brazil Niu insisted on knowing whether
the delegates represented the emplro or tbo
republic , and the Brazilians roplle.1 :
"Wo uro representing the government of
Uruzil "
Wltnout further objection the report was
adopted and the dolcgutcs seated F , G.
Piorn , a representative of the Spaulnh-Amor-
lean ( Jommorclal union from Now York , and
H. Homscm Whltehouso , secretary 61 the
Unltod Stutes legation at New Moxlco , were
suloctcd as secretaries Mr Whltehouso
will roach the city In a fotv days
Postofllco Departments
Washington , Nov 25. The assistant at
torney general for the postofllco department ,
Tynor , In his annual report recommends
among otbor things u radical chaugo in the
law concerning ohscono papers and publica
tions , so as to bring all Indecent publications
found in the mails , wliotlicr published or
pretended to bo published in the interest of
science or not , within the scopa ot thq law
The annual reportof Superintendent Mo-
Donald of the money order department
shows the gross total revenues to bo S7S7-
bOt , There rmnalns a not loss for the fiscal
year of $3,12J , so the uy tcm was nearly self
sustaining The report stiows a falling oft of
$33,203 in the postal uotos Issued during the
year as compared with the year before
A Ormncratiu Caucus
WAsniNaTOK , Nov , 23 , The dcraocratlo
congressmen have decided to hold a caucus
to nominate house officers Friday night ,
Itislion Nmvin-vn Dspnrls ,
St , Louts , Mo „ Nov , 25. [ Spoctal Telegram -
gram to Tub Dkk ] Bishop Newman has
loft tbo city
A Froipcht Enalno Gees Through an
Illinois Oontral Bridge
BntI fate of n Yoiiui ; Man Who Wns
Cursed With n llonrtlosi I'ntlior
SnitH Against Three Intra
Jlontl3 Coniincnacil
, Went Tliroiisli n. Hrlileo
WA.TEitr.oo , la , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub 73nrc. ] A fearful accident oc
curred on the Illinois Central railroad near
AplliiRton , t'tlrty ' miles west ot Wutorloo ,
last nlgtit A wild freight train coming
cast , consisting ot thlrty-llvo loaded curs
drawn by two mogul cnclncs , wont tbrougu
n brldgo over a ravine The brldgo was
being repaired , but for some reason the
danger signal had not been displayed far
enough from the brldgo to admit of stopping
the train Tno llrst onglno wont over the
brldgo safely , but the second onglno nud
fifteen loailod cars went through The
debris was piled up higher than the tclo-
gruph poles and under It lay the engineer
uud llrcmun of the second engine , their lives
crushed out nnd tholr bodies mangled iu a
terrible manner
The killed were Englnoor Arthur Dubois
nt Wntorloo , body torn fearfully and heart
nnd other organs found In the dobrls sepa
rate from his body
Flroninu Joun Clary of Waterloo , badly
mangled nud cnllro abdominal cavity badly
torn up
The Injured were :
Engineer W. II Ilubol ot Wntorloo , who
wus on the head engine , bad scalp wound
Br.ikcmun Hobert Fco of Musonvlllo ,
thrown from the top of the cars and badly
Fireman McStay of the head onglno es
caped uninjured and n tramp who was steal
ing a rldo iu a car of grulu was only slightly
The accident happened at 5:20 : p. m. , but It
was nearly midnight before the bodies were
readied , so much dooris wus piled upon
them When taken out Dubjls' urm was
found to have been cooked by oscaplng
Engineer Dubois leaves a wlfo nnd two
small children who llvo In this cltv Tno
funoruls will bo held Jointly Wodnesdnv In
charge of the brotherhoods of engineers and
Di 1 von rn n. SuumIo's Death
Muscatixe , la , Nov 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Bee ] Albert Schumpf , a
young man aged twenty , who had boon
driven from homo by his father , a year ago
committed suicide either Saturday evening
or Sunday morning , and was found noau on
Burnett's island , just above the city Ho
had suicided by shooting himself tn the fore
head with a rcvolvor , which was held in his
right hand when found
It is charged that his father is in the habit
of cetting drunk and has abused the boy
shamefully Ho has attompted.spvcral times
to garnishee his wages , but fallod Ho has
followed up his persecution of the boy und
so discouraged lilm that death was a welcome
rollof , so he took his own llfo The body
was brought to the city for Interment The
corouor is holding un inquest today
After Iowa's It illronds
Des Moiscs , la , Nov 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bee.J The attorney general
has been ordered to begin three important
The finals against tbo Hock Island road
for refusal to make a through billing of
frolght over connecting lines Tbo railroad
commissioners ordered this to bo done but
the company holds that it would bo imprac
ticable and flatly refuses to do so
The second is against the Burlington ,
Cedar Rapids & Northern road for running
a froicht car attuched to a passenger train
for through freight from Chicago to Iowa
It Is alleged by Iowa complainants that this
car gives Chicago competitors an unfair nd-
vantugo over them , and the commissioners
ordered the road to plvo all shippers the
sumo chance , which bus not been done
Tbo third i3 against the Milwaukee road
for failure to comply with the commission
ers oracrs covering switching charges at
Dubuque The company holds that it can
not be compelled to sliuro its terminal facil
ities with competing roads , especially on
interstate shipments
Tbo attornov general will begin all of tboso
suits at ouco , and under tbo Iowa stututos ,
tlio court can give them precedence over
other business
Much Ado Aleut Nothing
Des Moines , la , Nov 25. | Spflcial Tele
gram to Tub Bee I The ( lomocrats pretend
to have discovered that ouo of the rcpub-
lican'members-oloct to tno next legislature
Is Ineligible If true this would break the
tlo and muko the house democratic
The raombor In c/iestl on is John Law of
Wiunobago county , it is charged that ho
has never been naturalized and is not a
citizen of the United Stale * . Tbo facts uro ,
us nearly as can bo learned , tbnt ho wus
brought to this country when a small boy
from Scotlaad His father in duu time wus
naturalized and voted regularly till bis death ,
a faw voars ago The son therefore acquit ed
citizenship through his father and did not
need a special naturalization It is bollovca
thut the democrats uro raising this question
simply to offset the charge of ineligibility
that has boon raised against tbo domoeratio
momber-elect from Iowo City Law will bo
souted In all probability , ovea without a con
test _ _ _ _ _
KHiglon Drove film Crazy
Buhi.ixoton\ , Nov 25. | Special Tele
gram to The Bee.J A sad case of rollgious
insanity has occurred in this city A young
mnn named Arthur Boolor , rather bright
and intelligent , was nmong numerous con
verts at a recent religious rovlvnl in this
city , held by u Mrs Robinson So infatnatod
did ho become In the progress ot the meet
ings that ho negleotod bis work and went
about from house to house praying and sing
ing Ho claimed to Have wonderful visions
ot heaven , and uiessugos from Cod Ills in
sanity became critically violent at church
yesterday when ho created consternation by
wildly rushing to the pulpit and haranguing
the pcoplo Ho was adjudged insaao today
and tnkoa to the asylum at Mount Pleasant
A ItmlroaU Mans limit Drunlr
Foot Dodge , la , Nov 25 | Special Tola-
grain to Tub Beb.1 John Kearns , au em
ploye of the Hock Island road , was run over
In the Illinois Central yards here early this
morning and killed Kearns was known to
bo drinking bard last evening and wandered
down to the yards iu an intoxicated condi
tion Bath foot were cut oft and his body
badly mangled , Ho lived but a few mo
ments Ho was thirty years old
Cnlllnii tlio Witnesss
HtmuMiTON , la , Nov 25. | Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Bie : ] Tbo witnesses In the
case of the state vs Dr W. F. S. Murdy ,
charged witli the shooting of Silas Typton
on October 8 , were summoned today at
Moulton , la The shooting occur rod ut Typ-
tons meat shop in Moulton , uud uroso from
Typton's refusal to sell Murdy meat on
Arrested For Murd ir ,
BunttXQTox , la , Nov 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Hee ] Charles Lee , the boy
who claimed on the witness stand to have
seen Mouko , the supposed suicide , the Sun
day of his death , has boon arrested , charged
with the murder ,
Bond OITcrlnm ) .
WAsnixaToxNov 25. [ Special Telegram
to Tub Bee.J Bonds offeredi $200,000at
$1.2741,000 ; ut f 1.05 } { .
Tlio Subject of Much Comment in
Cntctoo , Nov 25. [ Sps'cltl Telegram to
Thb Bee ] Tbo report frdm "Mlssourl alleg
ing that tha secretary ot state would today
revoke over ono thousand charters of
corporations which hara refused to mnko
nnidavtts to tbo effect of their non-connoe-
tlon with any trust , cqiubtno orpool , wns the
subjoctof much comment in Chicago today
Among the charters which It was said
would ua revolted wora those Of the Amor *
leun Packing company , tbij Associated Press
and the Crnno Elevator company
William Henry Smith , general manager of
the Associated press said : "Wohavo paid
no attention to tha Missouri law relating to
trusts because by no str.-ich of the Imagina
tion could the Associated press bo classed
with the corporations which tbo law was de
signed to reach The A'aoelatod press is a
co-opcrntlvo organization , hot n corporation ,
and is not engaged in tha business of money
getting It Is managed for the newspapers
of the country nud can not in nny
way effect the wages i or the business
of the people It has on the contrary served
their Interests by giving them newspapers
for 1 cent "
Phillip D. Armour saldt The dispatch
does not worry mo In the least It Is true
wo have been doing business in Missouri
and wo will keep right on doing business ,
too I will assure you ofthat The Armour
lucking company was never nn Incorpointod
company in Missouri nndvl do not see how
the secretary of state can revoke Its charter
or stop us from doing buslnoss in Missouri "
Will Itcst-tt the fi-uv.
, St Louis , Mo , Nov 25. The St Louis
stamping company Is among the list ot cor
porations whoso charters have been for
feited which will resist the law They have
notlllod the secretary of state that they are
working under patents granted by the United
States ; that some of tholr stockholders llvo
In other states ; tbat the Missouri law con
templates the abrogationlof Interstate cotn-
merco rights nnd that they propose as spepd-
lly ns posslblo to bring tha secretary hoforo
the federal court to definitely determine the
power of the state in the promises
In nn interview today Secrotnry of State
Lcscur Bald the charters of these corpora
tions had been revolted which have not affi
davits of non-connection with trusts , pools ,
etc In regard to the lead , sugar , linseed
and other aliened trusts ha said those cor
porations Died nflldavits that they are not
connected with trusts , etc , consequently ho
had no authority to go behind their uflldavits
in the absence ot proof that they are not cor
rect Any Informations regarding violations
of the law will bo furuishqd to thu prosecut
ing uttqrncys Foreign , ( corporations who
have not compiled with the law will rccclvo
thirty days notlco i
Hnrdy Soliall l'loail < Guilty and GctH
Two Years
Chicago , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram to
The Bee.J Hardy Schall the absconding
cashier of the Chicago & Northwestern rail
road company , gave himself up to the author
ities , pleaded guilty to the ehirgo of em
bezzlement and was sentenced to two years
in the penitentiary by Judge Bennett within
ono short hour tills morning
On January 4 , 18s9 , Schall loft Chicago
for parts unknown , taking 810,000 of the
roads money and ? . ? ,0U0 $ .lrom the Clerks
aad Mechanics Building and Investment as
sociationof which nohad been made trcasuer
The affair created qtiitoi a sensation at the
time , as the young man yas handsome , ac
complished , and a leader , , in social circles
Whoa Schall appeared in court this morning
In company witil his cousin and un undo , a
great change was uotieeaola in the young
mans appearance He had evidoutly Buffered
severely from roinorso , and in his own words
ho could stand it no longer On account of
his voluntary surrender the court made tha
sentence light
Nearly AU tlio Dclugatcn lo the St
Louis Convention on Hand
St Louis , Mo , Nov 25. rSpoeial Telegram
gram to The Bnc.J Nearly all the dele
gates to tbo silver convention are In the city ,
and a flno looking body of mon they are , too
Among the notables arc Hoary W.itterson of
the Louisville Courier-Journal , Judge G. G.
Syinmes of Denver , Jydgo Kerr ot Central
City , Fraok M. Pixloy , editor of the San
Francisco Argonaut ; J. C Martin , city edi
tor of the Denver News ; D. F. Dav , editor
of the Ourny Solid Muldoon ; Ivan C.
Mlclinclstatistician of tho'Uuliod States son
ate committee on mines and mining , and
others An important conteronco was hold
this aveniug iu the parlors of the Southern
L. M. Humsov of this city will probably bo
chosen temporary chairman of the conven
tion tomorrow The west and northwest will
undoubtedly run this town for a day or two
The Nebraska delegation arrived tonight
A Salvation Army Musloimi Pays
Dpnrly Kor thn Knowledge
Chicago , Nov 35. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Bee.1 The appelate court at Spring
Hold bus rendered a doclsiou of interest to
all cities and towns garrisoned by tbo Sal
vation army
Tha Salvation araiy of Bloomlngton was
ordered by the city authorities to desist
from pounding a bass drum on tholr nightly
parades of the strcots ' They persisted In
using the drum , and Mrs Wiishburno , the
druminor , was arrested and fined She took
un appeal to the circuit court and there also
was flued Then she sued Mayor Mason for
$1,500 dntnagos and the Jury guvo her $500.
A now trial was granted and finally the
damage case wus dropped Meanwhile Mim
Washburno nppoaled thq line case to the ap-
polato court , which has'nnlrmod the Judg
ment of the lower courts und docldod that
Mrs Washburno must pay the line und costs ,
which amount to nearly (500.
A Disastrous Fire ,
St , Louis , Nov , 23. Ayspeolal from Ed
wardsvlllo , 111 , , says a disastrous conflagration
tion oceurrod there at "in ; pearly hour this
morning.oatalling a Iocs' ' of $300,000. The flro
started in the warehouio .of Keller Brothers
and almost simultaneously ( lames were soon
issuing from an elovatoe building adjacent
Whru discovered the tire bad gained consid
erable hoauway and a mil ) wus also on lire
before the llio department reached the
scene , Major Glass telegraphed to St
Louis for aid and Chief'Lindsay sent an engine -
gino , but the mill prfiberty was doomed
When tbo elevator folj ltcommunicated the
flames to several stores and residences and
for a time It looked as though the business
portion of the town vrttt doooiod , but the
llromen finally succeeded iu checking the
Haines \ 1
Killoil lwj Mii
Salt Lake , Nov , -ftBaturday evening at
Mantl , San Pete county ; in a dlsputo over a
game of | kjo1 , Parhra McFarlaqe shot and
killed F. G. Hanson of Kansas City nud W.
G. Gelding of Salt Tiuko Hansen lived
about ua hour after tto | shootibg , nnd Gold
mg died this morning , fli'hcy both belong tea
a HIo Grundo surveyingjnarty A posse is
out hunting for the murderer
Hunted ay a juob
Whitchall , Wis , Nov 25 , A report
reached hero tonight that In the town of
Prestou , Boven miles frqro here , Hans Jaor.b
Olscn was taken out byla mob of men this
morning and hangpdtfq a IrCo It is not
known dollnltoly what to ] liad done , but it U
rumored that ha coti.mlttcd an uuoclous
murder > r *
A Patu | lipimlon |
Hououtox , Mich , Nov 25. An explosion
in the Huron mines tliA evening killed two
Finish mmers >
A Crazy Woman tit Bnrnoston Trloa
to Burn the Villngo
Cnpturi : of tlio Jlnkotn City Muln
lhlrf Nebraska City Colored
McthmlintH iCnisiiRO Iu
a How
, A ltnnecrous Iiitnntio
HntTitiCB , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tub Hee.I Mrs llaker , an tnsnno
woman who was sent to the nsylum at
Lincoln Saturday by direction of tno Gngo
county Insanity commissioners , managed to
got back to Harncston yesterday and Inst
night made an heroic effort to burn that
village She succeeded In setting Uro to
three dwoitlrg houses and the llamos were
only subdued after hard work She was
finally rearrested nud will bo held In custody
until her Incendiary inclinations uro sup
Itun In Debt nnd Hisnripnnrcd
GinoNob , Nov 25. [ Special lo Tun
Beb.J Will Sllttmnn , n router , who resided
nbuutono tnlio southeast ot this place , Is
missing , with bis family and all ot bis ef
fects Sllttman came here from Illinois
about two a ears ago , and lias been considered
an honest , industrious mnn But ho has ap
parently run in debt all that ho could ill the
meantime , nnd after gathering and selling u
lnrgo crop of corn , picked up nnd sitlpped
between twoihi\s , leaving debts amounting
to ut least $1,000 , und It Is estimated as blgh
as $1,000.
'llioresidence ot John Killum , ono inllo
east of this ulacc , wns destroyed by ilro Sun
day tnoinlng Scarcely anything wus saved ,
the fumlly barely escaping with their lives
Attacked by a Moum.iin Mon
GlitltT , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram
to The Beb.J W. H , Halno3 , a farmer liv
ing iwelvo miles southeast of Grant , was
attacked lust night by a mountain lion
Haines was afoot and unarmed save a short
board with a nail thiough It for holding a
can of oil , which ho was carrying over his
sboulaer Haines finally escaped by getting
into a sod house and barricading the en
trance Ho was not very scvoroly injured
by the ferocious animal , which ho describes
ns a particularly largo ono , measuring fully
eleven feet
Ord's NewUnptist Church
Oitu , Neb , Nav 25. [ Special to The
Bke ] The dedication of the Baptist church
tool : place yesterday Rev II C. Woods ,
D.D , of Lincoln , preached the dedicatory
sermon , and was assisted in the services by
thu pastor ot the church and the pastors ot
tha M. 13. and Presbyterian churches The
Baptists , though few In number , have shown
a great deal of energy In the work and have
built a church costing $2,500 , , which Is en
tirely frco from debt
A Cuntsteil lOlcciIon
IIeuuok , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special to Tne
Bee.1 A. D. Werner , democratic caudiuato
for county treasurer at our late election , bus
illod a petition m tbo couuty court to contest
the election of John Nigbttngalo , who re
ceived a majority of four votes for the oftlco
of county treasurer The petition alleges
illegal voting in several prcrincts , and mil
conduct on the part ot the election board The
result Will ho looked for with interest
Captured a .MilIn Thief
Dakota Citv , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special
Telegram to The Bei : . ] Sheriff Brassflold
caught the man today who stoto the inula at
this place oao week ago The man when
taken was working In a cornfield about eight
miles from Iroton , In The thief is an en
tire stranger here nnd no tnotivo can bo
assigned to the theft , as ho did not dispose
ot the mule , neither did ho rldo It , but
walked und led it
Driven front I It ) in P.
NEiutAMKA City , Neb , , Nov , 25. [ Special
Telegram to The Bi-e. | Mrs , John Dotsou ,
wlfo ot a saloon keeper , with two small
children , appealed for aid to the county com
missioners , ns her husband had kicked her
from the house nnd she was about to bo con
flaed The commissioners put her off , and
she would have spent the night on the streets
but for a ludy , who found and provided for
her _
Who Is Clinrlos ISdison ?
Platthmoutii , Neb , Ndv 25 [ Special
Telegram to The Bee ] Last Thursduy a
farmer named Sampson , living about four
miles south of this city , was engaged in haul
ing some wood from oft a sand bar in the
Missouri river when his attention was at
tracted by a bottle which was burled about
one-half in the sand Through moro curios
ity ho picked It up and found It tightly
corked Homovlng the cork ho found four
leaves of a pocket notebook pinned together ,
upon which was written as follows :
Omaha , Neb „ April 4 , 1683. I am tired of
living nny more , nnd 1 have como to the con
clusion * that I shall commit suicide If anv-
ono iinds this bottle , ulc.iso give it to someone
ono that Knew mo My name is Charles Ed
ison I have failed in everything I have
tried to accomplish , I Itvo on Seventh and
Maroy streets I am twenty years old and
now about to end my llfo Plcaso give It to
my folks , They are In good circumstances
and will reward you for the discovery of
this small message I die now I wish you
good fortune If you will take
this , .It is now about 5 o'clock
Wednesday night Howard to all , Iforgivo
everyone but myself Pleuso remember
what I said I hope I will meet you in
heaven , tor I think X descrvo nothing This
Is all I have to suy C , Edison
P. S. Do this please
Tbo paper upon which the letter was
wrlttca was damp , but after careful drying
the writing was legible The bottle evi
dently was washed onto the sand bar during
tbo high water in the spring of 1SS8 , where
it remained , as thcro hns been no Inch
waters since that tlmo to dislodge it As far
ns can bo learned no ono in this city knew
Edison , and If ho committed suicide by
drowning , bis body must have been found at
some point furtbor down the river or Is still
In its watery grave , for no unidentified
floaters have been found here since that
Lincoln Countv District Court
Noutu Platte , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special
to The Bee , ] Judge Humor adjourned court
late Saturday evening During the two
weeks sitting about twonty-llvo civil and
two criminal cases were disposed of Gcorgo
Martin goes to tbo poti ono year for burglary
from a car , and Jacob Shields ono year for
oblaluing money frum the First National
bank under false pretenses In the ease of
William Bcatty , late section foreman at
Brady Island , vs the Union Pacific lnllroad ,
tbo jury gave Judgment for $030 lor cattle
killed on the tracK smco 1685. Defendant
appealed The case ot Ilettio Graves vs
the ucnool district ot North Platte
has attracted considerable attention from
the fact that It is au outcome
of a factional light which has been going on
in the nchool board for the last year or two
Miss Graves , whoso homo Is in Council
Bluffs , taught iu thn schools here several
ycais previous to lba8 , giving uuivmtul sat
isfaction In that year the board re
employed iu her old position , but after
about a months service they directnil her to
laavo that department und nssuiuo charge of
another , which she declined to do , giving as
a reason that she had not prepured horselt
for thut department , which was a higlior
grade , Tbo board majority told her it was
that or nothing , nnd this suit is the result
Miss Graves recovered Judgment for $ W0 ,
the full years salary
Smothered in n Pcuullnr Manner
CotUMiifB Neb , Nov 23. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun Br.E.l Mrs Sophia Cnstolindn ,
who lives on the bottoms In tha southern
part ot the city , was suffocated to death last
night It appears that she and her husband
John were sleeping In a small bedroom ,
newly plastered , with n flro burning In the
stove , limy were both overcome by the
vapor from tno walls of tha room , the doors
nnd windows holng closed , nnd she was
found nnd ho unconscious when the
uoighbors came to the house this morning ,
The woman was twonty-llvo years of aire ,
married about three years and loaves no
DiMliontod it NpW Mouse of Worship
WtstPoixt Neb , Nov 25. | Speclal to
Tub Bee ] The English Lutheran Church
sociotv dedicated tholr now house of wor
ship yesterday with npproprlato nnd luipros-
slve ceremonies Hov Dr Ktilins of Omaha ,
preached the dodloatory sermon The
Lutheran sooloty here is In a nourishing con
dition under the very ublo pustoruto of Hov
L , L. Llpo
JFntnllv fnlured While linoxlcntrd
Alliance , Neb , , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tnu Bee.J Elinctt Jumcs , part
owner of a lumbar yard at ilemlugford and
of n ranch northeast of here , stnrtcd for the
latter place a few davs ngo in an intoxicated
condition and fell from the wagon , sustain
ing injuries from which ho died yesterday
A Suit l-or lilliel
Oitn , Neb , Nov 25. fSpedat Telegram to
Tun Pee.J W. W. Haskul , editor ot tlio Ord
Quiz , was sued today for 510,000 by Dr L.
E. Crane for libel The Quiz published nn
artlclo reflecting on the 111 treatment of his
Invalid wlfo by u professional man , which
Crane construed to refer to himself ,
Palled to Hire n Hull
Qbuuicr Neb , Nov 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Di.u.l A bevy of Omaha and
Denver pugilists were In the city today with
n view to giving a pugilistic entertnlnmcnt
hero this wcok They were utiuhlo to pro
cure a hall and consequently abandoned the
I.oolclne : l'or ' btolon Ilnrnrsfi
Beatiiici' . Neb , Nov 25. | Spcclal Telegram
gram to Tun Bee.J L. E. Denny , living
nine miles from thaclty was in town today
hunting for some trace of a quiiutity of har
ness that was stolen from his premises sov-
cral days ago He could Had no clue
How Amnni ; Colored Methodists
Neiihaska Citv , Neb , Nov 25. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee ] The colored Metho
dists of this env held another interesting
meeting lust night , iu which dlrx-knlvcs
figured , and today adjourned to police court
Adjuucrd Insniie
HEtTniCB , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special Telegram
gram to The Bee.1 Alno Gcrdos of Cert
land was ndjtulgcd insane hero today bv the
board of insanity commissioners , nnd was
ordered sent to the usylum at Lincoln
Cleric or O in nil an nnd Wlnnrhngos
Dakota City , Neb , Nov 25. [ Special
Telegram to Tins Hue J Charles P. Mathew
Boii of this place lecolvcd the appointment as
clerk ot the Winnebago and Omaha agencies
The M. K. * : T. ItoUbcrs Did Their
Work Very Thoroughly
KiNS s City , Mo , Nov 25. The men
who robbed tbo St Louis express on the
Missouri , Kansas & Texas road last night
have not been apprehended
The robbers displayed grew coolness and
went about their work in such a manner as
to convince tbo truinmon that they were pro
fessionals The robbers , who were two in
number , concaalod themselves in a clump of
bushes near the water tank on Pryor
creek and when the train stopped for water
they boarded the engine Ono of the rob
bers took euro of the engineer anil firemnn
whllo the otbor uncoupled the exnress car
from the romaladcrof the train Tbo signal
was then given and the engineer compelled
to pull about a milo and n half away
In the meantime the robber in the
express car bad compelled the mes
senger to plvo up the contents of the safe
which ho put in n Back ' 1 ho robbers then
stopped the englno and escaped in tbo dark
ness No attempt was made to pursue the
road agents nnd the engineer ran back and
picked up his train and pursued his trip
The loss will full on the Pacillc company It
is thought the robbers are the same ones
who tried to rob the Sauta Fo train there
last week
Express Messenger Johnson sajs in his
account of the i obbcry that there were llvo
robbers nnd that one of the robbers com
pelled him to open the company's saTo at the
point of a pistol One thousand dollars was
all that was secured , as hosccictcd tno ether
valuable uackages Johnson , accompanied
by express company , loft for St ,
Louis this afternoon Ho is practically under
Mrs Snuthworth nnd Her Mother
Ac ; oi on that Point ,
New Yokk , Nov 25. | Special Telegram
to The Bee ] This afternoon the mother of
Mrs Southworth who killed Stephen Pot
tus , mrlvod at tbo Tombs She Is a line
looking old ludy ot about sixty years ot
ago with snow whlto balr which formed a
striking contras t witn the sombro black of
Hanna did right ; the scoundrel got what
ho deserved , " wore her first words ns she
greeted bor daughters counsel on entering
his onico
Mis Martin went ever to the Tombs with
her son nnd wus admitted to her daughters
cell ulouo She refused to talk with the
reporters who were present when she went
In Xka.meeting of the mothorand daughter
wns most affecting When her mother
entered the litllo cell Mrs Southworth at
once recognized her and jumping up from
her cot with un oxolamation of joy throw
her arms about the old lady's neck una burst
into sobbing Mamma , I killed him , and I
am not a bit sorry I did it Are youl" exclaimed -
claimed the prisoner ,
The Inquest will bo commenced tomorrow
Two PnllrntH Perish nnd Plvo Are
Buckioot , Idaho , Nov 21 The main
building of the territorial insane asylum
burned at an early hour Sunday morning
Two mon are known to have perished and
two women nnd three men are missing Pos
sibly they escaped in the confusion , but It Is
feared they were caught iu the flro The
flames origiuatad In the kitchen and the
building burned down within an hour Great
excitement prevailed among the inmates ,
nud the superintendent and keepers bad
great trouble mustering them All the reo-
ords were destroyed , but a now addition to
tbo building was saved The loss is $30,000.
3fmitnnu'H Mix ,
Hri.ENA , Mont , Nov 20. There Is no
visible change In the situation this morn
ing The scunto met at 10 o'clock , pursuant
to adjournment , with but cl6'lit members
. picsont at roll call , The senate inot nt 3
oclock Homo efforts were made to bring
in missing members and organize The
democrat lo lower houio met ut the same
hour with twenty-eight present Hcprosen-
tatlvo Dumber of Deer Lodge county was
sworn in and took his seat All the officers
elected by this branch took tbo oath of oQlcs
this mornlutr The republican lower house
conyenod ut 2 o'clock , Nothing Important is
looked for toduy ,
Roi > ortof the Arbitration Oommlttoo II
on the Subject IH
Tlio Tariff * on the DlfTircnt Clnsses IH
PKcd In n Manner Tlitl Will IH
Suit Both Omnhn nnd IB
lit ll coin , IH
Tlio Arbitration Commit leu's lienor ! . II
CniOAoo , Nov 25. [ Spocinl Telogrnni to f H
TiieBkb.1 The icport ot the arbitration IH
committee on rates west of the Missouri to EH
Kansas and Nebraska j > olnts was today made II
to the Intcrstuto Coinmorco Hailwuv asso- U _
clatlou The report states that "an exam H
Inntlou of the through • nnd local rates at IH
western Junction points disclosed a con f H
sldorablo luck of method in the construction 1H
of the tariffs now in use This Isuotsur- !
prising for tha reason that In thu past each IH
line has boon accustomed to formulate Its ll
own rates , being covcrncd by local nccessi- 9U
tics and local demands and Influenced by the | HJ
customs upon ether lines , which have con i I
stuntl.y modified the action taken by each , but 11
without concert , so the result presented is &l
that of rates without apparent system vury- VI
Ing the charge per ton per milo The rates II
upon the various chusoj having no common II
Btnndard of proportion , and the local rates II
differing from so-called terminal or dlstn- 11
butlng ratcB , n systomntlo arriingouient of Kl
tariffs upon a uortion of a line was some _ l
times disregarded upon other portions of the SI
same line Although the clreuinBtnnces of ml
the two states Kansas nnd Nebraska iu ffi
many icspects are qultu similar , thu policy | ] H
lmrsued In each seems to have been diverse , | ? I
It was felt to bo exceedingly desirable if &
possible to establish n common and g
uniform relation which the various (21 (
classes should , bear to class 'I' In 'tl
order Unit in stating rutos for practical use , U I
as well as for purposes of comparison it | | I
might not bo necessary to numo the rates n I
for all the classes , but the fixing of irate JJ ) I
upon tho.llrst class should bo indiculivo of w
the rest in accordance with thn established m
proposition of the transportation charge ijj I
which thuv respectively should bear To m I
this end uftur nn investigation and collco- K
tlon ot all the rates upon the various classes n I
throughout the territory In question and In H I
other sections of the country an end was it
leached which is believed to fairly represent | I | |
the Just proportion of the class to the others 1 I
A tariff hns been reached which accomplished fj I
the object aimed at in the Oiualiu tariffs til
which hnve been proposed by some of tbo . I ]
Hues without involving any loss of rovunuo J ! I
to the roads , and it Is belloved without sub * ' * ] I
jeeting Lincoln to tho.slightcst . disadvantage 1 ] I
in its competition with Omaha in interior II
points which it may properly claim to reach II I
In other words , the local rates trom the two B9 _
points m question have boon taken up at n I I
whole ami the throuch rates m connection 9 I
with the out rates nt the two points This
is understood to bo in accordance with the I
claims of the representatives of the two I'
cities at the hearing before the interstate M
commerce commlbsion in 18bS and with the V
views to the commission expressed therein 9
The through rates to Lincoln , therefore , flr
huvd bcou llxcd at the following differentials B
ou the various classes above the through B | '
rates to Omuha although presenting a dls- H
parity between the through rates and the HI ,
sum nt the local rates much greater than • -M
would otherwise bo warranted , to wit : First H
10 ; second , 8 ; third , 7 ; fourth , 0 ; fifth , G : I
A. 5j B , 4 ; C , 3 ; D , 2 ; E , 2 the present ,1 ,
differentials being 5 , 5 , 4I , 3 , 3 , 3. U , 0.8 , W
In other words , the throuith rate to Lincoln I •
is advanced 5 cents per 100 on the llrst class ' 1
and n proportionately less amount on the <
ether classes except C , D and E , thn two latter - - \
tor being reduced , the out rato3 being mean i
whllo cqualbod as bctwoon Omaha and Lin- ,
coin , while the application of the priuciplo ' <
elsewhere ndoptod would have required an •
udvanco of lOJfcllrst class , based on tbo -j r
sum ot the locals at Wooplng Water " ' ,
Another Itouto to sail Prnnclsoo I
New Yoitic , Nov 25 It Is stated tonight - * ,
that the director * of the Denver & Rio 1 i
Grande hold a meeting today at which an - >
nnportnnt decision was mndo affecting trans i > • '
continental trnlllc It was voted , it is said , f f
to make a standard gauge of their road from
Canyon City to Grand Junction , to which i
point the Hio Grande is about , complotcd , to I
connect with the Denver & HIo Grande sys- \9
tern This movement will give the Missouri
Pacific and the Chicago , Uurlington & Quincy If ,
roads a direct route over less grades und a 9 y
shorter distance than any ether roud to San ft
Francisco The amount that must bo ox- " U j
pended to complctotho arrangements is from > J | * .
50,000,000 to $3,000,000 , and was voted at . - ;
today's meeting jI | |
Union I'nclllo hliowln for October , * 'B f
Boston , Nov 25 , The statement of the iff J
Union Pacific for October shows ttio follow m >
ing increases ever the same month last year : If 1
Earnings S2'Jj,000 , oxpenscs ? 102,455 , surplus ill J
195,550. For the ten months ending with J j
October the earnings how nu incrcaso of % [
filSiS5 : , a surplus of $003,147 and an expense - s
penso decroasoofSl07,0b9. J j
Induced to Oivn Up 1I10 Lease * I
Chicago , Nov 25. Tbo Chlcngo & Alton | i
road has induced the American llvo stock I i
commission to give up its lease of Alton ' > \ .
stocic cars This Iaaso was the basis for the j
complaint now pending before tha Interstate t
commission _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , f '
A noniilnr Dividend jg I
New Yonir , Nov y5. The directors of the 1 ,
Chicago & Northwcstorn company have do- a
cluiod a regular divldond of 3 per cent per
a'liium on common uud U quarterly on pro SH <
forredRtock 1 { | | [
, Llydo Eiminoi-rx Strike , , . sjUJ
GlasoowNov 25. Twelve hundred Clyde ' 4 _ |
ongluccrs wont on a strike this morning flj
Eighteen firms , undcV pressure of contracts , UB
were obliged to concede their demands , JII
GH01l(3 „ H. PEM > LE10N i > HAD 1 {
lie Passes Awny nt Brussels on Sun till
dny ICvomnir si I
London , Nov 25. Gcorgo II Pondletou , " jjj I
United States minister to Germany under all J
Clovolntid died at Brussels last ovenlng Mil
Ho succumbed to a stroke of upoploxy IIII
His two daughters weio present when ho all
uiud The funurul services will bo held 'III
Wednesday next , ill
[ Gcorgo II Pendleton was born in Cincln- f U
nati July S , lb25. Ho was u son of N. G , mm
Pendleton , un able luwyor , ana a grandson 11
of Judge Nathaniel Pendleton of Now i
York Mr Pondletou studied law and J
was admitted to the bur , Ha wns elected -v <
to congress in 1857 and remained a member ' %
or that body until lb05. In 1WJ4 ho ran for 4 I
vice president with General George II , Mo- * " I
Clellan at the head or tbo ticket In 1879 ho 4 !
was olocteu to thu United States scnuto from 1 !
Ohio and ut the expiration of his term wan J
appointed minister to Germunv by Prcsldont II
Cleveland Whllo In congress ho was ono of
the most active supportois of the present
civil service liuv and is sometimes referred ' ai
to as the father of the billJ ; J
Thn Ktntn l > einrltiioiit Notified [ _
Washington , Nov 25 The department
of state has boon advlsod of the death of ex"r1fB [
Minister Pendleton at Brussels last night , 'SH
uud tha secretary tias sunt u telegram ot JlK
condolence to the family , !
The Wrnther Korrcsst , / ]
For Omaha and vicinity ; Kaln il
Nebraska and Iowa : Fulr.ellfjiilly warmer , jl
southerly winds . I
South Dakota : Fair stationary tempera * M
turo , southerly wiuds * I