Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1889, Image 1

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    III " w
I The Omaha Daily Bee I
H1 1
1 \ Dom Podro'o Farewell to Brazil
| ! ] Without BlUornosH
1' ' The Present Ortrrml7.ntion Hut Tern
M pornry Tlio Will or the Ice
M plo In Awnltcd Qticun Vie
B torla Very Interested
B ' Doin Pedro's Itcply
Hf nio Janeiiio , Nov 19. In reply to tlio
communication of tlio now government In-
Hj forming hlui of his disposition Do in Pedro
W saldt
j ' -I rcsolvo to submit to the command ot
K circumstances , to louvo with all my family
VAVjj for Europe tomorrow , Leaving this bo-
H loved country to which t have tried to glvo
j 11 rin testimony ot my offectlonatolovoduring
H nearly half a century as chlof of state , I will
H < , always have klmlly romombranccs of Brazil
H Bnd hopes for its prosperity , "
M Count d'Eu ' lius resigned Ho Is likely to
H leave Urazll
B Tlio lU'putilto ( ironies
B Rio Jankiuo , Nov 10. Mho manifesto of
H the republican government of Brazil is as
H Follow Citizens The pcoplo , the nrmy nnd
HBM the navy and provinces have now decreed
H the full Of the imperial dynasty and the sup
prcsslon of the monarchical system Tills
I patriotic revolution has been followed by the
_ _ _ < formation of u provisional government whoso
HHl . first mission is to guaranty the order , liberty
H | and right ; ( if cttfrons
HHj j Tlio formation ot this government , until
HHj the dcfinlto govcrnmont has been named ,
HHJ bos been made with full rognrd to the most
HHJ compctcot material The government Is
HHJ simply composed ot temporary agents , who
BHJ will govern and maintain peace , liberty , fru-
HBJ tci nlty and order The attributes and extra
BHj ordinary faculties invested are for the dc-
HBJ feiiBO and Integrity ot the country and the
BJ prcsorvation of Dubllo order The provincial
] BK govcrnmont promises to una all muans In its
( BBTi power to guarantco security of llfo and
uVB property to all the inhabitants ot Urazll ,
HBM nntlvo and foreign , and respect for inalvid-
IibVJ ual political opinions , excepting the exigent
! , BH modifications necessary for tbo good of the
i4H country
HBJ The army and navy.tho ordinary functions
[ j of the depart moil tor justice and lho civil and
• J ' military administrations will continuo under
J ' tholr existing organizations , and respect for
IBBJ [ ' tboso holding the positions will bo main
iBpj h talncd
J [ j The scnato and state council are abolished
HE j ! and the chamber of deputies is dissolved
J K The provisional government recognizes
> } and acknowledges all national compromises
HHB I under the late government and all acroo-
HHB | ments with forolgn powers , the public itobt ,
HHB J International and Internal , will ho respected ;
BBS \ also , all existing contracts and obligations
BBB legally iundo Scson di : Fonsboa ,
BB i Chief of tbo Provisional Government ,
Bfl The Kcpublic Secure
ABB Washington , Nov 10. Tlio Ur.izllian mln-
I B Istcr tonight received u dispatch via London
B soylne tboJJrazillnn Dank of Rio Janioro
1 ' telogruphs the Binzillan Bunk of London
BBVJ that perfect qulot reigns The ropublio Is
I H | accoptcd by Rio Jatnoro and the northern and
BBBJ soutliorn provinces The ccnornl opinion Is
MBH that tbu ropublio is qulto sccuro
iBBB The minister thought the Ilamberg report
HBH of bloodshed was nonsense He is qulto well
BBBJ satisfied that theio will not bo uuy'blood-
JBBV , lTho manifesto you have just read mo is
| BB > S very liberal The government
IBBV | will maintain order until a now election
BJ J takes place , when the voters can declda mat
tors "
Ho did not think there would bo anv dis
integration of Brazilian territory "I look
upon the republic , " nddod the minister , "as
an accomplishad fact "
The state department has instructed the
I United States representatives at Uio Jauolro
to keep It well Informed of affairs in Urazll
It Is closely watching tbo progress ot ovonto
No instructions as yet have been sent as to
tbo recognition of tbo now government
i 'SBT / A I'ltlr i'rosi > i-cr.
, I NewYohk , Nov 10. Charles It , Flint ,
'BH who arrived here fiom Washington this
9fl' ' ; morning , whora ho has boon attending the
H' I - American congress , received two cablegrams
H' - ' from Urazll One was from a mercantile
BB < house in l'arn nnd stated that Urazll was
B | trancuil | , but that the revolution may causa
BB } trouble later on lho ether cable was from
JBB • Klo Janeiro , nnd confirmed the published ro-
iHB , ports about the dcpaituro of the imperial
rBB , . family and the proclamation ot the ropublio
* This cable also stated tuat the
Nj Bjb \ present gov-
BBT f ermont would carry out the obligations of
[ ( T J the imperial government , nnd thatthcro was
' 4BB" \ liltoly to be a peaceful solution of all the dlf-
{ BM J ficultlcs
B J Queen Victorln'u nympithy
! H \ ICopurtgM IWO hy Jama ( Ionian lltmi' U }
[ /J London , Nov 10. [ Now Vorlr Herald
VJk lr Cable Special to The Uce.I Tbo queen
BBB'jt ; has boon In telegraphic communication wltu
IB B A the Due d'No in ours , the father of the Comto
' BB ! d'ISu , tbo consort of the princess imperial of
B U Brazil In reply to inquiries from Ualmoral
BB7 sent through the Comto d'Parls , the Duo
BBb * d'Ncmours has Informed her majesty that
the oinperor and his family arrived early
Buudav morning at lho Janeiro from the
royal rcBldcnco ut Metropolis , and attended
by a guard ot honor which showed thorn
duo respect , embarked at once for Lisbon ,
There the emperor will ilud au urgent , in
vitation awaiting him from her majesty to
become her guest at Windsor
A document signed by ull the members ot
the provisional cabinet was placed in the
bauds of the emperor , just before tbo
! teamer left Klo Jauolro , assuring him tnat
national necessities alone bud led to the
declaration of the ropublio anil that the
country , continuing to respect htm , would
continuo the imperial civil list provided the
partisans of the emperor were not encour
aged to disturb the pcuco
BHIeves In Munuroliy
Pjims , Nov 10 , Erailo Olllvlers , in his
now book , contends that the best form of
government is u monarchy Ho predicts that
BBB a Cicsar will yet nrlso In America unless she
J mitigates her omnivorous domocracv , " and
J that still moro surely will one nrlso In Franco
J if the statu Is delivered over to the cynical
BBBJ voracity ot the politicians , "
H II10 Great Siiaiilarit Seen the Thrones
H or Kurnpo Totrerlnu
BBBJ ICopi/rtv'd / IbM bu Jiiintt flonisn lUn'i'A , ' . ]
BBBJ Pirns , Nov , 10. I Now York Herald Cable
BBBJ Special to T1112 1eb. ! ) "I am not In the
BBS least surprUcd to know that Brazil has at
BBBJ last decided for a republic , " said Kmllio Cas-
BBBJ tolar , the great Spanish statcsmau , to ma to-
BBBJ day "In fact , my only wonder is that she
BBBJ did not do so sooner It Is only a fowAvecks
BBBJ smcu I assured u promlucat Ficncu states
BBBJ mnu that the tcndcncyin iltazil was Irrcslst-
BBBJ ibly in that direction To ono who has , us
BBB X liuvo , studied the condition of
H things in South America , It has long
BBB been apparent that tbo thinking classes
BBB there were too deeply luibuod with the
BBB spirit of rc ' publlcauHm to make auy other
BBB t total of government moro thau temporary
BBB ' Horn Pedro has always tried to conceal this
BBV fact from Europe , and he had moro or lets
BbYbVw : _ . ji . , . „ . . ' , ' *
succeeded H Is slmplv ridiculous to claim
thnt the rovolutton In Hrazll was duo to the
recent abolition ot slavery , for the men who
have had the most to do with overthrowing
the cmplro nro precisely the ones who
brought about the liberation ot the slaves ,
nnd In both cases they were simply acting
in accordance with the enlightened Ideas of
the century
"As to the effect this revolution will have
upon Portugal , whllo I do not fool Justified
in prophesying that it will load to the estab
lishment ot a ropublio in that country , I nm
convinced It will have a direct and tnnrkod
effect 111 liberalizing the policy of the Portu-
gucso monarchy The two nations nro really
one , with the same language , customs and
tendencies , nnd the action ot Brazil cannot
but react powerfully upon Portugal Uo-
sides I bnvo rc.ieon to know that many of
the most Influential and nblo Portugucso
writers nnd orators such men as Latino ,
Coelho nna Uoosslo Hrazu are honrt and
soul in favor of u republic
"In Spain I think the lmmcdiato effect of
the South American upheaval will bo loss
marked Were wo under a conservative
monurch unpopular with the masses , I should
think differently , but the government of
Spain is very liberal and is of Its own no-
cord approaching the point where republi
canism will assert itself as a matter of
course by the universal consent of the
pcoplo There Is no need of precipitating
the movement , but ull the countrlos of
Europe may well ilnd food for reflection In
this almost unprecedented oveut
' • Tnink of it They nwako lu the morning ,
these tottering relics of worn out absolutism ,
and find that n nation almost us largo as nil
of thorn put together has in the twinkling of
an cyu , and without violcnco , changed from
empire to a republic
The revolution Is over , and a now order
of things is established before they are
awara that the old order was compromised ,
or that a revolution wus threatened Curi
ous , is it not ! And they may at least open
their eyes to the fact that mankind has entered -
tored upon au era of reason , nnd nro no
longer to bo driven against tholr
fellows In murderous herds nnd
slaughtered by thousands llko unreasoning
brutes to suit the capneo of some vain auto
crat who boasts that God made him tholr
master The sway of the autocrat on the old
continent is ncarlv over It there Is any ono
thing I Dcllcvo with all my heart , it is that
before ilfty years Europe will bo republican
fiom end to end , nnd I bcllcvo the change
will bo brought about without the horrors of
war as easily as It has just been brought
about in Brazil , as naturally as a man lays
aside ono coat and puts on another becnuso
hu likes the ether better The peoples of Eu
rope are growing wiser every year and see
ing better wliat are their real Interests
They will ono day say to tholr kings , queens ,
emperors nnd princes :
" 'Wo are masters hero , and this country
Is ours not yours There is the door ; go '
And then tbo kings , queens , emperors and
princes will go , and It will bo a beautiful
sight You look incredulous , and think mo
Utopian , but what would you have thought
had I told you a week ago that today Brazil
would bo a ropublio As I said , I ocliovo
that these great changes will bo accom
plished without war , nor do I believe Europe
Is now threatened with war "
Hopelessly Insnno and Beyond All
Aid of Pliy-iiolmw.
IlAnTronn , Conn , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tnc Bee ] The friends of Mrs
Harriet BeechorStowo , the famous authoress
of Undo Toms ' Cabin , " have at length been
compelled to admit that she has llnally become
como hopelessly insane and her end is a mnt-
tcrof but a short time She has boon now
in this condition for several months , but
though thousands saw her dally few really
Knew her real condition Strange to say ,
whllo her mind becomes tvoakor her physical
condition steadily Improves , nnd now at
tended by a nurse who never leaves her for
a moment , she wnuders around spend
ing most of her time in pleasant
weather out in the open nir in
the park Her malady is InoITcnsivo
suvo that she Is constantly haunted by shad
ows of her dead friends , and Is constantly
whispering to these visions , bolloving them
real , which ghastly conduct is any thing but
pleasant to her attendants When not thus
ontrnged she is singing some old hvmn popu
lar ilfty years ago , Rock of Ages Doing
her favoilto Her physicians say she is be
yond all aid and will gradually lese all her
facilities , dying , most probably , soma time
whllo asleep
Twenty-Seven UniiHanSlcn Arraigned
For Murder
Kansas Citt , Nov 10. A special from Topeka -
peka , Kan , says the twenty-sovon Stovcns
county men who composed tbo mob which 11
year ago murdered a sheriff in No-man's
land during a county scat war , were ar
raigned before tbo United States district
court today Tbo United States attorney
inado application for tholr removal to the
United States court for the eastern district
of Texas , indictments having been returned
against them by tlio grand jury there The
defense argued that tbo territory was under
the jurisdiction of no court This question
is an Important ono , inasmuch as it affects
the title of the United States to No-man's
land , and the validity of several Indian
treaties mndo manyyoars ago Arguments
on all the questions will coutinuo for two or
thrco days
Bnrrolt tlio Handiest Man With Ills
lon Ohio Bus Ever Known ,
Cleveland , O. , Nov 10. Developments
in the caaj of B. S. Barrott indlcato that ha
conducted the m6 > t colossal system of forgery
in tbo history of the state Notes were
mad a by tbo wholesale and disposed of in all
directions Barrett's oDerations were con
ducted with consummate skill Notes bava
boon duplicated anywhere from one to ten
times , and ho found a ready raarkot for
ovcry set ho in ado The latest estimate of
tbo forgers Indebtedness places it at $103,000.
A deed of nsslgnmout was Hied by Uarrolt's
attorney yestorduy , but tbo assets and lia
bilities are not stated Barrett is stilt miss
I'l d to nciloi > .
DKNVrrt , Cole , , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram - ,
gram to Tub Hke.1 It was ascertained
today that the exact amouat of embezzle
ment of John { 5 Tyler , the absconding elork
of the Pacific express company at Colorado
Springs was $ M0. Ho left a receipt for tH\
Wvifjos duo him , so that tbo com
pany is short ? 500. It was also learned
today that Tyler had been soiling produce
for Kansas farmers for which bo had failed
to uialio returns , and it is supposed this
warned him and induced him to rob the ex
press company and leave It is supposed ho
lias gene to Mexico
ItiiRlncss Troubles
Utioa , N. Y. , Nov 10. The shorlft has
levied on tlio property of the Oneouta chair
factory , Sawen & Co : liobllltlet fJOOOO
The value of the plaut Js iT5,000. ,
Tlio Weather Forecast ,
For Omaha and viciiiity Fair weather
For Nebraska and South Dakota Rain or
snow , preceded by fuir weather In eastern
portion , varlablo winds
For lowu Fuir weather , cooler easterly
Sterling Made Attorney For the
South Dakota District
Heeds frlnitdn Accused ol ntufllni ;
The HnrtcH Thnt Impiro Some
of Ills Backers A Former
lice .Mnn In Iitiok
Washington The Omiul Br.n , 1
Washington D. C , Nov 10. )
Oovornor Moltutte , ot South Dakota , Is lu
most excellent humor to-ulglit. Ho came
hero ten days ago with bag uml bnggngo and
announced to the department of justice , the
whtto hnusa and ether places that ho did uot
intend to return to his homo until ox-Sonator
A. J. Edgorton , of Mitchell , was appointed
United States district judge for the district
of South Dakota The governor has been
doing some very hard work aud has been as
sisted by Senators Pottlgiow and Moody ,
who were also greatly In earnest about the
appointment of Edgorton , which was made
by Prosldcnt Harrison this evening
Judge Edgcrton's ' selection will glvo uni
versal satisfaction throughout not only South
Dakota , but the cntlro northwest , who 1-0
his sterling manhood and his
incessant and invaluable services in
behalf of statehood for the Dakotas are well
known Judge Edgcrton could hnvo been
United States senator , It Is said , in place of
Sonntor Moody , but ho preferred the posi
tion to which ho was appointed this ovcnlng ,
as it fixes him for llfo and ho is 11 man with
out much financial moans
The uppolntmunt of William B. Sterling ,
of ncdllcld , to bo attorney for the United
States district of South Dakota Is also a
Mcllotto appointment Mr Sterling is lo
cated a short pistnnco west of Governor
Mcllctto's homo , nnd for many years has
been bis tntlmato personal and political
friend and assisted largely to bring about
his political and other triumphs
It was-decided today that Judro John II
Drake , of Aberdeen SD , is to bo appointed
national bink examiner for that district ,
composed of the two Dakotis , northern Ne
braska and Wyoming Judge Drake was
endorsed by the solid delegations for the two
Dakotas , the governors , the republican state
committee , the constitutional convention and
many Influential citizens on the outside Ho
had enough political inllucnco to sccuro a
cabinet ofllee Thorctworo some objections
from Aberdeen , but they appear to have only
added strength to the applicant
As foreshadowed by Tun Bnn dispatch
la3t night , Willis Sweet , ono of The Bees
former editorial writers , was today n | > -
polnted to bo associate justica of thosupromo
court for lho territory of Idaho This ap
pointment was made upon the merits of Mr
Sweet and the urgent request of Dulcgata
The arrival of the Nebraska delegation Is
looked for anxiously by the speakership can
didates Especially is the coming of Mr
Dorsey awaited with anxiety , as ho is said
to tnlto an active interest in the canvass
Major McKinley relics upon Mr Dorsoy's
aisistaneo and hopes to got the support of
Messrs Connell una Laws
Mr Dorsey has written to Tns Bee cor
respondent that ho will arrive hero during
the present week and will bo necompamed
by Mrs Dorsoy They will live at the Port
land , whore Senator Paddock and family nro
located , and where Mr and Mrs Annln have
taken apartments There Is every indication
now that there will bo a practically solid
combinatloa of the west and south against
Mr Reed
It dovolopes that the Reed men have been
bluffing , " and that thnlr policy Is to claim
everything insight Major McKinley says
that Mr Heed will not have solid delegations
from Now York and Pennsylvania , and
there are reasons to believe that the Mamo
man has claimed too much , and that as ho is
compelled to drop point after point ho will
find that his claims have augcred HI for him
and the reaction will do him harm
The policies of the four western candidates
have been diametrically opposed to H1090 of
Mr Hoed They hnvo boon extremely mod
est and have contended that the boasting of
tbo Heed nton would do tholr candidate harm
as soon as it was shown that , they were '
claiming beyond warrant
The speakership situation tonight is some
what mixed There is no doubt that Mr
Rcod Is right now tar in the load for the first
ballot The feeling on tbo part of
the west and south against him
is growing mora nnd moro , and positive and
united efforts will bo made to divldo his solid
east Mr Heed has been claiming a solid
support from the two Dakotas three votes
Ho will not , it is said , got ono of these mem
In the Forty-seventh congress , olght years
ago , Mr Burrows , of Michigan , was chair
man of tbo commlttco on territories , and
prenjred a bill providing for the division of
Dakota and the admission to statehood of
the two sections the satno as thov
were a few davs ago The committee agreed
to report the bill favorably , but just before
the time when Mr Burrows intended to pre
sent the mcasuro to the house Mr
Koed approached him with a law
yer from Malna and stated that
bis constituents hud a largo block of Yank
ton county rallrcad bonds which were be
lieved to bo fraudulent , that unless these
bunds were paid or secured the credit of Da
kota would bo oxposcd by btmon the floor of
the house and there would ho no legislation
in favor of the territory These who uro
conversant with the Incident say that this
uctlou had the effect of keeping the Dakotas
out of statehood from 1SS2 till last mouth
In the face of this it Is not presumed that
any ono ot the members from Dakota will
glvo countenunco to Mr Hecd'n candidacy
some of heeds suiiourrus
Ono of the most ardent workers In behalf
of Mr Reed for the speakership Is Con
gressman Dalzoll , of Pittsburg , Mr Dal7oll
wants to be chairman of the house commlttco
on Paciflo railroads In the last congress ho
was a member of this committee and stood
next to tail end of it By the retirement ot
Holmes of Iowa , Wobbec of Now York and
Granger of Connecticut , Mr Dalzoll now
stands at the brad ot the republican list on
the commlttco , aud should Mi' . Reed bo se
lected speaker ho would undoubtedly bo
made cbalrman
Tbo chairmanship ot the Paciflo railroads
commltleo will bo Important in the Fifty
first congress from the fact that the proposi
tion to extend for a long period ot yours ,
moro than half a century , the time within
which the Paclfia railroads shall pay their
Indebtoaoss to the government will again
come up for consideration
A number of Mr Reeds most nrdoat sup
porters expect to bo chairmen of commit
tees Henry Cabot Ledge , of Massachu
setts , is at the bead of Mr , Reeds campaign ,
but It is not yet known where bo is to bo
placed , although a largo number1 of other
members have been provided for , according
to reports
Some time ago Commissioner of Railroads
Taylor rendered a decision requiring the
Chicago & Northwestern , the Omaha , the
Manitoba and tba Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul railroad companies , which have land
grants glvon them bv Nebraska and other
tutes , to make reports to the interior de
partment coucermng tholr condition , the
same as railroads which received land subsi
dies from the federal government
All tbo oQlcors ot these roads have con
tended that they were not to report to the
commissioner of railroads , as are companies
which have received grouts of land from the
federal govcrnmont , on the ground that tbo
interests ot tbo federal government were in
no way involved as lu other land grants
Commissioner Taylor In his decision held
that the lands granted tlioto railroads were
the oamo as lands granted to otber railroads
directly by tbo eovcrumeat elnco the states
* 4
granting the land * secured ' Ihcm from the
federal govcrnmont with Us understanding
thakthey were glvon in aidof railroad con
Rtruction Assistant Attorney General
Shields and Secretary Neb o hnvo endorsed
Commissioner Taylor's ilfctiislou and the rail
roads mimed will have to ruporl hereafter to
the commissioner of rallrdktds the same ns
ether railroads built by thotassistanco of the
federal govcrnmont
For South Dnko\n \ Copp , Potter county ,
P. Walter , vice W. W. Bishop , resigned ;
Newark , Mnrshall-county , Mrs .1. 13. Lnw-
son , vlco J. , r. Fletcher , removed ; Okobojo ,
Sully county , J. W. Olosjner , vlco John
Bradley •
It ( Mi 'S HOPES JIMSTEt ) .
Robert E. Hall , who claims to bo cashier
of the Sheridan bank , of Sheridan , Mont , ,
nnd who Is wanted at I'uebio , Cole , to an-
Bwcr to obtaining $330 in a criminal manner
and was nrrcstcd hero last week , expected
to got his relcaso under a writ of habeas
corpus taken out by his oounso ) , Campbell
Ciirrington , but met ad unexpected surprlso
in the causa assigned Tor his detention The
hearing was before Justice Montr/omury , nnd
Chief ot Police Moore In his answer to the
writ stated that ho hold the relater upon a
warrant requiring that [ tall bo produced before
fore the police court to answer to the
chnrgo ot forging tuo nniuo ot C. D.
Bailey to n check for tlS drawn on tl
Natlonul bank of the Rcpubllowlth Intent to
defraud Frank G. Alccnndor Upon this re
turn bolng rend Justice Montgomery re
manded Hall to the custody of Major Moore
Hull , It Is claimed by the police , has lssuod n
number of thc90 bogus checks , but as yet
they have llttlo evidence except concerning
the check sent to F. G. Alexander The
Bhoriff of Pueblo county , Colorado , for whom
Hall was flr t arrested , will nrrlvo in the city
Thursday and Hall-will then be turned over
to him unless moro forgeries are discovered
Detectives Home and Muhonc are investi
gating the matter It is believed ha Is
wanted in Montana
Commissioner GrofC and Assistant Com
missioner Stone , of the general laud office ,
rendered some decisions today affoctlng Nebraska
braska land cases
Commissioner Graff dismissed the appeal
of Commodore Cash , who contested the
homestead entry of Chnrlotto Finney involv
ing the southwest } f of section 5 , township
23 north , range 50 west , in the Chudron
district The local olllcers rejected the ap
plication of Cash for n Contest and ho took
an uppcal to the commissioner The com
missioner reversed the decision of tbo local
officers of the McCook land district and held
for cancellation the cash entry of Cyrus L.
Fuller covering the northeast } f of soctlon
S3 , township north , range 37 west The
commissioner states that the claimant never
established a 1 esidenco on the entry
Assistant Commissioner Stone Informs R.
C. bmlth of Ewing , Neb ! , that action upon
his application for flnnl.proot upon his homestead -
stead entry In the O'Neill ' district will ho
settled as soon as reached in its regular
order , which will bo somojnontus hence
" 1 his notion of the [ officers in the local
land office , " says Mr Stone , "is correct ,
They properly declined issue the final cor-
tiUcuto till tbo matter was"disposed of by the
ofUco and final proof returned to thorn for
further action Absohuo from the land
would not projudlco your interest "
Mr Stone has notilled Michael Majawski ,
of Eustls , Neb , that ho must apply to the
local land oQlcors for anextension , of time in
which to make final proof
The comptroller of the currency today
approved the selection of the First Notional
bank of Omaha as reserve agent for tbo
German National bank.jof Beatrice
Miss Ada Tanner ; of New York , confiden
tial clerk to the commissioner of pensions ,
resigned today Miss-Tanner Is adanghtor
of ox-Commissioner Tnuncr
PEitnT S , Heaths * ' " *
Ncbrnska and lotya t'fin-ilona.
WAsniNOTON , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tub Bee I Pensions grautod Nobras-
kaus : Original invalid Robert Buckner ,
Pcrwln , Daniel Strayor , Stratton Restora
tion and reissue Ira-Randall deceased , Blue
Valley Increase Franklin Enlow , Cam ,
bridge ; Rlloy Millard , Lyons ; John E. Ing
ham , Gibson ; Franklin Griffith , Scotia Reissue
issue John II Costeello , Kearney ; William
II Hudson , Pallsado ; Jesse dark , Cornell ;
John M. Wlllard , Blair ; James vV Mackoy ,
Stanton Original wldowj , 'tc Charlotte ,
widow of Peter F. Ch , rry Weeping Water
Pensions for Iowa : O lglnal invalid Sam
uel W. Wright , Melrcso ; Paul Grubill , Vim
Sleter ; Jacc'J Rickcbaugh , Washington ;
James E. Buchan , Wuvcriyj John L. Wool
soy , Atlantic ; John Morgan , Osceola : John
W. Case , Eldora : John Sandbloom , Sahna ;
Francis M. Johnson , Augusta ; John Brown ,
Ottumwa ; William jH Shockoy , Dowitt ;
Jacob Marklo , Algonu
Increase William R. Graves , Des Moines ;
Calvin Hook , Sheldon ; James Brown , Wirt ;
Harris C. Linn , Sigournoy ; A. M. Knlelit
Crcston ; James II Cattron Glcnwood ; Sala-
thlol Young , Atlantic ; Albert R. Wurford ,
John Haator Cedar Rauids ; Richard J.
Harbour , Belknap RoIsauo and increase
Charles Hamilton , Ames ; Francis M. Wil
cox , Beacon Reissue Richard Folsom ,
Osage ; James Childs , Toledo ; Henry A.
Robbing , Fort Dodge : James Fickoy , Keo-
sauqun Original widows , utc Sarah ,
widow of Gcorgo Terry , Macksburg ;
Juliette , mother of Abner Moore , Kent
Nebraska nnd lowu Patents
Washington , Nor 10.--Spocial [ Telegram
to Tnc Bee.1 Patents have bean Issued to
the following residents of Nobr.ikat
Diodrich Rohlfing , Omaha , Neb , railway
rail Joint ; Arthur Ryan , Colborgen , Neb ,
mower ; John II Tissen and M. M. Arnold ,
Omaha , Neb , brick kiln ; John P. Dunn , as
signor of one-half lo T. II , Fiton : , Ueutrloo ,
Neb , com harvester an bUiKcr
Patents for Iowant Albert E. Bceson ,
Audubon , la , , endgato for wagons ( reissue ) ;
Edward M. Brown , Nashua , assignor of
one-halt to Morgan , Kelly & Co , Osage , la ,
drill ; Harvov W. Qripple , assignor of one
half to W. II Jones , Audubon , la , grain
measure ; John Leuhart , Fremont , la , , plow ;
Stewart A. Lum and J. Llsco u , assignors of
ono-third to A. Kltts , Renwluk , la , wind
wheel attachment ; Frank L. Menofeo , Auro-
Ha , la , rcol for chock row corn planter ;
Gcorgo W. Peon , Onawa , la , feed water
Tlio First Jcnse
Washington , Nov lD.J-The civil service
commission today laid before the president
with , It Is understood , a recommendation
that the offenders be prosccutod , its rouort
on the violation of tlio . civil sorvlco law by
the Old Dominion republican league , of Vir
ginia , In soliciting contributions for political
purposes among government clerks Among
the officers of the league whoso numos are
printed on tbo circular wbra J. J. Visser nn
employe of the government printing oftlco :
W. C. Alain , chief of division in the general
land office , and Mr , Godwin This is the
first recommendation for a prosecution of
this character mudo by the commission The
annual report for toe-fiscal year was also
handed the president , M
it Will IMOMtt Hankow
Washington , Nov , 10.f-n the mutter of
the refusal of the Unlted'States company to
carry money to national tianks from their de
posits la the treasury and sub-treasuries at
government rates , Secretary Wlndom today
decided that all monies shipped by tlio tioas-
ury department nrogovcrnuicutinonlos , nnd ,
consequently , the express companies must
carry the monies in dispute ut govornmeut
rates Tbo oxorass company has accepted
the decision , which will bo well recolvod by
all bankers
SmoUrles * Powder
Washington , Nov 10-Captain Ellsworth ,
of Hartford , Conn , who claims to bo the in
ventor of the smokeless powder which has
caused such a sen llon In European military
circles , is in tbo city for tbo purpose of In-
duoing the government to make a thorough
trial of the powder , with n view to Us pur-
Ho claims to have sold a German agent
the exclusive rights for ull countries oxoopt
lho United States , Moxlco , and Control
A Crazy Olork tit David City As
saults His Former Employer
Footrmits nt Beatrice Hold Up n Citi
zen Suit Ilrnuclit nt Fremont
Fur Knlso Imprisonment
Nobrnsicn , Now * .
Attempted tn Kill Ills Employer
David Citt , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tins Bee.1 August SchaaK formerly
a clerk In the employ of Gcorgo Sclnvolser , a
merchant ot this city , tried to hill him with
a revolver this afternoon Schaak Is crazy
on the subject of money matters and im
agined that Mr Schwctscr owed him a largo
sum of money for work Ho wns captured
and is now in the county jail awaiting the
board of insanity
Attnckod br Knntnnds
Beatiucb , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun Bee.1 A West Sldo cltizon
was assaulted by footpads down in the rail
road yards last night and badly beaten up
with n coupling pin Ho claims to have also
boon robbed of S15 or (10.
A Serious Charge
Nr.mtASKA Citv , Neb , Nov 10. ISpeclal
Telegram to Tub Bee.1 Mrs McCoy , the
woman nccusod ot bolng concerned In the
disappearance ot two of Frank Uunynti's
minor aaughtors , returned to the city lust
evening from Lincoln and assumed great in
dignation at the report of her councction
with the case and threatened dire vongo.inco
against the newspapers mid Ruuyan , The
latter she would kill She sings a different
song today , as she has been arrested on the
charge of being a procuress and bound ever
until Thursday for trial She then confessed
that the girls were at Lincoln under assumed
names , but that thov went of their own ac
cord She also proniisod to make some in
teresting disclosures if the case against her
is pushed Mrs McCoy is said 10 bo the
wife of a respectable B. & Al , omployo
Thurston County District Court
Pender , Neb , Nov 10. ISpeclal to.Tun
Bee.J Thurston county's distriot court con
vened yesterday , with Judge Norrls on the
bench The usual preliminaries occupied
the forenoon The case of the state vs Silas
Wood , nn Omaha Indian , charged with hav
ing moro wives than is permitted by the laws
of Nebraska , was taken up after dinner Tbo
case occupied all the afternoon and went to
the jury about 0 o'clock , und after remaining
out about three hours withontanv signs of
ugrooing the court discharged them until 0
o'clock this morning , when further Instruc
tions regarding the law were glvou This
prosecution was instituted by members of a
law and order society recently organized for
tbo promotion of the morals of the red men ,
nod especially these of the Omaha tribe , aud
and the result of the trial Is watched with
muoh Interest ,
It is uot yet definitely known whether n
change or venue will bo asked forln the case
of the Indians charged with the Benjamin
murder of not The case of the stuto vs
Dauiol Rico , a Winnebago Indian , charged
with cattle stealing , is also on trial
A Suit Kor Criminal Llbo' ' .
NunnvsKA Citt , Neb , Nov 19. [ Special
Telegram to The Bee ] Rubolnh Novuck ,
editor of the StaatB Zeitung , today com
menced an action for criminal libel against
Prof G. t. Bluohdorn , editor of the Staats
Demokrat . There has boon a bitter personal
war between the two papnrs for several years ,
tbo beginning of which was an article la the
Zeitung accusing Hluchdorn of nlinost every
crime known , and a libel suit resulted , but
the defendants got clear , The recent effort
to crcato a national dny which Bluohdorn
vigorously opposed as unnmorican , reopened
the old feud , and tn the last lssuo of the
Demokrat Novack Is accused or being a fugitive -
tivo from justlco in Gormanv , a forger and a
dangerous swiudlor , und o aimed to possess
documentary evidence to provo tbo accusa
tions The case will bo Interesting , as tlio
entire German population is ou ono sldo or
the other
Dorsey Lenvrs Tor Washington
Fuemont , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special to Tun
Bee ] Congressman Dorsey , accompanied
by his wife , left this morning for Washing
ton to bo ready for work at the openingof
congress , as well as takinga hand in the pre
liminary slilrmish for the speakership , As
Mr Dorsey Is now the senior member from
Nebraska it will glvo him additional promi-
nonce Before starting bo stated la a brief
interview that the Nebraska delegation has
decided to stand together in the caucus for
speaker , but had not yet detormincd which
candldato to vote for It is known that Mr
Dorsoy's individual preference is Colonel
Henderson , of Iowa , Ho will Introduce his
bill again providing for the erection of a
government postofflco building at Fremont
Surd for False linnrisonment ,
Fiiemost , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special to Tim
Ber.1 A short time ago M. T. Murphy , of
Omaha , who has several publlo contracts in
Fremont , had a buggy chopped up by some
miscreants Murphy offered (50 reward for
the detection of the vandals aud to this tbo
city council added another (50. Murphy im
ported a dotcctlvo to work up the case und
ferret out the offenders Ho has had nearly
a d07on men arrested on suspicion , but on
examination each has been aula to disprove
the charges brought against him The sequel
to this wholesale arrest is two suits which
were begun yesterday in the district court
by Frank und John Faltheluc , two of the
suspects , each for (3,000 damages for falsa
Dent Like tlio Plnni
Beatiucb , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to The Bee.1 Considerable dissat
isfaction Is expressed ever the plans for the
now court house Adopted at a recent meeting
of the county board ot supervisors , and an
effort Is bolng made to bavo the board at its
mooting tomorrow rcconsidor the vote by
which tbo F. C. Gunn plans were adopted
Misplaocd Conlldenco
Neiiiiaska Citv , Neb , Nov 10 , [ Special
to The Beb | A few days ago Harry MII-
lor , a cook , gave all bis money , together
with an endorsed check for (10 , in care of
Tom ZImmerman , whllo the former wont on
a spree Miller Is sober now , but Zliumnr-
mun is missing und the check has been
Accidentally Miot Himself
Pawnee Citv , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special
Telegram to The Bee.1 Frank Goudy , son
J. K. Goudy , of tins city , stumbled whllo
carrying n cocitcd ritlo this afternoon , The
gun was discharged , the ball ontcrlng his
loft foot The doctors probed for an hour
but fulled to fini the ball He is suffering
severely ,
Distriot Court Convenes
AlNSWOHTH , Neb , Nov 10. District
couit convened hcio today with the Hon M.
P. Klnkald on the bench It will ho u short
session , us there Is but a small docltct
Clini'itcd With Assault
NEUIU6ICA Citv , Neb , Nov , 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tim Bee ] Information was
filed In court today by Frank Comstock
against T. D. Crook for assault > vlth Intent
to kill Tbo case will coino up tomorrow
Helling Liquor to Indians
Dakota Cur , Neb , Nov 10. [ Special
Telegram (0 ( Tun Bee ] Herb White , Hvmif
at this plnco , wns nrrostcd today for soiling
liquor to the Indians by Deputy United
Slates Mtuohal Gllmoro and taken to Omaha
for trial
Flociuot nnd Tirnrd Cnnlldour That
Httois ! 'Irmly Estnlillshnd
P.UU5 , Nov 19. President Floquct , of the
chamber of deputies , delivered nn nddiess to
the chambjr today All France , ho said ,
hod nianlfostod n doslro that concord should
provall among her representative * , and ho
therefore appealed to all the democracy to
rally around the republicans
Tlrard , the prime minister , also addressed
the chamber Ho said that universal suffrage
had finally been crowned with ttiumph ,
domoer aey , by the recent elections , Inviting
all Frenchmen to unlto tinder the bnnnor
which t ho rcpubllo hus raised ubovo all par
ties end which from this day forward Is
above attack
Franco has not onlv signified that she In
tends to maliitnhi , fortify and dovoloptho
institutions which she founded , butisio-
BOlved that tlio republic shall bo a stable gov
ernment , securing order , progress nnd re
spect at home and abroad
"Wo propose to put nsldo the questions
Initiating nnd dlvidiue men's minds and to
direct our whole attention to the solution ot
the problems of economy nnd social justice "
In concluding , ho said : After the expo
sition 110 one In the world has the right to
entertain a suspicion as to the peaceful sen
timents of our country Lotus then labor
together to complete the organization of our
democracy You have the right to doniand
of us firmness Wo ncod your conlldenco
In communicating to you our plans wo usk
your cooperation In the nnmo ot tlio republic
lic"Monlan. . a radical , moved that urgency bo
granted for the consideration ot the question
of the revision of the constitution , but the
motion wns rejected The announcement of
this victory for lho government was received
with cheers ,
The sonnto to day voted the navy credit of
CS.UJO.OyO franca , which was passed bv the
pist chamber of deputies too Into for adop
tion by the senate
The Suppression of Slavery
[ Copi/i InliUil 1SS0 hi ) James Omihrn ZteiuicM.l
BitussEi.s , Nov 10. [ Mow York Herald
Cable Special to TnE Bee.1 At the second
end sitting of the nutl-sluvcry congress
hold today the only important resolution
submitted wns that the first subject to bo
discussed should bo the suppression of the
sluvo trada In the intoriar Tlio commlttco
wns formed to examine the question thor
oughly The noxl meeting of the congress
will take place on Thursday La Chron-
Iquo , of Brussels , says the Herald is right to
represent the suppression of the slave trade
as a duty of civilization , but adds that no
measures of combat will sorvc any good end
Sciontlflo Instruments alone , such as tele
graph und railways , will bo successful in
suppressing slavery
The ltnnd is Unsafe
LCopi/rtofif / ISS3 bu Jama Cordon HeimelM
ZtN/nmt , Nov 10. [ New York Herald
Cubic Special to Tin : Beb.1 The road in
the direction of Stanley is very unsafe , and
silica it was opened small caravans have
been attacked , and Captain Wissman will
not allow mo to proceed except by a largo
caravan , which ho is now preparing and
which will start in six days , under command
of Baron Gravenreuth , and the baron is the
man to chastlsa natives whan ho meets
them I am leaving hero by dhow on Fri
day for Bagamoyo
Two Now Army Corp .
Ur.itUN , Nov 10. [ Special Cablegram to
Tub Bee ] The budget committee of the
reichstag today unanimously adopted a bill
providing for the organization oftwonow
nrmy corps The minister of war oxplalned
to the committee that the Inturnal needs of
the army required the adoption of the measure
uro , which , ho said , was cntiroly uncon
nected with the now French army law
Afrnld of Cheap Mcnt
Behun , Nov 10. The reichstng today re
sumed the debate on lho motion to rescind
the law against the Imuortation of cattle
After cousidorablo discussiou the motion
wus rojoctcd 'lho motion favoring tlio frco
importation or swine sbinped directly to the
sluughtercrs was also defeated
The Letters That Got Out
London , Nov 10. The suit for criminal
libel brought by John A. Chaudos against
Mrs Bloomfield Moore for allowing letters
dofumntory to his character to leave her pos
session has been dropped The plaintiff will
pay the costs
Attnolcod by Suvnucs
Lisbon , Nov 10. Major Sorpa Pinto ,
whllo surveying in the Nynssa district , was
attacked by Makololn After a sharp fight
the natives were ropulBod with a loss of
soventy-two killed
Justice Dny slightly Injured
London , Nov 10. While on his way to
court this morning , Justlco Day , ot the Par
nell commission , was knocked down by a cab
nnd slightly injured Ho was unable to pro
sldo during tba session
Workmen Unearth coven Ilumnn
Bodl's Ncnr Fort Plorro
PiEitui : , S. D. , Nov 10. | SpccIal Telegram
to Tub Bee I This morning , whllo digging
a cellar for a house aoout a mlle above tbo
town of Fort PIcrro , and a mlle and a half
Jrom Plorro , workmen made a terrible and
ghastly find In the shape of seven human
bodies They were in a bad state of putrlfl-
cation , and four of them are presumably
hose of soldiers and the remaining thrco In
dians , Upon finding the bodies the authori
ties were at once notified and the coroner
and a number of citizens immediately ro-
paited to the scene On four of tbo bodies
were found romnunts of United
States uniforms , with guns , pistols , otc
A sword wus also found , showing that ono
of the party was undoubtedly a commissioned
officer Owing to the decayed condition of
the bodies it is Impossible to Identify them
Tbo coroner states that they must have been
placed there fully six montliB ago On ono
of them was found a pieketbook and a letter -
tor , tu which was with difficulty deciphered
the numo of Lawrence W. Chandler
The military uuthoritlos at Fort Bennett
have been notified , and it is expected that
they will bo able to identify
some of the bodies , Ono time last
spring a band of Sioux Indians came
through Pierre , and lu conversation with
P. P. Roblo , i5n Indian Interpreter , told him
that thov had burled a number of bodies that
they bud found up the river and wanted
some of the citizens ot 1'iorre to glvo them
some remuneration for tbo same , but at that
time the story was thought to bo u fuka on
the part ot the Indians , The theory Is now
offered that the persons were probably frozen
lu tbo tci riblo storm of January 13 , and were
afterwards found and burled hy this band of
Indians , presumably some time lu the spring ,
A Noted CouiitcrlVller Arrested
Kansas Citv , Nov 10. A special from St
Joseph , Mo , says : Robert Crockett , ono of
the most noted couiiterfcltcis in the west ,
was arrested hero last week , but the fact
was so well guarded by the authorities that
it did not bCLomo known until today His
accomplice escaped , but the detectives ex
pect to arrest him soon
The Nnvy Hooks Shelter
New Yohk , Nov 10. The new navy
squadron which left yesterday returned last
night and is at anchor liuldo of Saudy Hook
bar on account of a heavy enow storm out
side ,
Dumnatincr Admission of a V/Ituoaa H
for the Oroniu SuspcotB H
OUlcer MoDonnld Tcstlllrs Thnt Ho ' .H
Knew ol' CuukIiIIii's Connection j B
WltW the Cnso Itcl'oro the i H
Body Wns Dlscovorrd ' $ 1
. i H
Mixed tint Witness Up J H
Cincioo , Nov 10. The HrM witness In \ M
the Croniu trial this morning was Policeman < l |
Redmond McDonald , Ho testified that ho l H
saw Dau Cotighlln nt the East Chicago i M
nvcnuo I'olloo station botweeu S:43 : nnd j M
0 o'clock 011 the night ot the mur- 1 1
dcr On cross-examination witness fixed fi l
the ttmontO toU:15 : oclock The cross ox- M H
mutilation developed the fact that witness -1 1
wns n member of Camp SO Clau-nn-Guol. \ \ M
Witness did not speak of the fact to any , l H
body but Officer Scott , who wus also a mom l H
bcrofCninpSO , until lust Stturday , when ' 1 1
ho told Contain Schuttlcr Witness said the S H
fear of being mixed up In the matter kept ] H
him from speaking of it sooner J H
\ \ lines , on being asked when ho first ' 1 1
learned of the connection of Coughlln's .1 1
name with tlio horse and buggy 111 which it t
Cronin wns driven uwuy , stated it was bo- < ! iH
fore the body was found There was a son i l
sat Ion when counsel for the prosecution H M
uslicd the witness if ho did not remember I H
Ihut Coughllu's name was never connected jkH
with tbo horse in uuy manner in the publlo I H
press until three dnjs after the discovery of \ M
the doctors bed v. li l
William Mulcnhv , an omployo ot 1 1
O'Sulllvun ' , said that n few dnys uftor April liH
4 , when with O'Sulllvun ' on an Ice wagon , i H
they met a man who resembled Coughlin | |
The latter asked O'Sulllvnu It ho knew a {
young mnn named Kuuzc , nnd If ho saw him : | H
to telephone to the Chicago nvcnuo police SH
station und say , "I want to scoyou " Wit ]
nuss had heard O'Sullivan ' speak of his con ' | H
tract with Dr Cronin On the day of the < IH
murder , witness further testified , 71H
O'Sullivan ' and hu were on | H
the ice wagon together , They had \1H
( Hipper together , both rend during the oven ' | H
tag , going to bed nt the same time and sleep j fl
ing in the sumo bed Witness also said ho 1 1
had heard a conversation bolwoen Old Mnn { !
Carlson and O'Sullivan about the tenants of . > JH
the Carlson cottage , The old man testified IH
that O'Sullivan ' said hn knew that they were -j M
nil right This witness testified that O'Sul- i
llvan said ho knew nothing of thoni j M
The crosa-cxammutlon ot this witness tonic ; ] M
a sensational turn when It became the evl- 1 H
dent Intention of the state to direct sus- 1 1
plcion towards the witness as the mnn who \ M
drove the white horse which drew Dr.Cronln US
to his death The witness , however , denied > ] l
that ho had ever worn a beard similar to .4 H
thut of the man who was identified as having -f 1
driven the buirgy Mulealicy said ho came f H
to O'Sulllvun for employment with a loiter IH
of Introduction from the iceman's brother , [ H
who lives In Fonda , la Mulcnhoy knew of {
O'Sulllvau's ' contract with Cronin , having !
spoken once to his employer about alamo IH
foot und being told to go to Cronin , who was IB
under contract to treat all of O'Sulllvan's ' | H
men Wltuess ncted us collector for O'Sulll-
van slnco last spring , I H
Thomas Wtialcn , wh030 wlfo kcops the H
boarding house where O'Sulllvun and his men _
lived , was quito sure tbo ill man was uot out r. H
of the house the night of the murder • *
William Glenn , an Inter Ocean reporter , wit < J'ijfc * H
tof tilled that ouo week after the murder Mr ' H
Conklln told lumthe white horse brought to H
her door from Dinan's stnblo did not re- H
Bomblo the hoiso behind which Cronin was
driven away , H
Edward Jones , a Dally News reporter , tos- t ' ' H
tilled that ho nnd another reporter went to H
the Carlson coltugo after tbu discovery of H
Cronin's uody Alunv stories had been told H
about the cotlago und as a joke they got some H
cotton batting and a picco of liver The - - H
blood from the latter they smeared upon the 4
cotton ' 1 boy put the blood Blaincd batting -
in the cellar Witness denied that ho had *
put it there to furnish tbo material for a J
sensation in his paper %
Three of O'bullivaa's employes corrobor- $ <
atcd the evidence to establish an nllbi for &
the ice man Ono of thorn told about distributing - a
tributing a number of O'Sullivun's ice cards f
which had b n produced in evidence , with a }
view to workmc up trade •
Jacob Schiiur testified that the trunk in -1
evidence wns mndo in his factory It was a \
very common kind , which had been on the j
market for years rA
On the cross-examination of PatrickBron- f
nnn , another employe of O'Sullivan ' , the fact , |
was brought out that tbo law.vors for the defense - \
fenso got some of their witnesses togcthorat
O'Sulllvan's house lust Sunday and wont • - „ ,
over their testimony in the presence of the I
entire company I
The Missing Hr Louis Heiress Disoov- |
crcd in n Convent J
St Louis , Mo , Nov 10. [ Special Telegram - S
gram to Tnn Bee ] Alice Jackmnn , the J
missing heiress , was located by u Rcpubllo I '
reporter this afternoon in the convent of the x H
Good where the % '
Shepherd , mother superior i
sold she had been placed by her guardians 4 I
Bon-ln-law , and where she could not bo in- '
torylowed except on an order from that gen 3 '
tlcman This places the guardian , Taylor , 1
in a box " Ho Bworo positively yesterday j j
that ho know nothing of the girls ' abduction , * .
or her whereabouts An information for 4 \
perjury will probably bo tiled against him to- i
morrow Ho is ono of the wealthiest drug -j
gists in the state , and only recently , though ' % :
a mnn of mature years , married a girl In her jj
teens , younger , in fact , than some is his own
cluluron Bofnro a habeas corpus proceed f
lug could bo taken , a carriage drove up to J
the convent and again the girl is in the uus'S j
tody of tbo crowd that kidnapped her Tay- * ft I
lora motlvo for wanting her in a convent ,1t |
docs not appear tn bo her money , but ho %
dreaded her uvidonco of his brutality that f
she would buvo glvon In an exmnlnliig court , i
where , hiring not at all precocious for her I
ago , she would have been stripped to the 4
waist and the flail exposed to lho publlo W
The Victims Family Charged Will * % \
the Awful Orlmo rJi <
Kansas CiTr , Mo „ Nov 10. [ Special Tel jfr \
gram to The Beu.J A special to an nltor- JL1
noon paper from Moxlco , Mo , , says ; Tbo fum- < u
' '
lly of Farmer Collins , who was assassinated *
While asleep Sunday , consisting of Mrs Col- M f
tins , nnd three sons , two daughters and ono 38
kon-ln-law , Perry Kay , have bconarrestod W
There nro some struugo features connected ?
with this crlino Ono of tbo boys owned a jf 1
Iiistol , 8'J-culibor , the slzo of the ono that
tilled Collins , and this cannot bn found m
Mrs , Collins claims to have boon lying on '
the side of the bed next to the assassin , Jf U
whoso hand must bavo touched her face " %
when the shot wus fired , and the sldo of the *
bed on which she claims to have stent for * j
houis was not rumpled or crushed , Start w
ling facts are sure to como out when the inquest - I
quest is resumed The fuct that Collins was J 1
assaulted nour his own homo about u year % j
ago , und that the matter was hushed un 9
when it was about to bo discovered thut ono
of bis own sons was the assailant , leads the , /
pcoplo to hellcvo that the officers are on the " 'm
right truck of the murderer Tbo murder * * '
occurred ut Rush Hill , In Audialn county T
Fur Fulsn Pretenses r.jB ,
Ronpout , N. Y „ Nov 10. F. M. Wonsor , M
claiming to bo agent of the Covenant Mutual * • ' ' % I
Benefit association , of Illinois , has been ar'JlH
rested hero , charged with obtaining money ] H
us u representative of the Odd Fellows Aid SjM
association , of Ohio fO
The Nulliuial Or mi no 'yh
Gaciiauknto , Nov 10 , The National Hi
Grange today decided upon Atlanta , Ga , as 'Wl
. the place fur holding lho next annual meet * | | : -
1 inc 9) )