| : 8 ' TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE:1 : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 188P. 7 * * I THE CITY HI The Omalm Giinrd * gnvo a compnny IE hop Inst nIglil nt tfioir armory t Matid Forester , n , colored child , was f hold to the dtsti'lct court ( or in- I coi-rigililllty. He The lAirt Omnlin Social club Rave a g mott otijo.vablo hop last night nt the f Fort Oniuha hop room HI William Noy assorts that Tin : llii : HI wn" * 'n ' error when it stilted that lorry Hi Kurts the ( jinbo'/7lor , was over in his H | employ Hi The fire department witi called to H | Twcnty-focond and Hurt last night to HI quench a blading barn belonging to a Hb Ilml1 named Oslmtnp The damugo was f. about $ o ( ) . Hf A mooting of the Pennsylvania club fe wan announced for last night in the po- H I l'co ' court room , hut the moinbom of the H § club failed to matarlali/o aim no mcot- H | ing was held H r The delegates from the Fourth ward H have appointed A. U. Nicholas as judge H' nl , , J > IJ" Mcintosh as clerk of the j primtirioa , but have not yet como to any Hi iigreumouton the second judge H : < County Clerk Roclio states that ho has reason to bcliovo that ltarnhard Saohsso wt I contest the eloetiou of Gustavo Anderson to the position of [ justice ot the pcaco In the Third dis trict A bill of Hilo was nicd in the olllco of H the county dork yesterday from D. A. HI Vaughan to the Domocr.it Publishing Hf company , convoying all the printing HI materiul and the press finnchiso of the Hi- Democrat olllco , tiioconsideration being I $ .00,000. H | There will bo a mooting ot property Hf owners nt the Sixth ward republican H | club rooms , at Twenty-sixth and Luke Hf Btrcots this evuulng , to tnko final action Hi- ngalust the collection of the special Hf l ° vy of tuxca for the opening of Twenty Hi , ninth street from Indiana avenue to H& Hamilton strcot . Frank Soiou and .Toromo Pcntvol , two HE of the jurors in the case of Edwnrd Orr , & the boy who stole a lot of clothing from Hi' a Murray house guest , took exception Hf * to the article which appeared in Tin : Hk Dii : relative to the verdict returned in HfF that case Thov state that the prosccu- H& tlon produced the owner of the goods HP' and Landlord Sillonay to provo the Hi value of the articles stolen , and claim Hf that Mi * . Sillowny wus not as well qual- Hf illod to judge of the value of scennd- HgL hand clothing as the tnombors of the HJ | jury wore They claim that their ver- Hf diet was in aecordanco with tiio actual H { > value of the goods Hg I'rrsonnl I'nrnirnpli < t. It t Elmer Dundy is in Falls City on business H | ' ' O. II Phillip * , of lcai ice , is nttlio Casey r R. D. Joucs , or Red Cloud , Is at the Mil It ] a" ' ' UW- J. C. Emory , ot Bcnlrico , is a guest at the g Cnsoy H 6 Ed Kosc , ol Ponder , is registered at the I Casey ? ' A. M. Jobnson , ot Curtis , is at the | Paxton Hip J. F. Allen , ot Fremont , is a guest at the Murray Bp C. T. Brown , of Lincoln , is registered at i the Cnsoy § C.V. . Benson , ot Lincoln , is stopping at I ! the Murray , HF Thomas A Ilcaloy , ot Milford , is a guest at His J' N. Wclwtor and wife , of Lincoln , are at t" the Paxton H $ GPa'niar ' , of Grand Island , Is stopping HE ? at the Casey Hk' n- " • Summers , of West Point , is stopping HfT at the Fuxton H jt | > * - " " * ! Morton , of Nobraolra City , is stopping g. at the Pnxtun H& * William N. Silver , ot Waboo , Is a guest at > the Merchants Hip W. N. nicbartlson , of RcdiCloud , Is regis ff terod at the-Paxton. * • Hf Lco Vrnett and wifiof Lincoln , are rog- % lstcred at the Merchants Uw J. R. Patrick n"d F. D. Travis , of Hoia- 0 rogo , are guests nt tbo Paxton HE • • E. Spoucfir andC li Hastings , of Bc- Hlf strico , are stopping at the Merchants , If- Augustus Prank , tli3 real cstato and bust Jg nc3s boomer of Kearney , Is at the Paxton I' ' Mrs C. D. Thompson and daughter are it visiting her parents in Murshulltown , la jjR ? Miss Maud Wbitohorn , of Sioux City Is HJ- tbo guest of Miss Corey and Mrs Symons Hilt ExAttoinoy Gcnornl J. K. Webster , of HJ % Lincoln , Is lu the city attending United Hr | States court H | John P. Hurt man and G. W. Whcatakcs , He ? ' prominent business men of Kearney , visited Hn\ The liuu building iostordav gl'i J. 13. Stnndiib of Detroit , a merabor of HJ fr the Urm of Hammond , Standlsh & Co , paek- HJ' ersris registered at the Murray , Hi Captain W. F. Tlbbltts , traveling passon- Hjl' ' ger agent nf the Denver & Kio Grande ruil- Hj-V , road , who claims to bo the oldest pjssongcr HI & agent on the road , Is a guest at the Paxton H S At tbo Windsor Z. F. uorlund , l'ouch- Hff , Voppsle , N. Y. ; A. Myers , Independence , ru ; Hf ! . W. H. Stoltes and wife Keokuk , la : Dr B. Hf * • Malnbard , Nebraska City ; D. P. Alullen , HJln * ' Lincoln : William Llghtfoot , Topolia ; Alex HJ # andor S. Mahon , Lincoln ; C. A. Webster , H | Chicago ; C. K. Hughes , Deuvor Htjw- Army Nous HJ Captain Clarence A. Stuadman , of the Hffg * Ninth cavalrv , at Fort Robinson , has boon j& grnntcd leave of absence for ono month , to HJtX' take effect about December IS Hi& < * CotmriiVimt4 SI.717.55 K Sheriff Coburn has filed his bill with the HEK county commissioners for boarding prison Ir era for the months ot September and Outo- HjK bcr The amount of tbo claim Is $1,717.53. HJL Tlin llilolAbrnnil Hlf& * Some tlnof broke Into the Kohcrman BpS irhool a few ulehts ago and stele about $25 | M woith of boohs and damaged the case in it which they were locked HJlEl Mnrrlncn Ijieonsoi HjW Only ono marriage llconso was IsRucd by Hf Judge Shields yesterday , as follows : HIE ? Name and Address Ago HJK 1 Andrew Saudor , Omaha as HJn I Bolla IC Strombcrg , Omaha 23 HJKP Dead DuoUs k J. O. Drexel , M. O , Maul and W. II Maul HJIBr garbed thetnielvos In hunters uniforms ana HjKwith shot guns loft yesterday for a down Hs river trip on a duck nnd geese hunt A Hlp gaiuo supper will bo hold on their return to HUkwhich the unucrtakcrs and reporters will bo HHk invited to partake HJB A Guiii * ( > nnin Man jUt A smooth fakir Is woi king confectioners , w grocers and drug men In Omaha by selling M | gum-boxes without any gum in thorn , WIU- HHbJIk lam iloldiedgo , ot 1715 Leavenworth street , Hiffi % vas elm of his victims to the extent ot (5. HMp ) ll ° couiplatiiod to the pollco H ' " AMUSKMUMS HAT A triple bill nilod up tbroa hours with HK splendid fun and pleasing entertainment at HJK ; Uuyd'a opera house last evening , Mrs HM' ; Gcorgo S. Knight repeating the success HJK soored by tier nt the opoutng per HHb ' formunco of her engagement , Aasum * HJBr lnK so umly , distinct characters , each HHS representing u particularly peculiar tynn HP'of liumunlty , in ono night must HUg Kivo an actress great scope for a display of Hw ' versatility and artistic powers It has long HH eou lllli lody's custom to put as much va- HnTf rletv before her patrons as iwssiblu , boliov- Hnf ing that it vurlotv , as goes the old saying , is K the splco of life , it will apply appropriately HJfF as splco to a dramatlo outarulnmoat She HJf , alreudy has eight plocos In her rcportoiro , E ud vvjll add annthor , au entirety new one , Bf boforu leaving Oaiuba " K HOH\ , HV To Air and Mrs J , U Calloban , ltW South nth H attvet.a ton 1'OUIttlL IVAHI ) unPUIUilCANS A Lively Time Over llio Nninlnn or a Proxy i About sixty members were nrocnt at the meeting of tno Fourth ward republican club InU night , Moses O'Uriun presldod The object of the gathering was the election ot sovcu dologntcs to be voted for at the repub lican primaries next Wednesday The primary object of the meeting was no- cotnpllshod without any trouble whatever , Fred Gray , F. C , Moo res E. Rosewater , Elijah Dunn , M. Goldsmith , K. D. Duncan and Moso O'ltrlen bolng chosen dolcgntcs Then the trouble bopan It seems that .h It Webster and Pat llawcs , two of the members of the central committee , have moved out of tiio word , the former is an cnthuslastlo Uroatch man nt least ho so declared himself and wished to give a proxy to some ono who coincided with him In order to satisfy Mr ltnmtth that ovcri thine was all light , ho propoiad to send him the proxy in blank and nllow him to solcct cither Justice Andersen or Moso OHrlon In the meantime J , K. Sudborough had un derstood from Webster that ho was to have the proxy Later , when Webster 1cmnod that O'Brien ami Anderson were opposed to Hrantch ho called on Hrontch and wlthdrow his proxy Last night ho gave It to A. P. Nicholas Sudborough was somewhat aggrieved ever Webster's action , and roproiched him for not keeping his word When ho had llnishcdhis statement Web ster arose to dotlno his position Mo said ho had been In favor of itroatcb' nnd did not want to give his proxy to un nntl-lJroatch man When Webster had concluded the row began A motion was made to spread Sudborough's remarks un the racord Someone ono moved to put Wobstor's remarks on the record The lirst motion carried , tbo sccoud did not , for Wohstor objected A motion to solcct the Judges nnd clerks for the primnno1 * was test , It being decided to.postponn until next Tuesday night , 'Ine meeting then ndjouruod and the trouble began R. D. Duncan accused Webster of borrow ing $13 from him to work In Hroatch's inter est , and Webster retaliated by saying that Duncan had said that ho need not mind the cash , ns Uroatch would p ty It b ick Duncan then remarked that Webster was a liar , ana Webster retaliated by calling Duncan a gen tleman , Then Joe Van Alstcln got up nnd resigned as a momher of the club , and was invited to get out by all the members present Someone ono snouted harmony , and the mooting ad journed amid a perfect din of exclamations Second Ward Itcrtullicins The republicans of the Second ward will hold a meeting at H23 South Thirteenth street this evening at 3 o'clock to mane arrangements for the primaries and discuss other important business connected with the coming city election Second Wait ! Democrats ' Abou t forty of the Second ward democrats mot at the corner of Sixteenth and Williams last night for the puiposo of organizing a democratic club Mr William Holmes was made temporal y chairman , nnd Mr Daniel O'Connell , si , tempoiary secretary Tbo ojginuutiou was made peimancnt by tbo election of the following ofllccrs : John Mulvihill , chairman ; P. C. Riebe , vice president ; Daniel O' Connell , sr , secretary ; Gcorgo Holmis trcusuror Chairman Mulvihill delivered an address in response to culls for a speech , when his election was announced lie 3.iid ho was duly thankful for the honor conferred upon him , and predicted the defeat of the republi can narty and nf prohibition Secretary O'Connell made a short speech , advocating a permanent club in the Second ward , nndTlwclt on the necessity of putting good men lu tbu Held ot the coming election It occurred to some of the members mat they liceded a few more vice presidents , nnd it was moved to Increase tbo number to three John F. Muiplivand John Sehrocder were then elected to bo vice presidents A set of bylaws was picsentcd to the club by John Fuchs for approval , which pro vided among other things , that there should bo a captain appointed in each precinct to tnko cbaree of the registration and election i in his precinct , nnd appoint assistants to aid blm in getting out a full vote A committee on patronage was also pro vided for , which is to mvcttlgnto each demo crat in the ward who holds a public ofneo and repoi t his ability , etc * A committee , consisting of Messrs Will iam llolmt h , John Suoorl and John Fuchs , was appointed to consider the constitution and bylaws and report A recess of 11 vo minutes was tlion taken to allow those present to sign the roll of the club club.Vico Vice President Rlobo announced that tbo democratic city central committo i will meet tonight at Julius Meyer's rooms , oa Tur- nam Btreet , nnd suggested thut a committee bo appointed to see if ibaplaco for holding the primaries can not bo changed to a moro central place , it is now nt Sixteenth nnd Vinton streets , at the south end of the wai d. Ho moved that a commlttoo of live bo up- pointeu to call on the central committee and ask that the place oo changed The chair neglected to put the motion to a vote , but anpointod the following committee : John Murnhy , Charles Clifford William Holmes , Joseph Sandhofner , Molchlor Lies The mooting then adjourned until Wednes day night Tim Club Not lto ponstblc Constables Sullivan and Lane , of the Eighth ward , called at Tub Bcb oDIco last night to state that a meeting of the Eighth Ward Republican club was hold last night , aud that several propositions to endorse candidates for the mayoralty were pro Beuieil Among the candidates mentioned were A. L. Strang , William F. Ueeliol aud and Mayor Uroatch The club adjourned without taking any action , whereupon Den nis Lauo and several others wont into secret session on the matter The gentlemen wished it stated that whutovor action was tukcu , the Eighth Ward Uepublloan club was not responsible ' Cruelty io Animals Omaha , Nov 11. To the Editor ot Tub I3cn : Ju a city like Omaha , wlioro there are so many kiua hearted aud liberal minded people , why does not some ono taito up the cause of tbo street clr horse ; where are the high oad migbties of the Society of Provoa- tiou of Cruelty to Animals What is especially referred to is the treat ment nf the horses bn the West Farnam Btrcot car line , which has the most hills and is ono ot the longest lines On any slippery morning ( Hometlines during tbo day they sand the tracks ) you will sco those poor beasts struggling up the long bill , Blippmg , falling ana injuring themselves moro or less and surely It butts any humane person to wit ness this , . Thomnjorlty of the drivers treat the horses as kindly as possible , though tnero are ex ceptions in this case as In all othershow- nvor , this may bo said in their extenuation , that when n mans broad and butter deponda oa his muking certain time , regardless of the condition of the roads , ho is uni to think the horse can stand blows hotter than the man go hungry In the hills in the business part of town there is nu extra horse to help pull the car up tbo mcllno , but on tbo nil ! west of Thirtieth street there Is no extra horse On days that the trAoks nro slippery why not hnvo nn extra pair ot strong shafp-shod horses to do the pulling up the hill Of course it is understood that the horse car , or rather street railway company , Is not In this business for glory , but none the loss a person or persons nro not Justified In treating helpless nnlmals with crucHy whether intontlonnl or not I have noticed that tlicro are stoves in some of the cars , but ns I have sat and shiv ered on sovcral cold days 1 came to the con clusion that the stoves wcro Intended for or naments Probably tbo accommodating company think that the glow of indignation will keep their patrons warm , but it is apt to warm tholi heads nnd cool their feet , which you know Is contrary to all medical advice A. A. Cnllfornln Cnt-IUCnrc. lho only guaranteed euro for catarrh , cold lu the head , bay fever , rose cold , catarrhal deafness nnd sere eyes Restore the sense of taste and unpleasant breath , resulting from catarrh , Eisy and pleasnnt to use , Follow directions and n cure is warranted ny all druggists Send for circular to AUIETINE i MEDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , C. l. Six months troittnontforL : sent by mall , $1.10 , Sold by GooduinnDrug Co Till ! RAILROAD HI rjUAXlON Views of Tralllo Slnnntror Leeds , ol the Missouri Pacific J. S. Leed , freight trafllc manager of the Missouri Pncitlc , arrived in Omaha yester day on his Initial trip ever tbo ssstoin Ho Is a practical railroad man , and , it will bo re membered , as chairman of the Transconti nental association ho coped successfully with the ablest men in tbo country , and was instrumental in mora instances than ono in averting rate wars that would hnvo been disastrous to the lines Involved In spann ing of the railroad situation , Mr , Lcods said : The railroads nro not getting as much for hauling freight at the prcscat time as they did a year or so ago It is true that a vast decrease has been made in the train service , but this does not make up for the decline In the freight rates Cars are mora heavily loaded , but the volume of freight to bo moved nets so much in receipts If this be moved on n low ratu tbo earnings of tbo road would uo similarly affected , and the saving in train service cannot make up the deficiency What do I think of the inter state commerce law I Well , to the western roads It has proven detrimental The east ern trunk lines have been honofltted by It In a ccncrul sense I loaurd it as being adverse - verso to the tnteiests of the western lines " Mr Leeds is of the opinion that tbu Union Pacillc-Northwestorn combination will in no wavaftoct the longevity of the Intor-Stnto Railway association In reference to this matter ho said : " 1'ho comnlnation will and does break certain rule3 of the association , but unless just such a matter comes up these rules would boimprncticabloand inoperative The infraction is in no way vital No , I do not think that any opposition will be wngud against lho two roads owing to their amalga mation On the other hand , it is reasonable to suppose Hint the confederation means n maintenance of rntes for there would bo loss men to wrangle In the pit Other combina tions mav follow , but rivalry will not bo the prlmo factor In the carrying out of these plans No , the Missouri PaciQo has not withurnwn from the presidont'B agreernout , neither has it declined to entertain tue author ity of Chan man Walker , as has been ro- ported " VftOMAN IN THE CITY lie Still diners to l < Yrtcratiuu nnd la OnnR lent or Its Adoption Geurgo Vroman , chairmaa of the griev ance committee of the lirothorhood of Lnco- motive Engineers on the Union Pacilio sys tem , is in the city He , in company with Engineer Fonda , who is also a member of the grievance committee , called upon Vice President Holcomb for the purpose ot ndjustlng local matters involving the men in the employ of the company in the jaras as regards rights , privileges , etc The differences nro of a trivial aature It will bo remembered that Mr Vroman was tbo principal aspirant foi the chiofship of the brotherhood in the meeting recently hold at Denver aside from P. M. Arthur , who was the successful candi date The First Fast Trnln The first train in the fast mall service on the Union Pacific will leave Omaha at 0:15 : this cvonlng , although the now tlmo card will not take effect until Sunday In addition to the two mall coaches a Pullman and a baggage car will bo the private car of Marvin Ilughltt , president of the Chicago & Northwestern This car will bo occupied by Captain Wbito , super intendent of the railway mail scrvico , and members of bis party , Gcnoial Mauncor Dickinson , of the Union Pacific will accom pany Contain Wtilto Several representa tives of the press will also Do the guests of that well known government ofllcial Tlip Twentieth Street Uridine Material for the now iron brldgo of the Union Pacific at Twentieth street is being deposited on the site and Monday the com pany will comtnonco work upon the struc ture The bridca will cost fUOOO The company will also straighten all of Its tracks bntweon Nineteenth and Twenty-fourth streets which will rcmovo a dangerous to- verso curve at that point A rtnllrond Ollloial Mnrrlod A telegram was received at Union Pacific headquarters announcing the marriugo of J. H , Stafford , general storekeeper , to a Miss 'McEwen , of Dotrolt , Mich The contracting parties are well known In Omaha , the bride having n brother who conducts a mercantile establishment on Howard Btreet near Six teenth After in a It In i , ' a tour of the cast the happy couple will loturn to Omaha where they will make their permanent residence Itnllriind Notes The annual passes to bo issued by the Union Pacilio for the ensuing year will bear the name of Vice President Holcomb instead of Thomas F. Kimball , and in countersigning John F. Coykendull's ' nauio will appear lu place of T. M. Orr , The report that S. W. Ecolos will succeed D , H. Kcelcr as general agent of the Union Pacilio at Denver is ofliclally denied As previously announced in Tub Hke , Elmer II Wood , as assistant general freight agonl of tho-Missnurl Pacific , will have his headquarters in Omaha und not ut Denver , as reported in the Republican of that city Gcaoral Manager Holdreco , of the Bur lington , has gene to Uurllngtoii on business conneotcd with his company , Chniulini'Inlii'8 < on li Remedy This remedy is made especially for acuta throat und lung diseases , suoh as coughs , colds and oroup.and 1b udmtttod to bo without an equal for tboso uilmonts Its oflcct is to loosen a cold relieve the lungs , open the Becrotlons and free the entire system of all symptoms of the cold , 50 cent and ono dollur bottles uro for sulo by till druggists r or Bilious and Nertom Disorders , eucli at Wind and Pain In the Stomach , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Ful nuss and Swelling alter Meals , Dimness and Drowsiness , Cold Chills , Flushings ol Heat , Lost ol Appetite Shortness ol Breath CostUeness , Scurvy , Clotehet on the Skin Disturbed Sleep Frightful Dreami and all Ntrtous and Trembling Sensations c THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE HELIEF IN TWENTY UlNUTtS this is no llcUon livery butforer Is earnestly Invited to try ono Vex ot luuaa litis , aud they will bo acaitowloilued to ba a Wonderful Midtelne llEUOHAM'a T1IXS , talton as Ulreclod , vilt ( julcldy restore femnUt to complete health For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : " A"1 to ii will work wonders upon the Vital Organs i Strengthening lho musculur Ststem t rutoring lons-lost Complexion ; brluglnt ; back the keen edjjs tt appetitenat , , Housing wllh the ROSEBUU OF HEALTH Ilia iWiofasi/ti/Wruf ennui/cl the human frumo These are • • facts ' admitted by thousands , lu allclas8e ofV > cloty ; and onoof the best guarantous to the WrrmiB and IXibluuiod Is that BEECUAMS PiLLS HAVE THE LAKQEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD Full directions wllh rocUBox . . , P'oi'arcd only tiy TIIOM HF.I'CHASI , Ht Hrleiu , laueasldre , Knirlaiid t oM . , I7. * > r ( W veneraUu B. F. ALLEN & CO , , 365 and 307 Canal St , New York , Bole * s < mtt for the Ualte < ] suites , , Wio ( It ytMr drufglot docs not fcoep thvin ) KLiJ iLwli ! JECEIPT 0F PRICEJLcJiL ! - B CONSUMPTION IN lis first stages , can be successfully checked by the prompt use of Ajcr's Cherry Pectoral , E\en in the inter periods ot that disease , the cough Is wonderfully rclluved by this medicine "I hnvo uiedVAycr'a Cherry Tcctorol with the best effect lu my prnctlco This wonderful'preparation ' oncosn\ed my life I hndnrnnstnut cough , night sweats , was greatly reduced In flesh , and gl\cti up by my physician Ono bottle nnd a half of the l'ccteral cured me " A. J. lUdson , M. D. , Mlddleton , Tennessee " So\ oral stars ago I was severely 111. The doctors said I was In consumption , and that they could do nothing for ine , but advised mo as a last resort , to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral After taking this medicine two or llirto months I was cured , nnd iny health lemnlns good to the present day " James lilrcliard , Dnricu , Conn " Sovornl yenrs ngo , on a passage homo from California , by water , I contracted so sc\cro n cold that for some dnjs I wns confined to my state-loom , nnd a plijslclan on board considered my llfo in danger Happening to have a bottle of Aycr's Cherry I'cctoral , I used it freely , and my lungs were soon restored to a healthy condition Sincn then I hnvo Invariably recommended this prep aration " J. 1 $ . Chaudlcr , Junction , Va Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral , rnsrAhEU nr Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Masi > Bold by all DruggWt § . l'rleo M i dibottlcnS Stores IIalls , LnuRCiirs , FactoIUUia kiss * tic , will find ilia / N0.2QL0DB / Rac , INCANDESCENT / WMa the best , snfe&lmost Xi Ru durable and cconom-y > CjCrEUIL I icalcoal oil hrop/tf SS * the . / vmm in world yM la I C lit * W. / I mow 35 It / I qnnrofor/ I lets than J let.mi / J-tly 1 ' v aS SB ? artistic rount jHjHK ystard.Vnscnna 'S'l ' ' / banquet Lamps , ' ' " ' Mo . 3 olobe incandescent , / Invaluable for Lighting . * • > - , -u. Jibnrics , 1) ms rooms , 320m SI ' larlcra-auda Candle / | | fflM3 S lOWER MAKCFACTCnro BY / THE STANDARD LIGHTING CO , > Cpvt > lnnd , OMc Torsaloby Jl 11. WUss ana Perkins Gate li & Lnumau ' DRS BEf f S & 8ETTS H03rAm AMSTHEF.T , OmAIM , NEB ( Ojiposico raxton Hotel ) Ofllce hears , 9 a. m , to S p. m. Sundays , 10 ft , m , to I pin Specialists in Cbronto , Kcrrou j.Siln and Blood Da- eases IVConsultatlon nt onlco or by mall free Medi cines sent by mall or express , securely packed , frco from observation Guarantees 10 euro quickly , safe ly and permanently NERVOUS TEBILITT Sf MftSSS Btons I'byslcnl decay , unsliitr from linilacrutloii , x * cu&sor Inatilftence producing sleeplGunoM Uespon * clone y , pimples un the fuco aversion to bo doty , easily dlscouraifcd , ltd or contlUcncotduU untlt for study or biulneec , nnd thida llfft a burden , fnffly ponnan * ently nud jirlvfttely cured Consult Vn , Oot & Uotts , 1IM ( Formim Strctt Omuliu , Neb Bloca ana S'dn Disease SoB'SWbffisw ' results , complttely omdltutod witbont tiio aid ot mercury Scrofula eryslpulus , fever sore * , blotches , * ulciis pains tn tbo Iiohu nnd bones , aypbltltlo sere thro it moutbandtonKuo rntanb , utc , permaueutly curvd wbero others bavo falrad Kiflney Urinary RM' ffeaW ss qiientburnlnn Oi bloody umu.urlno UUn eo orod or wllh roiuy sedlmenton Man Inn weak b k , conorr lin , gloclcjnUI , Lto Promptly and saroly cured cbiriifs rcasoaable C ! T • SITf'rTT'UT , ! Ouarantced psr- X X&XKt U JE& I R 2. ( manont t uro ro- raoralcorapkituwUhoiitcullliij cuas.lu ordlliatlun Cures cUeclol nt bom by palltnt wllboutamomonts palnoraunoyance To Young : Mm and Miallc-Aieil Men f 1DD ihe awful effects of rarly AOTIDD uJllD Vice , which brliiM oriranlo wimiuesi , uuitruyiuK batlt roiml und body , nlfli all ItsUreadod Ills , pennuneiilly turu I. T100 HCTTQ Address thois who two lm- IlllOi DLillO imlroil themselves by Impropsr Imlulmiiice and mi.I aoiltury h iblla , whli-h ruin bum body and wind , undtlluKtUem fur busluesa , study or marrluKO Uaiihikdts [ , or those entering on that happy lit.anaroot puyilclaldebt Ity.qulckly assisted 0UR CESS Is bajed upon fertsjiflrst practical oxpnrlence , eo- ona-merj ca'O la est * ially atudlel , Uiuj Hurting arlxbt , tlilrl-mellilncs are prepared In our oi.n a * baiury otuctly w suittacn casothus alTniliit cares without lujary , . . , . . IJf-s.ndil tents po t ie for fel.brated worts on chronic , nerrnus nnilutheatodltnisos Thuusan la cured prA rnendlyiKiterurLail may savoyuu fu turo sutlLrtiieaDd ahame and ad iico den years to Itfii | ro letters antwnrad unlets uuowpanled by t cents la stamps Address orcull on 1 > 11 . ICUTTri Sl iictts , 110J l'ornttm Hlrcet , Omaba , Neb The Tyler System of Bank Counters _ gnenualled In Style , Quality or Vtitt The Tvfor DoskB aoo Now Styles , _ leather • with 1C0O Styles TaUfs , Chairs , c. ThoTylorRoyalTypoWrltorCoblnots , ? & DcskOomWatd SBtyles Finest pa Earth 100 Pse lUustraUu OaUlocat Itte , Pe t 7 Cts , TYLER DESK CO , St , Louis , Mo , 0 , S. A. " WEAKT MEH6IB ttK WlOCJV il iJ0. ' „ ? / " " • • . Wit 011U1H1K8U sV'ilVit. . . tllCtmCBItT4.SUSf so r CmKN OUKTSXtr UttltVMOMt , uitiut Curr.ti pr" 'U' > r MLrtirii.riiif < liseooiacuk U.lttmt * . nltpMni uliH , W or.11..wrt HUBCDtly vf > ' r * * < rBilia. . S4le < llHi03DLIct4a.aLuia. BAMnSM MJEOtBIO CO IMUWU cHIOAOOjfi | l 1 Jil"i.vi iuLK-itjtitAitU8etiSHiq . . Ur.ali Kra > < llc van lilulr tBJ but * vtooti JBtf.uf.1 raUiia7.uiti0OXliilllr.as uiMV ' ' " " ' " Witwri it 1 - -"mr innlTMasBmiiM YOU ARE FOOLING )1 ) I * Away 111011C3 * i you buy un ovorco.it tvilliout looking rtl our stock Our a'aortmont ovoi-sliitdotra ovorytlihirr ot its klml in the city Xcvor in all lho yenw Unit wo hnvo boon in business hnvo wo litul aueli vnsb qunntiiica of fine iiiid olegftut ovoicqals , nml no\or were they sold nt such low figures Wo nvc in the height of the season , our overcoat duimitniont is booming , you will nlwnys find it crowded , , mid nil } * is it sop Are the iiet'lilo ' crowding ourstmo bccmiso o rive them poorer goods or charge moro thauoUiors ? Would they como to us ( o buy o\o.conts that can bo had cheaper chowhoro ? NOT MUCH ! They como hoio because they know they can save money , nnd snvo cousidorublo too , our lnrgo ' business U the result of our ability to buy light and the will tosell right , our lnrgo business h the ro- , suit o fair dealing nnd of valuof than you enn get elsewhere for your money , And in no iniielo win wo provo that to you quicker than in nn oveicont Clothing Houses as u rule make moic profit on oveiconls than they do on other goods , tt will take but n glnncc nt OUU PHtCES | j ? tocouvinco you whnt a giont ditroionco thcio is in the way WE soil oveiconls nnd the wnv others nto it • . . I ' soiling thorn You need but looknt the clogant wide wale and nil wool cassimoro overcoat which wo have marked $0 , or nt the fine chinchilla garment , satin lined throughout , vchol piped nnd made up in excellent style , which wo ofiornt $ Snnd hundreds of other gnrmonts marked equally as low r Where Could You iaish Vim , > Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha I - i't ' HEBE WE ABE Hero no ura in the mltlst of a Illlz7nnl. Uu s llr-t thonuht Is for hcavv nmlor- vear nnd a wririn O\crcoit. The tot plnco to Ilml what you ncod In this line is At AMTJSKMENTS Xturstlay Trklay and Saturday , Nov It , 15 and It ) . ( Saturday Matinee rnaagementof the Churmlns Actress , Mrs GEO S. KNIGHT , In n itepertolre of Musical and Tarcicnl Coin Odl03 Tluirsdar | "a bu-Jcy Number " _ ' V Hoop L i" Evcillnt'i ) " ' " Actress Wager Friday livening I , ' . ' " 5auty iteau " And f Cra7eu- Saturdaf Jlntlnee , ) "JHy Lord in Mvery " Salttrdnf ) • 'Benutr ! . lesa " * , . „ > Hoop Ia Eieillllg 1 "Mj-Lord in Livery Matinee prices Mo Itegnlnr prices Beats go on sale Wednesday mo rnlnp ; . Sfoiulny null ' 1 ucsdii ) , NovcinLer 18 mill 10. Ilrlgbtor , ltlchor , Dettjr andFunnlor 'llmnKvcr TWO N1GUX8 ONLY Ttoturnot the lavurlto Comedians , * DONNELLY & GIRARD * Tiio Prlncos of Tarco Comedy , and their Com pany of Artist , In the ( jroutest of all LauujhlUK Bucceise NATURAL GAS The funniest fareo comedy over produced ! NewMuslcl Svvf Hongsl tf-vr Dancesl Nowr l'aromesl Now and lleautlful Costumes I And I'retty Pacea llegular prices Scats eo on palo Batutday $5,00 A full set of Teeth on rubber for * / > , uuarnntoc.1 to bn as well m&doas plates sent out 1 to u any dental onitoln this Luuntrr and lor wtitcU juu muuM be cliaricol over tnlca as muoti 'IclUi exlracleJ vrllUout pain ordaimor , and nlth * out the use cliolotorm , k s , Lltlier or uleclrltltf uolU and silver Ulilntts at bait rates , Satisfaction Ounrnnlooil DR BAILEY , DESTIST , I'nxton llliick , lGtli nutl Fnrimm Slrects , Talco I5l6vntor on ldtli Street OPI3N KVI5N1N03 UNTIL d OCLOCK TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES ( KM cu leatrlUlna" ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' Th priiml ristl . aa ud slurten aecordi&x to the vieicbl pal oa tb.et , Ad.pwd Motllr u n u > rouah cs'intry or flns > % ty rtr've * " "II > It row b i t antlafaotio . SHOEDEALERSl , ; ! ebrate-l lines of Itooti and Shoes , manufactur- tdDy I ) . M. Henderson a Co , of Chicago bao- tories at Chicago , Dixon IIs . and Fond Un Luo , Wli should writ * BAM N. WATSON , rest deuce , l'lt EMI I NT , NK1I. Traveling i < euU Ilstdquart r for Uubbura , COODRICH Atfy nt-Law. ll Dsir • born HUChicago ; ailvlco free ; • [ yo iri ox perleme ; busliwsd nuletly and legally trans acted In the neck a. id necl < pnee for business , v ery many H tEilte a "Headei' ' started badly H -m X ' MANY YEARS AGO "I i V/viy 'co'l ' ' started what B v vf / /A M- T CT T as s'nce ' become the B fh \ S i largest Tailoring busB Ml | , 5) ) iness in the world B l iW S Most evervbody ; B v Wtfe knows ve have large B r ' and busy stores in ' B nearly every principal city in America 1 ' , fl This large business has been earned by simjUfl pie merit the merit of a large assorted stock ' fl and garments made well and fashionably at | B prices within the reach of all B Nothing but merit could have gained so firm i B a hold on public patronage I B Trousers Made to MocSJro $5 to $15fl Suits Made to Measure , 2D to 50. . Overcoats Made to Measure 15 to 60 , 11 Fabrics by the thousands , B TMLOR ) mi 1409 Douglas Street Hjft No Goods Charged Cash Only Buyst V'Jl ' WILLIMANTIC F SIX-CORD ' SPOOL \ COTTON ] ' For Sale by all ( \ Muff J Leading Dealers I M 34 Union Square , New York City , Aug 31st , 1889. H After a series of iests at our EUzabethportfactory , extending over H a ferioil of several months , we have decided to use the ; H WJLL1MANTIC SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON , ' ' , H believing it to be the best thread now in the market , and strongly \ H recommend it to all agents , purchase and users of the Singer Machines ! H THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY P DON CARLOS LUMBER CO , I Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In S H Yelloizsr Pine , To dealers only Mills Southern Mlxsnuil IIooiuh 1. ' 'ami , J. . U. B. National .ilunlc JJuilOinj \ , H Telonliouo Oil Utnulia Aot > t H ETCHINGS , X H A % % E % B * CrnMURSON , \ M ARTIST SUPPLIESjfea MW LBF * wW "KIMUALL , H MOULDINGS IlIIlJI ZtPIANOB& ORGANS H framcs , 9 WM W lFl3 rsiiijr/rMUBia H 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska , , 'H A. B. MEYER & CO , I SHIPPBRS AND DEALERS IN H fl GOAL & COKE B 103 South 13th Street , Opp , PostoWce Telephone 1400 t H | jTJMwm