J. * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE - : - - TUKDAY , NOVEMBER 10. 1889. - ' - - - - - - - 7 l-H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It 3PEOIAL NOTICES IP OMAHA P 1 ! " - K l\o advortlsomonts wilt bo token for thoBo columns nftor 12:30 p. tn Torma--Cnah In ndvnnco Advertisements under tlilg head 19 cints per line ( or the llrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub Mquent Insertion , nncl * I.Wl per line per month No nilv"ertisenicnw inker tor less ttinn 25 cents for first luAettlon Seven words will bo counted to ilia lifer they must run consecutlvfelv nml must bo paid in ADVsNCE All advertise V nicntii mintbe hamlet , in before ) : : .7) o'clock p. in , nnil tinder no circumstance * will they be taken or discontinued by telephone 1'nrtlcH Advertising In tin no columns nml hav- J IniMholr nnsWers nddres < ed In carnof lint Bkb V will please ask for a check toenntilothemtoget | tlielr letters , as none will be delivered oxcent I on presentation of check All answers to ad- _ vertlsements should bo enclosed In envelopes All ndvcrtl * monts in these columns nro pub _ _ U.Ojcd in both morning and evening editions of _ _ lllKlKr the circulation or which aggregate ! _ _ morn than ls.nuo p ipers dally , nnd riven the nd- _ _ vcrtlsers the benclit not only of the city rlrrn- _ _ letlcuof Tur nir , but nlso or Council Illnrfit , _ _ Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout H this nertlon of the country BRANCH OFFICES _ _ _ Advertising for thews columns will bo taken _ _ en the nbove conditions , nttho following bust _ _ . mss houses , who nrenuthnrired agent * rorTitE _ _ Ilnr special notices , nnd will quote the same T rates as enn bo hod at the main oltlco JOHN W. nitf ' PharYimrisMro South Tenth [ ! . CHaNE A-Finn" , Stationers and Printers , 1W South irth Street , Sll I ARNbWORTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum Itiffttroet W.1. llUUHi : . Pharmacist , C24 North ICtU • btrcet ilo.V , PA1UI , Pharmacist , - 1718 Leaven _ worth street B JTuVflBS FHAHMAOY , 23)3 Farnam Strewt I' SITUATIONS WANTED • Bit "VTOUMl man trom the enstdcsltcs u situn- _ _ _ _ K • * tlon In n grocery store , city or country ; can f keep books ; not nfrnidotwork Address , O'J , K lien olllctf LIU 16 * _ _ _ _ < ' WO PUBLISHERS A thoroughly competent _ JL newspaper min and printer desires a post _ _ _ tlon In coed town Capable of tilling any ile- _ _ _ pnrtment ( lest of credentials : not iiirald of _ _ work ; willing to work for small salary , it per _ _ mancnt Address , Arpus olllce I'latte Center , B Ncb- IT' lr > H WANTEO IviALE HELP BV "Yf ANTlTD Man to worn about house Vn B > ' quire at 4318 Nicholas St , Walnut HllL J 171 tat Al CLOTH1NO clerk wltnloug o\porlenco ; must be llrst class salesman ; no others need H apply I'copla's Clothing House V.m Douslas H ] \STANTHI ) A trarellng Halesman short en- j TV gnucnient ; llrst class house ; must have H > ' references ; address OB , lleo olllco Ulir ! > r WANTin-UarWrrBliisle : mainireft > rred ; _ , must be a peed one Addres < ( lee , A. VW Bwenzy , Schuyler Neb SOI IB' H " \\7 > A > tHjb A tarrl.igo woolworter to work f K ' on bodies mid genrs Address statluir j v-aRes. John Olnzoby & Co , ClarlnJa l'ago Hi Co , In ItO 1H ? JH > A ollhTSV ( > want llrst-class men who nro K ; XValrcady vruvollug salesmen to carry our H lubricating oil Kimiincsu- ) Hlilo line Name II B territory and present occupation Maim fac ial , tnrers Oil Co . ClovfUnd O. 188 31 WANT KD Young man and lady take charge of books , will Instruct , situation waiting IH 3. It Smith , expert accountant , Wl N. ldtu • ' ISO 1CJ f B' 1U ANTlCD Traveling drug fcaleman to carry l H * T i tide line ; big commission Ad , O 4 , lieu M -MS 17t B fltllUDenverStato ( Lottery Co , want agents fBB -L Tickets ft ) corns Address A , C. ltoss .1 Co , ! Denver , Col "OJ dHt wanted We pay M'J to J2U ) prr AOliNTS nuuUlttdunerijOtlct-'oiitleinonandloclR's to F H procuio moufbers for our association , ltjouc InHf only devote a few hours enen week to our bust ness it will pay you well l"or further partlcu- lars nddrcss Nntlonal I.lbraiy association , 1'JJ Statu street , Chicago , 111. JJ1U lBj AbKNTti wanted fo hniullo nrtlclu every fctovo requires Heta1lst ; tnves J1.C0 per SB month , Must estnbllHli county agencies Sum MB plos sent oxprees prepaid on receipt of $ i.7u. HfM Mfcltny lfg Co..i > VnukcBlin Wis . JHr V ] li\V 10ltk importing house handling spec HBB ' ilultitain rullllnKS.notionssuiiill wsrcs.wnnts HSMl reproseatattve , 10 percint commission , forjun KBfli L tleii with exparlcnco only , need upply Ad- tl dress , stating particulars , L. 3. , postoflico sta- j tlon A. Kew York City ICO 15 ? W7NTiii ; Pattern makers , apply at nil _ Howard st 123 1 > * A rell&blo man to remove 4j WANTED jards of dirt Address N 61 , lice 108 15 ( WANTJJD squBru an-makors. Apply to foreman of tinshop The Armonr-Cudahy K racking Co lm IB H Hl "WiAMISO A competent cook ut 2019 St I TV Mary's nve 1611UT WANTED Itollablo energetic agent to rep resent an old Una lite Insurance company ; Hat liberal contract will lis made with party that BlBB wrlto lnsuranco ; correspondence coulldeiitial , Address N 07 lleo lildlS BBbS7ANTKl ) A registered drug clerk , perma- , TV nent situationnone : but good man need Khb ( ' apply Omaha rofercncu required Adtlress KflV oDavoLow , enreof ltichardson Drug Co S [ 15U 16 W'ANTKD Advertising solicitors tor the best scheme out City and country work § ] Send ( I cts or call for samples free Novelty ! ( Blgn Works 17 Itamge blilg 11010 WANTUD Young man for light work cor Howard ami Huh , room 3rd tlat lii' lot WAN 'fl D Experienced solicitors , gob d , . - pay , exclusive territory Occidental lluild- ( lug & Loan Assaclutlon , til ! ) S. 15thOmahn , Neb B B3I15T SALESMEN Waned ( At Ones A. few good men to sell our goods by sample to the ' wholesale and retail trade We are the largest manufneturors In ourllne In the world Llburnt M salary paid Permanent position Money uti- Wm vabced tor wages , ndvurtlslng etc For full SMI tonus address , Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago , Ml IlLorClnclanntlo Willi ; DKThUTJ VhS Wanted , gond.rellnbio mon in _ every community ; paying posltions.Kansas ' ' i Detective Hunan , jxick UoxUl' ' , Wlclutu , Kan f - ll dM WAM'UD Man and wife , without chiiaren , for Janitor and cliamberwork Address , IJBI IIox 38 , city , tc-J WANTED W\ traveling salesmen ; salary and expenses ; no experience necessary I' v AddrrtB with stamp , L. it Linn & Co , La B Lrosso Wis Sll 11 * AOEN1SI Wrlto for terms (3 sample coihet free SchleleCoiaiODioadwajNewYork i _ | WANTED Salesmen at $7. per month salary and expenses to soil a line of silver-plated K warn , wntchus , etc by satnpla only ; hortoand M team furnished free Wrtteatonce forfullpar- tlculara and sample rase of goods free Stand ard Silverware Co . Uoston tlaas , tliS WANTED Oood urli'klayers and stnnecut- : TV ter , good wngea paid Apply M , T. Muty ] pliy lreinont Neb 157 MEN tn travel for the Kotithlll nursorlos of _ , CanHda We pay tM to ! 10U a month and ! expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown Hock Add , Stone & . Wellington , Madison , Wis ( * 68 WANTEU-Track layers and bridge rarpen _ _ _ tera for Iowa Flllej' , Kramer & Co . cor K 1 ItU nod Varnam eta 170 WANTED A tew moro live , energetic sales _ , men , tn sell groceries , etc , to furmersho tel ami restaurant keepers and other large con ) Burners at wholesale prices ; excluuivo territory I given : for particulars address the Edgonortn ? Mercantile Co , ImportiTs mauutneturora und T Wholesale grocery , lllT State at Chicago 1 B31 u8 ! Hi WANTEP-FEMALE HELP BjJBI rjOOD girl of about It to mind 2 cull Iren7fi7 ( H H Usouth loth at sn lot A COOK Apply tm St Mary's avenue , . _ UU81H T Bb , 'IX/ANTED ' Oood girl for general house , TV work ilrs A. V. Tukey , "i > U Clilcngo st WV | .1 . 150 WANTED 0irlfor geneial housework.mint . . be good cook Apply at house , &J3 N UMi { lf . HO lit HbbII 'WANTED-Experlenced girl ; small family ; HbH , ' b' ° ° ag" Apply Hias loth st 1U4 BBS l\JTANTED A good girl for general house jMJ TVork , apply at once , 1CU N. Kind U B H VV-ANTKl-Uooa girl for iteueral house H TT work , l per week , alls Leavenworth , btU W V * ANTEjl-Flrstclass experienced saleslady B VT In cloak department State experience It > nd where employed Address Lesllee. . 0-ia WANTED A lady as casuler ; must be quick and accurate at llgurea and come well B recommended , J , L. llrandels & ions , ilia | Bouth 18th StT OLIVE llranch ltumedles Sura cure for rec- tal and female diseases Sample , S cents J Mrs J , nj Harvey , uuo S. 12tU s _ _ _ . WJ _ WANT80-I > dy agents ; oiso men ; two lnT niensa new apecluUles ; 1 lad v made t : t be- { ore noon ; another , 810 tub first hour Address .tttla * Cu , U7 Lakeside , Chlcaso , lit MU a l i > ' " fafafamf \ „ , , - , ' itA I ' ttfim ' * - - WANTED A first-clASi ! clrl for general honsawork ; no Swedes ; sou Salary's ave 18517 WANTKD-OIrl for cenernl housework In quire , No , 1Z1 N. afth st . South Omaha 157 10 \\TANTED-WMst and nklrt JlnTshers at VT once M. A. Wallace , 1510 Howard at , 170 17 V\TANTII-51ndy : cooks for Idaho , runml > i : pantry girl for Wyoming , Kit dining room girls , eldeny woman on a farm , stout girl forlA-o park , cook torn Mnall hotel In Oilora- doroolt nnd second girl In same family inn washing ) . Jd ami ! 10 ; cook for l'apllilon , $1 ; cook for largo family , $25 : rooVi > for boarding iiottsta , helpers , etc New places eM-ry day , Mrs.Urcga.3H'4a lfitlt , 17M5 ? JriOlt HI'NT-After Ocf 1. flno front oulce • ground Hoer ; plate glass window ; boat and light furnished ; a most desirable location for anr kind of business ; rent reasonable Inquire Olimlm lec Co , 10 S. 15th st , 47J PRE38Tfl A JUN C , TiToiUUINT-Houso Sn oriFffldTinquIre N , - * - ' w. cor Kd and Davenport fcJ ! DltEPSMAKINO lnfamlllos 1031 9. a > th 710 d It MISS O'DONOIIOK , dressmaking , nt 15i3 Douglns st Plush cloaks stcamoil , rollncd andrentted 12J dia ACOMPKTJRNT dressmaker , understands cutting and tlttlnc , desires tow Ing In fami lies 123 N 17th Bt 1W 17t _ BltKSt-MAKnil. or appreatlco to the dress making , w anted Apply , IMS diaries st V 10J 10 * MISS U Walsli 1HI8 Capitol avenuo.dressnnd , cloak maker ; plush coatsrellttcd rellncd ltau.tlj IOUIS WINEUEIIO , dress nnd cloaK maker ; 'plusti cloaks to order nnd steamed ; seilskin elonis repaired ; all kinds fur trimmings fur ulihHd lia Capitol ave , repairing of all kinds , . , , . . , 4S8 ENOAOEMhNTS to do dressmaking In fami lies solicited Miss Sturdy filO 8. th St aanat MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ANTED A genlloman nnd lfo , or two ladies , to take nice front room and board , 1214 Georgia ave SXU 171 WANTED 1'lano toptucltase , new and llrst class , no second hand wanted No deal ers need upply , O. C , llobbio , alio Dodge tit FOR RENT HOUSES 3jimTTtENT oem - hoiiscrill8 Howard St ! T. S. C'larltsou.- lltllit lHI-ir. ITOIt IlENT l'lve-room cottngo seven blocks ? fiom court house Call 1K1 B. 16th. lull Inolt lTr.NT- " rooin brick house.wlth or wlth- : out barn AyplySI'Jil Harney st 133 18 * " i rOUltENT T rooinTiouso In tlrst-ciass order No Viii North SUtU strcot CM per month Lobock , It 18. Chamber ot Commerce 0j7 IitOH UENT Cottnce , tour rooms with four - acres of land , on State street between Port and Florence 410 per month Apply 317 S lltu st IjlOlt HKNT House , 11 rooms 810 N. 1 st - Enquire , Mis M. A. Dotwller , n w cor Kd and la\cnport. 155 FOR lll' .NT 8-room liousc , splendidly im proved , with water , gas 1-ath , etc , newly papered , tlrst cIbbh neighborhood JW per month C V. Harrison , Merchants'Nat'l bank lot Full UENT a cottages , neatly furnlsliod for light housekeeping , Jio per month : cltv and soft water SKt Decatur b70 l'i * I71011 KENT Cottages Omaha View Doggs & 1H1L 123 23 "JjtOli ItRNT Neat cnttige s w cor 2ttli and J-Dodge ; 1 looms 812. Doggs i Hill Heal Estate , U03 1'arnam. 12,1 22 WANTED Small family tn oectmy for the winter pleasant . .ouse with barnut nomi nal rental C. V. Harrison , Merchants Nat Uk Wtt IjlOlt KENT A 7-room brick house.cltv water , : sew er and gas S. 717 lllth st 701 IW TTiOll KENT House 0 looms , cellar , city -L water , sewer and gas , close to cable and motnr cars Apply laid N , 21nd St , or lames Stockdale , Arlington block Bfll FOH KENT Eight-room house , with nmplo grounds , corner Leavenworth nnd 21st Hts ; Inth loont hot nnd cold w ater Apply to Lewis S , Heed ! c Co.rooni 13Uourd ot Trade building bw TjtOlt HENTrooni ! cottage , 8U per mo , cor . -L' 15th ami Williams st Enquire of J. Nagl , Oli So 13th st ' 7C3 IVyou wish to rent a house or store see II E. Cole , Continental block ; olllco open evenings IrOIl RENT Handsoino 10-roora house , all - conveniences , paved street , cable nnd horsa cars , 6 minutes walk ot postotlice , Nathan Slielton , 1014 Farnam st 400 IJIOH BENT Neat 7-room bouse In good re- ' pair , on cor 'Ma und Wool worth ava : pos session gi\en at once Inquire O. D. Tzscnuck , Bee olllco 003 IjtOIi ItENT T.-room cottages onllnlf Howard ! nenr 33d st Enquire CM S. 17th st 021- InOlt LEASE-Tand adjoining the city on " northeast , in lots of 5,10,2J or more acres far gardening , $3 per aero BoggsJs Hill , Heal Eatnto 14UJ Farnam St 1J3 22 FOIt JtENT 4tenroom"houses , from 115 to $30 per month , on Motor Hue Koofn6271 > axton block 611 FOU ItENT So , > s my block 11II Gee nve , 10 rooms , furnace , gas nnd Uxtures , olectrln wires for lighting , range and overv conven ience : barn with city water and gas In ; choice neighborhood , ? : * D.V , Sholes213.1st i > at Lank , LEG ANT Hats to rent , lOtli St , eastslile , between - tween Jones and Leavenworth ; Mist-class in allrosports , and new : staam heat , bath , open grntes and muntels electric bells In alirooms ; both motor lines pass property , liorerences required Tho3. i. Hall , 311 I'axton block 078 3 5-IIOOM ( new ) houses , nil modem convenien ces except fnrnac" . at $10 , halt block Irom motor , lilti Paxton llloi-te. 820 rr-rooin hous ' e with barn , il' ner month , C. 1 ? I Harrison , Merchants Nat bink 489 FOR RFhT-ROCM" FURNISHED ; ITiUItNLJHED rooms , 7. 2012 Harnoy J \ _ 215 2lt A HANDSOME front room , well heated , with bourd ; 22u Farnam st , . 152 15 * T710H HENT 3 furnished rooms , all modern JJ Improvements , 1311 N. 17th st 187 lot FOU KENT Two furnished rooms.with board UdesireiK Address N 71. Ueo olllce 151 20t ROOMS and board by gentleman , wife and child , Stuto references and terms Address , O 0. Dee olllce 11'B ' 17 X7II7KMSHED rooms , light housekeeping , 20 1 ? St Mary's ave 1 to lot Jjion KENT One large frontroorawlthhoard Will lmvo two small rooms Mrs Churchill , 411 N ltth ) Bt 121 lot L 1QI IT housekeeping rooms , { 10 , 1319 N. 18th. U25 ELKGAJT rooms In modern urlck residence ; use ot telephone and piano ; lb21 Cava st 801 15T FOR RENT Furnished rooms , all modern conveniences , one block from cable 400 North 10th st 854 O FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping to man Jand wife ; no children ; rent taken Inboard 311) ) N. I7th. BIO lot A SUITE of rooms < vltn board for gentleman and wife or U gtntlemen 1723 Dodge st 703 FOIt KENT Suit of moms over stove store , 1821 Howard t2U per month 657 ST CLAlit European hotel , cor 13th and Dodge ; special rate by week or mouth iriOU KENT Furnished rooms with or with ' out board nt the Coasiens hotel till TTtOH RENT Furnished rooms HI S. 11th Bt , * tea m ' ITIOR RENT Two furnished rooms on St , Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six minutes utes' walK ot business center Reference re quired Inquire at store , 210 and Zll 8.15th st , 835 ELEGANT furnished rooms with bath and steam , 1519 Howard st 611 T > OOM8wlth or without board , for three JLVgeutlemen ; private family ; references 1812 Dodge street J tm "ITIOR KENT Furnished front room wltn al X modern conveniences , to gentlemen only at 035 St Mary's avenue Apply at Btore10 and 213 South Fifteenth st ' C80 "ITHJU RENT To one or two gentlemen with X' gjod references , a nicely lurnltlied front room , heated by steam and centrally located Inquire 724 H 19th tt 108 NICElroomi , steam heat , 1719 Davenpott W 1W TTlOlt RENT Furnished looms also front XI and back parlor 1W Douguu , bii ITTiRSTcHs * furnished rooms with orwlthon . meals , * 0JN. 17lh av , one door north ot Ltarcnworth 147-20 * t ) rooms with steam heat , gas IriUltNlSllEI ; aUo day board , 1012 Harney * 114-1S > _ riiwt ) rooms with board , furnace hent etc , L reference * . Inquire northeast corner 111U and lllnncy streets , Kountze Place , H83 Soil iriNT : lcciT fu7nTshed oontirw-lth : board , in pfivnto family References ! B307 3'arnam , 151 15 * IrHTIlNISIlED room , lurnncc heat , nil mod ' ern conveniences , for one gentleman only 2214 Knrnam 173 FOR RENT ROOIvii UNFURNISHED IriOH RENT n unfurnished steam heated rooms , l'red Harris , 1519 Dodge st 10O-1S LjUIT of rooms for rent over my stove store , tJ 11.21 Howard at W , V. Stoetzel BUS lilOll RENT Two unfurnished rooms 1815 S > Cass st 115 IS * IrtOll RENT Snltof unturnlsned rooms over . my stove store lOJI Howard t. . W. V , Htonizel ; 1-03 TJIOIt RENT .1 tinfurnlthcd rooms , suitable X ! for housekeeping , 208 N , Ilth St 403 ITIOR RENT l-room suit , unfurnished Bitlta- i bio for housekeeping , gag , water , etc . to family without children ; northwest cor 17th and Webster St 397 FO3 RENT-ST0REsTaND OFFICES IT'OK RENT Ilasemcnt 22x85 feet Rest loca- JL7 tlon in the cltv JJ5 00 per month Hayward llros , 1515 Douglas at Dil 10 | QPLEND1D front olllce ground llrtot' ' . with Ogas and heat , Lhcap Win J. Wttshans , all 8. leth st tot t ITIOR RENT Store room inlloydopernliouso unlldlng Enquire American Savings Rank rpO RENT Desirable warehouse teem on Xtrack Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 Pacltlcst rilHEmost promising locality for tmslnost In Xomnhals on lGth bt , between PurDahi and Leavenworth , iho future retail district of the city Elegant blocks are going up , und nothing shabby will ever be erected there 'I nke n look at the now block on cast sldo 10th between Jones asLenvnnortli and secure lease for a number of years ; all heated wllh steam , with plnte-glass front , Thos F. Hall , 311 I'axton block f.05 ItENT Snow stores , 017 nnd 019S. 10th. ITIOR . Flno show windows 351) NKW hotel In heart ot city ; thirty rooma W.Karnam Smith , 10. Oontlnentnn Illock 81(1 ( ITIOR RENT Store 1111 Farnnni St , 20x128 feet , 2 stories and cellar Nathan Sheltou , 1011 Farnam St 471 ITIOR 1RJNT The 4 story brick building with X ? or without poser , formerly oocupled byThe llee Publishing ; Co , 010 Farnam t. The milld- Ing has a tlre-nroof cement basement , com plete steam-lieatlng tlxtures , water on all the lloors , gas , etc Apply at the olllco of The llee 015 ITIOR RENT llnsemcnt 40x60 ft , , heated by . steam Kuqulre , J. Nugl 013 So , Utli _ at 'fTtOR RENT A 4-story hrlck building CSxliM X1 suitable lor whoUsale ; good trackage ; I lmvo also a number of fine restdoiico prop erty for rent or Bale particulars call or address 10WU lleo bldg N , O. Brown , 438 MISCELLANEOUS alii E C. O. D. New York retail moat market , . 1208 Park nve . will sell meat at the follow ing low prices : Porterhouse steak , 1214c per pound Surloln steak , 10c per pound , liousts of beef 7c per pound Hound steak , 3 pounds 25ct l'ork chops 3 pounds 25c , Sausage .1 pounds 2' > c. Corned beef , 4c nna 5o per pound Dollingmoit,3 poundsSoc Leaf Lnrd.3 pounds 25c. And all other meats In proportion We also curry a Beluct Una ot poultry and oysters J ( llvo us a cnll and bo convinced that wo are helling moat at retail for wholesale prices 1J03 Parknte George lte\on. Manager 191 llf WEATHF.RST1IIPS furnished andpnton for 3c u foot Address L. J.Keono , 3J2t Hnmll- ton St , Omaha " 10520 } BOARD wanted for self , wife , boy 21 years i old , baby and nurse ; wrlto giving location , price , etc , ; private rnriilly preferred with good , location nnd ll t-cUss modern Improvements AddroshN41 , Bee 1)19-10 ) AUCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday morning at 1131 Farnam Omaha Auction A Storage Co 475 TTtOK RENT Farms Boggs & Hill " \70UNG widowwants an elderly gentleman X to assist her Unanclally Address conflden- tlnlly Address N0 . Bee olllce 107 14' CASH paid for househola furniture , sto\es. Omana Auction cSe Storage Co , 1131 Furnim 470 _ " ADIES use Marlon Walkers race Rleach I" for freckles , pimples , moth nnd liver spots , guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion and to be pertoctly harmless For further Infer matlon call at 323 N 15th basement 63133J RENTAL ACENCY HE Cole , rental agent ; olllco open evenings • 751 STOCK BOARDED ANTED Horses to winter at $8 a month per head on farm near Irvington , Plenty of grain and bay to feed , good shelter and good care given them ; horses called for and aellv- ereJ W. It Iloninn , room 0 , Frenzor blk 477 wintered at Slpor month Oood enro HORSES given Inquire rooms I & 2Omaha Natlbank [ 779 HOUSES wintered at Omaha fair grounds ; large box stalls ; terms reasonable : car rlages stored A. Thomson 208N3U LOST ' STRAYED Small gray horse from 1310 Do ug- las during the fire of Nov 14. please re turn to M. J. Fullrolde , 1209 Douglas ; 393 1 LOST-A physlclan'3 buggy case ot medi cines ; see local column 0.8. Wood M. D. 1118 14t PERSONALS a 10 NOTARIES and Bankers : "i"he Notaries Handbook , " a new work by a Nebrnskan for Nebraskans , will be sentpnstpald ou re ceipt of ti by the author and publisher C. A , Sweet Palmyra , Neb 160 lat EDUCATIONAL TPHE bnnjo taught as an art by Gee F. Gcllen- X beck , room 211 Douglas block , 1U ) 4JJCHOOL of Expression , Vocal , Articulate , kJPantoiulmio L V. Anderson , Sneely block HlniJt ' , ' - : \ WANTEP-TO BUY HAVE n cash customer for a lot or part of a lot within live blocks ot 10th nnd Center ts city Cooperative Land & Lot Co ' , SU5 N 10th , , 213 17 WANTED-A largo lot of furniture , carpets , eta ; will pay cash , for large or Binnll lots Address P. O. liox 8.0. . 17b 21 • YSrANTED-Good double heater Address TV 0 2. Bee olllce 18315 $ MERHCAN HSB tor our customers who have cat < hsecured paper and real ebtate to trad * . Room 15 , Chamber Commerce Sll STORAGE TRACK AQE storage at lowest rates W. M. Bushman 1311 LeaYenwortn , 478 at low rates at 1121 Farnam street STORAGE and Storage Co 479 and forwarding We collect nud deliver - STORAGE liver goods ot all description , merchandise , furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for storage for any length ot time Vans and wagons to be had at shortest notlce.wltn care ful men for moving Packing and shipping from our own warehonse done on moderate charge Merchandise loaded and unloaded , Waiehouse on our own tracks Olllce 217 d. ltth Bt Telephone 114. Howell & Co 4SO CLAIRVOYANT TjlOKTUNE Teller Mrs Lenorruan can ha X' consulted ou all affairs of life Batlsfuctlou guaranteed No 310 N , 15th st 172dl 1' DR NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , niedt- cal and business medium Female disease a specialty , 119 N. loth st , rooms 2 and 3. 48 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TirANTED-Students to learn shorthand VT evenings : low rates ; Chautauqua plan : teacher a graduate irom Milwaukee , Address M CJ , Bee otlice , m 18 * fc2TANDARD8horthanaSchool , Room 345 , Ware 3blk „ ( successor to Valentines ) the largest , exclusive shorthand school lu the west Teach ers are veiuatlm reporters Particular attention paid to typewriting Mechanical construction ot machine taught by-factory expert Circulars 4kJ t In n. mNnMAN , _ . , ! Stenographer anirTypewrlter It 427 Paxton lllk lXeidione 1630. 112n20t 1 " " " • • • • • • STSv' ' ; FOR SALE-KllSCELLArlEOUS GOOD fBrnlly horse niitl two-sealed carriage , also one top bucgyht'a ' bargain Utitt at 1307 , 1100.1311 Harney 1 > I 214 SI aiWlt SALE Cheap Wtiot wood working ma chincry , flno bay mare , elettant cabinet Or gan , light spring wagtrrrand puaotoa Room 619 , Paxton Block , " too I roil SALE-CottnleFlSirslielving , room 527 , I'axton lUnck ' aoo tSORSALB-3 rows't ap II H. Hender- X eon , room 10J , Paxtoq 61k. 095 IjIORBAI.E 18yoftnjgnalf blood Percheron X mures John lllnc Dunlap , In H0-I9J TT10II8ALE or Exchange lour full-tilooded X , ler ey cows , flno driving team as there is In the city , ono doubla carriage , ono double cutter , one phaeton , Snyder make , nnd ono road wag on ; Snyder make : all nearly new ; will trade for good property and will assume light lncuni- rntca Apply Room 210 , First National bank build In r. , 009 TTtOlfSALK A furniture , crockerynnd under X' taking business can be had at a bargain for rasn , Capital required from five to seven thousand Adores.box 101 lied Oak , In 803 15 * FOR SALE A general merchandise store In a llvo Nebraska town ; Invoice about 5S0O0I will sell for cash or on good security ; address NSyHcooftlco 934 laj WILL soil or trade for anything desirable a line carrlago team , good singla drivers , well matched , warranted sound and gentle S. A. llcWliortcr , Omaha Nnt Hank Buriding 885 ITIOR SALE Cheap , 51-ln. Am Champion I * . E. 1880 bicycle , nicclo , ursl-class condition Room 40\ Paxton block , B8B • TTlORSALHor otchange Flno set abstracts in X eastern Nebraska T. C. Trescott , Sioux City , la 207-17 IflOR SALE Flno bedroom set ard square piano , cost 1500 ; will trndo for horse mm can Inge J. I/ . Rice 413 Bee building 2)j-17t "ITlORSALK Kent or trade Largo livery am X known as Checkered Kirn ' " on So , I 8th street near Harney Neb , MortgagoLoan Co , 619 Paxton jlk 819 ITIOR SALE Two stoves Apply 113 N 20th St 183 15T ITIOR BALK Household furniture , tlxtures , ' etc , ( worth S30O two years ago ) , will sell for $50 , Apply or address to 800 B. 13th , near Leavenworth , room 10. 118 18 * FOR BALE A Ill-horso power Porter engine In good condition , weight 5.100. pounds cyl inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The lleo olllco 71)3 ) FOR SALE A quantity of bulldlne stone Apply to the superintendent Dee building 03) T/IOH SALE Fresh milch cows Cor C nud X 21th its S. Omaha C. M. Manly & Co 12tdl2f , ABSTRACTS OF TITLE IDLAWD Guarantee & Trust Co , N. Y. Llfo bldg.completo abstracts furnished and titles toreal estate cxamlned.perfected * . guaranteed 483 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS on chattels and collateral security ; low rates 637 Paxton block 113 2u $ loans at riwost rates , business CHATTEL confidential J. 15. Emlilgor,1417 Farnniiisi m > .r 001 v i AMES Loans made on city property Ames , 1507 Farnam Bt ' ' 803 28 ' * Tyi . WANTED Flrst-clasglnslde loans Lowest rates Call and boBus ! Mutual Invest ment Co , 1501 Farnam fM 4B5 MONEY to loan on real estate security at lowest rates Before negotiating loans see Wallace , R310 Brown bide Itlth and Douglas m sl "TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings MONEY to loan on firr ' nttiire , organs , pianos , horses , and wagons llaw'Keye Imestmcnt Cot Room 33 , Douglas 'blk , 10th and Dodge sta _ r 2V 930 T.OANB Cltj-and fartoiJeans , mortgage pa- XJpor bought McCasinrinvotment Co 488 MONEY to loan on eft ) " " 'projorty nnd farm lands at low e&t rates , . J. D. Zlttle , 433 Pax ton block , jt- isiM a n 480 TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings ESIDENCEloans < iSto7 per cent ; no nd- dltlonal charges for coinmlssIoiH or attor neysfees W. U. Melkle , Flrot Nnt bank buig 490 PRIVATE money to buy Binnll notes or mort gages Room 1J , Board of Trade 841 MONEY to loRn on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lowest rates ' 1 he llrst organised loan olllco in the city Makes loans from thirty to three hnn drod and sixty-Hve days , which can be paid In part or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and interest Call and see us when you want money Wo can assist you promptly and to yonr advantage without lemoval of property or publicity Money always on hand No delay In making loans C. F. Reed & Co , 31118. 13th St . over Bingham Ic Sons 491 MONEY to loan O , F. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , 15011 arnam st , I'M IB11RE lots H. E. Cole Open evenings 145 10 MONEY to loan on city or farm property Gee J. Paul , 1009 Farnam at 493 DILDINa loans D. Y. Sholea 210 First National bank 494 LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bought , Lonls S. Reed 5. Co , r. 13 , board trade , 495 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , w agons , etc , or on auy approved security J. W , ltobblns , 209 N. Y. Life 498 CURST morrgago loans at low rates and no X delay D. V. Sholea , 210 First National bank 494 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co fur ulsh cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western olllce George . p. Coates , room 7 , Board of Trndo 497 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co Loans of 10 to $1,0)0 ; get our rules bofo/o borrowing and save money : loan on horses , furniture , or uoy approved seeuilty , without publlrlty ; notes bought ; for now loan , renewal of old nnd low est ratescall ; It 203Shceleybk,16th\Honard ) St 498 BEFORE making chattel or collateral loans , it will pay you to bee The Western Invest ment Co , room 443. llee building 490 MONEY to loan on any security for short time at low rates , Lowest rates on personal _ property The Henderson Mortgage Investment corn pany room 400 , I'axton block 503 SEE Sholea room 210 , FirBt National bank , before making yourloana 491 $500,003 to loan at 6 per Vent Llnahan & lla honey , room 500 , Paxton block 604 MONEY loaned ou furniture , horaes and wagons , rates reasonable City Loan Co , , 118 B 13th at , opposite Mjuyard hotel 605 BO YOU want moneyklJrU so dent borrow before gqttlng my rate * ; which are the low est on any sum from 81 toIOMD 1 make loans on nnusaholil e-noda. ulanns or cans , hordes , mules , wagons , warehouse rocelpta , houses , leases , etc , In aiiy'tamount at the low est possible rates , without , publicity or removal of property , „ itj Loans can ho mido for-dno to six months and you can pay part at iy"tlme , reducing both principal and Interest , if , you ' owe n balance ou your furniture or howos or have a loan on them , I will take It up and carry It for you as long you desire , ' . , n > It you need money yotlVlU find It to your ad vantage to sea mo before1 borrowing II V. Masters , room 4\Vlthnell building , 11th and Harney , 484 itt < m MONEY to loan by 'dfi1 eastern man , on gilt edge property , for the next 10 days Harris , room 411,1st Nat Bank ; ii | < . 630 MONEY to loan In ann amount on household goods , horses and wagons , diamonds , land contracts sticonil mortgajrea.or any available se curity , witnout publicity'Nebraska ' Mortgage i an Co Room WPaxtonbit 2 0 ONE hundred dollars private money to loan or will buy short time mortgage or good note , room 13 Board of Trade 618 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; nodelay J , . w . ' Bfl l . 1219 Farn&tn St . Urst National hank building , 601 MONEY loaned on chattel security or re estate /J.J , WlUlnson , 618 I'axton blk 783 $1,030 Private money to loan or will buy good mortgage , w. L. Belhy r. 13. Board of Trade 1 _ _ rP ° . IiV.A tI ; ' • * Pecl l funrl bt lllM.000 In sunn X of tiaouo and upwarihi at very low rates The Mead Divestment Co „ 1114 B. 16th st 133 IV * on kiJ Loans negotiated at low rates wlth- * x * out delay , and purchase eood commercial paper ana mortgage notes , S. A. Blouan cor 13th and larn _ . goo 8AFETY DEPOSIT VAULT8. "IVJi1 ? . ? 13V ° _ ? J Ba'e y l .ro lt vaults Bate * X to rent K to | 3j a year , 807 B. 13th , SWJ BUSINESS CHANCES , WAJprlnTParrtfer with % 9n , A rpaylng ' business Addres U. F. Rtnobnrt , Kansas City , Mo HO-10 * J5 ARTIES desirous ot disposing of their bust , . ness tn any line will dn welt to call on or ad dress , W. It li , ft M , E. , Room 15Chnmber Com mcreo OH | HUlli : Is a simp for the right p rty : Ares , tatttant for satn for one-third its actual valite In the belt Ibcallty of the city Apply , to KnelslorXrftnd Co , 3103.15th Bt 179 16 FOR SALE Furnlturo of 10T > om Hat filled with nlco clnss of boarders , pnrtles got to leave the city soon , Address N 08 Bee olhce I 1)8 ) 19J A COMPETENT man with from \000 to Slfl.ooo can have an active Inst , lu a good ' tnfg , business Address N 00 lleo 988 18 | sJ5r rniiruuy a halt luteroTt In a well estab $ lished seed business : location only an nour and a Half ride from Omaha on 11. & JM R. R. Large business already woiked up but needs more capital Inrestigttloit nollclten M. A I Upton Co . loth nhil Farnam 054 TJWlt SALE-Or trade , n well established book I X1 and stationery store Pox 618boo FOR EXCHANCE TTOItTJ\tlftvNu ! K tee ifcreVTinIncumbcfcd X land In Polk CrwNob , and Omaha property , for business property hefe Two 340acre Im proved farms In Iowa for Omaha propel ty417 Sheely Bloca\ 20H lit VTliW SBeated Carnage for 2nd mortgage J-l Selhy , 111 Hoard Trade 314 "ITllNE bred stallion to trano tor good baled liny X' onrnlhoadwllhln lOOtnllesof Oinnha , Olllce opeulng evenings , II E. Cole , roomn Coutl- nontnl 11110 371011 ixCii : ANE-280 ! ncro Iowa farm In ctll- . ' t atlon , thtee veins ot "Al" coal and thrca railroads for merchandise 417 uhoely block oat 13 filO BXCHANOE-Good farm and cash for Xnowspaperouttlt : also good fatms for a 75 to KH barrel Hour mill Address Box 01 , Goth enburg , Nej 083 SO VITILL oxchangs now 8-room house for va- VI cant lota in Omaha AddrcssN 40 , Itou ? 43 FOR KXCII AND K-IW.00.3 ot dry goods.cloth- lng notions , hats nnd caps Want part land , balance cash or good paper Box 153 , Fremont Neb 197 17 * SOME choice Hnd In Frontier Co , Neb , to ox change for morchaudlsu or live stock Ad dress It A. Burton , Curtis , Neb 873 15 F OR iXCHANGE : Sr > .0 ) worth clear rental property lnlona City , la , formerchnndlse , clear farms lu Iowa or Nebraska , or Omaha property : Inside Omaha rental property en- cnmlieicd for encumbered farms In lown Kan sas or Nebraska , also clear lots 417 Sheoly Block 200 17 EXCHANGE for city propnrtv , two good fnrnis joining towns , suuntod In Hnrlan andGreely counties , Mcyor Si Raapko , 1105 Harney st 788-dj I HO It EXCHANGE A new , clean stock of hardware ; will invoice about $18,0W ; for Inside Omaha property or clear Iowa or Seed [ ebraska Linn land Address N 31 , Bee olllce 745. LAND lnJs'ebraska and Iowa nnd some cash for drug stock Address , N , 72 , Bee 1)8 lOj- RENTAL property Inside , to exchange for clear farms or vacant city lots Thos F. Hall , 311 Paxton block 607 "TTHHST mortgage for furnlturo or llvo stock X Otlice open evenings ! ! . E. , Cole , Continental block 749 OR EXHANGE-SO acres clear of encumb- rance in strips of 10 acres , in Mercer coun ty , Illinois , for stock ot goods or city property Apply room 210 , First National bank building IX ) a 10 EXCHANGE Improved quarter section - farm ; nlsj unimproved section , both or cither , line land , southwestern Minnesota Bar gain for cloaa stock merchandise Address Owner , " Worthlngtou , Minn 181 15 * J HAVE a farm of ns good land as In the state that I would like to exchange for a house and lot In the city W. II Gates 018 N. Y. Life lildg 190 17 GOOD equities In Omaha property and Ne braska land to trade for second mortgage on Omana property W. R. E. & . M. E. , room 15 , Chamber of Commerce Teh 144J. 834 TTIOR EXCIIANGE-A business yielding a prollt X ot from $1,900 to f , o O'per annum , to ex change for coed city property ' , - Am willing to assume light encumbrance Apply room 310 , First National bank building 130 FOR EXCHANGE lOclcar South Omaha lots nnd cloarllaud for 8 or 10 room house , will assume small incumbrance W. L. Sciby , H. 13 , Hoard Trndo b90 ANTED To exchaneo dry goods notions and millinery goods for clear land or city property nnd part cash Address box 479 Vraukfort Ind 905 IMPROVED farm and city property for mer chandise Address , Room lO.Cnamber Commerce merce- Gil > CLEAR Soutn Omaha lots for nories.or land Osouth or east of Wheeler Co Neb Belby , 13 Board Trade 314 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OR SALE Fine business corner , 00x133 , cheap for cash or on good terms James Stockdale , room 19 , Arlington block 185 ON 31st , 32nd,33rd and 34th streets , between Davenport and 1'arnam , veiy cholco resi dence lots at prices ranging from $1,500 to SJ.500 per lot Gas , water , sewers and paved streets , Ames , 1507 Farnam st , 200-21 TO AGENTS Allmy property Is hereby w 1th- drawn from the uiurxct E. D. ICltton 177-15 IflOK SALB-80 acres cholco land near Clarks , MerrickCo „ Neb ; 40 ocios under cultiva tion , only $15 per acre , one-third cash , balance easy Address 01 , Dee olllce 175 ltt OMAHA the great western city Everybody is talking about her Everybody Is acknow ledging the corn regarding her immense fu ture , ilnshols of money will Do made In Omaha dirt In the noxc twelve months Buy now , right now at this time Dent wait There Will never lie a tlmo lice the prcsqnt to make a good turn In real estnto Uuy now , sell next year M. A. Upton Co , 18th and Farnam 19119 TT.OH BALE-By Evans X Substantial revenue paying properties la various parts of the city Business lots on main thoroughfares Business and residence lots on nil principal streets leading to and from the city Homes for thepoor and the rich , and the lucky man who Is neither Bed rock prices , and terms elastic enough to suit any customer Not many bargains , but n few that will pull the dollar , out of your pockets , go to the Ex change meeting , and then , cnll at room 30 ? , N. Y. Lifabulldlng 159 10 J. H. Evans US1NE8S corner 9 blocks from N. Y. Llfo tiW per foot , pays 10 per cent ; J { cash , bal nncaeasy ; D. C. Patterson 618 N. Y. Life 675 In Axford's , Orcnard Hill , Har- COTTAGES Place , Lakes , Poppleton Park , Shlnn's , Parkers , Grand View , Mayno'H nnd Centrnl Park , for sale on easy monthly . All comfortabla buildings , on fine , ots and near car lines Dent delay until next year for a homo ; get lu now and take advant age of rise In value F. IC Darling , Barker blk , 128 TfTtOUSALE Business corner in the heart of X the cltv of Oranha tuCooo All city Im provements patds produces e per cent net with most meager Improvements ; net Interest pay ing capacity can be doubled with small outlay An Investment as good as a government bond Write C. F. Harrison Omaha Neb 103 N ELEGANT 10 room house and full lot , haul wood llulsli , every convenience possi ble East front ou Georgia ave Bholes , 213 First Nat'l bank 987-Hi , T OOK at this dandy little bargain Lot o. XJblockKL Bedford l'lace , east front on S8th street , one block north ot Bristol ( paved ) street , only 4 blocks from 21th Bt motor line , $700. Think ot It , only 790. M. A. Upton Co , 10th and 1'arnam. 193 19 rpiIEhest X Business , Residence , Vacant and suburban properties In the market are for Bale by the old reliable M. A. Upton Co , Itlth and 1'arnam. 213 BALK improved residence property on ITtOK ! H. Utli bt , cast front xhaao and fruit trocs city water , peed houses Ui good permanent paying tenants Knqul' • * ) 8.11th at 1175 IT * SALE Or oxchf on easy terms , soma . brand newt-room es on Bpauldlug st , near motor line ; no b < residence location In the city Also som' ' 7-room houses on Corby und 3Jth at- , VI miles from pojt- olllce ; will exchang of the above for clear land or lota For tr and partlculara apply to C , q Bpottswor iVi B Ifltn st 410 ' shares m the American , " SUBSCRIBE and loan association in the world . A. Upton , epeclal agent , 10th and Farnam * U ITtOn BALE-On easy terms , the new cottaga X erected by me on George st- , corner Lows ave ; property has 100 ft frontage on George st by 150 frontage on Lowe ave ! • or terms apply Room 310 , Flrtt National bank building &J9 T710R BALK-Large two story frame building -D of IS or II rooms In good condition , to ha inovt)4 ) VV * R. Homan , Room 0 , Jfrenier Mock , TpOR 8 AIiR On long time and easy payments X liamlome , new.well built hens s otS , 9 , and 10 rooms All conveniences , good neighbor , hood : paved afreets ; street cars , and within walking distance ot P. O. Nathan Bhelton , Pill Farnam atreoL Mfl _ T7UR BALF very chem ho trades , fann5l3.J * > J. acres , soc , B.13 N 8 W Hamilton eountrNob , 3 rnlles from Marquette , smnll house , stable , 3Ju acres pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 per acre , \4.17 CO one-third li8 crop Included Terms * 3,20 cash , balance n per cent Interest , 1" . K. Atkins , ownorrAtlroad building , Denver , Coio , 511 " F OR SALir-fAFflVlllbiiy lot 50x120 In Omaha View , one block from motor line , nleely on grade Lots In this addition nro worth * 1.a < 0 nnd the above price is open for n short tlmo only O. 11 Ttachuete , care tlmaba llee Till . WILL exchange now 8-rdom house , all mod ern conveniences , for vacant lots or mot n- bio property _ Room OtS Paxton block _ _ OSS _ IF you want any lots In Orchard Hill , npply to Room 210 , First National bank building tor terms a id location 0 > M T\rAUG II * WosterneW , re\l estate , S. Omaha 3Mk > 0 iltlYS splendid four room house ard lull Plot North pnrt ofcity near motor Sholes , Sl Flr _ > _ Nat'l lutik 987-ltl TpiUHRE lots , II K. LH v Ope" ovonltifs I HAVE some flrat-class rental property ror sals cnuap within one mile or postal eco , on paved streets and motor line Thos F. Hall , 311 Paxton block hlO i IT1INK residences Wo htvo 3 aw till nice rcsl- aouresln dliferontparts of the cltylh.it we ran Bell for less than they can be reproduced for They nro Joe Dandles " M. A , Upton , Co , leth and Farnam 974 16 rPllINICof lt-lflO ncies of finely Improved X tnnil , 2S ( miles ftoni good railroad town , h ) miles from Omaha tor J' OJ only $300 cash , bal umo 3 years i lee acres 3i ! miles from county sent , 40 ncres cultivated for MjO , t4 U cash , b.tlnnco long time ; title perfect You aunt luvo oltors lifco this ovciyd.iy ; olllco open evenings ; II , I-Colo , room 0 Continental block , 143 18 I " N VESTjfBNT ' ln Omaha real estate will pay if bought ut present low prices , t offer the tollowingbargalns nt very ensv * terms : Lotsln Lincoln place $ v > 0 toilOM f Lotsln Mount Pleasant M-nl to Solid K 2 lots In Bedford Place , corner ot Emmet and 30th St U lx 128. J3.MM. lKits II ami 12 , blk 31 , Soulh Omaha , ritDO I ts 2 and I. blk 4. South Otnnha each $900. Lot ! In blk 10 , SoutlvOuinhn , S1.300. Lot 4in blk H South Omaha , $ t,2W. bee me , Otto Lobeck , It 18 Chamber of Com merce 00810 FOR SALE The finest brick reslncnco In the city , modern and now , largo shady vara con taining about two acres oC grounds , stone walks and withal a complete homo Have ex tensive business Interests In Salt Lake and my wlfodecluros she will llvo along no longer Terms nnd prlco to suit the customer How Is that ? Address M 73 Bee olllce 370 BO you want a beautiful home nt a bargain ? Icanolfer for sale two lltst-class cottages just completed Nos , 3318 and 3320 Poppleton nve These cottages were designed by dliror- cnt architects , and are among the llnost ar ranged cottages in tha cltv Thoyaro substan tially built throughout , with double floors , fur nace , bath , hot and cold water and cisterns , splendid brick cellars , etc The new motor car line to 1 r-vliscqra pirk is within throe short blocks , and the street car company nro now stringing their rails on 83nd street , within a block , torthalr motor line If you want n beautiful rnsldouce In nnn of the nicest neighborhoods in town , healthy nnd plcasantlocatlon.lt will pay vou to call nt once and see this proportv Can clvn posses sion Immediately Low prlco It sold this week Gee N. Hicks , New York Life building 109 10 000 BUYS an elegant full lot In llnuscon $2 place , near Poppleton and oittd St This Is a bargain Sliolos 313 HrstNnt'l bank 937-10 ONE hundred and sixty-live feet on Leaven vvorth alitt 36th sta at the best bargains that was over ottered Cantako good clear lot tor oqulty Sea mo quick Sholes , 213 First Nat'l bank 987-10 CALL and got the price ana terras that will astonish you on a business lot 00 feet front Joining the Transit house , South Onialm oppo site depot : owners dls igrea , 6a wish to sell D. D.Siueaton , 1011 Farnam St , Omaha 0.2 N.13 WANTED For nctual customer , choice lit tle place worth$3,0J ) , will pay $ ilU cash 8 cent on balance C. I" . Harrison Merchants Ser xiiak 1B.I 18 WE have the only east fronts ou 3)th Btrcet between Farnam and Davenport that are In the market , Spo < ix quick If vou want the llnestresilience site out there Wo can sell now B5 percent lower than next spring M.A. . Up ton Co . IStli and Farn nn 073 15 "piERKE lots II E. Cole Open evenings PIERRE lots H. E , Cole Oponoventngs 14D 18 2 ACRES Jnstaouth of Vinton , running from ith lo 16th his , good brick house , barn and large grove : will iuikb 10 lots 41x108 ; $13,200 , M cash , balance 1,3 and 3 years M. A. Upton Co , 10th and Farnam 193 19 "ITIOR SALE or lease , on easy terms , 3 lots on X 3.ith nvo . just south of Leavenworth Would build an eight room house and sell 30 feet for 83,000 and soli on monthly payments Lots 4 and 5 , blk 0 , ICllby Place , high and sightly One lot N. 13th St , trackage Four business lots N. 24th nnd S. 10th St 28th nve and Dodge , corner 120 ft N. 30th st Other good residence propBrty 60 lots Crolghton Hlglits cheap Will sell a few lots an building terms N. A. Kuhn , drugstore , 15th and Douglas , 413 n 28 NICK Houses 3 nlco C-room houses , lot 28x93 each , at corner -VitJi and Cnsslus sts , $2,0 > 0 for the corner house aud $1,80) ) for the tnsldo one These are only 2 blocks from 21th sf , . motor ; easy terrna M. A. Upton Co . inth end Inrnam c 193 19 IJIOR SALE A new house Just being erected : on Cuming st In Sherwood park : the house bus all modern Improvements , hard wood finish throughout ; also largo barn , with 150 ft front age on West st by 1M ) frontage on Cuming St I will se' .l this to the right party on reasonable terms Apply Room 210 , First National bank building 003 OMAHA HOTELS LOBE HOTEL , 1308-1110-1313 Douglas street , newly furnished Strictly tint-class ; rates $1.50 and $3 per day , Tarpley Bros , , proprietors 713 dJt $ ! 30 DOLLARS For a flno lot 50x123 , In LAFAYETTE PARK S25 Cash , BalancoMonthly TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT forCASH This beautiful addition lays ou the elevated lands In the northwestern part ot the city , only 7 minutes wale from suburban trains , and nboutlOmlnutas from the proposed motor line Prlco is lens than half asked for adjaco it prop erty Only a lliultitfl number of loti will be bold at this price Come quick it you want one or mora of those extraordinary bargains VAN BEUREN Douslaa & St 14thB Tnknn TJp < I Largo hay mare with little white on bind foot , I shod on all feet , about 13 years old Owner will tallat 18.il South 13thst , J , D. AYER oJO-n-0.LT-2U.27 I'ropoHttls lor Mares , Cows anil Oulltl- Iiik Alaturials IT S.lNDIAM SBBVICB I BANTKEAOKNCr , NEUItA XA , J- November 11th , Ibu ) Bealei * . proposals , lndorted Proposals for Mares , Cows or Building Materials as the case maybe , and addressed to the undi'rblgned at tliu Sautee Agency , Knox county , Nebraska , will be received at this agency until one o'clock of Dec 7tn lti89 , for furnishing for and delivering at Flandroau Duk , uocons , 23 Ameilcan niarss and building materlul for the erection ot six Indian houses , for delivering at the Ponca Agency , Dakota , materul for six Indlun houses and tlvogrunerlea ; also for 40 American mares aud material for ten Indian houses , U Btablcs und granaries und for oilier purposes , to be de livered at the Huntce Agency , Nebraska 'Iho cows must be American cattle , not tinder two or over live years old , free from Arkansas , Texas or Mexican blooil , and average 7u0 pounds lu weight , none to weigh less than u > 0 pounds The mares must he of American Stock , from four to seven years old , sound , well broken , without blemlxhes and must welglinot less than U5U pounds each , A complete list and dKrrlptlon of the build ing materials required at both agencies , will be furnished to bidders , upon application to the undersigned Each bidder must state specifically the pro posed price of each article to be offered for de livery under contract ' IKRIJFIRD CHECKS Each hid must he accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States leposl tory , made payable to the order of the under signed for at least FIVE per cent of the amount ut the proposal , which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States In casuany bidder ot bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly nxecutea contract with good and sulli- cient sureties , otherwise io be returned to the bidder The right is reserved to reject any or all bids , or any part of any hid , It deemed for the best Interests of the aervlce , OiiAlif.vs llil.c , , Nol4dtoD4. ' U. B. Indian Agent liUftnluttnn Notice ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Notice Is hereby given that the partnership _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heretofore existing between Henry Stercrs of _ _ _ _ _ i Avoca , Iowa , and P. J. Boys not Omaha , Neb flui rasun In the business nf selling lleer and the _ _ _ _ manufacturing nnd selling Sou a and Mineral ! _ _ _ _ _ Waters in t in vim Neb , Is this day hereby dls- _ _ _ _ _ solved by mutual consent All accounts Slue _ _ _ _ _ thellrtu nro lobeptld to P. J. Iloysen Wit _ _ _ _ _ ne-.s our hand this nth day nt November , 1 < < S9 , _ _ _ _ _ Omntia , Neb , , Nov 11th 1889 P. 3 , llor.sr.v , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | II Stitvitna " _ _ _ _ _ ! Nut ten tn _ _ _ _ _ ! SEALED proposals will bo received ht the _ _ _ _ _ ! ollro or tounty Engineer x > t Dnnglts ' _ _ _ _ _ i Oniiity , untlU p , in , iaturdtty , November inth , _ _ _ _ _ ! Ksi , for grading fM yards , iuoreorle Mu "llo _ _ _ _ _ ! nils Park , " Plans to bo seen nt olllco of county _ _ _ _ _ engineer All bids must lie nrcotnp.inled by _ _ _ _ _ ! certllltMl check for KiOtu ItlgbS reserved to re- _ _ _ _ _ reject nuy or all bids _ . . . . _ _ _ nliu'r.l 111) . C. II Ilnwr.4. _ _ _ _ County Engineer _ _ _ _ _ ! Notlcp Omti Atitnrx to _ _ _ _ Sealed proposal ) wilt bs received at the olllco _ _ _ _ _ of County Clerk of Douglas Conuty , Nolunska , S ! _ _ _ _ _ until 2 oMoct p. in , vvednuMlay , November 9 _ _ _ _ 2inh , A , D. IM * . . tortile consiruelimiof thesow _ _ _ _ _ cr < vge , cess pools , rlc about the tHiutity Hospl * _ _ _ _ _ ! tnl Building , said work to be done according to _ _ _ _ _ _ plain nnd siioctlloallons now In tha hands ot the ( _ _ _ _ _ County Surveyor 'Hi Each bid must be accompanied by a certtllcil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ check for $ Mc as an ovldoiu e or good fnlth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Ihe Hoard reserves the right to reject any or _ _ _ _ _ _ nil bids M. H. Hi Ci n. _ _ _ _ N15d4t. County Clotk _ _ _ _ _ li RiilnttO'i Nut Ice j _ _ _ _ _ _ Notice Is hereby given that the copartnership " _ _ _ _ _ _ heretofore existing , and duiug bus ntss ut No , ! _ _ _ _ _ _ lllnml UttRoiith tith Btieet mid Cor : rd aud _ _ _ _ _ _ Walnut streets , under the llrmnamoof Stcpht n , ' _ _ _ _ _ _ Hamilton , \ Co , Is tills nay dissolved bv mitt _ _ _ _ H lUilciitHt-nt W. 1 St piieii , und II F. Hindi * _ _ _ _ _ _ tonretiring Ihobuslnoss will lie contltiutdat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the above tiumril place by Inn P. II mult n , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ who ns'Uiues nil 1' ' d btC'iluess of Mild 111 in Mid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Isaulhiiil/.i'il tiitollo.talloutstaniUiigucvoumc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha Nov 4lh , 188. ' . W. I , Sri.ftiKN , _ _ _ _ n-l.Vil-0-t II F. Hamilton _ _ _ _ _ INU F. HAMitToV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " * 7roTic7iThTreliyinvcn th t a book win be _ _ _ _ i openedat 10 o'clock a. m. on Satin day , the six : _ _ _ _ teuiith day ot November , Its ) , at the otrtre ot J , \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21. Thurston , Union Paclllo Building , lu the _ _ _ _ i city ot Omaha , Douglis county , Nebraska , for _ _ _ _ i tnoliurno3B of rocelvine subscriptions to the _ _ _ _ i capital stock ot the Om ha Union Djpot Com _ H pany \V. II I 1oi.comn , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U. W. IIOMiiiunr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'J * . U K t vt n _ _ _ _ o-17-d-30-t For the Incorporators B | _ _ _ "ii&CQE YONGHEJ & CO ! & , . _ _ _ _ g _ Pl -wMii > c-iunkii8 or /irlfP > _ _ _ _ i V f WALKING CANES , ! M | _ H m i CUTLEBX § M i | _ _ _ _ _ _ Vim \ \ RuMicr 0 o Uallooni , Jewelry //'fcTS' / / , • _ _ _ _ VMM Notlo-i. , Novrllifi , . r , kr , at _ t. ; " < [ . .j , _ _ _ _ r1 _ lowe.t prices Onods for8tree lmn/KIItl / > _ _ _ _ v . M Aucttisetrs ami ArnU Cane RackilJLW ur MBHHHI _ _ _ _ anJK"fofll T.liafr-rI.HT. . IK tt } < > _ _ _ _ Ml iLrtsriuirixATiuKiiKiRtk w gal _ _ _ _ 1 7I5W SIIN0TC1IAV ! .St.U'JISMo.J _ _ C _ _ _ _ THE BMAT TIME TltT | | omaiia | , * ; _ _ _ hURCTrToToiTTroITPIL i save Arrlvo " _ _ _ _ Depot loth tk Mason sts Omaha Omuba { _ _ _ _ _ I Chicago Vestibule Ex . . . 3:17 : p in 0to : , am Wl Chicugo Mail , ml3 a in 0:1.1'p : m _ _ _ _ Chicago Local 0:4) p in 7if u m _ _ _ B i Denver Vestibule Ex . . . . 10:03 a in , tlX ) p m _ _ _ _ Lincoln ,1c Concordia Lo'l 8:0J : a in Gill n m ! _ _ _ _ Coloiado Mall 7U p m 0:43 : am _ _ _ Chicago Fast Mail 9:00 : p m _ _ _ H Kansas City Express 9 : nam 0:1.1am : _ _ _ _ Kansas City Express . . . . 9t)0pm ) ntlapro ' _ _ _ _ ! C. RLAP i.oave Arnv _ _ _ _ Depot nth ft Marry sts , Omaha Omana ! _ _ _ _ Dos Moines Aeconnnod'n 6:41 : am 0:03 pm _ _ _ ! AilaniiD Express • 9:13 : a in 7:00 : ii in _ _ _ _ Night bxpress 413 ; p m ll0 a'm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | Vejtlbiilod Express ' 9:15 p m 7:10 : a m " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UNION PACiriU I Leave Arrive fl _ _ Depot loth and Marcy sts . Omaha Omaha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • Overland Flyer 7f.O : . p m 8:40 p ra _ _ _ _ _ • Paclllo Kxprnss 8:25 : am 7:20 am _ _ _ _ _ • Denver l-xpress 10:30 am ' 2:40 pm _ _ _ _ _ Kansas City , Lincoln & > _ _ _ _ _ Heatrlco Express 4:13 : am 12:11a : m _ _ _ _ _ to rand Island Express . 6:41 : pm 12.3.1 pm _ _ _ _ _ • Paplltlon Passenger 0:33 pm 7:30 am . _ _ _ _ • Dally _ _ _ _ _ tDaUy Kxcapt Sunday FH _ _ _ _ Ml bDUltl I'AOlMU jjeuv < jvrnvo _ _ _ _ Depot lithWeustersts ) Omuha OmUia _ _ _ _ _ Dty Express , 10:3) : a tni illfl : uu _ _ _ _ _ Night bxpress , . . , 8:30 p m > 0JTi ; p m P _ _ _ _ T. E. & M. V. H. R. l ar Arrtv : Si Depot 15th& . Omuha NYobstcr bt3. Omaha ] _ _ _ Black Hills Express 8:40 : n'm 3:40 : p m B _ _ _ Hastings & Superior Ex 8:40 a m 9(30 p m F _ _ _ Lincoln 4 Wnhoo ) ass . . fi:10pm 10:13 : am , _ _ _ David City & York Pass 6:10 pm 10:13 : u.ru Ki Norfolk Pass 6:10 p m 10:15 : am ii Fremont 1'ass 13:15nouu | 3:43 : pa HMH O. ft If , W. Itll ] X/iave Arrlva _ _ _ Depot 10th Ic Maroy sts Omaha omana , _ _ _ i Chicago Kxpreis , Dally . 0:13 a m 7:01 : p nt . -Ki Fast Limited , Dally , 2:40 pm 10:20 : am ii The Flyer " Daily B:40 p m " 8:03 : am _ BM | O. M. & ST PAUL Leave , Arrive 'Hii Depot 10th & Marcy sts Oiualio I Omaha Ei No 2. 9:15 am * ' _ _ _ No C 9:00 p m > No 1 I 7:15 : ft m _ No 3. 6:00 p.m . C. ST P. MO j.eav * l Arrive ' * ' Hi DepotlSthft WobBter sts Omaha Omaha HUM I • Sioux City Express . . . . . . 1:00 : p ml 1:00 p. ra lTl Sioux City Ac'mmodat'n 7:40 : a ml 0:10 p in • _ _ t _ _ Bt Paul Limited 6:45 : pm Dli { m -H _ l Florence Passenger , . < : JS am 8:19 : a m < _ _ _ • Florence Passenger 6:20 : pm 0:3o p m ; _ _ _ trlorenco Paasonger , . . . 0M : a ml 10:31 aim w _ _ _ tFlorence Passenger . . . . 1:3J : p ml 6:15 : piin . _ _ • Daily Except bunday _ _ _ tBunday Only K Hi BUBUICI1A.N TKALNB Wrsttvurd IB Itnnnlng bstween Council tllatTt and Al * B _ H bright , in nddltlon to the stations mentioned , _ _ trains stop at Twentieth and Twrnty-fourtli _ B _ j.eetB. . and at the Summit in Omaha , _ _ _ llroad- Trans Omaha I South I Al- B HJ way fer , dciiot , Sbeely Omaha DrlghC _ > _ A. . AM * A. U. A.m7 A.M A.51. , Hffll 6:45 : 6:51 0:00 : 0:08 : . BM _ 0:10 : 0:17 : : 'J0 8:37 : 8M 8:35 : _ _ _ 8:43 8:17 : 7U0 7.07 7:20 7:35 _ _ _ _ 7:85 7:43 : 7:35 8:00 iHS 7:43 7:33 : 8:115 : 8:13 : 823 ; Hti ) _ _ _ i 8 33 8:42 : 8:33 0.0) ; K _ _ 8:15 8:32 : 9:03 : 9:13 : 0:23 : UM : Pi 9:33 : 9:42 : 9:33 : 10:00 - i 9:13 : 0:52 : 10:05 10:12 : 10:23 : 10:3) : 10:45 10:12 11:03 11U2 11:23 11:30 : VI 11:43 : 11:53 PM PM PM PM SB PM PM 12U5 13:12 : ,12:23 13:30 .11 13:45 13:52 : 1:03 1:12 : 1:23 1:30 : ' 1:43 1:52 2:01 : 2:12 : 2:23 : 2:30 : , _ , 2:35 2:43 : 3.65 3:00 K _ _ _ _ _ 2:45 2:53 3lu ; ( 3:1 : > 3.23 U.00 'V 8:30 : 3:57 : 4:10 : 4:15 B"B 8:45 : 8:52 : 4U > 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:30 ! 4f.O : 4:67 : r > :10 6:15 H 4:45 : 4M 6:03 6:12 : 5 .S3 6:30 1.1 6:45 : 6:62 6:03 : 013 ; 8:26 : < I:3T 'K 8:45 : 8:33 7:05 7:12 : 7:25 7:00 : , 'll 7:45 : 7:63 8:05 : 8:12 : 8:25 : 8:30 All 8:45 : 8:32 : 9:03 ; I2 ti : ' 0:30 LB'I 9:13 : 9:53 10.0.1 10:12 : 10:23 : 10:30 'Si ifli 11:00 : 11:07 f * } } _ , _ } " lltSl .01 U * flBH ' 11:55 12:05 13:0 L 'l'i Eastward , _ . il " " AT South shee- Omaha Trans-i Broad'U bright Omaha y. Depot , fer way _ - ; AM AM AM A. M. AM AM fl 6:45 : 6V7 8:00 : , ( 6:35 o:00 8:10 o:15 : 6:27 : 8:35 : _ _ _ _ 7:00 7:05 7:13 7:30 7:33 7:45 . _ _ _ 7:50 7:35 : 8:07 813 ; 8.27 8:33 : , 'Bs 8:05 : 8:10 8:23 8:30 _ Tl 8:50 : 8:55 9:07 : 9:16 : 9(27 9l88 _ B" 9iir : 9:10 0:23 : 9:30 : ' • _ ; 9:30 9.35 10:07 : 10:13 : 10:27 : 10:31' , _ _ 10:05 : 10:10 : 10:33 10:3 : ? | 1060 10 $ llIB 1J-1IS fl - _ WM ? 11 0 11:63 PM PM P. M. P. M. UMiVl PM PM 32.07 12:15 : 12:27 : 12S5 JB ] 12'60 13:65 : 1:07 H16 1:27 : 1:35 > fflB 1:60 155 2.07 8115 2:37 : :8 : } IB ? 3 60 2i3A 11:07 : 3:15 : 3:27 : UOtIB' ' 8:10 : 3:15 : 8:37 8,35. . . . . . ! i { jS 3'V ; ) 3V : > 4:07 : 4U3 4:27 : 4 8 iHJr 4:30 4:23 : 4:37 4:15 : ' JB I 4:60 : 4:63 : 6:07 6:15 : 6:27 65 : 2lB1 3:20 : 5:25 : 6:37 5:41 : „ , . . . . fB' 8,00 5.55 till B15 0:37 : 83 ili CM ) 0:55 : 7:07 7:15 7:27 : TM TB 760 ; 7:56 : 8:07 8:15 : 8:37 : 8:85 „ ; _ _ ; 8:30 : 8:55 : 0:07 9:15 0:27 :3 : § Bf 9:60 : 9:35 : 10:07 : 10:16 : ln:37 : 10:34 - ? 10W 10:65 11:07 ar , 11:30 llU : 11:39 r'M- iato : 13:35 : 12:21 am lv 12:30 , . , i B cucNoifj tiiiVFFa B | M CHICAQO , HOCK ISLAND le PACIFIC _ _ D No 2 , . , 6:00pmiA : No 13..7:10 : am 'B l' O No , 8 CMpmI , ) No 1 , 9:15pm : > ! A No 4 10.00am 0 No , , . , , . : p m ' _ A No 14 Vl43pinA | No 3 , . , , .8.80 a in C1I10AQO ft NORTHWESTERN , % B Ho , 8 0.40amNo,7 | 9:27 : a in . _ No,8. , , , , , , ,8:15pin : No.8 „ , , ,7:15am _ _ Ho , 4. , , , . .0:3Ja mlNo , 6. . . 0:15 p la ! _ CHICAOO , MILWAUKEE U ST PAUL JM A No.3..0WamA : | Nol 7:00am iP _ _ _ _ _ KANSAH OITIT 1'11 * C0UNcn " , , Fr l/jS , _ _ _ _ No 8. . M.lOtOfam ' A No.8. , 6:24am " | H _ No t 9t3piaA : Nol 0ki w . BB Biuu on i u PAcirli ) . iBBI A No 10 7MamA : | No , 9.8:5S m 'IBJ ? A No.12 7O0ptnA | No 11. . . . .9:00pm : B" OMAHA & ST LOUIS _ jB'i A No , 8 435ptnA ; | No , 7. , . 13:00 tlBjl A daily : H dBlly , except Saturdayi ; 0 cer > - MB Bundayi D except Monday'faBt mall _ Ktt i _ _ ? --s-s-eaae aa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M t