Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    Hr * H
H ! Dtllvcicd iv mirier In nnr part of Iho City at
f Twenty Cent-iper Week
> TKiii ! > ituNiai :
Hi nmwwiilititnt No 13.
: ' -
K N , V. P. Co
H ; Olonson coal
H | Council Wuffn Lumber Co , coal
H Western Lumber nnd Supply Co
H Tliatclier coal , sco advertisement
H' Ucst coal nrnl wood nt C li Fuel Co
H Carbon Coal Co wholosulo retail , 1U Pearl
Hy Fall bhIo begins Monday Hoslon store
K 'Iho P. CO society will meet with Mrs
H } { J. V. Kimball this oltornoon at 3:80. :
B The crimlnnl docket in the district court
' trill be opened about the lottiol next montb ,
B. B. Johnson lias taken nut n bullillnir per
f tnit tor u $700 cottngo in Potter & Cobb's nit
| ( litlUO
B The Salvation Army will servo mi oyster
supper ut the Uryntit btrect barracks this
Hs Qvcnlnp
H Alexander Unrnclt nutl Mury Juno liar
< nctt , both of this city , were married Ihurs-
; day ovonlng by Knv , IS 1 * . MoMououiy
H < Tlio ilruwlne cIumos In the public schools
' have been resumed , nnd dally lessons will
Hl bo Riven from 4:110 : to ft-liO , an heretofore
H' Two moi e changes hnvo been inado at the
covcrninetit building , lud Saucr succeeds
Hi' ' 1' . J. KralR as general delivery clerk , and
Hjf John Stuubs takes the place of William Haiti
H ; ascnginocr
H Superintendent McXuiiRhton stntos that
H , the percentage of Uttcndunco on enrollment
Hi of pupils In the public schools is larger in
Hi" this city than in uny other llist or second
; class city in the stata
H' The Council Uluffs Ootirslnp club will hold
H a business mooting ut the Manhattan next
. Monday evening , nt which It Is desired to
Hj , have every mumbcr present , as impoitant
Hj buslnoss is to bo transacted
H < . Squire A , L. Hendricks Is having new
Hi quarters prepared at the comer of Paul nnd
Hli Htoiulwtiy , over the oftlco of tlio United
S Btatcs express company , and will occupy the
Hj * new rooms about the last of the month
f The members of Hluffs division No , 27 ,
Hf uniform ruuk , Knights of Pythls , have do-
1 clued to attend the biennial session of the
HjP > supreme IoiIrc at Mllwnukeo next summer ,
H ? and Ims'O coiuiuenccd drill tactics lor tbn oc-
' , casion
Hf Mnrrlnco licenses were Issued yestordny
HJ ' to Frank Hutchison mid Marion K. Davis ,
H" both of this city , und A. U. Smith mid Tina
. Horpr , of Omiihu The latter couple lepalrcd
' to the onico of Squire Scburz , and baa the
V knot lied in short order
Hi * Secretary Zovoly , of the board of trade , Is
- > compiling ills annuul report and states that
v It will bo far moro extensive than lust year
; The showing for the city will bo far moro
H _ falisfactor.vshowingan incroasoof business ,
H | < of population , and of public and private im-
, provoinents
H The mjnnctlon ngnitist tbo now hotel site
HJ was dissolved .vestcrday afternoon In Judge
H AylCRWorth's court oil motion of the nttor-
H : nojs for the defendants Arrangements have
Hr been made with the occup.iuts of the site to
3 move as soon as possible , and ull differences
' _ have bocn amicably Bottled
'I1 Olllc , the daughter of Mr and Mrs Will
HJ' ' OreHory , dlod lust evening of membraneous
H | | croup , at their residence , No 223 Harrison
H ? street The arrungemonts for the funeral
H * nro not yet completed , as the father is away
HJV from boinc The little ono was aged llvo
HjK years und nine months , and had been ill but
HJ' two days
' Joseph son of Chauucoy Loomls , living a
C few miles northeast of the city , died a low
, d days ago in Nobrasku The deceased loft
v here a short timosinco in good health , to
. work for his brother and it was not known
bt that ho bad been taken ill until the tclo grain
V announcing his death wns rccoived
Mrs Henry Uobcnslo , of Keg Creek town
H ' v ihlp , from whose breast Dr C , H. I'innoy ,
H , asslstcU by Drs Macrao , Thomas and Wull ,
H % removed a seven pound cjneer Thursday , is
Hf gcttlcg along very nlcoly nnd tbo prospects
H # are favorable for her coraplcto recovery
HC Bbo is stopping at Kiel's ' hotel , during her
H | ' stay in the city
HJb The grand Jury has about completed its
H labors for this term , nnd will uinke a report
f this morning and adjourn U ho greater part
of yesterday afternoon was occupied in ex-
HJ > amlning the city und county Jails The work
H''t of this term has been unusually light , tboro
t being but about liidf a dozen cases submitted
HJc ? for investigation , and it is understood that
g- the number of indictmetits to bo returned
Hv will bo but a small prcnorllon of the cases
HV ; Investigated
K ; An election bet was paid in a very onjoya-
Hj' bio way at Louie & Metzger's restaurant
I Thursday night On the Saturday evening
Has before election Alderman Lacy bet Mr A.
H | Motzger a $ . " > 0 supper for ton parsons that
Hilr Boies would bo elected goyernor of jowa
z He won , and the ton convivial spirits who
Hj' sat down to the sumptuous spread wcro
HSv Mayor M. P. Hohror , Hon W. H. M. l'usoy ,
Hjf ; Hon William Gronuwcg , Hon W. C. James ,
H- Goorco A , Holmes , Joliu II , Plumor , W. H.
HJ Thomas , C. I ) . Walters , D. A. Farrcll ,
Hr Thomas Bowman , A. Louie , P. Lacy and A.
H > Metzgcr It required fully thrco hours to
Hft , ' thoroughly discuss edibles nnd politics , and
H the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by tbo
r entire party ,
H'l The Pullman restaurant , 534 Broadway
HWp Money loaned at L. 13 , Craft & Co 's ' loan
Hk ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
Hfv porsonul proncrty of all kinds , and all ether
Hk articles of value , without removal All bus
k" lness strictly conlldcntlal
Hw Bixby , plumbing , steam honting , Mcmam
HjWv block .
HJL Finest market in city JM Scanluns
K $ Swelling for sale on easy payments Also
HaM building lots at lowest murkct prices Call
Hi'and oxauilno our list K. II Slioufo Sz Co
HHr Neumeyor hotel , first claas.rcasonablo rates
Hrj Tbo Hess Investment and Trust company
Hljt1 Drs Woodbury have removed their dental
HjM oftlco to 101 Pourl street , up stairs
HK t'craonal Inrucrnphs
HI Cyrus Heard , of Harlan , wns in the city
r yesterday
H | • C. N , Voss , an Avoca banker , visited tbo
Hln Bluffs ycBtorday
Hfl" G. L. Wilkinson , of Ncola , was in tbo city
RL' yesterday on business
Kl' . Wallace McFadden loaves today for War
HIk ren , 111. , for a short visit
Hp F. Davis , of Shelby , was In the city yes
Hk' torduy , en route homo from Denver and Pu-
HHf eDl0'
HP Mrs L. Jacobs loft yesterday morning for
HjKa two months visit at her old homo In 1111-
Hjjp'nols. .
HL O. P. Wyland , of Hrrlan , clerk of the
HKV < Shelby county court , was la the cityyos-
HJH t terday ,
K ; P. Hurko and Newton Martin started tax
HH ° the Platte yesterday on a geese hunting ex-
Bf ; . ceditlon ,
m' Miss Olivia Morton , who has been visiting
H . ' Mrs F , L. Hayden for some tlmo , loft for
HjB * her homo in Clarion , In , yesterday morning ,
Br/ Dr T. B , Lacey and W. J , Jamicson ut-
H K' tended tbo annual meeting of the grand
HHg" chapter of ltoyal Arth Masons at Davenport
HjKj Hon M. J. Dan lets , president of the Union
HHT I Notional bank , of Itochestcr , Minn , passed
Hf through tbo Bluffs yesterday with hfsfurn
HE ily en route to Los Angeles , wheio they will
H V • spend the winter ,
Hi- Mr , and Mrs , It O. Franols have gene to
H Ht New Orleans ou heir wedding trip Tnoy
Hf will return about the ralddlo of next month ,
Hf and make , their homo at the corner of
HH | Seventh and Mynster streets
HlK Mr J , Oplo , travcllug cnglnoor of tbo Mil
HjK wauUoo , who was injured in tbo collision
HHff Just east of Qlondalou few weeks ago , una
H v who has slnco been at t > t. Bernard's ' hospital ,
H H was yesterday sent to his homo at Mineral
H K Point , Wis , Ho occupied Superintendent
HjKj Cuuipbell's ] U'lvato car
HJ New Ogden , largest , best hotel la western
HjHn Iowa Special attention to commercial men ,
B ' Dcslrabto divol ' llng * for rent at mouorato
Erlcos li H , Sbeafo & Co , rental ugents ,
Iroadway and Main streets , up stairs
Ht ; . Bbeet muslo 10c , 638 Broadway ,
Third Btroot RoBldouta Kok ! For the
Complotlon of the Omdlnff
The IisraI Puc Will Soolc No
Further Glory In ttm King nml Personal
City Notci
The Thlril Street Kioknr * .
Kcsidcnts on Third street nro vigorously
kicking about the condition of that street
They Btato that Contractor C. it Mitchell ,
who hat tbo conti act forgradlng that street ,
is not treating thorn right ; that Is , ho Is not
giving their Interests the consideration which
they fcol to bo their duo Soma tlmo'ago Mr
Mitchell received the contract for raising
that street to grade , and shortly commenced
worfc The residents ulicgo that the street
Is In an almost lutpassablo condition , and has
been for weeks They state this is owing to
the fact that whenever Mr Mitchell can got
a job any whore else , ho takes off all bis tonms
from the Third street work , and daos that
when ho cm not work anywhere else This ,
thuy urge , is very convenient for the contrac
tor , who has until the 1st of January to
fulfill his contract , but it Is very unpleasant
for them Ihoy tuko the position that ha
should not huvo commenced work until ho
was ready to carry it right along , as the
strcot was In good condition before worlt
was commenced , and they are being made to
suffer annoy unco and inconvctiienco simnly
to salt the pleasure nnd convcnlenco of the
contractor , Several ncoldnnts have been rn-
porlcd , tbo result of the rough condition of
the street , nnd the rosldents state that their
children nro unable to get to school in wet
weather , as the sidewalks have been re
moved until the fill Is completed The resi
dents of that part of the city are proving
themselves very vigorous kickers , but the
desired result has not yet been obtulnod
J. 0. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway
( . ' . II steam dyu worits , 1013 Broadway
CobB SI a load Ulc.tson , 8G Pearl
Dr C. H. Bower , Oil First avc Tel , 329.
P. C. Miller , bc3t paper hinging ana doc
orating Tbo best is the oh capost
WJicrollipy Wnnttho Llclito
Well , I should say not , " repllod an nldor-
nian yestcrdny when asked whether tbo lo
cations decided upon by the council for the
uow towers und low are lights were utving
general satisfaction The majority of the
people are glad there arc to bo moro lights ,
but each ono thinks bis own Interests para
mount , und looks at the matter from his
own personal standpoint , wlillo wc have to
act in a manner which wo deem for tbo
greatest good of the general public , and
which will satisfy the largest , number
Thcro cannot bo an electric light on every
loruor ana the majority realize the fact and
are nuito reasonable in the matter , but there
nro some who are In duly bound to kick , no
mutter what the situation , and I suppose
they will contiuuo to howl until thu lights
are up and running "
How about the tower lights ! "
The situation is oxactlv the same However -
over , I believe that there are grounds for
some of the complaints on this score The
council located ono tower at the corner of
Tblru street and Eighteenth uveuuo , and I
agree with the majority of the property
owners Micro that this is not the best loca
tion I maintain that the tower should bo
placed nt tbo corner of Third street and Six
teenth avanuo If located thcro it would
throw light up Graham avenue , nnd greatly
benefit , these who drlvo to and from Fair
mount park in that way , and light up that
portion of the city much better than where
now located It is now placed
on the edge of the settled portion
of the city , and there is nothing
to the south of It but railroad tracks ana
prairie Some of the aldermen urged its
being located at the corner of Eighteenth
avenue so that it would throw light around
the south end of the bluff on tbo road to the
institution for the deaf and dumb and off in
that direction , but this would bo done nearly
as well iu a location farther north , besides
lighting up a thickly settled portion of the
city in much hotter shape If only moved
one block north , to Seventeenth nvcnuo , it
would bo much better than at present , but I
um convinced that Sixteenth avenue is the
proper place I am satisfied that some
changes will have to bo made , but they will
not bo many nor very extensive "
Mr W. S. Wright , of the electric light and
gaB company , was seea regarding the matter
and bis opinion solicited Said he : "I am
quito well satisfied , and dent care about
many charges being made I think the
council gives mo quito a chase in ono In
stance making mo go down to the corner of
Ninth strcot nnd Twonty-third avenue to
place ono nro light , that being half u inllo
beyond the itoarcstono this side of It , If
they would locate ono moro tower , and place
it ut the corner of Ninth street und Twenty *
first street , or somewhere in that vicinity , I
thtuk they would have that puit nf the city
perfectly lighted I cant Imagine why they
sent mo way down to Twenty
third avenue , unless they think they
will have to go to Mnnuwa next
season , and for this reason wanted to got mo
as far down that way us they could , You
sco , this takes mo to within five blocks of the
city limits , and makes mo put up .1 mlle of
wire for u single light It seems llko Impos
ing a little on good nature 1 think the coun
cil has made a very fair distribution of the
lights , and they will got very good results
from the forty-four low lights that they have
located , as well ns from tbo ten towers My
contract only calls for thirty foot poles for
the low lights , but I am going to put in forty
foot ones , although they cost lust twice ns
much , because I know they will glvo better
satisfaction , and I trust the public will ap
preciate It in time "
A leading real cstato man and largo prop
erty owner said ho had something to say
about the way tbo council proposed to light
up Broadway , and was requested to ex
press his grief Said he : "In the first place ,
I think that ttio council made a mlstako lu
locating that tower at the corner of Twenty
fifth and Broadway They have located one
at the corner of Twenty.Jirst street nnd
Fifth ovonun , nnd that is all right , but this
other should have boon at tbo corner of
Twenty-third street and Avonucs A or li I
dent think the tower should bo placed on
Broadway , and all the residents in that vi
cinity object to its being placed as far west
as Twenty-fifth street But this is not what
I wanted to protest against , as what
I think to be of moro importance
is the better lighting of Lower Broadway
That street has been paved und is ono of the
finest drlvos in tbo country , but It bat never
bocn proporlv illuminated and tbo council has
again neglected It Omaha hasn't a drlvo
that can bo compared with It , and It it wus
lighted as it should bo it would bo filled with
nobby turnouts every ovenlng It wojld bo
a big thing for tbe city , and would do much
to advertlso it , Ladles dent llko to remain
over here late and drive home over a poorly
lighted strcot , but it would bo different with
a few more lights The charge would not
bo very expensive It would require about
half a dozen moro lights than are now lo
cated along there , aud this vvonld amount to
about $575 a year Let mo tell you that
the city could not invest that amount
of money In any otbor way where
it would bring ua heavy returns
Broadway would then bo au attraction not
only to Council Hluffs and Omaha , but to
every visitor to the two cities It is a great
deal to say that you bavo the finest uud best
lighted drlvo In tbo country , aud it would bo
u big advertisement It docsu't teem right
to have such a drive as that between these
two raplaly growing cities left In almost tnm >
bight darkness every night when tbo moon
does not shine Thcro is no use in having
anything if you cant show it and it visitors
cant see these Improvements that wo talk
about they wont ' believe that wo have thorn
First Impressions go a long way , aud 1 dent '
know of anything hotter than to light up
Broadway , and take our visitors out for a
little whirl "
Tliolf Blood Cooled
Tbo legal belligerents were yesterday In amore
moro pacified condition , and both regretting
the unpleasant notoriety given them by tbe
uuseemly conflict The unpleusantneis will
have no more sensational chapter * , nnd thn
matter tvtll bo dropped Uurko was not
overpleacd with the reckless descriptions of
thcnffalr as glvon by the reporters , who rcp
resented him ns catling Flicklngcr allnrnnd
then eottlng thumped for it Ho donles that
ho indulged In any such iingentlemnnly lan
cuago as calling Mr Pllcklnger n thief or
liar Ho simply told him to lot his privnto
papers nlono , whereupon , to his great sur
prise , Flicklngcr made a pais nt him , as if
to strike him Hvstanders at once inter
fered and prevented even ono round Mr
William Siodentopf nnd others who were at
the table corroborate this account
Those wishing to take lessons In painting
of Miss J.chso should call at once , as she will
bo hero for a short time only Studio over
W. W. Chapmnn's art store
S , T. McAttoo , Oil Main , 33,1 Pearl Finest
Una fancy groceries In city
Boots , shoos , rubbers Kinnohan , SSOU'way
| 3 cabinets , only $1.75 , Schmidt's , S20Main.
E. II Sbeafo & Co give special nttcnt ante
to the colicctlon of rents and care of property
in the city and vicinity Charges moderate
Oftlco Broadway and Main streets
Alwnyn on Time
If you wish to purcbasa a good and reliable
watch 85 per cent less than club rates , nnd
en oasv terms , then call nt once und make
jour own selection at C. B. Jacqucmin &
Co , ST Main strcot
Fountain cigar , n strictly 10c cigar for 5o
at tbo Fountain , Trr ono
Wlntrrin ? Young Colts
It Js iiucossnry after the colta nro
wcunuil In the fn.ll tlmt they should bo
kept crowing steadily during the win
tor Improper feeding nml poor shelter -
tor will stunt n , colt U3 quickly ns a
young nnltnul of any ether kind , tvnd
once stunted no utter trcutmont will en
tirely orndicato the effect , says the No-
brusltti Farmer It is not necessary
with nny class ot crowing stock to keep
it fat They , however , must bo kept in
a Kood thrifty condition if a good
growth 1b made
With n young colt the development of
bonuund muscle is very Important and
during growth such materials should bo
used for food as will bostsocuro this A
variety , or rather a combination of ma
terials , will usually give bettor results
thnn any ono thing Corn la a good
winter feed , if not given to excess ,
because it promotes warmth , Oats is
ono of the best materials that can Do secured -
cured for the development of bono and
muscle Wheat bran nnd barley nro
both good njatcriuls to use in connec
tion witli corn und oats All of "thpi > o
can generally bo reudily secured Then
with hav , straw nnd fodder , it good va
riety can bo supplied Un thresh od eaU
run through ti cutter , make a good-feed
for growing colts , especially if a smnU
quantity of bran and corn meal ho
added , nnd you tier colts will make a
good growth If they are well fed with
this ration
They need exorcise and should bo lot
out whenever the weather will permit ;
they ncod to bo watered regularly A
good shelter lessons the amount of feed
necossaiy to keep in good condition
The Value of Kmlt Tree * .
CA good fruit tree is worth $50 , " wo
hoard an old farmer say recently If
this is true , an orchard of one acre con
taining fifty trees should increase the
value of the farm upon which it is situated -
atod by the pleasant sum of $2,500 less ,
of course , the original value of that in
dividual ncro While it might " bo dim
cult to find a purchaser who would
accept this valuation , my own expe
rience inclines mo to the bollof that the
fnrmor's assertion was not far from
right , eiiys the American Agriculturist
for November A money yield of $3 per
annum from each tree would give C per
cent upon this capitalized value It is
a poor tree that will not average this ,
oven allowing for off years , und off
years are not so frequent ns to nltornnte
regularly with the bearing ones A
healthy tree , properly cared for , will
give a crop two years out of three that
will pay for harvesting Occasionally a
tree will give a crop that will pay thu
Interest for many years in ono
An early Rinlimotul cherry tree paid
mo last year $8 , besides the fruit usca
at homo , which was sufficient to pdy
the entire cost of gathering From a
sweet chorrv tree this year I sold throe
and one-half bushels at $2 per bushel
Two Chickasaw plum trees , growing
so closely together that their branches
intcrwino as if they were ono tree , the
two covering a space of obout five hundred -
drod square feet , frequently pay $11) in a
season , which would bo nt the rate of
over $800 an acre A pear tree near by
yields ten buohols in a good season , and
$1 per bushel Is not an unusual price
Three early npplo trees this season
gave over fifty bushels , which sold at
from 80 cents to 31.20 a bushel The
trees were so full that I had to com
moafio picking while yet very grcon to
save the limbs from hroaking Yet the
6amo trees last year gave a crop that
paid mora than 0 per cent upon a value
of $00 oaclu
I'llmpkins for Stock Food
In answer to a inquiry regarding the
feeding value ot the common yellow
field pumpkin for milch cows , hogs and
sheep and the injury caused by eating
the seed , Prof K. W. Stawnrt has the
following in Howard's Dalrymun :
The feeding value of the yellow field
pumpkin la bnsod upon the amount of
dry roattor in 100 pounds as well us on
the chemical composition of that matter
The whole pumpkin Iiub about 89 per
cent of wntor and 11 dry matter ; 0.0 of 1
cent of this is albuminoids , 0,8 ear
ohydrates , 0.1 fat and 1 ash The
value of this when ficured in the ordin
ary way is about lOconts per 100 pounds ,
but as the pumpkin contains alittlo poe
tic noid , which becomes a digester of
other food and gives it an additional
vuluo , it rony bo said that good ripe
pumpkins are worth 10 to 12 cents per
100 pounds * to feed in modorata qunn-
tity with ether food in the milk ration
or for faltoning A small quantity
gives a relish and improves the flavor
ot the milk But with rofcrouco to the
otToct of the seeds , enro must bo taicon
it the seeds nro fed to cows , that
they are mixed evenly with the rest of
the pumpkin The seeds are
given in some cases us a dlurntla modl-
cine Tiioir action is apt to bo on the
kidneys , and dairymen often suy that
their cows shrink In their milk when
freely fed with pumpkins And it the
seeds got Bopnratod so the cows out
moro than the natural proportion of
seeds , this effect upon the kidnoyB would
nuturally clToct the sncrotlon ot milk
The Chinese nro accustomed to cut
pumpkin eeods botweeu the courses at
iMtuior , and they are probably takeu as
an appetizer and digester Those seeds
uro rich in nitrogen and oil , and are
very nutritious
Some feeders iiuvo boon very success
ful in fattening pigs with a small nllow-
anoo of pumpkin seeds in connection
with ether food These seeds used as a
part of the food for poultry would fatten -
ton thorn rapidly , It should not consti
tute moro than ono-flfth to ono-fourth
ot the food glvon to the poultry
The dry matter iu pumpkin goods and
the string part amouuts to about 25
per cent , or moro than double that of
the whole pumpkin The nutrltlvo
value ot the seedB per weight la four
times ns much n. that ot the body of
the oumpkln williout the seeds
If pumpkins \fCt6 sliced up or pulped ,
so that the scedtf Would bo all mixed in
evenly , there would bo ro danger in
( coding thorn tccowa , ether cnttlo or
hogs , and it would bo a very deslrablo
addition when copiblncd with ether
l-'nrm I'oultry Clittid
- Farmers who cgngo ] in the produc
tion of eggs nnd chickens for market ,
would find It profitable to start nn or
ganization among themselves for the
good of the business , says the Amoricnn
Agriculturist Their meetings could
bo hold weekly , seml-wcokly or month
ly , at the houses ot members , nnd
poultry topics could bo discussed , ox-
porlcnco related , new diseases reported -
ported , now ways of treating old ail
ments , and n host of ether valuable
matter brought up A president and
n secretary would bo nccossary ' The
work of the luttor would bo to seek any
deslrablo information which none of
the members could impart , and ether
matters that might bo of intorcst nnd
Exiiorleneos could bo given ns to the
crossing of purebred heavy layers so
ns to bo moro prolific ; the best foods ;
how to feed ; how to house , nnd how to
rflvo gcnorul care Farmers , as a rule ,
know very little about the requirements
of an eeg farm True , some very nblo
works have boon written upon the sub
ject , but fnrmors gonornlly do not pos
sess them Thcro is no roasun why wo
should not have fresh eggs In the
dead of winter Practical poultry
farms furnish thorn , and so ran nil who
kcop fowls It iB the lnck of proper
knowlcdgo that causes it That
knowledge may bo partly possessed by
ono man , and partly by another , in any
neighborhood , and,11 clubbed togothof ,
it would revolutionize the whole work
Miles IScrvonml Liver Pills
An impoitant discovery They net on the
liver , stomach and bowtls through the
nerves A now principle They speedily
cure bllliousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation Spicndid for men ,
women and children Smallest , mildest ,
surest , 30 doses for 35 cents Samples free
nt ICuhn & Co 's , ISth and Douglas
List nf letters remaining uncnltcd for la the post
oBIco for the wools onlhw November 15. Is ] . ! .
Note Parties CHlllng for these letters will please
say Advertised , " Ktrlnittlio il.Uo nt the head of the
lt tnnd Inqutrofor ftumoattbo ladlet * dellvorr win
dow , |
To avoid mlBtt.tej liava your matt Bddresaed to
your fttrcct and number
AberJ AhrnhnnonY Allen W J
Aliuliifat A Allen 11 1) Andrenn A
Anderson Jj Allen w J AeLC nierll
natoharal , 13 nillloll ltarrirn
UarcusUll liirkerliy linker W
liarnesHI , llallJ II llurix M
1 asley I U Untci M W Bens A
IliiKlilcrM Iteivcn II U 3 Hell C A
licchnian A llllllntrsJ IKnIihi it K
llontonsMno E F Umton Kw lloimlclc C
lloydJ If lioroiholt VI Hokoll
lionmun mr andlinmnsj iimwnO
run , llromi.M JlrnadwcllH
Ilnninrr J Bnmn T ! ) Ilrennanlt
llunouishsJ II Hurm K K lliiddemeycr B
ItudKcttJ lluelilcrlt UuchO W
llusby J Huckuer 3
CarrollJ rarvor.n' Camion w A
CatlicrwO Carroll J I'nney > l
Cansldy BI' Corny H Cliupman J
t Iirl Wn eti C J Clnriy.1 CI&ukIi IC
Cln w K Clerk AJ OovltictonN3
Council C K Collins 8 Crow II .
( 'rabblrO Cru\llil C Cumuilngs B L
Crow w , '
Davit J w nails cU IlnvliII
l > avUrJ3 Davis 1' ' IlasoU J
Davison OA JlBuirlt llnnlelsunit J
DeltioroTH Dlliun 15 Dillon I , A
nruyj UuniDfran Ho liuuklo n
Dukes A L UarlOiuMS ,
a . E .
Ennls Jno Bnglo u V Eolaro it A
Ksterbcri ; O
Fcyder P Ferris W FHwernM c
HsherA Usher Jo Kllycro w
Mnney c D Holds W It Flynn W u
Fletcher B Cornier of KuU
Iriedrlcli c I > titlUarcrc II Franco W II
OnrrisonJ OorrcttAJ Onles F
( juurollcir coiio Ollbertan
( ioldinail 11 Oosney W Jj ( iocddel I'
( ioomiKlIAZ Uront W liroenO
( IralmmW UrayWO litluitWB
liullford A O Urituum J l
Harris R Hartman J Ilarman O
llanpmtryA llnetier II llimnerW
IlarronJ UamuiouMj llartmnn F
UaiEttmonJA llackitt-W • llnmlll It
UnrkcncllMr llarnmlnoo HeirFc
llcndrlcksoaK llcilns K 11 nines M
lllltoii o lloiuunm vr Uoicenkoinp F
llonleU ! ) lioness llone.lSli
llonyoll Ilooperltl llollunUork A B
Hornerc llynuU lluuiptiroy SIC
Inman J
Jarvlso Jackson N Jackson A & lady
Jenkins O JeiKiir < ou J Y. Jonus I a
JonesJ 11 Jonts b' JonosA
Johnson K Johnson ( J Johnson w
Johnson u A
KalnB KalbJ ICnl-or J nnd Mrs
Kuretak J P iMinliiBhani J Krniliomnn A
UeatonWA honip II KernliW
Kenny SK Kcllstrom C A Kellogg IK
KJcldiiHadH Klna H kloU fi-1
Klcltusky li Kererr limit U 3
Knox llevlt 1 * KoonlusniannCAKrjinerl n
Kujanu A
TjiubncliAJ Ijitbnler W F Lawcrnnre 1. B
Lawson A O Ijuircn A I.uytunCI )
Larson (1 l.unliU-3 1 oak OF
lea W O Iii I' l.i-noraj
l.lnbortrC l.lcblcr.M l.lnn 1 ,
• ougfuIlnvrJ lxxhulU Mr Loomls FK
J.ooclineck It LukoTB Juuidon M
I.andfc'rcun a T
Murro S C Marerllen II Multson II
Mnekeyllir Mafianll Muintnui b'
Mnc lay J T Meads F IS Meuds W
MohrililiJ Mercer WO HlnnlckJ
Moore W A MoselJ Muntgonicry KB
Monolintrr MortonJ Murcun WIM
Murray I'rof Mulll 'anJ l * MurpliyJ I , i
Murphy W Murphy J Murphy W
MuhlnsAJ MrliusF-J Morris W
Miller It O
McCrackcn J U McClary V McFarlmid
llcllulroti M'lKlttrlclcuS ' MoNcll W
Mc.Nulty W F McKray O
Nash IIKB No'sonljO Nelson F
Nelson A Nlchaus VV
O'UiicnT 0'HrlcnI.r Olson O
Olson O A Olson U Olson 0-3
O'Meora F
ParrottW PntelloJ Pclty 0
I'eoslerJ I'cUlnglll S I'orklnsAO
riiiiab I * II ricraou 1 Polls F
I'owutlJ 1'osj'lsllU 1'rostoiiDA
t'rliitslau O
Qulnn W
nalborernllll Hslnsil IledlleMT
ltlley A llosdackrr I * Hock IS
Hovers Wl * HonertsonT llotal T
Rollins 1 * Hoborti M lloblnson M
Houliiton J W llurfdrd N ltus UI U F
llussell It HuMuKJ 11
' lo 8.
RanderaonDB BcotVSV I" BeliaerTorOW
Hchlon F hihelrerj Milolds W
Mmunisn W Bh < liit''l ( r-Uaru 11-3
hliik-ictonwJ biultli .1B bmlth O
Hmltli F MiedskprF Hmuhwlck D
btCinlrJ HUHldsfd H BtockuullJ
hllllsonlili blexttFA bvciusun T w
bnanson Mr tmUu ; 11 w
.TjT •
Tutor w Thaln A I. Thomas 1 *
Trows l > Tooksuerry J T Tompkins w vr
'IrotlorMI * Tululp eoaj-J '
. * 'lyitrw
Ihoiup.oaWM , Yi
Van AllenO VauuosdulJ Vandertllco KM
VanderblltOW Vicr ; fj
i * < W.
Wade O F Walls V Word O
Wuteman B WaldsmltUJ Warien W
WulkurU We tUll WostWN
Wcstb j. Web rfl Wuslbrook O
WIppoO * WlllUiuaF WllllannJO
WlndcIKIL WlllxruJ WUIUodJO
Wood ti II W oed li K Wood W 11
WolbertKI ) WoodlvaitF WykoWA
Wlllurd It J
Yost IIO
. z
Zalno J
Adams IB Alleo rural ! Allen O
Alexander Mrs An irsoul AndersuaJ
Aiidvr > ouK AuirrtonO Arnold inr J
narkermrsCI Jlasler lurs I , IlarryrursTJ
Itakor mra li A llaauermn Hates mrs
llaklwlu lurs liaagatura Ilailyiura
linker miss llehriurtA lievuiiursl
lltckncliiurs A lledaK llrraley ulia
lleulliurt F njancharduriLllllssiurs A
Block rural ) lllackuian urs ItUnnuus
lloyer inn I , Bowers iur I , liooilirarsj
lloruqantJ-3 Border A u lloebmoA
lloothNauci llothwcll uirs JlrowuuirsO
Brown urs llruneriura llrlghauimtsa
BroadhurstU \ ' . K .T"J Iluckner uirs S
BuckO Bullardun BelloiiaUJ
llullO Brady H Block , uirs
Corey mis O Carey j 15 CureyN
Casey M Casey Nil Casey N
Carlson N Carlson It Cadlnmrall
CsrrnirsjH < amp mr ChrlsilnaN
Chapman inrsji Chntloit * mrs A Clark U . _
Clark K Coma I 8 A Col on mrs A K
Cotien mrs 118-3 Colton niA tviff mrs 1
Cora run M Vllins ) mra Cook N .
jVokl , Coy mrs III , CoMiymrsJ
Cromwell mrs B ( .ralgM CornforthO
Davis ran J > t DcuthcrM Olron.t
IHirgellmrs > l DnwmanS
Konehou mrsSlt Horsey N DuganA-3
Farly mn A Ely • Klllotl mrs
KrlcUonT Kmnsl ,
FanlormraKA Vlsliermrs K UlrgeraMHH
y lemming mn Jl J HannocanmraMbrlcxmrs si
FrjmtsAj lugraminlss lTohb rg I ,
Onrtnor.1 dates mrs J K ( langmon mn 8
( iimu-rlg mra C ili vn I , ilnrhnn run U 11-3
Onssln il ilorden mrsj Uroy mrs
CiroscurtliF ( Inllford m
Ilnnsiisfl in , HnmmonitinratVllarvey mra 1 > J
llnncocktnrssi IlnvmrsO Ho llwov n
llniikiiisniniM llaywooilmrsAsillnrveymnOVV
llarlman mra llarrliikt titurslillamaii ron
llirmt nl < llcrley'l' Hilton li
llohtll llnnrc IS Holland mrs J
HohcrmanA llnllond miss llowa I mrs
Hiinierli llugli liurston mrs ll
Hunt lurs llufhcsii
Ires mrs J F
JacoMen mrs Jennings inn I Jpnson A O
Jensen M JcnoUT lohn on ml > s
Jolmanii iuls Johnson rt Jubiiion B
Johnson si Jolnisoii inrs Johnson mrs
Jolin-on mrs Jolinson nirs Johnson lurs It
Johnson mrs FIj Jones mrs A Jones mrs
Jones miss
Knlnmre Kaiser mrs Korosmn
Kclreyiurs Kennedy mrs Kelley mrs
CelloyM hfllog miss KelloymUsA
KlmbclmlssA KlngF Klnnenimii M
Klnnoy inn Klmiorfmrs lilrkmrs
Klncnirs Klmicymr * Koimsuira
Kidiniurs Kork mn hnoik miss
KnoekndssA Kress II Knisorars
Klmklo M
Ijirson O T irey mrs 1' 11 tawhona mrs J
Lodlier A I Intuitu I ! Mnsuteor miss II
l.urlo MoydmrsFn Loin ; mra u
Lund berg It
MaslonmnS Maul Ma.lscn . K
MassaK MsdEllnmraMA Manger II
MntkcntlarursLi Martin mra ) l Mnlnnlamrast
Malison II Madsoiui MindowaniiaK
MtjorT MlilermraM Mlchihauau
Montsll MosollmrsO Mnnolty uusij
MornktJI Hosier uirs T J Moll mrs w
Mueller mrs K
Menrlde mrs A McOralli A McCrolToy mrs J O
Mclicnon mrs M
Nelson mrs A Nelson mrs O rtcckelA
Mclson A Mcliols mrs I
O'llrlcnil Olson J Olson L
PnttlsonmrsA l'arrltt K H PnrflttO
ration ( I Terry fi I'otors mrs 15
I'ctlorjonmrall IVuno mn w 11 retcnoiA
l'oluntmraA I'ruttU I'rucidollmrs w
( jueonan mrs M ( julnlan n
ItankliiM Iteed IA UlgbyS
llulilnson mrs Ii3 llnblnson mra M J lloblnson mrsHJ
lloblnson A ItoMiison I' Korbyr \ 2
ltossmnUF ltoberla nits A IS llu avllniraO U
Fanlssh nits M Fnrapion mrs i Schlotiuan 3 3
bcott 11 . bthubtly mrsJ Mioneraiurs 1"
ShellhcrgI bhini'tmrgcr mrs bision J
blnphordK bhcldcniursN bhoilttmrsO
bhlriy J bkoninrssi SmilliinrsH
bmltliM bmlth mrs I ! bmitli mrs K F
bmlth ran II n Mlckney mrsM I. Stslcsmra J
bterllng 8 Hulllvun h' bulllran K
bvcnsonlj bwau.N rivanssoq N
TahanM Thomas mn T T Tulon A
lower mra A w
Wnlkprml s3 Wnttmn ! Wc.lcllmrsKS
Wi-bster C Welch uits it Welling mra U It
WhlllncldllK Wi onmrs.VII Williamson iS3
Williams mrs J \\ools..y . i WrlghtM
WrUhtlC.Mi Wright mrs CII
Yule A M
tii inn /su louimi cmm mat-ieii.
UCarlan KJItussctl I.M Tolbott
Slgnor Vrlcogo Nnuer Flgnor Marino Antonio
burner Nlcotcraliartano M.-uorNicolaMnitiDI bnlvo
MIECEl.i.\Nious. :
McOolInOperarompanySi MeHdel A , ltlchmomt vr
AC'ralg.t-Co , M V Morrison A ; Co McOlalii , Joltrcy &
Co .IT King i Co , ltogora Bros , Bally K'evator coui-
imiiy , .Merchants'Ten company , Osgool Publishing
loiiipniiy , Agent Norlh British & Mercantile lnsur-
nncoCo , KOtiXlbth , IJOJUnrney st , Fred's Itcslau-
ruul , Ilandll tcavy .
. C. V. UALLAOIIKB , Postmaster
Kurekn'Kerosene ! llnterH
Come and see my Kerosene lleatlug stoves
Just the thine for tutu and bed rooma Some
thing new , and can lie run at an expense of ono
cent perhoui , Noplpp , nosmolco , noodnr hut
an excellent heater , and easily eairled from
ono room to nuothor "Iknowlt was lomlng , "
nnd the stove ot the future Is what people say
of It One wick will last \Miolo soison and
requires no trlinmluc : . Will have oue burning
In my vUndowovery night this week Come
and sea it-
Ye . thoPeerlersfinrland li fast dlsplacintt
the llaso llurner forjparlor stoves , on account
ot Its ( rood uorlc nnd economy Can heat ! l , 4
nnd 5 rooms with 2 tons ot coal Am closing
outiuyl * . I * . Stewart Htoves , made by Fuller &
Warren , at cost JlyNo.8 , I0 cook stoves are
going raplnly
Itomembcrthailhavo double the stock ot
any dealer In the tlty and can sell cheaper
Caution Do not buy a steve that requires
the taking of 100 teitlinonl.ils to sell it , but
comoandfiptn 1'eerUBs ( lurland , tbe worlds
bet I' , u. Do Vol 5it nroadway
Oit TltADH For a lot , a cigar store , well lo-
entcd Invoice about SJJU to $100. Address
K15 , llceolllce
FOUfcAIiKor Exchnngo A small coal stove
Apply to Maurer's , No , aid 1 Iroadway
IIIAVK three nouses on Lincoln and two ou
tjlxtli avenue for snla un terms to suit
These house , are now , modern Improved I
will sell these houses - • " > per tent , less than you
can dupllcato the same ( J. II Judd , COd Ilroail-
1JIOU SAMJ OR KXOIIANGK-10 to ft head of
Jt ; horses Will take clear property , improved
or unimproved , OK Metcalf , Council lIlufTs
ITVUt HAM : Olt liiNT-A ! 1S ! story , 5 room
X' f mine house , located on North lutu bt U , V. .
Metcalf , lu 1'earl sc
"IJlOltc'AM:0IlIUNlW\.EO0d3 : stall stable
X' 18x 4 , on lutn ht „ between a aud M avenues
O. H. Metcalf , 111 l'earl nt
WANT HI ) rarins within 1.1 to BS mllesTt
Council lllnlls to exchange for good im
proved or vacant piopeity Jn tnN city
Keir Grav
FOR EXCHANGE-Paluo towntd alot
Kerr A : gray
AnAHUATN In 2 lots lu ijood location , 1
block from motor Kerr & CI ray
WHY pay rent when your n uuy a homo for
tl& per month and umYardi , Including
lnterosr , of O. II Judd , IM llroadwny ?
JilOU BALE A draft mare 7 yoarsold , weicht
- larnilbs : sound and gentle Price SHUraah ,
or ll- " > one year A. J. Btephenson , Hi Wash
ington avenue ,
AS I am contemplating lingo improvements
in Council llluirs 1 will sell houses and
lots ju monthly payments or terms to suit be *
low their cash vuluo for the next 3J days , it
costs nothing to Investigate . U. II , Judd , cud
11 roadway
FOUItUNT One seven-loom house on l ourth
avenue ; one eight-room houao ou riec-
end avenue , and one etgtit-ronm house onToiith
sttcet ; all uttnu up with ull modern conven-
lencos W. IV Illlgur l'earl street
IjtOlt HAMJ To quit business , my entire
• stock nf furniture , stoves and carpets , will
be sold at cost , without reserve l'oinonH fur
nishing good roferenco.i can buy on Install *
inouts , making weekly payments A. J. Man
dell , tttlond JJJ llroidway ,
ODUMi llltOS.i CO loin money TJia most
liberal termi offered , lul l'earl at
IJIOlt SAMi-Au old nnd well establlshod
; drugstore , estabtlsuol in 14U. Ra < li re
quired , t,6J ) I , balance real ostatii , Address A
2 , Uee , Council llluirs
IIIOK URNT Four room cottaue cheap to ton
. ' anls without children Inquire 117 Flrstst
II * ' you ore looking for Invoituieuta that will
net you Handsomely In a short tune , wa have
them Write or call on Kerr He Dray , Council
llluirs , Iowa
3IAOlfnxCHANOi-Wa : have acre property ,
. ' adjoining city , for Harden puiposea , that wn
will exchange for improved tlty property , Kerr
WUhuve first class improved city property
In good location that wa will exchange for
good Improved farm land lu Iowa that is clear
Kerr & Pray Council muffs
1j iOII SAM ! or llent Uarden land with houses ,
. by J. It Ulce UU Main st , , Council UluuM
NOTIOn If you have real estate or chattels
you ant to dispose of quick , list them with
Kcrr& Gray , Couucll llluirs , la
RHAli KUTATK-ltougnt and * ol t an I ex-
changed Special attention given to • lam
ination of titlej Vf , O , James , ho I'J ' l'earl st
Foil HAMJ Acre lots in Orchard place This
property Is located lu the ltlco nursery ,
aoutnot the main part of the city , 154 inlltt
from court houiu , aeo Metcalf , Id JPearJ St
Coal T Coal 11
. II
A. T. THATCH la R , U. A. COX , | 1
Chicago , Ills Western Sales Agent " ;
OFFICE : 114 Mnln Street , Brown Building Telephone 4B. il
Wo will soil to constimora direct , SKLIiOTEl ) ANTHUACITB COAL nt the '
following rcilticotl prices : ;
GRATE AND EGG - - - $8,25 M
CHESTNUT - - - - 8.50 9
Ami the best ( 'nulcs o ( Soft Conl AVvoinlnjr Lump $7.00 , Wnltiut Blonk I *
93.G0 , Jnckpon M , t. 'odnr $ .1.M , Cannel $0.50 , Iowa Nut , Kxtra Xtweo b.o nml vollop !
scrcoiicd , M.00 , Osta . House Colto 12c per busliol , or $7.00 per ton
TERMS with ord or All conl fresh niliiod , well scroouednmJ promptly ' iHtl
' '
iloUvcicd , H'i
Having the least money to spend arc the ones our Reliable K
Clothing means the most to We keep up a constant war H
fare against clothing that turns white , red , green and all colors , H
and is threadbare long before it is worn out its goodness is , | H
only in its looks There is plenty of it It isn't possible to i'H
get the worth of your money from such clothing , B
Wages ' are not so generous that you can afford to be in- | > H
different as to your expenses It makes a great difference to § Hi
you as the head of the family , with house rent , food , coal and nB *
a thousand other expenses Hi
Buy from us that which will give you lasting service i'H' '
We sell you an Overcoat l. B 1
$3-5 ° . $3'6o , S4.50 , $5.00 , $ iooo , $12.50 , $16.00 , $18.00 , $20.00 jH |
We sell you a Suit 'H
$3-5 ° > H-5 ° > $6.00 , ' $10.00 , $12.00 , $13.50 , $15.00 , $18.00. . B
50 Child's Suits at $1.25. I 25 Child's Suits ' at $2.40. ' < .H
50 Child's Suits at $1.75. | 25 Child's Suits at $3.00. H
25 Child Suits at S3.00 , $6.00 and $8.00. jjB
Children 's Overcoats ; B
$2.10 $ , $2,30 $ , $3.00 $ , $3.60 $ , $4.00 $ , $5.00. $ I
Large Line of Kilt Suits I
Shirts , Hosiery , Underwear and Neckwear I
Dunlap and Stetson Hats I
Scotch and Fur Caps I
342 & 344 BROHDWHY ,
FOIt SALE 13) aero farm In Jasper county ,
low a , located naiir coal minus that ara in
operation TlieraLa flva foot vnlu oC coal
under the farm Oeo Metcalf , No 10 I'oarl ut
FOIt 8AI.K-S0 feet lake frontnn located bs
twoen O II boat house and Matiawa ijoacli
Also a uumbpr of cUolco lots lu llegatta place
aeo Jtotcalf , No IU l'earl t.
Omnibus , Carriage ani Transfe
WM , WELCH Proprietor ,
Tlio Finest Line of landau ? . Coaches nnd
Hacks Iu the City
t3ri ! have a now i atln-llncd carrlaRo for priv
nto call , li lb the most elcgunt coach in tlio
Special attention Riven to coiiuiieiclal men
and theatrical tioupoq Bust facilities lu the
city for handling scenury ,
oirific 3 !
Telephone No 33. Telephone No 93
UA ItN Telephone No USD
Tbo only line authorlzcad to answer calls
turned lu to Am Dlat Tel Co
Dissolution nf Co-Parlnrr hlp
Notice is hereby Riven that the partnership
between A. C. IJempsey and 8. 1 luttor Is dis
solved A C. Dcmpsey assumes the buslneis
and aUUabllltlxs Ho vui continue to maim
taeturo all yrn.lns of candles and confectlous at
the old stand , 105 Main st
Thn Host Htnvo in the BInrket
The new Hod Cross Btovo is tbe best beater In
the market It la the most economical steve
In use ; requires less coal and gives a greater
degree ot heat than any surface burner ormag
azlne stove sold It has the only perfect sys
tem ot circulating tines , it is beautiful and
perfect , and Is sold $10 less than auy other Urst
class stove Sold exclusively by
11 MaluStioet , Council Hluffs ,
Exanilno the Now Model IlrllllantOak Stoics ,
thn latest triumph of the stovn makera' Rcnlus It
has n cast Iron jacketed lire box oponlM ; Into a
hot atrllno , that liius from tlio bottom ot the
stove lothutop , pa fliiB throiigh tlio lntonsu
liontoftho fuiiiuce It tukts the cold nlr from
the lloor and heats It by direct contact ulth the
hottest parts ot the stove Why pay V/i for a
steve hen this perfect heater can bo had for
on'y ' VSJ It burns anything Only at Udell li
Uryniit' * . fM > 3 und r\0. \
I propose to st\o coulumers value for their
money In Coal , mid until further notlco iny
prices are all rail Autliraciuii Urate and Ktr ,
ru ; No.4 and Itaime , UM ; Chestnut , tiM Also
Host arudei ot Illinois and Iowa BoftCoal
Idlnbur ! r , HUiioIh , lump , I I.M : .Maplonood ,
lump II.1J : Centcrvllle , Iowu lump ) .75 | tVal
nut lliock lump , ! -UJ ) ; Hamilton lump , tiiii
Wiutebrcast lump tUG ; Wliltobrouat'nut , fl ;
l'cu , JSiOiHtoam * .li Black , IIW Terms cash
with order or delivered CO 1) . WM , WKI.UII ,
015 tfoutli Main street Telephone 'JX
Arciiite.t and Superintend nl .
Room 281 , Merrlam Block ,
I ) , J. ltoUUNUSON , E. U thllHMUT
Ires Vice Tres
CitAS It Hannah , Cashier ,
ok rs
Paid ud Capital , . . $ | 30ooo.oo.
Surplus 3Sooo.oo
Liability to DopoBltora..333,000.00
lllitiTOIiH-I. A. Miller , V. O. ( lloison , II Iu
Bhugart , B. li Hart , J. 1) . Kdundson , Cbas It
llannan Transact general bauklug business
Laruest capital uud sundun ot any bank lu
ixcrthneitern Iowa , interest on time deposits
. „ _ „ > < ? 4 _ ±
* K
Granulated Bugar lipounds t 1.00 B
Cuolce U. O. Jap Tea pir pound 370 H
Hood ItioCon" e , per pound SZo H
llo i Itolled Oats , per pound , in H
California Hams per pound 7o H
QuaKer Oats per pacaago luo H
( Jood Laundry Boap , 11 bars So v > s H
llcst Laundry Soap , I ) bars > a f
Cldtr Vinegar , per gallon lfia tH
Coal Oil , per gallon * 10o v' K
Oood flour , per sack 1.00 j H
llest I'lour , per sack Iguaroiitcodl . . . Via I t Bl
Hcmcmiierthe place No 2U llioadway , op- 1 s LV
poslto UgJen Itousj Telephe l l. fe K' ' '
Electric Trasses , Bells , Chest ProM
lectors , Etc > M
Agents wanted . HI
C. B. JUDD ,
No.27 Main St , Qyor Jacquomln'o H
• • H
Adapted to the public schools The only ' H
complete thine of Us kind in existence aud In- „ H
dlspenstble In the school room , Bcnool Hoards 1 H
deflrluic the most perfect help for the teacher S' H
are Invited to examine this Address , { i H
ji , , u\1jii\oioh , lM
general Agent i ' s il
TII09. OlTJCEIl W. II M , 1'USET | I H
Corner Main and Ilroaaway , t M
Dealers In forelcn and domestic cxuhaiiKi I H
Collections made aud lutcrest paid on time a > r B
posits H
Kus reopened her DiessmukliiR l'orlors over a H
Klsemaus' old t > taud , : ) ! < II road way , on Motor , H
Line , and is again permanintly located , Bhe ; H
Kuaranleoi satlsfucttou to ull who doslio lime > H
class uud taslilonable nork To Omahu ladles , M
Motor faro will bo paid and dreefco * tilted while lii H
ultliiK l'rtcosi Woolen Dresses W to idBilks its H
l'lushes aud litres | 4 to tii , } jl |
Uoom 2 , Opera liouso lliock , Council Uluffs , ifl l
Iowa F' M