Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    PHBBMLBi s s S t wgiMt1 ) _ _ _ _
'v ' Hr " - tT r" < vw * * * * < * - v , . * - * * 5f * * h * * * 4 4 r f _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ H
. • > | . , | | i i l l I I I I I iiiimi , . , . . „ „ ' _ _ _ _ _
* ff It Is Hold by the Olty Hall Arch
ill ltocts
Mm peculiar business methods
K Who Architects Clnlins nro Unll-
MM roatlotl aimiutrlt Whllo I'ulillo At-
BB tcntlon l Detracted What
Business Men Think ot It , "
El It l.cinkR Itnfl
EH Ileccnt events clenrly show that the city
BBJ ball architect * have a mortgnrro 'on the city
HBJ * council , and that they liavo commenced -
HBJ closure procoodlcgs on the finance commit
BBJ When the city ball plans were solicited ,
IjH the council commlltcu on buildings and
HH property was directed to Invite proposals
BBJ from local architects only They did so and
BBJ after n lengthy examination o ( plans mid
BBJ charts the council awarded the contract for
KJH the city ball plans to Fowler & Uelndorff
/ § There was then and still remains a guucrul
KMJ feeling among architects and others that the
_ matter wns not conducted In u fair and
BBJ Biiuuro tnnnnor , and that the commlttoo by
BBJ Homo hocus-pocus bad worltod the contract
BJB' ' for tha parties to whom it was awarded Ho
BBJi that as It mav , a contr.iot with Fowler „
A Boindorft was mndo But slrungu ns It mav
BBJ scoiii , the contract contained no provision as
BBJ to the utnount of fees to bo paid to the arclil-
KB' tects or the manner of paying them The
BB1 architects were simply bound to the fixed
_ limit of the cost of the city ball building
Br At that time it was expected , of course ,
BBm that the plans would bo readv , so that the
BBJj' ' basement would bo UnUhed this full , but to
BBJj , . that the public wes disappointed , 'lhomat-
BBJp tor drugged along for weeks anu weeks , and
BBJj ) It was curreutly rouortcd that the plans hnd
BH been prepared by n second rule eastern
Bit architect and revised by the homo firm to fill
Bit the long-felt want
_ Then came the letting of the contract to
Bl Mr Coots for the superstructure of the
BJ building , which calls for an expenditure of
Bf S213.C0U. Mr Coots had scarcely got through
BJ pulling up the foundations laid bytirennan
HM _ & Uegan , when lo and beheld , an nppropna-
IBB ] tlon was sandwiched among thr > city npnro *
_ _ _ ; urintlnn hills to the tune of Sli.tl70. ! as nay
BJBJ moot In full to the architects far the city hall
_ plans , the totul estimated cost of which Is
BBJ | Riven at f ! ir , H00. The following Is a copy of
BJ | the report of the council committee to whom
Bl the architects hill wits referred ;
Hi ? ' Omaha , Neb , Nov 5. Mr President :
BL Your committee to whom was referred the
' account of Messrs Fowler and licinaorff ,
BBj have examined same and recommend that
11 tbo sum of ? 13,0T5 bo allowed in full of said
f account , being 3X nor cent upon $315,000 the
.11 estimate of said architects upon the cost of
JUT said building and in accoraanco with Mm
' jBJ rules of the American Institute of Archl-
° C "
B , ! , , "
' I.SEELB" * Committee
_ C. L. ( JnAiFEE , \ f
BJ Adopted Nov 7 , ISM ) .
' _ H J 15. KoUTiunn ,
HI City Clerk 1'
! H _ This report , it will bo scon , was rushed
fflH - through on the night of election when public
< | BJ attention was looking la another direction
! Hence nobody noticed this extraordinary
.4H _ allowunco and the matter was quietly ox-
[ BJ poditcu The mayor approved the appropnu-
' { B _ tlon , although it is staged ho was
JBJ asked to wlthold bis approval
JBJ of this very questionable transaction No
. _ _ . Boonor had this business been approved by
Bl the mayor than on comes Mr Wheeler ,
JB cbalriiiau of the finance committco , with the
MB following ofllciul request on the comptroller :
BEBJ Omaha , Neb , Nov 13. G. S. Goodrich ,
BJJB Esq , Comptroller , Omaha , Neb Dear Sir :
BJBk nv111vou incase issue a warrant foe $8,000 , In
BVBJ favor of Fowler & Uoindorff , architects , on
HfrBJ account !
Hj _ ffB ' " 1 hey will with In thirty days complete
H _ S _ tbo inside drawings ( a small part only being
BdBJ undone ) , and tben you will issue warrant
HE VM for the bulanco , JI,0'J3 , allowed by the coun-
BjPjB' cil- Yours truly ,
JnBJ , Daniel H. WtiEnLEit ,
BJf JB Chairman Finance Committee
HE ) _ K On its face this request boars the stamp of
BJjLBJ irregularity
BBB1 Comptroller Goodrich has not yet issued
BVBJ the warrant , as ho thinks there Is some
BJEJJJ * error in the matter , and wants to liavo It
BJEBJ atraigbtonod out before the money is paid
SBJ over to the architects The warrant was
Hf _ _ " drawn on the city hall fund , which now
HJuK amtunts to$107.asy.
wBk A reporter interviewed a number of load
BJK ing architects and owners of lareo buildings
njjl relutlvo to the method usually cmployoi la
Jj K the pavmoat of such commissions
nBf la the llrsLplaco tbo Teas of the architects
BJfjBr nl" ° reculuted by the National Architects as-
fMBJ Booiatlon , and are llxed at C per cent of the
BMBJ estimated cost of the building for which
B [ Bb plans are maao 'l"ho custom among arcbl-
BK'aBJ ; tects Is to collect 2 } per cent , half of the
BKBK commission , when the plans are completed
B B * cnd tllc b.Uanco as tbo work progresses , half
HlflK otthocommlssloa being duo on the drawincs
and the otbor halt on the superlndondcnco
B1BJ ] : < of the constraction In this uuso the council
BjMB ] lias oracred 8 } < per cent of the cost of tbo
BJlBf building paid to the architects before the
KIBrwork on tbo building has boon fairly com
BIBB menced
BIBB ' n0 custom among architect who erect
BJBB largo business blocks and publio buildings is
JBJi' ' to charge : ) > j per cent for tholr plans and
BBBw Bpecitlcations , Including the clotail of every
UPJJH class of work from foundation up to the tin
J ish , and IJi per cent for superintendence
r • yhera architects provide a superintendent
J In most , if not all cases , the architects do
J hH not get mora thau l per cent when they are
Bja B ready to begin building and they are paid as
BnBpS tllu building progresses The former city
BfBE , council , which made tbo contract with
BKiBr * Meyers for his city hall plans , agreed to pay
BvJlBT' liim $5,000 after tbo building was completed
BJIBJT " 1'll ° 1'1" " of Ia.v'QK ' tbo architects fco in
BjflBJt installments has boon carried out by the
BJkBJI county commissioners In the construction of
UJflJjK the court hourt house and the county ho • -
JJIJBS pitaL In both cases , small payments were
BJjJEBF , ' mndo when tbo plans wore adopted , and the
BH9J.I balance us the work progressed The county
JmBt hospital is almost completed , and there is
BJHJB ' still duo Mr Meyer , tbo architect , about a
BJ vjj , thousand dollars
B Bl President Frank Murphy , of the Mer-t
BBjBJi chants National bank said : "I huvo al-
BBj BE' ' ways , In dealing with architects , paid them
BKi Bl4 as tbo work progressed On our bunl' build
B BJ \ ln'r wo paid tbo architects about onc-Uiird of
BJ | BJ their commission when the plans wore np-
S ! Bl proved , and the balance from time to time
W' ' until the work was comDlated "
BJL BJ | , President Herman Kountzo , of the First
) BMi National bank said bo did not pay Mcn-
[ del&sohn , Fisher & Lawrio , tbo architects
K BH on the bank building , any uurt of their fees ,
BK ) BH eltbor for plans or suporlntetidehco , until alt
Ml BH ot the work bad been completed Ha
Bj BH thought it very unsound business practice to
BBi BB P .v the cntiro amount duo the architects ,
BH' ' BmW bcfoin their work was coinpletod ,
BBuBK The architect of Tub Ubb building was
Bhi'iBk paid only as tbo work progressed His
BBijBw cbiir o > vas ( IX per cent of the estimated
BHi'BJI ' cost of the building , ulthough the building
BBmBh oxecceod by 1150,000 the original estimate ,
BBjuBJ ! < " > d by the time the bascincut and granlta
BBmHII story were up tbo architect bad not received
Bj Bj ) morn than f2t > 00 for his plans
JJJBfJJJn It Is always a part of the architects duty
BBmBbI to supervise the making of tha contracts and
BBTiBl to enforce compliance with their pluns and
BBJlBB spcclflcatious and also to arbitrnto belwccu
BBjBl contractor and owner of the building whore
BBIBb extras are brought in , This very important
BBllBJI service Is always included In the UK per
BBj 'BB c tt paid the architect
BBUBfl It Is the custom of the school board to ad-
BHIBl } vutica S per cent of the amount of tlU | archl-
BWl Bb tcct's bill uf tor the plans buvo been accented
BflBH { und the contract lot , This amount Is paid in
BIBB warrants , The usual price of late bos been
B BBV a per cent for designing and t per cunt for
BBlBfli > Uierlnteadlng | The board has not bold
BH BBI rigidly to any certain sot amount of advance
BH BBj Puy but 3 per cent it the limit In no case
BB | HHHas money been advanced in full payment of
BH HBi coutract Architects are supposed to in-
HfHlf torprot their awn pluns and are bound to do
HHj HBj more or less superintending
H | ) I'JIesI t flf * > t i'lleal ,
HHJ HJfi Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment will
Hi euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when
Hi HI other plnitmeuU ) iuva failed It absorbs the
HHHI : tumors allays lt)0 ) itching at once , acts as a
HMHI doultloo Kftrta insiunt rellof Dr Williams .
HHHH ] Indian Pile Ointment la prepared only for
HHHI' l"lea auu' llcbing of the private parts , and
HHHI nothing elsii , livery box is wurrantcd Sold
HHHH ] ky dj-UL'gists or sent by mad on receipt of
HHI price 4B i and It per boxv
HDHJ - , , Prop * ,
HHHH i Cleveland , O.
HHIhVbW 1 . . Mk&v < , * .
.4i * lr * * a i * < * * *
Mnrslintl Field VtsSts the ttcnt ISststo
Marshall Field , tbo leading Chicago dry
goods merchant , and his brother , Joseph
Field , of Manchester , England , arrived In
Omaha yesterday morning They were
the guests of J. 11. Millard , of the Omaha Na
tional batik
The presence of these gentlemen , " says
Mr Millard , has no special or particular
significance Joscoh Field came west when
I did , ears ago , and Invested In
Sioux City property Marshall Field owns a
big lot In Stanton county and they have
been out looking after their Interests The
former Is the European buyer for the Field
dry goods house and lives at Manchester
llo comes ever to this country once a
year I had not seen him for a
long time und tbov came bore to spend
a dnv with mo and will leave for 'Chlcngo to
night Mr Flold Is n stockholder In the
O in aim and Commercial National bank , "
Hoth gentlemen oxprcsscd much surprise
at the ranld development of Nebraska's ag
ricultural and commercial resources , and
spako oT the wonderful growth of Omaha
Mr Field and his brother attended the
meeting of the Omaha real estate exchange ,
accompanied by Mr J. II Millard The
roeotlng wns lnrgoly attended nnd the great
merchant expressed surprise at tbo interest
shown in the mcotinir
Mr J. N. Field said ho wns in Omnha four
years ago and was a guest ot Mr Mlllnrd ,
whoso rcsldonco was on the prcsont slto ot
the Now York Llfo building The Improve
ments that had been madu in Omaha was n
matter of great stirprlso to him
An effort was made to mduco Mr Marshall
Field to address the meeting , but bo smll
ingly declined , saylne that speaking in pub
lic was not in his line nnd withdrew under
the plea of bolng in n great hurrv
Among the now faces at the mcotlng yes
terday were cx-Govornor Carnos of Sow
nrd , Colonel E. D. Webster , D. Walker of
Council Bluffs , • Councllmon Ford , Snyder
and Wheeler , Nathan Mcrrlam , T. IC Sud-
borough , J. J. Mcriain , H. O. Dovrios , J. H.
Millard , W. H. Mlllnrd , Fred Davis , Luther
Drake , A. Shlvorlclc , Lieutenant Cook , G.
W. Llningcr , John Dale , Samuel Hums ,
Juun Hoyle of Kearney
The following property was listed for call :
East ono-hnlf lot 11 , all lot 12 , Keys sub
division of Capltot addition ; two houses ,
2013 nnd2010Harnoy street , rcnt$05n month ,
Lots 3 nnd 4 , Collins place , 100x01 ; four
six-room houses , rent J100 , fc-O.OJX
Lot 24 , block 20 , Hanscom place , 50x150 ,
? 3OU0.
Lots 7 nnd 8 , block 14 , Kountzo third ad
dition , 100xl7i , $70 front foot .
Lots 15 nnd IP , block 8 , Kedlck's subdivis
ion , $00 front foot
North 00 feet lot 4 , block 73 , 00x68 , two
stories and flats , ono house , $23,000 ,
South half lot 4 , block 3 , Armstrong ! *
first addition , GUxl45 , liutt street , near
Twenty-fourth. $50,000.
Lot 8 , block 9 , Myers , Richards i : Tilden ,
50x125 , $800.
West 75 foot lots 11 and 12 , block 0 , Hans
com place , 70x100. $8,000.
Lot 0 , block 5 , Hawthorne 50x151 , S2.200.
Lot 1 , Wills subdivision , block 2J , Walnut
Hill , 30x13) ) , $ .1,100.
Lots , block70 , South Omaha , $2,500.
Northwest corner lot 103 , CJiso's addition ,
50x00 , two six-room houses , near Twenty }
fourth street , $3,800.
Lots 7 and 8 , block 4 , Hoggs is Hills
second addition , 115xb0. $2,300.
Lots 3 , 4 and east halt lot 5 , Capitol addl-
tion , .lli0xl84 , $37,500.
We3t 33 feet of cast 1C0 foot lots 11 nnd 12 ,
Hanscom Place $2,250.
Lots U and 10 , north 70x100 , ilanscom
Place $1,500.
West half lot 7 , block 13 , 33x133 , eight
room house , California and Twontietb
streets , $10,000.
Lots ! > and 10 , block 11 , Pork Forest , 10'Jx '
120 , $1,209.
Lot 23 , block 10 , Kountzo & Ruth's addi
tion , 44x144 , Nineteenth and Mason streets ,
ton-room house , two Hvo-room bouses and
ono four-room house 312.000.
Lot 47 , Roger * , ' Oklahoma , 220x330 , five
room brick house , $13,200.
Estimates Allowed and Bids Iteoolvcil
for Other Work
At the meotine of the board of public
works yesterday afternoon the following bids
were allowed :
Canflold & Fleminp , oitra work putting in
culvert on Lake street , $16.10.
Asphalt Paving company , final paving
estimate , Woolworth avenue fiom 1'hirty-
flrst to Thirty-second avenue $0,3j3.8 ;
Thirty-second avenue from Woolworth avenue
nuo to Park , 88,991.44 ; Thirty-first street
frpm Popploton avenue to Woolworth uve-
nuo , $900.t > 0.
Hugh Murphy , as assience , final paving
estlmutc Pleasant strcot from Cuming to
Burt , $2,823.77.
The totid amount allowed was $19,083.08. ,
The resignation ot Mr W. F. Wan
pich , as secretary tbo of board ,
was accepted Mr Kleretead nominated Mr
U. B. Balcombe as his successor Mr Kier-
stead urged that Mr Balcombe was entitled
to the position because ho was thoroughly
familiar with the work and for two and a
half years bad served in tbo oftlco without
nay The motion was carried
Bids for curbing and paving wore awarded
as follows : Tilford & Waite , curbing of
Eighth street from Furnam to Douglas , Col
orado sandstone , 71 cents per lineal foot
Bids for paving Eighth street from Far
nam to Douslas were also received , and the
following being the lowest bidders secured
the contracts :
Telford & Waite , Tolford or other granite
on sand , $2.22 per square yard ; Colorado
sandstone on sand , S3.12K DOr square yard
C , D. Woolworth , Colorado sandstone on
sand , $2.10 pur square yard
Hugh Murphy , Woodruff , Kas „ sandstone
on sand , $2.14. llo was also the lowest bidder
on cedar and cypress blocks and Galcsburg
Bills for repairs from tbo Barber asphalt
company nmountiqg to $270 84 , were allowed
J. O. Corby was allowed $906 for Bower re
pairs "
We shall noucr oo&sn to endorse Dr Bulls
Cough Syrup ; for without It our paper would
have been short of reading1 matter this week ;
wo bad a shocking couek and u fearful cold
Woftkly Union
Dent sigh with pains or burns or accident
But use Salvation Oil , the greatest liniment ,
It is Found In NonProductive Street
Car Lines
The officers of the Omaha Street Railway
company admit that the Twenty-second and
Twenty-fifth street motor line does not oven
pay tbo wages of tbo motormen and con
ductors on tbo line , to say nothing of the
wear and tear of cars and other equipments
and tbo waste ot motlvo power Its aban
donment is probably the matter of only a
few wcokB Tbo failure of tbo line Is at
tributed to tha fact that It Is paralleled by
the North Twenty-fourth street motor line
aud the T wontletli strcot cable line , both of
which /urniih bettor service
Tha street car line running to Crcighton
college is also said to bo a dead weight
The trolley wire on the btiennan avenue
and South Sixteenth street motor Una to
South Omaha is now In position aud the only
work now remaining undone Is the fastening
of tbo wire to tbo insulated cups on the cross
Wires This , bowqver , U a Job which re
quires considerable rare , skill and time
Tbo proposed extension from Twentieth
and Vinton to Syndlcnto park has been
abandoned until the latter has been devel
oped 'J ho preference is to given to the ex
tension of the Thirteenth strcot line south of
Vinton This road will bo laid early next
spring , and the entire Thirteenth street line
will bo converted into a motor system
Fits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness
and hysteria are soon cured by Dr Miles
Nervine Samples free at Kuhn & Co 's ,
15th and Douglas
Hanging the Pictures
Tha bunging committee ot the VVostorn
Art association was busy yesterday preparing -
paring for the coming exhibition
It concluded to make the dlsslay in tbo five
rooms on the main floor ot Tub Ueb buldlng ,
at the north oad , Instead ot the second floor ,
as originally intended Tbo rooms to which
tbe cbanira has boea made will bo more con
venient of access
Mrs F. ti Emerson and Messrs II A.
> i
„ y „ . , _ JV h , .
Smith and A. Rothory , who constitute the
banging commlttco , reporj that there are
about two hundred and ioventy-flve pictures ,
an far as known , with a probability that
moro will be received before the exhibition
opens on Monday ovenlng
The fall exhibit promises to bo it most In
teresting ono both In point of numbers and
nrtlstio merit , The pictures already re
ceived show a marked Improvement in many
respects over the exhibit ot last spring
A lilttlo Dnrllntr BulTetra by Contend
ing Attorneys
Both the law and equity brancbos of the
United Stales court have finally settled
down to routine business , nnd they nro dis
posing of cases nt a rapid rata and keep
everybody in motion
Whllo Judge Brewer listened to exhaustive
nrguments in the Woolworth-Root land suit ,
Judge Dundy called his docket , beard n rn-
port from tbo grand jury and disposed of
eoveral unimportant motions
Two rather Interesting matters marked the
forenoon session Oho wns Judge Brokers
decision In the Evellno Miller habeas coruus
case , brought before him on an appeal from
Judge Dundy's ' final ruling last spring
Ho made It very brief , the
substnnco being a denial of the petition ,
this romnnds the cnuso to the dlstrtct court ,
wberoltoiiginatcd After Judge Brewer
bad announced his decision , Mr Lambert
son , attorney for defendant , Burrus , wont
before Judge Dundy nrid raised the question
that tlio United States court had no Jurisdic
tion in the cuso Ho claimed that this little
girl , Evelina Miller , is not under the con
troversy for possession ot her , in any way
subject to the dictates ot n single provision
In the federal statutes Thl * matter was Bet
over until ono Week from Monday noxu The
father will in the me.intlino urrivo from
Ohio to take charge of his daughter But
Grandpa Burrus declares Hint if it takes all
the money , chattels and roil estnto ho owns
on earth ho will stick to the cisu nnd will
carry it to the supreme oourt of the United
States if need bo
The other item attracting special
attention came from the grand
Jury It was to the effect
that no findings had been made airainst
U illiam Hand , tbo colored soldier charred
with the murder of Trumpeter Carpenter
lastsprlnc nt Fort Nloorira This nnuoiince-
mout caused great rejoicine on the part of
the accused nnd his friends , but their Joy
Was of short duration , for instead of releas
ing the prisoner Judge Dundy dispatched u
balill with a copy of tbe jurv's report to
General Biooko , slating that Hand will beheld
held for the army If the military authorities
propose taking any uctiou , Opinions are di
vided ns to the intent of the crime , some
contending thatttio shooting wns accidental ,
whllo others assert that it was deliberate
At any ruto the court announced tint the
prisoner should not bu rclcasod until all
brnnchosof the government are tlnough
with him
Assistant United States District Attorney
Patrick had the attachment for contempt
against M. D. Uocha dismissed Last spring ,
when the fraudulent election cases were In
vestigated , Mr Iloche , summoned ns n wit
ness , failed lo appear , when an olllcef was
sent after him In conseuuonco , the Judeo
declared the young man m contempt ot court
und issued an attachment for him
A typographical error in yesterdays re-
portof the Hall county Jail case made it ap
pear that the jury's verdict gave Moshler ,
Brahmann & Co S2a,0W.01wheii the amount
should have been $2,8J0.Ol , 'Ihls is 5886,01
moro than the plaintiffs offered , last spring ,
to settle for
Judge Dundy beat the record for expedi
ting business yesterday utu-rno'in , Ho tried
forty cases in two hours , empaneling a jmy
in each enso , taking testimony and render
ing decisions The cases wcio those known
about the government buildiug as the "Hol-
fenstein chestnuts " the details of which uro
fresh in the miud of the puolic Tuo plain
tiff was present bv bis nttornoys , out pre
sented no evidence Tljo defendants were
all members of the Homo Defenders ' asso
ciation , and appeared in court , announcing
that they were ready fortilil Evidence
was introduced showing the claim or the de
fendants to the land in dispute and Judg
ment in each case was rendered for the de
fendant The verdicts were then set asldrt
und a trial ordered at the Mav term The
defendants were Payne et al , Perkins , Ro
bins , Dallov , Gentleman , Wh.i'cn ' , Anderson ,
Roberts , McDonnell , Buie.v , Adams , Ryan ,
Flannigati , Sheridan , King , Fumsworlh ,
Birmingham , Rich , 'Enewnld , Solcy .1.
Mason , Porter , llnnimond , Frau/er , Wuid ,
Kennedy , Adams , McCrary , Martin , Mc-
Cart , Markwood , Paddock & Bennett , M.iv-
lleld et al , Axford , Thomuscti , Paul O. Gar
mun , Jones & tlovoj , and Davis & Parrolte
Under the practice novv-n-davs a first trial
in ejectment suits amounts to nothing Nona
of the parties show their ti.iudsNo evidence -
denco wns introduced , nor were there any
arguments nndo The whole matter was by
consent continued until the May term uf
Today the celebrated Kit Carter cattle
case will coma up before Judge Brewer
Judge Dundy dismissed his Jury yesterday
afternoon until Monday next , and will listen
to motions today
' 1 he following cases were also disposed of
by Judge Dundy
Spawn et al vs Appleby et al Attorney
Lnko was granted permission to withdraw
his uppe ronco
The case of Rico vs the Missouri Pacific
wns continued pending hettlement
Lewis vs Sherman county , defendant in .
default nnd Judgment for plaintiff In tug sum
of $0,951.90 and costs
Dlnrrlct Court
The case of the State vs Mrs Tlattia
Uebol , for shooting with intent to kill , was
taken un In Judge Hopewell's court yoster-
day The stat o examined ton witnesses and
rested their case , adjournment being taken
until this morning Tbo evidence developed
nothing but what has been ulready pub
llshod regarding Mrs Uobel's attempting to
shoot Mr R. M. Patterson last October , by
calling nt bis ofllco and sliooting at him when
ho opened the door
The trustees of the First M. J3. churcb
filed a petition asking permission to mort
gage the churcb property to secure a loan of
$30,000. '
Miss Nolllo Bagloy has tnkon an appeal to
tbo district court in her claim against the estate - .
tate of Charles Poutcs , deceased , for services
as housekeeper , amounting to $2,310. In ber
sworn statement she says that sto lived with
Poutes from March , IS70 , to May , 1837 , under
a common law marriage , she supposing him
to be unmarried When she dlscoverod he
had a wife llvlug she left him uua brought
suit in tbo county court of this countv for
the sum above mentioned for her services
during this period as housekeeper Her
claim was disallowed in tbo county court and
sbo has takcu an appeal
County Co irr ,
The United States National bank has
brought suit agalnBt C. W. Cuin et al for
1246.50 on a note , and against Frank D. Kent
et al for $250 , also en a note
Judgments were rendered In tbo county
court yesterday in the following cases :
Millard F. Soars va Ada D. Toft et al ,
William A. Paxton vs James S. Miller et
Home Investment company va Thomas II
Minnahan ot al , ogalast Venezuela Develop
ment company , D. R. Archer aud G. J , Paul ,
Anna Kuhn vs G. Routher et al , $201.
English , Morse & Co vs Fcltou ot al ,
Paxton Hotkl , Omaha Special at
tention to commercial man Finest und
largest hotel in the west Klttrcdgo &
Bruiuard , projirlotorH
• > The Pollen Court
Tbe case of William Naglo , charged with
vagrancy , came up before a jury in police
court yesterday afternoon and resulted la
tbo acquittal ot tbo defendant
Tom Brown , for resisting an officer , was
also dismissed ,
Mabel Kelly sworn out a complaint against
a man named Roy yesterday afternoon ,
charging him with stealing two bed quilts
from 810 North Fifteenth street
A warrant was also issued for William
Harris and Ju/- Dompsy , cbargintr them
with stealing an overcoat from the Nebraska
Clothing company , Tbo two men were ar
rested last eveniug at South Omaha
Insist on having tbo genuine Rod
Orosa Cough Drops , 5 cts a box Sold
n d
Fort Omaha PliitUly Bolooatod on
! > ' •
' Jim
Klvo Hundred t A. nil Two Acres
Purchased hyu * the Govern
ment MoiV than Ten
Miles frdm Town
Now Fort Omnlin
The papera have been approved by the at
torney general of the United States , the
money has been paid , and the site for the
now Fort Omaha has been solcctod at Bella *
The deal was closed yesterday Washington
und the fact was verified by John T. Clarke ,
who represents II , T. Clarke , tbo owner of
the laud in question , who Is now in Wash
This brings to a close u transaction which
has extended over n couple of years , about
which u ureal deal hu i been said and upon
which there has been consldornblo diversity
of opinion
1 ho first move in the deal wns mndo by
the passage by congress of benutor Alandor-
sou's bill , which authorized the secretary of
war to sell the military reservation on which
Is located Fort Omaha nnd suchot the build
ings us could not bo economically moved , it
nlso nuthortjed to purchase not loss than il-JO
nor moro than 010 acres , within ton miles of
this city , mid to construct thereon the build
ings nccessniy for a fort An appropriation
of $200,000 to accomplish both these purposes ,
was made , ono-thlrd of which only was to bo
available for thu purchase of a slto
In accordance with the law , proposals ot
land were called for , and thirty were re
ceived Nearly all of them were for land to
the south and southwest of Omaha , a few
were to the north of it , whllo some came
also trom Iowa
General Brooke , department comnnudcr
personally Inspected nil the sites ofTcicd ami
iccammetidcd the proposal of H. T. Clarke
ut Bellevue , together , with additional terri
toVy , malting in nil W0 ncros Tbo general
held that unless the government owned ull
the lunil mentioned thu slto for the new fort
would bo Incomplete and much futurocm
birrnssineat would ensue
To purchase the 000 ucrcs- would require
moro than the nmouut nppioprlatcd , $ > ii0il ( ,
und as u consequence thu recommendation
was not sustained by the secretary of , var
Negotljtlons , however , were continued ,
The original site offered by Mr Clarke was
declared too small for tbo purpose , contain
ing only 400 acres
Finally Mr Clarke concluded to add to the
tract Id 05-100 nercs lying immediately south ,
Urns enlarging the site 500 u9-100 acres
Thirty ucres of the southern tract belonged
to Mr Cl.irko , und of thu remaining llfty-tlvo
acres twontt-fivo were purchased of F. M.
Phillips and thirty from John Stuber The
full tract was sold to the government for
JCOliCO or one-third of the amount appropri
ated for.tho new fort aaibove ) mentioned
' 1 he remainder of the appropriation will bo
used In the erection of iuo necessary build
ings on the giound ' •
Mho land Is situatedi near Bellevue , some
parts beingonlv one anda , half-whllo others
are t n and ono-hnlf miles from that little
town It is six miles frdm the city limits and
about ten miles from the heart of Omaha
It is skiited on cither slifu by the B. & M.
road mid the Union Pacific has also run a
survey to Its limits , | , . ,
The selection of this slto will , It Is claimed ,
tend little to the udvii'nccnient of Bellevue
A rival town nearer ttHTftrounds und trauks
will , it is asserted , suruly spring up and de-
piivo Omaha as also , , the , somnolent little
buigof tbo patronage j.hpv would otherwise
oujoy _ _ _ _ _ _
How It Worked Ijj ljnvor of Gcttlnjr
, njjLautycr ,
Councllraen Davis , Shriver and Snyder ,
constltutlm : the special committee utvpoloted
to investigate the charges n\tinst Qjrbago-
muster Goldsmith , mot at lua council cham
ber jcstcrdtiy morning
Mr Goldsmith was present und fur
nished u list of witnesses for which ha
wished subpoenas to bo Issued Mr Gold
smith nlso wanted tbo privilege of having
his Interests in the case guarded
by an uttornpy You cin have an attorney
here , " said Chuirmun Davis , hut wo dent
propose to have any mouthing or J.iw worker
or any questions raised on technicalities We
are going uftor the facts in this matter and
will give everybody u-falr hearing "
Mr Goldsmith denounced the entire busi
ness as n political trick nnd said ho only
wanted un attorney on hand to see that ho
did not geUtho worst of it After making
out u list ot witnesses to no subpoconaed the
committee adjourned until 10 o'clock this
Watch the box , buy the genuine Red
Cross Cough Drops , 5 cents per box
1 heir Annual Jin liquet nt thn Millard
Hotel l.i-Msht.
The Nebraska conimatidcry of tbo Loyal
Legion will hold their annual banquet at the
Millard hotel to-ulglit , Invitations have
been extended to the Colorado commundory
and . % number of prominent members of tbo
order A leading fcuturo will bo the reading
of paoors , music and a number of responses
to toasts Tbo rcceptlou room and dining
hall will bo hnndsomoly decorated with
( lowers , lines , banners aud poitruits of prom
inent military men
Following is u full list of tbe committees
In charge of arrangements :
Commlttco on Finance Lieutenant John
B. Furay , Lieutenant William CoburnCap
tain Heury B. Palmer
Committee on Invitations Lieutenant
William F , Bechol , Lieutenant William Wal
lace , Malor Horace Ludington
Committee on Menu Lieutenant Thomas
Swobo , Surgeon James T. Kiuslor , Major
Horace Ludington
Committee on Reception Governor Alvin
Saunders , Genorul Fiauk Wtiouton , Robert
W. Patrick , esq
Committee on Banquet Captain Abraham
Alee , Colonel Samuel S. Curtis , Lieutenant
W. F. Becbol
Committee on Toasts Colonel Charles M.
Terrell , Lieutenant George E. Pritcliett ,
Carroll S. Montgomery , esq
Commlttco on Decorations Major Nelson
G. Franklin , Captain iJames H. Franco ,
Lieutenant Horace Sarsqn
Commit too on SWlc Captain D. G.
Rliouds , Captain Frank 14. Moores , Lieuten
ant William R , rcroinbie .
Committee on Printing Cnptain Lyman
Richardson , Major Horace Ludington , Lieu
tenant John T , Ball " .
Co in unit eo cm Rojwrt of Proceedings
Cantalu John R. Muridhcstor , Lieutenant
William F , Bechol , Major Horace Luding
ton ii
. . Cki .
I 'or Dypnnpsla
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Dr , Lorenzo Waite Pittsfleld , Mass ,
says : ' From its uso'Tor a period of about
olght wcoks , to the exclusion of all other
remedies , 1 attribute the restoration to
health of a patient wljojyas emaciated to the
last degree , In consequence of nervous pros
tration and ilyspepslalw , This ( talents stem
neb was In such an Irritable ' condition that
ho could not bear cither liquid or solid food
An accomplished physician of many years
experience whom I called in consultation ,
pronounced Ills case on incurable one At
this stage I decided to use Horsford's acid
phosphate , which resulted as above men
tioned "
Itun Over
A little girl was run over by a wagon at
the corner of Thirteenth and Jackson streets
yesterday morning and carried into Bells
drugstore Her parents appeared on tbo scenei
and took uer away before ber name could be
ascertained It Is thought ber Injunos were
not serious
Our tnachinos having been crowned
with the grand prize at the Exposition ,
Universelle , Paris , Nathaniel Wheeler
our President , has now been decorated
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor ,
WIU5KUSU& Wilson M'k'o Co , ,
1 . Chicago
lr5k > X > t5 / /1 I * | | 'V #
xs jWl Ko.Vc " heeia constanf sufferer for
• fj ) years ( from about Nov -Vs follow
iacr June ) from severe tolas irmy Keaa aacl throat , ,
ir ct the uholc ) mucous tissue from me nose clourto ) arid
mcludiao thebroachialtubes.iOcrc more or less affected . It
uas ) fast dedopmo ire } CHRONIC CATARRH-1 had tried
most ki\oun remedies ana was fiualiy plrsuaoed last March to
BONDS EXTRACT * ' PSJS flfiSsi 'd'ftla ' '
BE SURE to pel the penuinc SEE LANDSCAPE TRADE HARK onbolllc
mrappcr PONDS EXTRACT Co n rm hm tMYor&
Ffi om Max Meyer & Bro
The auction sale which is now in progress at our
store has caused so many inquiries that we take
this method lo answer the inquiries and inform the public at
the same time The object of the saleis n ot , as some have
asserted , to get rid of our old stock for the best of reasons ,
we have none Nor is it a holiday scheme to get the
trade but it is as advertised , to close the retail depart
ment of our jewelry business which we have been desirous ,
of doing for many months , and having failed to find a cus
tomer to purchase the stock entire , and to put the stock into -
'to our wholesale department not being feasible , we ' have
determined upon an auction sale of our entire stock of diamonds
mends , fancy goods , art goods , and all Without limit or
reserve of one single article ' We invite all to attend these
sales , which will be held daily for the next thirty days ( if not
disposed of before ) and see if this statement is not a fact
Mysterious Dolnga of tha Sioux Olty
Btcoli Men
Frantic liirorts of tlio Prohibition
Packers to Control the Traile
and llicu Dump Tlioir
In It n Conspiracy ?
South Omaha picltcrs and commission
men nro not a HUlo sururMoa at tlie largo re
ceipts and packings at Sioux City tliis sea
son compared with lust yoir's ' work at that
contcr , und tha nuinbar of hogs uiatketod
this season Those familiar with the situa
tion arc quito ilrin In their conviction tlint
ttioro is boincthlnp ou t of the ordinary uusii-
ness influences to cause thn present anoma
lous condition of affairs
Said ono of thu leading commission mon
nnd ono of the shrewdest and best informed
men on thin market ! "Ibcro is some
thitiB singularly wronu It just looks
to us as it' the Sioux City people were anx
ious to unload tlioir wliolcouttli , stock yard j ,
packing houses and all , and , to foreo a
blanket sale , are joining together to brine ;
the market Into its present anoraolous condi
tion What makes us think so is this : South
Omaha has boon known as ono of the best
markets , if not the very best stock market
in tha country , and to day our market is bet
tor than any competitor Why on Tuesday
it was from ! > cents to 7J cents hotter on
hogs tnan Sioux City , 5 cents better than
Kansas City and nearly all the time it is
within 10 cents or 13 cents ol Chicago , whllo
it costs Si cents to ship hops to Chicago
cage , and vet Sioux Citv neither
huvliif ; thu railroad facilities nor stock in
adjacent tributary tortitort' , is receiving as
much and iB packing moro than wo are Wo
know that in many cases hogs have been
bought nnd as much paid for them in
the country as they were sold for
on the Sioux City market A lot
of hogs bought atJAflO by Sioux City agents
at St Paul , were sold at Sioux Citv at that
figure Sioux City agents nro scouring the
whole west ard buying for shipment to
Sioux City The ouly explanation of tliC30
facts that can bo . given , is that , the whole
Sioux City packing interest wants to foreo a
sale and aru losing a little now to gobble a
big amount on a sale This deal'cannot last
Jong , "
Hoods Snranparillaisapuroly vegeta
ble preparation , being /reo / from injuri
ous ingredients It is peculiar in its I
curative power
Xho Ijoonl W. O. T. U. l'cnnln SIlo
With Miss PrnnciH Willinl
The action nf the national convention of
the W. C. T. U. la endorsing the p-ohibttlon
party has not excited a great deal or interest
in the local branch The regular monthly
meeting ot this branch was held TbuMdoy , mention was m ido of thu matter
Mrs Watson 11. Smilti , president of the
main local branch of tlio organization , was
asked if the matter would recolvo any atten
tion ut the hands of the local or state bodv
"I cannot Bay positively , " she answered ,
as nothing has been said ubout It nt any of
our meetings ; but from what I liavo seen , I
feci almost confident that we will go with
the majority "
" That is to say you will endorse the pro
hibition party 1"
Well , wo will endorse ' the party which Is
In favor of closing the saloons and stopping
tbo liquor traniu "
What do you think of the action of the
Iowa dolocntion in withdrawing ! "
"Wo think they were too hasty , and do
cot arfreQ with tbum When our dolcgato ,
Mrs Clark , returns , wo shall have a full re
port from lier and will probably take some
dellnlto uction at our nextrogular meeting
Wa mav have a meeting before that time , "
aha added , "if Mrs Clark thinus tha import
ance of the question requires it "
Mrs C. J , Donlso was alio lutervlowcd on
this subject and expressed cssentiully the
same vlows _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An Abbiiiuto Cure
Is od1.v put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old soras , burns ,
wounds , chappad bands , and all skin erup
tlonB Will positively cure all kinds of pitas-
MENT Sold by Goodman Drug oauipiny at
25 cents per box bv mail 3J cents
Annouiiociiielits ,
At Boyd's Opera house on Monday an d
Tuesday will bo seen that extremely funny
farce-comody Natural Gas wbloh made
an unmistakable hit hero last season The
clover comodlaus , Donnelly and Clrard , are
stilt in It , and the fun will bo plentiful
Starch grows sticky common powders
have a vulgar glare I'o.ionl's Is the only
Complexion powder Ut for use
Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
< of Lime Soda and
Is onrtorsod and proserlbod by loading \
i phjsiclnns because uoth the GxlTAeer Oil ,
and Jlijiioiihoijitiltct nro tlio recngnlzo'1 ,
agents in tliocuio ot Consumption It Is i
1 aspulatabloaatnilk j
ScoSi's Emulsion % , . " ,
in a teimrfeiful 1'lealt. lrotlitcer It it the
neat J { m llor | CONSUMPTION , j
Scrofula , Dronchitia , Wasting Dis-
i cases , Chronic Coughs and Colds
} Ask tor Scott's Hmulslon and takenoother.j
Louisiana State Lotory Company
Incnrpfiratoil Ur the Legislature , for Educational
ami Clmritnbro purpura , an I Its fmncltlso madu a
part ut thu i > rcicnttaio Constitution , In 1SR ) , uj an
tircrwliulmlni : pupulur rot ? .
take pUroboiul-Anminlly.f.lunoanit Docemberl ,
talto placn lu each of the other ton months uf the
year , and are all druwu In public , at the Acad
emy of Music , Now Orleans , La
"Wodohcrfbr certify that wo anpcrrlto tlio ar-
renueniciilii r r all the Monthly an I boml-Anmial
Dnnvlntjor the l.ouimnnii trtnto Uittorr Cnni | > > y.
nod In nei on itiana e mil control tie Drawings
thunisolrce and that thu snma uro umlut'tul with
honestr , Inlrni' , and In koo1 faith toward all r > ir-
Ilea.ami wo aiithonto thu Company to use till < ceitl-
lltati > , with f.icxIiuiliM ol our sU.iaturcs ntuuiud , la
Its advertisement * . "
ti § ! | |
e _ _ _ § _
We the undersigned Hanks and nnnknra wlllpar
all prixcm drawn In llio Louldinn riiate Lotteries
which mar no D'oicniBt t our tounters
ILM WAI.MSLEV , Ires Louisiana Nat Hank
lMUltUE LANAUX Ires Stuto Not ) Dank
AtlALOWIN Ires NewOrleans Nafl Hanr
CARL KOIIN , I'res , Union National Dank
At the Academy of Muslo , Now Or
leans , Tuesday December 17 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , - $600,000
100,000 'liulota nt $ iO ; liulvoi $20 ;
Quarters , $10 ; UttrlitB $5 ; Twou-
ttollis , $2 ; If-ortioUis $1.
11'liiiT ! or MMim is sauro
] l'ltl/.t : IIKtJO.I.Illl Is , 2OiX10
1 I'lll/.K OF JIUjUII Is . , JUU.UO
1 rm n of &i.uai li , , 611.U1111
2 IMII/K3 Uf 3)ltU ) uro . . . „ . . , . . , . , 0IU !
6 I'lll/.KS Or" ltiuunru „ , . , N ) . ' IJ
111 I'lll/.l'.rt oir M ) Hro , , , , , fti.uil
„ I'ltl/.KS OF • . ' .Ullnru , MUUI
Uli III/KS OP NO Bro , . , , , . . ui.uhi
< J I'HIZKrXiir ujo ur . . . , , . Mini
W l'lll/.ICS Of llllure , MJfill
100 rrlicsoX llflUnro , . , , lOlflM
ion do touaro wwu
1U0 do HO uro , . , , . . , . . , . . . . < uUJ0
' . . . . .
JB I'rltesof tJuunro , _ _ _ _ _
3,144 I'rfzesaraountlne to , . . .52(59,000 (
MrFo ! rj.unlUTEH.oranr further Information
desired , write It-aiblr to the uudersliued , Uearlr
• lutlnK > our re ldence with hiate , tvanir Btreiit
• iidNumlivr Mora rapid return mall ilullrerjr will
he a , I l > r rour euclo > lui ( un cmolopo bearluj
j < , u. 11 Ireis , I
.Vdilresa Jd A. OAUl'IIIN ,
New Orlewis , La
Washtncton 0. C.
Urordlimrt letter , containing Movur OuiiEll.U-
eued hr all litiireu Coioptules , New York Kgctianxe
llralt or I'ostal Woto
Address Registered Letters conliinlnj Cmrent ] U
Mew Orleans , La
ItKMKMllKIl that the pajrmnnt of rrltes Is
NowOrlcaiu.aad lliu tickets uro slcnedbr the presl
dent of an Institution , whose cuaiterod rltflitsaie
ruoouulred In the highest courts ) theruturu , beware
of all imitation * or uuonjrmuus schetuos * '
ONH1WI.L.A It it tlio uriooof the smallest part or
fraeuouit u ticket ISaUKU IIV Utl In anrtlranlnn
Aujiuinulo our nauteoitered for lets thau it dollar
i ri3a3aTjai. H
_ _ _
N.W.C08. l3iH&D3uOEbHOiYlAHA.NEB. _ _ _ _ _ i
I03E3-0IJSi. _ _ _ _ !
UMtF dliU sAppsr hnndR < insaiMforSoer sra ! _ _ _ _ H
Irestmtnt or s , ry form of D'seaie requiriir _ _ _ _ _ |
BoardftAttead ice Best AceommoaaUoni In West _ _ _ _ H
H03WniTS FOR OIHOirURBen Dtforraltl , , an ! _ _ _ _
Bracts Trnsstt , Club Felt , CvrTtturta ef eriierilst _ _ _ _ _ i
Tumors , Osujtr , Oaturli Broachltis , lehtlatioa ! _ _ _ _ _ _
Slsetrltlty , ral t. BpiUpir , Kiit Blsjisr
„ r , , _ _ _ _
_ ] rs , Ear , SMnanJ Bl od and all SurcicalOrentlsaa : _ _ _ _
DISEASES OF WOMEN . f . . ' VnV . a , _ _
- wv turn HTXir tnnin i mixo-ik nRrtiTimrr roa ' _ _ _ _ _ i
eau DLHiMico rii < iiNT ( tTRICTlT RI ATr.l 'li
OnljKeliaUaMadical Institute maklat aBpetlaltTel _ _ _ _
AIIUIo aDliutlar > Hilall ; Irild 8lUllta | 1'clM * _ _ _ _ _
rsnortd rrontlissjmts • llhonl . . . * . , , . .
, Rl.rslln _ _ _ _
ir > iimrL Mr > iTikrumcii ini. . . ibiiti.n * _ _ _ _
• • .Ttitr t.titiroca.DtK AlKonssales , _ _ _
lleascoBQAntll M 4lne ! . SHHIHII
* rlBtlroiiiDlMrltlb7aikllBrcE. r t > , < lDm.tH . • la < ltit , a sliar > ( , ir , _ _ _ _
patrsrsosslUlanUvprtliirto Csllsalcoiiiiltaiarstad _ _ _ _
U.ierr t < r Tour mi , sad w , will sisd la ptsta wrtrrtr , , sr flHHHH
BntiK Til UFU ffnEEi Ujxn i'ri..i , f > | .l < i > i.1 aBV H
uuyrv 1 w mkfli KniiDirMi.i ri > nfr,8Tta. HHHHHI
lllil UU t o.t Vsrl , , | , Ith qatitloa ll.u AAifm _ _ _ _ _
13th and Bodge Stratta , OBAltA , KKB , _ _ _ !
Heap Js Wealth I
DnRO Wests Nehvf and Hiiai.v a'KKAT- _ Hi
mknt , n mtarnnteod Hpcclnc for IlynU'rtn , uizzl _ _ _
niss ConviiNlonn , Kits , Ncfvoiis Neuralgia , _ _ _ _ i
Ht-ad.itho , Nervous Prostration cnlisrd by the _ H _ _ _
use ot nlcohol tnlncco.Vnkorulno < -s. Mental _ _ _ _ i
licprussiou.Softonlng of the Hraln , result ins In _ Hi
Insanity and lending to mlsery.dccuy und death , 9HHH |
I'romnturo Old Ape Unrronno-.s Losa ot rower _ _ _ _
In either 8er. InvolniitarIassoi nnd Sivrmat- _ Bi
torluL-ncaused by ov 'roxertltmof the bruin , sslt'gHHHHJ
nbnso or overludn cenrn Knch box c'ontnlui SBHII
0110 months trontniimt f 1.00 n box , or six boxes _ _ _ _ |
forf .O" , sentbymnllvrepnldon reroiiitof price _ _ _ _ |
To euro uny case With cacli order received by H
us for six boxes , accompanied nlth O. O , wo will ' _ _ _ _ i
send Hie purchaser our written rh tranteo to re- I
fund the moiiDy lr tlie treatment docs not oHoct ' l l
a curs Ouarantoes Hsued only by tmodman , _ _ _ _ |
DrntjCo lirugRiats , Sole Agents , 1110 Farnam _ _
Street , Omaha , Nebrauka , _ Hi
NEW YoRr' sTEEL MAT 00. , | H
! i31 < b S3S BROADWAY , N. Y. !
_ _ _ _
Owners & Solo Manutocturcrs of the * _ _ _ _ i
AND _ _ _ _ |
Stripped Steel Mats of all Sizes , , !
_ _ _ _
p-Q } s pri _ rrj _ tj , wH
f _ i oorjoE _ _ _
: _ E odpdi _ ddr | , llfl
F rtRRTHr wrnHHHHHri .
_ _ _
ES E33S3aS33S ± B _ _
x f. -rii--T-- , . , , . , . , . , . -.rjra.tBJar
< _ _ _ _
ratcntcd Feb 7th , 1888.
Thevi Mats have the combined odyantases ot all , . HHHH
otherMatawith nonoof thdrillnmliautaKei.uud . _ _
hnvonriivontolvollio Cheapen and Item HH
ThoV will not brcafe ilowm , lUttca out , wnrp or , HI
Bet itit of ahape , and jvlll outwrr.r all wire , { MM
ribbcrntidotherBleolMataln thu market ' - : _ _
Will clean the feet better than any other Mat , : V. _ _
and not permit the dirt to bo carried beyond theai tMM
Icoplo stepplno on them cannot allv as their H _
urtuLO on ra resistance In alt nirectlons , _
Thcynicd nothaktagthereforocreiitonoanst _
Bold In all Hard ware Dry tlood , . Onrpet . HI
and tlounol'umlalilne Stores Liberal dia- > ;
count allowed to the tnulo ;
' JK
No 1-Rlzo l iM..Si0d I o. S-SIS0x 9. . . . a.05 _
S.i-aiMl8x l. ; . . 2.50 NcO-BlaeSjlja. . . . 7M -M
No S-8ltoS2xM. . „ 3 60 No T-Slio xW . . . 9.0U ;
_ _ _ _ _ M fiIre ; . fin tW ;
The lurt'Oiu tasteat nml lineal in thu world „ ' _ H
a J Lnescniicraccomciodattons unexcelled . ' K
Kcw Yori to Q' ' .aiTJT vh LahalKr7 'HI
Anchorin , ov . . . . ] /lth / I Deronla Nor oDth _ _ _ _
Furnesila Nov,23d | Clrcttssla..f..I)6c. ) 7tb > 'ffB '
ITew York to AzorM , Qlbraltar ani Italy , IH
California , Nov , 30th.
BAr.ooN , Sisgovd Giim * nii SiBEit toE rates B
on lotvcbt terms , excursion Tickets reaucea , ' hV
made arnllable to return oyoltlier the Pletnr- * m *
esuue Clydoand Noitli of Ireland or Itlver | Hf
Mersey und South of Ireland , or Naples aud , : 'Bl
Glbralter _
lSxouii8ioi s ot Tarib on ContinentAr , > ; _ _ - :
Tonus on lovrest terms Travelers Circular • _
Iett rnot Credit and Drafts for any amount at AMt ,
Ion est current rates Apply to any of our local fB' _ '
agents or to % _ B
He teen Brothers , dcago , Ills | i
II , B. Hall - ; '
H.\ . Mounts a _ fcC
C. H. Maiibs , V. V. Depot fr'aB
. , , * „ - ! _ - " _ , n _ T The IIM SUndaru llas _ 1H
A isr tK lUrnwlies for the cunTfc.V ffll
_ _ C _ _ ;
\B\B P" _ A irV prlrate ailments are nS 1 _ | ,
V W Ksjmm sT m m suroassed for purity , ete , i % !
mx ass fjani n. satisfaction Uuaranteed f Hklv
IR # | L. IVI order Hoiuedy No t for > 'y , H | ;
lfl.l | h. " , . , . ; „ or TlUl , _ i * i
TuTVFur Uat llaaaaiMi ur iiliyskuldvtillty in married " HB ;
m northose oti.rlnitontliat liovniy Ufa 1'ilm.Iioo. Wmtt ,
No SforOanrraor Hle t in citlier stx AcomMncd + HH
treatment for lnternaf and local use , Cures in 1 to A TlHH
days Noayrlniierirlnlectlon Wlllnotcausestrlilure , _ _ R1
. ' . t _ HHU
o. . DaaaU.n Haaelis for men or women I'revents , HHJH |
irononliiica , etc t > o nihher nor Intat on l * _ ian _ _
Imw 3J daj s. Kaslly UMid 1'rice tl 00VII1 send a e . l l , .iH { _ | 9
trial ssmi 'lo or remedy No 1 or on reel Ipt ol 4 cU In . j % _
itamiisforpostain AnTon oftli.MWmt | , , t n.i * ?
lr tint isea nil by mull on reetJpt of the | irireILM 21 _ _ "
l Urall ll aktC'lll'e' ' ' .m iTlmlor lnKleBeiitrr , , > tl.i
Nos a03-404-l70-C04. JWi
with bead or uufaei iiofaitliiicrsiiulred aandSo HK
sUinn for circular lr M. Ney Smith , Bpeclal- . -li I
UtraollTest . St Louis Mo , _ . ri I
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taaiuTSod.ete lwlffATa hufoUUa J-waU ) A _ _ B
coiitahilwr full oanicula lor bvn cure , fiw or * ji _ _ !
IpftOFiI F , ctFOV/LEn , Moodui Oonru - , 'S
4 , * |
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