I The Omaha Daily Bee | i NINETEENTH YEAE OMAHA , SATURDAY , MORNING , NOVEMBER 10 , 1S89. ' NUMBER 15o7 * ] 1 A REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL , IH Tbo Army Tnkoa Possession of the JlH Govornmout S A REPUBLIC IS DEMANDED H The Ministry linn HcsIkiiciI Very Hj Llttlo Known n Yet Doni Pedio'o H AllnlHtcrnt Wm-hlntctun Thinks H It Is Exaggerated B Tired t > r Alonuroliv _ H Nnw YonK , Nov , 15. A prtvnto cablcgnm / K /ccoived tliis evening , dated at Rio Janeiro , } eays I H "A revolution 1ms broken out bore Tbo l Brazilian army Is in control The ministry i 1 has resigned " | H- The rovolutlon is ior tbo purpose of form . Hj lag a republic I H } In the Hninn Vein i H' London , Nov 15. Dispatches from Rte J B Janeiro concerning tbo revolutionary out ; Kj brenk assert that the movement is in favor I IBS ; of a republican form of government , which I jfli has recently been strongly fomuntcd , anil Is B ; the solo cause of the uprising * I } BB' Up to tbo present hoar tbcro Is UUlo tn- I Bflj formation of a tangible character BB' ' A Consorvnt v < i Denial ' Washington , Nov 15. The Brazilian uiin- jHj Istcr said this ovcnltig that ho bad received BB no Information from his government in ro- Hf gurd to the reported rovolutlon in Brazil , BB but hud hoard from a third partv tntclll- BB genco of the sumo purport ns that contained HI in the cable message to Now York The IBj minister s.itd that clnco bo loft Brazil in July ( BB ha had hoard considerable about the great iH strength of the republican party in Brazil , | IBj but in Ills opinion its Blrength was overrated rift in this country jBjij Ho did not think it at all probable ! tiiat the situation bid tnkon the turu ] ' indicated by the cablegram There tiBi might have been a ministerial trouble which I'01 Kiven rbe to the report of a revolution IUi The correspondent eiiiled on the minister BJ' ' again at midnight with the report that the > ' Brazilian minister of mariao hnd been lulled f In the revolt The minister rofuscd to bo- H llovo it Ho said tbu republican party , to Bl which the revolt is ascribed , could not have jBl grown so lnrgo as to bring about a rovolutlon At the last election not asinglo member of that party was chosen on tbo lirst ballot , and ] H | oil tbo second oaly two or thrco wcro elected , H | from a slnglo province , and that the election ! B was entirely free and open A rovolutlon , ] H > bo BiiKI , could not have occurred In jBB [ so frco a country us Brazil without somn JBfl premonitions There Is notning in tbo latest vBfl papars received which gives any intimation ) BB of wont is reported to have occurred audi i/ Bj there is no reason why the rovolutlon should iKBJ have token Dlacc Brazil ia a frco country BH and there is a perfect guarantco of the rights BBj of everybody In their persons and property ijBB A revolution against n government as frco as < BBIiruzll seams so absurd that the minister can > B not bcllcvo it ' 'mm Huron La do Rio the rntnlstor reported tBfl killed , is well known in ttio United States I'BB His career as a naval oDlcor began in the jBB United States navy thirty years ago , ho liav- jBB ing been sent hero for that purpose by the I'BB Brazilian government \fr \ M ColT-e Men Excited [ / ! New Yomc , Nov 10. Moisrs Ilnrd & A BJi Rand have received the following from Klo ] | BB Janeiro : ? B ) "a rovoluttou lias broken out bore The . H Brazilian armies nro in control Tbo minis 'BB ' try has resigned Ouo mlnlstor hasheon jrflH shot It is an attempt to establish a republic " BB Dispatches were also recolved by Arbueklo jBS iBros aud Joseph J. O'Donoboo & Sons jlHjj Thcsu dispatches were recolved Just after tbo | H , coffee exchanges closed for the day * BBj ' The reports came like u clap of thunder to jHBV the coffco dealers throughout the city , who fBB | were made ucquulnted with thorn tonight and ilj BB nro likely to cause serious trouble on ex- jvVJBB change if conUrmcd | WBB ' Whllo the dealers generally spoke in a i 'CBB ] hopeful strain , they exhibited signs of un- LvBBj easiness William If Grossman , of Cross IHJBW man Bros , who had recolved a dispatch , but UKa bud correspondence from Hrazil of a vorv { jiBB recent date , which gave no hint of oven nn jjBV ! anticipation of trouble lu that country , said : IiBpf "If the report is true , " said that gentle tlBK man , coffee ia likely to ndvanco to unho.ird kBK of figures , and when qutot is again restored IBs In Brazil the enormous shipments arc liitoly { BE to causa a pinlo " HH The blockading of Brazilian ports attend BBE Ins tbo rovolutlon In that country will result .BBj In tbo cutting off of mora tban three-fourths BBJ of the outlro India lubber supply of this Br country BBJ Fully Confirmed JltBB ) London , Nov 15. Later dispatcher from B v Rio Janeiro fully confirm the previous ro- "JjBBt ports The revolution alms at the overthrew liBV" of the government and proclaims a ropubllc ; iB The army supports the movement JtBl A provisional government has been cstab- lishod Including lieuhors da l'onseca aud JBB Bonjamln Constant JBM | A > "Obgtho uispuches received , butvnot | BJ | yet ofllcially confirmed , is ono stating that 3HI . Ilaron La da Ilio , minister of murine , bus | BS f boon klllod - JBm Ail Quint in CJiiuiemiln ? BB ' New Yoiik , Nov 15. The latest papers EBh trom Guatemala tell of tbo luimcdlato down yBB . fall of tbo riotous outbreak which was I Hs i thought at the time might result In a rovolu- j ] BB tlou Three loaders were shot , the ethers R BB lurroudcrcd and all is quiet OUIl CONTHAOr liAHOlt LAW wlHBj Liverpool Slnrclianti Proto t Agalnut 1 BBJ it Uollootnn'a lnlorpretntlon 1 BBk [ CuptirhM iSSO bit Jama Hontmi UtwvMA I BV , Ln-BJU'ooi. , Nov 15. [ Now York Herald H ' Cable Special to Tub Hen | The ohambor * BH of commcrco today rosolvcd to communicate ii BBS with Lord Salisbury rcgurdiug the action of U' BH the collector of Norfolk , Va , who has lu- fBBJ , formed the treasury department nt Washing ; JBB ton that employment in the states of clerks uBS or graders , whoso business it is to classify ( ' cotton for the English markets and who are S fl' especially tralucd and scat out by Ungllsb BBJJ cotton brokers as understanding the requlro- ntents of British trade , is a violation of tbo labor contract law , The Liverpool chamber protested against such Inturfercnco as being I detrimental to trade , and resolved to request Lord Salisbury to point out to the Washing ton authorities the evil result which must follow such notion , A Kail In SoiiicIi WnrruntH ICopi/iluM / ISSO hiJama Oonlou UenHttt ' ] Gusoow , Nov 15 , [ Now York Ilurald ! Cable Special to Titu lluu.J At tbo opening of the pig iron maruot today , Scotch warrants foil la three mluutcs from | BBBB CJsBd toUlslJid cash aad Middlcborougb | BBJ' from 054 to ats Ud , whilst Hcmapltu declined BBBt from 75s lU < d to 71s , Tbo cause is to bo BBJ found In tbo bull account huvlng become too BBBJ banleiisomc , the Wdak bulls being unaula to BBBJ pay the IH rate for a loan of money to curry BBBJ warrant * . There was great excitement and BBBJ heavy blocks wcro thrown on the market , BBJ Cotton Diiuaufnl Uy I'irr- . BBBJ tn > | i/ilaht lltoiu JamesOonlnnUmnctt.y BBJ Livjmiooi , Nov , 15. ( Now York Herald BBBJ , Cable Special to Tub Heb.I IHvo hundred BBBJ bales of cotton on tbo Alaska have boon BBBJ duuiagcd by lire , Tbo latter was discovered BBJ to-doy In unloading tbo vessel at the Alex BBB tuidrla docks A jafaiug& | I nn ; i\vnjiiit9. I Wlitlo Protection In llio Slotlo They Will lloln Style MoNTOOMEiir , Aln , Nov 15 , The Na tional lMirmors' congress adjourned today and the delegates loft this ovcnlnq for Now Orleans The now oflleers nro ! Prcsidont , It hIColb , Alnbamn ; vlco president , A.V. . Smith , Kansas ) secretary , 13. IA Clayton , Iowa : treasurer , William Lawrence Ohio Vice presidents were elected from each state The congress decided to hold the next meet liifj in town , tbo place to bo licroaftor desig nated A commlttco was appointed to report to the next mooting suggestions for n national flower A resolution to remove the tau on tobacco mid ono declaring that the government docs not need the money raised by Internal revenue - nuo taxation and thnt the congress favors the repeal of the internal rcvonuo laws and that the taxes raised from whisky and to bacco should bo relegated to tbo different states to rcliovo tbcm of local taxation was tukon up nnd ndvorso reports concurred In A ttsolution was offered by Tabor , of Colorado rado , asking congress to select Chicago as the best poitu for the location of the worlds fair in lsJJ IColly , of Kansas , offered an amendment striking out Cnic.tpo and insert ing St Louts ; lost , The question coming upon locating the fnlr at Chicago tbo vote stood & 11 nyes to 0 : ) nays A resolution favoring the unlimited coin age of silver met with nn ndversa report nnd was Indellnltoiy postponed The following , introduced bv Droror , of Il linois , wns unanimously adopted : "llcsolvcd , Hv the armors congress , that it favors n comproliunslvo scliciuo for the improvement of the Mississippi river , and the building of a ship canal ncioss the state of Illinois , connecting the Mississippi rlvor and Lake Michigan , and It is recommouded that the United States congress nialto a liberal - oral appropriation therefor " Ob motion of Cluyton , Secretary Ituslc anj btatlscinti Dodge , of the department of agriculture , wcru unanimously clectod hon orary membcis Adjourned slue die The majority resolutions on the tariff question weio adopted last night They state substantially : "Whllo congress maintains the policy of n protective tariff wo demand that nil farm products \ > a as fully protected as the most favored of the manufac turing industrlos ; that white a tariff protects the Importations of foreign carpets and any other nrtlclos wo demand that the duties on mutton , sheep and wool of all kinds bo so increased as to equally pro hibit the Importation of mutton , sheep and wool or ovcr.v kind which cnu , under protec tion , bo sufllclontly produced ut fairly remu nerative pricosto supply all American wants ; that if protection to this extent bo denied wo call upon the farmers of the United States to assert their power nt tbo ballot box and otherwise to right tbo wrong and Injustice of the disciimination against them " The resolutions declare that the fanners of the United States nro not called upon to support the nomination of nny man for pres ident , senator or representative who will not , to bis utmost ability , aid In carrylngout the objects of these resolutions The sllvor resolution adopted reads : • "Kcsolvod , That wo favor commercial treaties which will discriminate la favor of nations which accept silver as a legal tender monov as well us gold , and agslust those which have demonetized silver " A FEDERATION The Kiglits of Labor and the Farmers Alllnnci ) Will Wed Atlanta , Go , Nov 10 A federation of the Knights of Labor with the Farmers al liance is u foregone conclusion It Is stated thn ends for which both orders tire working are identical , and If associated together tboy could form an irreststlblo power and what each is obliged to struggle for , united ihov could demand and obtain Among the visiting ullianco men were Presi dent Livlagtono , of the Georgia ullianco , and Commissioner of Agriculture Henderson 1'icsklcnt Livingstono devoted half an hour to the discussion of the principles of the alliance He described the condition of the farmer in the south , how ho bad contended against the greatest dlMcultlos since the war und how ho now was laboring in thu hope that he might educate his children The mortgaged condition of the southern farms formed one feature or his talk Ills address mudo u deep impression and was frequently up- pluudcd Powdorly's reply showed that ho was thoroughly In sympathy with the federation talk and will urge some plan unon both orders No important action was taken to day MOUTH DAKOTA SHNATORSUIPS Four More Candidates Arrive on the IJnnlri-roiiiHl. BisMAitcrc , N. D. , Nov 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hub ] Pour additional candi dates for the United States sonnto arrived today They are Walter Muir of Cass county , M. N. Johnson of Mason , Juilson Lamouro of Pembina , nnd George H. Win ship of Grand Forks Mulr and Johnson nro at work openly und have announced their candidacy , but Lamouro and Winshlp are silent A few members have arrived , but not a BUftlclent number to glvo any lntolll- gout idea of the seutlmeut of the legislature on the senatorial quostinn Itogor Allln.who has been returned to the legislature from Walsh county , Is bero and is said to bo for JoluiBon and Sponccr , Nearly all of tboso who have arrived thus far nro for Pierce , and there is a very decided sentiment in fuvor of Ordway Appointed Clorlc of Conrta CiiA.Miiciti.Aix , S. D. , Nov 15. [ Special Tologramto Tun Hue J The board of county commissioners today appointedD W. Spald ing , of this city , cleric of tbo courts 9 THE Ii'AT S'lOOIC SHOW Kansas City'H Trotilng Dog Gives nn Kxhihltlon , Chicago , Nov 15. The Fat Stock show continues to attract largo crowds A largo number of awards were mails today for tbo different classes of stock and also in tbo dairy department This evening tbo Kansas City trotting dog , an Irish scttor , gave a rplendld exhibition , beating a running pony to harness and Baddlo and afterwards nhow- tng bis versatility by lumping live feet six inches over the bars A wild \ve t exhibi tion was alio given , and a splendid oxulbitlon of horsomunsblp was wltaesscd No Glcna of nn Ulnponienr NbwYoiiic , Nov , 15 | SpocIalTologramto Tub Hue ] Miss Lillian Hussell arrived in town this evening from Chicago , und there was no indication of an elopement and no signs of young Mr Suuford , of Amsterdam , N , Y. Tbo facts boar out Miss Itussoll's do nlal Mr , Sanford has been In Now York right along for several weeks , mid bis friend ship for tbo fair prima donna never has been of such a character as to suggest nn elope ment An clopqmont usually comprehends matrimony , and Miss ltussoll Is still Mrs Solomon , and wlto of llilllo Taylor , with whom sue eloped to Kuropo about six years ago < * • Tin * Ilnliimori-'M n Flyer Philipeu'iiu , Nov , 15. Tbo uow cruiser Baltimore mudo a second trial trip today in a four hours steady run on the northeast by east course from Capo llonloncn , Tbo speed developed was oven mors 1'oiuarkable than on her first trip , being SU.3 knots an hour against 10.8 knots boforc , but whotuor she developed morn or loss than tbo 9,000 horse power called for by tuo contract con npt bo told until the results are worked out by the govorumuiit oaglueor A Prlnou Kor Iortugnl Lisuo.v , Nov , 15. Tbo queen gave birth tea a son today Both the mother and tbo child uro doing well HARRISON'S ' COMING MESSAGE Very Unusual Secrecy hi Its Prep aration NO ADVANCE COPIES PRINTED An Air nt Mystery That Suggests n- Doounicnt of Uuiianul Interest All I ions I'oBsllilu Defeat nuil lis Hircut Wamhsotos Duiikau Tun Omaha Hub , ) 513 FOUUTKBSTII STItBEr , > WAsm.\OTosf. D. C , Nov 15. ) President Harrison's nnsonco rom the city on n three days duck sboottog tour In Mary land Is taken as evidence that ho has about complotcd his messngo to congress It is un derstood thnt the president Is awaiting some report from his cabinet oflleers in order that ho mav bo possessed of certain routine Information mation necessary to give his message tbo fin ishing touches Certainly ho has In his pos session the salient points which tbo report of the cabinet oflleers will contain nnd tin has been given the benefit of them tin the prepa ration of his messngo up to this time It is tiudorstood that Secretary Wlndom's report will flguro more prominently In the messngo than that of any ether cabinet ofllcor Among the most Interesting features of the message wilt bo those relating to tbo cir culation ot national bank notes , national bank deposits , the abolition ot the lutornul revenue laws and the expansion of the monthly coinage of sllvor ' 1 ho secretary's and the presidents vlows are In accord on tbu latter subject Senator Sherman hns visited the white house several times recently nnd it is stated that his missions h ivo been to Impress the president with the necessity of not only ad vocating a national election law , but of treat ing it vigorously and earnestly Representative Burrows of Michigan , and other republlcuus who recently stumped Virginia , have also urged the iircsidant to tnko positive stops m- favor of a national election law The determination of the president not to have his message prlutcd at the government printing ofllco in ndvunco of Its delivery to congress , as has boon usual , but to have manifold copies made by bis private type writer , is talion as evidence that the docu ment will contain unusually interesting rec ommendations allison's rossmt.1 ! TjKrmT The reports published hero from Iowa concerning the possibility , if not the proba bility , of the defeat of Senator Allison for reelection linvo had the effect of stirring up the senators friends In the national capital as they were never perturbed before It Is not likely thnt the republicans of Iowa fuily appreciate the services of Sena tor Allison , as ho lias been away from the prcsenco of his constituents so much during the past ten years Ills re tirement to private llfo would bo very un fortunate for the country at largo Pomo- cruts , prohibitionists , republicans and citi zens of all other political faiths would suffer alike Ho stands as n breakwater against all kinds of vicious legislation una Is the ablest representative of tboso western inter ests which have been maturing durlug the past quarter of a century A writer in to days Post , under tbo caption , "Wnr on Sen ator Allison do the Iowa republicans pro pose to commit political harikaril" quotes a dispatch from Dos Moines announcing that the Bmall majority in the Iowa legislature makes it probable that the ' senators oppo nent will defeat his reelection , and then goes on to call attention to tbo misfortunes , especially to Iowa , that would follow Son tor Allison's retlrcmout to private llfo In the course of the long article , the following Is said : "J ho position Mr Allison has attained as chairman of the commlttco of appropriations of the senate makes Iowa ut this time one of the most intluential states in congress His defeat moans the loss of this vantage giouud Iowa can afford no such loss " Slnco tbo Fortieth congress down to tbo Fifty-first , inclusive , a period of twenty-four years , three Btntes have hold tbo chairmanship of this most important committee on appropriations tweutv-ycars ot this time It is n plain proposition that if Iowa allows hursolf once to loose her griu ou the nurse strings of the nation , und the con tioltopassto another state , she will not under sonutorial usage soon again bo called upon to rcsumo churgo of thorn Besides his position of commanding lnlluence on the ap propriation committee , Senator Allison is fourth on the commlttoo of finance , und was chairman of tbo sub-conimittco to shape tariff legislation In the Filtleth congress and will bo at the head of the sub commlttco in the Fifty-first congress , so that Iowa not only shapes all appropriation bills , but the west has tnus in Senator Allison's person been accorded the prlvilego of shaping the new tariff legis lation Tbo main fact is the politician is not born who will llvo to see Iowa in so commanding a place as she today occuplos by reason of the national conildenno reposed in her senior senator , and tbo republic in legislator who would malto ono of the few to combine to tear Iowa from this , her proud position , will fill a most unonviublo page m tbo his tory of the nation , his state and his party THE BI'JHKIIUSJIII' OtSVASS The tldo in the speakership campaign is turning against Mr Heed , of Maine Southern and western members are look lug up bis record on certain questions or vital importance to tboir sections of the country Tboy Bay that Mr Hoed hns rc- poatcdly announced bimcolf la opposition to tbo river and harbor appropriation ; that ho not only voted ugainst the last two or three rlvor und harbor bills , but assisted the flit , busterers in defeating the measure In the last congress They also say that ho has on more occasions than ono said that ho was in fnvor of the demonetization of sllvor and that bo bolleved there was only ono safe metal lic base for currency and that was gold If upon examination of thn record ho is found to have thus opposed the rlvor and barber bills and tbo regular monthly nolnago of sliver there is very UUlo if any doubt that tbo south and west will comblno aualust him It develops thut the private business that Major MoKlnloy went to Now Yck on the other duy rolntes to the speakership Mr Uood bus worked all summer and fall to secure the solid eastern delegation and his friends are claiming a solid delegation from New York and New England Major Mo Klnloy during his stay in New York City Is seeing members of the Now York delega tion with a vlow to securing some of thorn for his support General Kotchum , ono of the oldest Now York members , says the talk about the delegation being solid for Hood is all fol do rol , und yet Gcnerrl Ketchum is ono ot Hoods supporters The slluatiou polats mora strongly in the direction of u combination of tbo south aud west and a withdrawal at an early stage lu the caucus of thrco ot the four western candidates with a vlow to securing the defcut of Mr Heed by the field Mr Cannon , of Illinois , is tonight very hopeful that ho Is tbo man of destiny , and there uro good icusons why ho should tnko hope KEW rOiiTlUBTlIIlS Nebraska Omaha Agency , Thurston county , HlniKin C. Chase , vice H , D , Huff oman , resigned ; WclUvlllo , Choyunno county , J. N , Hollowuy , vice W , II Hock ford , resigned Iowa Lumotte Jackson county , N. A. Hoffman , vice N. 1) . Nouiinora , removed South Dakota Claremnnt Brown county , Gcorgo W , Krum , vlco P. M. Ulnuroso , removed TUB NEHllASKA conscAHitvisa a IBB InterState Commerce Commissioner Bragg said today tiiat the commission had decided to abandon the Nebraska corn-car rying case of the Baltimore Si Ohio railroad Complaint was entered before the commis sion that the Bultimoro & Ohio was violating the law in Its charge for carrying corn from Nebraska to the aeacoaat Very volumi nous testimouy was taken In Baltimore , but the coininUslon afterward found that it would bo necessary to taka testimony In Omnlm nnd ether parts ot Nebraska , This the commission decided ' would be too ex pensive and laborious In vldw of the fact ' that there no longof.cxis ted any of the com plaints alleged "Wo foutjd the g.imo would not bo worth tbo trouble , " said Mr , Uragg today Jtl9C tLASEOuS | C. Hurt , ot Oelwcin , to , Is at the Johnson , A postofflco has boon ostabllshod at Stork , Hamilton county , by spoclal sorvlca from Arborvillc , a dtstanco ot llvo mlles , and Eskol U. liurko , appointed postmaster Posteitlcos have boon discontinued In No * braskn as follows ; Hccchvlllo , Custer county , mall to go to Hound Grove ; Irvine , Keith county , mall to go to Surisliluo Colonel Wilson , superintendent ot the West Point military academy , In his annual • report strongly recommends thnt appoint ments to cadotshlps bo confined to the Juno examination , ns appoiutmonls during the summer recess rcsutclu a large per cent of failures Senator Algornon S. Paddock , of Ne braska , Is at tbo Buckingham Motel , Now York rnimv S. Huatii TUB NATIONAL MILITIA Nebraska ntul Other States IInro Fnlloil tn Mnkn It-turns. WAsuiJiOTO.v , Nov 15. Captain Taylor , who has been in charge of the appropriation for the purpose of providing arms , etc , and camp cquipngo for the national milltln , In his annual icport makes a plea for nn increased appropriation It wns $300,000 in 1SS0 nnd nnd has only boon doubted once slnco for the neoils of nearly ten times as many people - plo as then Captain Taylor recommends thnt it bo increased to $1,000,000 annually Nohraska and n few ether states have not made the returns required by law , nnd Cap tain Taylor recommends that after January 1 , ISO J , no issues of stores bo made .to any state which has not rendered returns The Gnirllsh Olass mowers Cine Wasiiisoiox , Nov.-15. As a result of several - oral conferences bctweoil Attorney General Miller Secretary Wtudom nnd Solicitor Hepburn , In regard to the case ofuho twon- ty-dvo English glass blowers employed by Chambers , McKco & Co , of Jcanetto , Pa , the first nnmod today referred the case to the United States district attorney nt Pitts burg , with instructions to proceed against the firm named and these oflleers of the local assembly of glass blowers instrumental in bringing the English laborers to this country , provided ho is satisfied suits can bo maintained against them under the pro visions of tbo alien contract labor law Npbrnslcn timl Inwa Pensions Wasiiinotom , Nov 15. ( Special Telegram to The Bee.I Pensions granted Nebraskans - kans : Original invalid Charles M. Phillips , Wakefield ; Oscar F. Jones , Ft Omaha ; George T. Stoyner , Salem Increase Wil liam J. Grundor , Harvard ; August Thiodc , Stanton ; William Murphy , Holdrogo Pensions for loWansi Original invalid James Johnston , Onslnw ; Alfred Loason , Ottumwa ; JohnT Winters Galesburg/Jobh ; / H. Woldner , Clarinda ; Ferdinand Stotz , Gormanvillo ; Andrew Fdrd , Cedar Rapids ; Michael V. B. Turner , Waterloo ; John W. Cannday , Fnlrflold ; Aaron M. Forester , Des Moines Restoration and increase David M. Reynold Monroe Iacroaso John Wll- linm Walker , Council Bluffs ; Alonzo Thorn ton , Postvlllo ; Bcuonl C Howell , Fremont ; Macklin E. Coons , Adolf.John V. Vance , Whiting ; John Meigs , Audubon Reissue Daniel E. Wcsthcrlj * , .iSoanug ; William Micklo , Uaruos City , , A PEUSEOUTKDl INVENTOtl • Xwo Iowa Men Sued For Mallcloim Prosecution CniOAGO Nov 15. T. C. Worrel began suit today for $30,000 damages for false ar rest and malicious prosecution against J. A. Ward and Henry Rlcke ) , of Cedar Rapids , la , and W. Watson Thompson , of Clinton , Io * Worrel Is the invontorof a motliod of mix ing metals by which a casting can bo made at a price much lefs 'tban by tbo old method Some time ago Wbriol , who was poor , In terested tbo defendants in the invention and they started him in a small foundry in this city Ho claims they gave him about $300 for his share and ho worked without compensation until last month , when his meaus becatuo exhausted Ho then gave up thn shop and went to work for anotbor firm bero Worrel nlouo had'tho soorot of the now Invention , and ho now claims that slnco he went to work for'thorOtbor lirm thut the defendants have boon Worrying him with suits and had him arrcBtod a few days ago on the charge of orocbring money under ( also pretences His present employers took bis side , sccurod his release and provided him with counsel to press the present suits against the Iowa people > Defectives Goinir After Dm mm Kansas Citv , Mo , Nov ID [ Speolal Tel cgranltoTiiB Beb.J jpjukorton detectives started tonight for Toronto with the inten tion ot bringing back with them Andy Drumm and wife Tboy will go by way oi Jefferson City , where p tpqrs will bo soourod from the exocutlvo department Every dav develops something now in Drumm's fine nerve It now appears that the ungrateful young nephew signed Major Drumm's name to two checks , ouo fur $20,000 und the other for $50,000. lioing tbo majorls confidential clerk , young Drumm got the enormous checks cashed readily , and with some other funds scoured by various transactions , getaway away with $53,000. Ho lias hired the best Canadian counsel nnd will fight his angry uacle to thq bitter end Elppud Willi Ills Typewriter Aliiant , N. " . , Nov 15. Special / ( Tele gram to Tub Uce ] Colonel W. W. Thomp son , of this city , a well known lawyer , whoso controversy wljh Secretary Noble , of the Interior department/brought him into recent notoriety , is missing , having eloped with his pretty typewriter , Bertha Denton , aged twenty The affair creates a big sensa tion hero Thompson brought the young woman to bis homo and made her a member of bis housobold over two ' mouths ago It is known that Thouipsoii ' uiid Miss Denton took the 10 o'clock train foi the west Sunday night J > Itaoe IVrspoutlifii ) In Lnnlslnnn " Lake Pjioviuencbri. . , Nov , 15. Louis Ilornthal , of Vicksbupj " , came hero today from Tompkins Bond ami reports that about 1 o'clock this morning'aq.uAlsntla ' store was shot into aoout fifty or moro times aad thus * ' placarded : "No Jews after thtf Jsl of January A Delhi warning ot llro and lead willmuko you louvo " , y Bernard & Hloch's store at Goodrich's Landing was also shot Into about twenty times There were Ufty-oight empty rliio shells found on } ho levod this morning in front of their store * The New Mexico Mlznr < l. Desveii , Cole , , Nov , IB [ Spoclal Tolo gram to Tin : Bib ] A Trinidad special says tbo reports from Now Mexico are to the * ' effect that cattle bavo not suffered us much from the recent bllzjard as first reported ? The principal losses uro sheep and horses The snow is fast disappearing and tbo range mou are chocrf ul , Tbo latest storm victim reported is Henry Nichols , forman of H. W Loighton's sheep herd His homo is in LuGrango , led il < fTDitvU Not Dyins New Ohlbaks , Nov 16. Jefferson Davis is a passenger ou the steamer Leathers , which arrives liere about noon tomorrow Ho Is only Buffering from geuoral doblllty A Hclliy J all * . Vienna , Nov 15-Uy the yi ot a belfry at Olahujllau , Hungary , today , six persons > vero killed and many Injured FROM THE HAWREYE STATE , A Newton Prloat Robbed rtt the Polut of a Revolver FATAL GASOLINE EXPLOSION Insinuation ot Oflleers of the Grand Conunnnilcry of" Knights Tanipliir The Kennedy Murder Case Iowa Notes Ilobticd a. Irlrsr Des Moines , Ia , Nov 15. | Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bee.1 - Burglars broke into Father Rollly's resldcnco at Newton , a few nightsngo , and , prosqnting a revolver at his head , forced him to got up and unlock a bureau drawer , from which thov abstracted his valunblo papers , consisting mostly of notes , bonds and mortgages , a wntch and $13 in money The party then loft ami have not slnco bcou heard of Father Roilly at the time had several hundred dollars in his pockets which the follows forgot to mquiro about Fatally injured bv Gnsollno FonT Dodqe , la , Nov 15. [ Special Tele gram to The Bee.J An old lady nnmod Lip man was terribly burned at her homo in West Bend Inst ovcuing by the explosion of a gasolluo lamp , which Ignited her clothing , She can not possibly recover , but lingers lu great agony The KnluhtH Tetnplnr DAVRNronT , In , Nov 15. The grand com tnnndcry of Knights Templar of Iowa In stalled the following oflleers to-dny : Grand commander , Cyrus W. Eaton , Cedar Rnplds ; deputy grand commander , James A. Guest , Burlington : gcnnrallsslmo ' , W. F. Fldlar , Davenport ; captain general , W. F.CIovolnnd , Hurlan ; prelate , J. M. Torris , Floyd ; treas urer , RufusJ ? . Smith , Monticello ; recorder , Alt Wingato Des Moinossonior ; warden , F. Hoyor , Osltaloosa ; Junior .vurden , George B. Owens , Marion ; stundnid bearer , E. S. Pat terson , Hampton , sword hearer , W. II Hall , Osceola ; wardou , A. F. Armstrong , Audu bon ; Sentinel , Theodora Schreiucr , Mt Pleasant Thn Governor Indicna nt Dr.s Moines , la , , Nov Special [ Telegram - gram to Tub Bee.J- Governor Larrnbeo Is Indignant at the construction put upon his letter to the Dubuque lawyers who are attor neys for Barney Kennedy , the convicted wife murderer The governor says tbut the Infcr- enco made by these nttornoys from the letter was entirely wrong and without ground Ho was asked to await the forwarding of peti tions , and replied asking what time would bo necessary for the completion of tbeso peti tions , and ho says tbo inference that the sen tence would bo commuted is not correct ; that ho had informed the attorneys that they need not accompany the petitions , as ho did not care to hear further argument in the case Students Must Not Fall In Love Des Moines , la , Nov 15. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bee ] There Is still considerable sidorablo talk about the disclpllno which the Des Moines college has exercised toward tbo young and giddy students who went off aud weio married last week without per mission A reporter interyjowed Dr Stet son , the president ot' tbo college , tonight , and asked him if the young people had violated lated any college rule In getting married Yes sir , " Bald ho Marriage during term time subjects any student to discipline This boy , for he is only nineteen , had bcon calling on tbo girl , who is but sixteen , quite fre quently , against tbu approval of the faculty Ho was warned to desist , but did not , and tbu next wo knew the students gave him a Boronade ouo night and informed us that the couple were married Wo held a faculty meeting and indellnltoiy suspenacd thorn both Wo dent ' think It right for students to bo falling in love with each other , to say nothing of getting married in term time This young pair broke the rule und they nro now suffering the penalty " The Des Moines Ball Team Des Moines , la , Nov 15. | Special-Tols- gramto The Bee.1 A meeting of base hall mon was held at the Commercial exchange this evening to take mnasnres for maintaining a team next season A good deal of enthusi asm was shown , nnd the prospects for next year are very good The franchise will be owned by a stock association mudo up of a largo number of shareholders It Is oxpeoted to raise $7,500 before the opening ot the sea son by the sale of 150 shnros of slock ut $50 a share Forty shares have already boon tukon It is believed that the remainder will bo placed without difficulty Onnfcrcnoo of Kailroad Officials BonuNUTON , la , Nov 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] A number of Burling ton officials held a secret meeting in this city today it is learned that tbo recontchanges in freight transportation nnd the trnflleo on western lines was the principal matter under consideration Among tbo officials present were First Vice President II 1J. Stone uud General Manngor E. P. Ripley , of the Bur llugton , W. F. Merrill , general manager of the Kansas Citv , St Joscpn & Council Bluffs , and tbo Hannibal and St Joseph , and G. W. Holdrogo , goueral manager of tbo B. & M. Clariiuln's Irotest Dbs Moines , la , Nov 15. Complaint has bcon made by the citizens of Clnrinda against the action of the Clnrinda & St Louis rail road in tearing up its track and abandoning the road This road runs fioin Clarlndu , la , to Roseberry , Mo , and is paralleled by tbo Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy road , which gets practically all the business So the former company wants to tuko up its track The matter has como to the attention of tbo rullroad commissioners , but It is understood tbut they will not interfere and do not think they have the powQv to do so Binliui'U nt a Dunoc Dubuque , la , Nov 15. [ SpeolalTolrgram to The Uee.J Calvin Young , a farmer ngod fifty , and William Murphy , ugod thirty , quarrelled about a place in a sat at a danoo at Hanover , 111. , near Dubuque , last night Young stabbed Murphy , who died fifteen miuutes later The murderer was arrested this morning and tukon to the Galena Jail • THE CHURCH O GOD IN OIIIUST Prlnolpnl Points of Difference From Orthodox IrotfHliiniH Chicago , Nov 15. The second annual conference - ferenco of the churches ot God in Christ Jesus began hero today with delogatcs from neatly every state In the union J. H.Wllloy , presldoat of tbo conference , presided The coiitorcnco will contlnuo several days Tbo principal points ot difference between tbeso peoples belief and that of the orthodox Protostuut denominations are suaimed up us follows ; The church of God in Christ Jesus holds to tuo restoration of Israel ; that tburo is llfo ouly through Joius Christ , and that mails present state is mortal , dependent on Christ for future lire They hold that Christ while ou earth was a personal rutor , nnd was not controlled directly by the Supreme Being Mr . Blown Wuntaa Dlroroo Chicago , Nov 15. [ Special Telegram to Tuu Bee.1 Mrs Soiina A. Bloom applied to Judge Shepird today for a dlvorco from Robert Q. Bloom , who occupies a position in un Omaha dry goods store , riho and tier witnesses stutcd that Bloom had rewarded Iter kindness by cruelty and ubaudonmont , ia 18(37 ( going to Omaha , THU OltONLN CASE ltcRgs' Attorneys In n Dllonunn Ar rival of the List Wlcniis * . Cniotoo , Nov 15. [ Special Telegram to The llEn.i The nttornoys for John Boggs nro considering the proprloty of making a motion in the Cronln case tomorrow for tbo discharge of their client They are not sure , by any means , however , that it would not bo ovcrrulod ny the court , nnd therefore they hesitate They fear that the overruling ot such n motion might give tbo Jury the Im pression thnt the court saw a prostunpticn of guilt In the evidence against llcggs nnd that tills feeling might bo present during their dellbornllons and Inllunneo their verdict Should such a motiou ho made it will bo re - slsted by the stuto * "Wo will oppose n motion for Beggs' dis missal , " snld Judge Longencckor to-dny. "Wo think his case ought to ire to tuo Jury ntong with the others If wo did not think his case to bo of sufficient gravity to do passed on by the Jury wo would not have brought it to trial " All the lawyers for the defense were busy to-dn v preparing for the presentation of tholr case tomorrow , but none of thorn would dis cuss the plans lames Olancoy the Now York reporter who will testify for the state at the opening of court tomorrow , arrived in Chicago this morning and reported to the states attor ney Mr Clnncoy will bo the last witness for the state nn tbo direct presentation ot the case Ho will testify to a conversation be tween himself and O'Stillivan , in which the latter mnnlfostcd quaking terror wtion informed of the finding of Dr Cronln's bodv On rcbuttul the state will Introduce a wit ness who will ldontlfy P. O'Sulltvun as the man whom Mrs Pucrtol saw near the Carl son cottage on the night whllo she listened to the sound of the blows unit cries for mnrcy coming from the dimly lighted front room Another witness , nlso corroborntivo of Mrs Paoitol , will bo Introduced , who saw Dr Cronlu driving near the cottage shortly before lie was scon bv Mrs Pncrtol The state saved a few of Its best witnesses to bo used In rcbuttnl Rumors are again afloat regarding a con fession of ono of tbo suspects Tlio.y can not , however , bo traced to any reliable source TUB SIOUX lO-UatlBSlOX. ChnrccH or Unnecessary Dolny In Onmlnc the llcsi'rvnllon Blot , Ciuoigo , Nov 15 A meeting wns held to-dny at army headquarters of tbo Sioux commission appointed by the president to treat with the Sioux Indians for the opening of their reservation , In order to prepare tbclr final report Referring to the charges ot unnecessary delay m the opening of the Sioux reserva tion , which of late hnvo boon frequent , Major Roberts , aldo-do-camp to General Crook , stutcd the acluy was unavoidable and was duo to a doeision of the president that owing to the contradictory phraseology of two nets ot congress passed nt the last session , it would bo uecossary for cougross to act on the report of the Stoux commission before the laud could bo opened to settlement Gonornl Crook , in answering the charges thut tha dclav in opening the icscrvation was due to the fact that tbo promise which he hnd made to the Indians to induce them to cede tholr territory had not been fulfilled , said : "I may say thnt neither I tier any member of the commission made any premise of re dress of grievances that wo were not nmply able to carry out and which will not bo carried out to the letter There were some small grievances which ' wo could not , from their nature , pledge ourselves person ally to buvo redre3sod , but upon our 'in'omiso to represent these in as favorable a light as posslblo it Wushlngton , the chiefs oxpresscd themselves ns perfectly satisflod " Tbo commission will contlnuo in session for several davs engaged in drawing ut > tnis' report , but It will not bo mudo public until after it has passed through the usual depart routine , wblcli will occupy from ono to three weeks THE NEW ELDOItADO A Gold Mine of Fnhulntis Hichucss DUcovRivd In North Carolina , Rai.bioii , N. C , Nov 15. The Carolina Wntchmau , published at Salisbury , has sent a mining expert to Montgomery county to investigate the rumors of a gold find there and ho reports that all the statements about the fabulous wealth discovered there are true true.Tbu find Is said to be the richest over dis covered in the stuto Three parallel veins were found about half an Inch iti thickness and only throe feet apart The ere pans out a largo per cent of gold The representative ascertained that a bushel of solid gold had already been taken out of the deposit The place Is owned by three Sanders brnthors Great excitement is reported in the neighborhood and people are leaving their work to search for gold It Is stated tiiat ono man In two hours work got ouf.OOJ pennyweights of puio gold and was then compelled by tbo owners to leave x mouentouh mat re it Are the I'rr-Einptlon l.nun Repealed in the New btnteh ? Bisinitcit , N. D. , Nov 15. A point was Informally raised today by F. M. Dudley , of tbo legal department of tbo Northern Pu- cillo railway , in the United States land ofllco that the preemption law had been re pealed by the act of congress providing for the admission of the now states It looks as If it was intended to repeal tbo eighth section of the act of 1811 as lo the do nation of 500.000 acres of public land to the now states for public improvements , but the text iucludos not only the repeal of that sec tion , but of tha whole law The land department had not had its at tention cailoa to it yet , but It is certain the commissioner will bo cnllod ou for an opin ion , aud It his amnion Is adverse the question will bo carried into the courts Tbo repeal referred to would also decide a very largo number of cases wbero the Northern Pncillorollwav company is n party , If the law is repealed all pro-emplion filings where final proof has not boon made are de feated This necessarily involves tbo rights ot every pro emptor who has not proved up in the four new states Iln Had the Hinillnox Chicago , Nov 15. A sensation was created this afternoon when a young man walked into the city health ofllco and announced that bo baa smallpox An examination proved that bis statement was true Ho hud called on a physician several blocks away uud had been directed to go to the health oDlco Considerable anx iety is fell now us to whether or not the persons bo mot In the doctors ofllco ami the hundreds ho passed In the street uro lu dan ger of catching the Infection , United llioy Fell New Yoiik , Nov 15. An examination of tbo books of Heron J , Blakesleo , doing busi ness as Blakoslco & Co , , plcturo dealers , shows , it is said , liabilities of $30,000 , aud nominal assets of about tbo same amount Dispatches from Boston sjy Noyos , Crabb & Co , dealers in paintings , etc , assigned as tha result of close uuslnoss rotations between that firm und Blakesleo ii Co fipiitanenil lo Hung Lauahib , Wyo , Nov 15. [ Speolal Telegram - gram to The HBE.J George T. Black , who killed ranchman Kobort Burnett , afterwards cremation the body , last May , was tc-day sentenced to bo hanged January 15 next Tnis will bo the second legal hanging In Lur- uinlo's history A Lrnvouworlh Citizen Riiloldcs Leavenwohtu , Kan , , Nov 15. [ Speolal Telegram to Tub Hbb.1 John Idlgoro , ouo ot the oldcit residontsof the city , committed suicide this evening by taking morphine No cause is assigned except despondency over continued Uluess uud business rovcrsos , CAUCUSING FOR A CHAIRMAN ; Oomlntr In tlio Vnonnoy Woatcrn 5 Stntoa Pnsaoiiffor Aoaoolation , ABBOTT NOT IN THE RACE , i The Contract Let Tor the Construction 3 ortho i'ncillo short Line Bridge < Over the Missouri nt 1 Hlonx City I Agllnllon Over Abbott's ' SuocosROts i Chicago , Nov 15 [ Spoclal Telegram to j The Ucu.l Lively caucusing Is now goinit " * on concerning the future chairman of th 1 " Wostoru States Passenger association , The > * ' position is ono of the most important passcn * gor offices in the country aud only n man oC • large experience will got the olllce Chair * man Abbott has practically resigned , his ' resignation taking effect January 1 , and It Is \ undcrslo d will listen to no proposition for ' a , continuniico in otllco Tbo Western States Passenger nssoclatlon ngreomeut provldet that tbo chairman must be elected unani mously , n provision which may delay In definitely the cnolco of a cliuirmnn Oao or ; two of the roads in the nssoclatlon would • ? vote against re-oloctlng Mr Abbott , a result i almost luovitnblo from the fuct thut the main duty of tbo chairman is to Judge the merits of the constantly occurring disputes bctwoon ] thu lines It is tbo unanimous opinion of ' local general passenger agents thut the next ft chairman must como from the west It \ Is not hoped to got a man of moro ability nnd 5 oxponetico than Mr Abbott The difficulty g will bo in finding 11 man on whom nil ccuhl j unite General Passenger Agent WIIboii , df ' tuo Northwestern , could probably have the office If ho would take It , uud u movement Is i nlready on foot to soeuro hlsconsunt to the : use ot uis nnmo Should ho not accept , it U i not Improbable the association would remain without a chairman for un Indefinite period , ] as it seems impossible for the members to % W unite on nny other mini , 'Jjsj ' Mioux Cltv Hnd c Contract ijrr jK Chicago , Nov 15. [ Spoclnl Tologrnm to | Tub Bkb.1 The Pacillo Shoit Line , the J ralltoad now building between Sioux City J nnd Ogden , today closed u contract with J. M. Mocn for the building of a brldgo across > the river at Sioux City The brldgo will bo * 2 , 'JsO feet long nnd of the combination typo , * carrying steam and cable car tracks besides ! an extra floor for pedestrians and wagous § A Bantu Fe l'rnpofltlo 1 Ili-Jooroil. , i Cmovao , Nov 15. The Western Freight j association today voted down the SantaFo's 4 proposition to reduce llio rate 00 hogs from H' to 22 cents from Kansas City to Chicago v The Santa Fo gave uotlco that it would 111- 4 slst on putting the rite Into effect , mid an \ uppoal was taken to the liitor-Stalo Com * inorcc Hallway association ; Noihlnu lo tliv > ! Out \ Boston , Nov 15 President Adams said ' i today with regard to the reports concerning * tbo Union Pacific and the Denver , Texas & 1 ; Fort Worth , that tuero was nothing to give , I out j tueronurd Union 1'ncillo Kninlnen " \ Boston , Nov 15 The gross earnings of 4 the Union Pacific railway , cntlro system , for -S September were $3,818,524 , , an Incrcaso over . M | | thosamo month last , yonr ot $2KJO0T ; net iSP earnings , $ r,0l7,15aian Increase of $304,080 ; - ffi ? forthonino months ending September 80 , , & not earnings , $10,500,402 ; increase , $230,151 \ over the same period last year | A. BfLtr DlMUNIilXr | Division ol'Fundi Disturbing the Mt 3 E. Missionary Committee Kansas Cm- , Nov 15. [ Special Telegram jj to The Beb | The qutstlou of the division | of $1,021 , 1,31)9 ) butweon foreign and bomo missions - 5 sions threatened the very stability of the j-J general missionary commlttea at yesterdays | sessions , if the organization over splits It $ will bo upon tliia point If It docs split there J will bo two distinct missions formed , ono 'in ' j § America and the ether In Europe ft Is as- ft sorted that the following appropriations will f ; bo made by the committees , Xf Switzerland , f' ' .l.SP ) ; Scandinavia , $47,430 ; A India , Slll.Obll ; Malaysia , $0 500 ; Bulgaria n. nnd Turkey , $10,220 , ; Jiulv , S17.0UJ ; Mexico , • $ $52 001) ; Japan , 8'JO.lOd ' ; Coroa , $111,101 ; % Lower California , $1,000 ; total for foreign < 8 missions , J' Wli0. ) ! | United States missions not 111 the annual i confcruni'O will be administered us foreign jj mlssloi s as follows ! • Aiizonu S4.500 ; Black Hills , $5 525 ; Call J fornla German , S4,07.i ; Indian territory , t ! $ J,700 ; Nevada , $ .t,4.W ; New Mexico , $ ld,200 ; ( S North Pacific Gorman $1,500 : Northwest % Norwegian and Danish , t-J.SiJO ; Utah , $24- f , 072 ; Wyoming , $ ls0i ; total , ? il.T2i. - M Domestic Missions Welch S1.5J0 ; ScandlS navlun , $ J7,740 ; Gorman , $ , iit.G9 : , ; French , if $7,550 ; Qlilneso , $9,510 ; Japanese , $5,515 ; S American Indians , $4,500 ; Bohemian and " § Hungarian , JJ.75U ; Italian , $1,700. 4 Vurious Foreign Populations PhiladolM nhia $4,500 ; Louisiana ( Swedish ) , $750 | Jf , English speaking , $20J,00l ; miscellaneous , Wi jOJyoo M IllE LATTER DAlt SATYRS J Everybody OiiIskId of Moriuondoin ; ij to ho Cut on * . < 3J Bjlvt Luce Citv , Utah , Nov 15. [ Spec 4 lal Telegram to The Eib : ] Bcfoio Judge Anderson today Levi Axtull testified % to having taken nn oath in the endowment % house to avengn the death of Joseph Smith , to aid 111 overthrowing the government of J the United Stutes and to support the priest < M hood implicitly in nil things 3 Ills arms wcro unointcd to give 3 strength to strike all enemies of < § the kingdom Ho was told that , § In volumnO nf the church Journal , Brigbam m Young declared that tbo ehuroh was tha $ kingdom of God , mid thnt all not members ' 1 of It should bo cut down , A sermon in tbo sumo volume by Cenrga Q. Cannon curses J the presiaont of tbo United States and all " r who shall become presidents , and declares it $ the duty of all members to curse them . * The Mormon church was the kingdom of m , God and was to take the place of the United , f- Stutes government % Tuo defense objected to the intioductlon m of church publications as avldonco " 'M 1 ho Herald , tbo Mormon paper , bad a long m editorial this morniug full of threats to the . - * ! liberals , culling tbcm bummers ami gutter ' 'm snipes M HtHiun hip Arrivals , JH At" Glasgow Tha Prussian , from Phlla- ll dolphin M At London Sighted , the steamers Edam , ml from New York for Amsterdam ; the Island , JK from New York for Stettin , and the Etrurla , jf | from Now York for Liverpool At New York l'ho City of Berlin , from IK Liverpool , und thu Gallon , from Hamburg , M At Bremerhaveii Tbo Allen , from New mt York _ ( # A niiHinr-HH Poller M Pints , Nov , 15. It Is expected the gov'M crnmont will send a communication to tb r. $ chambers Monday doolaring the nocosilty of , m a practical business policy for the chambers M and that llio questions of tbo rovition ot tha j | constitution unit the separation of church and • H state mutt bo abandoned Wt Two Ohlldrrui Burned to Death JwA WATtnauitr , Conn , , Nov 11. David and mm Kitty , two children of Ho bo ft Honnessy , of | QI | Danbury , wcro 'burncd to death whllo play JM1 Inn with Uro in their homo this afternoon ' Sfl The Wralher IforcouHt fnl For Omaha aud Vicinity Fair weather , 'yH For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair , mm wunuer , southerly winds 1 ] For luw.i Fair , warmer , varlablo wind * . jM