Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omnlm Runrds will fjlvo nn Iti-
fornml hop ntthoir armory Friday even
ing.Tho Tort Omaha Social club will plvo
n. grnnd ball at the Fort Omaha hop
room tonight
Acnso oi cigars from Havana , con
signed to d Council UlufTs Arm , passed
the customs yesterday ,
Mr Store ( the firm oT Stora ft Ilor ,
announced yesterday that his llrm hml
concluded positively not to sell to the
English capitalists
Miss DolHo A. fiatloy , daughter of
Mr 12. 13. Hnlloy , gave a very plonintit
dancing p.irtv last night at lior homo ,
1E0I North Nineteenth street
The Omaha Tinware Manufacturing
company was incorporated yesterday by
William Wallace , Lewis Loy , at Dun
ham and A. 11. Slater , with a capital
stock of * 2K,00O. ( )
The hccrotary of the Homo Flro In-
surnnco company writes thai Guy U.
Mead was never cashier ot that com
pany ; that his shmtago was so small as
lo scarcely bo worthy of mention
The regular monthly mooting of the
W. C. T. IJ was hold at their rooms on
Dodge street jcslorduy No business
outside ot the legular monthly report
reading was transacted
John J. O'Urion , h yodng man of
twoniv-ono , died of cotibuimition at his
late homo at 1)11 ) north Twonty-flfth
sticot Wednesday The funeral occurs
at 0 a. m. " , to-uay. Interment will
take place at the Iloly Sepulchre oem
oU ry
IVi'onnl Iarncrnnis
Ed Rosey , of Portdcr , Is nt the Ca ey
I. O. White , of Kcnrnov Is nt tlio Puxton
E. ( J. CnrucB , of Seward , Is at the Mur
M. C. Koblnsnn , of Fremont , Is ot the
J. C. Stearns , of Hastings , Is at the Mer
It It Murray , of West Point , Is at tbo
J. P. Ilnrtinmi , Jr , of Kearney , Is at the
W. F. Ktnp , of Llrcoln , is stopping at the
3. D. Kllpatrick , of Beatrice , is at the
Paxton , '
T , G. Humor , of Kearney , is a ( jucst nt the
Nlcli Mnlii ) , of Covington , is a puost at the
Gcorgo W. Holland , of Falls City , Is at the
Gus States , of Lincoln , is registered nt the
W. L. Fulr'urothcr , of lJncoln , Is nt the
P. II Cooper , of Lincoln , is a guest at the
C. T. Urown , of Lincoln , is reglstorod at
the Casey
H. P. Simmons , of Cliatiron , Is stopping at
the Casey •
C. W. Wnlthor , of Sutton , is stopping at
the Casey "
A. P. ttrink , of Cedar Rapias , Is at the
C. I ) . Whcoloclc , of Boston , is stopping at
the Murray , .
T. M. Mamuott , of Lincoln Is stopping at
the Millard
W. R. Bacon , of Grnnd Island , is stopping
nt the Paxton
Fcrd Lcchlcldner , of Norfolk , is a guest at
the Paxton
D. U , Howard , of Lincoln , is a guest nt
the Merchants
M. S. Marsh , of Red Cloud , is stoppin gat
the Morcluiuts ,
F. Bucitloy Torbeaux , of London , is stop
ping at the Paxton ( . . '
s ! II Holcomb ot Now Haven , Conn , is
guest at the Murray
S. M. Stoolcslager , ' of Washington , is a
guest at the Paxton
C. E. Goodin and wife , of Hastings , are
stopping at the Millard
George B. Bigolow nnd A. Roberts , of
Lincoln , are registered at the Paxton
J. J. Walser , pro ! dontof the < Goss Print
ing Press company of Chicago , is In tbo
John W. Stoddard , of Dayton , O. ; G. U.
Hudson nnd C. F. MUburn , of Toledo ; and
A. R. Bryant , of Mollno 111. , all members of
the llrm of Mollno , Mltburn , Stoddard com
pony , are registered at the Paxton
J.V. . Hugus , ot l'asadona , Cub , formerly
of this city , one of the earliest residents and
publisher of the Dally Nebraskan which ox *
Istcd here in the fifties , is on a visit to this
At the Windsor B. Howard , Kansas
Cltvj J. W. Bunn , ICtinsai Cltv ; Gcorgo L.
ulllmun , Puobloj William W. Wheoler.Cen-
trai City ; Gconro 0. Richardson , Leaven
wqrtb ; K. L. Wlllard St Paul ; A. W.
Smith , Big Piny , W. T. ; J. L. Whltcomb ,
Chicago ; A. L. Gardner , Denver ; R. Thorn
ton , Otto Loiter , Green Rlvor ; J. B. Benson
and wlfo , San Francisco
Broke IIin Wrist
Whll nt work in n well , a brlek fell twenty
feet and struck Philip Stanbv on the wrist ,
breaking the bono in two places The city
pbyslciun dressed the wounds
A. Ilniia ] < > n Oibp
Billy Moran was taken to the insane nsyium
by Jailer Miller yestordny morning Ho bus
prown worse staio his return to Omaha and
has become so violent thnt his case is consid
ered hopeless
What Do Tney Annt ?
Marshall Field , the millionaire dry goods
merchant ot Chicago , and a party of friends
are expected In Omaha to-dny. J , H ,
Millard will entertain them while tboy are
At Boyd's Opera bouso on Monday nnd
Tuesdny will bo scon that extremely funny
farco-comody Natural Gas which inado
an unmistakable tut lioro lust season The
clover comcdlnus , Donnolly aud Cirard are
still in it , and the tun will bo plentiful
TJownro ot frauds Rod Cross Cough
DropB will euro your cold
Kleotion Oi > t $1,200.
County Clerk Roche is issuing warrants to
the Judges and clerks ot tbo county election
There were 175 product oQlelals in the
county , Of tbeso 100 were in tbo city and
were paid ft ) each for their service The
eventyuvo : countv oraYcrs ivoro paid ft each ,
• total for the county and cltv ot ( WO The
rental and messenger fees will total another
1300 , making a total olootlou expense to the
comity of 11,200.
Thn TriYPlinc Exhibit
The seherao of Mr , John Oilman , to form a
traveling exhibit or the cereals of Nebraska
in conjunction with ether western states ,
vtfia laid before the directors of the board ot
trade und rosnccttully referred to the State
Development association Secretary Nason
will coinmumcato ivitb the state board of
agriculture , on behalf of the development as
sociation , und request thorn to allow the as
sociation to select material from the winter
grain exhibit , to bo hold in Lincoln In Janu
ary next , for tha purpose ot loading ono or
more ifars with Bamplos of Nebraska pro
ducts If this permission Is given the cost
of preparing the exhibit will ba almost noth
ing , as Mr Oilman is to urrango the material
iii tbo cars ,
It la Intended to utllizo this exhibition as
means of distributing the lltoraturo prepared
by the dovulopuiont asbocmilon , The ex
hibit Is not to bo stai ted on the roud until
next April , so thatplenty ; of tlmo remains hi
which to make uil necessary preparations
Stiles Nerve and I.Ivor IHIs
An Important discovery They act on the
ilvor , stomach and bowels through the
nerves A new principle They speedily
euro blllloutnoss , bad lusto , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation Spiendid for men ,
women and children Smallest , mildobt ,
surest 80 dosn * for 23 cents Samples free
• t Kubn & Co , ' * , I5tu and Douglas
DUNDY'S lnii
Directed Against tlio Proernstliintlntr
fiAWTrra oT Ills Court )
Judge Dundy threatened the lawyers hav
ing cases In his court with summary dis
missal unless they display moro promptness
nnd cviaco a disposition lo bo ready for trial
when the tlmo conies His honors mani
festation of dlsplcnsuro rc.ichod n cllmnx
after ho had devoted several minutes calling
the law docket without receiving any re
sponse Said he rather warmly :
* 'lf lawyers are not ready when tbotr
cose * nro called to make soma allowing I will
oltner dismiss or coutlnuo thcin to the next
term of court iVn cant afford to fool
nwny our tlmo nnd Incur extra cxponso
waiting the pleasure of anybody "
Very much to the surpi-lso of everybody
interested , the Jury which tried the cine of
Mother , Hohmun & Co , ngilnst Hall countv
' lor $ a. ,000 payment for a j.iil built nl Grand
Island , returned a verdict In favor of the
plaintiffs for $25,300 , 01 , just S"0.0t ! moro
than thov sued for The county undertook
to repudiate the debt because of the fact thut
about three , months nftcr iho lull had boon
open01. ' a number of prisoners broke out and
csenpea Last spring the romp my ofloiod
to settle their clnim for $2,000 but the county
refused ,
Judge Browcr heard n number of argu
ments In equltv.ainonR them boliig the some
what famous Bvclluo Miller contioversy
Ono of the most Intorosttnir cases before
the grand Jury comes from Blnir It Is that
of the conspli.icy , exposed last August , to
fasten n crime upon Cora Clark , the post
mistress , and thus get her removed Hnrrv
J. Vaughn was arrested nnd brought to
Omaha by Deputy Marshal L-\oiis , August
31. Ho was tulton before the Judo on pre
liminary examination nnd bound over in the
sura of SlO00. Miss Clark was not urrestcd ,
ns has been mentioned , but Vaughn , tno
nsslstnnt postmaster , was The conspiracy
poUcn up ugalnsb Miss Ulnrk was intended
to fasten upon her the lobbory of a letter
containing money
Thocaso ot the East OmihoLand com
pany in relation to tbo accretions along the
Missouri river ftont , is ono of tno most Im
portant matters brought before Judco
Brewer The controversy nroso over a sti Ip
of nouly-mado land which wns acquired by
the change ot the rlvor bed since this com
pany secured Its nroporty in tint bottoms
north and cast of the Union Pucillc yards
trucks The ownership Is disputed by a man
nnmed Strcot
'Iho case of the First Natloml bink or
Rock Island , 111. , ngainst Churchill Parker ,
involving ? 4,000 alleged to bo duo on a prom
issory note , was tried buforo .Tudco Dundy
and a Judgment in the sum of * 2.7T3 bJ ren
dered for the plaintiff A motion for a now
trial was promptly illcd by the defense
In the afternoon the case of J. M. Wool
worth vs Alien Root , a suit Involving the
tittu to soma lands in the western portion of
Douglas county , anna up befo-o Judge
Brewer hi chambers 'Iho nigumont was
not completed nt tha tlmo ot adjournment
Judge Dundy made orders In the following
cases during the afternoon
.1. R. Rolnhnrd vs E. E. Coster , J. M. Do-
wcoso , M. G. Doweeso nnd B. R. Castor
Continued nnd suit enjoined
'Iho United States ox rcl Augustus
Kountzo vs School District : il , Seward
couutv Continued
pMnry B. Lovejoy vs School District No 1 ,
Sherman couuty Continued on motion of
Stewart vs Wellborn , Paxton & Gallagher
Interveners Setfortilal on Monday next
All the cases of Miles vs Hnpceetal , Kahn ,
Vnll , Nelson ct nl , and Lnwrenco were dis
missed Nn sorvlce
Buford vs Kennedy was set for tilal next
In the matter of the case of Lola Pickett
vs The Model Steim Laundry for damages
resulting from injurlos received , the case
was set for trial on Monday next
Grorgo Hooper vs Iown Constructlou com
pany Continued on application of plaintiff ,
no ono nppenring for the defendant
Union Pacific Railway company vs WInoaa
Implement company Verdict fur dofeudant ,
which was sot nsldo by the court on plain
tiffs ' motion und a now trial ordered
D. L. Borlass vs Phil Host Brewing com
pany Dismissed at plaintiffs cost
Leonard vs Hbbb Dismissed at plaintiffs
cost without prejudice
'Iho United States vs Fairbank & Co Dis
missed at plaintiffs cost
The cases of Patterson vs Emerson , John
son & Co vs Emerson , Stone vs Emerson ,
Englchoupo vs Emerson ct nl , were contin
The cases of Ogle and Porter1 vs the Sher
man County Banking company nro marked
for hearing on motion to remand
In the mutter of the Porter Monufncturing
company vs A. L. Strang , leave to talto
depositions in let in tlmo was given
'J he grand Jury Is still in session oa the
Niobrara ' shooting
How Ono of Them Kent a Man from
the IVn
Some of the Juries in the district court
have a peculiar method of arriving at ver
dicts A sample ot this was In tbo peculiar
causes that led to a disagreement in the
Meyers-Plantocn murder case , where ono
Juomun bold out against conviction , on tbo
ground that the murdered man was perhaps
not prepared to dlo Another cxumplo was
furnished in the trial of Edward
Orr , the boll * boy , who was charged with
the larceny of a lot of goods from a loom la
the Murray hotel Tbo evidence of the
prosecution all wont to show that the goods
stolen were valued at from { 150 to $325 ,
the first named sum being the low
est estimnto The Jury in some
manner unknown ascertained that the valua
of the goods stolen wus $3i , ono dollar less
than the amount required to constitute grand
larceny Orr was consequently found guilty
ot petit larceny uud was sentenced by Juugo
Hopewell to thirty days in the county Jail
The case against Charles Dutchor , charged
with robbing John Oloson ot $201 , is on trial
in Juago Hopewoll's court Olson and
Butcher were rooming together and Olesen
awoke ono morning to dud bis money gene
He had saved it to Bend to Sweden to bring
some of his family to Amciicu Dutcher de
nied huvlng stolen the money but shoWoo
thopollco where it was burled iu the yard
in the rear of the boarding house
The case of Mrs Bush against the Gar
ncnu cracker company is on trial before
Judge Davis One ot Garncnu's drivers run
ever and crippled Mrs Bush's daughter aud
she sues for $10,000 damages
Judge Douue took up the case of Gallagher
vs Conncll yesterday afternoon 'J his is a
suit which hns boon lit court for years , hav
ing been to the supreme court , nnd the sub
ject ot legislation It is a case involving the
possession ct sixty-two and ono-half ncros
of ground southwest of Iianscom park , of
which Gallagher claims possession by reason
of a deed from the pro oinptor Council
holds the land by virtue of another deed ,
which he claims is the only legal ono
Mrs Valoria W. Allunspach has broucht
suit against the Omaha Motor Hullwuv com
pany for $5,000 damages by reason of inju
ries sustaiuod by u full received while at
tempting to alight from a motor train which
was staitcd suddenly as she was about to
William A. Hamilton has nppliod for a dl-
vorco from his'wife , Julia 11 , ou the ground
of desertion
The Cruno Brothers Manufacturing com
pany has commenced suit against Michael
Donnelly et al , to recover $213.00 on a mechanics
chanic's lien
Francis Leon Englobort has brought a suit
in equity against Bcnjumin F. Troxell et ul ,
to have two deeds from the plaintiff to
Gcorgo E. Prltchett for lot 3 In Uiso's addi
tion sot aside , ou the ground thut the
plalutlff was a minor at the tlmo tbo convoy
auco was in ado The defendants base their
claim to possession on the ueod to Pritohott
County Court
Tbo case of Cameron vs Hospe , a suit for
wages and commission ou salesamounting to
$025,13 011 trial before a Jury in Judge Shields
court It has been on the docket for three
In tbo case of Ullshondorf vs Dempsey , a
suit for wouoy loaned , Judgment was entered
in the sum ot l250.
Judgment in the sum of $200.fl3 was on
tored in the case of Mustard vs Dworak
Brothers c Co , a suit on a note
All the rage , Rod Crois Cough Drops ,
llvo couts per box , sold everywhere ,
Juiliro 11 rower Dined
United States Attorney Pritchott gave a
dinner to United States Circuit Judge
Browcr nt his residence , Twenty-second and
Cnss streets , Wednesday evening , which wns
a very enjoynblo nffnlr Among the guests
were Judge Dundy , Hon TM Woolwortti ,
Mr Brecn Judge Savage , Elmer Frank ,
Mr Patrick General Cowln nnd Attoraoy
Hnrwood , of Lincoln
Mra Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for
children tcothlnu > rasts the child nnd
comforts the mother 25c a bottle
Notlco Is hereby given that • till the
book accounts of J. W. Wnlltbr have
boon assigned to the undersigned All
persons nro cautioned ngainst malting
payment of bucIi accounts oxeepi to It
ISI Davis or his authorized agents
It M. Davis
Omaha , Neb , Novotnbcr 14,1889.
'J ho Market ISousi- . ,
Ovah t , Nov 13. To the Editor ot Tm :
Ben ! There is no doubt that Omaha is in
need ot a market house and that the benotits
of the community to bo derived from such
nn Institution will bo of great vnluo-botb to
• ho consumer ns well as to the vender Tbo
building should bo located where It can bo
reached from every part of the city by the
street cars , Since a demand is tnndo for a
market house , why not combine other nec
essary lmpiovcuicnts , such us now place
for a police court , city Jail ,
pollco headquarters , convention hall ,
storage collar for market house ,
headquarters for the tire department , besides -
sides loom for the 11 ro engines , etc
For all of these necessary improvements ,
a half block of ground , 204 feet front bv 132
foot deep , wfiuld bo sufficient find could bo
in ado tin ornament , to tno city us well as sup
plying n necessity
there is buiU a site on Jnckson betweou
Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth stieots , Which Is
admirably adnpted for such a purpose , and I
understand the owners are willing to part
\ \ ith It at extremely low figures.l
W. JfllUIH
An AUHontte Unto
Is only put up In large two nunco tin boxes ,
and Is au absolute euro for old sorus , burns ,
wouuds , chapped bauds , and all skin erup
tlons Will positively Cure all kinds ot piles
MENI" . Sold by Goodman Drug oompauy at
25 cents per bos : bv mail Jl'J ' cjuU * "
Builitiiitr iermlt .
The following building permits were issued
nt the ofllce of Building Inspector Whitlock
11 V Bholo" , frame cottage , Spnldlng and
Tllden > , tn > ots S 1,000
11 tlllcKiunn , fromo dwelling , 'lmiity-
eighth and Walnut 1,000
iliompson . ono and one-lmlf-btory
frame dwelling Siii Webster 1,000
iluiy K ( JUirllcha , two slnry brick rest
deuce , 'Iwenty-socond andllodgo 0oC0
Ono minor permit , , , too
Five permits , aggregating S f.100
III Winds
That blow "naobodv nny good are plenty on
the storm-vexod Atlantic , lo sur nothing of
the occasionally typoon-swept Pucltlc The
hapless voyager , when shaken up by the
hcaviogs of the briny , " should take that
ploasatitost and most salutary of doses , a
wlncglassful of Ilostottor's Stomach Uluors ,
the llnest stomachic and tenia thut over
wanned , regulated and nuiotcd the human
Interior Railroad Jolted and steamship
shaken travelers will oxerclso a wlso provi
sion by supplying themselves with a sultl-
cioncy of this incomparable medicine for the
Journey So will imiiners , emigrants to the
west aud others about to seek fresh fields
and pastuics new " Malaria , the scourge of
uowly cleared and mining districts , is com
pletely conquered and suiely averted by the
Blttois Liver , bowel and kidney complaint
and incipient rhcunialis < n it annihilates ,
INtarriairi ! Liiceusj .
Licenses were issued to the following par
tics by Judge Shlolds yesterday :
Numo uud Address Ago
( Charles Williams , Omaha SO
( Fannie Gibbons , Omaha 84
I August Johnson , South Omaha 0
| Ellen Johnson , Omaha i'i
j Charles Larson , Omaha , / 55
1 Anulo M. Larson , Omaha " . 25
j Robert Chuppoll , Omaha 23
| Ida Porter , Omaha , 80
Its first stages , can bo successfully
checked by the prompt use of Ayers
Cherry Pectoral Etcu in the later
petlods of thnt disease , the Cough is
wonderfully relict cd by this mcdldue
"I hnvo nscilAver's Cherry Pectoral
• n itli the best effect in iny practice
Tills ondcifill preparation oneosated
my Ufa I hud a constant rough , night
sweats , was greatly reduced iu flesh ,
aud g en up by my phjalclan Ono
bottle nnd n half ot the Pectoral cured
me " A. J. Eldson , Jl D. , Mlddleton ,
" Severnl years ngo T wns Bnveroly 111.
The doctors said I wns in consumption ,
and that they could do nothing for me ,
hut advised mo , as a last le.soit , to try
Ajor's Cherry Pectoral After taking
tills medlcino two or three months I
was cured , nnd my health remains good
to the piusent day , " James Blrchurd ,
Darien , Conn
" Sovprnl years ago , on a passngoliomo
from California , by water , I tontrai tc < l
so sevcio a cold that for some djjs I
was confined to my sjato-rooiu , and a
physician on board consideicd my llfo
In danger Ilnppeiiing to hate a bottle
of Ayci's Cherry Pectoral , I used it
freely , and my lungs wtio soon restored
to a healthy condition Sluco then I
have Invariably recommended this prep
aration " J. B.Chaudlcr , Junction , Va
Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral ,
rnxrauxn et
Dr J. O , Ayer St Co , , Lowell , Mass ,
BoldfcyallDruggliU ) . I'rIccMiliLoUlciJ5. ;
, < pgS , ThEtXSrWHfTtSIVmittlKAMfHCAr
• dPMT" Aw O.000S
* iLATwAH QiRni 'ft0430A *
a \\hI//iYt ; \ \ / ( u * ihm > s
Tnursduy , L'rlday and Patnrday , Nov 11 , 15 and
18 , ( Saturday Matinee
I'ngaBomantottho Charming Actress ,
laalteportolre ot Musical and rarcleal Com
edes | - .
Tlinrkdnv ) "A Lu-xy Number , "
tveulllff , J AUJ03S' Vfaeer , "
Friday liunlugJ I' l " ' -
Saturday MaUnce \ "iMfUiXi In Urery "
Saturday I "Hoauty Hess "
Eieullic ; . J ' ' ry |
Matlnea prices Sec , . . _
ltpgutar pticos Bsats go on s U treane d y
uorulnj ; .
mw YOUIi s oieuat chujiist
This Ifl to certify thnt I have nuul .vzod Uc l'rlco's Craam Daklnp Powder
I find It composed ol pure lnntonnls , compounded on corrnot sciontlllo
principles The Ingredients nro accurately nnd sctotittllcally pro
portioned Honuo , broad or bisculu propnrod with It are
bettor soltod for dipfustiou
im ooDijN Donr-Mus , m. d. . ll , d.
lrof Lhiml'lry nnil Toxlcolnior In tha Now Yorit llollovu
llu < i > llnl Ipflleitl Cnlloxn I'raf.Chaml.trj
nnd PliyMcs huiio Ci'llcmi ' ol tlia
Cltyof.Now iotk
For Sale by-M. U. Bliss , Ojnalm , Kobriska
Feom Max Meyer Sc Bro
The auction sale which is advertised to open at our
store tomorrow , has caused so many inquiries that we take
this method'to answer the inquiries and inform the public at
the same time The object of the sale is not , as some have
asserted , to get rid of our old stock for the best of reasons ,
we have none Nor is it a holiday scheme to get the
trade but it is as advertised , to close the retail depart
ment of our jewelry business which we have been desirous
of doing for many months , and having failed to find a cus
tomer to purchase the stock entire , and to put the stock in
to our wholesale department not being feasible , we have
determined lupon an auction sale of our entire stock of diamonds
mends , fancy goods , art goods , and all Without limit or
reserve of'one single article We invite all to attend these
sales , which.will be held daily for the next thirty days ( if not
disposed , of before ) and see if this statement is not a fact
.icdHHHHSBRteW A Typewriter mndo to meet tha moitern
fMl < a # t- " -7 > ) iMy lft.rr } want for a lna-hlno which piluts directly from
" HUimSkJ ) .ilLjS 1 " * type , uses no ribbon , aliens pern.nnontly at
CTwiaB S fegytej Ti „ polutof printing U Light , Connncr , Durable ,
iifi3KtSB5iSt' ' * ' alfia ll nnd In a word Is built on hcleutltlo principle * ,
4jKS g ffij | M4aw the Invention ot (1. W. N.Yost , the builder ot
JP t ? * ? S iwJ Machines ttltn Itenitngton or Callgraph toy
S3 ! ? al § • * lareo stock ot second hand Typewriters , ot
J MjSd S BJ43B S aH nil make , for Mile , lent or oxehanre We are
jSisSJSSR S S lSlBS ? * * also sales oitents for the "MCUIUTT" 'Jype-
• J F 3K SP t'5 ' i'ilpf' ' 3 wiiter tno llnest low pilced luuthlno on tbo
i Vj4S © SMS | i S yls& p5KiSwj Wo would uo pleased to receive a call from
tS f S PiMaPftStaaSlsMK BHlw * 5 ! ! you , whether jnu.waut to purchase or not , and
t % "SS ? ! tWEiS aliaKB3SBe5I ! tt " 111 gladly show you the • ' VOiT" antl the
" SsKSy 5 * - - JP QrW5rSi'liT-1" ! ' nnastaml largest stoct ot Typewriter t'urnl-
jiMS i nTi-w-K , ! , j < , jii' > ' " turo < gUjpje3 | > cfo , 0Ver brougnt to tills city
QE0BL SMITH ft C0f H80 § mmm StM Omaha
DM"carCos " LUMBER CO ,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Yellow Pine
To dtnlers only Mills Southern Missouri , ltooms , 1. 2 and X U. S. National Dunk IJulldlng
Telculiono IJjT , Omaha , Neb
A. B. MEYER < fc CO ,
( DOikLi Sl COKE
103 South 18th Street , Opp Postoffice Telephone 1490
ETCHINGS ' II 4 % # % % ' EMERSON ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha Nebraska
Here we are in the midst ot a Mlzznrd I
Onus ltrt thoiiBht Is lor heuty uudoiI I
wear nnd a warm Oveiuut The best I
Vlate to Und what you need in this lli.t I
is at I
. . .
A. full set of Tcclli on nibbar for * " > . suarnnleed to
buittwcllrnadou i > latc > tent out from aiif iluntal
onuolu tlilacuuntrr , und for vblib you would be
cliarniiil over twice u > much , , . ,
• IcollloitrncleJ without pnln or donpor , and with
out ( he iuq < lioloform , k . ultberor oluctrlcltf ,
uoldaod illrtrilliliiis at bulf ratut
Hatlsractlnu Ouuraiilcod
raMon Block , lOili mul riunam Slreets
'i'nko Mevutor on Kith Btreet
oi'Ks r.viiNiNaa until a o'oioic. .
ebratel lines of lloott and Shoes , manufactur
ed oy < > . M. Henderson iio , of Chlcngo-Iac-
tories at CUtengo Uixou , Ills , and Fond llu lao ,
WH.-should write 8aM. N. WATSON , resi
dence F1IKMDNT. NKU , 'Xrav lln aiteut
Hstdquarlen fur itubbera
TubLfHGILLUl.o .
Nos 303-404-I70-6O4.
LllLU.IL'jlin ' 'r ' , 1 , ! 1 ni
wllli head or nu foe ; no fatlliia rniulrMl B ii')2o )
taiiitiiorUrcultr lr 1. N y uillli , MiucIiI-
ltlT BOIhiifl.,8l. l-ouli.Wo ,
UUS1 5lrtbIflL \ ]
cat p ;
i ° reduo ° our Imtnonse stock wo have made prices that h
judging from experience of the last week will make this ono K
or the most successful sales wo have ever inaugurated No 8
person can afford to buy nn Overcoat without first looking [
through our stock and noting the prices , wo are offering ox- ft
ceptlonal bargains In Men's High Grade Elyslans , whiclt we If
claim are tholjest fabrics for use in this climate n
USen's ' Fine ESysian Overcoats , 1
Elegantly Made and Trimmed , |
$10 , $12 , $15 and $18. $ j
Please remember that we manufacture every garment and r *
guarantee the color and quality and when they do not prove
to oe as represented , we are always willing to satisfy the pur
chaser ,
$12 , $15 , $18 and $ EO
Colors guaranteed , and trimmed with a view to color and
beauty ,
$8.50 , $ io , $12 and $15.
No one-will be dlssapointed , wo always have a full line of
sizes.Men's ' . For Beavers and Moniagnac , -
$20 , $22 , $25 and $2o\
Moneywill not purchase a better fabric than this line ofgoods fi
are made from , We are satisfied that any style , quality or f
price can be lound in this immense stock snd when qualify is I
considered , our prices cannot be approached by the average
retail Clothing House
Many pe sons want an Overcoat much longer than the
usual length and are always shown an ulster which they do
not want We have the regular Overcoat style made aa '
long as fcO inohes in fine Elyslans and Chinchillas
Prices : $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25.
In Irish Frieze , Chinchillas and Fur Beavers Fur trimmed . .
Overcoats and the popular Cape Overcoat at popular prices *
Men's Suit Department
We are showing choice fabrics in Men's business Suits ,
Frock and Sacks i
$15. $18 and $20. ' j
We take pains to fit every garment and any suggestion <
made by the customer will be cheerfully acted upon i
Men's ' Dress Suits-Prince Alberts and Cutaways
$20 , . $22 and $25. , [
Our reputation has been gained by selling only re- "
liabo goods , by using judgement nnd taking pains to thor
oughly sutisry our customers and in no department i3 this f
so necessary as in the sale of Boys and Children's Clothing , * "
Parents like to trade at the CONTINENTAL , They like cur '
goods ,
Special Values in Boys ' Kilt Overcoats ,
$3.50 , $4 , $4.50 and $5. '
Boys Cape Overcoats , $5 , $6 , $7 and $8.
Boys Ulsters , $8 , $9 , $10 and $12 ,
Boys Overcoats ,
$7 , $8 , $9 , $ io and $12. II
A special line of All Wool Cheviot Suits nt * SOO We sell H
them because we know they will give perfect satisfaction Mm
and cannot be bought outside orthe Continental for less than H
$7.00. _ _ - _ - _ _ . ' H
Underwear > l
Nothing requires moro care and judgment than selecting
iho proper tiling for winter Underwear W0 have them In
every weight , duality and price , beginning at $ JCO , per suit
and as htgn as $7,00. You will find it much easier to make
your selection from a large stock Wo oner some special val , ;
uea this week In all-wool goods at 73c , $1,00 , and $1.80 , I , H
< i _ H
Freeland , Loomis & Co , H
Cor Douglas and 15th St H
The Largest Retail an < i Wholesale Clothing wM
House West of the Mississippi _
_ _
i _ _ v * cim\\ \ \