Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Hlghor , But the Improvc-
mont Lost at the Last
Onts Moro Qulel With n AVcukoi A\-
cmrc X Hldw Iny lit 1'inviiloiin
Oatto | Blow Her * in
Fair Demand
ciiicAuo iMtonuon MAiuurrs
Chicago , Nov Special [ Toleflratn to
Tub Unc ] Wheat wn oxcllcd ami Rcnor-
ally higher today Vnlue * avoraKCd fully
Jfc above ycitordny's closing range , the cx-
trcrco top being fully lis better for Decem
ber During ttio last half hour , however ,
the linprovotnont tviw almost entirely lost
The feature of the ilti.v'n trading was it dis
position on the part of the great mass of
operators to even tip " On ttia early ad-
viuiconvcry largo amount of short wlient
was brought In , mid the multltudoof longs
realized profits on investments ThrouKli-
out the turmoil tlulchuison wis conspicuous
ns n buyer of Uccombor At the same time
the crowd was disposed to sell May , and the
result of this pulling and hauling In opposite
directions by heavy battultons was the
nnrrowiriK of the Ulffjrcnro between December -
comber and May fromDotoyj o. The belief
prevails that there are several largo lines of
December wheat that will not coniu out on
nny ordinary advance or decline The lines
have not boon satisfactorily locntod and gos
sip may bo nil at fault , but of the cxistenco
of this apprehensive feeling thora cm bo no
doubt December is therefore subject to
nervous spasms December wheat opened
at KJKo nnd May nt 8 c December sold
down to 8i ; o nnd May to S3JJS. ( 0jiC. The
market then advanced to 8 / o Tor December
and 85c for May A fractional reaction
followed nnd then another upward s ur , t ,
which took December 'to 63Jio , May not
crossing the provlous high water mark ' 1 he-
last spurt was caused in a great.measuro by
thoiccoiptof news from New York that
eighteen bout loads of No 1 northern
wncut and ten loads more to urilvo
had been sold for export At ttio ndvuuco
the discovery was nmuo that Hutchinson hud
opened thu sluice gates , " and at once a
rush to unload was made Tlio dccllno was
gentle ut tlrst , but by 1 o'clock it had devel
oped into a Btumpulo , ami fractious dropped
oh lauidly The excitement was confined
largely to December The morning bulge
was m that month , and so it was with the
break the price got to 8Uo und closed theie
May Bold down to S-IKo and closed at 60c ,
with Kovoinber rcstinir ut SIMo As com
pared with yesterday , the closings show a
very slight change In prices The great bulk
of to-duy's business was at a substantial ad
vance over yestcrdav's best prices , howovcr
With the exception of the huge movomout of
spring wheat in tlio northwest , news
nnd stutlstlcs to-Uay wcro bullish
in flavor foreign markets caino in
strong und In seine Instances higher A
good Inquiry is reported for Hour and for
bard wheat , with sales of No 1 hard in New
Yoilr reported as high as U5c. The demand
for this class of wheat is principally for
Scottish ports
The corn market opened active and stiong
on wet wenthor and receipts , which were
1.9 car loads , against LM3 expected The
strength was not of long duration and the
close of the market showed n. dccllno siuco
yesterday of from ? , fo to jfo ho near futures
For tomorrow the arrivals are estimated nt
210 curs There was a good trade done in
futures and there was no abatement in the
demand for shipment , No U bringing an ad
vance of * jo on yesterdays ' prices After
the early demand was sutlaflod there was a
sllgnt lull In the activity and some pressure
to soli There uro still plenty of
boars who cannot rcconcilo themselves to
the belief in higher prices for a crop of ttio
magnitude of that of this year following the
provlous enormous yield , nud from the appearance -
pearanco of moro evenly divided opinion re
garding future values an advance in the
soeculalivo hrancli of the business appears
probable Tha weakness of wheat toward
the close helped to hold down corn , the de
pression being aided also by reports of colder
weather In the west , northern Nebraska re
porting the temperature below zero The
closing prices were : November ; )3c ) , Decem
ber 82 o nnd May 83V@'J3K" .
Oats ware moro quiet and averaged weaker
A fair trudo was recorded early at nearly
steady prices mMay and Decemberbut the do-
inatid decreased later , with some of the shorts
absent who linvo been in the market this
week Cash oats were In less than recent
favor , and a slight downtuin in corn wus
also an element of weakness , with May oats
dootinlnir from 22J c at the opening to SJJfo
No Interest of conscqucuco was shown in
November , and next month sold oft ? @Ko.
Trading in cash oats was chiefly by sample
In the provision trade a quiet day was
passed Cush buyers took hold freely , hut
in the way of speculation there was no llfo
whatovcr The contlnuod heavy receipts of
hogs at packing points have mndo traders
, conservative The bear side Is regarded
with favor , but the control of the market
appears to bo in the humis of parties who are
nblo to maintain their position In it inannor
to mnko short soiling dangerous , Hence the
professionals consider it prudent to Keep
close to the shore , und as outsiders show but
little Interest , future trading drags badly
Prices to-duy generally nverago a little
easier Compared with yesterday , the clos
ings Indicated a net decline of 5@7a on
future pork and ] c on January und May
lard and short ribs Lard and short ribs for
November were unchanged
Chicago , Nov 14. [ Spooial Telegram to
Tub Ubb.J Uattm The receipts were
8,000 nutlvos and fi,000 Tcxans and rangers
There was little or no change Possibly
there may have bcon a moro actlvo demand
for priuio exports nnd shipping steers , Dut
the general murkot ruled Blow , with prices
about the Baino as yesterday on ull classes
Balcsmon who had Tcxans and rangers re
ported business and prices also about the
.omo as yesterduy Natlvo butchors1 stock
ontinuos to sell at extrcmoly low
crlces und thcro was a fair bust
Pcss reported in the stoounr and feeder
nine Cholco to extra hooves , f4.50@
104.1)0 ) ; medium to good steers , 1,350 to 1,500
lbs , td.S0@4S5'lStX ; ) to 1,1150 lbsfX40Ui.00 ( ;
950 to 1,300 lbs , f3.7D ( 3.b0. Stackers and feed
ers , $ l.76M2.9'J ' : cows , bulls and inlxod , $1.20
< g3.fc0 | bulk , tl.7IX33.10. Texas steers , 13 20
t < $3.7B ; cows , * l.6Ua.10. ( ) Western rangers ,
i6U@3,40 ; cows , J.00@3.60.
Houa The demand wus fair , with the bulk
of heavy sorts soiling rather bettor than yes
terday , but toward the close all the strength
( there was no advauco ) was lost Light
forts sold n nlokol lower from first to last
• Packers bought parts of loads odds and
ends , together with rough lots at $ .1.70 ®
8.70 , and the best at f3.60@3.b3. Shippers
paid | A85@3.00 for selected heavy Light
sorts madu $ J.S0@3.S5 and slngo variety at
13.00 , The general market closed weak und
* largo number were left unsold
P New Yoiik , Nov 14. ISpoolal Telegram to
Tub Heh.1 Stocks The action In actlvo
railroad stocks for the forenoon was moro
favorable than even the bulls anticipated
last night Although the brightest leaders
say the list Is < t purciiase , avoiding a few
weak spots , the promised bull campaign
meets with so many setbacks that oven the
most confident Investors hardly know what
to expeot , Legitimate lnfluonoos are on the
bull side railroad oarnlngs , a largo Im
provement in Iron aud steel industries ,
general business most prosperous and
money no longer uuduly manipu
lated to produce stringency , Some
encouraging features came out uftor the
close yesterday It was conceded that u
• tiff banking houio took very largely of St
Paul , gciting the stock from short toilers ,
and that Cammuck , the central figure of the
boar opposition , covered short sails ) n
Atchison , Reading , nnd Union Puclfla The
market opened today somewhat feverish ,
but with changes over night generally in
favor of better prices Still better , with the
exception of trusts nnd Atchison and Now
P.nglnnd , not a stock sold below first figures
during the morning , while some of
the gains were most flattering Atchison ,
St Paul , Lackawanna , and Cotton Oil
wcro the only real nctho stocks ,
though considerable business was done In
Wabash preferred , Richmond .t West Point ,
Rending and n low others Lackawanna
nud I < ouls\illc t Nnshvlllo were the strong
est stocks , each rising J { per cent , and
tliouqli Cotton OH scored u litcc advance , it
wns very feverish und failed lo hold il The
lnovcmuuts of the rest of the llsl were with
out Interest , except in Oregon Transconti
nental , which rose I percent Trading dur
ing the hour to 12 o'clock was less aggressive ,
but prices held up well nnd in many cases
inado further gains At noon ovcrythlue on
the list was at tbo top figures Atchison
Was up % tier cent to 34f , North
wests X to 111 ? * , Uock Island
} to 87"/ . Missouri Pacific ji tc 69 , " ( , while
St Paul showed IV ealn of I per cent to W } { .
Coal stocks were lenders In the ndvanco ,
Tennessee Coal being IK ngbcrat | t C5JT ( ,
Lackawanna l'J up nt Ml-y , nnd Reading } {
over lasi night at 4I # . Chicago Gis went to
6G < nnd Cotton OH recovorej to 3. % or IK
per cent over the early figure This was u
bull day in the stocks to a finish , Nothing
was slighted A'nndorbllts , Grangers , Coal
ers , Trusts and all showed good gains
Money was easy around 5 per cent nnd
promises to remain so Tlioio was some
forced covering by the shorts , A powerful
influence seems to bo undorSt Paul ' Louis
ville Is leading the way up nud today touched
87 , a gain of nearly 13 points The closing
figures were noir the top for the dav Some
of the not gains wcro s Canadian Pacific Jf ,
Hurlington und Union Paclllo % each , Iloclc
Island \y St Paul IK , and Lackawanna
and Sugar trusts 1) ) ; per cent ench The
total sales wcro ! ! 30,2I1 shares
The following wore the closing quotations !
I ) . S. 4s regular Ii7 Noithern tltclllo . 33
UH Is coupons . . .1' ' " doprcfeircd , 70
U.S.448rogulsr..hH ! , , j 0. k nV llJJ'i
II 8. IMS coupons . IM'4 ' doprorsrrod H3
I'aclilotUof 'M Dili N.T.Untral WOK
Central I'odflo 31 ! * I' OftU . . . 10i ?
Chlcftgo&Mton . . .ltl Hockfslnnti < H'i '
CIMcauo , Hurlington C.M.&St.l' . " "J1 *
& ) ulucv IM'4 tloprererrBd- ! ' ' !
n..IW HUi StPuulVOmithi . 33 ! ,
llltnolsOeutral . . . .IHIIt doprarerrod in
T..1I.4.W. USi Union Paclllo BS'S
KansasJt Texas . . . Id W..St , L. & l * . lit '
I.nkoahora ' . .108 * { doproiorred : K i
Michigan Contrat . t)7 ) , , , Westora Union . . . Mj
Mlssnurl Pacific . . . C9' ' .i
Mo.vbt Easy at 0@8 percent
Steiimso EtcitA.KOE Quiet , sloady ; sixty
day bills , tl.SOK ; demand , l.i4 f.
Mtniiia Stocks
Nkw Youk , Nov ; 14. fSpeclal Telegram
toTiiB Hrb.1 The folb.vini uro the min
ing stock nuoUtions :
Ahco IPO Horn Silver 201
Caledonia It II . Ill ) Iron SMIver 'ii %
Con CaLXVa t)7 ) Mexican 371)
Commonwealth . . . : > un Mt Illulilo UM
l ) dwoodT 170 Ontario 31)1 )
111 Crista 110 ( iphlr Ui
( lould& Curry 115 , Occidental lift ] Norcroi . i UnlouCon ICW
llomostnxo I OX ) Vellovr Jacket t 35
Ho ml OfTerinrs
WtsmxoTON' , Nov 14. [ Soecial Telegram
to Tub Bbc | Bonds oiTered : $10,350 at
tl 'J7j $33,350 at S1.05 ; 813,000 at 51.03 .
Cuicaoo Nov 14. lil" > p. ra oloso
Wheat Easier ; November , 81Koj Decem
ber , 83o ; May , b5c.
Corn Lower ; November , 33c ; Decem
ber , : Kc ; May , 33a c
Oats Stcadv ; November , 20et December ,
19ifc ; May , KIKc
Ilyo November , 45c.
Uarlov November , 58c.
Prime Timothy-Sl.17.
Plnx-Cish , ? 1.33 ; May , 1.40.
Whisky $1.0-3.
Pork Easy ; November , $0.60 ; Juuuary ,
? 9 07K-
Lard Steady ; November , | 5.00@3 92K ;
Jnnuary , $5.b5.
Flour Unchanged for all but rye , which
shows on advance of 10@13o over
tast weeks prices ; winter wlieat , $3.00
0C4.33 ; spring wheat , 51.3BQ4.00 ; rye , $3.00 ®
Provisions Shoulders , $ -1.37KC < 5-o0 ; short
clear , ? 5.00@5.G3K' abort ribs , November ,
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 18@25o ; dairy ,
l S17c.
Cheese Stcadv ; full cream Cheddars
nnd flats , 0l&iyio } ; Young Americas "
0 i@10c
Kggs Firm ; fresh , 18@10c.
Hides Weak and unchanged ; tight green
sultod , Co ; dry calf , 5@0o ; deacons , each , 20c.
Tallow Weak and unchanged ; No 1
solid packed , 4c ; No 3 , SX& Ho ; cake ,
4K .
Receipts Sklpmts
Flour 31.003 25,000 ,
Wheat 131,000 01,000
Corn 144,000 114,000
Oats IU.000 01.000
Now Vorlc Nov 14. Whoat-Receipts ,
aiO.OSO ; exporte , 01,000 ; spot fairly active ;
No a rod , 8JJf@S4Ko in olevntor , 85K < a > 84Ko
ulloaf 84Ji < T0Ko f. o. b. ; ungraded red
77K@89-fo } ; options closing lower ; No , 3
red , November , 8IK0-
Coru Receipts , 8.1,300 bushels : exports ,
nonospot ; easier ; No 3 , 43ig43Kc ( iu ele
vators 43@13Ko afloat ; ungruued mixed ,
40JfQi8Kc ; options weaker ; November
cloning at 4l0.
Oats Receipts , 07,800 bushels ; exports , 10-
000 bushels ; spot easier ; options lower ;
November , 37K'e ; spot No 3 white , 30 > * c ;
mixed western , 2tlrt39o ( ; ; whlto , JI0(335o. (
Coffee Options closed firm , 5Q10 points
up Sales : 47,750 Dags ; November , $15.10 ;
December , I15.iu@l. > . ' . ,5 ; spot Rio stronger ;
fair cargoes , f W.0 % .
Sugar Raw , very strong ; rodned , firm ,
fairly actlvo
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
( l.lOKc for December ,
Eggs Firm ; western , 23i534c.
Pork birm ; me3s , inspected , til.25 ©
Lard Easier qulot ; western steam , $0.45 ;
closing nt $0.35 bid
Butter Steady ; Elgius , 202t5Ko ; west
ern dairy , 0@17o ; creamery , 13@35o.
Cheese Qulot ; western , 7KMl0o.
Kt , 1oiiIhNov. 14. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
78Ko ; May , 84tfc.
torn Lower ; cnsh.flOJ o ; May , S0a.
Oats Quiet ; ensn , 19Jie ; AIny , 2ia
Pork steady at $10.50. .
Lard $5.75.
Whisky bteady at 81.03.
Butter Dull ; creamery , 20 < S2Jo : dairy ,
Atiltvnukoe , Nov 14. Wheat Weak ;
cash , 74c ; No 1 , northoru , 820.
Corn Easier ; No 8.830.
Oats-StoAdy ; No 2 white , 23Ka
Rye Firm ; No 1 , 40e.
Burloy-Qulet ; No 3 , in store , Gl' o bid
Provlslous Easier ; pork , tO.CO ,
fttiiuioitnnlis , Nov 14. Sample wheat
firm ; receipts , 020 cars ; shipments , 171
curs ; Closing ; No 1 hard , November , 78o ;
May , BlK ° i on traok , 7SK@l'9o ; No , 1
nortnorn November , 75fo ; May , 82o ; on
traclt , 77@77Ko' No 3 northern , November ,
7Uo ; May , 7SK > ) i un track , 73075a.
lwui u Ony , Nov 14. Wheat Stronger ;
No 3 hnrd , cash , 03Ko ; No 1 bard , cash ,
&So bid ; November wo ; No 3 red , cash ,
lot u Steady ; No 3 , cash , 25o bid ; November
bor , 25o bid .
Outs No 2cash , lfo bidNovembor ; , 17Jfo
asked ,
Clnoiiinnil , Nov 14. Wheat Lower ;
No 3 rod , 70(377c. (
kirn Easier ; No 3 mixed , 87K@33c.
Oats Eisier ; No 3mixed , S. 'Milc
Idvorfiiml Nov 14 , Wbeat Firm , de .
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Cali
fornia No 1 , 7s 3d per cental
Corn Firm , demand fair ; new mixed 1
western , 4s fd per cental
Cnloatro , Nov 14. The Drovers Journal
reixirts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , ,1,800 , ; market steady ;
cholco to extra beeves , $ l.5t > 0HW ) ;
1 steers , $3.7S@4 351 stockers and feeders $1.75
@ 3.00 ; cows , bulls aud mixed , l,20&3.b0 ;
Texas cattle , $1.50(32.75 ( ; western rangere ,
$3.00(33.40. (
Ilogs Receipts , R2.000 ; market slow nnd
r o lower ; mixed , $ : u-5(33 ( 90 | heavy , $ .1C0(9 (
3.W ; light , $3.70@llKt ) skips , $3.30 ( 3.00.
Sheep Receipls , 0,000 ; murkot steady to
strong ; natives , $3.0OC < 'i5.20 ; westerns , $ .1.50
Oli 'iOi Texans , $3.40(34.10 ( ; lambs , $1.50(3 (
6 75.
ICnnsn * City , Nov t4.-C < tttlo-Rccelpt * ,
7,100 ; shipments , 4.700 ; market weak and
lower ; cows , $1.40(32.25 ( ( Stockers and feed
ers , $2.20 < 3i0. (
llogs-Recclpts , 13.000 ! shipments , 000 ;
maikot lower ; light , $3. "K@3 87K ; heavy
and mixed , $5 0533.75.
Nntlonal Hionte Ynrds , K.nst St
Iiimtn , Nov 14-Cattlo Receipts , 9.MK ) ;
shipments , 2.400 ; steady ; Tnir lo cholco
heavy nallvo steers , $3.3. "Ci4.l > 0 ; stockers nnrt
feeders , $2.10ij3.30i ! range steers , $3.0L'(3 (
3.0D.Hogs Receipls 0,0001 shipments , 4,000 ;
steady ; heavy $3 55&3.75 ; packing , $3.00 ®
3.S0 ; light , $3.70CJ.85.
• Calllr
Thursday , November 14.
Keep the common cattle nt home , Is what
evpryouo is saying and writing , but still the
common cattle keep coining ana keen soiling
nt a sacrifice . If no common cattle did come ,
however , the yards would bo deserted , for
there are no good cattle to speak of arriving
of late Wo are just between the two sen-
sons now , too early for good corn fed cnttlo
nnd'too late to ctpoct many desirable west ,
cms Such corn cattle as are coming to
market now nre unfinished and soft and do
not meet tha requirements of the dressed
beef men Today there was not a good
bunch of natlvo beef cattle in the yards and
only a few westerns The packers all
claimed that they wuntod Bomo good cattle ,
but the market was slow on account of thu
class of cattle here The market did not
present any essential change , values being
about steady on yesterdays ' basis
Such natives as there were hero
sold at $3.00@3 03 , with a few
westerns at $ J.70. The supply of cow
stuff was only fair today nnd a good many
of the cows offered were not especially do-
slrablc The offerings were mostly picked
up nt steady prices The natives Bold at
$ l.35 ® .50. The uiovomcnt in stockers nnd
feeders was very slow again today There
were plenty of cattle hero , bub there did not
appear to bo many buyers Such cattle as
sold brought about thu same old prices A
few westerns brought $2.53
ilOKH ,
To-dav's trading in hogs was steady at
$3.R53.75. The packers price , howeverwas
$ .1.0" ) , aim ufter the shippers nnd buyers for
the fresh meat trade had tilled their orders
tbo maiket enmo to 11 standstill , ami was
very slow for 11 time Salcsmon were gen
erally holding for steady prices , that is $3.70
for the bulk of the mixed pacucra , and in the
end they 3uccoedod in getting about yester
days prices , the yards being cleared In good
There were a few western sheep hero
which sold at $4.00. |
Cattle 1,300
Ilogs 4,800
Sheep 363
Uoreos 23
Prcviunn ; lrloo9.
Thofllowlng is a ttjliof priosj ptld in
thismartcAt for thJ grtlss or stoat men
tioned :
Prune3taar3.11) ) to 1010 lbt.1.3) C81.03
Good stoars , 135) to U5) ) lbt . 3.0J ( < * l.25
Goodsteers , 103) ) to 133J lbs . . 3.50 ( ! 4.10
Common " 100J to 1130 lb steers 3.0J @ t.53
Western steers 2.5J ( gJ.20 |
Common ctnners 1.0J ( fit.5)
Ordinary to ralr cows 1.55 fi l.SJ
Fair to good cows 1.80 ( tW.lO
Good toohoiee cd.vs 2.10 @ 3.50
Fair to good bulls 1.30 (33.0. ( )
lirhtstocKcrsaud fooJers . . . 3.0J wj.2.50
Feeders , 050 to 110J lbs 3.30 f&aOO
Fair to oholce light nogs 3 70 ( < i > 3.75
Fairtochoico heavy noes 3 0KS375 (
Fairto oliolco mixed ho 's 3.05 { J.70
Common to rough hozs 3.23 @J.50
Itoprosunt.tcivo 5.ile < 4.
No Av Pr No Av Pr
1 130O$3 75 20 1230 $3 35
0 1199 3 00 19 KOI 3 25
23 091 3 00 30 , 1218 3 30
19 1181 3 12K 18 1170 3 15
3 1190 3 35 21 1803 3 40
21 1230 323 19 1293 8 05
3 877 125 2 1290 195
3 1113 140 8 010 2 00
3 1115 105 11 078 2 00
10 053 103 l'J 1000 3 05
20 1017 1 83K 21 1131 2 10
14 000 190 17 1007 3 10
89 030 190 10 1107 2 15
1 1070 193 20 1023 3 33
24 077 195 3 1220 2 25
3 1150 195 6 10j8 2 50
3 1435 150 1 1710 175
1 1300 100 1 13(50 ( 100
1 1730 1 70
20 704 3 15 15 1003 2 G5
15 375 2 20 5 1083 2 70
10 773 2 20
1 890 2 00 87 bSO 3 30
1 350 2 00 3 033 2 30
19 700 100 1 1030 125
2 725 1 00
2 215 3 00
3 1540 1 00
Owner and No Av Pr
Carter Cattle Co
, 12 nulls 1317 $1 00
Dowllng & Rush
27fuedeis 094 3 55 °
14 steers 1003 U 70
lfcoder 750 3 00
lcow 1070 3 00
lstag 1070 1 75
T. Hutchlns
10 steers . . . . .1290 2 70
J. B. Hunter
58 steers 1174 2 70
34 cows 1044 1 90
4 steers 1230 3 85
24 steers mo 2 85
No Av Sk Pr No Av Sk Pf
5..293 80 D 00 70.230 80 3 70
33..12(1 ( fl 00 03..270 120 3 70
47..315 2S0 3 05 80..207 100 3 70
82..3-31 240 8 05 08..815 100 3 70
5..328 8 05 74..200 80 3 70
04..239 040 8 05 01..300 120 3 70
155..183 200 3 05 03..234 120 3 70
CO..191 40 3 03 57..2S3 2J0 8 70
63..293 240 3 05 50..200 100 3 70
01..203 40 3 ( W 09..279 400 3 70
73.273 80 3 05 57..283 840 3 70 ,
40..294 40 3 05 71..803 40 3 70
17..209 40 8 05 78.258 80 8 70
41..803 100 3 05 03..2b0 40 3 70
214..821 1040 3 05 01 . . .810 200 3 70
01..291 100 3 07K CO..285 100 3 70
53.300 280 8 07 > 58..290 210 3 70
05..293 320 3 07)4 ) 03,291 200 3 70
CO..2:3 120 8 07f 59..231 120 3 70
( JJ..290 120 8 67ii 03,203 210 8 70
57..260 100 3 07 > i B1..340 100 3 70
05..207 330 3 B7K 07,203 200 3 70
07..243 100 4 07K 60..273 120 8 70
C3..300 120 8 07J < 03 , . . .307 3 70 200 8 0 K 04.,239 120 3 70
CU,010 100 8 0.K 08.200 240 3 70
04.281 100 8 07K 69 , . . .290 80 8 70
bO.3J8 120 3 07K 05,259 bO 3 70
07.205 280 3 07K 63.201 40 3 70
03 , . . .281 100 8 07K 74..257 100 8 70
01 . . .207 bO 3 U7K 48.2'J3 ' 3 70
b0,253 40 3 07K 03.207 80 3 70
03..235 120 3 07X 65.203 ISO 3 70
07,253 120 3 07K 73 . . 242 100 3 K
07.255 120 8 07K 01..243 3 7i.Wf
63..3. -0 210 3 07Si S3..229 100 3 75
63. . ,3W 3s0 3 0TK 00.271 130 3 75
03.,200 12U 3 70 01.,250 210 3 75
03..290 8 70 7J..344 60 8 75
67..297 800 3 70 69..294 bO 3 75
No Kind Wt Pr
01 westerns , , . , US $4 00
89 westerns , 113 4 00
183 westerns , , , , , ,118 t 00
Live bloek Note * .
Hogs sold two months ago at $3.05(33 ( 95.
Average price for hogs two years ago
$4.87 ,
II A. Walter was la from Elkhorn with
S. M. .Tackman enmo over tfom Avoca , la ,
with hogs
S. D. Priest , of Manning ; la- was in with
fat cattle j1
Hogs were marketed bv V. O. Adams ,
from Loiran and Persia , In ,
A. D. Kcnyon caino in from Dannobrog
with hess 1
Grcsham wns represented by J. Davidson
& Son , who marketed hogs
Hogs wcro brought In by-B. W. Banks , of
St Paul , la '
Alnswortb was represented by C W.
Gould , who had hogs on the market
E. R. Buxton brought down n oar of cows
from Crolghton ,
W. T. Blodgott was on the ( market with a
car of hogs
Mr Onmot , of Garnet & Ocden was over
from Mondnmln , In , with n car of hogs
Thus far this wcok there has bcon n gain
of 3d00 in hog receipts ever the corresuond-
ing time Inst wcok *
O.V. . Holland , cashlor of the Rtctiardsnu
County bank nt Falls City , was nt the yards
Ho states that their town averages a ship
ment every day in the year of ono car of
stock and two of grain
"Wo are trying to encouraso summer feed
ing " remarked a hanker who was visiting
the ynrds , "so as to keep our money em
ployed during the summer months Tbo
farmers who have tried summer feeding in
our county have , as n rule , done well , und
have bcon well enough pleased with the ex
periment to try It again "
Prndunp , Fruit * , Etc
Eaos-Strictly fresh , 19o ; cold stornjo ,
Hides , Pelts , Tai.wvv , Etc Green
salted hides , Co : damaged hides , HJ c ; dry
flint Hides , c ; calf hides , 6$5K0i ( damaged
hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 20c@
$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@l2c ; tallow ,
No 1 , l$4Kc ( ! No 2 , 3@JKo ; grease , white ,
4@4Kc ; yoliow , 2K@3c.
Sausaqe Bolognu , 4@4Jfo ; Frankfort 7o ;
tongue , Sc ; summer , 13c ; headcheese , Gc
PouLTitv Chlcliens , per doz , live , hens
$3.50 ; Bprlng , $2 & 0ffi2.70 ; dressed , per lb 7 ®
llo : turkeys , live , Sall0u ( ; dressed , 10@llo ;
ducks , live , per doz $3.Mi$3.0d ) ( ; dressed ,
per lb , 0@Uc ; geese , Itvo , per doz , $3 00@9.00 ,
dressed per lb , DL3c (
LAnn Tierces Refined Co ; pure leaf ,
0K ! kettle rendered 7c. Add } $ to c for
smaller quantities
Wool Fine , nvorngo , 33 < rt23o ; medium ,
average , 21@22e ; quartet blood , average , 20
< $3lc ; course , average , 15@17u ; cotts nnd
rough , average , I4@llc. (
Funs Beaver , each , $2O0@O5O ; otter ,
each , $3.l)0@7.00 ) ; wolf , each , 50c@$1.25 ;
coon , each , 25B ( < 5 ; milk , each , lOQOOe ;
muskrat , full , 0@9c ; skunk , rat , 16a50c ( ;
baduer , rat , 23 ( < js0c , deer skins , fall , per lb ,
Lemons Fancy , $0.00(38.50 ( ; choice , $4.00
@ 0 0. . ) .
Cheese Young Americas , full cream ,
10Kc ; factory twins , 11 ( r3K ° i of grades ,
7@3c ; Van Rossen Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap
sugo , 23c ; brick , 12K M llmburgor , llo ; do
mestic Swiss , 18014c.
CuANnEnuiES Capo Cod , $9.0U@10.00.
Oiusoi's Loulslanu , per box , $4.00.
BucKiuiEAT Fl.ouit Per bbl , $3 50. Per bbl , common , S1.23Q1.50 ;
choice $2 00@3 50 ,
CU.U'OUNI Giui-ns $1.00 ® 1.75.
Pmiw 40 lb boxes , S1.75&-2G.
Bajcanas According to aizo , per bunch ,
BurTEMXE Tubs , 14c ; rolls , 13o.
CocoINOT3 Per 100 , $3,00. ,
Cider Bbls , S3.50 ; hf bols , $3 00.
Maple Suoaii 13) @ino per lb
Vi'At Choice , moaiulk slzo , G@0c ; cholco
heavy , 4@3c. >
Live Pigeons Per doz , $1.50.
Game Pr.iirio chickens , $3.00(33.50 ( ; mal
, lard ducks , $3 00@3 50 : mixed ducks , * 1 00@
3.00 ; teal , S1.23@1.G0 ; Jack-sriipo , $1.0001.83 ;
quail , $1.75@2.00 ; jack rabbits , $4.00(34.50 ( ;
small rabbits , $1.00 ( _ < 41.20 ; squirrels , $1.00 ( < 6
1.10 ; plover , 75cJ$1.00-vcnison ( ; saddles , 11@
12c ; carcasses , 7@9c.
Bevnb Cholco band-picked navy , $1.75 ®
3.00 ; cholco handpicked , medium , $ LO5j0 ( [
1.80 ; choice handpicked country , $ l. 0@l.8'J ;
clean country , $1.50@1.60 ; Inferior country ,
$ l.O0@1.25.
Faiiinaceocs Goods Barley , 3@3Ko ;
farina , 4Ko ; peas , 3Kc ; out meal , 2 ; * ( h5c ! ;
maccaroui , lie ; vermicelli , llo ; rice , 3K ©
7c ; sago und tapioca , 6@7u ; buckwheat ,
bbls , $3.50.
Salsoda l @ 3Kc per lb
Staucii IJf@3o per lb
Stove Polish $3 00@3. 87 per cross
Spices Whole , per lb Allspice , 9o ; Cas
sia , China , 9c ; cloves , Peunng , 2So ; nut
megs , No 1 , 73c ; peeper , 18@19c.
Lve $1.7C@4.50 per case
Nuts Almonds , 13317o ; Brazils , 10j ; Al
berts , llo ; pecans , 10c ; walnuts , 12Kc ; pea
nut cocks , Ko ; roosted , llo ; Tennosseepea
nuts , 7c.
Whapi'iko Paper Straw , per lb , 1 % @
3Ko ; rag , 2Ko ; man ilia , il , 5gOKc ( ; No
Baos Unbn Square , 35 per cent oft list
Salt Dairy , 230 lbs in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
host grade , 00 , 03 , $3 30 ; beat grade , 100 , 3s ,
$3.40 ; best grade , 23 , 10s , $3 20 ; rook salt ,
crushed , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashtou , 00-lb bags ,
85c ; bulk , 22Mb bags , $3.23 ; common , in
bbls , $1.23.
Provisions Hams , No 1 , 10-lb. average
lOKcj 20 to 23 lbs , 10c ; 13 to 14 lbs , lie ;
shoulders , 5c ; breakfast bacon , No 1 , 8c ;
bam sausage , 9o ; dried beef hams , 8a : beef : .
tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 4 %
(30 ( 'i'o ' per lb ; bam roulette , 0o ; add lo per
Id for small lots
Coffee Roasted Arbuoklo's Ariosn , •
23Xu ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 23j o ; German , 1
23Vo ; Dilworth , 2Kc ) : Aluroma , 23c.
Fish Salt Diled codfish , 4K@8c ; sooled
liorring , 24c per box ; hoi herring , dom , 55c ;
Hamburg , spiced herring$1.50 ; hoi burring ,
imp , 80a ; macuerel , No 1 shore , $11.50 ;
fancy mess , $13.50 per 100 lbs ; white llsli ,
No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 ; trout , $3.23 ; sal
mon , $3 00 ; anchovies , 83c.
Oils Keroscno P. W. , 9Ko ; W. W. .
HKc : headlight , 12c ; gasoline , 74s , 12c ; lard
No 1 , 45r ; No 2 , 41c ; salad oil , $1.25 ( 9.01)
per dozen
Coffee Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
22J o ; fancy old poabcrry , 23u ; Rio choice to
fancy , 22u ; Rio , prime , 2lc ; Itlo , good , 20c ;
Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Mandehling , 23c ;
Java , good interior , 24c ; African , 31c.
Canned Meats Corned beef , 1 lb square
c ' uus , $1.20 ; corned beef , 2 lb sqnara cans ,
$2.05 ; corned beef , 0 lb square cans , $0.50 ;
corned beef , 14 lb square cans , $14.00. Lunch
tongues 1 lb round cans , $3.0u ; lunch
tongues 2 lb round cans , $4.75. Brawn , 1 lb
square cans , $1,20 ; brawn , 21b square cans ,
$2.00 ; brawn , S ib square cans , $0 50 ; brawn ,
14 lb square cans , $1-1.00 , Ox tongues , IK lb
round cans , $3.00 ; ox tongues , 3 lb round
cans , $0.00 ; ox tongues , 2K lb round cans ,
$7.00 ; ox tongues , U lb cans , $3.00. Chipped
beef , 1 lb round cans , $3.00 ; chipped beef , 2
lb round cans , $1,00 , RoUt beef , 1 lb round
cans , $1.20 ; roust beef , 3Jbrouud cans , $2 00.
Potted ham , K lb round canB , C5o ; potted
ham K lb round cans , $1.29. Deviled bam ,
\i lb rouud cans , boo ; , 4 vllod ham , K'h '
rouud cans , $1.20. Potted.ox , tongue , K lb
round cans , 05u ; potted ox tongue , } i lb
round cans , $1.20. Compressed bam , 1 lb
square cans , $1.76 ; compressed ham , 2 lb
square cans , $3.75. Tripe ,3 lb round cans ,
$1.80. MincedCollops , 3 | b round cans , $3.20.
lionoless pigs feet , 3 lb WUitre cans , $2.25.
One pound cans are packed two dozen and
four dozen to the case TWO pound cans are
packed ono dozen und t\vo dozen to case
Half pound cans packed two dozen to case
Quarter dozen caus pacited four dozen to
case All prices per dozen } net
Canned Fish Brook trout , 81b , $2.40 ; buI-
mon trout , 2 11) , $2.35 ; cuutms , 1 lb , $1.25 ;
clams , 3 U > . $2.10 ; clam chowder , 8 lb , $1.25 ;
deviled crubs , 1 It ) , $2 23 : deviled crabs , 2 lb ,
$ J.50 ; codfish balls , 2 lb , $1.75 ; caviar , M lb ,
$2.25 ; eets , 1 lb , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 ;
lobsters , 3 lb , $3.05 ; lobsters , dovllod , K * > i
$ -3.25 ; mackerel 1 lb , $1,75 ; uiackcral must
ard sauce , 8 lb , $3.10 ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 8 H > . $3.23 ; oysters , 1 lb , 05e ; oysters ,
2 lb , $1.00 ; salmon , O. R „ 1 lb , $3.00 ; salmon ,
C. R. , 3 lb $2 bO ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1.05 ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 lb , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
Candy 9Ki23c ( per lb
Chocolate and Cocoa 2K337o per lb ;
Gerinuu cluckory , rod , 80.
GlNOEit Jamaica , } \ pints , $3.00 per doz
Suuahs Cut loaf , 85/0 ; cut loaf , cubes , 80 ;
standard , powdered , 8J/e , XXXX , powdered ,
8Ko ; granulated , standard , 7K@"Kc con
fectionera' A , 7o ; whiu extra O , 0Ko ; extra
C , Nebraska , O 'o ; amber , OK01 California ,
golden O , flo
Bee Tonoues Salt , bbls , $30 00.
HAi-$5u0a ( .00 ; lowlund , $3.00@3.00.
4 Chop FEED-l0.0OiailO0.
* . UuAS-$3.00a8.50 ,
Sltoias-$9 003.50.
CoiiV 22ii23c. (
P ) Tatoes 2M27c for choice
O.sions 40oi5oa for choice
SACnn ICiufTBbls , $5 00 ; h'f bbls $3.00.
Burrm Creamery , fancy , 22 ( 23 ; choice ,
20r2lc. Dnlry , fancv , lK lOc ; choice 13
14c. Country , fancv , 13@14o ; good to choice ,
12 ( M3o ; fair , 10llo ; Inferior , 0@9n.
Picklis MeilTuin , per bbl , $5.00 ; small ,
$0 00 ; gherkins , $7.00 ; C , & U. chow chow ,
qts , 5. ! > 5 : pts , $ J.40.
Mince Met 20 lb cans , 7K&
HoNEr ICe lb for choice
PitEsEitvKo 9K@10o Dcrlb
Jellies 4CJ4Kc per lb
Beeswax No 1 , lCcglPc
Pins Feet Pickled , kits , 75o ; pickled
pigs tongues , kits , $3.33 ; pickled tripe , kits
03o ; pickled II O. tripe , kits , S5c ; spiced
piss hocks , kits , $1.15.
Diiiki ) FnniT Currants , now , Co ; prunes
casks ; 1,800 lbs , • Hj'e ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
4Ko ; citron pools , drums , 80 lbs , 22c ; lemon
pool , drums , 20 lbs , 17o ; fard dates , boxes , 13
lbs , 10o ; apricots , choice nvaporatcd , 14cj
apricots , Jelly , cured , 25 lb boxes , 10c ; apri
cots , fancy , Mount Hnmllton , 25 lb boxes , ICe ;
apricots , cholco , bags , SO lbs , 14Ko ; npplos ,
evaporated , Aldcn , 00 lb boxes , 8kc ; apples ,
star , 8X0 ; apples , fancv Ahlcn , 0 lb , 10c ;
apples , fancy , Aldcn , 3 Id , 10Kc ; Salt Lake ,
UK" ! blackberries , evaporated , 00 lb boxes ,
6K(3 < > Kc : chorrlcs , pitted , dry cured , 14c ;
pear * , California fancy , Ifs boxes , 23 lb , 12o ;
peaches , Cal No 1 , fancy K "np baes , 80
lbs , 15a ; nectarines , red 14c ; nectarines ,
silver , boxes , 10c ; pitted mums , Cal , 23 lb
boxes , 8K0 ; rnspberncs , ovnp N. Y. now ,
2flc ; prunes , Cal , II C , 90-100 boxes , * 25 lbs ,
OJXc ; prunes , Cal , R C , CO 70 , 9c ; orange perl ,
15c : raisins , Cdlifornin Londons crop ISb' .l ,
$3.23 ; raisins , Cal loose muscatels , crop lbb'J ,
$2.10t Valoncias , 18SS , 8Jio ; Vnlenclas , old ,
7c ; Cal , Bcodloss sks , il\c ,
> - Twines nn I Hope
BiNDEns' TttiNE-Slsal , 18o ; llfAHf 14c ;
manllla , 10c.
Clotheslines Cotton , 00 ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 60 it , 90a ; Jute , 00 ft , 81.00.
Cotton Twine Fine 23c ; medium 20o ;
heavy hemp , llo ; light hemp , 17o.
Sail Thine 13 , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14c ;
manilla rope , 14c ; sIbbI rope , UKo ; now
process , 8K ; Jute 9Ko | cotton 10a ; bldo
ope 17c.
IjinubTnnd Biilltllne Mntcrlnl
Stock Hoauds A , 12 inch , s 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $46.00 ; B 13 inch , s 1 s 13. 14 una 10 feet ,
$ (1. 0 ; C 12 Inch , sis 12 , II and 10 feet ,
$30 00 ; D 12 inch , 8 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet
$3U0 ; No 1 com 12 in , s 1 12 feet , $18.00 ;
No 2 com 13 in s 1 a 14 and 10 feet , 617.50 ®
18 50 ; No 1 com 13 In s 1 s 10 , 18 and 20 feet ,
$10 50 ; No 3 com 13 in , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
Pori.Aii Lumiieii Clear poplar box bds , %
In , s 2 s , $ J5 00 ; clear poplar , panel , $80.00 ;
clear poplar , % In paucl , $35 00 ; clear poplar ,
K in p tnel stock wide , s 2 s , $38.00 ; clear
poplar corrugated celling , K , $20.00.
Posts White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5K inch halves and 8 inch quar
ters , lie ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , 10c ;
Tennessee ted cedar , split , 10c ; split oak ,
white , 8c ; sawed oak , 17o.
Snii'Ltr No lplalu , 8 and 18 Inch , $17.60 ;
No 2 plum , 8 und 10 inch , $15.50 ; No 1 , O
G , $13.00.
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4..15 00 13 00 15 03 1000 1000 18 00 l'J 00
2x0..15 00 15 00 13 0J 1(1 ( 00 111 Od 18 00 19 00
2.\8..15 00 130C 150D 100J 11100 13 00 1900
2x10. . ,15 00 15 CO 15 00 1000 1000 1300 1900
2x12..1500 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 01) ) IS 00 19 00
4x4bxS.1000 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 13 00 19 00
Fevoivo No 1. J and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $10.00010.50 ; No 1,4 and 0 Inch , 10 It ,
$17.00(817.50 ( ; No.2 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 13and 10 ft ,
$13 fi014.00 ; No 3 , 4 und 0 inch , 10 ft , $13 00
( dlO OO
FinisiiiNO lstand 2d clear , 11/ inch , s 2 s ,
$49.00 ( 51.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , IK nnd 2 inch ,
b 2 s , s47.0O@ro.0O ; 3d clear , IK inch , s 2 s ,
$43 00rf4fl 00 ; .15 select , IK IK and 3 inch , b
2 s , $37.00@'J3.00 ; 1st and 2d clear 1 Inch , s 2
s , $15 00 : 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 : A se
lect , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s
2 s , $30.00.
Shingles Lath Per M XX clear , $3 15 ;
extra * AJ.C0 ; standard A , $2 CO ; 5 inch
clear * 1.00@1.70 ; 0 inch clear , $1.75@1.80 ;
No 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washineton territory , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ;
cypressclear heart , dlmonsion widths , $ J.23 ;
laths $2.00.
Bo tuns-No. 1 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No.2 , do , $10.60 ; No 3 , do $14.00 ; No
4 , do ( ships cull ) , $11.00. Add 00c per M ft
for rough
Battens , Well Tubino , Piokets O. G.
Batts , SK ihoh , 00c ; O. G. Batts , 2K@3 , aa ,
35c ; 3-in well tubing D. _ M. nnd bev
$22.10 ; pickets , D. As H „ flat , $22.00 ; pick
ets , D. & H. , ' square , $10.00.
Flooiuso 1st com 0 in white pine , $34.00 ;
2d com 0 in whlto pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 6 in
white pine , $20 00 ; D com 0 in whlto pine ,
$20.00 ; com 4 and 0 iu yellow pine , $10.00 :
Star 4 in yellow pine , $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear
yoliow pine , 4 and 6 in , $10.00. and Partition 1st com K ia
whlto pine partition , $ .12.00 ; 2d rom % in
white pine partition , $27.00 ; clear % In yel
low pine ceiling $30.00 ; clear % in Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2d com H in Norway , $12.60.
Lime Best , two
Cement $1.35.
Plastek $3.25.
HAin 20c.
Buildino Brick Common , $0.00@7.00 per
M ; selected , $7.50(3.9.00 ( " per M ; sewer brick ,
$9.00 © 10.00 per M.
Drugs nnd CliomicuN
Acid Sulphuric , per carboy , 2Ko ; citric ,
per pound , Ole ; oxalic , per pound , 14c ; tar
tarlc powuored , per pound , 42c ; carbolic , 87
@ 44c.
Alum Per pound , 2Kc
Ammonia Carbonate , per pound , UKo-
Ahhowhoot Per pound , 10c.
Balsah Copaiba , per pouna , C3cj tolu , 02
Bohax Refined , per pound , lie
Calomel Am , per pound , 8Sc.
Oastoh Oil $1.33.
Cuiieii Br.nuiES $1.85.
Cantiiahides 75@$1.03.
Cassia Bui > 3 Per pound , 18o.
CnLonoFoiiM Per pound 81o.
' CouitosiVE Sublimate Per pound , SSc
Cheam Tautau Pure , per pound , 80c.
Extuact Loowood Bulk , per pound ,
13Ko . .
KnaoT 15c.
Gum Aiumc 54@$1.13 ,
Ljcopodium 44u.
Glttcehine Bulk , per pound , 22c.
Gum Asafoetida , per pound , llo ; cam
phor , per pound , 30c ; opium , per pound ,
Iodine Rosublimato , per ounce , $3 85 ,
Leaves Uuctiu , short , per pound , 13o ;
Senna , Alex , per pound , 25(313c. (
MouniiA Sulpb , per ounce , $2 90 <
Meucuiiy 74a
PoTAsa Bromide , per pound , 8S0 ; Iodide ,
per pound , $3.83.
Quinia Sulpb , per ounce , 40o.
Seeds Canary , per pound , 4K&
SoArs Castile , mottled , per pound , 8@10c ;
castile , white , per pound , 13@15c.
Sri it its Nithb Sweet , per , pound , U , S.
Stiivchnia Crystals , $1,00@1.15 ,
Suj.Pi ! UtNciioNA Per oz , 0 @ 14o.
Tapiooa Per pound , 0c.
Tonka Beans $1.70(21.75. (
• White , per pound , 85@ 51a
smoedeotdean ;
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank
805 8011II1 litlli Sli-cct. - Oiimlia ;
Capital , - ' - $400,000
Surplus , - 40,000
Officers and DlrectorJ-K. SI Morseraan O
Jl HltrhcocK , Jos OarneauJr , A. Henry B
il Anderson , IVni , ( J.Maui , v pre * . ; I. , a Will
alms , A. I' . Hopkins , pres.t A. Millard , casnlers
V , II Urf ant , aaaUtant cashier
IIIUllllwUU of TouUjful Imprudence ,
muiId * Prcn ur * lx * y , > er ou DeUlltjr , Lo t .
ManlxMd , * a.ta lntrl llin ln t rj ! known r m
4r.liaidt M reit rlmiiUmrau > of t lf curt , wblch
AtVlll tend ( W4lwli KKBEtoliInffllow mtmn
INUrilUMKNM ptaosJ oi rsurFdunni
W ' Martin to J HelckciherRer , lot 13 , In
subotnw nol -lt. wn . . $ P.O00
Jamfs Johnson to J ilelcKclbrrRer , lot ! ' ,
In sub of n\v noMM.I , wil . . , . , . . , , . S.000
1'ottcr I * Cobu to 11 W Yatts , lets _ to S ? ,
lllllsido Ueserve , w (1 13,000
Omnlia • Loin itid HultdlnR ae < oitasiun ta
M Ml.tndiAy , pirt ot lots Hand II , OIK
1 { Jctteri 1st ndd to South Onmha , wri S,7 > V )
J 0 ClirHtensen and Ife to A Kountra et
nl , lotc\ bile ; i , sub J 1 ltcdtck's add ,
wil . 1,2,10
ltichard Stnbbins and wife to J I'Chrln-
tensen , lots , bit 3 , sub J 1 Iteolrk's add ,
q c d . . . . 1
A U l.dwirds and wife to William ll Kd >
wnids , lots J and 1 , bik 5 , Orchard 11111 ,
w d , , . , , 4. " o0
William Colnirn , shcrlir to F Sclmell , lot
7 , U1K1I , I.per pnrx , deed 1,131
AV II Alexander and iviru 10 J II Chip :
mnn , lota 5 aud (1,1st ( add to l.nk.0 Vmw ,
WU , . , . , BOO
Ccor , 'o 1 : llarker nnd Mire lo rimrlos Cor-
hott , lotO , bile Jf Omaha ; lots I and * ,
bik 2 , lirauuau plaie : lots 1 , IT nud 19 ,
Albright A : Aylojnoitli's LM add ; lotsM
tel . ulk31. West side ; e It Hit 4 , ( ) lct.v
noma ; s&j Tci-tut 1oibaiui . bit ,
Jetter • add to Bouth Unmha ; lot 3. Wt
ro South Uuiaha , < t 0 d 11,000
a I'luuiTund ' husbaud to A K llutt , lott ; ,
ulfca , Jetlcr's I'd odd , wd 500
diaries Wasmer et nl to J M Vliecly , lot
H , I1IL-7 , UrnmiiKMcrpnrK , n 0 EO )
K llU'llnrn anilvlf i to Umiilm Uoni > ol *
Jdaled Vmctfar conip.iny , lots 7 10 10 ,
n eit side , iv il S.10J
K Itiirku and vrlfo tel A l.tnahnn , lot )
and part ot lot I , blk 3 , l.oiiv uuuoith
t ir ce , w (1 , , , ' . ' ,000
\V UAIbrlsht and wlfo to II I. M.iUlll-
tmni , lot 1' . ' , bit 1 , sub o' .blCU7 , Al-
brlitht s Cliolcc , w it , C'JO
A Council to A II Paddock , lot 3 , bit %
Sdadd tabouttiomam , is d , . . . l.i'iO
J II Itltchlmrt aud info to A A Uiuy , lot
7 , UlfcN' , Soutn Dm 111 , qed 1
A II Dlllrauco to II M , lVilx , lot 11 , Vin
ton llaco w d 1.0U0
N i ; Dlllrtue nnd Mire to II St l'ellx , lot
10mton I'laco , w l 1,003
Jnmes yulun aud wita to J Lois , ptlotfi
aim nil lots ( i to 1.1 , blcn , ( julnn'sndd ,
and ndj ptopeity ( relllei , wd 050
Ilrlnin l'laou llultdluu nisochitlou In ( J 11
Moman , lott > . bik 10 , lines Place ,
w d 2,500
O M llltihcock and wire to A K Jiiiinou ,
lotu bit 111. llltchtock's lutndil , wd . . 403
T IC Sutton , spael&l master , to AM dram ,
loty , 1)1 > - . . , Blilnn's ndtl , deed a. - . 'CO
Union StocK 1 arns Co to llonlnnd &
llradford , lot I. ' , bik 10.1st add to south
Omalia 'Wd 8,000
CliaiKsCorbottiind wlfo to H It Jolm-
soulot 11. bik Pi , Umnlii w d 00,003
Charles Oorbcit and Ifc to V il Johuon
trustee , lots ] J1 to SW i , and lots 'Jl to ,
and 1U to 13,1. ortIl Sldo udrt ; lot ) .
Stewart 1'lace ; lot 5. hlk 12 , Diehard
Hill ; lot l > , bik Si , Allitirflit's Lholre ; lot
1 , bik 11 , Piatt's suh ; lot 11 , hlkfi , omrnl
part ; lots I and5 , bik2 , ltroiina-i l'laco ;
low7 , 17 , l und lii , Alurliilit and Aylcs-
uotli's2d mid : lots 20 to 2.1 , blK lit ,
WittSldo ; u 'J ' otlot i , Oklahoma ; lot
3 , tilk 'hi , South Omaha , ; part of lots 15
nndli blkH Jotters and \v il 1
\V 11 Sinltli and \\Ko to W W Lemon
1011cm- adjoining lot 0. Cortlanilt
P lrfic , wd C500
W W f.einon mid ivito to Mrs 8 II
Kitchen , property adjoining lot 11 , Con
landt I'lnie , wd 10.000
DJO'Monahueatnl to K O Tlgh , lotf ,
Aldlne square , w d 3,050
Miles & Thompson to 1' A llegley lot 4 ,
Greenwood , wd -50
Thirty transfers , aggregating efyym
National bank
Cnpllal $400,001) )
Snrnlus Jnn 1st , 18S0 52,000
OFriOllUSAND DlltllDl'ORS :
Hemiv W. YvtkI'renldoni. .
I.lwis S. Huni ) , V'lco Irosldent
A. K. Ton ir.lN ,
JN II l' irnuic
\V. II P. lliiniir.s Cashier
Cor lilh and Fnrnam Sts
A General Uanklne Business transacted
Correspondence solicited COMPANIES ETC
NW Harris Company
. . . , ,
103-165 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO
70 Gtato Street BOSTON
Booto and Shoos
Suoce < ior to Heed Jonct 4 Co
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Shoes
AteoUforllOBlou Hubberfahoo Co , 1W2.1101 and 1101
lltrney atreel , Qmtti Webrmlm
BrowprB •
8T0HZ & lLBtt ,
Lager Beer Brewers
1B1 North BUhteinth HreatOmshs Neb
Manufcturcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice
WloJotT-capmna netiillealiyllghu , Jotm Hpenatsr ,
tropnetor lueauJ IMBuuih Wtlm cl
StonrrTFittings , Pumps , EtOj ;
Frnnps , Pipes and Engines ,
BUim , water , rallwar sad mining lupplln , ete ,
( ISO , VM and V. ' 4 rsruau .trojt , Omaba
Steam and Water SuDOltes ,
nalllJar nlai mllla , BU and 920 Jonei it , Omab *
O. V , lion , Aailug Manager
nnowNELh & co .
Engines , Boilers and General Hacnlncry
Bhtet-lron work , ttcaui pnnpi , aaw nulla 131J-1JU
KateaHSrtU atrcetOuialia
> 11 '
Iron Workj
Wronght and Cait Iron Building : Wort
QKlnei bran work , general fouDdrr.machlnaaDd
, blaci.nillb work OKi" ainl worU , U. i" . Uf
and Ulhtireet Umaba
omaha wmn&inoN works ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Raillnii
Ueikralll • iladowiiuardi flower etaadi , wlro algal ,
• tc IWNiirtb Hill treetOmaba
Manf're ' of Flro and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaulti , lall work , Iron ibuttera and lira eirapti
U. Audreaa prop r. Corner Htb and Jackaon iu ,
' SnahtPoorBt Eto
* * * *
WboUiile masufaetureri o (
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings
Branch otBca 12tU aad liard atraata , Omaka Neb
Of South Omaha Limitcl
M HH--ii-Hi---ii-i
- - - - - -
AgHoulturnl implomonls |
_ _
J./A7.VUi' A StmVAThCO , _ H
Agricnll'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages jH
. llintlfietc Hhilcnlc OmahaXehrailn MHi
mouxu , mTi.mtrx , t sroMiiuiRO CO M
MnmitniturefKnnit Jobl'or ln mH _
Wagons Mcs Plows Etc H
, Bnggies , , , . ,
IVr IHI ) and 1'arllle Mterts , Oiiinlm _ _ _
Artists MftlorlolB H
aTiwsviO- - , M
Artists ' Materials , Pisuos and Organs M
= ! _ J M
Pools nnd 3hooa. _ ' H
r " „ VJV
ir "Trjro/WB / . .tco. . , M
JoDDars of Boots and Slioci ] m
101,11H 110) 1 > ml slr 'el , Omahn Manufacturia _ _
, . .
Mnniineralrool lwlnn H
PSS 1' Coke , " Eto ,
ws/ _ _ _
jamiFs ir ruATcmTn goa h voCT a H
Miners and Shippers of Coal and Coo ]
llooiiiat U. e. Xalluunl limit UnlUtliiK , Onmia H
oma UA cou7cofa : A f.iMt : co.7 > |
_ _
Joohers of Bard aid Soft Coal Mat
at' ' Month mil street Omaha , Xehra ta H
Shipper of Coal and Cole H
2USumli ltt'j street , Omalia , Nolira > ka H
Coiiiml83lon and StornKO H
ltiimnu & liwout.i , , ' |
Storage and Cimmis ii Merchants | H
pOclalllItmter | ) ( , "u'CJ , ekeeo imnHrr , Ktma , HH _
llllllort.i it street.Oiimht , Men _ _ _ _
. 1 _ _ H
Clgnra n _ _ _
umax , AUMsrnCfxb & co , !
. _ _
Wholesale Cigars H
l&QN'orlli Ctli Street , Omiha , Nou Hello H' , H
. . ' 1 I H
S- yit ? ° lii.2Ht' ' NollonB M
- " " "
mTe sJirjiiAcb" , * H
Dry Ocods , Furiiishing Goods and Notions ' IH
IIMttiU 1131 Dou liu , cor lit1) struct , Oinalin , yet ) . | H
KiLPAniicKKuciFunv noons co , | |
I nprlers & Mcrs in Dry Good ; , Notions ; H
Cents Kurnlfthlnjr llnoli rorn < r llth inut Humor l |
alreetMlmilii Nobrunkn j H
i ' _ _ H
F u rnlUiro- ' H
" ve iri/r a tToxE , . ' H
Wl'Olesale ' Dealers in Furniture H
rnniini stret , Omaha , NobniaiiB |
cha 111. r.s sui yjfTi wk , " - H
Oiuilin ebrakn 'HH '
, , H
i - = - = = m j
McCORl ) URADYA CO , l |
> _ _
Wholesale Grocers MM
nth mill Lemcnncith • • t'et' " , Omahi , Nobm ia , BU
Hardware ' . . . , u. fl |
w. J mio a 7 err , H
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel
ptuiK9t wnii'in aloIc , tiiritvuro lumbir , etc \XA \ aH
1811 llanier 1-trOTt.Oiiiahn. _ _ _
TTTmeiia vgiTa ta ylor , H
Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shon !
Mechanic ) Tool * nnd llnflalo Seilea 1KB TtODglat _ _ _ i
. , .
itreet Omahn ycb H
Liimborj Eto H
joiixA WAKwiiiriD m
, _ |
Wholesale Lumtor , Etc • > .
Iruiortcd nnd merlcnu rortlniid Cemenl SlatA _ |
aucnt for Milwaukee llnlriiillc Cement - , _ H
unil'uli ' OfMiltol.linu. . M
cu is ; 1. 'i.Eri , * , H
, Dealer iu Hardwocd Lumber
WoodcarpotsmiliinranntItoirlnf flthand liilat aH _
atrccls , Omabn , .Nebruskiu B
AHKinds of Biding Material at Wholesale jM
18th atroet and Union I'acllla traclt , Oaiiiha H
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash H
Uooru , etc Yurdn-rornnr Tth and Don ; ' • U.1I04 al
I Corner IQIIi and l > ) unla . H
FiwrxlvTaitAY , * H
LnniDGr , Lime , Ceme-it - , Etc , , Etc H
Corner fth und lonnlii trecH Omnlia fl H
c. n. vm ' nc , " j H
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher {
13th and California atieota , Omaha , yebraalia H
yUlil ! ! 01GiJi2iiSlS ! : . _ _
Importers Uohhers in Milliuery&Kotions U
20)iiliiiid ( ) 518 Hout'i ' llth ttrcct ' H
Notions . _ _ _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
lljl Hiirney itruul , Omaha j J
cons6lwated tank line co r M
Wholesale Behned and Luhricating Oils
Axle Uro no , ete Omaha A. II Bishop Maiiager | _
CAWiENir PERcd ' ' . | |
Wholesale Paper Dealers :
Carrr a nlco Block of iirn'lnir , wrapplnu and writing - | |
paper Bputlal atteiilton ulyon to card paper fi
_ Safes to i
- _ _
' " w w -
A. L. DEANE & CO j < | H
Qeneuil Aifouts for _ _
Halls ' Safes ,
ail jiiiItl1 : SontU 10th Bt Omaha , ' _ H
" "
T ° ysf A0 * . . . _ _ _ !
.lobberaof 3l _ _ _
Toys , Doll ? , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
House KuruUhlne flood . Children's nurlasei L'U v _ _ _
limiiiin alrect Omaha , Neb li H
oviua j l
Chicago , Milwaukee St . Paul Ry ' M
The licit Route from Omalia and Couucll /HI (
nitifTn to iH
Chicago , AND Milwaukee , JH
Kock Island , Fiecport , Kockford , * , Wj
Clinton , Dubuque , Dnrcnport , ' !
Elgiu , Madison , Jnumllle , ' " 'iM
Iklolt , Winona , La Crosse , A II
XadallottarlmporUat point . Eau , Northeast ant # _ _ i
Boutueait I fSUfgfgfgfJ
For through llckati call on lha llakat au at at 1M1 4a _ _
rarnamatceatla llaracr lllooa , or at Uulo 1'aciOi r H
Oilman Klaapara and thoflna.t DlnlDg rarilnlba ' ill
world are run on the main line ot the Chicago HIT Ji
waukcaibt I'aul Hallway , and e urr atuntlon u _ _
paid lo pauenjeert . u , courteoui amplojaa of lha - 9li
aoDPanr 4HHI
1UMII.I.RII alenaral alanazar _ _
j. K. TUCKKIi , Ai.utini General Manager 3i
A , v , ll OAlil'ENltlt , uenaral I'anangsf aae ) H
UKO ullfuAFFOBI ) . AuUtaat Ueoaral ruuuikt ; ' _ _ l
od Ticket Aiant , . . . . !
• _
_ . _ _ . „ , .
JaiUQaefalBaLirlutiadiua . _ _ ' _ B
.ijsB _