El f The Omaha Daily Bee I , j 1 NINETEENTH YEAK OMAI1A , TUESDAY MOKNlNG NOYEMEEK 12 , 1880. NUMBER 140. 1 PETER IS A MODESr PUG , ' ThoOoloiod Ohnmplon's Head Not l at All Swelled HI HE MAKES MANY WARM FRIENDS m Hundreds of I'nullsh Adinlicrs Show HL' Iliclr Appicclntlnn of III * Prowess Smiths Olory lias All Departed ! Jackson Being Iiloll7"d. { Copi/Wo/it / IWO bj James Oordoii Hctmrtl 1 Ki Losuov , Nov It [ Now Vork Herald H Cable Special to Tup Iter I Two of tno | | most , plucld men In London to-dnv were f "I'araon" Dines and l'ctor Jackson Not - t body would have been surprised 1 ( Jackson j had been n lilt excited , for It Is seldom that a r E ' man lias had tlio good fortmio to whin Due 1 lands champion licivywoight In flvo mln- Bi utos and in the snmo jcrlod put Into bis m\\ \ \ pocket S00 , mid do all tills without gottingn HK scratch Peter J tckson Is unaoubtcdly n H ] modest person , ttioiiL.Ii no whlto man has 1' ever seen lilm blush This may bo on i account of his color , which Is nfitrlflo ! I darker than polished cbonv Uut whether or tot hols Riven to blushing , Jackson Is M modest Ho was just as unnssuralng this * evening nsho was on Sunday evening , jot i between tlio two eventnes ho hid demon strated that nil the Judges or allcccd Judges 1 of prize lighters , who claimed that lie was a H tapper nnd not a hitter or slugger , wcro mis H t ikcu , nud didn't lenow wh it thoj were tulk- H ing about The Smith-Jackson light will go H down in pugilistic hlstorj as 0110 , of the cxtrnordlimrj nffulrs of tlio i ring A stranger and a man of 1 color comas to a land many thousands of H < miles from that of his birth with a manager H whom ho bad known foi less than a year nud H stands before a man who had lung posol as H the most dintorous llghtci of a land that H has furnished hundicds of men who wcro H his equals or superiors , and vanquishes that man in in his own homo nnd in the inldstof hundrcusof his pirtlsans in onoof the shoit- cst lights on record Anionic the patrons of prize fighting In ! England to day it is probable tint JacUson has far moro frlen Is than Smith None of the hundreds who witnessed nessod Monduy ovonlng 3 affair will deny that ho deserves to have more B , England has had few champions who wcro I' bo quickly and thoroughly v inquishcd as w Smith was , nud she has ncvei had n cham- Wfl plon who made sueli 1 pool appcirance , B ) cither before the battle was decided or In Si the hour of defeat ' When Smith know Ing that ho was 1 beaten H | man dclibcratoh cross buttoekod Tackson Hf and was promptly adjudged the loser by the 1 referee , ho made what men of his class cillod 0 n bluff that dropped nltn out of sight in the Hi estimation of those who love fair plav Ho Wfi pulled off bis gloves and attempted Si to make a rush at Jackson , who , ' B knowliiK ho had won , had droptcd IS his hands to his sides Seeing Smiths intent - ( ' ? _ tent , the Australian pulloa oft his loft glov o , St but could not loosen the right Si/ Tear it off , " Parson Davies called out J to him HJ * Still the glove would not como off , but HJ < Jackson calmly remar cd to these who held Hi Smith HJ ; "Letlilm como on , dent hold him " HJ [ The colored champion felt certain that ho ; • could glvo Smith moro than ho wanted with BJi ) bare knuckles as well as with four ounce K gloves Of enurso Smith didn't ' como on K flohndn't a decent blow left in him That K is the opinion of men who watched the con HlG test closely , and it is certainly the HEj opinion of P irson Dnvios and l'ctor Jack M son 1 ho latter said this evening that Hj howas in tlrst rite condition , and hadn't ' BJ been distressed a bit by his oxortionln the B riog Hj At the conclusion of the fight he was t driven to his hotel Tlioro ho nto 11 light HJjj lunch nud drank a glass of boor , while some J of the men who hid won money on him sat B nrouud him and quaffed champigno until tuo K sun ought to have shown himself , HJ i The languigo of ono of Smiths seconds , B Jncit Harper , while Jackson was showering H blows without getting a return , was bud H enough to have thrown even a man who1 was ! fighting for 800 off his guard I hat it did H not was an idcuco of Jackson's great cool H' ' ness ' H' I'arhon Duvics said to night that Jackson HRl vvns open to a challenge from nnyono in the H B world Sullivan bad drawn tlio color VP around him ana could wrap himself In it if < Ht be saw fit , but if ho wanted n light with Jackson ho could bo accomodatod Nopotla- Hi tions between Jncltson and Slivln ha 1 boon Hi iu pi ogress , but bad como to naught Jack HJ son has beca made a handsome offer for HM nlno nights In London acid another foi two iHf Hjl weeks in Paris from December 1 It will bo HH decided today whotlici or not these offers 1 will bo accoptcd If the Paris offer is taiccn Hj JacVson will , ut Its conclusion , start on 11 HJ tour through Lngiund , bcotluud and Ireland , ] H after which ho will sail for the United J B Etatns IHl Klchard IC Vex goes Into ccstarios ever 9Hi Jackson Ho Baw the Jackson Smith tight I Hi and beenmq so oxoltcd that hisroai of ' Good | HJ , boy , Ja > kson , " could ba hcird above the din [ HU [ of the OX ) who crowded the rooms of the j HI Polleun club Fox called on Jackson to day jHUt and loft his card , upon which ho wrote , IHH ; Good , old champion , l'ctor " Fox consld- era Jackson a world beater and would probv HR bh bo glud to got hold of him if the HJC Australian wcro not under the win ? of Par iHH son Iiavies , who Is n pretty fair Judge of HK lighters himself and Is supposed to know HV when he has booked a good thing J Bi X liOltor riiiiu btnnlo ) , f ( Col i/reM ( JSSOhu Jvnu Gordon llewutt ] H r' Z\\7.innt , No11 [ New York Herald iiH | Cable Special to 'iiu : Hee 1 I'ortul , the Hi ; Hntlsli iniuister hero , has received a letter Hi from Stanley , In which the cxploror sajs ho Hi hopes to rcuch Zaiuibar about the ailddlo of I Hi Jumjury next Ho , however , sajs nothlair ! Hb about the route ha proposes traveling I.um- I H' inon , l.iiflish consul , when asked by jour V correspondent whether ho cousidored Dr | H Poti rs to bo still alive , replied that la his opinion thcro w as 110 reason to doubt the nu- I thoiitieil ) of the report of his assusslnatlo 11 j KnwH I mm Aiuoiluaii AsuonoinurJ HBl ICopurtuht 1SS3 bu Juiu ( lortin llin hi/ . | HI' ) Viscknt , Oavb DdVbuiib Island Nov II j I Now York Herald Uablo-bpecial to Tub Hh | Hbe 1 J ho United States steumor I'onsu HHl cola , with Irof Todd and his astronomical i Hjl party to observe the solur otlipso In Sierra i H Leo no , arrived to day at Port Augraudo , fat I H' * Vincent Tholrvo , > aa was a pleasint ono ] Hj 1 ho woutlier was moderately rough , with iHH eastern wiuds All are well on board The ( Hb l'ensacola will sail for Londou on Wcdnes- IHb ilo ) . iHB ' | HH 'lo hturtler Hmnlej I Hj t"oi > l/i If't ' WW bu Jama Uonlon Uoinett.1 ilHg Zanziuah , Nov , XX [ New York Herald \IHb Cable Speciul to Tun Ubb 1 Captain \VI s. | ] Hj tuuun bos scut me word that I can fco up the iBJ iJKt country with my expedition to meet Mr Stanley nnd carry him supplies of tea , qui nine , tobacco and ether necessaries Cap tain Wissmann will glvo mo an escort In ad dition to my own men , but sajs that I must fly the German 11 ig Captain 'Wissmann comes hero from the coist to night The German gov ernment nsked him \e terda > to glvo ino every ni lstanco Captain Wissmann cap turrd bad ami i jesterday with 1 loss of two killed nnd four wounded The Uahahcri fled In a northerly direction lha road to badaanl nnd Mwppwa is now open TI1I2 WOllliU'H IWIU Cliicnen llus a ItIII Itcnclj to I'rcscnt to Cultures J. CnioAQO Nov II At the meeting ot the cnmmittco on congrossloml action held this nftcrnonn u bill submitted by Congressman l'ajson was endo-sed ns ono to bo presented nt the coming session of congress to sceuro the location ot the worlds fair nt Chicago The title ot the bill Is "A bill rolatlvo to celebrating tlio four hundredth anniversary ot the discovery of America Columbus , by holding Dn expo sition of arts Industries , manuf icturcs und pro lucts ot the world In the city ot Chicago , md the stito of Illinois in the j car eighteen hundred md ninety two " Iho bill recites the reasons for holding such an exposition in Chicigo nnd sets par ticular emphasis on the fact that Chicago asks of ttio United St itos government no appropriations or lonlis for the purposes of such ixnosition It provides that the nrtl ues and goods imported for the cxhioit nliall "Bo admitted frco of duty , and the enl up proirliliou nsiicci 101 is fju.uuu , wnicn is to "bo expended under the direction of the secretirj of the trensuiy for nil purposes connected with the alniisslonof foreign goods for the exposition " lho bill nlso jnovi tos ' that tlioro shill bo admitted to sal I o\i ositlnii bj the government from the bmitlisoni in institutu nnd tno nntional museums such articles nnd materials ns 11- lustrate the functions and aammistrntlvo faculties of the government in times of poico and rlso Its rcsouicesas iwjr power , lending to demonstrate the 11 ture o ! our in stitutions nnd thuir adaption to the wants of oui pccplo " x ma cijaisi Allan C. Stou' .i Immense Bill foi 1 cnl bei\ici s Ciiioaoo ov 11 [ Special Tclogram to Tut Hee ] A stupendous claim of 521,200 for legal services was put In against the heirs of the Into C J Hull , the West sldo mllllonanc , by Attorney Allan C Stoiy , nnd whothoi Mr Story has a lien on the 541,200 deposited to their orler 111 court is the lcral nut which Juaio Collins Ins to crack Mr Hull left property worth ? . " . 00OU00 It was said of him that ho owned half of tlio west side " This big fortune ho loft to his timan- ucnsls , gencrul manager and housol ceper , Mis3 Helen Culver , havlug no wlfo and chillron und no parent living His next of kin wcro some rcmoto cousins nephews nnd nieces , who were left nothing iheso heirs numbered nlno ana were scattered about the country und in Chicago Thoywero all vorv poor pcoplo A C btorv said th it1 liwyoi named AV Peterson a rccont urival from C inada wns omplov cd hy tbcm nt his or their lustanco , Story doosn t know which , to see If they couldn't get some of Mr Hulls big estito ' Peterson round It a blggor case than bo could handle " said Mr Story , ' and ho came tome I made 1 verbal eoutrait with the heirs which now that they have won , they have utterlv fnlled to carry out " The sum of 21,200 is now In court nnd Mr Story sets up a lien on it for S21..20O or 10 | er cent The heirs ex copied to Judge Collins jurisdiction vester day on tno ground that Mr btory's remedy was not against the fund in cbanccrv but by suit at law Many very interesting do clsions wcro cited and Judge Collins held that If Mr Story had a vnlld lien , the court could npply a portion of the fund to satisfy it Whither ho had a lien , however , on a mcro verbil contnet wns a question which the coutt reserved foi decision on tlio trial of the suit * PAJ11VC IN 11112TKANSVAAlJ In rifts Abolished nnd Premiums OfTcnU i or Pond Import . Lovnov , Nov 11 Advices from South Africa report great distress in the Transvaal resulting from arouth and famine lho sit uation Is critical at Jobnesburg , iwhorti brcadstuiTs are selling at famine prices The Nitnl government has offered a bonus of 101)0 to the llrst fifty provision wagons starting for Jobnesburg lho PruclorU government has abolished all tariffs on food and has decided to establish a forage depart mint nnd clvo bonuses to wagons bringing in provisions IX WAS lllli LIQUOIt MEN Oli'o'a Governor I xplnina Ills Re cent Doienr Cincinnati , Nov 11 In on interview with a Commercial Gazette reporter to day Gov cruor Forakor stated that ho ntti ibuted his dufcat to the hostility of the liquor Inter est of not oulv this statu but the whole com muuity Ho said ho doubtless lost voles fein other causes , but this was the chief ono of all 'I nui not going out of politics in the way I would have bee 1 pleased to go out , but I shull bo 1lad when I urn out and ouca moro attending to my long neglooted privnto uf- fairs " Cincinnati hnlinntli Itn akers Cincinnati , Nov 11 Ihrco theatre min agers , together with ono opera or gaiety company nnd ono dramatlo company , were before the police court to day charged with violation of the law hy giving bunday pei- formancesjosterday , The mauagors wcro fined SIS eac'i nnd all the performers were sentenced to pay the costs of their prosecu tion In the case of ono theatre this was the second offense T ho Judge gave thorn notice that another violation ot the law would sub ject the parties to arrest at any time during the porforiuanco and to such additional line within the luvv us might scorn best by the court , to put an end to the violation of the law Ilia Knst Africa I'oiiipiiiy Alarmed London , Nov XI Since the news arrived of the homeward march ot Stanley with Emm Push a and bis party , and of the re ported disaster to Dr I'oters' rollof expedi tion the British Cist Africa company has bocn rapidly picking up all the best availa ble men to send out to protect its territory from the raids of the rebellious natives Judging from the activity displayed in securing lighting mou thn iirillsti Last Afilca eompmy autlclpato havlne to do some heavy work in order to hold its territory nguiust the Arabs The latest uews from that renton itidlcatcs that ull the native elements are up in arms and are for the moment brethren in n common cause to drive out the detested foreigners This sorlous uprising on the part of the natives is attributed to Captain Wlssmann's attempt to increase the sphere of Goiamu iuQueuto by exterminating the pcoplo Massacred Ity MitHkril Moll , Huntinqton , W , Vo , Nov 11 A report which Is thought to bo trustworthy reached hero jestorday that a party of masked men brake into the house ot X'uris UlumtlcUl on Hurt Creek , baturday ulbht , aud killed Hlumllcld aud his wife wifew Tin v Pixnd i ordtnnml'H Vatc , Paiiis , Nov , 11 ThoSollel savs the rccont iuterviow between the czir and Prince Xlla marck , during his mujosty's visit to Berlin , resulted iu a decision to oust Priiico Ferdi nand of UuigarU.from the ruloraulp of that couutiy ME LAY CATHOLIC CONGRESS | It Opens nt Baltimore Wltlt Twelve Hundred Dologatoa A BLESSING FROM THE POPE Orntor Daniel Doucliorly Glvo < < n Skntch nt Cntlinliolsm in Amcrici , 11 sGi nnd Accomplishments nnd Itn Wuniloillil Growtli X Oront IlMlKlmi9 CJatliorln Uutimoue , Md , Nov II Twelve hun dred delegates to the llrst congress of Cath olic lnymen of the United states wcro called to order shortlj before noon to dnj by Hon W J Onahan , of Chicago Every seat in Concordia hall was tilled , and the galleries were crowded with spectators Archbishop Ireland brlclly Invoked the dlv Ino blessing Caullnnl Gibbons delivered mi address ut welcome in the eourso of which ho sild ho had for a long time desired to sco the clergy nnd the laity como moro closely together The clorg } , bo sikl , hav o much to loam fioin the laltv , from their wisdom nnd discretion and , nbovo all , from the worldly knowledge of the liltv , and thit tboo Is no country on the f ice of tlio earth wliero the elorgi and the laltv should bo more united than in these United States In a fovv remarks Introducing ox Gov crnor Leo Can oil as tompoary chairman , On-ili in mentioned tha nauo of 1'opo Leo Instantly thcro w is hand cl ipplng nnd cheers ull over the hall , soon prowinc into a turmoil of onthuslnsui Onnliau's BUggcstiou that ho hoped not far distant to sco an in ternational congress of luv Catholics also met with hearty approbation Lx Govi rnor Carroll w is warmly ap plaudcd on taking the chair Ho suia that tills congress so ausplclousl" begun , w is but the forerunner of othuisyot to come and that the Catholics of the United States would look to these congresses with pildo and satisfaction Ths congress had but two great uurposos nt heirt the glory i > nd great ness of the Citholio church and the contin ued prosperity of the American people lho following cablcgrim from Homo to Ci dinul Gibbons was re id : Having made known to the holy father the oxptesslons of devotion convejed to linn on the part of the Cut nolle congress to beheld held in Baltimore , his holiness graciously bids mo Ray that ho most affectionately im parts his blessing to all the members ( Signed ) Kimiola1 ? " Daniel Dougherty , of Now York was In vited bj tlioeh ilrman to address the congress , nnd when ho stepped to the lront was { lion a perfect ovitlon Ho sketched Catholicism in this country and said that in colonial times the Catholics Buffered the direst cruelties iu comparison with which slaves wcio high bred guests The onlv religious m lr tyrs in America wcro Catholics They wcro spurned , slandered and vili fled The highest honors of the republic wcro domed them by a prcjudlco ns strong as a constitutional enactment J'lio con Eolations of religion wcro denied to side and suffering CatholLs in many institutions of charity and to criminals u prison While the rank und fllo were largely Catholics Catholic chaplains were very few J ho time now had come when they could viudlcato themselves lhev could call themselves pre eminently American , for with out Catholicism , Amcrici to day would bo unknown Liberty , which is freedom to worship God , was first estab lislicd in America by Catholics ufone , and in every battle the Catholics sciled their devo tion to this country by itiPir lives riiouch , the growth of the country has been marvel ous , thut of Catholicism outstripped it and from 40 00(1 ( they have become 10 000,000 , from a despised pcoplo hey huvo become a mighty power lho Catholic church Is the protector of leirning It was she who saved cla s'o ' liter nturo from the mins of the Hbman empire On the ova of the celebration of the fem hundredth anniversary of tlio discovery of America , it is proper to s ly that all the tre menuous results achieved therefrom were traced directlv to the Iioman Catholic church ulono Piotcstantlsm was unknown when America wis di covere 1 It w is a Catholic who conceived the mighty thought , n monn onoour ijcd Mm , a nrdinal inlerco led with the sovereigns of bpain , and a Catholio king nnd queen made his expedition possible It wns to spreaa thn Citholio filth tbit the risk wis run , and it wis the standard of Catholics which was llrst pi iced ou these shores , nnd for ovri ono hundred yens the only nbristlan woiahlji on the continent w s Catholio All through Dougherty's address thcro were outbursts of cheers aud at the con clusion the ditrnltarlcs on the stage crowded around him und shook him warmly by the hand Soverd ether speeches were then made bv prominent Catholics Cirdinal Gibbous entered , nccompinlod by Cardinal 1 nschcrcau , of Umda , und both were formally introduced to the con gress Cardinal Clbions addressed the del egutcs , welcoming them in his own name and that of tlio pcoplo of Baltimore , Irrespeo tlvo of creeds The temporary organization of ho tcongrcss was made permanent and u shcrt recess followed On reassembling the committees wcro announced The rcgilar woik of the congress gross now began by the reading of the first paper the ' Catholio Congress , " bv the his tonan , John Gilmary Shoa of Now York The next paper was ono bv Major Honrv V , Brownson , of Detroit , ' Lay Action in the Church " Major liiownsnn took the ground that in this country tlioro were nonmDarrasslui , en tanglements of the church nnd state , thw irt ingrit lit aspirations of the las man , aud ho believed in the fullest , freest discussion nud action hero on the part ot the laity Ilio know their duties aud their rights und know the moral pennltlos ot overstepping the bouuds Catholio voters shoul 1 hold their sjlTrigo as a sacred trust and not vote hastily Charles J , Bonuparto eloquently discus ° od The Indepcnd' nco of the Holy boo " Iu con clusion ho said : Ono day thoindopondonco of the holy sea mn\ , perhaps bo warranted by diplomacy , hut wlion it affords a solution far this tic it problem , diplomacy will bo the mouthpiece of unanimous nublio opinion throughout the Catholio' I may say the whole christian world " Xo night a great reception tendorcd the visiting prelates and other distinguished per sons was in progress at the hall occupied by the congress to day , The city was bcautt fully Illuminated during the reception , par ticularly Cardinal Gibbons rcsldcnco and the houses of the Catholio lulty in every quarter In the rcroptIon ball the Jam of pcoplo was almost suffocating A welcome to the distinguished guests wns delivorcd by ox Congressman Roberts , of Maryland While ho was spcaK- ing two Indian chiefs in gav feathers and embroidered , many colored blankets were seen mailing their way throug ) the crimson vestured nrelutos to wliero stood Cardinal Gibbons The Indians reached for tha handof the noted occlcstastin and bending low , silently kissed tno nrch- Dlshopal ring while spcctatois stood iu won der , finally breaking Into cheers The Indians were both Catholics , Chief Joseph.of the 1 lothoads , of Montana , and Chief Whlto Bird , of the Sioux , of Dakota J hey were given seats of honor close beside the caidinal with their traveling comp uilon , Father Van Gorp , 8 J , of the Hocky Mountain mission Xhcn followed an address of welcome on be half of the preluto bv Archbishop Elder The most extraordinary sceao ot the even ing cuino at the t onctusion ot the reception , when the prelates luaaod by thu cardinal , made the circuit of the hall shaking bands with thu pcoplo i hjit aud loft in tbo narrow passage Ihn display ot cnthusiaslio devo tion by the crowds has probablv never been equalled in this countty 'iho bishops unu archbishops , especially these from the west Ireland , of St Paul , Xoloy , of Detroit and Itiordun , ot ban XYaocUco , were seized from over } sldo How they got safely through the exuhorantdomonstratlonsof affection can uevor bo aecuruteh told A notable oveut was also la progress at Lojola college It was the formation of a Nntional Aluhinl association from nil the Jesuit colleges In the Unilcjd States The resolutions which the cdmmlttoo ot the con gress of laymen npproved latij to night to bo submitted to the conventlpa to morrow nro understood to ba strict ! ) confined to topics pertinent to thn nunouncodj objects of the congress , ns follows The devotion of Catholics to tha constitution and laws of the Ian J the necessity of tlio Independence of the Holy Sco , C itholia oducition for Catho lics , chrlstlm schools for christian people , the dutv of supporting Catholio Jour nnls nnd encouraging in ovcry way n wider diffusion ot Catholio lltcrn turc , the rights of Catholics to liberty of eonsclonco und freedom of religious wor ship in the nrmy nnd navy aud lu nil nubllo and qunsl-publlo Institutions , the wisdom of encouraging emigration to this countri nnd the settlement ot Catholics noir churches nud schools , or Hint they settle In suillclcnt numbers together so as ttTnrovldo these in- Blitntioiis , the importance of Catholio societies bolng organised on n religious and notonnrncoor uutioun\ \ basis , sjmpathv with the cause of tompeinnca and the decent observnnco of bunday , nnd Dually the rights of labor and the dutv of capital Till : M3N M.KA.1CO UL1//.AKD Tlio Loss nl Stock Hnld to Hnvc Ucen Greatly KTiicitotntotl DrsvEit , Cole , Nov 11 [ Special Tclo gram to Inn Bui 1 Regarding leportcd stock losses in Now Moxlco , a special from Haton , N. M , to uight says "lho loss of stock is grontly exaggerated On the prnlrlo stock will suffer considorablj bhScp have suffered , but If the weather turns warmer the loss will bo light In the moun tain sections stock found shelter nnd the losses w ill bo light If the cold w e ithor con tinues as it Is to da\ great suffering utid he iv > losses will follow ' ! A Irinidad special sajs tint snow began falling in the Iiaton mountains this morning and that the Fort A\arth load is njaln blocked Great suffering for want of pro Visions is nlso reported on the line of the road in the Pun handle country Acailoid of beef cittlo en louto vvas ciught lu the storm at i'cxlluo , und was ordered Killed by the railroad company for the relief of the citlzons While It is kno > vn that only Oftoun persons have boon fiozen to death in tl a storm , it Is asscitod that when search is made the number will ho found to reach tlftvTniNinvn Cole , Nov .11 The survivors fiom the recent snow blockalo nrrlvort m this city to day Many of them Bpent several days In the cuswithout food orwator Ihcy rcpoi t that the suffering by man and stock was fullv as great ns foimcrly reported An endueer nnmld Patrick Casey says that ho was eleven days in making the trip from Trinidad to Toxllnc For several days howas without food and was compelled to cat Juclc rabbit raw which she caught iu tbo snow A p irtv ot seventy lltfo snow shovel crs subsisted on sheep that were caught In the drifts Xwo Iivo go its which wcro being shipped in a caboose cav wore tnkon out , killed and eiton raw Ouo-hcrlor , is said to lnvo lost 5 000 sheep out of i flock of 8 000 The snow is still falling and to night eight irchos bus been added to the twenty inches already on tno ground Ciayton , N M Nov 1L All piovlous reports about the loss of Ufa and property have been conllrmed The total loss of llfo • so far reported is nine , with several moio missing lho loss of sheep in this section ulono is 20COO head with several largo herds not yet reported lho thermometer to night is down to zero Snow inKqnsnR , Ka > sas Cur , Nov IX Dispatches from southern and western Ii unsas state that n blizzard is sweeping eve thnt countrj The wind turned to the north/Jearly in tlio even lng and brought w 1th it snow , which in some localities is drifting baulyi At Arkansas Cltv , near the Indian terri tory line , a regular "norther" is reported * At Syr icuso the thai blizzard Is at Its height Abilene reports a sevcro wind and thick snow A \ mlciit * 5tirm Minneapolis , Nov XX Specials from Cbimborluin , Sioux Fulls and Yankton s ty that a violent snow storm la raging In South I ) ikotu to day The snow is diiftlng con siderably 1 LAlll VL FLOODS Over Ten riioiiRiind looplo Itcn- < lid Ilomolcsfl in Chlnn San rhtANcisco Nov 11 | bpccial Tclo gram to III ! Hfe 1 lhollqolsinauclaround Nine Po have rendoicd upward of 10,000 people homeless A \ illado near Wimchow lias been wished away and 500 families drowned ' Iho distress among the people up the Hau rivet from Swntow is greater than it has over been slnco 18o7 8 lhosaloot women and children by pco plo un iblo to Und food for thorn Is quitn common Iho country for thousands of miles around Shanghai is Hooded , but many I coplo in the province of luklca have died from drought A l'OWUEIl IvXXLOfalON Tliroo Mi n Instantly Killed nnd Several eral lnur | < d. Pnn.ADri.rniA , Nov XX An explosion of powder occurred at tbo chemical manufac taring establishment of Wiley & . Wullnck this afternoon bv which thrco men wore instantly killed , ono fatally , ono seriously and another sllghtlv injured Too force of the explosion shook the houses m the neigh borhood Thirteen girls and a number of men wcro omplojc I in the upper lloor.s and they were puniu Btrickou by the shock The girls at tempted to Jump from the windows nnd some of them fuiu'ed , thus adding to the excitc- mont The building nnd stock were badly dnm- aced all of tbo windows und bottles being smashed , the lower lloors torn up nnd the walls damaged It is supposed tbo explos Ion wis caused by Joseph Wiley pouring a bottle ot flash ponder into a sink Ho tapped the bottle against the sink and the oxtiloslon occurred Wiley was the senior member of iho IIrm and loaves a wlfo and several children MYSrr.ItlOUHtTllHl ATS tievetal Citlzena of mi Illinois Town Tii rnrlzed Gai rsiiuno , III , Npvy XI Considerable excitement prevails hereover a mysterious whlto can matter N. Gustavson's ' house was burned buturday morning by a flro ot mysterious origin JohtCjFrotman has re ceived n letter threatening him with trouble aud Gcorto A. Lavvrcnco , u piomi nent attorney , today found a letter in his hallway announcing that his house is to be burned and iujury done to himself and , family Hev V A. Huicrtuin and two elders of tha Flist Lu theran church have received similar warn ings lho trouble is believed to bo the out growth of the quarrel over Minister Nybladth who was dbinUsed from the Lu theran church ou the chare ot immorality nnd has slnco started naipdcpeudent church , lho police are investigating . m Tlio CIk r Icocs TAIU.EQIHH , I T. , Nov 11 XhoChorokoo council to day took up the matter of the sale of the outlet to the government It was re ferred to the committee foreign affairs , which Is composed of px Chief Hess , F. II Mayes , a brother of Chief Mujcs , and Stephen Toho , all of whom uroopposed to lho sale of the land , A Hallroud biim | > huttleii Evansvii-U ! , Iaa ( Nov 11 rho strlko of the freight conductors and engineers on the l'oorin Decatur * Cvausvillo real ended to day by u coinpro , ilso , the terms of which have cot been made public Two lloja lifiwood PtTTSUUito , Nov XI A bout containing four boys capsized ou thoMonou > ahola river this afternoon aud ( wo were drewucd A VERY ARDENT MAilONE MAN Senator Blair LtutdB the Gonorn.1 to the Slttos CIVIL SERVICE LAW WORTHLESS It Ollclit to Go , Mijb Mm Sun of tlio Ginnitn Suite Mot Ions liiconso A DlnRnosIs or Oliio'd Alllletlon , Washington Hininiu Tur Omuiv Brr ) S13 1 OlHTEENTII bTItt ET , > \Va iii\oton. D C , i\Ol. 11 I Senator Hlnlr , or Now Ilampshtro.stumpcd Viigltila for the republicans and In speaking to day of the defcit thcro said : 1 General Mahono is about the best repub lican In the United States , in mj opinion The party will bo ungrateful if it forgets him Did ho not stand hrivclv , squarely nnd nggres lvoly with us on everj publio question In the sonntol Ho most certainly did No biavcr , mora loyal republican ex ists in public llfo aud hn still lives " How do jou stand on tbo civil scivico law senator ! " "I um opposed to the lavvand Its execution Both are rndiculh dofcotivo I am iu favoi of rational civil seivicn reform , but this thing and Its machinery looms up ponderous , overpowering and altogether grown out of itu original lnlcut and purpose It ought to 60" mohton's Lterssn For tbu first Union red interest vvas to dnj shown by Washington pcoplo in thu reports rolutivo to the sale of liquor In Vice Presi dent Morton's Hats , the Sborolnm This in terest wns excited by the action of tlio Woman's Natlonil Christian rempenuco union at Chicago in ccnsarlng Mr Morton for permitting liquor to bo sold In his build ing That this qucstlot may bo definitely settled it cun bo positively stated thnt n bar room license was grintol to Mr Ivecnan Mr Morion's agent but thnt thcro is no In tention to hnvo n bir room in tbo Shorclnm They have a buffet and servo wines nnd liquors in the cafe but Mr Kconan sajs th it the service is only with meals , nnd that no ouo can get a drinlc of any sort of liquor there unless ho sits at ono of the enfetaoles and takes something to cat The i art cf the cafe where the llquois nro served is furnished with bare tables , while In the other pirt of the cafe the tnblos are set for the service of food Mi Morton very much regrets the predicament In which ho Is plicod , but sa\s by tbo terms under which ho lot the Shore ham ho could not have prevented the issu ancc of tno licouso to thn lessee coi/jncD rtTnosAdE Ex-Senator Kellogg , ot Louisiana is greatly worked up ever the distiibution of federal patronage to the colored republicans Ha savs "A fo.OOO mission abroad doesn't ' benefit thorn Ihoy wnnt laborers places in the customhouses Ihey waut to lift mail bags and drive wuLOns Inuv uro laborers and they want appointments which como homo to thorn It takes bub llttlo to satisfy them , but that llttlo is ncccssarv Ihc democrats are wise What did Goveinor Hill , o ( Now York , say at tjiat Atlanta con fercncol It was kept very quiet , but it has leaked out at last _ .In substance ho said • lt-wlll bo good policy tor you of the south to let up a llttlo on these colored people Ap point them on tbo police force in the colored w irds Make them constables and Justices of the peace occasionally Glvo them small olllces which they can fill riicv will bo grateful It will poj ' Goveroor Hill is no fool SMITH win ao The appointment to day of Captain Chnrlos P Lincoln , twenty mno voars of ago a lesi- dent of Michic in , to bo second deputy < om- missioncr of pensions , has brought about un inquiry into and discussion of the llittdep uty commissionership , now bold by Hiram Smith , ot Missouri It will bo remoin- bored that Smiths pension was ro latcd about the time ho took his ofllriul position and that ho scoured about $0 000 or thorcabouts as back pay iheru have been hints recently from time to time in oQlcial circles that Mr Smith would bo asked to resign on account of his alleged connection with tbo reratiutr of the pension ofilco When Commissioner Haum wns nsked to day whether Mr bmith would soon bo superseded , ho lcplied evasively by sajlng Deputy Commissioner Smith is out of the city " Mr bmltb his loft the city to visit his homo In Missouri , it is presumed , and it is repotted tonight that upon his return hero ho will tender his resignation It Is no secret among his friends in the pension oQlco that thu position is very unpleasant to him , nnd that ho bus wanted to retire for several weeks , but ho has not found himself in Just the situation , so far as outside sentiment is concerned , to warrant bis re tirement Ho does not want the publio to take his retirement from the pension of ilco us having been foreod and ho has boon waiting a fiTorablo opportunity to sten down aud out Deputy Commissions Smiths letiromont will bo followed by a complcta overhauling of the intlro oOlco As has been stated in these dispitches , all employes Who have bud their pensions rerated uu lor Commissiouor lunner by the unusual pro cobs or who bavo been parties to the rorat ings of other employes' pensions aio to dc- pirt from their present oOlelal positions By the end of this year the business ami force of tbo pension ofilco will have boon thoroughly icnuvatod nud changed THE MATTEIt 1V1TU OHIO General II V Bov nton , tbo well known Washington coi respondent , has Just I aturncd from a two months political tour Ho is nn intlmnte friend of Ldltor Mur it Halstead und doubtless reflects thnt ccntli , mans views us to tbo onuses wbielilod to icpaullcaii de feat in the Buckeye state General Boyu- ton says ho heard no mention of Prcsldont Harrison's administration in connection with tbo oxpiessions from the disatlsliod topub licans und that there were no national issues at stuUo X ho general says turthci j "lho saloon element did thn work The saloon crowd and their paitners , tbo prohibitionists l class uotu ol iiiom together bccaubO they woik as ouo Hvoiy- thiug the prohibitionists do is of ma to rial advantage to the liquor men and them only "A great many were opposed to I'ornkor's candidacy for a fithlrd term No , the Tanner - nor business w as ot llttlo or no consequence I met with a treat mutty soldiers In Ohio and was with a party of them all the time X wus away , but luunor's name wus only men tioned once in my homing , and then by a mutual friend who wuutod to know how the ex commissioner wus Hvo-y- body seemed to huvo u good word for Commissioner Haum , Those who spoke of his appointment said it vvas the best th it could possibly have been m ado "lho situation in Ohio is rather peculiar Just now When I loft the state it w is understood that we had elected nil the stuto ticket with the exception ut the governor This , if true , will glvo the senate a repub lican presiding olllcer In tha person of tha lieutenant tovcruor lho democratic ma Jorlty In thut body will only bo one , so you ian readily sco the repressive influence which a republican pi csidmg olllcer tan exercise - orciso over proposed democratic legislation " MISCElXANLOUa First Assisnnt Postmaster General Clarlt- Fen left Washington this morning for Lex- lntton , K } , to attend the f uuoral of Colouol Goodloe 11 1 { Hniinn , of Kansas , has been appoint cd chief tlerk of the Judiro advocate generals al's office in the navy department Will C Israel , Benklcmau , Neb , has been appointed to a position in thu ovarnmont printing otllco aud has assumed his oDlclal duties Hailroad and star mall scrvlco changes huvo been ordorcd iu Nebraslca aud Iowa as follows ! Grand Island to Alliance , Neb , , Grand Island A , Wvomlng Ccntrtl railroad , S70 miles From November 25 extend the scrvlco from Aliimco via llommgford aid Mirslind to Crivvford , inorovslng the tils * tanca tlftv seven miles Wapello to louls borough , la 1 rem .Novcmbei 15 increase the sen lea to six trips a week 1. L Ashlov was todiy nppolntod post master at Hoten , Custor count ) , vko John T Pointer , resigned Congrcssmin John H. Wilson arrived from his homo in the stito of Well ington to da ) Ho has announced himself in favoi of John \l Carson for cleric of the house tanking a solid delegation from the four now st itcs In view of the filet that tha majority ot the l'cnnnjh mm dele gation have announced for Carson it is nrob- ablotlmtMi MoPhorson the ether aspirant , will withdraw from thu race Oftlcial returns for November to the do- putmctit of agrirulture rclatu to the vleld pei aero and quilltv Xhoyiniko the ratn or corn production a full nvei igc , sllghtlv nbov o 319i bushels per acre , mil the qu illtv medium lhu luturnsof potntoes make tbo uv orngo j leld 70 bushels per aero I'cnitY b Hi ath AMM.COMi \ \ Tlio PresidentSIcuh thn Prnotnntntlnn Admitting tlio Icirltorj WioitiNOTON Nov It The piesinout signed the proclntniitton admitting Washing ton tcrritoii to the union of states nt i iT p m to-dnj The proclamation sets foith the provisions of the act of congress und st ites th it It has been cotlitlod by lho govcrnoi of the tern toiv that the mno imvo boon fullv complied with , the constitution udoptod und the sepir nto in tlclcs on woman sufTiago and prohlbi- tlonlrojcctcd bvji mnjorltj ofthevolers etc , nnd thu president declares thn coalitions imposed to entitle the stito to admission have been rullllo I and accepted , nnd the ad mission of WashIngtou into the union is now complete _ _ _ _ _ _ How tlioNivvs Wilt ) Iti oi Ivod Otvmiia , Wash , Nov 11 Whilu the house was this afternoon debating a Joint resolution to hold a night session nud pro ceed to the election of United btntos Ben ntors a incssago was received from the governor aunouticing the reception of a dis patch from Sccrotniy Hlniiio stating that the president had signed lho admission proclimallon Instnntly oveii member sprang to his feet nud lho cntiro house und spectators cheered In the senate lho proclamation nlso was received villi lho wildest < nthtisliism In view of the picelamation tlio resolution to elect United States senators tonight was liid on the taolo , anj it is generally understood that no election will tikoplico until luesdayof next week , November 10 The Inauguration of the new state officers tnkos plnco next Monday 1113 ANb\\UKLI > A "PUItbONA- . " X Former Omaha Man Gets Into Tinublo In hr Pnul St Paul , Minn Nov XI fSpoo'tl Tola- gram to The Bli | On October 31 the foi lowing note and cird wera sent to the Sun da j Sun Pluaso find enclosed a notice to bo Inserted in the personal column of the Sun , also find stamps to piy for same N'NA MtTTHBWS Thopaporon November 3 , published the "ad , " which read A hindsomo gill in her teens wishes to form the acquamtanco of a pretty joung man with a moustache seeking speedy mar riage Address Miss JNlna Mutthows , 233 EastSovcnth street , third floor , cltv The ' ad" nna tbo note to the editor were in the same handwriting Miss Nina Matthe vs of 333 Dust Seventh street , noticad the advertisement aud called tbo attention of her stepfather , Mr ltoot , who called upou the county attorney nnd presented the the case to him Th at official summoned Walitor U Sanssav , editor of the paper to which tlio note and 'ml" had been sent and ho produced the oriental nolo It was pronounced a forgerj , under section J of tbo statute , relating to forgery , which provides that "a person falsely signing the name of another to a letter whereby the the person is Injured in good nutno , " and it wis decided to investigate Miss Matthews , a jouug miss of seventeen , rather prettv , vvas directed to reply to any letters that might bo received as an answer to the "ad , " and the same d ij a letter c imo signed 'Guv D Mcalo , " b iving that the writer answorcd the description und would bo pleased to maito her acquaintance , and appointed a meeting at the postofllco Miss Matthuws mot Moido Friday evening nnd nrmged another meotlng on Saturday nt D o'elook , still acting under Instructions , with an ofllcor iu the background On Saturday she kept the appointment nnd at this inter view Mcado was less guarded and dropped remarks which will bo used in ovldetico against hitn At a signal a deputy sheriff stepped between the couple , and before Meade was fully awiro of what was going on ho vvas handcuffed and on his w ly to the county Jail in custody Thop-lsoncr , a well dressed young man of nbout twentv two years , wearing a dark suit , cutaway cout , capo ulster nud black derby hat said his name was Guy D Meade Upon ills person were letters fiom an Omaha lawyer nud his mother , informing him that unless ho re turned thcro his bond would bo forfeited and inqiiiilug why ho skipped out Meade said this morning "I came bore two weeks ago I went to ICansas City from Oinuln aud from Kansas City hero , as X couldn t find anythlnc , to do there " Meade wus t ikon before Judge Burr this morning and hold until the IStti under $ . > 00 bonds [ Guy 0 Meade was in the employ of the Homo Fire Iusuranco company in this city until about two months ago in the capacity of cashier , being ono of the most trusted employes of the comp my Ho did ull of the banking business of the local olllco , and had larfa Bums of money in his possession at various times Ho succumbed to temptation howovcr , and defaulted , leaving the city vorv suddenly , His employer was vorj reticent nnd endeavored to suppress all the facts in the ease but it was learin d that Meade wus short in his accounts Ho wont from hero to Kansas City , and nothing further was hoard ot him ] X Itoinuiitio Suicide Kansas Citv , Mo , Nov 11 ISposlat Tele gram to Tun Bub 1 "Xo bo or not to bo , " quoted young CharlesMcQIunU of this city , m the last note he ever penned Following these words of the molnneholy Dane ho wrote Dear sister , goodbye Hero are some notes Got lho money on them It will pay the funeral expenses , permips Goodbjo to everyone lho joung man took his shoes and coit oft af tor ho wrote this note jestorday morning , mid , standing up in Ins bedroom shot himself iu the head with a revolver Ho lived bovciiiI hours , but died without iccovoring consciousness A handsome young widow figures in tlio case , und the coronet will make an liivostlgilion McGiums vvas ono of tlio Marmaduko tuaids and was a young man ot popularity , m A I'nsHoimoi , sionmor Burns loitTLANn Ore , Nov 11 While the pas Bcngor steamer J. H Libby , with a cargo of 500 barrels of llmo , was crossing the straits between Guugencss and Smiths Island yes tcrday , a strong wind came up ami several heavy seas were shipped , and the steamer became helpless The llmo became wet und llamcs were soon discovered The vessel burned so rapldh thut the fifteen passengers and the crow had barely time to get on two rafts and escape , one ot thn rafts nearly founderlug before these gottiog into it were rescued The passengers and crow were finally picked up hy a passing schooner Tlio Weather Poreoast For Omaha and Vicinity X air weather For Nebraska ralr , stationary tempera ture , variable winds For Iowa Cloorlng colder , northerly winds • I or South Dakota Fair , no decided change Iu temperature , variable winds , SCENE IN M'IMEL'S ' ' COURT Hyuos and Forroat Indulge In Con * i Bldornblo Dlllingsgiito j THEY DO BUT TARRY HERE , lnch lirgnl limn nary l'ronhcolca Thnt tlio Other Will Kviiitmlly Hide His Light Behind , Prison W nils , A UNitrni rfnl IJoiv i Ohio ino , Nov II ISpocinl lologrim to * Tut Hi p \ 1 ho sensation of the dav in the Cronln trhl was the disgraceful row which ' tnok place between AttornoItjnesniuX Forrest nftor adjournment ever the dlsposi- ton and custoJv ot the clothing and suiglenl L ciso of the inurdorod phi stci in I hose nrtl- i cles , which wcio found In n so vor last Sat urday , woio oxhlDitod aud Identified lu court this afternoon After idjournmont a long and vehement wrangle took plico between the counsel for thu state and the counsel for thu dufc iso ns to the disposition of the nrticlcs In question i Mr Forrest insisted that stronglv they -j should bo left iu the hands of an ofllcor whoso interests and j Inclinations were not Inimical to the Intel est of the defense In short , ns ho frankly stated , soiuo'oulcer or person nthor thnn v Cap nlti Schuotttlor , who was a. witness for f the state lho dlsmssion wns con lined vir . tuallj to Mr Forrest nnd Mr Bines the | latter us usual meeting thu arguments uf his I nut igonist with r ithoi cutting Insinuations ' lho court waved all repoileis and steno graphers uw n , insisting that the consult a- , Hon Vvas u priv nti one but the proving Ire ' ot the nttornojs causedllielt voices to lisi to such a pitch as to bring theli convcrs itlon within the he irlng of the public < • Lot IhcJO articles ro nam In the hands of ' • some ether mm Wo mo not pirtlcular whom , " said Mr Fori est * Lot the court name n mun , any honorable man " 'Ohno" said Mr Hiiios ' ihov are now in the hands of an honor iblu man The in- , ten sts of vout clients will not suffer lhoro Is no need of n change Wo know jou too i well VIr L'orrost " "Wo know vou too well , too , " retorted Mr Forrest 'Wo Know vou from the time jou were iv Feuiiti , ves , and from the time jou were n carpet bagger in Arkinsns " S "If you do , " slid Mr Hjnns , you know that duung ill thnt time mi rccoidwlll stand inspection , nnd jours will not Keep rmhtonaud jou will laud iu tbo pointoti- tiun " t lint is where vou will pull up " siia Mr Forrest • You lack nothing but investigation nud conviction " said \Ii Hyne3 You will got there in time v oursclf , " said Mr Forrest You cutno vcij nen that joursolf iu the Holmes investigation " ' You ire n llai , " h lid Mr Hyucs angrily 1 You are a damned Hat as will as a Jury briber ' 1 Gentlemen , " I Uorposod the court , who J wis Btimllng fifteen or twentj feet ivviv , , "maj Insk jou to lomomber who nnd where , you aroi" 1 ho injunction wis lost , hovvov er , upon the I infuriated attorney s ; When v ou call mo a Jury briber , shouted Mr Forrest angrily , as ho edged up towards 1 Mr Hjncs , you are ad d liar , ad < 1 < llai votirscif , and you know It " \ * Gentlemen , gentlemen , " said the court I severely , you must stop , and stop at once " Very well , " said Mr Hvnos , 'wo will * * & have no moro of It , " nnd ho moved away 1 ' Go on now , " said Mr l orrost as thpy separated , ' and tip tuat off to some reporter - j porter " | Both gontlemnn were doubtless totally unaware - | aware of the fact tint n stenographer had ' , heard und rcporto 1 their entire convorsa- i tion The court subsequently decided that < tha clothes should bo loft In the custody ot ' the state s attorney , who was to bo responsl- ' bio for them , nud that they were to bo thor , < oughlv dried but not otherwise to bu sub 1 Joeted to nuy cleansing or laundijing pro t cons .jJ Tlir > liny In Court , CnicAoo Nov 11 Miss Martha A John < f son , secretarv to Dr Dclficld , the mlcroscop- j 1st , who testified in the Cioniu trial Saturday - $ day , was the first wltnoss this morning She * ? • testified that the specimens of blood and j hair from the Carlson cottage delivered to f her bj I'olice Captain Schaack were by her turned over to Dr Bollleld i When Henry Bucholz , on behnlf of the stnto , vas called , Douohuo for the ilcfcnso objeefd to his testifying on tlio ground thnt I the state had given no notice until this j morning Ihoobjic'lon wus overruled by tbo court The defense took exception to the ruling nnd witness proceeded to testify He said John Ivunzo came to board with him m in April unucr the name ol John Kaiser i Charles Hcikuuor , a tailor , wus tlio next j witness Ho st itcd that ho know Kunze " " ' Witness tostillod througli nn interpreter that ? ho hnd bcoii Kunzo in tbo latter part ot i April nnd that ho had then given the unmo ; Inlm Kaiser , bubscqucntly ho suid It vvas M Kunze % Several witnesses were then intioduced to 4 show that an Intimacy existed hetwoun the \ defendants , Coui.hlln nnd Kuiuo aud | O'Sullivnnand Kunzo • GusKliro a tinner , testified that on the J Monday morning after tbo murder Burke f came to the shop whore ho worked and had 4 iigitvatitad iron box Boldorcd It wus nbout 14x 0 inches in size Witness said liurlco j | seemed to bo vci v much ufruld the box would J bo opened and expose the contents Klaro j testified that the bo * vvas covered witli sind , "j Mlcliaol Wnlsh , n gas fitter , testified than | ho was at ono tioiu u > iiembtirof Camp SO 4 Clan na-Guol In the latter part of April 1 witness wus nt woik lu Jollet While there , * about May 9 ho Baw Martin Burke they > f ! roomed toKOthor until botli returned to Chi " | : ciio ( May 18 Hurku worked ono day while 1 there , for which ho w is paid f 1 00 2 'I ho states attorney endeavored to show J without success , that Burke wus without , V money of his own In Johot , but that shortly * ' 1 afterward ho was In Winnipeg with plenty * of money , with a ticket for Duiopo and with ' | able counsel to fiubt his oxtrudition , Joseph O'Bvrno , senior cuurdian of a i Cronin camp of the Clan uu Guol , told about | a conversation ho hnd with Bofsuiid othi rs i two or thrco dajs after Cronin's disappear | unco Beggs exp-ossed the opinion that j Crouin would turn up ull right , und Dennis & Ward who was with him , said bo thought * Cronin had run away with some woman I f Mnuneo Moiris , u friend of Crouln's , # . testified ns to u conversation bad Willi Don i nls Ward In the prescnen of Brggs Ward 1 ussertod that Cioniu tin ! gene away with f a worn in , wliercat Morris got mad rnd said " emphatically Unit Cronin had bean murd- % Oied and by pcoplo in this citv Bt fgs ; J thereupon s lid ' On , you nro not posted ' iWo Wo are ia the inner circle tiud know what j wo uio talking about 3 In icply to quostloiis by the attorneys , I ; Morris stated us his definition of the inner j circle , " that the I M IS bcfoio they united 1 with the U. B bolonrcd to tlio inner circle 5 A lengthy examination regarding the inner * tlrclo , " the ' trlanglo' and the "uutw * triangle Clan uu Gaels , in order to f establish , if possible , what Beggs * T roferoniji to the luiior circle mount thou eu- i sued X inully Foi est , fur tbo dofouso , ou- " . ' Joeted to it ull us hearsay and inadmlssablo fi Jester , counsel for Hetcs , was willing it f should romuia in evidence , hut the court % finally ruled it should bo sli Ickcu out so far j as | t upplles to uuj ut the defendants except S U ° SM . . . A Cronin's clothes und surgical Instruments , W found In a Lulio View sewer last XViday , " pi were then exhibited und the sowar cleaner told about tbo finding Mrs Conkhn , at * whoso house Cronin lived , identified tbo | i clothes ana other urticles as Croum's prop * • * pony , a Au unconfirmed rumor was lu cirrulatloa thW alternoon to the ulfect that tbo shoes J ; and watch belonging to Dr , Ciouln , which - liavo boon mlisiux for some time , had beta 4 | fouud iu u LaUo View sovvir I II I It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _