THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , SIXTEEN PAGES 11 j H b DISSIPATION IN THE ORIENT I Tlpploi nnd Games of Moro Than I Half the World 1 a NAT ION OF DRUNKARDS uj aim Clno of Jnp-tn Think Orlnlc Q ( On mo from tlia Clods Ilio j Invoiornto Gntnblt rs Crick * M ctH lauglit to I l lit Jl nluo ( Orlrittnl * E2 ( rViuHeM < llsiyfi//Miil / f ? rnijoilcr.l 9 AVasiiinotov , Nor 7 tbpeciat to Tiir 2 Urr I Durlnu the the pistsummcr the Sal H vatlon Winy lift * nttacked India A com Bj | inv of rcformcll-nglish mon un 1 wouon H italic 1 from Lon Ion to Hoinbiy , ami thcro H bccnn , tin ir war acnnst , lntcinncranco In a J trulv orifln'l wny Ihoy dlscnrilcl their I 3 iichsH clothes mil put on the dross of the H natives This Jrcss In many of the dis 2j trlcts , Is llttlii more th in n dirty white sheet jfl m i iipi c I in folds around the Imro bo ly , mid 9 the fair whlto sit In of these Cauciislons 9 eliono out Btranpoly nmonp ; tholr blacltcr ID brethren Most of thorn were bnrofootol sk nnd n twist of tl o sheet not seldom shown 1 & biro Icrs ns well fho plrls nt paired H upon the BtnRO and told their experiences V with IntoxleitltiRdrlnlta In tills garb The B [ men | alllc 1 about the snoots ultlulrum and H life and the s-uno fnnttstlc drumming up of M recruits went ou as Is seen In the Salvation W nruw in this country ilio hotter class of Bk foreigners vvoro disgusted with the antics of H thu s ilvntloulsts , and they clilmcl that they H did the c uisn of tciniioraiico mora harm thuii I t oed iho Salvation tinny oillcors rtpiled Be that thev wnnto 1 to show the Hindoos that St thev tholr brother and Hint they Ba could bo closer to them while wearing the El same dress Ihov said that they proposed to nm to tjnoURhout In lin and to enrrv their cru- Mq sade Into ench district ultircd In thu dross of yK tlio nntlv .i it Is harillv I rob tblc houcver , Bjj th it they will do this for the Bjf Diirs9 oi norii sirs Kl m seine of the rcmoto districts of India is not Ba more comprcheuiivu thin the 11k Ionics of Bj | the Garden of 1 Ucn nnd the war trooo of the BJ the most fustldious of the I lorn Bjf aicninisoys Is roiillncd to nnklcts TB ] ritiKS und bracelets Amonc , the Mohuminc- IB dans of India the women dress in louse BS pmtiioons and slilits of cotton ind these H shirts nro decidedly dccollotto ut the neck BJ 'ilio pintuloons jrow nnrio vol and smaller BJ from the hips to the knees and fioin the BJ Itiict s they elnsp thu calf with the fol Is of a BJ Sara UcriihnrdtKlovo lheir costume is by BJ no moans n pretty one und the pretty 1 ng BJ llsh balvatlonIsts hnvo not loil roved their BJ appo irnnco by aloj tinp it Bl Jntcmperanco is ( rowing to an alarming K § extent In India I ho sale of boor and II iuors Mf is licensed by ttio ] nglisb government und BJ Jolm Dull ndds to his pllo bv every linger H of bad whisky that the tonr Hindoos drli k Quean \ ii toi la Bent i 000 000 gallons of boor Bj from 1 iicland to In lia in u sln lo vcar , nnd Bj In a Idltlon to tills she has licensed brovvcrios BJ all ever the country lhoro is Bj a Bert of palm in Indit BJ which , belli * tap | ed produces n liquor Bj which by sovcrul dais fermentation bo Bj comes IntoxicitliiK Nuturo has thus pro BL \ 1 led India with the cheap me ins of ( citing BJ drunk and hoi people have taken ldvuntuco H | of It 1 heriilish ( liquors are howovcr pie Bj ferred and wherever our tlvlliziliou c.oes , BR our strong , drinks make progress Hr IK ahvanci oi out minus B | Korea was opened to western ideas and BJ men a llttlo over o decade igo nnd the BJ Koreans delighted with bcotch whisky and BJ Jam ilea rum Ihoyhadnovcr seen bottles BJ before and they prized these as rare euilos BJ itcs In many of the buts turoumout Ken a BJ jou muj Und beer bottles an 1 whisky bottles BJ setup as woiksof line art and taking the Bj place that wo idiot to rare bits of china or Bj Venetian cut glass 1 nglish beer L rench BL brandy and bcotch whisky are now sold nil BJ ov "i tlio cast , and nearly every town in Bjf Ju [ an of nnyslzolms Its liiuor store In both BM Tat an and China the diffi rent brands of ales BJL nnu liquors are counterfeited by the natives Bjf Iho labels on them are forced , and the poor Bjf est of Intoxicants are sold under forged BJ names It is not uncommon to flndtho coik of BJ | a wliNlty bottle acting for n stopper for an BJ | urticlo labeled Mumui s I xtrn Dry , and you BK will see It jou caiailno the bottles whlcn Bjf nro supposed to contain the finest of French BJt cotnue that the coiks of Browns stout and BJt U.ins ale are use l in them Old bottles BJJ which have eont-ilucl the finest of liquors BB are saved by tlo natives and refilled with BBJ the cheapest of Imitations J ho result is Bjf that poor boor , bal whisky and logwood BBJ wino nro ruinin0 the constitutions of tbo BBJ Colcstl lis of the eastern port , BBj J'hu Llilneso nro very fond of champagne Bflj an 1 when I called upon nnv of the fcovern BBj ment ofllelils In Chlnn Jupin , or Korea BB ) champ ituo was brouulit out II Hung BBT Chang tl o viceroy of Chini drinks rith nis BE callciH when ho uants to tcrmtunlo the m BK torvlew and the bringing in of the sparkling Bjf liquid siincs the same purpose as coffee BB soiuotlmes docs m the cast , Iho mikado of BB Japan is passionately fond of chimpagno Bjf and it Is whispoi c 1 at loklo that his innjestj BB now und then drinks too much of it Ctiurn BBT patno Intoxication lasts for a full daj after BBj the liquor has been drunk and these poriodi BBJ cal 8 | rees of the ouiporor , If indeed the BBj stories told ot his indulging in thorn are BBj true must bo n serious matter to bis cabinet BBJ and the la lies of the palace I attended BBj nt Soul , the capital of Korea a re BB view of ttio army , and drunk champiigno B in company with General l\o uud the other Bjj A modem ofliecis who hava gene thcro to Bl _ reorhanizo the troops Wo clinked glasses BJB * w ltli the bit , halted Korean goncrals nnd BJB * ' upon goliif , to the paluco had again to drink Bjf the satno li iuor in compauy with the king s BJ cabinet ministers In calling upon his blcs BJ sootioss the Patriarch of Jerusulem I Joined J with him in a JIeor of some liquor which BJ wastes strong as chartreuse , nnd I seldom Bl nindo n cal1 upon any of the foreigners In K Asia without being asked to alto a peg BB I't s ' is the uiiiiio for drinks among BK the I nglishineu all ever the oust ' Coiuo Bjj nnd hava ft peg with mo , " means como and BB take n drink , " an 1 the expression rose I am BB told from ttio old saving that over } drink a BB man tikes puts a peg into his collln low dinners mo given by fnrelgncis in the east ut JBJ which thrco or four kinds of wino are not BJ served , and mora wino is soon on the tables JBJ of the hotels than on these ot I uropo I BJB never saw so much whisk upon the tables BBJI of mi ) 1 uropean country ns I found upon BB these of the AnUo Oriental hotels Wo BJ drink whisky as a Htlmulart , the forolgner BJB in the cast drinks it as a beverage At his BB lunch and at his dlnnor ho has bis bottto ot BB bcotch whisky besldo his pi a to and ho BJ drinks It diluted with soda water or with , plain Adams ale This ho does day in nnd ( BBBI aai' oM icnr aflor year , and many an ! American and not a few Englishmen are | BJ | ruined b.\ the drinking customs of tbo east \BJ \ ern l oris As a clan j , however , there nro no | BJ brighter business men und no mora cultured ( Bs good follows to bo touud unjvvhoro in the iBJ world than tboUlo ( Asiatics Xhumostof ; , tlicm are baeholors with establishments ot : ) BB tholr own lhoyaro mon of broal expert < ence , vvldo travel and arc bubbling ever , Bl With the JJ M H Or HUMAN 1CISPNL8S BJJ or every man w hose lace Is whlto and who BJ spouks the LiiUsli ( tnntuo lhoro Is a olu'j ' 1BJBB In loklo which would bo a credit to Wash fBB iiiKton , nnd there are fovv clubs in Now York mBJM which have better cooks and moro comforts BJJ than the riihllsh club nt bhanihai It has i Bjf a library of moro than ton thousand vol- BjJ uiucs , and all the now spapurs and magazines BJ of the vvorld are found in Its reading rooms I. BJ In every one of the big eastern cities where [ BJ there is un kiiigllili population you will find [ j BJ n line club , uud this Is so in ttio cltlos of I BJ Illndoostan , and in many of the Islands of H the west l'ucitla J bpeunlug of drinking , every nat of the ! BJ east has its own nutlvo intoxicant , fortrn- J numbered centuries the yellow-raced China BJ man las brightoaod his almond eje with I BJ lainsbu And It It now twenty-six hundred II Bl year * ago since sakl , the national brondy or | j Japan , WHS Invented ltoth sanis'iu and BJ tiki are rlco brandy , and it Is said that 7 per m B ) cout of the entire nco crop of Japan Is BJB turned Into this liquor It pajs over two BJB | million dollars a j ear In revenue taxes , and BBjBj Its browort have to pay allceaie und a per BBjB contugoon the amount of tholr sales No BBI Japanoio dinner is complete without sakl , BBj I and It lu customary for a party to use but ono BBJI cup , taklug u drink und then rinsing out tbo BBJI cup in a bowl of water Kept for that purpose BBJil uud tun ling it to his next neighbor The BBJi liquor is son "d hot It contalus about IS per BBft cent alcohol und Its properties are such tbst fk _ Itquickly mounts to the heal The Alnos , tboracaof hairy savages who inhabit the north of Japan are a natios or nROMCAnm They bcllevo that tl o drink came from the gods , and think a man Is rory close to heaven when he Is under Its lnflnonco In Japan proper I saw much drinking but very llttlo drunkenness and during my whole year In Asia , mixing wlih all clusses of the people , an 1 going Into all sorts of slums , I saw fewer drunken men than 1 have seou cu a slnglo Saturday night In Presbyterian Glasgow or In Episcopalian l-omlon If the Mongolian or ttio Indian drinks to the snma excess as docs his Cnucaslin brother ho docs It In secret And as to drunken women t saw not a sinclo ono In my whole Asintlo tour 1 ho onlv opnro ich to It was in the im notion of drunkenness by two j rctty Jnpi- nose qolsha girls on a mlnlaturo stigo at Nikko I his was at n llenio given bv Mr Charles 1 lint , the eastern m in igor of the \V ntcrburv Watch company , at which ho hud engaged these girls to slifg to and ulav for the gllOMS b imbllng Is naturally nssocl iled with drinking and nil ot th < eastern nations are fond of c , lines ot ehaneo ilio Chinese are the nnrvrrsr oAMni rus i > tiip woiiid The m in wlio works for flvo cents a day , and who has uno ee it set aside for his sup per will ( , o to a co > lt stand md Invest that cent upin thu littli lottery which tno muci runs in connection with it If ha win hi may get two dinners , If ho loses heroes nithout At lien J sin every ic idler of cakes und bollcl breulhas abimboo tul o as blgaruun 1 as a tumbler , md In lUis there are a nutnoei of sticks ibout the length of u knitting needle uud of the sjzo ot n slata pen ell Un the ends of some of these sticks thcro are lumbers vvlille otters are blank Iho numbers are on the en Is ot the slicks which uro stuck into the tube und thu puicniiBor piys so much u draw It ho pulls out a stlcK with a liumbcr un it he has the number o' cakes represoiitcl by It If not ho gets nolhtiic A common garni ul Llilneso dlrmera Is the guessing the number ot lingers which one man tnru9ts out quickly before Iho eves ot his nolchuors It the L.utss Is wrung the cucsscr his to take ii dritiKof samshu 1 uu lun is the groitest Chiucso game of ehaneo U is played every w hero , and 1 > is usually run by stock com pinies In houses callc I tan ltcjon lliO'io houses li iv o two rooms In ono of w liich e ish oi copper coins ulono aru played for , und hi the other of which silv i and gold ni o used A fin tin table li ts four numbers on it one , two thr o md four , uud It tiltes llireo men to man il.o thq g line At tlio head sits the croupier ivtio has a roat mlo of cop per c wli , e u li with u little s ju ire bolu In its mid lie und eucli as big urouud us a rod cent IIo gathers up a double handful of these and puts them under a tin b i lu Iho I , unljlci'8 who stin i around the t ible then 1 ut tbuir money on otio of the four numbers and us they do so the shroff , oi cashier of the game , takes an uccouut of them nnd looks to bco that the money is not counterfeit A third man connected with the gatno Is also prcsont to pay uvei the money to the winners As soon us the gitno is ready the Das in is tikun and the croupier , by pokliic , an ivory rod Into the nolo or the custi , draws away four ut n time Iho num ber lultat the lust drawing decides Iho win nil e or the losing If the money conies out even nnd four cash are left the money of four wins And if thrco or two uro loft , these putting tholr mouc ) on four save the ainojutof tbeir stake All on Dumber ono lose It Is ttio s ime ratio on the other nuin bers and the gambler h is ono < hum oof win nine , , two of not losing uuj thing , and ono ehaneo of losing I his Is una species of fan tnn Another Is the c , irnblcr , if ho wins Lct ! > three thrco times the amount ot his stakes but it any of the other three uuinboiswin ho loses lhero ire as many other klnas of c. lines playc 1 ou these fan tan boards as are pi ijed ou the roulette tabic , and the chances uro in ull cases with these wlio run the l , line Cvcn in \ lyinc the win niugs seven per cent is usually taken out to pa ) iho expense of the proirietor , and tlio piolosslonals us-usial MAI ETBLJIOIBr China tins its policy famowhich is not much different from th it known in Amoric i and a treat deal of jumbling goes on b } means of cards All sorts of y lines of ehaneo are against thu law , but they uro winked at by the oQlci Us who in some cases got a larco , part of their revenue from the gambling houses At the treaty ports lhoro Is probably moro playing than n tlio Interior and It is not uncommon for u mini to lese a concublno at tbo gaming tahlo All ever China the fruit stands will sell you fiuitoutho ehaneo that you can guess the number of seeds contained in un ormgo If jou guess right yau get live times ) our stuko if not you pay for the orange ango and civo Hvo times thu nmouut you hnvo bat 1 hero are fovv horses in south China and there is llttlo horse racing among the natives tivos Iho Cbii cso have not yet le irned to gamble with the base ball nlno , but they make up for the lack of these two great fa i turos of American ehaneo bv betting on cock lights bird tlhts and cricket fights Iho lighting ot crickets Is ono of the institutions of China and crickets nro cauint fed nnd trained for lighting 1 Hero is u Uxcd diet for thorn and purt of their food cons sis of honey and boiled ehestuuts If thov got sick they uro fed with u diet of mosquitoes and they are OKOOMr.ll AND TRAINED MtC IIOHSI.S Ho toro being caught they are woignod and there is a lixed regulation as to tholr sizes Lsch cricket has its record pusted up on the doors ot the house In which the light Is to tuko pinco and the owner of the crlckot which wlus gets 10 per cent of ull bets A good lighting cricket is very valuable and Its fanio goes ubroad In the land It will bring a big sum nnd when it dies according to Vrchdoacon Grey , it is burled in a sllvoi coflln 1 ho cricket pit is a 'o ' w tub which Is piacod on a table After the Insects nro weighed nn 1 groomed they uro p it Into this tub and tickled with straws until they rush at each other with loud chirrups nn 1 light to the do ith Ihoy are as br ivo us Untiling cocks , und they w res tlo , bite and tear each other till ono or the other dies Quill lights are common nil ever China , and they nio carried on much as lookiuiitlng is in Mow Orleans Lhoqu ills Htht llorcolv but the spectators must bo very Juiot in or ler tliut the Hunting birds bo not rlUitcucd In most eases the bir 1 Is pur posoly tnado deut will o training and this Is done by blow Ink Into the birds oar with a tuba Pigeon lighting also furnishes much opportunity for Chinesu hotting , and cock lighting is common in some purls of the country The Siamese are inveterate ramblers , and thcro uro moro gambling houses than there nro stores in Uungkok fho Chuioso own most of these houses mid the business is al lowed to go on ou account of the big rova imo widen it uajs to the government hbclls are still used to some extent as money in Slam and India and a great deal of this gambling Is done with cowrie shells , which mo about the slzo of a limn bean and which , in blam take the place of cash Singapore and Ponaug uro noted for tholr gambling houses nnd all over the west Pacific jou will find great quantities of lottery tickets for sale Iho Manilla lottery thcro takes the place of the Louisiana lottery In Amoric i und Its draw ings are participated in by both foreigners and natives lhero are lotteries in lgvpt , Greece and Turkey , and Cairo has numer ous gambling houses at which the games are played on the same plan ot these of Mon to Carlo , but not with the satno honesty Iho Greeks uro fond of gambling , and tbojgli they are , in the main respcctablo and upright In their own land , they have a very bad reputation In 1 gypt , and a great part ot tbo criminal notes of the Alexandria uewspui era are made up of the fights among tbem Tbo Hurmess huvo tholr gambling games You will find card olaylng and dice throwing going on In nearly every part of India , and , In short I doubt where thcro Is a place in the world where games of chance are not played for money 'ihat sumo attribute ot human nuturo which makes poker popular throughout tbo United States , seems to bo found In ovcry human skin , wkeOior its color bo yellow black or brown , and It takes the best of civilized luwsand the most rltl 1 ot roliglous tntluonces to keen It in check It existed long before the sons of Lot pined the quiet game of draw for the best ot tbo lands about Sodom , and it will probably bo carried on to the very edge ot the great milionlum Thank G Cahi enter Dlscovorios More Vnluablo Mian On Id are SANTA AWE the California discovery for consumption and diseases of the throat , chest and luncs an 1 CALlt OHNIA OA C It CUItK the only guaranteoj cure for catarrh , cold in the head and kindred complaints lhoyaro sold at tl per paokato , or three for Ci.50 , and are roeommonded and used by the leading ptijslciunt of the Paeltlo coast Not secret compounds Guaranteed by Good * man Drug Co ' SHE'S A DAUGHTER OF A LORD The Story With Which an Iowrt Woman Regales Horsblf MARRIED BENEATH HIS RANK How the Ilrlr of \ \ mlsivortli ilnll Pell In Ijotc \ \ ith n I'rottr Fnoo mid Ulmt Cnino or It Rlic LItoo Helmut United lonr In nn old ivoodon tno slory bullilitiff Unit stands on n , prominent corner in the busiest part of the bus ) city ol Mis souri Vnlloy lhosuwomtui who Uoithor n victim of it strimgo hallucination fos tered if not crcitud In hoi mitiil by a skillful cltilrvojnut for the purpose of obt lining her llttlo iviiirs , or ol o she is the victim of coiupirnc ) , gigantic in proportions that lms been c-nriod on fet mete than forty jonrs , nnd has for its object the robborv of the only daugh ter of an 1 nglish lotd of hci bltthright nnd tin Immense fottuno Iho woman is a Mis ] mma Urc&oo lor tlio pist olght or nlno yenrssho hns lived very qitiotiyin the Valley , cturjlng on qiilto nn oxteiislvo and prosnoious tnilliuory business She is a till , well preserved worn in of foitv , with a high and narrow fotohead and deep sot ilnrlc eves She hn3 alwajs been regarded by her friends nnd neighbors as a llttlo queer in hot fictions , { , hl"K the lmpiossidn that she had been some deep trouble that had ghou ti sttong tinge ot melancholy to her mind and left it ntiillouiibiliiticed She was oi a strong roliglous disposi tion , given to works of clitu it ) mid liv ing a quiet unobtiusivo life But re cently she h is bla/cd out into a promi- naiieo that has nltrietod wide attention and made her pi0301100 in mo vitiligo voty aniiojing to sovoi il of its most piotnuietit people Aviar oi two ago she visited Lincoln , and while theto called upon a clnirvoj nit , and wns gtvon some voi v atutliug infoimtitioii about herself bhortly ufto hoi loturn she was c illod to Omaha , it is said , in tinsvvor to a communication ftom nnothoi clnir\oant who advortiscd ' huntress " What hoisell us an 'ostito Bha learned from this estate hunttoss" vvus in line with the liifo-m ition she hud secured nt Lincoln , and she re turned to the Vulloy nnd announced to horfiicnds Unit she had recolvod m- dubit iblo niooftimt she was tlio only uaughler of Lotd Wiuswoith , of Wads worth hull , I tmcistoishlro , England She then acquainted them foi the hrst time with some sUitling facts of her only lifo nnd some to- . cent attempts that had boon nindo to ' murder hci , and llso Unit she had been in ido the victim of a conspiracy cover ing a pjriod thntombi iced all the ) out s of her lifo , and h id been defrauded of a fortune Unit reached into the millions Shoitly nftor hci ietuin from Omih i she was visited by the cstato hunttoss " who romaiuod-ns a metnboi of the fam ily for a long time When she left , Mi s Brcsoo accompanied hi i to Omaha , and in iny visits wore mido by Iho two between the two p' ' ices Iho strange actions of Mrs Brcsoonnd min loports she h id circulated ot recent ittompts i upon hci lifo led to inquhlos by her | uoighbors , when she told thorn the sti mgo story of her life Robbed of the niimoious sonsatiou il details it is to tlio following ellect Lord Wadsworth contiaetoda mor ganatic innrnago with aoung and beautiful Bnglish girl who w is far be low him in social station , and loved hoi sodovotcdh that when his position de manded a union with a titled hoiiess ho fled fiom England and brought hia young wlfo to America Ho vvus fol lowed md the two taken back to Lng- land and sopiratod , hut not until a daughter was born The hrokon- hetuted mother died within a-you , and the desolated loid , who had in the meantime attained his mnjoritj , took Ills baby and rotutnod to Amoi lea , pro feriiug to live nmontr the scenes where he hat known his bticf happiness Ho broujrht with him neatly $300,000 , , which ho deposited in Now York nnd Chicugo as an inhoiitanco for his child IIo bo- cnuio avvaio th it Ins giiof was shatter ing hisrodbonnndappointod ono whom ho suppoaod to bo a faithful friend , named Cliiulos B Lllisas the gu irdimi of Ins child nnd custodiu.ii ot the nionov 1 His proved faithless , und detonninod to poim inontly dispose of the child and the father , and aeeuro the money By paying a liberal sum ho had the father conllnod in n privito insnno r.s\lumin Milwnukeo , and placr-d the cnild in the kcoplng of a woman named DuBoiso | I IIo then piocuicd the publication in a nowfcpapor of an account ot the murder I I of Loid Wadbworth by a bind of Indiana on the plains and the tobboiyof his money which ho was c in j lug ilhhim I 'lhls loport ho sontto Bnglnnd with the naditioiml information tli it the child hut ! died A pirt of the duties of the DuBoiso woman was to * aosttoy the child as quietly U9 possible Ibis the woman did not do , but poimlttod hot to live nnd rognid her ns her inothoi lhoy moved from Chicago , whoio the coiispirncv stat ted , to Linn county , Ioiva , and settled in tv dealing in the woods within llftaoii miles of Cculur Rapids When only fouitoon years old she nuin led , tin ough the inlluciieo of hoi supposed mother , a joung man bj tlio nnmo of Bolayor , but was so oruolly ticntod that she sopanted from him She lived foi a time in Uonuison and in Duulap , In In the tnoaiitimo Rho hud obtained a divorce , uud at Duulnp mot , loved nnd married the man Bresoovvho Is horprosont faithful husband Ilor fntlior , Lord Wadsworth , having at last escaped fiom the as > lttm , has boon busy unearthing the conspiracy , and she is helping him in every wny possible Foi sovornl months past Mrs Biosco has boon Uooplnc herself barricaded in rooms connected with the store , and in sists that the hoi rid coiiBpiiaov , of which she cltiims to bo the victim , throntons not only to rob her of hot blitluifilit and her inhoiitanco , but also of her voiy lifo She claims tli it sovornl piotnlnont citizens of Missouri Valley have jolnod in the conspiracy to defraud hoi of hoi rights , nnd thwart hoi purpose to un earth tlio plot , und bring the guilty ones to justice Hoi actions have caused no llttlo silt in that community , Ilor story has boon told with such ox- aotnobs of dotnil , aud such oidont fnlth in its truthfulness that at Hist many were lather inclined to boliuvo that there must bo some shadow of truth at its foundation So many eonsatlonal and uupiobablo additions have been made to it from time to time , that the moro accepted theory uovv is that the woman has had a disordoiot ! Imagina tion undulj excited hi designing per boiib , chili vo > iints , dotoclivos , oto , who aie fast eating up the llttlo eipital pos sessed bv herself and fuinllj During the past few months there have boon sovoiul strangers noticed in Mlssouil Valley , acting vnry sus- ploiouslv , and it has boon given out that those ivoro dotoclivos employed by the heiress in foiretiujj out the cqu- eptrnci Several prominent businessmen mon nave been follower ! by these fol lows and nnnovod by numorousnnanj- nious communication * . Dueeoloicd man has proved o n"nnoi Ing Mnt ho has boon nrrostcd us a vngrnnr pfl drlvon out of the city Another mx6l the allogcd detectives is said to bo a gambler who circulates between Donvfrand Onmlm Ono person , clnimin io bo I on ! Wtids- woith hlmsolf , nppt ' tifod a short time ago Hi showed MrVJ3Ccseo Humorous papers , had long eonviljntions with her and told her that largo sums of inoncj had already been rccovticd and de posited In banks inOmiihtinnd Chicngo bhosijs ho Informed Ium * that ho Is not quito toady to stiiljo the blow that would deal votigcutii b"lt > the consplta- tors , as ho lacked a llttlej ov I dun re bho expects him to rotut 11-113 soon us ho Is ptoparcd to piovo nnd claim ull his light * A Bl 1 ropoitcr rccentlj called at the Broseo establishment In Missouri Vul- lcj It tool iiumotous usstttuncos tint ho was not a lonspitntoi bofoto permis sion wits granted to ontei hoi presence By ellinbing n dnik stairwnj inn ! pass lng tlnoitcl ) numerous douis , thohoiivv bolts of which wcto cautiottsH ditiwn , he was ut 1 tst ushoied into the prusotico of the occluded and cmefullv guurdod heiress llei hu bnnd , a plcii tnt gen tli nuin , with but llttlo ippnont foi Loot chariietor , took npiotcctivo position be tween the ropoiter and the 1 idy IIo has the mo t implicit faith in her slorv , ind ovidontli pirtlcipitos in hci feat that hoi lifo will bo foully tnl un lie maintained his place throughout the 111- torvion , and watched ovoty motion /eilouslv 'Iho lndv talked a running sticam telling hoi story with endless iiiiiotlos of dot ills furnishing 111 ituri tl foi many clitp'on ol 3 el low covered litorntitto bho h td a roam 01 moro of closolv wtltton inaudscript and intl mated th it the half h id not been told Some ti muds in the enst woic going to use these memoranda in wilting a full histoid of hot ctso Iho numoious nttacks upon her lifo woio 11 mated titlongth Once she had a dioss tnulo 111 Lincoln bho did coverud 11 big of poison sewn in tlio lining A sti mgoi who c 11110 into hoi stoio tluoiv a handful of line powdtn into hot face on ono occasion It in ido hordeithl } sick , titid she was sttisllcd it was poisonous Othoi powdei hud boon diseovcied scitteted on the lin nets of hoi living looms One night a bomb of some soit was thrown into her room thtough a window Ono of hoi detectives succeeded 111 enptutiug a fol low who had siothci bombs 111 his pos session She showed the rcportoi ono of tlieso alleged tombs It vis broken , but the shattoiod lcinuauls boio a still lng rcsoinblnnco to tin llieandcs lent olectrio huiio She gliolj 11 irratcd the details of her husband and a dotee- tivo going to the outskhts of the city and o\ploding ono of tlieso I bombs It was filled with a poisonous gns , which ilmust Buffocnlod them , even in the open mi llei dotcctives h id furnished her witli numoious pioofs of then lidcUty , and of the justice of hoi claims Among these cvhibitod to the lopoiloi was an old silvct spoon , nnd a bdby s dicss the make and mm king of each to her mind , being absolutely conclusive th it they woio rohes of her hoblo heiitaijo , piov mg her inf intilo lecoid to bo connected with the loidlv family As the loportor pissed out ho asked ono of the gills in the millinery establishment lishmont if she kijowj anything about these attempts to poison hot emplo ci She cotioboiatodl the claim that a strangoi h id once tin own some raystoi ious powder about the phico and that the smell of it had made them deathly sickliio liio llttlo city has boon greatly o\- clted ever the nuracuous incidents of the sti ango nlTnn Among these who have been shadowed und unloved , cliargou by Mis Biosco us bouig con cerned in the conspir lev , nro a promi nent ofllcial , a mot chant , a piofcs Bionnl gentlomiin mid a heavy cipitilist lhoio are numerous in dications that the est ito hunti ess" h is R lined a wondctful inllucnco ever this woman and horhusbind , and lips boon inducing hoi to part with good honest dollars to piy the alleged ex penses of dotoctivcs etc 'Iho throwing of bombs the scattering of powder the writing of lottois , the seciiim of an old spoon and fuded biby dross , are ill thought to bo pars of the sehomo to play upon the lady's Imagination , and induce hoi to pai t with still mete of her money 111 ordoi to at last gain hoi leg acy and lank Mrs Brosoo has sold hoi homo , nnd hoi bustuoss is nppnontlv being re stricted , the evident shilnkago being accounted fet on the thoori that the clan vojants ind dctoetives 1110 gaining financially fiom the delusion undot winch sno is Iuboilug I Hey do not seem content with what they are thus gainingbut anonymous lottois indicito that they are bant on making some of the citizens pay hush money , 01 bo Iinthoi annoyed bv having llioii 11 nines given unpleasant notoriety in connec tion with the sens itioiml story of the consplincy against an I nglish heiress 'llioir oiToits in this duoetiou are , how ovei , availing thorn nothing SHC LOVED HIM WELL ( A prlzo story published In the holiday edition of the Unctuuatl Commercial IH 8 ) They wcro betrothed John run fax nnd Millicont nope standing side by side on the shiinmoung rivets shore , the dying sun and the palo , using moon dividing the heavens rahfttv piacod the plain gold ciiclot upon hoi linger that whlto and tipor finger whoso slcndoi slinpo ho knew so well nnd they vowed to bo true to oaoh ether whatovot eamo trouble , pence or ehango of foituno 't ma'toied not , nothing could over part their moio "Lvon death itself can not pai t us , Millv , " 6uid ho ho who had RcoiTed the revolution , ho who nw nothing good from out the realm of his own happi ness "I would rftum to jou from the grave , my soul would como back to bo near mj llttlo swoetlioart And vou , blue oy 08 , if you should dlo , the collln- lld could not keep jou from mo , if you loved mo well you Would lotuin and again these fuii arms would hold mo thus " And ho clnspod'tho wo soft hands and hold them tightly nh6ut his neck "No , no she said , shuddering at the chilly thought , these who dlo at pence with tholr Makoi are content to dwell with him in Patadjpo 'Iho suicide , ttiough , italwajsfioomvu to mo , is the lost wrotoh on whoiu weeping angels close the doors oneavcn | , and whoso unholy spirit wanders hack on eni th to haunt the foolstops of the living " Piophotio notds I • 'Ohwoll , with us Millicont , mv MiUlcont , It would bo different Nona ever loved ns well asvvo , and God would not keep us apart " 'Iho too youth tossed back his blown hair , aud laughed nervously at his own reeklossnoss Then ho stooped and kUscd the soft cut mouth , eo close to his , as if to chase away the mystic shade that dimmed her rod ion t face I airlax young , handsome , eloquent , olovor , beloved , jot mctiinliyslcal , un- boliovitig , heedless Did ho love the fair girl before him Yes , as ho favvoro It , ho loved her Millicont Modern physiologists could have found much in her nnturo to mar vel at A flimsy , frngllo ptoco of mo- ohnnlsm , very oxmtuilo in its dollcato details , if it could bo kept in order , hut vorv liable to bo injured nnd destroyed With Millicont the heart und mind exchanged - changed places Love her , nnd her whole natureoxuoundcdllkosomoboau- tcotis blossom , wllhdiaw this benign ititluatico and it contracted llko 111110ru ing gloiy in the full glare of the sun iho llrstyonrof lliclt betrothal had gonotind Millicont wis ulono , for the . \eirhtul notonly gene , but l'iilifa\too gene tn win fottuno and fnmo Tor whom Millieeiiti' ' l'orchauco That , honovoi , nindo It 1)0110 ) tlio leas 1 ' bitter to hoi girlish heat t his love was fortune enough for hoi , his uumu , fame but ho was gene It w is ovonlng , soinoor , melancholy , and MIlllieiitMit 1 initsincr ovoi the low tire , listening to the winds dlspoitiug in tlio 111 iplcs without or liittling wehdlv at tlio casement A fair und cli llsh fneo , upon whhh the flful lliellglil tiombles now llluun- 11 iting ono thetk with a > oft led glow , now lu iv lng it in < thalowas the ihntio Rtnitsiipoi dim out upon the heiiilli Afalriind gnlish fieo , with giiicelul feitu es und tundoi niyotls eves ojes that have a shadow in tlieh tondoiiiess aslindow of tents , ill ltd but not fet gotten 'lhoiomo ponslvo lint * , too , about the soft cut mouth , which loll of auvthing but peneo , loposo , eontoiit or h ipplncss Sonow and MUliccnt llopo hnvo met faeo to face yon been boa follons tlieso inniiy , liianv nights But well w i It loinoniboietl by tin good people of the quiet count ! 1 side when Mill } had no sueh a conn ido Diaro 1 h id been a time when the liist loblu's song was less HWect thin hci voice , when the sptlng'a latest ttnu softest Kiinshino was 110111010 of a woleomo sight than the lovely face ot Alillieont Hope But tint , was in the tlivg foiovot gone , in the golden dawn of hui woiimiliood when she ind 1 ihfnw nidcicd , to gothoi along the sliimmciing uvet's shoio at suusot , bv holy moonlight 111 joyous 1110111 , 111 that bciutiful tlictm 0110 dto mis but once in 1 lifetime Tor months no woid luid como fiom TairfiN , und thoii wnddnig day vis ionnngon npno llieio was a 111110 , though , when his lottois came plenteously ously enough ovcry day almost , fioightetl with loving fetvoi , noctiv , f ilthfulness but togothoi with vtilly 's ' htipmnoss , th it time hud How 11 Showntchcl and waited , yet ho did not wtitc , ho did not como All , wh it bittoi pun I What blttoi torture ! What a long fevet of inguisli and dcspanl Millieei t stait3 and h ilf tuins hci shapely head iho dooi cieuKs , and tlio postman stall s in Ho drops a letter tor in her lap and lolucs I igcrly these slondi r fintroisgiisn the envelope and the burning eyes do- loiu the well known 'landwiiting on the hick With a clad , half stilled ci v , the missive Hies to bet lips Liotn L titfin • * \c IIo would bo home the next evening , und were it Miss Millicont s pleasuio ho would iuii down md toll hci nil ubout himself , his m midge , his wife An half I10111 latoi she stood among the moaning winds on the shores of the turbid uvoi btood where they togothoi hud often steo ! and watched tlio toso colored light glow and fade upon tlio vv iter ' Ah's mo , what a confoundedly qucei woild is this mdwliit v eonfouiulcdly funny , queer thing is the human heart Ono yc it uiro this time I thought Milly Hope w is to bo my wife Milly Hope , with hoi baby fneo ind whimpeiing wayB My lifo on it she has J01 gotten mo ! ' * So thought ran fax 19 ho sti oiled nlonsr the quiet , old fashioned street le iding to the Hope homo His stop is light , his heait buoyant IIo has 10 cues no conscience , is mauled , wealthy , contented , and nil the old fa milial scones look as beautiful as in the days when John roaches the common whoio a reach of the ilvot reveils itself , and the evening sunlight dancing in boom ing beaut } , uftci a night of darkness and stonn , o 01 the tippling suifuco , bungs buck a picttuo ho would fain close his eyes upon 1 liifax halts , tikes the cigar modi- tatlvcly from Ins mouth , and sh iding his eyes with ono h nd , pools olT ndow n the common where a ctowd of men , women nnd childion are boon in com motion upon the nvoi shoio ' Some lueklobs urchin has had a ducking I venture , " quotii ho , swoiv- ing Irom the path and btndiug to the spot Ho joins the moJoy nssoinblugo , nervously pulling at his cigar , as his eyes catch the sharp outlines of a human fet ro beneath the shining folds of a sheet that covets it , outstietehcd upon tlio sand Iho women nro moaning , nnd the men in luguhuous Biloiico , for bomo in die ition of the next propel thing to do What found diownedi" quelldl an faas with cuotoss motion ho lifts the shoot that covers 11 dead face Motclful God ! What a face ! The same that had shone upon ins holiest dreams , the face th it had won his ho it tin youth , the faeo of his betrothed - trothod Millicont Hope Ono swift L'luncc it those mobile fea tures , the myotis eyes , staling and stony , and that diipping , sunny huh , and i nlifax uttotod a eiy that chilled tlio sturdiest of thorn all to the bono , und covering his ftico in his hands , ho ilodlie lie know not whither ho wont , but it tnnttorod not IIo must go somowhora , any where any whoio from the fahoics of that hideous ilvei any where away from f"londs , away fiom memory , away fiom lomoiso any where to foi got , nny- vvhoro to hldo away from that cold , dead face and diipping hnir Within his room and the shadows of night about him God of mcrcv.can it bo true j * Yes About his nock ho felt two toy arms clinging , with thoii slotidor hands clasped togethoi And you , bltio eyes , if you should die the collln lid could not keep you fiom mo , if you loved 1110 well you would return and again these fair arms would hold ino thus ! " Who spoke IIo whlilod quickly round but no ono save himself wiib in the roon IIo could fool tlio cold aims , yet ho could not see thorn 'ihoy were real , they woio un real Tlghtor grow the ghostly grasp , ho was choking , dying ! Ho struggled fronztodly to throw oil the icy ombrnco , but still it closer giow IIo could grasp the long slender wet flngois , but could not tcai thorn asundei lllsdoad sweetheart was truer than ho ically alio loved hiin well IIo tried to shout , but his voice died avvny In a husk v whisper uud ho full to the ilooi as ono diunk And who is that man with suoh horrible - riblo foa'uros , such whlto hnir , tearing away tlicio at his thioatas if somathing uoBchokintr Mini And the keopoi ropllod "Oh , that's old Fairfax , bo's boon hero in the insti tution for mete than twenty years I believe ho ltillod a man , or was uiossod In love ot something llko that " faAVin Gitiswoii ) ' Our machines having boon crow nod with the grand prUo at the 1 xpouition , Unlversello , Paris , Nathaniel Wheeler our President , has now boon docorntod with the Cross of the Legion of Honor WiiKULLiifc Wilson MVo Co , Chicago LPIBEIM PHACTICAI FURRIERS II4 South I5th St , Next to PO OMAHA , - NEB Manufaettttors of Sealskin and Tm Gai mollis Bo is , Muffs , Gloves Cups , Hobos Mats , otc , ahtys ou hand Old Seal Gtunionts lodyed , lolltted and 1 el in ed Plush Clou' si opined Highest puces ptid foi tin skin DR G. E. SUSSDORFF , 11 notice limit 1 to tlio treatment of the DISEASES OF WOMEN Bladdoi and Kidney troubles 1.10 1 I nriiniu lirncts - - Utnnlin , DouS'i.t ' SPENCER OTIS , W1 lie I anlcnl Y nslno r an 1 Drnf I'raa 1 , > III net ns con Itlisiikicpr h ll id * nlu bravl so lrao 1 gs It I iltui n I stirllleitl 1 ATI s _ ot neu _ vOKU Vl 1 t I Ul ) MX OEISLER impoiter nnl nenlor in nil Mn Is ot UIItD USHnnaHMtl lNIMVIS tllllD CVGISQUAttILV SHIIfS ITC Btaitll SCId ) X SI'l CIALIV 417 S 15th ft - - Shcoly Block MS.1ETTS & BEITS UD3 rxiiNAM Stiieet Ouaiia , Naa ( Uppoalte i axtoa UotnlJ ODlcohours tin toSpo Sundaja 10 a m to 1 p in Speclillsta in Chronic , Ncrroui Sltln anl Blood lsca"ei t2fr"Oons ittatlon at ottlcs or by mnil fret Mndli'lnps sent by mall or express securely Daciitd free from observation Guarantees to enro nutoV-ly Rnfely an 1 pern uneully HERYODS DEBILITY SSftt'SKtSSii • loin 11 yslcal Decay urisliiR from In U cre tlon 11 cess or Indulgence prodticlncBlecplets nesi Tespond ) ucy 1 iinpl > on the race aver ion to society eailly lUci > uinj < 1 latKotc nU donee dullunlitrorstudj-orbii3lne ! i anlllnilt lifo b iraen Hnfely permanently and 1 rl ratelycurel Consult Iln lletU ic D tts ltui > 'arnnmEt Omnha Neb Blood and Skin Disrases asS " ! ! : result * completely crallcntod wltliout tlo aid of Mercury Bcrnluln 1 r/slpelas lever bores lllatcl es Vlocrs 1 Miisln the Ilea I an 1 Uonnx fiyphllltlc Sere 1 hr > nt Mouth and Ioijuh Ca tarrli otc ] erinanontly curtj where othcrl have fnllel KifliiBv urinary iwt&Mlme5ffa8s quent lliirnliia ; or tiioo ly Urine Urine lilt li col orert or'vitli milky sedlmeit on stai dine WiaK Xaclc Unnorrhia ( Jleot , CyBtltls etc Promptly and Safely Cured Charges Itcasona STRICTURE bio ! ffiK&V ? * „ pr s r moval complati without cuttine ; caustlo or dlllatlun tJrcs elleeierl at home by 1 atlent v. ltbout a momenta | aln or annoyance To Yoniifir Men and Midflle-Aqei Men AHDP ( ! flTDP J1'e aw nil effects ot early UUnii Uelilfj Mce which brinss organlo wtalcness clestro ) Ins both mind nnd body , with ell Its dreade I Uli j ermanently cured T1D ? PCTTQ A lrosjtlioiDMli ihuve lini aired UllOi lu ) 110 themselves by improper liidul Kcucoa ard Holliiirj hnblts uhlcti ruin both bo ly nnd mind unfitting them tor business study or marriage M Allium Mkn or those enterlDK on that hap pylifo uwaro ot physical debility , quickly as slated OUR SUCCFSS Is based upon faets First-1 radical Fxpa rlence Hecon 1 Kvery case Is especially studle 1 thus starting arluht 1 hlrd-Medlolnes are pro , fared In our labatory exactly to suit each case bus atrectlnc cures without injury tsr Send a cents postegs for celebrate ! v. nrks on Chronic Nervous nn 1 Delicate Diseases Tbouiands cure 1 f TA friendly letter or call may save you future Buttering and shame and add golden years to life tWNo letters an wered unless accompanied by 1 cents In stamp * ddrisorcallon 1 > II * . IJ EX I'M & UJUTT0 , It08 yanuun Htmt , Omaha Hrtv Dr J. E. McGRE W The Well li.iiou'11 Siotliillst ] , in the treat mentot all forms of I m v vtk DlhLAsrs ( lleet and bTiiicriniiacureguarau teed SlBKMA 0IIHll0FA Imi OTisev , I ossof MA • nooniiimumbltlon Hikii elsunsurpaasBd : r sab o lutoly cured Bend tor look * . 'Hie lifo Kocret for Man or Woman each 10 cents ( atuuips ) NK1UOUSM.MS lEMAIE DlSKAt ! : " C/ATAII1I1I Ulld Hkin DisrABis cuied ijulekly and 1 ermanently Treatment by correspondence , send btuinps for reply cotsui/TA'uoN ruir : Ofllco S. B ror nth and Jaokson Sts , Omaha , Nobrasko _ - -v CHICHE8TCR B CNOL1SH PENNYROYAL PILLS * X > ) BCD CHOOS DIAMOND DKANO * fl ? Ur * a UI t 1)1 .4 llra 4 U n * • ' • • Jf Uim mHHUbin ttoa r k vallirn IS 8 4 te i r • ' p HiuUrt Mil llcllef r n Udl 'MUli' l7rel r m lLA iMlv > c ; f eaiiciciUie ) . ia.c . iaii i.HrkiuJ * THE FIGURE " 0" . ' H The ( fguro "D' tn our dntrs t with us nn3 | hns 1011U to stay No man or woman now H living will ever date u dcciimcnt wlthont H usinc the llRiiro V 14 now stun Is on the H extreme rielit 1 > 1 Mcxt vcar it will bo In H the thirl thico Whcra it will remain tin | ycni' It will then tnovo up to the second , B place VW mid thcro It will rest 1 no bun | H dri v 1 ars H I hi ro Is nuotbrr " 0 * which has nlsn como V H to stf.\ 1 II la calk 1 tlio Mn ) It is not Bt H llko the Jletiro 1) ) ' lu nur tides in the respect H that It will Iiavo to wait until next jeir H for third pIhlc 1 rten Jcirsfor scion Iphue B ns it tins this vi vr stoo 1 in llrst phiu nil i H it will not move I ram thcro , it is the new B 'No tl' lliclt Arm Wheeler o > . vNilsonSow * BBbBI iho No 'I' Is not nn oil sty lo of iiiartilno IBVH | biviinr svuio slluht cliiti.0 ) m ido in it uu I tlunuilUl nowiiniin I , but it is nn onIBSB | tin iv new t iiuhluo Itvvns iitvonted bv the best iiieilinnii il ox | iris of the 111.1 \ \ tint HBVB | 1 titer proof is wiinte I 1 t lint fict thin the BBpH follow ti l. 1 iblcRrnm tlrrit Iroiu the P iris BBSBI 1pisit in wh eh w is 1 iblislie 1 in ill ) the HBVH t liu iii > 11 vvsp ipers nf Dot UrJall J 1 mihitkin I'sivi u i 11 I tins ( i lober ! 1 | 8 | > III I Int hleh t pa < iMl I tvemlum ' Al in lii oil } ti nilitl 1 foi 1 Mile nit Muis I vtas inrl 1 tin Uiieler ml WH on M iiiric I uipiii ) . liie No 0 ins liilicn the lirst premium | H tl is v 111 ut thi si lie fin ii t I wi Mttitic- H s tu 11 IWiscoisIn nu I tlo llrst 1 remiinii IBSJ iitevnj lounty fair ultro it bus been ex 1 I ib tc I H iNo vvomiii . If she desires to l > huppy BBpH h ) oul t bo without 11 No 0 ' N > 111 in M oul 1 be 1 upiy until ho hits punhisul thu lightest mulling loclt stltth uiuhiuo iu the pHpH ] vvtrll the 1N0 I ) for his homo No u etit JBVH la bin p\ unless hu sells the No II No HBVH deilcrwlllbo hn | | v nn 1 | ros | cuius in thtti nco of 1 npress uiiUhb 11 furnishes his msto iiicis with the only perfctt snvlnc , iniuliino tin ill u Ism fn foully us the Nut ) Uo nro liupi v , for out Ira lei his more thnti doulltil siiuo 11 ublrth or the Null ' y\HLM Ut WILSON M I li l O 111 l * * bnsl iiv i ll ice _ THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA H llUltIlSaiOlOtni ( leave An ivoJ Vfll l > ci 11 11 V. Mis ti sts OntlM Uniihn H t'liieniettbulo 11 l ul urn u ) m LVAVJ t hlcii ) Vn | 1 . I l ium n nil Chicago I cat I 0 11 p 11 - IV \ m D nvir Vosttbuli 1 \ I to 01 a in 'I 0 11 m llncoln VI 1 icor lia 1 o 1 K UJ a it Osl n m L loralo Mull I ill 11 111 ui : , , n m ( t IiIcsko 1 ast Mall 11 U p m ( 1 nti ! > is l Ity I x | rets 1 11 > 111 (1 ( 11 n 11 iHHBH Kauain Llt > I ipress | U Ul p 111 r V p 111 rVAVJ C It f V ; 1 leave > tiii't iVAHfl Depot 1 th V Vlarey sts | 0 il a | Oiinna Iluv Mntius Arcunuioln r I a 111 fl : 5 p m H All nitiu 1 xp ess • 1 IS a 111 Dl p in * Mklit ixir ss 4 n p m n a a m Ae llUulel 1 uress 'V IV p m 7 10 n 111 UNION ] At IKK l nvil Arrlvo VJ Del ot lutn und Marcy sts Om il a. Uinaha iBVAI • Overlan 1 Klyer I'fl pmTlTpa ! • I acitlo hxi r ss 2 am 7 0 um ( BHH • Dtnver hxpress ] uJ0 : a tn 2 il ) p in 1 Kinsas ( Ity I incoln i Peairlee hxprt ss 4 tn am 12 It a m H ttlrand tslan 1 hxpress 6 4V p 111 1. - > p m • i'aiillllon Passenger D.M p m , 7 JO a tn • Dally tDally Except Sun lay Mi > 1 iti 1 vein i r vo | Dip 11 tli v. VVeoitersts 1 Uiiiho Ominu D v K-qiri. 11 1 1 m 1 11 a 111 H MK'lit 1-xitess 8 ul ] > nil f > V p tn „ f V IHM II II 1 nave \r ivo H Doiotl thit Wolsur its Omslin Dunlin lllact Hills 1 xi nss H tl 1111 1 40 p rn H Hastings t Siteiior 1 k. f II am 11 In tu B I u coin i tv alio ) J ass t 11 p 111 10 I > a 1 j H David cit > S. lork 1 iss 6 11 p m li ir m H Nt rtoIR > a s 6:10 : it m ill , am | ffreniont iat3 12 Iud uu I 4J p H 0 tc N W. R. R I T ave I Arrtva H Depot 10th V Jlnrcy sts | Oninaa omana B rhlcaco l.xprosi Dally U 15 a ml - 01 p ra H Fast 1 lmlte 1 Dal y Jill ] ) 111 10 i ) a m Jliojjvei ; l ) llv * t P ml B OV ft in C M * dT PUi' . leave Arrive BAVfll Depot 10th V Marcy sts On aim ( miiha ti > . a m | ho 4 tl UQ p in 1 Nol 7 tr > a m No 3 f npia _ C ST 1 M A. O ieiv flri'lvn H Depot 1 th t Volstersts Omtha Ot mha • Kloux ( It 1 x ) ress 1 03 p m 1 Ul p 111 H Bloux City Acmmodatn I li am II 19 p m M 1 mil I li ilte 1 j 0 I' p m U l > 11 in • Uonnco 1 asse iRer li IT a 111 H10 am • 1 k renco I as enter f XI p m 0 Jo p m vPoiencs 1 nr oner I ) 0 11 111 II > it ta Uloreneo I a s nsur 131 put 6 15 p ni • Daily I xrii tbuuday IBuuoay Duly ' . * ss J BUUUItltAN TttAlNS M lAc'Htw | Rnnnlng bstween Council II u UV and Al * | brlKtit In nd tltlon to thoslatlo is mention si , J trains stop nt lvtenltetli aid tiv ntyrmrtU J jt eet , an 1 at the jiiiuiiiuja Omaha _ _ _ llroad- Trans Umal a I oiuli | Al- ' H way fir d lot Slicev ) ruaba ought v * . M AM A U A M AM AM ITflVJ Ul 5 Al S 00 t ) OH a 1 e 17 e w an em lira : 6 40 6 17 7JU 7 07 7 ' 0 7JS M 7 .15 74. 7Vt SOO , M 7 45 IK 80S S U U 80 ' 8 35 6 42 $ r 0 00 8 45 IK 0 01 Ull IIif 0 JO iVBV 0 S3 9 4. 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