Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _
No advertisements will bo tnkon for
thcso columns gftor I2:3O p. m.
Torms-'Cash In ndvanoo.
AiUfertleemcntsnndrr thiabcait 10 cjnts txr
line fort lie Urn Insertion , ? cents for each eub-
eiU-nt ( Insertion , nnd * 1 J/l per line per month.
No advertisements takwn for les than 25 cents
for first Insertion. Bevcn words will \to counted
to the lire : they must run constcutivfclv mid
mnit bo paid In ADVANCK. All advertise
ments must bo handc ; . in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
in. ; nnd ttmUr no circumstance * Kill they betaken
taken nr discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In tlieso columns and hav
Ing tbelr answers addressed In cnroatTilK Ilws
trill please aitt for n check to cnntile them to get
their letter * ! , nil none will be delivered except
on nrcscntiulon jf check. All anfcwers to nd-
Yertlsoment * should be enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvortttemontH In tlit-no columns nro tmn-
IblitMl in both morning nnd orrnlna edition * of
TUB Jtr.K the circulation of which aggregates
more than 1R.OOO pnpew dnllv , nnd clvc tlio ad-
ycTtlsTsthftbenellt. notonly of thcclty rlrni-
Jutlonot TIIF HKK , bnt nlso of Council Hindu.
Lincoln nnd other titles nnd towns throughout
thli flection of thn country. _ - _ _
, Ailvertl ing for tliefceeolumns will bo taken
n the above conditions. nt the folloTrlnir bnsl-
ne/ ! house * , who nro authorized ngonta forTliK
Itr.r. aperlnl notices , and will quota the sumo
rates as can bn had nt the main office.
_ _
/SHANK & HDDV , Stationers and Printers , U3
V/Hotith ictli Strict.
SH. I'ARNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2116 Cum-
_ jlngr .
w" * M , Pharmacist , C21 North 16th
GliO. W. PARH , Pharmacist. 1718 Leaven-
orth street.
TJ UGHIS * PHARMACY' , SfflS fnrnam Street.
IMNTKD-Fltuntlon in n small family by
an old lady , Inquire COJN. 14th it.
WANTKD A steady , middlo-ngcd man
wants Kotno light work in olllco. store or
factory. Address N 1U , llgeoOlce , li-'H 7t
\XrANTKD-Situatlon In private family at
T > cook , cnll nt 837 8 32d st. 7058 ?
' \\7ANTKD Situation as engineer , no objecT -
* T tlons to country ; J5mouths' recommenda
tion from last employer. Ad. N 38 Omnha lice.
73u lot
[ f ANTKD Situation as 2d bread baker : ad-
T dress N17 lice olllco. fi70 Gj
ANTKD Situation as fireman ; good refer-
TV ences ; 1017 Capitol avc , Tlio ! . II. Rich'
nrdson. 012t
A OIJKI'danted To handle iirtlcl every
Jt\stoverequires. Retallsgl ; saves$1.50 per
nionth. Must establish county agencies. Sam-
plus sent express prupald on receipt of ! .7u.
MoroyMfg. Co. . WaiiKesha. Wls.
WANTKD Kvery good nf ntloman and ladv
agent within 60j miles of Omaha that
vrniits to irnko money. Address Guo. li. ulf-
lord , Otnnhu , Nub. , care of Glebe hotel. 7S3-13J
Ono good locksmith nnd two ma
ohlnlsts. Inquire at Intor-stnto I > 'lro Alarm
omco , iTO N. Hc > untcouth street. '
WANTED Young man not under years ot
age forontsldo'posltlon. T. 11. Kllic. with
N. It. falconer. 7s57
" \\7ANTKD-A first-class wutchmaker and
> ono good manufacturing Jeweler nt lid
helm & Akin. 747-11
WANTKD An experienced traveling sales'
man for a general Implement line for
Northern Nobrnmta. 'tpply nt once Ivrystouo
Blf . Co. . 1501 B. Jlain st , . Council Ululfs , la.
"VVTANTKD AdvoulsInK solicitor to cnnvnss
T T Omaha's wholesale bouses for a specialty.
Address N 33 , euro llee. 774-tJt
A OliNTS Wanted Send stump for circulars'
i-Wlch. Door Plate & Hell Co. . Grand Rapids ,
Sllch.W ANTED A young man to travel , address
Interstate , room 4-t 1'axton blk. 700 Ot
TA/ANTKO A young man (33 ( year ) old ) o
T fair education , who speaks KnglUh , Gerl
nan and Scandinavian , wants a position in uf
flee or store ; references if roimlred. Call al
1013 S. 22d st. 741 7t
plHNTIJR Wanted A boy 14 to 1C years old ,
X peed typesetter : state experience , refer
ences , und wages wanted. Address Mirror ,
Lyons , Neb. - 737 11
MAN nnd wife for private family , man to
take cure of furnace and do chores , wito as
chambermaid. I-ucly dressmakaKor. $ 0 ; elderly
Gorman > roma& to takacaro of children : cook
for prlvitt family , no washing. > ; cook for
onicors firmly. ! ; lauy pastry cook , fc'u ; lady
book-keeper , $ > ; now places every day at Mrs.
ires 'M. JI14H B. 15th. 747-Ct
WANTED-A coatmaker , 404 B. 15th st.
"VATANTED nnd two ladles to fll
TV onice nnd fluid positions , Must nnveboruo
money and bring rcferoucci. Kalary to start
from 40 to J50 per month. Call or uddress Thi
Geo. 8. Cllno PUD. House , 511 Flrat National
Hunk llulldlng. Oniahu. 71B-DJ
WANTED A special agent for every county
lu Iowa and Nebraska ; must have $100 lu
cash and bo a hustlar : salary 175 per month.
Cull or address The Geo. H. Cllno Pnb. House ,
Itoom fill. First National Rnnkbutldlng , Omaha
WANTED Two first-class book salesmen to
travel in lown. Our best men are
making $50 to 175 per week ; tlrst-clasj terri
tory. P. K Collier , Davunport. la. 7100
TPITANTED Good shoemaker nt once. C , Car-
TI man. Table Rock. Pawnee Co. . Neb. 7U3-W
LGKNTSI Write for terms. $3 sample cornet
fruu. Schielo k Co. , nt'O Broadway , New York.
"VIJ'ANTKI ) Salesmen at $75 per month salary
T nnd expenses to sull a line ot allvor-platoil
Wiire , watchus , etc. , bj Rumple only ; horne tinO
tonm furnished free. Wrlteatonce forfnllpar-
ticnlara ancf sample en BO of goods free. Stand
ard Silver Ware Co. . llostou , MUSH. 5T >
TX7ANTKD--Mea , for Washliifrton territory
I Ubrlght'fl Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam st .
4 U
TMf ANTKD Good Dri'-klayor and stoncctit
tcrsS good waces paid. Apply JI.T. Mur
phyt t remont. Neb. _ " > T travel for tno Fonthlll niirserlos of
Canada. Wo Pay $50 to 8U a mouth und
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
BtocK. Add. Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wta.
i 4TS
W" ANTEI > General agents ; no canvassing.
Address , The IJIake-Hoywood t& , Kansas
jaq. _ HM-I
W'ANTF.D Goodllvo canvasgors for sotna of
Urn bust selling articles in the world ; from
7 to a. m. . 12 to 3 and B to B p. m. ; apply to C.
11. Jordan , Cuzzoug house , 'Jth and Ilarnay.
_ G338t
W "ANTKD Men with teams to gather corn.
713M. mth.Dmalift. &JO 71
WANTKD A few more food agents for new
novelties Justour. Siiniplo by mull : ) I cunt * .
Keltler DoViiio , RoomU' ' , Ilarker building.
"r\TANTF.D AccntR tu sell the Pinless clothes
VV line ; the only Hue ever Invented that holds
tnu clothes without pins ; a perfect success ;
patent recently l bued ; sold only by agents , to
whom the oxclut < lTo right Is given : on receipt
ot 60 ct wewill send u nanmla line by mall
lno circulars , prlco llstp nud terms to agents
CDCureyour territory at once. Address \Vor-
c str Plnli'ss Cloihos Line Co. , 17 Hermon t
Worcester , Mass. 3uO-7t
WANU'iD-Tracl : : layers nnd bridge i-urpcn
tern fer Iowa. Fllley , Kramer ii Co. . cor
lllh and Farmm Rli. 170
WANTKD A tow more llvo , energetic eales-
mtiii to ell groccrieH , etc. . to farmers , ho
tel nnd restaurant keepers and other large con
wholesale prlcen ; exclusive territory
pi van : for partlculnrs address the Kdeoworth
Sliucantllo Co. , Importers , nmuiifiioturerB am
vrhoienale grocern , 1447 Stuta tt. Chicago.
H t 18 *
\1' ANTKO First-clans exprrlencud Hulenlady
VI in cloak dopartmont. btuto exiraneno
nd whvro employed. Addrei * L02 , Hue. Ski
W IANTIJD Girl for second work and to do
plain tawing. Mrs. Gray , ai'l DoufUa.
_ T77
ANTKD-IIalf gro\vn girl for chilli' *
nunae. aa Capitol A Yd. 781 a
W 'AN'J'KD OooTl arufisniakef 1318 Douglas
Upttalra. 7HU-tt
WANTED-Qlrl for general housework.tcood
n-agtui paid to right party. 13 0. aoth.
WANTED Bomo experleucod drei&uiaKeri
nl a 2 apprentice tflrls ; ills-j illnulck , ] 7- '
I vcnwoitu. ;
WANTKD-Gtrl for gvnaral housework
bv t oc w ] { i4 to.the right party. SHS Bt.
Mary'a avenue. T d 7 *
WANTED A girl forgcnornt houseworr ex
cept coolcin . littj Cullforula HI. cor 90tu.
NTKD-A hftlf-urowa girl at W 8 SOtn t
WiANTKDOMxl Rtrl for general hottscworit ,
II per week. 2218 LeavcnworthiBt 77
w ; 'ANTKD NurreglrUtrlth references ! good
wages Call at once , 2112 Douglas st.
r AI Bccnta for Cnllds' ro form wnlsp
U skirts , btmli sub < tltnto. babv diaper tun
r rtcr , etc. Now gooils. Our aeent at Atm I. ,
illnn , . mud * ; ii in 10 days. Indies' Supply Col
S87 W , Washington St. , Chicago , UO-8J
w ANTKn-Iluttonhole-mnkerMltSKarnftm.
770 12 ?
D HUSSMAKlNd in families. 1031 B. 20th.
MISS O'DONOHOi : will hereafter have her
dres making parlor nt 1523 Douglas , whure
she will bo ploHsca to see her cnitomcw. Plush
cionkAHteamed. rellnod and rellttea. nutlng
nnc ? llttlngn specialty. _ 7UV10
M PISS ! - \Vnlslu iniB Capitol aventip.drcii and
cloak maker ; plnsh cootarBflttcd. rrllned.
" \7rANTKO [ Pewing and dressmaking in prl-
VV vnto families oral home , r.K N. 17th st.
772 OJ
T OU1S VVlNIItlBno.drcs ! ) and clnan mnkcr ;
J 'plasti cloaks to order nnd steamed : senlskln
clonks rcpalrml ; all kinds fur trimmings fur-
nlshod. DX Cftpllol AVO. , repaltlng of nil kinds.
* 450
ENOAOKMUNTB to do drcismaklng In fami
lies solicited. SUM Sturdy. 511) ) 8. Gth at.
893 nSlt
WANTKD--3 or a unfnrnlihcd room * for
light housekeeping , between IBth nnd 23d
sts. nnd Farnnm nnd Davenport its. H. II.
Ileoves. agent Adams Kxpvoss. 717-0 *
WANTBI ) 3 or ,1 fiirnlihetl nr unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping , near bml
ness center. Address N u3 , Iluo ofllco. 750-7
WANTED Hoarders nnd roomers. 1017 Chi
TTIOIt HKNT If not sold this week , nice 8-
X' room noimo , .lust completed , In Ilanscom
1'lace. nil modern tonvenlences. llrst-cUss
nelghiiorhood. cloao to new cluctrlc car lltic. n
lienutiful home$15 per month. Hlccs. N.Y.I.lfo
Uldg. 771B
771011 ItKNT Nice B-room cottage In West-
JP lawn. Just outsldo city limits on Holt Line
lly. ; will make a beautiful little homo ; rent
tiu per montn. HlcKs , N. Y. Ufe Hut jr.
17OIl ( KENT Frame house , BOJ So. 10th st.
J3 call at Ilerjt Co. , 1113 llnrnoy. 7 l _
FOH lilt NT-Nlco lit tie cottage near High
school. Hicks. N Y Mfe Illdif. 771 8
FOK HUNT Ilo t and most gnnteel IIOHSH in
the city for tno money , Davenport near d ,
right rooms , water , gas nnd sowcrago. . 133.
Hoggs A : Hill. HUB Furnam st. 7KJ8
TjlOH IlKNT fi-room cottnge , $14 per mo. , cor.
X1 l.'th nnd Williams 8t. Knqulro of 3. Nacl , 013
So. J3th at. 7UH
IOH UENT 3-room house , 13th nnd hurt.
JJ . 7C4 7J
TP you wish to rent a house or store see II. E.
J-Cole , Continental block ; oflice open uvenlngs.
TjIDRNISH En house of 3 rooms for housoKcep-
XA lug , on cable line , imiulre tC133 Clark sr
5HOOM house. $13per mo. , S. II corner llth
nnd Vluton Bts. 017-llt
TJIOH KENT 7-room cottage. Inquire nt 1311 N
OJ 19th st. O'U t
FOU IlKNT Handsome 10-room house , all
conveniences , paved street , calile nnd horse
carj. f > minutes' walk ot postolllce. Nathan
ShoTton. 1014 Karnam st. 4UO
TJIOll IlKNT Neat 7-room house. In goodre-
X' pair , on cor. 3 < ltn and Woolwortli nvo ; pos-
ncsslau given at. once. Inquire O. li. Tzscnuck ,
lien olllco. RXI
FOU IlKNT frroom cottages on Half Howard
iier.r : CJJ .st , Hntuilre 031 8. 17th st. 031
FOIt liKNT 10-room brtez house on 31th st.
near Leavemvorth. Apply at di7 8. 20th at.
FOIl HUNT 11-room house. No. H10 N 23n st.
Address room 100 , Mlllard hotel. 064 Ot
TT'Oll KENT i ten room houses , from 815 to $30
X1 per mouth , on Motor Hue. Hoora & 37 Pnxton
block. o li _
TJWHl UENT 1'art of modern house , rent rea-
X1 souable. UM N. 17tU. 743 Ot
TJIOU RENT Right room cottage. 1405 Slier
X1 mnnuvo. City water , range and bath room.
Two hundred feet ot yard frontage. Apply at
premises. W. K. Annln. r 54
O ELEGANT new H-room bouses , with nil con-
venknces , including ranges , and best resi
dence location In the city ; 10-room house on
S. lOtti st. . opposite llrownoll ball ; a 4-room
cottages , S. lith St. : 4 7-room houses , with all
conveniences , cor. Heed and Park sts , Windsor
Place : large 10-room house cor. Sfith and Cnld *
well fits. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat ;
bank bulldini ; . 431
Tlion RKNT-So. > A my block. IISI Goo. ave.
X ? 10 rooms , furnace , gas nnd fixtures , electrln
wires for lighting , rungo and every conven
ience : bam with city water and gas In ; cliolco
nelghborhood.SuO. D.V. Bholcs 313,1st Kat bank.
TJlOll IlKNT Two dwellings , corner Capitol
X' aro. and 18th sts. , opposite Trinity cathe
dral ; furnace , range and all modern conven
iences. Call on or address H. L.
ton ticket olllce , ! ! , ) 1 urnam at.
T71OR RENT 0 rooms , cellar , city water and
X1 gas. Apply Itoom ID , Arlington blk. 143
"I7t BGANT Hats to reiir. 10th st , castslde , b'e-
Xutwuon Jonas and Iicavenworth : lirst-clnss In
nil respects , and new : stnam heat , bath , open
crates and mini tola , electric hells In all rooms ;
both motor lines pass property. References
required. Thos. 1' . Hull , 311 Paxton block.
0 5-ltOOM ( now ) bouses , nl 1 modem convonlen-
tJces except furnace , at 41(1 ( , half block fiom
motor. Clu Paxton Block. mu
rr-room bouso with barn. Jl" > nur month. 0. K
1 Harrison , Jlorcniiius' Nat. bauk. IK'J
chamber with board if
X/dt < 3lred in private family : lady referred ;
references , 1E33 Grace Ht. 783 7 ]
KKnilNIBIIEDrooms for rent for houskeeplng
Owith nil modern Improvements. Inquire 305
N-33d at. 791-11
N1CRLY furmahed rooms with board. 1)14 ) N
Will. 75813T
ABU1TH of rooms .vlU ) hoard for gentleman
and wit u or 3 gentlemen. 1723 DoUgo st.
s 703
rjMV'O connecting rooms , suitable for throe or
X four gentlemen , and ono large front room ,
at reasonable rates , tt-'l N. 16th at. 700-8 *
"M"lCli rooms , steam heat , 1710 Davenport.
OR HUNT Furnished looms also front
and back parlor. IHK ) DougUi. 6J1
TrnURNlSHKD rooms , iwlth board and steam
X ? heat , gaa and bath. 1(113 ( Harnay. TO lit
OR HKNT Nicely tmnlshed room with all
modern conveniences nnd good location , in
private family to one or twofjentloiuen. UOJ N ,
ath street. 737-11 ?
TTIOR ItHMT-2 front rooms with gas , bath nnd
X' steam heat. 3)51 * . tilth Bt. TUl-Ht
"I71URNJ8HUD rooms , now and neat , gas and
X' bath , rent reasonable. SOU Farnam. Cttia *
FOR RENT Suit ot rooms over steve store ,
Ittil Howard , tau per mouth. 657
"VI1CBLY furnished rooms cnoap , 16 Howard
LN Ui-a floor. No. it ) . iw o *
TTHJll RKNlNew furulshed front room with
XI gas , rent HO.Oj per month. 1715 CUSK st.
Q T. OLA1R European hotel , cor. lath nud
O Dodge ; special rate by wtelt or month.
TVR RENT Large furnished front room with
X1 bay window , t'as audboiti , 110 per mouth.
218 Leavenworth. cw
ITlOil RKNT Furnlsh'ed rooms with orwith-
X' out boarVl at the Catzont hotel. tfll
jJUUlNlSlfBD rooms for rent j 1707 Capitol nv
TJOOMSwltU board for . gentlemen at Mrs.
XL cnurchlOg. U N. IVtU at. 0341 *
TTIOR KENT Furnished rooms , modern conE *
-E vunlancOT. BIS N.-Mta at. ta9-H
TJMllJ HUNT Pleasant rooms , tieatotf by
X ? stcttst. Hoard If dailroi. SIOO Douglas at ,
NICl'.LV furulsatd bedroom with board in
jirlvcto family , Reference * ; sAJTi'arnam.
TJOOMawlth or without board , for three
XXgentlemen ; private family ; references. i is
Dodge irxit. &aa
TiWR ItKNT i rnlibed front room wltn al
X1 modern convenience to iceatlemen only.
. " " . .Apply . at store. 8W
O ROOMS , light housekeeping. 1319 N. Irth.
_ . ; Ni8Hri'"robm with Hoard for Two gen
tlemen. M3 Cnpllol ave. tf& Ot
THO H HUNT Toono or two gentlemen wllh
X' gH references , a nicely fnrnUhert front
room , heated by steam and centrally loenttd
Inquire 7-'i B lj > tn _ t. _ 1OT
"filOH JIKNT Two furnished rooms Wk tt.
X1 Mnry' * avenue. to gentlemen only : six mln-
tr ' wnlK of business center. llufercnro re
quired. Inquire at store , 210 nnd 2)2 B. 1'itli st.
TTUniNlSIUtU room uml board , at ROT N. mil
mo m _
ELKCANT fnrnUlictl rooms with bnthnnd
stenm. U16 lion nrd st. Clt
"JTUJIl ItKNT Snltoof 5 rooms in Ilntlin Vista
X1 and Cumins sis. , tluper month , Hloks. N.
Y. LKoJIldg. 771
THOH RtiNT 3 nudes of unfurnished rooms.
X1 Hiiltable for light housekeeping , or nil for
one family. SCO Douglasst. 710 7t
T/IOIt RKNT Two lariro unfurnished rooms ,
JL1 gas , bath , nlco location. $7 Caas Bf.
TJTOIl HUNT 1 imfurnlthcrt rooms , suitable
JL1 for housekeeping , am N. lilth st. 4B3
CIOII IIENT 4-rootn sulv unfurnished sulta-
JO ble for hoiiMotooplnp , antt. vrator. etc. . to
family without children ; northwest cor. 17th
nun Webster st. tOT
T/lOlt HKNT Now 4-story brick building tin
JL3 10th M. , south of llnrnoy ; ospectally destra-
bio for uliolosalu bunlnaso. corners on alley ,
light on three eltlea. Hicks , N. Y. Lite building.
171 8
POIl IlKNT Store room in Hoyd opera house
building. Enquire Amuriciiu Savings llnnK.
TJ1OR ItKNT Kirst-clnss store room on IBth
-U hot- Dodge and Capitol nve ; can rent 3d
floor wIth ntoro room If desired. Hicks , N. Y.
J.lfo Illdg. 771 B
mo KENT Desirable warehouse room on
JL track. Apply to 0. W. Kolth , 711 Pnclllisst.
riMlK most promising locality for business In
JL Onuiliii JH on ICth ht. . betwuon Vurnnm nnd
J.cavcnworth. tlio future rutail district of tlio
city. Elegant blocks are going up. nnd nothing
shabby will over bo erected thero.
Take n look at the new liiock on cast sldo
16tb between Jonea 4 : Iicarun ortli and secure
lease for n number of years ! nil hcatd with
steam , with plate-glass front , Thos. F. Hall ,
nil Pnxton block. f > 95
C10H HUNT Nlro store room cor. Cumlng
JD and Vista Bts. , good location for grocery or
mout market , with suite of 0 nice rooms nbovo
if desired , moderate rant. Hlckfl , N. Y. Lire
nidg. VZI3
EUH KENT The store room. 1" 231 otlg1ft st.
Intelv occupied by t5eorgo Hean. us n canny
store. Inquire of A. Baunders , 150 Faruatu st.
TTIOR RENT 2 now store * , B17 nnd 01DS. ICth.
| 1 1.Hn..eV.nuWindOWS. . oj'J
"KW hotel , in heart of city : thirty rooms.
W.Varnam Smith , HI. Continental ! lllock
81(1 (
TJ1OR RRNT-Slore. 1111 Farnam St. . 2fU:138
X1 feet. 3 stories and cellar. Nathan Hlii'llou ,
1614 Fnrunmst. 471
FOIt IlKNT The 4-story brick building with
or without po-.ver. formerly occupied by The
HeoPubllhhlug Co. , UN ) Kanmm bt. The mtlld-
Ing lias iv Ilre-nroof cement basement , com
plete steam-heatluK fixtures water oil all the
floors , cas , etc. Apply at the ofllee of The Hco.
* 915
FOR IlKNT After Ocf 1. fine front ofllco.
srround floor ; plate pla s window ; hent nnd
light furnished : u most doalrulilo location for
nnv Kind of biwlness ; rent reasonable. Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , UIO S. Ifith st. 4"J
FOR RKNT Itnsement. 40i.CO ft. beated by Unqulre. J. Nngl. 013 So. 13th st.
' 474
OTKICI3S for rent , Witbncll blocs : central lo-
catlonsteam heat all modern Improvements
fwO 0 *
IjlOR IlKNT tlrick store room 307 13th st.
X1 joining cor. Douglas. S. Lehman. 3JO
EOIt IlKNT A 4-story Drick building. 01x130.
tmltahle for wholesale : good trackage ; I
have also a number of line residence prop
erty for rent or sale. For particulars call or
address 40.T-4H lloobldff. N. O. llrown. 4311
AUCTION sales every Tuesday nnd Friday
morning at 1131 Farnam. Omaha Auction
& Storage Co. 475
C ASH paid for household furniture , stoves.
'Omaha ' Auction Ac Storage Co. , 1121 Farnim.
BOYS if you want to have a load ot tun and
at the same tlmo make money , send us "lo
silver , for a vial of onr Kngravlug Fluid. It
will cut letters in any klndot inotal ; something
new , it surprises everybody. Fall directions
with each owler. Clifton & Damon Waukesha ,
Wisconsin. 7J-fl ! ?
FOUND Repairs for the Richardson & Uoyn-
ton furnaces at Mcilrieiii ; Carter's , agents ,
110 P. llth. All orders for repalrsi > rou > ptly at
tended to. fi-l\t
LADIKS use Mnriou Walker's Face Illeach
for freckles , pimple ? , moth and liver spots ,
guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion nnd
to be cenectly harmless For further Information
mation call lit 333 N litli basement. 5S13)J
HE. Cole , rental agent ; olllce open evening * .
7i > l
FTORSKS wintered at my farm , with the best
JCiof cars given thorn. F. M , Phillips , Mlllard
\ hotel , Omaha , Neb. Oil
WANTKD Horses tn winter at.Ba nionth
per head on farm near Irvlngton. Plenty
ofgialnandhny to feed , good shelter und good
euro given them ; horses called for and uoliv
oreJ. W. it. Homan , room 0 , Frenzer blK. 477
HOKSKS wintered at Zlper month. Good care
given.Inquire rooms ! & 2OinabaNatlbank
HOUSES wintnrnd nt Omaha fair grounds ;
large box stalls ; terms reasonable ; car
riages htored. A. Thomson. 383 N244.
HORSKS Wintered nt inV farm , good range
and Paddocks ; no barbed wire ou place ;
horses called for and delivered : terms modor-
nto. 'J'ulnphone 677. Chas. McConnlck , Cal-
lioun , Neb. 417-n7
T OST Monday , between 1403 Douglas and
JLJ 14th and Webster , ladles' gold witch and
chain ; watch enprnved "if. C. " Reword will
bo paid for Its return to this ofllco. 7 ( > 5 Oj
G EO , II. BTKWART. call at room 10 , Hoard of
Trade. McGregor , 770-01
rilllB Western Correspondcnco club , Oiuulm.
X Neb. , ollora a line opp nunlty to persons
desiring now aaiualntsnces cither for aniline-
ment or matrimony. Pcnd stamp for particu
lars. 757-13 *
rpIIKbanjotauitht as anart by Geo. F , Gcllen-
X beer , room 31.1 Douglas blocV. IW >
SCHOOL of Bxprestlon , Vocal. Articulate.
Pantouiluilc. L V. Anderson. Shucly block.
nVENING French class. New York Lite
HuUdlng , Room V0\ Jules Merle. 711 N 13
MF.ltUC'AN 11311 for our customers who have
caKh.secured paper and rcaltt-uate to trade.
Room 15 , Chamber Commerce. 611
WANTKD 4 or K thousand yds ot earth to
fill lot 58 , liurr Oak add. up to grade. Inquire -
quire W. N. Dorward , 1517 Douglas at. 700
\\7ANTF.D-To buy ( O ncre farm , good for
T > gardening , within K mile of some R R
station , not over 15 miles from Oraana : must
bo low price. W. L. Bel by , R. 13. Hoard Trade.
rpRACKAGKstorage nt lowest rotes. W. M.
Xllushtiiun , 13llLotvenworth. ! 478
OTORAGISatlowratesat 1131 Farnam street.
OOmaba Auction and Storage Co. 470
QTORAGK and forwarding. We collectaudde.
Oliver goods ot all description , merchandise ,
furniture mm baggage at chuapoJt rules for
utoraite for imy Unuth of time. Vaiu uud
urugon * to be had at ahorteit notice , wltn canv-
! ul moil for inovlng. PacktuH and shipping
from our o\vu wartuouse done on moderate
charue. Mercl'andUe loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllce 17 d. 14th
U. Telephone 114. llowell & Co. 48J
T ) H. t > ANMU V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
X cal and builness medium. vuunle dlscnteti
a pecl&lty. IpN.ieth t , , r a anil 3. 4H1
PORTDNB fif" * wan can be
consulted < N5 latlsfactjon
Kunrantoed. W ) . > OKalll
MADAMK Wclllnjttoff.Utrorld.ronownea as-
trologist. t t medium and destiny rraoer.
Just from Kuropo. TeUp yonr life irom the
cradle to the gtave. rlmnltes the neparat d ,
powly warriagettt-itb the tmn yon love.
locate * ( Upases and troivtn with massage and
electric batlx. All in trmible should not fall to
consult this ulftort scerrsai Parlor 0 , tipMalrs.
417 a lltf , j omco hours from 10 a , in. to V ) p. m.
" *
S A NDA 1 1 1) PhortbatMSohool , Uoom elsV are
blk , , isucccusor to Valentine's ) the lurgntt ,
Kxcluslro sbortlmnd tcnnol In the west. Tench-
ers arc voiOatlinrcportiifiV' 1'articular attention
tiald to typowrltlnpr. Mechnnlt'.il conitructlim
ot machine taught by flrtWry expert. Circulars
( f 483
TJN. \ . HINDMAN. .1
C .Stenographer and Typewriter ,
1L 427 1'axton lllk. 'Jolcpliono lf > ! .
W iTlTTIiKSKY'S shorthand and typeifritlng
sihool. Ilarker block. Tne best and chnao-
est in the city. fJW N 12 *
TilOR SALM Light spring wagon VO1 N. 10th.
X : usi n':4J
OIt SAI.r. A vood reliable family carriage
team , carriage and harness ! n bargain. An-
play to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha. 413
F OIl 8ALK A avhorso power 1'ortor engine
in peed condition , weight fi.100 pounds cyl
inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The Iteo
oincu. _ * 7t i > ,
jioit SAf.K Or will trade forJiorsos , ft note
J of J100. second inortKajro or ttroperty wortli
IH.ranjj first mortgage t A1) . P. Masters , 4
Wlthuoll building. _ f.85 . 0
TiWIt PALK-Uprlght Steinwny plnno , 33 per
J- cent IC E tnan cost. Address N 7 , Hco olllce ,
MT-0 *
TI1OR SAl.K-Uoortyouag horse wolghs 1.3(10 ( !
J ? cash or time. J. J. Wilkinson. OI Paxton blk.
TTAMII.TONIAN Btnlllon. worth Jl.GOO. > o
JU.reasonablo cash ortcr refused , or will trade
for f urnltnre.
Ono line bred drivlnir inarn , one-halt real
value. Owner must sell. OMIco open evenings.
H. K. Cole. Continental 'block. 74U-U
TJlUllNrrtJllE for Sata-A complete sot of
V good household and kitchen furniture of
fered nt prtvaio sate on llnernl terms. Inquire
of II. 1CVhoat , 35th and J sta , South Omnha.
TilOIl 8ALK A quantity of building etone.
J-1 Apuly to the superintendent lies building.
"ITIOU 8ALK or Hxchingo tour full-blooded
-L . ) ori < ey cows , flna driving team as there la in
tlio city , ono double carrlnge. one double cutter ,
one phaeton , 8n3trr make , nnd ono road wag
on , Suydor inuke ; all nearly now : will trade for
good pioperty nnd will nsiume light Incinn-
brance. Apply Boom 316 , First National bank
bnlldlne. too
'OH BAIjK Counter nnd shelving , room 537 ,
Pnxton lllock. xi
FOR SATiK At half ttrlco. a lotot counters
nnd shelving suitable ror grocery , notion ,
boot nud shoa stock. W , H , Horaan , room 0
Krenzer bib U97
SALK 3 rows chonp. II , II. Hender
son , teem 10.Paston blk. L'J.i '
T\TinLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Llfo
JJXtildg.completeabHtracts furnished nnd titles
torenloatuto examinedperfucted & : guaranteed.
WANTUD Plrst-clas.s Inside loatii. Lo > > est
rates. Call and 8eaus. Jlutunl Invest-
mcnt Co. , 1504 Parnam. 4tO
MONKY .to loan on real estate security nt
lowtsst rates. Itcfore .negotiating loans M-O
Wnllucc , R3IO Urown blfltf. luth and Douglas.
C.I' ' 487
OAN8 City nnd farm'leans , mortgage pa-
MeCngue < liiro , tmont Co. 4b8
MONKY to loan on city , property nnd farm
lauds at lowest rates. . J. D. Zlttle. 131 Paxton -
ton block. tlfc 4811
_ _
KK81DUNCHloans-CJX67 ( per cent : no nd-
dlttonnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' foes. AV. 11. Meiklogl'lrst Nat bonk bldg.
th city- Makes loans frita thirty tothrnohuu
ctred and sixty-live day .lwhlrh tan bo paid in
purt or whole utuny time , thus lowering the
principal and interest. Call and see us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
nnd to your advautngo without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No uolay lu making loans. 0. F. Reed & Co. ,
311) ) S. 13th st. , over Illnghnm & Sons. 491
ON BY to loan. O , F. Davis Co. , real listato
nnd loan ngents. 1101 Faruam fit. 41)3 )
rONBV to loan on city or farm property.
LGeo. J. I'uul. 1GOO Farnam st. 4U3
B GILDING loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First
1 National bank. 494
I" OA S made on real estnto and mortgages
JUboiight Louis S. Reed & Co , r. 13 , board trade.
MONKY to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou nuy approved fcocurlty. J.V. .
Rabbins , 14114 ! Farnuin street , Paxton hotel.
I71IRST mortgage loans nt low rates and no
X1 delay. D. V. dholes , 210 First National bank
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
nistt cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt tiiolr western olllce. George . p. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 4U7
KKYSTO.VE Mortgnoo Co. Loans of JIO to
$1.01X1 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money : loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old. nnd low
est ratcscall ; It 308Bheeley blk.lDth &Ho\vard at.
BEFORK making chattel or collateral loans ,
It will pay youtohee The Western Investment -
ment Co. . room 443. IJeo building. 4'Jfl
MONKY to loan on nuy security
for short tlmo at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Hendoraon Mortgage Investment com
pany , room -KM. Paxton block. G03
S KK Hholes , room 310. First National bank ,
before making yourlour ; < . 4' > 4
( gnoii.OO ) to loan at n per cent. Llnnhon .t Ma-
Phoney , room &JW , I'nxtou block. 5ji (
MONKY loaned ou furniture , horses und
wagons , rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118S 13th bt , . opposite Mlllard hotel. 50 >
DO YOU want money1 ! If so. don't borrow
Before getting my rnlef. which'aro the lowest -
est ou auy sum from $ i to 910,10) ) .
1 nmko loans on lioiiBflholil goods , pianos , or
gans. hoiTeu , mules , wagons , warehouse recelpte ,
IIOUSCH , leases , etc. . in any amount at the lowest -
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo mde for one to six-months nnd
y u can pay part nt any time , reducing both
principal und Intt-rest. If you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses orhare a loan on
them. I w III tuko it up and' carry it for you as
long you de.siro , ,
If you need money yon will find it to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
II. V. Masters , room 4 , Wlthiieil building , nth
and Harnuy. > Aoo 4B4
MONKV to luau by an.'fastorainan ' ! , on gilt
edge property , for thabext todays. Hauls ,
room 411,1st Nut. Hank. , w 630
MONKV to loan in any1 amount on household
goods , horses nnd WAfcpns , diamonds , land
contracts second tnortgages.or any available se
curity , without piiDlIrlty. Nebraska Mortgngu
Ixinu Co. Ilocm MlM'uHtbn'ble 'JM
ONE huudrcd ilollaw prl.vnto money to loan
or will buy short tlmW mortgage or good
cote , room U Hoard ot Traao , CIO
ONKY to loan ; cash ocl'liaud ' : no delay. J.
W. Sauire. 131'J Farnnt/ilt. , Kir t Nntlonal
bank building. _ ifB _ DJl
M ONBY loaned on ch'fiftel security or roa
estate , J , J. Wllicluiaa , 018 Paxtou bl K .
utl _ '
$ 1,00Private : money rhtionn or will buy good
mortgage , W. L. Solby , v. 13 , Board of Trade.
TIO LOANA special fluid ot J10J.OOO in minis
of nnd upwards ot very low rutoa
Tee Mead Invebtmont Co. , 314 B. 15th Bt. 133
MONKY-Loana iiegotlatedTtlowratoi i
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper -nil mortgage notes. B. A. Blonan. cor.
JIIST National safety uyosit vault ? . Safe *
to rent 15 to * a year , 3JTB. Utu. KTJ
$400 will bur the best restaurant in Onmba.
owner must leave city. MO cash , balance
time. Alex. Moor . ail Sheely block. TTi-flt
npn B best pcylne restaurant in the city , will
I. trad * ( or ROful property. 1)tar ) Land tc.
Loan Co. , 1U03JJ jBrnam. 70Jo
TflOR SALH-Grorenranil feed toro ror $1.000 ,
lailf cash na half food vacant lot. W. U.
Jlorunn , Uootn fl , 1-Tsnzer block. W
17V ) K BAI.V.and trni'.e. the Homo bftkery and
X1 reitnurAnt , now doing n vood bnsfnrsi ;
will lute part trade. Call at tfle N. 16to st.
70S a *
13VOR RAM * Or will take n partner with t-'m.
X1 inquire nt Columbia theater , South Omahd ,
Q nnd 2ilh ts. C9 ot
171OR 8Ar.rJ-Tr trailo , a wll _ UbTlsncdlook
X' and Rtntlonery store. Dox EI9605
, will buy a balf Intercut In a well cMab-
$2,500 seed bushiest : location only an hour
and a bait ride from Onmhn on II. .V M. R. R.
Largu business already worked up , but needs
more capital. Investigation soltclton. M , A ,
Upton Oo , . litth and. Fnrnntn. _ M4
IJARTIKP dpsIron TIt disposing of their bu l-
Jl new in any line will do well to cull on or address -
dress W. II. 13. * M. E. , Room 15 , Chamber Com.
inervt ) . till
GROCERY stock , 81.000. AVIll trade for teams ,
'harnpsanud wagons. Co oj'crntlvo Lnndnnd
Lot Co203 N. 10th sU 8SO 8
ACIIAKCK for builders. Two lots on cor
ner. IrtixM ] ft. Room for 6 collages. Will
Irndo for other lot and somn casli. Co-opera ,
tlvo Lurid and IxitCo. . 305 N. ICth St. 7U9 8
. : stock In tlio best paying manufactory In
$ the city. A stallion and well Improved land
to trade-tor merchandise or llvo stock * pfllco
open avenlngj , H. B. Cole , Continental block
EXCHANGE Tor city propnrty. two good
farms joining town < t , ultuatrd in Harlan
tvnd Clrecly couuUcs , Meyer & RnapKo , 1405
Harney at. 7M-d5
TTIOU KXOHANGK for real catate.-one of the
X' be paying grocery businesses in the city ,
prlco about.Mimo ; a Hue stock farm lu the
northern phrt. of the stnto , for nthnr property ;
n t slorK of gcucrnl merchandise for clear
proi'erty. W. R. 15. tc M. Kx. , room 15 Hoard
of Trndo. 790
TTVJR nXGIIAAQK-A now. clean stock of
x1 hardware ; will invoice about $10.010 : for
irooil foKklo umaha property or Iowa or
Nebraska farm land. Address N 31 , llco olllco.
74 > .
ANTKO-To trade a BToccry for rouncll
Illnirs improved property and part cash.
Address N 29. lleo office WO 7t
T5KNTAL proi > ortj- . Inside , to exchange for
XVdear farms or vacant city lots. Thos. F.
Hall , ail Pnxton block. 507
T7URKXCHANGK-For nny kind ofRood
X1 property , a gr.ilu elevator in one of the bent ,
towns in lown , situated In the heart of n line
agricultural country. Present owner is not a
grain man , and has other business A rnre
chance for a practical man. Also , five thousand
acres cf line timber land In northern TeniH-s-
seo. Room 14 , Chamber ot Commsrce.Trl. 1410.
THIRST mortgage for furniture or live stooV
X1 Olllco open ovonlngs.H. E. , Cole , Continental
block. . 74'J
O NKAT residences , 4 nnd 10 rooms each , on
Ohio st. near Sherman ave. ; will exchange for
small Improved furm.
A farm of 103 acres in Sheridan Co. , Neb. , all
Una land ; will trndo for Omaha property and
pay cuxh illlferenco and will assume small In-
A rarra of 120 ncres In Clayton Co. , lows , 2VJ
miles from town , splendidly improved , house
alone cost 51.wi , baru 34xil ! ; will trade for
Omaha nroperty.
Star Lnna & Loan Co. . 1B03H Farnam. 7C3 C
WILL exchange now 8-room house , nil mod
ern conveniences , for vacant lots or mova
ble property. Room 018 Pnxton block. S5
J\OR EXCHANGE 0 months lease of good 7
room house , n blocks from motor , north
part of city , for driving horse , or will rent for
cash , Knquiro Room 33 Ilarker , 734-7 *
FOR UXIIANGE SO acres clear of encumb
rance , in fctrlps of 10 acres , in Mercer coun
ty. Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply room 318. 1'lrst National bank bulldintr.
771011 EXCHANOK-A business yieldlngnprofit
X' of from HHiW to 5 .0 O ner annum , to exchange -
change for good city property. Am willing to
nsstimo light encumbrance. Apply room 310 ,
First National bank building. 130
improved farm property for well secured -
GOOD second mortgage paper. Address , nt
once. ' 'S , " care Room IB , Chamber Commerce.
FOR KXC HANG K 10 clear South Omahii lots
and clearlland for 8 or 10 room houso. will
assume small incumbrance. W. L. Sclby. R. 13 ,
IJoa rd Trade , n. HW
T\7ANTED To oschance dry goods notions
V and millinery goods for clear land or city
property nnd part cash. Address box 179
Wankforflnd. 005
IMPROVED farm and city property for mer
chandise. Address. Room ll.Cnamber Commerce
merce- 6H
J CLKAIl South Omnbn lots for hoHcs.or land
Osouth or east of Wheeler Co. , Nob. tjolby ,
13 Hoard Trade. 344
NRW 3-seated carnag * for 3cd mortgage ,
Selby , 13 Hoard Trade. 344
AUARGAIN Ueuutlful homo In Hanscom
Place ; just completed ; all modern conven
iences ; furnace , electric bells , speaking tubes ,
hot and cold water , bath , cistern , city water ,
nice Hliado trees , lawn , etc. A big bargain if
Eoldatonco. Can glvo immediate possession.
Geo. N. Hicks. New York Lite Hldg. 771 8
1710R SALE $10.000 cash. $10.000 on . . . time . . , nnd .
J310.1CI in good clear farms , will talzo six
nholco lots worth O.OUO. ! on Sith nnd Dodge.
Hoggs A : Hill , Real Kstnte. I4JS I'aruiim.
FOR SALI5 Rnmnrkobly cheap lot , with an
unfinished nouso. In ( imaha View. Money
In it for Bomo nut ) to buy It and finish up house.
> V Hill , Rual Estate , 14U8 Fariiiim. 7e3-8
rr\OR \ BALK or trade Territory in Nebraska.
X' fortbo sale of Gordon's burglar alarm : for
circular addruss H. L. Marshall , Holllday.lCan.
GOOD 3-horsa wagon , ready to hitch right
on to , Co-oporatlvo Laud and I/ot
Co. , 305 N. IBth Bt. 7CU-8
Q > TiXbuy8 ) a fine 160 ncre Nebraska farm , ono-
'Phulf cash balance 4 years , 7 per cent interest.
Would exchange for lumber. Call or address ,
II. K. M. 3113 Parker St. 7W-BS
OJCOO only. $100 cash , balance 5 years , buys
Ptlnely Improved farm. Office open evenings.
II B. Cole , Continental block. 76 > 7
T710IIBALK At a bargain , nlco 5-room cot-
X ! tugo In West Lawn , on Uoit Line lly , A
beautiful littlohomo. Price. $1,300. KinallcaRh
payment : long time. Geo. N. Hicks. Now Yore
Lite llulldlng , 771
rpWKNTY choice lots in Pierre , centrally loX -
X cntod.
3 beautiful K-room cottages tn Orchard Hill ,
price only Sl.fOO ; S76 cash nnd JlSper month.
\Vo liavo vacant lots , residences and business
property tor sale ut the lowest prlecca.
Star Laud & Loan Co. , lOCTli larnam. 763 0
FOR SALK-JOfO will buy lot 0x130 In Omaha
View , ono block from motor line , nicely on
grade. Lots in Hits addition are worth If I.OQO
and the abovu prlco Is open for u short tlmo
only. G. II , Tzschuck , care Omaha Iloo. " " 7U1
LOOK at thoao bargains :
LotfS , llnrr Oak. being WxIM ) on Park avo. ,
facing the park. 226 font south of Bhlrley htrcet.
llelow grudo about enough for bawiment. If
taken thin woektl,30U will buy It. This is ubout
balf price.
Lots 13 nnd II. block 0. AVnlnut Hill. Klegant
bouth front corner on Cumlng street , lOOxl.'iU ,
H room house with summer kitchen .separate.
Good burn for four horses , well nnd cistern ,
. .
Fine corner on ranmm. east of 37th , ,
2 two-story and liiiHomout brlrks , with furnaces
awl all conveniences. Room for more on other
struot : H,0 i , ( iooit investment.
No. lt5 ) Locust Htroot , good 7 roam house ,
sewerage , city wntor , etc. , J4.000. I'ln homu.
Splendid f > ou tn front lot on farnam. CMxI33 , at
gtudp. alley corner , eust of 'i.'d st , . fj.oyo. Gilt-
edge property.
M , A. Upton * Co. , Sixteenth nnd I'arnam.
OWNI'.U mus > t sell. 1 < V ) acroa Unit land for r < no ,
part tlmo. Ponltlvalr worth 11'JOI. Onice
open evenings. H. K. Cole. Continental block.
TJIOR SAI.B-3 fiirclsliBd llati. together with
JD nil established dressmaking IWJJ custom
ern. Cull nt roojn 3 , to J N. 18th Bt. ftl-fl Of
WAUGH & WuBterAeld , real estate , S , Omaha 613
8-llM ( M nourtowltn allmodurn ImprovemeoM ,
including Ijeut furnace , uaar lUn&oim park ,
iri , O , > a peed home , 0 , f. Harrison , Mercha
iiunic. ra o
J. Uuslnesg.
Rcamente ,
Vacant and
suburban properties In the market
are for aaln by " ( ho old reliubla" U. A. Upton
Co , , Jbth and Parnmn. 313
FOR HA M ! Or atchange.on easy taring , vomo
Brand naw 6-roora houses on Hpauldlnt ; st ,
near motor line ; no better nwlilenix ) location in
the city. Also souio new 7-room lioime * on
t'orby and 3 th Bt , jutit4 iiilleg from poit-
oillce ; will exchange auy of the above for clear
land or lots. For tBrniH ami particulars apuly
to p. O , Hpottswood , 3JUt 8 10th t. JI4U
iFnSCHUlK for shares in the "American. "
the largest building cod loan association In
the wr rfl. ! M , A. Upton , special usent , Hth
nnd Karnam. , 3U
N1511 moved to BU Louis oiler. * to sell G
houses at a big bargain , * ZOi an J itiO oacti ,
All nttwlv paptti-ed uud reuluil , in a location that
they will never be vacant. Call and let we give
you ternw. D , D. Brueaton , Roam 4Ilarker
block. WW nl'
G KO. O. WALLACE . , 310 Ilrown'bfJ.inth and
A neat news room cottRKMind one of the b % t
lots lu Monmoutn park , only f t.Ooot f ) cash , ti&
per month.
Neat 5 room cottnga In llord'g addition.
block from faclorie * . rpnilna for H8.6J p r
month. l , ( ! i | nnbject to f.-W : long time. Will
oxohanc8 equity , fcuu , for lot nearly or quite
llPRiitlful south front tn tlrlgg's place on Far-
nam , II.HX ) easy tenns. worth jitt * . Corner ot
llnrnuy and Dexter In Ilrlggs's placo. easy
terms. f.iMJi WIlltakORood morlKago paper.
or clear lot for part pitymont. City water on
front , and pavement and Mreot cnra block dis
tant , Very drxlrnbla tor residence.
A Inrgo number ot lots in Lincoln Place ,
West Cumlng , Carthage. Orrhiml Hill. Clifton
Hill and Moiimoth Park , on which 1 will bu'.ld
Kiittnblo hounci nnd sell on monthly payments
to persons of small nicnna.
Special intention H called to Monmotith
Park , the most nightly nuildlng location about
Omaha. Ktcctrlo motor linn to thin addition ,
well built tip , nil ndvnntageR , on onsy
payments. Houses nnd lots for sale or rcutnt
low tletirei.
1 liavo a customer for a" or 5 room cottage
nmllol toco tf-UMtoHiOi. ixt.catoil between
Parnam and Hamilton. ZGlb anil Unit Line , erin
in Hhmu's or I'nrkor's addition , Idlewlld , or In
tho. o nolghlKrlloods.
I imvo nMo cintomnr for a good residence
slto wont of 3 ith. bet. Iifltvenwonh nnd Cum-
Ing. ground to be nt least 10. ) foot front. Want
to put In part trade in good rental property.
/1-1IOOM cottage nud half lotnrar High school ,
tMIr.OJ. 0. tHarrison. . Merchants Nnt'l llauk.
T71OR 8ALK l"ho llnrst nrlck rcslnonco In the
XI city , modotnnud new , largunhady ynrdcon-
tntnlng about two acres of grounds , stone
walks and withal a complete homo. Have ox-
tonitvo bu h u n Interests In tinlt LaVe nnd my
wife declarer she will live nlono no longer.
Terms nnd prtco to Full the customer. How Is
that ? Address M 73 llco olllnc. 37U
ITIOUSALKor lease , on easy terms , n Into on
X13.ith nvo. . just south ot Lcavomvorth.
\ \ ould build an eight room bouso nnd sell 30
feet for f3Kunnd ( sell on monthly payments.
Lots 4 nud B. blk B , Kllby Place , high and
Onolot N. 13th St. , trackage
Four business lots N. 34th and S. 10th st.
2Stb nvo. nnd Dodge , corner.
12U ft N. Will SI.
Other good residence property.
ru lots Crolnhton Hclirlits. rlieap.
TT11I sell n tow lots on building terms.
N. A. Kuhn , drug store , 15th and Douglas ,
'eot , being 5 lots facing east nnd frouth ,
near Milton Rogers' pla c. west I/nrimm. C ,
. Harrison , ilercliantaNnfl Hauf. fi'.O 8
FOR SALE On easy terms , the now cottage
erected by me on < loorg Ht. , corner Lo\vo \
nvo. : properly has 100 ft. f rontngo on George at.
by li > 0 f rontngo on Lowe nvo. For terms npoly
Itoojn 310 , Flrat National bauk btilldlng. t > 09
T71OR HA L15 Large two story tramo bnlldlntr
X1 of IS or 14 rooms , in good condition , to bo
moved. W. H. Ilotnsu , Room0 , Fronzcr block.
OTHINOKR k Penny , Room SO- , Douglas
Olmlldlng , Imvo the finest list of doairablo
property in Omaha. It embraces every local
ity in the city , and their prices nnd terms can
not bo duplicated , actual vnluo considered , In
the west. For U cash , and balance In : < or a
years nt 7 per cent , they will ilvo ? u wnnnnty
They will sell a contract from JM tn O3
cnsh.nnd balance quarterly , extending over 5
years. *
They have loti in Orchard Hill , Walnut Hill.
Poopleton 1 ark and lirlggs Place.
Cretghton Heights nna tlovcrd.ilo.
And In nearly every other dustrablo nddltlon
to Omalm from frVuto JJ.003. nil rcal'llrst-clas-j
investments. Prvparo for a big advance in
prices. This flrninroon the Inside trncK , nnd I
they will not list property that is
not nt rock bottom price. Utilldors can buy. j
from them' M cash , and the bulnu"o p'nceil ns
second mortgugo. Pmpeity we t of the post- I
olllco in Omaha is the surest thing In the mntket
for Investment. lots worth $1,000 now will .
more Itinn double In the next few yennj. Any
thing most between Cumlng and Leavenworth I
is excellent property to buy. Secure every
thing In the way of n bargain wlthlu these-lim
its ; It K ns the boys siiy , "a nu'.e thing. " For
ttirthor particulars nnd list of bargain * see
Stringer & Penny , Room SO , Douglas lllk.
551 13
FOR SALK On long tlmo and easy payments ,
handome , nowwell built houses of J. U , and
10 rooiiia. All conveniences , good nelghlmr-
bood : paved streets , street cars , and within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1U14
Farnam street. tOi )
TTOR SALF , very chein. no trades , farm 543.70
J. acres , sec , 5.13 N fl W Hamilton county.Nob. ,
" miles from Mnrquette , small house , stable ,
UOo acres pasture fenced , living water , prtco
only f 10 per acre. $ " > ,4II7.,0. ( ono-tulrd IHf'J ' crop
Included. Terms tsjia cash , balance 11 per cent
interest , K K. AtKlns , owner.rnllroad buildluc ,
Denver , Colo. 511
TJ > USINKSS corner 3 blocks from N. T. Life ,
X > S3oll pur foot , pays 10 per cent ; 'i cash , bal.
nnceeisy ; D. C. Pattorsou. 513 N. Y. Life. 575
$37,000 actual ahioinsldo business and resi
dence , 1'iJ.OjO worth ot houses being built
adjoining , will soil for $17,03J no v I Why ? For
reason am In need of J10.00J cash ; great offer.
Address L50. lleo. oJlnllj
SOM1-VS the finest resldenca sites on nnd near
West Fnrnam in the market at lowest prices.
There will bo GO ulco residences built out there
next your and good locations are getting scarce.
M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Furnam. 0317
OARGA7N8I on Motor Line , in Walnut Hill
XJ 1 3-story new house of H rooms , sightly
location. IotMxl5U ) ft. , hard wood und oil finish ,
white coat , cellarwell , coal house , fence. 3-story
born. 30x0) ) ft. Prlco , . ' ,0ao. Braall payment
down , balance easy.
Lot on Hamilton St. , 60x150 ft. , south front ,
$ JOO.
1 3-story now hoiioo of 0 rooms , city water ,
cellar under entire house , hoimo finished in first
class style. Price 83,501 ; very east terms.
80 acres of good farm land , lee miles west of
Omaha , on the U. P. R. It. 4 miles from good
town , worth. $15 per ncro , W01 ; or will exchange
any of the aboro descrlood property Tor
lots in Walnut Hill or for lumber. Inquire
of E. G. Merrill , 44th it Seward stsWalnut Hill.
_ _ JJ17 Ht
Kyou'want any lots in Orchard Hill , apply to
oem 310 , First National bauk building for
tornis Aid location. ( Ul
1 HAVK some ? rental property for
ctioap within ono mlle of jioatllloco , on
paved Htreuts nnd motor lino. Thos. F. Hall ,
311 Paxton block. MO
HOMKS ror Sulo on Monthlv Payments.
7-room dwelling in Central Park , full lot
south front ; payments ; per mouth.
Small cottage in Central Park , full lot ; pay.
ments. $12.50 per nionth ,
0-rooui dwelling , corner JWth and Patrick nvo-
nuo , full lot , south front ; payments , 130 per
Handsome 7-room dwolllng , on Grace street ,
All modern improvement * , on monthly pay
ments. Ot her property In all parts of the city.
Call and fcoo mo. D. J. O'Dounhoe , 1001 Farnam.
KAUT1FUL south front lot on Farnam at
grade , near 82d st. GDxliti , alley cornor. $7OJO ,
Y caHD , bAlunco to suit. M. A. Upton Co. inth
and Farnuni. 051 7
TTtOR SA LK On oas > terms :
X1 3-rootn house In weU Cumlngrlot nOxlSS.
CnRliAJnud $17 monthly without interest ;
il-ro'om house on North 20th , lot. xl43. Cash
t.W. bal. to unit ; $ V > m > .
Nuw f-room house on Bristol near Baundora
Btreots , lot ilixl ( J ; tMM.
corner Douglas and lUth streets , fi'i.noo.
Lots in Lincoln Place , one-fourth cash , JK.V )
Ixit on Ixiwo avenue. In Popplaton Park , fc',000
Tx > tH In .Mt. Pleasant addition rtui to t500.
Acre-lots in Boiomon'ti addition , ? 3x ) .
Acre-lots In Spring Volley. 1435 toSxW.
Resldenco lotx in north part ot South Omaha
on2'ith. 3 > Sth and 2rth streets , f ) i)0 ) lo $ l.3.)0.
Otto Lobeck , room 18 , Chamborof Commerce.
* l/KJRSAIjK A nowluiuaa just being erected
X' on CnmtngHt. In Hhorwood imrK ; inn houao
b i all modern Imjirovomunts , hard wood flnUli
throughout ; also Inrgo burn , with 160 ft. front
age on West Ht. by ISO frontage ou Cumlug Bt. I
will soU this to the right party on reasonable
terms. Apply Room 318. Kirnt National bunk
building. uij
YflOR BALK u-rooni noiine. burn aim lot ,
X1 llbiiscoin Place , nt a bargain. Hnrris , room
411.1st Nat. Rank. 81U
GLOHK IIOTHL , -rilll-iiU : : Douglas Htrunt ,
newly furnlshud. ritrlctly flr&t-cliiss ; ratou
Jl.Wauil j-por day. Tarploy.ilroi. , proprietor ? .
PROPOSALS forUroctlonotHcnooi iliilldnig
etc. , U , H , Indian Service , YauKton Agency.
Daktota. October l th , | H83. Suulert nrupotiuU.
Indoraud " 1'ropoiuls for erection ot a uchool
building , or for building materials" as ttiutaso
may hi' , and dirtctud to tile iiudfr lgned at
Greenwood , Dakota , will bo ivculved at thli
olllce until im oVlock. of NovmnbHr Uth , l4t ) .
for furnishing the imtva-mry materials and
labor and for oroctlug a two utory frame school
bulldlug at thi Yunkton AK-ncy. Dak. ' in ao-
corduncbwith plans and niioclllcutlons that may
be examined at the olllce ol the "J'loutw I'rtRH"
ofBt. Paul. Minn. , the "Iloo" of OniHlm. Nebr. ,
and "Jonrnrtl" ot Sioux City , Iowa ; ul o for
furalshlng a variety of lumber , bricks , win-
Uows , tlooivUianUvare.eU. . ( a full lint and rti-i-
crlpton ( ot which inar be obtained by applica
tion to the imdcTftluned ) , r.iqulreil fur uconcy
bulldliiBD. InHlibintttlng bldu for the erection of
the school tmlldlm. bidder * must blato the
length ot time required to complete it j nud for
furubihlni ; building material ! , the prlco of each
article otrei-nil tor delivery under contract iiiuxt
be eperltlcully ntntrd. CortlllHd chocks- All bidu
must DO accompanied by rertlded uhecis unon
some Unltoil tititesdepoiltory , payable to the
orderof tiit > nniHraigniil , for ut Ic.aalft per cent
of the atuoimt of the proposal , which check , will
Worfoltud to thu CultedSlatrH iti cu < a any bid
der or bidden ) receiving un award shall fa,1 to
promptly execute n contract with good and suf
ficient surntlo.1. otlivrwUn to be returned to the
binder. The right U rejorvod to reject any or
all bid or liny jmrt ot uuy bid It deomttd fur the
bent intercut of the burrlce. BAMlJUf * 'i' ,
LiiAVY , U. B. Indian A sent oKXUU
Hear Hirer Canal , notlcetocontrnctomdenied
proposals will bo received nt the ofllco ot the
llc-nr Lane and River Watenvorksand'trrlgntlou
( Jompany , ( Hothxi-xU Cannl System ) In Ogden ,
Utah , up to November 1ItWii. . noon for the
excavation ot the prairie work of t ho Hoar Illvor
Canal , cast branch , tnclndlngfti miles ot rannt
and tibont two million r4 < ooul ) ) cubic yards ot
Hint erlnl , plnn * nnd nperlnc tlons may Im ern
in the omro of the onglnror In churito In Ogtlon.
bldi must bo accompanied by a certlm-d check
payable to the ordrrnt the secretary of the coin-
pany. tor an n mount cnual to live per cent of
thn bid. wnri. Avlll bo lot In illvlMotw ot llvo
to ten miles or In tho-whole , the company ro
server the right to reject nuy and all lildsu
Slgnod. FimiMKTiitvH.
N4dlOt. _ icnglnccr In Chorpo.
"Fotlcol1 * horpbylflvon that a book will b
opened nt 10 o'clock n. m. on Saturday , tlio lx-
tennth day November , is.1 , at tno ollleo of J.
M. Tliurntou , Union Parltlo llulldlng , in the
city ot Omnha , Douglas county , Nebraska , for
the purpose of rorelvinic nubicrlptlotii to the
raintnl stock of the Om hix Union Depot Com-
pauy. W. II. Hoi.coMit ,
G. W. llOMlllKtlB.
o-17-d-M-t ror the lurorimrntors.
Running between Council niuifo and At *
bright. In addition to the statlonn mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twinty-rourtu
ctu. and at the Hummlt in Omaha.
B No. 2 . 5WpmA ) | No. 13. . . . , .7:10 am
0 No , 0 . fl:5UpinD No. , . . , . , : p m
A No. 4 . 10:00 : a in , O No. 5 . , A:15pni :
.A. No. 14 . 0:4SpmA : | No. 3 . 0UOam :
No. 0 . . - . 0.40nmNo. | 7 . 0:37 am
iv o. 8 . 3:16 : pin No. 3. . . . . . 7l5am
Ho. * . . . . : i5aniNo,5..J | . 8:15 pm
A No. B . a:40aniA | No. 1 . 7(0am :
"n . . . "M "in A * ' " ' . . . . R''Xi m
A No. 3 . 10:07 : am A No. 3 0.-2S ui
A No. 4 . .UilSpmA No. 1 0:10 : pw
U1OU.V Oii-lf it
A No. 10 . 7:01amA | No. 9. .
A No.13 . 7OOpmA : | Mo. 11 W:00pio
A No. 8 . 4:3.'jpmA | Mo. 7 . IZjCOn
A'daily : II dally , exceot Saturday : 0 oxcep ,
Gunday ; D except Monday ; * f ant utalL
Nos. 303-4O4-I7O-6O4.
P tlL' ' .
Correct "
ilLTui . . .
jguBfDUrjtonitMlUAjrc nMal
A ' 'Inrio'/rnplii'r'fl Hamnrkalltn 'f'oif.
H. A. Ployior , a Btijiiograpbor of this
city , hits undortnlcon the most difficult
task Hint over foil to the lot of a short-
Imnd export , says the New York Bun.
Tlio two imitriiiiROS UB'jd at the scualotis
of tlio MnrUJmo oonsroas.'VVaalilngton ,
are Knirlish and Fronch. When a
BiK'eoh ifi delivered lnEii , 'libh It IB Mr.
Plnytor's duty to ri o nnd trnneluto the
SfHiooh ornlly into I'Vonch from atono-
frranhio notes. Ho reverses this pro-
cosa wlion a spnoch Is first delivered In
French , The mntrnltudoof this aohievo-
mont can bo fully appreciated only ly
stenographer * .