Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Blrmcrn forllio IVoplo'a Cliiircli Oliolr.
The members of the I'coulo's Church choir
and all thoio who are desirous of becoming
tccnth streets.
TlircoVccks Mem1.
All the contractors for grading , pavlnR and
curbing nro bclnu urged by the ctinlrman of
the bonrdof public works to push their work
RS rapidly ni tiosslblo , so ns to complete their
contracts before winter sets In. Major Unl-
combo says thnl three wcoks of ooodvcathor. .
If the contractors do thotr duty , will see oil
the work lot for tlie season finished.
U "Wasn't lonlcl.
There was n gun rnlUM oft at Dlcfc
Plnndio'splncoon the Waterloo road Sun
day. During the proceeding Frame Jacovln
nlcltcd up the piece , and not knowing It wn9
loaded , cocked It and pulled tlio trigger. An
expiation iollowcd , nnd nearly u doron
persons received uioro or less bird shot In
their anatomy. Wnlls Blunlo got the lion's
Bharo of It and has slnco hud nlno bird shot
extracted from the calf of his loft leg. ITor-
tnnatoly none of the persons shot received
very serious wounds.
riuiiiblim Inspection.
The report of Superintendent of I'lumblng
Duncan for the month of October shows that
807 permits wore Issued for excavations In
the streets ; 70 of iheio were to the gas com
pany , U7 to the water works company , 80 to
the city engineer for drain layers and 1'Jl to
master plumbers. Exciwutloni to the num
ber of 884 , iDiiko In October wcro Inspected.
The total receipts of the oflleo wcro $152.
The salaries amounted to { 515 , lacking only
(94 of being self-sustaining.
There \ \ lU Ho Lli lit.
Tlio Thompson-Houston Electric Light
company has found their present plant on
Eleventh near Capitol avenue too small to
moot the needs of a growing city llko
Omaha ana arrangements are bolncr mndo
to erect a magnificent building at the foot of
Jones street , near the river. Piles nro al
ready being driven for the foundation.
Tlio proposed building is to bo ouo of the
i largest power houses In the country , the di
mensions being 1-NM20 icet ; It will bo three
stories high. 'leu engines will bo
put In , with nn aggregated power
of 2,400 lioisei. Thcso engines will furnish
eufllolotit power to run " ,100 uro lights or
21,000 Incandescent llclits. The style of the
somowhitt plain but handsome.
A I'nrty of rroviilciiiou linn Cora.
John Tester , Kobcrt Knight , William B.
Whcolou ana John G. Masslc , prominent
bankers of Providence , I ! . I. , aruved In
Omaha yesterday , ana after spending some
tlmo hero getting acquainted , will visit
other western cities. Hon. John A. McShano
entertained them yesterday afternoon with
n sightseeing drive and an inspection of tlio
packing houses and stock yarus at South
Omaha. Ho and Fred Davis , cashier of tbo
First National bank , took dinner with them
lost evening at the Mlllard. These gentle
men say thov ai a out solely for pleasure , but
it Is understood that they have plenty of
urulus cash lying Idle aau propose to Invest
oiiio of It if satisfactory opportunities are
They go from hero to Denver.
I have suffered with rheumatism for rjuito
number of i cars.and after trying Salvation
Oil pronounce It the best remedy 1 have ever
used. Mits. J. ZIMMEIISIAN , Wothcredvillo ,
Caution Insures safety , and all cautious
people euro their colds with Dr. Bull's Cough
Byrup. 25o. _
1C * Orders Several Corrections in ttic
Appropriation Ordinance.
Ten nervous councllmon got together last
\f \
night and adjourned , after passing a resolu
I tion ordering the cleaning of Cass and Cali
I fornia streets from Twentieth to Twenty-
second , until Thursday night.
! < * It was the intention of the members pres
ent to pass the appropriation ordinance , but
U was found that a number of estimates
which have been allowed were not In the or-
dlnanco , and It was decided to adjourn to
allow the necessary additions to bo uiado.
The ordinance Is already a whopper , and
provides for tlio payment of moro tlian
1250,000 Irom the various funds , as follows :
m T . General fund . $ 25,10002
k Fire fund . Ga < V573
Police fund . 7t410J !
Curb , gutter , etc. , fund . 4,671) , ) 7J !
Judrmcnt fund . OoSGti
Plumber's mortengo fund . 50 CO
Special opening Spruce street fund 1,0'3 ! 50
City hall fund . 45908
Sewer mortgage fund . (542 ( 03
Park fuud . 1,9.0'J5 !
Library fund . l,89r 13
District paviag fund . 150,2fi9.17
Allov paving fund . 5.07751
Paving bond fund . 15,810.b8
District curb and gutter fuud . 9.27229
South Omaha saner fund . 10,802.2J
Korth Omaha sewer fund . 17.458.3
Total . ? 2iWbU7.CO
The I-riiit of Violnnco.
In no case is the folly of violence in medi
cation moro conspicuously shown by Us fiult
than In the effect upon the intestines of
excessive purgation. The stomach and bow
els are llrst painfully griped , then tao latter
is copiously , suddenly nnd ropea'cdlv ' evacu
ated. This is far beyond the necessities of
the case , most .unnatural , excessively debili
tating. 'Iho organs nro Incapacitated from
resuming their function with normal moder
ation. An astringent is resorted to which
reduces them to their former condition of
inaction. To this monstrous and harmful
absurdity , Hosteller's Stomach Blttors is
the happy alternative. It relaxes gently ,
naturally , suniclcntly , it diverts uilo from
tbo blood into Its proper channel , it insures
healthful digestion nnd complete assimila
tion. It is n complete defensencaiust
malaria , nnd conquers rheumatism , neural-
Bla.ncrvouaucss , klduoy mid bladder trouble.
Xholr Kmplnycrn 1'rojiosn to Make
'Ilium Attend to IluxiiionH.
Superintendent Smith , of iho horao car
company , and moro recently of the Omaha
Street Hallway company , has been elected
to fill the same position over tbo consolidated
As a preliminary to running the fair
grounds and Walnut Hill motor lines on
ohcdulo tinio , clocks are being put In the
cars.Tho effort to run the cars on tlmo is meet
ing with considerable uilont opposition from
the motor rnon. A trick practiced by them
and concerning which considerable complaint
baa been made , Is the holding back of north
bound trains so as to catch the motor men
who rellovo them in that section of
the city , In cuso the relief is not
on tlino tha crow of each train
lias to inako the trip to Commercial nvonuo
and return , The result ol the holding bacic
of a train to avoid this extra trip interferes
with the service. It also keeps the curs
back , nnd frequently flvo or six trains may
bp soon In procession , Then will como nn
Interval of twenty or thirty minutes before
another car is aeon.
Superintendent Smith say * that the nor-
Yico is to bo Improved , and will see that the
irregularity referred- is abolished. In
company with Secretary Goodrich , Smith
made u tour over the city line * yesterday ,
examining the workings , tracks and barns ol
the company ,
Becclmm's Pills act llko raaglo on a weak
tomach , _
A DlhAl'l'UIM'iCU immr.GUOOM.
Election Dny Itrlimw Un'toltt Anguish
to A tiovoLarit Hwnlu.
Thcro was a forlorn youth at the door ol
tha county court room ycstorduy tuornlnr ,
although the day wua tbo tlmo
chosen for his wedding day. All
tbo friends of the contracting par
ties Lad been invited , the trotseau was fin
ished , the wedding cake provided , everything -
thing , In fact , was in readiness for the nup-
tlals except the leant preliminaries. The
youth lacked the license. But tlio Judge's
room was locked nnd the jtiilgo and his clerk
wcro on the street electioneering. The
young man timidly approached tlio janitor
and asked If nobody else could issue mar
riage licenses , but on receiving n negative
answer his smiling features became very sad
nnd In desperation the lad Bald that Judge
Shields must bo found , nnd started on a tour
of the city to find the ubiquitous official. Up
to n late hour , however , ho hod noc succeeded
In locating him.
Headache , neuralgia , dlrzlness , nervous
ness , apnsms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Ilntr.NccltRrnt Citizens Scoured thu
Klsrlit to Voto.
Yesterday morning , for the first tlmo In this
city , the swearing In of voters who had not
registered was undertaken at the city clerk's
oflleo. This was done under the provision
of the registration law which requires all
ballot aflldavits to bo made In the picsonco of
the city clctk or some person dolegatcd by
the mayor for htm at his oflleo.
Mr. fcouthard , the dork , was excused from
the duty of witnessing the nflldavlti to on-
nblo him to electioneer to defeat T. A.
Mcgcath for recorder.
Accordingly. Mayor Broatch appointed W
W. ICoysor , notary , to reprcsunt him.
This gentleman was assisted by W. S.
Shumaker , Thomas Murphy and another
The last two gentlemen propounded a hun
dred questions to the negligent voters touch
ing the causes which had led to their failure
to register ,
All kladsof answers were received and
the substance of thcso was written on blanks
as long us n telegraph pole. They set forth
that the applicant \vi.s not rccisteicd "In at
loust two registers" of any election proolnct
of the city and that ho was noiv a resident of
one , the name and location of which ho In
corporated In his application. 'I hey also
told of the BOX , ace , paternity , length of
residence In the state , condition of mind , and
whether or not the voter had over been con
victed of felony or treason under the laws of
Nebraska or the United States.
Coupled with thesn were the aftldaUts of
two resident freeholders of the product in
which the would-ho voter resided. Thcso
sot forth the length of losldcnco of the wit
nesses in n certain precinct as also the fact
that they know the applicant to bo n losident
of the precinct from which ho hailed.
When the questions had been answered
nnd the blanks filled , Mr. ICovsor signed his
name to the documents nnd. ifllxcd his notarial
seal twlco o'l the virgin piigo. Shumakor
then inudo an entry of the voter's nnmo In n
little book and thu latter generally rushed
from the apartment to endeavor to deposit
his vote before it becomes too lato.
The lack of interest in registration was
conllaed to no class. There were gathered
In the reeking little corner of the olllco mag
nates who controlled miles of railroads us
well as the drivers of the humblest vehicles
in town. Retailers of silks and diamonds
brushed raiment with hucksters of "banans. "
and the perfume of 'tho boudoir mingled in
unequal combat with the aroma of gailio and
Some were disappointed when they found
it required two freeholders to ' 'swear thorn
in , " and left with Imprecations rolling from
their lips upon the law und Its maki rs.
The most active workers wcro the candi
dates who saw in ovcrv vote they supported
n reward they dearly pi Izcd.
The Unison Why.
Bccntiso it is the purest , best , nnd
cheapest. Because it will not clmp your
hands or Because it will not
shrink your flannels or make them hard.
Bocaubo if you use it once , you will
llnd it superior to till other soaps. Ask
your procor for Walker's Wax Soap and
insist on getting it.
AI FnlrOrotlior Mnirlcd.
ThoLIncoln Calllastovenlngnnnounced the
manlagoof Its managing editor , Colonel Al
rairbrothor , to Miss Mainto L > . Hatchet , of
Henderson , N. C. The ceremony was per
formed yesterday morning at the Episcopal
church of that city by the 'pastor , Ucv , J. IX
Engh. in the presence of the immediate
friends and relatives of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Pairbrothnr will bo at homo
to their fi lends in Lincoln , at the corner of
Sixteenth und Maple streets after the 15th
Inst. Mr. Falrbrothor has fitted up a cosy
homo for his brido.
As Manila Hntchott Mrs. Falrbiotljcr has
won an en viable name as an aulhoicss and a
newspaper correspondent.
California * tlio ijnncl of Discoveries.
Why will you lay awake all night , coughIng -
Ing , when that most effective und agreeable
California rcmcdv , Santa Abie , will give you
Immediate relief ! SANTA ABIE Is 'tho
only guaranteed euro for consumption ,
asthma and all bronchial complaints. Sold
only in largo bottles , at $ t. Three for $ j 50.
The Goodman Drug Co. will uo pleased to
aupply you , and guarantee relief when used
hover falls to rellovo catarrh or cold in the
$ bad. Six mouths treatment. SI. By mail
Postoflloo Hpjtort.
Postmo'tcr Cockrcll announces tbo follow
ing gratifying showing of the October busi
ness of the South Omaha postofllco.
Registered letters delivered 100
Letters delivered 2S.CU3
Postal cards delivered 8.833
Newspapers , circulars , etc. , delivered 11,078
Local loiters collected 2,1'1
Mail letters collected 03J
Mall postal cards collected 5,128
Newspapers , chculars , etc. , collected. C0.73J
Total 115,233
Cash received :
For stamps and postals $ 913 89
For envelopes and wrappers O'Jl.y5 '
Total $1OJ524
Noli-n About tlio City.
A. A. Wright yesterday afternoon lost a
roll of bills containing about $35 nnd a $10
check. The Under la asked to return thorn
to A. A.Vrlght \ , No. 409 Twenty-sixth
Messrs. H. L. Fowler , E. S. Harroll and
iSli H , Doud were elected member- the
Kinanon club at the meeting last evening.
Iho Presbyterian Aid society will meet nt
Mrs. O. B. Fennor's , Twentv-llrst nnd J
streets , Wednesday afternoon , the 13th.
'Ibo silver pitcher given away nt St.
Agnes' fair was won by Thomas O'Connor ' ,
who received 2,600 , votes to 21U for Thomas
David Hoban will build n house on Ihlrty-
accoud street between Q and U streets.
About People * .
II. L. Wheat has resigned his position nt
Swift & Co.'s puckliu ; housa to accept an
offer from the Wheeling Pottery couipuuy.of
Wheeling , W. Va.
Airs. A. J. Monsan , accompanied by her
daughter nnd son-in-law , Air. and Mra. LM
Jucl , went to Auburn yesterday.
A. E. McCndroo has rotuined from Elk-
hart , Illinois , where bo wont to attend the
funeral of his.vonernblo father.
Mr. nud Mrs. File Hoblnson nnd daughter ,
Miss Lena , of Wheeler , Indiana , who has
boon visiting Mr , and Mrs. D , S. Curtis , have
returned , _
PAXTON Iiornr. , OMAHA Special at
tention to commoreliil men. Finest and
lurgcbt hotel in the west. Kittrcd o &
Uruiuard , proprietors.
Tliii Orluiu of thn Nnino Tacoinn.
It may he added thut the name Ta-
cotna wa3 novar known until Theodore
Winthrop'a ramarluiblo book , "Tho Canoe
and Saddle " November
nee , appeared in
ber , ISO'2 , Buys the Portland Oregonian.
In 185" 'VVlnthropont to I'ltmuun for
Wllliiun L. Aspinwall , and visited Cal
ifornia nnd Oregon the next year. In
August , 18011 , ho was tit Puget Sound ,
and resolved to return to tlio east across
the plains , His book , written in nsoiuo-
whut sophomorlcal atylobut reiaarktiblo
for its poetio , iiaUKiuutivo und descrip
tive passages , gives aa account of his
voyngo vrltli Indians thrOdgli Pupot
Sound nntl his horseback rid a over the
Cascade inountalns , from Nosqunlly to
tlio Dalles , with Indian guides. In this
book the grcnt mountain gets iho nnmo
"Tacomtv. " winthrop profcssostohavo
obtained the nntno from his Indian
guides , and ho gives imagination nlay
in n supernatural legend of the moun
tain. It is probable that thanamo "Tu-
coma * ' was n result of his effort to reproduce -
produce or Imitate a word glvon to him
byftliis guides , who were Vukitna In
dians , nnd Unit the word wns n common
ono used by thcso Indians ns a term for
nil snow white mountain pctilcs. The
name of tlio city of Tacoinn was taken
bv its foumlors'from Winthrop's book.
Winthrop was killed at Big Bethel , Va. ,
onrly in the war of the rebellion , and
"Tho Canoe and Saddle1 , " with othoi-
books ho had written , and which evi
dently had lain sometime in his desk ,
was published Immediately after his
death. Every citizen of Taooma ought
to road the charming book tliat fur
nished the nnmo for their cHy ( and
everybody else , for that matter , ought
to read it too. Winthrop was only
twonty-flvo whenho vis'itotl Puect
EOUIIO and pnesod through thti advotiurcs
that ho relates with admirable literary
Billon * Nerve niul hlvor Pills.
An Important discovery. They net on the
liver , stomach nnd bowels through the
nerves. A no v principle. Tlfoy speedily
euro bllllousncss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Spiondld for men ,
women nnd children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples free
at Kuhn ft Co.'s , ISlh and Douglas.
tmd receive l g
( Uppoalto 1'axton UoteU
Office hours , 9 & . m , to 8 p. tn. Sundays , 10 a
m to 1 p. in.
Speclillna la Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blond Disease ! . .
{ Consultation at office or by mail free
llfUlctncs snnt liy mall or o\pr 337 securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro quickly , snfoly and permanently.
lirD'U'riTT TTPR1I TTV Spermatorihma. s ml-
MjuVllUu ilDDlLlll nnl t.o-soi.NigtitimU
Ions. Physical Decay , urlslrg from Imllscro
tlon , Pxcess or IndulKcncc. producing Sleepless
ness , nespondenoy. 1'lmp 01 on the face , aver
sion to society , easily nl' . < ournce < l. IicK of coull
dence , dull , unlit torBtudy or business , and Units
llfo n uurden. hafely , pcrmnnontly nnd pri
vately cured. Consult lira iletts V Belts. 1 < W
Farnam St , Omnha , Nob.
Blood and Skin Dis'ases SMiiU a
results , completely eradicated without tlio aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas. 1 ever Here- ) ,
Blotches , Ulcers , rams In the Head nnd Bones ,
Syphilitic Bore 1 hront , Mouth nnd ' 1 onguo. Ca
tarih. etc. . permanently cured where other *
have foiled.
Vidnnu IfrinQru nn < 1 Bladder Compinmts ,
JilQIluV Ulllld'y ' I'alnfnl. Dllllrnlt. too fre
quent Burning or Bloody Uimo , Urlno high col
ored cr with milky sediment on Btandinq , WeaK
Back , Gnnorrhiua. Qket , C > stltH , etc. ,
1'romptly aud Safely Cured. Charges Kcasoni-
CJJS1T5 TrfNffBfffTTp ; J Gnnrauteod -
w JL SMJ A U JsltK * i maneut Ouro. re
moval complete , without cutting , caustic or
dtllatliin. Uuren eUrcted at home by patient
without a moments palnorannoyanco.
To Yoniiff Men and MWflls-Ael Men ,
AQITDP PIIDPfho iiwrnl ctrects of early
OlJllfj UUnb Vice , which bungs organic
weakness , destroying both nilud and body , with
all Its dreaded Ills , permanently rurert ,
nnri ppirma Adrossthc Bulmtiva impaired
LinO. Dullu tUemsolves by Improper Indul-
Kcnce'i acd Eolltary ImbltHOilcU inln both
body and mind , unfitting them lor busline ? ,
itudy or marriage. . .
MAUiuKi ) MEN. ov those entering on that Imp
py life , aware of ph > ulcal ( lebllltr , quickly uu
ouit success.
13 based upon facts , First 1'ractleal Kxpe
rlencc. Second Kory casa Is especially studied-
thus starting aright. 1 hlrd Mo Homes are pre ,
pured In our labntory exactly to salt each cnse ,
111 n B atrectlng cures without Injury
( ffBetul 6 cents posttpe for celel rated works
on Chronic , Nervous and iellcnle Diseases.
'inausnndu ciiro.l , t A filoniily letter or c.ill
mny save you future sutroilutt nnd shnrae. and
add golden years to llfo. < > No letters an-
nered unless nccompanlod by i centu i
Address or call on
1408 i'ttriiara Btceet , Omaha. Kn * .
Winter is bald upon us , and Overcoat
weather Is nt hand. ' 1 lie mnn who IK pro
vided 1th a comfortttblu top coit nhouhl
no thankful , and tlio o who wish to enpplr
thoniKHlvca , run not Mud a bot'er ' a url-
iiiuntfrum which to lluui on our
tables , \Vn ha\e tlio H.ick Ovirco-its In
Kerseys , Mvltous , ( 'lilnclilllns. AlHU for
ilrlvini , ' or extreme cold wmthi-r l/'ltterj
with or without tapes nmdu of geiiuliitf
Irish 1 rlezo and other heavy itiatoilala ,
" * " " .7zL j M H flH
Instnntlv stops the matt excruciating culns ; novcr fnlld to RVO ! onso to the sufferer.
HALO 1 A , , , _ _ ,
other cxternnl PAIN , n few implication * ! not llko mnRla , cnatlng the jnln to Instnntlv stou.
FAINTING SI'ELLS , NnilVOUSNESS.SLBUPLESSNndS nro lullvod Inttnntiy , nnd
quicKly cured liy talcing Inwardly 20 to 00 drops In a halt tumbler of vrntor. 50 conta n liot-
tlo : Sold by DrueeisU.
For Sale by M. II. Bliss , Omulia , Nebraska.
The large increase in our wholesale business demand
ing our whole attention , we offer for sale our
si Ttn ;
The location is the finest in Omaha , being the most
prominent corner ; the building is new , and the store
has recently been fitted up in the most modern style ,
and is conceded to be the finest jewelry establishment
in the west.
The stoclc is well selected and desirable , being
clean and new
The business has been established 23 years.
This is an opportunity rarely offered ; good terms to
responsible parties. Address
'MAX MEYER & BRO. , Omaha.
Tliankinp : you lor the liberal patronage bestowed upon us in the
pist , wa will until the stoi'k is sold. otTer 3011 Watches , Diamonds , *
Silverware und Art Goods at prices heretofore unknown in Omaha.
MA'X MEYER & BRO. , Sixteenth .ind F.irnum streets.
Nudis Verbis.
giigli Class Caampagne.
is as fjoccl as any Wino imported , and ia
sold in these United States by Importer ,
"Wine Merchant , Grocer , and Restaurateur
at less prollt than any ether brand : id ci > l ,
Better Value to Consumer.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In
To dealers only. Mills Southern Mlwonrl. Itooms. 1. Sand , ! . U. S. National Bank Building
'lelenhouo l.toT. UmiUiu.
r * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
& CO. ,
1OO South JBth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 1490
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wni | 7 nnri
and NDV , , o anu
llogular vrlces. Beats go on Bulo Vt dncsday
morning ,
State Line.
ToUlusgow , Uclfust , Diililln nud Lhcrjiool
Cat la puisaga t5 to % y ) , accordliitf to locution of atat
room. KicunlunKJJoSUJ.
Etcernge lo anil from Kurope at Lowest lUtei.
AVBTIN 11ALUWIN liCo. . Uen'l Agents ,
U llrottdnaf , Now York
JonN DLKOKK , Ocn'l Wcit rn AkeuL
1G4 Itandolph St. , Cblcaao ,
. Uooum.Tuos. iitCji > M. ,
Agouti atOmati ,
to exam
ine the
justly eel-
ebratol lines of Hoots nnd Shoes , manufactur
ed uy C. M. Henderson X Co. , of Chicago I no-
tnrles ut L'hlcngo , Dlxou , I ) a. , und Toiid lu l.iio ,
WlB. ahonhl w.-lto HAM. N. WA'ISON , real-
den < e , KHBMllNl' . NIU1 ,
HetUqUurtori for Uubbera.
A full "I'tiif ToetUonruliliorfor O. uuitrnnloel to
tuai mil jimiloiti pluto ic'iit out from uuxUuntuI
oniie In tills tountry , mill tur whlcli yuu wuulU b *
cliartzoJ over twice u * much.
'Jti-lliaxtrnctuU vrlluuul pain or dnnfor. and wltU-
out tlio use ( liulufnnii , KU > , i Itliur or oloctacllf ,
uclUajiJ llvur niiliii's ul liulf rates.
Blitlslnutloii Giiiirnntcoil.
i'axlon lllock , Kttli niul 1'arnam Sliecls.
UuVe Hlexuor on 10th Street.
Manhnnrl RESTORED.
lUlrlill lllllll llimanr KHM.-A lctlai
IVIUIIIIUwLI or vuuUiful Imprudence.
cauMiifr I'renmluro IJecav. hurvous lifLllltj. lxi t
Uinhooil. &a-i ta'lnp trie J In rain > try knon n rrinl-
dr. Jia discovered AMmntv inf niiof elf rurw , wlUclt
luV > lll > ndl > ral < ull y HKK lohUfrllow nalTrrtra.
* Wiet , J , 11 , UKIIVES , KO. Iloi t 0 , tw Vgik dij
This meaas more to close buyers than anything- have
before attempted.
Our entire Wholesale and Retail Stock included in this
sale. No lower prices will be quoted at the very last of the
season than we are offering this week.
Our aim is to reduce our immense stock of Men's , Boys'
and Children's Overcoats and Suits. No effort will be made t6
enumerate the special bargains. They must be examined and
quality and price compared. We offer no unreliable goods at
any price. The goods arc such as we manufacture for our own
use and we repeat that any garment not proving satisfactory
may be returned and the purchase money refunded.
No material is too expensive for us to manufacture for our
ready made department. We have some of the most expen *
sive Overcoats , elegantly made and trimmed and perfect irt
fit and workmanship , at rock bottom-prices.
We will offer this week a line of Men's Beaver Ouercoata ,
in all sues , 34 to 44 , at $8.50 a garment , that retails for $12 in
most every clothing house. Every one will be impressed with
the value when the garment is seen.
We felt obliged to make another lot. of Melton Overcoats
as they were so popular , in three shades , fine woolen linings at
the popular price of $15.00.
We have manufactured 10 styles of extra lorg Overcoats ,
not Ulsters , but Regular Overcoat Styles , 50 inches long , Oas-
simere lining and in every respect a very desirable garment for
this climate , and a style of Overcoat not made by any other
house. Prices , $12 , $15 , $18 , $20 , $22 and $25.
We have everything , Freizc , Chinchillas , Fur , Beavers
and Fur Trimmed Ulsters , $10 , 12 and $15 Some very choice
Look in our windows for styles and prices. The season for
our Fine Suit trade is now well advanced and we will make this
a very interesting week for those who appreciate fine quality
and' low prices. It will interest you to see the suit you can buy
at the" sale for $10 , $12.50 and $15.
Boys' ' Overcoats $5 $ , $6 $ and $7 $ ,
Children's ' Overcoats , $3 $ , $8.BP$4 $ , $ and $4,50 $ ,
Our Most Popular Line. Price $5.00.
Twenty different styles of Children's OVERCOATS , ages 4
to 14 years , at $5 ; which cannot be bought outside of the CON
TINENTAL for less than $7.00.
Cor. 15tli and Douglas St.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing
House West of the Mississippi.