Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Ko atlvortlQomonta will bo inkon for
Ihcso columns nttor I2:3O p. m.
Terms Cosh In advnnco ,
Advertisement * under thin head 10 tints per
line for UK Hrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
Ktournt insertion , and ( I M per line per month.
No ndvcrti&cmonts tnkrn for Irss than Si cent *
for first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
tot ho lire : they must run consecutively and
must bo paid In ADVANCH. Alt advertise
ments must bo handec. in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
in. , nnd under no circumstances Trill tiler betoken
token or discontinued l > r t Jlcpuono.
Parties advertising In thr o columns nnd hnv-
Ing ttielr answers addressed In enroot TUB llr.r.
will please ask fora check to enn hie them to get
their letters. ns none will bo delivered except
on trroscntallon of check. All answers to td-
Vcrtlscraents tilmuld bo enclosed In envelope * .
All ndrurtl'cmcntft In UICMI column * nro tmri-
ll.Micil in both morning nnd evcntne editions ot
Tun IJKB the circulation of which aggregates
tnoro tlmn ld.000 pnpern dnllv. nnd clvi > the nd-
vertUcrn the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation otTliK llr.K , but also of Council I Huns ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
thluBfctlon of the cmintrv. _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
Advertising for tliene columns will bo taken
tmthoiibovo conditions , at the following bust.
new houses who are ntithorlrod ngonts torTnit
Jlr.n special notice * , and will quote the same
rates as can bo had nt the mnln onice.
TOflN TvvflBLLi p'tiarmncUtTsM South Tenth
tl Btroot.
K .V UDDY , Stationers nnd Printer ? . 113
V-/Houth icth str. ot.
_ _ _
SH. I'AltNBwbimi. 1'liarmnclst. 2113 Cutn-
Ing Street.
W.1.1 IIJC1 HIM , Pharmacist , C2i North 10th
GKO. W. PAUII. Plmrniaclst. 1SX ) Bt. Mary's
S' PHARMACY , 22J3 Parnain Street.
WANTBD-Fltuatlon In a small fnmlly by
un old lady , InnulrotOIN. 14th st.
"IXT'ANTKD A steady , middle-aged itnnn
T > wants some light work in olllce. More or
fnctory. Address N U' ' . llocolllce. teQ It
WANTIID Situation us engineer , no objec
tions to country ; 15months' recommendn-
tlon from lust employer. Ad. N 28 Omaha llco.
\X7ANTHD-Sltmxtlonus2d bread baker : nd-
dress N17 Ileeolllco. 170 J
rANTED Situation by a middle aged
steady Englishman in olllce or fctore : will
mate himself useful ; goodritorcnces. Address
N 27. llvo. v < U2 fit
WANTHD Situation as Ilromnn ; ; oed refer
ences ; 1017 Capitol aVL- . The ; : Il.'Jilch-
nrdton. -
A OKNTS'Wanted Send"sta"nTp for circulars'
-C3.Jllch. Uoorl'latOiV Dell Co. , Grand Itaiilds ,
WANTED A young man ( SJ years old ) o
fnlr education , who Hpoaus Kugllah , Uerf
limn and Scandinavian , wnnts a position In of-
lire or store ; references if reuuired. Cnll nt ,
IDl.T S. 22d ttt. 741 7f
fjitlNTKIt Wanted Aboy 11 tolOycars old ,
X good typesetter ; state experience , refer
ences , und wages wanted. Address Minor ,
Lyons , Neb. 737 It
WANTED An oxpcrleltced bookkeeper" ;
must be single and luruisti goou retur-
onces.J-03 Pork nve. 752 5
Tl/rAN nnd wife for private fnmlly. mnn to
JjJLtnko cure of furnace nnd do chores , witu ns
chnmbermnid. I.ady drcssmnkaBer. $2u ; elderly
aormnuwouian to tnke caroof children ; cook
for private family , no washing , &i ; coofc for
onicors iHinlly , Kni inay pnstry cook , $ ; fl ; lady
book-koviior , $ ' > ; new places uvery dny nt Mrs ,
llrega/tH. U14J4 8.16th. 747-W
-A contmaker , 40i S. ICth Rt.
72 = 1 7
' - mm and two Indies toflll
onico mid r.tld poslllcDH. Muht nnvesomo
money ami bring ruiurciiccB. Salary to mart
from mo to fwO per month. Call or nddrecs Tlio
( leo. B. Cllno 1-nu. House , Ml First National
Hank llulidlug. Umnhn. 718-OJ
W ANTUD A special a cnt for every county
lu Iowa nnd Nebraska ; must have JUKI in
cashnudbou hustler ; salary $75 per mouth.
Cull or address 'J he Uoo. S. Cllno Pub. House ,
l. First Nittlonal Dank building. Omaua
wonted-To handle nrtlclu every
i stove requires. Details ft ; taveal.f,0 per
month. Must establish county agencies. Sam
ples nent express prepaid on receipt of J2.7C.
MornyMfg. Co. . Waukcshn.Vis. .
TA/ANTED Two Hrst-class book salesmen to
T V travel in Iowa. Our best men are
making fM ) to $75 per WOCK ; tlrst-class terri
tory. P. K Collier , Davenport , la. 711)0
WANTKU-Qood shoemaker at once. C. Cnr-
man. Table Hock. Pawnee Co. . Neb. 7u3-Uf
AOEN'JHl Write for terms. 13 sample corset
free. Schlele & Co. , 300 llroadrray. New York.
WANTED Salesmen at * 7ftper month salary
and expenses to soil n line of silver-plated
warn , watchus. etc. . by sample only ; hon-e nnd
teniii furnished free. Wrltentolice forfnllpnr-
tlcuiars and Hnmplo cnte of goods freo. Stand-
nrd Silver Ware Co. . Hoston. Mass. 4fi5
w ANTED--Men For Washington territory.
Albright's Labor Agoncy. 1120 Knrnnm st.
WANTED Good nrli'klayers nnd stonecut
ters : good wages paid. Apply JI. T. Mur-
phy. Fremont. Nob. _ 457
MEN to travel for tno Fonlhlll nurseries of
Cnnndn. Wo pay $ .r > n to itllO a month and
cxpeiiBes ta nceuta to sell otir Cnnndlan grown
Block. Add , fatone & Wellington , Madison , \Yls.
WANTED Gencranigents : no canvassing :
Address , The Hlako-lloywood Co. , Kansau
City. Mo.
WANTED Twenty-flvo good carpenters at
oiica to go to Pierre , 8. D. , work all
winter , \vuges oOc. fore 1 15. board $1 per week.
' *
X5lTANTED Good live canvassers for smnn of
T T thn best selling articles livthu w orld ; from
7 to P a. m. . 13 to2 nud u to H p. jn. : apply to U.
1L Jordan , Cozzens house , Uth and Harney.
\ C23 Bt
W ANTED Men with teams to gather corn.
715 N. 11 th , Omnha , _ 5lt ) n
\.VANTKU-A few niore good agent * for new
VT novelties Just out. Hampln by mall 30 cents.
JCottler .tDoViuo , HoomO'.i ' , HarKvrbuUdlng.
W ANTKO Agents to sell the Plnless clothes
llneftho only-line ever Invented that holds
the clothes without pins ; a perfect success ;
'patent ' recently icsund ; sold only by agents , to
whom the exclusive right is given ; ou receipt
of CO cts wo will send n sample Hue by mall ;
also circulars , price lists nnd terms to ngonts ;
< ocuro your teirltory nt onco. Address Wor
cester Pinless clothes Line Co. , 17 llermon Bt. ,
Worcester , Mass. UJO-7 *
WANTED- Track layers and bridge carpen
ters for Iowa. Fluey , Kramer Si Co. , cor.
llth and Farnam sts. 170
WANTED A few moro live , energetic naleT-
raeu to Bell groceries etc. . to farmer * , ho-
tcl and restaurant Keepers nnd other ( urge con-
turners at wholesale prices ; exclusive turrltory
given ; for particular ) * address the Kdgowortii
Mercantile Co. , Importer * , manufacturers nnd
ivuoiesalo grocer * . 1447 State at. Chicago.
' rANTE NurHOgirl , wlthroferoncos ; good
uagea Call at once , 2112 Douplnsht.
"V\f ANT15I-OlrI for general housouork.good
T wages paid to right party. 212 B. UOtli ,
"V\rAriTiD ; tjomu experienced drossmatcer'J
T > also 2 apprenllco girls ; Mli > s Mlnulc-k , i- *
I avunworth. TIMf
for general housework ,
best or tvagoa to th right party. 2115 su
Wnry/s avenue. 720 T
WANTtJD At 6CU ParUo ave , a competent
nurse mrl.- 7JI 5
W A girl for general nous w"orie except -
cept cooking. 1923 California t , cor20th.
' \irANTKD Young girl for housework In
family ot 2. tr.-a B. I'Jth ' Ht. COT K
't\ f ANTI'.D A half-grown girl at HJJS KUth st.
\Jtr ANTED ( lood clrl. German prererreiT
W lniUli-eC128. | lathntroet , Mrs. J. Nugl.
EAUY ueonts for Chillis' Fe"form wftlsp
fklrt3 , bustleHubstltuto. babT'B diaper snn
iHrter , eliv. Now goods. Our agent ivt Ausil. ,
Sllniu mailot&in ; jOdayK. Lualua' Supply Col
, jjgT W. Washington at , Chicago. _ _ * * _
WANTl'.D Saleslady ot exporlunco to roprti-
sent publishing house : salary V&.W ; small
cash bond rouulred. Work , SIN , 6th st. . K'eo-
kuk. la. wun *
WANTJID-Competent girl for general
housex\ork. must bouooacook uud lauu-
drc a , coed wtigua paid. Apply US4 ba.ith st.
\ \ ANTED I'lret-class experienced saleslady
In cloak duparttuoot. Btutj uxptneuce
and where employed. Addrem lid , llee. &il
Tr > | { U8SMAKINQ in families. 1021 fi
JL/ 7itui : ;
O'DONOHOn will hereafter bavo her
MISS making parlor nt 152 Douclns. whrro
she will bo pleased to see her customers. Plash
clonks stvnmed , rcllned ana rellttca. Cutting
and mtlngni-peclnlty. 10.V10
_ _
M I "IPS i : . WnTsh. iiH : { CnrltolivoniiB. < 1re nnrl
cloak maker ; plush coats rcilttcd , rcllned.
IOU1S wiNUIinnn , dress nnd cloaemnkcr ;
'plutti cloaks to order nnd steamed ; sealskin
ctonks repaired ; nil kinds tur trimmings fur
nished. 14VC Capitol nve. . repairing of nil kinds.
TpKOAOr.MhNTS todoilreesmakincln fntnl-
JLi < lies eollclted. MUs Stutdy , 619 8.Srth st.
- or ! 1 unfurnished room1 * for
light housekeeping , between 18th nnd 2U
Kin. nnd Fnrnnm nnd Davenport its. II. II.
Ileeves , agent Adams Kxpress. 717-0 *
WANTICD S or H furnished or unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping , nearbusl-
ness center. Address N ii3 , lluoonico. 750-7
YKMNTEU-Honrders and roomer * . 1017 Chi-
TT cago. U01JI
IPOII HUNT Krnme house , t,0i So. 10th it.
JL1 call nt Ilor & Co. , UK llarney. 74i
TJMJIINISIIUH house o til rooms f or houaoKcep-
JL1 ing , on cnblo line. 21SI Clark at. V-V-'ii
5UOOM hmlsp. J12por mo.S.K. . corner illh
nnd Vlctou 8ts. 617-1 It
TTUJlt UHNT-7-room cottAge. Innulro nl 151 1 N
J3 '
TOH HUNT IlnmUomn 10-room house , nil
- conveniences , pa\edHtroet , cnblo nnd horse
cnrs , 5 minutes' walk ot postoHlco. Nntlmu
Slielton. 1011 I'nrnnmst. 4W
17011 * HUNT Neat 7-room houso. In goodrc-
JU pair , on cor. 2ttn ; iind Woolworth nve ; pos
session given nt. once , luiiulto O.II. Tzscnuck ,
lloo olllco , fiJ3
T7IOU HUNT 6-room cottngcs on Unit liownrd
OJ near 33 < \ el , Uuijulro U'JI a. nth nU 2l
OIl HUNT 10-room bricz house on'JUh st.
nunr Leavenwortli. Apply nt tt7 S. 20th st.
"ITlOlt UI5NT 8-room house with modern " 1m-
J2 provomonts , on the motor lino. $ W per
month. C. if. llnnison , Morchanta Nnu bnulc.
Ml n
T75OU 1IKNT 11-room house. No. 310 N Kin st.
Address room IGfl , Mlllard hotel.
T0lt HUNT 4tenroom houses , from 315 to 820
JL1 per month , on Motor Hue. Hoom 627 Pnxton
block. 6 U
TjlOK ItKNT Pnrtof modern house , rent ven-
X1 sonnhlo. WS N. 17th. 7 6 ?
TT1OH ItENX Rlnht room cottnce. 1405 I Bher-
JL' nmn uvo. City water , rimieo nnd bnth room.
Two hundred feet ot ynrd trontngo. Apply nt
premises. W. K. Aunln. Ti5l
KljKOANT now K-room houses , with all con-
vanleuces. iticllidlng ranges , ana be trcsl-
( Icnccrlocntlon In the city : lo-room bouso on
8.10th et.i opposlto llrowncll hull ; U 4-room
cottaKOs , f. Ktn st. : -1 7-room houses , with nil
convenience1' , cor. Heed nnd Pnrk sts , Windsor
Plnco ; Hir o IP room lioueu cor. Ltlth nnd Cald-
wull HIS. Apply"to OrcenVllllnms , 1st Nat.
bank bulldlm ; . 421
T7M1U HUNT So. ! my block , 1131 Goo. nve ,
JL1 to rooms , furnace , pas and llxtures , olectrln
wires for llBhtlng. ruiiRO nnd every conven
ience : barn with city water amVcaH In ; choloo
nelghhorhood.flU D.V. Sholcs 213,1st Nnt Lank ,
Eon HUNT Two duellings. ctrncr Cnpltol
nvo. nnd 18th bts. , opposlto Trinity catho-
< irol ; furnace , rnnge nnd nil modern conven
iences. Cud on'or nddrcss II. I. Hall , Uurllnt-
ton ticket olllco. 1- I Fnrnam st. 251
F I OH HENT 0 rooms , cellar , city water nnd
gas. ; Apply Hoom.lS.Arlington ) blk. 145
"TTi LEG ANT lints to rent. 10th st. .
J Jtween Jones aud Loavenworth ; nrsUiluss in
nil respects , and now : stenm heat , bath , open
grntesnud mantels , electric hells in nil rooms ;
both motor lines pass property. Hefercncos
required. Thos. 1' . Hall. 311 Pnxton block.
35-HOOM ( now ) houses , nltmodein convenien
ces exropt furnace , at ilO , half block from
motor.51i _ ) Puxton Hlock. 8SO _ _
rr-room house with barn , f 11 wr month. CJ. F
* Harrison , Mcrcnnnt&'Nnt. bank. 4tD
TTIUHNISHED rooms , Iwlth board nnd steam
JL ? heat , gas and bath. 1UU ! Ilnrney. I'M 1 If
TpOH RENT Nicely Kenh,7HPttcinosf.'l
-I ? modern conveniences nud good location , in
private family to ono or two gentlemen , : toi N ,
2uth street. 727-lit
TjIOH HENT Two extra warm rooms , new ,
JU ja.UJper month , on motor , 1222 N.Vud st.
722 C *
FOR HUNT 2 front rooms with gas , bath and
( .team heat. 205 M. 24th Bt. 731-1 It
T71UHNIS1H5I ) rooms , now nnd nent , gas and
JJ bath , rent reasonable. 1X123 Farnam. 082 a
"VTICKLy furnished front rooms cheap , board
J-i U desired. 1717 Chicago. U'Jti M
FOR RENT Suit of rooms over steve store ,
1C21 Howard. 82U per month. 557
"Vf ICELYfurnlshed rooms cneap , 18)5 ) Howard
Ll 3i a llopr. No. 18. 7UO C
RENT New furnished front room with
FOR , rent $10.00 per month. 1715 Cuss st.
OT. CLAlll European hotel , cor. 13th and
O Dodge ; special rate by week or month.4C7
TjlOll RENT Lurgo furnished front room with
JL' bay window , gas nud bath , $10 per month.
2218 Lenvonwortli. 1138
FOR HENT A miltoof rooms , with board.
1723 Dodge street. cm
fjlOR KENT Furnished rooms with or with-
JU out board at tlio Cozzoiib hotel. Oil
F URN1SHEU rooms for rent ; 1707 Capitol av
T710K HUNT Newly furnished front room ,
U nice location ; 115. Soutng.'itli street. Oi7-ri *
ijOOMBwlth , board for 4 gentlemen nt Mrs ,
j-V Chiirchllla. 411 N. IDtli st. tta-U *
F I OH UKNT l irnlshcd rooms , modern con-
FFOU , 015 N.2Jtliht. KSO-.r
FOU HENT i Pleasant rooms , heated by
sti-nn , Hoard If desired. 2108 Douglas nt.
M4 _
"VTICKiYY" fiirnUhfd bedroom with board In
iprlvato family , Huftrouces ; 2201 Karnam.
I'.KItFU L front room with board in private
family , nicely situated. 21,30 , Harney xt.
O KOOMSTiishtliousekeeiilng.
TfiOOJIBwlth or without board , for three
Xtpentlemeu ; private family ; references. ltfl
Dodge street. _ _ 608
ITIOH HENT Furnished front room wun al
JLJ modern conveniences , to gentlemen only. "
at Hell Ht , Mary's nvenuo. Apply at store , 21 j
and 212 South I'll teomh t. UK )
1/lUKNlt > HKIroonT with Hoard for two g n-
I1 tlomen. 2543 Capitol ave. M50t
1T13NT To one or two gentlemen with
d rott-rences , a nicely furnUhea front
room , heated by steam aud centrally located
Inquire 724 H IIHU Bt. 1U8
FOll KENT Two furnished rooms on St.
Mary's avenue , to gentlemen only : six min
utes' wain of business center. Itoference re
quired , Inquire at store , 2U | and 2)2 ) B. l.'itli st.
8T > 5
JjlUHNlSHltD room and board. atC07 N. 16th
furnished rooms with bath nnd
) jjon ord st. 517
It 1IKNT nirnlshod looms for2gontle-
men , or man nnd wife. 11)9 Douglas. 0'4
N KWLY furnished rooms , \rttli or without
board. 1WP7 llowurrf. third tint. O.M Ut
NICK rooms , steam heat , 1719 Daveupoit. 713 1W
" | T\Olt \ HUNT 8 htiltos of unfurnished room * .
JL' suitable for light housekeeping , or all for
one family. 2.120 Douglas t , 740 Tt
130II ItliNT-Tvvo largo nufurhlihedrooms.
gaa , bath , nice location. 'M01 Cass t > t.
TTUUl ltli.VT-3 uufurnichcd room ? , suitable
JL1 for housekeeping , 2U N , Uth st. 4IU
I71OII ItKNT-l-room suit , unfurnished sulta-
-L blo for housekeeping , gus. water , etc. . ta
family without children ; northwest cor. 17th
umi Webster st. ii'J7
TTOIl HKNT-Stororoom In Hoydoiwrahouso
X' bulldlne. Knrjulru American tjaviugs Hani.
IK you wiahtd runt a houce or store bee II. K ,
Col * , Continental block ; oifico open evening ) .
fOU < HHNT-a store * , cor 22d und Plerc * fct * . .
J unltabla for m * t market und grocery ; ' *
two tiata above stores : will glvo rosuonslbla
parties Smouthd' rent frt-o to eMablUh trade.
Call ou J. II. PorrottP , Douglas Co. Dank. 172-5
fl'O HI NT OMlrubfo MarehoTue room on
1 tiuct , ArplytoUW. Kenh,7HPttcinosf.
'l HR most promising locality for Iranlness In
JL Omnha is on ICth bt. . bttween Fnrnnm and
Lcavenwonh , the loture retail district ot the
city. K\tcant \ blocks are going lift and nothing
shabby trill ever be erected thure ,
iHkenlook nt the new tiock on cast slilo
IRth betweet. Jonrs if LcavnwortK and secure
lease for n number ot years ; alt het drith
steam , with plato-glass front , Thos. K. Mall ,
Ull Pnxton block. KP
TJW > 1 "RENT 3 now stores , 017 nnd 01H8. 16th.
JU 1 ino show windows. & '
-\T KW hotel. In heart of rlty ; thirty rooms.
JLN w.Farnam Emllh , 10. Contlneninn llloct
ISoit llB.NT Store. TiTITarnain si. , ffixtas
1 feet. 2 stories nnd cellar , Nathan Shrlton ,
16H Knrnnm st , 471
IjToIt ilWN'l'-Tha 4.8tory brick bulldlngvUli
J or without power , formerly occupied by The
Hoc Publishing Co , , UIO Farnam t. The Guild-
lap nns n lire-woof cement basqmcnt. com
plete ntcnm-hvnllmt nxturcs. water , on all the
tioors , cas , etc. Apply at the omco otTnw lco. !
"iTlOll HiN'f : > AfferTcf ) I , tTneTTront onicp.
JL' ground lloor ; nlntol s window : heat nnd
light furnished ; a most desirable location for
nnv Kind ot business ; rent reasonable. Inmltro
Omalm Ice Co. . ilio. ? . Uth. at. 4K )
T710H ItENT nasemont. 40vCO ft. " , lipatcd by
JL1 steam. Enquire , J. NagU Ol2 So. Uth st.
' 4i
iV'YrTIt'KS for rent , lYlthnelT'CitTcci central To-
Vycatonstcam ! heat Mlmodeni Improvements
FOIt HUNT Itnck store room 207 12th st ;
joining cor. Douglas , a Lehman. 2W
hrjck oulldlna. CTxl20 ,
sultalilo for wholesale : peed trackuse ; 1
have also n number ot line reMdonco prop
erty for rent or unle. For particular * call or
nilnrc334iAl-411 HoeblJg. N , U. llrown. 433
" "
UCT10N"salesovery Tiiesday nnd 1'rhlay
mornlnRnt 1121 I'nrnnm. Umaba Auction
tV Htornco Co. 47T
CASK paid for houaeholn furniture , stoves.
Umalin Auction & Slot-ago Co. , 1121 Fnrn&iu.
UV8 If you want to nava n load of tun "anil
nt tlio same time malco money , send us U-io
silver , for n vml of our nnRrnvlnc Fluid. It
will cut U-ttrrs In nnv kind nt metal ; smiietlilnK
now , It surprises overylicdv. Fult fllrentlons
with ench oider. Clifton Damon \Vuukvshu ,
_ _
TTJlOirNn llopnlrs fortholllchnrdson & Iloyn-
JL1 ton fnrnacfs nt Mcllrlon& Carter's ' , nponts ,
11(1 ( S. 11th. All orders for repairs promptly ut-
tended to. 7J3-11 *
BKNT1NO AOKNCV The Midland Gunran-
tee .VTrust Co. , H',14 Farnam St. , hnvn.lust
opened a department to rent houses. store > ,
etc. , collect rents , pay taxes and care for prop
erty. It wll | bo to the interest of parties hav
ing buildings for rent to put them in charge of
this reliable and conservative company.
LADIES use Marlon Walker's Face Illoach
for rrecKlPS , nlmplei. moth and liver spots ,
guaranteed to give a beautiful complexion nnd
to bo Boricctly harmless. For further Information
mation call ut)22 : ) N 15th basement. DS1 UJj
IF you have any thing to sell or oxchrtnpe call
ut Hoom Ulf. 1'axton block. U58
HE. Cole , rental agent ; ollico open evenings.
OHSKS wintered nt my farm , with tha best
XJ-ot onro given them. F. Jl i'nllllps. Mlllurd
hotel , Omaha , Neb.
ANTED Horses to winter nt ? H n month
per head on farm near Irvluaton. Plenty
of crnln and hay to feed , good shelter nnd good
care jilven them ; horses called for and deliv
ered. W. It. 1 Ionian , room 0. I'rouzor bin. 477
HOUSES wintered nt Omnha fairgrounds :
large box stalls ; terms reasonable ; car
riages stored. A. Thomson. 2B8 N'.Mf
HOUSES Wintered nt my farm , good rnucB
and Paddncks ; no barbed wlra on pliiee ;
horses callnd for and delivered : terms moder
ate. Telephone 677. Chas. McCormlck , Cal-
noun. Neb. 417-n7
LOST 5londay. between 1403Douglas and
Itth and Webster , ladles' gold w tch nml
chain ; watcli cnetaved "M.'O. ' " Howard will
bo paid for Its return to this olllce. 'ftf'BJ
IOST Oct. in. one gray pony 5 years old ;
Jrlngbono on left hind leg ; baen blistered ;
wclcht 7U ) . .small rene spot under loft eyu. 0.
P , White. Pnrk nvo. . Leaveuworth st. KiO-5 *
rpllE Western Correspondence club , Omahat
JLNeb. . olTora a tine opp itunlty to persons
desiring now acquaintances either for amuse
ment or matrimony. Send stamp for particu
lars. WT-lil
WANTED Information concerning Thos.
Monaghan. He left St. Joseph's hospital
throii days ago. Call at 13GG S. 17th st. Ilia
mother is there. 72S-5t
fTIHK bahjo tmight as annrt by Geo. V. Gellon
JL hock , room 211 Douglas block. t > j'J '
MORIO nnd French. Lady wishes pupils ; U
thoroughly conversant In both branches.
E. F. 1IU ) Paul st. tiiM-Trf
CIIOOL of Expression. Vocal. Articulate ,
Pantomimic. L V. Andsrson , Snuely block.
I'rench class. Now York Life
llulldlng. Hoom MX Jules Merle. 711 N 11
MEflHCAN )18E for our customers who have
cash , secured paper nnd real estate to tr
ItoomJS , CliamberConiinerco. _ _ Oil
WANTED to Huy wilf pay cash for n lot ot
furniture , carpets , etc. V. , P. O. IJox SSd.
WANTED t or ft thousand yds ot earth to
till lot 68 , Uurr Oak add. up to grade. Inquire -
quire W. N. Dorward. lfil Douglas at. 700
W ANTED To buy 80 acre farm , good for
gardening , within ! 5 mile of sumo H H
station , not over 10 miles from Omuna ; muse
be few price. W. L. Seloy , H. U. Hoard Tnule.
_ _
THACKAOE&torage nt lowest rules. W. M.
lliihhman , 1311 Loavenwortn. 478
Q'lOHAOKnt lowrntos nt 1121 1'arnamstreet.
OOmiiha Auction and Btorngo Co. 470
STOHAGE nnd forwarding. Wo collect nud do-
Hvor goods of all description. merchandUe.
furniture nun Uaggage nt cheapest rates for
storage for any length ot time. Vans and
wagons to bo had at shortest notice , wlln caro-
fnl men for moving. Packing mid shipping
from our own warehouse done on moutirato
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Wniuhouse on our own tracks. .Olllco 217 S. lltn
st. Tulephono 114. Howell ic Co. 48J
MADAME Wellington , world-ronowned ns-
trologlst. test medium and destiny reader ,
juat from Kuropa Tells your life rrom the
cradle to the giave , reunites the 8epnrat d ,
caimea speedy marriage with the onu you love ,
locates diseases nnd trentH with massage and
electric baths. All in trouble should not fall to
consult this gifted scoress. Parlor n , upstairs ,
417 S. 1HL ; olllco hours from 10 n. ra. to in p. m.
TVII. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvoynnt , mcdl-
JL/cnl and business medium. 1'tmalo diseases
u specialty. 11U N. ICth Bt. . rooiiin 2 ami : ) . 4HI
TT10HTUNK Teller Mrs. lnorman can bo
J consulted on all affairs ot life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. : IIO N. 16th nt , ( x'nllj :
QTANDAHIShorthnudPchoolHoom 315. Ware
kJblk. . isuccoshor to Valentine's ) ' thu lurexst ,
excluslvu hhorthand school In thu west. Teach-
ertuvre vet uatlm rcpnrtern. Particularattvntlou
mild to typo writing. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by fnctory expert. Circulur.i
4tii _
JL' .Stenographer und Typewriter.
11 , e T t'aicton Hlk. 'Jeleplione 1630. Hn2ft ?
WTllTTlTlJBiY'fl Htiorthnnd niui typewriting
si.hool. Darker block. Tne best and cheap
est in thu city. M N2
TTlOll BA Lr.-GooiryiauaKliorlir volghs l.SKO ;
JU cash or Uiue , J. J , Wllkin-ion. UlUPuxumblk ,
T.TAMILTONIAK Btolllon. worth Sl.rjTO. Iso
J-Lrrasouablo cabh oner refused , or w 111 trade
for furntturo.
One line bred drlvlnir mnrp , one-lialf re '
value. Owner must bell. Olllco open evonlngs
II. IS. Cole. Continental block. _ 7ti-i ) )
FUHN1TUHE for Bale A complete let of
good houbonotd and kltcbou furniture offered -
fered at private sale ou Hoerul terms. Inaulro
ot II , L , Wheat , 25th and J ts. , Booth Omuna.
_ _ | _ raj _
TmOH BALH-A quantity of bulldlnn etono.
X' Apply to the superintendent Hoe bulhHug.
TJIUll EALE-UjjUt prius wagou 1507 N. 15tU.
FOU SAIiU A uooi1tell blofnmHycatrl BO
teanVcarrldtto nndliKrnessi * bargain. Ap-
play to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha. 413
FOR 8ALR A 35-horse power Porter t-nglne
in peed condition , weight 6.100 pounds ryl-
nder 11x10. For partlmlnrs apply to The lleo
omco. . _ TBS
p' l
"IjlOH SAL1 > Or will trade for horses , n note
JL1 t noo. ocond mortgage or property worth
fl.TOO ! Jlrat mortBnBO > T. . H. F. Masters , 4
Wltlmoll building. O 6850
TjlOH SALK-Uprlght tolnwny plnno , SSper
JL' cent Icsitoaucoit. Address N 7 , lleo onico ,
K , 057-0'
FOR 8AL15 or Kxchijige Four full-blooded
Jersey cow * , fine driving team ns there is in
the city , ono double en fringe , ono double cutter ,
one pi i n rt on , Siiynrir nnd ono road wag
on , Bnyder make : all nearly new ; will trade for
[ rood property nnd vrlll nsMime light Inctim-
hranco. Apply Hoom 210 , First National bank
bulldlnc. _ COS
roil SALT ? Counter mid shelving , room GST ,
Pnxton lllock. wo
"iBOlt SATjK ATEaif"price , a lot of counter *
JL1 nnd shelving sultnbln for grocery , notion ,
hootnnil nhoa stock. W. H. 1 Ionian , roomO
Frenzcr blk. 037
1110ll AlE .T rows cheap. H. tl. 1 IcmFeT-
JU BOH , room W1.1'axton blk. . nt >
TITIOLAND RunrantoOiV Trust Co , . N. Y. Life
JLU.b1dgcomplete abstracts furnished nnd titles
to real estnto examinedporrected & guarnntoMt
WANTED First-class inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd BOO us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1501 Fnrnara. 485
TIU LOAN A few thousand oa Inside unim
proved city property or good "d mortgage
paper. Address tl 40 , Ileeolllco. 4
MONEY to loan on real estate security nt
lowest intes. lleforo negotiating loans see
Wallace , HI ! 10 llrown bldg , luth and Douglas ,
T OAKS City nnrt farm loans , mortgage pa-
JLfpcr bought. McCaguo lnvotmcnt Co. 4b *
MONEY to lonn on city property nnd farm
lands at lowest rates , . J. D. Zlttlc , 43) Paxton -
ton block. 48' ' )
"OE8IDENCEloans Cto7 } per cent ; no nd-
JLidltlonnl charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. U. Melkle , 1 Irst Nut bank bldg.
MONKY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rales , 'jho llrst orgnnlzml lonn olhco in
the city- Makes loans from thirty to three luln.
drcd und sixty-live days , which can be paid in
part or whole nt nny time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Cal ) nnd sea us when
you wnnt money. Wo can ncslst you promptly
nnd to your ndvantngo wlthont removal ot
Sropcrty or publicity. Money always on hand ,
o delay in inaklnu loans. 0. F. Heed & Co. ,
310 S. 13th Ht. . over Hlngham & Sons. 401
MONEY to loan. O. K Davis Co. , realostnto
nnd loan agents. loOl tarnain st. 4112
M to loan on city or farm proporty.
Goo. J. Paul. 1COU Farnnm st. 4U !
B filLUTNO loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First
Nntlonnl bank. 40i
LOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
bought. Louis S. Heed & Co , r. 13 , board trnde.
MONDYto loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nuy approved security. J. W.
HoUblns , 1411H Tarnum street , Paxlou hotel ,
* 41)tl )
fillHST mortgage louvnunt low rntos mm no
1 delay. D. V. Sholcs.C'lO First National b.uik
, , 401
PIItliAtlliU'lIIA Mof gage & 'Irilst Co. fur-
ulah cheap oastBrn"money to borrowers ,
purelmseMyurltles. perfect titles , ncccpt loans
nt their western olllcf1. rGeorge \ . P.Coatcs ,
room 7 , Hoard of 'Jrndqi n , 4H7
Mortgnccffo. Loans of 110 to
- . gut our rnterf'Tieforo borrowing ami
save money : loan on H'oVses , furniture , or nuy
approved security , wlxhbut publicity ; notes
bought ; foi new loan , rc wwnl of old. and low
est rules ; call H SOS.ShecO - blli.loth AHoward st.
BRFOltE making chatt" ! or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to 6U c'J'Iie Western Juvcst-
montCo. , room 44'Itof Building. 4IK )
MONEY to loan on iMy secunty
for short tlimiiat low
rates. Lowett rates
on personal hr . > .
Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment com
pany. roomlOO , Paxton block. 502
QKi ; Sholes. room 211) . First National bank ,
O before making your loans. 1H !
$ .VXOOJ to loan at n per cent. Umilian k Mahoney -
honey , room SOU , Ptixton block. 631
MONEY loaned ou furniture , horses and
wagons , rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S 13th St. . opposite Mlllnrd hotel. 603
DO YOC want money ? 1I so. don't borrow
before getting my rales , which are the lowe -
e t on nuy sum from $1 to $ IOi 0 > .
I make loans on Household goods , pianos , or
gans , hornet , mules , wagons , warehouse receipts ,
houses , lenses , etc. . In any amount at the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to six mouths and
you can imy part at liny time , reducing both
principal nnd Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses or have a loan on
them , I will tnko It up and carry it for you ns
It you need money you will find It to your nd-
vantng * to HOC mo Ijoforo borrowing.
U. F. Masters , room 4 , Withneil building , I'.th
and Harney. 48i
MONEY to luun by nn eastern man , on gilt
edge property , for the next 10 days. Harris ,
room 411 , 1st Nat , llank. fi3'J
MONEY to loan In any amount on household
goods , horses nnd wnirons , diamonds , hind
contrncts.HvcondmortgagCii.or any available se-
curlry. ivitnout publicity. Nebraska Mortgngo
Loan Co. Itocm 510. Paxtnu blK 240
ONE hundred dollars private money to lonn
or will buy short time mortgage or good
note , room 13 Hoard or Trade. [ iltj
MONKY to loan : cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1217 Farnam St. , I'lrst Nittlonal
bank building. 5)1
MONEY loaned on chattel security or rea
estate. J. J. WIlKluson , (118 ( Paxton bit.
$1,003 Private money , to loan or will buy good
mortgage , W. L. Selby , r. 13 , Uonid of Trade.
t 728
rpo LOANA special fund ot $ lffl,000 in sums
JLof If KOOO and upwards nt very low rates
The Mead Investment Co. , 314 S. ICth Bt. 133
n/l / ONE Y Loans negotiated nt low rates with-
J.U out delay , nnd purchase good commercial
paper nml mortgnge nocns. 0. A. Slorjnn. cor.
lUth nnd Farnam. fiOO
T/ilHbT National safety deroslt vaults. Safes
JD to runt 45 to Jii a year. 3)7 S. 13th. yn
_ _
TTIOH SAliE Qronery and feed store tor $1,000 ,
JL' halt cash and half good vacant lot. W. 1U
llonmn , Hoom II , Frenzer , block , _ 607
T/"OH BALE nnd tra > W < lfe Homo bakery and
JL' restaurant , now doing a coed business ;
will take pait trade. till ) N. lOtu st.
f * * 708 6 *
_ _
F.OH 8ALE-Or will ttlio a partner with JU ) ) .
Inquire nt Columbla.tlhiatur , Bonth Omnhu ,
Q nod 27th Bts. 1t. , VJi Ct
_ _
IJIOH BALK-Or tradefi well established book
JU und stationery blur * . 'llox CUWO
"lATANTED Jmmcdintoly , a partner totako
VY half Interest In one 'of the best weeiciy
newspapers lu the country. Lurgo circulation ;
good patronage ; the liei JW the county. lx > - < l in * good thrifty rounty seat town in Ne
braska of fox ) iul-.ubliAWi. A good Job olllce
in connection KnasaaMr' for this proposition
two much labor for dnlnuanatcer. Address
N2 | . nee onico. t'K lipio
$2,600 will buy n half iiitqresc la a well estab
lished sead liUHlucsf ; , locution only an hour
ami a half ride from Oilfiiru on II. i ; M. it. it.
Largo busmtHa uirciulyHWorKeit up. but uoeds
moro capital. Investlgatlou eollalteu. M. A.
Upton Co. , luth unil niniain. Ml 7
FOIt HAL 15 Cigar factory , address lock box
M , David City , Nub. &UU 0 *
n AHTIKP desirous ot disposing of their busi-
1 ness in any line will do wull lo call on or ud-
Oress , W , It. K. M. B. , Hoom JCsClmmberC-jia-
mcrcu , on
rr\NDundca li for Omaha property.
J-t Omntiiv property for clear country prop-
A farm of HO acres , splendidly Improved. In
Clayton county , Jown , _ Ti mlW
lo\vn , all fenced , house nlouocoit tl.UK ) . llaru
JIFM'.corn crlt"i srtluerles , etc. . wlthall a
splendid farm , will exchange /or Oaiuha prop-
Ubusliiesslotsln 8tnn btirry. Mo. , B railroad
division town , clear , tor good property. Slur
LnndA ; LoauCo. . lUrjjj I'arnam. 7&-S
. stock in the beat paylnc manufacturv In
thuclty. AMulllouandwen improved land
10 trade for merchundlbeor live stock. Iiilci >
open evcnlUBi , a. u , cuj continental block.
JuortgnKo for furniture or Uvo stock
omca 'open erenlCBS. II. 13. , Continental
block. 7409
"mm KXC A OI A now. clcnn Ktoclc of
4ImrdwftTBi will invoice nbout IIO.OK ) ; for
peed Inside Omnhn property or clear lown or
.Nebraska Mini land. Address N 31 , llco olllco.
WANTED To trailo a Rroccry lor Council
lllufTs Improved property and part cnih.
A ldre < sNia. lleo ofllce 730 7t
l RNTAIi property , insldp. to oxchnngo for
J ar fnrniB or vacant city lots , Thoi. F.
Hall , nil 1'nxton block. 607
TriOU15XCirANTn- nny kind of Rood
4- property , n grain elevator In onoot the uost
towns in Iowa , situated lu the heart of n flno
agricultural country. Present owner is not a
grain man. and has other business A rare
chance for n practical man. Alto , nvo thousand
ncrescf flue timber land In northern Tonnes-
BCD. Itoom 14 , Ohnmbor ot Commcrco.Tcl. mo.
J [ 03
_ _
rplIlC beat paying restaurant in the city tor
* good property. Star Land and Loan Co.
WILL exchange now fi-room house , all mod
ern conveniences , for vacant lots or mova
ble property. Hoom 018 Pnxlon block. < VO
J/IOH KXCIIATfOlS n months lease of good 7
J. n > om honso , 3 bloom from motor , north
part ot city , for driving horse , or Hill rent for
ca h. Kiiquiro Hooiu 33 lUrkor. _ VH-'t
KXCHANOK-Klphtlotsin ! North Oman *
JL' clear , to exchange for property tu Plerro.
Dnk. AtMlresiM.72. Jleoolllcn. 431
GILT edge second mnrtgngo pnper nnd Im
proved real estate , .for merchandise. W , H.
U & 'M. U. . ttooin 16 , Chamber Commcrco.
FOIt KXHANOE PO acres , clear of encumb
rance. in strips of 10 ncros , in Mercer coun
ty. Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply room Sit ) . First National bank building ,
OU HXCIIANGK-A business yieldlngaprollt
of from iMix l to M.O < ) t > er unnum , to exchange -
change for pond city property. Am willing to
assume light encumbrance. Apply room 210 ,
First Nntlonnl bank building. 13D
| t ODD Improved farm property for well so-
vJi cured Hocond mortgatre paper. Addrcus , nt
onco. ' 'B , " cnro Room it tliambcr Commerce.
[ (111 (
_ _ _ _
ITIOH EXCHANGE JOclcar South Omaha lots
JL' nnd clvntfland lor" ' s or 10 room hoiib . will
nssumo small lucumbrauce. W. L. Sclby. H. 1J ,
Hoard Trndo. U
TS'ANTED To oxchanco dry goods notions
V nnd millinery goods for clear land or city
property nnd part cash. Address box 4711
Frankfort Ind. tHK
t JIPltOVED farm and city property for mer-
JLtlmiulls * . Addioss. Doom 14Ciiamber Commerce
OCr.RAH South Omaha lots for horses.or land
Osotith or vast of Whoelcr Co. , Nob. ttolby ,
13 Hoard Trado. git
NEW S-seited carriage for 2nd mortgage ,
Selby. 13 Hoard Trade. 24 |
CJCOO only. JIOO cash , balance C years , buys
'I'llnoly Improved farm , onice open evenings.
H. B. Colo. Continental block. 75'-7 ' )
OWNKH.raust soil. ItW acres line land for two.
part time. Positively worth Olllco
opeu evenings. II. U. Cole , Contlneiital block.
THOU PALE 25 cholco lota In Plerro ; centrally
JL locntrd.
2 beautiful5-room cottages In Orchard Hill ;
JlfiHi-7ri cash nnd $16 per inontli.
A lotMxitn In finest part of tbe city ; worth
$10UW. ( Si'/.W-i taxes It , Btar Land It Loan Co. ,
1COJH I'arnnm. 73.V.
Il SALU-Onloug tlmo nnd pnavpaymc nt < .
haudomo , new.well built houses ot H. V , nnd
It ) rooms. All conveniences , good neighbor
hood : paved streets , street curs , nnd within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1 H
Farnam street. twi
TJ OH SALR , very chenn. no trades farm 613.70
-I. acres , sec , 6,12 N ( i W Hamilton couutv.Ncb. ,
2 miles from Marqnottc , smnll house , Htnbio ,
300 acres pasture fenced , living water , price
only f 10 per ncre. S\437. ( 0. one-third UW crop
include . Tonns tl.2M cnah. balnnco n p r cent
interest , F. K. AtKlns , ownor.rnllroad building ,
Denver , Coio. 611
_ > USlNESScorner3blocts from N. Y. Lifp.
JL | 3VI per foot , pays 10 percent ; li cash , bal.
nnceoasy ; 1) . C. Patterson. 613 N. Y. Lite. 675
T710U BALK or Trndo 1 own nn absolute
-E ? equity ot $3i > ,000 In the three brick and stone
ntare buildings , 'thide ptorles high , ndjotnlng
the First National bank on Thirteenth st. ,
Omaha.that 1 will trade for uulncumbured
property in or near Omaha. Should HKO n nice
residence or 1 will sell nnld property at n bar-
. Address W. It. Vaughan , Oemocrat onice ,
& malm , Neb. cw-5t
$27,000actual aluoinsldo business , and rosl-
donce.f3J.OJ1) worth of houses being built
adjoining , will sell for $17.0JJ'no Why ? For
reason am In need of $10.003 cosh ; great offer.
Address L50. lleo. GJlulIj
OOMF of the finest residence siteson aud near
OWust Farnam in the market at lowest prices.
There will be 50 nlco residences built out tnere
next year.and good locations uro getting scarce.
M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Farnnm. Bol 7
CITY water , paved Btroets. motor cars to
Ames'Place. Prices SjOO to J7U ) . Nocoa-
tracts ; wnrruutoe deeds. Ames , 1507 Fnrnam ,
TTIOIt SALK 3 fifrnlslmd flats , together with
JD an established "dressmaking ItMX ) custom
ers. Call nt room 8,105 N. 16th st. 61-0 Ot
PERFECT title-to Ames Plnco. Lots
7iW ; easy payments ; warranty deed ; no
contract ? ; Baumlers St. ; motor cars pasH Ames
Place. Ames , 1507.Farnam. Oils
cars on Snundcrs st pass Ames
Place : lots J.MJ047J i. 475 to Slou down. Bee
Aincs Place. Insldo lots. Ames , 1507 Farnam.
ti lu
"VTO contracts for Amos Place lots ; warranty
J-N deeds to lots ; $75 to $100 down , yearly pay
ments ou balance. Ames. 1507 Far n it in st.
(181 ( C
/ \NK hundred dollars down , balance In easy
\-f yearly paymeuta buys n lot In Ames J'lnco.
with paved utieots and motor cars to property ;
crlco IXW to $700. Ames , 150 ? Farnam. 091-5
T\7"AUG1I & WoEtcrneld. real estate , S.Omaha
8-ItOUMhousowltli allmodern Improvements ,
Including best furnace , nnur Ilunscotn park ,
S.IK ) ; a good home , C. F. Harrison. Merchants
Nnt'l Hank. UU 0
j- Business ,
Vucnat and
suburban properties in the market
nro for sale by "tho old Tollable" M. A. Upton
Co. , leth ant ! Parnatn. 24:2 :
OTHINOIMI & Penny. Hoom 20 , Douglas
Obuildlnir , hnvo the tlnest list ot deairnblo
property in Omaha , It embraces every local
ity in the city , and their prices and terms cnu-
uot be duplicated , artuul value considered , in
thovrost. For U cash , nnd balance in a or C >
years at 7 per cent , they will give n warianty
They will soil n contract from IWO to J201
cash , and bnlauco quarterly , extending over fi
They have lots in Orchard Hill. Walnut Hill.
Poppleton I ark and Ilrlggs Place. .
Crelghton Height * and Uoverdalo.
And In tienrlynvery other desirable addition
to Omaha from SJr.oto j.uoo , all real * first-class
Investments. Prepare for u big advance In
prices. This firm uro on the Insldo tracic. and
they will not list property that Is
not at rock bottom price. Iliillciors can ouy
from them' H cash , and the balance p need ns
second mfcrtgngo. Property went of the post-
olllce in OmuliulsthoEiirestthtnglntho nuirket
for luvcminunt. l is worth $1,010 now will
more man double in the next few years. Any
thing most between Cumlng aud Leavcnworth
Is excellent pioperty to buy , Becuro oyory-
thing In the way 01 bargain within HICHO lim
its ; it i , ns the b i H.iy. "a mire thing. " Tor
turthftr nartlcnla : , and list of bnrgalus bco
Stringer iV Penny , Hoom 20 , Douglas Hlk.
651 13
OK BALi : The llnent nrlck residence in trie
pity , modern and now , largo shady yarn con
taining about two acres of grounds , stone
walks nnd tvlthni ncomplolu homo , Have extensile -
tensile business interests in Salt Lnkn nnd my
wlfodevlurot she Hill llvo uloaa nu longor.
Terms and price to unit the customer. How is
that ? Address M 72 Ueo ollleo. 87U
TTIOHSALU Or axclmnee.on easy terms , some
i1 Uniucl now ( J-room houses ouSpauldliiKst ,
near motor line ; no better residence location in
the city. Also souio now 7-room houses on
Cor by nnil 2 th st , just lif miles from po t-
olllcej will exchange nny of the above for clear
laud or lots. For terms and particulars apply
to . 0. Spottmyood , aj'i 8 Ifltll at. 44U
SlinsCHIHICfor shares in the "American. "
the largest building und loan association in
thu world. M , A. upton , specUl g nt , 10th
nnd Karnnm. 213
WAJUCANTEI5 dued and perfect title to
Ames place Iota , No contracts ; small
rash payment , balance yearly , Prices , t',04 to
V.UJ. Amea. 1MI7 i'aiuum. Gbl-5
A PEW cottages in Azford's , Orchard Hill ,
Ilorbach's2nu. llanscom place , Lakii's.Pop-
ploton pure , Hiilnu's und Parkor's additions to
mil on easy monthly payments. Thvsu are on
very tholce Ion und some are on car line * .
Don't delay until next year ; get In now and
take advantage of rlbo in values , P , K. Dnr-
r"\WNKUnioVi d to Bt. Louis oilers to sent )
V/ houses ut a fit : bargain , Tofi mid { MOO a ch.
all uuwly papered und reuted. n a locution that
rhuy will never bo vacant. Cutl and let m give
you terms. D , i ) . Bmeaton , Hoom 4'i liurker
tlocit W > 3 lv
ONliY property In Omaha reached by motor
and horse oar lines for f. 0 1 to ( TOO n lot , tlvO
down. Aints , 1507 , Farnatn sU r l-fi
T71OH BALK 10 ncrea within one-hniFmlloof
JL' courtholi'O , in the city of Pierre , DakolVn
now nnd crowing cnpltnl : linouixiulnit for jma
cntcrprl.ilng real estate llrni. Address M 72 ,
Dee omco. 4
STHAIOHT deed , no contrnfla to Amps place
lots. Only M < 0 to I7 > i0 for the boat InMilo
property in. Omaha. Amc , 1507 Farnnm.CSl5
A CHANCE for builders Two lots on corner
cx in north part of the city , Iucxl40feot : room
for tUo cbttngrs. Tltlo clear nnrt no Inctim-
branco. Not far from motor. Prlci of both
} 7M ) ; want half cash , balnnco to suit. Co-opera-
tlVo Lnnd nnd Lot Co. , 2U5 N . 10th st.
SAUNDKHS st. motor caw pas Am s Place
nnd paved Mreets : warranty deed to each
lot ; no contracts : J J to JUM per lot , Ames , 1W7
GEO. 6" WALhACR , 310 llrbwn bnT , 16th nod
A nent now ft room uottnge.andonoot the bo\t
lots In Monmcuth park , only IWO ( : 5 , > 0cnsh , 415
l > er
Neat B room rottago In Hoyd'a nddltton ,
block from fnctorle , rc-ntlng for fl'J.iJ ) > vr
iiioinh , ji.coO ; subject to StWj lone time. Will
exchange equity , f ftX ) , for lot nearly or nulto
clear. I
llcatitlful eolith front lu llrlcg's placd en FarI I
nam. II.HW easy terms , worth KWX ) . Corner of
llarnoy nnd Dexter in llrlggn'n rilnc.v rnsy
terms , fVWJ. Will tnko good inortgago paper.
orclonrlot for part pnymonU City witter ou
front , and pavement nnd street one block ills- i
tnnt. Very deslrnblo tor H'sldoiico.
A large number of lots in Lincoln Plice. I
West Cuiulng. Carthage , Orchard Hill. Clifton
HlllnndMonitiothPttrk.011 which 1 will bu.ld
nultnblo houses nnd ncll on monthly imymunts
to persons of craMI menus.
Biirclnl attention is called to Monmnuth
Park , the lucst Blghlly mnldlng location nbout
Omnha. Klectile motor lln to this addition.
well built up , nil ndvautngos. Lets un niy
payments. Houses nnd lota for sale or rent nt
low llRures.
I liavo i customer for n7 or 8 room cottage
nnd lot to cost IF 1,11 ntol , < 0 > . Ixicatod bvlwoon
Fnrnam nnd Hamilton , Sflth nnrt Unit Line , erin
in Slnnn's or Pnrkcv'B addition , Idlowlld , or in
the o neighborhoods.
I hnve nlno Qiutnincra for n good residence
site west of ilitli , bet. Loavenwonh nnd Cum-
Ing. ground to be at least 10(1 ( foot tro/.U Wnnt
to put lu pnrt trade Ingood iciitnl propertj * .
4-ltOOM rottago nnd hair lot near High school ,
tUm 0. F , flnrrlson. MercnuntaNufl Hunk.
5113 0
T71OU SA MS or lease , on easy terms. 3 lots enL
-L 2Hh ave. . Just south of Leavonworth.
Would build nn eight room house and sell HO
feet for $ Jo > Ki nnd sell on monthly pnymcutf.
Lots t nnd G , blk 0 , Kllby Place , high and
Ono lot N. 13th St. , trackage
Four buMiieiH lots N. 24th nnd S.16th at.
2Sth ave. nml Dodge , comer.
Other good restdonco property.
ro lots Crelguton II < 'lirht , cheap.
TTill sell n tow lots ou building terms.
N. A. Knlin , drugHtore , 15th nnd Douglas ,
4IJ n 23
a 1x151 feet , being "lots facing east and south ,
nonr Milton Hogors' pla e. west Fnriinm. C.
F. Ilnrrlson. Merchants Nutl ll.uiK. 6'.a 0
I71OR SALE On easy terms , the now cottage
JL' erected by mtton Oeorgu t. , corner Lowe
nvo. ; projjorty has 100 fc. frontage ou ( loorgo st.
by 160 frontage on Lowe ave. For terms npnly
Hoom 210 , First National bank building. UOO
OH SALE Largo two story frame bulletins
of 12 or 14 rooms , In good condition , to be
moved. W. it. lloinau , Itoom 0 , Fronzer block.
"IDAKOAINSI on Motor Line , lu Walnut 11111
JL > l y-story now lioiibo of 8 rooms , slshtly
locntlou , lot nx15U ft. , hard wood nnd oil llnlsh ,
white cent , cellarwell , coal house , fence , 2-story
born. ttxa ) ) ft. Price , fc..OJO. Small payment
down , balance oasy.
Lot on Hamilton st. , 60x159 ft. , south front ,
1 2-story now house of n rooms , cttv water ,
collar under rutlrohouse. house finished in tlrst
class style. Price $2.601 ; very east.terms.
8.1 ncres of good farm land , luti miles west of
Omaha , on the U. P. K. R. 4 miles from good
town , worth. $15por acre , W ) ; or will exchange
any ot the above desurlopd property for
lots in Wnlnut Hill or for lumber. Inquire
of E. G. Merrill , 44th & Sevvard sisWalnut 11111 ,
017 lit
TFyou want any lots In Orchard Hill , apply teL
-L Itoom 2IR , First National bank building for
terms aid location. 0-M.
1HAV1S some Unit-class rental property for
MU9 cneap within ono mile of postflioce. nn
paved strents nnd motor line. TUos. F. Hall ,
311 Pnston block. MO
n DM iS for Sale on Monthly Payments.
7-room dwelling In Central Pare , full lot ,
south front ; payments. JRSII per mouth.
Small cottage In Central Park , full lot ; pay
ments. 8I2.5H nor month.
G-rooin dwelling , corner .Tiith nnd Pntrick nvo-
line , full lot , south front ; payments. (20 per
Handsome 7-room dwelling , on Grace street ,
all modern Itifprovementi' , on monthly pay
ments. Other property lu all parts of the city.
Call nnd &oo mo. D. J. O'Donahoe , 1C01 Farnnm.
WAHHANTEBdoed to Ames'place. Lots
nt500 to $71)0 ) ; motor carsand paved streets
to thlspropoity , Anies , 1507 , Farimm st , R81-6
BEAUTIFUL south front lot on Farnam nt
grade , near Ii2d st. 08x13 * . alley corner. J7.000 ,
! 4 cash , balulico to suit. M. A. Upton Co. 10th
nud Fnrnam. t < 54
> KST and cheapest inside property i or the
> money. Ames Place , | vxitot7.Kla lot , motor
cars ; paved streets. Ames , 1607 Farnam.
| 681-6
FOIt SALE On eiisy terms :
3-room house in west Cumlng , lot
Cashtx'UJ and $17 monthly without interest ;
ff-room house on North 20th , lot GOxHJ. Cnsh
85HI' . bal. to suit ; F.5 < > .
Now 8-room house on Bristol near Baunders
streets , lot 3 > xl W ; $ . ) .5 M.
Corner Douglas and Utli streets. JJl.noo.
I < ots In Lincoln Place , one-fourth cash , $8W
Lot on Lowe avenue , In Poppleton Park. J3.009
Ixrts In Mt Pleasant addition $100 to $501) .
Acre-lots in Solomon's addition. $300.
Acre-lots in Spring Valley. * l2i to $ WO.
Hestdenco lots In nortii part of South Omaha
on 2Hh , 2 tli nnd 27th streets. STOO to $1.2)0. )
Otto Lobeck , room 1H , Chamber of Commerce.
FOIt SALE A new house just being erected
onCumlngat , in Bhenvoodjiark ; tti housu
has all modern Improvements , hard wood ( InUh
throiignout ; also largo barn , with 150 ft. front-
nge on West st. by Iso rroutago on Cumins St , I
willse'l this to the right party on rt'iiBonablo
Apply Jtoom IO , First Nntionil bank
_ _ _ tffl
IHOIt SALEroom ! ) house , uarn ana lot.
1 llbiiscom I'laco , ut a bargain , llnrrls , room
411. 1st Nat , llank. _ BOJ
/ S L01IE HOTEL , 1308-1110-1313 Douglas street ,
newly furnlHhcd. Strictly llr&t-clnss ; rates
Jl.Wund 2 per day. Tnrpley.1)fos"propnetor ) .
lnciiri [ > rntioii [ of tlio
Bonnnza lilnir IMaiuit'iict urliiic
Co nip mi- .
KNOW All Men by-riieso Presents ; Thnfive ,
Hlchnrd II. Cooper nnd Krancls Y. Keator.
do associate ourselves together for the purpose
of forming and becoming u corporation In Hie
state of Nebraska , for the transaction of thu
business hereinafter mentioned :
Artldol. Thonamout the corporation shall
be "The Honnnzu King Manufacturing Com
pany. " Tha principal place of transacting Its
business shall bo in the city of Omaha , county
of Douglas and state of Nebraska.
Article 2. The nature nt thu business toba
transacted by said corporation shall bo tno
manufacturing and sale of The Bonanza
King , " it commercial article used for removing
scale from steam bollurs , and the erection und
mnlntalimnco of such buildings , machinery nnd
structures nt * may bo deemed necessary , and to
purchase real estate as n alto therefor , and
oHpeclnlly to facilitate the manufacture and
palo of "Tho Holiaiiza King..1
Article ii. The authorized capital Block ot
said corporation snail bo ten thousand dollars
( f KOJU ) , to be divided in sharus ot ouo hundred
dollars if JflO.U ) ) ouch , to bo mibHcrlhml and puld
as required by thu board of directors.
Article 4. The oxlstomeof thin corporation
shall comment ) on the 7th day of October , A.
I ) . 18U , ami c.oatliuo In force during the period
of ninety-ulna years.
Artlcla ft. The butdnesa of euld corporation
shall bo conducted by u board of directors , not
to oxcceil llvo ( i ) in number , to be elected by
the stockholder * , mien election to take place ut
such time , nnd be conducted lu nuch manner ns
shall bo prescribed by by-lawn ot said corpora-
Article 0. The otllcers of Bald corporation
shall bo a president and secretary-treasurer ,
who bhall bo cnosen by the board of direct > rs ,
und shall liold their term of olllce for the period
of onu year or until their successors shall bo
elected und qualify.
Article 7. The highest nmount of Indobioil-
ness to which xuld cur | > orutloti shall ntuny time
subject itself , shall not bo moru than ono theiuu-
und dollars ( tl.imu.uui.
Articles. The manner of holding the moot
ing ! ) of stockholders for the election of oJII or *
nnd thn method of conducting the business of
the cort'orutlou shall bo adojilod by the board
of directors.
In witness whereof the undersigned have here
unto set their hands this 'th day ot Uutob.T ,
A.I ) . IWJD.
iSignoa ) HtciiAiii ) Tl. COOI-RII ,
( Signed ) I'liANrid Y. KKAT MI.
Sworn to before notary public Douglas coun
ty , state of Nebraska , Omaha.C.
p2l-24nV2.10 |
. ufterlna f mm Um rf-
Ittu of youtlilul tr-
IiilnCwtl , rte. I 11 ' i Tu' ' 'tetftia tf itied I
rwitMiiiliitf full | > ftitlcuUir9 ( or kumo cuic , fruj of
.Af'J'o'FOWI.EH | ! , Moodug , Conn.
near Ulvnr Canal , notice to contractors , MaloA
Vroposals will be received at the omco ot tha
hear LIXKO and lilvor Waterworks nnd Irrlpntioa
Company , ( llothwnll Canal t < ysti > ml In Ogilen.
Dtnli , tip to November 1Itw noon , for the
excavation ot the prnlrlutvorkottno Hear Hirer
Cnnnl. rnn brnnrh , inchidlnft ! * > miles of cnnnl
and about two million (2t4X ( ) , k ) ) cnblo ynrdu of
material , plans nnd spoi mention * may bo oen
In the onico ot the engineer in cluvrnc In Ogrten.
bids must 1,0 n-compnulod by certified cueue
pnynblo to the order ot the secretary of the com-
jinny , tor nn nmount pquixl to llvo per cent ot
the bid , worn win DO lot In divisions ot llvo
to ten miles or In the whole , the compMiy reserves
serves the right to reject , nuy nnd nil bids.
Signed. I'Kr.nMKTnMtf.
N 4 d lot , Knglueor In ChnrRo.
T5I > PO-tAlS foFfifocflon of School ItullillnfT
JL etc , V. 8. Indian Service. YixuKton Agenoy ,
DnktotR , October Uth , 1KW. Healed proposals.
Indorsed "Proposals for erection ot n school
building , or for budding materials as tno case
may be , nnd dlrtctod to the undersigned at
Ureomvond , Dakota , will 1m received at thu
onion until ono o'clock ot November Vth , liM ) ,
for furnishing thn nocr-Mnry materials nnd
labor mid for yrnctlng a two-story frame school
bulldliiKnt the Ynnkton AE ncy , Dak. * In no-
cord unco with plans and specifications Hint mny
bo examined at the otilro ot the "Pioneer Press"
of St , Paul , Minn. , the "lleo" of Omalm , Nolir. .
and "Jourmxl" of Sioux City , Io\\n ; nlsofof
furnishing variety of lumbfr , bricks , windows
dews , doors.hardw re , etc , , ( a tnll list and des
cription ot which mav bo ol > tntu < > < | by nppllca *
lion to the undersigned ) . roitllrcd ) for nnoiicy
buildings. In submitting bids for thu erection of
the school bulldln * , bidders must stntnthe
length ot tint * required to complete it : and for
furiil8hln < r.biilldlnir materials , the price ot each
article olforod for delivery umloi- contract must
bo gpfdllcnlly stated , Cortlllml checks < -AU blda
must tie nccompauled by cortlllod checks upon
somn United States depository , payable to the
order of the uiiderfdRUed. for nt fount < i p r cent
of thn nmount of the proposal , which check will
be forfeited to the United Slntes In ctmo nny bid-
tier or bidders receiving nn award shnllf nil to
promptly execute n coutr.irt with good nud Biif
ilclunt sureties , othrrwlso to bo returned to the
bidder. The right Is reserved to reject nny or
all bids or nny part of nny bid it doeiuml for the
best Interest f the service SAMUKI * T.
LHAVY U. 8Llmllau Agent olGd''lt
Notfcu U Rorcby given that a book will bo
opened ut 10 o'clock n. m. on tiattmlny , the six-
teiMith day ot November. IHSJ. at the olllco of J.
M. Thurston. Union Pacitlo Uulldltiff. in the
city ot Omnlm. Douqlas county. Nebrnsktvfor
the purpose ot rocclvinc jubscrlptlons to the
capital stock of the Omftha Union Depot Com-
pnuy. W. II. IIot.coMii ,
(1. W. Hnt.uitbuB.
o-17-il-30-t Kortholncorporntors.
lowf > t pncri. uniHi * igr rcctntrn ,
A cttiii | ers nun AS'nU. Q ni Rt eki
nd K-lf Slnn.ii Fr'fI'lty-
H.tfStnATl.1) CATiLDUtKlllliX.
7I.B WASIIINCTONAV : . ST. Louis , Mo.
Running between Council HlntTo and At *
brleht. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
etB , and at the Summit in Omaha.
AN Boutti Omaha TranaDroad -
Drlght , Omuba Deiiot. for. way.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M.
II No. 2 6dOpm > A No. 1.1..7:1' : ' ) am
o No. o. . . , . , , . ( . : & ) | > mo ! No. i.,8i5p | in
A No. 40OOum.O ; No , , , , . . . > p n >
A No. 14 , ! tl4.1pmA | | No. 3 0:33 : a m
No , fl fl.40amNo.7 | , , , .027 ; tn
t.o.S y)5pm'No. ; ) 3 , , .7:15 : a m
Wo. 4. . . . . . . ii'ii : u mNo. . . . . , . , , , , , pm
A No. ' . , , 040uialA ; No. 1 J : * ! n
KANSAS. "OlVY Vf * 'bOUNOrti
A. No. X lOiOj'am A No. a . fl
A. No. 4 ViUpmA No. 1 . fl:10 n
ojir * '
No. IO..701amA ; | No. . 8Ma
No. 12,7:00pm : A No. II . ViOOpin
OMAHA & HT. I/3UI8 ,
A No , B . 4:35pmA : | No , , . , , . . , . | w
Adaily : n daily , xc0Dt Baturday ; 0 except
Bunduy ; D vxcupt Monday ; Iu tuittlL