THE OMAHA DAILY BEEfcyWEPNESPAYv ; NOVEMBER 6. 1889 , BEE. B. RO3BWATBR. Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY MOBNINO , THIIMS OK flUHSCKirnON Daily ftnfl Sunday , One Your. . . . . 11000 Hlx Month ! ) . . . . . > . . , . . 00 tlnrpo Months . 2 tt ) Buntlay Itoe , One Year . . . . . . . . SCO Wcetfy lice , Ono Year with 1'remlum. . . . ECO OITICES. Omnlm , HPO RiilMlng. Chlcngo Office , JOT Itookcry Tlnlldlntr Now York , Itootni 14 nnil ID Trtbuno llultd- "w'aalilnjrton. No. MS Fourteenth Street. Council iilnir * . No. 13 Pearl Street. Itnroln. 1CC01' Snoot , Houtb Omaha , Corner N anJJMth Btreots. , COIlIlKSI'ONDltaCK. All comm'nnlcntloni minting to news nnd edl- torlnl rnnttitr sliould bo addressed to tlio Kdltor- Inl Department. UUSINKSd LHTrima. .All Imxlnciui letters nncl remittances should lift nrtrtwicd to 1 ho llco Publlslilne Compnny. Oirnhn. DruftK , checks anclpostolllco ortiora to b made payable to the order of the company. T&cBce & PDWIsMnfCcDipany , Proprietors HER llulldlng Fnrnnm and Sovcntconth Streets. I mi I'.oo on the TraiiK. TherolsnooxcnsoforafnllurotoRotTiinrheB on the trnlni. All newsdealers have been notl- Jled to curry a full fiupnljr. Travelers wtio want Tin' llnr. and can't Rut It on trnlnt where other OmnliRDapers ore carried are requested to no tify TIIK IIEI : . . . . . , , 1'IenBO bo particular to clro In Ml cases full Information as to date , railway ar.d number of Olv'o us your nnmo , not for publication or un- nccengary use , but n n guaranty of oood faith. TU13 UI3K. Pwnrn Htnirinuiitor Clroulntlon. Etnto of Nobrnsko , I g , County of Uonelai. f _ Ocorrro II. 'J7icliuck. ( secretary of The Hco I'ubllshlDK Company , does solemnly swear tnat the actnnlclictilatlon of Tin : DAU.Y HEK fortho wecrcndlnii November 8 , 18BH was as' follows : Fuudny. Oct.ST . 81.61 ? Monday. ( ) ct,28 . ! . * Jliotdny.Oct. HO . 11MIII Wednosduy , Oct. : . 1 . ' 0 < Thursday , Oct. 31 . 18ft.'l Friday. Nov. 1 . 19.71)0 ) Batimiay , Nov. 3 . 18.008 Average . 1O.:10 QE011UK U.T/SCHUCK. Ettite of NcbrosVn , ( „ County of Douglas. f Bwornto boforiimo tied BUbscrlbcil to In my prcscnco thisM day of November , A. 1) . IfSD. [ Seal. ] N. 1' . FKIU Notary 1'abllc. State ot Nobraskn , 1 County of Douglas , f BS Gcntgu JJ. Tzschuck. bcliiR duly sworn , do- Iiotes nnd cays thut he Is secretary of The llco J'ulillslilng Company , t Irnt the actual nvoraco dally circulation of TUB DAILY linn for tlio month J > cm-inter , Its. " , IS.HMl copies ; for De cember. 1W , IHS a copies ; for January , 1W. 18,574 copies ; for February , IkiS ) , 18.UJ8 copies ; for March. 1M ! > . 1H.8J4 conies ; for April , ItW ) . IC.ViU copies ; for .May. It-tfl , l.n copies : for Inno. IStti , lf.H.j ! copies ; for July. Itfcl' ' , 1P.7IW copies ; tor August. 1W , 1S.051 copies ; for Hop- tomber. istii , 1S.710 copies ; for October I8M ) , If.MiT copies. OKOHOK U. TZSCHUCK. Kworn to before me and ttubarrlbcd In my prcscnco this "d day of November. A D. . ItS'J. ' [ fc'oal. ] N. P. FEU. . Tniinu elections within thirty days ought to satisfy the cravings of the most avaricious ward worker. THE public debt was decreased nine million dollars during October a pretty good fall in the nation's burden for a 'fall month. OMAHA may congratulate herself that Cut-Off lake has bcon declared to be in Iowa. But this decision should not pre vent the punishment of the thug who shot the man Cross there a few days ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAl'TAiNZALiNSKldoesnot mnlte as much noise as his gun , bub ho com mands just as much respect from the monarchs of Europe. The captain is u highly explosive gentleman in warlike matters. Tni : Nebraska Central bridge Is the key to Omnha's prosperity. A quarter of a million in bonds is a bagatelle com pared with the immediate and lasting bonodts which its constructipn will con fer upon the city nnd county. A NHW sot ol rules has boon pro vided for the police force. The mem K bers nro prohibited from smoking che- roots'or "tutors , " or chewing gum while on duty , but there is ijo objection to the members posing for effect upon the -feminine population. T THE sous-in-law still lingering in the federal building have received assur ances that they will not bo disturbed for a few months yet. The indications point to nn oxcuodingly cold winter for 'the remnants of Cleveland's adminis tration in this vicinity. TJIKUI : is no bettor evidence of the growth of the city in population than the crowded condition of the public schools. Kvan with the addition of now buildings , the onla'rging of old schools , aud tlie renting of- adjacent buildingSj the accommodations are insufficient. THE Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers has wisely done away with the barriers which prevented closer union with the firemen. Both organizations nro essentially one in aims nnd occupa tion , and the close * they ally their in- "eats , the bettor it will bo for their growth and usefulness. ' IF IT bo true , as intimated in the meet I ing of the school board Monday night , that many incompetent engineers uro h employed , in the furnuco rooms of school houses , the matter should receive immediate attention. It is not pleasant to contemplate that nny minute a house f full of children may bo blown to atoms. It is barely possible , however , that the regular ongincova have boon out "on "election duties , " and that the Incom- potonta spoken of nro merely substi tutes. THE newspapers will bo compelled to tafco notloo of the pubtto disgust gen erally expressed nt the mismanagement of both motor systems since consolida tion. While a newspaper cannot undertake - t take to regulate tt street car company it . must reflect publio Bontlmont : Instances - stances of carelessness and inofllciencj of train men are becoming BO frequent that the management of the Omano troot car lines cannot bo ignorant ol the condition ot things. OMAHA'S treatment of the Pan-Amer ican excursionists is warmly and en thusiastically commended on all eldos , especially by the members of the press nccompnnylupr the party. As a mode ] of hparty western hospitality , without tlrocomo oratory , or strained formali ties , it was not approached by any oltj in the union , and the members have shown their appreciation by sounding thu praises of the city on all occasions. As unnd vorllsoraoiu of the city , the cost was money well Invested. TUB All that can be fiald this morning with nny degree of certainly regarding the elections yoslonUy In the states upon which general political interest centered , is that Ohio , Massachusetts nnd Iowa oloctcd the republican tick ets , and Now York and Virginia the dcmoi'ratlo tickets. The indications are that the re sult in Ohio will bo very close. Fora- kor fiUflorcd from a combination of causes , chief of these being the third term issue , nnd the belief of many of Senator Sherman's friends that the governor did not deal fairly with him nt the last national republican conven tion , In Mnhsnclmsotts , where the Aus tralian ballot system received ita first complete test in this country , the re publicans claim their usiwl majority , but the probability is that the result will fall somewhat short of this estimate. The state , however , is se curely republican. In Iowa the republican vote has been reduced , and the plurality of the party will bo small. The river towns gener ally show largo democratic gains. The legislature is doubtless safely ronubll- canso that the ro-olcctlon of Senator Allison is assured. Governor Hill has scored another vic tory in New York , though probably with a reduced majority , the republi cans claiming considerable gains out side of Now York city and Brooklyn. .Mnhonc , in Virginia , is defeated by at least twenty thousand , nnd possibly more , a result wlilch will bo no surprise to those who have closely watched the campaign in that stato. It should per manently dispose of Mnhono as the re publican leader In Virginia. It must bo confessed that on the whole the results of the elections are rather more encouraging to democrats than to republicans , and they convoy BOino lessons which the latter should profit by. L NEEDS. Having created n department of agri culture , congress is in duty bound to mnico provisions for such liberal sup- poet as shall bo found necessary to its usefulness and oUleioncy. The report of Secretary Rusk shows that congress did not make adequate provision fortho reorganization from a bureau to a de partment , thus hampering the depart ment in the performance of the woric required by the act creating it. This is easily to bo accounted for by the fact that congress could not have an ac curate Knowledge of the amount of ap propriation necessary at the outset , and besides there was an opposition to the creation of the department which might have boon rendered so formid able aa to defeat the project if it had been proposed to appropriate a very much.larger amount than had been re quired to administer the bureau. The last congress was quite liberal in some directions , but the advocates of the new department were not so largely In the majority as to bo able to do all they -perhaps would have liked to do in starting it. With a bettor knowledge of what is required , and possibly with a stronger intercstin promoting the usefulness of the depart ment , the next congress may reasonably bo expected to be more liberal in pro viding for it. The generous policy of other governments in this particular , as shown by the ligures presented by Secretary Rusk , ought to have some in fluence favorable to larger appropria tions for our agricultural department. The secretary submits sugges tions and recommendations whicli should receive serious con sideration. Ono is the appoint ment of a state statistician in every state and a comprehensive plan of agri cultural surveys of the states and terri tories. This would require a very con siderable annual expenditureand it is necessary to consider whether the only apparent advantage to bo secured , that of obtaininc more trustworthy statistics of crops and of the agricultur al resources of the states , would repay the cost. Another suggestion relates to the duty of the government to assume a more definite supervision of such forest areas as nro still owned by it. and as occupy a position of importance in the regulation of water How and climate conditions. This is in line with recom mendations that have bcon in ado to congress annually for a number of years past , without receiving much attention , but there is better promise of the matter - tor receiving favorable consideration from the next congress. The secretary renews the recommendation that the de partment bo empowered to afford aid and oncouiagomont to the work of the agricultural organizations through out the country , which have attained a growth during the last few years that gives evidence of nn expanding spirit of eolf-holp among the farmers. It would seem that the department might properly do whatever is practicable to encourage this spirit , and there nro obvious ways in which it could , assist those organizations without very great cobt to the government. The average citizen who has no knowledge of the enormous proportions of the nation's agricultural interests may not regard with favor the demands of the now department , but the importance of fostering those interests by a liberal government policy will bo conceded by all who take the trouble to acquaint themselves with the immense contribution which the products of the farms of the country annually mtiko to the national wealth nnd prosperity , and with the largo proportion of the popula tion which subsists by agricultural and its kindred pursuits. CIVIL There will be matters upon which the president will address congress of moro general Interest and greater importance than civil service reform , but this sub ject promises to occupy a share of publio attention from the consideration it may receive in congress. It is strongly in dicated that there will -bo developed a vigorous hostility to the reform , or at 'any rate to the present method of Its ad ministration. Republicans of promi nence in both houses of congress do not hesitate to say that they are in favor of either abolishing the law or changing it in important respects , and the sentiment is understood to largely prevail , among heaUu of departments nnd chiefs of bureaus that the present operation of the law is not at nil satis factory from the point of vlow of the interests of the publio service. The president has boon furnished with ob jections nnd arguments against the law from a number of sources , and on the other hand ho 1ms been freely as sailed by criticisms of the wrfy in which the law has boon administered. Standing between thopo antagonistic forces it would not bo surprising1 if ho should fool some embarrassment In deal ing with this question. The impression is , however , that the president willrr.nko no recommendation to congress looking to an abridgement of the scope of the reform or in any way inimical to it. Ills believed thut on the contrary ho will BO dispose of the hostllo objections and arguments as to place congressmen in the nttltudo of opposing the "administration if they fight the law. This would obviously bo not only u consistent position for the president , but It would be the most con clusive answer ho could niako to his critics. If ho can silence the hostility to civil service reform in his own party , nnd prevent any Interference with it which would bo a stop backward , ho will certainly have n just claim to bo regarded as the friend of the principle , oven though in the administration of the reform the expectations of some , as was the ease with his predecessor , have boon disappointed. There appears to bo good reason to oxpoot that in this matter the president will amply vindi cate himself , and point congress the way to render civil service reform moro effective and generally acceptable. THE MUTUION The annual report of Governor Thomas furnishes a calm , conservative reflex of the present condition of affairs in Utah. It shows that while the Gen tiles have grown in numoricaletrength , the Mormons have increased by foreign importations at an nvorngo of nearly two thousand a year for the past nine years. The Gentile strength is con- ' lined mainly to Ogden and Salt Lake City. In the rural districts there is no perceptible chance ia the following of the church. It has increased rather than diminished , owing to the fact that non- Mormon farmers , even if they could secure land by purchase , would bo prac tically without n market for their pro ducts in the small towns. Having driven the crime of polygamy from open into secret places , n now dan ger threatens the welfare of the puopla. The Mormons propose to abandon the public schools and establish schools of their own , where their childran will be taught "those principles of salvation for which the Latter Day Saints made so many sacrifices. " This is the policy outlined by President Woodruff , the successor of Briglmm Young. If carried into effect it will wreck the publio schools of the territory , nnd force the education of all classes into sectarian channels. There is no avenue of escape. The Mormons own at least three-fifths of the taxable prop erty in towns and cities , nnd control the municipal machinery .of all except Ogdon. With schools' is absurd to suppose that they would tax themselves to maintain public schools to undermine their power and'educate , enemies of religious pollution. Solf- prcsorvation is the first law of nature. The Mormons are human' , and they will exorcise their political .power to protect and strengthen themselves until forced to retire by superior members. TilElti ; is said to be a great deal of anxiety among democratic members of the next house of representatives as to who will assume the task of party leadership. The death of Cox re moved a safe dependence when the men who ranked him gave out. Randall lias not the vigor to undertake any really severe work in parliamentary generalship , nnd Carlisle is said to be so physically broken as to bo practically out of the lists. Mills is not in good health , and if ho were ho is not regarded as a safe man to guide the party. Ho was a bad leader when in the majority , aud could hardly bo expected to bo moro wise anddiscieot in leading the contest of the party when In the minority. Crisp , of Georgia , is thought to bo the most likely man to bo charged with the hard work of lead ership , as the situation now looks , but ho is not thoroughly equipped for the taste , which promises to bo an arduous and trying ono. It .thus appears that the democrats in the next house of rep resentatives nro likely to find their dis advantage increased for want of 11 cotn- pct < nt loader who can bear the strain of the battles that are pretty sure to occur , and hence they are contemplat ing the situation with a great deal of eorious concern. THE people of Connecticut' , having rejected prohibition by a most decisive vote , are now giving attention to the question of adopting high license. Under the existing law liquor licenses nro subject to the regulation of county commissioners , the maximum rate that can be charged boltfg five hundred del lars. Quito generally since the election ut which prohibition was rejected the license rate has been raised by the county commissioners , and the tendency of popular sen timent is distinctly in the direction of high license ns the natural and proper policy to result from the ex pression of publio opinion. Increased licenses will undoubtedly bo the rule throughout the state before the end of the year , and it is quite * probable that tho.noxt legislature will bo asked to fix the maximum , rate , at least for the cities , at a higher rate than nt present. Connecticut's decision against prohibi tion is not likely , to bo disturbed for many years. THEUE is no reason why Omaha job bers cannot secure a slmto of the trade of the now slates of the northwest , They have direct communication with the commercial heart of Montana , Oregon gen and Washington , nnd are thus placed on nn equality with St. Vuul and San Francisco. The extension of the Union Pacific to Spokauo Falls , with the certainty that the line will bo pushed to Puget Sound at an early day , opens to them untrodden fields of trade of the most inviting nature. Recent experience proves that the people ot that section are weary ot the monopoly os San Frnfly co , nnd are ready to turn their ordofy } , enstward If proper Induce ments nro bfforod. It Omaha jobbers make the t Td t , there is no doubt that they can cnfHpro and hold n largo share of the IrndU'ot ' that rapidly developing section of ty $ country. THE bllz ifd in Now Moxlco Is n phenomenal , , atmospheric disturbance for that section of the country. Great damage and , Distress will result , be cause the popplo are not prepared for severe cold -wonthor. It is a singular fact that the mountain benches and foot hills of the territory were covered with snow all last winter , whllo the entire north and west enjoyed n. winter of un usual mildness , with but little snowfall. The present storm ton s to confirm the general belief that the atmospheric con ditions of the woat are undergoing rad ical changes. roads have not made much progress in smashing the Union Pacific- . Northwoslorn alliance. The Burling ton und Rook Island believe that the cheapest and most effective plan is to extend their lines to the Pacific coast , and they will carry out that plan as ox- pcditlously as they can. KATE FIELD'S pen picture of the short-haired members of her sex is in- cislvo ns well ns truthful. A majority of the female politicians who promenade through the country seeking notoriety display a reckless disregard for truth that is appalling. They uro a disrjraco to .womankind. DEVELOPSIENTS in the Blytho will contest in San Francisco show that an active , wealthy man can begot moro heirs alter death than ho dreamed of In life. In this respect iho poor man is to bo envied his successors and assigns cannot afford to rake up his indiscre tions. THE addition of physical culture to the curriculum of the high school smacks of physical cruelty , when It is considered that the studontsiaro compelled to climb from basement to garret several times a day to reach their class rooms. THE colored voters in Virginia took the tissue ballot cue from their white brethren , but they did not succeed be cause the opposition controlled the box. To bo successful tissue ballots must bo in dcniocrntic/hands. / The Umitulcy Kiinstn. ioiifjvtl/e / Courffr-Jbi/rnaf. The Kansan \vnp is not killed in n rollgloua riot or a county scat war Is finally chowcd up by grasshoppers. Not tJio' ' Popular Style. Herald. A loading Ijpw York tea ctoalor says that the best way to , sample tea is not to taste it , but to smolllt. filial ts probably the way also to sqmplo vmisky , but it won't como Into RcnccaLuso. A Practical Vlnw of tlio Onse. St. lin/its / GlolioDcmocrat. When wo got through showing our South American visitors what a wonderful country wo have it would ; bb a qood idea to send a delegation of commercial tourists homo with ihcni for tlio purpose of acquiring accurate information us to the needs of the people whom they represent , the proper methods of preparing goods for shipment , and the terms upon which they are willing to trade with us. The Starvinii Lmtmulor Fishermen. Detroit Journal. The annual nlea for the starving fishermen on thocoiwt ot Labrahor has been issued. The fact is the Canadian government ought to deport this fringe , of people to some ptuor part of the dominion where they can got a living. The barren rocks extending hundreds of miles will not produce enough to keep n chicken alive , and when fish fall the inhabi tants might as well bo in the center of the ucsert of Sahara , or shipwrecked on & rock ia the middle of tlio Pacific ocean. Tribute to a Lonilinir Democratic. New York Sun. Eloquent as the Hon. WillUm TJ. Scott has been as the champion of a people ground dfi'wu by monopolies and robbed and op pressed by corporation averico , ho was far moro eloquent nnd truthful when' ho wrote to the president of the Now York Central railroad ; "Send mo a free pass to help mo out in my district. I am a democrat and you are a republican , but wo are both of us Ilrst of all for the corporations. If I got back to congress you xvill know whore my heart ro- ully Is ; and be sure that on any question af fecting your corporation ray vote viU go whore it will do the most good. " The Hon. William Li. Scott may not bo liable to con viction under Section 5,500 of the Ho vised Statutes , but wo fear much that ho is liable to conviction as an awful humbug. riTATB AND Nebraska Jot tin 11 % . . Crelghton hopes to have ofectrio lights in the near future. Falls City Is to have a band fair the first weak in December , continuing four days. As the result of n revival nt Union twenty persons have ] omud the Presbyterian nhurch. Rev. L. Llewellyn , or Rushvlllo , has boon called to the pastoruto of the liaptist church ut I'lulnvlow. The pent-up literary taste of McCook has found expression this fall in the organization of u second literary club. The Lj'ons Mli-ror now reflects the opinions of Peter O. Landon , instead of those of tinilth Hros. , as heretofore , II. A. Harding , proprietor of the Oakland Independent , but now a foreman In the gov ernment printing omco at Washington , has Just been - * . In Wisconsin to Miss y E. Cull , f&rmorly preceptress of the Oakland scboolJJ0 ! ! The announcement that Cumlng countv lias u nlno-your-old boy who weighs 100 pounds calls outvho assertion that there Is In Hhiir townsliiiv Washington county , u bright miss of ihJ'HumQ ' ago who turns the scales at 175 poifijifo George UardnotVof Pawnee county , gath ered from ono ucro of ground 10J bushels of corn. Mr. Gardner was competing for n $500 prlz , nnd four roliubio men naaUtcd In thupathoriuKUVMVoighing and niulto nfll- dnvit that thu above js u fact. While removing "tin old straw stack near Curtis N. B. Hunts uncovered a hen which had been Imprisoned under the pile alnco last suring , A half u dozen chicks in the nest were dead , but the ben lived twenty- four hours after being rcstdrod to light and liberty. Itlchard , T. McClees , a Oundy county fanner , concluded to emigrate east and started off In a prnlno schooner without paving his debts before ho Bulled. A con- Btublo , however , overlmulad him at Stratton , and rather than go on the buck track .Mo- Clcoa paid thu amount demanded. lOWUlUillll. . The Iowa potato crop Is estimated at over 0,000,000 bushels. The towns of Hrltt and Garner have sa loons ruuulng wide open. The third annual session of thoatato Loyal Legion convenes at Cedar Rapids Novem ber 19 , D Whllo bplltt ing kindling wood Fred Haff- nor , of Slcournoy , cut off two of his tooa wild n hatchot. ' Twenty-two prisoners have bcon received at Antunosa since the fftll terms of the dis trict courts bogan. Miss IJolIo Slaughter , iVBixty-lwo-yenr-old Mnlono girl , took her Ilrst ride on n rallronil train the Other day , going to Clinton. In n speech atDubuquc Colonel Henderson said that Iowa's nnnuul product * , not includ ing bnttor nnd eggs , amount to $20r,000,000. A 1,000 noldlors' monument is to bo nrcctad In the court liqti.ioaquiiront Toledo. The design - sign submitted by n Cedar Rnpldn llrra Imi T > ccn accepted , and the monument u to bo a combination of bronze nnd granite. D.V. . Van Antwerp , of Masonvlllo. fell th much n trap door and struck on Ills hond , breaking hi * nock. When picked up ho WAS still nlivo , although his botly Is paralyzed and tliofo Is but lltllo hope of his recovery. The Iowa. Jersey club , in session at Cedar Rapids , elected I ovi Hoblnson. of Town City , president ; lion Vnn Stoonbcnr , Preston , vlco president ; Don D. Donnon , Cedar Hnplds , secretary ; Job Reynolds , MaquoUota , treas urer , nnd U. II. Paraon , Mulcom , test com missioner. , Mrs. Ktlzaboth Hoilotto dlod nt Adol Sop- tombnr 2.1 nt the 050 of 119 years. She was born In South Carolina , of French Uo.icont. Slio was married In 1733 , the year of Wash ington's inauguration. Shn has llvod suc cessively in South Carolina , Tennessee , Ivontuclty , Indiana , nnd finally moved to this state. In her prlmo she weighed 109 pounds and never had a doctor. She leaves twenty-six grandchildren , nlnoty-thrco great-grandchildren nnd live grOat-grcat- grandchildren. She never ownad u plcco of Jewelry nnd was nn Inveterate lever of to bacco. Wbon aho died she had attained within ono year tbo ago of the patriarch Moses , llr-ynml tlio The Hotel Holonn. nt Helena , Mont , will bo opened to the publio about the middle ot December. A banana trco In Jacksonville , Ore. , stands fifteen fcot high nnd is full of ripe fruit. It was grown In the open air. A plot has boon discovered in Helena , Mont. , by which the coroner sold bodies to undertaKers for burial and then pocketed a commission that varied from (5 to $10 on each "stiff. " Dell Young , who was divorced from James Wilson , uftor n sensational trial at Oakland , married n Dr. Younir , bu' eloped with Wll- Bon after a week's experience with her now llcgc lord. Jack Stone , a Miles City , Mdnt. , cowboy , was arrested by a deputy sheriff for robbing the United States malt near Hillings , two years ago , but bo easily proved that ho was not the stngo robber. A. Ersly.of Colfnx , Wash. , loft town n few weeks ego for n vacation. Ho was last scon at Spokane , nnd on October 24 his account- book with the Colfnx Hank and n note In his fuvor for S043 were found In tlio bush near town. October 31 xvns tbo anniversary of the ad mission of Nevada ns a state. The nvcnt was celebrated by n banquet of members of the Society of Pacific Coast Pioneers , and the national ensign Heated from the staff on Pioneer hall. Fred and Herbert Rolfo with W. A. Hill have been indicted by a grand Jury of Al bany , Ore. , for murder In the second degree. They displaced n switch on tbo California Pacific road in July nnd killed Engineer Miller nnd Firnman Guthrio. Fanner Wolf of Los Anceles , tCnl. , Im ported 200 bogs from Tulnro last week. Thov were attacked with some riiystorious disease soon after reaching his ranch , and 170 died In a few hours. The animals were fat , nnd the loss is not loss than $ -,500. The Shosbonu and Bannock Indians nt Pocntollo , Idaho , have bcon holding a great pow wow nnd rntn dnnco , and the next day after the ceremonies began the ram began to appear. The dnnco brought together a largo number of the remnants of these and other tribes from Nevada nnd Idaho , and a general tirno of rejoicing nnd dancing "bus lusted -for the past week. Grotesque nnd fanciful costumes and decorations' were 'seen , and all the braves wore painted up in great shape , "band painted" for the occa sion , regurdlctts of exputito. The Grand Lodge of Masons of Montana has Just closed a profitable nussion at Great Falls , nt which these o dicers were elected for the ensuing 5'oar : John Anderson , of Missoula , G. M. ; W. G. lioardman , of 13uttc. D. G. M. ; K. O. Hickman , of Virginia City , . S. G.W. ; Moses Morris , of Helena , J. G. W. ; M. Parchen. of Helena. G. T. ; Cornelius Hcdtros , ot Helena , G. S ; .Tamos McNulty , G. S. D. j D. F. Fridley , G. J. D. : Philip .L-avell , G. S S. ; J. Norlan , G. J. S. : W. C Fowler , grand chaplain ; C. R. Middleton , grand orator : S. Alicbaugb , grand standard bearer ; Joseph Duncan , grana sword bearer ; J. D. 13aker , grand tyler. HOPE FOR THE NEW SOUTH. The Greatest Activity Yet Reported In { jouiliern Development. Great enterprises are crowding ono upon another so rapidly in the south that no ono can tuko a general view of the whole situation without being amazed at the magitudo of the revolu tion that is in progress. The Manu facturers' Record of tnis week contains , wo believe , reports of the organization of a greater number of gigantic enter prises than over before made public in ono wrek. Ono of the most striking features is the heavy investments of eastern and especially Now England caoltal , which is pouring into tlio south as it formerly did into the west. A number of.Philadolphia capitalists have just returned from Florence , Ala. , where they in vested heavily , including , it is reported , $300,000 toward a $500OUO carpet mill. The Now England excur sionists to Fort Pay no nnd JJonieon left , it is said , over $500,000 in these two towns last week. Special dispatches to tlio Manufaoturci-b' Record announce the organisation of a $5.000,000 com pany , with all stock subscribed by load ing Now England bankers nnd othoua , who have purchased 2,000 acres of land adjoining Chatta nooga , where extensive enterprises will bo established , and the purchase by a $3.000,000 northern company of 2500,000 acres of land in east Tennessee , the en terprise being in the hands of the wealthiest members of the prohibition movement. In Chattanooga a $1,000,000 bank will open for business shortly. Two companion , ono with $800,000 and the other with $000,000 capital stock , have neon organized in England for gold mining operations in Georgia. Birmingham has organized a $1,000,000 coal mining company ; Center , A a. , a $100,000 , iron company to repair and op- urato an old furnace ; Dadevillc , Ala. , a $50,000 cotton mill ; Mobile a $50,000 paving company ; Kentucky a $500,000 contracting company. In Louisiana a sulphur mlnintr property bus boon sold for $200,000 , Laredo , Tox. , has secured a $50,000 foundry and machine shop. In Virginia there have boon about a dozen enterprises , including a 8-200,000 town company , $50,000 lumber company and a $200,000 iron company at Graham ; the sale of iron property on Cripple Creel : for 8100,000 for development ; a $100,1100 iron company and n $100,000 town com pany at Max Meadows ; a $100,000 man ufacturing company at Richmond ; n $1.000,000 land and investment and a $500.000 land company at Honnoku , with nniny other enterprises being ac tively worked up. This is but n brief summary of the loading enterprises re ported in tills week's Manufacturers' " Record , but it indicates a dugrou of ac tivity that has probably rarely ever been soon in thu development of any section of ourcountry. flufttilo Untie A curious industry of North Dakota , which will decrease in time , is bulTnlo- bono picking. The vast herds of buffalo have boon slaughtered and their skins sold , und now tne pioneers nmko mer chandise of the bones scattered over the prairies , The bones uro shipped to St , Louis or Chicago and turned into glue nnd fertilizers. Kansas , Colorado , Ne braska , and oven older fatutoa , have all been the scone of this strange contribu tion to wealth , und no one luiowd hotf many thousands of carloads have thus been gleaned after the slaughter of the American bison. A PROJECTED CANAL. It Will Connect the Clyiln with the FoYth nnd Cost S 10,000,000. To engineering schemes there sootn no end , says the Duiidoo ( Scotland News. The Forth bridge nnd the Man ohostor canal , both ot which are ii course of construction , nro marvels o the onglnoor'f ) daring nnd skill , An other huge project has boon under dls cusslon for fiomo tltno and will probably soon reach the ptngo of actuality. A canal to connect the Clyde with the Forth has long bcon talked of but tlio Manchester canal undertaking seems to have given the sch o mo n considerable impetus Into the region of practicabil ity. Altogether throe plans have boon mooted to construct Iho canal by Loch Liomoiid , to construct1 the canal bv the direct route , nnd , finally , to so Improve extend and deepen the present Forth and Clyde canal n to nmko it suitable for the passage of the largos' ' vessels. The third scheme is , o course , the least expensive. The Caledonia railway company , to whom the Forth and Clyde canal belongs , nro understood to bo willing to dispose of it and the needed improvements huvo been estimated at 1,600,000 to 2,000,000. To construct a now canal by iho best possible roulo is , said , however , to bo the favorite sohomn. The necessary outlay is estimated at the gigantic sum 3f 8,000,000 , about 500,000 pounds less than the cost of the Manchester canal. The traffic by such a .route has boon cs- tlmutcd at 10,000,000 tons the Ilrst year , which at a toll of 2.i Od per ton would yield a revenue of li50,000. ! Deduct ing working expenses , estimated nt 176,000 per year , the amount allowed for the Manchester canal , and Interest on the capital cxpandlturo of 4 percent , 320,000 there would remain un enor mous balance , which , even allowing for gross oxngorution In the above esti mates , would still remain a balance suf- tieicnt to pay a hundsomo dividend. Probably the projectors of this gigantic undertaking will await the results of the Manchester canal boforo'procceding with the now canal. DISTINGUISHED BLIND MEN. A. Number of Conspicuous Instnncas of IVcll-Uirootoil Hnortty. Instances of blind persons who have achieved distinction nro by no means infrequent , says the National Tribune. The brilliant case of Prof. Fawcott is well known ; Dr. Campbell , himself ono of the royal commissioners and principal of the Royal Normal college , is a con spicuous itistauco of well-directed energy - orgy , while several blind gontlqmcn have passed through Worcester college and the university with croditand taken luly orders ; another , who gave evi dence before the commissioners , is a solicitor in good practice. Another re markable case is that of a successful wool merchant , whoso loss of sight has been no hindrance to him in the conduct of a largo and Important busi ness , and who has undertaken a sueciul voyage to Australia , and made largo and successful purchases of wool with no guidance but that of his own unaided judgment. The experience of this gentleman is so remarkable that I give his own words : "I and my friends thought that when Ibecame blind I should no longer bo able to follow my trade , but after the first shocic I deter mined to carry on my business as usual. My business being to judge the value of colonial woolit was thought that as this is very dillicult for seeing persons I should not succeed , but bv close atten tion I soon became as good , nnd , indeed , in some respects , a bettor judpo than before my loss of sight' . In 18811 visited Australia , and in Melbourne , during ton weeks , I purchased moro than 150- 000 worth of wool , doing nil my own business , banking , exchange , and ship ping , without the help of any broker. 1 only mention this as an encourage ment to others not to bo daunted when this calamity befalls them. " o No Tjonccr tlio PivDlnl State. The effect of. the admission of the DOW states may bo summed up as robbing New YorK of her former prestige as arbiter of the political fortunes of the whole country , savs the Washington Star. The battlefield of the future , for a considerable period at least , will bo located in ono of tho'lessor states , such ns Indiana or Now Jersey , whoso loss would probable bo irreparable to the democrats , and where the republicans could spend their time , labor and money to much bettor advantage. The fa.ll of the great state from hoi-former pedestal of supreme importance will save her to some extent from being every four years the scone of n desperate struggle in tiio arts of political corruption. The votes of her citizens will not so outweigh those of other Americana that immense sums of money will bo spent and great risks of the penitentiary taken to secure them. The change will also bo marked by the cxorciso of great' caution in the choice of candidates , In order that , if the head of the ticket must coma from Now York or her neighborhood , ho shall at least bo acceptable to the people of the states whore the other fierce lighting will bo done. Finally , it will murk a change in the old notions of tlio value of sectional solidity , for the dem ocrats will now roali/.o the wisdom of throwingmoro force into thciroirorts in the northwest , while the republicans will make an honest struggle for some of the southern states whoro-immigrn- tion from the north , nnd a change from purely agricultural to mixed industrial conditions , seem to offer u possibility of success. An Electrified Dooi-Ntop'n Victim. Ono of the most "shocking" affairs in the history of the city occurred this morning in front of the clothing etoro of U. S. Levy , 407 Nicollot avenue , sayo a Minneapolis dispatch. An electric light wire pusses down in front of the store. In borne way it got pushed out of place and foi'mcd a close connection with the largo plutoof iron which forms the stop leading to the sidewalk. The sidewalk was covered with a thin coatIng - Ing of moiled snow , nnd hence these werq conditions of an unlimited amount of hilarity. As the pedestrian stepped upon the sidewalk hu felt an oleutrio shook , and when there were number of people on It. they nil eoemod to bo ilfccted the same way and were notable to walk well. Those inside the store noticed the trouble after some time , but Lhcy did not dare to cross thu slops loading to the walk. Finally they iecuroci the attention of a passer-by long enough to bring ( in electrician. In the meantime thu fun progressed , An old lady stopped on the section and with u scream she throw her bundles , gave a jump , nnd foil insensible. A dog was the next victim , nnd with a yelp ho whirled about to grasp ) iin supposed assailant. Thin electric wire had trans mitted its power to the stone shib , The fortunate individuals who were rubber shoes passed over the stone unshocked. Atlustu rubber-coated , rubbor-mittonod electrician mounted a ladder and turned iho current into its own channel. Had the electric current been a little strong er it would have killed those who uumo in contact with it. A IlollirloiiH C'umpnlmi. The services of the Church of Eng land nro frequently diversified by nin- T ; ulur Incidents , suya the London Truth , tut * I httvo riovor oomo across anything equal to the campaign going on beT - twoon Mr. Shoots nnd the vicar of Chat * torla. Mr. Shools' family pow wn nl- torod without his nssont. Mr. Shcols thereupon announced his intention ot sitting with his family in the vionr'a now. The vicar's family dofoalod this intention by coming to ohuroh before the Shools family , hoatl nossldonlos. At last , however , Shools maneuvered his detachment In first. The dear opened llro on him from the reading- desk and called on the church-wardens to remove him , but In vain. The vlcnr before the following Sunday padlocked his family pow. The Sheols were "swarmed" over the door , followed by his two sons. The second son was stopped in traupllu by the church war den , who lump on to Ills lop bravely , but youth triumphed. Next , thoohuroh wardens thought to terminate the ecan- dnl by restoring Shcols' pow , but the vicar appeared on the sconoand stopped the work ; and so the dispute stands. This is hardly what the apostle had In hluoye when ho laid down that things should bo done "docontly aud in ordorj" but It no doubt helps to show the Chat- torls people how much wo should losolf wo disestablished the church. TEA-TIME IN MOROCCO. How the Monra I'rrpixro ilia Cup Tlmt Clioori but .Not Whllo the Arabs of Algeria are ex ceedingly fond of coffee , nnd skillful in their preparation of it , their Arab neighbors of Morocco tuko llttlo , or no colloo , but are uroat toa-drlnkora , says the Youth's Componion. A Euro- oun traveler , who recently wont through the country , asked u Moorish chieftain why there should bo suoh a remarkable dilYoroneo in the customs of the two Arab races. "Tho Arab. " sala the chieftain , "If loft to himself , drinks nothing but water , If ho takes either colToo or tea , It is because you have brought Itto him and taught him to drink it. " It is cortnin thut tlio Moors take to ton us if it were quite natural to them , though their manner of preparation of it is singular to foreigners. When n party of guests outers Iho house or tent of a rich Moor , ono of the the near rolnttvosof the host is charged with the duty of making tea. lie squats in one corner , having on ono side of him a largo server or platter. Upon ono of those servers is u number ol mips , and upon the other a sugarboivl , u box of tea , n pile of > frngant menthe loaves , a copper apparatus for heating water , and a ton-urn. The teamakor sots the water to belling - ing with a Httlo fuel , nnd then pours the boiling- water into his toa-uru , quickly adding to it some tea and some sugar , and allows the compound to sloop a few moments. Then ho pours out a cup of the tea and tastes it , smacks his lips , snlirs iho odor of the liquid , and draws a deep breath all with an air which says. "I am going to got this tea just right. " The chnncos are that ho does not find the compound to his tnsto at the Ilrst attempt , for ho pours the tea in his cup back into the tea-urnadds a llttlo sugar or a little tea , und pours out another cun for n second tost. This process goes on , the ton-maker tasting his tea and pouring it back again , until ho gets it juat to his mind. Then the guests nro called , and If any _ ono of them does not finish' his cup ho is expected to pour it back into the urn , for it is the custom in Morocco to tnko throe cups in succession , nnd the tea-making has to bo begun ever again. The first of the throe cups offered is plain tea with sugar , and the two suc ceeding cups are perfumed withmenthe or vervino. In preparing these successive kinds of tea the cups go back to the tea-maker and change hands at the next serving without any washing. If this changing of cups is somewhat distressing to European guests , it is not so much so as the next course in the little feast , which consists of a kind of Moorish confection , which travelers can compare to nothing else in appear ance and flavor , than the sticks of cos- mntics sold by apothecaries and hair dressers. ' It is best eaten , they say , with one's eyes closed. But the natives find it highly appetizing. A Wlntllni5tieot In USD 172 Years. Mrs. Catherine Mary "Wankor , who was buried recently in the German Lutheran cemetery tit Richmond , Ind , , was ninety-six years ot ago , and was Imried in u robe 17:2 : years old that had before done niucy service na a. winding- sheet. She was born at Fordcn , nour Osuabrook , kingdom of Ilnnovor , Ger many , Novumbor lit , 170 , ' ! , nnd she and lior husband came from tlioir native land to Richmond in 1811) ) . Sixteen fours ago she luid Mrs. Miller muko icr this burial robe. This waa made out of material woven by her grnnd- nether 17U yours ago , and intended and originally used for a winding-shoot or u , iheet to cover the dead. It was util ized uy a largo community find covered the HfelosB form of many a loved one. At Ilrst , when not in service , it waa iccpt in the house of her grandfather , afterward in the house of her father , luu after his death in iior own IIOUHC. She brought it with her to America nnd kept it most sacredly. After having covered many dead bodies of those near nnd dear to her , it at last covers her iwn form and is returning to dust with her own dust. Georuo Wuslihiiitntt'H Moilicr. The grave charco brought by Arto- miB Ward against Chaucer that hu "couldn't Bpol wol , " applies to no less a personage than Mary Washington , the mother of the father of 1m country , fti Lhe Co.smonolitan Magazine MOD euro I ) , Con way nnblistios a fac-slmile letter taken from the original in the oolloo- , ion of Dr. Kniinet , whicli runs HB fol lows : July the 3 , 1870. Dcnr Brother : This Comes uy Capt. Nicltulson you Suem to bliiin no fur not writing to ymi butt I Uoo a Sliour you it is Not for want of n vcr.v fjroat Hoard - ; ard far you the funnily but us I don't ' Ship ub.icco tlio Captain Never calls on mo HOU that I Never know when tlia coma or when tlitiuou. I bullovoyou have got u vary good overseer ut this quarter no\v Ciipt. Newton us taltcn a largo poauc of uround from you wbloh I daar Buy If you had bcon hoar your Self It had not been Don. Mr. n.uilel & Ida wife & family is well Co/on Hmunili has teen nmrnoil mid Lost her liusbund blip has ono cliilil a bov pray K\VO \ my Love to Sister lull & Mr. UownumuA ln Lady nud uin Dear Hrotlier your Loviim Sister , AUnr I'rltioii .Journalism. A place among the curiosities of lit erature should certainly bo reserved for wo journals which _ huvo boon for warded to mo from America the 'rison Mirror and the Summary both > f whicli are edited , jirintoil and pub- Ishnd Inside goals , the former of thum it Stillwator , Minn. , and the latter at Jlmira.N. Y. , says the London Truth. In many respects these papers offer n good example to journals wliioh nro mbliHhod outside pribons , and pnrtkw- arly In the matter of truthfulnosn and loncHty , for I notice , among other points , that the source of ( ill matter vhich is not original is scrupulously iclcnowlodgod. Some of my contom- mruries might find it worth their while go to America and get locked up in order to study thla latest phase of the now journalism.