Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Vnlunblo Information for Thoao
Interested in Tholr Culture.
Buy Only Hntnlrilftticd Brawls
Science In Feeding niut IJrcctU
InR Tlio Vnluo of .MttlcliliiK
1'rollts ofOrnpo Culture.
FUANKMK , Neb. , Nov. 2. [ Special to
Tim BKB.J Sovornl years ngo an effort
was miulo to distribute Rocky mountain
evergreens over Nobanska. It wns vary
hard to Imndlo BO many mid do it prop
erly. Moreover , many to whom the
trees were sent knew no nioro how to
take care of them than it they had
como from another world. The result
was that few lived. Some were uont
oast. A largo pal cent died ; and yut
enough lived to show to the world that
the flnost tree's on earth were those
from the Rockies. It was found , also ,
that when a tree did live , it did far
better than in its mountain homo ; it
became more thrifty and beautiful.
The writer , having spent yeara in Col
orado , and studied the subject care
fully , aftur long and costly experiments
can now give some of the results of
these efforts.
First lot mo glvo a brief description
of the varieties.
The pieoa pungons or silver blue
spruce has attracted more attention
porhnpa than any other tree that over
cnmo before the public. It has a singu
lar blending of mlvor and sapphire. All
nre not of this color , but in some groves
half or more will have this exquisite
slioon. t have seen these trees a thou
sand miles from homo , in the rich lands
of Illinoistuid though I have scon thou
sands of acrca in the mountains , among
them all , there is nothing of such rich
color , combined with symmetrical pro
portions. The tree Is rigid , throwing
out sholf-lilco branches , anQ each shelf
inarkn a year of growth. It Is also
pyramidical in form , with such beauty
of proportional looks as If madoexactly
lo order. The rich silver tints contrast
finely with the green of other trees.
The picca ciiploiiHunl of oryloman
spruce , somewhat resembles the pun-
goiiB , but is more flexible. This family
has many' sorts and variations. Some
trees have short noodles , lying closely
to the stem ; others have needles twice
as long. Some have a very graceful
drooping habit. Some will bo dobp
green and others blue , while some have
tie same blending of tints wo see in
the pungcns. In some locations the
crylotnan grows to an enormous -size.
Last summer I was lathe mountains
with B. E. Fonnow , our chief of forestry
from Washington. Wo found some
grand specimens some 4 feet through
and MO'feet high. The timber is line
and strong. 1 find both these
trees transplant very readily
nearly as well as the Norway spruces
from the nurseries. The wonder is that
moro of them are not planted. Already
there is a largoeall for them in Europe.
After years of experience , I find them
almost sure to live. I have shipped JOO
at a time without losing one , and this
from the high altitude of 8,000 feet. I
have about eight thousand of these
trees doing nicely.
Them wo have the concolor or silver
fir of the rockies. It does not put on
the rich silver as soon as the other trees
mentioned , but it retains it longor.ovon
till death. You will often sco trees
half dead , yet carrying on the surviv
ing branches the rich garments of Its
youth. This is called concoloror , even
colored. The under side of the
loaves are nearly white , the upper
green. In the spring , some of the
trees will have green blossom buds and
others purple : The cones of this tree
are enormous. About half the trees will
have purple cones and the others these
of light green. On a thrifty tree the
cones will bo as largo as the oars of Min
nesota sweet corn. Wo gathered eight
bushels from .one treo. Mountain seed
lings of this variety are more dillcult to
transplant than the spruces , yet I have
fair success. I think for ornamental
purposes this is , of all others the tree of
the future. It grows to a largo size and
makes fine lumber. The seeds are easi
ly gathered and alawu would bo incom
plete without one.
Then wo have the Douglas spruce ,
the tree for the million extending all
the way fiora ; the eastern foothills of
the Rockies to the Pacific , and very
often grow into some of the finest forests
in the world. In Washington there
are groves of this timber , that will cut
more to the aero than any other variety
on the globe. I lind these transplant
readily. They nro a little tardy about
Bonding up the upright shoot , but when
once fully established there is no further
trouble. Some of mine made eighteen
inches last summer .
The pinno poiidowea grows finely on
our prairies. At homo it is found on al
most the drycst part of our continent.
Good Bawlogs can bo grown from these
pines in fifty years. After these years
of investigation I have all faith , and
show it by my works. In September I
secured a little army of men and gath
ered 50.0 pounds of seed , probably the
largest stock over secured , and intend
to raise them by the million.
This is n November subject worth dis
cussion , in whatever section or clunnto ,
says the American Agriculturist. In
the far north repeated mulching by the
tramping down of snow about young
trees prov.cnts the ravages of mlco and
rabbits , and the uo of snow in the
same manner around every growing
thing will prove of benefit. With the
mercury at zero above the snow , it sjt-
dom falls below freezing under the white
niuntlo , and whore the mass is com
pacted about peach tress , the ground in
which tlioy stand is later in thawing in
the spring and rarely opens in winter.
As a consequence , the fruit buds are
seldom or never damaged. In many
successful vineyards , good crops are di
rectly traccablo to the protecting influ
ence of the snow. A mulch of stones
about many fruit trooa , vines and
eh rubs is of Incalculable benefit during
the heated term , and the mulch whlcli
ninny strawberry fields roqulro la bosl
put on a little later , after the ground
hardens by frost. Whore perpetual
sunshine wins blossoms from the ourth
all the year , the benefit of iv mulch for
protection against drought , and for fer
tility when decayed , nro beyond com
putation. In Bovoro climates , mulching
the meadows with strawy manure coaxes
from them a fuller money product the
following season. Indeed , the late fnl
top-dressing of mowings may bo qulto
as valuable as a inuloh as for its supply
of plant food.
I'rnfltH ofOrapn Culture ,
A carload of grapes from Sacramento
sold the other day for $2,400 , Bays the
San PrancUco Kxamlnor , At that rate
it is hardly time for our viticulturists to
dig up their vinos. One grower "ropro-
Bonted in that consignment cleared * 2CO
per ton , or 111 cents a pound for his
Tokay grapes ou the vines. Another
netted from $100 to 9215 on his Musenta
and his Emperors. The average pro-
iucor of wine grapes thinks ha IB doing
veil when ho can got $20 per ton gross ,
und his not profits are frequently ropro-
ontod by a minus quantity. If moro
nttontlon was paid to supplying eastern
nblos and the production 01 wine were
oft In the hands of the eort of people
who win prizes ut the Paris exhibition ,
the general nvorngo of prosperity in the
state would bo considerably elevated.
Secretary Ruak has "boon visiting the
ICansas sugar factories , and on his ro-
urn to Washington is reported as
Baying :
"I cannot sny thnt the manufacture of
sorghum sugar has proved n , success its
vet. The government chemists sta-
-ioncil nt the mills nro at work to find
ways of improving on the results wo
now got. but unless that can bo done , I
run very doubtful about the profit of
nuking sugar from sorghum
Thrco or four of the chemists , ho wo vor ,
nro still hopeful of fnvornblo results. "
The results of the experiments con
ducted this year will Imvo much to do ,
or at least should have , in shaping
national legislation.
A Prcvnnllvi ! for Croup.
There no longer exists any doubt but
croup can bo prevented. True croup
lover appears without warning , ami if
3lmmborlnin's Cough Remedy is given
is directed as soon as the first indicn-
.ionof oroup appears , it will invariably
llspoll nil symptoms of the disease.
This can alwuyn bo tlono if it is kept at
[ mml. 60 cent und one dollar bottle ,
'or sulo by nil druggists.
% ItrooJc Farm.
It wns n delightful gathering of men
tnd women of superior cultivation , who
cd n charming life for n few years , la-
joring in its Holds and philandering in
, ts pleasant woods , says the Century. It
was a little too much of a picnic for 3c-
rious prollt , and the young men and
maidens wcro rather unduly addicted to
moonlight wanderings in the pine
grove , though it is creditable to the
iounil moral training of Now Eng and
; hnt little or no harm came of thcso
ivandcrings at least not to the mntd-
oii3. So far as the relation of the SONUS
3 concerned , the Brook farmers , in
spite of their free manners , were as
iniro , J believe , . us any other people.
The enterprise failed pecuniarily , after
scorning for some years to have suc
ceeded , * * * and Brook farm be
came the slto of the town poor house.
Hawthorne , who lost till his savings in
iho onterurisc. has sketched it. in bomo
'Oftpccts faithfully , in h's ' "Blithednlo
Romance. " I may remark , by the way ,
that while lie was a member ho was
chiefly ongngod in taking care of the
ligs , that being found by experiment to
jo the branch of farm labor to which his
onius was best adapted.
An AliHiiiutc Uuro.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin uoxoa ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of pilos-
V1ENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company ut
25 cents per box bv mall 31) cents.
CniOAno , ; Nov. 5. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] CATTLE Trade was again slow
and unsatisfactory oa everything In the
native line , except a few cars of good
natives , such as exporters aad dressed beef
operators wanted. Medium and common
natives , in the faca of the light run , were
decidedly hard to soil unless ut ruinously
ow prices , in some instances lower than at
any tirno last week. The style and quality
of the Texans and rangers were again deslr-
able und common , selling down as low as at
any tlino this season. Nutlvo butchers' stock
was about the same as last week. A fair
business at steady prices was reported from
dealers in stockers and feeders. Choice to
extra beeves , $4.50 ( 5.00 : medium to good
steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $3.8o@4.35 : 1200 to
1350 Ibs , $3.40@UO ; 950 to 1200 Ibg , $ .3.80(31 (
3.00. Stockers and feeders , $1.90@3.80 ; cowa ,
bulls and mixed. $3.70 ; bulk. S1.CO@2.00.
Texas steers , $310Q2.75 ; cows , $1.5U4J.50. ( {
Western rangers , $2.40@3.50 ; cows , $1.75 ®
Hoas The general market opened strong
In some cases. Best heavy sold early at a
Blight advance , but later on values ruled
easier , closing rather weak at about the
average of prices , yesterday. Light sorts
advanced a nickel and closed steady ut , the
advance. Packers paid $3.85@1.00 , largely at
$3.00@3.95 , and shippers $ I.UO@4.10. Light
sorts sold at $4.10(24.15. (
Hun Hits City , Nov. 5. Wheat Higher ;
No. 3 hard , cash and November04c ; No. 3
hard , cash und November , 5'J c ; No. 2 soft ,
cash and November. CSc.
Corn Steady : No. 2 cash , 23c bid ; No
vember , SS'Vc ; No. 2 while , cosn and Novem
ber , 23Vfc bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , ISJtfc.
AHimciipnlM. Nov. 5. Sample wheat
weak early , but became IIrm later ; receipts ,
M3 cars ; shipments , 122 curs. Closing : No.
Ihurd , November , 77c ; May , 83J c ; on track ,
77ft77J4c ( ; No. I northern , November , % ;
May , sio ; on traclc , 74o ; No. 2 northern ,
November , 70o ; Muy , 70o ; on track , 70@72c.
tit. Louiu , Nov. O. Wneat Higher ;
cash , 78o ; May , 81) ) o.
Corn Firm ; cush,29c ; May , 80J @ 33J/c.
Oats Firm : cash , 18 > < c ; Muy , iil ju bid.
Pork Steady at $11.25.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 19@29o ;
dairy , 15@18c.
Milwaukee , Nov. C. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 740. .
Corn-Firm ; No. 3 , 33J @ 34c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 wnito , 2
Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 43'fc.
Barley Easy ; No. 8 , Oljtf@53c.
Provisions Easy ; pork , 19.45.
Lilvnrnool , Nov. 6. Wheat Firm ;
demand improving : holdcra offer moder
ately : California No. 1 , 7s 3 , ! d@7s 4KJ l > or
Corn Easy ; demand poor ; now mixed ,
western , 4s } ( d per cental.
Cliloacn , Nov. 5. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle - Itccclpts , 0,500 , ; shipments , 3,000.
steady fortlio ; best , others dull choice to extra
beeves , ? 4.Mg5.00steor8. ) ( : 82.80@4a5 ; btoclc-
crs and feeders , $1.00@2.SO ; iuxas cuttlo ,
tl.BO@2.75 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.00@'J.70j
western rangers , ? 1,75@.50 : ) ,
"nogs Uecoipts , 18.UOU ; opened strong ,
closed a shade lower ; mixed , & ) .65@4.10 ;
heavy , (3.80(31.10 ( ; light , 53.60@l.ii5 bkips ,
Shuop Receipts , 0,000 , steady ; natives ,
I2.7r > ( ( i5.(0 ; westerns , &i.GU@l.25 ; Toxana ,
R.4U@4.10 ) ; lambs , M.C.OW5.GU.
Thu Drover's Journal's ' cablegram from
London quotes heavy supplies of cattle.
prices steady , l12c ) per pound estimated
dead weight lor medium to choice.
National Stooic Vnrtli , East St.
Ijoulf , Nov. 6. Cattle Uccelpts , 4,400 ;
shlpmeuta. 1,700 ; strong , fair to cholco
native steers , * 3,40@4,70 ; stackers and feud
erg , J1.80@.5a
HOBS Uocelpts. 10.303 : shipments , 2,500 ;
steady ; heavy , $3.85c l.05 ; packing , t3.70SJ
4.00 ; light , W.10iJUa (
hloux City , Nov. 6. Cattle Receipts ,
600 ; shipments. 250 ; steady unchanged ;
cows , tl.00@2.05 ; stackers and feeders , f 1.50
@ 3.60 ; veal calves , 12.00 3.15.
Uo s Receipts. 3.8W ) : lawor ; light 3.75
O3.82K ; Ueavy. * 3.70 < 33.60 | mLiod , I3.57KO
Glty , Nov. 5 , P-.itlo Uce'ofpts ,
4.00 ; shipments. U.'OO ; stronjr , Inghorjcows ,
| 1.SC(23,75 ( ; Btocucrs mid feojors , ? 2.30 ( < j3.15.
Hogs Kecolpis , 7,800 ; strong , UU'her ;
light , | 3.90@4.10j heavy und inlxod , I3.80Q
Tuesday , Nov. 5.
Contrary to expectations the receipts o ;
cattle were light and not otily that but tbero
wan not a ( rood load of bcovos In the yards.
The Rrcat bulk of the offerings wns made tin
f common steers , feeders , butchers' stock ,
to. Everyone was ( Inquiring for good
) oovcs and the fooling was stronger although
hero was nothing to make a real test of the
mnrkoU The market on beef cattle wns
ilow for the rcmon that there wna nothing
icro to mnko nn nctlvo market. Such ratllo
< u were hero that the dressed beef men
vould buy brought steady prices. A nlcco
of n load of natives sold at U.GO nnd n few
irctty peed westerns brought $3UO@3.00.
rho feeling In feeders was a little better to-
lay. There were not BO many hero as Were
expected nnd the buycrsshowod n llttlo nioro
vlUlngnuss to take hold. Still the inovo-
ncnt was not very active. Some range
Icroford's ' sold at S3.00 , showing that the
mycrs uro willing to nay good price * for
omcthlng choice. A few natives sold nt
5.20(32.50 ( , and western principally nt $2.3Ti(3 (
_ 7. > . There were plenty of cows on snlo ,
both natives and westerns , but there wai no
cr.v decided change in values. The trade
vns not active but a good many changed
mnd * before the close. The natives brought
1.40Q2.DO and westerns tl. ! > 0@3.15.
The hog market oooncd with better pros.
> ccts for the sellers , the best heavy hogs
selling at n httla stronger prices. There
vns also a nrottv fuir demand for light hogs
at about steady prices , as lilcli as St.SS being
mid for somo. The hcivlcsu pnckcrs were
apparently In no hurry to buy. out they
vould bid * 3.703.73. After the shippers
nnd light hog men hod llllcd their orders ,
ho packers wont back on snmo of tholr bids ,
md would offer only W.70 for the best.
Salciuion vero unwilling to nccopt the
irlccs and tha trade was a drag from that
line until the close. Thcro were a few loads
: arrlcd over , salesmen refusing the offer.
There wcro two cotnmonlsb loads of Ne-
jraslta sheep received.
Cattle . 1,000
rrcvi\il iii !
The following Is a tVJloot prioai pild In
hlsmarknt for thi gradai of stoJk mat- :
, ! oncd :
Primostoara. 13'U to 1010 Uu.l.lO © I-M
Good steers , 12V ) to 1 ) lb } . . 8.UJ ( * l.t5 !
lood stcora , 10JJ to 13.K ) Ibi. . . 3.f 3 fifcl.OJ
Western stoera. -.5) ( ( $ J.l5
Common 1UOJ to 1150 Ib steers. 3.0J @ . " > ' )
Common cannera. . . l.OJ ( iflt.51
Ordinary to fair cows 1..T ) ( i51.7. >
. 'v Ir to go J.I onwa 1.7.M \
Good to cholco 03 w l.OJ ii.a'i
Fair to iroo J bulk. . . , 1 , .VJ l < 0 i.03
Lightstbcisers nnd * feeders. . . . 3.2J
Good feeders , DX ) to 110D Ib3. . . :
Fair to choice light nozs 3.75
fair to choice heavy nosi il.70 'n\l \ bi )
. 'air to choice mixed hoifs U.70 ( ( { 3.75
Common to rough hojs 3.23 © 3.53
Itcprc3unt.itivu Silui.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
14 1112 350
10..f.1023 140 2 1240 200
1 KM ) 1 75 1 fl50 2 10
18 1U3 180 21 MS 210
8 M04U 200 20 1010 250
01 802 225 39 877 250
27 9iO 2 40 ' '
0 12" 175 1 112(1 ( 20,1
2 1200 175 'J . . . . . . .1010 2 UO
1 1540 I 73
1 430 2 10
27 724 225
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
22 fcefcrs 1133 250
4'J feeders , . . .1147 2(50 (
Gibson .fc Rosors
70feedera 033 273
Thomas Lynch
80 steers 122J 3 00
I. N. Balrd-
2bulls 1275 1 75
10 cows 1017 300
19 steers 1273 2 UO
Jack Creek Cattle Co.
18 cows . - . . . 042 1 70
1 bull K1SO 2 10
21 feeders 1US 2 1)0 )
Laramlo Iliver Cattle Co
37 cows SU 1 20
83 cows ' .W 1 70
11 steers 1130 2 : n
CO feeders 110'J 2 : ; r
2feoders 1085 2 50
2 steers .1630 25' )
29 bulls 1283 1 GO
William Trouusoll
17 steers 1IG4 333
Thornton .
0 steers 1317 250
2 cows 990 i : : r
John Hunton Co
2 steers CT ( 2 40
2 steers ! ) i"i 2 40
1 feeder 1051 2 21 !
04 feeders 1003 ill ) )
W cowa 1051 1 fill
40 cows 973 2 15
53 , cows 100S 2 15
Tesckemacher & DeUillier
Ifeedcer 1,160 303
' H oowa 92r 1 (15 (
1 feeder 1,010 240
1 feeder 670 240
1 feeder 1.15J 2 40
1 feeder 1,030 .240
Urows-Illft Cattle Co
G9 cows 043 1 85
Chamberlain & Doty
19 feeders 1,1202 10
5steors 1,182 220
Ed Lovelnnd
24COWS 1,180 205
Charles E. Morris
C3 feeders ) , ! ) tO 215
Dcows v..1,210 1 )
Lcifor & Smith
5 cows 931 I 35
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. i'r.
0 . . .340 120 (3 CO 54..300 120 S3 75
4..388 J20 ! l 05 CO..281 200 i ) 75
03..275 280 370 (19..279 ( 80 375
59..289 100 370 01..273 100 373
03. . . 201 40 370 00..255 120 373
03..289 240 370 01..203 120 375
81' . .130 370 03..273 200 375
83..219 350 370 84..219 280 375
53 . . .234 100 370 01..803 100 375
05..299 100 370 00..25S 80 375
57..207 200 370 70..259 40 875
57..814 120 870 69..314 4) ) 3
CO. . . 297 240 870 69..807 SO 380
05..275 200 870 75..255 120 380
53. . . 271 200 870 07 . . .233 41) ) 380
60..290 240 370 09 . . .219 120 3 bO
O2..3r0 120 870 01..233 100 ' 8 80
71..203 80 370 58..275 210 880
71..278 372 03..213 80 860
57..323 2-10 3 72J4 01.,330 40 8 80 *
69..25' ) 210 872)4 ) 59 . . .28t 40 380
OJ..2'J ( > 120 8 72 } 113..259 40 3 SO
75.'J(5J ( 2CO 872) ) $ 03..207 200 880
5..2J 120 3 72)J 53.,240 SO 380
G9..24 80 8 75 59..815 120 880
01..2TO 120 375 09..270 80 8 80
03..294 40 375 01..239 40 8 85
Ijlvo Btook Notes.
Teed & Co. , bad hogs in from Milford.
F. Aldrltt caino in from Friend with cattlo.
AduuiBon & Ford marketed hogs from
Loup City.
Hogs were marketed by Saokott & II. , of
Cedar Rapids.
R A. Morton , of Henderson , la. , had hogs
on the market.
D. L. Campbell came up from Kansas City
to visit the yards.
II. F. Cluscli , of Pierce , had hogs and cat-
tlu on the market.
O. A. Jolinsdn , of Wood Lake , was la with
two cars of cattle.
Lincoln was represented by G , II , Alford ,
wtio marketed cattlo.
A. E. Hill came In from North Park , Col. ,
with a train of cattlo.
Thomas Lynch came In from Whitman
with four loads of cuttlo.
The John Hunton company , of Uva , Wyo. ,
marketed eight curs of cattlo.
R. E. Rogers , representing the Brush
Lake Cattle company , was In from Whit
man with four cars of cattlo.
John Evans , of Emerson , la. , owner of the
East End herd of Polled Angus cattle , was
at the yards looking for feeders. The herd
proper consists of slxty-ttvo animals. Ho Is
at present crossing about four hundred high
grade cows with Polled Angus bulls , while
about five hundred head arq being fattened
for market ,
The packing of hogs Is calculated by sea-
Bens summer , which extend ? , 'irom March 1
to Novom > or 1 , and winter , which extends
from November 1 to March J , The dividing
line lias been drawn nt thcsq dates to repre
sent the Ice cured and weather cured pro
ducts , nnd has no reference to the season for
the manufacture of the "regular" products.
-Dnlly Trade Bulletin ( Chicago. )
The ahlppers.of western Iowa have always
been favorably Inclined toward this market ,
but the fnci'ltlcs for trAn porkatlou wcro so
tncngro In the pint that tnnpy. wcro driven to
RO In the other direction r.iUier than bravo
the delays In coming this way. Thanks to
the efforts of the stock ydrd pooplc , the rail
roads are nil runnlnu trnnis for the spoein.
arcotnmodhtlon of shippers lo this market
What 1ms bee a the result of thlil month
134 cars of stock were received from Iowa as
ngalhst 203 cars for October , 1833.
Produce , KrultH , Ktc.
Enos Strictly fresh , ISo ; soiomU , 14o.
HIDKS , Pr.t.TS , TALLOW. ETC. Green
Baited hides , 4"fc : damaged InJds , 8Vc ; dry
Hint hldos , 7c ; calf hldoj , 6Jji5 ! c ; damaged
hides 2o less ; Micop palts , grcun , each , 25c@
? l.O ) ; shooi ) polti. dry , porlb,7(55l2o ( ; tallow ,
No. 1 , 4c3lkc ; No. 2 , 3@ife ] ; grcaso ,
white , 4 ( < S4J/f ; yellow , .
SusOR Holocna , 4ttio ( ; Frankfort
7c : tongue , 8u : snmtnor , isc ; hcadchocso , 7c.
POUI.TIIV Chickens , per dor. live , hens
$2.75@8. ( > 0 ; BprinKS" " . S3.5003.75 ; dressed
peril ) , 10 ( lloturlceys ; , liv,9J10c ( ! dressed ,
ll@12c ; ducks , live , per doz. $35033.00 ;
drosned per Ib , ll@12c ; goesij , live , par doz ,
tOOOrf ( > 3.00 : urcsaud par Ib , Il@l3o.
LAUD Tierces Ilollnod lie ; pure loaf ,
0 } c ; kcttlo rendered 7r. Add } o to Jtfo for
smaller quantities.
WOOL Fine , uverago , 23i23c ( ; medium ,
nvurago , 21@22o ; quarter blood , nvenxgo , 20
@ 31o ; coarse , nveraio , 15@17u ; cotts and
rough , average , I4$10c. (
Foils Ue.ivcr , each , 53.CKWtO.GO ; ot
ter , each , ? 3.00@7.00 ; wolf , ouch , 50c ®
$1.25 ; coon , oneh , 2.75e ; in In It ,
cncb , in > XiOo ( ; muskrat , fall , O&JUo : skunk ,
rnt , l.Vft. * > tc ) ; badger , rat , 25g30c , door pklns ,
fall , pnr Ib , 18.iirc. ;
LEMONS Fancy , $8.003350 ; choice , $1.50
Tubs , I4e ; rolls , 153.
Coco xUTS-Por 100 , $3.00.
Avi'LU lJuTrr.n Co.
CniEit Uuls , W.iVJ ; lit bbls , $3.00.
Mxi'i.i ; Suavu ISj inu per Ib.
Vi.u.- -Cnolco , medium size , 5 00 ; choice
ho.fvy , 4@3c.
LIVE Pionoxs Pordoz , J1.50.
a .win Pr.tlriu clilckani , S30a@3.r > 0 ; rani-
lard ducks. ? 2.50@3 00 ; mixed ducks , * l.5U@
1 73 ; tonl. SI.M'iai.Ga ; Jack snipe , $1.00 1.25 ;
quail , Sl.75@100 ; ] : irk r.ibblts , $ . ) .0Jf3 ( ) ; 60 ;
small rabbits , $1.UJ@1 2) ) ; siiuirrels , 51.00M
1.10 ; plover , fl.OJfttH.'ij ; vouison s.nlillej ,
18@14e ; carcasses , W.iBIO ' .
MEANS Choice hand-picked navy , $1.75 ®
2.00 ; choice Imml-ptekcd medium. SI.3@1.SO ( ! ;
choice hnnd-plcltcd country , $1.00 ( < Jl.SO ;
clean country , 3l.50@l.bO ; Inferiorscountry ,
CIICESK Young Americas , full cream ,
12o : factory twins , HcJ12 ( c ; off graaei , 7iSl
So ; Van liossun Kdom , $11.50 per doz ; sap
SIRO : , lOe ; brick , lie ; llmburgcr , 9o ; domes
tic Swiss , 13@l4c.
CiuxiiKiiHinsr-Capo Cou. $3.03@10.00.
Oiuxar.s Louisiana , per box , S4.00.
Uucuwni5\T FI.OUH Per bill. , $0.50.
Guvi'cs N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35 ®
40c. ' , ,
AITLKS Per bbl. , Sl.OOiufyoO.
C\MI-01tNIA GlUl'l'.H ? l.5Jil$1.73. (
1'nuis 10 Ib. boss , $ l.7. t3.23.
lUN'ANAS According to size , per bunch ,
$3.00@3.00. _ '
POVISIOXS IIuuis. No. ' 1' , K5-lb. average ,
lOJ c ; 20 to 2J Ibs , lOc ; 12 to 14 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5V/c ; breakfast bUojn , No. 1 , 8J4o ;
liam sausiigc , Uu ; dric ( | bcof hams , So ;
beef tongues , M.OJ par dozen ; dry salt moats , > ; hnin roulette , 0) c ; add lo
pi-r lt > lor small lots.
DHIL-D FnuiTs Currants , now , SJ/c :
prunes , casks , 1,300 Ibs , 4) ) 0 ; prunes , bbls
or bigs , 4 , } c ; citron peels , drums , 20 Itis
2-Je ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs. 17c ; furd
dutcs , boxes , 12 Ibs , 9c ; apricots , choice evap
orated , 14o ; apncots , Jelly , cured , 25H > boxes ,
lOc ; upriuots , faucv. Mount Hamilton , 25-lt >
boxes , llic ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs ,
14) ) u ; apples , evaporated. Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
8j c ; apples , Star , SjS-fo ; apples , fancy
Aluen , 5 Ib. lOc ; anplos , fancy Alden ,
3 Ib , lOJ 'c ; Salt Lake , 9ifo : black-
hcrrles. evaporated. 59 Ib boxes , 6J ( o !
f > ytc.elierries , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pears ,
Calilornia fancy , iCs bjxes , 35 Ib , 12) ) c ;
ucuelies , Cal No. 1 , luncy , M * unp bags , 80
Ibs , 15e ; nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines ,
silver , b.igs , 12c : ' piUod plums , Cal , 25 Ib
boxes , lie ; raspberries , ovop N Y , new. 27c ;
primus , Cal , 11 C. 90-103 boxes , 25 Ibs , tyfc ;
prunos. Cal , II C. 00-70 , 9c ; orange peel , 13o ;
raisins , California LonUons , crop 10sv$2.50 ! ;
raisins , , loose musc-itels , cryp 18S8 , $3.00
( JJ2.10 ; Valencias. IbSS , 9c. ,
HONKY lOc per Ib for obolco.
Pitcsnuvns UJ ( S10o per Ib.
JELLIES l@4j c per Ib.
13i'.BSW\x No.-l , lG9o. }
Pies FIET Picklod. kit * . 75o ; plckioi
uiga tongues , kits , $2 33 ; pickled trips , kits ,
05 ( ; ; pickled II. C. tripe , kir.s , S5e ; splcca
pig hocks , kits , $1.15.
UEKP foNr.unj Salt , bbis , $23.03.
II vv ? 3.00@ 1.00.
Cnoi > Fnni$10 035U.IJ. (
13IUX $80)n3.59. ) (
OATS ] S@lOc.
Coitx 23r ( < ! .JCc.
POTATOES 'iOK23e. , .
Oxioxs 25@OL- : ! .
SAUHII Kiuur Bbbls , $5.00h'f ; bbls , $3.00.
HUTTBU Croauiory , fancy. 22@3Jc ; choice
2U@Jlc. Dairy , fancy , ! 7 ( lSo ; choice , 15
C'SlOe. Country , fancy , 10 > < gl7o ; good to
choice , 14@15c ; fair , 10 ? > llo ; Inferior , 7@3c.
PICKI.US Medium , per bbl. $5.00 ; uial !
$0.00 ; gticrklns. $7.00 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $5.b5 ; pU. 3.1.10.
CANHY y4@l'4 ; c Isr " *
German chickory , red , 71 e.
GISOEII Jamaica , M Pints , $3.00 per doz.
SUUAUS Cut louf , Sjtfcjout loaf.cubes,8' ' e.
standard , powdered , cXXXX ; , nowdcred-
9o : granulated , standard. 2s@7ffc ; confec ;
, lie n era'A. 7 > ' ( fc : white , oxtru C. 7o ; extra
C , Nebraska , O o ; umber , ( % o ; California ,
golden C , OJfo ,
CANMU > MEATS Corned beef , 1 Ib square
cuns , $1.20 : corned beef , 2 Ib square cans ,
$3.05 ; corned beef , 0 Ib square cuns , $0.50 ;
corned bcof , 1I Ib square cans , § 14.00. Lunch
tongues , 1 Ib round cuns. $ .2.00 ; lunch
tongues , 2 Ib round cans , $1.73. Brawn , 1 Ib
square cans , $1.20 ; brawn , 2 Ib square cans ,
$ J 00 ; brawn , 0 Ib square cans , $0.50 ; brawn ,
14 Ib square cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , \yt Ib
round cans , $5.00 ; ox tongues , 2 Ib round
cons , $0.00 ; oxtongues , 8Jf Ib round cans ,
$7.00 ; ox tongues , a Ib round cans , $3.00 :
chipped beef , 1 Ib round cans , $3 ; chipped
' hoof , 2 Ib round cans , 04 ; roast beef , 1 Ib
'round cans. $1,20 ; roast beef , 2 Ib round
cans , $3 ; potted ham , } i Ib round cans , 05c ;
potted hum , J Ib round .cans , $1,20 ; deviled
ham , ! f Ib round c.uis , G5 < i ; deviled hum , %
Ib round cans , $1.20 ; potted ox tongue , \i \
Ib round cans. Ooo ; putted Jox tongue , ) Ib
round cans , $1,20 , compressed hum , 1 Ib
square cans , $1.75 ; cofoprcsscd ham , 3 Ib
Bouaro cans , $3.75 ; triire , t Ib round cans ,
$1.80 ; minced collops , 3 Ib round cans , $3.20 ;
boneless pigs feet , 2 Ib square cans , $3.25.
One pound cans uro packed two dozen and
four to case. Two pouuu cans are packed
ono dozco and two dozen to case. Half
pound cans packed 'two ' dozen to caso.
Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to
cuso. Ail prices per dozen , net.
CANNED Fisn Hroolc trout , 3 12 > , f.40 ; sal
mon trout , 2 Ib. $3.35 ; tilams , 1 Ib. $1.25 ;
clams , 3 lh , $2.00 ; clam fcfipwder , to. $1.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 Ib , $ j.25j ' ( Tevllod crabs , 2 1) ) > ,
$3.50 ; coallsn ballu , 2 lb [ ' V.75 ; caviar. & Ib
$2.25 ; eels , I Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , lib , 11.90 ;
lobsters , 3 Ib , f.3.0. " > ; lobsters , deviled , K "
3.25 ; mackerel , Ib , 41.75J1 mackerel rai. .
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3iuY mackerel , tomato
saucn , 3 Ib , $3.25 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 05u ; oysters ,
Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C , R , lib , 2.09 ; salmon ,
C. It. , 3 Ib , $3.8U ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3,05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
OiLS-Kerosfcne-P. W. , 05 ; W , W , . 12o ;
headlight , 18o ; saiollno , 74 ° , IlKo ; lard No.
1.450No. . 2,41o ; salad oil , $1.25t < 9.00 per
doieu ,
CoFFEE-Greoa Fancy , old golden Rio ,
22o ; fancy old poaberry , 23o ; Hlo choice
to fancy , 2.2o ; Klo , prime , 21u ; Ulo , good ,
20o ; Mocha , 80o ; Java , fancy Maudoliling ,
38o ; Java , good Interior , 24o ; African. 21o.
COFFEE Uoasted Arbucklo's Anosa ,
BJVo ; Dilwortb. 23 'o : Alaroma , iii
Fisu-sJ Dried codtlsh,5j ! @ 8Ho ; scaled
herring , 24o per box ; dot. nernntf. doui. , 5o ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.60 ; hoi. herring ,
imp. , 80o ; maoterel , largo family , 110.25 per
100 tba ; whin HD , No. 1. $7.00 : family ,
$3.75 ; trout , $ 25 ; Baltnon , W.&O : anchovies ,
rtrrfl Almovd * . 1B ( < ? 1705 Urntlls , lee ; ill *
bcrts , lie ; pecans , lOa ; walnuts , I'-Jfc ; pea
nut COCUA , S'foj ro.istoJ , lOJlo ; Tonncssoo
peanuts , 7o.
Wiuppisn PAPRH Straw , par Ib , tjf ®
S.i o ; rag , SJfj ; manlllo , , 5QO , o ; No. 1
CSjitT-Dalry , C533 Ibs m bbl , bulk , $3.10 ;
best crndo , 00 , 5s , fi.W ! : best Rr.ido , 100. 3s ,
f3.40i grade , 33 , 10 * , ja.'O ; roc salt ,
crushed , ll.UO ; dairy snlt/Ashton , M-lb bapi ,
8c ; bulk , 8iMb bngs , $3.33 ' , common , in
bbls. Jl 25.
PAitiKAcnoDs OOOBS Uarloy , Jl ( < ? 3 oj far-
intv , 43 0) ) PCOS , 8 , ' o ; oattnoal , 2Jf@5o ; mac-
dironi , lie ; vormlciilll , llo ; rlco , aj 'O'o ;
sngo nnd tnplocn , flJ7c ( ( ,
SALSODV Utf 3Ho per Ib ,
STAIICH 5@i"o uer Ib.
biovis POLISH $ iOO@3.87 per gross.
Si'iCF.s Whole , jior Ib Allspice , Oo ; Cos-
sin , Chlnn , Oo ; cloves , Ponnnif , 2So ; nut-
mi'g * , No. I , 75o ; popper , ISdSlOo.
T\vlncs and Kopo.
' TWINB Sisal , I8o ; hemp , Ho ;
mnnlllii , inc.
Ci.OTiiEaiixi:3 Cotton , 60 ft. Jl.20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 ! Jtlto , 50 ft , Wo ; Jute , 110 ft. 11.00.
COTTOX TWIXK Vino. 20o : medium , lOJ o ;
licnvy hemp , Uo : light ncmt ) , 17c.
BAIL TWISR-U , sail , 20o ; Calcutta , l-lo ;
Manilla rope , Ho ; sisal rope , ll o ; new
procnst , 8)40 ; Jute , 0) ) cr cotton ItJo ; hldo
rope , 17o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ijiitnbor nnd Itiillllttii ; Material.
STOCK Hoxiins A , 12 Inch , a 1 s 14 and 1C
feet , f 10.00 ; 11 13 inch , s I H 13 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$41,00 : O 12 Inch , s 1 n 13 , 14 ami 10 foot ,
$30.00 ; 13 12 Inch , n 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet.
$ .M.OO : No. I com 13 In , s 1 s 13 feet , $18.00 ;
No. 2 com 12 In , s 1 H 14 nnd 10 foot , $ I7.50@
18.nO ; No. 1 com 13 In. s 1 8 10 , IS and 80 ft-ct ,
$10.50 ; No. 3 coin 13 in , s 1 s 14 and It ) f cot ,
I'ori.Ait LuMiiKH Clear poplar box bds. J < f
in , s 3 s , $35.00 ; clear poular , % piinul ,
$30.00 ; clcur poplar , % In panel , S.-.YOOj clear
poplar , > < j In panel stoftk wide , s 2 s , $23 00 ;
clour popuir norrtigatod uollmg , % . $ 'D.OO.
POSTS Whlto cedar , 0 inch halves , 12o ;
white cud r , 5'4 inch halves anil S inch nuar-
tors , lie ; will to cedar , 4 Inch round , lOc ;
Totiiiesseo rod cedar , spilt , lOo ; upllt oak ,
white. So ; sawed oak , 17o.
StiuLAi'No. . 1 | ) l.iin,8 and 18 Inch , $17.50 ;
No. 3 plain , 8 mid 10 Inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O
G , $18.00.
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft yo ft 2J ft 24 ft
2x4. . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1000
2)t0..15th ) 1500 15 OJ 1000 1000 1300 1SI 00
2x8. . . . 15 OJ 15 00 15 00 10 00 111 00 18 00 19 00
2x10. . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 111 00 1800 1U 00
2x12. . . 15 ( H ) 1000 15001000 10001800 1000
4x48x8.10001003 1000 1700 1700 1800 1000
FBN'CIXO No. 1 , \ and 0 inch , 13 and 14 ft ,
roURh , $ W.OU@ 10.50 ; NO. 1.4 uud 0 inch , 10ft ,
S17.000il7.50 ; No. : J , 4 nnd I1 , Inch , 12 mid JO ft ,
? ii.50jgl4.00 ; ( ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 ft , $15.00
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st and 3d , 1J inch , s 2 s ,
aOiKrtul.OO ; Island 2J clcnr , 1 and 2 inch ,
s2n , * 47.00@50.UJ ; 3d clear , 1 } Inch , s 3 B ,
SI3.00@40.00 ; 1J select , 1 , \ ± i and 2 inch , s
3 s , JJr.00@a3.00 ; 1st and 2J clear , 1 Inch , s 3
s.43.0J , 3J clear , 1 inch , s2s. SM.OO ; A so-
Icct. 1 Inch , s 2 n , $33.00 ; H select , 1 inch , s 3
s , $30.00.
6niNGi.cs , LATH Per M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra "A * . $ i.OJ ; standard A , $2K ( ) ; 5-lnoh
clear , $ l.tWC 8U"i > ; 0-Inch clear , ? 1.75@1.80 :
No. 1 , 51.10@1.1. > ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $ J 41) ) ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $4. 50 ;
cvpress , clcur heart , dimension widths$3.25 ;
lath. § 2.50.
HoAitns No. loom s 1 s 10 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 , do , $10.60 ; No. 3 , do , $ li.50 ;
No. 4 , do ( shl | > 'a cull ) , Sll.OJ. Add 50o per
M ft for rough.
lialts , 2mch , Olc ) ; O. O. Baits , 2-j'3 , ss ,
5c ; 3-in tvoll tubing , D.&M. and bov , i.i3.10 ;
pickets , D. & H. , flat , $2J.OO : pickols , D. &
II. , Biinaro. SIO.OO.
Fi.ooittsa 1st com 0-m white plno. $34.00 ;
2duomOit ! white pine , $31.00 ; 3J com C-ln
white pine , $20.00 ; L ) com C-in white uinu ,
$20.00 ; com 4 and C-in yellow pine , * 15,0 ( ) ,
Slur 4-in .yellow pine. $17.00 ; 1st and 3d clear
yellow pine , 4 and 0-in , $10.00.
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2d comln
whlto pine partition , $ ir.03 : clear % \ \ \ yellow -
low pluo ceiling. $20.00 ; clear % -ln Norway ,
$ ! 4.5'J ; 2d com % -in Norway , $12 50.
LI.MI : licst , b5.
CEMRST $1.35.
Pi.vsrcit S'J.25.
HAIII 20c.
Uuii.uisn Lliucic Common , $0.00@7.00 per
M ; selected. $7.0Q@S.OO per M ; sewer brick ,
$ S.OO ( < ! 9.00 per M.
Dry Goods.
PniNTS Pinlc and Robes Richmond , Oc ;
Allen , Oo ; Riverpoint , 5Wo ? ; Steel River ,
0 > c ; Pacilic , OJtfo.
1'iiiNTS Indigo Blue St. Loger , OJ c ;
\Vushington , Cc ; American , ( il c ; Arnold ,
G } c ; Arnold Century , 9o ; Windsor Gold ,
iVt. 10)40 ; Arnold B , I0 > c ; Arnold A , 12e ;
mold Gold Seal , lOj c ; Yellow Seal , lO c.
COMFOltTl'.its S0.50f ( 35.00.
Coimvr JEANS Boston , 7c ; Androscog-
gin , 7J c ; Kcarsago , 7Jfc ; Uonkport , O c ;
Concstogn , 0) ) < jC.
CitAsu Stevens' 13 , GKc ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , So ; Slovens' P , 7J e ; bleached ,
85/c ; Stevens' N , 8Je : bleaclied , 9Kc ; Sto-
Vous' SUT , HJsJc.
DEMSIS AmoaKeag , 9 oz. IG'ijO ; Everett , 7
oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; Huymuker , 8) ) < jO ;
Jaffroy , XX , HKc ; Juffrey , XXX , 12 > .Jc ;
Beaver Creole , AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook , BI3 ,
lie ; Beaver Crock , CC , 10e.
GINGHAM Plunkett , checks , Oj eVhit ; -
tonton , OKo ; York , 7i o ; Normandl dzoss ,
" " ; Culcutia dross , 7 > Jc ; U'liiitenton dress ,
Ronlrcw dress , bl , < J@12) o.
RTIXO , BI.K voiiim Ellerton
HousekecDcr , 8Vc ; Now Candidate ,
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , Oc ; ou Bet.i 4 ,
c ; buttnr cloth , OO , 4Jfc ; ao. 7o ;
Farvvell , half bleached , 8J o ; Fruit of Loom ,
Sjtfc ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > jc ; King Philip
cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lons-
dale , &xc\ \ New York mills , lOo ; Pcpporell ,
43 In , IDo ; Pepparell in , lie ; Peppercll ,
0 4 , 14J c. Poiiperoll , 8-4 , 30c ; Pcpporell. 9-4 ,
22o ; Popporoll , 10-1 , 2Jo ; Canton , 4--1. 8 c ;
Canton , 4-4 , UJ < fc ; Triumph , ( Jo ; Wuuisuttu ,
Jlu ; Valley , 5o.
SIICKTINO , BIIOWN Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7//o / ;
Atlantlo H. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantio D , 4-4 , OJfo ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4.4 0 ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O o ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4. 6o ; Old Dominion , -1-4 ,
5 > < c ; Pcprierell , U , 4-4 , 0 > fo ; Pepporell E ,
40-itich , 7 o ; Popperell , 8-1 , 17Kc ; Pop-
ercll , 0-4 , 'JOc ; Pepporell , 10-1 , 22o ; Utlca C ,
4u : Wnchusotts. 4-4 , To ; Aurora U , 4 4 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , OUf.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7WC ; Intornatlonal ,
YY , 8c ; Shetucket , S,8 o ; Warrati , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Berwick. BA , 18u : Acme , lUo ; York ,
80 In , I2 o ; York , 32 In , 13tfo ; Swift River.
So ; Thorndike , OO , 8Kc ; Thorndiko , EF ,
8J ; Thoriidiko , 130. 9 o ; Thornaiko , XX ,
15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , y' ' o ; Cordls , No. 4 ,
West Point , 28 In , 8 oz , 0 > o ; West
Point. 29 m. 10 oz , 12 0 ; West Point , 29 In ,
1'i oz. 15 0 ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
FI\NNIIS Plaid Raftsmen , UOc ; Clear
Lake , 30o ; Iron Mountain , 20J < o.
PHI.NTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , O o ; Garner oil , 0@7c.
SiiiiiTiNU CIICUKS Caledonia X7 9 c ; Cal
edonia XX , lO o ; Economy , 9o ; Otis. 9o ;
Granite , 0o ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , &Vc.
KiANNBM-Whltq-O. H. No. 3 , Jf , 2 o ;
G , H. No. 1 , J > / , 20 0 ; G. H. No. 3 , K , 2J' o ;
G. H. No. 1 , jJf.yOu ; Qiicohea No. 3 , J4' , 32 > fo ;
Quecheo No. 2 , 9f , 37Mc ; Anawan , SJHo :
NV'indsor , 22 c.
.FI.INNRM Red C , 31 Inch , 16tfo ; E , 21
inch , 21 0 ! G. G. 24 Inch , 20o ; II. A. F. * { ,
25o ; J. R. l \ X , 27o ; G. % , 25o.
lUrrs Standard , 80 ; Gem , 80 ; Beauty ,
12 < 4o ; Boone , He ; B , cased , eo.SO.
lii.ANKETS White ' , $1.00VJ7.50 ( ; colored ,
CAUI-ET WAUP Bibb , white ,
COTTON PI.ASSBI.S 10 Ipor cent trade Uls.j
EB , 8o ; GG. O c ; XX , lO c ; OO. ll o\ \
unbleached LL , B > fo ; CC , 0/fc ; SS , 7c ;
NN , 12Ko ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15a ; TT. U o ;
YV. llic ; B13 , 19o ; 20 , .bleached , 8Koi M ,
12/c ; 60 , 18 > c ; 60 , brown aud slate , 'Jo ; 70 ,
12Ko90 ; , lOo.
KENTUCKY JJMNS Hercules , 17o ; Leam-
lnggtio22Ko ; Glenwpod , SOu ; Molvlllo , 23o ;
Batctip,27 c ; Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint ,
18o : Durham , 27 c.
MisciuA.NiOUH : Tublo 611 cloth. $2.GO ;
table oil cloth , marble , $2 50 ; plain Holland ,
OVfoj dado Holland , 13j < c.
J'w.NTS Dress Charter Oak , 5o ; Ramnpo ,
4o : Lodl , fi'/o ; Allan , Co ; Richmond , Cu ;
Windsor , 0' ' < o ; Eddystone , O oj Pacific ,
Driica anil Oliciulcnlu.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , BJi'o : cltrlo ,
per pound , 51o ; oxalic , per pound , 14o ; tar-
tarlo povvdorod , per pound , 43o ; carbolic , 83
Aum Per pound , 2Kc. Carbonate , per pound ,
Annownoor Per pound , loo.
BM.SOH Copaiba , per ixiund , CSc ; tohi , 53
© Me.
Ucfincd , per pound , llo.
. Am. , per | Nund , SSc.
CCIIRII llKitiuns Jl.uO.
CASTItAUIDF. ? 75c@tl.OX
CASSIA Buns Per potiuil , ISo.
Cnroitoroit Per pound , 41o.
Connosivn UUHMMATB Per pound. SSo.
CitnAM TAUTAU Pure , per pound , 29c.
EXTIIACT Loan eon Bulk , per pound ,
KitnoT 45c.
GUM An vine 6fl@93 .
LYCOPOllll'M ' 44H.
GiAcnitiNE Bull : , per poutid , 23c
GUM Asafootlda , per poiiad. Ho ; cam
phor , per pound , 40o ; opium , per pound ,
lonmr. Rcsubllmatod , per ounce , $ .1.30.
LEAVES Huchu , short , par pound , 13c ;
Scnnn , Alex. , per pound , 2i3c. ;
Moni'itu Sulph. , psr ounce , fJ.OO.
POTASH Urotnldo , per pound , 41o ; lodltlo ,
per pound , $2.SS.
QutNH Sulph , , per ounce , 40o.
Sunns Canary , per pound , 4J < c.
Sotrs Castllo. mottled , pcruoundSS10o ( ;
STHTCII.VI A Crystals , $1.00(7 ( $ ! . 15.
Sut.rii. CINCHONA Per oz , OtiiUc.
TAPIOCA Per pound , Go.
TONKA Bu\xs-1.70@l.75.
WAX White , per pound , 05(453o.
OILS Lmsoca , raw , 59o ; Linscod , boiled ,
1 o ; Borgattiot , oiiiulorson's , per pound ,
S ° ,45 ; Lemon , Snndorsoii's , per pound , $1.35 ;
I'onpormmt , pnr pound , $2.35 ; Wlntorgrcon ,
per pound , $2.15 ; Ollvo , Malaga , per gal.
U5o ; Headlight , 175 test , 15' a ; Gasoline , 73
degrees l'ej : ' Naptha , 03 degrees , 12o ; 150
prime whlto , lOo ; 150 water white , 12o ; Per
fectlon , lie ; Lardlnc , 30o ; Summer , W. Va.
lie ; XoroV. . Va. , 10c ; 1. X. L , dark en
glue , 20o ; Carbon , snow \vhlto , 150 do
grccs , 10 > c ; Turpetitlnu , 54c.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
: tos south itih :
Capltnl , ' - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Oniccrs and Directors K. M. Mor oman , (1
SI. Hitchcock , Jos. Oarncau.Jr. , A. Henry , ] {
it. Anderson , Wm. U.Muul. v uroi. ; I , . It. Will
alms. A. I ! , lloiiklns. pros. ; A. Mlllard. cnsnlvr ;
lII. . ilryant , nsslatanc cashier.
Capital . $400,000
Snrjijiis Jnn , 1st , 1880 . 52,001) ,
HCNKV W. YATBS , I'resltlont.
Lnwis S. Riti > . Vice I'resldent. 3
A. U. TOU/.AMN ,
It. C. ClMlHNO ,
W. II. S. HtJOUES , Casuier.
Cor. 12th ami Farnam Sts.
A General Uantlng Duslnoss Iransacteil.
Correspondence solicited. .
, , a , Bankers ,
103-163 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
7O State Street. BOSTON.
Boots and Qhooa.
Successors to Itced , Jonci &Co.
Wholesale Hannftctnrers of Bets : & Slioes
Ageot * for Boston Itubbcr Shoe Co. , 1103. HOI and 1109
llamer tilrcot , Om lia. Kebraika.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1KJ1 North Eluhtcintli Btrvat.Omiiba , Nb.
Mannf-ctarers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
WlmloiT-cap , nnd motnllokirlliihli , Jolm Kpenetcr ,
propnetor. ! C8aiid llJKouili idtli trent.
8toamFJttlnB8JPumps , Elo.
Pmnps , Pipes ana" Engines ,
Btttm , water , rnllwnr nnd mlnlnn luppllfi , eto.
( Wm \ and V211'arimni , ti ut , Omolia.
Steam and Water
[ lalllJaj wind mill , , 013 and 02fl Jonca it , , Omaba ,
U. r. icon , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
Bnest-lron work , ateam pump , , uw mill , . 121J-1215
l.caienwcrtU ttrvet , Omulra.
Iron Works.
Wrougnt and Cait Iron Building Wort
nglnc , , bra i work' general foundrrmachine aad
liUciiinlili norK. Ofiiea tml work , , U. I' . Uf ,
and mbttrect , Omalia.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railinis
Uetkralli.'rlQilowguanU. Honor itand , , nlrailgm , ,
etc. 12INurtuloili > trootUinalia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vault , , lall work , Iron abuttert aad flro ei pt .
U. Audieen. urop'r. Corner Kfu aud Jack , on , u ,
Wboloalo manufacturer , of
SasnBoors , , Bliuds and Mouldings ,
Branch offlce , ntb aid Iiard ttieeU. Omtka , Ned.
Of iioutii Omalia , Licntcl
Agrloulturt.l Implomonta.
lUrtotill'l ' Iiniilciiionls , Wagons , Garrlagci
i , etc.YhotMiTe. . Oronha , NebrMka.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dcalcfs In Furniture ,
Kitrnmn itt t , OmMm. N'o
.Fnrailnra ,
.Omnhn , X
AtcCOlW , UHAUY , t CO. ;
Wholesale Grocers ,
orth troctt. Onuhn. N bt Mt .
ir. J\
Heayy HMwaro , Iron and Steel ,
Mnnuraelunn and joiners In
Waioas , Buggies Rake ) , Plows , Etc.
Cor. i'UMul ' 1'nclflo troet , Omaha.
Artlota * Mntorlnlo.
A. nObl'I ! , Jr. ,
Arlists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 l.'ouRlns ilroot , Omnba , Nebrnsktv.
Boots and Shoos.
ir. V. MOUSE A CO. ,
Jotte of Boots anil Slices ,
1101,11W , 1105 Douclns itrcot , Omnlia. Mnnufuctorr ,
Bummer street , notion.
Conl , CoUo , Eto.
Minors and SMnnsrs of Coal art Coi
lloom'1 II.hsii , in 'I'll I'd II < , OnviiA. _
Joijtc.s oi Hard fctti liju Coal ,
an Houtli 13ti ! ctroot , Omaha , Kobrnikk.
Snipers of Coal anil Cok
214 South 13tli it. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumlier , Eta
Imported and American 1'orllanJ "omcut. StaM
agent lor Mllwmik ( uliidrnu luctiuontanil
( jnlniy wml lime. _
Oil AS Ii. LEK ,
Dealer in HaiM Liinte
Wood carpets nud pnrqui't lloor.nB. lilt ac\d Dongla *
ntiecti , Omalia , Kc\j. \
OMAHA Luunnn co. ,
All Kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wholesale
IStU atrcot and Union Pacific track , Omalia.
Dialer in Lnrater , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doora , Ktc. Yard Corner 7th nd Doualaa. OBlet
Corner 10th and Poumai.
Lnmlr Limp Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer Oth and Doutlas sti. , Oinab- _
(7. A" . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13tn and California ttrccli , Omaha , J ' braak .
Imiiorters & Jolihers in Millinery & Notions
203. 211) ) anil 212 South IItit ulroct.
Wholesale Notions and Fimiisliins Gouds ,
1174 Ilnrncjr Street , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpaclaltloi Iluttcr , fen , cbccso. poultry ,
1112 Howard itrcct , Omaliii , Nob. _
_ Dry Copcls and.NotlonB.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods garnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. 11th itreot , Omaha , Neb * .
Importers & Jokers in Dry Goods , Notions
Geit'a woo.l * . Corner lltli uud Llarnel
atruvta , Uraalia.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' tool and DulTMo icale , . KM Uoujflaa
atrcut , Omaua , Kob. _
Toys , Eto.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobber , of
Toys , Dolls , Alhurns , Fancy Gooft ,
furnlshlnK goods , ehlldrcn'a carrlaRC , . 1MI
r arnum , truot , Omalaa , M ) b.
Wholesale Retired and Lnhricating Oils ,
Ail * greato , etc. . Omaha. A. H. Plihop.
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
Cam a nice , lock of prlntlnwrapping and nrltlafl
1 auaalloaxlroa o c ra paper
Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul'R'y ' ,
TLo Ileut Route from Omnba and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Bock Island , Fieeporl , llockforil ,
Clinton , DubiHjue , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Junmllle ,
llclolt , Wlnoiia , La CYossc ,
Aa < l all otbtr Important point * Katt , Mortti ait and
For through ticket * call en the lltket agent at JtO ]
TBrnam Mreet , In liarkur lilook , or At UiilOB I'ncifla
1'n 11 root ) gleipari and the tlneit Dining Cart In th
vorMaru run on the Dialnllnu ot the ihlcago , MIL
waukea 4Kt. 1'aul llallwuy , unit ererj atttiitlon U
pMil lo pauL'u eri ur couruuui cuiplajgi o ( tti
K.MII.UCII. Ooner * ! Mananer.
j. K.TIICKKK , AulitintUoDorat MnnaR r ,
A. V. U. CAltl'KNTKlt , UniierM 1'uteniier and
Ticket Auent.
Ol'.0.1C. IlKAFfOBI ) . AuUlaai Reoeril I'MKngU
nilltcket Airont.
TJOLAUKCHoeral8atiirlntnrtoni. .
" -
Wlicu you are buyluit plot et rtmtmlxr that there It
ucli a MiluB&i a price that
li too c > ituIt It tietierto
pay H fair | > rlco aud net
good uloven Ilku llutcli *
Blnvuu'v. Thvy aru inailo-
rfroiii wlecletl ikluilalhul
run I fil to be the most !
crrlccatilo inu'le. Ifjoui
waut to know more about'
Klovta In general and
In | > ari liar , Ancloso
tainpfurtho l > o k About
( Jlove > . II will Intcati
. you. KtTlULUIIEU 1W2.
IQUX C. ilUXCUIMBOM , J.twtenu , N. V.