rwB If n 8 THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE : ! TUESDAY , NOVEMBEK 5. 1889. THECITY. Chlof Sonvoylssucilnn his inon to puurd the various voting plncca to-dny. C. C. Spotswood trnnsforrod lots 14 to 18 In Wright Plnco to E. B. Bnrtlctt ycsterdny. the consideration hclng 821,000. Coopers union , No. 1 , of this city nnd South Omnlm. will hold a ball at Row ley's hull , in South Omalm , TlmnKsglv- Ing eve , for the benefit of tlio society. Amended nrtlclcs of incorporation were filed with the county clerk chang ing the nnmo of the Fowler Elevator nnd Mill Food company to the Fowler Elcvntor company. The Omaha Loan nnd Trust Company Savings bunU Illcd amended nrtlclcs of incorporation yesterday , providing thnt the allalrs of the bank shall bo con ducted by a board of diructors of sovcn stockholders , and by u president , vice- president nnd treasurer. William H. Lozlor , the flftoen-ycar- old sou of I. II. Lozior , the cable con ductor , 'dlod Sunday of consumption. Tlio funeral services will bo hold at Heafoy & Heafoy's at 10 a. m. to-dt\y. \ The interment takes plnco at Laurel Hill. f Pcrsonnl I'nraarnphs. S. D. nvons , of Watcrloo.'ls at the Pnxton U. N. Howcll , of Lincoln , Is n guest tit the Casoy. J. U. names , of Norrollt , Is a guest at the Millnrd. C. S. Hrown , of Lincoln , is stopping at the Mllhml. C. L. Sturdovant , of Atltlnson , la nt the Milliard. Mrs. Maon GrogR , of Lincoln , la nt the Pnxton. B. P. Locl.-e , of Norfolk , Is stopping nt tbo Muri ny. , Clmrlca Matter , of Madison , la nt tbo Murray. J. F. Allen , of Fremont , la a guest at thn Murray. J. M. Mnrsh , of Grand Island , is a guest at the Paxton. N. 8. Harwood , of Lincoln , Is stopping at the I'axton. n. J. Kllpitrick ; , of Beatrice , m a guest at the Pnxton. V. Allyn , of Broken Bow , Is stooping at the L'axton. W. It. Ucnnla and con , of Lincoln , are at the Murray. \V. P. Wntnsloy , of Alnsworth , ia stopping t tlio Casoy. J. Johnson , of Nebraska City , is registered nt the Ciisoy. E. F. Highland , of Nebraska City , Is stop ping at the Murray. A. J. Finlayson nnd W. II. Hicks , of Blair. are registered nt the Murray. W. II. Schildnccht and W. A. Humphrey , of PlaUsinonth , arc at the Casey. J. D. Kilpiitrlclr , wife , son und daughter , of Beatrice , ore guests at the Paxton. Berscnnt Fnl > ynn Wins tlio Modul. At the compotltivo drill of the Omaha guards lust night Sergeant Fabyan won the medal for the third time , and is now its pos sessor. Headache , neuralgia , dbzincss , norvous- neis , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kulm & CO.'B , 15th and Douglas. Nn Bidders. . The property on which the county taxes nro delinquent , was offered for sale by Coun ty Tioasurer Bolln yesterday morning. U'hcro wcro no bidders. Annulled 011 a Car. John Norburg , a DalhlT'ln'tho district court , was arrested yesterday on the Charge of assaulting William Vaughn on a street ear , and also for using loud and profauo language. Clntniiitt Bound Over. J. H. Clumpltt , the man who shot Carl Paul , the slx-.vear-old son of Henry Paul , of Elk horn precinct , was tried buforo Justlco Dunn yesterday afternoon and hold in $1,000 bonds to the district court. Only $250,000. The city comptroller has the appropriation ordinance for October ready for presentation to the council this evening. It provides lor the payment of nearly a nuarta of a mil lion dollars from the various city funds , the amount frutn tlio paving fund nlono being 108,000. - Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrun for children teething produces natural quiet sloop. 25 cents a bottlo. Woninn'H UP liiif Corpi Ball. Phil Sheridan Woman's Uollef Corps , No. 68 , will give n prand ball in their hall , corner Saundcrs nnd Paul streets , Friday evening , November S. A .very pleasant und enjoyable tlmn is expected , and all are cordially invited to attend. Our of NolmiHku Paul Theme , the man whoshot Jack Cross at Cut-ofl lulto n few weeks ago , was dis charged by Justlco Dunn yesterday on the prouiuls that the crime wui committed in Pottawntamlo county , Iowa , ond. that the case \\iis out of u Nebraska justice's juris diction , Ijcnvo of Absence. Leave of nbsunco for one month _ liri3 boon granted Second Lieutenant James M. Arra- Binltli , Second Infantry. Fort Ouinhu , Nob. , to take effect November 10 , 1SS9. Leave of absence for ona month , on certifi cate of disability , has also been granted Captain F. Beers Tnylor , Ninth cavalrv , Fort Koblnson , Neb. Utoilrdlo K < ir in fi-N. The Farmers' Protective Association of Douglas county met In MoArdlo precinct Sunday night. It wasngrcod that hereafter regular meetings shall bo hold on the second Sunday of each month. Inasmuch iu this Is the season of the year when the most potty thieving Is goln ? on , ft was advlned that the deputy sheriffs bo placed on tholr guard. Cushman' & Menthe inhaler cures catairh , licmliielio , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever. Trial f reo at your druggist. Prlco 50 cents. A Itoclc Foundation. The St. Paul & Omaha a few days ago started to sink a well at Its round house at North Omaha. At a depth of iiO foot solid rock was struck and pierced with a drill for I 25 foot. It Is supposed that the rock is at i Jcust 1,000 feet thick. Years ago quarries worn worked near tiioro. It is on this bed of rock that the now railway urldpo will have its foundation. Mnrrliiun Licenses were lsiuo < i to the following parties by Judge Shields yesterday : Kama und Uesulcnco. Age. ( SauiuolM. Channel , Omalm . 33 I Lulu Wolfe , Ouiaha . * . , , . 3d J Charley E. Carlson , Omana . 31 ( Kmnm A. Carlson , Omaha . ! il ( Joseph E. Groenough , Omalm . 35 I Mury Mennard , WHUaumntIc , Conn . 85 j Antonla Povondrn. Omaha , . ,23 ( Anuio Papls , Omaha . , Tim iMovinu I'nlnoo. Motor car , No. 1 , of the now olcctriu sys tem that has been on exhibition In the St. Louis exposition for several weeks , arrived nt , the power house at Nineteenth and Nicholas las yesterday morning , looking a littlu the worse for wear , It was the only article nt the exposition representing Omaha entorprUo , but it proba bly attracted a * much attention OH anything In the display. Tons of thousand * of visit ors rode on It. nnd thcro was a coiibtant crowd near tuo moving beauty waiting for a chance to ride. It was often rein irked that the car was one of the best advertisements Omaha could have made. Don't buy trashy imitations. Got the genuine Hcd Cross Cough I1K PUSH'S WKbU Senator MnndorsonSpenle * on Bavcral IntrrcfttltiR Hulvlaotn. ' Senator Mandorson returned from Wash ington yesterday nnd shortly after his arrival \vns mot at the Mlllard , 'I have nothing In the nhnpa of news about matters at the capital not already known , " said tlio senator. "Tlio spcakership is absorbing ' sorbing moro attention , of course , than anything - thing else and will bo tbo chief table of In terest until settled. " "Bow do you regard the situationl" "Well , Uced and McKlnloy nro the strong cardldatcs. Each has about the same Mrcngth and neither commands cnouph to elect him. This naturally leaves tlin friends of other tifnlrnntB , for instance , Henderson nnd Canon , very hopeful. Tney anticipate that after it has Leon fully demonstrated that neither Itucd nor McKluluy can bo elected unless the supporters of one go to tha other , It will bo much easier for thorn to affect a combination favornlilo to ono of the lessor tights. I don't sav , however , that cither Heed or McKlnloy can conltol bin fol lowers sunicicntly to uccp them from nolng to the other. So far as I have boon able to ascertain , the contest Is a very friendly ono. 1 think the republican members will hold their first caucus about the Qjth of this month. " "According to rcoorts , senator , you hal quite n tilt with tho. civil scrv'lco commis sioner , Morgan. " "Oh , that little nffnlr was considerably magnified. I Old however , enter n complaint ncnlnst having n physician .to the Omnh'a- Wlnnobago Indian agency appointed from another state and credited to Nebraska , ho- cause wo have enough good and competent men of our own who nro entitled to nil places that belong to us. The Interview lasted about two hours , nnd probably I did some plain talking. Air. Morgan's cxcuso for his tiction \va- > that bo could not , Und any application on file , recommended by the Nebraska delega tion. tion."I "I asked him how ho expected the delega tion to recommend when they had not been notified that a vacancy was to occur. "Bo rcgrnts the affair very much , nnd on my arrival homo I ilml n letter from him stating that ho would llko to ace me when I return to Washington. "Thcro is nothing now In regard to Ne braska nopolntmcnts. I said nothing to the president about changes lit either the Omaha postafTlco or the United States district , at- torneyshlp. Thcro nro no complaints apalnst the men oceupvlng these places at present , and probably nothing will bo done rcgatding thorn Until after congress meets. "I called to see Attorney General Miller about approving tlio tltlo to the now alto for Fort Omaha , but ho was not in the city. Ihm matter is now In his ofllcc , und us dclnv is duo entirely to the pressure of business. " "What do prectior tails 'bout to-day brud- dor Julius ! " ' -Oh. he tolu 'bout Samson beat no Philistines , en you know I mn o cry to think them poor crcotcrs couldn't got no Sal vation Oil. " Bewaio of now remedies for coughs ! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has stood the test for forty years. _ LET UKLIj ENOUGH AliONE. J ud co Dundy's StiKgcstinn to Possible DIsscntcrH. Judge Dundy made a pertinent rornarkycs- tcrday inorningon complaints winch , it Is ex pected , will bo made ngatqst the appraise ment of property on the now postoillco slto. "It will stand tboao fellows well in hand , " snid bis honor , "to keep their eyes open about appealing from the awards. If they do appeal , it will require- sixty days time to pet their cases ready for trial. ThlH would throw them Into January , and transfer their hearing from Omaha to Lincoln , where the court will then bo In ses sion. ' 'Furthermore. I can toll Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Byron Heed that it will bo u very hard matter for them to got a jury composed of men from all parts of the ntuto , xvho can be convinced that nny lot of ground in that block Is worth WD.OOO. " " That is a fact. " replied Mr. Henry Esta- brook.who ofllciatod as ono of the appraisers. "Wo were ns liberal as it was possible for us to bo and , In every instance , gave the prop erty owners , not only the bcncllt of every doubt , btit all the advantage. " As yet , no complaint has bccn.illed , nnd the court has no knowlcdco that thcro will be any. _ The ninic it mi the onice. The Tyler Desk Co. , of St. Louis , Mo. , and the Tyler System , of Bunk Counters. The banker need no longer pjivo half his capital for fixtures. The modern otllco can bo furnished with lovely debits , &c. , at rates that will encoura'go prepress - press and improvement. Tyler's Royal Typo Writer Cabinet and Desk Com bined are now within the roach of every operator. Send for their catalogues. See adv. in this issuo. PAXTOX HOTI : & , OMAIIA Special at tention lo commercialmen. . Finest and largefet hotel in the west. Kittrcdgo & Brainard , proprietors. CKNTEXNIALi. Tlin Nebraska Dcle iHloii Which Will ACiond Ir. On next Thursday the Nebraska delega tion to the Catholic contcnnlal will leave this city in a special car for Baltimore. It will consist of the folio wing gentlemen : John A. McSbano , John A. Creighton , A. Gllmoro , John Baumor , John W. W. Paul , Vincent. Burkley , D. J. O'Donahuo , W. A. ti. Gibbon , Dr. Kinslur , John Hush , Patrick Ford , C. W. Hamilton J. P. English , T. J. Mahoney , James P. Halo , John B. Furay , Charles F. Taggart , M. V. Gannon , T. F. Brennan and ' 1 ho in as Swift. The party will bo accomnanlcd by Bishop Bonncum , of Lincoln , and several other cler gyman. At Chicago , the delegation will bo joined by the ucluates from that place , Minneapolis , St. Paul anil Milwaukee - waukeo and the Daltotas. The delegates will then truvol on a special train to the con vention city. Bishop O'Connor , notwithstanding his recent illness , will bo present at the con vention , though ha will leave this city in nd- vancn of the delegation to attend the re ception ns a novlco of the Sisters of Mercy nt Pittsburgof Miss Drexel , of Philadelphia. BEING duo to tlio presence of nrio acid in tlio blood , la most effectually cured by tlio nso of Ajer's Saraupn- rlllu. Ho siiro you get Ayer's mid no other , nnd take it till tlio poisonous acid Is thoroughly expelled from the system , AVe challenge attention to this testimony : "Aucut two ycnrs ngo , after suffering for nearly two ycnrs fiom rhenmntio tout , being able 10 wnllc only with great tllscoinfort , anil having tried various remedies , including mineral waters , without relief , I saw by an advcrtlso- inont in n Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of thin distressing com- jilalnt , after lonjr snlfcilng , by Inking Ayor's Sarsapurilln. I then decided to tiutko n tilal ot this medlcino , nnd took it regularly for eluht months , nnd nm pleased to state that it him effected a complete euro. I have wluco had no re turn of the disease. " Mrs. 11. Irvine Uodgo , 110 West 12flth at , , Now York. "Ono year npo Ivns taken 111 with Inflammatory ihrtim.itlsm , bcliifr confined - fined to my hniiso six iiiontha. I came out of the alfkncss very inncli Uebill- tntcd , with no uppetito , and my system disordered In every vuiv. I commenced using Ayur's Saruupaiilln and began to Improve at once , gaining in strength nnd soon recovering my usual health. I cannot Bay too much In jiralsoof this well-known nietUrlne. " Mis. L. A. 81 ark , Nashua , N. n. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla , Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. I'rlcf | 1 J olx bottkt , 5. Wojlb | 5 a tottla , Issuponlor excellence pi-ovou in millions of homos for moro thivn a quarter of a century. It is used by the Unituil Status Government. Kmlorsod by the heads oftho Great Universities ns the Strongest , Purest and Moat Healthful. Dr. Prico'3 Oroam Baking Powder iloos not con- tnln Ammonia , Limo or Alum. Sold only in cans , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. XKW YOKll. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. SAN "YOST" WRITING MACHINE , A Typowrlter innilo to moot tlio inoilnrn wtint tor niuarlilno whlcli prlnM itlrootly from typo , uses no ribbon , align * permanently nt point of printing. Is Muht , Compact , Durable , nml iun-uonl. Is built on scluutldo principle ? , tlin Invention ot ( ) , W. N. Yoit. llio builder or Doth the Komlmtton und Cnllir.iph. Machlnns with Itciultigtou or Callgr.ipli Icoy bonnl as desired. AliircoBlock or second Imml Typewriters , ot nil makes , for sale , rent or oxchaniro. Wonrj nlso stiles ntents for the "MljHlllTT1 Typo- wiltvr. too HiiPBt low priced muchlno ontbo inurkoc. l'rlcor > . Wo would oo pleated to receive a call from j on. whether you want to purchase or not , nml wo will Klailly show yon tlio " VO3T" and thn finest and larnnst stoct ot Typewriter bnrnl- tnre. Supplies , ore. , ever broiipjlit to this city. . SMITH & CO. , DON CARLO Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Yellcnsr To dealers only. Mills Southern Missouri. Hooms , J. 2 and , t. U. S. National Uuuk Uuildlag Tcleuliono ] aj . Oinaha. r > 'ob. * and * Hot * Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. ENGINES , BOILERS , STEAM UMPS , ETC A. B. MEYER & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN EO tA & C3OKJBJ 103 South tOth Street , Opp. Fostoffice. Telephone 149O ETCHINGS , - , ENGRAVINGS. tSTH ALLET & DAVIS ARTIST MOULDINGS , S & ORGANS FRAMES , MUSIC. 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. OP THE PUI5LIO CHAU1TV. Established in 1878 BY THE NATIONAL OPERATED * Under a Twenty Years' Contrail by ths Hezican International Improvonsai Compaa . Grand Monthly Drawings held In the Moresque Vavilllou In Iho Alameda Part. City o Mexi co , anil publicly conducted by Government Ulllcluls appointed for the purpose by the Secioturlesof the interior and the Treasury. OF THE The monthly tour dollar Drawing will lie lii-ld in the City of Mexico on Navcilicr loth , 1889 , CAPITAL PRIZE$60,000 , , iSO.OOO 'JJciJisrs nt $1 , $ : jU0OfJ. ( Price of Tickets , American Money , WHOLES i 4 HALVES * 8. QUUTAEItS 1 LIST OP I'niZES. 1 CAPITAL PH1XK ! OP 8.0,10)11 J fiO.Oft'J 1 CAPITAL I'ltllHnaMKWIS St.OOJ i CAPITALvur/.i'.ov ii'.ixiois ' moja 1 (1UANI ) I'ltlXKOK K.UOOH Uijia ( ; i i'iti'/i'.s ov i.oo > ) are ; M J n i'itixisoi- : ' HI ) urn : i.tx i'O I'llIX.nSOP WHaro. . . . 4.0JJ JOil'UI/Kd Ol' 10J are Irt.iiOJ iIU ) rillXHSOli1 Ware IT.OIX ) D51 PltliCUS ( ) ! ' 0nro. . . Jl.ObO AI'I'IIO'CIMATIOV PIIIXK4. JCOPiizesof fiOapp. to if 0W ) I'rizo t P.OOO IfuiTliesot ) ftiOMPrlzo 7.GO. ) UU Pi 1/01 of 4Unnp. to 10,00. ) Pn/a O.OOJ TWTtrrmlimls or i'M. dccliloa by , $ flO,003Prl20. . . . ID.ilSO 870 Prizes VmonutiiiB tol"fryx ) All pi lzen sold In the United States full paid In U. S , Currency. „ _ _ _ _ _ _ AtiCN'i'S Cr.itn HATEI , or any further Inform- ntlon drill < > < ! , tvrlto lo lbly to thu nnderalKucvl , clearly stating jour resilience , with xt.ito , conn- ty , btrcct iind number. Moru lapld ictiirn mall dellvniy will bo assured by your eucloilni ; un envelope bearing your full address , IMPORTANT. Address U. ! IARSrTTf , OITV OP MEXICO , MKMPO. By ordlnnry iPtlor. cuntatnlnttMo.NtirOiniRH Issued by alt Kxtuvss rompaule , Now V'oi'lc Uxt chauue , Iiattor I'ojtal Note. Siinonil rnnturoi. Hy terras of contract the t-'ompanv must deposit - posit the sum of all prlz 3 included in tlio Bchcino befoto aollluc a sinulo ticket , and ro- celvo thu following olllclal permit : CiHTIl''ICA'fK.-l liexlxi crrttfutlinl Hif Lv don Itnnli i > f Mexico itnd Satilh AmrrlMlins n ricctal ilcfioal ! the. ntcusar\l \ f until to uuuraiitr. tlifinti/incntifaHinUc3tlnnvn / ) la Uciitficfiiclu I'dtillcii. II. ItODll ( ll'KX fTVflft.i. Interventar. Fnrtlior , the Company la required to dUtrll- nte ttfty-six pur cent of the viiluo oC all tha tickets in pruos a larger propoitioa than is fc'lvcnby uuy other Lottery. I'lnally , the number ot tckets Is llmltoil to EO.u 0 I UUUO ) leH3 thnn arosoldby other latteries using the same schemes. _ THURSDAY , FRIDAY 7 0 om | ani SATUaDAr , / , 0 Qllll Mo/linoo , H4RBY : LACY STILL ALARM BY JOSEPH ARTHUR. TUgnlar prlcoi. Beats go on sale Wtdaesday Winter Is lianl upon us , nnd weather is nt linnd. The nun who is pro vided with n comfoita'blalop co it should r > o thankful , nnd tliOso who wish to supply themselvca , can not ilud a better assort ment from which to choose than on our tablet ) . Wo have the tiack Overcoats ill Kerseys , Jloltoiis , Chlnclilllu.s. Alsn for driving or extreme rold wenther Ulsters with or nltlioiu , capes niiulu of Renii Irisli Frlezo and other lieavy uiatei I a Is. Dr , J , E. McGRE W Tlio IVvlI Known Spec'mllsl , is unsurpassed In the trvutiuonc of nllfoiimof I'niv ATI : DitjKiPKg Clcetand Sriucr HUE , a cine guiir anteed. Hi'iutM t TOIUUIOUA , iMIfi TKNCV. JiOSS Of MANHOOD , and iinibltlon. Hriiur. TV Ol' ItAllltl'.N NK < 8 nbsoliitely cured , fioiul fur lioolcs , for "Mini * or "Woman" each 111 centa ( stamps ) Nun vo us NESS. ' U.lTAKItll a 111 KKI.V IMHIJAHB cured quickly am ) ( lornmncntly. Tii-ftlmont corie.sponduiice. sonil stamps for reply. Ofllco S. E. cor. 13th and Jnckson Sts. Orunhu , Nebraaku. A full act of Teeth on rubber for t-'i. uu irnnlcoil to boat well rii ua as plnta * enl out fruiu any ili'iiml oiiu u In this i-nunlry , uiia tor wlilcli you wuuia t > o ( lintK < l orertnlciiita mucli. 'Icctli oxtractuU without palnarilBiiicer , ml nltli- out tliu uf o iliuiolnnu , Kn , cltlier or uloclnrilr. UOldnuJ alUerlllllnifs ut liulf nUcs. tintlsrnutlnn Gunrnntcoil. DR. BAILEY , DENTIST , i'iixton Illock , Kith nml raniam SlrccU. Tulso Elevator on 18th Street. OPEN EVEN1M03 i.N'l'JL ; A GOODRICH Atfy 191 Dear born bt-.L-hlcutfi ; udvlca free ; SI yuaro OK perleiKo ; buolnws ( julctly nna lottwy Iran * GRAND VALUES , Tlio present ; week we will ofibr somB exceptional bargains. 400 Uusincss Suits o strictly nil wool cassimurc , lined with good scrgo nml well mnclo , nt $5.90. "Wo nro not out of the wny when wo sny thnb this suit is worth fully iloubln. It i.s of nn oxeollent quality , looks very neat , nml is good enough to wenr for nny business man. Take n look nt it nnd you will be surprised thnfc wo sell such n suit for $5.00. * 300 fine Wide Wnlo All Worsted Snck Suits of nn clognut pattern , bound flat with fine braid , lined with good serge and well made , nfc the exceedingly low price oO $9.00 for the entire suit. A suit like this is not sold outside of our house for less than $10.00. 250 extra fine Broad Wnlo Worsted Cutaway Frock Coats nnd Vests , ( Int binding , very fine silk serge lining and superior make. These wo oiler nb $11.7o for the coat and vosb. They are bountiful and very drossy goods , nnd can bo worn with pants of nny color. We can sny that this is the greatest bargain wo have over offered , ns the coats arid vests are m every respect equal to custom work , nnd could not bo duplicated at any other plnco for less than § 20. ar&fain ; Our shoe buyer struck n big thing last week. Ho ran across n lob of goods which wore made- for mo of " the finest retail stores in tbe country , and for some reason or other wore not delivered. .He made an oiler for "tlio goods nnd bought them below manufacturer's cost , nnd thus wo are enabled to oiler foi thid week : Very fine Calf Shoes , Goodyear welts , nt$2.75. Usually sold at $ ± .50. N Finest Calf Shoe , strictly hand welt , at $3.75. Usually sold nt § 5.50 to SG.OO. WE OXLY WISH TO STATE THAT THESE AKE FIRST-CLASS GOODS , AMI ) EVKKY PAHl IS SOLD WITH OUIl WELL-KNOWX GUARANTEE. * Corner Fourteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha. ) - disease knowi Is haJf 5soUci cake of * Scouring Soap used for aJl clean ing purposes except the leo4ndryTry it * You are judged by your house just as much as by your dress. Keep it neat and clean and your reputation will shine. Neglect it and your good name will suffer. Do not think that house-cleaning is too troublesome ; " it is worth all it costs , especially if you reduce the outlay of time and strength by using'SAPOLIO. The t ) 0 Ftaniiaru HM * . Kemt-tJlcs for tlio ciiu 7ft private nllmentB nnt uu. surpatiitctl for imrity. etc. Biliirartlon ( IimroiileiM. Order lUimdy No. 1 for Brmlnftl K altlin or Vital , _ . . - - Jlnii u. 1'rlcOllOO. < u. I tar Luii Uiiuiiut > a or ill ) kit-illilelilllly In nmrrlnl m < ! iiortlo ] oiiiUiliiKOiitii.ii liippy llfo. I'rlie.tlOO. S'o jfor < loiiorrlioe or Blfet In rltlier ex. AcnmMned trcntitient ( or Internal and locnl IIKO. Cuiee In 1 to & da ) , o ) rlIl ( ' "rlMJfc IIOll , V'Uliotciuin' tilclurf , iiilnor > iiinrtliun > 3 < 1iiri > llnimtrril < ocnici.rrk-ctl 00. xlo. I. Hmallif hpcrine for men or women. 1'ieicnH 000 1.0 , ptc. ho rulilCT nnr Injrcllun. 1'ad.ava ikln OilnyB. > 'ui.l | ) llrpil. I'lkoH.OO. a Denied trlAl miiiii'lBOf i incdyKo , 1 ui-2 onr < tel | > tel cU.ln llllllpHfurIOlltnffe. Any ououfllu'sercituillca prnniit. | hftnt ( eralrd ) ! > / nmll uu rrrtlpt of llio iirliv. II 03. Inlrrtnllnff lEunk 1C lthf r Rex , ninri It-il or finite , rciitlrro. STANDARD itEMEDV CO , ChlCQRO. ill. li ) . R. 0. WKST'P NRKVR AND HIHIN TIIKAT- HK.NJ' , n ( 'iinrantooil sneclllc for Ily > < t iln , DIz/I- lies ? . Convuhlons , KIIH , Noi'vous N'urnlBlii. Heuuacbe , Nervous 1'roitrntlon rnuscd l > y tlio. USD of alroliol tobacco. WakofUlno R , M cut 1 Di'picsslon.HoftonlnBof tlio I train , rusnllliu ; In limaniinnnillcntlltKftomlsery.decayiinddcatli , I'remntnro Old po. llnrrennu > if ' ' " of I'owur In I'ltluT hex , Involuntary I.OSSOH nnil Sp nnnt- torliiru canm il hy ov troxortlon of the brnln. a > ! f nbuso or overliidn' & 'iico. Kncli uo contuliiH ono niontli'M trciitiiiiMit. > 1,01 n box , ornx | Imxaa for ? , " > .0 > , sent by nmll jirniiald on receipt of price. WE CrTJANANTBE SIX BOXES. To euro nny raso'lth each onler received ny nsfrr slxboxps , accompanloiUrllli * > . < 0 , uo will Bend tlio purchaser our u rltten iu trantiia to ro. fun 1 tlio money it th' tre iimcnt does not o licet Hcnro ( iimnmteoH i iifil only bv dooilmun liru Co. tirugKidtii , Solo Aueiii llIU I'annin Blr < * et , Omalm , Ne ' H7 Jll"'llIbrouib all k | . rl . rtllor- las tbf m-.l/ , l lUu.h aad > laori.ii > bltt ! lb HIIVO Stoml HioToft rTlinp. NEW YORK STEEL MAT GO. , 234 fc 335 nilOADWAY , N. Y.f Owners & Solo Hanuf ncturcrs of the ROCHESTER STEEL MAT , AND Stripped Steel Mats of all Sizes. Patented Feb. Till , 18S8. The o Hats ImvothocomblnedartvanUKPSOf all other Mats with none of ttiflriilsuchnntnsoo , and bnioTiroventoboluo CltcnprHt oiuV llcNt. They 111 not break down , flatten out , warp or frrtout of shape , nml jtlll oiitwrr.r all wire , rubber ftnd other sttcl Mats In tlio market. Will clean the feet betur than any other lint , nnd not permit the dirt to bo carried licyoud them. I'ooiilJt.K'PPlniton Ihcm citnuot Hlly tu tLcir eurfuio offHm resistance In all itlrcclloiiH. Thoynieil iioahnklnB.tlKTeforocrcntonodmt. Hoiaiuull llardwiirc , Dry ( iooiU. Cm pet ornl hoiiBO I'urnlslilnp btoros. iJbcral an- count allowed to llio trade. PRICF.3J Ko. I-FIzo JCIJ1..J2.W No. S SI/0 llr-IO. . . . 2.50 No. 0-HUe : ix4B. . . . 7.O No. S-SlzoSJxSU. . , . n.W No. 7-Slzo30X50. . . . W.W No. 1 biro21x49. . . . C.UO No. 8-SlzoS6xTi..ll-W rwnnig ? ! TT > nB The Tyler System of Bank Counters Unequilltd In Style , Quality or rlce , The Tyler Doslis. 200 Now Stylos. Together with 1000 Btyltj T ul , Chairs , &c. ThoTylorRoynlTypoWrltorCablnots ami Deik Combined. 0 Stylei. Flneit on Earth , 100 I'aco llluitrateu Catalogue Fiee , PoitaKe 7 Cti , TYLER DESK GO Sf Louis Mo US A , , , , , , , , , ANEW COLLAR SPRIKGVEHICIES Til OMt reotly rnnrpvncl witii wiiiKlnv elj. < rile ! "u us di BaVientildliirtf * * ' / < & .Tli6 pniw lii ; ui. tnd bJrtnti according to tha wtljbt pet uu tucm. to fOUth cs'intry or fin ii t > ot ntfcfnctlon. Do airing tO fill III- 1 n a t H a _ juitly ret- ebruted llne of liooU and Blioes. trianufctur- dor C. M. llcndurion 4 : < V > , , of C'hlcnu'O-i uc- toriea at Olil' ' Hgo , Dlxoa. Ills. , anil Fond Oil IMC. Wjii-KouM write BAM. ti. WATSON , reil- dence , 1'ltKMONT. Nl.U , Trv llotf aitUt. ( U ndiuiutri ( II. WCon. 13 & DODGE MS , OMAHA , NEB. FOB TUB TBKATJIEMT OT ALT. 3BOE8.-2LOEBS , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. " * Treatment of every form ot u'teaio ' requiring MEDICAL or BURGIOAL TREATMENT , NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Hoard & Attendance , Beit Accommodations in Wut. 03WHITE FOIl CIRCULARS on Deforrottiea and Braeei , Trusies , Club Feet , Gurvaturti of tJJine , 1'iloi , Tumor * . Dancer , .Catarrh. Bronchilii , fnlialatloni Blcctrlclty. Faralyila , Epllop y , Kidney. Bledder , Bye , Car , Skin an a Blood andalfBurciearOceratloni ! DISEflSES OF WOMEH . .KSSA'jaJSrta . ' WH luvKMTii.r inniiD i I.TIVO. I.TIVO.JTRICTtT PAIVATF. ' ) Only UelUble Uedloal InttituU miESni a b'ft'tUltV of rr..lra nt fur foil i > r VIIAI , lOttKII. l-.tlln untMelo rlill BimV 'r tedatLom < ibjrcorrri | > onlItntr , All rwnmunllE. liomiooOd.olUI. UedUlnt.orln.lFijnjniiintl.jmillor ( l. cmimurvlr teked , no uarki .olDrileite content * or lecdir , IJo > rcucuflnuriliir prt-rnred. C.ll uj toniultuiortcnl klilorror jcmr e . ai wo will iturt In l.l.ln vniprr , o BOOK TO f ErJ , RWPAViS O.SS ; . ' lilt ; UlcilaoU , wllh queillon ll.l. Adilrcil OMAJrA MEDIOAI , & HUJlOIOAr. JNHTIXOXB , 13tb and Otdgt HU uU , ODAIIA , li D , § _ l5WMD' aha Inrsnut , fiiflnn nml Iint. In mo world , I'ligsc'ipurucconimodalluiiatinoicejlotl. Ucrw Yori to Qlaigoi ? via Lonionijny Ktlilopla. Nrv. . nili I rnrncsMa , Nov. 23d , .NOV..IIHU | Dovorila NovliOtl * 1 Ycri : to Azores , Gibraltar ani Italy. IIOI.IVM XOV. l.'llll I CAirOllNIA , NOV. ilOttl HAI.OON , HI-COS-I ) CUKS AMI RTHKUUIK rates on IdvtcHt t'rins. Kxcurslon Tlrketi renncen , miulu a\alliille ) to rcUirn ny either tuo I'lctnr- Noith of Irulttiid. or Jllvor ouy and ( South ot Ireland , or Ulhriilter. KX ( DMHIDNS Or 1'Alim OK COSTINK.NTAr , Toi'HM on lowrtst tenn . Travelers' ( Ircular l.i tt < roof Credit nnd Drafts for nny amount at lintcsuurreiit rut'- * , Apply to any of our local itM or to He flcrsoii Brollicrs , Cliicago , Ills , H , H. llAl.t , . II , V. MOIIIIBS. c. II MMIBH , V , I1. Depot. iriopr"c''rowi.en , Moodue , conn * 1