Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No mlvortlsomonts will bo token for
thoaocolumno nftor ! 2:3Op. m.
Tornio-'Cnsh In mlvanco.
AdvtrtlFomcnts under this bend 10 cints per
line forth * Iim Insertion. 7 cento for each sub-
fcouent , Insertion , nnd tlm per line per month.
No advertisements taltR for Irs * tlmn 2"i cent *
for lint Insertion , Boven words will bo counted
totliolli'o ' : they must run con ecu lively Mid
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All nrtvfirtlso-
inontn must bo hamlet , in before I2x : ) o'clock p.
in. , nnd under no circumstance * will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in theto columns nnd hav
ing their answers addressed Incarnof Tim llr.n
vlll pleidia nsk for n clicck toenoblethrmtOKct
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of choctc. All answers to RU-
vcrtlsomonts should ho enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In Hit-no column * nro cut-
ll.ilKvl in both niomlnc nnd orrnlnir editions of
'Jim IlKH tlio circulation of which aRKrotrates
rooro ilmn 18.TOO papers dnllr. nnd clvo the ad
vertisers the benefit , notonly of the city rlrrtt-
latlonof TIIR HUB , hut also ot Council Ilium.
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this Boot Ion or the country.
Advertising for thct-e columns-will bo taken
on ttio nbove conditions , nt the following bust *
ness haiiKeJho nro nuthorl od ncents for THE
JICE sppclnl notice * , nnd will quote tlio same
rates nil can bo hnd nt the main office.
JOHN W. HK'lTrn'lTnrijmclst'KM South"Truth
HASH , V EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113
Hoxitli ICth Strict.
SH. KAIINHWOHTH , Pliatmaelst,2IJ3 Cura-
IngrHreut ,
\\r .irilUOHEi3 , Pharmacist , G24 North ICtb
TT Street.
F.O. wrpAlUM'liarmaclst , 1603 St. Mary's
ErUG 11 US' 1'IIAIIMAUY , SUS rarnam Street.
W ANTI'D-Sltuatlrnas2dbread baker : ad
dress M 17 ileeolllco. r.70Oj
n Situation by n middle aped
steady Kngltshmun In olllco or store ; will
miiKO hlmselt useful ; good relurcnces. Address
N 27. Ilco. 7 ( Ot
WAWTKD-filtuatloiias llremnn ; good rofor-
oncos ; 1017 Capitol nve. The ; . II. lltch-
\ \ ) ANTElJ Thrro inrn'niicilwo ladles"
T V olllco and Held positions. Must navoseme
money mid BrinK references. Salary to start
from CIO to SiO per month , fall or address Too
( leo.aCHno Hit ) . Houao.CH First National
Honk llnlidlng. Omaha. 718-OJ
\\rANTED-A special ti cutfor ovoryTounty
TT in Iowa nnd Nebraska ; must have tliu in
casti nnd tie a hustler ; salary $73 per month.
Call ora'ldi-osK 'The Goo. S. Cilno Pub. House ,
Koom Fill. FlrstNutlonalUankbuildlnir , Omaha
AGENTS wanted-To handle nrtlclu every
jt\Blovo requires. Itctntlnll ; tlivestl.CO per
month. Must establish county npeucles. : i-nm-
plusseiit express prepnld on receipt of $2,75.
Mercy Mft | Co. . WatiKeslin. WIs.
" \\TANTljn A reliable canvasser who Is acv -
v qulnted with busmeAi houses In Omaha to
work on commission. II. K. Wells , JCJfi Dear-
horn st , Chicago. OJI 4t
CJALESMAN wanted In this district , ono of
Oour men earned J4fOO in ' 87 aad * 5,20J in ' 88 ,
aud Is doing better this year. P. O , Box 1371 ,
NowjorK. _ . 707 J
Two llrst-clasji boot salesmen to
travel In Iowa. Our best men are
maktnir $ ; to 875 per wecic ; Hrst-claH ) terri
tory. P. P. Colller. DavenporT la. 710
ANTED Good shoemaker at once. C , Car
man , 'I'ablo Itoek. Pawnee Co. . Neb. 7U3-UT
GENTB1 Write for ii-rms.$3 sample cornet
k-troe. Schlela Ac Co. , 3'.0 llroadway , New Vork ,
QIlll'l'INO Clerk An energetic man with
Ot-onie experience , who is wtllnitomake ! him-
self generally useful. Call or address Mauacer ,
813 S.'Uth htrect. TtH-4 *
TATANTED Salesmen at $7per montll salary
TV nnd expcnHcs to sell a line of slUor-plntcd
ware. Wulvhus. etc. . by sample only ; bon-e aud
team furnlnhcd free. Wiitoat once forfullpiir-
ticulam and sample C.IEO of ( ; oods free , titand-
ard Silver Ware Co. . Hoatoii. Mas'i. 4fi5
WANTIiD--3Ien fqr Washincton territory.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 I'arimm ut.
\\rANTKIl-Qood url'-klayers nnd stonecut-
TT tors ; Rood Avages paid. Apply M.T. Mur-
phy. rreinout. Nob. 4r > 7
MJ3N to travel for the KonlhlU nurseries of
Canada.Vo pay SM to iflWJ a mouth nud
oxpeuscs to agents to sell our Canadian grown
btock. Add , Stone & Wellington , Mudlson , Wi .
WANTED A good-sized , honestboytowork
In fruit storo. fitcadv ' work to right pnrty.
Call at 20. " . South 15th St. C04-4'
WANTED Double entry bookkenper , salary
ifjl ) to ( CO. first-class pcnmnn. Address today -
day only. I. . E. . care ot Cozzens HotPl. 010 St
WANTED General iiuputa ; no canvassing.
Addrc.ia.Tlio Ulake-Ileywood Co. , Kamus
City , Mo. . hUHi *
WANTKD Tcn boys to work election day ,
Rood wanes. Call Ktinday nnd Monday
mprnlni. , 120 S. ICtn st. , storo. 1127 4t
WANTED A stpady , mlildlo-agcd man
wants come lluht wnrlc in olllce. .store or
factory. Addrei-s N l'.i. Heeolllcu. KB 4t
WANTED in\enly-llvo ooa carpenters at
once to go to plurro , B. D. , work all
Trlnter , wagca 30c , fare t5. board $ l per weak.
c.-iO-r. *
O HOOM Hat. where the furnlturo is for sale ;
* 'prlcu $ tiK ) . ono-halt cash , balance on time.
Kent ftft per month. Co-operative Land and
_ I/otCo. , lOa N. luth St. C33 4
\\TANTED-OoodHvo canvasxera lor some of
V T thn best selling urtlclc.s In the world : from
7 to li a. in. . IS to "and OtoHp. m. : apmytoC.
II. Jordan , C'ozzona house , 9th and Harnoy.
JlsTED Men with teams to gather corn.
flf > N. Uth. Omaha. MM 7 ?
"V\7ANTBD Llvo agents to reprosentthePeo-
TT pie's Live Block inn. Co. , of Philadelphia.
Sound , cheap and rullablo ; Insures horhcs
nRanstnil kinds ot accldeutH and sickness at to > v
mien. Wheeler & Wheeler , general western
agents. DotiKlas anil JStQ street. 441 4
1 > BNUMKHAT1V1S einployuient offered toon-
X\uriltio | ] iernons of fair education. Apply V.'U
N. Y. Life aulldlntf. Omaha. 4W ) 4t
AOKNTfll S "red-liot" articles ! Coin money
untllholldavil Write quickly ! Particular for
stamp. b'uuiule Jc. Price liros.Davld City , Nub.
_ .17. 4 ?
WANTED A few more good agents for new
no vul ties Jus tour , Sample by mall 30 cents.
Kettler , V Do Vine , Jtoomr. ; , lUrxerbutldlut ; .
_ _ _ _ _ _
WANTED Agents Ui sell the I'InTessclotEes
line ; the only line ovtr invented that holds
the clothen without plus ; a perfect sucreaa :
putentreecntly Issued ; uold only by agents , to
whom the exclusive right Is given : on receipt
ot M eta we will send a tuunpln line byniMl ;
alxo clrciilniT , price llstr end terms to agents
ectiroyoiir territory at onre. Address Wor-
ccstrr 1'lnlosa Clothes Line Co. , 17 Hermon HI ,
Worcester. M ss. _ SJO-7 * _
WA NTKIITracu lavers nud brldge'rarpcn
tens for Iowa. FlUoy , Kramer & Co. , cor
lltli nnd I'arnam ats. io ; _
ll A tewmoro live , energello miles-
men to sell grocfries. etc. . to farmers , ho
tel und rektnurunt keepora nnd other ( urge con
nuincr * at wholesale prlrt-a ; exclusive Urrltory
uiven ; for parllciiUr address the Edgewortl
Mercantile Co. , Importer ? , manufrtcuuerauni
wliolcsulo grocuix , 1117 State st. Cilcago. |
IAI ) ul8
\\7AN TrJ-Glrl In tuiall family , 1CS3 NSOtlu
> 4t
J _ _ JTIil "
WANTED Woman to do washliiB and Iron"
_ tun. Apply ntCWH. mil Bt , 7010'
\VANTUII Young" girl for housework in
IT family of g. tf.Mj ; B. inth r. ' CMJ K
* \\TANTKO A girl to do second work uui
Tl help the children. 241S Bt. Mary'snve.
V\7ANTKU-A hulf-gr own girl ut OWSsoli t
TT 71" . U
\\7 ANTED Ooo < l ulrl. ( lerinun preferred
T > lunulrooiaa WtUntruot , ilr . J.
IAOV i'nt for Cnilds' reform walsp
* klrt , bU3tl xuustitato. babr'bdlapar null
porter , etr NeWg xls. Our auent at Auicl. ,
Mini' . , muitfl } II > In It ) day * . LadleV &upplv Col
2 7 W. Washington u , CalcaRo. 4 ( < m ;
WANTED-Glrl for general houiwnork.gooi
iTugcs paid to right party. 212 U. U to.
. _ COS 4
\X7ANTEU-Glrl for larally of two :
TT a real Urst-clasn cirak aud laundress ant !
com ? with uvBt of references ; latUfactory
vvftgea. Apply at ttM N , attu nt. usi 4
T ANTEU-Competent , gfrl for pullers
T hougowork. iau t bo good coot and latin
drcxj , good wu ua paid. Apply Uui banh nt.
Gil lit
\t ANTUlFir -cla rexperlenced BUleslady
< < iu cloak department , btutu expt-rim
ud nhcre vuiployed. Addreu LU2 , Ucc , Cjj
O'DONOHOK will hereafter hare hfir
MISS rmiklng parlor nt 1523 Douglas , where
one will be pie j soil to t-co her cnstomen. Flnsli
cloaks Bt Htn d. rellnod nnd refltteo. Culling
ftn < ? tilting n specialty. _ TOVIO
HKSSMAKING in families. 1CCIH. ath.
I )
PISS li Walslu 1.118 Capitol avfnuo.drc.s8 and
Lcioak maker ; pluih coatsrelllted , rcllned.
JOII18 WINEIIEIU1 , dress ) nnd cloaK makers
'plush clonkn to order nnd stcamedi sealskin
clonks repaired ; nil kinds tur trlmmlntr * fur-
ilshod. ] | % Capitol nve. . repairing of all kinds.
ENUAOEM kNTS to do dre-wmaklnR in fami
lies solicited , tilts Sttitdy , 511) ) S..vtli su
EOT n-ijt
2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for
light huuickefplnir , between 15th nnd 22d
nnd 1'nrnnm nnd Dnrenport sis. It. II.
, agent Adams Express. 717-ii *
' Torentstniile tors horses wltlt-
In n or 4 blocks of poitolllcc. Apply Doom
060 , Merchants Nnt'l bank. < tU <
\\7AMTKI1 Three unfurnished rooms with
> Y or without board ; state terms nnd loca
tion. N sa ; llee. CtU-4 *
WANTKI-to borrow T'WO by a party hold-
Inuft tlrst-clnsspoidtlpn who has n strictly
clcnu record nnd the best of liublts. Will jinv
' " . each inontli for 12 months for tlio loan. Ait-
IrcH-i NXi. lleo olllfc. Tit 4
W ANTK1) Hoarders nnd roomers , IB ! " Chi
cago' , W'i 1JJ
T7IOH UKNT 7-room cottage , lunulro nt lill N
JD l th st. O'-OO ?
FOU HUNT fi-ronm cf > ttnno. ; motor line , 810 ;
1-rooin liouie , Leavenuoi-tii BL , ! - . Alex
MoorC. 3U1 Blmcly bile. 7004 ?
FOU HUNT HnnclHomu 10-rooin lloti-iP , nil
conveniences , pnved street , cable nnd horse
car ? , n minutes' walk ot postolllco. Haitian
Bhelton , 10U Farnamst. 4Ud
TTlOll 11KNT Neat " -room hoilso. In cooclie-
JU1 pair , on cor. JJiitti and Wool worth nvo ; pos-
nesslon uix'on at , once. Inquire 0. It. Tzjcnuct ,
lleoolTlce. OXt
TTlOIl HUNT Tcroom cotWRcson Unit Howard
J ? nenrtfld fit. Enquire OU'I S. 17th st , 0 1
ItKNT 10-room bricx liousootlS'th st.
-L near Leuvenworth. Apply at U'iTd. xwh st.
TWOntro fi-i-ooni cottaue ; . closets , pantry ,
city and cistern water , nmvly papered nnd
oven-thlnK first class ; rout way down ctirup ,
on'.Thirteenth , ono block north of Vlnton , II.
II. McMnlinn , Boutlioaot corner 13th and Arbor
TOl *
TTIOU HHNT--8-room house with modern 1m-
" provomcnts. on the molar line , 41i per
month. C. F. llariison , Merchants Nat. baat ,
.Vil 5
TJ5OU UKNT Il-room liouse. No. 310N 22a st
Jj Address room lt , Milliard hotel. WICt
TTOIl HUNT 4 ton room houses from $15 to $ i < l
- * per month , on ilotor lino. Koom 5'JT 1'axtou
block. 514
FOR IinNX filght room cottn o. 14IV"i Slier-
man nvc. City water , runuo nnd bath room.
Two humlrcd feet ot yard frontage. Apply at
premises. W. E. Annln. fK > l
O KliKUANT nnwf-room houses , with all con-
"vonlences , Including ranges , and bes ; resi
dence location In the city : 10-iooin house on
8. lOtlist. , opposite llrownoll hall ; 3 l-roon\
cottnKes. f. l-'th St. : 4 7-rnom houses , with all
cnnvcnlenccH , cor. Heed and 1'ark sts. Windsor
Place : larpo 10-room liouso ror. aith nnd Cnld-
well sts. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat.
bank btiildlniy. 421
TJIOH HUNT Only 4 more ot tnoso nice now 8-
-L' room houses. Hntb loom , hot nnd cold
water. Near : . ' car llno . only lf ! > per tno. dur-
Ine winter. J. J. AVllklu on , Koom U18 , Pnxton
block. o57
F"OH HUNT So. uiy block , 11H1 Oeo. nve.
10 rooms , fiimace. gas and fixtures , olocnln
wires for lighting , rnngo anrt evorvr conven
ience : barn with city water nnd cas In ; choice
ni'lghborliood.Ka , D.V. Sholes 'JlUlst bank ,
20 i
TJlOlt UKNT Two dncllliiKS , corner Cnpltol
-U HYO. nnd 18th hts. , opposite Trinity cathe
dral ; furnace , ranee-nud nil modern conven
iences. Call on or nddress II. L. Hall , Ilurlln -
ton ticket oillcc. V pnruam \ Bt. i'l
TTIOU KENT 7-room hbase. 013 8.13th st , bet.
* . ? -Jackson and Jones sis. Enquire next door.
a.54 K24
T7IOH 11ENT 0 rooms , cellar , city water nnd
-L gas. Apply llooui I' ' , Arlington blkH j
"Tp LEG ANT flats to roue. ICth st. , east side , bo-
-llUween Jones and I.cnvftuworth ; Dist-clusa lu
Bllroapcnts. and new : Hteam heat , hath , open
Braten and mantels , electric bells In all rooms ;
both motor lines pass property. Hoforcnces
required. U'hos. L > : Hall , ; tll 1'axtou block.
O 5-ltOOM ( now ) bouses , all modem convenlen-
- > ces except furnace , at 118 , half block from
motor. Glu i'axtou Block. SX )
rr-room house with barn , ill nnr month.x ( i K
< Harrison , Jlorcnant& ' JSnt. bank. 4f9
HOOSKS and business places for rent. J. J.
. Wilkinson. UlBJ'nxton blk. 7fcS
TJ1P11NISUIH ) rooms now and neat , gas nnd
JU bath , rent reasonable. 033 1'arnam. < 1 ! S
NIOKt.y furnished front looms cheap , board
If cleMrea.1717 Chicago. ( > MW
"CfOll HUNT Suit of rooms over stove store ,
JL' iKil Howard. t2J per month. 6u7
"VTIOEI.furnished rooms ctieap , 16)5 ) Howard
Ll 3rcltloor. _ No. IS. 7U3 0
" 171OII URNT New furaishea front room with
- * ? gas , rent 110.00 per month. 1715 Cass st.
S1 T. CI.A1R Kuropoan hotel , cor. 1.1th and
Dodge ; special rate by week or montn.4C7
TitO II KENT Large furnUhod front room wltli
JO bay window , gas and bath , $10 per mouth.
CilB Lcavcnworth. C38
I7 < OH KENT A Htilte ot rooms , with board.
-C irrj Itodge street. UU
| 7\OK \ HUNT Purnlshed rooms \vitH or with-
JL ; out board at the Cozzoux hotel. till .
TmiUNlSllElJ rooms for rentflTO' Capitol nv
C oijt
171O11 HUNT Newly furnished front room ,
J _ nlco IpcuttonsJU. Soutn 2.5th street. 017-5 *
KOOMSwtth board for 4 gentlemen at Mrs.
ChurclilllB , 411 N. 1'Jthjit. 0 3-i'
Tj Olt JIENT Furnished rooms , modern con-
JD voutoucfls , 015 N. 2utti st. oau-9 *
TTlOll HUNT Pleasant rooms , neatod by
-U btcam. Hoard If doslrdd. " 107 Douglas st.
VTICKLY furnished bedroom with board in
IA prlvutu family , llufereuces ; 22U7 Farnam.
CUKEIIFIIL front room with board in private
family , nicely situated. 2130 llarney xt.
' _ _ _
O'UOOMS. light housekeeping. 131'J ' N. lhtl
rnwu Inrga ro ims. etegniitly fnrnbhed In
modern brick residence ; bo. rd If desired.
IKil Cass bt. _ auJ
"OOOMHwIth or without board , for three
J > t gentlemen ; prlvatof.tmlly ; references. 1S12
Dodge street. _ 608
IJIOU HBNT-Furnlshod front room witn 1
-L modern conveniences , to gentlemen only ,
at ati'i bu Mary'a avenue. Apply at atore. 21 J
and 212 South riflecnth at. _ C8Q
TilUKNISHED room , south bay window , with
jj _ every convenience ; 2211 I'arnam. 32 !
ijlOH KENT Ni-utly funilshoa room with or
JL ? without board , modern convculonct'.i , cut N.
16lh st. 4U44 *
1/U'KN'lBliiCl ) room with Uourd for two Ken"-
Jtl racn , 2.'i4l ; Capitol ave. 5LSCt
A FINELY fiirnlfhuil room7l'i nib. Innntre
HLat cigar store itaj : Douglas st , 1)7 )
"CAOH KENT To one or two gentlemen with
-L good references , a nicely tiirnUhen front
room , heated by steam and ccutrully located
aa lutlmt. KB
1r Olt KENT Two fimiisnea rooms on Hf ,
Mary'4 arenue. to geiitlemeu only ; six min
utes' walK of bitttltiees cent r. lli-ferenro 10-
Inqulte ut store , 2KI and 2J2 S. r > th et.
. _ _ _ _ _
R OOMS furnished , fci and W month. 6irs.T'Hu.
_ 437 4t
oii UENT-Oue hlcofurnUlii'tl room. 4il N
lltli kt _ . _ _ 178
I ) room und board , attW7 N. 13th
_ . _ _ _ C30 H _
IfO.ilANT [ : fiirulshed rooms with bath and } , UI Howard St. _ 617 _
TjUK 1IKNT Furnlshsd lootns for 2 i/diitie.
JLJ men , or man und wife. Itilu UouglaH. H 14 _
VTEWLY furnished rooms , wltlt or without
i > board , lor ? Howard , third Hue. COO at _
T7IOR HBNT-3 nicely furnished rooms , with
JJ board ; 1WO Capitol u venue. f > bS
fTHW HE.NT-a nnfnrnlshed rooms
f ° i ° Ufcei : j > lu ? , ' > 3th * t. 414
HUNT J-rooin suit , unfunil hj > a ulta-
- 1)1 B for houbOKcrplug. gas , water , etc. . to
fKiully without chllareu ; uorthHcst tor. 17th
uait Web ler * ( , W7
FOR HUNT Store room In Iloyd opera honso
building. Kniulre Amorloan Pavings Hunt.
rroil HBNT-2 ( ore cor 22il ami Plerw ( .t * . ,
JL1 suitable for moat market nnd grocery ; also
two flats above stores ; will plvo responsible
parties 2 months' rent frto to establish trade.
Call on.1. II. Patrotto , Douglas Co. Hank. 17J-5
nil IRmost promising locality for business In
J-OinnhnlsonlOth i > U between Fnrnam nnd
Lcavcnworth. the future retail district ot the'
city. Kleitnnt blocks arc goingnp. . and nothing
shabby will ever be erected there.
Inkonlook at the now block on cast sldo
IBth between Jones ft Lcavnworth and secure
lease for n number ot years ; all heated with
ate urn , with pinto-glass front , TUOJ. F. Mail.
SI I Pnxton block. fi %
TTS" nrNT-3n8 * ' "tores , 017 nnd 019 S. 10th.
Ineshow windows. 35'j
hotel , In heart of city ; thirty 'rooms.
Einltb. W. Contlnentan lilock
61(1 (
HUNT Stotft. 1111 Farnam st. , 0x128
FOR stories and cellar. Nathan Shelton ,
1614 Farnamst. * ' *
rPO HUNT Desirable wnrehouso room on
1 track. Apply to ( X W. Keith , 7H PaclMo st.
T The 4.story brick bulldleg with
JL ? or without power , formerly occupied by Iho
lleo PitUiIshlnK Co. , Vlo Farnam bt. The oulld-
ng nai a -
plcto steam-heating fixtures , water on all Uio
loora , ijas , etc. Apply at the olllco of Ino lice.
Ij1OllltENT--Aftcr Ocf 1 , fine front olllce.
J. ' ground noor ; plate glass window ; he.-xt nnd
light furnliheds n most dcstrablo location for
niiv Kind of business ; lout reasonable. Inquire
Omaha lea Co , , illO S. loth t. _ 4VJ
TJIOIl HUNT-llasemeur. 40xCO ft. , heated by
JJ steam. ICuijulre. J. Nagl , 612 So. latest.
I'KICES for rent. Wttlmell blocs : central lo-
O call on.stenm heat all modern Improvements '
nUMlKKNT llnck store room 207 12th st.
JL ? joining cor. Uouglas. P. t.ehman. "M
ItHNT A 4-story Itrlck Oulldlnc.
sultalile for whobsale ; Rood trackaco ; I
nave also n number of Hue residence prop
erty for rent or sale. Tor pnrtlculnrj call or
address 4itll Heo bl.lg. N. U. Drown. 4JJ
im N I ! store , with collar , 020 South
AticriON sales every Tuesday nnd . . . . . . . .
morning at 1121 Parnam. Omaha Auction
A Storage Co. 475
paid for household furniture , stoves.
CASH Auction i StoraR Co. , 1121 farnain.
"ROYS If you want to have a load of tun nnd
t > at the same time make money , send us 2" > c
silver , for a vial of our Knsruvlnc Fluid. It
will cut letters In any kind of niPtnl ; something
new. It surprises everybody. Pull directions
with each order. Clttton tc Damon Wunkesha ,
Wisconsin. 7JJ-0 *
R'ENTINO AGENCY The Midland Guaran
tee i Trust Co. , 1014 Farnuni su , have Just
opened n department to rent houses , stores- ,
etc. . collect rents , pay taxes and care for prop
erty. It will bo to the interest of pantos hav
ing buildings for rent to put them in charge of
this reliable and conservative company.
tiO"- . " )
T ADIK9 use Jlarloli Walker's Face IlleacH
-LJfor f recklns , pimples moth nnd liver spots ,
Riinrantecd to give a beautiful complexion nnd
to be periecily harmless For ftiither Information
mation call ut 322 N loth basement. Ml UJJ
IF you have anything to exchange rail on II.
E. Cole , room it , Continental block. Fifteenth
and Douglas. " >
IF you have anything to sell or exchange call
at Itooni ui * . Paxton block. jJJS
T7 > KATIITil8 : cleaned , curled and dyed , hats
JL1 reshaped , nt r. M. Schudoll At CO..21S N. l th.
l n 4
wintered ut my farm , with tha best
of care given them. iy. Jl Pnllltps , Mlllnrd
hotel , Omaha. Nel ) . Oa
- to winter , at JO a ruonth
per head on farm uonr Irvlncton. Plenty
of train and Imy to feed , good shelter andnoml
care plvcii them ; horses called for und doliv-
crej. W. It. Ilomiin , room B , Frenzer blfc. 477
HOUSES .wintered at Omaha fulr grounds :
largo box stallu ; terms reasonable ; car
riages stored. A. Thomson. 2i)8 ) N'-lj.
HOUSES Wintered at my farm , coed rnnue
and Paddocks ; uo burbed wire on place ;
horses called for and delivered ; terms moder
ate. O'elephono 677. Chas. McCormlck , Cal-
noun. Neb. . 4177
STKAYEH A bay mare ; Is about 10 years
old ; has apart white face and scarred , on
loft hind leg. Liberal reward pnld for return
to or notify 0. i1. Eden , 1C14 Martha st.
LOST Oct. 10 , one gray pony f > yours old ;
ringbone on left hind leg ; been ullsterod ;
welnht TIO. small rene spot under loft oyo. C.
1' , White. Park ave. . Lonvcmvortli at. ' ( KIO-S *
PEItSONAI I will send ynti I.niean you a
valuable book of Information wotth $ J5.Xl (
for 10 cents. Dr.V , J Uerringer , t'ounctl
ijluffa. la. , ir0,1 !
LADIES and gentlemen desiring corrosnond-
ents address Corresponding Club. Kansas
City. Mo. Jncloboatuma
ri HE banjotaught as an art by Geo. F. Gellen-
J- hock , room 2U Douglas block VM
MDSIO and French. Lady wishes puplli : Is
thoroughly conversant in both branches.
K. K. l&M 1'aul st. liiili ;
BCHOOIi of Uxprejsion. Vocal. Articulate ,
Pantomimic. 1. V. Aiderson , Saeely block.
French class New York Ufa
IlulUllng. ItoomWn. .Inlos Merle. 711 N 13
) ISK for our customers who hnva
cahh.ticciired paper and real estate to trade.
Koom 15 , Chamber Commerce. Oil
W ANTED to Iluy Wlll pay cash for n lot ot
furniture , carpets etc. V. , 1 * . O. Hex K'X.
GASH for furniture , carpets , etc. Well's Auc
tion Storage Co. , U17 8. Kith. 715
WANTRD-I or n thousand yds ot earth to
1111 lot 68 , Uurr Ouk add. up to grade. In-
< iulre W. N. Dorward , 1517 Douglas st. 70Q
WANTED To buy M acre farm , good for
gardening , within ' . . mile of some R R
fitatldu- not over 15 miles from Omana ; must
bo low price. W. L. BelDy , R. 13. llouil Tiiido.
UK )
milACKAGE storage at lowest rates. W , .M.
JL llushmnn , 1311 Leavcnwortti. 478
STORAGE at lowratesnt 1121 Farnnmttrcet.
Oiiiuha Auction and Storage Co. 47U *
QTORAGK and forwarding. We collect mid do-
Oliver goods of all description , merchandise ,
furniture ana uaggago at cheapest rates for
ttornnu for any length of time. Vans und
wugoiirt to bo had at Hhonc&t notice , wltu euro-
fill men for moving. Packing and Hhniplng
from our O\MI warmioitHe douo on mouuratu
chargv. Merclmndlso louden and unloaded.
Waivhousa on our own tracks. Olllce 217 S. lith
bt. Telephony 114. Unwell & Co. 4& >
MADAME Wellington , world-ienownBd as-
trologUt. tt medium and destiny rraaer.
juxt from Kuropn Tells your life. trom the
trail le to the giave. reunites the separated ,
canoes auoody marriage with the onu you love ,
locatua ( Uee.ibes and treats with manage and
electric ImtliR. All In troublu should not fall to
couMilt this pitted scores : ) . 1'nrlor ( ! , upnairs ,
417 y. lltC ; otico licnrj liom lua , in. to lit p. m.
4'J311t '
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , mrdlt
cal and business medium. Kemuln dlsoa
u spcclnlty. Ill ) N. ICth at. , rooms 2 and 3. 4HI
TiWIlTUNB Teller Mrs. Unorroan can be
JL1 consulted on all altulrs at life , Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th t. Or.'nllJ
( 2TANDARDShorthandSchooIllooin3SW ( re
Oldk. . ( succesitor to Valentine's ! the urtcHHt ,
exclusive shorthand school In the west. Teach
ers are votoutlm reporters. Particular attention
puid to typewriting ; Mechanical construction
of machine [ aught by factory expert. Circulars
4W .
" 171 N. IHNDMAN ,
-L1 ( Stenographer nd Typewriter ,
U. 427 fuxton Ullc. Tclepiiona 1530.
\\f IllTTI.ESKV'BsUorthaud and typewrltm"s
T T chool. Darker block. Tns best nd clixapr
t in th city. KW N is *
- ? 9 iV'jL- .
TJ10II SAtiR-A quhfVthy ot bnlldlng Etone.
J- Apply to the supcrfatrai J nt Ilea buiuilnii.
"IJIOR SALE A dBsJrWHlo carriage team , dark
Jliny ? , n years old. main and eonndt nlpo two
road lior s , carriages : buggies , etc. ; will make
pnco and terms satisfactory. W. J. Conunll.
FOR SAI.K-A ttooanrcliable family carriage
team , carrlace and harness ; n bargain. AD-
play in Col. Fletcher , 1'Srt Omaha. 413
T710K 8AL&-Llght siftlne w gonlSfi7 N. IDth.
_ . , ,0 , ' SS3n24J
FOR 8ALK A avhdiio power Porter engine
lu good condlt'on , wrlght MIM pounds cyl
inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The lleo
office. TOT
_ _
"I/IOR SALE Or will trade forhorsefi , a note
JL1 of f lee , second mortgage or property worth
Jl.cmj Ilrst mortgage jrJj. U. F. Masters , 4
Wlthuell building. Mi a
TilOR SALE-Uprlglit Btelnway planoi BSper
J- cent lc g tdan colt. Address N 7 , lice onice ,
031-0 *
or Kxch-\nRO Pour fuH-bloodcd
JL' Jersey cows , fine driving team as there is lu
the city , ono double carriage , one double cutter.
on phaeton , Snyctnr m&kv. and one road wag
on , Suydermiikp ; all nearly new ; will tmlefor
good property and will ns < uino IlKht Incum-
branco. Apply Room 210 , First National bnnk
bullcllne. C09
_ _
FOR SAI.K Counter and shelving , room 627 ,
PaxtoiWQck. yoo
price , a lot of counters
und shflvlns suitable for grocery , notion ,
boot and shoa stock , W. R , Homan , rooinO
Frenzer blk. 37
FOR SAT.1J Top buggy nearly now , choapTJ.
IA WolBlians. 1420 Harnoy. Oil
ijlOU SALE 3 cows cheap ! II. U. Hend"er-
JL ? son , loom 10. ' , 1'axton blk. C9i
MI n I , AN D Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
hldg.complnUi abstracts furnished and titles
lo real estate oxamlnodnorfected & guaranteed.
WANTED First-class. Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1501 FRruara. 4 .i
rpu LOAN A few thousand oa Inslda unlni-
Jpi overt city property or good 2d. mortgage
paper. Address M 4B. lien oillcckd
MONI3Y to loan on leal vstato security at
lou.wt rates. Before negotlatlnK loans see
Wallace , R 3)0 ) llrown bldg. luth and Douglas.
T'OANB City and farm loa'ns. mortgage pa-
JL/per bought. McCague Investment Co. 483
MONEY to loan on city property and farm
lauds ut lowest rates , . J. D. X.Htle , 43n Paxton -
ton block. 4bT >
ErsiDENCE loans f. to 7 per cent ; no nd-
ditloual clmigusforiomminslons or uttor-
ueys' fees. W. U. Mulkle , 1 ir&t Nat bank bldg.
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household good1 * , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. ' 1 ho Ilrst orcauly.nd loan ollico In
the city- Makes loans from thirty tothrnehuu.
ured and Mxty-llve days , wiiich tan be paid In
purt or whole at iiuy lime , thus lowering the
principal und interest. 'Call nud see us when
you v > nut money. We can .assist you promptly
and to your advautnco 'without nmoval ot
property or publicity. ] Mpuoy always on hand.
AD delay in maklni : loans. C. F. Reed & Co. ,
310 S. 18ih St. , over Dln nam & Sons. 491
ONKY to loan. O , V. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan agents. JjOi. Kiinmm Bt , 4112
MONEY to loan on ffcfty or farm property.
Geo. J. Paul. ItOi ) FnrJTam st. 4i
BOILDKV.J loans. oD , V. Sholes. 210 First
National bank. 494
LOANS made on real- estate and mortgages
bought. Louis S. Rofdj&Co . , r. 13 , board trade.
Jt. ji \
_ _ , , jr , _ * " " _
MONEY to loan on furniture , hortos , wagons ,
etc. . or on auy apHroved security. J. W.
Ilobblus , Hllii I'ttrnutJittrcet , I'axtou hotel ,
FIRST mortgage1 loiJtSi at low rates and no
delay. D. V.tiholc-sjrttO.iflrst National bant
r II 491 _
HlLAnELPHrA'Mi/ftfeftgtv'X : TinJst'Col'fur-
nUn cheuu nasternomoney to borrowers ,
purclmsuheL-uritiej. perfect titles , accept loans
ut their western OIHCH. George . P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Irado. 41'7
EYSTOrTirMorrgae6 Co. Loans of jw"to
JJ.OJU ; got our rates before borrowing nnd
Bdvo money : loan on horses , furniture , or any
approved security , , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old. and low
est rutescaUR208ShceleyblktIC ; > th.&Howard8t.
BEFORE making chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to boo The Western Invest
ment Co. . room 44A Huebuilding. . 4l.l )
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The nenderaon Mortgage Investment com
pany , room 400 , Paxton block , C02
SEE Wholes , room 210. First National bank ,
before making your loans. iv-i
$ "iOO,001 to Joan at n per cent. Lluahan & Mahoney -
honey , room Wit , Puxton block. till
MONEY loaned ou furniture , horses nud
wagons , mtes reasonable. City Loan Co. .
118 8 Uth St. . opposite Mlllard hotel. fi05
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
bufore getting my rates , which are the low-
oat on any sum from ti toP. 0 > .
I make loans on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horsen , mules , wagons , warehouse receipts ,
houses , leases , oc : . . In any amount at the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can lie made for ono to fix months nnd
you can pay part at iiny time , reducing both
principal anil Interest. If vou owe a balance
on your furniture or horses or have a loan on
them , I will take it up and carry It for you 03
Ions you desire.
If you need money yon.will find It to your ad-
vatitug * to sen mo before borrowing.
II. P. Masters , room 4 , Wltlmeil building , Uth
and Ijarncy. ' > 484
MONEY to loan by uu eastern man , on gilt
edge property , for the next 10 days , llmrls ,
room -HT. lnt Nat. Hank. f.U3
MONEY to lonnln any amount on household
goods , lior.sos aud wagons , diamonds , land
contractss rend morlKages.or any uvnllatiloso-
curltj' , wltnont publicity. Nebraska Mortgage
Loan Co. Iloom.ri0.l'axtonbK ] ] 2 < tl
ONE hundred dollars piIvato money tolonn
or will buy shoit tlmo mortgage or good
cote , room 13 Hoard o ! Trade , Mtl
MONEY U > loan ; cash on hand : uo delay. J.
W.Snnlre. 121'J I'arnam St. , Klrst National
bank building. GJl
M 'ONEY : loaned on , chattel security or rea
estate. J. J. Wllifnson , 018 Paxton blk.
$1,000 I'rivato money to loan or will buy good
mortgage , W. L. Selby , r. 13 , Iloatd of U'lade.
TO LOANA special funrt or Jlfti.ooa in sums
of flu.OUO aud upwards at very low rates
The Meadlnvebtmeiit 1'q. . 314 a. 16thnt. 13:1 :
MONEY-toana negdUMed at low rates with ,
out delay , and pui-fltiasu good commorclai
paper and mortgage nqios. B. A. Blomun , cor.
13111 und Knrnain. 11 ] wx )
llt r National safeur.liroslt vault : ) . Safes
to rent J5 to Jii u vcuT 1JJ7 S. 13th. 2VJ
_ _
TOR HALE flrorery Kijli feed store ror $1,000.
JL1 halt cash and half itbl/d / vacant lot. W. R.
Homan , Room it , Frtmzpiliblock , 607
TPOU HALE and trurtnlf Homo bakery and
JL' restaurant , novr dAIt a ( rood biiHliiess :
will take putt trade. ( .VVb'it ' tll'J ' N. IGln bt.
_ iKl _
FOR BALE-Or will tuiin ! partner with ffO\
liinulro at Columhla theatur , South Oraahu ,
Q nnd g < th btH. 09 1 UT
TOR SALE Or trade , a well established book
JL' and stationery storo. Uox 51SUM
AK'tKD-lmmvihnta\f \ , a partner to toke
naif Interest In one of tlm b < t wemciy
newspap rs In the country. I rge circulation ;
good patronage ; the he4t. In the county. Lo
cated in good tlirlf ty county seat town In Na-
uroskn of uo Inhaltitauts. A good Jobolllca
in connection lleaion " for this proposition
-two pinch labor for ouo manager. Address
N2I , Dee onice , elfl i
3 2MU , will buy a half interest In u well estiib
( pushed Meet business ; location only an hour
and a half ride from Omaha on II. & Si. R. it.
Largo imamcBs already worked up , but need
moro capital. Investigation bollcltoa. M. A.
Upton i Co. . jOth and rurimm. _ C547
GHQCERYstocicand llxtures In city , invoice
H ° ! w"i < Y > ) ! . , " . " - ! a"a ualuncofood
cltyiiroperty. This
is a nrat-clasji stock ana
reunery reajonahle. tso grocery stock iu
city for t * . flti cash , biiUuro In " Uy property.
A KooU bakerjcoiifwtloimry ud rentaiiruut
cpmblned. In Ilrst Incstlun , iirlco l.liw ;
$ mJZ ! lr.ri * ' ° - l-'o-oncraUvo Lund unit Lot
Co. , Ma N , Itth bt. tvij 4
of n KVroom hotel In city for
! $ l. u one-thlnl cash and. balance tin time.
Co-opcmtiTe Land nnd Lot Co , , ax. N. idth tt.
TpOn Cigar factory , address lock box
JJ 65. David City , Neb. _ 603 fi
T > ARTIES doilrous ot disposing of their btui-
JL ness in any line will do welt to call on or ud >
dress. AY , R. E. & M. B. , Room 15Chaubor Com-
mercu. Oil
KENTAL property. Inside , to exchange for
clear farms or vncant city lots. Thoe. F.
Hall , 311 1'axton block. 607
FOR KXCMfANOE-Kor nny klind ot aonft
property , n grain elevator in onn of the b - t
towns m Iowa , situated In thn heart ofn llbo
nftrlcliltural country. Present owner is not a
grain man , and has other hnslucst A rare
chance for : v practical man. Also , nvu thouiand
acres cf line timber laUd in northern Tennes
see. Room II , Chamber ot t'omm rceTel. 14IU.
rTO F.XCHANOE-CeAr ( , well assorted stock
X ot dry gooct ! > , clothing , boom nnd shoes , hats
nnd cnpproclerlos. . etc. ; will Involi-o nnar
toO.QOo ; will take part good real estate nnd part
money ; wilt ptve time on part of the money ;
box myfrarikfort , 1ml. _ C134t
BEST grain tnulo , elevAtnrs , In Ohio , made
owners rich ; Includes I ! " . . ' nulling nlto , nut-
ural gas nnd 10 rallro.idl ; J15OuO. llox UOI ,
Flndlay. Ohio. 014 2t
3M acre * land to exchange for horse * and c t-
tlo. W. U. Gates , room 518 N. Y , Life bl'dp.
5T > 3 2
WILL exchange new 8-rootn homo , nil mod
ern conveniences , for vacant low or mova
ble property. Roolu 018 Paxtim block. 683
ELEVATOR lu good city in Iowa. Jii.OTO : on
cumbrancefl.tXK ) ; storage cupaclty 2.VI.OJJ
bushels , to trade for city property or good
land. 2room hotel lu South Omaha , with
furnlturo nnd everything complete ; prlci
fll.ttmi mortcazc , W.nixj ; wll trade for Omaha
or Council Illuirsiiroperty. Co-oporatlvo Land
nnd Lot Co. , aVi N. 10th at. 03 4
TjlOR EXCHANGE-Elchtlots In North Omaha
- * - clear , to oxchantte for property in Plerro ,
"Dak. Acdrcss M 7' ' . lieu olllce , 431
GILT edge sucond mortgaijo pnpcr nnd Im
proved real estate for merchandise. W. R.
U. & M. li. . ttooui lo , Chaaber Commerce.
_ _
TJ'On.EXHANGE K ) acres 'clear oCcucumb-
Jranee. . In strips of 10 ucraa. In Mercer coun
ty. Illinois , for stock of goods or city property.
Apply room 210. First National bank building.
TjlOR EXCHANGE- business yicldlngaproflt
J-1 of from fM'U" ' to $ t\.0l \ per annum , to ox-
changb for good lty property. Am willing to
nssnmo light , encnmhrniice. Apply room 210 ,
First National bank building. _ 130
/"tOOD Improved farm property for well so- '
\J cured second mortgage paper. Address , at
once. ' ' 8 , " care lloom 15 , Chamber Commerce.
J Oil
_ _ _ _ _
FOR EXCHANGE 10 clear South Omaha lots
and clearTiand for Ser 10 room house , wnll
assume siimll incumbranco. W. L. Selby. R. 1J.
Hoard Trade. bUJ
V\7ANTEr > To exchange dry goods notions
TT and millinery goods for clear land or city
pF roperty and purt cash. Address box 471) )
F rankfort Ind.
" 1 MI'ltOYED farm and city property for nier-
JLcliandiso. Addicss , Room 14.0liauiboc Commerce
merce- Oil
_ > CLEAR South Omaha lots for horses.or land
* > south or eastot Wheeler Co. , Neb. Solby ,
13 UpirdTrade. 211
NEW 2-soated carriage for 2nd mortgage.
Selby. 13 Hoard Trado. 8tf
TjlOR SALE-On long timeandeaiiy payments ,
X1 handomc , new , well built houses of 8. u. and
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighbor
hood ; paved btreets. street cars , and within
walking distance of P. O. Nathan Sholton. 1U14
Famiiiu .itreet. ion
"p OR SALE , vorychoiD. no trade" , farm 513.70
J. acres , sec. fi.I2 N ( I W HamlHon countv.Neb. ,
2 miles from Murquette , Binall hoiist' , stable ,
3Jo acres pasture fenced , living water , price
only if 10 per acre. 84.17.1 0. one-third IKW rrop
included. Terms S-.2JO casli. balance ( I percent
Interest , F. K. AtKlns , owner.rallroad building ,
Denver , Com , Ml
BUSINESS corner 3 blocks from N. Y. Lifp ,
JU > S1'U per foot , pays 10 per cent ; ij cash , bal.
nnceensy ; D. C. I'attor.soii , 51S N. Y. Lite. C75
T7KR SALE OT 'aYude-\ own an aTu > oiute
JL ? eiiulty'ot ' $ * joJO . In theT'three brick and stouo
store IntlUllngs , three morics high , adjoining
the First .National , bank un Thirteenth St. .
Omaha , that 1 will trade for unlncuinbered
property lu or near Omaha. Should HKO a nice
residence or 1 will sell said prnpertv at n bar-
train. Address W. R. Vaughan , Democrat olllce ,
Oinalul. Neb. C72-3t
III AVE some llrst-class rental property for
PHla chuap within one mile of postllloce , on
paved ctreuts and motor line. Tnoj. P. Hall ,
fill Paxton block. hio
OOMEotthe finest residence sites on and near
OWest rarnam in the market atlowast prices.
There will be fit ) nice residences built out there
next year and good locations are getting scarce.
M. A. Upton Co. , Ibth und Farnnm. ( lot 'i
CITY water , paved streets , motor cat's to
Ames' Place. Prices t'M to 8701. N'ocon-
tracts ; warrantee deeds. Amos , 1507 Farnam ,
OR SALE-n furnlsliPd Hats , together \vUh
an established dressmaking IbOO 'custom
crs. Call at room3.JQj N. ISth st. 61-B lig
1DRRFEOT title to Ames Place. Lots $500 to
$7iKl ; easy payments ; warranty deed ; no
contracts : launders St. ; motor cars puss Ames
Fluce. Ames , 1507 Farnam. 61 6
MOTOR cnrs on Sauuders st. pass Ames
Place : lots SVIO-$7ik > . $7u to SliHJ down. See
Ames Place. Inside lots , Ames , 1507 Farnam.
"VTO contracts for Ames Place lots ; warranty
J- > deeds to lots ; 473 to J10J down , yearly pay
ments ou balance. Ames , lu07Fnrmim st.
(181 ( 5
/ \NE hundred dollars down , balance In easy
Vy yearly payments buys a lot lu Ames Place ,
with paved stieets and motor tnrs to property ;
prlCb (300 to $700. Ames , IWr Farnam. tiJl-G
WAUG II & WoBterneld , real estate , "s. Omaha ,
r > ! 2
8 .ROOM bouse with all modern Improvements ,
Including best furnace , nnar ILiUsconi pitrk ,
} 5 , ( U ; a good home , C , F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat'l limit. OUJ a
J. Business.
Vacant and
suburban properties In the market
aroforsalw bytho old rellablo" M. A. Dpton
Co. . luth line ! Farnam. 212
OTH1NGER If I'epny. Room 20 , Douglas
Ob , liuvo the finest list of do.iiralile
property In Omaha. It embrace * every local
ity In tlio city , aud their prices and terms can
not be duplicated , actual value tonsldnred. In
the west. For U cash , and balance lu : i or 6
years at 7 per cent , they will give a warranty
They will sell a contract from 810 to ' $200
cash , and balance quarterly , extending over 6
years ,
They have lots m Orchard Hill. Walnut Hill ;
Fonpleton I ark und Ilrlggs Place.
Cri'ighton Height * ana Uoverdule.
And In nearly every other duatrahle addition
to Omnlia from S-Kii to S..uoo. nil real * Unit-class
Invfbtinenls. I'rvpure for u big advaucu In
prlciw. TnU ( Irm are on the Insluo tracK , nud
they will not list pvoperty that Is
not at rock bottom price , llnllders can ouy
from them' M. cash , and the balao'o placed as
second mortgage. Pioperty went of the po t-
olllco In Omiihti is thiisurestthlnglnlhe market
for liivoitnumt. Ixits worth Jl.iM ) now will
morotnnn double In the next few years. Any
thing most Ix-twei-n Cumlug and Lravenworth
is excellent property to buy. Krcnr * every
thing In the wayof a bargain within tlifxe lim
its ; it Is. as thn boys say. "a nure thing. " For
runner particulars and list of bur gal in see
Stringer .V I'entiy , Koom 20 , Duiiglus Illk.
651 13
FORSALE The llnttit nrlck rcslaenco in tlm
city , modern and new , large shady yuru con
taining about two acres of grounds , Btouo
walks aud within a complete homo. Have extensive -
tensive business Intcri-Bta hi Salt Jjiko mid my
wlfo derlures shu will llva alone DO longer.
Terms nud price to suit the customer. How Is
that ? Address M 78 lleo olllce. 371)
TTIOR HA I.E Or eTCliange.on easy terms. Homo
J-1 brand new a-room houses ou SpauldtiiK st ,
near motor Una ; no better realdeni'e location In
the city. Also Homo new 7-room homes on
Corby anrt 2 til st. Just 13 { miles from pojt-
olllce ; will exchange any of the above for dear
land or lots. 1'or turms and partlculurs apply
to C , U , BpotUwood. JHK B 16tU st. 44U
CIIIIIU for shares in the "American. "
the largest building and loan association In
the world. M. A. Upton , special agent. Mill
and Karnatn. _ " 's ' _
W"AHHANTBE deed nn-4 perfect title to
Ames place lots. No contracts ; small
rash payment , balance yearly , Prices , * M ) < ) to
KR ( AUICB , im7 Farnam.
AVttW cottages in Axford's. Orchard Hill ,
HorUacn'aXiid. HanxLotn place , I.ako'tiPop.
pletun pure , tiiiinn'aund Parker'H additions to
hell on ouKy monthly payments. Tiicao are on
very choice loti und Boino are on car lines.
Don't delay until next year ; gut lu now and
Uko ndvautaga of riseIn values. F , K. Dar-
Og. 43 llarkir block. _ 075-6
to Bt , Ixjuls off en toneuo
\J houses at a big bargain , K7UO and $ -30 each.
all nawly papurud and ruutud. m a locution that
thuy will never be vacant. Call and let me give.
you toruu , D , D. tuueatoo. Room 43 iiarkur
block , VS niu
ONIA property In Omaha reached by motor
nndiiorsocar llno rorQJ to { TOO n lot , ( too
down. AmtB , l60rFrnam St. oat-i
TjlORBAr.R IClncrrs within one-half mile ot
JL1 cou thous in thn city of Plcrro , DukotVs
novr and growing capitallinoopenlna for coma
enterprising real estate nnn. Address M 73.
41 ! )
STRAIGHT deed , no contracts to Ames place
lots. Only f U to 17'tt for thn best ln ldo
Droperty in Omnha. Ame5 , 1507 Farnani.
A CHANCE for builders Two lots ou corner
tX in north part of thoclty , Uioxl4tfecti ) room
for five cottages. 'Htlo clear and no Inrttm-
branco. Nul fur from motor. I'rlon of both
t50 ; want half cash , bulunrc to suit , Co-opera-
tlvo Irfind and Lot Co. , air , N , loth st ,
SAUNDERS \notorcar.i pa s Atnes Place
and pa\ed strccti ; warranty deed to enrh
lot ; nocontrnctsjWXMoSTiVJ nor lot. Amrs.uof
(127,000 actual. nUiplnililobtulnan niut rosl-
Tdenee.SH.UN worth of hotnoi'lioL'nlimit
adjolnlnp , will Bell for IU,0)j now ! Why ? Tor
rra onnm InnceJof ( IO.UO ) cash ; great olTor.
AddreMLM. Ilea. _ UJlullJ
O2.0ilO ; urlvnte raonnr to loan. C. F. Harrison
'P.Mfrclmnts Nnfl llnnt liullnlntr. 502 4
4-HOOM cottflpe and half lot near High school.
JV'OJ. 0.1Harrison. . MorcnnntsNHt'l Hank.
TPOH SALE or lease , on easy terms , a lots oc\
J-12.ith nvp. . Just south oC Leavcntvorth.
Would build an eight room house and sell ; n
feet for W,0i and sell ou monthly payments.
1,01 * 4 and n , bile 0 , Kllhy Place , high and
slghtlv ,
Ono lot N. 13th su , trncknge
Four business lots N.4th nnd S. 10th st.
2yth nvt\ and Dodge , corner.
lAlft N.Slothst.
Other good reiulonoo property.
I'D lots Crclghton llclirltts. cheap.
Will soil a few lots ou building terra * .
N. A. Kuhn , drugstore. Kith nnd Douglas ,
4U n 23
93xl'r feet , being Slots facing- cast aud south ,
near Milton Rogers' pla-e. west Fnrnnm. C.
F. Harrison , Merchanta Nat 1 Hank. f > nt : 0
fJIOIl BACK On easy terms , the ne\v cottage
J- eroded by mo ou Guorga st. , corner Lowe
ave. ; property haHW ft. f rontaeo on George st.
by l.V ) f rontngo on | AI o avo. For tur mi npulj *
Room210. FlratNatlonal bank building , uoo
FOR HALE fjirgo two story rramo bulldlnK
of 12 or 14 rooms. In good condition , to be
moved. W. 1C Human , Room P , Frouzer block.
'I7IOK BALlt-LntllMk U. Ambler place. J.T75.
X1 R. s. Urown. 322 N. Y. Life building. r > 4 ! UP
T3ARGA1NS1 ou Motor Line. In Walnut Hill
J- > i 2-story now house ot 8 rooms , slshtly
locatlou , lot iilxI.Vl ) , ft. , bant wood and oil tliilsh ,
white coat , cellarwell , coal house , feiio ? , 2-story
barn. 20x20 ft. i'rlco , K.OJO. Small payment
down , balance easy ,
Ixitou Hamilton st , , 50x150 ft. , south front ,
1 2-story new house or ' 0 rooms , city water ,
collar uuder eatlre house , house uulshcU in Ilrst
class style. Price $ j50) ) ; very east terms.
8i ) acres ot ( teed farm land , luo miles west of
Omaha , on the U. P. R. R. . 4 miles' from good
town , worth. SI5 pur acre. JGO ) ; or will exchange
any of the above desert Ded property rot-
lots In Walnut Hill or for lumber. Impure
of E. G. Merrill , 44th Ac Seward stsWalnut. II ill ,
017 lit
II' you want any lots In Orchard Hill , apply to
lloom 210 , First National bauk building for
terms ana location. CjU
KOMKS ror Sale on Monthly Payments.
7-room dwelling In Central Pars , full lot.
south front : payments. JK viper month.
Small cottage in Central ParK , full lot ; pay
ments , t KM per month ,
6 room dwelling , corner .10th and Patrick ave
nue , full lot , south front ; payments , < -0 per
HandRomo'-room dwelling , on Grace strcijt ,
all modem Improvements , on monthly pay
ments. Other property In all parts ot tlm city.
Call and see mo. D. J. O'Donahoe , 10) ) I 1'avnam.
TXTAUIlANTRKdectl to Ames'place. Lots
T T nt tr > 00 to $ " 00 ; motor cars nnd pnved streets
to this propel ty , Ames , 1507 , Farnnm t , (181-5 (
"DEAIIT1FHL south fiont lot on Faruniu nt
J-'gr.ido , near Sid st. 68x1:12 : , alley corner. $7tt)0 ) ,
! i casn , balance to bint. M. A. Upton Co. Kith
and Farnum. 054 7
BEST nnd cheapest inside property tor the
raouey. Ames Place , 8V O to i 7 nl a lot , motor
cars , paved st loots. Ames , 1507 raruuni.
_ _ _
FOR 8A M3 On easy terms :
3-rooin house in west Cumlnp , lot 50x1 ! 5.
Cnsli J.U ) and $17 monthly without interest ;
. .
0-room house on North 20th , lot OOxHJ. Cash
$ nn" . bal. to suit ; 8-l. < V .
New 8-room house on Rristol near E.lundors
Streets , lota C5l I.I ; Sl..ri ) .
Corner Douglas and 10th streetd , J25.TOO.
Lots in Lincoln Place , one-fourth canli. $8r > 0
Iot on Lowe avenue. In Poppluton Park , { 2,009
Lots in Ut. ricasnnt addition $ Mil to KM.
"Acre-lots In Solomon'H addition , $5 K ) .
N Acre-lots In Sprint ; Valley. $425 to S'KIO. '
Residence lotK In nort'rpart of South Omaha
on 2 'ah. 2Hth and 27th streets. $100 to J1.2 III.
Otto Lobect , room IS , Chamber of Commerce.
T710R SALE A new house Just being erected
-E on Cumlngst. In Mhern-ood park ; ttin house
hasall modern Improvements , hard wood finish
throughout ; also largo barn , with 150 ft. front
age on Weit st. by 1-0 f roufago on Cuming St. I
ulll soU this to thu right party on reasonable
tnrms Apply Room 210 , First National bank
building. C03
fj UIt SAf E n-room house , barn nna lot.
JL' Hbiiscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , room.
411. 1st Nat. Hank. _ 832
GLOBE HOTEL , 1SOS-I3IO-1313 Douglas street ,
newly furnished. Strictly first-clans ; rates
Jl.Waml t'l Tarploy llrod. , propnutors.
v2 d Ut
For a line lot BOxliW , In
S25 Cash , Balance Monthly.
This beautiful addition lays on the elevated
lands In the noiihu eat era part of thu city , only
7 minutes wulc from suhurban trains , and
about lOmlnutu * from the proposed motor line.
Price is loss than h.ilf asked for adjacent prop
erty. Only a limited number ot lots will be
void nt this price. Lome quick If you wautoiia
or moro of these oxtraordlniry barg.ilu.3.
VAN BBUBBN Douglas & St 14tha
Notlco is hereby given that a book , will ba
opened at 10 o'clocica. m , on Saturday , the six
teenth day of November. ItwJ. at tiiu olllco of J.
31. Thuraton , Union Pucillc Jlnilillng. in th *
city ot Omaha , Douglas county , Nubrnska. for
tha purpose of rdcelvms subscriptions to the
capital stock of tlio Omahn Union Depot Com-
pauy. W. II. Ilor.coMu ,
G. W. .
'J' . Ij. KlMIIAT.U
O'17-d-SO-t Forthulncorporators.
Dear River Canal , notice to contractors , sealed
propoDiils will be received at the olhce of the
lleur LaKe and River \VutorworlCri nnd'IrrlK it i in
Company , ( HothwHll Canal Syst m > la Ogdfn.
Utah , up to November 1 > , INJ.I. noon , for the
excavat.on of thu iirulrlu workof tno Hear Illvor
Canal , east brunch , including 6 1 m Itut of canal
and about two million (2 ( , Oi ) , ( Wcubui ) yurdx of
matorhil , plans and HpivltlnitiopH may bo Keen
In the ollite of the engineer lu charge in Ogucn ,
bidi intuit lie a ' < ompunled by a-certillcd cliect
p.iyablu to the order of ttioHocrvtary of tlio com-
IMitiy. ioi' an amount eriual to tlvn per emit of
tlm bid , worn will Delet lu divisions , ol' live
to ten mlliui or lu the whole , the compiuy re-
nerves the right to reject auy and nil bids ,
Signed , 1'itKii Mr.TiiiAK ,
N 4 d 10 1. huglneer in Cliarge.
PROPOSALS foFErecflon ofHcnool Ilitlldlng'
etc. , U , 8. Indian KiTVlc-e , Vaiuton Agunuy ,
Daktota. October 1-tli , IHSJ. So.iled nropuHulii.
Indorxed "l'roio ) < als fur erection of u Hchool
building , or for building m.iterl.iU" us tiuicasu
may bi\ and dlrt-ftud to thu undesigned at
tlruunwocid , Dakota , will hu received ut till *
olllcb until onu o'clock of Nuvfinbvr ith ) , I - 'J.
for furnishing thn nuci > a ary nutorliiU and
labor nud for urectlng u two mory frumu Hchool
iDgii tli Vunktou AK-ncy. imk.Mnnu-
cord.mco with plans aud spe.mentions that may
buuxamlned at the olHce ijt the "Pioneer Press
of St. 1'uul , Minn. . th "lleo" ot Omuhu , Nubr. .
and "Journal" of riloux City. Iowa ; ulna for
furnishing a variety of lumber , brl.'kn , win-
down. door.s.harlwtre , uttt , , ( n. full list und des
cription of which mf be outammi by appllca-
tloii to the uiiilnralnnedl. n itilre-l for ugoncy
buildlngii. Itikubiiilttlni ; bidu for the erection of
tlio school building , liiddira mu t utatn tlm
length of time ruiiuln-d to complete It ; and for
furnishing bulldliit ; materials , the price of each
article olfvi'ed for delivery under contract iiiunt
bu tipuclIlcAlly utatud. Certified chunks All hldtf
must oe accompanied by cortlllud checks unon
loiiiu Unltud Bt.ites duposliory , payable to the
order of tnu uud > irslgneil. for at [ aunt r > par cent
of the amount of thu proposal , which chrcK will
be f orfolted to the Unltearitatea In cunoany bid
der or bidders receiving iin uwitrd shall fail to
promptly execute a contract with good und nut-
ncieiit burettes. otherwUn to ha returned to the
bidder. 'Ilia right H reserved to rojucl , uny or
nil bids or any pnrt of any bid If d emed for the
host Interest uf the serrlce. SAMUEL T , H. Indian Agent olfliU'lt
* callrcloitrtoiat t/
ptk'il'.UI. K ' 7UDBl UR CUSHIONS !
i , C a Tcnitlonftfid MuiUbcirJ , C'OBIJ
LdjUtUirlUlltw l . VHC M.flltj
r t "
VlIIHOOiC , MGU llr- . . . . . . ( . vr
cinw WIUTIbilu-uru uotarauori.imi tin
ESTABUSH ° IMI I I 5 ieo so
Chicago , Ills , IClnrkSt ,
Xha Regular Old-Established
InUII Treating wIlhlhaGriatwt
Chronic , feons ana Private Diseases ,
* NERVOUS DEBILITY , to t Manhood ,
Falling Memory , ttxlinustlnc Dralni , Tcrrlbla
Drenrna. Ht a nnd Dick Ache nd all the effects
leading lo early decay ami pet haps Consumption or
Intnnlty , treated scientifically by new method ! with
tKtcr.f.illimi Mtcteu.
Iff SYPHILIS and .11 bad Ulood and SkinDll.
eates permanently cured.
KIDNEY naURWAnYtonii > btrt , aieit ,
Oonorrhoe * . Strletu te , Varleocele nd nil dUxn
of the QenltO'lInnanr Oigitnt lured rrompUy without
injuiy to Stomach , Kidneys or other Orsan .
.OS" No experiment * , Ago and experience 1m-
portnnt. Consultation free ml sacred.
* S-Send4 cents postage for Celebrated Work I on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate D e e .
CS-Ttioic contemplating Mmilace send for Dr.
Clarke'a celebrated ulJe Male and Female , each
15 ctnti , talh 05 cent ! ( tinmio ) . Consult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter orcallmay MvefuUirriufTer.
Ira .ml liatne.irid add golden > c r to life. JUrHoole
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jaccnt < ( > lamH ) . Mt.lklM
and wiltlngt tent everywhere , lecure from exposure ,
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays gtan Addreu
F. D. CLARKE , ftl. D. ,
ISO So. Clnrli St. . CKEOAQO , ILL , .
Running ; between Council IlinT ! and Al
bright , in addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth uim Tumty-rourtU
ets , and at the Summit lu omuhu.
n No. 3 6Or/mA ( | No. 13 7iM era
O No , B tli5 > ipml [ > No. 1 Uirpm :
A No. 4 lOiOUum.O No. 5 0:15pm :
A No. 14 OlUpmlA No. 3. , . . .0:3J : a ui
No. 0 0.40am No. 7 l:27 ) : m
Ao. H 3:15 : p m No. 3 7:15 it m
Uo. 4 , : 'iju m No n , , . . fl ; 15 pin
A No.8 ,0:40iimlA : No. 1 70flftm ;
KANSAS.01Tl\"BT.'n403El"lI & 'COUNCIlJ
No , S. . , .4007B'ui ; A'H'NO. orJ
No , 4 .v:45pmA : No. 1 . .0:10 pm
tiiqu.k o i w I'-ivou'll ! .
No , 10 7:0'iumA | No. 0 8Mam :
No. 12 7:00 : pin IA No , 11 V:00pi
A No. 8 4:35pmA | No.7 12inOu
A daily ; II daily , exeunt Saturday ; 0 oxcep
( Sunday ; D rxcvpt Monday ; fustinatl.
. IIA1 "K & CO.'S
J * altotulelu pure and
it tt toluble.
No Chemicals
> r > lutl b IU pttputtloo. II hu mttt
14 n Urn limn Hi itrinyA of Cooot
lulled wllli Sunk , Arranruol or Bufir ,
uij U IhcnfuK fir irnir * ccunwuUtl ,
Hillnf lul Hum UM tin tVf. It It
d IrUiu | , uvurULlug , trci > [ Uiialitr , EJU
HILT Diuurw , mil * la\lttl\j \ tiUptcA
A > r luv li ii M ttcll tt ineitoLt lu hctltlk
8old ljr Urprvn eicrpititre.
W. DAICER & CO. , Dorchester , Mas * .