Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllvr red by cnrrler In nny part of the City at
Twenty Ccntnpcr Week ,
o. 43.
ie. No. 23. ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Glenson coal
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Tlmtchcr coal , sco ndvcrtltcmcnt.
Lcst ! coal nnd wood at C. 13. Fuel Co.
Carbon Cool Co. wholesale , retail , 10 Pearl.
Fall snlo begins Monday. Boston store.
ti. T. MoAtco 1ms moved Ills grocery to 233
Pearl street.
Tno school board will hold a special mootIng - i
Ing this evening.
A marriage ) license wns Issued yesterday
to C. J , Daniels and Adola Callahan , both of
Taylor Station , this county.
Manager Uoliany received a letter from
Mr. It , Moyiir , yesterday morning , asking
for n ante for Sarah Uornhnrdt in the spring
ot 18'Jl.
The Salvation Army will discontinue their
regular wnrfnro Thursday ovcnlriR IOUR
enough to servo an oyster supper at the bar
Complaint 1 * mndo that Prank strcot.north
of Uroudwny , is sadly In need of sidewalks.
Thu pedestrians who suck to go to church on
Sunday , or market on week days , are very
Regular meeting of ttio board of trade this
evening. Matters of importance ; must ho dis
posed of. It Is the next to the last regular
meeting of the year. All members should
There will bo n publio Installation of
ofllccra of the Good Tumplars this evening In
the Morrlam bloult. An oyster supper nnd
literary programme will bo provided in con
coction with the ceremonies.
On the llrst of the month a chnngo went
inlo effect regarding the postal servlco on
ibo Wabasli. It was formerly u ono man
run from Mcbcrly to this city , but there nro
new tivu crews of two men each , and the
nnrao of the line Is the St. Louis , Moborly &
Council Bluffs.
There will oo a mcctlnp , frco to all , this
evening in Kulnt Paul's church , of the organ
ization known as the King's Daughter.
Several ot tlio King's Daughters from Utnalui
liavo promised to attend nnd will make ad
dresses , und nn Interesting tiu.o is expected.
The boy choir will slug.
T. J. Mclntosh , who wns convicted during
tbo last term of ilia dlsttlct court of obtain
ing property under false pretences , and sen
tenced to two. years In the penitentiary , was
yesterday released from the county Jail , hav
ing given an appeal bond , and will have his
llbnrtj until the supreme ( rcourt has ruled
upon the matter.
Colonel J. J. Stcadman , of tha Nonpareil ,
wns sorely perplexed yesterday to account
for nn Item that iippeurod In a morningpjpor *
stating that ho had bold his interest in the
Nonpareil plant. The Information thus con
voyed to tbo publio was a surprise to Colonel
Stcadman. and hu says the statement wus
entirely unuuthori/.cd.
The Mnrquotto society has been organized
for the amusement und improvement of the
young men of the Catholic church. .Uoouis
have been fitted up In the basement of SU
Francis Xuvler's church. Games , debates.
good reading matter and other attractions
nro to bo provided. The rooms will bo
opened 'Thursday evening and thereafter
every evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. Uov.
Father Mnlloy is the president.
The Pullman restaurant , 531 Uroadwuy.
E. H. Slicafo & Co. give special attcnt ante
to the collection of routs und care of property
in the city and vicinity. Charges inodurato.
Ofllco Broadway and Main streets.
New Ogden , largest and best hotel in
western Iowa. Special attention to commer
cial tnen.
Boots , shoes , rubbers , Klnnotmns , 320
Finest market in city F.M. Soanlun's.
Personal Paragraphs.
Miss Llda Near , of Ottumwa , is In the city ,
visiting J. D. Johnson and sisters on Wash
ington avenue.
George T. Snyder , of Easton , Pu. , Is In
tbo city visiting his brother , J. It. Snyuer ,
tbo Pearl street commission merchant. Ho
will remain In the city several days , getting
his first Impression of a real llva western
Dr. Stevens has removed his office from
tbls city to Omaha , boiug now located on
Thirteenth street , opposite tuo fair. Ro
will continue his residence- this side of
tbo river.
Alwnys on Time.
If you wish to purcbaso a good and reliable
Tvatrh 25 per cent less than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at C. U. Jacqucuiin < fe
Co. . 27 Main street.
C. 13. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Blxby has removed to Men-lain blocir.
"The Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y '
Ncumoyor hotel First class. Reasonable
Gotllnir Ilunilr for To-Dny.
The politicians were out in force last evenIng -
Ing and congregated at the Manhattan ,
where several bets were inado. Ono bet of
twotoouo on O'Neill by tin enthusiastic
democrat attracted considcrabto attention ,
but when ho again flushed Ins roll and
wanted to duplicate the bet the interest sud
denly died out. Several bets were inado on
majorities , und the opinion scorned to bo that
Plunior would head the ticket with an in
crease over Ills 1,700 majority of two years
ago , and that Boles would bo second. Money
was placed on Boles securing over 1,500 , ma
jority. Tha majorities of tlio other demo
cratic nominees was ranged down to COO , at
which llguro O'Neill wan placed.
It is predicted that the light will bo hot to-
aay , but that everything will pass off ouintJy.
Mulonoy & O'Brien have inado arrangements
with the Western Union to rocelvo all the
Associated press political dispatches for the
next four days , and will bulletin those nnd
the returns from the county at the Manhat
tan , which bus been the political headquar
ters of Iho campaign.
Mrschondorf'8 popular meat market , finest
lu the Twin Cities. ! KU Brouuwuy.
Money loaned nt L. L5. Onft'a < fc Co. 'a
loan olllco on furniture , pinnoa. liorsos ,
wagons , iMsrsontil property of all Uinda ,
nnd ull otiior nrticloa of value , without
removal. All business strictly coull-
Dr. C. II. Bowers , 520 First avcnuo.
Ledgers nnd Journals , special ruled , extra
first class paper and well bound , by More-
bou o & Co. , Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Lot Rasniusscn beautify. your house In best
ttylo and cbcap. U North Main.
Arrested for Uvorolinralne.
A hack driver named D. O'Lenry was before -
fore the police Judge yesterday morning ,
charged with overcharging a passenger.
The latter was a stranger , who gave the
name of J. M. Evaua , and arrived la tbo city
Saturday night ou the Kansas City train.
IIo hired O'Loary to take him to a bouso on
Main street , but the party bo wished to BOO
did not llvo there , and over an hour was con
sumed In finding him nt the last houco ou
Fifth avonuo. Kvans tendered a tlO bill In
payment of the tl.fjU charged , Tbo backman
walked to tbo transfer to got it changed. Ho
counted the chnngo twice before Evans , and
rave blm back $3.50 , Sunday morning
Kvans discovered that bo was Just a dollar
short , and bad O'Loary arrested. After
hearing both sides , the court .decided that
tbo bnoktnan could go on payment of costs ,
and E"BIIS was loft to niouru tba alleged loss
An Unknown Poroon Ground to
Plocoo On the Halt.
BIclrmlslilriK For To-ilny's Bnttlc
Tho' City Council Monls-Gonoral
nncl I'orHonnl Notcn of
Killed on tlio Unit.
"This Is the worst chewed up tlft wo'vo
hid since wo'vo boon In the business , " re
marked Will Esten , of the undertaking firm
of Field ft Estop , as bo paused In his work
last evening over a horribly mangled mass of
flesh , bones , tllrt and cinders , blood-bo-
smeared , ami bearing not tlio slightest resemblance -
semblance to the remains of a humnn being.
Yotsucn , In fuct , were the ropulstvo and
sickening frncmonts. A pair of congress
shoes , attached to some part ot the gory
heap , were the cnly lliln s that would lead
ono to suspect thiit only ono short hour
before those remain * had bean full of Ufa and
health , which hud been crushed out In un
Instant by the merciless grind of the iron
wheels , unil the body literally reduced to
inlnco meat.
How It happened will uover bo known ,
nnd the identity ot tlic dead man may like *
who remain a mystery. The llrat that wus
known of tlm horrlblo affair was a few tnin-
utos after tl o'clock last evening , when ono
of the employes of the Northwestern round-
honso started to cross the tracks , nnd almost
stumbled over what the light of the lantern
disclosed to bo the trunk of a human body.
The mcomlticr evening passenger , No. 5 from
Chicago , hid just passed on Its way to the
local depot und the transfer , nnd apparently
explained Uiuiiwful llnd. The coroner was
nt once notified of the affair , and repaired to
the rouiid-houso whcro an Inquest was held.
No facts were elicited that could throw
any liuht upon the subject , as no ono had
seen.tho man , no one knew him , and no ono
know anything of his tragic death until his
mangled .remains ware found as ubovo
stated ,
The engineer of No. , * was not aware that
a man had been killed , .and quietly went
home nnd to bed. Wiion the tram arrived ut
the transfer the engineer found .1 small spot
of blood upon ono of the driving wheels and
remarked , "Hello , xve must have run over a
( ! oi ? somewhere up the lino. " When
the train backed , up to the yards
tlio engineer got oil at the dummy
crosslntr , and walked up the dummy track
to the Metropolitan , while the llromun took
the engine on to Broadway , to turn over to
the hostler , and was thcro informed that
they had killed a man In the .yards as tlioy
came in , , Ho went nn up to the round house ,
and was a witness before the coroner's Jury.
Ho testilioa that no one had been seen upon
the track , and the llrst intimation ho had of
tiny accident \vaias nbovo stated. When
the train was nearly opposite the round
house , ho noticed that they slacked up a
little , and supposed that some ono in one nf
the cars was fooling with the
air brake. No attention was paid
to it , and nothing further liaDpcned
until they neared llio Broadway depot , when
the train suddenly came to u full atop. Ho
and the engineer supposed that the conductor
had turned on the air , unit got oil to llnd out
the reason. The conductor had not touched
the air , nnd an Investigation showed that the
small stopcock on the under side of the air
drum , just back of the lire-box cf the engine ,
hud been broncn off. It was supposed that u
crossing plank or some small object on the
track had struck it , nnd the hole was plugged
up and the train proceeded to the transfer.
Other witnesses conlJ toll nothing that
would explain any more fully how the acci
dent occurred.
The coroner's jury , composed , of W. li.
Copson , Ed Hates and Ed Morse , returned a
verdict in. accordance with the fact , and at
tached no blame to the railway company or
any ot itscmployes.
It is supposed that the stopcock was broken
off by the body of the unknown dead man ,
thus turning on the nir. Where the accident
occurred Is a matter of conjecture , us the re
mains wero.strewn along the truck as far up
as the section house , a quarter of
a mtlo above the round house , whcro
the body was found. The supposition is
that the deceased was stealing a ride ,
and was cither on the pilot , at the frout of
the engine , or on the forward trucks , under
the boiler. If ho was In the former placu ho
was evidently benumbed and fell off , und
if the latter , his clothing must have caught
on the uxlo and pulled him from his position.
Tlio pinco on the trucks Is ono very fre
quently occupied , us the boiler iuriiishcs heat
for the impecunious traveler , and there is
quito u little platform there on wnlch to rido.
Scarcely a day passes that a tramp is not dis
lodged from this perilous perch by the watch
ful engineer as ho oils his engine.
It was a gruesome task gatthorlue up the
scattered remains. Here was a log ,
there an arm or an car , nnd a little further
on a portion of the entrails. The clothes
were found near the section house , that is ,
such us were found at all , for some baa un
doubtedly been torn to shreds and scattered
to the winds.
The wheels had passed lengthwise across
the fnco of the unfortunate num. reducing
the head to u pulp , and a small poitlon of
ono cheek was all that could bo recognized
ns n portion of a human head. The shoos
were the only portion oC the clothing loft
upon the .body , and they were picked up
with the ends of two mangled stumps pro
truding from them , presenting a most revolt-
tint' spectacle.
The only things found in the pockets were
a small notebook containing n largo number
of newspaper clippings of poetry and a pawn
check for an overcoat on which $ ' . < had bcon
loaned , on the 'Ja Inst. , by A. Wolf , South
Tenth street. Omaha. It is probable that
this iimy load to his identity.
The deceased was dressed in a brownish
gray , pepper-and-salt coat nnd vest nnd a
striped blue llanncl shirt. The hat und
pants were not found , nnd were probably
blown to ono sldo of the track and may bo
found In the morning.
The remains were taken to the underlett
ing rooms of field & Estop , where they now
lie , nnd will bo held until to-morrow for
J. U. Tlpton , real estate , G27 Broadway.
Three dollar cabinets only $1.75 , Schmidt's ,
220 Mnln.
Got Fountain Go cigar , next to Elsoman's.
Swauson Munlo Co. , ! )35 ) Broadway.
Sheet music lOc , 533 Broadway.
C. B. P. Co. , Stephan & Harmer , 33 Pearl
Soott's Preliminary Hunrlne
The preliminary examination of ox-Po-
Hccmait'O. ' W. Scott , charged with the mur
der of Lottie Leland , was commenced before -
fore Judge Aylosworth yesterday afternoon.
Prosecuting Attorney Organ appeared for
the state , and Colonel D. B. D.ii'oy ' con
ducted the defense. Several witnesses were
examined for the state , but all the evidence
for the proseeiUioa had not boon submitted
when court adjourned , The testimony Intro
duced was substantially the same as given
by the witnesses at tlio coroner's inquest ,
ana those who were placed on the stand were
Ilattlo Turner , Hazel Gray , Hello Clever ,
Jerry Mullen , Frank Fowler , Elmer Josolyn ,
Dr. J , C. Waterman and W. If. Brotz. Aoout
tno only thing that was fully proven wus
that the Leland woman \vus she and dlod
from the wound. It did not appear from the
evidence that Scott was oven In the room
with the deceased when tbo shooting oc
curred , or that ho went up stairs with bar.
Some of the witnesses , notably the inmates
of the Clever bagnio , hud apparently sulTorod
material lapse of memory regarding sev
eral matters , and the Indications are that
should the case finally coma to a trial In the
district court they will have entlrejy for
gotten everything in connection with the
case.Scott's wife and llltlo girl were present In
court room , and sat by his .sldo during the
hearing. Mrs. Scott evidently remembers
what" has passed , and there- was a conspicu
ous coldness which she manifested toward
her husband , She gave tbo closest attention
to thu testimony of the witnesses from the
house where thu tragedy occurred , and was
apparently desirous of ascertaining just
what Scott's relations with the dead woman
bad been , Scott listened intently to the
ovldonco , ns this was the first tlrao that bo
had boon confronted wlnh tbo witnesses.
His confinement has told heavily upon him ,
and ho has lost fully fifty pounds In weight.
Ho ftppen'rs nervous nnd careworn , nnd nitric
circles have appeared under his eyes , whllo a
deep pallor has succeeded the ruddy com
plexion that wns his before his Incarcera
tion.Tho hearing was continued until tomorrow
row mornlnn at 9 o'clock , at which time the
fttnto will call tbo doctors who attended the
woman after the shooting , and some of the
inmates of the Clover bagnio , whoso pros-
cnco could not bo secured yesterday. It is
known what testimopy the defense will In
troduce. but It Is understood that the do *
fcndant Is the only witness , nnd ho will bo
placed upon the stand In his own behalf.
When court adjourned the marshal In
quired whcro the prisoners should bo con
fined until the completion of the examina
tion. The court thought that the county
j.iil was the best plnco , as "tho city jallmicht
bo needed for other parties who might violate
late the election laws. " Thu prisoner ob
jected to going to the county jail , ns his wife
wished to visit him to-day , nnd the court
stated that ho had no choice In the matter.
The matter wns entirely in the hands of the
marshal , and nil that was necessary was thnt
ha should bo safely confined somewhere. The
upshot of the matter was that the prisoner
was taken back to tha city Jail.
Considerable Interest was manifested in
the cnso nnd there were several spectators
in the court room. It Is thought thnt half n
day will suillcn for hearing tbo remainder of
the ovldonco. The testimony Is bulns re
ported by District Court Keportcr Clark , of
Judge Mucy's court , who loaves to-morrow
evening for Clarlnda.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato
prices. E. II , Shoafo & Co. . rental agonU ,
Broadway nnd Main streets , up stairs.
The city council mot last evening with the
mayor in the chair and n full board present.
H was the regular monthly meeting and ns
much tlmo was required for reading of bills
the council procBQJcd to work without read
ing the minutes.
A number of bids for construction of
sewers were referred to the city engineer for
tabulation ,
An ordinance to straighten nnd vacate n
portion of North Eighth street was presented
sented- and read the first tlmo and laid over
under the rules nnd referred to a commltlco
composed of Alderman Evimitt , Waterman
and Kncphcr.
fhu regular monthly bills were allowed
and ordered audited.
Bonds , less 10 per cant of the nmountft ,
were ordered drawn In favor of Contractor
GuorgoS. Miller for back paving , ono for
? I,1S7.20 , one for S143.45 und ono for S13-
aw. 15 , and the nssessmont of the cost or
dered taxed up to property owners on the
streets paved and sewered under Miller's
The order and contract for grading Com
mercial street In Snow & Green's uubdivis-
ion were rescinded and annulled for the rea
son that thu grades established was imprac
ticable and injurious to the property abut
ting thereon and to the prooer
improvement of Fulrmount park ,
and the engineer ordered to prepare
n profile for a proposed avenue from Park
nvcnuo easterly along the line of Snow &
Grneu's subdivision. After a great deal of
discussion nnd the notice by Contractor
O'flcarn that ho would oxpcct damages , the
matter was referred to the committee on
streets and alloys , with power to act.
Bids for paving , with hard burned brick ,
of the alloy between Hryant and First
street , were received. The bid of W A.
Moorn , for1.50 per yard , was the lowest.
and he was awarded the contract and given
thirty days in which to complete the work.
Bids for grading Avenue A replacing the
earth taken out by the Motor company were
received. There were a largo number of
bids , and they were referred to the city
engineer for tabulation.
A larco number of bids for plank and
brick sidewalks were offered for tabulation :
Tnobid of John Sklnklo was thrown out DO-
cause thu bond furnished was not as largo as
called for in the advertisement.
Bids for a mile or two of .stono curbing
went the same way. The lowest bid was
supmitted by John Linnchau , US
cunts per lineal toot for artificial stono.
A petition was presented from property
owners on Lower Hroudway , asking for the
removal of one electric light tower from
Middle Broadway to some point in their lo
cality. Referred to the committee of tbo
Property owners on Lincoln avenue asked
for the establishment of the grade on that
thoroughfare and asked that it be ordered
put to grade. Referred.
Tho.mutter of change of grade on Eighth
nvenuo was referred to the committee of the
The list ol democratic policemen submit
ted by tno local chairman to act ou election
day was approved and the mayor instructed
to approve a similar list from the republican
managers. If submitted , to-day.
On motion of Alderman Everett a war
rant for $3,000 was ordered drawn in favor of
the flnunco committee to assist in the park
litigation , nnd to take up a note for (2.00) ) at
the Savings bank , which sum was drawn
upon individual pauor ot Alderman Lacy and
the mayor to secure some of the disputed
tltlo to the park lots.
The council agreed to moot as a committee
of the whole on Wednesday afternoon and
complete the location of the electric lights.
onieor Josslyn appeared and asked for an
investigation into the matter of his discharge
from the police force. liefcrnid to the inuyor
and police committee.
Adjourned until Thursday ovcnmg.
Cobs $1 a load. Glcason , 20 Pearl.
Tlio Editorial nurdciiH Which Editors
Hour Gracefully.
Detroit Free Press : Wo extract the
following item from the lust issue of the
Arizona Kicker :
"Thoy Will Know More. A combi
nation culling Itself the Acmq opera
company , 'Of ( Jhicttgo , gave a show ot
some sort at Reynold's hall last Friday
night. No frco tickets were sent to
this olllco , and when wo sent our hnlf-
brood roller boy over to the manager
with a note asking why in Texas ho
had neglected such nn important duty ,
ho returned word that The Kicker could
kick nnd be hungod to it. Wo therefore
kicked. Wo hired Cooper's hall for the
same night , guvo a free dance and the
Acrao opera company opened to nn
audience composed of the landlord's
cros9-oycd boy and two old half-breeds
who thought somebody was going to bo
"There's nothing mean about ua. Wo
simply want what is duo to the pro
fession , nnd what has boon granted It
from time immemorial. When an
amusement combination sots out to ig
nore us nnd make us sing small "some
body will certainly hour something
drop before potting to the top of the
lie Still Lives. A Nebraska sub
scriber writes to inquire if there js
another weekly published in this
burg. There is. Wo have u chat
tel mortgage on everything but
the red-houdud , cross-oyod , lop-shoul
dered coyote who edits it , und can
close him up tit any minute ; but wo lot
him run on in order to keep him off the
town. Wo rather like his audacity us
well. IIo prints 180 copies , none of
which can bo road on account of the
poor press work , ana yet ho claims the
largest circulation in the known world.
JIo knows wo own the very chair ho sits
in. but yet ho devotes four columns ouch
week to abusing us personally.
"Yos , ho fitlll lives , poor old unfor
tunate. But wo nro gainer to give him
rope for the winter. If ho was bounced
out ho might have to run for the legis
lature. "
"Not Saying ft Word. Many of
our subscribers are asking why
the Kicker has nothing to say in
favor of either of the local * tickets now
in the Hold. There are two reasons.
First , bocuuso wo are not nominated on
either ticket , and secondly because a
bigger gang of rascals was never up for
olllco. Wo wanted to run for mayor , it
la no use being over modest about
euch things. Wo nro better fitted for
Iho position lbjn ( tiny other man in
town , The olllco should Imvo boon glnd
to Book us. It. idldn'tdo so , nnd so wo
sought it. Wo 'should have filled the
position with credit to all , but the gang
wanted a tool , nn.d so they nominated
Dee Burrows nnd' Hnnk Jones to head
the two tickets , ' Neither ot thoss men
will over Bcrvo. ' Within ono month wo
will have both of them baalc at .Toilet to
eorvo out their Unbxplrod sentences.
"Wo havn bo'6nwarnod , that wo must
come out nnd support ono ticket or the
other or go 101110 wall. Begin your
wnll business , gotitlomon , ns soon nsyou
ploaso. When you down us you have
got to boatagrnnd aggregation of news
paper , grocery , food store , harness shop ,
butcher shop nnd knitting factory , all
under ono roof , presided ever by ono
head , and each doing n line business. "
"Not Just Yet The Tom Cat Silver
Mlntiig company sent us a certificate of
stock of the face value of $500 last week
nnd asked u ; to editorially mention the
fact that the mine would prove ono of
the greatest bonanzas of the ngo for in
vestors. Wo can't conscientiously do it
yot. Wo wnntto wait awhllo and sno
whether wo nro to bo assessed on tlio
stock or not , and we'd like to hoar of
some ono who bus received n dividend.
Wo used to take everything in silver
stock thnt came along , nnd puff up their
old swindles without stint , but wo have
inado a change of base in this respect.
Wo found that tv company which would
beat the publio would also bent us. "
"Thoy Took Exception. Tall Bill , of
tho'Gem Saloon , Ohio George , of the
Arcade poker rooms , nnd Lovely Jim , of
the Rod Front Sink of Iniquity , took ex
ception to our Uinuly remark in last
week's issue that whisky nnd poker
were trying to run the town , and they
laid for us accordingly. On Friday after-
neon wo were examining the carcass of
a big jackass rabbit killed ever in the
guloh by Sam Andrews , and on exhibi
tion in front of Devises' butcher shop ,
when the thrco worthies above named
approached nnd signified their inten
tion of cooking our goose. Wo hud them
covered by our gun in five seconds , and
wo hold them In line with hands up for
full five minutes as tin exhibition.
When they hud boon disarmed wo al
lowed them to sneak away ,
"Wo don't claim to own -this town ,
nnd we never sot out to run it , but wo
propose to talk plain English on all fiub-
jueU and guard the public interests to
the best of our ability. II the three par
ties named do not subside at once wo
shall encourage a crowd to turn out
with n rope some frosty evening and
pull their heads chock up against u
limb- "
The BR | Bull That Kuns Wild Over
California nnd Nevada.
It is doubtful if any land animal of
this ago. outside the elephant and rhin
oceros , equals in size to the fully devel
oped members , of the bovine family ,
says the Reno ( Nov. ) Gazette. Very
few of thorn nro granted the opportun
ity of attaining full size , ns they cither
go to the butcher shop when three or
four years old. ' or are transformed by
the knife' from the deop-voiced and
broad-necked head of the tribe into the
piping ox and s'6t to dragging logs to
mill or pulling the plow , liven the king
of the herd fnlls'uvictim , to the canned
corned-beef market before his time and
is replaced by younger and more vigor
ous blood. Perhaps tlio.lincst specimen
of his race on this continent is nu im
mense blue bull that roams at largo
ever the Madelinot plains , and has for
years boon the dread of the herdsmen
who have to gather cattle twice a year
in that country. Madeline plains is a
high table-land on Iho eastern slope of
the Sierra Novndas , " extending
from1 Honey valley nearly to
Goose lake , devoted to the cattle -
tlo and horse business almost ex
clusively. Farm are few and fur be
tween , and this beast hud abundant
freedom to develop. Ho escaped the
hrandf ng-iron and knife while u young
ster and now has passed entirely be
yond control of the methods nnd appli
ances of the cowboy's art. No corral
could hold him and n dozen , horsemen
could not handle him oven if they
could get their ropes on him , IIo is ,
from all reports , fully us largo ns-any of
the animals that tire exhibited as
curiosities , und .unlike them his devel
opment is superb. While their ton.
acre pastures gave them room to feed
his range was over whole counties and
his actionis like that of a deer or a
race-horse compared with .theirs. He
has been heard of in widely separated
parts of the country. Dr. Patterson.of
Ccdarville , says ho broke into a Hold in
Surprise valley ono night and nte up a
whole crop of sugar-cano. Ed Ferris ,
at Honey lake , had him , with a lot of
cuttle , in a corral onco. but ho walked
through it as if it was mnde of old news
papers. Low Clark got a rope ever ono
horn and his nose but the steer was
walking awa\ with horse and rider so
fast that ho had to lot go and lose his
lino. Allen Bragg saw him once in
Dixie valley and Senator Fred Cox on
Pit river.
When the mountains nro snowed un
der , his lordship betakes himself to tlio
rich bunch-grass of Nevada , and graces
the ranges of Louis Doau and Ward
Bros. , with his presence , and has bcon
soon by Col. C. H. E. IZurdin's vaqueros
as far east a Quinn river. Thcro seems
to bo nothing in the country that ho
fears , nnd neither man nor animal can
tame him. Ho has boon shot at often ,
but his thick skull sheds bullets like a
duck's back dues hail , and unless a
chance shot reaches the heart
ho is pretty sure to die of old
age. John Flockonstein declares
that ho saw him and old "Clubfoot , "
the gigantic grizzly , come together in
Sardine valley a few years ago , which
must have boon something to behold.
They hud both bean invincible up to
that hour , and each wns ready for any
thing that came buforo him. The bull
scorned to got ttio first scout of an
enemy nnd bognii-lo paw the ground nnd
bellow. Old ' 'ClUbfoot" accepted the
challenge and marched proudly out into
the open and waited for the charge ,
which came _ _ plenty soon. IJo
reared up on jjis haunches and re
ceived his onolriy with a nlow on the
sldo of the head Umt resounded like a
note from a drijin' , but the momentum
of the Hying animal was too great , and
the bear took atumblo ; clear ever him
self. IIo rose iu a rugo , und before the
bull hud time td'turn ' ho was upon him ,
touring his sides with tooth nnd claw.
The air was filled with dust , and the
woods echoed und re-echoed with the
roars of the bear and the bellowing of
his foo. Blood ( lowed from both , and
the horns were tearing the shaggy coat
of bruin as severely as the clawfl were
that of tno bovine. The light resulted
in a draw , and John says oaoh
scorned to have had enough as ho sadly
took his several roads ; but us old Clubfoot -
foot has never bcon soon since it is sup
posed that the terrible thrusts from the
sharp horns and beating from the thick
ekull wore too much for him , and ho
crawled away nnd died. The lust place
the bull wns hoard of was in the hills
beyond Snowstorm canyon , but ho may
turnup nearer homo , ns Jim Miller
offers & 50 for him dead or alive , and
Mr. Bragg 10 for hla hido. From nil
accounts his horns would bo u noble
trophy of the chase , as they uro said to
be very long and extend in a handsome-
curve fur out on each side of the head ,
A Sorloa of Crimea Almost Without
a Parallel.
Uimigttoctlng Gursts Mnrtlcrcil In
Unwfl Wlillo Blulna At tlio
TalJlo The CollnrVns
n Chnrnot IMt.
A Kansas Gnlcotlin.
The recent arrests fit Nilcs , Mich. , of
persons supposed to bo members of the
notorious Bender family , of Kansas , re
calls ono of the most horrible chapters
in the criminal history of the west.
The family consisted of ono old man ,
his wife and n son and daughter Kato.
They kept n sort of waysldo inn , with a
saloon attachment , about ton miles west
of u little vlllugo called Galesburg , in
Kansas. Hero travelers often put up
for the nlirht , and it was usually the
case that they took lodgings for otor-
nity. At tiny rate , the doom of travel
ers was sealed the moment they crossed
the Bonders' threshold , and so numer
ous became the disappearances that
investigation followed and a series of
bloody crimes for Rain wore unearthed
which stand without a rival in criminal
history , says the Cincinnati Enquirer.
The scheme of the family was
tin ingenious one. When they
some member of the family would stray
out and busy himself about the roadside ,
and as the travolor.drew near would
accost him in a pletisaht manner , and if
the time was anywhere near nightfall
would assure the traveler that ho could
not roach his destination and had bettor
stop and remain over night ,
Such real old Virginia hospitality was
rarely , if over , declined. The
house was admirably and pur
posely arranged for the double
purpose of robbery and murder. The
front room was separated from the baclc
by a thin curtain , similar to that placed
over folding doors. When a man
entered whom the family proposed * to
rob ho was invited to take a seat with
Sometimes several travel era arrived
together at the wayside inn. Then nn
equal number of members of the family
concealed themselves behind the cur
tain , and , each selecting a victim ,
would await the given signal and op
portune moment to brain the unsuspect
ing guest.
Sometimes the stranger would chnneo
his seat. Thuu the family aroused
themselves to become exceedingly
jocose and entertaining. The old mail
related stories of hair-breadth escapes ,
daring robberies and incidents of early
life on the plains. Games wore proposed
and all sorts of merriment was indulged
in. Among the games would bo ono in
which tlio traveler had to got down'on
his Uneoson a pillow and bo blindfolded.
The pillow was placed directly over the
trap-door , and at the right time KTato
would stop from the curtain , and , doul-
'ing the victim a blow on the baclcof the
skull with a largo hammer , followed it
up by a blow on the temple with"
smaller ono , which finished the trav-
eler. Then the trap-door was pulled ,
and the victim fell a corpse
below. Disappearances became more
and more frequent , people were missed ,
and inquiries wore frequently made
about strangers who had been scon in
Gulcsburg , but could not bo traced
further than the neighborhood of the
Bonders' home. Though they wore re
garded as tough characters , and kept
to themselves , yet nothing positivo'was
known against thorn. Murder will out ,
however , and the career of the Benders
ers could not , liuo the purling brook ,
go on forever.
The immediate cause of their discov
ery was a woman from Eastern Kansas ,
when her husband , expecting to settle
in Western Kansas , took his departure ,
agreeing to return on a certain day and
bring his wife along. Time rolled on
and the wife becoming alarmed nt her
husband's failure to come for her , start
ed in search of him. As luck would
have it , she was overtaken near night
fall at the Benders and took a room
there. It was a room in the second
story , and looking around , she saw on
the bureau
that attracted her attention. Opening
it she saw a picture of herself that she
recognized as one her husband always
wore. Then her auspicious wore thor
oughly aroused and she resolved to
watch an opportunity to escape. She
feared to retire , and putting out the
light , awaited in the darkness to note
The night was a bright moonlight
ono and looked out upon an orchard.
Soon she saw a light moving about in n
mysterious manner. She lost no time
in effecting her escape from the
window onto tv porch , and mov
ing stealthily toward the orchard ,
closely watched the movements of
the people. When they disappeared'
she wont to the spot and discovered
Paralyzed with horror at tno sight of
the grave that was intended for hersho ,
remained in concealment on the
prairies until morning came , when , re-
palring to ono of tlip neighbors , aho re
lated what she had seen and heard and
produced the lockoi as confirmation of
nor blood-curdling talo.
The news spread like wild-fire , and
what had boon only suspicions before
became now proof as plain as Holy
Writ. The country was aroused and a
posse of citizens was at once organi/.od
and proceeded to the abode of the
Bonders. The birds had got wind that
their sins wore on their way homo to
roost and had taken flight. Their slock
and cattle wnro found , their horses tied
to a wngpn. They followed their trails ,
scouring the country , hut whether they
overtook them and meted out to them
the grim justice they deserved , or
whether they wore unable to find
thorn , is
Tho- members of the posse had sworn
to secrecy and refused to talk , yet there
have been various rumorn that the
family escaped to Mexico or Texas , or
lied to Germany to live in aflluonco on
their ill-gotten gains.
The grounds about the cabin wore
thoroughly explored , and revealed a
horrible state of nlTairs. Many graves
were found containing moldering skele
tons of murdered victims , Among the
bodies found was that of a ynungor
brother of Mrs. Willis Williford , of
Athens , Ga. He lived about forty-eight
miles from the Benders , and started ono
day to invest in HO mo lands in the south
western part of the state. Ho had several
hundred dollars with him , and trav
eled in a two-horse wagon. On the
second day ho reached the cabin of the
Benders , and was never boon afterward
alivo. Eighteen months afterward his
body was recognized by the color of his
hair and some buttons that ho were as
being ono of thn occupants of the Bun-
dor burial ground.
The most prominent of the disappear *
Coal I Coal ! "
A. T. THATCHER , H , A , COX ,
Chicago , Ills. Western Sales Agent.
OFFICE : 114 Mnln Street , Brown Building. Telephone 43.
Wo will sell to consumers direct , SELECTED ANTIIUACITE COAL at-tha
following reduced prices :
And the best grades of Soft Coal. Wyoming Lump $7.00 , Walnut Dlooli
$3.GO , Jackson $5 , Cedar $3.85 , Canncl $0.60 , Iowa Nut , Extra Largo size nnd roller
screened. S3.00 , Gas House Coke 12o per bushel , or $7.00 per ton.
TERMS Cash with order. All coal fresh mined , well screened nnJ promptly
HRIR \ ( I l\l RI I\I F Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
i UllHVllNDI IXL. Specifications. Supervision of Public.Work. Browrt
Building. Coucil BlulTs. Iowa.
N. SC.HURZ- Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 41
. . Broadway , Council BlulTs , Iowa.
Ji QIMQ Attornoys-nt Law. Practice in Iho State and Foil-
06 OI1VIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council Blulls , Iowa.
RflnMTPrin/ICDV / Surgeon and llonuupivth , Room 0 , Drown
PI IYIUIN I uUIVmni building. llflPoarl St. Olllce hours , 9 to 12.
n , in. , " to 0 and 7 to 8 p. in.
nnccs was that of Dr. York , an eminent
physician of Independence , who had a
brother who was a state bonntor , and
who himself wns ono of the best known
men in the state. Ho lived in Inde
pendence in 1873 , and one day wus
called to Ft. Scott ou business ,
in : iNi'oiuiun ins Anns
ot his intended trip and of his plans to
return on a certain day. Fail
ing to return , his family noti
fied the senator , who caused a
vigorous search to bo mudo. The doc
tor was a man of well marked peculiari
ties. Ho was of medium height , were a
peculiar shaped hut , spectacles , und hud
u habit of conversing "with any chance
acquaintance , and always winding up
the conversation by asking for nohow of
These eccentricities of the doctor
were so well Known as to bo the subect
of general remark , and by them the
course of the doctor was easily traced.
Ho had visited Fort Scott , und had
transacted his business nnd started
homeward In ample time to
reach Independence ' on the day
agreed upon with his wife.
Colonel York , who conducted the
search , found u man five miles north
east of Cherry villo who accurately de
scribed the doctor , and directed him to
the Benders ns a plnco where ho could
got dinner and have his horse fed. The
colonel inquired of the Benders , but
they gave him no satisfaction. They
had scon no such person ns ho described.
Here all traces ended , und the colonel
returned to Independence nnd reported.
Suspicions were aroused ngainst the
Benders , and it wns not long before the
discovery and denouement came. There
wore a number of graves found on the
Bender place ton in ono spot besides
The hammers that were used by
Kate , who is described as the most
fiendish of thp gang a potticoat.od
devil are now in the possession of a
man named Bailey , who holds an ollicial
position in Parsons , Kan.
Knto is described as a repulsive ,
large , raw-boned woman , with a slink-
gait and masculine ways. Her forehead
was low. eyes deep sot in her head , lips
thick , chin nnd lower jaw enormously
largo and animnl-hke. Old man Bender
hud an unkempt appearance and worou
full beard that was dirty and scraggly.
The Bender mansion has boon com
pletely riddled , and evorythiue that
could be curried away as a reminder of"
the career of tbo bloodiest criminals
that over disgraced Kansas has boon
removed by eager curiosity seekers.
Tlio carbonic acid In Conk's imperial chain-
paRno is ono of tlio best remedies for colic or
diarrhoea. It Is extra dry.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castorla.
( Then Baby was fdelr , we cave her Caatorla.
When she. was a Child , she crlnd for Castorla ,
When site became Him , she clung to Cactoria ,
\1bin nhehatf Children , oho cave them Ciuttorlu
Eureka ! ICTinotin H"i\torn.
Come and see my Kcroscnn Hentlng Stoves.
Just the thing for batn nnd bed rooms. Some
thing new , anil can be rim at an expense of ono
cent perhoni. Noplpo , no smoke , no odor , but
nn excellent heater , nnd easily carried from
ono room to another. "J knewlt was -Mining. "
and the Htovo of the future is what people say
of It. Ono wick will last n wliolo Beaten , nnd
requires no trimming. Will have ono burning
In my windowovory night this week. Como
f criers Garland Is fast displacing
the Inso ! Burner for parlor stoves on iiccount
of Its good work nnil economy. Can bent ,1. *
nnd0 rooms with 3 tons of coal. Am closing
outiuy P. 1' . Stewart stoves , mudo by I'liller A :
Warren , nt cost. MyNo.8 , 10 cook stoves nro
B ° T have double the stock of
any dealer In the cliy and cau sell cheaper.
Caution-Do not buy a stove that requires
the taking of 100 lestlmoulals to sell It , but
c'omoandgotal'eerlras Garland , the world's
IV U UeVol , 601 Broad ivny.
Flower Pots.
Bomelhlna entirely new. and tbo handsomest
article of the kind that ever adorned n bay'
window or conservatory , are our now painted
and ornamented Flower 1'ots and Vw.cs for
honso plants. Those goods are entirely nmv and
nruEOlil exclusively In Council Illutrs by ni.
The Itustlo Tots nre hlphlr iirnamentnl nnd
will beautify any house. Ono grade Is Minootlily
painted in bright colors ready for derorutlon
by ladle * who paint. These Iiamlsomu goods
'are sold ut prices commonly nskod for plain :
Cc for paliitoil pot aiidBaufer.uml plain al cori
responding vrfcos. J-UNhH KO3. . f _
To Price Oiir.Slovo * . .
Puller and Warren's Splendid and Abraham
Cox lladlant Novelty llnso Burners nro too
well known to require comment on them here ,
llommnbor , wo guarantee All btoves , CopkH.
HangHS und Heater * to glvo perfect satisfac
tion or no sale.
7JJ7 Broadway.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanteu.
TO ! iMENiS ! = ss
tu l l ) emUlMnf full J-itIcu n fvr b < o.c tui . Itte of cbu (
LPclTl x 156 , * UoUoU , Mich.
W ANTr.l ) A" rew Uiblo bo.inlurs nt till
Fourth nvo.
WANTIlll incnnvanursoca ( pity. Apply
nt ouqu to .Now 1'aclltu hotelCouncil Itliuls ,
Iowa ,
IJIAVK tlireo hoTises on Lincoln nnd two on *
Sixth nvouuo for sulo on tcnna to suit.
These nousos nro now , modern Improved. I
will suit these houses ' > per rent , lens than you duplicatu the snino. U. II. Jiuld , COJ llroaa-
way.WH V pay rout when you can bay a homo for
jl , > nor month and umvnrdH , Including
Interest , of C. II. Juilil.iKM Hronilwiiy ?
N1\V ! \ Improved ronl estate totrmlo for unim
proved Utnnim or Council liluiTs property.
C. II. Judd , COJ llrondwny.
AS I am contemplating lurijo improvement *
In Council Illairs. I will soil utilises nnQ
lota an monthly payments or terms to suit below - *
low their cash value for the next ID days. It
costs nothing to investigate. 0. II. Jiuul , 000
"IjlOR IlKNT One seven-room house on fourth
-L nvontie ; one olgln-ronm house un Second
end nvcnue , and ono eight-room house on Tenth
street ; nil littmi tip with nil modern conveu-
iqnco * . W.V. . llliRor , 1'cnrl street ,
"IjlOR SAM ! To qalt liunnesi. 1117 entlro
X1 stock of furniture , stoves ami carpets , will
bo sold at cost , without reserve. Persons fur-
lushing good references can buy ou Instdlt-
ineiitB , matins weekly payments. A. J. Mail-
doll , iKJ and UroaiUvay.
/ \1)ULL 1IHOS. & CO. loan monoy. Tile moil
v/llbernl terms oircroil. lUH'oarlst.
FOR SAMs An old and well established
drugstore , entablUliad la IS' ) ) . Cmh rn-
quired , JI.WI , halanc3 real estate. Addroas A
S , llee. Council Ululfs.
IFB INSURANCE at actual coit. Address
A. K. Daughorty , Canning st. , Council
I II AVi : houseand lots la nil imrts of Coun
cil Hinds , from SKJ ) to $1,0) ' , that 1 can sell on
monthly paymenti , or any terms to suit pur
chaser ! ) . This is ot particular ailvantaga to
Omaha merchants , clerks , mechanics , orpeopla
who ilmiro ft homo near tbo ounuiess center of
Om uh a without being compelled to pay tixorul
tant prices. C. 11. Judd , OJJ Broadway , Council
IiOK SAM ; or Hont Harden land with liousoj.
byj. H. Hico , llUMnlust. , Council llluira.
tytTANTinA"ne t youngfglrlToTielp ia gen-
V nrul house wort. Mm Jacob Sims , ! )18 )
Plainer st.
RATi K3TATK llougnt antl nold ana ex-
changed. Spaclal attention cireti to exnm *
inatlon of titles. W. C. James , N * V ) I'osrl st.
FOIt SAM' : Aero lots lu Orchard place. This
property Is located In the Hlca nursery ,
souttiof the main part of thn city , 1H mllei
from court house. Oeo. Metcalf. 11 Pearl at.
WM. SIBIENTOl'P..Hoal Kstato. Special
attention given to examination and cor
rection of title to lands nod lots In city and
county. No. f. North .Main st.
SAM ? 13u ucro farm In Jasper comity ,
J ? Iowa , located near coal mines that nro iu
operation , There U a 11 vo foot vein of coal
under thu farm. Oeo. Metcalf , No. 10 I'oarl st.
BUSINESS locations oc Main nnd llroadwar
at great bargains. Geo. Metcalf , No. 10
improved ana unimproved prop
J erty in every part of the city. Hard onpor
tunltles for Investors who seek speculations )
splendid opportunities for those who doslr *
homes. Heo. Metcalf. No. 10 I'oarl st.
FOH BAIjE tO feet lako'frontttgo located bs
tween 0 II. boat house and Munawa Uoach
Also a number of cholcu lots In HogatU pluca
Oeo. Met calf. No. 10 I'earl st.
17(011 ( KENT Good business front , fkJ" llroad-
-I ? way. A line retail point. In good condi
tion. Inquire U. E. Mayno , 019 Broadway.
Council lUulls.
Co < \ ICJOAU COAI ; .
I propose to glvo consumers value for tlicl
money In Coal , and until further uotlco ray
prices aie all rail Anthracite : ( Irate and I'KS ,
W ; No. 4 nnd Itango , SJ.DU ; Chestnut , flUM' ' . Also
Best nratles ot Illinois and Iowa Soft Coal
ISdlnburg , Illinois ) , lump. tl.fiO : ilnploivood ,
lump , H.VJ ; Centorvllle , Iowa. lump. W.7.1 ; Wal
nut Illoclc lump , $ , ) . . ' ( ) : Hamilton lump.
Wjiltobreast lump , W.RO : Whltabroast nut , 8.1 ;
Pea , $ i.(0 ( ; Steam , Si ; Slack , $1.80. Terms cash
with order or delivered ( ! . O. I ) . WM. WKLUII.
010 Houtli Main Htroet. Telephone UJ.
Omnibus , Carnage an ] Transfer
WM , WELCH . Proprietor ,
The Finest Line of Landaus , Coaches nnd
Hacks In the City.
\3f 1 have a new t atln-llncd carriage fur prl v
aid call. It la the most clogunt conch In tlio
city ,
bppclul attention given to commotclal men
nnd theatrical troupex. Best facilities In tlio
city for handling scenery.
Telephone No. S3 , Telephone AO , 03
II A HN , Telephone No. 3M.
The only line aulhorl/.eed to onswer callj
tuincd in io Am. Ulst. Tel , Co. _ .
Room 2 , Opera Ilouso Block , Council Bluffs ,
lown. .
TIIOS. omcmi. w. n. u ,
Corner Mnln nnd Droaawajr ,
l ) alers In foreign and domestln oxchanga
Collections made und latoruat paid on tlmo d
poplin. ,
O. j. iSDsiuNusoff , K. li. aiiua.niT ,
I'rcs. Vice 1'roi.
Ciue. It. HANNAH , Cashier.
OF COUNCIL lll.ttfrs.
Paid unCapltal.5OOOO.OO |
Surplus , . , . . , 3SOOO.OO
Liability to Depositors..335.OOO.OO
DlinoTOim-I. : A. Miller. V. 0. Wesson. 15 , Iu
Hhugart. 12. K. Hurt , J. O. J'.dundnon , CUM. It.
Ilniinan , Uninsuct general bunlclng business
l.arguftt capital and Hiirplus of uny bank lu
Nortlnvesturu Iowa , Interest on time ilepoglta
"MRS ?
Has reopened her Dicssmaklng I'urlors over
Ulsuinuim' old Btund , UK Hroudway , on Motor
l.lncund l again pormanintly local 0. Hha
KuarnutuuH Rntlsfuctlun to all who duulru llrsi
clum and lunlilotmblo work. To Unmhu ladlii' ,
Motor fnro will bo paid und drcasui Hue \vhtla I
waiting. 1'rlccK ! Woolen Dreuaes 10 to tH.
1'lUBUtJU and Laces ts to 312.