Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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The Attack to bo Commenced Early
This Morning.
Opinion an to the Jjocnllty of the
ItcKlntratlon Ijaw nnd n Dccl-
4 sloti or tlio Supreme Court
on the Huliject.
Tlm Election. |
Great preparations have been made In the
various political camps for to-day's ' battle.
Candidates nave marshalled their fighting
forces and armed them with an extra sup
ply of arguments , ballots and boodle. Ltc-
causoof the light registration , unusual ac
tivity Is expected at the polls , and a great
effort will bo tnado to vote not only all where
ro registered , butthosa whoso carelessness
In this respect will oblige them to swear In
their voto.
Same Interest hni boon expressed In the
possible decision ot the supreme court as to
the legality o.f the registration law and the
effect of a negative decision after the elec
tion has taken plucc. On this subject , A. J.
Popolcton said ;
"It is foolish to imagine- that the supreme
court will dcclaro the law unconstitutional ,
bccauRS It is not unconstitutional. Whila
tbcro arc many bad teuluras about it , thcro
is no question of its locality -to my mind. "
Mayor Uroatch Issued the following order
to Chief of Police Scavoy yesterday mornIng -
Ing :
"Tuesday , the Cth Instant , being nn elec
tion day. you will plcnso Issua instruc
tions to the police 'to sco that all saloons nro
closed. Also maltu such disposition of tha
police force as will afford protection to voters
and prcservo order. "
"There , " exclaimed his honor , "I guess
everybody will understand what that
means. They didn't , though , two years ago
when I ordered the saloons closed , and u
stream of follows kept running in hero to
sco mo and protest against my action , tin til
I had to get upon my ear nud shut-thorn
off. " *
In accordance with the mayor's order
Chief Suavoy has directed his captains to see
that nil of the saloons In Omaha are closed
Since J. B. Southard , the city cleric , can
not bo in his ofllco to-day , and the law
requires that it shall bo Uetit open > to swear
in unregistered voters , the mayor ban ap
point < idV. . W. Koysor to act In Mr. Soutn-
urd's plucc. Ho will bo given two deputies
to assist him.
Tim candidates were hustling for votes ,
nnd In the vicinity of Uoyd's opera uouso
the scene from early mornlnir was ono of
animation and excitement. .
A. Matthews suites ever his Murmturo that
tlio report that ho will support Mlbo Mnul
for coroner is entirely unfounded. Dr. Har-
rigun , hosuys , will reculvo bis void and bis
support ou election day.
The 11ckPts.
nnvuni.ic.VN' .
For Sheriff William Coburn.
For Treasurer ( Jcoreo lloimrod.
For Register of Deeds J. I ) . Southard.
For County Cleric James Allen.
b'or County Judge George- . Smith.
For" Surveyor Charles Howes.
For Coroner Milto O. Maul.
For Superintendent G. W. Hill.
For Commissioner Second District R. S.
For Commissioner B'otirtli District Fred
M. Smith.
For Stnto Senator John C. Thompson.
For justices of the peace First district ,
W. F. Ilandhnuer , D. D. O'Connell ; Second
district , George Wllcox , Edmund Bnrt'ett ' ;
Third district , Louis Llttlcllcld , Gustav An
For Sheriff John F. Boyd.
For Treasurer Adam Snyder.
For Register of Dcedi T. A. Megcnth.
For County Clerk Peter O'Malley.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction
Prof. Matthews.
For Coroner Dr. C. P. Harrigan.
For Surveyor T. M. House.
For Commissioner of Second District
Bernard Maglnnla.
For Commissioner of Fourth District-
Peter Corngan.
For Justices of the Pence First district ,
Churlca Brandoia and Gcorgo Holmes ; Soc-
oud district , A. .T. Hart und Shaw : Third
district , John Morrison nnd Sacbsso.
Tl'e Vniinir I'i tiers.
* The voting places have boon located as fol
lows , nnd will open at 8 a , in. and close at G
o'clock p. m. :
First District Southwest corner Touth
and Jones.
Second District lUr South Sixteenth
Third District Engino. house , Eleventh
aud Dorcas.
First District I'JW South Sixteenth street.
Second District 1S71 South. Sixteenth
First District 1030 Hirnoy street.
Second District P. Furd's place.
First District 1007 Capital nvonuo.
Second District 1713 St. Mary's avenue.
First District KM North Sixteenth street.
Second District No. 0 onlinehousa. .
First District U530 Lake Htroot.
Second District Lyceum halt
Third District Stephens' store , Thirty-
third street , west of Parker ;
First District School houso.Twonty-ninth
and Woolworth.
Second District H. G. Clark's building ,
Twenty-ninth near Dupont.
First District Harness sliopCumlng near
Twentieth street , .
Second District Foray's barn , Cumlng
and Twenty-fourth streets.
First District Johnson's store , Twonty-
eighth und Putnam.
Second District Ryan's store , Morcsr nnd
First District K Plvonka's store on N
- Second District J. Lovl , Twenty-sixth
street , between N and O ,
Third District-Roar .ICelkor's hotel , Q
Fourth District Exchange hoteL
COUNT ! rur.cixoTs ,
Union Grumm's hotel , Irvington.
Jefferson P. Dcldrccnsou's hotel , in Bon-
Valley School house at Valley station.
Wutwioo At MiiKonla hall building.
Chicago Van Ault's o flics.
Millard At school house at Millard.
MoArdlo At McArillo'rt school bouss ,
Douglas At Rusor's placo.
West Otuiina At school house.
Elkhorn AtTown hull.
Florence School house.
Irvington George O. Rodman's.
Tlio Oilluer.s AVho Will Have Otinrfto
of the foils.
The following Judges and clerks have baon
appointed by the county commissioner * , and
willacrvo to-day :
First Dlstrlct-Judtros.llobort Glenn , Leon
Kopold. C. P , Uirkou Clerks , Scott Butler ,
J. O. Foohen.
Second District Judges , Charles Fanning ,
B. F. Modson , James ilcndorson. Clertos ,
E. 1C Long. Joe Graff.
-third District-Judges B. II. Mahan. D.
Wlfliaui Braun ? " * ' " * ' Clerki'UM'Sm thl
First Olstrlct-JudBes. F. 0. Rloba , Otto
Boelmit , Shay Warner. Clerks , John
Second Distrlot-Judges , U D. Plckard ,
W. C. Cloud , Jumos SliRhton. Clerks , John
J. Bwoenoy , WillUui Gatowoad.
First District Judges. John Crosby , D
McClaln , P. MoAndruivs. Clerks , A. ( Jreon
C. K. Vaiiderburtr.
Second District JmJsoa.Jmnes A-Fojiarty ,
V. S. Jones , John McQulrc Clerk * , Sol
Prince , A. French.
rouurn WAHO.
First Distrlct-JudRCs , P. E. Robinson ,
Charles Ellis , Al Porter. ClcrKs , William
Moore , .t. H. Merchant. .
Second District .ludccs , Eil Parrntt , O.
K. Hannn , A. F. Stovctu. Clerks , Bernard
Gordon , Charles Crenry.
niTH WAtm.
First Distrlct Tudges , Alex. Gray , B.
McGinn , W. J. Whltohouso. Clerks , Frank
Friday , James Wallace.
Second District-Judges , O. C. Erftin P.
. Donnlson , Ed Dalton. Clerks , A. J.
Webb , R. O. Bachus.
First District-Judges. W. A. Grant , li R.
lstfs , Peter Tuttte. Clerks , E. G. Glenn ,
fohn Steel.
Second DiitrlctTudRCS , T. S. Boya , M.
Cody , F. W. Lcssontlno. Clerks , W. F.
blovors , A. T. Muyno.
Third District Judges , A. Powell. Stewart
Owynn , George A. Astrom. ClerlM , Al.
Stevens , George Smith.
First District , lti Igos , E. T. Shelby , C. L.
Thomas , J. J. Points. Clerks. Arthur Jol-
llffe , Fred Ifnhn.
Second Dstnct ! .iudce , P. .T. Quoalny ,
Tohn T. Evans Chrlstlim Schlimmo. Clerks ,
lohn Huclff , Henry Green.
First District .fudcns , J. K. Small , C. S.
Boll , U F. McGinn. Clerks , W. H. Win-
npcar. . ) . A. Young ,
Second District Judges , L. F. Maglnn , C.
White , Andrew Smith. Clerks , J. II.
Schmidt , F. J. Baker.
First District Judges , P. Welsh , C. J.
Tohnson. R. R. Mttlcahpy. Clerks , W. F.
Hlnes , F. J. McShano.
Second DistrlctG. . H. Webster , F. P.
Zimmor. .T. F. Hcrtznian. Clerks , J. W.
Feed , A. E. Edwards.
First District Judpes , T. B. Hatcher. E.
H. Doud , A. V. Miller. Clerks , Robert
Parks. J. C. Carroll.
Second District Judges , Joseph SIpo , Pat
Hulponny , C. C. Stanley. Clerks , M. J.
Flaherty , A. Hniloy.
Third District Judeos , Charles Klnpr ,
William Enrlght , J. C. Bowloy. Clerks , Tim
Mulkearn , J. S. Weir.
Fourth District Judges , D. R. Scott , R.
W. Curtm. J. C. Houglu Clerks , E. P. Sav-
ngo.E. D. Johnson.r
Florence I'recmct Judges , Henry Hall ,
Hush G. Chirk , R I. Ransom. Clerks ,
Charles Brown , Herbert Hunt.
Union Precinct Jndccs , Joseph Phalon ,
Christ Fcddo , G , W. lOilgbU Clerks , Ed-
xvln Knight , W. L. Crosby.
Jefferson Precinct Judges. Benjamin Ea-
cnor. ir. Tlinmio. Hdnry Wilke. Clerks , C.
J. Kloninccr , J. R. McCombs.
Elkhorn" Preciuot F. J. Bissoy. Gcorco
Drexol. William Schumacher. Clerks. J. W.
Moore , G. G. Sharp.
Valley Precinct Judges , V. H. Thomas.P.
Hnrrian , Edward Burlc. Clerks , William
Mitchell. Frank Whitfuore.
Waterloo District Judges , J. C. Trabor ,
D. B. Jordan , John Mason. Clerks , H. B.
Hennitror , L. L. Stephens.
Cliichgo Precinct Judges , A. T. Nalte , T.
Nanalst , John Kolp. Clerks , J. B. Silverj ,
Dan Cannon.
Millard Precinct .Tudgcs.William Poppcn-
bagcn , Christian Kuelbar , Fred Ebencr.
Clerks , Harvey N. Link , Henry Kolsoy.
McArdlo Precinct Judjres.F. A. McArdle ,
John McAnrdlc , Henry Harris. Clerks , M.
N. Bair , Elijah Allen.
Douglas Precinct Judges , H. Ruser Fritz
Wnhler. George Henry. Clerks , Oscar
Pickard. J. H. Roher.
West Omaha Judges , A. Clcmmons. James
Peterson , Michael Wear. Clerics , Henry M.
McGinuess , Henry Eby.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nerv
ous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured Dy Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhn &
Co. 'u , IStb and Douglas.
nintrnnn mill Men nt Walnut Hill Ite-
cnll Clilldhond'M Days.
There were never any times like the old
times , and things that occurred a generation
agojhavo always the dignity and charm of
antiquity that cannot bo gainsaid. That is
probably one of the reasons that the "Dees-
triet School , " resurrected by mature men
and women at the Presbyterian church at
Waluut Hill last evening , proved such a
great hit ana elicited unlimited laughter and
The scene was laid in the long ago in a
down-cast country placo. Ye patriarchal
teacher , yo mischievous pupil , and yo block
head were all represented with mirth-pro
voking fidelity. All the scenes of a country
school were depicted , including tno recess ,
tlio noon hour , ami the- visit of the school
Mr. George Hervey , completejy disguised
in a shock of gray hair and grizzly beard ,
presided as pedagogue , while among his
scholars were noticed Mr. Van Tile ana bis
son , Mr. Charles Van Tile , with a flaming
green necktie : Mr. Samuel Campbell , with
airy linen , pantaloons ; Mr. Austin , witti a
wealth of matted hair ; Mr. Gardner , in a
blue blouse and pair of overalls , and Mr.
Marstou , in n boy's brown euit with a rod
bandana handkerchief for a necktie. Mrs.
Hutchison and Mrs. Conklin represented the
twins , inseparable nt nil times. Miss Kato
Uurltco , with the urtlessucss of a six-year-
old , recited the "Welcome to our school. "
Miss Carter followed with the pathetic poem
of "Alary and her little Iamb. " Mrs. Horvoy
and Mrs. Wngnor sang , " \Veo , Wee , " until
the audience roared.
Mr. Gardner made his bow and spoke his
piece , but required considerable prompting1
by his teacher to keep bis hands out of his
pockets. Messrs. Neligb , Fleming and
Johnson wore the dignified members of the
school committee who came to witness the
Friday afternoon exercises.
The acting was comical m tbo extreme ,
and the spectators were kept in a constant
roar of laughter by tbo pranks of the fe-rav-
halred youngsters. The children particularly
enjoyed the performance.
Variety was given to the entertainment by
a number of choice vocal selections , among
which was a duet by the Misses John , a bass
solo by Mr. Derrick , and a quartette by
Messrs. Bailey and Derrick , Miss John nnd
Mr . Stag.f
A Colored Man's 1'onscsalou and Ita
Judge Dundy heard arguments for a
uew trial in the case of Setb D. Ward , a
Kansas City man , against Elmer G. Coch
rane , In which the title of twenty acres of
land near Fort Omaha , la involved. It was
tried ut the last term of court and won by
Cocbrano , but Ward thinks the verdict
was not according to the ovidcuco
una on this ground wants another trial.
Ward is represented by a Kansas law
yer , who says that Cochruno'a title ie baaed
solely on John Fluunlgan'a long possession of
the property. Flanulgan Is a wollknown
colored man. The Omaha attorneys want
the matter postponed , but everybody ob
jected. The case was , therefore , set down
for 2 o'clock.
DlHtrlct Court.
Judge Davis assumed Judge Hopewoll'a
duties on the district bench yesterday.
Judge Wubeloy Is engaged in the case of
Mrs. Carrie Shlnn vs. Shields & Connors , n
damage suit for alleged nou-fulllllmont of
con tract.
Judge Doano Is hearing ; the case of N. O.
Brown vs. Ryan & \Valsh , . n null for (1,000
for alleged non-fulflllmnntof a contract.
Judgu Hopowall will take up the case
against George Moyeru , charged with the
murder of'Nols Plnnteen , on Wednesday.
The courts and ofllocs In the county build
Ing will bo closed to-day.
Mrs. Lizzie Saumlers has applied for a
divorce from ner husband , George \V. , on
tbo grounds of failure to support and ex
treme cruelty.
County Court.
Judgment for plaintiff was entered In tbo
case of the Bradstrcet company va. Edivurd
Knhn. In the sum of $35.
In tbe case of Wemburger vs. Johnson et
al. Judgment was rendurcd iu tbe sum ol
111)0.00. ) _
An Atiuiiiuto Cure.
la only put up in largo Uvoouuco tin Uoxoa ,
and Is an absolute cure for old sarus , burns ,
wouuds. chapped hands , nnd all ulcin erup.
Uons. Will positively cure all kinds of pilos-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drat ; oeuipAuy at
K > conU per box by mall 'M ceats.
AFTEtt THE > .
The Rnllronds Reply to the Stnte
Bnnrd nntl Submit < t Itoviflcil Tariff.
The representatives ot tho. roads doing
business in Nebraska have prepared a re
vised schedule ot the local latcs on hard nnd
soft coal which will bo submitted to the slate
board of transportation to-day for Its
consideration. The following is tlio sched
ule as compiled by the railroads , which ts n
reduction In the present rates of about 18 t > er
cent , but is nboulR per cent higher than the
rate Incorporated m the order of the board ;
initial and terminal charges , 41) ) cents ncr ton.
Rate in addition to the terminal nnd initial
charges , 1 cent per ton for the first ICO
miles ; G mills per ton for the second 100
miles , nnd fi mills per Ion forniny distance
over 300 miles. The minimum chnrgtf. to bo
00 cents per ton , and the tariff to bo issued ou
n multiple of ten miles.
Ttio rate on hard coal to be 80 per cent
higher than the foregoing , which will bo ap
plied to soft coal only.
The ubovo rate basis was agreed to by nil
tlio lines represented at the ineclmir held in
this city Saturday. In submitting tnls schedule
ule- the roads have made reply to the order
of the board setting forth exceptions , mid the
snmo Is certified to under oatn by repre
sentatives of all the lines interested. The
following is'tlio reply ot the roods , a copy of
which will bo filed with the stnto board to
day In conniption with the proposed
rates na established by the roads :
Before the State Board of Transportation
01 State of Nebraska.
In the matter of coal rates the company ,
for Us answer to the finding and order of the
slate board ot transportation entered In tbo
above proceeding , and before this ditto
served upon It , doalcs till and severally each
and every allegation , statement nnd 11 ml Ings
In the paragraphs ot .ho said llndiim and
order , severally , numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 in the
said finding and order recited.
Second This defendant further onswot-
mg. denies that the charges heretofore by It
cliarsed , demanded and received for the
transportation of coal , nnd for sen-Ices
rendered therein by It between stations In.
the stnto of Nebraska , are either unjust or
unreasonable , and that tnc same have here
tofore been prohibited , or that the amo
should bo prohibited.
It denies that the rate In the said finding
and order mentioned as being found to bo
just and reasonable by the board of transpor
tation for such services , Is either just or
reasonable ; but it alleges llmt-tho rate ns
proposed to bo established by tbo said board ,
is both unjust and unreasonable.
And this it further alleges , that whatever
order should bo marto in this proceeding ,
there should bo a satisfactory difference ami
distinction between the rates and charges to
bo by this defendant tnado und required , In
and about the transportation of bituminous
und anthracite coal , so that it may bo author
ized to charge , collect nnd receive a greater
sum tor the transportation of hard or anthra
cite coal , than is charged for such services in
connection with the transportation of soft or
bituminous coal.
This it further alleges , that the charges
heretoforeby it made und exacted far and
concerning the carriage and transportation
of coal In this state have been raudo in a
tariff properly published nnd on file with the
state board of transportation of the state of
Nebraska , nnd which has been recognized ,
both by tno state board and by tna railways ,
and by this defendant company , as n fit ,
proper , just nnd reasonable rate for charges
of such services ; and that such rates arc
shown by the tariffs of this defendant com
pany now on file with the state board.
The defendant further alleges that In
Nebraska , iu 1887 , tlio state board of trans
portation fixed and agreed nnon a eel-tain
just and reasonable rate for the transporta
tion of coal between points in the state
of Nebraska , and which was put in force
by the film ? of such tariff sbcots with the
various railway companies in this state by
the state board , and the said rates and
charges hnvo been observed by the dofoud-
ant company and the railways of this state
us a just nnd reasonable rate , about % yhich
there has been no complaint made to this de
fendant by its patrons ; nor * us this defend
ant is informed and believes , has there been
any substantial complaint mndo by citizens
of this state , or the business interests
Further : This defendant prays tbnt upon
n hearing of this mutter , such order may bo
made in the premises as will satisfy the de
mands of justice in the premises.
After tne nbnvo documents u-ivo been filed
the matter will then rest with the state
board. Tbo railway oHIcials arc conllJent
that tno board will give their uction duo
consideration and that it will waive its uc
tion as regards the equalization of rules 'on
anthracite and sott coal.
Channcs nt "Lincoln.
The Union Pacific and the Burlington
hnvo concluded negotiations whereby the
two companies will use jointly the Burling
ton depot at Lincoln on nnd after November
17. This has been pending for some time.
On and after the above date the Union Pa
cific will abandon its passenger depot atthat
point. The now arrangement will necessi
tate the laying of spur tracks lending from
the main line of tbo Union Pacific to the
Burlington depot , and work in this direction
will bo begun Thursday next.
Class TraiiBUortatlon.
General Passenger Agent Francis , of the
Burlington , has issued an order to conduct
ors , ns follows :
"Passengers holding second-class tickets
can procure first-class accommodations by
paying 1 cent pur mile for each mile of trans
portation and " 5 cents in addition , for which
a rebate checic will bo given. "
R.lllrnntl Not03.
Superintendent Rcsscguie , of the Union
Pacific , has returned irom points in.Kansas.
E. Buckingham , superintendent of car ser
vice of the UnionPacillc. has gene to St. .loo ,
and will inspect tbe service on the St. Joe &
Grand Island.
L. H. Korty. superintendent of telegraph
of the Union Pacillc , has goneto points south.
J. W. Scott , division passenger agent of
the Union Pacific at Kansas City , bus re
turned to his headquarters.
Edward L. Poole , general claim agent of
the St. Paul & Omaha , is in the city.
North Omaha seems to be coming to the
front. The prospect of a now railway bridge
In that vicinity has given it fresh impetus.
The St. Paul & Omaha is preparing to put
in nn extensive side-track parallel to and 150
feet east of Sherman uvonue , through Bark
er's sub-div'niou.
A Preventive for Croup.
There no lonpor exists any doubt but
croup can bo prevented. True croup
uovur appcura without warning , nnd if
ChnrnbcrIain's Cough Remedy is given
us directed as Boon us the first indica
tion of croup appears , it will invariably
dispell all symptoms of .tho disease.
This can always bo tlono if it is kept at
hand. CO cent und ono dollar bottle ,
for sale by all drupgists.
Ttio Business IVloii nt Omaha express
Their I'roforrncp.
To the Electors ot tbo Third Judi cial Dis
trict : Too much importance cannot bo given
to the selection of our judiciary. An inde
pendent , fearless , nblo und Incorruptible
bench , all citizens are interested in seeing es
tablished and maintained. Tbe boncii should
bo kept aloof from partisan ) primaries , con
ventions and politics. It should be non-par
tisan. Two years ago wo elected four judges
by nou-pariisan movement who have honored
the position. We hud supposed that the nonpartisan -
partisan principle bad been llrmly establish
ed. There is now uu effort on toot-to over
throw it which connot be too severely cen
sured ,
We appeal to you to vote foe Joseph R.
Clarkson to succed Judge Groff. While Mr.
Clark-son is a republican ID politics , bo was
selected by a large meeting of tno bur , our
most reputabln nnd distinguished lawyers ,
without regard to party , join lug theieln.
The democratic convention bos cndor&ml Ills
nomination , but the rcuubllcan convention
has nominated a partisan candidate. While
wo regard the nomination of the. bur as high
evidence of the qualifications and fitness of
Mr. Clarkson , ana believe that by reason of
hi * greater ago and experience , be , has u
higher claim upon tlm uffraca than Mr.
DavU , wo place our appeal to you principally
upon the Importance of withdrawing tue
judiciary from the unseemly and discredit
able contentions of party primaries , conven
tions and politics. Let us uphold the in
tegrity and honor of the bench. Let us
meet tbo attempt to overthrow the uou-
partisan principleWfth determined resist
ance ami ovorwnalMMbdofoat.
Woodman Linseed oil .works. .
George H. Hammond & Co. , by Hy. tl. Mo-
. day , mnnagor , packers Soutb Omaha.
W. L. Parrotto tVCd. , wholesale bat nnd
Lee , Clarko. Andrpcscu Hardware company ,
E. M. Andrccscn , secretary nnd treasurer.
Charles A. Coo , wholesale boots end shoes.
Paxton & Galliiffbor ) vliolcsalo grocers.
Harrow & Logan , \yholesale bats nnd caps.
American Hand Sowed Shoo company.
Glltnora & Rube , wholesale clothiers.
C. B. Rustln.
KlrRindall , Jones & Co. , wholesale boots
nnd shoes. " * '
D. M. Stcolo & Co. > wholesale grocers.
Williams , Van Acrgatn & Harto , wholesale
boots nud shoes.
Louis Bradford , wholesale lumber.
James J. Brown.
Acme Pressed Brick company.
Thomas F. Tuttle , insurance.
Gcorpo A. Hoaglnnd , wholesale lumber.
Sloan , Johnson it Co. , wholesale grocers.
MeClurp Cracker company.
Drexcl & Foil , contractors nnd stone work
Richardson drug company.
Bomls Omaha bog company.
Kibble & Smith , commission.
J. W. Walken commission.
The Emrrson need company.
Milton Rogers & Sons , wholesale and retail
Kcnnard glass nnd paint company.
W. F. Funs , manager Win. S. Wilson &Co. ,
wbolcsale tobacco mid cigars.
Charles ShivericK K Co. , wholesale and re
tail furniture. '
A. C. Drolbus , wholesale confectionary. v
J. H. Boonsklo.
Omaha Rubber Co.
Turner & Jay. hats and caps.
Churchill Pump Co.
E T. Wciant , ftlgr. , for A. L. Dean & Co. ,
safes nnd vaults.
Rector & Wilholiny Co. , wholesale hard
L. Klrscht it Co. , wholesale liquors ana
John A. Wnkcfiold , wholesale lumber.
Max Meyer , wholesale jewelry.
B. A. Lauman , of Perkins , Gatch & L'tiu-
man , china and glimwnro.
S. A. Orchard , Wholesale- and retail car
pets. .
Consolidated Coffee Co. , W. N. Cole , Mgr.
Meyer & Runpkc , wholesale grocers.
Marks Bros. , Saddlery Co.
E. L. Stone , ot Dewey & Stone Furniture
Poyeko Bros. & Co. , commission.
P. Rocco Bros. & Co. , commission.
J. T. Robinson Notion company , wholesale
Lombard Investment company.
A. F. Boschcs & Co. , cold storage and com
Charles J. Bell , manager R. G. Dunn & Co.
Sopcr , Wells & Co. , wholesale lumber.
F. H. Davis , cashier First National bank.
John S. Brady , of McCord , Brady & Co. ,
wholesale grocers.
Parlin , Orondorft & Martin company , agri
cultural instruments.
Allen Koch , of Kirkpatrlelr , Koch Dry
Goods company , wholesale dry goods.
A. C. Powell , cashier American Loan nnd
Trust company.
Miller & Gundcrson , sash nnd door mill.
F. W. 13row.n. of Cotsworth Lumber com
D. C. Dunbar & Co.-publishers.
Gustavo Uenoke. , i
C. N. Dcitz , wholesale i\nd retail lumber.
G D. Wyutt , wnoles'ale ' and retail lumber.
A. A. Stiger , of Kellfiy , Stlger & Co. , dry
goods. K
Omaha Paint and Oiltcompany.
Gwm & Dunuiiro , guns , and ammunition.
J. J.Tickoy.
George Patterson , of'Nebraska ' Fuel com
pany. "
Poroy & Segelko n ,
Metz & Brother.
Henry Voss.
Omaha Packing Co. , by James Vides , jr. ,
treasurer. - -
Armur. Cudahv PnoUinir Co. , E. A. Cudahy.
Swift & Co. , by A. C-Eoster.
Gibsuu , Miller & Richardson.
Aaron Calm. ' ,
E. W. Nush. ' '
Omana & Grant Smoltlne and Refinlnjj Co. ,
by Guy C.BartoUi , president.
M. H. Bliss. , { ia.
Trumnn Buck. , .
T"J. : Beard & Bro. ' '
James Morton & Son.
Chas E. Ford , cashier Douglas County
Douglas County Bank.
John Linderholm.
Byron Reed Co. . A. Ii. Reed , sco'y.
Dexter L. Thomas.
Harry Lawrio. .
Wendell Benson.
( Jammings Neilson.
Lininper & Metcalf Co.
W. A. Paxton.
D. H. Bowman.
Phillip Potter.
Thompson , Bclden & Co. , by C. C. Belden.
Her & Co.
S. P. Morse & Co.
Himcbaueh & Taylor.
Frceland. Loom is &Co.
N. B. Falconer.
Wflliam Barr Dry Goods company.
Samuel Burns.
H. Kountzc.
W. A. L. Gibbon.
W. G. &loun , mayor of South , Omaha.
Hugh Muruby , contractor.
Prank Johnson , Bank of Commerce.
M. Hellaian.
Omaha Furniture Company.
J. S. McNally.
F. C. Fuller.
George E. Dorriogton.
G. H. Mack.
C. S. Wbipple.
J. F. Kinsler.
F. C. Gannon. \
London Tailors ,
H. B. Lovel.
W. 1C. Duval. ' '
Grand Union Tea Company. * ' <
James ItBarnacle. . . , .
N. Seloroe.
Thomas Burke.
David Johnson.
Samuel Cotnor.
D. F. Hutchluson.
C. E. Bake.
Hclln & Thompson.
R. M. Clcllaud & Co.
C. S. Hayward.
Bennison Bros.
Omaha Slate and Roofing Company.
Rich People.
The people that { jot rich are those who
save their money. Why not save on
soap as well as on ether goodsV Do not
buy eoupg adulterated one-half with ,
rosin compounds that will inako wash
ing hard work , hut use Walker's Wax
Soap and save labor , time aud money.
Ohier Seavny loxu a More Onions to
ills Suy'pjUinntcs. ,
Chief Seavoy issued several more new
orders yesterday morning , as follows :
Officers are not iilSwed to visit bawdy
bouses looking after. ' $ no rccoiuta without
an order from the chief , and then full re
ports must bo made In writing. '
All officers receivliig1'rewards ' muit report
the same , and 25 ppr cent of all reward
money received duriij tlio year must bo paid
to the chief yf uollcd , December 31 , 1839.
This amount is placod-in the police fund.
Officers when oft duty nnd while in uni
form are requested i to i refrain from smok
ing. fir
Any pollen oDiccnfound drinking Intox
icating liquor whil ixn duty will bo sus
pended. | U
An noun cent H 11 Ui.
On Thursday evening next HarrvLaoy
will appear in Joseph Arthur's thrilling
drama , "The Still Alarm , " at Boyd' opera
house , continuing the remainderof the week.
This is the drama that won such remarkable
success two years ago in England , and Its
success in this country bas been no less re
markable. The piece will to well acted , nnd
the scenery Is the best that oan bo obtained.
Then there nro the trained Arabian lire
horses that dash across the stage on tbo gal.
lop , pulling u genuine firo-engino ; tbo great
fire set-no , with a force of firemen fighting
tbo fire , and ttio great Manhattan prUe
quartette. "Tho Still Alarm" was nt the
Boyd last March , and did very large busi
ness ,
IMirno'M Catarrh Snuff
Independent Cluli Ticket.
The Independent Political Club of South
Omaha , whoso members claim to control
more than S40 votes In thocltyhas completed
its state , county and municipal ticket as fol
lows !
Judge ot the Supreme Court John It.
Judge ot the Third Judicial District-
Joseph S. Clarkson.
Regent of the University E. W. Hess.
State Senator Edmund Paulson.
Sheriff John F.Boyd.
County Treasurer Adam Snydor. *
County Judge Gco. Shields.
County Clerk Peter O'Malloy.
Register of Deeds V. A. McOeath.
Coroner Mlohacl O. Mnul.
County Surveyor J. E. House.
Superintendent of Public Instruction A.
County Commissioner Second District ,
R. S. Berlin. Fourth District , Pctor J.
Justices of tbo Peace E. It Wills and
Ell H. Doud.
Constables Alfred C. McCrackcn nnd
Andrew A. Donnnlly.
Assessor Jnincs H. Fleming.
The llccUtrntlon.
The result of the registration In this city
Is nt follows :
First ward.JS. . " ; Sacond ward , 437 ; Third
ward. SC3 ; Fourth ward , CO ; total , 1.340.
Some singular fuels wcro developed. Men
who Imvo been voting- for the past thirty
years could not bo registered.
Thn Eincrnld Moclnl Club nail.
Tbo Emerald Social club , or.o of the most
successful nnd Influential of the social or-
panizatlonR of South Omaha , will gtvo ono
of its social dances in A. O. H. hall. Rowley's
block , Thursday evening ; The committees
appointed arc us follows *
Master ot Ceremonies Mr. Thomas
Floor Messrs. John J. Ryan , Patrick
Reardon nnd Andrew A. Donnelly.
Reception Cornelius P. Hagan , George J.
Seltzer and Edward Gallagher.
Invitation J. D. Donahoo , Matthew
Miller and Daniel D. Donovan.
Nntnn About tlio City.
The Independent Political club expects to
poll m votes In the Third ward. A thor
ough canvas of the ward has boon made.
Interested friends made Miss Jcnnlo Lock-
wood a handsome present Saturday.
S. W. Sago , Brewer & Sullivan's artistic
mechanic , bus just finished setting an ele
gant pair of polished bars for P. S. McAulay.
Mr. McAulay yesterday morning presented
the bars to tUo Rev. Robert L. Wheeler.
A radio for a silver watch will take place
at the Viaduct saloon , Saturday evening.
A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Phipher. of the west aide.
Mnyor Sloano has Issued notice that no vi
olations of tlib liquor law will bo permitted
election day. Marshal Mnlonoy has received
instructions to prosecute all persons violating
the law , Tbo marshal says that ho will have
a quiet and legal election , as he bus ample
police force to insure peace at tbo polls.
About IVr.soiiR.
Dr. T. H. Eusor is back In the city and Is
receiving the congratulations ot friends ever
hU coin pic to vindication of the charges
brought ugalnst htm in Iowa.
Charles Stain , the Third ward political
lender , bas not gene to Chicago , as reported.
Frank S. Dewey , the popular bookkeeper
for the commission firm of Kecnan & Smith ,
bas returned from Chicago.
J. H. Johnson has gene to St. Louis , Mo. ,
to spend a fortnight visiting friends.
P. J. Keijnoy , of Dos Moincs , la. , ts in the
city , the guest of William IColloy.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach nnd bowels ibrouga the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
euro bllliousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles nnd constipation. Spicndid for men ,
women , and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 30 doses for 23 cents. Samples free
at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15tb nnd Douglas.
Tire nud 1'olicc Commission.
At the meeting of the fire and police com
mission last night Officers Robbins nnd
Brady waltzed on the carpet for plnyinc high
five In saloons when oil duty and in uniform.
They explained , nnd then Commissioner
Hartman asserted that police officers were in
the habit of borrowing money from saloon
keepers , and laid the practice must bo
Tbe chief of police reported that 133 days
were lost by patrolmen in October , nnd that
all had the city physician's certificate , yet
the matter wont to tbo committee on men
and discipline. Scavoy also wanted a police
relief fund established , after which a report
to the effect that prostitutes wcro living in
the Banks block , was submitted.
Chief Galligan , of the fire depart
ment , recommended the purchase of
four horses for the department ,
and the establishment of boxes at Eight-
teontb and Chicago , Twelfth and Nicholas ,
and Twentysccona and Davenport
Uriah Baker , of thafiro department , nnd
Officers Vizzard and Cullen wore granted
ten days loavo.
A lot of hand cuffs were ordered.
Dr. Gnlbraith's bill for $11)0 ) for nttnndanco
on OHlrior Johnson was read aud filed.
Fireman Lune was dismissal , nnd Chief
Galtigan was presented by Mayor Broutcb ,
on behalf of tbo tire department , with a worn
of art by Alfred Footc , consisting of a mon
ogram elegantly painted on satin with fac
similes of nil of Jack's badges and trophies ,
together with a BCCIIO representing un Omaha
flro. Overhead was the years , " 1809"
" 18S9 , " representing Gnlllgan's term of office.
The chief was taken by surprise , but tender
ed bis thanks in a few well chosen words.
'iho commission then adjourned.
The Denver State lottery company
wants agents. Tickets 50 cents. Address -
dross A. C. Ross & Co. , Denver , Colo.
Surprised nt Omaha's Enterprise.
Rev. W. S. McKenzic , D. D. , of Boston ,
has been making a tour of Colorado , Dakota
Kansas and Nebraska , looking over the
Home Mission field of the west in the inter
est of the American Baptist Mission Union.
Ho has been home secretary of the union ,
homo and foreign , for seventeen years. He
has experienced a series of surprises during
tbe past six weeks. He has spent three days
in Omaha and is amazed at the building nnd
growth of tbo city. Ho visited Tun BEC
building and Inspected it from the roof ( tak
ing in u bird's-eyu view of the city ) to the
ground floor , "Why. I um astonished to
find HUch a building for u newspaper and
two issues daily. We haven't anything to
beat this In Boston , " and like expressions of
admiration. "I will have something to tell
when 1 cct homo , and it will take all winter.
Omaha is the biggest surprise of all. "
] > 'lr \Vanl Democrats.
The First ward democrats mudo an effort
to got together last night , but there woa not
a quorum present , nnd no speeches wore
delivered. About twenty mou gathered in
the saloon next to the place where the gang
were supposed to congregate , but it wast con
cluded by the powers that nothing should be
done In the name of the ward club , aud the
How to Treat Bcarlnt f ovur.
The treatment of a cuso of scarlatina
is of very great Importance , not only us
to the currying out of strict rules und
luws of medication and nursing , but in
regard to the suppression of ull ( lungers
of contagion to others , and it is cer
tainly tlio most contagious of all the
diseases of childhood.
The child should boat once put to bed
in a room at tno top of the house , iso
lated in every way , from all ether parts
or persons of the household , ways Dr. T.
Wallace Simon In the Ladles' Homo
Journal. The ether children , If any ,
should be Uopt in n distant part of the
houeo , not meeting anyone who BOOS the
p.Uiout , or else sent away entirely. The
room , should bo well ventilated , und the
bed , ( a narrow , long cot the best , )
should bo placed nut of the direct draft ,
and not between door und window
There should bo heat in the room , if
it Iu cold , und if there is a steve or heat-
For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver ,
PropnrctlonlvIyTrOS.KEECHAMSUlIolonslnucnahircEiigliuiI.1 :
1 * . JF. ALLEN tC ? CO. , Solo Anctits
Who ( if your drnggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bcccham's
Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. ( Please mention this paper. )
The large increase in our wholesale business demand
ing our whole attention , we offer for sale our
The location is the finest in Omaha , being the most
prominent corner ; the building is new , and the store
has recently been fitted up in the most modern style ,
and is conceded to be the finest jewelry establishment
in the west.
The stock is well selected and desirable , being
clean and new
The business has been established 23 years.
This is an opportunity rarely offered ; good terms to
responsible parties. Address
MAX MEYER & BRO. , Omaha.
Thanking you lor the liberal patronage bestowed upon us in the
past , we will until the stoclr is sold , olTor you Watches , Diamonds ,
Silverware and Art Goods at prices heretofore unknown in Omaha.
MAX MEYER & BRO. , Sixteenth dnd Fnrnnm streets.
or , there should bo kept at all times a
pan ol water on it , to evaporate anfl
make moisture for the room ; or u kettle
of boiling water may bo kept on tha
stovo. Tho- temperature should be kept
at about 05 ° to 70 ° .
The favor will run very high and ft
single sheet or blanket should form the
covering for the patient , who lies on a
hair mattress or hard bed , never on a
feather bed.
For the fever , the following simple
fever mixture may be given , which will
suit most all cases in the earlier stages ,
or at least until a physician bo sent for :
Quinine sulphate , grains XV. (15) ( ) ,
Potassium chlorate , grains XXX. (30) ( ) ,
Tincture aconite , drops VIII. (8) ( ) ,
Spirits nitrous other , drachms III.
(3) ( ) ,
Syrup ( simple ) a sufficient quantity to
nialco 2 liquid , o/.s.
Sig. ( or directions ) : Give to a child
not less than three ( : > ) years of ago , half
a tcaspoonful or about fifty (50) ( ) drops
every throe ( U ) hours.
This mixture is a very safe and rclia-1
bio ono , if compounded by a competent
chemist , and will reduce the fever and
temperature and qjalet and slow the
pulsn safely.
IMant.H In Winter.
Doors opening into the rooms in
which you keep Dowers should have
strips of listing tucked about them iu
such a way as to close all cracks through
which the wind can enter , says the La
dies' Homo Journal. A strong wind
will blow more cold into a room in moderate -
orate weather than will bo likely to
penetrate in still nights when the
thermometer is down to zero. Therefore -
fore bo sure to fortify against the ad
mission of air through these inlets. It
is a good plan to take a day for doing
this work , and begin at ono corner ot
the room , and go over it thoroughly ,
finishing up each part as you go along.
By systematizing the work In this way
you are sure to Imvo it well done , but it
you stop a crack hero and there , and
now and then , ns it happens to be dis-
covcroa , you will bo pretty sure to have
a poor job of it taken as a whole.
If your plants should freeze nu soon as
you discover what has been done put
them in a dark room , or collar , where
the temperature is but 'little above
freezing and sprinkle , or rather shower
them with cold wator. In most cases ,
such plants as Abutilons , Geraniums ,
and others of similar character , can , if
taken in time , before allowed to thaw ,
bo saved , and I have had quite tender
plants como through the ordeal with
comparatively little Injury. The frost
must bo extracted gradually and with
the apnlication of as little hent as possi
ble. Keep them away from the light
and warmth for two or three days. If
the tops wilt after the frost hnsboou ex
tracted you may feel quite euro that the
wilted portion cannot bo saved , so cut
it off at once and be sure to cut below
that part which appoarH affected by the
frost. If some part of the froson part is
loft on , very often decay sots in which
extends to the stalks holbw. Should
the whole top scam killed , it does not
follow that the roots have not vitality
enough loft to send up new shoots , BO do
not throw them out till you have given
them atritil.
plaosa on Msura Uunu/
J. ycatorduv.
A J Chambers and wife to V 3 Kveritt ,
loM , Jinn-Oak , n ccl $ l
C U Bpotswood to H , It iliutlctt , loth IU to
18 , Wright I'lace , wd JJ1.000
J O Wliutanloy anil wife to L Cromblo ,
lot 21 , lluckcyo i' \ coo
J U Winsiiinluy anil wlfo to U Cromble ,
lot2T , lluckeye I'liicr. w cl COO *
Wllllum flavors unit wife to J .lacolh-
berger , lot 'M , Ilumbolilt 1'lurn. w it. . . . 035
II Hiei-UucliniHl wlfu to A Woiuslmcuiil ,
lot'A ulM. Mnyne } > luci > , w < l ] , IOO
W * ( Minion unit wlte to V1 Tboinus , lot
4ft. NeUon'a ailil. w U 3.000
1'LI'holpstoU WLoomls , part lot IV.
ll&wew add , w (1 ( ] , COO
K 1' JilnKur uud wife to J T Couistock ,
lot ; : * , nit4,1'ortlHDd I'iacc , wd l.ouo
Wltllum l'.va.ii anil vrlfoto I. 1,1 nn , Iotn
Hand 0 ana parts of other lota in bile II ,
Waterloo , wd f.WO
II 31 Hunt und wife to K Walker \ , lot II.
blicii ; , I'loronw. wd 100
JMVfMtHnganilvrifatn K A Kreltr , lot
8. ulk.4i : , llenson , w il 1,000
Jooeph Kuvuuaml wlfnto Jtosn Hoillat ,
lots 17 ami ! , blk.10,1st add to South
Ouiutia , w l , 800
1' M CouKlin uuil wlfo t.Isuuu Adams ,
lot 11. bllctJ. Ilcdford 1'lace , w d 615
J ( i ' .Viiisunley anil wlte to Ida 1' Ueatly ,
Int 15 , Jlucieye 1'lace.v d 600
Edward Tl h to Louts Jiradford , a i ccO
feet lot 11 , blk T. ICIrkwood add , w d . . . 1,800
A OOulul and husband 10 J U Van Clou-
ter. lota ) , llees 1'lace.wd 10.000
II 0 Hick * to Neb. Mtu. Loan Co , , lot C ,
blK 1 , Vnndetroolc Tnrrace , wd , . . , , , . 1
J O Honklagaml wire to U U Walluco , vr
U blk'a Uoyd'sodd d 3,850
O U Wullacu and wife to bamuelKerr , lot
0 , bit a , lloyd'n udd , w d SOO
J F Mack aud wife to O O Wallace , e prt
w Kit , fuet blk 15 , lluyd'a add , w d I.6DO
G O Wallace nnd wlfo to J T McCrary ,
lot 7 and x , blk U. Iloyil'H add. w d . . . 1.1H )
A 1' Tukuy et al to J A Gardner , lota 15
and 111. blk H. Clifton Hill , vil 1'JX )
tl M Avloswortli and Inubutid to W J
Martin , lot V , blk 7 , Jetter" ! * add , cicd. I
Tw nty-fcur transfers , aggregating.64,613
( Opposite i'axtou llotolj
Offlce hours , 0 B. m. to 8 p. ra. Sundays. 10 .
m. to 1 p. in.
Sped illsts in Chronic , Ncrrotn Skin anil
Blood Disease ! , .
tVConsnltatlon Bt ofllco dr by mail fro * .
Mrdlclnes sent by mall or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro yulckly. safely and permanently.
WPDunTTQ TTPDTITW Spermatorrhoea , saint'
flDRYUUU UDDlLlLl nal I.ossnt.NIght Kmls
Ions. Physical lioeay. nrluliiK from Indtscro
tion. Kxccssor Indulgence , producing Sleepiest )
ness. Despondency. I'hnples on tlm face , aver
sion to society , easily discouraged , lauR of conn
denco , dull , unfit for study or business , and finds
Ufa a burden. Bafely , permanently and pri
vately cured. Consult lira. Delta & Botta. iiui
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and Skin Disrases
results , completely eradicated without tli aid
of Mercury. Bcmfula. Erysipelas. Fever Sores ,
Blotches. Ulcers. Pains in the Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth iind TonsuCa
tarrh , etc. , permanently cured where other !
hare failed.
VirtnPff If PI TIUTI ? nnj IHaddor CampUmta ,
alUlluY' UlillQiy l-nlnful , uuncult. too frequent -
quent nut-ulna or Bloody Urine. Urine high col.
nred or with milky sediment on standing. Weak
Back. Honorrhica , Gleet , CyntltU. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges
movnl complete , without cuttlcii ; , caustic of
dilution , Caiea ellected at home by iiatieul
without a momenta pain or annoyance.
Ton Yopr Men and Midflls-A Men ,
I * 5IIDP PFIDP n'e nwmi oireas of early
A Culm uUilD Vice , which bungs or anta
weakness , destroying both mind und body , yHl
all Ha dreaded Ulx. permanently cured.
flDQ Pf'lT ' * ! Adress thoxe who have impaired
UHO. UDllU themeolvei l > y Improper Indnl-
aencoa and solitary hnblts. which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them tor buslntu ,
tndy or marriage.
M AimiED MEN. or those entering on that hap
pr life , aware of physical debility , nulckly ai
Is based upon facts. First Practical Kxpa
rlence. Second Krery rase Is especially studied.
thus starting aright. Third Medicines urn-pro ,
nttred In our latiatory exactly to salt each cast ,
thus affecting cures without Injury
UT" Bend 0 cents posttfce for celebrated work *
on Chronic , Nerrous and Delicate UUeases.
Thousand * curad. Cr"A friendly letter or call
may save you future sniferlniraud shiima. and
add golden Tara to life. ceTNo letters nn-
wered unless accompanied by 4 cent * In ilainiM.
Address or call on ,
lilts. UET'K * < k BKTT& ,
UOSIfanuua Stint. Omaha. Mt * .
The ffRuro " 01 ( ID our dates Is with us and
has como to stay. No mail or wamuii now
living will over data u document without
usmK the fltfuro I ) . It now stands ou tuo
cxtrcmo rlfflit 1880. Next .vcur it will bo In
the third pliicc. whufa it will remain leu
years. It will then movu up to tlio second
pluco 1900 and tliero It will rest ono hun
dred years.
Thorn In another'-O'1 which IIUH ulflo come
to stay : It Is called the .No. " ! ) . " It i not
Ilku tlm flcuro "IT" in our dates In the respect
that Itwill Imvo to wait until ncixt year
for third pluco , or ton yean tor second pluco.
us It has tlilu year stood In first place , and
It will not inova irom there ; it Iu ttiu now
"No. 0' Illicit Arm Wheeler & Wlson Sow
ing Machine.
The "No. U" is not an old style of niachlno
IiavlriK ftotno alight clmnpu inado In It und
then cullrd "now improved,1 * but It IB an en
tirely uew machine. It was invented by tha
best iiiechtinical experts of tlio KO.Vlnit
hotter proof la wntitcd of that fact ttuin the
following cablegram direct irom tha Purls
ICxposition , which wtm published in nil the
Chicmro newspapers of October 2nd I
KXPOBITIOK UMvr.usEf.Lt : . I'AIIIH , October
] , ISpoclul. ] Tno hlulivnt poHblblu premium
mid tha only grand priza for smvlntf muchlties
was awoiduil the Wheeler and Wllaou Manufuc *
turiuu Company.
Ttio "No. 0' ' has taken the first premium
this year at the Stuto fairs of lowu , Minnesota
seta und Wisconsin , and the llrst premium
at every county fair whore It hus been ox-
iubltcd. ,
Ha woman , if slio desires to bo happy
should bo without a "No , 0" No mau
should bo happy until ha has purchased the
lightest rnnnlnf , ' look stitch machine In the
world , the "No. 0' ' for his homo. No agent
Is happy unless ho sells the "No. 0. " No
dealer will bo happy und prosperous in this
ago of progress unless ho furmstietililscusto
mers with the only perfect auwlng macliliio
mechanism for family UBU , the "No. V. " We
are liuiipv , for our trade hus tnoro thua
doubled slncu the birth of the "No. 0. "
WHKHLlill it WILSON M'l'"G CO. ,
165 aud 1ST Wabash uvo. , Chicago.