Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Pnllr and Bdndny , OnoYcnr , , . SI ft HI
Klx itonths. . . . . . r. no
Throe Months . , . 2 Hi
Ennttnjr llee. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (
t WccHy Ucc , Ono Year with Premium. . . . SW
Omnnn , firs Ilnlldlng.
< : hlcngo omen , f 7 Ilookcry nnlldlnfj
New vork. Hoorns II anil ISTrlbuno null *
inftiWnnlilnprton. . No. CU Fourteenth Street ,
Council Hindu. No. 13 Pcixtl Street.
Lincoln , nevi'Bttoat. , . . .
„ „ Streets.
BoutliOmMin , Corner N aniiaith
All communication * rolntliiR to news niul e < 11-
torlnl nmttflr Btioiilrt bo addressed to the Killtor-
lal Department.
All tmMn s letters and remittance * should
hoiulrtrcMpatoTho Hco rnbilshlng Company ,
OmnliR. Draft * . checks nml poitolllco oruera to
bo made payable to the order at the company ,
The Bee PnfilisWniTciiiaiiy , Proprietors
lliillOIng Fnrnnni and Seventeenth Streets.
Jliu ! . < ' ! on the '
Tlicro In no cxmisoforBfullurfltogotTilK HER
on the trnlni. All newsdealers Imve been notl-
tied to cnrrr a full supply. rravolers wno want
TIIK HKK and can't B"t It on train- * whore other
Omnhnnnpcrg ore carried ore reiiuosted to no
tify TUB HUB. . . . - . , .
I'lentn bo particular to plvo In all cases full
Inform lUIou ns to date , railway number ot
train ,
Give tin your nnme , not for publication or un
necessary use , but as a guaranty of uood faltlu
11110 DAILY I1K13.
R\\nrn Stntnmpnt of Clrotilntloii.
Etato or Nebraska , . IE
Ueorrzo II. T/schnck , secretary of Tlio Bee
FutilUhlng Oompanr. does solemnly swnsr tnat
the Rcttml circulation of Tin : IUH.Y HER fortho
WCCK ending November S. ns follows :
Sunday. Oct. 27 81.010
Monday. Oct.1'8 l .fil > 3
la * Tuesday. Oct. : llt.Hll
wdiiB < lay , > l .fM (
Thursday. Oct. 31 1H.OI1
Friday. Nov. 1 19.71)0 )
Saturday. Nov. a 18,008
Average lO.MOU
Btateof Nebraska , i
County of Douglas. fs8'
Bworn to before rae and sub crlletl to In my
proenco thi8"d day of November , A. I ) . 1SS9.
ISeal.l N.P. FKIU
State oC Nebraska , I
( Jounty of Uou lns , f Ba
Gcoifio 11. 'Jzichuclc. brliiK duly sworn , de
pones niid f j'3 tlint ho Ii secretary of Tlio lice
j'ulillahlni ; company , tlmt ibe actual averncu
dally circulation nt TIIK UAII.V HUE for the
month November , MSH. If.WB copies ; for llo-
ceinber. JKM , ls.Sit copies : for .luiiunry , l Mi ,
2CfiT4 copies ; for 1'ournary , IMfl , IS.'JM roples ;
for .Maroll. 1SW. 1P.K4 copies : for April , JK'-n.
] 8r V.i copies ; for 5I r. 1WB , 1C.WO copies ; for
June. IKtlt , l\VH copies ; for July. IBaii , 18.TJ3
copies ; lor August , Itfc ! ' , 1VK1 copies ; for Sep
tember. 18tT , lff.710 copies ; for October IbS'.i.
] H'i07 coplei. UROitnK 11. Tzscnucic.
Bnom to before me and subscribed In ray
presence I his I'd day of November. A IX , 1B8 .
IBeal.l N.P.Fmi. .
IK YOU want to kcop the schools in
tlio hunils of inuchino politicians , vote
for Coburn.
NKITHKR the sheriff's olllco nor the
, coroner/ship should bo made a family
IF Ouptnin Foley and the Piukortona
Wore hero now they would turn in and
t help to elect Coburn.
A CUANGL : of landlords in the county
boarding-house will materially increase
the county's rovonuo.
MAINTAIN' a non-partisan judiciary
unless you desire to nave our jtfdges BO-
loctcd through the iulluonco of the
"ward bumniors. *
JA3IKS ALLEN , the republican candi
date for county clerk , is a workingman -
man , and should have the support of.
ST. Louis hns decreed that the bob
tail street cars must go into retirement.
The town is determined to bo fitst in
fact us well as in name.
THK attempt to stir up a rebellion in
Guatemala has proved a failure. The
revolutionists refused to revolute at
the request of the belligerent invent
f ors of foreign news in Now York.
' ,
the workingmen of Omaha gc
back on Gcorgo Jlmmrod , who faith
fully represented their interests and
wishes iii' the legislature11 ! If they dc
they will show themselves very un
grateful. _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _
Tins electric wires in Now York suc
ceeded in rousting a horse and knock
ing out two nfon at ono blow. It IE
evident the mankillora will provide
Bovonil funerals before they go under
THK government cleared nine and
a half million dollars by the coinage of
silver dollars during the past liscal
year. From a financial standpoint
silver coinage is a profitable side issue
for the nation.
THKKE are Ufty-ono divorces on the
November oonrt docket in Lincoln ,
Thisiann average of ono in every one
hundred and llfty families in tbo city
a record of matrimonial infolleitv thai
is not creditable to the capital.
BAIINBY MAOINNIB imagines ho can
Oil the "long-felt want" on the countj
board. Possibly , if size is all that if
required. But the fact that brains and
energy are the prime- requisites , placoi
Barney at the tail end of the race.
RKSUIIMISSIOX is tuo issue in Bcvorn
Kansas counties to-day. If the people
vote ny.thoy talk they will at an oarlj
day discard prohibition and resume the
only rational and practical method o
restricting the evils of the liquor truffle ,
SNYDUU'S tvo deputies , uccordlntr t (
the Blato , nro to boPatFord'a son-ln-lav
and Frank Morrissoy. This is why the
hue and cry is made against Hoimrot
and the Irish resolutions in the logisla
turn. Perhaps the slate may b <
Bina&ticd. _ _
MONTANA is republican. The com'
ploto canvass by the state canvassing
board nhows that the democrats elected
only the governor among the state
oflicials , a result duo mainly to the su
perior personal pouulnrity of the candi
date. A mnjorltyof the judicial offlcon
chosen nro republicans , and there wll
be a small republican majority on jolnl
ballot In the legislature , so that the ful
congressional delegation from tin state
will bo republican. This political alt
uation in the now state will be ontirol ;
satisfactory to republicans generally
and when all the ciroumstancesarecon
slderod must bo regarded as really i
signal victory.
The voters of Douptna county cannot
plead ignorance ot the condition ot
county affairs It they fail to elect com
petent and trustworthy men to ofllco.
Tin : Uiu : hns repeatedly shown what
the grand jury investigation hna con
firmed , that reckless incompotonoy and
indifference to public trusts are nl the
bottom of the scandalous waste of the
people's monoy.
First ot all , n change Is demanded in
the management of the county jail nnd
the sheriffs office. Mr. Coburn has
shown himself to bo the friend nnd de
fender of the criminal class. Ills con
duct tends to defeat the ends of justico.
and his avarice hns deprived the
county of thousands of dollars in fees
which he has illegally retained. The
fact that the county is compelled to sue
for n recovery of tlioso foes Is In Itself
aufllciont cause for his rejection nl the
the polls. Taxpayers cannot stultify
themselves by kcoplng in ofllco a
notorious fee-grabber.
A radical change in the character ot
the board of county commissioners is
necessary to secure honesty nnd econ
omy in the management of county busi
ness. The reckless extravagance of the
present board has brought disgrace
upon the members and cost the county
thousands ot dollars , for which there is
no adequate equivalent. It hns encour
aged jobbery and bribers , and permit
ted scandalous raids on the
county treasury. Messrs. Berlin
nnd Smith , the republican
nominees , are well and favorably
known. In character , ability nnd bus
iness experience they are far superior
to their opponents , and their election is *
a guaranty that competency and
business methods will mark the future
conduct of county affairs.
During the memorable strike of the
Burlington locomotive engineers n
horde of mercenaries was imported into
Nebraska and stationed all along the
line from Omaha to McCook. Armed
with clubs , revolvers and rifles those
hirelings wore instructed to knock
down or shoot down worlctngmon Mio
showed the slightest disposition to como
near any locomotive to induce the im
ported engineers or firemen to quit
work. In several instances innocent
men wore brutally beaten or shot down
by the Pinkerton gang. And when the
governor was niipoaled to to expel this
outlaw police , ho pointed to the fact
that he was powerless to do so , bccauso
thov had boon commissioned as deputy
By what authority the sheriff could
deputize non-residents has always been
a mystery.
Why , for instancedid Sheriff Coburn
commission Captain Foloyt of Chicago ,
and his platoon of Pinkorton's hired
cut-throats. There never was unj seri
ous disturbance that ho and his regular
deputies , aided by the police , could not
have quelled , and if there had been any
serious trouble , the mayor and the
sheriff together could have mustered
one thousand men at any thno to main
tain order. On the top of this Sheriff
Coburn would have boon reinforced on
short notice by the regulars from Fort
But Coburn was too anxious to servo
the Burlington managers , who supply
himhisdcputiesand jailors with passes
for trips to the penitentiary and insane
asylums. Those passes nro worth hun
dreds of dollars u year to the sheriff ,
ns the county pays him ton cents
a mile for round trips. There
are also other oblibations which Shoriil
Coburn incurred , nnd ho paid his politi
cal debts and balanced his pass account
by issuing commissions to the Pinker-
With the dive and road housekeepers
ers , the railroad bosses , Dr. Slominskl
and his Poles , and subsidized political
clubs , Mr. Coburn , in spite of his vulner
able record expects to bo re-elected for
a third torm. If the workingmen of
Omaha and citizens who desire our laws
enforced , do their duty , ho will bo relegated -
gated to private life.
Tuo letter addressed by Chairman
Cooley of the intor-stato commcrco
commission to the Western States' Pas
senger association , directing attention
to the fact that largo numbers of per
sons nro improperly carried free on the
roads in the association , that the privi
lege of granting excursion rates is
abused , nnd that the ticket broker or
' "scalper" is still tolerated and directly
or indirectly supported by the rail
roads , is pertinent und suggest
ive. Judge Cooley points out to
the association that the ob
ject lesson convoyed by these
facts may impress the public mind that
regular passenger rates are now alto
gether too high , and ho asks if persons
charged the regular rates should com
plain of them ns excessive how could
the railroad companies undertake to
show that complaint to bo not well
These matters were under considera
tion by the inter-state commerce com
mission several months ago , and there
wnseomo very plain talk from Judge
Cooley regarding them , and particu
larly with roforongo to' the ar
rangements Lotween the railroad ;
and the ticket brokers. It will bo re-
moinborod that it was shown that the
most flagrant violation of tbo law was
general under those arrangements , the
disclosures being characterized by the
chairman of the in or-stato commerce
commission in the most vigorous tornu
of condemnation , accompanied by earn
est warning that the improper business
must cease. It would seem that not
only was this warning without effect
but that the practices by which o
portion of the traveling public are
imposed upon intho interest ot a favored
vored class , nnd to support nn army ol
Ecalpors , have boon continued in aggra
vated form. The obvious inference
from Judge Cooloy's letter is that the
railroads huvo persisted in disregarding
the provisions of the law as to free
transportation , excursion rates , and the
discrimination necessarily involved
in dealing with ticket brokers ,
and ho asks why , when the * rail
roads so distinctly glvo the pub-
Ho to understand that their regular
rates are more than a fair remunera
tion for the service performed , the faol
should not Lo stated with equal dis
tinctness l > y the commission in its offi
cial communications.
All these matters it is to bo presumed
the commission will present fully nnd
clearly to the attention of congress , nnd
meantime public attention should ho
directed to the object lesson suggested
by Judge Cooloy. This simply is that
the railroads which nro guilty of
the practices charged by Judge Cooley
nro evidently exacting moro than n
reasonable compensation for the service
performed from these who pity thorn
the regular rates. * Tlio commission
should liavo a larger authority to rem
edy this state ol nlTalrs. It may have
full knowledge of tnoso violations of
the law , but it can only proceed against
n railroad company committing them
upon complaint of some ono who has
boon injured by them. The very remote
chance of a complaint over being
mndo allows the railroad managers to
persist in their with a sonsn of
comparative safety. If the commission
were empowered to call them to ac
count upon its own Knowledge of the
facts the improporpractlcos complained
of would in nil probability bo speedily
abandoned. Advice and warning hav
ing proved to bo of no effect , treatment
moro summary is evidently necessary ,
and this congress will' undoubtedly bo
asked to provide for.
The Chicago Inter Ocean , discussing
the present aspect of the spcnkorsnip
contest , remarks thnt the only hope for
the west lies in concentration upon one
candidate. Regarding Mr. McKinley ,
of Ohio , as a middle state rather than a
western candidate , our Chicago con
temporary says the throe representa
tives of the west in the ( told are Mr.
Cannon , of Illinois ; Mr. Burrows , of
Michigan , and Mr. Henderson , of Iowa ,
mid it declares that "if all throe re
main in the field all will 'bo defeated. "
Naturally it counsels a union of western
representatives in support of Mr.
All the argjjmcnts presented by the
Inter Ocean in"favor of seating ti western
man in the speaker's chair of the next
house of representatives are good , but
their application to Mr. Cannon may
not be regarded as altogether sound ,
particularly by the supporters
ot the Ohio candidate. They may
fairly ask why Mr. McKinlcy is to bo
counted ns any less a western man
than the representatives of Illinois and
Michigan. There is no good reason
why those states should not bo placed
inthos'imo sectional division us Ohio ,
and as a matter of fact they are so
placed in the popular mind , and very
properly. Half of Michigan is ns fur
cast as the center of Ohio , and the
Mississippi , which is now the rec
ognized dividing line , bounds Illi
nois on the west , thus depriving -
priving it of any fair claim ,
or indeed any belter claim than Ohio ,
to bo considered a western state.
Correctly speaning , therefore , there
is but one western candidate for speaker
now in the field , Mr. Henderson of Iowa ,
and the fact that uis , candidacy was not
announced as early as that of Mr. Can
non , and that his support at the outset
promises to bo somewhat less
than thnft of the Illinois repre
sentative , has no bearing whatever
upon his claims. No ono pretends
that Mr. Henderson is not as well qualj-
fied for the position ns either Cannon
or Burrows , and since it is both just
and desirable that the spoakership ol
the next house should bo given to the
west , the Iowa candidate is obviously
the man upon whom the western repre
sentatives should concentrate.
The Inter Ocean Is right in the view
that the time has como when the
republican party cannot afford to
reject the claim of the west
in tbis matter , nnd the section west of
the Mississippi , which is the strongest
and surest bulwark of republicanism ,
having a candidate for the speakership
who is in every way qualified to hoqor-
ably fill the position , hns an indisputa
ble claim to bo .recognized. If the
Epcakcrship contest is to be determined
upon sectional considerations , which
now appears likely , McKinlcy , Cannon
and Burrows must fairly be held
to represent the middle sec
tion , leaving Henderson alone
in the fleldk as the repre
sentative of what is popularly regarded ,
and is in fact , the west. If western
representatives are faithful to tlioii
section it is the Iowa candidate , upon
whom they will concentrate their sup
port , and it is the probability of this
being ultimately done which leads the
friends of Mr. Henderson to regard hit
chances of success with n great deal ol
SPAIN proposes to divide with the
United States the honor of celebrating
the fourth centenary of the discovery
of America. Preparations for the even !
have assumed such proportions thai
congress must take prompt action if it
hopes to attract her share of European
exhibitors and visitors. It is proposed
to hold nn international expo it ion it
Madrid in 1892 , and the Spanish gov
ernment has invited England , Franco
Portugal and Italy to co-operate. Bristol
tel , England , proposes to celebrate on
her own hoolc , not ns a tribute to Co
lumbus , but to John and Sebastiat
Cabot , the latter a native of Bristol
who , five years after Christopher ,
struck tlio desolate shores of Labrador ,
sailed down the coast and floated the
British flag over what is now Now
England. With two foreign -competl-
torn in the field , it is necessary thai
congress act promptly so that the
American exposition can be thoroughly
advertised abroad and exhibits aocurct
from all departments of foreign in
dustry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tun political missionaries of Nebraska
braska should not despair , The Span
Ish and Portuguese missions will hi
vacant in a tow months. Wo have ni
Bolmonts or Lorins to spare , but we
have a ecoro or moro who will , if ap
pointed , draw their salaries with a
inunli vigor and regularity as the moa
accomplished plonop.
TIIK St. Louis HcpitbUc Is vigorously
reading out of the party the wet nursci
of Hill's presidential boom of the couth
Meanwhile the governor is raortgaginj
the friendship nnd support ot party
spoilsmen * $ \ \ } \ the effective slogan ,
"I'm n democrat. " The signs ot the
times confirm the Now York Stm'.i as-
nortlon thnt tlio democrats nro "getting
together , " but they cannot conceal the
bowlcs In tiSf\v \ alqorca.
Tim button ot hungry steers which
raided the ptvstjbrcs within the corporate
limits o.f Kansas CUy displayed moro
valor tlinn dicrotion. Of course they
were shot dow'n. The city by the Kaw
could not leVtho Impression go abroad
thnt her widW's'proadlng fields were cattle -
tlo ranges. They are reserved for the
exclusive use of the verdant real estate
sucker. *
Tun value of buildings for which
permits were issued during the past
ton months exceeds by n quarter of a
million dollars the nggrcgato for 1888.
The total is n fraction over four million
dollars. This sum represents about
two-thirds of the nctual cost of buildIngs -
Ings erected In Omnhn this year. It Is
safe to ostlmnto that the total for the
year will exceed six million dollars.
TIIK first real test of the Australian
system of voting will bo made in Massa
chusetts to-day. If the law with its
cxtonslvo and costly mnchlnory , includ
ing printing of the ticko > s by the state ,
works satisfactorily In populous commu
nities and secures the ends uiraud nt ,
its ail option by n largo number of
states is certain to follow.
llin .MCII n ( Vote A 'jilnst.
til. l > < mt roitOlcpifc/i. /
The candidates for llui schnol board who
nro doDcmlhigon political inlluonuo or "pulla"
for success nro good cutulliiutos to vote
n ainst.
A I < V 'I I Kclio.
St. Puitt Wmi'sr-IVMt.
Tlio I'aniolt commission hua resumed busi
ness , and tlio London Times sayn faintly
"New is the titno to subscribe. "
* .
AVoMhv ol'Sllirrln.
A'cir 1'orlt Cttmmcrctnl Atlmllur.
The czar hns u line vestibule truln for Ills
private use. There Is a buffet car attached ,
BO tbut Ilia nmjeaty uiuy d.vnumitn without attention. ( Man hui'o bcon scut
to Siberia Tor lesi than this. )
Gouenr nnd the Hoc. .
Chtc'iyn Times.
The liclit for prohibition in Ncbrnslta * has
developed mi interesting quarrel between
Mrs. Gougnr of the otutnp und Mr. lioso-
water , of Tin : Hn , an Omaha paper with n
Btuig- . With thu indlscntnitmto zeal often
characterising iiroponijtits. of what they
choose to reuard as u great moral rofoitn
Mrs. Uoupar declared at an Interior town
that the editor 6f TIIK Une wiisn brhi-tn1cr ! ,
who sent reporters Into Iowa Instructed to
maUo a false ieiiort ; ( of the opcintlons of the
DrollIbiUon luw.s in that state ; that ho was a
tool of the Liquor Dculcrs' association and
had accepted n brlbo of $4,000 to assist in
preventing the submission of thu prohibition
amendment , As madam was malting these
remarks wherever she presented herself be
fore an aiulio'uco in Nebraska Mr. Koso-
water , with a stenographer , presented him
self tit Toiiainah. MM. Cougar , unaware of
his presence , made the usual chur es , ndvis-
inicvcryboly , , < unon the rcpresentntion she
made , to cease subseribiuK for Kosow.itcr's
paper. Under thu Illinois law hiadum would
be indictable as conspiring to diminish the
vuluo of'inropcity , hut Nebraska does not
nroviaefor the punishment of a slanderer.
When Mrs. Gonpiar hud recited her piece re-
'gardlng Roscwatcr he at silent in the audi
ence. Upon the conclusion of her tlrndo ho
most' , without nnv exhibition of anger , to
nslc for the proofs of her allegations. She
had none , of course. No journalist of ordi
nary good sense needs the stunulusof money
to stir him to opposition against so absurd ,
fanatical and impracticable a proposition as
prohibition. Her course was tbut or n per
son conscious that in her irresponsibility she
had K ° no too far. She adduced no proofs
supporting her allegations , but Insisted
that Kosewnter was interrupting a relig
ious meeting and ought not bo hoard.
Further spceeh was denied him. Ho resorts
now over his own name to his own columns ,
declaring thai the stump speaker's "conduct
has been as dishonorable as it was shameful ,
unchristian and un-American. No man or
woman possessed of a spam of decency and
honor would publicly charge a man with
penitentiary offenses nnd .when faced by the
accused refuse him a hearing In his own dc-
fonsc , much less refuse him a chance to de
mand the source from which his uccuscr hns
tmidoupHUch charges. No honorable man
or woman , and nobody who ha * nny respect
for religion , woUld bo guilty of publicly
be.inug lalso witness against niiy man , how
ever humble , nnd cap tno climax of infamy
mid cowardice by inciting ti credulous audi
ence to do bodily violence to the victim ot
foul Blunder , and urge his arrest under the
pretense thut ho was a disturber of a 'ra-
llgious meuUng. ' "
It Is not a pleasant quurrol to have on one's
Hands , for warfare with a woman is not
chivalrous employment , but the editor scorn *
to have been without other resource.
A Cntnmo'n Slnndoror.
OMAHA , Nov. U. To the Editor of TUB
BUG : Mrs. Helen Cougar's career of slan
der did not begin m Nebraska. In the
spring of 1687 , In Loavonwortb , Kas. , the
business men of that city nominated a candi
date for mayor , and the prohibition element
also put Up a candidate.-Mrs. Helen Uaugar
came and threw herself into tbo light and
endeavored to organize a support for the so-
called tcmpoi-.tiico candidate among the
women of the c1t ( the Kansas laws permit
ting them to voTbm all municipal elections.
Hut the wives ana daughters of the best cit
izens of LoaveuwQr'.h , in the wise exercise
of their new-jToupd right of suffrage , de
clined to array themselves ugulnai their
fathers and Inislmncls. This GO enraged
Mrs. Oougar-thafhlio gave vent to the most
atrocious nndvunfuundvd charges against
thn morals of the , entire circle of society
ladlus In the city. , 'iho charges were not
publicly iiiado-thoy were too coarse nnd
vile but thov wei'o given n pretty extensive
circulation , and * > Mra , Gougar , when con
fronted with the statements , did not deny
having made them , whereupon she was
quietly hut Jlrml.V requested to leave town ,
which she promptly did just on the eve of
election. The 'editor of tuo Lnavenworth
Standard can ootroboaato the above mate-
inent and glvo you full particulars.
- A UiADiit : or TUB UISK.
Banks to Consolidate.
Tbo Uuion Natloual and Douglas County
hanUs are ou'ttio point of consolidating. It
is expected that the deal will bo con.
eumtnatod this week. A stockholder of the
latter concern Bays that everything ha been
agreed upon except the ditpogltlon of cer
tain positions. Each corporation has em
ployes whom It wants to provide for. If the
consolidation should bo effected , the Union
National will be moved into the building Of
the Douglas County bank , corner of Dodco
and Sixteenth street. Which of the two
names will be retained U still under discus
A. Lmrgo Unvniiuo.
The amount of mono > collected In the
police court during the month of October
was $3,332.75. This h the lurROit month
Judge Ucrku has lu 1 j | , o has hold ths
T-\70 Prominent Lluooln Lawyers
Will Teat It.
Report of ilio An mini Mooting Hold
Hnnclny Nlulit A New nnllrnnd
Company Trio Capital
CUy In Urlrf.
102U i STIIRKT ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 4.
A largo number of Lincoln citizens failed
to register ns required by the now law. In
support of this fact it is only necessary to
cite the registration books , which show hut
MOD.votcrs for a city that prides itself upon
n population of 50OlX , ) people.
Many voters fulled to rocislor because of
nocllgcnco , while others had n purpose.
Among this number mnv be mentioned Judge
O. I1. Mason nnd Hon. Uhnrles O.Vhooilon ,
two of the bet known attorneys of the city.
In their opinion the registration law is
clearly unconstitutional , and it Is their in-
Inntlon to ofTur their votes at their usual
places for voting , unil In th J ovcnt thnt they
nrn refused , they propose to "mandamus"
the clerks nnd judges of election in tlio su-
Uicuin court form with.
Tlio llQllrf null Alii Knolrty.
The Kolicf nnd Aid society hold its annual
meeting last night at thn St. Paul M. K.
church , with brunches at the First Baptist
und First Congregational churches. At
each of thcso churches there was a largo
uudlcnco of these who were interested In re
lieving the city's poor. The total collections
amounted to fllO.-tl.
At St. Paul the service was opened by Dr.
Stein , Who was followed by President Ernst
with his annual address. He reviewed the
work of the society at some length and sum-
miihzjd the objects as follows :
1. There nro In every community real and
honest cases of destitution , wnlcli it is thu
duty of thu more fortunate to rellnvo.
J. There arc also n large number of fraud
ulent cases whose destitution , If existing , Is
lira result of hirlness , nnd who nro not de
serving the sympathy or support of honest
i ) . Individual assistance , oven in the most
deserving cases , Is often misdirected , but
under a system of organized charity like this ,
the worthy poor nro more apt to rcivlvo their
dues nnd the frauds to bo cxuowl than In
any other way. If the people give their
charities to this society , then the mendicants referred tu the distributing agent ,
Elder Howe , and If they nro found worthy
they will bo cared for. The following is a
summitry of the work done :
F.iuiilios assisted ( 400
Individuals assisted 2.0UO
Persons provided with temporary
lodging , lunch or transportation. . 400
Tons of coal distributed UOU
Garments supplied 12,000
Calls received ut ofllco on society ,
matters 20,000
Calls inadu uhuut the city in looking
up the poor " 4,000
Money used in the worlr. ? J,23'J.tU '
Governor Thuycr , Uev. Luddcn , Dr. Stoln ,
Dr. Hoxvitt , iilder flowo und Dr. Derris
mtdu nnnropriato remarks , 'ihe collection
was 8103 00.
At tuo Kirst Baptist Church the service opened by Professor Adrian , the annual
address by C. C. Munson , and interesting
tnlks made by G. M. Lauibortson , Kuv. New-
nan , Rev. Williams and others. The collec
tion amounted toil.-15.
At tlio First Congregational church ( tie
services were conducted by Dr. Curtis and
Dr. Gregory. The annual address was reuU
uv.D. L. Brace , and t.ilics were mndo by
Elder Ilowu , Albert Wntuins nnd W. J.
Uryan. The collection amounted to $1(35. (
New JUuilruml Cuinnniiy.
As required by luw , articles were flled to
day incorporating the Missouri & Sioux
Ucsorvation railway company.
Niobrara , ICnox county , is cited ns tbo
principal place for the transaction of busi
ness , and $700,000 is the authorized capital
Its business nature Is stiuulated to bo the
construction , maintenance and operation of
a railroad , or railroads , and branches in tbo
Mute , of Nebraska , with telr-graph lines in
connection thoruwiih , nnd in such other
states and territories us It may acquire tno
corporation ri ht to enter for that purpose.
Tno corporate existence dates from Septem
ber 10 , IsSO , to September 10 , 10S8.
The certificate lixes tbo termini of the
road at township twonty-suvon , range five ,
in Antelope county , and thcnco throuuh
ICnox county to the north boundary line of
the stateL with other rights us indicated.
corporators : F. P. Bounell , Charles
II. Swltrart , A. Goal , John MoElhtnnoy
and J. N. Kestcrson.
Where They ill Vote.
Governor Thnyer votes at Grand Island ;
Secretary of State Law * at McCook ; Com
missioner John Steen ut Wahoo ; Treasurer
J. K. Hill nt IJcatrico : Attorney General
ceso ut Pewanl ; W. S. Gurbor at Hed
Cloud and L. W. Gllchrist at Alliance. With
the ftxccpUon of Locso and Hill , the stuto
olll cm named loft for their respective vot-
inu places this afternoon. The last named
go to-morrow morning.
* N"W iSoiarn-H I'ublic.
The governor to-day made the following
notarial appointments : William A. 1JII-
worth , Hastings , Adams county ; W. A.
Thompson , Albion , Uoono county ; Alva L.
Tcmblln , Weeping Water , Cass county :
Ulchaid H. Clifford , West Union , Custcr
county ; Charles C. Ilettman , Geneva , Fll-
moro county ; D. 13. Cronsoy , Fuirbur.v , Jef
ferson county ; John G. .Morrison , Lincoln ,
Lancaster county ; M. J. Huffman. Goring ,
Scotts Ulufts county : William T. Scott ,
York , York county.
City Mva nnit NotcH.
HOD. J. L. Caldwell went to Omaha to
The B. & M. car thlovos were bound over
to answer to the district court tbisnftornoon.
Deputy County Clerk Churchill is suffering
from u Hiivero attack of rhnu mutism.
Mrs , Sytvanus , mother of the well known
contractor. T. 1C. , loft for her homo at Clin
ton , la. , to day.
H. W. Johnson , chief clerk of the Capital
hotel , goes to Beatrice this week to under
take tlio management of the Paddock for K.
K. Crlly & Co.
J , J. Imhoff brought suit to-day In the dis
trict court to foreclose a tnortgcgo of $10,000
on lots 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 and part of 7 , sec
tion " , 0 nnd 0 , against Charles Peterson ,
Thomas Hyan , J. J. liutlor aud Edward P.
Ditvo Ackcrman , charged with raping bis
little slaUuH. was discharged this evening by
Judge Houston , because tlio evidence pro
duced was not convincing.
Soolcty'w DnrHiitrs Will DUIICO Tor It
This evening occurs the great social
ovcnt of the season , when wealth will array
itselt in its rarest jnwels richest gar
ments and whirl for a fcu' > hours in the ball
room for the sweet cauho of charity. It
Is to bo hold In Washington hall , nnd
this auditorium , beautiful though It la ordin
arily , is undergoing a traiulormatlon in
honor of the event ,
The promise of success Is Haltering , al
though the event has not received the pre
liminary advertisement that It probably
A largo number of tickets have already
bean sold , und the lauding social lights of
the city are among tbo patrons , Thu ovcnt
promises to bu u gill onug social success ,
nnd coming as it does at the cqm >
inonccmont of the winter's amusements ,
wnen society's appetite U IceenoRi for u re
sumption of the pleasures of the dance , and
with no counter attraction , tticro Is every
reason to bollovo that the event will eclipse
in numbers ut least tiny charity ball hold m
Omaha for snuio time. The proceeds are for
the hoDctlt of thut worthy Institution , Ibe
Crccho ,
Acid IMiutptmtn
Relieves mental and physical exhaustion ,
The Original of tlio Clinrnolor Drnwn
by Dickens Still Living.
The orlclnixl" "Stnllco" ono. of
Dickons' characters In "Nicholas Nick-
loby" Is llvinjj nt Hury St. IMinumls ,
says the St. Jnmoa Gnaotto. Ho IB n
toyshop keeper nmnrul Johnson. Interviewed -
viewed by n representative of the Bury
and Norwich Post , ho sltitotl that ho
WHS undoubtedly the oHglnnl "Smllco. "
Ho gives a ernphlo account of his Ufo
ftt the Yorkshire aohool kept by tv Mr.
Clarkson ( "Squoors" ) . In reply to n
question how long It wns since ho know
that ho was the original of "Smlko , "
Mr. Johnson assured his interrogator
that ho never know "Nicholas Nick-
leby" was written until about ton years
npo. when ho was told by Mr. Olbbs , n
confectioner , who Iron-owed the work
for him to rend. Ho hud previously
related to him the history of his
Ufo in Yorkshire , nnd Mr. Glbbs
said : "Why , your life Is written
by Chnrlos Dickens In 'Nicholas Nick-
loby , " ' und after Mr. Johnson hud
proved the matter for himself
ho betook himself to n sister nt
Brighton to got additional Information
mation and verify the conclusion to
which ho had come. Ho paid his sister
n surprise visit , nnd said : -'I have come
to have my dinner with you nnd to ask
you whether you know that my life
boon written bv any author. " She wild :
"Yes , It has boon written. " "By
whom ? " said our friend "Smlko. " "It
hns been written by Charles Dictions In
in 'Nicholas Niclcloby , ' " said she.
'That is all I want to know , " was the
satisfied reply. Previous to this sur
prise visit ho had not been to see his
sister for forty years , and during no
part of this time had she over men
tioned the fact to him of his having1
been adopted by Dickens as one of his
"And is the character of 'Smiko , ' as
Riven by Dickens , a faithful portrayal
of the facts as you know thornr1" was
the next question submitted. To this
Mr. Johnson replied thnt it was un
doubtedly based upon actual facts ; but ,
of course , there was a deal of iiclioa
thrown in by way of pudding.
Dickens did not exceed the truth in
describing tlio condition of nn"airs nt
Dothoboys hull , and mi-flit have easily
made it much worse than ho did. His
characterization of the porridge ns a
"brown composition , which looked like
diluted pincushions without the covers , "
was thoroughly justified , for it was in
deed "wretched tackle , " and the "stir
about and potatoes , " which formed part
of the dietary , were no imaginary qttan-
tits. "So badly were wo treated , " Mr.
Johnson says , "that wo used to break
out nt night and rob bean ana pea stalks
in order to supply our wants and to make
up the delicioncies of the larder at 'tho
hull. ' But thcro was a thorough esprit
do corps among the 'boarders,1 and these
who galhcroathcso supplemental luxur
ies were loyal to their companions in
misery , nnd the understanding respect
ing the fair and equal distribution of
the spoil WHS always faithfully carried
out. Of course , " ho continued , "wo
were never allowed to sit at the table to
our meals. Wo were arranged in two
rows at a long deal table and wo had to
stand while eating" a privilege which
probably was not included in "the
thanks for what wo have received. "
Pressed on the point respecting the
administration of the "Hour of brim
stone and molasses , " Mr. Johnson re
plied that it was poi-fccty accurate.
' 'Bi-imstono and treacle xvas our medi
cine"said ho , "and it was administered
by 'Mrs. Squecrs , ' and , " ho dr > ly added ,
"a half-day's holiday was always given
on the occasion. " ' Of his escape from
the school and subsequent adventures
ho also gives a lively account. Asked
ns to what ago ho was when ho ran
away from the school , ho replied that
ho was 15 , When tie was old enough to
bo able to realize his surroundings
there were about forty boys in the
school , but at the time ho' loft there
wore not more twenty scholars receiv
ing instruction , "tho first class in Eng
lish spoiling and philosophy" having
become proportionately reduced in
numbers. The terms were 20 guineas ,
which included board , washing , and
ovcrthing. not excepting the "Hour of
brimstone and molasses , " which , while
purifying the blood , had the additional
advantage of being a valuable substitute
for breakfast and dinner.
Many Chnntros in the Rites and Ser
vices or tlio Kniscopil Cliuroli.
"Mighty changes have come over the
Protestant Episcopal church since its
seeds were first sown in this country
100 years ago , " said a prominent min
ister of that denomination , to a reporter
for the Philadelphia Kocoru. "In
forms of organization and of worship ,
ns well as in doctrine , a transformation
has gone slowly on. From a simplicity
in church architecture , form an ritual
thoroughly Quakerish , the Protestant
Episcopal body has advanced to a love
of the ornate , the esthetic and the awe-
inspiring , almost Roman forms.
"Loou at the change in church archi
tecture. Where once the house of
worship was plain and of forbidding
aspect , rich cathedrals und churches
nro now built aspiring in grandeur to
the great Gothic pllos of the old world.
Likewise in church interior frescoing Is
now soon everywhere. The walls , ceil
ings and windows nro imngcd with Ulblo
"Church services have undergone the
sumo transformation. Brass bands tire
now hoard in tHotnvislcwhoro a hundred
years ago the organ was barely toler
ated. In the old days a mixed qttartolto
led the singing , consisting of simple
hymn and psalm tunes ; now robed chor
isters render masses } canticles and era
torios. Responses in the service , once
spoken by the congregation , are now
olmntod. Clerical vestments are chang
ing. Tlio plain atolo and surplioo are
soon giving way to the moro gorgeous
dross of the Roman Catholic clergy. .
The cnssnck bound- thu waist , the col
ored and embroidered etolo , the rich
cape over thu shoulder * , the borotla on
the head , these now are all soon in
Episcopal churches.
"That these changes all indicate n
steady progress toward Roman Catholio
rttoH and usngos no ono will deny. Tito
whole Episcopal church hai not swung
into line in this procession , but it is
true , nevertheless , that the tendency of
the great body of members is that way.
In speaking of dross I should have
mentioned the changes in Episcopal
garb. The bishop BomoUmos wears a
purple cassock jor a long silk apron ,
oftentimes the university hood.
"Tho practices and customs of many
of the Episcopal clergy are coming into
strange conformity with Unman pre
cedent. Celibacy , poverty nnd lasting
are encouraged ; the priestly face Is
shaven , a long black coat is worn on
the Btrcot , working brotherhoods are
encouraged , and Bishop Potter , of New
York , has given ills assent to the with
drawal of young men and women from
the world to devote themselves to holy
works and holy living. How Btrangoly
Roman all this sounds. Take , again ,
important doctrinal teachings. Tran-
Buostantatinn is a doctrine no longer
taught by Roman Catholics tilono. The
npostolio succession receives Episcopal
nssont , praying for the dead is not un
known , and the importance of auricular
confession is urged.
"Not long ago Prof. Peabody , ot Har
vard colloiro , delivered an nddross in
this city in which ho assorted that the
body * of ChrlHtians are now dividing
into two contrary camna , ono of which
is making for Rome- ana the other for
liberalism under the nnmoof Unitarian-
ism. That was a sago remark , to my
mind. Whatever loyal Episcopalians
may say , their body , followed by all the
other reformed communitlons , is on the
way back to the bosom of that mother
from whom it turned in these eventful
days of the sixteenth century. "
"Forms of church government de
velop in the same direction. Hier
archical arrangements grow in favor ,
and just now the introduction of a pro
vincial system with archbishops into
America is being agitated. The regard
in which the minister is hold is chang
ing , as from a position of social inter
course and converse with his Hock ho
comes to bo looked up to as a holy man ,
without the world of enjoyment. Andover
ever and above all thcso changes comes
the proposition that the name of ' .he de
nomination bo changedthat ; the idea
of denomination bo discontinued. Some
would cull it thn Holy Catholic Church ,
nnd clahirthat it has come down unin
terrupted from the days of the fathers
as God's only church in which the whole
body of the saved must bo gathered.
These who argue tfius believe that the
Baptist or Methodist or Prosbyloiian
cannot escape hell lire.
Only Ono Street Railway Company
Now iu Ouinlia.
The panars transferring the nffccts of the
Omaha motor railway company to the Omn-
ha street railway company have boon finally
signed , mid yesterday morning Frank Murphy
president of the consolidated c > . .nnuny , took
formal possession of the power house , cars
and tracks of the late Omaha Motor railway
company. Mr. Murphy loft orders thut
ovur.vthlng should continue us usual nnd
there is no indfcution at present of any
c luin go in employes , although there la a
probability that , later , thcro will bo a BUS-
pauslon of some sunorlluous help.
The first move will bo to perfect the service
of the usslmilatcd motor lines by having the
cars run on schedule time aud to make uuy
changes or improvements that may bo found
The HatiScom pnrn nnd North Twenty-
fourth street line is still in the hands of the
SpruRua company , aud probably will not bu
turned over to the street , railway company
for a week or ton days. The working of the
line is entirely controlled by the Sprapuo
t , Mr. UlcUford.
Why don't you try Rod Cross Cough
Drops , Jive cents 'per box.
Tnn'c Out Tliclr I'lnnl Pnpers.
Four citizens of Fremont came to Omaha
yesterday to tulio out tholr final naturaliza
tion papers , as required by the registration
law. The men were between thlrty-flro nnd
orty years of ago , and were old-time resi
dents of Fremont , who had been voting rl/jht /
nlontr until brought to a halt by the now law.
Ono of the quartette holds a county offlco ,
hut refused to state what ofllco It is. Jnmos
Ii. Peterson , O. A. Petersen , Frederick
Mailer nnd Leopold Mellor are the names of
tuo parties.
n lHE Ivoiu * SOAP is most excellent for washing galled spots ,
Ji. scratches , etc. , etc. , on horses , for it will cleanse without irri
tating , and the vegetable oils of which it is made arc cooling and
healing in effect.
There arc many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory't"
Ihey ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it ,
Cop/right ISM , by I'rocter & Gamble.