Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Prloo Ohnugos In Wheat Narrow
But Trade Aotivo.
Quito r Henry Dualnons In Provis
ions nt ljo cr Vnluo HORS
Acilvo nnd Higher on
Jlcnvy Quotations.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
fnB Br.Bi ] Prlco changes wcro within a
narrow range , but thcro was , nevertheless ,
nu active trade m wheat , nnd no llttlo local
and outsldo Interest In tbo market is being
shown In n variety of ways Two pieces of
news disturbed the monotony of trade to
day. Ono was mi Incrcaso In the vlslblo
supply of loss than 50 per cant of what had
boon counted on , nnd the other was a crop
letter from Dodge , the government statisti
cian , to an agricultural papur published In
Now Yorlr , It has been supposed that the
government pays him for his services , but It
Bccms that ha Urals tlmo to write for the
press amplifying , explaining or amending
hla official statements nnilitlll further myall-
lying the public. Ills latest communication
Is to the oiTcct that the wheat pro
duction will bo 12.3 busliols per
ncro on about 03,000,00 ! ) acres , or
about 480,000,000 measured bushels , from
wnich about ' 15,000,00J bushels must Do de
ducted on account of short woigiit. This
would bring the crop down to Mi ? vicinity of
471,000,000 < JO-pound bushels. The govern
ment statistician's Intoat estimate Is accom *
led the usual ' 'U Is
pan by hedge ! subject
to revision" when moro complete returns
from the threshers are in , From being
barely steady wheat got steady , then firm
nnd later vary strong. The vislblo supply
statement showed only 1,2. " > 0OUO bushels In
crease , when some of the guessers had put It
as high as U.OOO.OJO bushels on Saturday nml
common Judgment had centered on 2,000,000
bushels us a safe maximum limit. The
point * of greatest Increase are ;
Buffalo , 307,000 ; Chicago , 233,805 ; Min
neapolis , 574,115 , ; and Now .Yorlt , ; 178,030.
The amount on laUo and canal shows n do-
crcnso of 347.034 bushels , and if a mistake
should develop it would probably bo found
In that Item , us dally cables would seem to
indicate that n far larger quantity cama on
the lakes last \vcck than went off. The In
terior movement is still very large , and the
total receipts at all enumerated points for
the day foot up li)4,775 ; ) bushels , nnd the
total shipments 04V,4S'J bushels , of which
only 1U,7U3 bushelsllgurc In the exports. The
eastward movement Is bravy , though , and
local freight engagements are reported to
day for 2111,000 bushels. The total auiuuia
of wheat now In sight is 25,712,573 bushels
against , 83.C04.000 bushels. Decem
ber wheat opened In Chlcnco at 7'J c , sold
down to 79 ? o , up to 7'JXo and for u long
tiuio ranged at 7Uj.e nnd "Ojf.'o , finally , how
ever , hardening and going to sOc. nnd during
the last half hour prices moved to S0jfc ! ,
whero'lt wus at the closo. May opened at
83)j.c , sold down to $3c , sold up to & 3c ,
Imclc to ft < % c and on tuo last spurt no to
84J.c , where it closed , with Novembnr rest
ing at TOJ c. The gain ever Saturday
averaged K@/8C-
The corn market wus dovold of activity or
general Interest. The visible supply was
expected to show a' decrease of about as
much us on the week before besides a do-
crcaso to the extent of 1,503,859 bushels ,
aguinst401,024 on the corrcsponding week a
year ago. Stocks hero are less by 543,935
bushels than they were a week ago and now
amount fo 1,509,092 oushels. The demand
for cash offerings continues good , but prices
cased oft a trillo to-day in cash , local specu
lators wcro In possess.on of the
deal and fluctuations wcro narrow
and infrequent , with the tendency
lor the most Imrt downward. Cold , clear
weather wus tlio principal influence affecting
local traders. The cloning prices did not
vary much from those of Saturday , and
were : December 3\o and May 3JtfO !
83Uc. 'Ibis is % c increase in December.
Prices on oats were somewhat unsettled ,
although actual speculative business was
small and the market generally dull. The
light trading was chiefly in May , which sold
off } a early to 21Jfo under lacic of support ,
but recovered Inter to ' J.c , as few buying
orders appeared , and casii oats developed
firmness , owing to the good demand. Near
months were Inactive , ' with November nt
ISJffa and December eventually toucblne
19jiC. No. 3 cash wus nominally IS jJc , with
trading chiefly by sample.
Thcro wus quite a heavy speculative trad
ing in provisions to-day at a lower uvorago
of prices ull around. Moro business was
dona than usual nnd mess pork leu in Inter
est throughout. Prices for hogs n't the yards
were tending up and the weather conditions
were moro favorable for packing operations ;
yet this did not prevent a sharp break in
speculative values. The opening figures
were not fur away from Saturday's closing
rnngo , January pork selling higher at the
start under the influence of hard pounding
by Baldwin nnd Wright. November pork
broke from S9.25 to ( S.90 before
the noon hour , aud January from $9.20 to
$9.05. From the insidu figures the market
reacted n llttlo , there being it sudiciout demand -
mand from scattering B hurts to check tbo
downward course. Ilutcblnpou was a can
opiouous ficllor of January pork ull the morn
ing , nnd during the last hour of the session
bo bought. Some few minutes before ad
journment an operator entered the pit and
offered November nt $3.05 , but finding no
takers ho bought 1,000 barrels ut $3.92. < _ @
8.95. On the split , u big trade was witnessed
lu year pork , Norton ami Worthington being
tbo largest Individual buyers , and there wus
also u fair trade in May , which ruled steadier
than near futures. For year pork
prices actually hardened a llttlo.
Tlio general Impression to-day Is
that the clique are selling November
down for the purpose of gutting n fresh hold
at reduced prices. Lard and ribs attracted
n fair amount of attention , and the fooling
was weaker in both lines , In sympathy with
pork , though the fluctuations were not wide.
Outside ordora wcro again a ? ncarco as ben's
teeth. ' 1 hn local trade in the cash product
was light , lord Boiling nt f5.07M < 20.05 and
10-pound green hams at 7u. Some
850,000 pounds of partly curVd short ribs
wcro reported on at $0.00. Speculative tradIng -
Ing wus less animated during the last hour
of the session. .Tho closing quotations were
SOo lower forvNovember pork mid o@ o off.
for Jauuary nud May , with year lOo higher.
In lard futures the not ceclino wus 2) ( < .5o ,
and Novqinbur ribs cloned Co lower , with
January aud May unchanged.
CniOAoa , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bus. ] CATTLE Tlio condition of the
market was much the same as at the close of
last week. A few car loads of prime natives
and n few lots that exporters wanted sola
quick and at strong prices , while all other
classes ruled slow at weak If not lower
prices. The Tuxuus on sale were ol ttio
poorest quality seen hero this season and
told for the lowest figures. Kongo stock
was of fair quality nnd sold about the same
as last week. The boat grades of native
butchers' stock prlmo dry cows aud good
heifers uold n shade stronger , but canning
was as slow nnd as low as ut auy tlmo.
Business wus light lu the stookor and feeder
line , but traders anticipated u bolter busi
ness for ibo wcok. Cholco to extra beeves ,
$ l.GO < ( _ . ! 5OOi medium to good steers , 1,350
1,600 Ibs. . f4.OOOI.40 : l.iioo to 1 , 5U Ibs , , fj 40
< rt4.0 ; U50 to 1.3X1 Ibs. . * 2.75@a.T5. Sleeker
and feeders , tl.lKKg'J.110 ; cows , bulls anil
mixed , f I.OOC < $ ! .60 ; bulk , * 1.752.00. Texas
stcors , * 2.JOt 2.bO ; cows , fUOQ&OO. West
ern rangers , S3,10@a.4U.
HOQS Business was active , with an up
turn of SC'UlOo on heavy and little or no change
on light Peckers paid f3.W.oi ( , largoJy J3.US
and shippers $4.0Jtf4.0i Light ranged bo-
tweou f ' ,03 aud $4.20 , largely at $ UO , About
everytnlng was sold aud the general market
closed strong.
NBW VOIIK , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB DEK.I SIOCKS Stock lulu over Sun
day gave rise to various rumors , but not to
nny decided feeling among operators. Tbo
Cotton Oil people attempted to glvo plausible
reasons for Iho break In that trust and in
siders deny the charge of selling. The trade
nnd public nro very dubious. The fact that
the Chicago contingent turned sellers Into
Saturday was n discouraging feature
to the bulls hero. Whatever the Into
of the trusts , the street feels conll-
dent that only the tight money.
Influence Is in the way of bettor prices for
railway stocks. The market opened nctlvo
nn J stoady. The boars rolled on the sensa
tional rumors about Gould proportion to
aid the list , but no serious breaks occurred
p to noon. Whllo thcro was "fair activity ,
juthnlf n dozen stocks Cotton , Oil and
cad among the trusts , and Missouri Pacific.
St. Paul , Hcadlnz , and Now England among
to railroad stocks monopDllzcd the great
ulk of trading , the others being
almost neglected , with but few exceptions ,
irst prices were generally a small fr action
ewer than Saturday's closing figures nnd
mong the active railroad s too its further
declines were established , while trusts wcro
comparatively strong. Cotton Oil. niter
opening 1 % per cent lower nt 31 , advanced
per cent , and Chicago Gas scored a not
Bain of 1 oer cent to 5J ) . New England
vas the weakest point In iho Jin rtnd
declined I per cent to 44K. wnlla Mis-
our ! Puclllo and St. Paul lost %
each , Heading $ and others mailer
'ractlons. During the hour lo 12
o'clock there was less pressure and both rail
road stocks nnd trusts recovered quite favor
ably. Sugar sold up to 73 and Lead to 23 % .
Jersey Central recovered a point. Now Krt-
gland sold up to 45 and Northern Pacific to
"i'2 } { . In the western stocks Hock Islnna
sola up to 07 , St. Paul to 09 , Union Pacific
uack to 07j , and Missouri Pnclllc recovered
I per cent to 07 . The exceptions were the
Coal tstocks. Heading broke 2 points
from the opening to 4o , ' { , fol
lowed by Lnckawnna off ) _ [ to
Ijy. There was u change In "the
money market for the bolter to-day. Hates
Iroppcd from 8 per cent early to 3 per cent
at the closo. Thorp was good buying all
through the list anil Iho prospect of an ad
vance In rates In the west set iho shorts to
covering. The closing prices wore nt the
outsldo for the day aud the gains were quite
flattering. The total sales wcro 217,073
The folio win ? were the closing quotations.-
tl.8.4s rounlar. 127 Northern
U.S.4scoupons . . .1-7 do pretorreil
U. 8.41.sro.ruli\r. . . u > 4 li o. a M.v JM. _
U.H.1S.S coupons. . l.Vi.i doprufurred HISi
PacificIMot M ) 117JJ N.V.Contral iGfl'f
Central I'aclno HI ! > . ! ) . &li ! ! > } &
vhlcago&Alton . . .13iy Kocklslaml U7i
31itcnco , Ilurllngton 0. . M. .tSt.l > mx
A.-CJulnov 100'j. do preferred ll- !
D..L.&W itm SU'auKVOmaha. . 83 110 donreferred BJK
I..H.&W. . U < 5 tlillon 1'acllliJ O7.i
Kansas.SToxai. . . . Hi ! \V..St. L. & I" . 1BU
UkeSliora 10i'i ! doproforred. . . . . . Jlfl.'i
Michigan Central. . 88 Western Union. . . , S4i
Missouri Paclllo
MOXEV On call , easy at 2@7 per cent ; last
loan at 2 per cent.
PRIMC MeitoA-N'TiLK PAPEU G diSo per
STEUUXO Exciuxac Quiet and steady ;
sixty-day bills , { ( .Ml ; demand , S4.i5.
s Sroclts.
NKW YOHK , Nov 4. rSoeeial Telegram
toTnnTJEB.1 t'ho followiii,1 ! arj the niln
Ing stock quotations :
Aspen MO Mutual 140
Caledonia 11. H.'J3' > Jlounc Diablo ! ( )
OonCala&Va OK ) Ontario UtOJ
Headword ! T. ] 3 > Ophlr 430
( lould & Curry 110 Occidental 180
Haa& ! Norcross.'JVl Sierra Nevada 170
Homestako 000 Union Consollda'
Horn Silver. 1C5 Yellow Jacket S75
Iron Silver SOO
nonet OfTcrlncs.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUG. I Jionds offered , ? 2,000 at
_ _
Cnicxao. Nov. 4. 1:15 : p. m. close
Wheat Higher ; November , TOc ; Decem
ber. 80 ; o ; May , 84h'o.
Corn Steady ; November , 82 o ; Decem
ber ; May , 33go.
OaU > Steady ; November , IS e ; Decom-
cor. lO o ; Ma.v , 22c.
Hyo November , 42c.
Uarloy November , 5Go.
Prime Timothy $1.10.
Flax-Cash , $1.20 ; May , $1.30.
Pork Steady ; November , fS.03 ; January ,
$0.12 .
Lard Steady ; November , $5.00 ; January ,
Flour Steadv and unchanged ; winter
wheat , J2. 00@4.35 ; spring wheat , .il.'o ®
4.00 ; rye , $2.40 2.75. ' '
Provisions -Shoulders , f4.87 > .i < .i:4.50 : : short
clear , $5.50@3.021 < f ; short ribs , November ,
Uuttter Steady ; firmer : creamery , 17(5. (
24o ; dairy , 14@'Jlc.
Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars , ,
flats , \@VXe \ ; Young Americas.
Kggs Firm ; fresh ,
Hides Weak and unchanged ; light groan
salted , Oo ; dry calf , 5@o ( ! ; deacons , each ,
20c. ,
Tallow Weak and unchanged ; No. 1
solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 5 c ; cake , 4 c.
Hecoipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour . 13.009 84,000
Wheat . 125,000 104.000
Corn . 118,000 572,000
Oats . 110,000 157.000
Now York. Nov. 4. Wheat Receipts.
118,000 ; exports , 10 ; spot stronger ; No. U
red , S3$3Xo In elevator , 84K@S4.5.'e afloat ;
84@85J.Ju f. o. b. ; ungraded red. 77@s9.2fo :
options dull aud higher ; November closing
ut 83c.
Corn Receipts , 70,000 bushels : exports ,
85,850 bushels ; spot firmer ; No. 2 , 4lj'c , lit
elevator , 42 > @ 42 > o afloat : ungraded mixed ,
40iU2Jfc ( ; options stronger ; November clos
ing ut 41 > _ "o.
Oats Receipts , 79,500 bushels ; exports ,
720 bushels ; spot firm ; options firm nnd
dull ; November , 2tio ; spot No. 'i , white ,
289 < 329o ; mixed western , 20 o : white ,
mixed western , 27 < 327c.
Coffee Options closed steady at 10 points
down. Sales : 37,250 Dags ; INnvombor ,
fl4.G5@I4.05 ; spot Hlo llrmor ; $19.25 for
fair cargoes.
Sugar Haw , dull and easy ; roQncd ,
Petroleum Steady ; United closed nt
$1.055i for December.
Eggs- Steady ; western , 23@24a
Pork Lower.
Lard Depressed ; western , steam , fO.50 ;
November , closing at $0.35 ,
Hutier Firm ; Klgin , 25o ; western dairy ,
0@10o ; creamery , lS@24Xo.
Cheese Dull ; western , 7)a.lOc. (
CM no I ii nan , Nov. 4. Wheat Quiet ; No.
2 red , 78c.
Corn Stronp ; No. 2 mixed , 355 c.
00Oals Dull but llroij No. 2 mixed , 22Q
" T C.
linn ms Oliy , Nov. 4. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 , cash , hard and mixed. 03u ; No , 3 hard.
69a ; November , C9 , ' o ; No , 3 soft , cash and
November , 07J ; c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 cash , 23o bid ; No
vember , 23Ji'oj No white , oasu and Novem
ber , SS'-ife bid ;
Oats No. 2 cash and November , 15 o.
Miiinouioli4 , Xov , 4. Sample wheat
steady ; receipts for two days , U40 cars ; ship-
munis , 109 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , November -
vembor , 77 _ } < _ c ; May , 83o ; on 'rack , 77C477KO ;
No. Inc. thorn. November , 7v oMay ; , bO > fo :
on tractt , 75J @ 70o ; No. 2 northern , Novem
ber , 70o ; May , TUXo ; on track,70@7Go.
St. iKiulx. Nov. 4.Vnoat Higher ;
cash , 77ro ; May , 83 o. '
Uoru Steady ; cash , 21IXOJ May , 80Vo.
Outs Hull ; cttbli , 18o ; Muy , 22o bid.
Pork Steady at f 11.33.
ilutter Steady : creamery , 19@29o ; dairy.
Lard Quiet at f-5.90.
Whisky Steady at 103.
Milvvniiko'Nov. . 4. Wheat Firm :
cash , 639aNo. \ . 1 northern , 80K&
Corti-Qulet ; No. H.UJo. . .
Oats In fair demand1 No , 3 white , 21J _ . @
Ityo-Qulet : No. 1 , 431/c.
Uarloy Dull ; No. 2 , M'f '
Provisions Ka y. pork ,
Nov. 4. Wheat Quiet ,
boldora offer moderately ,
Cora Quiet ,
Chlcnuo , Nov. 4. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle - Hccoipts , 14,000 ; stronger for best ,
others dull ; cholco to extra beeves , W.50 ®
B.OOjstcors. W.75@J.40stockcrs ; nnd feeders ,
* l.80@i.00j ! cows , bulls Hntl mixed , ? 1.00@2.50 ;
Texas caltlo , | 2.40iJ3.SO.western ( rangers ,
Hogs -Hecoipts , 1(5,000 ( ; market strong to
S@10 higher ; tnlxcd , f&fco'ftl.lO.lioav.V , $3,75
( S4.10S light , M.SOOI.25 ; sklpi. W.OC@3.90.
Shnep Hecelpts , 0.000. shipments , 2,000 ;
market strong ; natives , $2.75C 5.37J < . west
erns , * J.50@ 1,15 ; Texans , f3.OOQ4.10s lambs ,
Nnilonnl Stock YnriU , Ba t St.
Ijnuls , Nov. 4. Cattle Hecoipts , 2,100 ;
shipments. 2,400 ; market steady ; fair to
cholco heavy native steers , $ .1.80.SO. stack
ers and feeders , $ l.SO@-i.00.
Hops Receipts , . 2,4w ( : shipments , 3,700 ;
market higher ; heavy. $3.S3.J4.05. ( pncklnir ,
f3.73@3.95 ; light , 13.00(311.10. (
Kansm City , Nov. 4. Cattle Receipts ,
0,000 ; ahipmonts , 5.000 : market steady to
strong ; cows , tl.30@J.15 ; stockers and feed
ers. fi.l5@3.W. (
Hogs Receipts , 0,800 ; shipments , COO ;
light , f3.00@4.05 ; heavy and mixed , (3.75 ®
3.S5. . ,
Cat ( In.
Monday , Nov. 4.
A good many cattle chnnged hands to-day. '
but the trndo wns not in n very satisfactory
condition. The best beavcR field quite read
ily and nt strong prices. There was OHO
bunch good enough to bring $4.40 , aud qulto
a string sold ut $3 00. \ \ hen It came to the
common kinds of cattle the situation was far
from satisfactory to Iho soiling lutcrost.
Thcro weio so many of ono kind of cattle
and of the very kind that the buyers did not
want very badly , and that were reported
lower nt eastern markets. Salesmen were
Inclined to ask steady nrlces , nnd the trade
dragged nil the morning , with few catllo
changlm ; hands. The market could almost
bo said to have oeon flat. eo wj sold
nt steady prices , but anything common wai
slow. Natives brought $1.1 > 5@'J.25 , a.nd a few
westerns ? 1.03. There were plenty of stack
ers and fecdeis In the jarJs , and
u good many more than there were
buyers to buy them. Thcro were
no country buyers In the yards to speak of ,
and the speculator * wcro rather looking for
heavy receipts to-mor ow nnd were afraid to
buv freely. A few natives brought * * i.
2b5 and westerns $ .
Hot ? values did not show nny decided
change , although some were calling it firm ,
AlthouL'h the rcooipts wcro so light , the
packers did not waul the hogs bad enough to
make any material udvancn In prices. The
hogs sold largely at S3.70@37.Vand the pens
were cleared quite early although the tradIng -
Ing wus by no means aotlvo.
There were two double decks of good
westerns at the yards to-day.
Cattle . 3,800
Hogs . 1.70J
Sheep . : ! ! &
Horccs . 42
Primming I'rloo" .
The folio wing is a tibia of * prlcij paid In
this market for the graJii of stoiik men
tioned :
PnmostooM. 13J ) to 10 > 0 lba.4.lO @l.50
Good steers , 1233 to lt > J Iba. . 3.00 WI.23
QoodstccM , 103JIO 130jlbi. . . 3.30 ( S4.0J
Western steers , 2.53 0:3.13 :
Common 1000 to 1150 Ib steers. 3.0J @J..10
Common canncrs 1.00 M1.5J
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 ( ajl."y
? alr to good cows 1.75 ( Sl.OO
Good to choice cow. ? l.OJ ( ? } J.4'J
Mr to good bulls 1.33 aWM
Eight stocitcrs and feeders. . . . 2.20 @ 2. 0
Good feeders , 'J50 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2.3i ! ) fJ.JO )
Pair to choice light nogs 3.75 ( ( M.S7J
Fair to choice heavy ( iocs 3.70 lfi.73 :
Pair to choice mixed hogs. . . ' . . 3.70 ( rt'J. " >
Common to rough hozs 3.25 @ 3.5d
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. '
7 1114 $2 75 70 133.1 W 00
23 10.U 335 20 1425140
40 1325 3 90
0 1053 105 14 IfOO 220
5 U78 170 20 913 220
0 11)03 ) 170 3 117.J 225
2 1110 185 1 1050 440
20 019 2 20 t ,
10 947 040 20 lOoO 250
20 1037 250 23 010 2 S5
29 707 1 10 2 " . . . 9G5 1 25
, . .1330'1 85
1500 105
, 1490 275
Owner and No. , Av. Pr.
10 steers , stravs 12i2 ! § 2 50
Ssteors , strays 1110 250
1 steer , stray 115U 1 85
15 bulls W31 1 (10 (
7bulls 1313 1 50
21 stcoi-s 1201 2 00
Underwood Bros
3cows 1017 3 00
21 feeders 1077 2 45
E. Thornton .
2 bulls . .1300 1 55
Stvan Land and Cattle Co
9 steers , tailings 1122 105
S. II. BalrdI
I ) cows 933 1 85
4bulls 1225 1 05
Tim Klnney *
4 1803 I 95
* 104 feeders 1220 ' 250
Hake & Jnrvls
65stcers 1207 2 75
1 steer 1480 2 80
William Trounsoll
23 rows 1070 1 95
40 steam l l'J 2 00
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
8 . . .239 - - 3 00 C5..235 80 372
3 300 3 00 54..293 80 372
3..215 305 . . . . ! ) 200 2 72 >
8.403 ' 305 (54..303 ( 80 3 72U
5..HSO 80 3 C5 01..211 240 375
6'2..2 < H 120 370 CO..255 100 375
54. . . 287 100 370 60..200 40 375
0..103 3 70 03..231 80 U 7C
45..290 120 870 63..230 lOo 3,75
04 .1/J7 870 ( il.i2il : 1 0 875
55..298 240 370 53..258 80 375
07..281 240 370 O3..33'i 100 875
9.1..815 120 870 44..29J 40 375
00..205 1(10 ( 370 70 . . .273 80 8 77' <
59..28(1 ( 120 870 53..241 M ) 880
03 . . .279 ICO 3 72.4 74..237 SO 3
A HaviiiW.
The receipts of cattle last month were the
heaviest of any month thus far this year ,
nnd moro than double the receipts for the
first month of the year. Lant. month's
receipts of hogs were also the heaviest of the
year , with the exception of Jane. The total
receipts of cattle thus far this year are
898,918 , a gam over the corresponding tlmo
lust year of 107,497. In hugs tlioro baa been
a fulling off this year of 59,8'Jl. '
HKCEU'TS , 18S9.
Month. Cattlo. Hogs.
January 25,507 79,794
February 20,9'l 82,053
March , 30,034 85.42-1
April 47,270 03,7110
May 40,157 105,110
Juno S0.04S 10l.il55
July , 33,518 112,010
Ausust 43.07a &J.759
September 47,077 100,427
October 51,573 , 121.b30
Total 393,918 1,005.404 ,
Corresponding tinio
18i8 091,421 1,005,295 ,
Mvo Htouk Nnto .
Ira Grida ! cauio m from St. Paul with
J , H. Balrd , of Pine Tree , Wyo. , Is ut the
L. Akin , of Clarlnda , la. , marketed hogs
and cattle.
Hankln & Blake , of Grand Island , mar
keted hops.
O. D. Moore , of Howard , was in with
I3.87K boxs.
H. A. Tompleton brought eight oars of cat
tle from Tckauiau ,
M. L. Hcpnn nnd McM.iDin of Uancrott ,
marketed hogs.
Stock Ins.HSCtor Clnrk Hotvrtra condemned
three lump-jaws. , , , , .
Schuylnr was represented by Fred Ivropf.
vho had hogs on the martlet.
QAdnm Grnhnm brought Uvcnty-olght head
of cattle In from Springfield.
Dow City WM reprc'ientdi by M. L. Sim
mons , who was looking forToedors.
L N. Hard and John Underwood , of
Cheyenne , Wyo. , were In with throe loads of
cattle nnd tbrcu of hogs. - \
The trade In stackers and feeders last
month was the largest slnpo the yards were
opened and Inrccr than most nny ono
realize * . In fact the feeder trade has been
about the most Important feature In the
market for some tlmo. As near as can bo
loured from the Milpmcnls SOO cars of
stackers and feeders wcro shipped out Into
the country from these yards lust month.
Produce , Krtittx , Etc.
Eoos Strictly fresh , ISo ; soionds , 14o. .
tailed hides. 4/o _ ) : damaged hide * . i3 > fo ; dry
lint hldiis , 7o ; Oiilf tildoj , 5@5 } < c ; damaged
iiJc9 2o less ; Mioop palls , green , each , 23c@
fl.OJ ) shoJD pelts , dry , pcrlb,7ll3o ( ! ; tallow ,
No. 1 , 4 ® ! _ 'o ; No. 2. @ ' 3)oi grease ,
white , 4 ® Ku ; vellow , 3J @Jo.
SKUSAOB Holognn , 4Ml > .ro ; Frankfort
To : tongue , Sc ; summer , Ibc ; hca'dchocso , 7c.
POULTKV Chickens , per doz. live , hens
S2.75j.3.K ( ( ) ; sprlngn. $ i5'3.70 ' ) ; dressed
per Ib , lOOlle ; turkeys , live , 9t lOo : dressed ,
ll@12c ; ducks , live , par doz. $25033.00 ;
dressed per Ib , lliT.i2 _ _ ; Kasi < i , live , | ) ir doz ,
? 000.f3.00 ( ! : dressed par Ib , llsJ.l'Jo. (
LAUD Tierces Hellned tie ; pure loaf ,
0e ; : kettle rendered 7c. Add } $ c to o for
smaller quantities.
WOOL Fine , average , 22@2Jc : medium ,
nvorage , 21rfi2c ( ! ; quarter blooil , average , 20
g21e ; coarse , avcrnso , 15@17i ) : eotts nnd
rough , average , 1 Hy ) 1(5" ( .
Funs Heaver , each , SiOOiaO.bO ; ot
ter , each. ? 3.0I7,0 ) > ) ; wolf , each , .IOC ®
? l.-"i ; coon , each , 25@75e ; uiinlc ,
each , 15-J4JOO ; muticrat , fall , 5 ( < j9c : skunk ,
rut , l.V&VJc ; butger , rat , 23@Sl ) ? , door skins ,
fall. Ib , 18 J7o.
LEMONS Fancy. ffl.OO@S50 ; cholco , 51.50
@t.oa. ;
UuTrmti.VE Tubs , He ; rolls , Iocs.
Coco VSUT. Per 100 , W.DO.
Al'l'LB HL'Tmii do.
CiDUlt Ulils , f.5 , VJ ; hf bbls , ? 3.00.
M vi'i.u Sue ut I.J ! < ( ( uir ! > a per Ib.
VKALCholeo , medium size , 5'jj.iie ; cholco
heavy , 4iJ3e. (
Live P10DIS8 Pordoz , SI. 50.
GAMU Pflilrle chlolteni , SJ 00(3)3.50 ( ) ; mal-
flard ducits. S2 50c 3 00 ; mixed ducks , * 1.53 < ij.
1 75 ; teal , $ l.'J5tl..VI ; ] , , et ) sniio | , $ l.OOtftl. ' 'o ;
quail. 81. 75@J Oa ; jacic rabOiU , * 3.00-t50 ! ;
small rabbits , fl.UJ&t.SO ; squirrels , JLOOJ.
1.10 ; plover , $1.0l.25 ( ) ( ; _ ! ; venison saddles ,
13@l4c ; carcasses , sf < f lOc.
UCANS Choice hand-picked navy , $ l,75".i !
2.00 ; choice hand-picked medium , il.05jj.l.S'J ( ;
choice hand-picked country , tl.60 ( < .Jl.SO ;
clean country , 51.30@1. 00 : Inferior country ,
- . -
SG Young' Americas , full crcnm ,
12i : ; factory twins , lKiil2J.o ; off gradci , 7 ©
Sc. Van Kos cn Kdom , $11.50 per doz ; sap
sago , IDc ; brick , lie : limburcer , 9e ; domes-
tie Swiss , 13@l4c.
CiilxiiEituiEd Cat > o Cod , S0.00@10.00.
OHASOBS Louisiana , per box , * 4 00.
HucKWJiEtT FLOUH Poi'bbl. , & 550.
Gitvi'ES N. V. Concord T : per basket , 35 ®
Ai'Pi.cs Per bbl. , $1.00(723.00. (
Cii.ironxiv Giiu-us Sl.r J'Zl.73.
PUMts 40 Ib. boxs , $1.75 2.23.
BANANAS According to , sie , per bunch ,
$2.00@3.00. _ '
Groceries" .
POVISIONS ; Hams. No. ' li' 10-lb. average ,
> c ; 20 to 2'J Ibs , lOo ; 12 to 14 Ibs , lie ;
shoulders , 5i"u _ : brca'tfnst ' baton , No. 1. S e ;
hnm sausage , Oe ; dried beef hams , sc.
beef tongues , $11 OJ per dozen ; dry salt meats ,
4K@'M per Ib ; ham roulette , O.J.fc ; add 1 o
per Ib for small lots.
Dutnn FIIUITS Currants , new , 5 a :
prunes , casks , 1,300 HJS , 4'c . ; prunes , bbli
or baps , 4).e ) ; citron peels , drums , 20 lti < 5
22c : lemon peel , drums , 2lJ Ihs. 17e ; fard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , 9c ; apricots , choice evap
orated , 14c ; apncots , jelly , ( ; ured,231b boxes ,
lOe ; apricots , fancv. Mounf'Hnmilton , 23-lb
boxes , lUc ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs ,
; apples , evaporated. Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
apples , Star , % apples , foncy
Aluen , 5 Ib , llc ) ; anplcs , fancy Alden ,
2 Ib , 10K" ! Salt Lake , O e : black
Worries , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes ,
Olffc ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pears ,
California fancy. X < * boxes. 23 Ib , 12).o ) :
Dcaehes , Gal No. 1 , fancy , J s unu bags , 80
Ibs , 15e ; nectarines , red , 12e ; neolarincs ,
silver , b.igs , 12c ; pitted plums. Cal , 25 Ib
boxes , lie ; raspberries , evep N Y , new , -7C ;
prunes , Cal , U C. 9J-10J boxes. 23 lb < , OJ/o ;
prunes. Cal , H C. ( JO-70 , Oo ; orange peel , I5c ;
raisins , California Londons , crop 19S9 , S'i.50 ;
rai lns , Cal , loose musc'ttels , crop 18SS'f2.00
< iB3.10 ; Valencies , 1SS3 , 9c.
HONHV ICc par Ib for choice.
PiiBSEiivus 0 @ 10o per Ib.
.IELLICS : per Ib.
HEKSIVxNo. . 1 , 103.t9c.
Pies FUET Picklod. kit * , 75o ; plckle.l
Digs tongues , kits , (235 ; pickled tripe , IclU ,
03c : ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 33e.splcea
pigs hocks , kits , fl.lo.
UUEP i'oxfiucs Salt , bbls , J3J.OO.
Cnoi' FIII SIO.OJ .a. 1 l.OJ.
Hit VN $8.0JjBl50.
SHOUTS sS.O.3 ? ) 50 ,
Coitx 2jij'ioc. (
POTATO as 'Mli23 ( _ < : .
OxiOXb 2J
SAtinu KuAUT-rHbbls , $5.00 : h'f bbls , $3.00.
UuTTCit Creamery , fancy. 22@i3e ; ehoico
20j421c. ( Dairy , fmie.v , ir@lSc ; chojco , 15
( SlIOc. Country , fancv. lO JI'c ; good to
choice ; 14uJ15cj ( fair , 10llc ; inferior , 7jiSc. ( )
PiCKMis Medium. sper lib ! . $5.00 ; small
$000 ; gnerkinn. $7.00 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $5.85 ; pts. $3.40.
CANDY UJ < jl-/ ( c per lb.
CIIOCOI.ATK AND COCOA 21@37c per lb ;
German chickory , red , 71 c.
GisoEit Jamaica , \i \ olnts , S3.00 per doz.
standard , p
9o : granulated . . ,
Honors' ' A. 7 > ' c : white , extra C. 7c ; extra
C , Nebraslca , lijjjc ; umber , 0Jjfc ; California ,
golden C , GJi'c ,
CANMD ; MEATS Corned beef , 1 lb square
cans , $1.24) ) ; corned beef , 2 lb square cans ,
$ J.)5 ( ) ; corned beef , 0 lb square cans , fC.50 ;
corned beef , 14 lb square cans , f 14 00. Lunch
tongues , 1 lb round cans , ( J.OO ; lunch
tongues , 2 lb round cans , $4.70. Brawn , 1 lb
square cans , § 10 ; brawn , 2 Ib squuro cans ,
$2 00 ; brawn , ft lb square cans , $0.50 ; brawn ,
14 lb squnrc cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , V/f lb
round cans , $5.00 ; ox tongues , 2 lb round
cans , $0.00 ; ox tongues , y > \ Ib round cans ,
47.00 ; ox tongues , U lb round cans , $3.00 ;
chipped beef , I lb round cans , $3 ; chipped
beef , 2 Ib round cans , $1 ; roust beef , 1 lb
round cans , $1.20 ; roast beef , 2 lb nund
cans , J2 ; polled ham , , ' _ . lb round cans , C5c ;
polled hum , J _ . lb round' cans , $1.20 ; deviled
ham , .4 lb round cans , U5ir. < deviled ham , J
lb round cans , $1,20 ; potted ox tongue , \i \
lb round cans. ( lT > a ; potujfl.px longue , yt lb
round cans , $1.20 , compressed ham , 1 lb
square cans , $1.75 ; compressed hum. 2 lb
snuuro cans , $2.75 ; trlpoi , ! lb round cans ,
$1.80 ; minced collops , 2 lb round cans , t .20 ;
boneless pigs feel , 2 lb'square cans , $2.25.
Ono pound cans are luclfcii , two dozen and
four to C.TJO , Two poumt pans are packed
one dozoo and two difecn to case. Half
pound cans packed two doien to case.
Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to
case. All prices per dozen ; not.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , y ti > , $2.40 ; salmon - '
mon trout , 3 lb , $3.85 ; 'clti'ms ' , 1 lb , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 lb , $2.00 : clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ;
dovilnd crabs , 1 lb , (2.25 ; Invited crabs , 3 lb ,
$3.50 ; coafUn ballu , 2 lbil.75 ; caviar , U lb ,
$2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 lb , * l.OO ;
lobsters , 2 lb. $2.95 ; lobster , * , deviled , K lb ,
3.25 ; mackerel , lb , $1.75 ; mackerel must-
tard sauce , 8 lb , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 lb. $3.25 ; oysters , 1 lb , 05o ; oysters ,
lb , ; salmon , C. H. , lib , * 'J.OO ; salmon-
C. H. , 2 lb , $2.80. ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , 11.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb,113.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
OIT.S Kerosene P. W. , 9J/S W , W. . 12o ;
headlight , lle ! ; sawlino , 74 ° , 11K ° ' - ' " ! No.
1 , 45oNo. ; 2,41ogalaa ; oil , $1.26(39.1)0 ( ) per
dozen. '
COFFER Green Fanny , old golden Rio ,
23 o ; fancy old peaborry , 2tfo ; Hio choice
to fancy , 2Jo ; Hlo. prime , 31o ; Hio , good ,
20o ; Mocha , UOo ; Java , fancy Mandohllng ,
23o ; Java , good interior , 24o ; African , UIo ,
COFFEB Hearted Arhucklo's Anosa ,
herring , 24o per box ; hoi. nemnir.llom , , 8605
Hamburg , spiced herring. $1.50 ; hoi. herring ,
Imp. , 60o ; mackerel , largo family , $10.25 per
tOO Ibs ; whlt-i flan , NO. 1 , ir.OOi family ,
t2.75j trout , $ v 25 ; salmon , 13.50 } anchovies ,
Nns AlmmnK 15fi17o.Brfttlls _ . , lOo ; llt-
bcrts , lla ; pecans , lOo ; walnuts , I'i c ; jicn-
nut cocks , sXo ; roastoJ , 10) o ; Tonucssoo
peanuts , To.
WIUPPIXO Pxrun Straw , per lb , 1J @
foj rat. , 2 > io { manlllo , 13 , 5OiCo.No. . 1
SALT-Dalry , 230 Ibs in bbl , bulk. f3.10.
bcstcrado , ( W , 5s , $ .3.30 ; best Krado , 100. Us ,
3.40 : best prntlo , 28 , Ws , $3.0 ; rocK nalt ,
rrushnd , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashtou , 50-lb bags ,
83c. bulk , 231-lb bags , W.S5 : common , In
bbls , $1.23.
Ooons Uarloy , SfaSJfti ; far
ina , 4J o ; peas , 8tfe ; oatmeal , 2f < _ ; tnao-
curoni , lie ; vermicelli , llo ; rice , 3 > .fQ7o5
sago nnd tapioca , 0(37c. (
SAI. ODI ! Ki2'io ( per lb ,
STAIICII 5@ic per lb.
bTOVB POLISH $ J.OO(35.87 ( ! per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per lb Allspice , PC ; Cas
sia , Chtan , DC ; cloves , Penan ? , 23c ; nut-
mega , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , 1SQ19C.
Twlno4 and Hope.
TWISK Sisal , 13o ; hemp , 14c ;
manlllii , I5c.
CLOTIIESMXES Cotton , 50 ft. $1.20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , $1.40 : Jute , 50 ft , 90o : jute , 00 ft. f 1.00.
COTTON TWINE Fine. 20c : medium , 10Jo [ ;
heavy hemp , 14o : light nornp , 17c.
SAIL Twi.NE-B. sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14c ;
Manilla ropj , Ito ; sisal rope , H.KO ; new
lirocest , 8)fo ) ; Jute , 0 } cr cotton lOo ; hide
rope , 17c.
nnd ( lullillni ; "Mntorlul.
STOCK IJovutH A , 13 Inch , s 1 s H aud 10
foot , flU.OO ; H 1'J moh , s I s VJ , 14 niul 10 feet ,
f41.H ( ) : C 13 Inch , s 1 a 13 , 14 anU 10 feet ,
$3(1.00 ( ; D la Inch , s 1 a 12. II anil 10 feel.
$ JJ.uOi No. I com 12 In , s 1 s foot , $18.00 ;
No. 2 com 13 In , s I s 14 nnd 10 fuel. Jir.fiOjJ
18.M ) ; No. 1 com 13 In , sis 10 , IS and 20 feet ,
$19.5' ' ) ; No. 2 com 12 In , H 1 sJl ami 10 feet ,
Poi'tAii LtJMitr.ii Clear poplnr boxbds. * (
In. B a s , $35.00 ; clear ponlnr , M pniiul ,
? 30.00 ; poplar , ? , . lu panel , $ i5.UO ;
poplar , } 4 in p.uml stoe'cvido , sUs. SOOj poplar comiijiitod culliuir , Jf. , i'J.O'J.
POSTS Whlto codnr , 0 Inch liulvo * . 12c ;
whlto caUar , fyt incn halves ana s inch iiunc-
tors , lie ; whlto cedar , -t Inch round , Hlo ;
Tennessee rod cedar , si > Mt , Kio ; split oak ,
wluto , So ; siuvod oak , 17c.
Still' LAP No. 1 plain , S and IS Inch. $17. " > 0 ;
No. 2 plain , 3 mid 10 Inch , tlo.SJ ; No. 1 , O
O , ? 18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 111 ft IS ft 20 ft 1)3 ft 24 ft
? > oi ( ir > ou in no moo 1000 is no louo
2x0. . .715 00 15 00 1BOJ 1000 1000 IS Oil 1 ! ) 01) )
2x8. . . . 15 0 > > 15 00 In DO 10 OJ Hi 00 IS 00 1000
2x10. . . 15 00 151.0 15 00 1000 1000 1SUO 1UOO
2x12 , . . 15 00 15 ( JO 15 00 1(1 ( 00 10 00 IS 00 10 00
1x18x3.1000 100J 1150) 1700 1700 1300 1900
KKNCINO No. 11 1 and 0 inch , 13 nurt 11 ft ,
rouuli , S10.00ffil0.50 ( ; No. 1.4 and (1 ( inch , 10 ft ,
$17. OJT. 17.50 ; No. : ! , 4 and Hindi , 12 ami 10 ft ,
$13.oO.J14.00 ; No. 2I and 0 inch , 10 M , $15.01) )
( finO.OO ,
Fixisnixo Istnad 2d clear , ! / inch , s23 ,
510.00 31.03 ; 1st nnd 21 clear , 1 > _ and 2 inch ,
s 2 a , ? 47.00@ ' > O.OJ ; 3,1 , U4' ineti , s 2 s ,
Sia.oatiJ40.OOt a sulnctIK , ! ' and 2 inch , s
2 s. S37OJ@.1S.OO ; 1st and 2d clear , I Inch , s 2
s.Jlj.OJ , il.l dear , I In-sli , s2i , ? W.03 ; A se
lect. 1 inch , s 2 s , $3..00 ) ; H select , 1 inch , s 2
s , WO.OO.
SIIINOI.ES , LATH Per M XX clear. $3.15 ;
extra "A , Si.OJ ; standard A , $3.00 : 3-lnuh
clear , Jl.fW < $ l.70 ; ( i-lnch clear , Sl.75vjBl.SO ;
No. 1 , f.10@1.15 | : clear rod codnr , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , S. ' 40 ;
California red wood , dimension width * , S4 50 ;
e.vpres * . clear heart , dimension widths , fj.25 ;
lath. U50.
HOAIIDS No. 1 com s 1 i 12 , 14 and 10 fi ,
S19.00 ; No. 2 , do , I10.V ) ; No. 3 , do , $14.50 ;
No. 4 , do ( ship's cull ) , 511.00. AiU 5Je par
M ft for rouirh.
UATTEN , ' , \Vr.i.i , Tunixo , PicKnrs O C.
llatis , 2incli _ ; , OOc : O. G. IJatts , 2H' ( < ? 3. ss ,
Hoc : 3-in well tubltiR , U..M. nnd bov , SJ2.10 :
pickets , D. & II. , , fJ.00 : ! : pickets , D. &
U. , square , ? 1U.OO.
Ki.oonixo 1st , com G-m whlto pine , $31.00 ;
2dcom-iti ( ! waltu pino. $31.00 ; 3d com 0-ln
whitu pine , 8 (5.00 ( ; D com (5-in ( white nine ,
$20.00 ; com 4 and 0-in yellow pine , $15.011 ,
Star 4-in yellow pine. $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear
yellow pine , 4 and 0-in , $10.00.
( Jcn.ixo < xn PAIITITIO.V 1st com , j -in
whlto pine partition , $ . ! 200 ; 2d com % In
white uinc partition , $ i 00 ; clear s'i" yellow -
low pine ceiliiiff , J20.00 ; clear i'g-in ' Norway ,
$ ! 4.5'J ' ; 2d comin Norway , $ W 50.
tiiMi : Best , b5.
CKMKXT fl.35.
HAIU 20c.
Buii.niNn UUICK Common. $0.00@7.00 per
; selected. ? 7.00@S.OO per M ; sowar briclt ,
$ $ .00@9.00 per M.
Dry Goods.
PitiXTB Pink and Hobcs Richmond. Oc ;
Allen , Cc ; Kivcrpolnt , 5 } c ; Steel Hiver ,
C > c ; Pacillc , C.J < c.
t'liis-TS Indigo Hlue St. Leger , 6 0 ;
Washington , Oc : American , O c ; Arnold ,
6..0 ; Arnold Century. PC ; Windsor Gold ,
TU't ' , lOJ.'c ; Arnold U. 10 > , 'c ; Arnold A , " 12c ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 10.J.e ; Yellow Seal , 10J..C.
COMFOH rEU" ? (3.50i. ( < ? 33.00.
COIISKT JEANS Boston , "J/c ; Androscoij-
pin , 7c ; ICcursage , 7e ; Hoclcport , 0'ic ;
oiiesiotra , 03.TC.
Citvsii Slovens' B , SJ o ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , be ; Stevens' I1 , TJ o ; bleaelicd ,
SjSi'c ; Stevens' N , S'jTc ' ; blcacncd , 9Kc ; Ste
vens' SllT , llj c.
DEMMS Amosltear _ , 0 oz. IfiKc ; Kvorett , 7
oz , 13c ; York , 7 o/ , 13cJl.iymaker ; , SJrfc ;
JntTrey , XX , HKclaffrcy ; , 'XXX , 12 ] c ;
Beaver Creek , A A , I2c ; Heaver Creek , BB ,
lie ; Boiiver Creek , CC , lOc.
GINOIMM Plunkott , fhccks , 0cVhlt ; -
tenton , CJ c ; York , 7 0 ; Nonn.uuli it loss ,
7 } < c ; Calcutta dress , 7J c ; Whittcnton dross ,
7j.Jcr Henl'rew dress , b. ( _ _ > I2Kc.
SntKTixo , BI.I\CIIEU lillerton 7Je ( ;
Housekeeuer. S' o ; New Cundldalo , SJtfc ;
Berltcley cambric , No. 00 , Oc ; you But. 4 4 ,
O ej butter cloth. OO , 4.'o _ ; C.ibot , 7' c ;
K.irwell , half bleached , SJJc ; Krult of Loom ,
SjJ cj Green G. Oc ; Hope , 7 > 3r ; KinK Philip
cambric. lOo ; Lonsd.tlo c.tmurio , lOc ; Lous-
dale , 8.o } ; New York mills , lOu ; Pcpperell.
43 in , lllc ; Papporall , 4li in , lie ; Pepperell ,
0 4 , HKc. Pepporcll. 8-1 , 20c ; Papparoll. I ) 4 ,
2-Jc ; Peppornll , 10-4 , 24u ; Canton , 4-1 , S' c ;
Canton , 4-4 , tlKc ; Triumph , Oc ; wnmsutta ,
lie ; Valley ; Oc ;
SIIEETIXO , Bitow.V Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7J'c _ ;
Atlantic H. 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0u ;
Atlantic I' , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4. 4 _ \i ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJi/o ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , & ? ( c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , u c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
ftj < c ; Pepperell , It , 4-4 , ( % V ; Popperoll E ,
40-inch , 7' c ; Pepperell , 84 , 17ijfc ; Pep -
urell , 9-4 , 20c ; Pcpporell , 10-4 , 22c ; Utica O ,
4c : Wachuselts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4 4 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4'4 , OUc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 } < c ; International ,
YY , Sc ; Shotuckot , S.8 > _ .c ; Warran , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick. BA , 18us Acme , -13o ; Yorlt ,
30 in , 12)c ) ; York , 33 in , 13J..C ; Swift Hlver.
So ; Thorndike , OO , 8Kc ; Tnorndiko , EP ,
&XThorndlko \ , 130 , 9Kc ; Thornulko , XX ,
15o ; Cordls , No. 5 , 9 > ; c ; Cordis , No. 4 ,
UUOK West Point. 23 In , 8 oz , flKe ; West
Point. 29 in. 10 oz , 12Kc ; West Point , 29 In ,
12 oz. 15'.c ; West Point , 40 in , 1 1 oz , Hie.
FIAN.SBI.S Plaid Kaftsmen , 'Ma ; Clear
Lake , 3iju ! ) ; Iron .Mountain , 20c.
PuiNTS Solid Coloro Atlantic , fie ; Slater ,
Oo ; Berlin oil , 0 } o ; Garner oil , t@rc. )
SiiiiiTi.s'n CHUCKS Caledonia X , U c ; Cal
edonia XX , lO o ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , llo ;
Granite , UJjc ; Crawford chucks , 8c ; Haw
Hlver plaiils , r.V tt.
LYANNEI.S White Q. II. No. 3 , % , 23Ko ;
G. H. No. 1 , % , 20J.-C ; G. II. No , 2 , % , 21\4a \ ;
G. II. No. 1 , % ,30c ; Qucehco No. ! l , % , 32 0 ;
Quecheo No. 2 , } f , 37 > c ; Anawan , 32kc ;
Windsor , 22' c.
FiAXNKl.s-Uod-C. 3t inch , 15Kc ; E , 21
inch , 21Ko ; G. G. 21 Inch , 20c ; 11. A. ! ' . J4' ,
23o ; J. It , F , . 27c ; G. Jf , 25o.
Bars Standard , So ; ' Gem , 80 ; Beauty ,
12o ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.30.
hwNKETs White , S1.00&J7.50 ; colored ,
CAIU-ET WAUP Bibb , whlto , lSe\ \ colored ,
. , .
Ibc ; BB , 19o ; 20 , bleached , 6tfo ; lii ) ,
o. 80 , 13 > o ; 50 , brown and ulato , 9c ; 70 ,
12Ko90 ; , IGo.
KENTUCKV JEANS Hercules , 17c ; Leam-
hiKRn.o 22Ko ; Glenwood , 20cj Molvlllo , 25o ;
BataUp.iiTXc ; Memorial , lOc ; Standpoint ,
18c : Durham , 27.c. . .
MISCELLANEOUS Tnblo oil cloth. $3.50 ;
tnblo oil cloth , marble , $3.50 ; plain Holland ,
OKo ; dado Holland. 12 > c.
I'niNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5u ; Rnmnpo ,
lo ; Lodl , 5J/c ; Allou , Cos Hlchmond , lie ;
Windsor , CXa" , Eddystonc , 0a ; Pacillc ,
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , a./o : oitrlo ,
per pound. Bio ; oxalic , per pound , 14o. Ur-
tario powdered , par pound , 4.3c ; carbolic , Si
@ 45&
ALUM Per pound , 2Kc.
Carbonate , per pound , ll > _ ; a
Annownoor Per pound , loo.
HAI.SOM Copnlbn , | pound , CSo ; tolu , 53
BOIIAX Uoflncd , vcr pound , llo.
CALOMEL Am. , per pound , SSc.
CASTon Oltf 1.34.
Cuncn BF.U1HES-41.0. ,
CANTIIAimiE ? TSo fl.OS.
CASSIA Buns Per pound , 19c.
CiiLonoroiiM Per pound , 41c.
COUHOSIVI : ttuiiUMATii Per pound , SSc.
Cttr.AM TAittAH Pure , per pound , 29o.
EXTIIAOT LOOWOQD Bulk , per pound ,
H.1100T J > > C.
QOM AiiMUO Wl@93o
IjYcorouitt.M 4 la
Gl.YCEiiiNK Bulk , per pound , 230.
GUM Asafootlda , per pound. 14c ; cam-
nhcr , per pound , 40c ; opium , per pound ,
IODINE Uesubllmntod , per ounce , $330.
LttAvrs Buchu , stiort , per pound , 13o ;
Senna , Alex. , per pound , 2 , ' > @ 33c.
MoitruiA Sulph. , per ounce , $2.90.
iBnouitv 74c.
Poviss Bromide , per pound , 44o ; Iodide ,
per pound , $2.SS.
Qfixu Sulph. , per ounce , 40o.
is Canary , per pound. 4rc. , _
s Cnstllo. mottled , pornonnd ,
t'ii.NiCrystals , $1.0ii.l.l. ) ( . CINCHONA Per oz , G ( < J14c.
Tii'ioci Per pound , Oc.
TONKA BE xs-f 1.7001.75.
WAX White , per pound , H
On.s t.insocn , raw , 69c ; Linseed , boiled ,
21c ; BnrKiitnot , Sanderson's , per pound ,
$0.45 ; Lemon , Sanderson's per pound , SI. 33 ;
Peppermint , per pound. $3.33 ; WintcrRfCen ,
per pound , $2.15 ; Olive , Malaga , per Riil.
'J.1c ' ; llcadliRht , 175 test , in 'c ; Gasoline , 75
degrees , 13c ; Naptlm , 0. ) deRrcei , 12c ; 160
prime whlto , lOc ; 150 water white , 12o ; Per
fectlon , 14c ; Lardlne , 30c ; Summer , W. Va.
lie ; Zero , \V. Va. , lOc ; I. X. L , dark en
pine , 20c ; Carbon , snow whlto , 150 do
prces , 10Jc | ; Turpentine , flic.
r = a
Basemsnt First National Bank.
5 Smith iith ; .Street , - Oninlui
Capital , - $ . 'iOOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Oniccr ? and Directors K. M. .Miirsenmn , ( J
M , Illtchcoclt , .los. Gnrneau.Jr. , A. Henry. K
M. Anderson , \Vm. U.Muul. v Dro1) . ; I , . It. Will
alms. A. 1' . llopklui , pret. ; A. Mlllard. casnlcr ;
K H. Ill-runt , assistant cashier.
CiipHnl $100,000
Surittns Jan. 1st , 1880 52,001)
HhNiiv W. V VTI : * , I'roslilent.
lr.wi S. IlKKt ) , Vice President.
W. V. Mll R.
JOHN b. Cor.MNp ,
W. H. S. IlmiiiE ? , Cashier.
Cor. 12th anil Farnam Sts.
A General ll.tukuii ; Ilusluo.ii I'rnnsartad.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to Heed , Jonci i Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bjots & Slices
Atenli Tor Iloslon Itubber Sboo Co. , 1102. HOI DdlIOO
llaruej StreetOraHiu.Ncjrn5kn. |
Lager Beer Brewerc ,
1531 North Blilitctntb strvst.Onmh * , Kb.
Mannf-ctiirers ofGalyanizeil Iron Cornice
WluJon-cnpinnil mi'tnlloskrllKliI" . .lolin EpenoHr ,
proprietor. iUgaiid liuhomii ICth itreut.
Stoajn Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Fninps , Piues and Engines ,
Blom , watfr , mlltrnr and mlnlim Buppllit , eta.
WJ , v and V. < Urn am ilroct , Oiualio.
Steam ana * Water Supplies ,
nolllii r wlal ralll , 1)13 ) and f-0 Juno it , , Oinab *
U. K. Hole , AOIIng Mannver.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bbe Mien work , tteaiu pumpi , nw inlllf. 1213-1211
rtnitreel , Ouialia.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cart Iron Builug Wort ,
Ennlne , . bran work , general f oandrr , machine ted
blicktrnUU work. OCici and wnrki , U , 1 * . lij.
and 17tb itrevt , Umaba.
Manufacturers of Wirj ) andiron Railing
Ucii i ll . 'rlniloif CD M . flower ilandi. wire ilnai ,
tc. Ul NurHi 1UU itraot , Ouiaba.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaulti , jail work. Iron ibutteri * nd fire einapci.
U. Auare . prop'r , forcer lit1 ! and Jackiaa in ,
. . . - . - . . - - . . .
, A. Disnnow & co. ,
WlioUiale racnufnoturcnof
Sash , Boors , Blinds an. Mouldings ,
Brancli oqica. tli aad liarl Hr ali. Omnkn. N > ; b
Of South Omaha , Limitci
AgrlonlturM lmplomonta. _
AEricnlt'l ' Implements , asons , Carriage !
HutfBl i. eto.V Omiitia , Ntbuita.
' ' ' '
DEH'A'l'A H'lOXE ,
Wholesale Dalcrs : in Fiirnilnrc ,
K rnnm itteel , Omiilm , Nebrotk * .
Furniture ,
0 Ii , X
Wholesale Owners ,
Itlh nd Lotfnworth Mrettt , Umfllin , NtbtMkt.
11 * . J. UROA1CII ,
Hcrry HMware , Iron anil Steel ,
Mnnufnctntcrs ami Job'ers In
fawns , Buggies Rakei , Plows , Elc , nnd l'nclio : trc ti , Omaha.
A. , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douslni Kreot , Omfthn.Xebrnakn.
Shoos. _ _ _
w. v. MORSE , t co
Jotite of Boots and Slices ,
1101 , 1103,1103 Nouirlns Blrcot , Omalm. Manufactory ,
bummer ilrcet , liruton.
Coal , Coko. Etc.
JAM us ir. 'fUAruunn GOAL oo. ,
Miners and Sliipnerj of Coal ait Crt
I ( MI ' i i i Omni.
JOtlBiSOI li , I'd 1,111 ,
SO ) South mil ttr.'at , Omaha ,
Strippers of Coal ar.d Cok
211 South 13th it. , Omalin , Nob.
Wholesale Linnlier , Etc ,
Imported nnd American 1'orllanJ ' cm cat. BUM
agent ( or illivriiuki'V h > ilrDU Icctmeut and
w liltt ) nine.
DsaleriiiHaiuWccuLiiinlJBr ,
Wood carpels ami pniqiu-t tloorlni : . I'th and DouitlM
MIOL'IB , Omnlm , Nub.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISth ttrcet and Uulon t'aclllc trackOmalia.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
Uooii , ittc. Yards -Corner Tlh and Douelai. Offlc *
Corner lUtb and Douilai.
Lflinlr Lime Cement EtcEto
, , , , , ,
Coraer 9th and DouiMaa ti , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnte
13th and California MrecK.Onifilin , Nibraika.
Importers & mm in Millinery & Notions
Stti , UK ) and 212 Sontb lltli street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1124 Uarnejr Street , Omaha.
Commission and Storage.
Storage and Commission Mcrcliants ,
eptclaltles-Uutter , fsst. chcc'ie. poultry , gtmfc
IllZllotmrd itrcotOuiabu , Neb. -
Dry CoodB and Notions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
31. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1103and 1101 Douitlns , cor. lltli itrcct , OmahaNeb.
Imnorters & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
'i furnliblnff eoud < . Corner llth and ilarn f
etrccUi Omaha , Noimukiu
, t TAYLOR ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Regair Shou
Mechanic * ' tool and UufTnln c ! ei. UUi Uouglal
itrcct. Omaua , t
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Goods ,
Qoui * furnUhlnK Koodi , clilldren'i carrlacci , ltd
raruam > trcut , Omiiha , Iiob.
Wholesale Reficed and LnMcating Oils ,
Ail * gre to , etc. , Omobn. A. 11. Ulibop ,
Wholesale Paper D3 lers.
Carry a ntc nock of printing wrapplnir and
a'.tiiUloa lYoa a oara paper
Chicago , Mllwauke _ & St , Paul R'y. '
Tlie llcst Itouto from Omnlm and Council
( o
Chicago , AND Mllwnnkce ,
St. 1'uul , Mlniiciijiults , Cedar Rnplds ,
Rock Islniul , Frepiiort , Itocbfurd ,
Clinton , Jubiiuc ) ( _ , Dnvcnport.
Elgin , Madison , Janosrllle ,
Itoklt , Winuna , La Crossc ,
And all otter Important uoliit * Eait , Norlbeut and
For tbrough ticket * call on tbo tltkei avcat at 1M1
Tarnain itrtet , | u Uarktr lltook , or at Uulim 1'aciflo
Hullinao Sleipan and the nncit Dining Car * lo tbt
world are run on tliu main line of the ihlcnuo. MIL
waukee & Bt. I'aul itallwajr , and eierjr attention li
paid lo pan DKer > ti } courtuoui sajplo/m of tilt
company. It. Jlll.l.Klt. encrJl Managtr.
j. ( ' .TIJCXUK. AaiUttnt ( ieaeral Mannzer.
A. V , II. OAlirKNTlill , Ueueral ran nk-er and
Ticket Aittnt.
UKO. K. IIIIAI'FOUI ) . A clt > General l'aj enge
nil ' 11ck t Alunt.
M TU I I lit o n r Un4 MERVOU8 DEBIL1TV ,
rf TTTFfl W knit of Bodyind Mindi [ fccU
i/ % JMJTJ of Error * or K cciftila Oldor'Vou&r.
ktk.ll. X U tKIIIIOIirullr K..lor 4. llg * to bil > ri < 4
irik > . nK4K.i'si > i : > iiLiil'rii uuiu g * rims of fluui ,
ilxolulfl , < if < lll > c HUBK 7HKtllKIIT 1U..IU l < % d.r.
? M l tirlre 41 but , . , T.r.llutl. . . > . < r < rtlar B > trl < ,
u cm * writ ! tfc * . llvcfc , full ifU * l ! n , tad br < M.rc M41U4
U I 4I DTM. AMrtw U | [ HIOlCAl CO. . lUllAlP , . .