Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Policy of the Now Organization
Will Bo "American. "
The Umnncipntian oftho'WlilcoSlnvc
I'rnclnlnici ! AMI ! the Frtrinrr
niUcfi of tha IJiainonil Told
to Go to Noxv.
* flfix ter8 or '
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 4. The counsel of th
ifrothcrhood base ball plavcrs , nttcr nn ni
clay's session , mode public this evening
statement defining their position toward th
National league ,
Kofcrrlng to tholr Intention to embark l
business for themselves next year , an c >
jilanatioti of the reasons Is made , xvhlch say
in part :
"Thcro xvas a time xvheu tlio name of th
league stood for Integrity nnd fair dealing
To-day it stands for dollars nnd cents.
"Onco it looked to thn elevation of th
game nnd honest sport. To-day its eyes ur
on the turnstile. Men have come Into th
biiMucss xvith no other motive than to en
plolt it for every dollur in sight.
' Measures originally intended for the cooi
of the game luivo been perverted iuto Insirii
mcnts for xvronir. 'Iho reserve rule and th
provisions of thu national agreement giv
thu managers unlimited power , und the
have not hesitated to use this in most nrbl
trnry mid mercenary xvuys. Players bnv
bcon bought und suld and exchanged us I
they xvero sheep. Hesorvatlon became xvltl
thorn another immo for property right , Uy i
combination among thcmsolx'cs strongc
than the strongest trust they were ahla ti
enforce the most arbitrar.V riilcs.and a pluyc
* had cither to submit or got out of the pro
fession In xvhlch ho had spent years attain
lag proilclouo.v. "
'i ho statement then details thu labors o
tbo brothei hood xvith the Icntuo magnate
for the past txvo years in a futile endeavor I
remedy homo of thu evils , aud says upon tb
final reiusul this year to meet the brotbot
hood , the latter began organizing.
"Wo bcliovo , " says the statement , "tha
it Is possible to conduct our national cum
ubon lines xvhlch xvill uot infringe upon Indl
vldual and national rights. Wo ask to b
Judged solely by our xvork , believing th
game can bo played fairly , nnd tlio busuies
conducted moro Intelligently under our plan
xvhlch excludes everything arbitrary and un
American. "
The first annual meeting of the ' 'Players
National League , " as the noxv organizatloi
is called , xvlll bo hold Wednesday , und tin
llnal disposition of clubs and players xvill hi
Brooklyn and Buff.ilr > will taltc the placi
I- ' of Indiumtpolls und Washington , und tlx
players of theio clubs xvlll bo distribute
I botxveon Brooklyn , Buffalo and Piitsburg.
Chlunvo's Ilurso Sixlo.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. The combination horsi
sale opened nt Battery D to-day. Forty
eight head xvoro sold for $13,110. The tnos
important sales xvoro Nugget Jr. , by Nugget
toJ. Volmer , Grand Uauids , Mich. , S-J.OOO
Prince Septor , by Prince Cops , to J. Wads
xvorth , Alcona , Ia. , Jl.tMl ) . 'Jho America !
horse Bhoxvattho Exposition building is ni
unqualified success , thu only drawbacks !
far apparent being lack of room.
Inconsequential Mcntlng of the
I Association.
The annual incotWK of the Western asso
ciation came to t. close at Minneapolis Sundaj
* night , but so far as any business of importance
It anco is concerned , the meeting might as xvol
have nox-ar occurred. It xvas the sifmo oh
story an apology for a meeting of so-caliei
minor Itjaguo mogqls. The stupendous pieci
of xxorlc ; of ro-oloctlng Dick McCormick
prosilieut of the association , nn'd Ivliko Uoach
sporting editor of the St. Paul Pioneer
neer Press , secretary , xvas suc
cessfully accomplished. Both are first-
class men , nnd that Is all that Is necessary t (
bo said upon that bead. Besides this u bean
of directors and a schedule committee xva ;
appointed , nud that wound up the proceed
ings of the meeting.
A club to take the placa of the St. Joo'f
was not cvDU selocted. but. a brief canvass ol
the subject ravcalod that Lincoln could step
in if she desires. 1'butis us much as to say thai
there were no applications from Detroit , To
ledo or liny of the other cities that huvo beer
mentioned so frequently in this conncctloi
during thu past mOcitli , and even Lincoln ! >
nn uhcortainty , all of xvhlch goes to shov
thut the condition of the Western ussocia
tion is anything but n satisfactory one , am
the outlook Is uot what might bo termoi
Ir * roseate. McCormick , of this city , aiu
K Morton , of Minneapolis were appointed
delegates to iho minor leagues meeting
which Is to bo held In Noxv York on thu II th
By that titno the full Intent and purpose o
tbo Brotherhood and National lougua will hi
kuoxvn , und this knowledge may enable tin
minor magnates to determine upon u policy
ot their oxvn. If the Brotherhood
docs launch forth upon its owi
hook , then it is nil dayvitl
tbo minor bodles.and tha sooner they sell oul
their players und renllzo xvhut they can upon
thoui the bettor it xvill he for those xvbo have
sunk money in those Institutions. If the Broth
erhood is enabled to absorb all the players
of tha great National league , xvhat mutt
ahobo able to do xvith lesser
bodies. She xvlll say to the players-
such ns she desircB Infill out the coniple
mentor the cicht teams "Como xvith us.
\ve'll give you u good salary and plenty ol
protection. " Aud the players will jumi :
like a pack of sheep. Ihrn what are the
minor moguls going to do about it ! rhoy
xvill have absolutely uo redress ; thny c.iu
only look passively on , and heap impotent
anathemas upon the powers that bo. Suoh
is the undenlablo statusof base ball affairs ,
nnd tbu prospects for n successful season in
this association are bad enough , mdood.
'Jho VVrestlinu K.xhiblilim.
The xyrostliug match between Tom Con
thu catch-aa-cutch-can artist
ners , champion - - -
ot America , and Arthur Uothcry , of thl :
city , at iho People's thcatro last evening
nttructcd a largo ami enthusiastic nud luuc-o ,
und woU xvero t hey repaid The conditions
or the contest xvoro that Connors xvas tc
turoxv the local representative ! txvico Ir
twenty minutes or forfeit $25 of his siilarv ,
and uothory laid u wagur of $50 xvith his
opponent Just before time -was called , that
Connors xvould fail in hU undertaking , Au-
- ttusQIIroy manipulated the fan in Cou
tiers' corner , xvhilo lllliy Hawkins , the fain
ous St. Puul light weight , esquired Kothorv ,
K. Booth , yclept "Lorn , " xvas chosen tinu
keeper nnd Saudy Oriswold roforeo.
Promptly at 10 o'clock the men shoo I
hands und cnmo together. The first bou <
xvas short aud sweet , Kothory planting boll
shoulders lu the mattress in just three mm
utes und flvo seconds.
The second bout , however , xvas a mucli
better exhibition of skill and science. Uoth
ory doing aomo vary clover boud-spinnlng.
anrt compelling his invinelblo iidvoraiiry tf
work laboriously for twelve minutes nuil
flvo seconds before , by main strength , hi
bore his ohouldcn to the carpet.
Connors la a wonderful little man.
To-night Baldwin , the Omaha plant , will
underlain ) a similar task to the ouo ubovi
described ,
Thn Ijoluvrea' O oslun hno' .
The closing ahoot of the Lefovro gun olul
was postponed Saturday until thli
nft rnoon , xvtien it xvlll take placa on the
Omaha RUU club Rroumls across tbo river.
Jack Prince and Prank Chryalor , the cap
tains , xvlll cheese tholr aides upon the
grounds , the losing eldo to pay for A b.inquut
for both teams. Tbo conditions of the shoo !
uro 100 blue rocks to each man. IS yards rise
llvo unknown trap * , lu addition to thu clul
boot a urand awoapatakes live bird shoo
boa been arranged for , aud a largo crowd o
porumeu are ojpectoa to bo on baud am
participate m the contest.
A Shocp Killlni :
There xvill bo a sheep slaughtering cantos
nt Gorinanla Gardcn.'Soulh Omahn next Sat
unlay oronlng , butwoeu William II. Craw
ford of South Omaha unQ William Prlsol o
ICausaa City , for $100 a . u.i iuj2
drcssinit nnd hnnclngup his mutton In tti
shortest time to xvln , Another mntch for f !
n sldo xvlll toke place nt iho name tlmo an
place between Uus lllof nnd George Schmk
of South Oninhn.
Itoatrloo l oaal t'nllllcH.
BnAtnior , Nob. , Nov. 4. | Special Teh
gram to THE UUK. | To-morroxv's ' clcctloi
so far as locally concerned , presents n pcci
llnr phaso'thoro being two republican tlckc' '
In the field. Friday nisht last a city caUct
of republicans was called and largely attom
od. It xvas held by n majority of that moo
Incr that the proceedings xvoro Irregular , an
they voted to adjourn the mooting nnd ca
regular olty primnrlua to elect delegates to i
city convention to bo hold to-day , Th
minority determined to gdon xvith tbo cauut
i.nd put nfUll city ticket in the field. Th
ticket nominated then was : Supervisors
' 1 homns Yule , AIox Orulmm , Ucorpo Scot
H. W. Purkor , N. Maxxvellj Justices of th
peace , Ji A. Colllson , II. J , Conlou ; con
stables , Jr > mcsLoary , Val Joliustotiasso9soi ;
C. M. lllgg.
To-dav's convention nominated the follov
ing ticket : Supervisors , Thomas Yule , /
Graham , M. E. Sliultz , E. S. Cushmai
JPSSO Hlchnrdsj Justices. S , H. CrAig , LI
Sheldon ; constables , James f.eary , J. (
Ueod ; nnsussor , E. T. Hoot.
'J ho democrats xvill put no ticket In th
flo'd ' , preferring to support the llrst name
with the IIOPO of trading off enough votes t
secure the election of ouo or moro on the
county ticket , xvhlch is not by any meat
Fountl Sick JSy HiItondnulc. .
BnATiiinc , Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Toll
pram to Tin : Unc.J A man giving the unm
of Edxvard Clayton xvas found lying alonp
sldo of the rend about two miles north of tli
city yesterday bv some passers-by. Ho xvt
unable to glvo nuy intelligible account <
himself , nnd flccmcd to bo Insauo. llu xva
taken cnro of last night and xvas to-du
brought to town aud delivered over to tli
care of Coroner Hop. Ho xvus subject to o
casional lucid intervals , and , from letters I
his possession , it is suppi'sca ' that ho is ni
vance aeent for some theatrical compaii ;
Ilo evidently has friends in Kansas City , an
will probably bo sent thero. Ilo bears over
ovldencu of hax'ing seen better days , und . '
in a critical utato from exposure and prlvi
Koiirnry Wntit hoxvornso Badlr.
KnAiiKEr , Nob. , Nov. 4. | _ Spselal Toll
gram to TUB BRD. ] Encrgctio citizens con
mcnccd to work this morning In their rcspei
tlvo xvardsfor sowerago. Information gall
crod late this evening goes to shoxv that U
proposition has gained heavily ns thvrosu
of lo-dny's canvass. Excited politicians hoi
audiences on the street rornors all day. Ii
t crest , In county politics is nearly ah great i
thut of last year. U ho nexv court house
hair finished nnd the building committeexv :
compelled to suspend work several xvcelis nf
on account of thu loxv lluunco In the bulii
Ing fund. Bonds for Us completion xvill I
voted on to-morroxv , nnd strong oppositlo
xvill come from the north part of the couut ,
A IHcCoob NPW < I > HI > CP Cliti nee.
McCooii. Neb. , Nov. 4 , [ Special Tclogroi
to Tun Buc. ] The MeCook Deinocn
ohantrod hands to-day , J. E. Fanchor and W
E. Mullet succeeding C. B. Wuhlqulst. xvh
trous to Hastings and xvill Join his brother I
the management of tlio Hustings Domocra
The politics o f the paper will not be chungei
A Straight Contest.
DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tel
grain to Tin : ttr.n.J The olcctioti to-morroi
xvill bo between the txvo straight tickets ,
the people's ticket is no moro. The oand
date for county clerk on the people's ticke
C. D. Smlloy , xvithdrew from the ticket th
morning , und this cveninir the pcoplo
candidate for county treasurer followed tl
cxumplo of the clerk und xvlthdrow from th
people's ticket.
Hnldlnir UomnoGinililnrs. .
BEATIIICC , Nob. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tel <
gram to THE Bun. ] . Tim police have began
raid pn the gambling dons of this city , an
succeeded Saturday evening in breaking u
one of them by capturing' gambling outlii
but none of the operators. The good xvor
is to bn continued.
A Nebraska htocUninn'rf Death.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Nox4. . [ Special Teh
gram to Tins Bni : . ] J. B. Ames , a vor
xvcalthy atockinan of Daxvson , Nob. , arrive
in St. Joseph this morning and registered 11
the Bishop house. Ho complained of hem
sick , aud , going up sluirs to his room , cullc
for a physician , but bofoio the doctor arrive
Mr. Ames died. An examination davulopc
thu fact that his death had been caused b
paralysis. His remains were scut back t
Dawson to-night for interment. Ames xva
on his xvuy to ISoston , xvhoro bo expected t
visit friends for several months.
Scored tliu Sulo uikucDors.
CniOAao , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram tc
TUB Bic. | After the Baptist ministers
meeting hail adjounmd this morninc , and be
foru the clergymen had loft the room , Kev
William M. Lawi once , the president of th
ministers' association , call cd'utteiition ' to th
fact that the Chicago saloonkeepers' associu
tton hud sent out to the saloonkeepers in th
city a host of' candidates who should b
blacklisted und scratched.
" 1 am of the opinidn , " snid Hex * . Laxvronct
"that the sort of men blacklisted bv saloot
keepars are just the sort wo clergymen wan
to support. For that reason I want all o
you to unite xvith mo In xvorking to elect th
blacklisted candidates. Ono of them. W. A
Banner , is a The llvo others nr
republicans. "
President Laxvronco's suggestion xva
promptly acted upon , und the ministers ri
solved to support in every instance the blacl )
listed candidates ,
A Kluhl U ith Indians.
TUCSON- . T. Nov. 4 News has boon re
colx-cd of n flirht between a detacbmont o
troops under Sergeant Plcitetts und Indians
xvhlch took plnco tun miles from Crittcude
this morning.
A number of shots xx-oro exchanged. Non
of the Boldlors xvoro hit. Corporal GriQln i
missing uud Kiniuil fires aru scon in th
\Vhetstono mountains to thu south and o
Salt rlvor in the Pinul mountains to th
northwest. From this it xvould scorn thu
there xvero moro Indians out thun iho fugl
tix'es xvho murdered Sheriff Hoynoids um
guard Saturduv , as the distance necessary t
reach Crittundou would necessitate travo !
ing 10'J ' miles in twelve hours.
The Vlhililoimply. .
Cino.uio , Nov. 4. The x-isiblo supply foi
the xvook endingNovoinborS , us compiled o ;
the secrutary of the Chicago board of trade
is us follows ;
, , Bushels
Wheat 25.71H.OO
Corn f 7ji.UO ;
Oats 7D5.t > Oi
llyo l.'JM.OUi
Barley. . . UU14,00
Durli'il in Aliilion IM"t l.
LEIUNON , Pa. , Nov. 4. By the broakin
out of molten Iron In the stock of Colbrool
furnace No , 1 this after noon , flvo men xvor
killed uud thrco severely injured ,
'Iho moti xvero overwhelmed by the rush c
inoltuu metal xvhilo at xvork , aud some o
thum xvero burned nlmoRt buyoud rocogn
U'cB'nrn DIIIIIII XV ? < | llii | > .
Nisxv YOHK Nox' . 4. The oxooutlvo com
nuttco of the Western Union Telegraph core
paiiy to-day discussed Postmaster Oonon
WunamaKor's position , but deferred aotio
until Wednesday , xvhon auoiher meeting xvl
be held.
xitii Nntnllo.
DBLOIIADB , Nov. 4. The czar has xvrltto
a letter to Nutullo hi xvhlch ho assures her c
his sympathy and says ho continues to rccoi
nizo her us the quroa of Scrviu.
Conl MiiiTM Dofuntnd.
Nor , 4. The strike of the con
miners in itelfiuui has collapsed.
Us Ilroivn'n Hronuliliil Troclit" * fa
roughs , coldi and all other throat trouble !
"Pro eminently tha boit. "
" *
Thoao of the Northwest to Go Bnoli
to the Old Basis.
ClinlrmnnVnlkorKorHlcrsn Decision
KquntlziiiK the ChnrscH on Sntt
Kroni Wcstnrn Points
Utlicr llnllrnnil A'oxvo.
Nnrthwnatorn Hntcs Klxnd.
CnioAoo , Nov. 4 , [ Spocml Telegram tc
TUB UKE. ] At to-day's mooting of th (
northwestern and western divisions ot the
Western Frolijlit nssoclatiun it xvas decided ,
taking effect November SO. to restore north-
xveatorn rules to the old basis. This result
xvns brought nhoiit by the acceptance of the
proposition made in the Now York confer
ence of the Canadian "Soo" find trunk lines ,
It advances through rates about 75 per cent.
nnd local rates 83 > < per cent , The com <
modlty tarltT , which quoted still lower rates
locally , la alto abrogated.
The meeting was culled on account of an
Intimation by the trunk lines that tboy did
not propose to bo "nionkoyod with.1
This Intimation was brought nboutftbj
the refusal of the northwestern lines
a week ngo to raise the rates In accordance
with th-3 trunk HnoV proposition. It had the
effect of whipping the obstreperous uorth *
western roads Into line and forcing thorn t <
advance. The lust mcotlntr failed to ngro (
because the St. Paul rend had Issued tx lnrfi (
quantity of transit at 7j cents. This transll
xvas the only tiono of contention to-aav. H
was ilnully agreed that tn case phlppct- !
fihould offer to pay non-transit roads In St
Paul transit It could bo accented at the 7
cent rate , but the tit. Paul xvould redeem it
tit. 0 cents , rno Su Paul , of course , xx'ouli !
bo allowed to redeem its own transit at 7
cents. Beginning November the floui
ruto xvlll consequently bo advanced to 1 (
cents , except to the holders of ttio transll
'Ihothroupn rates agreed on from Now
York and Bos to a to SU Paul and Minne
apolis via all lines are as follows : $1.15
$1.00 , SO con In , 5(1 ( cents , 43 cents and 40 cent :
on the six classes according to ofllcla
Iho local rates from Chicago to St. Paul ,
Minneapolis nnd Minnesota Transfer is n <
follows : 1. CO cents ; 2 , 50 cents ; 8 , 40 con ts ;
4 , 5 cents ; 5 , 20 cents ; A , So cents ; JJ , El
cents : C , 17 cents ; D , 14 cents ; IS , 13 cents.
Steps xvcrc also taken to restore ratas tn
Mississippi river noints , which had beoc
loxvured as far as Burltncton in sympathy
with the loxv St. Paul rates. It xvas also
decided to restore rates In Wisconsin nnc
nnd botxvpcn all other points xvhcro rales
had been reduced by reason of the 60-conl
scale between Chicago and St. Paul.
A committee xvas appointed to revise the
existing rates In order that proper anil
equitable conditions might prevail xvith respect
spect to rate adjustment generally.
A Rather Fresh u'llnct.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn BRC. ] For a year or moro there has
been a determined attempt made by the
Kaunas salt directors to put themselves on r
level xvilh Michigan nnd eastern salt-pro.
duclng points. Naturally the xvestcrn roads
tried to f.ivor the Kansas points , nnd the
result has been a constant clashing of rates ,
Finally , on Ootobor 25 , the whole matter
xvas referred to Chairman Walker , of the
Inicr-Stato Commerce Railway association ,
for arbitration. To-dav ho gave his decision ,
ilxmg rules from Chicago to all xvestcrn
points , nnd from Hutchinson and
other salt-producing points in 'Kansas ,
ivh Ich , as nearly as possible , equalizes the
rates on salt between all western points , no
matter where the eult originates. '
The rates established are. iinal for four
months , but mav bo changed if shoxvu'nn-
just , us the result of the coming fuurmonths1
shipments. From Chicago a rate of IS cents
to all Missouri river points is made. From
Kansas salt producing points to lha same
points rates varying from 11 % cents to Kan
sas City and IS cents to Sioux City are also
established. _
Ijonkmc lor a Itexv I'.icifle Outlet.
Nnxv Yourc , Nov. 4. A local paper says
the rutnor xvas prevalent to-day that Prenl.
dent Perkins , of the Burlington road , xvas in
the city confcrriag xvith several of the
directors on a matter pertaining to the
recent now combinations in the west.
Director Grlswold xvas seen und said this
xv us not the case ; that. President
Perkins and several directors
uro noxv in the west engaged
in looking for a new outlet to the Pacific
coast since learning of the Union Pacific-
Nurthxvcstcrn combination. Grlswold said
ho did not think HID new arrangement would
hurt the California business of the Burling
ton much , as they can transfer Its business
to the Southern Pacific. They can further
compete xvith the combination by reduclnu
rates between lenxer and Chicago , nnd xvill
probably do so. _
A KnlO ) Exploded.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. | Special Telegram to
TUG 13EB.J A morning paper alleges the
purchase of the Chicaco & Eastern Illinois
by the Big Four in order to obtain not only
a paying line but first class terminal facili
ties in Chicago , the present terminus of the
Big Four being over the Illinois Central
tracks. At tboofllces of the Illinois Central
to-dav it was learned that the Big Fttur had
a ninety-nine your cast-iron contract with
the Illinois Central , binding It for that
period to use only the Illinois Central
terminal facilities in Chicago. Tills Is. the
last fukn exploded.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BCB. ] Ttio general pnssonccr agents
of all the vandcrbllt lines loft last night fern
n tour of all the xvostorn ofllcos of the Van-
dcrbllt system , San Francisco bolncr the ob
jective point. The party consists of General
Passenger Agents Uunicls , of the .Now York
Central ; Uugglos , of the Michigan Central ;
Martin , of ttio Big Four , and General Wes
tern Passenger Agents Wilber , of the Lake
Shore , and Jerome , of the Now York Cen
tral. _
M. , K. & T. llf.orcnnlzatlon IMnn.
Nisxv YORK , Nov. 4. The reorganization
plan of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas road
issued to-day provides for a new mortgage of
t.iOOOl ,000 at 4 per cent on the entire line , In-
Btoiid of ttio 7 por'cent mortgage. Ttio pros-
cut r/s and O's xvlll receive the now BOCOIH !
mortgage bonds and n proportion- the pre
ferred stock. The present common stork
will bo assessed at 7J per cent , for which it
xvlll be glvon second preferred stock. The
ilxcd churges of the company xvlll amount to
tl.U'.W.OOJ loss tbtm at present.
Tlio Alton's Dnutiln Track.
Cmaiao , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UKE. ] The last spike of the new double
track of the Chicago & Alton railroad xvlll
bo driven within sixty days , when Ilia Alton
xvill hnvo a double truck between Bloomington -
ton and Chicago. Several hundred men
were nut to xvork this morning uour Bloom-
iiigton to com pic to the iiow lino.
Director * Accept thn Hurvov.
HuuoN , S. D. , Nov , 4. [ Special Tolotrrara
to TUB UEE.I The directors of the Duluth ,
Mllbank , Huron & Cnumberluln , and the
Huron , Chamberlain & Blank Hills railroad
to-Ouy accepted ttio survey of thn lattnr road
from Chamberlain to Huron and appointed a
comuiiuca to visit Duluth to arrange foi a
connection xvilh interested roads.
Bltirilorml tux Sweotlioart. <
STHKATOU , III. , Nov. 4. A xvceU ago Joseph
Smith caino hero from Bessemer , Mich. , to
visit his flunco , Hattlo Leo.
Last Tuesday they wont out xvnlkiiig and
the man returned alone , saying the girl bad
stopped at a store on the xvav homo. Noth
ing has been soon of her since until the mys-
lory xva solved to-day.
Smith committed sulcido xvith a revolver
and left ) ) letter saylug bo had killed the
girl. A searching party found her bodj
about two miles iroui the citv xvith her bead
crushed in b > blows from a club.
A Hot IlroivJMilo From tlio Well
Known Lecturer.
Nc\v YonK'JN v. 4. [ Special Telograt
to Tnn Btc.l'-t'Kpropos ' of the election
hero and the AMfylldaturo Of several Indie
for oftlcc , rnnKljuj ! f rom ) mnyor of Hrookly
to school trustee In parts of Noxv Yorl
Knto Field Ijn3n issued n hot brondsul
ngnlnst xvomun.politicians , In the course t
xvhioh aho makes an attack on the W. 0.1
U. She Ocelr.ros it lint xvoninn do nut govor
themselves , nilfl = Slrd Incapable of gux'ornln
others , and do'j.'lnr'pa ' thut this Is proven b
the poor breeding , ot American children , th
mothers having no influence over then
After speaking of the avorngo xvoman , sb
says I
"It is , then , from this same nvcrag
xvoman , xvhoso Intolloot is untrained , xvhos
judgment la faulty , but xvhoso sentiment !
always to tbo fore , that most is to bo fcare
in politics. If woman eilftraso bo the acme c
fctnnlo desire , then Mormon thoocruo
shoulu bo the ideal govornmpnt , "
TO provo the Inability of xvoindn to sc
their own good , slid cites the resolution
adopted nt n mass meeting of women in Sal
Laku City , In which women said Mormonisi
xvas the only rollablo safeguard nf fcmnl
virtue and innocence ) , nnd the only sure prc
loctlon against the fearful sin of nrostltu
lion. "Those trctisonublo rcHolfciions , " Mis
Fluid continued , "woro cheered by ncarl
six thousand \vomnn , and were unanimous !
adopted , in addition , n pctitlou signed uy.
largo number of women , xvas scut to Wash
ingtoti , protcslihg ugalnst congressional it
torforcnco against what n thoocrnc ;
that had abolished the rlgh
of doxvur , that had proclalmc
polygamy to bo divine , thut had no Inxv
against bigamy , adultery , fornication or it
"What women hax'o done for politics sent
of Mason nnd Dlxon's line , history record !
What northern xvoman nro doing is snow
by the xvoll organized bony of oncrcutio nn
oegfCBslvo xvomon known ns the 'Woman1
Christian Temperance Onion , ' > vho in is tali
hysterical sentimentality , for morality , -an
whoso knoxvledgo of the Kngllsh language i
ns limited as their knowledge of human nt
ture. Thus far In our history , xvomon" hav
oxcrtod a baleful Influence on politics first
ns giving aid nnd comfort to rebellion ; sci
ondns consolidating n polygamous theocracy
third , as being the prlmo movers i
Passing sumptuary laxvs , ' as Intemperate a
they nro unrcpubllcan , and which begc
lylntr , hypocrisy and coxvnrdlce. Souther
xvomen during the rebellion xvoro govornc
by passion ; Mormon women nro actuated b
a debasing religion ; fomulo prohibitionist
nro controlled by personal suffering or b
sentimental fanaticism.
"That xvomen xvlll eventually exert a bt
nlgo influence on politics I do not doubt , bu
that blessed era will not arrive until preju
dice and feollnt ? yield to reason , and knoxv ;
edco of tbovorld Is based on a moro oj
tended observation than con bo obtained b ,
revolving round tbo family teacup. "
TJ1E rAN-Aai.liaUOA.NS.
They Makcn I'iltrlinnso tn the Gran
of lionrjClny. .
LEXINGTON , Ky.-Nov. 4. The interne
tional American excursionists took carriage
this morning for Ashland , the homo o
Henry Clay , ilhp visitors Inspected th
mansion nnd were driven to the famou
cemetery xvhero'lie the remains of the groa
Kentucltian. At i'l:83 ' the party returned t
their train mid.started for CiaclnnutL
CINCIX.VATI , Nov. 4. The Ail-American
arrived hero thjj evening from Lexington
and xvoro drivoti to tbo hotel , xx-hero the
were xvolcomedby Mayor Mosby. Subsc
luently a portion of the party xvero ontei
tained by a local club. Otherwise the over
ing xvas xvithouttfqaturc.
Italy Acciisort'ol' 1'roparntlnns to In
1 vijfile Krance.
PAnis , , NovPy'MIl-fil. Dnlonclo , Minlsto
Sifuller's lfiecreiulr,0in ; an article ia th
NineteenthCqntiiryo declares that durin
thc'recent elcclAral > campaign in France th
Italian K'dternmcat. hoping1 for a Boulangls
triumph , had 80,000 trcoos xvai'tin ,
for a signal to invade i < 'rancc
Signor Crispi , he xvritcs furtliei
xv.inted England and Germany to consent t
Italy sending a .noteto Franco denmndin ,
the abandonment of the French protcclorat
over Tunis , in order to prox'olco a quarrel
England declined , Germany , the writer be
Moves , sharply rebuked Signor Crispi. TU
triumph of Gamut upsnt Italy's plans.
An InterestIPK Murder Trial.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram t
THE BIE. : ] The little city of Ducatur , 111.
is greatly excited over the trial of Jucl
Fauuco , xvho ia charged with the murder o
a defenseless man xvhoso only crime was u
try to protect a couple ot Indies from ivantot
insult. On the night of July 3 an unknowi
man folloxv d und Insulled Mrs. Mar ;
Griffith and. Mrs. Hebecca Smith on u'clarl
street. They cried out for help , nnd Mat
McKir.nov xvont to tholr rescue nnd xx'as she
down. The evidence so far itus been at
effort on the part or the state to nhow the
proximity of the defendant to the scene o
the murder xvhon it xvus committed. Thi
defense xvill try to provo nn alibi. Severa
people have tostitlcd to the presence of u mat
rcsembllnir Fauuco In the vicinity at thi
time of the trugio occurrcnco. The case i
being fought xvith great determination.
Thn Ficlit With Busliirl.
I , Nov. 4. The details have boei
received of the recent cncagemcnt bctxveei
a section of Captain Wissman's expedition
under the command of Lieutenant Graven.
ruth , mm Chief Buslurl's force , wlilch re
suited in the defeat of the rebels. Llcuton
ant Gravonruth found Bushirl at the hcado
0,000 Mafltcs who xvero ravaging tuo countr ;
around Usarama. The Maiitcs made .thrci
desperate charges upon the Germans , bu1
were repulsed xvith grout slaughter. Sever
friuauly natix'as xvoro killed , but uo Euro
pcans lost tnoir lives. Lieutenant Grax'un
null pursued the enemy , making a four days
Journey inland from Bagamoya nnd clearing
tha country of rouels. The Germans camt
upon the bodies of r,00 dead Mailtos. Tin
friendly natives are killing the rebels xvhor
ever found.
A Family Ilutclipry.
LOWELL , Mich. , Nov. 4. Haggal West
brook , n farmer Jiving in Vcrglnuos toxvn
Bhli , Kent coun\y , this morning fracturcc.
Ins xvifu's skuliiwitl ; a hammer and then wuu
to the room xvhareVliis three small girls wen
usluup and trcat l them in a liito manner
He thou xVorft to another roou
and attempted" 'TO tl ° tll ° 8ilnl ° wltt
his son , but Uie' son took thu hammei
axvay from hlmv. NYestbrooc ran down stuir
procured a razn Hind cut bis throat. Ho i'
dead and it in sQQudscd the girls cannot ro >
covur , Mrs. Vp lurook may recover.
Another iiet'ount says the girls xvcr <
Instantly killed' and Mrs. Westbrook xvni
mortally xvnunueU , Wostbrook xvas it
Unaucial dllHcuiy | uim had bccomu hibauo.
" "
At Noxv YorkffrUlha Worra , from Bremen
the Ethiopia , fyloilGlusgow.
At Ghwgoxv U'hV Statu of Georgia , fron
Now York.JBVK
At Hamburb'T-Tb9 ; ; Haminoula , from New
At Havre Ln Gasoogno , from Now York
At Southampton The Fuldn , from Nov
- r * -
A Truvoliinr Alnn Aliirilcrud.
KANSAS Cirr , Nov. 4 , The body of C. J.
Heed , a traveling man from Chicago , xvas
found in the river yettcrday.
The coroner's inquest showed that the mai
undoubtedly had been murdered xvith i
Blung-shoU It is suimoDod to bo the xvork ol
foot-pads , as no valuables were fouud ou hi :
body ,
Grain Imxv Constitutional.
ST. Louis , Nov , 4. Judge Withrow , of tin
circuit court , rendered a decision to-day do
daring the now state grain Inspection lay
The dullclous frasrunco , refreshing cool
ness , and soft bojuij i-n , 4rtcij to the skin b ;
Pozzoni'u I'owuor , rom. i-iida It to all ludlo
RopiCuUeau nnd Domooratlo Poro-
oasts of tbo Result.
All Agree That Prohibition In ttio
Main Issitn Upon \Vhloli tlio
right AVIltIto
. . Tlio Hnxvkoyo Cainpnlcti.
DKS MOINES , In. , Nov. 4. The Stnto RegIster -
Istor ( republican ) says : loxva votes to-
tnorroxv fopgovornornud other state officers ,
nnd for members of the legislature , xyho nrc
to elect a United States senator lo succeed
Mr. Allison. This last fact has glx-on the
campaign some national features , both par
ties having discussed the tariff issues to n
greater or1 less extent. Aside from this , the
main fight has turned upon prohibition , the
democrats claiming It xvas a failure nnd
the republicans that It la to bo regarded na
the settled policy of the state until a major
ity of the people demand ti change. The
ciimpalgn , howox'cr , hns'been of loss Interest
on both sides than usunl , nnd a rather light
vote Is expnctod to-morroxv. Besides the
republican nnd democratic tickets , the union
labor party has n ticket out , xvhlch may ro <
cclvo llvo or six thousand X'otos. A few
struggling votes xvill probably bo cast for
tbo prohibition tickol , but the third party ,
as It is called , Is not popular in Iowa.
Chairman Pray , of the republican com
mittee , is very confident of republican vic
tory. He says that the seeming npnthy of
the party bus entirely passed nway ; that the
X'olurs nro now. ollvo und nctlvo alone the
entire lino. Ilo expects that Senator Hutchi
son will hnvo n plurality of at least 18,000
ox'or Boles.
Sioux CITT , la. , No4. . Gcortro D. Per
kins , editor of the Sioux City Journal , In nn
Interview , snid ho has no doubt of republi
can success to-morroxv. Ho does not bcliovo
that the effort to impair confidence in Sen
ator Hutchison among friends of the present
railroad laxv bus succeeded. Hutchlsou has
been outspoken In favor of prohibition ,
nnd this invited xvhatex-or antagonism
the opponents of this poliov can
muster. Mr. Perkins does not think that
Hutchison's majority xvill bo as largo as that
of Governor Larrabeo two years ngo , because
the oppressive force of the contest for legal
control of railroad charges xx-ns then at its
height. Ho expects the republican majority
on joint ballot in the legislature to bo in
creased , rendering certain the re-election of
Senator Allison. As n mutter of fact , Mr.
Perkins says , the only fight is over the sa
loon question , and the vote ngalnst prohibi
tion in nearly all the larger cities is likely to
show an increase. In the rural districts the
pentiment in favor of prohibition is generally
DDIIUQUC , In. , Nov. 4. M. M. Ham ,
formerly member of the deuiocratio national
committee for loxvn , in an iniervlow this
evening , said that the coming election is the
most douotful of any hold in Ioxx-a for tbirty-
flvo years. Most of the democrats expect to
elect Bolus , nnd the republicans , as u rule ,
nro moro frightened than they have ox'cr
been before. The reaction from prohibition
is great , and the stand of the druggists ,
farmers' alliance , nnd xvorking men uro nil
encouraging to the democrats. Hopeful re
ports have been received from all parts of
the state , und great disaffection has boon
shown among republicans , xvhilo the demo
crats are solid.
, In. , Nox' . 4. J. J. Hlchard-
son , Iowa member of the national demo
cratic committee , was asked this morning
by an Associated Press representative for
his views on the outcome of to-morrow's
election in this state. Mr. Richardson said
that during the past xx-eok Lo had received
advices from all parts of Iowa of a most
assuring kind. Enough changes are being
noted , if the correspondents are not misinformed -
informed , to overcome the majority gix'en
Governor Larrabeo txvo years ago. lu this
part of the state , Mr. Itfchardson said , munv
republicans declare that they xvill vote for
the democratic nominee , Boles , on account
of his pledged opposition to prohibitory
legislation. Mr. Richardson is confident of
tno defeat of tbo republican state ticket , und
particularly its head , onator Hutchlnson.
Oluro Democratic Ijyliis > . ,
DBS MOI.VES , Ia. , Nov. 4. | Special Telegram
gram to THE BUE. | The democrats ore
claiming that ox-Governor Kirkwood xvill
X'oto for Mr. Boies , on account of his disliico
for prohibition. A dispatch from Iowa.Clty ,
Mr. IClrkwood's homo , sax's the story is
false , xvith no foundation whatever. It is a
specimen of the democratic lying thut is
closing up the campaign. The so-called
leading republicans xvhom the democrats are
now claiming us converts are , xvith scarcely
an exception , men who left the party several
.years ago , either because of prohloltion or
free trade. Ex-Senator Bills , of Davenport ,
n man xvho hasn't voted a straight republi
can ticket for five years , is a conspicuous
example of this class. The Indications to
night uro fax'orablo for at least 10,00ft or
12,000 republican plurality to-morrow.
A Strucslo xvltli llltilnvnyinon.
DEB MOINUS , Ia. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. | A special from Grand
Junction reports a desperate affray thut took
place thcro Saturday night. Txvo merchants ,
named G. C. Illllracn and Ilufus Covoll , xvoro
entering a gateway Icadinc to jho residence
of the former about 10 o'clock xvbon two
hlchxvnymen halted them xvith levelled
revolx'crs und ordered "nands up. " The
response was n terrific blow on the bead of
one of the robbers by u lantern in the hand
of Mr. Hillmun. Both robbers fired , ono
bullet grazing Mr. HIllman'H head nnd
sliehtly stunning him , but ho and his
brother-In-laxv , Mr. Cox-ell , sailed in and
grabbed one of the assailants ns the other
lired and fled. A desperate struggle fol
lowed , the merchants trying to got posses
sion of the robber's pistol nnd ox-orpowor
him , They could not do so till Covell cut his
xvrlst and compelled him to let go of the re
volver. Then bo was bound and tukcn Into
the house , when his wounds wor f dressed.
'J ho sheriff soon arrived and teok him to the
county jail at Jefferson. The , prisoner is
named Coll. Ho is a largo , noxverful and
desperate fellow , and has been twicein the
penitentiary. Ho lately stole over $301) from
n man in Grand Junction , and Is wanted for
crimes committed in other places.
A Hlu ; Fire nt MuHKOtron.
MILXVAUKI.C , Nov. 4. A special from
Muskegon says lira lust night burned the
mill , dock , lumber yard and thn McCrackon
mill nt North Muskogon. The lots Is esti
mated lit SIOJ.OOOj insurance ahout S50.000.
The lire was still racing at noon.
Tin ; Dentil itocord.
roiiTLANii , Ore. , Nov. 1 , Wra. Walklnds ,
nn old plonuur of the ntatu , was found dead
in his room to-day , supposedly from the uf-
fccts of an overdose of morphtno accidentally
administered. The deceased for many years
xvas ono of the most prominent : democrats In
tbo state.
Tlio Question or Provltllliic Mor
School llotintAgain Discussed.
All the nicmborfl of the ot edncr
lion xvero present nt the regular meeting las
nlcht , except Messrs. Clark nnd Column
1 ho monthly report of the city treasure
Jor October xvns presented and showed th
following condition of tha school fund :
General fund. . , , Jyt.4l7.4
Sinking fund ! 1-M.VJ
Sltonnd building fun 14.WJ
The report xvas referred to the llumic
committee ,
Superintendent Jamof submitted n re
port showing the number ot build
Ings ( with rooms In xvhlch there nr
moro than llfty-flvo or Irss thai
clghty-Jlvo pupils. The report nta
Mntcd that K now school had bcon oppnoJ n
Lnthrop school , and ulno in iho Karatogi
sctiool , with Miss IJavis In cluirpo of tin
former and Miss Bljmar of the latter.
Supurlmcndont ot Buildings Wooley submitted
mittod n report statin ? that the labaraton
In the Highsphool Is noxv completed nnd n
use , nnd tlio gymnasium room Is colled.
Win. McConnell asltcd anil xvai gix'on bor
mission to introJuco the lengthy rcsolutlot
which xvas adopted at thn mecllngof citizen ;
huh ! In the board rooms last Tuesday ovnu
inp , rolatincto the proposed closing 6f tin
Fifth and Sixth grades of the ContnU school
In the llliih nthool building. The rosolutiot
nl o asked tlintn proposition bo submitted t (
the people to X'oto bonus for the erection o
additional buildings as an addition to tin
Hlch school buildings.
Mr. B. II. Hoblson , ono of the commlttci
nppolntcd nttha inccllng , spoke In support
of the resolutions. Thu commiitco did no
xvlsh to complain or bliuno the board , bu
nskud for relief. The board l-.nd taken tin
llrst step toward the totul destruction of thi
Central school , and one xvhioh would resul
in Injustice to hundreds of pupils. Tin
school is in the center of the city In the
most thickly set'.lccl portion. Tbo committee
too xvould suggest that the best method o
ox-crcotnlng the difficulty xvould bn the build
ing of an addition to the High school.
Mr. Uoblson xvlshcd It to bo understood
that this move Is not confltutd strictly tc
those- citizens who llvo In the Fourth ward
but ts a matter of general interest , which l <
attracting the attention of cill/.ciis In all
parts nf the city.
The silcakcr ulso suggested that n mnctitif
bo called to consider the bond question , uin
stated that the citizens In the neighborhood
of the High school would do all in tholt
power to assist the board.
Dr. Savillo Introduced n resolution to rescind
scind the action of the board closing ono oj
the rooms In the Central school. Dr. bavil i
said , lu support of hi * resolution , that there
xvas another room In the building whlcl
mlgnt bo used instead of the busumuut rooit
now used. This room Js in the attic , ot
fourth floor.
Mr. Wohrersald ho had no patience xvith
the Idea of tcenpiag the pupils in tlu > base
ment or putting them in the attic , whet
there are good rooms In the Pleasant sohoo
which ure uot occupied at all. 'Ihcro an
good xvalks all alouir the streets , and tin
looinK are In first-class order : u dsl.ould b <
After considerable ! discussion the entire
matter xvas referred to the committee 01
A request from the Tariff Reform clul
asking that the club bo allowed the use ol
the ooard room on next Tuesday ex'ening wa
not granted because of the repairs u hlch xvill
bo maUo about that time.
An application from HexW. . H , Altliousc
for the use ot the Sherman school building
for church purposes on Sunday xvas refused ,
* A petition from the citizens of Monmoutti
Park. Portland und Dcntnan places nnd
Druid Hill , asking fura school building in
that section , was referred to the committo'i
on boundaries.
An application xvas received from G. F.
Wills for a position as substitute teacher in
the High scnool.
A proposition was received from E. F.
Ringer to sell the board u school situ in Port-
laud Place or Dunimin Place. The communi
cation was referred to the committee on
buildings and property.
Thu committee ] ou buildings reported that
tboy had rented the Saratoga Congrega
tional church for ? ! ! > for use as an additional
room to the Saratoga school.
The rouimiltbo on hcutlng und ventilation ,
to whom was referred the matter of emuloy-
ini ; u competent person to superintend the
heating and ventilating apparatus of the
school building , recommended that the board
create the oflleo of ongineer-ln-chanro , and
elect a competent person to said olllce , ut a
salary of $1,21)0 ) a year.
Mr. Felton spoke in favor of tun adoption
of the report.
Mr. Wohrer thought that if the board xvas
paying men largo salaries for doing the woric
of running the heating apparatus it might
as well have men xvho can run their ma
chines. If the men the board noxv has nro
not able to do their worn they had better get
BOino who do know their business.
Dr. Savillo thought there would bo a great
saviug of fuel by having some ono to oversea
the cncineers und instruct them m the
proper way to mamit'O the plant.
Mr. IZees xvas opposed to creating anymore
moro ofllccs
Mr. MoConnell advocated the employment
Df an expert engineer to investigate thu
method of tlio janitors in running the heat
ing apparatus , und report to thu hoard.
' 1 he question xx'as put to vote and lost.
The committee on teachers recommended
that all grades above the second , in the Sncr-
mun school , bo transferred to the Saratoga
school. Tho'report was mloptod.
On recommendation of the committee-
teachers , MUs IJ.ikur xvascloctud to the posi
tion of assistant principal ut the Dodge
The committee on boundaries reported
bade the resolution of Dr. Savillo on the
jucslion of the basement/ room In the Central
ichool , xvith the recommendation that the
superintendent bo iiiBtructoi to transfer tlio
pupils in the Pleasant school district to that
school , and that such other pupils in tlio
Central bchool us can bo accommodated bo
retained. ' 1 ho report xvas adopted.
The committee on High school reported
that It Is not expedient to establish a in.ieli-
jrs' training course until next year. Tno re
port was illcd.
Ttio committee on high schools , to xvhlch
xvas referred the resolution of Mr. Wohrer ,
instructing the committee to investigate the
ivorkiiigs of the manual training depart
ment , submitted a lengthy report commenda
tory of the manual training course and its
jppllcaliou in teaching the young Idea how
to shoot.
On recommendation of the commltteu on
luppllcs the board resolved to purcnaso a
number of models for geometrical f roe-hand
Irawlng ,
The committee on finance submitted n re
port of bills , claims und the monthly pay roll ,
unountlng in all to $ Uj,45T.8J. This over-
Jr.iws the board's ac-cmmt about 2,000.
On motion of Dr. Spaldlng tno board pro
ceeded to the election of an examining uoin-
nilltee for the purpose of examining appli
cants for positions us teachers In the night
schools. The ballot resulted In the election
of Miss Clulro Hustln nnd Prof , Low is.
Aflcr Boveiril ballots the board failed to
ulect the third member of the comuiittflo ,
'ilia board then adjourned until to
morrow night , at which limn they xvlll con
sider thu question of submitting a bond pro
position to the people , nnd it la piubablo that
the mutter of oicutlng a successor lo Mr.
Bholcs will also receive attention. There
iiro n number of gentlemen mentioned us
[ irobablu successors to Mr. Sbolcs , those
most prominent being Edxvurd A. Parmolou ,
Clinton N , Poxvollund W. N. Nuson.
Sluslu'd IllH 11001111111111 * .
John Anderson and Jeff McGuire are
room matesiitid , llvo ut the corner of Twenty-
BRUISES r | lilg a y CATARRH
PILES C * % TfCJ A * "Tfa ° | TES
fourth nnd Clittk. They got Into f lltllo roxr
Inn night , durltiR xvhlch Anderson tried to
carve up McGuIre xvith n knlfo. The latter
throw up his arm to ward off the thrust , ojid
xvas noverolv slashed In the xvrls , Andersen -
son xvas1 arrested mid xvill hnvo a hoitrlilg
Kmln Hey Ilnn llccn A 1'rlnonor
Klnoo AuaiiRt , 1H8H.
LOXDON , Nov. 4. Mucklnuon , bond of the
Kmln rcllof committee , has received n dis
patch from Henry M. Stanley. Tno ox >
plorcr snyn :
"I reached Albert Nynnra from Itiinnlyn ,
for the third Urn" in 140 days , nnd found
that Kmln Boy and Jnpluon had both been
prisoners slnco the 18th of August , 1SS8. 'Iho
troops In the equatorial provinces had re
volted and shaken off nil allegiance. Shortly
after the Mnhdlsts Invaded the provinces m
full forco. After the llm battle In May tha
stations yielded and ix pniilo struck the
natives , xvho joined the Invaders nnd assintpd
In the work of destruction. 1'ho Itmvlors
subsequently suffered reverses nnd dis
patched n stoninor to Khartoum for roln-
I found 11 letter waiting for mo near Albert
Nyuiizjx , exposing the dangerous position of
the survivors nnd urging the Immediate ne
cessity df my nrrlvnl before the end of Do-
ccinhur , ns otherwise it would bo too late. I
arrived there on the' 18th of January for the
third time. From the llih of February to
the 8th of May I waited for the fugitives nnd
tluniloft AlucrtN.vmizahomeward bound. No
nostllo natlvcn xvero mot slnco xvo loft
Knbbarejn. Wo traveled along the base of
the niipw range , Uujutirori , and tliroo sides
nf the southern Nyunra or Nyiuizn of Ustm-
rora , xvhlch Is called now Albert Edward
N.VHUZI , Iniviiig its exit ntSonillkl , xvhioh
receives over llfty streams from Uujonzorl
and finally on tors Albert Nyau/a. making
the Albert Edxvard the source of the south-
xvcst branch of the Whlto Nllo , Victoria
N.ynnr.a uolng the source of thu southeast
brunch. " .
MacKinnon nays the committee has glvon
orders for supplies for Stanley to bo turned
on to .Nipwnpwu and beyond there if possi
ble. Stanley IH expected to reach the coast
in January or February.
They alsoreHovoDla-
Lress from Dyspepsia ,
Indigestion and Too
llenrtjEating. . A per
fect remedy for Dizzi
ness , Nausea , lrowsl
ness , Dntl TasteIn Uii
Mouth.Con ted Tongue , |
Palu In the Si-Jo , TO
HD LIVElt , &e. They regulate the DowclsQ ,
aucl prctcnt Constipation aiui rites. Tin
Biimllcst and cosiest to tako. Only ono pill nB
Coso. 40 In a vial , ruroly Vegetable. Mccj
Ifllicy roKnnl lliiAi.rii iiinl Kcnsonr , oliould liur
Hulled nnil ' 'rusliiHl
( A. B. C. OATMEAL. )
KAS1LV lIUnviKl-QUlUi\l < V J'lttU'AItUU
Trade ilarK.
Souiliv Ai.i.nitpiiis-1-ciiil : fonlronlnr .lo. , to
Tin : uiitiAia : .Mm. ( JD , bJ MurravbL , Nuw York.
Till : 1 AND OF
s A1IE : AND : CAT : B : CURE
For sale by Goodman DrutQ Co
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lila ink-lc. If 3011
In Kdirrul unit
li iiirilL-iilir. oncloto
boi-k About
< luv < - . n HIM lnt a' t
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JUUN a ilUTVUlAkOK , JekmUnn , M. Vi