Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1889, Image 1

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The High Explosive Oolobrlty Sub
mits to the Pumping Procosa.
It Will Not Coma Immediately , Hut
the ropnlnilon Will Ro Con
siderably KiMlnccd
\Vlicii It Docs.
Cnplnln KnllitHkl In I'nrln.
LOipi/rttfht IVOIjii.amcs Onnfciu Rennett.1
PATHS , Nor. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tun UKB. | Captain E. L.
Zallnskl , America's high explosive celebrity ,
Is studying things , military and otherwise ,
In Paris ,
The captmn received the Herald corre
spondent thlp cvcnlni : nt the Hotel Byron.
Ho la lookme ns well as possible , and says
ho Is enjoying every moment of his European
experience. Ho is traveling under orders to
obtain such information as may bo obtain
able , regarding certain military questions.
He has already visited England , Holland ,
Belgium , Don mark and Germany , and may
go Into Italy. Coming to his pet tlioino ,
Zallnski said :
' I am convinced that a European war Is
Inevitable , but not In the Immediate future.
One consideration alone issufllctont to main
tain peace for nt least , two years , viz : The
fact that the continental nations will need
that amount of tlmo to offset their arms with
a now style of rifle , and , possibly , with modi
fications of ttiolr artillery , and to meet this
requirement a smokeless powder is neces
sary In both cases. In this connection I may
add that war , instead of being hastened by
the frequent Improvements In its appliances ,
Is actually retarded by them , because when
ever anything of military importauco Is dis
covered the uotlons arc apt to wait before
Halting a conflict until they have
tested and applied to their own use
Buch discoveries as nre constantly being
made. The war may thus bo postponed in
definitely , but , postpone It as they may , the
crisis must come. When the war docs come
it will bo terrible. 1 have Just xvltucsscd the
German manoeuvres at Hanover , ana I as
sure you Vhat had those Mvo army corps done
m earnest what they made a pretense of doIng -
Ing , of the 50,000 who went into that ton
days' action there would not bo 10,000 ready
for service to-day. The rest would have
neon placed hors do combat dead or
wounded. To sueh n degree have tiio modern
improvements in life-destroying machinery
added to the horrors of war. "
"What nro apt to bo the new features , can
tain , of coming wars.1 !
"Quo will bo the smokeless powder , about
which so much ndo has buen made , but I am
not altogether certain as to the future of
this Invention , lu the first nlnco , it is moro
than questionable whether it Is within power
to preserve its qualities long enough to'make
the adoption warrantable , and supposing
that the difficulty can bat overcome , there is
an objection to Its general use in tbo fact
that the manoeuvres of the attacking troops
would no longer bo masked , thus placing
them at a serious disadvantage. In consequence
quence the armies might havo'to carry two
kinds of powder , and this would ,
of course , bo n great encuin-
borance. The small bore rlllo
Is another nSw thing. The European armies
carry rifles to-day with a bore about half
the diameter of those used In our late war ,
and is 73.2 , or 8 Inlllimctors. This results In
on appreciable saving in the size and weight
of the ammunition , so that a soldier who
could lorinorly carry 80 rounds can to-day
carry 120 or HO pounds. "
"Is there any prospect of using high ex
plosive cartridges in rifles ! "
"What would bo the advantage ? A rifle
ball kills or disables surely euou eh as it is.
Wo don't want to blow our enemies' bodies
Into fragments. In fact , wo would rather
wound tliolr men than kill , because every
wounded man Incapacitates ut biust two
others , who have to look utter him , \vheroas
n dead man only needs burying , and oven
that is sometimes omitted. "
Paris Papers I'rnutioo the Same fllcth-
< > ( ! H as Those ot Amoricu.
tCnpi/rfflfil 1S13 Jin Jaine-i < lnr ton ISinnM. I
PAWH , Nov. 4. [ Now York Herald Cuble
Special to TUB Uisn. ] The Paris edition
of the Herald publishes this morning the
following editorial :
"Wo published Sunday n telegram from
our Cairo correspondent , recounting the
doings of the prince of Wales , who , Judging
from the way in whichho placed himself at
the head of boUi British and Egyptian
armies and commanded them to ndvanca m
review , halt , or oxccuto the royal salute ,
seemed to bo taking a leaf from the book of
Ills nephew , the Gorman emperor. There
wore many other interesting little episodes
in that dlspntoh. In fact , the French papers
found it such good reading on Monday
inornlngthat some half a dozen or them
published an exactly similar dlsnatch , word
for word , and announced it us from their
own correspondent , with such signatures as
i-X" "Y" or " / . Wo are always very glact
to furnish tiny of our dispatcher to any of
the French papers , but we decidedly object
to their annexing them in this way ns their
owu oxeluslve special dispatches. Wo pub
lish to-day in parallel columns the text of our
dispatch In tlio Horalu of Sunday and the
text of the dlsrtatch from our correspondent ,
published Monday in Figaro , Qaulois and
other papers. "
FoliouvulofV liaiuiuoti Phclps.
Deiir.iN , Nov. 4 , Count Sybouvaloff , the
Russian ambassador , gave a dinner at the
Russian embassy to-night In honor of
William Walter Pholps. American minister
o Germany. Among the guests wore mom-
bora uf all iho European embassies. Count
Bcnouvaloff , in proposing the health of Mr.
Puolps , said America stood alone among the
great powers us wanting nothing and fear
ing nothing.
Union DocUmon htrlUo in London.
LONDON , Nov. 4. The union men em
ployed ut thu export docks huvo refused to
work bccausQ the company's permanent otn-
ployi's will not Join tbo dock laborers' union.
Scores of Blilpx nro lying idle nt the docks
for want of men to handle their cargoes.
Npnln'H IncrnaMpil Tariff.
JvlADitiK , Nov. 4 , The Gazette publishes
the text of the government bill to Increase
the import duty on wheat mid Hour. It is
proposed to add 5d. per 100 kilos' to the
jiretont duty ,
IMttslnirsMoulders Win.
PITTSUUHO , Nov. 4. 'Iho moulder's stride
is virtually settled In favor of the men. All
the largo linns but one have conceded the
advance and work will bo generally resumed
this week.
Ilultor Airnln.
LONDON , Nov. 4. Urudlaugh , who Is suf
fering from congestion o ( the lutiRS , and when
n few days iluca suffered a relapse , u again
An Alleged Will Produced by n Sun
Frnncl an > Man.
SJLH FiuKCifco , Cnl. , Nov. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Uuc.J The monotony that
tin * prevailed In the case of the contest for
Ulytho's millions , begun hero about the mid-
die of July , has ut last been broken , In
court to-day was read n document purportIng -
Ing to bo the will of Thomas H. Blytho. It
was said to Imyo been found on the "Ith ot
last month by Thomas McLaren , of Oak
land. McLaren said that while working
over the paper ? of his deceased partner ho
came across it. The document , apparently
signed by Blythe , acknowledges Florence ns
the millionaire's child , gives Alice Edith.
DIchcrson ttil.OOO and $100 a month , also
? 10XX ( > to Jnmcs Crisp I'erry , of England ,
nnd to two daughter * of ti friend in 'Frisco
$10,000. The lent of the property is given to
Florence. McLaren was closely examined
but did not waver In bis story as to how bo
found the document. The case wont over
till Wednesday. Some attorneys Imply ,
though guardedly , that the document is
Tlio Capital Oily of South Dakota
Celebrates Statehood ,
Pinntic , S. D. , Nov. ' 4. ( .Special Telegram ,
to Tin : Hun. ] Flags 'have adorned every
building und gay buntings huvo been added
to every business house in the capital city
to-day over the news that South Dakota is n
state. To-night is warm and pleasant nnd
on Immense throng of people gathered on
the principal streets , while bands played ,
cannons thundered ana almost the ontlra
population assembled to listen to speeches
by some of the leading men of the city and
now state in ratification. It is by far the ,
largest public demonstration ' Pierre , has
over witnessed. Fully tnreo thousand
people stood within hearing ot the orators ns
they talked on the subject of statehood , at
tained ut last , from the high
platform erected on the corner of
Pierre street and Dakota avenue.
S'outh Dakota's capital city has done her
self proud bv Jo-night's ratltlc.Uion , as such
enthusiasm displayed can hardlybo over at
tained again , Pierre has rejoicsd during the
last year over Harrison's election , the open
ing of the Sioux reservation , the Omnibus
bill , getting the Indians' consent to the Sioux
treaty , the location of the capital hero and
the election of United States senators , but
the lust rojolc'ng over South Dakota's state
hood rightly eclipsed them all. Among the
features of the celebration is thu immense
bonfires which blazed from the highest point
of Snake buttu all night , lighting up the
country for miles around. This eminence
stands Just north of the city , on the Missouri
river , and is ODD foot above the water , and is
a land murk for COO miles around.
Several Gowuoys Lose Tliolr Litres in
Northern Now Mexico.
DENVER , Nov. 1. Onojresult of the terrible
blizzard which swept over eastern Colorado
and northern New Mexico the latter part of
last week roaehoa here to-day from Folsom ,
Now Mexico.
Thursday Henry Miller , a range foreman ,
with several cowboys , camped on the Sierra
Grando'wlth 1SOO beef cattle , which wore to
bo loaded on cars next day for eastern mar
Four o'clock Friday morning the blizzard
struck the herd , driving the cattle toward
the Panhandle , the cowboys being unable to
hold them. The snow was so blinding it was
impossible to see llfty feet ahead. Miller
called the men-togcthor and they started to
follow the herd , but tlio cattle were finally
lest , and the men became separated.
Friday night a cowboy wandered into
Colonel Head's ranch , half dqad with cold
and hunger. He told the story , and a rescu
ing party was sent but , und the frozen bodies
of Henry Miller , Joe .Martin and Charles
Jolly wuro founa lying on the open plains
not far from Folsom. The other men suc
ceeded in finding their way into camp before
being overcome with the cold.
A Yountr Blnn Falls Unconscious
Wluln Mnkinsr Coniplninr.
CHIC\OO , Nov. 4 [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bnn.'J A deep mystery surrounds the
probable murder of Uobort Wplfortz this
morning. The young man had "been until
recently in the employ of August Cbulm ,
a truss manufacturer. This morning
Wolfertz called to effect n settlement.
What tpok place no ono knows. Half
an bour later ho entered the law oflico of
Edmund Furthmnnn , in the Ashland block.
While consulting with Furthmaun , Wolfertz
fell to the floor and has slnco'rcmalncd
unconscious. A physician was at once
summoned and the victim's condition pro
nounced very serious. The parts injured
most seriously are the temple and top of
the head , which wore pounded to a pulp ,
WolferUV sufferings were pitiful to behold.
Ho lay quivering lu every flbor and continu
ally tore ut the hair of his head.
An ofllccr was sent to look alter Chaim ,
who loft his oflico after the trouble , but soon
returned. Chulm at llrst denied that there
had been any trouble , but afterward said
souiothingaboul self defense , and added that
Wolfertz ought to die , or words to that ef
fect. The injured man bud barely time to
make tbo charge of assault against Clialm
before ho lell to thu floor. Chaim is a ner
vous looking person , about flftv years old
and has sharp-looking , restless e.vcs , retreat
Ing forehead and pointed chin. Ho was held
imtil n surgeon makes a report concerning
the Injuries of Wolfertz , who is not expected
to live.
_ _
General llnrnes I'nsses Away at thu
Airoof Kitty-Five Yonr * .
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HUB. ] General M. S. Barnes died at
his lioma in Galcsburg last night , aged sixty-
flvo yeari. He began his Journalistic career
when but llftuen years old , und did not ro-
tlro from the profession until 1S33. Ho
worked on the Chicago Journal und Demo
crat. the Toledo Utade , the Rochester ( N. Y. )
Times , Chicago Dally Ledger , and founded
the Uoclc Island Union and the Daily Her.
aid. of Aurora. Ha served during the Mexican
can war as n member of Company E , Second
IlUno In volunteer infantry , nnd at the tlmo
of hie death was president of the First illi >
nols association of veterans of the Mexican
war. In Juno , 1801 , ho assisted In raising ,
in Chicago , u regiment of sharpshooters ,
known as the Thirty-seventh Illinois , and In
six months was made its colonel. Ho was
obliged to Iciwo the service June 20 , 1MB , on
account of n severe wound- received ut
Cuuudlor's Mill. The general was a promi
nent Mason. For several years ha has been
In ( cable heal tu and has suffered intensely
Tlio Kinchin-cr * . Ailjourn ,
DENVBII , Nov. 4. The engineers to-day
day adopted an Important amendment to the
constitution. Heretofore when a fireman
was promoted to bo an engineer bo could not
Join the lattcr'a brotherhood without first re
signing liom the firemen's brotherhood. The
amendment adopted abrogates this and
allows a tlruiiian Joining the engineers to re
tain bis membership m the firemen's brother
hood. Other amendments of u minor char
acter were adopted ami the convention ad
Jourucd to meet fu Pittsburg next year ,
Tlio WrtttliiT Forecast.
For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair weather ,
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair , no decided
chnngo in temperature , northwesterly winds ,
becoming variable.
For Dakota Fair , warmer , variable winds ,
becoming southerly ,
The Pcoria Man Kotraota His Testi
mony About Coughlln.
A Letter From Mr. Hcircs Wliloh
Seems to Hnvn Had tlio Desired
Effect Sirs. Atltllo J. Par-
rnr's Testimony.
The Cronln Trial.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. Thoflrst witness In tno
Cronln trial this morning was Edward Spell-
man , of Pcoria , 111. , who was examined on
behalf ot the prosecution by the state's at
torney. Ho testified that ho was treasurer
of the Great Eastern Distilling company.
"Are you a member of the Clan-na-Gaol or
United Uiothorhood ? " ho was asked.
"I am a member of the United Urothor-
hold , " ho replied.
"Commonly called the Clan-na-Gaoll"
"I Know nothing about that. I do not know
what you call It. "
"Well , you have hoird It called that ! "
"I have heard n good deal said about it
in that way since this trial began. "
' ! You have heard of the Clau-na-Gael
guards ! "
"Yea. " '
"And to bo a member of the Clan-nn-Gaol
guards you must bo a member of the United
Brotherhood ! "
"I do not know anything about that. "
The witness then went on to testify that
ho was the district ofllcor of district No. 10 ,
embracing Illinois and Michigan. Ho
aid ho was the highest officer
in that district , and that
lis duties were laid down by the constitu
tion. The "executives" is a body in itself ,
and its duties are provided by the constitu
"Do you know who constitutes that body
now ? "
Forrest , for the defense , hero entered an
objection to all this testimony respecting the
executive board and its..ollicers.
The court allowed htm to take an execution.
Spolltnan then proceeded to answer the
question und said that ho know the names of
n number of them. Mortimer Seanhm wes
ono , Lawrence Buckley another , and Ron-
ayno of Newark another. The witness then
identified certain correspondence which
passed between himself and Ueggs in regard
to the business of the order.
As the examination of Spcllman proceeded
it became evident that ho was an unwilling
witness and that his testimony was different
from that ho gave before the grand Jury und
from what the prosecution expected , no
said ho met Uccgs April 2 < J-nnd ho said
that the matter referred to in
their correspondence , viz ; that the
proceedings of the trial committee
had been hold in a certain camp in violation
of the rules , had been amicaby settled , The
witness then said ho knew Coughlin , who ,
with a man named Kunze , visited Pcoria a
year nco , and presented u letter of introduc
tion. Ho said ho had no conversation with
Couelilln about Dr. Cronln. This was in
direct contradiction of Spellman's previous
testimony , ana ho was asked by Longneckor
if ho had not said that Coughlin
spoke to him about Dr. Cronla ; There was
a long wrangle over this question which was
finally allowed and Spollmun answered.
"Isaid before the grand Jury , that in con
versation with Coughlin in Pcoria , ho said
Cronm was a , but on
reflection on consultation with ton
other men present , I sent
my attorney to Chicago to notify the district
attorney that I was mistaken. My attorney
was unable to lind Judge Longcneckor and I
came myself specially to Chicago and noti
fied Judco Longeneckor and other counsel
that if they asked mo that questio'n on the
stand I should huvo to deny It In order to do
JUHtico to my ownself and to the facts.
"After I loft the crand Jury room and wont
homo and slept , I felt allured and troubled.
I felt I had possibly done wrong to Coughlin ,
and I went immediately to Mr. Pultons nnd
Mr , Downs nnd told them what
I had sworn to bolero the grand
Jury and that I was bothered about it. They
said : 'Mr. Spellman , you have made a mis
take ; no such conversation teen place. ' "
The witness said In reply to a question
that no had seen Alexander Sullivan before
going to the state's attorney's oflico , but ho
wont there because ho hod been informed
that Sullivan was talking very harshly
about him nnd that his visit was not in con
vection with the cnoo. 'Iho correspondence
between Hoggs and Spellman was then read.
February 18 , Bcggs wrote : "Why , In God's
name , If men are sincere , will
they insist upon opening old sorcsi
The majority of our men believe the parties
charged are innocent of criminal wrong , and
to have charges made continually that they are
guilty creates bitterness and ill-feeling , and
the man or men who continue to make
charges nro not friends of Irish unity. *
* * The tncn who nro in power will
m time realize the methods of these who are
continually.breedinir disorder in tbclr ranks ,
and the day of punishment will come. "
After the reading of the correspondence ,
of which extracts only are given above , a
long examination was conducted by Mr. For
rest. .
During the cross-examination , Mr. Spell-
man was asked if Ucgcs over spoke to him
about the charges against Cronm. He'ro-
pllcd that a great deal was said about Cro-
n in , but to put it upon any one man ho
couldn't ' do at thin time.
"Was it not because of his organization of
other camps I"
"No , " replied Spollman , "because ho was
always anxious to prefer charges. Ho was
a kind of agitator. Ho was an honest man ,
not a bad fellow if ho could have his own
way. If not "
Mr. Hjmes hero objected to any sueh stato' .
ments , ns Cronm is dead and could not
Spollumn % aid no charges wore made by
Bcggs against any individual , in his olUcla !
position as senior guardian.
Tlio defense moved to exclude from the re
cords all questions and answers in regard to
what was testified to before the grand Jury.
A lengthy debate ensued on this point , in the
course of which It was stated that Spollman
subscribed $50 ! ) towards the arrest and con
viction of the murderers ot Dr. Cronin , and
that ho had paid $100 of this. It was inti
mated that his testimony before the grand
Jury was given when ho was in nno frame of
mind , and that his present attitude resulted
from consultation with friends. The court
finally said the authorities might bo brought
lu on the point at the afternoon session.
The crots-exiiinlnatlou was resumed a
the witness answered a number of questions
regarding the object of the visit of Kunzo to
Peoria with Coughlin. nnd as to whether it
had uny connection with Cronln. Bnollman
said it had not , af. far as ho know , thouuh ho
had no conversation with Kunzo thoro.
Coughlln's vlsjt had no connection with Cro
nln , und a reference of counsel led to the in
ference that it was in connection with the
fight between a Chicago distillery and the
whisky trust.
John A. Mahoney , a Justice of the peace ,
testified that ho was present ut Coon's hall ,
Lake View , in March lust when Cronln In
stituted n camp of the ( lan-na-Gaal. After
the meeting Iceman O'Sullivan ' atkcd the
witness about Crouln's standing ns a physi
cian , and receiving u favorable replyarrangcc
for the witness to visit Cronln with him anc
make arrangements for the latter to care for
O'Sullivan's men. This arrangement was
madu about the middle of April , und O'Sulli
van gavu Cronin soaio of his business cards
Buying if the doctor was wanted when tu
( O'Sulllvau ) was out of town or sick ono of
tlieso cards would bo presented.
At tbo afternoon session Judge McConnol
said ho considered the testimony of Spellman
in controversy and decided to exclude it.
Mrs. Addla J. Farrar testified as to a con
versation between herself nnd O'tiullivun
after Cronfn's body was found ,
Bho asked O'Bulllvau ' was It not a tcrriblo
murder. Tbo iceman hesitated a mouioo
nnd then salds "Tlicyfeay 10 was a British
spy. "
Mrs. Furrar asked i " \\oll , why should
hey kill him ! "
O'Sulllvnn pnvo away the
ocrots of n secret order , nntl If a man did
hat ho ought to bo Killed. If ho did that ho
got no moro than ho dostorvod. "
Three policemen from Lnkb View district
ostlflcd to having scon i wagon occupied by
hreo men Into on the night of May 4 , nnd to
lollclng n trunk or box in the body of the
John Way , another policeman , testified
hat nuout 1 o'clock on the morning of May
> ho saw two men wnlKl'ng cast toward the
alte. followed by n wagon driven by another ,
il\o \ witness questioned the driver , whn said
hey wanted to go to Chicago , nnd wore look-
DK for the lake nhoro drlv'n. The other two
men then came back from tbo bench , and the
lollcomau gave them the .proper directions.
llopiihtloaiifl More. Confident nnd
Dnnournls Bnnculno.
CrnvnL\XD , O. , Nov. 4. The , campaign In
Ohio closed to-night , and while the enthusi
asm has not been very great the managers of
both parties Imvo boon nctlvo.
It Is thought that Governor Foraker will
> o scratched by some romibllcaus who do
lot believe In throe- cnn ociitlvo terms.
On the other hand , it is thoucht Campbell
will not poll the veto of his party , because
10 is not regarded as being in line with ox-
Prosldont Cleveland's policy on- tariff re
In reviewing the situation , the Leader
( rep. ) will say : "Within the past week the
situation has materially brightened for re
publicans all over the state , News of the
active part the National Liquor Dealers' as
sociation was taking to elect Campbell has
aroused the republicans. The prospects nro
for a heavy vote in the western reserve and
means republican victory. "
Tlio Plaindealer ( dcni. ) will say : "Tho
acmocruts hnvo mndo a vigorous light
against great odds. They hnvo out the rc-
inibllrans to confusion , nnd if they but stand
lv , their guns as manfully to-morrow as they
liavo battled thus far t ioy will sccurolho
governor nnd the legislature. This will se
cure the United States senator , "
Both bldo4 Will Win.
Cor.u.Mnus , O. , Nov. 4 The chairmen of
the republican and democratic state commit
tees wore interviewed to-day regarding to
morrow's. election. The estimates given by
Colonel Conger Indicate n republican plural
ity of between 15,000 , and 20,000. Ho claims
the poll inado by the democrats shows For-
akor's election , nnd that by the republicans
an Increased plurality for the head of tbo
ticket over the democratio gures.
Chairman Ncul , of the democratic comralt-
ice , gives out no figures. * or estimates , but
stated to-day : "Wo nro goinc to elect Campbell -
boll sure. Wo have figures for that und
there will DO no mistake , , but wo will not
make them public. Colonel Conger's Inter
view , in which ho purported , to give the esti
mates of our committee , AVaa a manufactured
document. "
Minor Parties Overshadowed.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 4. The campaign which
closed to-night has been an exciting ono.
Whllo the Dlatforma of both parties laid
down principles relating the tariff and
other matters , the canvass'hns been marked
with much personal bitterness. The contest
was recognized pretty generally as cou fined
to the two great parties ,
Tbo labor party has made -scarcely an ef
fort to push its ticket. >
The prohibition party ' .tins not given as
much attention to the b'aavass as usual. ,
The indications are.that' the voto'ln'the
state will fall below that of .last . .year. Both
parties are claiming the state by almost the
samn figures 15,000 to 20,000 plurality.
Thcro is some personal objection to
Forakor in Cincinnati , Cleveland and other
points , growing out of his appointments , and
no is likely to run below the rest of the
The Enquirer ( dem : ) expresses confidence
in a brilliant victory for the whole ticket ,
and of democratic majorities In both branches
of the general assembly.
The Commercial Gazette ( rep. ) soys the
republicans nro fooling hearty over the out
look at the close of the ' .campaign ; that thov
need the victory that is
Just coming tomorrow
row to set them right.
IN NHW , ' *
Tlio Interest Centura In the Balloting
for i ho LiC < ; lFilnturp.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 4.Th0 greatest interest
in the election to morrow centers In the bal-
lotlntr for the legislature ; The republicans
had a majority in the Idstlogislaturoof about
forty on Joint ballot. It 1 % their ambition to
increase It to two-thirds majority so it will
bo possible to pass measures over the demo
cratic governor's vetoes. ' On tlio other band
the democrats hope to-rcduco the republican
majority , and if possible to wipe it out en
The state ofllcers to bo chosen are the sec
retary of state , comptroller , state treasurer ,
attorney general , statd engineer and Judge
of the court of appeals.
As the state is considered' naturally demo
cratic , and no Issues have arisen to divert
votes in largo numbers , there is reason in
tbo cl im of the democratic leaders thit the
state ticket is to be successful , although the
republican leaders are very hopeful.
In New York city the situation is compli
cated by n singular combination made be
tween the county democracy and the repub
licans to defeat the Tammany hall ticket ,
nnd the impression prevails that this will
lead to n goad deal of trading , and It already
has been charged that moro or less coloniza
tion of voters has been indulged in.
The Pennsylvania Contest.
PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 4. The only officer
to bo voted for In Pennsylvania to-morrow
Is tlio successor to State Treasurer ilnrt.
There are tbrco candidates In the field , a re
publican , a democrat and n prohibitionist.
Advices from nil parts of the state indicate
the vote will ho light. The democrats claim
the republican majority will bo greatly re
duced , while tlio republicans are confident
their majority will bu nbaut ns heretofore.
In Maryland.
BAi.TiMonE , Nov. 4. T-o-inorrow the bi
ennial state election will bo hold. The
only state offices to bo filled nro the comp
troller , treasurer , members of the legisla
ture and a part of thfr state senate. Tlio
fight in Baltimore promises to bo u heated
ono , us the ropubltcanjuiaud Independent
democrats nro united and opposed to the
regular democrats. j
H'Doubt fill.
BOSTON , Nov. 4. The state election which
occurs to-morrow will have Its chief interest
in iho fact of its being till ) ' first election un
der the new Australian form of voting la the
stato. The campaign has not been particu
larly exciting except In. the contest for some
minor offices. Some ddmocrats claim ihoy
will carry the state by 8,01)0 ) to 5,000 plurality ,
while others declare iho'jlcht will bo very
olosu , at thu s.uiio tlma declining to give uny
figures. <
NowJorsoy Ilfloncn to Until ,
Jnnscv CITY , N , J. , Nov. 4. At the head
quarters of both the republican and demo
crat I o state committees this evening ap
parent confidence was evinced in regard to
the success of their respective parties ut to-
o's ' e
The Old Dominion.
RICHMOND , Va. , Nov. 4. Indications from
a democratic standpoint are that McKlnnoy
will be elected governor with thq rest of the
tlcuet beyond pcradvanturo of a doubt and
the majority will rantta from 10,000 to 2,5,000 ,
Ontho other band , Mio leading republicans ,
Including the manager of Mationo's campaign
paper , assort they will carry the state by
a good majority ,
J-ICK80V , Miss. , Nov. 4. Mississippi will
elect state officers to-morrow. There Is no
opposition to tliu democratic state ticket and
the vote will conscijueutly bo small.
Rood , of Matno , Seams to Be la th'o
MoKlnloy Trylim toVin on His I'rcs-
tljte Jlnoh Intr-rost In Army lie-
organization South Dakn *
taiiH Glinoo Scats.
ASiiisarox. D. U. , Nov. 4. |
Just ns soon ns the results of the Ohio
campaign are known Mnjor Molvintoy Is ex
pected to como hero nnd onon his speaker-
shlphoadmiartors. And well ho may hasten
to do so. Tom Heed , his most prominent
opponent , has permitted no grass _ to grow
under his feet this summer. Ho went out
on the Pacific slope and captured t < nrt of
the California delegation , helped Oregon
and got the vote of Hormiin , her only con-
grcssman , then tooK the sttj nip in Montana
nnd scoured the support ot Carter , the mem
ber of congress from that now state. Then
"your uncle Tom" has made a careful canvass
of Now England nnd Now York , and It Is
reported hero that very few of Its members
will got uway'from him. There Is an Im
pression among his friends hero that Major
MoKlnloy Is depending upon his prestige to
carry him through. To-day's Post has this
nniong n lot of spcakorship gossip :
"On the first ballot It Is conceded
that Heed nnd McKlnloy will bo
the leaders. The suuportors of the
former muko the broad claim that ho Is al
ready elected and that after the complimen
tary votes have been cast there vill bo no
ono eKe In the ruco. The argument ad
vanced is that ho can bo made speaker with
out belittling nny ofthe other candidates.
To bo beaten by the leader of the party In
the house for the past six yours , whoso
leadership in that time has been unchnl-
lonccd , would give no occasion for Jeulousy
on anybody's part and that naturally when
any of tbo other candidates withdraw from
the race they will throw their streimth for
Keed In preference to having it go else
where. "
If the claims of Hood's friends nro not un
founded , and ho becomes speaker , there are
still places of high honor for these who have
entered the contest against him. Major
McKlnlov , who has the distinction of being
the chief exponent of the tariff as viewed
from the republican standpoint , nnd who
prepared the tariff ulank In the lust national
platform , is naturally the most prominent
suggestion for chairman of the committee on
ways and means. He would undoubtedly be
chosen for that position in the contingency
of Uced's election If It were not. for the claim
of "Pig Iron" Kelly for the honor. Judge
Kelly was the last republican chairman of
that committee nnd has already announced
that bo expects the place under any republi
can speaker.
So much has been said by members of con
gress and civilians generally about the reor
ganization of the army that there can i > o little
tlo , if nny , doubt of the passasjo of n bill at
the approaching session of congress which
will maito material aud important changes in
the ran if and file.
Th'o 'secretary of war and the general of
the army , together with nearly all the promi
nent brigadiers and colonels , have recently
expressed.lhomBolvcsi > ubllely or officially , in'
reference to desertions from the army , und
have stated that something must be dor.o to
inspire each soldier with an esprit do corps
by giving him some Incentive intended to
bring out a Uudable ambition. The recruit
ing service is blamed for much of the trouble
resulting in desertions. To-day's Post in
discussing the question says on this point :
'Tno fact is our armv is modeled to too
great an extent on on aristocratic European
typo that is fading rfut olsowhere. Our of
ficers must como nearer to their men and become -
come Interested in what they do and feel.
"Discipline instead of a degrading
snobbishness must become altogether a mat
ter of official and regulated oboyanco. Then
if the pay of n soldier were raised to $20 n
month , It his food and clothing were im
proved , if his duties were so defined that ho
could have regular leisure for mental culti
vation and if no could hopa that attention to
duty and self-culture would win for him
promotion wo tnuy bo sure there would bo
fewer desertions. Uflttor material would bo
recruited and the now soldiers would huve
to bo treated as men not us menials. "
The deepest interest is felt in administra
tion circles in the issue of to-morrow's ' elec
Iho white house and all the executive de
partments have government operators , and
their wirfs uro all connected with these of
the Associated press and thu United press ,
so that the president and every member of
his cabinet is kept in constant communica
tion with the news centers.
The administration very naturally cher
ishes the earnest hope that to-morrow will
bring forth the unqualified endorsements of
the policy nursuod by President Harrison in
the shape of rousing republican victories. In
Virginia , particularly , Mr. Harrison takes
deep Interest , and he will bo kept constantly
advised all day of the progress of the voting.
* South Dakota's senators to-day chose their
scats on the floor of the senate.
Their selections give ono a very good idea
of how the other half dozen now state sena
tors will bo seated. Both of the South Da
kota senators selected chairs at the extreme
southeast wing of the republican side. Sena
tor Moody , who is twelve or fourteen years
the senior of his colleague , and whoso beard
und hair are snow white , will sit nt the right
of Senator Chandler , of New Hampshire ,
while Immediately to Mr. Chandler's left ,
and further around toward the center
aisle , are seated Messrs. Stanford , of Cali
fornia , and Stewart , of Nevada.
Senator Pettlgrow selected the scat to the
right of Mr. Moody , so the two South Da
kota senators will sit together. There will bent
nt least four moro men from iho now states
seated on the republican side , and if Mon
tana goes republican tbcro will bo six , which
may make it necessary for some moro re
publicans to ( , ' 0 over on the democratic side ,
whcio there is room. Senator lilair , who Is
Mr. Chandler's colleague , took a chair on
the democratic , side a couple of years ago ,
althouuh ho U u very ardent republican. Ho
is better situated there. Ho is next to the
center aisle , and at the extreme southeast
corner of the democratic wing. There are
three vacant chairs In the extreme northern
part of the republican side much nearer the
presiding officer than these selected by ttio
South DukuU senators to-day , but they do
not give as good a view of the senate , the
proceedings and the eallories. These will.
bo taken by the accessions from North
Dakota and Washington , In tlio selections
of seats tlio first who como are the first
This evening's htar suys : "Thero will bo
a very impoitnnt election in Drooklyn to.
morrow. All or nearly all of thelocal offices
will bo oinutled and for a number of years
tliero will not bo such a general change us
will takn place within iho ncxty iwonty-
fnur hours.
In splto of these exciting facts tliero Is
ono Urooklynito who will remain in Wash.
ington and whoso view of thu battle will bo
from afar. It is ox Commissioner Tanner ,
and oucr a telephone wlro this morning ho
said ho was not particularly interested In
politics Just now ho wanted to enjoy a sea
son of repose. "
The Cnue of Consul Innvls.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. A decision has been
reached by officials of iho state department
in the case of the charges against W , H.
Lewis , consul ut Tangier * . Ho will bo al
lowed to return to his post of duty , but as
the state department officials think his use
fulness at I'angiera Is practically at an end ,
bis stay there is not likely to bo uu extended
Gen. Ilrcokcni'ldito I'resonts Some
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4 , Inspector General
Hrcckenridgp , ot the nrmv , in his annual
report devotes considerable sp.ico to the
much motncd question of desertion. He says
in parti
Wo should first render it Inexcusable and
then tnnko It Impossible and bo always hu
mane. Our methods of enlistment and thu
falhu-o to Insure nrrcU mav not promote hut
apparently have failed to guard ntmlust this
crime. " *
General Hreckonrldgo argues in favor of
the inorg rigid experiment , of discipline and
the laws already in force ugrlnst desertion.
It should be made easier to leave the service
honorably than dishonorably and u typo
should bo enlisted who don't care to dosort.
A change Is recommended lu the manner
of paying the officers nnd men. General
Hrcckcurldgo thinks the officers In the nrmy
should be promoted for leiicth
of servlco as well ns for merit
The inspectors unite in reporting that the
tone and bearing of the enlisted men Is con
stantly improving.
It Is recommended that measures bo taken
to secure the improvement of noncommissioned
sioned o Ulcers , such us increasing their uav ,
assembling them for Instructions , etc. lie
recommends the adoption of the thrco bat
talion organbatlon for infantry regiments ;
that the line bo given thu sumo chance for
promotion us the staff ; the rearmament of
the forces and the restoratioa of the rank of
lieutenant General.
At forty-three military educational Institu
tions in the country there are 13,1181 students ,
of whom fi.TD.I attend military Instructions.
The report says that in the face of many
difficulties tlio average Instruction of the
army has retained its excellence , and the
recent camps have added efficiency and
thoroughness to Instruction in largo bodies ,
which wus lacking before.
Nrbrnnlca and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. [ Special Telegram
toTur. Uiin.l The regular dally issue of
pensions will bo read with moro interest
hereafter than heretofore. It 1ms been de
termined that the address of the pensioner
shall bo given out with the name. The fol
lowing Is thu li.stof tionsioas granted No-
bruskuns to-day : Increase Edwin J. Whip-
plo , Ashland ; William J. Morgan. Davy ; Jo
seph Trott , Omaha ; Ishinuol I'almcr , NIo-
brara ; Samuel H. Sorter , Arcadia ; James O.
Shipmun , Morrlsvillo ; William Ualph , Mc-
Cook ; Samuel A. Fisko , Homervlllo ; John
W. Rogers , Trenton ; Henry Hater , New
mans Grove ; Abner D. Frame , St. Paul ;
Gcorgo J. Hitchcock , Suttoii ; Charles W.
Armstrong , Champion ; John W. Oliu d'-
mach , Frlond'i William Florom , Stockvlllo ;
Charles E. Wheeler , Hrokon How ; Albert
Hateman , Kearney ; Hugh Linn , Gothen
burg ; Daniel G. Gnce , Kcd Cloud.
Pensions granted lowans : Original in
valid--Alexander 1C. Fmloy , Morning Suu.
Increase William F. Spray , Salem ; Henry
H. Cornlck , Hello ; Samuel S. Lyttlo , Iowa
City ; John W. Hoyt , Alula ; John J. btobor ,
Kalona ; Abnor Mason , Plum Hollow ; Will
iam Kglcoff , Sidney : McArthur Skilcs ,
Haven ; Thomas Markoy , boudurant ; Har
vey G. Osborn , Sperry ; Charles Dcmpsoy ,
Mason City ; Alonzo Jones , Pcoria ; Zerali
E. Cottrell , Woodward ; Joseph Steon-
burgci" , John tJ. Dowesse , Henry M Sparks ,
Eddyvillo ; Patrick McCann , Council IJluffs ;
Martin Hutler , Charles City ; Ward
White , Delhi ; Jesse Bunnol ) , Montoznuia ;
Wm. S. Dilley , Wirt ; Edward Sorndson ,
JJryant ; Leonard Burns , Ulvershlo ; Levi D.
Lunuun , Urbana ; John W. liurkhead. Stoux
City ; Job Carter , Eldon ; Geo. W. Fall , Hur-
Ion ; Wnrron Turner , Clinton ; Daniel Shu-
mire , Hartford ; Abram Crovllng.Fontnncllo ;
Geo. L. Farrmgton , Centre Junction : John
Thomas , Corninc ; Thos. Hodorick , Dedham ;
Laielan M. Stoddard , Iowa Fulls ; James W.
13rown , West Union ; Albert VunTarsel ,
Fredorlcksburg ; Daniel L. Post , Esthorville ;
Geo. Dullurt.
The State uni-iuls of North Dakota
Sworn In.
BissrAiicir , N. D. , Nov. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Hci : . ] Governor Miller , Secre
tary Fllttle , Auditor IJray , Attorney Gen
eral Goodwin , Commissioner of Insurance
Carey and the Justices of the supreme court
took the oath of oflico in the cauitol bulldiug
hero to-day , nnd the machinery of the state
of North Dakota was placed in motion. Im
mediately after tnkinij the oath Governor
Miller issued a proclamation convening the
legislature for the election of United States
senators and the enactment of state laws.
The date of convening is Novombpr 10. This ,
it is thought , will give time for the election
of United States senators in time to take
their seats at the convening of congress ,
The liupnblican Ticket Elected AVIth
tin * Exception of Governor.
HKMNA : , Mont. , Nov. 4. The stain can
vassing board met this morning and finished
the canvass of the state voto. The entire
republican ntato ticket , was elected with the
exception of Toolo for governor. The supreme
premo court nnd six out of eight district
Judges nro republican. The senate
is a tie with a republican lieu
tenant governor to cast the deciding
vote nnd u republican majority in the house
of six. In the contest in Jefferson county the
republicans expect to gain one member in the
house , which will give them n majority of
eight on Joint ballot. There Is u tie tot joint
member of the honno in Heaver Head aud
Dcor Lodge counties , which will necessitate
a new election. Out of the total vote cast
only 800 are against the adoption of the con
llil.KNAIMont. ! Nov. 4. The Independent
( dom. ) suya : The action of the stale boanl
of canvassers to-day , in throwing out the
Tunnel precinct in Silver How county , gave
the republicans.a majority in the icgiblaluio.
The Tunnel precinct case will be decided
Wednesday. Should the appeal not bo sus
tained , the original order ol tlio com l will bu
carried out nnd Iho vote counted. Accord
ing to to-day's ' returns , the republicans have
fcix and the democrats five uf the Silver How
delegation. If the Tunnel precinct is count
ed the democrats will have Ir-n. If iho
county canvassing hoard IH ordered to count
the Tunnel precinct , the county clerk will
Issue certificates to the members shown to bo
elected by this count , and the result will bo
two sots gf members. The contest promises
to be long and bitter.
A Technicality Overlooked Jtlay Ie-
Inv llciHtnteliood. .
OiYMi'iA , W. T , , Nov. 41 A majority of
the members of the now legislature
nro hnro nnd the senatorial candi
date IHIAO their headquarters open. The
eastern candidates nro Samuel Chlldound
Gorge Turner , of Spokane Fulls , and ex-
Delegates John H. Allen nnd Thomas H ,
Hrcnts , of Walla Wnlla , The western can
didates nro ox-Governor Squire , of Scuttle ,
General W. J , Sprugunaud W. J , 'lliompson ,
of Tucoma , Squlro I lias the lead among the
western men ,
It was supposed the legislature would
meet Wednesday , fis provided In the consti
tution , but tins morning a telegram wus ra
ceivcd from President Harrison saying Iho
certificate attached to the official copv of iho
constitution was technically Incomplete , as
the territorial governor's signature was n'ot
uppendcd , A special messenger sturtlud fo r
Washington this evening with a cony of the
constllullon properly certified , but he can
not arrive there for six days , It is not
known if this will delay the proclamation ,
and the president has buen telegraphed for
information. The question is being vigor
ously discussed ns to whether the legislature
can meat until the proclamation has been
Issued , nnd the views of the leading men
differ. The department of Justice bus boon
telegraphed to for un olficlal opinion ,
Kolli Low Accept * .
Nnw YOIIK , Nov , 4. Ex-Muyor Both Low ,
of Urookiyn , to-day decided to accept the
presidency of Columbia college.
Annunl Report of the Governor of
Utah Territory.
Ttio Importance of Homo Sort of
Tenure Ur od Latter tiny Saints
Wctldcd to I'olyjjniiuI'lio
Publlu SuliooU Won It.
T ho .Mormon Problem.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. Governor Thomas ,
of Utah territory , lu his annual repoct , says
that during the last nine years the foreign
born population has boon Increased by Mor-
uion immigration by l,09l. ( !
Upon the subject of unoocuulocl tmbllo
lands , t'io ' governor says , the question of
what the government nhould do with the
vast traols ot land which can b < i used only
for grazing purpose * is assuming vital Im
portance throughout the west. Under the
present conditions unoccupied lands nro
used by persons engaged In stock raising ,
and us there is no harmony of Interests
among them there is frequent conflict be
tween clashing interests. The governor ]
of the opinion that If the government would
provide some way by which persons engaged
in stock raUlngeouid acquire tltlo to the
gni7lng lands which can never bo used for
agricultural purposes , It , would roniovo ono
of the most serious drawbacks to the growth
of the stock Industry and promote the settle
ment of the country. Grazing nnd mountain
lands constitute nearly Rovon-otghlhu of the
entire land urea of the territory.
In the eour-io of his report upon public nnd
denominational schools the governor says i
"Whilo Utah has a very fair system ) of pub-
Ho schools , they fall far short of what they
should bo. The tax collected for the support
of schools docs not pav ouu'half the expense
of maintaining them , consequently the
pupils must pay tuition fees or the schools
would bo closed. In many of the uooror
districts the children are denied school
privileges for many mouths of the year. I
atn led to bollovu that there is no prospect
that this will bo changed , by the fact that
the Mormons nro prcnutlng for denomina
tional schools , In which their children may
bo taught Mormon theology in addition to
tno ordinary branches of education. State
or county ncadomies hnvo been established
under church auspices and in some school
districts Mormon children Imvo boon with
drawn trotn the public schools and placed In
the church schools. "
The governor quotes from a loiter written
by President Woodruff , of the Mormon
church , to show that it is the purpose ot the
church to establish these church schools. la
It Woodruff says :
"Our children , If loft , to the training they
receive in those ( public ) schools , will grow
entirely ignorant of those principles of sal
vation for which the Latter Day Saints made
so many sacrifices. To permit this condition
of things to exist lunonir us would bo crimi
nal. "
Uemnrklng upon this letter the governor
a ays It Is plain the church has decided to
take its place as nu enemy of the public
school system nnd of the principles which
are at its foundation.
Speaking of the geiitlln strontrth in
the territory , the governor says : "The time
may como when the gentiles will bo in the
majority , but Itwill , bo many years hpnco ,
Thu fact Is that outside of ball Lake und
Oudon the gcntllo population is found in the
mining camps and in thu smaller railroad
towns. "
The governor writes nt length Upon the
nresent attitude of the Mormon people.
Tney Imvo accepted the doctrine of poly
gamy , ho says , und will probably adhere to
it as long us they live. They accept the
doctrine of plural marriage In all sincerity
an a radical and necessary part of their reli
gion. The Mormon church , the governor
says , is heavily engaged In politics , nnd adds ;
"I don'l hesitate to say that any temporizing
izing policy which leaves the church In a
position to control the political policy of the
territory is only delaying the final settle
ment und that the future legislation should
bo aimed at the. political power of the
church , which has been the mam pillar of
the church in Utah. "
Chief Blnyca Strongly Opposed toSelt-
int ; It to the Government.
KANSAS CITV , Nov. 4. A special from
Talcqunii , Indian Territory , contains a copy
of thu annual message delivered by Chief
Mayes to-day to the Cherokee council. 'Ihot
portion which relates to the sale of the
Chorukeo outlet recommends that tno lands
ho not ceded to thu government of the United
States , except it bo donu by u change of the
constitution of the Cherokee nation. Ho
holds that tbo constitution forbids the
sale of the lands to any ono for
any reason. Ho licenses the government of
dealing unfairly with the Indians , and states
his belief that the government has no right
to force the Indians to sell their lands. A
changu In the constitution can only bo made
by submitting the question to u vote of the
nation , und that will have to bo done by
councils authorizing Chief Maycs to so sub
mit it. Interviews with members of the
council on the question of the sale of the
strip show that the majority of these now *
on the ground nre opposed to it.
General Fulrchild ami Judge Wilson , of
tlio Cherokee commission , were present , also
a big lobby of cattle men.
A Horse IloiiRtcd to Death and People
linoclcod .
New VOJIK , Nov. 4 , A broken telephone
wire on Fourth avcnuo new Twenty-eighth
street became crossed early this morning
with an electrlo light wlro , A horse which
stepped on the wlro was knocked down unit
rousted to death. The driver of tlio wagon
was thrown to the pavement and received n
Bovoro shock us did also u police sergeant ,
who was knociied senseless.
Tlirc Worlc of n Coward.
KANSAS Crrv , Nov. 4. [ Spoolal Telegram
to THE HBIJ.I Mrs. John C. Tursnoy , wlfo
of the congressman who figured in the Com-
mcrciul'club episode with Mayor Joseph J.
Davenport a week ago , fell m n faint at
Ninth and Main streets Into this afternoon
and wus revived with difficulty. The cause of
it was the whisper of some evil minded per
son who stepped up to MM. Tantnoy in u
crowd und murmured , "John Turauny bus
killed Mayor Davenport. " The affair cre
ated considerable excitement , but Mrs.
Tursnoy was BOOH restored ,
The Tarsnoy-Duvunport scandal resulted
from u meeting to mlao money to entortnin
the Pan-Americans. The congressman and
the mayor indulged In warm words , and the
latter slapped Mr , Tursnoy vigorously.
After tlio Incident on the street to-uight It Is
fuurcd trouble will yet follow ,
National f > ) ill-It inm Hxlilliltlon.
HOYTON , Nov. 4. The National maritime
exhibition In Mechanics' hull wus formally
opened this afternoon , Tlio Interior of the
bulldlnt ? wus decorated profusely with flags ,
streamers , naval onslgnii , eta , presenting u
mnst picturesque nppcarunce. On all sides
could bo HCcn models of .vachts , steiimora ,
life boats and Hamiilen of everything per
taining to bhlps und shipping.
v A Htcainnr'N llollor
LUWIH , Del , , Nov. 4. The holler of the
steamer S. S. Hrown exploded this after-
noun , fatallv scalding Chief KuglncorlioUoy ,
AssUtunt KriL'Inucr Ludlow mid Firmnun
Dofousov , Sovorul others of the crow were
Bllfbtly injuied.
Mvr-riiiorrt Kleolod ,
HOSTON , Nov. 4. T , L , Llvormoro but
been elected president of the Calumet St
llccla Mining company ,