THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUITD X" , NOVEMBER 3 , 188 . TWENTY PAGES. THE BOSTON STORE , Extraordinary Drosa Goods Sale For Monday. A Ijlflt Or Fine Dron * Goods nt lion- ton Store Prlocs Another Itcnl , Ueiinlno Special Sato. G33 ynrdsJIS-inch fine finished English honriotUt , latest shades , 29c , worth 60c. Ono crtfio only 51-inch wool tricot. 27c , worth GOo. 600 yards 54-inch all wool flannel nt 88c , would bo cheap at 75c. 00 pieces latest novelty in striped flannel ut 48c per ynrd , would bo cheap nt 05c. GMnch imported broadcloth , all shades , nt 09c , never sold under $1.30. 60 pieces fine mobntr 30-inch wide , now fall colorings , at 21c , a regular 65e quality. 950 yards all wool flanol , 82-Inch wide , in now autumn shndcs , 23c , worth 45c. 38-Inch honrlotta lOc , would be cheap at < )9c. ) CO pieces 40-inch striped suitings 21c , wortii 40c. 30 piece 30-inch black honriotln 33c , regular 65o quality. 40 pfoccs extra heavy ccoillan cloth nt this snlo 70c , worth $1.2-3. 40-inch silk finish honrioltn at 03c , good vnluo nt $1. 40-inch black brilllantino 05b , worth Sac. 1,500 yards plaid suiting7Ic , would sell fast atloc. 44-Inch fine all wool French serge OSc , worth $1.40. DOMESTIC BARGAINS. Yard wide comforter calico 3o yard. Heavy canton Jlannol 4c per yard. i German blue prints -tic per yard. Fine shaicor llnuncl 5ic. 000 yards remnants of calico , standard brands , 80 a yard , free from dressing. Blenched muslin ut 6c , a regular 7o quality.LINEN LINEN DEPARTMENT. Turkey rod table linen lOc per yd. Half bleached table llnon ISc per yd. All linen crash 4Jc per yd. JIuclc crash 3e yd. If All linen damask towels Go. Very largo all linen damask towels 18c. 11-1 bed spreads OSc , worth $1.50. Good bed spreads , 69c. Table oil cloth 15c. Shelve oil cloth Oc. Curtain scrim 3c per yd. t Many other good bargains in this de partment. FLANNKL. All wool , heavy blue gray twilled flannel , 22c , worth 35c. Heavy twilled scarlet medicated flannel 19o , regular : tOc. Heavy striped and chocked flannel lOc , wortii 2oc. Fine pink , blue and gray flannel 14c. Heavy blue , all wool , California shrunk shirting flannel 2Sc , worth 45e. White all wool llannols 19c , 25o , 85o , 40c. worth SOc , 40c. 50o , ( iOc. GO pair of line soft gray blankets $1.98 pair , worth $3.60. An extra si/o-in a light gray blanket $2.75 , worth $1.00. 60 pair of gray Pluman blankets at $3.76 , worth $5.50. Full slxo all wool scarlet $2.98 , wortii 53.75. 10-4 all wool scarlet missionary blanket $1.98 , worth $3.90. White bltmkdts at $1.00 , worth $1.50. . A full si/.o white fine all wool blanket $2(50.- $2(50.Wo Wo nro showing at $3.60. $4.25. $5.75 12-4 blankets , usual price $5.00 , $0.60 and $8.00. A full size bed comfort OSo. , worth ei.40. A splendid largo comfort at $1.25 , worth $1.76. Fine satino comforts , best select hll- ing , $1.07 , $2,00 , $2.15. Secure ono of tnom us they nro very cheap. DEldcr down comforts with pillows loA match at $7.25 per sot , worth $12.00. THE BOSTON STORE , 114S. 10th st. A NKW JH\I. ' . Xho Security Austrnot of Title Co , A ttroiig Combination. Mr. George W. Ames slaled to a BKE reporter yesterday that owing to the constant increase of their realty busi ness , his agency had concluded to ro- tlro from tlio abstract of tillo business. With this purpose in view negotiations had just boon concluded for the trans fer of their entire abstract business to the Security Abstract of Title company , ' with offices in the Now York Lifo Ins. building. Prominent among the members of the Security company nro Hon. A. U. Wy- mun , of the Oinnhn Loan and Trust company ; Lyman H. Tower , president Union Trust company ; Gcorgo E. Bar ker , csq. , president of the Bank of Com merce ; Dr. George L. Miller , manager Now York Lifo Insurance company in Nebraska ; Mr. George N. Hicks , agent for the Now York Lifo company's real estate interests in this city , nnd the Hon. James M. Woolworth , solicitor , together with several other prominent capitalists. The new company has a largo capital stock , and nothing will bo spared to make it tlio most reliablennd prominent institution of its kind in the west. west.Mr. Mr. AmcsBtatod that while ho re tained an interest in the socurily com pany , Iho increasing demands of their real estate interests fully occupied all the time and energy of tholr iigonoy , nnd that nt no time within the past two years had tboro boon a moro oncourng- Ing outlook in tholr line of business than at present. The capital stock of the now company is $250,000. That Afternoon Train For Chicago , on the Chicago & North western , is fast becoming very popular with Omaha people. It loaves Omaha at 2:40 : p. m. , arriving In Chicago at 7 a'cloojf next morning. The on tire train loaves from the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , dally. It is vostlbulod through out , and its equipment of sleepers , free chair curs aim dining curs , is up to the latest standard. For the fast night train , a through i y Blooper loaves the Union Paclllo depot at Omaha every evening at 8:10 : , arriv ing at Chicago 12 o'clock next noon. That is faster time limn other lines make. Rates nro as low via tlio Northwestern as nny other line. Patrons of the "Northwestern" can have tholr baggage chocked direct from their residences to destination ; no rooheoklng at depot. Apply at city ticket ollico , 1401 Fnrnain street. R. R , Hn'oiinc , General Agont. 10 boys wanted at A. D. T. Co. , 1301 Douglas Bt , Good wages. . i Antique Onk Hookers , $ : $ . . " > < ) With silk plush Boats. See our solid oak chamber suits , the prices nro very low , II , N. Munnlngton , successor to Howe , Kerr & Co , , 1610 Douglas street. Auction ' 1'uct.ilay. At our regular Tuesday sale wo will offer the entlro contents of aroom " bouse , besides a largo lot of other mis cellaneous goods. Omaha Auction and Blorago Co , , 1121 Furiium. - THE BOSTON STORE , A Spoola ! Sale This Time of Clonks. \Vhy Ilnvo Our Special Sales IIc- coino So Popular ? JOo- anuso Wo Soil Goods So Chen p. Since wo came to this city you have had an opportunity to see what a special sale really Is. Monday wo will have a cloak sale that will surpass our famous stationery salo. You should sco these goods to appreciate how cheap wo sell them , Plain nnd striped nowmarkcts nt from $2.75 to $0.25. Others would call them cheap at from 85 to $15. Lalcst style of Prince Albert walking jackets made of beaver. In all colors , from $7.00 to $13.60. These are very fine garments. Plain nnd striped black and brown jackets , $1.75 to $5.00. You should see them. Beaver nowmnrkots dlrectolro fronts , tailor made , all colors , at from $12.60'up. New novelties in striped and plain nowtnnrkols with Grotchcn and boll sleeves nnd coachman capes , at from 30.70 to $13.60 , that are very cheap. Our plush sacquos divided into lots for this sale. Lot 1. Real seal plush sacquos with quilted satin lining and real seal orniv- monls , chamois pockets , nt $12.76. Many in this lot would soil at ordinary sales for $20.00. Lot 2. At $21.00 comprises the finest of plush cloaks , sacquos and jackets , you must see these to appreciate tholr value. Many are worth $40.00. Wo have received an immense line of children's and misses' cloaks from our Now York headquarters , with In structions lo "sell them cheap , ns they were bought very low at a forced sale. ' Wo do not quote prices on them , as the assortment is too varied. Como and sco this cloak salo. CORSETS. Tailor-made corsets , extra long waist , 76c. Sample line fine corsets OOc , worth up to $2. Great bargain. English satino corsets , all colors , 49c. Job lot , 100 styles , good corsets , SOc. Many worth $1. Finest quality black French satin corsets $1.39. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. Child's fine inariao underwear , 12jc and 18c. Child's fine all-wool scarlet underwear 25c and 35c. Infants' zephyr knit shirts 22c. Ladies' line merino shirts 25c , worth 60c. 60c.Ladies Ladies fine jersey knit underwear in pink and blue , 37c. All colors , finest nil wool jersey knit underwear 75c , worth $1.25. Fine Camels' hair underwear 48c. Wo will also show a line line of medi cated scarlet , natural wool , Scotch gray vests and pants at OOe , 77c , 88c , 08c and $1.10. For the finest grades of under wear these nro very cheap. SMALL SPECIAL BARGAINS. Our entire stock of silk crepe and other niching at Co yard. Much of it worth SOc. Fancy bordered handkerchiefs 2c. Fine lace handkerchiefs 4c. All silk ribbons , Nos. 3 , 5 and 7 at 5e and lOc , worth lee and 25c. Embroidery silk , all colors , Co per doz. spools. Dress stays 6c per doz. Gorman yarns 8c skein. Fine zephyr fascinators 19c. THE BOSTON STORE , ' 114 S. 10th st. A Strong Insurance Agency. Mr. W. Farnam Smith 1ms taken a half interest with W. II. Alexander , in his fire insurance and loan business , the partnership to commence November 1. under the linn name of Alexander & Smith. Mr. Smith is the Omaha roproscnla- tivo of B. F. Smith , of Boston , and George Warren Smith , of Now York , the well known civpituli&ts so largely interested ' terested in Omaha realty. The 'now firm will occupy the attractive ollices in the Continental building where Mr. Alexander nnd the old firm of Alexander & Brigham have so long been located. This agency has been rapidly coming lo Iho front as ono of the most reliable in the city and under the now arrange ments will endeavor , not only to main tain its present good record , but to greatly enlarge and popularize its work. M.ifriiino < : nt $ lfiO Oi-ijan Only $05. Easy lorms at Meinborg's. DID YOU Exnnilno the Acorn Art Parlor Ven tilating Haso Itnrnnr ? If not it will pay you to do so before buying a stove. There are so many so- called ventilating base burners on the market ( all imitations of the Acorn , which is the original of thid class of stoves ) that a person is liable to bo de ceived unless direct comparison is made. There are hundreds of tins slovo in use in Omaha. Call and got the namns of these using it and ask thuir opinion. You will Ihon buy no other. JOHN HUSSIK , 2J07 Ginning st. , Solo Agent for Omaha. Anclion I Auction 1 1 I will commence a largo auction sale on Monday morning at 10 o'clock , No vember 4 , at our sales rooms No. 420 South Thirteenth etroot , a Hno stock of dry goods , notions , underwear and blankets , also a largo stock of all kinds of furs , hats and cups. Three sales daily , inorning.'allornoon nnd evening until Iho stock is sold. D. S. M. Fui-ynvKiyr , , Auctioneer. ) Coinb < 4 in G < > ! < 1 , Gold and pearl annmolcd and silver. M. T. BAEUR & CO. , 1413 Douglas. Fnrmorfl' Homo Hotel , Webster st. , between 16th nnd ICtli. Boarding from $11 to $15 per week. Everything nloo. Miniature paintings with diamonds nnd pearls. M. J. BAEHR & CO. 1418 Douglas. o- Notice Tloldors of conlrnot tickets for cabinet photographs at the "Pletz Studio" are hereby informed that the tickets will bo good until November 16lh liiblcad of November lat on account of thp unfavorable weather of the lust two weeks , li , Plotz. 140U Farnam tilruet. Cut flowers. L. A. Cnspor , 1610 Douglas. C. Hnnson.tho lOlh st. grocor.hns just arrived with a carload of choice Michi gan apples , Greenings , Baldwins , N. Spy rind other varieties , C. Hanson , 10th and Wobstor. MHsosA. andE. MeVann , dressmaker has removed to 3d iloor of Riuugo block , 15th and Ilaruoy st : Men of refined tastes can be suited with a box of choice cigars , imported by W. E. Hamilton , Barker block , I1AYDI2N DUOS. The Deepest Cut Yet Mmle Dross Goods. All wool , double fold dross flannel re duced from 85o tolOc. Strictly all wool fancy suitings , 30-inch at 85c , reduced from 03o ; 61-inch all wool flannel 47o , reduced from 76c ; 40-Inch all wo6l mix tures , reduced from 880 to 37 ; 42-inch all wool suiting in host shades , 45o from 70c ; 40-inch English cashmeres , all shades , 25o never before sold loss than G5c ; 42-inch best French serge , 65c , reduced from $1. All the now Bide bands in best shades 48c , re duced from 81 ; nil wool surah serge in all shades nt Ooc , reduced from $1.60 ; 48-inch all wool Henrietta , the finest over made , nt $1.15 , reduced from $2. In black dross goods wo shall put on sale the best English cashmeres at 121 , 15,120 and 25c , nothing like these val ues for the money to bo found outsldo ot our slock ; best French cashmeres 48 inches wide from 48c to $1.25 ; serges , brllllanlocs and all desirable fabrics nt cut prices which put them lower than ever before known. Colored gro grain silks 75c. Black gro grain , fUUV war ranted , at special prlco , 09c , 76o , 83c , 8Sc , up to $3.75 a yard. Fancy and plain silks , in all grades and slmdcs. And wo mean all wo say whdn Wo pro claim that Monday wo open n * 'doop cut salo" that will cause competition lo quake and please our customers. HAYDEN BROS. ' UNDERWEAR. Just received and will bo put on snlo Monday : 10 cases of children's wool underwear bought at a great sacrifice by our eastern buyer , who is now in Now York. This will bo such a Chance never before olToroa this season to buy underwear so cheap. Wo will divide Ihom inlo two lots. Remember this is not trash , but some of the Very best goods made. Lot one Natural wools in elegant quality : Price 19c , 2-jc , 20o , .Tic , 39c , 4c. Inch 10 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 21 , 20. Lot 2 Children's line scarlet lamb's wool. Price : 19c , 23c , 29c , 33c , 39c , 45c. Inches : 10 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 20. 100 pounds Spanish yarn , 125c , worth 20c. Cut prices on gent's underwear for. Monday. Special sale of furs for Mon day. Corsets at one-half price on Mon day. Ladies' nnd children's wool hosiery nt cut prices. Ladies' wool fas cinators , lOc , worth Hoc. CLOTHING , CLOTHING. Big purchase of the entire fctoro of mons' , boys' and children's clothing of the wholesale clothing house of Burns Bros. , Now York , at half of former prices , therefore wo can show you the largest line of clothing in Omaha nt half clothiers prices. Men's good suith , $2.60. Mons' fine overcoats $3.50 ; worth $8.00. Metis' extra good all pants 60c and up. Boys' suils in nil grades $ . ' .60 and up. Boys' ovorcoals $1.2o. Chil- drens' suils 75c. Good durable suils $1.50 ; worth $2.50. Childrcns' overcoats in all styles at half clothiers prices. Everybody should attend our great give away sale this week. IIAYDEN BROS. , The lowest priced clothiers , lith ( and Dodge st. (5tiiinr- > , Hnn.loi , Violin ? , it ; < : . , at importers' prices. Fine strings a specialty. Moinberg's , 1511-10 Dodgo. E. F. McCartney. For The Elite CloaK and Suit Co. , 1510 Douglas st. The only EXCLUSIVE CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE in the west. SPECIAL SALE ON CLOAKS To-morrow , MONDAY , and continuing TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , at the foUowing prices : 1 lot $12.50 , worth $18.00. Hot $14.75 , worth $20.09. 1 lot $10.00 , worth $22.00. 1 lot $19.50. worth $28.00. 1 lot $22.50 , worth $32.00. These coats are all of Iho newest designs - signs , moro than half of them having been delivered lo us on last. They are of the best Beavers and Im ported Twills. All except first named lot are TAILOR BOUND. In the $22.50 lot will bo found the stylish PRINCE ALBERT coat in thrco colors black , blue and dark green. Wo shall also show to-morrow and Tuesday some handsome imported novelties in wraps at moderate prices. SUITS , COSTUMES AND TEA GOWNS. Wo show a complete line of suits and IMPORTED COSTUMES , TEA GOWNS AND WRAPPERS. Suits for street wear. Suits for house wear. Suits for evening wear. Suits of all approved styles and mate rials. PRICES less than the materials alone are usually purchased for. Wo guarantee a perfect fit on every garment sold without extra charge. E. F. MCCARTNEY , 1510 Douglas fatreot. A. D. IUOUSK Itotailor of Shon < " . Special Rubber Notice Having pur chased a largo lot of the glovo' Good year make of ladies' rubber sandals at n low figure , enabling us to sell thorn at Iho low prices of 50 els 50 cts 50 els 60 cts. Now on sale at A. D. MORSE'S. Ulh nnd Farnnm. Arngnlflcont Iiiniiins in I'liinos and on easy lorms at Molnborg's. , Clmttol Mortgage Halu. Wednesday , at 10 a. m , , wo will sell by „ order of the mortgagee , about $1,000 worth of elegant furniture at our sales room , 1121 Farnam at. , OMAHA AUCTION AND STOUAQIS Co. Improved I'nllinun Kervlun to St. Ju- Hopli null AtchlHon , The Burlington route ( K. C. , St. J. & p. B. R. R. ) will on November 1 , put on through sleeping cars between Omaha , St. Joseph and Atohison , leav ing Omaha atO p. m , , remaining at St. Joseph unlll 7 a. m. , ( affording1 St. Joseph - soph pnssongors a full night's rest ) and arriving in Atchison in lime for break fast. _ C. Hanson , the 10th st. grocorha8 just arrived with a cur load of choice Michi gan apples , Greenings , Baldwins , N. Spy and other varieties. C. Hanson , 10th and Wo'bstor. < Icwil Htovntf anil are strictly first-class in. all respects. The base hoiitors have as complete a hot air circulating Jluo as any slovo in the 'market. Every jewel stove guar anteed. A full line ut M. Peters , 930 Saundcrs Bt. Mooting of the block holders of Omaha Babe Bull association will bo hold in the ollico of J. S. McCormlck , 16th and Famum streets , at 7 p. m. November 0 , 18B9. ED O. BRANDT. Secretary. Winter capsl Frederick & Co.Il larg est block. Lowest Prices. Don't fail to ECO them , Notice. Thcro will bo a mooting of Boss har bors at Coadolloy's hall , 722 North Sixteenth street , Monday , November 4 , at 3 p.m. All invited. BV OltDUll OF COJIMITTJJK. HAYUffl BROS,1 Qroat Shoo -Salo for tTo morrow Monday. Indies' Finn lllnnd Sowed Sliooc , Run' * , Grny Bros. * ft W. II. Jones' Alnkcoi ntM ! ; > 8 , worth $5.OO ft JjUI.OO. Mbn'a Stiucs 92-07. C8 pair Indies' fine opera and 0. S , button , . Burl's make $3.03 worth 85.00. GO pair Indies' French kid button' , W. B. Jones' mnko $3.08 worth $5.00. 37 pair indies' French hnud-Bowod button , Grny Bros' , innko , $3.98 worth $0.6.0. 20 pair Indies' line patent leather Foxed button , $3.08 worth $0.00. 82 pnir Indies' hnnd-turncd French DoiiRolu button , $3.39 worth $1.00. 11 pair misses' French Dongoln patent tip , Spring heel button , $2.50 worth $3.00. G4 pair misses flue dongoln opera heel button , 13 to 2 , $1.85 , worth $2.60. 13 pair misses' fine hand sowed , opera heel button , 1 to 2 , $2.85 , worth $3.60. 10 pair child's oil grain , seamless back , tip shoes , , 9' $1.00 , worth $1.25. 38 pair men's line calf , congress and .luco shoos , $2.)7 ! ) , worth $3.50. L'2 pair mon's line calf boots , all solid , $2.50 , worth $3.00. 31 pair men's B calf shoes , all solid , $1.87 , worth $2.50. IIAYDEN BROS. , Dry Goods mid Shoos. Ilnydoii lU-os. Art exhibit of millinery and cloaks with special urioe sale. Begining on Monday morning wo will show a line of now importations in hats in now pat terns and at prices below any hereto fore made. Out" MILLINERS DEPARTMENT is the leading display in the city , and in cloaks , jackotfa and shawls wo carry n stock beyond any other west of Now York , and on Monday wo shall begin a sale of these goods at prices not before attempted by any house in the trado. 50 4-ycar child's ' gar ments at$1.0S.25 ; (5-year ( child's gar ments at $2.16 ; U5 8-yoar child's ' gar ments at $2.38 ; 23 10-year child's gar ments at $2.5025i ; 12-year child's gar ments at $2.05 ; 100 indies' Newmarkets at $4.)8worth ! ) S860 ; 40-inch plush cloaks , $21 , worth $30. . Our marvelous' RIBBON SALE will continue Monday , not merely an assort ment of pieces , but the entire importa tion of all silk ribbons , at 63c. Tboso ribbons cannot bo manufactured for twice the money. Wo also begin a grocery sale ; ono that is the greatest attempt over made by anybody. AVe have the wonder of the century on ex hibition in our basement. Come and see it. HAYDEN BROS. A Great OltVr on I'lanos at Moinberg's , 1514-16 Dodge st. ToTicKct Holder * . Monday evening , November 4 , at 8 o'clock , wo shall give away the sowing machine heretofore advertised by us , and would bo pleased to have as many of the tiokot holders present as possi ble. Every purchaser of $1 or more of us will bo interested in the sewing ma chine to the amount of their purchase. No tickets issued after 8 o'clock Monday evening. Thanking tno public in gen eral for their liberal patronage , wo are , very rospectfullv yours , HOSEN'FIELD & ZUNDER , Proprietors of the Popular Chicago Bar gain Shoo Company , 1520 Douglas st. ftoward , Elgin and Waltham Amori- cah watches. Fine Swiss Complicated watches. M. .7. BAEOR & CO. 1413 Douglas street. WANTED A SOFT SNAP. How \ftriictlonsofa Military Wuro Suddenly DiHHljmtotl. Recently , says the Pittsburg Times , a man slightly under the influence of liquor approached the guard standing at the door of the recruiting station of the United Slates army , Penn avenue , and addressing the soldier , said : "Is this the place to enlist in the armyV" "Yes , sir , " replied the uniformed gentleman. "I believe that I would like to enlist and go to the Alleghany Arsenal at Lawroncevillo. That ia a pretty nice place and 1 think the soldiers have a pretty soft snap. " 'Hut why do you want to join the nrmyV" asked the soldier. "Arc yon in trouble and wish \\5thdituvfrom the world and drown your sorrow in the quiet lifo of a soldier , or nro you out of employment nndi disheartened1 ! " ' ' Neither of these , ' ' said the applicant for army honors , ' "I have boon a hard working man mil my lifo , and now I want to take invest and I know of no softer snap than to bo a soldior. " "Well , now , just listen to mo ono mo ment and 1 will ! explain the matter to you. In the lirBUplaco the chancosaro ten to ono that.ifyou enlist you will re gret it within Jthreo months and then wish you worobackin Pittsburg. There is no wny of gelling back until your time is expired , andtif you desert and comeback back you will bo retaken , court- mnrtialod and sentenced to undergo imprieoninont at hard labor for five years. None but those of long sorvic'j can got an opportunity to como to Pittsburg mid bo stationed at the arsenal or recruiting stations. You would bo sent went , and bo compelled to sentinel duty at the camp , and bo out in all kinds of weather , with no boor or whisky to drive out the Irost and damp ness. ' ' "Well , " said the applicant with uur- pnso , "if that in the case , I don't believe that I want to become a soldier. I am very much obliged to you for your in formation. I shall go baolc to my trade and cut stono. Good-by , If you find mo back hero again kick mo out , will you ? " With those words ho loft , but came back again and asked the uruurd to como out and have a drink , Nothing damps the ardor of applicants for military hon ors nioro than to describe the realities of soldier lifo. 11AVDKN IIIIOS. fipcolnl Rnlo on Motulnf. Sale will continue during the week until nil nro sold. Win. MoLnron , Sons & Co. sold their entire slock of lace curtains nnd draperies to llnydon Bros Those curtains will bo on snlo Monday. Lace curtains at $2.60 a pair , worll 8-1.50. Lnco curtains at 93.5(8 ( nnd $3,60 worth $0. Lace curtains at $5.35 , $ o.5 ( niid $5.05 , worth $10 to $12. There are over 1.000 pairs of curtains in this lot nnd it Is impossible to quote prices 01 give a.dcscription of them nil. Fancy lemon colored or cardinal curtains in lace , tWo-toliod and all the lutes Novelties in lace curtains , mnrdrns draperies 23 , 30 , 40 nnd 45o a yard Printed damask draporioa 2oc ; worth 60c. Pongee draperies at ISc ; wortl 26c. 40-indh wfdo colored Beatrice draperies 8 nnd 106 a yard. 40-incl wide Inco striped scrim ' oc ; worth lOo Lace curtain not 8,10' , 12 } , 15 nnd 10c a yard loss than half tholr value. It will pay you to lay in your supply foi next Benson. Brass trimmed curtain poles with each pair of curtains frco on Monday. CARPETS. This will bo the last week to buy carpets - pots at loss than cost. Carpels not boh by Saturday will have to bo removed 01 stored , as wo need the room for toys , etc. , which are now arriving in largo half tholr value : nil wool extra super carpets at 65 and 05c , others got 75 to UOc for the Riuno : brussol carpets as low as 45 and 50e yard. Great reduction in rugs , door malts , window shades , Btraw matting , etc. At the prices wo are now making in this department every yard of carpet should bo sold before the end of this woolt. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Special sale of sample lines on Mon day ; bamplosof towels of every descrip tion ; sample doxon of napkins I and 5 sizes ; samples of table linen , 2-ytmi long pieces , at half value. Be on hand promptly at 9 n. in. to got llrnt choice , no duplicates. There are good baig- ains in this lot. lot.SPECIALS. SPECIALS. 2 cases extra heavy canton llannols worth 18o , only lOc ; yard wide blenched muslin 65o a yard , a bargain. Turkey red chocked ginghams 7Je , worth 124. Morrimac dress prints , now styles , 60 a yard. Heavy Jlooco lined shirting lOo n yard. Please bear in mind thai Ilayden Bros. , prices on blankets , com fort and llannols nro the lowest and can not bo matched in Omaha. HAYDEN BROS. Dry Goods and Carpets. S. I1OKK.U.-V.V , Sncccsior to R. M. Genius & Urn. . 1-1O8 Douglas St. , Wholesale nnd Itctnll. Wo address ourselves in particular to these who enjoy stylishly trimmed hats and bonnets of the best quality but who do not care to pay oxoritant prices. You will be surprised to see how cheap really line millinery may bo bought of ns'at actual wholesale prices compared with the fancy retail figures of our competitors. For this woeiv wo are making a special effort and have taken from our wholesale department Lot I. 75 felt turbans in black and colors , elegantly trimmud in ribbons , velvet and fancy feathers , lit $1.98 ; re tail price $3.75. Lot II. 125 stylish felt hats , black and colors , elaborately trimmed. These are elegant goods and look very stylish $2.25 : rotuil price $1.2-3. Lot III. 05 velvet boo nets , very latest shapes in black and colors , beautifully trimmed and sure to please you , $1.98 ; retail price $3.75. Lot IV. GO trimmed felt sailors in black , colors and two tones at 78c. ; re tail price $1.75. Remember wo are the only house in Omaha retailing millinnry at wholesale prices. S. HOFFMAN , 1408 Douglas st. At MelnberK'H Music Store all the latest music. HENRI ROCHSFORT. The Impulsive French Journalist of Whom the Government Is Afraid. "Tho government is not afraid of General Boulangor , but Henri Roche- fort is a great trouble"said the French ambassador the other day to Count Herbert Bismarck ; and everybody who knows what sort of a position Roche- fort held in Paris will understand what the ambassador meant. It is no ex aggeration to say that the editor of L'lntransigcant gives away from 2,000 to 3,000 of his income every year in charity. IIo liaslong acted as relieving ofllcor to all kinds of needy people , writes the Berlin correspondent of the Glasgow Jfentld , and both his newspaper ollico and his private apartments in Paris wore places of public resort , whither ilockod all those who had a grievance. Prodigal of his talent as of his money , Rochofort would at nny time dash off'n paragraph or an article to denounce a peccant ollicial , and in n rough nnd ready way ho did much good , Often unnccefasarilyviolentand sometimes un- jufit , ho took up as a rule cases in which same palpable wrong1 had boon done to poor folk. Ho miido the potty oppressor ser tremble , and his press tribunal was ono which frequently caused justice to bo done expeditiously and fully for people ple who could have obtained no remedy in the courts of law. The Purl a cor respondent of the Cologne Qttzctto lias been talking with u number of work men , who nil said to him : " 11 nous faut Rochofort" the truth being that Rouhcfort's exile has loft a gap which cannot bo tilled. It was a great mistake to include Rouhefort in the indictment against Boulangor , says the Pall Mall Giuotto. though no doubt Boulangorism owes most of its success to Itochufort. When the popular , open handed journalist pronounced for Boulanger ho drew after Itlm an extraordinary number of the working classes ; but this fact ought to liavo made the government wary of straining the press laws against liini. Everybody knows that Rochofort was prosecuted because M. Constant ; , the liomo minister , whom ho had repeat edly accused of peculation , wanted to bo avenged of him ; and the senators who condemned Rochofort were also actu- itod by the wish to got rid of a pestt- ent follow who had laid his lash upon thorn all more or loss. Nevertheless , Roohofort's condemna tion was not jusllflnblo according to the existing press hiivs , nnd it will place any republican government that may como to ollico after the next elections in v troublesome position , for it will scarcely bo possible to reviseIlooho - 'ort's eoiitonco without revising Bou- angor's. On the other hand , the ad visability of readmitting Rochofort to 1'arls will appear so plain that the gov ernment will not dare gainsay it. So , irobably , the end of the matter will bo in amnesty extended to Boulangor as well as to Rochofort. Miss O'Donohoo will hereafter have icr dross making parlor at 1622 Doug- aa. with F. M , S.ohadoll & Co. , whore t ho will bo pleased to see her cus- omors , Plush cloaks steamed , relined md refitted , Cutting and titling a specialty. I1K.VN1HON IUIOS. Kor Monday. Ono case Lonsdnlo SO inch bloncl muslin 71o yard. 40 pieces whlt < Blinker llannols 60 yard , not ono-hnl prlco. 25 pieces chocked shirtings Gi ynrd. worth lOc. Wo have a torribh big line of comforters and wo propose t < ahish the prices to close thorn outqulck A good comforter at 39o onoh , a vorj fair comforter at , ( ! 9c , a still bettor OIK nt 70o , a Hue ono at 89c , a largo full slz < comforter , n dandy , nt $1.19 , an ostri Rood ono at $1.30 , a line figured cro tone comforter at $1.08 , a line stttliu comforter : U $1,88 , nn extra tine snthu comforter at $2.89. These are .ill cm prices nnd are so low that wo will sol ! thorn ono day only at these prices Renfrew turkey rod table covers J19c each size 7-1 , a largo si/oat oOc. nol one-fourth price , big line of fine dross goods at 48c yard to close witli up to SI. 00 yard , fancy dross pattern : nt one-half price to uloso. Ladies all woolJcrsoy ribbed vests , nil colors , lour. sloovcs , $1 onoh , worth $1.50. Shor sleeves , iersoy ribbed vests , all wool , al colors , G9c , worth $1. Children's woo imltons lOcupalr. Ladies' wool mittoiu Ib'o a pair , worth 2oc. Ladies' nil won cnshmoro hose in plain and ribbed , 2Si a pair , excellent vnluo. C ARPKT DEPART MENT. Next week wo start a clearing sale o our entlro carpet stock , nnd you can buj fine bargains , all wool , nt (55c. ( An olo- gnnt carpet at 35c , 45c , 60c. Best mo , uotto , now lines , nt $1.121. All our 11 m velvets and line body brussels at th ( sumo prlco. Our entire curtain stock , as well as 780 pairs ot lace and Turcoman cur tains , wo close out from the bankrupt stock of Solig & , Co. , of New York , ni one-fourth of tholr regular prlco. Nevis is the time to buy carpets and curtains Cloaks cut to the core. See us Monday BENN1SON BROS. Stoolt or Pinnoi the finest in the city , nnd prices and terms Iho lowest. 1514 Dodge st. CANADIAN RECIPROCITY. \Vliut the Toro.ito Gj : > ho Hns to Su > on nil important HuliJof. . Ill 18S8 , says the Toronto Globe , wo ox- porlod of Iho products of the minol- 110,937 , of which the United States looli $3,311,1103 ; of the products of Iho forest $21.302,911 , of which the United States took $10,002,338 ; of the products of Hit farm $10,155,057 , of which Iho Unilcd St-itos look $17,002,021. The American market was practically our only market for barley , horses , hay wool and sheep. The dutfes paid on oui exports to Iho Unilcd States of these things were : Barley , $930,000 ; horses $480,000 ; hay , $170,000 ; wool , $911,000 ; sheep. $71,000. The saving of this duly , though a con siderable tid vantage to the Canadian farmer , is small in comparison lo tin advantage ho would obtain by Iho in crease of his sales lo Iho United States. The sales now bear a small proportion to the total consumption of the United Stales. Wo sell Ihom about Ion million bushels of barley ; but their total con sumption of barley is sixty-live millions. Wo soil them about twenty thousand horses a year ; but it is estimated that 1,000,000 horses a year are required Ic supply Ihe United States. Now if. in spite of Iho dulies , wo are able lo soil 11 considerable number of Iheso articles lo Iho Unilcd States , it is fair tc infer that with the duty removed we should soil them a much larger proper tion. The inference is justified by ex perience. There is now reciprocity in eggs between Canada and the United States. A restriclionist would argue : ' The United States people have just as good facilities for producing eggs as wo havo. Why should they buy eggs from us ? " Yet , as a matter of fact , wo do sell them 14,000.001) ) dozen , while they sell us only 400,000 dozen ; thus in to say. wo soil them thirty-five times as many ogtrs as they soil us. In twelve years of the old reciprocity treaty wo imported from the United States $121- 872,283 of free goods , while they im ported from us $239,702,284 , or nearly twice as much. Tho.Ainericans say that if thcro is to bo reciprocity in natural products wo should admit American manufacturers free. Wo believe they should bo granted Ihis , although wo believe their reason for asking for it is wrong. That is to say , wo believe the American people ple benefit by gelling our farm produce , just ns our people benefit by selling it , Similarly our people would benefit , by freedom to buy manufactures in the American market. Certainly Iho ' farmer who woultl like freedom 'lo sell his barley nnd horses in Iho American market is not going to refuse that ad vantage because it is accompanied by the advantage of buying his collons and woolens , his hardware and agricultural implements at prices sot Uy fair Amer ican competition. o Sir. Chas. A. Iloohrig , For the past six years manager of the ibstrnut department of Amos Real Eslalo Agency , has accepted Iho ollico of manager for Iho Security Abstract of Title company , to bo located in the N. Y. Life Ins. Co.'s building. The Security company is the most prominent nstitulion of ils kind In Iho west , while Mr. Roohrig is justly conceded to ) o , without exception , ono of the ablest abstractors of title in this country , and will have under his supervision an able corps of assistants. - Dr. Pat-sell , office Ji. 405 Pnxton blk. The "Vcdnntn" Theosophical society neots this day at 4 p. in. Room 205 Shcoloy bloclc , ouon to the public. Subject before the mooting , "Universal Brotherhood. " The library nnd road- ng room for Iho use of nnyono Invited s open every Wednesday and Saturday Qvoning. Removed to 1303 Fiirnain street , first stairway cast of Cook's shoo store , T. B. FOIIGY , General Agent for Jo-llo. Just rccolvou , a fresh Importation of jormnn Hart/ mountain canaries , war ranted good mngci'ij , 83 each. Androas- turg canaries , ilrtitclutis rillcr , $ ( I each , md some young tame Mexican double follow head parrots , MaxGeislor,417 S. 5th street. | l'miRlonnrn I/lvo An individual who was olork in the ndiu house with Charles Lamb and Folin Stuart Mill has just died at Vont- lor , England , aflor having enjoyed a landsomo ponson for ilfly-foiir year * ) . la had boon allowed lo retire , in " < ; on- cquonco of broken health , " in 1835 , Jonathan nnd his Continental" was ccolvod BO favorably when published in ho Excelsior early in the year thai Unit taper will publish a series of scotches jy Max O'Roll under the title of 'Jncquos Bon hommo" commencing next Saturday. Their publication will create v Bonsatlon , Rotnombor the great clonk solo bo- Inning to-morrow at the Kllto Suit md Cloak Co. , 1510 Douglas st. E , J. Weather strips furnished and put on or { Jo a foot by L. J. Keene , ! iOi > Jlani- Iton street , Omaha Neb. Drop us n Kiatul and wo will cull and ecu you. Ktonchlll. StonohlU will Burprlso you Monday. Goods bought from Iho bankrupt stock ot Meyer Bros , to bo placed on ealo Monday. Never before wore silch splendid bargains offered by Stone- hill as ho will show to-mor' rpw : A great splurge will bo made on cloaks and millinery READ EVERY ITEM. Dress buttons lo dozen ; COn corsets 29o ; all wool rod ilannols 18o yd ; "outing flannels lie yd ; saloons 12 yds for 70o ; napkins that were sold by Meyer Bros. at $2.60 doz. will bo $1.25 ; they are extra largo100 ; yd silk thread Sto spool ; sillc twist lo spool ; Kirk's 2 60 soaps at Oiu ; Indian head muslin OJo ; Meyer Bros. ' niching stock all at 7o yd , worth up to 7/5c / ; all Meyer Bros , curtains ono-lmlf what they were marked. Cortlcolla spool silk Oc , a great olmnco for dressmakers. Silk dross shields 19o , Meyer Bros. got 76o for tliom. 600 children's whlto underwear at 9o , 16o and 19c , worth up to 40o. Sale on boys' nnd misses' very fine un derwear from 10 to 14 years. Men's un dershirts at 45o , worth 75c ; nt GOo , worth $1.00 ; at 08c , worth $1.75. Gouts' linen collars 7 coats , all stylos. CLOAKS1 CLOAKS ! All wo will say In reference to our cloak sale Is : Wo have an overstock : wo won't lose money on thorn , but will offer them for 3 days at actual coat. An elegant Newmarket at $2 1)5 ) , worth JJO.OO. MILLINERY ] M1LL1NKRYJ The greatest trimmed hat sale on rec ord at $1.05 , $2.95 , $3.95 and $ -1.05. Untrimmed - trimmed felt hats 19c , worth $1.25. STONEUILL'S. Do You Want n IMnnit ? If so sco Moluborg , 1614 Doilgo. IMiino Only $ t < 17. A great bargain at Molnborg's , 1514- 10 Dodge st. Easy twins of payment. The Danish Ladies' Relief society will hold a Fair at Washington hail Friday and Saturday evenings next. Admission 25c for both evenings. Any body having anything to donate will bo thankfully received bv Mrs. J. C. Eno- weld , Twenty-third and Cuming. The Drought In HIP Norlhwost. The oliipmont of cnttlo from the northwest has almost ceased , says the St. Paul Globe. A heavy business has boon done by railroad lines during the last few weeks , but It Is now nearly over. Reports from Montana and North Da kota are decidedly discouraging. J. J. Hill is authority for the statement that in North Dakota the coming winter will bo terribly hard on the farmers and stockmen. In western Montana the same slate of attain * has resulted as n natural consequence of the terrible drought of the summer. Eastern Mon tana is said to bo in a holler condition. The cattle have been driven down from the western part of the territory to the lowlands and prairies of Iho oust , while many will bo wintered on the Indian reservations to' the southeast. There is not a blade of grass on most of the ranches of North Dakota and Montana , and Iho cnttlo will have to bo fed on hay and oats at enormous expense. Scrub catllo , ns Iheso are for Iho most part , cannot stand a severe winter. AMUSEMENTS. Quo Night Only Thursday , Nov. 7. P. K. Orlswold.s , CO , 30 P OPLE 30 Orentcst anJ Grandest company In oxlstonce , carload of special sconary. Gorgeous uoon-iluy struct parade , ' . 20 SELECTCl MUflCIANS 2O Handsomest uniforms ever seen. Trick 'Don- key "Don. " Kvns linndsimiu iiony "Hilly. " I'ncK ot f-iiviiyo Illondlioimils. KeRulnr 1'rltcs. Hex Shpot onons Wuilnosday , October , fctU ami Htli , KUI1UUT DOWNING. Friday und. Saturday Nov. 8 and O/ and Saturday Matinoo. America's Grout Ti-UBudlnu , Mr. and His Own Company. Friilny Evening. - VIURIN1US. Haturuay Matinee , - Count , Claudia. Saturday Evening , - Tlio White I'llyrlra. Jtogular I'rlces Hex Sheet opfcns Thursday , 1'hwsdn\i \ , 1'rMuuanil knlnrdttv , A'oi' . 7 , 9 aiiiin. ( vitunfrtisMutlnc : . ) SI A KIEV I.A4JV -AW1) - ny : < i Introducing tlio IlpaiitUnl IUUUIU I/UUILUILU , ill LI1U [ fliL I' Ufllll'M M I II rus under the imimiRouimit or Johupli Arthur. \Vcclc o Monday , Nov. 4th. Bplrittillsm Kxrioscil. ' . II. Van /.ant n reformed milrltunllBt will cxpOMi.tlio fraiulH of the liullcvtTf. xivctt comedy crotts'iuo long shoo dancer , , lttlo Mlns I.ovuU. tliu famous tlmdmv cantor , Sol Btono , Lightning Calculator , CllmniuV McKca , Acrobats , Hrunnl'8 IMucutcd IMrrots , Two companies In two tlioiiters. Tlio Udell Jlns'o cHors only to tlio bMt clement. No Improper character ; ! adinlttoil. Ono Dlmo Admits to all. IDHOl'OSAr.3 for llroctlon of School llnlldliiK 1. oto. , U. 8 , Indian Btrvlo , Viiulcloil A onuy , Jaktota. October Ulti , imi'JSe.ilo I propOHttlu. mlortk-d " 1'iopotulH fur oi'uctlou ot a hvhool ml I ding , or for building maturlals" us c'lu ' cnsu nay lie , and dln-ctu'l In tlio undeiMlgnod ftC ] i-uenwo il , Dakota , will bo ri-colved at tills ollico until ono o'clock of Nuvcmbm- , Ibi'j , at furnljliliiK thu iMccd nry inUcrluN and abur and for yracliiiB a two mory trims school uulldliiK at th Yankton AK"noy , Jak. " In ao- cordaiKowlth plans nnd bpoclllcatlons that may nnxamlned ut tlio ollico ot the "I'lonuar 1'rcis f St. J'aul , Minn. , tliu "lluo'1 ot Oumlia.obr , , nd "JrniriKU" of Hloux City , Iowa ; also for urnlsnlng n variety of lumber , brl ks , win. awe. doojv .hor.lw reut.c. , ( tt tull lint and dos rlptlon of which mar bo obtained by appllcu * Ion to the iindei-Bluiiuu ) . required tor uiuncy ; ulldlngH.lnNiibinlttlngbldii for tlio orictionoC ho Hchaol liulldliu , blddem miifit htatn tlio unutli of time rmiulroil to complete It ; und for urnl8hlu < ( uulldlrm material * , tliu prlco of cadi rtlclo otforud for delivery tiiuWcmitnu't must ; o r clllC4lly Atiitud. Oortllled checks-All Mda mm DO accompanied by certllluil ch clcH uiion omo United Ut.tten depository , payublj to tliu rderof the undorrflKnud , for ut IeuHu par cent f the amount of thu proposal , which chock will o forfeited to the United States in CAHO nny bld > ur or bidder/ / ) receiving un award ahull fall to iromptly execute a coutr.i'-t with wood and suf- Iclfiitiiiii'etlo * . otherwho to bu rotnrnud to ilia I'l'ler , ' 1'li-j right U reserved to reject any or U lilds or any part of nny bill if deemed for thu i . .t Interest of tlio burrlce. BAMI'libX * LIJAVV , U , H. InUIauAfent olttm