Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1889, Part III, Image 17

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TIT /TTk . tf4
/ < rf * * k
Mo Hi * Af. JIR flB
i A L _ H.3ij
i a
KIiiiiclKMtci * ,
Assets $1,700,412 18
Totnl liabilities $1,025,157 10
Net Stirplm C3 < liK > 5 US
t1.7XH12 ( 13
Onlted States of America , Statoof Nebraska ,
Olllce of Auditor or 1'iibltc Accounts. Lincoln ,
Vob. 1st. I8 W. H Is hereby certified that the
J.nnriirililro Insurance Company , of Manchester
Kmiland , has Hied nt ( his ollico tlio appointment
of Nichols llros. At Hull as their lawful agjnts
nt Oiuiilm , In tnu county nt Douglas , In tlio state
of Jsobraslta. Now therefore , the above named
aftcnta nro hereby authorized to transact the
business of Insurance , us intents of said com
pany In thlRStiito. until tlio 'list day January ,
A. 1) , lt i > . unless sooner revoked , subject however -
ever , to all the loitrlctlons and limitations of
tlio law. I further certify that snlil company
has compiled with all the requirements or the
law regulating such Insuiancu companies m
tills Flato. In testimony whereof , I huvo hereunto -
unto set my hand anil the seal of the Auditor of
Public Account H. the day am > year first above
written. T. 11' 11UNTON , Auditor of Public Ac-
I\c\v Zeal ( in < l.
Assets $ I,43U'17.CO
Totnl liabilities $ ,01m ' 00
Netbiirplus 7 ) .821 00
{ 1,131,317 00
United States of America , State of Nnbraska ,
Ollico of Auditor ot I'ubllc Accounts , Lincoln ,
Feb. iPt , ICHIi. It is hereby certlllcd that the
Boutli-llritlsh Klro Insurance Company of Now
Zealrn'l. has llled at this oillco the appointment
of Nichols HUB. & Hall as their lawful acents
at Omaha , In tlio County of Douglas. In the state
of Nebraska. Now tlivroloiv. the above named
agents are hereby authorised to transact the
business ot Insurance , ns agents of tald com
pany. In this stato. until the JHst day of January ,
A. 1) . 1" unless sooner revoked , subject how
ever to all the icstrictlons and limitations ot
tha law. I further certify that snld company
has compiled with all the requirements of tlio
law regulatlna such Insurance companies in
tnls stnto. In testimony whereof. I have here
unto set my naml and the seal of the Auditor ot
Public Accounts , the day and year first above
wiltton , T. II. UBNTOX , Auditor of Public
Actresses Who Are Models of True
3ho Supported HcrjclfVlilla lYrit-
Int ; lor the Press Gratis--
Uonili.arili'H Ucoontri-
clty Outdone.
Tlio A'nmlcrbllta nn I Astors.
It was only by a rigid system of ontor-
( ulnmonts that the Vandorbilts ovontu-
nlly reached the inner sot ofNow York
society , says , a Now York letter to the
San Francisco Argonaut. Even when
social prejudices began to molt before
the refulgence oft the Vanderbilt mil
lions there wore some haughty spirits
sons , but more especially daughters
northern chivalry who intimated that
the hand of Douglass was his own , and
never would in friendly grasp the hand
of such os Vanderbilt clasp. Foremost
among , these were the Astora. An Astor
would not bow to a Vnndorbilt on pain
of death. The Montagues and the Cnp-
ulots , the Guolphs nnd the Ghibollines
wcro friendly , not to say affectionate ,
in comparison with the Asters and the
Vnnderbilts. The Astor blood is , ns
everyone knows , of the purest cerulean
tint it would bo a palumny to nlludo to
that sacred fluid as plain blue. The
original John Jacob had gene to school
with Schopenhauer , which is enough to
have cast an aristocratic gloom ever the
family of Bacchus.
This was the situation when the Van
dorbilts gave their famous fancy ball
five years ago. None of the Aslors wore
asked. They had not called. The Van
dorbilts had resurrected their dignity
generally regarded in society as both
lost anu gene before from oblivion ,
dusted it oil , and unfurled it to the
broo/o. No call , no invitation , said
they. Miss Astor longed to go to the
ball. Shu waited for an invitation
hoped , pined , drooped , despaired.
Finally , in desperation , she bowed hur
crested head nnd tamed her heart of
llru and called. The next day she re
ceived the coveted card , and since then
the families of Vanderbilt and Astor
have grown together like a double
cherry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Question of Morals.
Ono of the gravest accusations mndo
against a theatrical life for girls is that
ilia the beginning of u lifo of immoral
ity. nnd that very few women engaged
in it are chnsto , writes -Mrs. Jenno In
tlio English Illustrated Magazine. No
moro monstrous , untrue statement has
ever been made ; and though it has
boon widely said and very generally believed -
liovod , it is a curious fact that no ono
lias brought forward any dollnito stat
istics to provo it. A woman need no
moro bo immoral because eho is a
housemaid. Every profession has its
temptations , and no woman goes
through life without holng oxposou to
th om , and if wo could provo tlmt the
stage produced the largest number of
the unhappy woman who crowd our
greets wo might then begin to look
about fora remedy ; hut human nature
Is the batno all the world ever , und tlioro
ire as many immoral women in every
I'liUmlulpliiu , Pn.
Assets , $1,335,778.70
Total liabilities , except capital and
not surplus , S3.TOT ,771 M
Joint stock capital paid up In cash. . HOO.UOO OJ
Surplus beyqnd ull liabilities 703,007 13
$4.505,778 70-
United States ot America , State of Nebraska
OdlcooS Auditor of I'ubllc Accounts. Lincoln ,
Fob. 1st , 1881) . It Is hereby certlll-d that the
Klro Association , of I'hlladelpha , I'ensylvannla.
has filed at tins ollico the appointment of
Nichols Bros , to Hall as their laufnl agents at
Omaha , in tlio County of Douglas , In the Btato
of Ncbrc-ska. Now therofoie. the above named
aijonts are hereby authorized to transact the
business of Insurance , as agents of said Com
pany In this State , until the .list day of January ,
A. 1) . 1S1W. unless sooner revoked , subject , how
ever to ull the restrictions and limitation's of the
law. I further certify that culd Company has
complied with , nil tbo requirements ot the law
roKiuatlng such Insurance ( Companies In this
State. In testimony whereof. I haco hereunto
set my hand and the seal o f the Auditor ot Pub
lic Accounts , the day nnd ye nr llrst above writ-
tun. T , II. 11KN1UN , Auditor of I'ubllo Ac
New York.
Assets Jl.30ViU.13
Total liabilities except capital anil
net surplus } 300,17041
Scrip out jtandliiR BOIUW 01
Joint ( .toe ? capital paid up In cash.IOO.OJO 10
Surplus beyond all liabilities 211,8'Jj 01
tl.3j8.5li 93
United States ot America , State of Nebraska ,
Ollico of Aiulltorof Pabllo Accounts , Lincoln ,
l'-ob. 1st , l&fl. It is hereby certified that the
American Klro Insurance Co. , of Now Vork.has
tiled at this ollico the appointment ot Nichols
Hros. & Hall as their lawful agents at Omaha ,
in the county of Dousla ? , In the stuto of Neb
raska. Now therefore the above named agents
nro hereby authorized to transact the business
ot Insurance , as ajronts ot said company In this
State , until tno 'llhtdny of January. A. D. 18JO.
unless sooner revoked , subject however , to all
restrictions nnd limitations of the law , 1 fur
ther cnitlfy that said company has compiled
with all tlio reciulremonts or the law regulating
such Insurance comnanle.T in this State , In tes
timony whereof , 1 have hereunto sot my hand
and seal of the Auditor of I'ubllo Accounts , the
day and year first above written. T. H. BEN-
'i'ON , Auditor oH'ubllo Accounts ,
class and profession as on the stacro.
Take two actresses whoso names rise to
one's lips at once , and English and an
American woman Lady Martin ( Helen
Faucit ) ivnd Mary Anderson. Are
there any men or women who
would not bo proud to call thorn
wife , mother , or sistorV And
when wo come to a lower rank of
actress , to women less well known and
distinguished , are there not hundreds
of thorn good , true , honest English
girls , who will become true and honest
wives and mothers in their tima ? And
even in a lower rank than they , to the
ballot girl or the llttlo girl who lives at
homo and helps her mother to keep a
decent and happy homo together , and
who struggles with poverty and scanti
ness against the temptations that besot
women in the largo cities , are they not
women England may bo proud to call
her daughters and wo our sisters ?
There Is no nobility , no dignity , like
the purity of a woman who has gene
through all those struggles.
Prom Boston and O. K.
The proprietor of a fashionable West
End hotel does not receive young ladies
who are unaccompanied by chaperons ,
though they hail from the United
States , says the London' ' Illustrated
News. The other day a sauoy young
damsel from Boston wont bowling along
Piccadilly in high spirits and iv spick
and span now hansom. The "fetching"
combination pulled up at the hotol.
She bounced in nnd asked if she could
have a room for the night. Before the
clerk could twist a smile with which to
decorate his regrets tlmt every upart-
inotit in the house was engaged the
young lady snapped out : "My .mamma
will no. hero to-night from Liverpool.
I'vo telegraphed for hor. "
"Oh , very well ; in that case you can ,
perhaps , bo accommodated , " gently
suggested the clork. The now arrival
wont on , in a voice tremulous with oino-
tion , "Perhaps you'd ' like mo to eond
for my father , too , and my sisters , and
my cousins , my aunts , and a grand
father or two. " "Mamma , will answer
the purpose nicely , " the clerk replied
with serenity. "Oh , I'm glad to know
that , " replied the Boston lassie with a
toss of the head. "Because it will
appease your suspicions as to who I am.
I can show you my visiting card , a oorti-
llcato of my birth , the pedigree
of my family for three generations buck ,
and the vaccination murk on my right
arm. " The clerk bowed humbly , and
the young lady trotted oil to her
tmlian Wo m on of Joporr.
The crowd on foot is as gay as that
upon horseback , and your o'yes groiv
tired in trying to catch and distinguish
the strungo characters you meet , says
the London Bow Bulls. Hero comes a
party of singing girls , dressed all in
rod and gold , singing strange songs as
they dance through the streets , They
nro not bad looking , and their limbs nro
loaded with anklets und bracelets.
Hero come some Muhotnrnodnn maidens.
They are fine-looking women , but their
dross is hideous. It conaists of a short
waist and a pair of thin , drawer-like
jmntalottos , which are very wide at the
waist , but which taper down into tights
at the calves ,
There are worklngwouion nswoll as
women of pleasure , and tn some places
those splendid roads are being repaired.
Hero low-custo women are breaking
Btonos , ami there you BCO a dozen of
them golnp along with baskets of
broken stone upon their heads. They
throw it upon the road , and n.corps of
brown-skinned men , taeliu limbs
Hartford , Conn.
Assets J2.3S0.68UO
Total liabilities , except capital and
not surplus * 8tt.m M
Joint stock capital pal 1 up In cash. . 1,00 > , < XX ) to
Surplus beyond all liabilities GU7.UM 3J
J.'TCil.&Sl Kl
United States ot America , State of Nebraska.
Oillco of Auditor ot I'ubllc Accounts. Lincoln ,
Feb. 1st. 1881. It Is hereby certlllud that thu
National Mro Insurance Company , of Hartford ,
Connettlcut , has tiled at this ollico the appoint-
inont of Nlcnolsllros.A : ! I alias their lawful agents
at Omaha In tlio County of Douglas In the
Mate of Nebraska. Now therefore , tno above
named agents uro horuby authorized to trans
act the business or Insurance , as agents of
sold Company In this Stnto until thoSlst day of
' January , A. I ) . IbW ) , unless sooner revoked , sub
ject however , to all tlio restrictions and limita
tions of the law 1 further certify that s.ud
Uompnnvhas compiled with all the loqulre-
munttt the law re ulatlnc such Insurance
Companies In this State. In testimony whereof -
of , 1 nave hereunto sot in } hand and the seal of
the Auditor of Public Accounts , thu day and
year llrftabovowrltton. T. II. UliNTON , Audi
tor of Public Accounts.
Now .Icr&cy.
Assets Jl.751,331.35
Total liabilities except capital and
not surplus $ 2W.O1 ! 77
Joint stock capital paid up In cash. . U.COO ) m
Surplus beyond all liabilities U15.433 fit )
tl,7ul- t 3i
United States of America , State of Nebraska ,
Oillco of Auditor of Public Accounts , Lincoln ,
K b. 1st , 18j . It Is hereby certified that the
Klromcn'a Insurance Compnny of Newark , Now
Jersey , has tiled at this oillco the appointment
. of Nichols Hros. & Hull as their lawrul agents
at Omaha , In the county ot Douglas , In thestato
of Nebraska. Now there fore , the above named
agents nro hereby authorized to transact tno
business of insurance as agents of said com
pany In thlsStat ; , until thu Jllst day January ,
1 A. 13.1S9I' , unless sooner revoked , subject how
ever , to all the lestrlctlons and limitations of
the law. I further ecrtlly that said company
hns complied with all the requlrmonts ot the
law regulating such Inaurnnio companies in
tels State. In testimony whereof , I have hero-
untoset my hand and the seal of thu Auditor of
Public Accounts , the day nii'l year llrst alnvo
written. T. II. 1JKNTON , Auditor of Public
Account a ! '
clothed only in waist-cloths , and their
skins shining : with perspiration , uro
crushing it into bits with hammers.
Men I'ut tn Shrimp.
An incident occurred on an afternoon
train on the Consolidated road the other
day that ought to have found its way
into print before this , says the Hartford
Courant. Among the passengers wore
throe sweet and quiet sisters of charity
in their characteristic dress. Adrunken
man , very drunk and annoying , drank
from a big bottle that ho carried , and
finally stuck his disagreeable face re
peatedly into the long bonnet of the sis
ter in a most insulting way. She was
evidently much frightened. Tlio con
ductor had already been told of the
man's conduct , but did nothing. The
other true passenger fash
ion , sat and looked on , No man stirred.
Finally a woman , white as a shoot , and
full of suppressed indignation , trot up
from her seat and wont to the rescue ,
aho grabbed the fellow's bottlewrested ,
it from his hands and Hung it out of the
window , and she took hold of him , nnd ,
after a lively and unassisted strucirlo ,
got him outot the seat. "I'm no Roman
Catholic , " bho said excitedly to the
spectators , "but I can't sit fitill and see
a sister of charity insulted. "
Ilornh.mlt's Kcocntrlclty Outdone.
Mine. Bcrnhardt has disposed ot thu
cotlln that she had bought against tlio
time of her burial , says the Pall Mall
Gazette. But the original Sarah has
been ocliusod in the matter of anticipa
tory dealings with the undertakers. In
the burying ground attached to a cer
tain , pretty church there is to
bo scon a curious object in thu
shape of a largo black tombstone ,
laid on an unoccupied grave. It is the
property of an eccentric lady , who
wishes all the arrangements for her
funeral to bo conducted in strict accor
dance with her own views. To this end
she has already settled many prelimi
naries , including notonly the purchase
of the grave she is to rest in , but also
of the stone which is to cover hop , and
here it lies already in position and
only waiting the linal inscription. At
present only the initials of the proud
owner are graven on the foot. The
lady in question Is utill in tlio urhno of
lifo and in redundant health.
Gny Girls nt the Cam vni at Venice
In carnival times the Venetian girl
gives full vent to her playfulness ,
writes Ilurbort Piorson in Prank Los-
lio's popular monthly. It shows itself
in many ways not always quite under
stood by strangers , but inlinitely amus
ing to nor. Ono instance that is fresh
in my memory , as it ic but a few days
old , will Bulllco : I was playing chess in
a cafe tlmt evening , as worn others at
the tables around. Everything was
r'ot , when suddenly arose the most
foiling noise imaginable , and a
screeching crowd of masked girls rushed
into the room ; they yelled , hooted and
creaked ; they moaned , whooped and
Bang ; they chucked old gentlemen of
serious aspect under the chin and culled
' Cnro rnlol" They upset the pieces on
the chess boards and dropped cigar
stumps into the colToo. Tno chess
players Bat by and smiled helplessly.
And this , BO far ; ia the celebrated car
nival of Venice , aal havosoon it.
Mary I ; . Ilooth'd Apprenticeship.
Some one writing of Miss Mary L.
Booth , Into editress of Harper's Bazaar ,
tells how she supported herself sowing
while she wrote for the press gratis ,
She was "learning her profession , " aa
aho herself expressed it , and she cer
tainly learned it to sojno purpose , LTor
Assets . { 2,020,580.73
To'al liabilities , except capital and
liotsurplUB . { S.MO.m 27
Burplus beyond all liabilities . 75,811 W
United Stares of America , State of NebrasKa ,
Otllce of Auditor ot Public Accounts , Lincoln.
fob. 1st. 18MI. It Is hereby certified that the
Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation , SanVrnu *
Cisco , California , has tiled nt this oillco the ap-
colutmtntof Nichols llros. & Hall as their law
ful agents at Omaha , In the County of Douglas ,
In the SUto of Nebraska. Now there tore , tlio
above named agents are hereby authorized to
transact the biibineosof Insurance , as aRentsof
suld Company In this StatuuntlltholJIstday ot
January , A. U. 110 > . unless sooner revoked , sub
ject however , to all the rostrlct'ons and limita
tions of the law. I further certify that said
Company bus compiled with all the require
ments of the law regulating such Insurance
Companies In this State. In testimony whereof.
I have hereunto set my hand au\l the seal of the
Auditor of I'ubllc .Account ? , the day and
year llrs-t above written. T. II. 1JUNTON , Audi
tor of Public Accounts ,
Assets W50.U80.70
Total liabilities , except capital anil
net surplus , 201,301 52
Joint s'.oclc capital paid un lu cash. . . SJj..uo ( XI
Surplus beyond all liabilities , -1S < , T > 18
$1" > 0OS8 70
United States ot America , State of Nebraska ,
OHico of Auditor of I'nbllo Accounts. J incoln ,
1'ob. m , 1S'J. It is hereby certitloj that the
Commercial Insurance Company , of San 1'ron-
clfco , California , has filed at this ollico tno ap
pointment of Nienols llros , & Hall ns their law-
till agents at Onmuii , In the county of Douglas ,
In the Htate of Noln-slca. Now therefore , the
above named agents are hereby authorized to
I transact the business of Insurance , aa agents of
I said company In this State , until the 31st day ot
I January , A. D. 189 \ un'ess sooner revoked , sub
ject however to all Iho restrictions and limita
tions of the law. I further cerftiy said company
has compiled with ull the requirements or the
law regulating'such Insurance companies in
I this dtuto. In te.stlmony whereof. 1 have here- *
untoset my lutnd nnd the seal otthUiAirJrtor Of
1'ubiiu Accounts , the day anil.year flrst nlxivo
written. T. H UBNTOi * . Auditor of Public
Accounts. ' % " '
success may Jbo an onco'urapoment ' to a ,
certain bravo little woumu in this city ,
says the Now York VYofld , who , while
supporting herself by writinjT , ton hours
ii day in a "title insurarico ollico , " nt-
tends nrt clussos in the evoninKs , whore
she is busily striving to iltt/ain suulcicnt
proficiency in her chosen profession to
live by it uiitl give up , lior loss conpon-
ial occupation. Every Sunday in sum
mer mul full linds her out tramping the
purl ; and country roads with two or
three artist friends , busy workwomen
like hurself , sketch book in hand ,
thoroughly enjoying hur outing , both
from an artistic and heallh-giving point
of view. J
Slia Want oil to ICnter tlio Frmstlinoil.
A romantic story , says the London
Telegraph , comes from Kulocsa , the see
of Cardinal L. Do Havnald , primate of
Hungary. A short time ago a young
student applied for admission as pupil
at the priest's seminaryundboing ( duly
provided with examination cortilicatos ,
was at once received. I'ho new pupil
led exactly the same life as the other
inmates of the establishment , and
showed a marked disposition for study. A
few days ago Cardinal ITaynald visited
.the seminary , and In the garden mot
the newcomer who bowed respectfully ;
but contrary to custom did not kiss the
cardinal's hand. His . .omliionco not
only noticed the omission , but it led
him to examine the candidate priojt
somewhat closer. Tho'oHlorainato face
of the young stndont tuijnod scarlet un
der the cardinal's scrutinizing gaze ,
whereupon the prelate uttered u few
words in a lovr tone that caused the
former to return quickly to the houso.
Five minutes afterward this mysterious
personage had loft the ? promises , and
has not since gone back. Rumor saya
the individual was lady , who felt an ir-
roslstablo vocation to become n priest.
Some of the Hungarian papers oven
give her namo. '
Anotlior Hint on DrrHsifor Old Indies.
Oil AHA , Oct. 20. To the Editor of
THE BKIS : In a copy of your excellent
paper I chanced to-day unoitan article
entitled. "Tho Proper ftrpss for Old
Ladies. " Its author quoted ; from , and
mildly criticised , a bit bf conventional
twaddle lately put forth in n local fash
ion column , which began with the filial
query , "How should our dear old people
ple drossV" and ended with the ratlior
stale information tlmt they should dross
in cray.
While agreeing perfectly with the
author of Tins Biu article us to the
unbecomingness of gray fflr any com
plexion but the young and blooming ,
and as to tlio portinopco" of nature's
hints in her autumnal coloring , my dis
sent from the fashion column would bo
on other grounds. The very question
( IIow should our dear old people
dress ? " linmying aa it does that they
are to bo clashed witlr ( jhlldron and
idiots , is in itself impertinent ,
If they are not shorn ( 'of womanly in
stinct and personality what in the name
of sense hinders "our clear old people"
from deciding this eago question of
dross each for herself.with ns much
freedom and far moro wisdom in choice
than is expected ot our dear young
pooploV Why must tluj. old dross in
in uniform of any sort when in reality
their mature characteristics are far
moro obviously varied ilhaa the crude
ones of the youngi1 I ,
I am far from having such faith in
the pjtuncy of move colcfcj as the woman
ly author of the arll&b in Tan BUK
expresses when she ad-yUoo the old to
"go forth in autumn tlutq" with a vlow
to "brighten many a homo aad keep its
Assets. . . . , . JMOI.RS'US '
Total liabilities , except capital and
net Burning . M7.742 81
Joint stock capital paid up lu cash. . nw.MW IX >
Surplus beyond nil liabilities . Hll.Ott 04
( lulled States of Amorlca , State of Nebraska.
Otlicoof Auditor of Public Ac counts. Lincoln
Tob. 1st. IWJ. it Is hereby cdi-tlflod that the
Northwestern National Insurance Company. of
Milwaukee , Wisconsin. Inn Illo d ut this oillco
the appolntinoutofNlcliols Uros.ic Hull as their
lawful asonW nt Omaha , In the County of Doug-
Ing , In the Statw of NebrnsKa. Now tberetoro.
the above named agents nru hereby authorized
to transact the business ot Insurance , as HK nts
of said Company In this Stale until thiillst day
of lunuavy , A. I ) . IHiO , unlcsu sooner revoked.
subject howarer to nil the icstrictlons and limi
tations of the law. I further certify that Bald
Compxny has complied with all tha require
ments ot the law regulating such Insurance
Companies In this State. In testimony where
of. 1 luvvo hereunto tut my hand and the seal of
the Auditor ot Public Accounts , the day and
year llrstabovo written. T. 11. UENTON , Audi
tor of Public Accounts.
liariroril , Conn.
ASS'M JI.ST5.114.03
Total liabilities , except capital nnd
lietsurplUB $ 088.W : ! ) GO
Joint capital stock piilu in cash. . . 500 , < > uo 00
Surplus beyona all liabilities W , ) l 33
Jl.W',114 03
United States of America , State of Nebraska.
OMIcoof Auditor of I'ubllc Accounts. Lincoln ,
Nob. I'ub. 1st , 18H' ' ) . It is hereby certlQed that
the Hartford Steam Holler Inspection nnd In
surance Company , of Hartford. Conn. , has
nied at this ollico the appointment of Nichols
Hros. & ILtll as their lawful ugents at Omaha ,
In the County of Douglas , in the State of Ne
braska. Now therefore , the above named
agents are hereby authorized to transact the
business of insuiuucc. as agents of said com
pany , lu this state.nutll theillbt d'iy of January ,
A. 1) . lb'j ( ) , unless sooner revoked , subject how
ever , to all the restrictions and limitations of
the law. I further certify that said company
has complied with all the toinlromonts of the
law regulating , such jnsnninca companies In
'thisState ' , In testimony whereof , 1 have hc"ro-
'iinto ' sat my hand and tno seal ot the Auditor
> ot 1'ublle Auuountd , the day and year llrst above
written. T. II. UENXON , Auditor of V ubllc Ac
inmates from wandering in the mazes
of vice. " In short , my views on this
mooted subject mav bo summed up in
the simple suggestion that wo pay old
ladies the compliment wo pay old gen
tlemen and other sane persons , of ox-
poctinpr thorn to dress as they please ,
each according to her notion.
Sarah Dornbardt lias decided to return to
Anicrica'noxt March ,
Now there are six Unelo Toms on the
road and six Llttlo Lords Fnuntleroy.
Clara Morris has begun her season , and is
in bettor health and spirits than she has been
Alice Chaudos , who came to Amorlca with
Miss Julia Matthews , has boon engaged by
William Horace Lingurd for hla London
"A Golden Widow , " Augustln Daly's
adaption of Sardou's "Marquise , " is a failure
in Now York.
Little Marshall P. Wilder Is as busy as a
bee this season , and scorns to bo in greater
demand than ever.
The Thall Theatrical "Exchange Is engag
ing n specialty company to uiuko a tour of
Japan , China and India.
There ara 800 companies traveling througn-
out tha country to-day , not including a hun
dred or moro snap troupes.
Imro Klralfy has gene to London , whore
ho wilt produce "Xho Fall of Uabylon , "
backed by Barnutn nnd Bailey.
Anton KubiuRtoin has put $15,000 In the
bank to start an International scholarship
fund for composers and pianists.
Evans & Hooy will tniio "A Parlor Match"
to Australia next April and endeavor to set
lire to the antipodes with its fun ,
The modeling of figures by a sculptor In
plain vlow of ttio nudlcnco , Is one of tbo
features of a museum show in Boston ,
J. M. Hill's now star , Cora Edsall , will
shortly miiUo her appearance In a now play.
Mr. tiill expects she will make a sensation.
Manager Frank L , Goodwin , who will di
rect "ALuclty Ponnv , " has secured all the
members of his company and started his re
"Tho Old Homostoad'1 Is patronized ns lib-
ornlly as over , and people laugh us heartily
nowadays ever Undo Josh's humor as tboy
did n year ago.
Emily Lytton , who plays the part of Minna
In "Littlo Lord Fauutloroy , " lias made u
favorable iuiprossion In tlio cities in which
she lias appeared.
The Louisville manager who guaranteed
Booth and Barrett ? 20,000 for a week of
Shakespearean festival U siudto have cleared
f 10,000 on the engagement.
"Tho Witch" U the title of a new romantic
and truglo play which will have Us flrst pro
duction in tbo Grand opera house , Ban Fran
cisco , on the evening of November 11 ,
W , S. Cloroland will play both of his great
mlnatrol companies together ut tbo Grand
opera liouso In Now Yorlc.malcing n combina
tion of nearly one Hundred und lifty in num
Paul Scblnnlor , loader of the Howard
Atlioncum specialty company's ' orchestra.
Boston , ii not yet twenty-two years old , and
is probably the youngest orchestra director
in the profession.
The Huilolph Aronson Comlo Opera com
pany , with all tlio New York favorites will
appear In "Nutijy" anil "Erunnlo" at the
Academy of Musio , Now York , ono week ,
commencing Monday evening November 4 ,
Tlio Cambridge tlioator , now almost com
pleted , In London , Is to bo tlio scene of the
production of Sir Arthur Sullivan's
iong-tahcod-of grand opera , for which
Mr. Julian SturgU has agreed to supply the
AJ. B , Curtu , tha original "Satn'l of Po-
son , " U about to return to the stage. Ho
has been three yearn away from It. His
new play is called " I'ho Hhalchen. " It i said
to bo bettor than ( ho futnou * "Saia'l , " If it
is aa good U will ilo ,
A cable dispatch from London gaya that
Lolo Fuller's success ttiero had boon of the
most pronounced kind. Tbo newspaper no-
Now York.
Assets ? ) U > 01O.V ? 27
Total liabilities , except capital anil
nctsm-plus { 4.4MU01 CO
Joint capital stock paid up In cash. . . : t.OK ( > ,0' ' ( ) 00
Surplus beyond nil liabilities l.&O-.lfiS Ut
f8,9lll , < V > 7 27
United States of America , State of Nebraska ,
Ollico ot Auditor of I'ubllc Account ? , Lincoln ,
1'eb. 1st , 188.1. It is hereby certified that the
Home Insurance Company of Now York , has
filed at this ollico the appointment of Nichols
Hros , Ac Hull as their lawful auenti at Omami ,
In the County of Douglas , in the State of No-
lirnska. Now therefore the auovo named agents
are hereby authorized to transact tbo business
of Insurance , as agents ot said Company In this
State until the : ilst day of January , A. 1) , 1SWJ ,
unless sooner revoked , subject however , to all
the restrictions and limitations ot the law. I
further certify that said Company has compiled
with all the requirements ot the law regulating
such Insurance Companies la this State , lu
testimony \\hcreof , l have hereunto M3t my
hand anil the seal of the Auditor of 1'nbllo Ac-
co'intH. the day and year llrst above \\rltten.
T. II. JJENTON. Auditor ot I'ubllo Accounts.
Now York.
Assets 133.1,541.00
Total liabilities , except capital und
net surplus $ lf-3Tn 23
Joint capital htock paid up In cash . . . 100,00) ) no
Surplus beyond all Uabiltioa Cu,20 , " > 43
$ .f x,511 CO
United Ftntas of Amorlca , State of Nebrasfca ,
Olllce of Auditor ot I'ubllo Accounts , Lincoln ,
l''iib. 1st. IhS ) . it Is hereby oertltled that the
Lleyd's Plato Ulass Insurance Company , of
New York , has llled at this olllce the appoint
ment of NMiols llros. & Hall as their lawful
agents at Omaha. In the Conuty ot Douglas , in
the State of Nebraska. Now therefore , the
above named agents are hereby authorized to
transact the business of Insurance , as agents of
said Company In this State until the Illst day of
January , A. D. l 8i. unlow sooner revoked , sub
.tect however , to all the restrictions and limita
tions of the law. 1 further certify that said
Company has complied with nil the rqulro-
monts of the law legulntlng such Insurance
Companies In this Stato. In testimony whereof.
Iliavo hereunto set my hand and the s'al of
the Auditor of I'ubllcAoconnts.tho day and year
flrit above written. T. U. liUNTON. Auditor of
I'ubllo Accouuts.
tlcos have boon bettor than any American
actress had previously received. On
the opening night she hud twelve curtain
The now Mnrlcnam opera house at Port
land , Oro. , now in course of construction ,
will cost upward of $20l,000. ) It has boon
leased for a term of ton years by Manager
Al Hayman.who , la connection with Charles
Prohman , will inanago tuo bouso , It is ex
pected it will bo co in pi clod by the middle of
Mr. Henry E. Dlxoy says that on the night
of tlio flrst productlou of "Tuo Seven Ages"
at the Standard theater ho received no loss
than ono hundred nnd eighty telegrams from
friends in the profession wishing him suc
cess. Some of tbcso , ho says , anticipated
matters , and congratulated him on the hit ho
had made.
Wily Our Towns nro Crowded.
lllntihamtun Republican ,
Tlioro was no nobler toil
Than the tilling of the sbil
In the days of long ago ;
But novv the farmer lad
Affects a foolish "fad"
And thinks that ono is finer
To bo a ponny-a-linor ,
Or to break on a car-bumper ,
Or to bo a countcr-juuioor
Don't you know.
"Isn't that n poor light you are reading In ,
dear ? " "O , no ; the novel is so light loan
road by it. "
It takes a smart man to toll a good Ho ; but
nearly all men grow smarter the longer they
are married.
Tlio dignity of labor Is all right , but it is
the dig night and day of labor that many people -
plo complain of.
A sulky girl may sometimes bo cured by
taking her in a buggy with u Boat just wide
enough for two.
Thoro's ono peculiar thing about a liorso
race. You can pick the winners right along
until you conclude to put up your inonoy.
"Do you bnllovo In this will power ? "
"Nothing is so powerful ; you Just try to
break ono that an insane om uunt has
mudo. "
Guest You sooni musical. I always hoar
you whistling. Whr.t la your favorite song ?
\Vuitor Homombar tno , sau ! Ho got a
quarter ,
A swallowtail coat may bojusVtho proper
thing for tlio bridegroom at a fashionable
wedding , but for an olopcmaut tlioro Is notu-
inr HUe a cut-away.
Six-year-old to caller on her big slstor
Good evening , Mr , Palmer. That Isn't my
name , llttlo girl , my name Is Wulkor. Oh ,
you must bo Susie's other bonu. Tableau.
Mr. McCorluo What are you going to do
with that knitting 1 I thought you wore
going shopping. Mrs. McCorklo So I am.
but I want to utiluo tbo hours I shall spend
wlnlo walling for change.
Inquiring Spectator ( at the races ) Which
horse wus U that woni Speculative Spectator
tater ( gloomily ) I don't Itnow the name of
the horsu that won , but 1 know the names of
most of the horses that didn't win ,
First Chapplo Good heavens , Chawlosl
You are not minding u check to your tailor ,
are you ] Second Chuppio Naw ; I'm sending
him a note to toll bun that I may send him u
chock next month. Must bwoak It to him
gently , donchnr know ?
Young Do Trop Do you know , coming
down on tlio boat to-aay , I was absolutely
the only first-class pmonger , ami I ] ust hail
to sit and commune with myself , don't you
know , all of the way Miss Jnswlra How
bored you must have been I
In a Now York newspaper ofllco. City
Editor ( to reporter ) Hillings , you are over
worked. Hillings I fear so , sir. City Edi
tor You need ub.soluto rest , Billings , und
must have It. Go out und report tlio dona
tions to tlio world's fair couiuilttoo ,
Parker Did Simpson go along with you
to Oklahoma , Tucker ) 1'yo ' forgotten.
Tuolcor ( Just from Oklahoma ) Yos. ho wont
out there us a politician , How did lie coma
out ! Did hi Imvo any folio won I Folio w-
orsl Ho did that. Why they say It wus tha
largest funeral the place over know ,
Assets ft.OII ) , 01..T )
Total llauillttos Sl.llW.n ! l f\
Netsurplus aiS.747 41
: to
United Staloa of America , Stata of Nebraska ,
Ollico of Auditor of 1'ulillo .Account * . Lincoln.
Fob. 1st , lieu. It is herobv certlllod that the
London find Lancashire Klro Insurance Corn *
pany , of Liverpool , Knglaiul. hns filed at thin
oillco the appointment of NIOhols llros. A : Hall
as their lawful acents at Oimilm , In tb J County
ot llnitKUiH. in thu Slnto of Nebraska. Now
therefore , the above agents are hereby
authoilzcd to transact the bus.noss of Insurance )
as iiireuts of said Company In * this State until
the illst day of .January , A. D. 18ti i , unless sooner
revoked , subject however , to nil the restrictions
and llirltattons of the law. 1 further certify
that said rompiiuy has compiled with all the re
quirements of tno law regulating suoli Insur
ance Co nip lines In this State , in testimony
thereof , 1 nave hereunto set my hand and thn
seal of thu Auditor of I'ubllc Accounts , the day
nnd year llr.t above written. T. 11. lir.NTON ,
Auditor of 1'nbllc Accounts.
i i i ' J . i
Assets $194,581.15
Total liabilities , except ratntal and
net surplus . . $2Srt , ; lS UT
Capital paid up In cish JiW.Oj ! ) U )
Surplus beyond all liabilities . ' . . la.ilU 83
fflUI.SU 15
Unite.- ! States of Atcorlcn , State of Nebraska.
Olllce of AUuT.or of I'ubllc Accounts. Lincoln.
Nob. , Fell. 1st. mi. H Is hereby i-erttllml that
the Standard Accident Insurance Caiipany. at
Detroit. Mich. , has lilel at this ollico the ap
pointment of Nichols liros.Ac Hall as their lawful -
ful agents at Omaha , In the County ot Douglas ,
inthoStato of Nebraska. Now therefore , the
above nan a.1 agents are hereby authorized to
tninHnr.tthu buHluoss of Insurance , as agents of
suld company. In this state , until the Hist nay of
January. A. L ) . 18t , unless sooner revoked , sub
ject however , to all the restrictions and limita
tions ot the law. I further certify tlmt said
company has comp'led with all tbo rooulro-
ments of the law regulating Htich Insurance
companies In this htnto. In testimony A\hereof.
1 have Uarountn act my hand and tha seal ut tha
auditor of public accouuts , the dav ami year
Hist arjovu written. T. II. UKN2ON , AudltoJ
of Public Accounts.
Chtcatia Iemli1.
VTcs , wo hold a grand reception nnd ImO
everything in style ,
With ( lowers overyvvhcjo and fruit ns high
as uu could pile.
The aristocracy was there , all gorgeously ar
rayed ,
And everybody acted just ns If 'twas dress
Luciutla she's my wife appeared in dresses
rich nnd rare ,
With furbelows and flounces ana with flow
ers in her hair :
But somehow as I looked at lior I couldn't
help but HCO
The scene when first I met her at thu old-
time quilting boo.
How mcin'ry will keep ruunlnirback toother
days and scones ;
I sometimes quito forget that part of life
which intervenes
Between the years when all I owned was
youthful hope nnd health.
And later tunes which lirought mo more of
worrimcnt and wealth.
And so at the reception in the midst of
beauty's glee ,
Her faca , though old nnd wrinkled , was tha
sweetest picture there
The one whoso smile of friendship 1ms forever -
ever welcomed me
Since llrst 1 met her glances at an old-tlmo
quilling ; boo.
In those days whloh wo old folks call the
"Inippy long HKO , "
The girls would In the morning meet and
gaily chut mid saw :
They'd keep it up till evening , when the
neighbor boys would come ,
And hold u party or a dance before they loft
for homo.
And when the quilt was finished then they'd
take tlio old house cut
And plucu it in the midillo while they loudly
helloed "Scatl"
Tlio two the cat would jump between , 'twas
salu that she and lie
Would bo the llrsl to marry who were at tlio
quilting bco.
And so Unit night I speak of when the quilt
ing all was done
The girls wcro cagor then to see \vlii'h way
tlio cut would run.
I won't tori'ct Lucinda as she stood tlioro by
my side ,
Nor how wo blushed a crimson as they called
us groom and bride.
I said It wus an accident and BO 1'vo always
Bald ,
13ut anyhow before the year had pusscd wo
two wcro xvod.
And to this very day tlioro nro no scenes BO
fair to mo
As mom'rlcs of that evening at an old-ilmo
quilting boo.
A Country < > ! ' Hnlt.
Everything1 In the country of the
River Chill in Asia IB described by
Gabriel Bouvalot as covered with salt ,
says the Popular Solonco Monthly. It
is Been in the walls of the houses and
on the banlce of the rivers , and the
water one drinks is very salt. ' 1'ruvol-
ing saltpetre-makers go in summer
from place to place , wherever thov can
find material to work upon. Their
mode of operation ia a rough-and-ready
one. Holes in the earth servo us vata
and hollers , and below these are placed
ovens. Abundance of brushwood BUD-
plioa material for the llrou , The work-
era collect from the surface of the mirth
heaps of compost of salt and animal
manure , This is eoakod for twenty-
four hours in water , then filtered , and
then boiled for twenty-four hourn ,
cleansed , and placed in the sun , BO that
the water mayoVaporato , An ordinary
workman can make about ilfty pounds
in a day , and thU ho noils at the rule ot
1 ponrty a pound.
Edward Tilliston , killed a few days
ajjo on the PennHylvania railroad ut
Kunnott Square , had a presentment of
his death. When ho kissed hla wlfo
his last { 'ood-by ho Bald ; "You eh all
never BOO mo again , "
Kennedy's East India Bitters ,