Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Notice nf Spcclnl r.lcotlon.
. Nollco h hereby olvcn to the lejjal voter * of
Joiti < las county. Nebraska , that wherein tha
Nebrnnka Contra ! rnllwuy company has sub
mitted tothoboardof county roniralssloner * ot
DoiiKlnn county , Ncbraika , n proposition In the
mortis following , namely I
"Omnlia , Neb. , Oct.3l.lW3. llonornble Hoard
of rommLs Ionern ot Donclus Countr. Ne
braska Unntlomnn : The Nebraska Central
tnllwny company proposes to Tmlld a double-
track steel railway bridge iicrosstlie Missouri
Tlvcr nt i < omo point yet to bo celcetrd above tha
present brldgen , nndiotith of the north line of
tne city of Omalm-provldcd tbo county ot
Douglas Mill donate to tlio eompnny two mm-
ilrea and Hfty thousand < Jxu. < * * n dollars of fi
lier cent , twenty-year bonds of the county , to
lin delivered to the eompany on the completion
ot tlio tirldge ready for operation on or before
Juno 2i IWU.
The bridge M propose I to bo built under an
net of congress entitled. 'An net to authorize
tlio construction otabrldgrt over tbo Jllflionrl
river , nt or nenr thu eltyot Omaha , Neb. , ' up-
proved .IlinoZ ! . IWH. Aud the net provMes that
tlio bridge shall bo open to all railroad com
panies desiring to USB the same , upon equal
"In cnso the construction of the bridge is not
1 > e < jim before thfl'illi d.iy of June. IfX ) . or the
bridge lnotcomi > lotoiU > itorothe d d y ot
Jnntt. IKK , tha eompany shall not bf entitled to
receive any of aM bonls. nvun Uioujh the
proposition should bo carried by vote ot the
, "And , provided further , that nld brmds Miall
bo delivered to the saU Nebraska Control Hull-
way company , lu n scuts , mici-MsoMor asMirni ,
onlvnron tbo execution by mild Nebraska Con-
iral Itidlwiiy company or Its mircofxorinudo -
Ihory to naldeounty of Douglas , ot nn under
taking 111 writing to tbo oirvit that thu prmcl-
pal depot or mild railway company , its general
olllcra nnd principal niachlno xhops , when
liiltlt , shall bo located mill ninlntaltiud wlthtn
the corporate limits of the illy of Omaha. Mcb. ,
nud that n violation ot the terms of Slid un
dertaking by the said Nebraska Central Hall-
wavtompaliy or It micocssor.s shall render Kiild
NobrnnKa Central Hallway company or Its sue-
cssnorn Indbhtrd to the said county or Douglas
( o iho full amount ot said bonds and thu Inter
est thert on.
"ily order of the board of dlrcitor.s Nobrnsta
Central Hullwny company.
" . II. UUMONT. Vice President.
"Ol OiinnC. lUliNUM. Hectetry. "
I"J. wns voted by the board or
county commissioners of said Duitulns lounly ,
Nebraska , to accept thn ahovo nml fonwdlug
1 = r j * proposition of the Nebraska Cential Hallway
I'nivlitml , that the terms of mich inoposltlon
uo llrst HUbiultted to tbo loirul voters of said
county nnd adopted by thmii according to law.
Now , therefore , n special oletitlon or the legal
voters of Douslas county. Nebraska , will bo
held nn
, DAV 01' DEChM-
1JBII. 1H"J.
nt uhlch election the following questions shall
be submitted tu Bald voters ami voted upon lu
the form and iimnnor and at thu polling places
following :
Hnalltho county ot Doualns. Xobruska , Issue
It * coupon bonds to aid tha Nebraska Coutrnl
lalltvay company tutlio conutruitlonot t. rail
road bndco ncross the Missouri river at
Omnlni , Nob. ; said bonds to amount to the sum
oltwo hundred and llfty .thousand ( > 0UJ ) )
dollurn : to boi HHOl ( liisums of ono thousand
( JI.O-JO ) dollars each ; to no made pnj-ablti to
henrer ; to bo dated on the 1st dny ot Jammry.
IWII ; to bocomoduo twenty ( -1) ) years after the
date thereof ; to be > r Interest ut the rate of llvn
(5) ( ) per cant per annum , payable soml-nnniiallv
on the unit day of January ami ot July ; ouch ot
uhlrh bonds to bear on Hi face the following
words : "This bond Is ono of n
horlr.s ot UVI like uonilslilcli are
Issued by tlie county of Douglas , in thontatoof
NotiraHKu , to aid thoNobrasKa Central Hallway
company In the conatructjon ot a railroad
l > rld u across iho Missouri river at Omaha.
Nebraska ; " nil nf HUM bonds und the Inturejt
theruoii to bo imyableutthe Ilicaiagi-iiuvof tlio
BtutoiitNcbraaKu iutlio city of New Voric ; to
bo delivered und donatud to the Nebraska Con-
trul Hallway Lompany Mhen ItHhiill Imvo com
pleted , ready for operation , a double track
hteel railroad orld u across thn .Missouri river ut
Omiihii , Nebraska , und Nhall hmo executed thu
ugrcomentfl contained lu said proposition ; pro-
vlded tlio sumo shall bo commeui-cd on or bo
fore Juno IB , JS'.M ' , nud shall bo llm-neil ready
for onerntlon on or beroro Juno SI. 1KL' .
And H ! 111II an aiimnil tax , lu addition to thu
Usmil and all other taxes , n levied on tile tax-
nblo property ot iJouglas couniy. Nobriwica.
Biiftli'ifiit to pay thu Interest on cnid bonds as It
becomes ( inu ; aim at the time or lovytug thu
nnniuil touuiy taxes , ronimonrlncr the tenth
j ear prior 10 thu maturity or siild bonds , nhnlt
n tux In addition to all other taxes uu Invtol on
tlio taxublo projiorty or Douglas county , mid
continued annually there.irter from to
year , until tlioroby n sinking fund "lull have
been c rented snlllcieiit to puy bald bonds at the
maturity thnieof ?
The at eve iniostloui ) shall be regarded ns ono
entire qncstton , nud ull legal votein ofHalil
Douglas ( ounty who dcHlio to vote in favor ot
the Issuance ot said bonds und the levy of ualu
taxes In puyment of thu pi Im Ipal mm Interest
theicoC , ui bald election , shall votiabalot
with said ( iiuatloii iir.lutedor written , or paitly
printed and partly wiltten , with the 1'iillonliiK
iidilitioiuilords theioon"Vml'or the No-
Ijruiikii Central nil I way aid bonds und taxes. "
And all Itwil voters or said Douglas couutvlio
doslfu to voteu aliHu tiio issiiauto of said
Ixiud8 und tlio levy of.said tuxes In payment of
the principal nnd inti rest thereof , at said ulec-
tlon , Hbiill vote a ballot with K.ild iiiicstion
printed or written , or purely printed and part
ly written , with the reluming additional words
thereon : "No Against thu Nebraska Central
ralluay aid boudn and taxes. "
It tno-tlilrdHot all of Bald ballots voted by
tbo Bald IOKUI voters ot Mild Doiitjlaa countv at
eald clbcilou shall have theicou tuo norus "Yvn
l-'or the Nebraska-Centnil ralluay aid bonds
nnd taxiM. " the foregoing iirojiosltlon ilt nuvo
leun adopted , and thu said DOUUH lmll bo Is-
8'iedan.l tl/o said taxes shall bo levied , in nu-
rortlanco with the terms nnd conditions there
of ; utlienMsu not.
Said election shall be opened at eleht (8) ( )
o'clock a. m. upon .said Tuesday , theJlu day ot
JicccmUer , ISb'.i , uudHhall lemaiuopen until aix
( II ) o'clock p. m. of said nay.
The polling places of suld election Hball bo
the following named plrnx-s In Joiiiis ! county ,
Dlstilct No. J S. W. ( ornur 1'enth nnd Jones
DiHtilct No , 3 Number 1117 South Slxtli
etroet , Vlnoy'B barber shop.
lllMtrict No. ; l S. K. coriiorj.leventh and Dor
cas streets , engine bouso.
DlhtrlctNo. 1 Numb.-r 1JIH Month Slxteontli
District No. 3 Number IbTI .South Sixteenth
OMAHA 1'KKCIN 71' NO. 15.
District No. 1 Nnmuor liliW Davenport Htreot.
Jdutrlct No. 2 Number 10-iJ llaruey htreet.
Illatrlct No. 1 UK ) ! Capitol aveiino.
District No. 3 Number 17W 81. Mary's uvo-
Bill' .
OMAHA 1'iimNcr NO. ft.
District , No. 1 Number 5JI NoithBlxteoiitli
Dlhtrlnt No. " t'oruer Iznrd and Blxtecnth
streets , lliitrlno MOUMI No II.
OMAHA I KCIN ri' NO. fl.
DlHtrletNo. 1 Numbery > : H l.nteatioPt.
DlHtrict No. Lyceum Hull , on Twenty-
fourth Htrcuton Southuldo of i' . , II. it M. V. 1C.
It. tracK.
District No. % Stevens' Store on I'arkcr
\\estorTlilrty-thliilrttreel. .
District No. 1 CornoiTwentyninth street
nnd Woolworthavenue , School llouf-o.
District No. 2-11. ti. Claik'H HnlldluL' on
T euty nmtli street , between Dupout and Hlco
District Na I South Sldo I'umliik' , liolween
Twentieth nnd 'n\cuty-llrst ( ilieeta ( Horness
i'latrlct No. 2 CiiniliiK street , between
'J eniy-ronrtli street aiiu'lwcnty-lirih avenvio ,
I'liruy's barn.
District No. 1 Conur Twenty.ninth anJ Tar-
ns.'i ntreota , C. J. JOIIUSOII'B Morn.
lilntrlct No. M-Corn r Xlerceriind Ix > we nvp-
lines. C. J. Hyun'fHtort * .
1'ioclnctNo. 1 r , 1'lvonktt'ji. N btrect , 1)0-
t eenrnventy-lifth nud Twenty-sixthutreets.
I'rvctuct No. " j. Lev Twenty-sixth street ,
betWfon N anil O Ktreitts. lt'a
1'rwlnct No. ! ( Mttle liouse back of Keller's
Hotel , O Htruut.
I'rvcluU -'IliCliiiiiKJ hiilvl.
I'loronco rrecinct At school house at Klor.
Union I'rocmct At d'eoruii Ii. Hodman's
Jullcriion Vrcclnct At 1' . Deldilchson's olllce ,
ilkhorn Precinct- Town hall , ClKborn
Vu'lley Precinct At school house ut Valley
* * oyB.
\V turloo Prix'lnct At Musonie hall biilljiinr ,
I tnvnKo I'lerim tAt Van Alt's olllce. B.rd
Mlllurd I'rocluct At school lioiibu at Mlllurd
8 ilcArlllo Procluit-At ! .MoAidlo's nelmol
"iVoualas Prod in t At llenrr Huser's place ,
B. W. < ir. . section : w , towiuhlp 11 , IKHKO 1 1.
Wrat Omaha At ueuool liuiisu. district No. ill.
Ily order of the board of roiintyfomimx.slou.
or . .M. D. HU ( l U Ccuinty mbe
lienby"Ri\ tliat book will ba
oiH'iiodiit 10 o'clocx u. m. ou haturday , thu olx-
teunth diiy of November , liwii. at tlio olllco of IxJ. .
M. TlmrHton , t'nton Pacitlc llntlcting , tu lie
city ot Oiuuliu , Doiiwl.i.s comity. Nobrasica. for
ihu purpose ufre < x > tme HUbsc-rlptious to the
capital block of thv Omaha I'nlon Depot Com-
pauy. W. II. HOI.CIIMII ,
( I , W. lloiaiiii.iir.
' '
o-17-d-U-t ! I'ortho InroriHirators ,
Iinpurttnaui ) Wbuleiolo Dealer * lu
Watches , Jewelry , Cullory ,
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
Co al-Collir Springs , &c. , Ac.
Ijirua anortuieut fur
Fdna Ricki , Knlfo Doardi , Splndlet.
Aucilonttri , Slreetmen and Peddlen.
lllii rnrleir of So , 10n unit SJo foiinter
St. Louie , Mo.
Bankers Report Money In About
iho Same Condition.
A Slight Dcnroano In Clearings Ow
ing In \Vontior--rj'iiernl )
Trade Itnpnrtctl ns Heine
Fnlrlv Oootl.
In Ijoonl Coiniunrolnl Olrclni.
Hanker * report the money tnnrknt In nbout
the sumo condition this woolc ns last. There
Is n very KUDU" supply available for all
legitimate puroDses , with n futr demand
from the city nnd nn active ono from the
country. O'nttlo moii In Nebraska will ro-
diilrd n grout deal of money this winter , ns
feeding will bo carried on upon u much
larger scale than for many seasons , and this
money will not bo released by the shipment
nnd sale ot the cattle nnd ahcoi ) till January
nnd lAjortnry. Tlio clearings , ns reported
by Mr. Hughes , manager of ttio clearing
house , foot up 51,033,030.0.1 , n docroiso.of
17-10 nor cent , trade having boon slightly
affected by the stormy weather prevalent
during the wcok. Kites aro3 to 10 per cent ,
for prime paper.
CJonornl t ratio is fairly peed anil jobbora
nnd manufacturers express Hatiafuctlon with
the results of the to data , ns n rulo.
Lumber ami hanln'aro men have moro to
complain of than others , though boot and
shoo dealers think business might have bocn
better without tiring them unduly. Grocery
und dry goods Jobbers have had n very good
season and sales nru somewhat in cic-
cess of last your nt this dute.
The chlof mutter of worrlmont with the
grocers is the unsettled condition of tUo
sugar market aud Its declining tendency.
The trust scoins to Imvo lost Its grip nnd Mr.
SprccUols nation , or rattier luck of notion ,
indicate Unit ho Is inclined to pose as a
sphinx for n time nt least. Ho gives no sign
of entering the market ns a buyer of ruw
sugar and It Is currontlv reported that ho
will not begin operations till next month , but
ho may start Hi ) next week , nnd It U this un
certainty us to the ( uturo of production that
bothers jobbers and they nro taidng only
what they need for dally supplies and , us u
rule , losing money on all the sugar they sell.
Ttio same condition of utTalrs prevails ut the
cast and in the raw sugar maritot , and the
depression extends to Kuropp , where reports
us to the condition of thn licet crop ui'J of n
favorublo character. It is said thut M. Ij'clit '
will foreshadow uu Increase of l.r > 0,000 tons
of brct sugar In his next estimate.
New York ois : for roflned sugars
when exported , less iir.iwlnks , are : cut loaf
per 100 pounds , $531 ; cub3s per 100 pounu * ,
SI.CS ; crnshcil per UK ) uounua , Sbiil ; powd
ered tier 100 pounds , $1.81 ; granuluted per
100 pounds' 51 13.
KoustOd Hio coffees declined c per Ib th's '
wvoif , unil llio murkd is depressed iind un
settled. ' 1 ho New York Shipping L st says of
IJmyil coffee : The fieo saiu * reported iuour
last , followed by further conflicting crop
cablcH , especially UICHO emanating from the
uhiof seller of last weo'f , h ivo had nn un-
suttllng and depressing elTect upon ttio mar
ket , and wiicli bi siness as. has tr.intpirod has
been accomplished ut a further reduction in
prices. An analysis of the cables to hand
would seem to Indicate that the growing
crop , notwithstanding the vicissitudes of the
season , is in a moro favorable condition
than lias hitherto been supposed ,
though it is of course too early to
foretell wlmt the final outcome I * to bo until
the season hus'piogresscd far enough to enn
bio the formation of some dullnit o idea ns to
the uiugnitudoof tliociop , therefore u con
tinuance of confuting cable reports , unuullv
incident to mere wonthor markets will bo
in order. A. further depressing inlluonca
has been the receipts of lirui olTors ut still
lower tlgurci , nnd several sales have boon
effected us low us 11.85 cJtits etnt und freight
for No. 7. The demoralizing itilluonco of
this business was most uppinint yesterday ,
nnd accounts for the general drop in options
nnd general feuling of uneasiness with whicli
the market closed. The invoice saloj re
ported since our lust Imvo been as lollov.s :
1.500 bags Kio , Nos. ( i , 7 and 8 nt 15 cents ,
cost nnd freight ; 2.000 do No. 7 , 15 c f. ; l.UJO
dd No. 8 , 1 J c. f. ; 1,000 do do Nd. 7 , 14.M c. f.
Hio cables do not inilu-ato anv material
chungo In the stutisiical position of supplies ,
the receipts at Hio ocing inoJernto. us
heretofore , whilst at Suutos they continue
lurgo. There has been no nppreciablo
change in stocks. The confuHiinr chuructcr
of private cables may bo guthored from the
fact thut whilst linn offers resulted in sales
ut 14.85 cents cost and freight. Phlpps' dis-
patcli quoted the same grade 15 % cents. 'J he
dispatch from Juincs Matthews & Co. ,
has had BO unsettling un influence ,
is us follows : "Judging from
the blossom and the condition ot
the trees generally , wo put forward tno following -
lowing preliuiinury cstiinato Hio crop. Ho-
freshing showers and Intervals ) of sun hlno
arc greatly bcnolilting the growing crop.
The blossom is exceptionally luxuriant , und
gives promUo of n largo crop , the hillside
trees recovering rapidly. Iho blossom is
luxuriant nnd promises u good crop for next
BtiibOii. Estimate next crop nt about four
million bags. In Santos the blossom over
ull co ( Tee-growing districts is of u most
mugniticont character , and gives prom
ise of u Very largo crop. JOslimato next
crop at about tnroo und one-quarter million. "
The local joubiue demand has continued
moderate , country buyers showing the same
feeling of hesitation in replenishing their
stocks that is displayed bv dealers lit this
market. The option market has been fairly
active , but has rellected tbo sumo general
feature noted above , thn shorts Imvo taken
ml vantage of the weak influences to increase
the outstanding short Interest , and thereby
hammer the market. The closing prices
lust evening show a net decline- since lust
Frluuy of 70 points for November nnd
05 points for ull other months. The market
left off barely steady.
The total vlslblo supply of Brazil coffee in
warehouse and ulloat for the United States
was on October 30 last , 432,570 bugs. October
30 , 1SS8 , it wus 493,0'ii bags , nnd November
1 , 1BS7. it was 471,737 bags , nud the visible
supply of the world October 1 , 18SO , was
3,114.272 bags , ngalnst 2,007,474 bags October
1 , 1838.
Mild coffees nre quiet and unchanged ,
The produce market has been fairly active
the piut week. Fancy nnd chnluu butter is
jinn ut quotations. Dressed poultry bus been
in sin nil supply und the demand good. H-
ccipU of eggs and gnmo are light und the
market is stiff ut ruling quotations Potatoes
nnd onions are in stronger request for strictly
llrst class stock.
Tlio linn of Parrotto , Scripps & Co. , whole
sale hati uud caps , successors to W. LI. Par
rot to it Co. , begun business November 1.
( u thu oourao of un article on the uutlooK
for sugar , the New York Commercial liul-
letin remarks that hostility to iho truot tins
led buyers to give preference to outside ro-
liners whenever conditions of cost permit
ted. Further , Philadelphia relltiori have
protected their customers In allowing rebates -
bates upon unsold stocks ns prices declined.
'Ibis thu trust lias refused. So far us can ll.uo
discovered from the methods practiced the :
trust has Hi in ply managed to makou Ot
that brings loss to Itself and advantage to
Its competitors , with the situation the ro
aggravated in view of tbo announced il
ing of the Spruckols rellnery at un early
I'liero Is a firmer market for dried apples ,
owing to the Increased exports. Over
10,000.000 pouuds of drlod apples wcro ox-
liortod from the United Slates to foreign
countries during thu llrst nlnn months o"
IbSi ) . Hut '
litUooviir'i.SOO.OOO pounds were
shipped during the corresponding period lust
A telegram from Gloucester , Mast. , says :
' Largo receipts of codlUh continue to come
in from the Grand bankt. "
The southern paixirs nro claiming that
whilu Juno conditions promised a larger
Louisiana sugar crop than in 1SS3 , continuous
droultm have o injured the cane as to eur-
tuil original estimates ut leastono-third. The
acmigo cut will bo quito up to the original
oxpeotutlous , but tbo weight . llgbloncd
through the influence of the dry weather.
( Suateniulu will send to market this season
nn unprecedented eoffoocrop.
Pig Iron was uuvancod fl per ton lu Potin-
s.viVMiila last
It i claimed thut manufacturers have or-
Uurs lor 75J.VOJ tons of steel rails Tor irbo
- Ifc'JO
yt-ur ,
Metal trade U Imuroviug daUy tut ] with
cold weather will become brisk. Collection !
nro not at unslty made ns oauld bo wished ,
bill there is not BO much complaint on this
score ns a few weeks since.
Saturday , Nov. 3.
There wcro only twelve loads of cnttlo on
to-da.v' market but eighteen loads we ro re
ported to arrive into nnd were counted in
the receipts , although they dill not arrive in
time for the market. Cattle good enough
to suit the sold '
packers qulto readllyr'tin-
t'vos ' bringing f 1.5 K l 23 nnd westerns S2.73
CJ1.00. The halt fnt atuff , cattle thut nro bo-
twccn grass nnd corn , too good for fecdcra
nnd barely good onoiich tor killers , nro very
slow sales. The holders ot sucti hava found
It Very hard work oven to got n bid. The
supply of feeders and stackers wiis made up
largely of northern cattle nnd the trade was
slow. Such cattle us sold brouaht nbout
steady prices , natives going nt SJ.50M-.CO
and n fuw westerns ut $ .1,50 , NatlVi ) caws
To-dav's ' mnrkot wns upon the whole abfrul
steady with ye torday.Vltti only thirty-
four fresh loads nud four stnloon the mar -ot
the trndo opened with n fair prospect of
steady prices lit least , nnrt a few loads which
happened to strike the buyer's fnnuy
mtiy have brought strong prlcos. Like yes-
tordar , the murljet droppsd before it had
fuirly opened and closed woik.
lll n l.
Tlioro were n few sheep here , but the mar
ket wus slow nnd lower.
Ueucipt * .
Cattle . ( WO
Hog * . 2,300
Sheep . . . . . 170
Horses . , . 07
1'rovniitn.r t'-loo .
Thofoltowln ? Is n tula of pricsi pild In
thisunrlcot for thj gr.idM of stock man-
tloneil :
I'nmostcors , 13JJ to IBM ) lh$4.lO 01.50
Gooil stocrs , I'J'O to H" ) IbJ. . 3.1(3 ( ( rt > l.23
Good steers , 105J to K10J Ibs. . . 3 50 C'M.O. )
Western steers , 2.fJ } W3.15
Common 1000 to 1150 ib steors. 3.0D
Common dinners 1.01) )
Ordinary to fair cows 1.5) ) r < $ l.75
Fair to good cows l.T.'i
Good toclioico cows 1.9)
Fair to good built 1.5'J W3.00
Light stocKcrs and foodors. . . . 3.70 fiC3. 5
Good feeders , IIW to 1103 Ibs. . , : t.7i ) ff . { ,75
Fair to choice light nors ; 11.75 (7ct.8 : >
Fair to choice huavy nogs. . . , il.70 VC3.75
Fav ( to ehoico mixed ho s 3.70 ( ( Ki.75
Common to rough boss. 3.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
.1130 ! 1 10 37. . .1311 4 2T
40. .13ill u so ro. . , iiri ; -t 23
43. .1234 4 15
2t. . SOrt 1 15 20 8S5 2 00
3. .1053 1 50 15 10.13 H 10
43. . U50 1 ! )0 ) 23 . 891 2 13
2 1210 2 2T 23 1128 5 C5
24 8.1(1 ( 250 2 SS5 2 ( ill
27 S O 250' li. ( . ' 111 ! ! 2 (
27 1013 353IS 1011 200
1 1200 1 Or.
7 730 2 40
wmrciix ovTrtn.
Owner and No. Av. Pr. I
1 Htcer , ntrav , tailing. . 1330 2 0(1 (
1 steer , stray , t.illiui.llrfu 2 IK )
2steorsstrnystalllun'sHUO ) 2 00
D.Illnmn ; & Slinnis
21 steers , 1143 2 75
2 steers 107i ) 225
1 steer liKiO 3 00
1 steer ll.'il ) 3 IK )
llstuers I2W 3 00
2.J feeders 'J97 250
L 7 Cattle GJ
IS steers , tailinss 1221 1 00
Ifeeiler. . . . . 1150 2 40
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
57. . . .244. 403 3 ( > ' ) (11. ( . . .303 100 3 70
. .2/J SO : t " > (53. ( . . .2(13 ( bO ? "f
. . jir bo 3 115 00. . . .tin 120 , ;
' ° ' . ) - } 12J a ir > 57. . . .3JI 120 3 72i
O0. . iajii So 3 ' " ' 5 or. . . . .309 10 3 7.'i
5J. . .2'.0 . . 3 ( ! 7 > | CO. . . .234 bO 3 75
51. . .2)1 ! ) 120 3 70 50. . . .213 bO 3 75
50. ' 3 70 47. . . .253 40 3 75
5 $ . . ! ] ( ) " 40 3 70 < . , . .325 80 3 75
03. . .271 120 3 70 . .2.V5 UU ) 3 75
5t > . . .20.J 30) 3 70 6f. ( ! , .2. ' > S 120 3 75
00. . .271 W ) 3 70 08. , . ,240 2SO 3 75
01. . .21.8 40 3 70 01. . .247 3 75
CD. . .270 200 3 70 70. . .241 40
1)7. ) . .310 60 3 70 80. . .231 USD
GO. . 207 1GO .1 70 GO. . .23t 100 3 bO
41 . . : 33 40 3 70 12. . .148 3 8. .
. - > ! ) . . . . ' ! 20 J 3 70 43. . .20.- 3 85
57. . .2T ! > 210 3 70 4) 3 85
57. . . .S7.210 3 70 30..20' ! 3 b3
2U3 200 3 70
No. Av. 1'rc.
S3 Westerns 110 375
Slum-ins the olllciiilrecjlpts and shipments
of livestockdiirmi ? the month of October ,
18b'.t , mid the number of hand consumed at
South Om.ihu :
n A
C. , M. & St. P. It'y. . . . , 4..V. . ! )
O. & 8t. J. . H'y an 2 II' .
Mo. l'.ic. H'y Mir
U ' 1 * U'v . . ' " Miru 1B.G70
o'ic N. NV'Vlt'y. ; . . . . . . ! : u 4.UJO ' "
JI.&M.U'y 10.71 1 U.OJ7 "lui
CII. . JtQ. H'y JIU ' '
' "
. . It. I. A : I' , ll'v K.'lil ) "iio
C.St.M. ] & : ( ) . It'y. ' . . .
IMi.X-M.V. H'y li.UW
Driven In Sift
Groml total Iil.i73 13I.B3J 17.5801.077
It VIII1O.M)3. ) %
nfr H'y. . S.U-K ) l.l.H C,7 < i7
O. 4tBt. I , . UV . hTJ " 1.0U1
Missouri I'ucftla . l.KJi "riiti
Unloa I'aclllc . fi. 13 "
ti.HN.Vf . "iw nio
C.MJI an ire
u , II.&Q . irItM7 1,171
c. , it. i.i-p . 1.3 W 7.L1J
C. Ht. 1' . . M. A : 0 .
Total slupmcntH . 2.-1.7II5 ll.U'JI MS
Consumed in S.Omnhu IW.--JJ HU
a land total IJU.iilQ li.i.tH5 ! 17.I H fii
.Iilio Htonk Noto-i.
M. L. Simmons , of Dow City , marketed <
James U. Hume , uf Madison , marketed
Hurry Kuhl cumo In from Aspinwall with
Henry AVelinimii , of Nelson , had hogs on
William Patterson , of Stockholm , vlsltod
the yurds.
S. S. Hnillnv , of Cedar Haplds , marketed
some line 3.25 cuttle.
J. S. Fordyco. of Schuvlor , was in with
two double-dock loads of Hheop.
Secretary A. L. Litt ima Issued a call ergo
thu meotiug of the Live Stock Exchange
Monday at U o'clock.
Twciity-sevon thousand ono hundred and
nineteen head of range cattle woru received
at the yards during October.
Some time airo u notice was published re
questing Iowa shippers along the line of the
Chicago & Northwestern road to load stock
lor No , 25 , tbo fast freight west on that read.
On 0110 or two occasions during the past ,
month that train was behind time \yhlch .
brought the stock late Into this marJtut.
This led to a corrospoudenco between Acting
President Uabcock und the oflicluls of thut
road , and yesterday a letter waa received
from Mr. Hopkins , superintendent of the
Iowa division , saying that in case 'of uu ]
avoidable delays to No. 15 bo will make up i u
special at Doono and bring the stock iu enid
the Umo of No. 1C.
PAXTOX liOTisf * . OMAHA Special nt-
tontion to commercial moii. Finest and
largest hotel in the vrebt. Kittrodgo &
Brulnard , proprietora.
i Turn iTlniri Tr >
1(1 ( IK
Nothing Slgnlflaantiu Trading In the
Til ,
The Uirnnl Sntiirilny QiilotncsH Pro-
vnlls in tlio Provision 1'lt llo i
In I-"nlf Do jniul niul
1'rlccs Wonily.
cnicv o puunuois
Cntcvoo , Nov.2. fSpecial Telegram to TIIR
UF.E. ] There wns nothing significant in to
day's trading in the wheat pit. Business Is
largely local or professional in Its character ,
though of course commission houses are in
receipt ot their usual daily budget ot orders ,
based on the country movement. The mnr
kot was rather dull a ? n wholn nud fluctua
tions weru confined to n narrow mugc. Ca
bles were not influential nt n factor in the
day's traftie , looking neither ono way or the
other very hard. In addition 10 yesterday' *
export business , Now York reported live or
six boat louds. Expart ulcurlogs from At-
lautlo ports for the week include 270.0JO
bushels of wheat , 204,000 barrels of flour nnd
1,500,000 bushels ot com. Stuff Is going
out of the country steadily , though
not In largo enough voltimo to
come up to expectations. The Interior move
ment keeps up amazingly , however. Re
ceipts nt all points named In our regular
tables for the llrst five days of the week foot
up i , 744,515 bushels , against 2,501,537 bushels
for the corresponding period lust year , and
shipments were l,02tOJl bushels , against
759,4(0 ( bushels. Another blu Increase In the
visible supply IB expected , somowheronrouna
2,00,000 ) or 2,500OOJ bushels , probably. List
year for the corresponding week the vlslblo
increased 218,000 bushels. In the f.ico ot
this big movement from flrat bunds the
boars feel confident that n maintenance of
v.ilucs upon the existing basis will bo n dllll-
cult feat Nevertheless , prices are main
tained in spite of unfriendly the
ories und criticism. Trading in De
ccmbor begun this morning nt
with May nt 8 % c. Sales were mudo
nt 83c aud Kljffc respectively , but the market
jieldcd to 7 ! > &c und b3 o. This proved the
bottom , 'Iho bulk of trading during the
forenoon wts around 7l4V5 ) > 7/fc ! ) for Decem
ber and S2 @ 33o for May. Tuo majority o
those who nud been conspicuous on the buy
ing side of lute had some wheat for 8 lie , and
Ilulchiuson , Smith nnd others who nro
classed as boars , were the principal opnn
buvers. It looked llko un "evening up"
ilny. The ngeregato dealings woio prooably
below the uvoragc. November lott olfut
78) ) c , December nt 79J ( c ? JJ c and .May nt
83.o a shudo lower ulL around than yester
day. 'Iho weather is getting foal. It is
snowing und ruining-in the far west und
southwest , ruining in iho central west und
snowing und blowing , great guns in the
northwest , with indications of snow
In this locality. This sort of
thing will tendj to put the
ground in good shupef ' ' "productively speak
ing , " "but it will tend "to chuck the country
movement of the cijrcal. What Influonuo
this will have on pricc'a'rctuains to bo seen.
The receipts of corn , were close to thu esti
mates made yesterday , so no change in
values could be based ion thut fact , und for
Mommy 240 cars was tlio estimated quantity.
This is about thu recent' moderate average ,
uud is not indicative of heavy reserves of old
corn , which mo generally cluimed to bo in
existence. The weatner was still reported
wet over considerable'territory ! in the west ,
which imported a inodiu'uiii of firmness into
the c.irlv dealings , which wns overshadowed
inter , however , by iP'Talling ' oft in the do-
mund for cnsh oflerinij nnd lower prices at
which the latter were selling. Trading was
fair iu voiuiuc , but innlftly local in character.
The closing prices were 31) ) c for December
uud 3 { , ' @ illii'o for May.
The maritot wus moro quiet than dur
ing the thico preceding duvs , with only a
fair speculative business , chiefly In May.
Ttio receipts fell below the estimate by
twenty-six cars , and with rather small offer
ings on future account the market averaged
firm , with May ut 2122c , and that bid
lator. Nearer months were ncslected , with
December improving to lJ ! ) @ 19 c , und this
month slow at 18 > o usked. A few cars of
No. a o go to store sold at 18 > fc and the
withdrawals were decreased to 07,282 bush
els. Some January was changed to Mav at
S c difference.
lu the market for provisions there wns
ciulto u trade early , especially in mess porlr ,
but ufter 11 o'clock nnd up to udjournmcnt
the Saturday quiet prevailed. The
monthly stock statement did not vary
essentially from the estimate of the
duantity of the different kinds of the pro
duct on hand , oxcnpt as to the item of ribs ,
which footed up less than expected. As n
rcnult November ribs advanced 10c in ttio
face of a decline on deferred deliveries.
Ono feature of the day was a break of 27J o
early in November pork , or from ? I.4J ) to
1).12 ) < < | . It sold utono time ut u discount of
5o per baricl on January. Ono pressure to
sell during the llrst , hour amounted almost
to n ruid , and the rallv from the Inside llg-
ure wus not us piompt or decisive ns the
break had boon. The reaction was occa
sioned moro by rather general covering by
shorts than by investment , buying. As on
the previous duvs of the wcok , outside or
ders wcro very light both ways. Local sen
timent is , if anything , moro bearish and the
packing croud moro disposed to sell thu
whole list than noted previous to the last
report of stocks , Thu uudcrtono of the
marketQfor lard was relatively firmer
ttuui for pork nud ribs , fluctuations in prices
for tbis article being very narrow. Specula
tion in lurd wns under tlio uvorupe. Foreign
markets were reported quiet tor both lards
und meats and the Now Yorlc lurd market
xvus easy for near deliveries. Hog receipts
continue inrcer ut nil points In tuo west than
for the corresponding parsed ono week ugo
and prices hern to-day for r.iw material wcro
about steady , The closing quotations for
future deliveries were 7J4@l7 Jo lower than
yesterday for pork , unchanged for lard , lOo
higher for November ribs and easier for
moro distant months , Cash sales reached n
larger nggrcguto than have been reported
any dny this week.
Ciiicxoo , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun UEB. ] CATTLE Tno recolpts'woro di i.
vided nt 1,000 natives and 2,000 rangers nnd I
Toxans. There was-etmrcoly two loads of
good natives amongrtn.o arrivals , nnd 3tr.
Morgan n well known , buyer of export steer ) ,
loft the market early * on account of being
unable to find wlint , would suit his trade ,
Common and medium , * ' every dny sort of
steers sold Blow and' the general market
closed lower aim unsu ljlpd on everything but
extra nnd prltco nutivos. Tuxans were
closed out nt auout the lowest prices tlilrf
season , especially on COW.B and canning H too It.
Nutlvo butchers' stopliL partlcularly old nud
emaciated COWH , are , alp ttio lowest for tlio
season. Cholco to e .extra beeves , $4 40
( H4.UO : medium to goaut'Stoers ' , 1350 to 1500
Ihs. f3.80@t,30 ; 1200'to ' 13V ) Ibs. * 3.40 ( < ?
4.10 : 050 to 12Kjr. ( Ibs , fi.75@3.76.
StockerRnnJfoodors'TK03i3.75 ( ; cows , bulls
and mixed , fI.OO@ iQ ; bulk , * l.GO@2.00 ,
Texas steers , 12 lO arS ; cows , $1.40 ( 3.00.
Western rangers , ? 3.4MJ3.DO.
HOGS Tlio demand was fair nnd prices
steady on packing and heavy , a tow lots eel-
ling early ut n sbado stronger prices , but the
bulk sold right around the same as yester
day und KO closed. Light sorts sold at iriu
advance of 5o from the opening to the close.
I'uclrors paid & . ( J5@u : > 0 for odds and ends ,
f360@aiKlor straight loads a large per
cent ut $3.60 and shippers paid f3.W3.i)5. ) )
Light sorts sold at $ l.OO@U5.
NEW Vontc , Nov. a , | Special Tclejjratn to
TUB UEE.I STOCKS Expression ! on tbo
street ana at the resorts did not tend to help 1 |
matters much at the opening of the stock
market to-day. The Saturday half day sos-
slon closed , however , without nnythiug
eventful. The market was u continuation of
that of yesterday , trusts and Misiourl I'.i-
clilo monoK | > lyzing attention wu- < i
were specially weak. The o. oi. , < f t
market xvas generally steady to firm , and the
general : list in the early trailing presented a
strong front , but the depression In the ttirco
loading Mock * was soon felt lu n drooping
tendency , while movements In the list wore
entirely without digniflcance. Cotton Oil
opened if per cent lower at S3 nnd rapidly
declined to 1)1 , at which point some support
was met , and it rallied to 82V. Lead
opened unchanged nt 10 nnd declined 1
per cent , which was afterward regained , but
Chicago gas drooped i'i ' to fi'i. Missouri Pa
cific opened V per cent lower t OS8 ; , ' nnd de
clined | to ( tt'4 ' , rallying a small fraction ,
Trading in trusts then became much smaller
and the market quiet , but there was no
further recovery. The closing hour was
marked ; by an Improved fcallng all around.
Missouri Paclfla rocovoro J to 03 , but suf
fered a arop to Orat the close. Union IM
clilc closed with u loss * of l' per cent at
G7'l. ' Atchlson , Burlington , nnd St. Paul
closed Rtondy. Itock Island nnd Northwest-
era closed with slight losses. Clitciea' Oas
lost < 1 ' 4 for the day to 52 < nt the close. Cot
ton Oil , after n checkered course , closed only
% under last night ut i\l \ % while Sugar
closed with J per cent gain ,
The following wore the closing quotations :
n. 8.4s regular. 127 ( Northern 1'iiclHo. . .IIU
U.S. 4scoiipi > ui . . .U7 filonreforrod "
U.H.4'j coupons , .HiVi ! dniiroforrcd . HI
I'ftcincmof ' ! ) } . ll7"N.V.rentral | . lOfl'
Central 1'aclnc .11 I' . O.&K , . , . . .
ChlcagoAAlton . . . III'i'HoclcIfllfxml. ' . .
Chlcairolliirllugton C..M.8L1' . . . BOM
& Julnnv I0.1J } dn preferred\-W ui st.Paul * . . . I ! U ! { tioiiroterrod . n
I..H.&W Ui ! IMlon lUclllo . Oi'f
KansasicToxas. . . . 1 ( JU W..8t. i > . & I' . . . . . "
l.nkoShoro 107 I doproforrod. . .
Michigan Central. . 1V Western Union.
Missouri f'ftclllo . . . 07V
: Light , with no loans.
PniMi : MmioiXTit.B I'At'Bii 5j ( % Sc per
Stniiuxo E\CIHNOI : Quiet nnd steady ;
sixty-day bills , $1.81 ; demand. $ I.S5.
AIlllitIK HtOOlCB.
Ni\v : YoitK , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UiSB.l Cho following ura tlio min-
tup stock quotations :
Caledonia II Mutual . UO
Oon Cala .V Va . . . .OTIi Mount Diablo . "Id
DeadwoodT. Ontario . atoo
Hoinestiifeo . WO Occidental . VJ )
Horn Silver , . 170 Plymouth. . . . . . L'JO
Iron Silver . 2iJ 70
Mexican . GSO Sierra Nevada . 1
imonucu .HAiiicwri.
Cmcunn. Nov. a iu > p. ra. nloso
Whcatr-Stoady ; November , TdoDoccm \ -
bor , 70Xo.
Corn Lower ; November , 32J c ; Decem
ber ai fo ; May , a'iJs'c.
Oats Steady ; November , ISJ o ; Decem-
cor. lllVu ; May , 22c.
Kyo Novombor.Oc. .
Uarlov November , Me.
Prime Timothy 51.10
Flux Cwhl.'J3K ;
Whi3ky-l.B. (
Pork Steady ; November , S'J3" ; January ,
Lird Steady ; November , $ j 05 ; January ,
Flour Quiet nnd steadv ; winter wheat ,
' "
spring , Sl.25@l.'JO ; rye ,
Provisions -Shoulders , $4.COC < $ l.O-j < T : short
dear , SVSOQ.'i.GiyiJ' ; short ribs , November ,
Dry Suit Meats Steady.
IJuUtur Quiet : creamery , lGMc ; dairy ,
@ ) .
Choose Dull ; full cream Cheddars ,
Hats , ll.f@fo } ! ) ; Young Americas.
s Firm ; fresh , lSJ f@20c.
HldosVojkniidunclitiiigod ; light groan
salted , Ou ; dry calf , { ifjgitt ; deacons , each ,
fallow Weak nnd unchanged ; No. 1
solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 6 > c ; cake , -i o.
Ueeoipts. Shlum'ts.
Flour ' . 10.003 12.000
Whnal 112.01)3 ) 47.000
Coru 127.033 151,003
Oats , 147.01)0 ) 277.000
Now York. Nov. 2. Wheat Receipts ,
O.OOi ) ; exports , none ; spot quiet uud Iclower ;
No. 2 red , 832ftt ( > ? 3u in elevator , Sl C'ibJ'jO
? ! ' ° .ill ; 8-iKWS-ic t. o. b. ; ungraded red.
"options dull and lower ; No. 2
red , November ,
Corn Receipts , 31,033 bushels : exports ,
113,003 bushels ; spot dull and firmer ; No. 2.
4lj c in elevator , 42J @t' ' i ; afloat ; No. 2
white , 41o ; ungraded uilxod , 40c ; options
dull und llrmcr.
Oats Uocoipts , 03,001) ) bushels ; exports ,
1122 bushels ; spot dull ami steady ; options
firm and nuiet ; November , 25o ; December ,
2l5J c ; spot No. 2 , white , 2/ > jf@iyu ; mixed
western , 21 4(12IJ ( c.
Coftoe Options cljsod quiet nnd steady at
10 to S3 points up. Sales : 19,005 Dags ; .No
vember , $1440(3)14.53 ( ) : December , $14.00
14.75 ; May , J14..0J5HI.S5 ; spot Hio , quiet ;
nominally at $10 Ol ) for fair cargoes.
Sugar Dull und weak ; centrifugals , 80
test. 5 40 ; rellned , quiet and unchanged.
Petroleum Quiet ; Unitoi Sl.05 % for De
Egs Strong ; western , 23&2IC.
Pork Easier ; moss , inspected , $12.03.
Lard Ussier nnd quiet ; western , steam ,
SO.OO ; November , $0.43.
Butter Quiet nna easy ; western , 0i25c. (
Cheese Quiet nnd oasv ; western , 7 | < ! 10c.
St. liuiilH. Nov. 2. Wnoat Lower ;
cash , 767tC ( ; May , S3@33.Jjfc.
Coru irregular ; cash , 2Utf@30/Vcj May ,
uats Dull : cash , ISc ; May , 22c.
Pork Easier at $11.23.
Lard Dull at fti-STIff.
Whiskey Stoady.
Uuttur Unchanged.
niilwiiiitcuiNov. . 2. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , 73c ; No. 1 northern , BO c.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , illc.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 22s.
Uye Quiet ; No. 1 , 41e.
Hurley Firm ; No. 2 , 62 c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , s.25. ! )
l > ivnrr > ' ol , Nov. 2. Wheat Quiet ,
holders offer moderately ; California No. 1 , 7s
2d@7s ! ) J per cental.
Corn Kasy ; now mixed western , 4s %
per cental.
Clnol'ointl , Nov. 2. Wheat Xo. 2
rod , 77@78c.
Corn Stroncor ; No. 2 mixed , 35) ) @ 30 } c.
Oats Strong ; No. U mixed , 22c.
Whisky 11.02.
Kansas City , Nov. 2. Wheat Lower ;
No. 3 , cash C3o ; November , G2 ( Jj.03e.
Corn Stnady ; No. 2 cash , 2Jo bid ; November
' '
vombor , 23'
Oats No. 2 cash. 151 o bid ; November ,
Minnniitiollq , Nov. " . Satnplo wheat
lower ; receipts , 5-l ) cars ; shipments , 12J
curs. Closing : No. 1 hard , November. 77c ;
May , 8.'lo ; on track , 77J c ; No , 1 north ern.
jNovemuor , nfto ; may , BU > O ; on iraci ; , n > y-
( ii.7l'icNo \ , 2 northern , November , 70c ; May ,
70 o ; on truclf , 70@r > lc.
Cnlonco , Nov. 2. The Drovers' Journal
reports ns follows :
Cattle - Receipts , 1,003 ; market dull i ;
choice to extra IICOVPS , ? 4.)0@ ) 1,110 ; steers.
$3.75@4.80 ; stockcrs nnd feeders , $2.l)0@.75 ) ;
cows , bulls und mixed , $ | .00@a.JOj ( luxas
cuttle , $1.40t2.75 ( ; ; western rangers , 8J.40Q
riogs Receipts , 12,003 ; market steady to
ashadu higher , closing weak ; mixed , f'lbO@
4.05 ; heavy , f3.70ji4.05 ; light ,
skips , e3UC < & 3.75. ;
bhnap Hcuelpta. 2,000 ; market stonily ;
natives , ? 3.00Cn,4.UO , ; westerns , 8I.50@J.27K ;
Toxaus , fJ.r.O@l,0J ( ; lambs , $ l.i5u5.U5. ! ! .
Nniiuiinl riuiotc I'ai-iN , linut Ht ,
rjouiH , Nov. 2. Cattle Itecoipts , 800 ;
shipments , none : market strong ; fair to
choice heavy native- steers , $ 'J.25 , < 1.75 ; stock
crs and feeders , tl.80@3,00.
Hogs Receipts , 1OOU : shipments , norioj
market steady ; heavy , $1.80@4.00 ; packing ,
J3.70S3.W ) ; light , $3.80(41.05.
ICanxai City , Nov. 2. Cattle Receipts ,
4,400 ; BhtpmoutB , 4,100 ; cows , 91.30@3.85 ;
stockers und feodern. jfJ.15@3.00.
Hogs Hecelpts. U.O'X ) ; anip-nciitn. 1,100
market higher ; light , r3.lXKJ44.OU ; heavy an
mixed , J.75@3.b& . ,
A Motliodfoal Family.
There la n lady iu Grconvillo , Mioli. ,
who lias iliroo UauKlitord wlioso birth-
( liiyu nro colubruted on the baino day llr
the 17th of Juno , T hey were nil inur-
ried in the Hamo mouth of the year , und
> > i of them married u man linviiig
. i' J Hard in his Bunuunc ,
The Roorgftntead lloal Estate Bx-
clmngo Eloota Ollloord.
Interest lui : CoiuimiMtlrc I lguros
Itiilldlni ; Iiiiprovuincius Crowtllni ;
the Flvo Million Dollar Mark
llic Wcck'H KOMIIIIIC ,
The Itpnl ICstntn
There was nn enthusiastic mooting of thu
Oinnlm Heal Hstuto exchange . > ostordny
afternoon in the now qunrters of the organi
zation on the 11 rt Hoer of the Now York
Llfo building. The following firms
wore present ! Omaha Heal fist d to nnd
Trust company , Otto I obook , Ilurtitmii
& HobbinsV. \ . Q. Shrlvor , M. A. Upton &
Co1 , .7. U. Kvans & Co. , GODI-RO P. Ucmls , O.
P. Uavls Co. , L. S. Heed & . Co.V. . H.
Urary , George- . Iliuks , Grover Stevens , O.
11. Fltchett , W. A. Gardner , George .
Amos , T. S. Clarkson , .lohn 1 \
Pluck. Hrnost Hlall t Co. . George
G. Wallace , Sonnenschoin Si Vnlontlno ,
H. U. Wall. A. 1 . Tukoy , George , T. Paul , C.
L. Jayno it Co. , Mulr & Gavlord. Uenson ft
Carmlchaol , Curtis & Saekett , .1. 1C. Dar
1) . C. Patterson und J. H. Harris wcro
elected members.
Onleors wcro elected ns follows :
President Christian Hurtmnii.
Vlco President M. A. Upton.
SecrotnryV. . II. Crary.
Treasurer A. 1 * . Tukoy.
Kxecutivo Comnuttoo P. 1 * . Perltio , T. S.
Clnrkson , Geo. W. ( lolhrook.
Cull Committee-Goo. N. Hicks , .Tohn 11.
Evans , \V. G. Slirlver.
A numbi'r of matters of interest to the or
ganization were fully discussed. The open
board sessions of the exchange will bo com
menced ns soon ns the committees can nmltu
the necessary urnir.goinonts , probably some
day this week.
Tsio llcnlty Market.
The event of the weak In real estate
circles was n sale in ncro property near the
four mile limit nt the highest price nvor re
ceived for suburban nropsrty at the same
distance from the business center. The
Ouinha Heal Kstuto nna Trust company
yesterday closed the deal for tlio sale of
twenty-live acres of cround adjoining
Saunders & Helnbaugh's Highland
Park nildltlon for J40.00D , in casher
or $1,000 , per aero. The sale waste
to an Ohio party , and is the first installment
of n. largo amount of eastern capital thut will
bo Invested in O.naha realty this full. It is
understood that the purchaser ol * this mag-
nIllcont tract will improve It ut once. The
sale will amaze some of the conservative
croakers who sit in old fashioned chairs nud
shuko their heals mournfully over the out
look just as tlioy have boon doing for a year.
TUB UIH : bus maintained all ulong that the
values in acre property in Omuhn were low ,
all thliiL't. considered , uud would experience
nu increase , aud thu present sale justillcs
thu position tulicu.
The fact , is that the only pcqplo who have
been grumbling uoout depreciation of out
side property ure young clerks und plungers
who put m u few dollnri in outside property
a few years ugo oxpoctini ; to double on their
investments in a fuw months. They failed
aud have been croaking over since. The
sterling real estate men of Omalin ,
the men who have their good
money invested in their business , huvo up-
predated the values in property of this kind
and have waited patiently to realize upon
their Investments. The idications are now
favorable for n rich harvest for them. The
ussurunco of another railway bridge , the in
creased street railway facilities and u dozen
other favoring elements have given n buoy
ancy to the market that promises to send
acre and other outside property up to its real
value. *
Pome Conin.-u'iuivo Plirures.
The market generally during the past
week bus been an active ono and shows u
marked Increase over the business of tlio
corresponding week of last year. The build
ing and improvement business is nlso in n
flourishing condition. The following com
parative tables will Drove of Interest In show
ing tbo growth of the realty und building
transactions :
Day. 1SS8. ISSO.
Monday * 18. : 2S $3I.M7
Tuusday 21KW 110,104
Wednesday 21,075 45.893
Thursday 39,800 0 , 51
Friday * . 17U 4'J,2i5
Saturday MII l J
Totals ? ir,0,008 5207,01(0 (
Dav. 1838. 1SS9.
Monday $18.205 f.37,750
Tuosdry 31,1.W 3)IUO ) !
Wednesday 000 34,153
Thursday 3,77. . 10,000
Friday 7,02Ti 2UO
Saturday 11,400 8.UOO
Totals Sr.1,055 $110.400
The totals for the month of October , 1839 ,
ns compared with the corresponding wcok of
last year , shows u very marked increase. In
October of last year 2J1 permits were issued
for buildings having an oitimatod cost of
5J02,25" , > . In the month just closed there
were 171 permits issued , thirty loss than the
number lor October , 18S3 , for buildings Avith
au estimated cost of $505,015 , un Increase of
over SJOO.OJO.
The books in the building dcpaitmcnt
show that the permits issued for the first tun
months ot this year exceed by over $ WO,000
the total of last year's business. Hero are
the figures :
1SS9. 1SSS.
January 5
February 52,1)110 ) l ,57.r
March 100,070 135,57 :
Aprll 44',807 477liir
Mny Wtt112 ! r.UTai
.Tune 45lb50 701,13.-
July . , 4IUIU5 ! ino,83 (
August 517,505 45,2n ! )
September M1.1I5 ! iOi.25.r )
October 5M,015 : il.3,25r
November lb3USr
December 153,000
_ _ _ _ „ _ _ _
Totals $4.070,4'0 W,770iJ3 , : (
Six weeks of good building weatnar will
run the total for 183'J ' up to the 5OOJOtfO
murk. !
Among the Improvements commenced dur
ing the past wcok u fuw prominent ones are
mentioned. G. M. Cooper has let the con
tract for two double frame houses ut Hal
Howard and Twenty-seventh streets , to cos
$18.000. D. A. Lynn will build a Ji5OJU frame
residence nt Forty-first and Howard xtrcots
H. E. Cole will build a $5,001) residence 01
South Tenth street.
Work has been commenced on John Mul
vlhill'K ' $00,000 brick warehouse at the corner
nor of Twelfth and Jonos. Wlien completed
It will bo occupied by D. M , Sloelo & Co.
wholesale groceiH.
D. C. Miller will Jjulld two $5,000 rest
donees in IJuxtor plucu.
Ii. Uingham und son will build a $3',000
brick Moelc of storcj at thu southwest corner
of Seventeenth and Luaveuworth.
M. If. Keys has a permit for u $1,003 rnsi
donee on Spencer street ucar Niuoiceuth , Ii
Kountzo Place.
Tlio Hunk
The bank clearings for the past week were
as follows :
Montluy * 721.03.1 6i
Tuesday , 759,330 4.
Wednesday , B83.S30 "
Thursday ( iS7 , 35
Friday 1)17.183 ) 0
Saturduy , 1X13,217 , "
Total - ? 4,000USO , ( W
Decrease 1.7 per cont.
I'rnUii From Hlr ilnport.
"Aftor visiting your city thorn It only ono
thing that I regret , " said William H , Hocrj
president of the Now York Llfo Insurance
company , as he was leaving Omaha after
visit here last week.
"And what Is that , may I auk ) " said Dr
tieorgo L. Miller , to whom thu ruindrk v
, 'ItU , " reviled Mr. Doors , "thai ! iio Now
York Llfo Insurance company did not buy
twlni ns much r.round ns It did in Oinnlm
nnd put double thn amount In iniprovo.nont
that there Is In this building , "
Air. HMr made this remark nftor having
paid n visit to Montreal , St , Piull. Kamns
( 'ity , Milwaukee and other cities In which
his company has real cstnto Investments.
Ho has great faith In O in aim's future nnd
has practically promised to tnaUo still further
Investments horo.
iVcnkly Itnnk Stntninont.
Nr.\v YOIIK , Nov. 'A [ Spcclnl
toTitr. Iinn.1 Tha xveokly bank statement
shows the following chnngcs :
Hescrve , decrertso $ SSOO
Loan ? , increase , 7JVS.3 0
Specie , Increase. . M ? , ' . ' ! ) . )
Lofal tenders , decrease 2.11 UO
Deposits , Increase , , . . . . , , . , V-W.OXI
Circulation. Increase 10,201)
The banks now hold $1,120,475 111 execs' * ot
tho23 per cent rule. Tbo u\ports of npeclo
from the port of New York last week
amounted to $121.281 , of which $ atOM was
cold nnd $ .153.031 silver. All the stiver wont
to Kuropo nnd the gold to Sautli America.
The Imports ot specie for the week mnounto 1
to ( .liKar.1 , of which $30IM , 5 wns In gold nun
f | u)7 , ! ) ? in stiver.
Now York Ory (3 < > < > itn Mnrkot.
Nu\v YOIIK , Nov. 2. [ Special Telegram fo
Tut : Hr.G. ] liUBincss iu dry goods was
quiet , ns usual on Saturday , though there
was no chungo in the general character of
tlio demand. Cotton goods have gained in
Urcngih , nnd to dny there wus un advance
f Vo on Clifton C. C. C. brown fdiuotlugB
nnd Clifton nnd J. I1. ICuig drills. Print
cloths nro also llrmcr , us are ull low grudu
plain cottons. Clothing woolens were quiet ,
und that market continues disturbed by fail
ures ,
I'lio IJiislncNH Alon tu' Unmha
Tliolr Prolbrrnoo.
To the rilectors of the Third Judl clnl Dis-
nct : Too muchliniiortnii ocnii'iot bo ( riven
o the selection ot our judiciary. Au iiidu-
lenduut , fearless , uble nud Incorruptible
> encli , all citizens are Interested in oooliig o.s-
ubllshcd and mulntnlncd , The bench should
) o kept aloof from partisan ) primaries , con-
unlluns nud polltlrs. ItHhouhlbe non-par-
isun. Two years ngo wo elected four jndgos
> y non-partisan movement who have honored
ho position. We had supposed that the lion-
Mirtlsan nrlnelple had buou llrmly establish-
> d. There is now nn effort on loot to over
throw it which connot bo too severely cen
We appeal to you to vote tor Joseph H.
Jlnrkson to succod Jiuigu Groff. Whllo Mr.
Clurkson is a republican tu politics , ho wns
selected by a lurgo meeting of the bur , our
most reputable and distinguished lawyers ,
without ' regard to party , joining thutoiii.
The do'mocrutto convention has endorsed his
10initiation , but the republican convention
ins nominated n partisan cm nil Ida to. While
wo regard tlio nomination of the bur ns high
evidence of thu qualification ; * und lltnuss of
Mr. Clurkson , unit believe that by reason of
lis greater ago and experience , ho bus a
ilghbrcliilm upon the suffrages than Mr. '
Davis , wo place our nppoal to you principally
upon the importance ! of withdrawing tlio
judiciary from the unseemly und discrodlt-
iblo contentions of party primaries , conven
tions nnd politics. Let us uphold the in
tegrity anil honor of the bench. LiOt us
nuct the attempt to overthrow tlio imn-
.larllsau principle with dotoi mined rcsist-
mco and overwhelming defeat.
Woodman Linseed oil works.
George II. Hammond ft Co. , by Ily. H. Mo-
duy , mu < mger , packers South Omaha.
W. L. Parrotto & Co. , wholesale hat and
Leo , Clarke , Andrpesen Hurdwuro company ,
E. M. Andreescn , secrelury und treasurer.
Charles A. Coe , wholesale boots nnd shoes ,
Puxton & Gallagher , .vholesalo grocers.
Harrow & Logan , wholesale huts and caps.
American Hum ! Sowed Shoo company.
Gilmore & Hnho , wholesale clothiers.
C. U. Uustlu.
Klrulndall , Jones & Co. , wholesale boots
una shoes.
D. M. Stcclo & Co. , wholesale grocers.
Williams , Van Aernain & Hartp , wholesale
boots and shoes.
Oins Uradford , wholesale lumber.
,1 amos J. Brown.
Aetna Pre'ssed Urick company.
Thomas F. Tuttle , Insurance.
George A. Ilougland , wholesale lumber.
Sloan , Johnson & Co , wholcsulo grocoru.
McClurg Craokor company.
Drcxol & Foil , uouli actors and itoiio work
lifchnrdion drug company.
Bumis Omaha bag company.
Kibble & Smith , commission.
J. W. Walker , commihslon.
Tlio Emerson seed company.
Milton llogurs & Sons , Wholesale and retail
Ken mml class nnd paint company.
W. V. Fahs , manager Win. S. Wilson & Co. ,
wholesale tobucco und cigarn.
Charles Shivoricic & Co. , wholesale und retail -
tail furniture.
A. C. Droibus , wholesale confectionary.
J. II. Uoonskin.
Oinntia Rubber Co.
Turner & Jay , hats nnd caps.
Churchill Pump Co.
E T. Weiant , Mgr. , for A. L. Dean & Co. ,
safes and vaults.
Uector & Wilholiuy Co. , wholesale hard
L. Kirscht & Co. , wholesale liquors and
John A. Wukefield , wholesale lumber.
Max Meyer , wholesale jewelry.
Ii. A. Laumnn , of Perlcins , Gatch & Lau-
man , china and glassware.
S. A. Orchard , Wholesale uud retail cur-
Consolidated CofToo Co. , W. N. Cole , Mgr ,
Meyer & Hnapko , wholesale grocers.
Marks Hros. , Saddlery Co.
B. L. Stone , of Dewey & Stone Furniture
. company.
Pcycko LSros. & Co. , commission.
P. Ilocco Bros , it Co. , commission.
J. T. Kobinson Notion company , wholesale
Lombard Investment company.
A. F. liosnhcs & Co. , cold storage uud com
Charles J. Boll , manager II. G. Dunn & Co.
Soper , Wells & Co. , wholesale lumber ,
F. 11. Davis , cashier First National bank.
John S. Urady. of McCord , Unidy & Co. ,
wholesale grocers.
Purlin , Orondorff & Mnrtln company , agri
cultural Instruments.
Allen Koch , of Kirkpatrlck , Koch Dry
Goods company , wholr ale dry goods.
A. C. Powell , cashier American Loan and
Trust company.
Miller & Gundcr.son , sash and door mill.
F. W. Brown , of Cotsworth Lumber com
D. C. Dunbar & Co. , publishers. '
( Justuvo Benoko.
C. N. Doitz , wholesale und retail lumber.
G , D. Wyutt , wholesale uud retail lumber.
A. A. Stigor , of Kelley , Stigor & Co. , dry
Omaha Paint nnd Oil company ,
Gwm & Dunmlro , KUIIS nnd ammunition.
J. .1. Dickey.
George Patterson , of Nebraska Fuul com
Powy .t Segdko
MeU & Brother.
Henry Voss.
Onmlm Puukhif , ' Co. , by Jumo Vldcn , Jr. ,
Armur , Cudiihy Packing Co. , K. A. Cudahy.
Kwift A Co. , by A. C. Foster.
Gibson , Miller & Kicuurdsun ,
Aaron Calm.
i ; . \V. Nash ,
Oinnimit Grant KineUlne and Hullniii ; ; Co. ,
by Guy C. Bnrlou , president.
M. U. liliss ,
Truman Buck.
T. J. Board & Bro ,
James Morton ft Son ,
Clias. K. Fora , cashier Douglas Count ;
Hani ; .
Douglas County Hank.
John Llndurholm.
Byron Heed Co. , A. L. Uocd , sce'y.
Dexter L. Thomas ,
Hurry Luwrio.
Wendell Benson ,
Cummlngs NollBOii ,
Llningor & Motcair Co.
W. A. Puxton ,
D. H. Bowman.
Phillip Potter.
Thompson , Holileii & Co. , by C. 0 , Ueldcn.
Ilur & Co.
H. P. Morau < fc Co.
IlimabauKh & Taylor. ,
1'Vooluud , Loouils & Co ,
N. H. Falconer.
William Harr Dry Goods company.
Sumuol Burns ,
II , Kountze.
W. A. L. fJIbbon ,
U. G , Sloan , muyor of South Omaha.
Hutii ; Muruhy , contractor.
Prank Johnson , Hank ot Commerce.