Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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    f t trr
( (
Notidvortlaomontft will bo talton for
IhCBO columns nttor ! 2:3Op , in ,
Torm8"Cnsh In ntlvnnoo.
Advertisements under this head 10 cjnts per
line for tht tlrst insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Inseitlon , and $ l/fl per line per month.
No advertisements taken for less than 23 cents
for first Insottlou. Seven words w 111 bo counted
to the line : they must run con i-cntlvi > lv and
must bo p ld in ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must bo handofc in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
in. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns aim liar-
ing tholr answers addressed In enroot Tun HKK
will please ask for a check to enable them to get
their letter * , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of rhcck. All answers to f-d-
vertlsements should bo enclosed in cnvel jpes.
All advertisements In thf.o columns are nut ) ;
ll.ihed ill both morning nnd evening editions of
TUB IIKK the rlrrtilfttlon of which aggregates
morn than 18.000 papers daily , nnd elves the ad
vertisers the benefit , notonly of the city circu
lation of Tim Ilr.K. but also of Council llluffn.
Mncoln and other rltlcs nnd towns throughout
thh ner.tjjm of the country. . . . . .
Advertising for those columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the following buM-
nrs * hoiiKei , who mo nuthorlrod agents forTltr.
HKB special notices , nnd will quote the sam
ratts ns ccn be hud nttho malji , otnco. _
JOHN W. IlELiri'IinrmnclstTs-'O South Tenth
HASP. * V.DDY. Stationers and Printer * , 113
South 16th Strict.
II. FAltNBWOHTII , Pharmacist , 81 HCum-
. .Ing Street ,
W .l.lTl'G IIES , Plmrmnclst , 021 North ICtli
T KO. W. PARR , Plmrmnclst. 180U Et. Mary's
VJ Avenue. _ _ _ _
T.T UO11 EsTl1 HARM'AmVSW Farnam Street.
- Ilromnn ; good refer
ences ; 1017 Capitol nvo. Thar. II. Itich-
nrdsou. lll'Wlt
_ _ _ _
ANTKD Situation ns2d bread baker ; ad-
W dless N 17 Rue olllco. 570 3J
ANTIID Situation as mirftewlll also do
W houKekceiilng nnd takn care nt sice dill-
Cr m If required. Call 1115 California t. MTJIT
\ \ ; 'ANTEIPosltlonas tenc'ier ' In family or
> day governess by lady of oxporloiieo In
tcttehlng. Address llee.ftll !
\\rANTBD-Sltuntlon by a competent ( Jer-
TT mnn barher. Just from Europe. Address
box Kl. Fontanollc , Neb. 5.V1 : n
AFIHST-clnss business man. one. who Is very
iiiiernetlc , commands contlderablo capital ,
loves plenty work and can furnish the very bust
of references , wonts to get Into n f class
legitimate utiplncss 111 Omni ) , either on salary
or an Interest in the bushier. Address.N 2 , lleo.
" \\7 A NTED A poodrsUed7 honest boy to work
TT In fruit , store. Steady work to right party ,
Cull nt205 South 15th st. 001-4 *
" \X7ANTKI ) Ten boys to work election day ,
TT good wages. Cull Snnduy and Monday
morning , tSO S. 10th St. , store. 027 4t
WANTED-A steady , middle-aged man
wants some light work m olllne. store or
factory. Address N 1 , lleo olllco. 020 4 *
WANTED An educated young man to man *
agoolllee ; reference and $ AX ) capltnl re
quired. Salary $ IHio ( nor year. Address witn
Htubip for return. H. M. Hovoy & Co. room HI ,
Clapp lllock , DHS Molnes , In. GtKKtf
W ANTKD Twenty-live good carpenters ut
omo to go to Pierre , 8. D. , work all
winter , wages ; Sc- ) , fare $ ! . ) , board $1 per week.
Address N. 20. lleo. 050-5
WANTED Live man to represent publish
ing house In Iowa. Salary $75. Relereuces
nnd small cash bond required. Weik , 23 N. 6th
bU. Keoknk. la. 083 3 ?
T\7'ANTED Competent abstractor. Address
T T stating experience and salary wanted. Lock
Uox 72. Sioux CUy. la. 082-3 *
\&T ANTKDNout. . bright boy for olllce and
TT store. Address N 2J Iteo olllce. 073-3 ?
9 ROOM Hat. where the furniture Is for sale ;
price WOO , ono halt cash , balance on time.
Kent $05 per month. Co-operutlve Lund und
Lot Co. . 05 N. lllth st. K 4
WANTED Cigar nmkers.on $9 nnd $10 mould
work at Cohen's cfgnr factory. Grand
Island , Nob. Steady Jobs to good workmen.
015 3 ?
ANTED Good live canvassers for some of
thn best soiling articles in the worlit ; from
7 to 11 a. m. . 12 to " und II to 8 p. in. ; apply to C ,
II , Jordan , Cozzenshouse , llth und Harnoy.
irz 8t
WANTED Men with tennis tognor at corn.
715 N. ICth. Omahu. 510 o ;
W ANTKD first-class pattern makers.
Apply to McLonrlo \ Ochilo Foundrylied-
ford 1'lncf. KB 31-
WANTED Lh'o agents to represent tiioPeo-
plo's Live Stock Ins. Co. , of Philadelphia.
Bound , cheap and reliable ; Insures horses
agunst nil kinds ot accidents and sickness at lo.v
rates. Wheeler A : Wheeler , general western
agents , Douglas and ISttt street. 414 4
W ANTED-A Jeweler , Edholm
Omaha , Noli
IJRNHMEltATlYEemploymentollered toen-
JLlorgltic jierrtons of fair education. Applv 420
M. Y. Life Iliilldlnt ; . Omaha. 4UOIt
AOENT8I 2 "red-hot" nrtlcles ! Coin money
until hollduysl Write quickly ! Particular for
stamp. Sumiilts'i'c. Price llroH.David CIty.Nob.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 372 4 $
" \X7ANTED-Cftiiablo solicitors ; Milary $ . ' 1 per
TT day. Tlio Itlake-Hcywood Co. , 'ansas
City. Mo. ; iiix ;
WANTED A few more good agents for now
novelties Just out. Sample by mail 30 cents.
Xettler tVDoVitip , Room 3V , llarkerbuilding.
: : ci-7t )
W'ANTED Agents to sell the Plnless clothes
line ; the only line over Invented thutholds
the clothes without plus ; a perfect success ;
patent recently issued ; sold only by ageutw , to
whom the oxcltiflvo right is given : on receipt
ot 50 cts wo will send u wimple line by mall ;
also circulars , price llste and terms to agents ;
secure your toriltoryut once. Address Wor-
center pitiless Clothes Line Co. . 17 Hormon St. ,
\i-r r.Miu Mass. 330-7J
WANTED-Truc ) ; layers and bridge carpen
ters for Iowa. Fllloy , Kramer & Co. . cor.
llth nnd Farnam Hts. 110
WANTED A tow morn live , energetic sales
men to sell groceries , etc. , to farmers , ho-
telaml restaurant keepers nnd other large con
sumers nt wholesale prices ; exclusive ttirrltory
Itiven ; for particulars address the Edgeworth
Mercantile Co. , Importers , manufacturers uud
wholesale grocery JHTKtiitont. Chicago.
Pill n8
AOENTSI Write for terms. f3 sample corset
free. Schlole it Co.U90 llroadway , New ; York.
WANTED-Sulesmonut $75 per month salary
nud expeUK s to soil u line of Milver-pluteil
ware , watchesetc. , by sample only ; hordoand
team furnished Irco. Write ut once for filllpar-
tlculars aud sample case of goods frea Stand-
nrd Silver Wnre Co. . Itoston. > ln5.s. 574
W 7ANTED , V good olllce mnn to go easts
r mnst Invest $2,5iO ( ; must be ugooil business
man. Addrbss the Goo. 8. ClTne Publishing
House. 315 to 21 Wabasli ave. . Chlcuuo , Ills.
\ \ rANTED-.Mcn for Washington territory.
TT Albright's Laboc , Agency , H'-'O Farnajnit.
\\TANTED-Good bricklayers and stonecut-
TT tors ; good wages paid. Apply M. T.
Murphy , Fremont , Kcb. _ tux )
MEN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries 01
Cannda. Wo pay MO to $100 a month ami
expenses to agents to neil our Canadian grown
mock , Add. Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wls.
ANTElT Gooir uirl" ( feriuan preferred ]
Inquire 012 S. ! ! > tn nttoot. Mr0. J. N gl.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ K
W PANTED A llm-claus cook auit laundress
at lUVI Cl qorglu ave. _ 5UJ St
I.AIJV 'aKonts for Chllds1 reform vralsii
* skirts , biutli * bub tltuu > , babv's diaper sun
iwrter , etc New goods. Our agent at Aust I , ,
Mlim. . inuito $75 In 10 duyo. Ladles' Supply Co'
287 W.JN'aBhliiBtQUSt. . CJhlcago , _ 4(0-8 ( ?
WANTED Nurss girl , call nt onro , "g oi
wages , must ilvoreft. reiife-2ll2 Douglas
WANTED Tlioroughly competent iiiBl
Udy for iiiiumger ut Atlantic , la , ; flue
milury. Address L-J , lloe , Council llluirs.
\X7 ANTEO-Competent , exp rl nred lady ; no
TT book canvasalng. tialury W to t6 ! pu
week. Address L 2V , lleo. Couuull llluits.
WANTKD-Ludy stenographer ; state ex
pel K-ucu and wugea expected , N 4 , line
Olllce. C71-3T
_ _
WANTED A ttrouir girl to do genera
_ housework ; WM S. Bid btieet. 07'1 ' 3
"V\A ANTEDYoung lady stenographer who
VT can utiilst lu olllce. Work tight ; Uata
terms. Address N S3. lice otllre. 07l-i ;
WANTEDGoodtlrl for general housework
610 B.2nd st. U9 ! J
- for general housework , 715
WANTED-Girl between Webster and llurU
Airs. M , C , Peters. _ _ ? L ! !
- experienced girl for
WANTKD-CompetnnN in family. Apply
at once , IHO South Wnd , cor. Poppleton nve.
T W18II to employ ix few ladles , on salary , til
J tnko charge of my business nt their homes ;
entirely unobjectionable ; light ; very fasclnat-
ngamlliealthtul ; no talking required ; wuue.s
fie per weqk. Good pay for nmt time. My
rcferenros include some of the best known people
ple of Louisville , Cincinnati. Plttsburg and
elsewhere. Address with stump , Mrs. Marlon
Wnlkor , , 4th and Chestnut 8t8..j.oiilsvlllo , KB.
IVANTBD-dlrl for general hoxtpeworfc.good
V wages paid to right party. 212 S. ItJtfi.
( Xk > \
AXTANTED-airffor rnmlly of two ; must bo
TT uronl llrst-class cook nnd laundress and
como with best of references ; satisfactory
wagei" . Apply nt 320 N , 2Qthst. C2 < 4
- girl for poncral
WANTED-Competent good cook and laun
dress , good wages paid. A oply ! " 54 8 S Mil st.
\ AJNTHl ) First-class experienced saleslady
i > In clonk department. State oxptnenco
nnd where employed. Address LB3. llee. ftVI
. EMILY HOYS 1ms removed her dress-
MR8. parlors to514 N. 18th St. , near Cuss ,
whore Mm will be pleased to Imvo her friends
nnd customers mil ; sheulll also touch ladles
the art otdrcHs cutting by her own Invented
system ; a perfccfllt is guaranteed ; otilv a tew
lesions are necessary. ( M at
" 4T1SSM1NN10IC has returned from Chicago
1VI with the latest fall nnd winter styles in
dressmnicing. and will be pleased to have you
call on her ut 1721 l.i'avenwortb St. 408 "B _
Vr IPS E. Wnlsh. 11118 Capitol uvonue.dressnnd
1'lclouk maker ; plush coatsrellttcd , rellned.
"TT NG AC5EM HNT8 to do dressmaking In fiiint *
J.v lies solicited. MUs Sturdy. 51J S.Mi st.
tsn n2 > +
Wlnoberg fliess and cloak maker ;
IOls cloaks to order rind steamed : sealskin
cloaks lepnlred. nil Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 14i'0 Cnnltol avc..repairing of ull kind.
- - rent stable tor2 horses within
in : i or 4 blorks of po&tolllcc. Apply Room
( V , Merchants Nat'l hank. tVh tt
i ANTED Three unfurnished rooniK with
W or without board ; state terms and loca
tion. N 22 , Hee. 003-1 *
) To rent a turmsne < S house of not
less tlian H rooms , lu u good location. Ad
dress N 18 , lice olllce. GSI
TT HHl HIJNT n-rooin pottages on Half Howard
J ? noiirtCId Bt. Enqulro 021 8. 17th su O'il
EOll RENT 10-room bncs house on 21th st.
near Leuvemvorth. Apply at 827 S , 20th st.
" '
H. McMuhan , southeuxt corner 13th and Arbor
"VfEW 5 room cottnge on cable linn. City
J- > water ac ; abargalu , $18per mouth , Erie
Clothing Co. . : ra N. loth st. 04S-3
CARPENTiR8. : painters , et nl. , I havn
three houscR to rent I'hBup. and will take
work or other property in pay. W. J. Pnul , lOJ'J
Famuli ) . 010-3
FOR RENT 7-room brick lumso , city water ,
hewer and gas , 717 S 10th st. 582 3J
? ; 1100.M house , $12 per mo. , S. E. corner llth
O nnd A'lnton sts. 017
HUNT 8-room house with modern 1m-
provoments. on the motor lino. $35 per
month. C. F. llnrilson , Merchants Nat. bntilc ,
Ull 5
F KENT 11-room house. No. 310N 22a st.
L ? Address room 100 , Mlllard hotel. 504 Ot
" 1710 It ItENT 4 ten room houses , from $15 to $20
J ? per month , on Motor lino. Room 527 Pax ton
block. 514
SIX.ROOM house , largo lot. ! KK ) Franklin , nnd
ana two other six-room house ; cheap and
will tnko carpentering , etc. , as payment. W , J.
Paul , 100 ! ) Farnam sf (110 ( 3
F OR KENT Eight room cottage. HO" Sher
man nve. City water , runuo and bath room.
Two hundred feet ot yard frontage. Apply at
promises. W. E. Annlu. nfil
O ELEGANT nowH-room houses , with all con-
ivenlcnces , including ranges , and best resi
dence location In thn city ; 10-room house on
S. loth st. , opposlto llro\vnell hull ; 3 l-room
cottages , S. 12th St. ; 4 7-room houses , with all
conveniences , cor. Heed nnd Park sts , Windsor
Place ; largo 10-room house cor. 2ilth and Cnld-
well HIS. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat.
bank biilldinir. 421
FOR RENT A partly furnished 11-room
house , with all modern convergences ; first-
class locality ; furniture for sale , and will re
tain several rooms nnd pav n good price for
board for three or more persons. A good
chance for the right party. Call at once at
2312 Douglas st. 414 3
WANTED Cut-pouters et nl to rent houses
and pay in work. W. .T.Paul. OU-a ft
TflOR RENT Only 4 more of tnoso nlco now 8-
.L room houses. Hath loom , hot and cold
water. Near 2 car lines , only $15 per mo. dur
ing winter. J. J. Wilkinson , Room 018 , Paxton
block. 357
TjlOU HUNT So. 5 ; my block. 1131 Geo. avo.
JL ? 10 rooms , furnace , gas and fixtures , electric
wires for lighting , range anil every conven
ience : barn with city water and gas in ; choice
neighborhood , * : * D.V. Sholes 213,1st Nat bank ,
FOR RENT Two dwellings , corner Capital
ave. and )8th ) bts , , opposite Tilnlty cathe
dral ; furnace , range uuu ull moilein conven
iences. Call ou or address H. I , . Hall , Hurllng-
ton ticket ofllce , 12.M f arnam st. . 251
TTIOIl KENT 7-room houso. Oil S. 15th St. . bet.
JL' Jackson and Jones sts. Enquire next door.
254 N24
T710R HUNT 0 rooms , collar , city water and i
JL1 gas. Apply Room 1' . ' , Arlington blk. 145and
3-ROOM house on Mil t. $7. Enquire S. E. cor.
llth and Vtiiton. tifll
TTU.EOANT Hats to rent. 10th st. , cast side , be-
JLKtwoen Jones and Leavonworth ; iliat-cluss In
all respects , and new : steam heat , bath , open
grates aud mantels , electric bells In all rooms ;
both motor lines pass property. Refercuce&
required. Titos. K Hall , 311 Paxtou block.
O 5-ltOOM ( now ) houses , all modem convenlon-
t'ces except furnncii. at $10. half block from
motor , fill ) Puxloii lllock. 820
LARGE 12-room houxe with all conveniences
and large barn. cor. 20th und Caiuwell xts.
rr-room house with barn , f n nor month. C.
I Harmon. McrcnamV Nat. bank. 489
TpOR KENT Handsome 10-room honao , all
X1 conveniences , paved street , cable and horse
care , 5 minutes' walk of pobtolllce. Nathan 8bol-
ton. 1014 Farnumst. KM
H 1OU8ES and business places for rent. J , J.
Wilkinson. 018 Poxton blk , 788
171OR RENT Neat ( -room house , in good re-
JU pair , on cor. 20th and Woolwortn uve. : pos
session given Oct. 1st. Inquire O. II. Tzschuck ,
llee olllce. tra
O FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping ; 1014
S. llth. Ut lloor. 0183
IT URNlSlfED roomn , Bteiuu heut , 1st lloor ,
JU Hut II , 010 S , 10th bt. 020 U *
T/IOH ItENT Large tnrnUhed front room with
J ? buy window , gas aud bath , $10 per month.
2218 Leavemvorth. KSS
| T1OE KENT Furnished rooms with or with-
JL : out board nt thu Coizetis hotel. Oil
jmUltNTsflUl ) rooms for fciit ; 1707 Cupltol nv
"ITIOR ItENT A suit of furnished rooms , com-
J1 pletu for light hoiibekeeplDg ; Wr.'H. Ibth Ht.
FOR KENT-Furnished or unfurnished rooms
! > minutes fiom poitolllca. 710 S. Ibth st.
T7\OR RENT Newly furnished front room.
J-jjli'olocution ; 115 , South sith streut. Ol7-f )
BOOMS Mlth board for 4 geutlemeu at Mrn.
Clmrcl.l.U . , ill N. lUth at. 0(3-0 ( *
FOR KENT Furnished" rooms , modern con-
vonltmcos , 015 N , 20th st. GMMl *
TT1URN1S1IED rooms for light housekeoptoi ; ,
JL' 1512 Davenport t , 0 -o
FOR UKNT Pleasant rooms , heated by
kteaia. lloutcl if desired. 2107 Douglas ht.
* _ . J"4
TCflcr.I.VTiinilihiMl bedroom wlthTmurd in
X > private family , References ; ' . -AJ7 Farnam ,
) R KKNT-a'hiralshnd Hats , together Ith
an extubllshed dressmaking ostubllsh-
meiit. Call at room 3 , (105 ( N. loth st. tttl-U
' front room with board In private
family , nicely sltunted. UlflO Harney t.
ROOMS , llRht liousokeopltiB. 1319 N. Uth.
IT RENT-i'loasiuit furnished frontroom.
largo rooms , elegantly fnrnlshid In
modern brick roSldonco ; board if desired.
1S21 Cass st. 3.1J 4t
bTlTil'.NT A suite of rooms , with board.
172 JDodgo street. coa
iOOM8 wltli oY vftlioiiT1board , for throe
-Ilgclitlemen ; private tnmlly ; rofereacos , 1812
Dodge strfftt. IXVS
lilOH RENT Furnished front room witn al
JO modern conveniences , to gentlemen only ,
at 2025 Ht. Mary's nvenuo. Apply at storo. 210
and22 ! South Fifteenth st. , 80
_ _
" 1711 ' UNI SHED room , south bay window , with
JJ every convenience ; 221 i Farnam. If"
F .lTback pntor2 ! " )7 ) Cassst , sin
. . RENT Neatly furnished room with , or
without board , modern conveniences. fXU N.
18th st. 404 4 *
m\VO nicely furnished rooms with board.
JL AH conveniences , mo 8 22d. 588 3t
rU'r.NISIIitn room with Hoard for two gen *
1 tlemcn , 254.1 Cnpltol nve , TO Oi
"iriUHNlSH KU rooms 1418 Dodge.
JU i fin IR
FINI5LY furnished room , MS mo. Innmro
nt cigar store 1320 Douglas st , In
furnished roomo , with board , gas
NICKtiY . 407 N. ICth st. 3d' W
F OH HUNT Toone or two gentlemen with
gjod references , a nicely furnished front
room , heated by steam and centrally locnted
inquire 721 a im.ii st. _ lua
"I7IOU KENT Two furnished rooms on St.
JL' Mary 'a nvonue. to gentlemen only : six min
utes' walK of buslncxs center. Reference re
quired. Inijulro nt store , 210 and 2r ' 8. " 15th st.
_ _ _ _ 8" ) >
KOOMd furnished , W and $3 month , fill S.I'Hh.
4U7 4t
HNT One iilcTfurnished room. 42:1 : N
? inn st. i7
FURNISHED room und board , nt 007 N. IHh
OB ) lit
LEG A NT furnished rooms with bath and
'Meant. liilO Howard st. 511
flOll RENT Furnished looms for2gontio-
men , or man and wife. 1000 Douglas. 014
\TKWIiS * fuinlshed rooms , with or without
IN board. ICU7 Howard , third lint. GOO [ It
CT. ! CLAIR l-uiopenn : hotel , cor. 13th and
ODodpe ; special rate by week or mouth
rvJICUIiV rurnlshod room. XVXi Douglas st.
-Li 4oJ 41
FOlTBlJiST "nicely niniiified"rooms , with
board ; llHJtl Cnpltol avenue. SSS
OOD room with batli. niu a 2Cth st.
pWO unfurnished rooms , gns. city water nnd
L stuam heat , 1st lloor , 515,510 8. lUth st.
FOR RENT 1-room suit , unfurnished suita
ble for housekeeping , gas , water , etc. . to
family without children ; northwest cor. 17th
unu Webster st. 1KI7
IOII HUNT Itoom over stove store 1U21 Howard -
ard street. Prlco f St per month. 557
TTtOlt HUNT a unfurnished rooms.sultablo for
JD housekcoplnp , 208 N. 13th nt. 3) ) : )
/ \FFIC15S for rent. Wltlmell blocc : central lo-
v/catlonsteim heat all modern Improvements.
550 C
IT1OH UKNT Ilnck store room 207 12tti at.
-I ? Joining cor. Douglas. 8. Lehman. 2JO
IT'OH HUNT 2 stores , cor S2rt and Pierce sts. ,
JL ? suitable for meat market and grocery : also
two Hats above stores : will plvo responsible
parties 2 months'rent frt-o to establish trade.
Call on J. II. Parrotte , Douglas Co. Hank. 17S-3
rilllKmost promising locality for business In
JL Omaha Is on Kith ht. , between Farnam and
Leavenwortu. the fnturo retail district of the
city. 1'legant blocks are going up , and nothing
shabby will over bo erected there.
'I ake a look nt the now block on east fcldo
10th betweer. Jones K Lcnvnwortli and secure
lease for a number o'years ; all heut ( l with
steam , with plate-glass front , Thos. F. Hall.
311 Pnxton block. C03
FOR IlBNT-Snew storey 017 and 019 S. ICth.
Flno show windows. 3H
FOR HUNT Store room m Hoyd opera house
building , inquire American Savings Hank.
rnoil Iin.NT A 4-story brick building. MxllS ) .
JL ; suitable for whobsale : good trackage ; 1
have nlso a number of flno rostdonco prop
erty for rant or sale. For particulars call or
address -JiW-m lleo bldg. N , O. llrown. 430
FINK store , with cellar , 020 South ICtn.
POIl KKNT Store. 1111 Farnam St. , 20 by 138
feet , 2 stories und collar , XutBau Shelton ,
1014 L'aruam st. t59
KENT Desirable warehouse room on
TO . Apply to 0. W. Keith , 714 Paclllc st.
TI1OH KENT The 4-story brick building with
JF or without power , formerly occupied by The
liee Publishing Co. . U10 Knruam st. Tno buildIng -
Ing has n tire-proof cemented basement , com
plete steam-heating llxtures , water on all the
lloors , gas. etc. Apply at the olllco of The lleo.
T71OII KENT After Oct. I , line front olnce.
i' ground lluor ; plate gluss window ; heat and
light furnished ; a most desirable lorntion for
any kind of business ; rent reasonable. Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , 310 So. llth si. M ! )
"IjlOK UKNT Basement 40 by OT ft. hcatea Dy
JL ? bteam. Enquire J. Nugl , U12 So. 1'Ith st.
rpWO young ladies can secure a comfortable
J-homo for the winter by applying to Mrs.
Kmily Itoyx , 514 N. Mth 8t. 5EU 3t
WANTED To borrow 42W ( by a party hold
ing u llrst-claxs ] iosltlon who has antrlctly
clean record and the best of habits. Will pay
$25 each mouth for 12 months for the loan. Au-
dress N 23. Iloo olllco. 08U-3
KIINTINd AOKNCV The Midland Guaran
tee & Trust Co. , 1014 Fnrunmst. , Imvo just
opened u department to rent houses , stores ,
etc. , collect runts , pay taxes and care for ( prop
erty. It will bo to the interest of parties hav
ing buildings for rent to put them m charge of
this reliable and conservative company.
LADIES use Marlon Walker's Face Itleach
for freckles , pimple ? , moth nud liver spots ,
guaranteed to give u beautiful complexion nnd
to bo Dunecily harmless. For further Information
mation call at 322 N 15th basement. Ml 33j
IF you have anything to exchange call on II ,
K. Cole. roomO , Continental bloclr , Flftonnth
and Douglas. US >
JK yon have anything to neil or exchange call
at Itoom 018. Paxton block. U5H
TTIEATIIKRB cleaned , curled and dyed , hats
I ? reshaped , at F. M. Schu'loll fc Co.,2IH N. lath.
2-J.I n 4
UOTION nalas every Tuesday nud Friday
A !
morning at 1121 Farnam , Omaha Auction A
Storage Co , 775
III. MARVStrong , cor. 8aundors und Cassias
5o sts. , Kount/.o place. TclophODOl4SI. 237 u3t
o iASH paid for household furniture , stoves.
Ouiuhu Auction .V Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam.
adllSES wintered ut my farm , with the host
ot cure given them. F. M. Phillips. Mlllurd
liutul , Omahu. Nob. 023
HOR8ES wintered at Omaha fair grounds ;
large box stalls ; terms reasonable ; car-
rlages stored. A. Thomson. 208 N4y
HOUSES Wlntcroi' at my farm , good range
and Paddocks : no burbed wire on pluco ;
horses called for ami delivered ; terms moder
ate. Telephone 577. Chas. McCormlrk , Calhoun -
houn , Nub. 417-nT
WANTED Horses to winter at $3 a mouth
per Head on farm near Irvlugton. Plenty
of grain ami hay to fueil , good shelter and good
rmo iilvon them ; horsescallod for and delivered -
ed W. It. Human , room Frcnzor Illk. 101
S TRAVED A boy mare ; is about 10 years
old ; lias apart white face nud bcarrud ou
loft hind leg. Liberal reward paid for return
to or notify U. F. Eden , 1014 Muttha st.OM4T
LOST Money und tlmo In not buying the free
burning Kentucky lump coal bold bv Har
mon to Woutn , 111) ) N loth st. JJ77JI
OS'JVOctTToToii Kray pony C years old ;
ringbone on left hind leg ; been blistered ;
. snmll rene spot under left eye. ( ) .
P. White. Park av . . Leaveuworth t. iQiKMj *
I OST-October2l > . between Uth aud Farnam
-IJftnd Hth aud Wobbter , package of mail miit-
ter mldres ed Mrs. A. W. bcrjbncr. Liiid Don t.
U P. Ry. und
Faruam and ijet rewurJ , W7 JT
0 n o.
_ _ _
FGLTNI > The genuine fre < > burning Kentucky
lump coil for units by Harmon It Wooth. lin
N. 18th st. _ _ , ; _ 77 ! l
fIRKR Lessons In scientific dress rutting for
I the next ton days. Over 10il ( , Hownrd.OIJ-2 *
13I5II80NAIi-Tndies nro n 'ck ' to discover
L why the free burnlna Kentucky lump Is the
favorite cooking coal. Try It. 110 N. Kith St. ,
Harmon A Wecth. ' G77JI
liKUSONAtj-llan-y' sure to order of Har-
JL mon & Wcotn , 11 ' N , Iflth st , thd free buru-
Ing Kcntuccy lump COR ! . Can't use nny other.
U77 3
"PHHSONA1 < Itogors' sodd nickel silver tea
X spoons at " . " > cents per net. No plating to
wosr oir. Will last n llfo time. Moody's China
Btoro , cor 10th nnd Davenport. O.Vi ! l
"OKllSONAIj llandsomo decorated parlor
X tamps worth tr > for SJ.75 ntMoody'x. .Ml N.
Ifath Bt , OJfi 3
"OKHSONAI. 1 will send you I moan you a
L valuable book of Information worth & 3 , ( )
for 10 cents , Dr. W , J Derringer , Council
illulTs. In. | 3H4t
"I AIMK3 nnd gentlemen desiring corrospond-
LJcnts address Corresponding Club , Kansas
City. Mo. InclosoBtnmn. t83ntt !
rilHK banjo taught ns nnnrt by ( Ico. V. dcllon-
.1. beck , room 211 Douglas block. BjO
/ t UITAlt players and puplla cnn learn pieces
VT and all cnords without notes. Solid for cir
culars to Prof. Murdoch , Sixi Viaduct. Cleveland -
land , Ohio. 084-af
MliaiO and French. Lady wishes pupils ; Is
thoroughly conversant In both brunches ,
K. K. 183) ) Pnul st. OoK-j (
SCHOOl" Kxpresslon. Vocal. Artlculuto ,
Pantomimic. 1. V. Anderson , Hhuely block.
V15NING I'rench class. Now York Llfo
E llullnlng. UooiiUKn. .lulcs Merle. 711 N
Jlfl EIUICAN )1SFJ for our customers who have
J-vJ-oiiKh.seoiirod paper and real estate to trade.
Itoom 15 , Chamber Commerce. oil
ANTED to Iluy WlU iiny cash for n lot ot
furnltiiro , carpets , etc. V. , P. O. ltoxH20.
1A8II for furniture , carpets , etc. Well's Auc-
'tlon Storngo Co. . il7 S. 13th. 715
WANTED or 5 thousand yds otonrthto
till lot 58 , llurr Ouk add , up to grndo. In
quire \V. \ N. Dorward , 1517 Douglas st. 700
'VIT'ANTED 'fa buy H ) hore"fnnn. good for
gi'.rdenlug , wltlilli ! i mile of some U H
station , not over 15 miles from Omiuia : must
bo low price. W. L. Solby , It. 13. llojrd Trade.
ri UACKAGK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Hushman. 1311 Leaveiiworth SO I
at low rates at 1121 Farnam street.
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. b02
and forwarding. Wo collect urnde !
liver goods of all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rates ror
storage for nuy length of time. Vans nnd
wagons to bo had nt shortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge , Merchandise loaded ana unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco Sir S llth
st. Telephone 114. Ilowcll&Co 803
DR. NArvNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal and business medium. Female diseases
asnuclalty. 113 N 16 n Bt. , rooms 2 and 3. J-O.J
"AfAHAMIJ Wellington , world-ienownea as-
I'J-troloulst , test medium and destiny leader ,
just from Europe. Tells your llfo from tha
cradle to the grave ; " reunites the bcpnrated ,
causes speedy marriage with the one you love ,
locates dasenscs and tecats with massage nnd
electric baths. All t-i trouble should not fall to
consult this gifted Bforess. Parlor u , upstairs ,
417 S. llth ; olllco hours from 10 a. m. to 10 p. rn.
4U1 3 *
FORTUNE Teller Mrs , l.cnorman can bo
consulted on all affairs of lite. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. 310N. , 15th st. G02nllj
Stenographer aud Typewriter ,
It. 427 Pnxton Jllk. Telephone 1530. 112nW
WIIITTLESEY'S shorthand and typewriting
school , llarkcr block. Tne best and cheap
est in the city. 633 N 12 *
CJTANDARD Shorthand School. Koom 315. Ware
O blk. . ( successor to Valentine s ) the largest
exclusive shorthand school In the west. Teucn-
ers are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
paid to typewiltlng. Mechanical construction
of machine taught fay factory expert. Circulars
1/lOH SALE Or will tr.ido for horses , a note
-I ? of $100. second mortgage or propoity worth
$1.000 ; first mortgage & 733. 11. F. Musters , t
Wltlmell building. 585 U
FOR SALE Upright Btelnway piano , tSperr
coat li'is tnan cbit. Address N 7 , live mte.
O.M *
TCIOR 8ALK or Exchiuge FourTnll-bloodcd
JL ? Jersey cows , flue driving team as there is in
the city , ono double carriage , one double cutter ,
one phaeton. Stiyuer make , and one rend wag
on , Suyder make ; all nearly now ; will trade for
good pioperty and will assume light Inoum-
brance. Apply lloom 210 , First National bank
bulldlnr. OO'J '
T/'OK ' BALE Span ot wort horses anil wagon
JL1 cheap for cash or on easy payments. ( ! . F.
Read. 118 S 13th ht. 578UJ
FOR SALE Counter nnd shelving , room 527 ,
Paxton lllock. auo
T71OirSALE A desirable carriage team , dark
JO bays , 0 years old , bate and sound ; ulho two
road horses , carriages , buggies , etc. ; will make
price aud terms satisfactory. W. J , Connull.
FOR SALE A good reliable family carriage
team , carriage and harness ; n bargain. An-
play to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha. 412
FOR SALE LIglit spring wagon 1507 N. inth.
203 n24J
IjWU SALE At half iirlco. a lot of counters
JU1 uud shelving suitable for grocery , notion ,
boot and shoe mock. W. U. Hainan , room 0
Frenzer blk. 037
T71OK SALE-Top buggy nearly now , cheap. .T.
J ? L. Welslmns. 1420 Harney. ui
1J1ORSALE-3 rows cheap. H. H. Hender-
J- son , tooiniOJ , Paxton blk. C'J5
TTIOUSAT.E-A quantity of building stone.
-L Apply to the superintendent lleo building.
"fjlOR SALE A 35-horso power Porter engine
JLMngood condition , weight 5lOOpounds cyl
inder HzlO. For particulars apply to The lice
olllce. 7W8
MIDLAND fluuranteo It Trust Co. , N. V. Life
bid g , complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examlnedperfectod A cuarnuteed.
MONEY to loan in any amount on household
goods , horses and wagons , diamonds , land
contractB.sucondmortKagcH.or any available se
curity , without publlnlty. Nebraska Mortgage
J.onn Co. Kocm Ol'J.Paxton bin 240
ONE hundred dollar * private money to lonn
or will buy short time mortgage or good
note , rooinUMIIoard'o'rrnilo. _ 610
MONEY to loan on horse * , wagons , mules ,
household'pluuos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst oigaulzed lonn olllce In
the city. Makes loamifrorn thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-live dav . whlrh cnn bo paid In
part or whole ut anytime , thus lowering the
principal and Interest , call ana nee nn when
you want money. Wo , cau assist , you promptly
and to your advanUice without removal of
property or publicity/ ; Money always on hand.
No delay in maknut 'loiuu. c , j. ' . iteed ta Co
ail ) H. lilthst. . ov < r Blmthain & Sons' B7S '
MONEY to lonn ; cWi on hand : no delay. J.
W. Smilro. I2ia Farnam st. , virst National
bank building 8bl
MONKY to loan on city or farm property ,
( leo. J. Paul. 00 ! ) Farnamjt. _ fea
BIHLDINO loans. I ) . V , slioles , 210 First
National bane. 873
M ONEV loaned on cfmttel Hccurltv orrea
estate. J , J. Wll-lnson , 018 Puxlon blk.
LOANS made ou root estate nnd mortgages
bought Louis H. flood i ; Co. r.U.'ooaril trudo
f74 _
At/ANTED-FIrst-clusH inside
loans. Lowest
rates. Call und see us. Mutual Invobt-
nibnt Co. , ItiOl Fnrnam. 077
rpo LOAN A fowthouianu on Inside unlm-
J-proved city property or good .d mortgage
paper. Address M HU. llee oilice. 2(5
Tl fONEY to Joan on real estate security at
* ' 1 lowest rates , lloforo negotiutlnit loans see
Wallace , U31U Drown bldg. loth and Dougl-s.
\IONBV to loan by nu enstmrn man. on gilt
- I edge property , for the next lUdaya. Harris ,
room 41) ) , Ibt Nat. Hank. j
LOANS City unit form loans , mortgstfo pn-
prlounht. * McCagtto Investment Co. KM
MONEY to loan on city properly and f
UntlH nt lowest rate * . J. D. Zlttlo , iTOJ'ui :
ton block , 1 < 8
TJESIDHNCHloaiu-r.'f ' to 7 percent ! no ad-
Additional charges for commlftMonft or attor
ney's foes. W. D. Molklo , First Nat bank bide.
to lonn on ftirnlUu , Jiot * . ' . .uan < >
etc. . or on nuy approved security J. W.
Hobblns Hll'i Farnnm street , Pa.vton hotel.
"TTHRST mortgage foaus at low rates and no
J2 delay. D , V. 8holes,2lO First Nutlonulb.-inlc.
TAO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
JU/beforo gettltig my rates , which are the low
est on nny sum from Jl lit $10,0X ( ) .
1 make loans on household good * , piano * , or
gans , horses.innles.wngoas.'warehouso receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. . In aur amount , at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for onn to six months andt
you can pay part nt any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe n balance on
your furniture or horses or. have n loan on
them , 1 will take It up nuA carry It for you ns
long ns you deslro.
If you need money von will 0 nd It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 15th
and Harnoy. 870
, Private money to lonn or will buy good
$ mortgage , W. L. Bolby , r. 13 , Roatd of Trade.
ONEY to loan on any security
tor short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment company ,
room 400 Paxton bloct. 872
SEE Shales , room 210 Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. 873
Q > 500,0oa to loan at C per c nt. Llnanan k Ma-
Phonoy , room 5l ( ; Paxton block. 87Q
loaned on furniture , horses nnd
MONEY ; rates reasonable. City l.onii Co. .
11SS. l.ith st. , opposite Mlllard hotel
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan agents. 15'iFttrnnm ' | _ st. K7H
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage * Trust Co. fur-
ulsh cheat ) eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect tltlus , accept loans
at their western olllce. George W. P. Coatcs ,
room 7. Hoard of Trade. J-.S3
17"EY8TONK JIortgaBa Co.-Loans of J10 to
J.VOu ] : ) ; gotour rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan ou horses , furniture , or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now , renewal of old , nud low
est rates , cull R208Shccley blk,15th & Howard st.
TJEKORE making chattel or collateral loans ,
JJitwillpuy you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. . room 44'J , lleo building. 8S9
Fpo LOANA speciaff mid ot JIOJjlOO in slims
JLot $111.000 nnd upwards nt very low rules
The Mead Investment Co. , 314 S. 15th st. 131
R/J / ON EY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
J.Uuiit dulay. and pmchasu good commercial
paper and mortgage notes , s. A. Slomui. cor.
13th and Farnaiu. ass
THIRST National safety doroslt vaults. Safes
JL1 to rent $5 to $ J.i u year. 3J7 S. 13th. 2iJ )
rpllE best paying restaurant In the city to ex-
JL change for good property.
Land and cash for Job printing nnd news
paper outfit , fitnr Land and Loan Co. . l 0fli !
Farnnm. Uu'Klt
A NO. 1 business man with capital uud bank
references wants to get into n business in
Omuna , either on salary or nn interest in the
business. Add ! oss N 20 , Roe olllco , 012-31-
\\TANTKD Immediately , a partner totnko
TT milt interest in ono ot the bait weekly
newspapers in the country. Largo circulation ;
good patronage ; the best In the county. Lo
cated in a good tlulfty county seat town til Ne
braska of 1500 inhabitants. A good Job olllco
m connection "Kwisons" for this proposition
twomuch labor for ouo manager. Address
N21. lice olllco. 040-5 ,
T7U YE good business chances hotel , rostnu-
Jrant ! , chop house , furnished Hat and lease
of steam laundry. .Alox.Moore , 301 Bueely block ,
008-3 *
dj2.500 will buy a half interest in u well estab-
( pHulied seed business ; location only an hour
und a half rldo fiom Omaha on II. it .M. It. R.
l.nrKo business already worked up , but needs
more capital. Investigation solicited. M. A.
Upton Co. , 10th und Farnam. 054 7
GROCERY stock aud fixtures in city , invoice
about * 5.5CO : one-half cash and balance good
city proporty. This is a first-class stock nna
rent very reasonable. Also grocery stock lu
city for $8K ( ) , J260 cash , balance in city property.
A good bakery , confectionary aud restaurant
combined , In llrst-class location , price $1,100 ;
A interest for $5'.0. Co-operative Land and Lot
Co. , 205 N. Tilth St. CTi 1
TJURN1TURK of a 23-room hotel in city for
JP $ I.liK ) ) . one-third cash and balance on time.
Co-operative Land und Lot Co , , 20.i N. Kith st.
OJ5 4
TjlOll SALE Grocery and feed store tor $1,000 ,
JL1 half cash und hair good vacant lot. W. R.
llomon , Itoom n , Frenzer block. 507
FOR SALE Cigar factory , address loct box
65 , David City , Neb. 503 5 *
"fJlOU SALE Nice , clean restaurant , doing
JL1 good business ; must be sold this week ; easy
terms. J. H. Parrotte , Room 2 ] , Douglas block.
flALL nt 2312 Douglas st. for good chance to
\ _ / rlghtparty. . See ad elsewnero. 414 3
PARTIES desirous ot disposing of their busi-
ness'in any line will do well to call on or ad
dress , W. H. E. & M. E. , Room ] 5.ChamberCom-
incrco. Oil
GOOD chance for the right party. Call nt
2312 Douglas st. See nd elsewhere 414 3
FOR ItENT Now hotel. In heart of city :
thirty looms. W.Farnam 8mlth,1220 Fr.maia
FOR BALE Or trade , a well established book
and stationary storo. Box 513. 22i
O EXCHANGE Clear , well assorted stock
of dry goods , clothing , boots and shoes , lints
and caps , groclerlen , etc. ; will Invoice near
(30,000 ; will take part good real estate and part
money ; will give tlmo on part of the money ;
box 103. Frankfort. Hid. 010
T7IOREXCIIANGK-2 improved Iowa farms. 2
JL ? unimproved clear eastern Nebraska farms ,
$15l 0 Iowa rental property clear , 1 grocery. 1
stock clothing , horses , buggies , wagons , etc. 417
Sheely clock. 012 3 *
EI/EYATOR in good city m Iowa. $20.010 : en-
cumbrance $4.0JO ; storage capacity 250,000
bushels , to trade for city property or good
land. Si-room hotel in South Omaha , with
furniture and everything complete ; price
SH.QM : mortgage. t.r > tl > ; wil trade for Omaha
or Council llluirs property. Co-oporatlvo Land
and Lot Co. . 2Jj N. 10th st. 035 4
EXCHANGE Make oilers ot rullway con
tracts , lands , notes , mortgagor , building
mntoral. insldcs lotM , etc. , etc. , for houses of
six , seven and eight rooms , lots , Omaha and
Council ( Huffs , acres , farms , etc. , etc. W , J ,
Paul. 0403
WILL exchange naw t'-roora house , all mod
ern convenlencoH , for vacant lots or mova
ble property. Room 018 Paxton block. ( A )
TT'XCHANGE 2-seated spring wagon forliun-
Jld bar wagon with coal box. A. H. Dillon ,
cor27th ana Hamilton. 07H : tf
EOIt BALE or Trade 1 own an ubsowo
equity of $8.1,000 In the throe brick and stuuo
store buildings , tluee Htorles high , adjoining
the First Nut tonal bank uu Thirteenth st. ,
Omaha , that 1 will trade for unlncumbaroa
property In or near Omaha. Should like u ulto
residence or 1 will sell said property at u bur-
gam. Address W , R. Yaughuu , Democrat olllco ,
umaha , Nub , C-5T
EXCHANG E Lots , houses , acrou , farms , etc. ,
for railway lands , mortgui-'e-c , notes , build
ing material , lots close in on which will asHiima
nnd cliiur lots , stocks , etc. William J. Puul ,
low Farnam btreet. 0 3
SEVERAL very line improved farms near
Omaha for Inside property ,
fx.uoo truckngo lot ( In cltyj for nn Iowa
Hiitchlnnon It Wt-ad , IS''t Douglas ut. Tel. 1520.
FOR EXCH ANGK-Elghtlots In North Omaha
clear , to exchange for property in Pierre ,
Dak. Aedrr88 M 72 , lleo olllco/ 431
Gll/r edge second mortgage ) paper und Im
proved rent estate for miircliaudlbe , W. R.
E. & M. E. . Itoom 15 , Chamber Commerce.
. HI I
FOR EXHANGK-80 aeres clear of encumb
rance. In htrips of 10ucros , in Mercer coun
ty , IlItuoH , for stock of goods or city property ,
Apply room 210. First National bank building ,
OR EXCHANGE-A lmslne yicldlngaprollt
of from HIM ) to W.tno i > er unniim. to ex
change tor good city property. Am willing to
iistumi ) light encumbrance. Apply room210 ,
Flrat Nutlonul ba nk building IM
' . \UII Ai ilM - J'ttrlllB , lots , houses , UUIUD .
JJ etc. , for building material , mortgagoH.
notes , railway coutrnctH , itisido lots , etc.V ,
.1 , Puul. 1'iO'J ' Farnam. 0103
ANTKD Railway lands for lots , houses ,
iicre'j. brick blocks in good towns , etc ,
etc. W. J. Paul , 1000 l-aruam. 010 3
ANTED lluildlng material , mortgages ,
noten , stocks etc. , etc. , for lots , hounev ,
oci'i's , farms , etc. W , J , Paul , 1WW Furnam.
GiU u
K AtLW.tY lands wanted for lot * , house" ,
farm ; , acres , \V. J. I'nul , Ki'8 rarnam ,
cm 3
TT < XCII.tNGE-4SO acres Improved. 10) Im-
J- * proved , M aero * Improved In Kliigmnu ,
Lugnn nnd Phillips counties , Kansas : nlso
hoiispsjmd lots In city. Want railway InniK
mortgages , notes , building material. etc. . etc. :
make oitcrs. W. J , Paul , 1109 FAruam street.
/ i 000 Improved farm property for well so-
VJ cured Pivond mortgage paper. AddroM. nt
once. ' ' 8. " rnro Koom IS , lliambcr Commerce.
_ _ _ _
T7UR EXCHANGH-IOclcar South Omaha lots
-L1 and cleartiand for for 10 room home , will
assume Rinnll incuiubrnnco. W. ISclby , It. VI ,
HonrdTrndu. KK )
WANTKO To exvhanco dry goods notions
nnd millinery goods for clear land or oily
property nnd part cash. Address box ltd
Frankfort Ind. u.t ;
1I1AVK some nrst-class rental property for
Fnl9 ctivap within ono inllo of nostilloee , on
paved stietits and motor line. Tnos. 1" . Hall ,
ill 1'nxton block. HU
IMl'HOVr.D farm nnd city properly for iner-
c'haudlBO. Address. Koom U.Olmmbor Commerce
merce- fill
J CI.KAU South Omaha lots for nor.4cs.or Innil
Oflotilh of east of Wheeler Co. , Nob. Solby ,
13 Hoard Trade. 3H
fiW 3 seated cnrrmsn for "ud morlgngo.
Selby , 13 Hoard Trade. ail
T7IOU E.XCHANOr.-For any kind of good
J-J property , a grain elevator In ouo of the best
towns In Iowa , situated in the heart of n tine
agricultural country. Present owner Is not a
grain man , nnd lias other business. A rare
chance for n practical man. Also. live thousand
ncres of line timber land In northern Tonnes-
Bee , lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce. Tel. II I.I.
j uoiii : S8 corner 3 blocks from N. Y. Life ,
-JMVIper foot , pays 10 percent ; 'i ' cash , 'Mil
nucooisy ; 1) , C. I'attoi-3OH.518 N. V. Lite. 57i
Till ADI ! , Dicker mid llarter Hut you cannot
find anything In realty for the money , Hint
has as good value ns those South Omahu lots at
ten dolmru eucn , now being soldnt HID South
inth st. No mortgage , taxes are ptilil. Title
clour , high , dry and level. Think ot III WxU'ii
flat ground , near to Omaha and cloui to rail
road" , for only ton dollars. Who can duplicate
this oirer ? Investigate this pioportyand como
Monday. Nov. 4th , forcnolo . Chas P. RcnJa- <
mln , solo agent , 310 So , 15th st. tv.Vi-3 *
WARRANTER deed to Ames'place. ' Lots
nt f500 to frTUU ! motorcars nnd paved streets
to this propel ty , Ames , 15U7 , Fnrnnm st ,
BEAUTIFUL south front lot ou Farnnm nt
grade , near .TJd st. 08x13. ' , alley corner. $7.000 ,
H cash , bnlutico to suit. M. A , Upton Co. inth
aud I'uruam. 051 7
BEST anil cheapest inside property lor the
money. Ames Place. ( itxitofTHOalot , motor
cms , paved streets. Ames , 1507 Faruam.081fi
SOMKof the finest residence sites on and near
West I'nrnim lu the market ut lowest prices.
TJioro will be m nlco residences built out there
next year ami good locutions uro getting scarce.
M. A , Upton Co. , Mlh nnd Faruam. ( i.11'
I" you have a genuine bargain call on the
Star Laud and Loan Co , . G52-3
G1TY water , paved streets , motor cars to
AmcV Place. Price's J500 to $7ul. No con
tracts ; warrantee deeds. Ames , 1507 Furnum ,
0 ALL on the Star j.und and Lonn Co. for bar-
galas. 052-3
" \\7I1 list nothing but bargains. It will pay
> T you to rail ons , Star Land nnd Loan
Co. , 10J1MS Fnrnam. 052-3
IJTOR SALE-3J choice lots In Picnic , centrally
J.1 located.
Only 2 of the o beautiful ft-room cottages in
Orchard Hill lett. Price , $1,500 ; $75 cash and $15
per month.
Lot OlxlS'i in finest residence part of the city.
Double fronts ; worth $10,0X1 ; $ Gtakes > It.
A i ash customer tor residence lot. Star Land
and Loan Co. . lOODij Farnam , 052-3
ERFKOT title to Ames Place. Lots $ VK ) to
$7X ( ) ; easy payments ; warranty deed ; no
commits ; Sounders St. ; motor cais pass Ames
Place. Ames , 1507 I'arnam. OS15
MOTOR cars on Sounders st. pass Ames
Place ; lots $ )00-$70J. $75 to ilOO down. See
Ames Place. Inilde lots. Amos , 1507 Farnam.
iiair ,
"VTO contracts for Ames Place lots ; warranty
J- > deeds to lots : $75 to $100 down , yearly pay
ments on balance. Aiuct ) , 1507 Furnum bt.
< J > 14,030 buys C0xl32 ft about 3blocks from P. O.
tpund eust of lull st. llutcninsoii At Weud , 1521
Douglas St. Tel. 152JI. 587 3
/ " NE hundred dollars down , balance in easy
\J yearly payment * buys a lot in Ames Place ,
with paved streets and motor cars to property ;
prlcb JU ( to $700. Ames , 1507 Faruam. (131-6 (
"IT10R S A LE 320 acre farm In Sheridan county
JJ northwest Nebraska , near Rushville , the
county sent , 4lno improvements plenty nf good
timber and rumilug water , frame buildings ,
fence.etc. , all in splendid order , been improved
7 years , and now occupied ; cash price $15 pet
aero , will exchange for Om aha resldmice pro
perty. J. L. Rice , 113 Roe bnlldf , 5 7 3J
W PAUGII & Wostorilold , real estate. S. Omaha
8-ROOM house with , all modern Improvements ,
Including best furnace , neur Hunt-coin park ,
$ > , ' , ( Mi ; a good home , C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat'l Rant. 5U ! 0
JL Jltisluoss.
Kcsidence ,
Vacant and
suburban properties in the market
are forsalD by "the old reliable" M. A. Upton
Co. , Kith und Farnum. "li
& Penny , Koom CO , Douglas
Obulldinqr , Imvo the llncst list of desirable
property in Omaha. It embraces every local
ity in the city , and tholr prices and terms can
not bo duplicated , actual value considered. In
the west. For ' . ; cash , nud balance lu 3 or 5
years nt 7 per cent , they will give u wnnanty
They will -sell n contract from JW to $200
cash , and balance quarterly , extending over 5
They have lots m Orchard Hill , Walnut Hill.
I'oppleton Park and llrlgfftf Placo.
Creighton Hoight.s ana ( loverdnle.
And In nearly every other desirable addition
to Umnha from &i5 < ito nil loal'lirst-cluss
investments. Prepare for a big advauco In
lirlces. This firm uro on the Inside tracjr. and
they will not list p/oporty that Is
not ut rock bottom price , lliilldoi's can ony
from them' M cash , and the balan'o placeil as
second mortg.igo. Property went of the post-
olllco in Omaha in the surest thing In the market
for investment. Lots worth now will
more than double In the next few years. Any
thing most between Cumlng and Leavemvorth
is excellent property to buy. Secure every
thing In the way of u bargain within these lim
its ; it la , us the boys say , "a iiuro thing. " For
lurthor partlcnlais und list of bargains bO
Stringer & Funny , Room 20 , Douglas Illk ,
551 13
71 OR SALE The finest urlck reslaencii in the
J ? city , modern and now , large shady yard con
taining about two acres of grounds , stone
walks and withal u complete homo , Have ex
tensive business InteroBts In Salt Lake nnd my
wife declares she will live alone no longer.
Terms nnd prlco to Milt the customer. How Is
that ? Address M 72 Rae ollleo. 37u
TTHHl SALE , very cheap , no trades , farm M\W
JU acres. Mcc.f. 12 N. 0 W. Hamiltou county Nub ,
2 miles from Marcjuetto. Hinall hoiiBe , stiiblo ,
Kacros ) pasture fenced , living water , price
only $10 per acre , * 'i.47.iX ! ) . onn-thlid I8 'J crop
included. Terms $2,2iiOca8li balance 0 percent
Interest , F , 1C. Atkins , owner , railroad build
ing , Denver , Cole , 178
TOOK SA Id ! Or Dxchango.on easy terms , some
J ? Urnud new -room houses ouHp.iulding st ,
near motor line ; no batter residence location In
the city. Also some nuw 7-room liouses on
Corby and Mitli Ht , just ly miles from po -
olllco ; will exchange any of the above for clear
land or lots. For term * nnd particulars apply
to ( , ' . ( i Hpottiwooil , : im ; 8 10th st , 4 HI
SUHSCKHIU for shares in the "American. "
the largest building ami loan association In
tha world , M , A , Upton , Kpeolul agent , inth
and Fiirnutn. 212
\\rAIlllANVKK deed and perfect title to
V Ames place lots. No contracts ; mnull
cash payment , balance yearly , Prices , $ " 01 to
$701. Amea , 1607 Farnnm. _ llSl-fl J
FEW cottages In Axford's. Orchard 1 1 111 ,
IIorbach's2nd , HaiiMom pluco , LakoXPop-
pluton iiarK , Hlilnn'H ( iml Parker's additions to
null on easy monthly payments. These urn on
\ury cholco lo : > and sumo are on car linen.
Don't dcliy iin'il next year ; get In now and
tuke advantage of tltto In vulnu-i. F , K. Dur-
ng , 43 Ilarki r block , _ 075-5
NLV property In Omaha lenihed by motor
und horse car lines forJ'O ) to $700 u lot , tM >
down. Aincs , 150 ; , l-'arnam ut , i > Hl-5
property , f 10.0m ) less than actual value if
token ut once. J. L. Rico , m llae bldg. WI3J
irUJRSALB Io acros""wtTiTn | one hulf'iiTHe'or
O ? courthoime. In the city of Plerro. Dakota's
new and gronlng capital ; II uu onitnlng for HJIIIO
enterprising real cmate linn. Addrcsi M 72.
lieu olllco. 418
property , Inslds. to exchange for
RENTAL or vacant city lots , Tlioi. I' ,
Hall , ill ! Paxtou block. . " >
moved to Bt. Louis oir.-M tosullfl
OWNER nt a big bargain. * 700 und $ iO each.
all newly und rented , in a location thut
they will nuver be vacant. Cull and let me give
you terms , D , D. SQuaton , Itoom 41 Ilarkor
block. 'JM nIO
STRAIGHT deed , 110 contracts to Amos placfl
lots. Only tM < 0 to 1700 for the bostlnsldj
property In Omnha. Amos , 1B07 rnrnam.Ml8
CHANCE for bullders Two loll on corner
in north part of thoclty , KVxHUfect : room
for live cottages , Tltlo clear and no Incuin *
brnnro , Nut far from motor. Piloi of both
t7M | want half cash , balance to suit. Co-oporft-
live Land and Lot Co. , N , 10th st. i < V5
S.UNDERS t molor car7 pafs Ames Plnco
nnd jrnxcil streets : warrnnty deed to each
lot : no contracts ; W.o to $7iV ) per lot , Ame * . 1507
27,000 aotunT. ahio Inside business ami rosl.
$ deuce , fiivil" worth ot homos being built
adjoining , will soil for * 17,0)now ) | why ? For
reason am In need of llO.lwO cash ; great ofTor.
Address I.M , Iloo , _ CiDliillJ
( J > 2OiVl private niomiv to loan. iX T" . IFarrlsoiiT"
PMercliiints Nat'l llant lluildlng. M'3 ' 4 /
4ROOM cottngo and half lot near High school.
H'O ) . C. F. llnrrlson , McrciinntsNafl Rank.
: , l fl /
A Li : or lease , on easy terms , .1 lots on
a.-th avc. . Just south of I.envcnworth.
Would build nn eight room homo and sell : W
feet for Jmxi ; ( and sou on monthly pnymeuls.
lx > t 4 ami n , blk 0. Kllby Place , high RUd
One lilt N. 13th nt. , trackage
Kour business lots N. " 4th anil 8 , 16th st.
' 'Mh nvo. and Dodge , corner.
I'M ft N. JHtliBf. .
Other good resideiioo property.
Mi lots Crelphton Ili-lvlits. cheap.
Will sell u tow lots on building ti'rms.
N. A. Kiihn , drugNtoro , lAth and Douglas ,
41 J n8
{ ent , being 2 lots fuelng east nud south ,
near Milton llogers'pla'i' . es' I'nrniiin. 0.
F. llnrilsoii. Meruliunts N'afl limn , f.iin B
II10H 8 < M < 1 { On easy terms , the new cottngo
JL erected hy mo on doorgo st. , coriior Lowe
avo. ; properly has lee ft. fruutniioonOeorgost.
by 1M > front ago on Luwo avo. I-'or terms npuly
lloom''lO , Klr t National bank building , wia
FOll SAIilJ Very low pi Ice fora few days ,
lot : t , blocs 7C , n. iir now P. O. alto , lininlro
on promises , No. 1715 Daveupnrtst , 'Ml 3T
"lilOlf HAL15 Largo two story Frnn'io ' "building'
J. of Uorl4 roims. In goal condition , to bo
moved. W. It. ( Ionian , Itonm 0 , Fronzcr block.
LJ 607
_ _ _ _ _
" | jUK8ALH ifi'.rA ) cosy honm , 0-room house ,
J.1 Houth front lot on cur line , gioal bargain. .1.
L. nice. 113 llee bldg. 6M3J
FOR BAM ! On longtlmo and easy payments ,
handsome. Maw , well-built houses orw.U.aml
10 rooms. All couvetilu 11-03 , good neighbor
hood ; pavoil streets. Rtreot cnr < , and wlthla
walking dlslanco of P. O. Nathan Sholloii , toil
T'urnain street. an )
I71OH HALU-Lott.blk : H. Ambler place , jm
JUii. tj. llrown. ; ui N. V. Life building , nt'l n $
B AHJ AINSI on. Motor Unc. In Walnut Hill
1 K-story now hou o of 8 roomn , slsluly
location , lot AOxifiU ft , , hard wood nud oil tlnlsh ,
white coat , cellar , well , coal house , fenoj. i'-story
born. ) xa ) ft. I'rlco , t'OM. Small paymonc
down , balance easy ,
Lot on Hamilton st. , fiOxlM ft. , south front ,
$ > % UJ.
1 2-story new house or n rooms , city witter ,
collar under entire house , house llnlshed 111 tlrst
class stylo. PrlcoWJ I ; very east tormw.
8' ) acres of good farm lauil , IIKI uillos west of
Omaha , on thu U. P. It. K. . 4 miles from good
town , wovth. $1.1 pur aero , WO ) ; or will exchange
any of the nbovo doserloed property for
lots In Walnut Hill or for lumber , luimire
of I ? . O. Merrill. 44th & Sownrd sin , Walnut II 111 ,
1117 lit
] T you waul any lots In Orchard Hill , imply to
Itoom L'ld , rii-Bt Natiouul bank building for
terms a'lil location. IWJ
HOMrtS tor sii'lo on MouthUPayments. .
7-room dwelling In rentrnl Park , full lor ,
south front : payments. $ | ) per month.
Small cottage In Central Park , lull lot ; pay
ment" . JI-ViO nor month.
0-room dwelling , corner -Ttu ! nnd Patrick avo-
line , full lot , south front ; payments , fa ) per
llandsomo 7-room dwylllng , oil draco street ,
nil modern Improvement * , on monthly pay
ments , Other property In all parts or the city.
Call nnd .soo mo. 1) . J. O'Donahop , 1C01 1'ariinm.
_ . 7Ui
TTNlIl SAI.M Two corner lots lu-art-oiith Omn-
JU ha Park ; great bargain. 8. , 1' . O. box ; 180.
TIlALlv about snaps ! 2 gooil lots In Walnut
JL hill , both for $775. Clour lots in South
Oinnhn. $ I0) ! to ? < nO ; cio o to depot. Flno resi
dence lot In Slmll's uddn. ifl.'HH ' 320 clear land
for clear vunmt lotn. L. Waterman , 007 Paxton.
oil st
FOR SALE Oneusj terms :
3-i-oom ho'ino in west Cumlng , lot 50x105.
Cash ! U ) and $17 monthly without interest ;
it-room house on Notth : JOth , lot 30x141 Cash
K > W. bill to suit ; $1.500.
Nuw 8-room house ou Hristol near Suimdora
streets , lolittxliO ; $3,5' ) .
1'orner Douglas and 10th streets. ? 25 , < YIO.
Lots in Lincoln Place , one-fourth cash. tSIO.
Lot on Lowe avenue , in Poppleton Park , $2,000
Lots In Mt Pleasant addition $ > Hi to $50. ) .
Acre-lois III Solomon's nddltlon , ? 3'X ' ) .
Acre-lots ill Spring Valley. Sim to $ ' M ) .
Itoslilenco lots in north part of South Omalm
ou21tb , 2Hth nnd 27th streets , $ 'JOO ' to $1.2)0. )
Otto Lobock , loom IB , Chumbzr of Commerce.
FOR SALE A new house just being erected
on runiltiK st. in Sherwood park ; the house
lias all modern improvements , hard wood finish
throughout ; also largo barn , with liiO ft. frontage -
ago on West st. by IN ) froutugn on Cumiiig Bt , 1
vIllboM this to the right party on reasonable
terms. Apply Room 210 , First National bank
building. my
Tj HK SALEroom ! ) home. Darn ana lot ,
J ? Hun.scom Place , at a bargain. Harris , room
411 , 1st Nat. IUnk. K > 2
HOTKL-Coi-ner of KJth and
Jackson sts. , 3 bloocs fiom Union depot.
Rest $ J a ilaylimisa In the cltv. fi'J7
For a line lot MtlSJ , hr
$25 Cash , Balance Monthly.
This beautiful nddltlon lays on tha oluratfd
lands in the nurthwuiteriipurt of the i-lty , only
7 minutes walk flora suburban trains , aud
about lOinlniites from the proposed motor line.
Pi leo is loss than half nuked for udjuco it prop-
city. Only a limited number of lots will bo
sold nt this prk-e. Como quick If youwuutono
or more qf Incsooxtruordlnury bargains.
VAN BEUR.BN Douglas & St Mtlia
INSTRUJlKNTd plaoaJ oa rjjjra during
Scliool District No. 23 to Ynlloy Cemetery
association , 6 ucies In s o n w tfi-ll-'J ,
w a * 25
Sarah Sxldon to G G Wallace , lots3 and 4 ,
blk 0. Isaac & Seldcn's add wd . . . . 3,00 ; )
G G Wallace nnd nlluto i G llarlght , lots
Hand I , Isaac & Soldon'ri add , wd V.500
II D Rhodes to I O Rhodes , lot 13 , blk 1 ,
Main place. , wil
A L Perkins and wire to S II .loslyu. u
35 4-.l ft lot H , blk I , .loromo park , quit.
A L Perkins and wlfo to S II Josfyn. n
II > 4-U ft lot P. blk I. Jerome park , w d
E II Thnyorandliimbiind to. ) HCutllii , w
ii of e ! 1 10 , blk 173 , Omiilia. w d . .
Win Cobtirn , Hherlir , to John Hush , lots I
to fl , blk I , loti ' , . 8. 10 to 11 , hlic 2 , lots 4. II. I3und 14 , blk:1. : lots 7 , It to
14 , blk I. lots 1 to 7 , 10 , 11 und 13. blk 5 ,
lots 10,11,13 and 11 , blk 0 , and lots 1 to
13 , bit : 7 , Kivtrsldo add und u strip adj
same , deed
.1 L llukor and wlio to .1 P llymar , lot 0 ,
blkf. Oiiinhu View , wil
Western Cankot Co to Oiliuhu Collln Man
ufacturing Co , lots 0 , H , I ) mid 10 , blk 11 ,
W 0 Chnmhera to Y J Evorltt , lot 4 ,
llurr Oak , q c d , . -
CfllTlo Repp to F J Everllt , lot 4 , lluir
Iot4 , lliirrOnk.ii "d . . . , - . , - ,
A RChnmbernto IM Evoiitt , lot 4 , llurr
Out iicd '
Martha llutliiiwuysh to I'J Everltt , lot 4 ,
M ( Ituilimr to'luiiV IvV'iilVlo'ii.'iot 'k'aiid
! i , blic KoutiUanluco. wil t.OW
MIIOH& Thompson to Wit James , lo ! l.
DIK20. Cnrtlmifi * . w d . . JjJ
M A Wright uii'i hii-ibaud to Oeu A Hoax-
land , w ' . ' , of e OJ , lot n , blk 3 , South
Omahu , w d 403
D it Arcluir und wife to J H Holland. lotH
Archer Pluee , w d . 5,033
JaxToruund wife to 0 11 Olson'lots5 ami
A , blk 2 , riojtliOimliaiurlc , ivil ny >
Omaha Itoul EHtato A ; Trust Co. , U ( <
ilunliior , lots 0 , 7. l nnd 2) ) , blk 4 , und
lois 10 , 15 and 10 , blk 5 , BaiiniluniaiiU
Walnut Hill . d. . . 3 WO
Jliiiii'i" > u iiti /ii iiiiiiiiiii. w * ,
llcmry Hchullv to J U XoplentiKl , lot IV.blk
r > , Albrlgbt'H Armex.wd . , , ar.o
J F Mtiller and wife to W T Seaman , lots
31 to 41 und 4 * to M In Iremi place , w d . 0,900
I ) L Thomas and wife to 0 W White , , w 40
fe tof loU.bUfi , Rood'siM add , wd. , . 2,250
0 It Sherwood and wife to W W lioten.lot
0 , Arclu-r I'lacB. w d . , . , , . . . . 5,000
A M Kitchen etal to FOCrulg.lotsiiJ nnd
21 , bile 11 , Kltchtm & Wuugli1 ! ) sub , w d. CO )
Twenty-six transfers
NESS C Ull ED > > > ' ' r"-
9 m-m m rtll.p.r. k r4 d.ll..ll ! ; . CottloruUt.WM
.e.ful rler ull t < fl . iu MluU -WM