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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 2 * 1889. THEjCITY. There will bo n prixnd republican rally nt tlio hcndqunrtcra of tlio Second ward , Knspnr's hull , South Thirteenth street , November 2. All the candidates will bo present. Every ward In the city will bo represented. Andrew Chnpmnn , njjcd thirty-one years , died Thursday of typhoid fever nt the residence of his brother , O. Chnpumii. 1119 North Seventeenth street. The funorn\ will take place to day nt 1 p. m. Friends nro Invited. By common consent the nrquments In tho" quo warrnnto proceedings before the supreme court to test the legality of tlio rcRlstrutlon Ituv , were submitted Thursday at Lincoln , instead of No vember Uo , the date originally sot for the hearing of the case. A decision Is not expected , however , in time toalToct the county election. Personal 1'nrngrnphH. n. If. Morris , tlio commercial nRcnt of tlio Louisville , St. Louis & Texas ralln-ay , Is In the city. Samuel Parker nrd wife. Miss M. Uawsott and J. S. Law. a party of Honolula tourlsti , are nt the Mlllanl. Li. 1' . Itlchnrds. A. O , Buchanan nnd U. 13. Schneider , prominent citizens of Fremont , are ut the Mlllard. Miss Lillian Stadolmann , ono of Omaha's most bright nnd vivacious young society belles , loft Wednesday for Lincoln to attend t a liullowo'cn party given by Miss Lena Law. Prcf. J. II. Qarbor , principal of schools at C Adalr. In. , Is investigating the school system of this city. Mr. Garbcr is ono of tlio young est principals In that stnto and n younj ? man of much promise. p At the Windsor J. A. Crnno , HIsinRs ; K. A. McCraclion , McCook ; Wllllum 11. Wright , Weeping Wutor ; Charles Purcell , Hastings ; ClmrloE Honnot , Qulncy ; J. A. Donnell , Lincoln ; P. P. Scott , Albert Lea ; I. L. Kpcnccr , St. Paul ; A. O. Ucnnutt , Lincoln ; A. E. Keller , IJcaver City ; C. B. Snrgont , AlnswortU. Have You Kc lstered ? This is the hist day on which citizens may register for the election which takes place next Tuesday. The places of registration will remain open from 8 a. m. to U p. m. Kiinnwiiy.a "Look out for three runaway boys , " writes "W. Humphrey , of Lilto Crystal , Mich , Their names are Tom Molt , Morror Jones and Milton Mcrrdl. Their ages range from fifteen to eighteen years. Inspectors' IVnijo" . There weio llfteon Htrcct Inspectors on the pay rolls of tlio city during the month of September , nnd for nine days there were sixteen. The aggregated salaries amounted tofl.S''O. The wages of the street repair employes amounts to $072 for the samotimo. Blnrrtitcn Lnuonsa * . Licenses wcro issuo'l ' to the following parties by Judge Shields yesterday : Knuio.mid Residence. -Age. I Charles S. Star , Omaha 28 1 Olga N. Kugar , Oniuha 21 J Paul Lang , Omaha 22 ( Lutle Morauo , Omaha ! ! J All \Von > t Uidc. Some of the letter carriers deny the story printed concerning in attempt by them to boycott the street railway compiny becaitso that organization would not permit all tha carriers to ride for the nmount appropriated lor mall delivery service by the government. They claim that no meeting has been hold for that nurpose , nml that no action has been taken at any meeting advocating such a course. There Wore So Illdilcra. Unitea States Marshal Slaughter offered the Loup City rolling mills at public sale yes- torilny morning , but thnro wcro no bidders. I * This is the second unsuccessful attempt R made to dispose of that property , therefore It Is evident that another appraisement will have to bo ordered. The 'present appraise ment , $ ' . ' 0,000 , Is considered more than the mill is worth. . Adelaide Grrtrudo'aVhcronbniit9. . "Mrs. W. C. Dallany , a heart-broken mother , " is the signature of u letter received by Chief Seavey. The letter asks for information regarding the whornabouts , of AdolalOo Gertrude .Dougherty , the wife of Prnncls Dougherty , who formerly lived nt 217 South Tenth street. The mother has not heard from hoi daughter for nine months nnd fears thai ouiothlng has hopjioncd to her. Mrs. Uallany is now living in Sioux City. Williams. A man In Stowurtsviilo , Mo. , writes tc the chief of police- for the address of Annie Williams , thn woman who was recently tried hero on the charge of infanticide and acquitted. Ho Is of the opinion that Anmo IB nn Important witness lu a case of arson committed several years ago at that place nnd desires to have her subpoenaed. In the Jotter there was a pnotogniplt of the alleged Annlo but it does not much rcsomblo the present appearancoof the female In question. Why don't yon try Rod Cross Cough Drops , live cents per box. Tlio Kir-it Arrest. The first arrest made upon the Indictment ! returned by the grand Jury was that of Jerri Ryan , ono of the contractors of the county hospital , who \vas arrested by Deputy Shonfl Grebe Thursday afternoon. The informa tion filed charges him with having attempted to bribe Commissioner O'Keeffo by ottering him an interest In the firm's contract if he would favor the contractors' claims men before fore the commissioners. The bribe Is nllcgcc to Imvo been offered on the first of Aucust Ryan was taken before Juilgo Hopowol and his bond llxod nt 61,003. lie was re leased upon ball , Donnls CuunlnKUaui becoming coming his surety. Tim O in i\li 11 Collln Company. Articles of Incorporation of the Omahc Coflln Manufacturing company wore filed to day with the county clerk , The capital Block Is $50.000 , ? 30,000 of whlou is sub- crlbed , and the nature of the business Is the manufacture and aalo of all Kinds of under tailors' supplies. This comnnny has purchased the plant anc cntlro titodc of the defunct Western Caskcl company , uud will commonca business a * on co. They propose to enlarge tba plant anc outer into the manufacture of first clusi Roods with the cncriry nnd push cuaractorls tie of the men connected therewith , The of ilcurs are A. J. Montgomery , president ; K W. Dlxon , vice prcsiueiif A. F. Koss , sccro tary and treasurer. Wad ] in Mud. People living on Twenty-eighth street between twoon L irnam and Dodga complain that they ate forced to walk through mud on ae coupt of the autocratic action of Pholan Co. , who have the contract for grading that treot , Half a day's work tnoro would llulsh the ] ob of grading , but Pholan has not made nny attempt to complete tha work for ovei six weeks , and the sections of broken side walks are piled up useless upon ono sldo Tha people In the vicinity have asked Phclai for xlio privilege of replacing the walks a their own expense , but , it is said , ho declare : ho will tear them up if they put them down The citizens thereabouts may liavo to wud < through mud all winter , and tuny fool It anything but anauiiublo mood. Kmvlut , The motto of California means , I havi found it. Only in that land of sunshine Xvlicro the orargo , lemon , olive , tin and grupi bloom aud aud ripen , and attain tholr high cat perfection la uild-vylntor , are the horbi nnd gum found , that are used In that pious nut remedy for all throat and lung troubles Banta Able the ruler of coughs , astliun mid consumdllon , the GooUmun Drug Co has boon appointed agent for this vuluubl California remedy , aud soils it under a guar nnteo at tl a bottle. Three for t'J.50. Try California Cat-r-cure , the only guai nutco cure tor catarrh , $1 , by mullfi.lO , EN MOTUBR. An AflVctlng Scene in tlio District Court YcBtcrdny Artornoon. Ho is not guilty I You shall not convict him I Oh , my poor boy 1 What a place is this/or Justice 1" These words wcro wrunp from the very soul of Mrs. M , U. Dutton , the heartbroken mother of Edward 13. Dutton , the young man who has been on trial in Judge IIopo- well's court this week charged with grand larceny. The mother has been n constant attendant nt the trial this week , nnd also at the pre liminary hearing In the police court seine tlmo ago. Traces of anxiety have been de pleted on her face , but there was also n mix ture of fear and hope. Kind-hearted friends having chccrod nor up and assured her of the successful outcome of the trial. The .ease was given to the Jury nbout 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon , and after being out nbout twenty minutes they filed Into their scats , Thn prisoner anxiously scanned the face * ofttho Jurors ni they took their scats , In a vain endeavor to road In their in- movable features some trace of the result. His mother , from her scat In the corner near the Jury box , leaiunl forward , intent upon catching every word as Cleric Moorcs wont through his usual formula of questions. When the verdict was handed to the elork the faces of both the prisoner aud his mother betrayed the Intense fooling under which both wcro laboring. The Jury returned a verdict of "Rullty ns charged In the Indictment , " finding the vutuo of the property stolen to bo 523J.CO , unit roe- otmnondod the prisoner to the mercy of the court. They were Immediately excused , nnd not until then did the full force of tno verdict pccni to bacomo plain to the two beings most interested. Dutton broke down nnd commenced cry ing , Mrs. Dutton run to him and embraced lilui , giving utterance , amidst her sobs , to the exclamations which commence this arti cle. Her grief was heartrending , and oven the bailiffs , who sue many distressing scones , were touched and withdrew. The lawyers and others in attendance quickly withdrew , a suspicious molstura bcdlmnilng the eyes ot nearly every man in the room. Judge Hopowoll directed ono of the bail iffs to conduct the pi Isuncr and his mother Into his private room for a time , but oven there the mother's heartbroken sobs sounded through the building. Expressions of pity were head on every side. In a short llmo Dutton was removed to the Jail to await sentence , his mottior going with him to sco where he was to bo Imprisoned. During the Interval between the exit of tno Jury nnd their return , another scene was en- noted , which is nn important step In a tragedy which had its beginning last Juno , when the little infant of Lena Mnrshdloa under circumstances whicti led to the im prisonment of the mother on the charge of willful murder. The young Woman was brought before Judge Hopowoll by County Attorney Mu- honev , accompanied b.v her attornoy. She was dressed In a nont black suit and showed no traces of her imprisonment. The prosecuting attorney prepared to read the information , when the attorney for the prisoner asked that the reading bo waived. Mr. Mahoney declined to grant this request mid the information was road in full , rccitlnc the facts as heretofore publisho.1 , and charg ing the prisoner with the wilful murder of her Unnamed infant. During the reading the younc mother's face was averted and she bit her lips until It scorned the blood would burst from thorn. "When the reading was finished the prisoner nroso and plead not guilty , after which sbo was taken back to Jail. Her at torney requested further tlmo tp prepare for trial , which was granted. In the case of Stiinn vs. Shields & Con nors , u suit for damages for nbn-complmnco with a contract , which was on trl il nil day before Jndgo Wnkely , the defendant was granted leave to amend his answer , and the plaintiff was given until Monday to proceed to trial or ask for a continuance. .lostah S. McCormlck ot ill. has commenced suit In forcclosuro auainst , William A. Fryo and his wlfo to recover $700 on throe notes. John L. Wiles nnd James Thompson have brought suit in loreclosuro against Silas W. McCoy et al. A. W. Baldwin has filed a lengthy petition in the district court in which he alleges that ho made a verbal agreement of co-oartner- ship with Mnttnew Swordfoger , In the busi ness of conducting a chop house on South Thirteenth. On the 29th of October Swcrd- fcRor draw all the firm's ' money out of the bank and appropriated Itto his own use , and tins at various times appropriated the con tents of the till. Not satisfied with this income , Matthew executed n note to Uriah Swcrdfeger and signed the firm's name thereto. Baldwin prays for the recovery of the note aud an accounting of ttio busi ness of the firm. The case of Brown vs. Ryan & Walsh , n suit for damages on a contract In connection with the plastering of the new county hospi tal , is on trial before Judge Doano. In the case of Strassor vs. Gray , where the mother sued her son upon n promissory note for $3.000 , the tilal of which occupied thrco days , tno Jury returned a verdict for tbo de fendant after bolng out ten minutes. The defense was that there was no consideration for the note , nnd that the son , Mr. Gray , signed It nt the request of his mother , when n minor. The Jury found accordingly. Don't buy trashy imitations. Got the genuine Red Cross Cough Drops. THE CONSOJADA1IO.V. The RIoror Property Turned Over to tlic Street Rnllwny Company. Frank Murphy , president of the Omaha Street Hallway company , returned from Bos ton at 10 a. m. , and at 2:30 : p. m. a mooting of the directors and ofllcors of the two street railway companies was hold in the power house , when the plant , machinery and tracks of the Omaha Motor Hallway company were formally turned ever to the Omaha Street Hallway company , uud became Us permanent property. From 2:30 : until 0:30 : p. m. the directors were closely closeted in executive session. The time was mainly spent in drawing up the papers , and as thcro is considerable de tail work In connection , nil were not finished nnd they remain yet unsigned. An adjourn ment was then taken untU 9 o'clock this inornlnir. No action was taken In rosard ta the changing of directors or other officers. Mr. L. B. Williams and Senator Paddock bavo announced their intention of resigning their positions as directors , nnd it Is the un derstanding tlmt they will bo succeeded by Dr , Mercer nnd J. J , Brown , of the pmaha Motor Hullwuy company. As Dr. Mercer Is the only person who knows the workings of the motor company In detail , It will bo neces sary to mnko him a member of the board for sixty days at least. The account of yester day's proceedings , written In ndvunco and published In an ontoi-prlslng evening paper , was the subject of considerable merriment among the members of the board Inst even ing , us none of the business mentioned was transacted. Ono of the results of the consolidation Is the bringing of the Sherman avenue motor line to schedule time. Heretofore , the con ductors have boon running tlio trains to suit tholr own convenience , and the sorvlco has been anything but satisfactory. An order has been promulgated that the cars shall hereafter bo run six minutes apart or some good excuse given for the delay. Another is that the conductors shall report for duty at the car barn on Commercial ave nue north of the fair grounds. This will put n stop to the nbuso long practiced by the con ductors of refusing to tuko on passengers on tholr last trip so that the conductor and motorraan would bo saved a trip to the fair grounds. _ * Peculiar People. Most people are very particular ns to wluit land of soap they use for toilet purposes , but pay no attention ns to wlmt their llnou is washed with ; tills is nil Wi-onpr , ns it cannot ho healthy to wear ulothoH washed with vile mixtures of diboutod uiilmnls , rosin and lyo. Avoid nil dunKor by having your linen washed with Walker's Wax Soap. Tlio Tclcpiiono Aiinoynnoi * . General Superintendent Drake , of the Ne braska Telephone compauy , has issued the following circular to all patrous of the com pany "Concerning the annoyance caused you in the use of your telephone by the current of electricity which passes ever the motor rail way wires , I beg to inform you that the an- uoyanco arises from sources beyond the con trol of this company ; that It has done nil ponsiblo to protect your Interests , nnd Is doinp- nil in Us power to remedy the evil. Material has beca ordered , which , ns soon ns received , will bo placed in position , nnd'wo ' hope to give you considerable relief. In the meantime , If it Is your desire to continue the use of your telephone , wo will do all in our power to give you the best sorvlco pos sible ; hut If you prefer , wo will cancel your contract nnd remove thu instruments. It will take sonio tlmo to niako the contcmplnt- nd changes , and this company asks you to bo as patient as possible under the circum stances. " The Opolt hotel , ns now conducted , Is not surpassed by nny hotel In the city ns n convenient , comfortable plnco for transient guests. Steam heat through out. Table equal to the bes * two dollars lars per day. ' J.'Q. IlAMH/roXt Proprietor. TUB STOUM. Trains on All Uonils Uclntrd nml Tel- ORrnpli \ \ Iron Down. The snow.'storm of Thursday night and yes terday played havoc with the railway tele graph wires and overland trains generally. The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific was delayed over four hours from the west , nnd No. 4 , from the same direction , atSUO last evening was reported imlollnltely late. A fall of about six inches of snow was re ported to Union Pacillo headquarters from several towns In western Nebraska , whiloin Wyoming n blizzard Is provalllng , nnd It is fcarnd that the blockade will compel the suspension of traius. No. 1 passenger on the Burlington was ono hour Into In arriving from the cant owing to a heavy fall of snuw in the central nnd western districts of Town. On account of this No. G west bount was run out ot Omaha on the former's tlmo. The tolcaraph wires on the Burlington were reported deranged - ranged , and broken ut several points west of Omulm. The trains on the Blkhorn were delayed more or less owing to a heavy foil of snow in the territory traversed by that road. Snow ii reported to Imvo fallen ai far west ns Valentino , and the Intter point reports the mercury In the thermometer rnptdly falling and u cold wave prevailing. PAXTON HOTEL , CorAiiA Special at tention to commercial men. Finest nnd largest hotel in the west. Klttrcdgo is Brainnrd , proprietors. SMIUOHEU sNOW-fliAICHS. How Omlgo Bcrlcn Disposed ot Homo of Them Yostnrday. Judge Berka sat meditating as ho looked through the dirty windows of his court room at th-3 largo flying snow-flniccs &nd revolved In his mind whether or not he should accept the nomination of police Judge again. "Do gang's all ready , " shouted Court Ofll' cor Koyscr , nnd then the Judge ceased think ing. Ho cast his eagle eye over the docket und sprtcd out the name of John Drago. Why ho should have picked out John was not explained , but the burly hack driver nui- bled forward nnd grinned. The court looked at John , nud then the court smiled. "Didn't I fine you yestordayl" \Vhatdoyoufollerswantl 1'so done been tapped for $10 und Is willln' to settle , but you can't rap mo for u second round afore I gets out. " It was a mistnko. John had boon fined Thursday night. Ho was allowed to settle nnd got out. Then cnmo forth Joe Casey. Ho had sxvipod n red lantern from a ditch in South Omaha and was fined $10.50. Thcro IIIH boon considerable of this sort of potty lar ceny going on of late , but Casey was the first ono to bo caught in the act. A. Bryan and / . Baker are complained of by Joe Michaelu deputy plumbing inspector. The charge is lighting and disturbing the pence. When Otllcor Haze placed the de fendants under tirrcst the men resisted and assaulted tno pollcemou. They were finally ov6rnowOrod , however , and looked up. The Denver State lottery company wants agents. Tickets 60 cents. Ad - dress A. C. Ross & Co. , Denver , Colo. Have You Kesistcreil ? This Is the lust , day on which citizens may register for the coming election whirh taltes place next Tuesday. The places of registra tion will remain open from S n..m. to i ) p. m. I like my wife to use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder because it improves her looks uud is as fragrant as violets. Wntils tin ; Office. Benjamin S. Baker , the Falrbnry lawyer who expects to succeed Gcorpo H. Prltchett as United States district attorney , is in the city , though ho does not fee ! encouraged to suy anything about his chances of boitiK ap pointed bofoio Mr. Pritchott's term expire * . "I don't know , " said ho In reply to a BUB reporter , "when the delegation In congress will tc.ko this in it tier up and Imvo it acted on. However , I nm not worrying. Wo arc having a lively local campaign in Jefferson county with the light concentrated on sheriff and treasurer. It is my opinion. thoughthat the entire republican ticket will bo elected , but our candidate lor sheriff is going to have a close call. " _ _ mill's' Nerve and Liver Pllln. An Important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves , A no-.v prinoipio. They ( speedily euro bllllousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 30 closes for 23 conts. Samples free at Kului & Co.'s , IDth and Douglas. Ben Newt Stands. The morning , evening nnd Sunday Bun can bo found icgulariy at the following places : HOTELS. Pnxton Hotel News Stand. Mlllard Hotel News Stand. Murray Hotel News Stand. Arcade Hotel News Stand. Metropolitan Hotel News Stand. Windsor Hotel News Stand , Can Held House News Stand. Cozzcns Hotel News Stand. Barker Hotel News Stand. Merchants Hotel News Stand. IIOUK , NEWS ASI ) TOV STO11KS. . .loplm & Co. , 803 North .Sixteenth. Dick Castollo , 501 ! North Sixteenth. J. KIch. OO'J North Sixteenth. J. P , Hoy. 1115 North Twenty-fourth. Uubin Bros. , 511 South Tenth. Frank Kolblo , ! 118 South Tenth. U. 'I'robtler , 11U5 Farmim. P. N. Mellhedu , 518 Soutli Thirteenth. J. I. Fruehauf , 41 i South Fiftoanth. E. Wyman , 111) ) Soutli Fifteenth. U. Uckol , 50S South Sixteenth. J. S. Caulflold , 1W ! Farimm. A. Anderson , 'J31U Cumlng. S. R Hanson , 21U Cumlng. W. 11. Picard. 17'.M St. Mary's avenue. J. W. Martin. 1S9 ! Park avenue. Jos. Tlmmoiis , SOth and Lake , cable depot O. D , Gllmor. 1.723 Lea von worth. F. Stubcn , 1101 N. 17th street. M. K. Lawrence , 21D S. 15th. A. L. Keith. 810 S. 15th street. E. Alplno , 1305 Douglas. N. F , Bonnor , 1320 Douglas. UltUO 3TOIIC3. S. E. Howell , corner Loavonworth and South Twenty-ninth. Peyton &pwon , 2101 Leavonworth. Clarendon drug store , ii7th and Lako. LLBVATOIt HOTS. Geo. Cooper , Morcants' UatiH budding. sou in osuiiA. J. S. Stott , Postofilco. G. Hcuthor , ut news stand and on street. Patrons of THE Bcu will nollco the above now agencies at drup stores and elevators , which have been placed for the further 110- coimnodatton and convenience of BKU readers. Persons who full to procure THE Bns when wanted , will confer favor by reporting facts to the BEB office. A Preventive for Croup , There no longer exists any doubt hut croup can bo prevented. True croup never appears without warning , and il Chamberlain's Cough Homody IB given ns directed as soon us the first indica tion of croup appears , it will wvnrlnblj dlspoll all symptoms of the disease , This can always bo done If it is kept at hand. CO cent and ono dollar bottles for sulo by all druggists , Sick Headache f i MMA > i " TS ft complnlnUfom wlilch many sutler 1 and low are entirely fno. Its causa Is Indigestion mul n Bliipglsh liver , tha euro for which is readily found In the use of Aycr's Pills. " I have fonriilftlirit for nlclc hcadaclio , caused ly a illflotdored condition of the stomach , Aycr's : Tills are the most ro- llahlo remedy.--Samuel 0. Bradburn , AVorthlngton , Musi. "After the > itso of Aycr'a Pills for many years , In my practice and family , I mil Instlllrtl hi najlnc that they tire nn excellent cathartic and H\cr medicine sustaining all the clalmsmado for them. " W. A. Wcstfall , M. IX , V. I' . Austin & N.AY. Kallwny Co. , llurnot , Texas. "Aycr's Tills arc the host mcdlclno hnown to mo for roRuhitliiS the bowels , and for all diseases caused by a dis ordered stomach and liver. I snnorcil for over three years from headache , indigestion - digestion , and constipation. I had no appctlto and was weak and nervous most of the time. By using thrco boxes of Aycr's Pills , ami at the same time- dieting myself , 1 wa-j completely cuied. " Philip Lockwood.TopcKn , Kansas. "I was troubled for ycaro with indi gestion , constipation , and headache. A few boxes of Aycr's Pills , used In small dally doses , restored mo to health. They are prompt and cffectlvo. " W. II. Btrout , Meadvlllo , Pu. Ayer's Pills , nr Dr. J. C. .Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by nil Drugglata nnd Dealer ; In Medicine. DRS. BETTS & BEITS 1403 FAUN AM STREET , OMAHA. Man. lUpposlto 1'aztoa Uotcl. ) Office hours , 0 stn , to 8 p. in. Sunday * , 10 a , m. to 1 p. m. Spool illits in Chronic , I\ervoiii Stln ami Blood Diseases. r.3y Con3uHfttlon at office or by tnixil tce . llpdlctnea snnt liy inn.ll or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , snfelysind permnnenlly. JIERVODS mWl i2B2SSi ? Ions. Physical Uectjr , urlilnp from Indlt-cro tion , Kxccss or Indulgence. iiroduclntr Sleepless ness , nespondency. I'lmples on tlio face , aver- lion to society , easily lUscouinKetl , Ir.cK of conft donee , dull , unlit ronstmly or business , nnd flnds Hfo n burden. Sftfely , permanently and pri vately cured. Consult lira , lletta & IJetts , 1403 Fnriinm St. , Omnlin.-Neb. and SMaJtascs results , completely eradicated without tli aid of Mercury. Scrofula , Er/Blpolas. Fever t-ores , Blotches , Ulcers. ! I'aius In the Head and Bones , Byphllttle Sore atiroat , Mouth nnd Tongne. Ca tarrh , etc. , t permanently cured . . jvhere otlicrl tmvo failed. failed.Tfninartf ttn * Bladder Complaints , f Ulllldly Painful , Ulincult. too fre' ' quent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urlno high col ored or with milky sediment on stnndtnij , Weak Back , Gonorrlimn , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges IJoasona- l > lo. _ STI&ICOTBE ! movnl complete , without cutting , caustic or dlllatltin. Ciiiev effected nt homo by patient w ItUout a moments pain or annoyance. To YOIM Men and Miflflls-Aseil Men , tTDl ? PITDD The awful elTocts of early A U Drill UUUU Vice , which bunas organic weakness , clestioylnR both mind and body , with all Its rtieaded Ills , permanently cured , Adress those uhnhnva impaired Mppmipsj ) themselves by Improper indul gences uud Eolltary habits , which ruin both body and mind , uiiQttlng thorn tor business , * tuay or mariiaKP. M Atumi : > ME.V , or , those ontcrins on that Imp py life , avraro of physical debility , quickly us sisted. OUU SUCCESS. Is based upon facts , First Practical Expo rlcnci' . Second Every casu Is especially studied- thus ftartlnj aright. Third Mo Hollies nro pre , pared In our labatory exactly to suit each chso , thUK airectlng curou without Injury E3tf Send 0 cents postr.jro for celobrate.1 Works on Clironlc. Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. gjJ A friendly letter or call may save you future suffeilDK nnd shame , and add golden years to Hfo. P y No letters nn- iwerod unless accompanied by 4 cento lu tamos. Address or call on BJETTTS & EEETTS , Ii08 Fornam Street. Oirmh * . M X Quooo Fl.OAIIMI.-30W > \ WRAPPERS ( BndL SAVE 110. 2 OLOBE INCANDESCENT 1,1 e > > t > n roum.'i.l n. qunrolur lca > than let , an bonr. line cit Stand , Vase and" , Ilaiiqutrt If mns. Tldi siic is the Ho. 3 GLOBE iHOAlTDESCENT , nvalusble/or Mshtine irttiI > irjinc-roonM. alls , I'ailors.aud all CANDLE POWER THE STAHDAttD 1ICHTINQ CO. , C'lovolmi.l , Ohio , 1'or salcliy M. H. HUBS iiuil I'eilclns , Qatcli A Luiimnn. GRAND VALUES , The present week \vc will ofTor sonic o.xceptional bnrgnins. 400 Uusiness Suits o strictly nil wool cnssimere , lined with gootl serge nml well innilc , nt ? 5.00. Wo nro not out o the wny when wo sny llmt this suit is worth fully tloubln. It is of nu excellent quality , loolcs very ncnt. niul is ROOI ! enough to wenr for nny business num. Take if look nt it nnd you will bo surprised tlmt wo sell such a suit for 355.90. 300 line Wide Wulo All Worsted Snck Suits of an elegant pattern , bound flat with fine braid , lined with good serge nnd well ninde , at the'exceedingly low price of $0.00 for the entire suit. A suit like this is neb sold oulsido of our house for less than SIC.OO. 250 extra fine Uroud Wale Worsted Cutaway Frock Oonts and Vests , flat binding , very fine silk serge lining nnd superior mako. Those wo offer at 5U.1.75 for the coat-and vest. They nro beautiful nnd very drossy goods , and can bo worn with pants of any color. Wo can say that this is the greatest bargain wo Inn-c over offered , as the coats nnd vests nro in every respect equal to ciutom work , nnd could not bo dupliciitcd nfc nny other plnco for less Hum $20. Our.shoe buyer struck n big thing Inst week. Ho ran across n lot of goods which were miulo for one of the finest retail stores in the country , and for some ronsou or other were not delivered. He made an ofler for the goods nnd bought them below manufacturer's cost , and thus wo nre enabled to offer for this week : Very fine Calf Shoos , Goodyear welts , nt$2.7d. Usually sold at1.50. ! . Finest Calf Shoe , strictly hand welt , nt $3.75. Usually sold at § 5.50 to SG.OO. WE OXI/V WISH TO STATE THAT TIBIAE AKI3 FUtST-CLASS 4.OODS , AXD IlVi 1MB It IS SOLD WITH OUil WELL-KNOW * GUAIIANTEE. Corner Fourteenth and Doug-las Streets , Omaha ; ABIUS1-.MI3NTS. FAREWELL PERFORMANCES , TO-DAY - ABUOTl1 MATtNEB - Qounod'a Exiiul.--lte J.ovo Lyric , ROWSO : : AMD JEJL.IET. . EM M A ABnOTT ns "Juliet"Eutjre Company. TO-NIOHT Gllboit & Sullivan's Latest Sea- sntlon , OH ? THE aiAssn , Or The Jforryman nnd Ills Maid. EMMA ABKOrr and Kntlru Company. Wo < lo not harp upon the cheapness o our Clothing , but that docs not signify that the BlUTS and OVEUCOATS which wo nsKSlfi , ilH , J4" and 530 for are hlch priced.'o could easily cheapen them by putting In Inferior trimmings. It Is iiotulwnys the price you pay. but It In the value received in purchase that counts. A full set of Teeth on rubber for > , Bunrmitccit to bo ns well nuido as pinto : * Hunt out from any dcntul ollko In tills country , unil tor wlilcli you would bu iliiirii < J ever tnlco ns much. 'leuth eiliactod without iiuln nrilnnsor , and nltu- out tlio uia i liolufnnii , mis , i Itlicr or uloclrltllr. U old ana Bllverlllllnss ut Unit rule * . BntlHlnctlon Gunrniitccil. DR. BAILEY , DENTIST , I'axtou Dlnck , ICtli nnd Farimm Tuko elevator on IGtn Street. OPKN KVliNINOS UNTIL t ) O'CLOCK. Dr , J , E. McGREW Tlio Well Known Specialist , In unsurpassed In the treatnifiit of nil formsof riuv ATI ; li SEAM'S Ulcutaml Hritnrr UIIK , a euro guur nntecd. Hi'r.nsix TOMUIIOKA. Iwro IhNUV , LBH Ot MANHOOD , and nmultlon. KTIHK. TY Or llAIIHKIf NKSS absolutely cured. Bend for books , for "Jlau1 or "Woman" each lu cents ( stamps ) CAT A IMUI mil BKIN IMHKAS * cured quickly rjndpurnmuunUy , Treatmout correspondence , tend atampuforreply. CONSULTATION ncKK , Onico S. E. cor. 13th nnd .Tnckhoii Sis. Oinuhn. Nelmiskn. _ _ IV PA If BStNtBrulTi'rlnijrroinlliBcf. Vf Unit rWij G4 Mrctta or youthful cr- , , . . - lyfl CKcl riirc. early dnny , lo t iuliix l , te. I win wiiTu > liuiUo tlCMtl o ( > i iilulj coii&lnln.r | full jtartlculuri ( or lioiua cure , Iria cic ' ' ' ' ' 'pno'F. 'rl'ot'FOWLER , MooUue , Conn. " * f n WtAK ' fUSL IV I tmTtrlDtfrfeniUxfirecllef ) . .altn.l . . circri , .Ill/ill- III _ IV ! I IM 'T ' " " B I' J. I"I I U - If IB I II ittiUJc ) aUl&loxfulliaillcu til foi Louvcure titt i-f ( lh'l. ViUrtti , I'lUt , II. 1 % III.SI.KIt , Lock tax 156 , JJttroll , Wfcu. Tha Inrnen , Union and UneTTln the world. I'acscngcr accommodations unexcelled. Now York to Qlaigow via rircassln. Nov . i-'d I Anchorln , v . . .I0th Ethiopia , Ncv. . . flth I nunesila , Nov , 2Jd Now Ycrk to Assrea , Gibraltar ani Italy. BOMVU. . . .Nov. 13th I CALU 011x1.1. Nov. 30th PAI.OOJJ , SCCOXD CLASS ANit Binninoi ! rates on lowest terms. Excursion Tlckots reduced , made available to return t > y either the Pictur esque Clyde nnd North of Ireland , or itlver Wersoy mid Soutli of Ireland , oi1 Naples aud Glbrnlter. Uxcuusio > s OT PARIS on CONTINENT u , Totilts on lo.vest terms. Travelers' Circular IjCttcrsof Credit nml Drafts for nny amount nt lowest current rates. Apply to nny of our local agents or to Ho ( feu Brothers , Chicago , Ills , n. S. HALT. . II. V. MOORKS. C. II. JUncs. U. P. Depot. NEW YORK STEEL MAT GOi , 234 & 235 BllOADWAY , N. V. Owners & Bole Manufacturers oC the ROCHESTER STEEL MAT , AND Stripped Steel Mats of all Sizes. Patented Feb. 7111,1883. Tlieio Mats hat e tliocoinlilncil advantages of all other Mats with nonoof tlu'lrdlbiuhantngcn , ana ua o proton to bo tlio Olicni > c t nutl Kent. They will notlircalc down , ll.uten out , wnrp or Bet out of shape , anil lll aiiiwrnr all wire , ruMier nud other steel Hats In the market. Will clean the feet betur than any other Mot , nnd not permit the dirt to bo carried beyond them. I'coiilBKtepplnKoa them cuiiuot BMP as tlielr 6urr cooffBM resistance In all directions. Tlmy need noshaklng.tlificforecrcatonoduit. Bold In all HariHvnrc , Dry Coodn , C'nriirt snd lloii o FurnlnUliiLUtorci. . Liberal die- couut allowed to the trade. PRICES I No. l-SI 16x2J..S-W No. G-81rotOi ! < 3..J8.00 No. a Sire ISsW . . . 2.60 No. G-8tzeSf.x48. . . , 7.00 No. S-SIro 22x39. , . a.50 No. T-SUoflOiSO. . . . 9.K ) Mo. 4-Slzo 24x13. . . 5.00 The Tyler System of Bank Counters Unrquallca In Style , Quality or Price. The Tyler Dosko. 20O Now Stylos. TofTfther with 1000 myl vTab1 , Chdrs , 4c. ThoTylorRoyalTypowrltorCnblnoto anil Deilc Combined. 0 btjlei. Flnctt on Earth , 100 rcqo Illuitrateci Catalogue True. FosURo 7 Cti , JYLERDESK COStLouis , MoJS , , A , TlRlKEH SPRIKiVEHIClEj _ _ _ _ put on t _ [ dapt d"eilu Tlr wall to rotiith ca'intry ' or jln Hty drlvea VflllKT ! jo boat natUfactlon. Face Powcfop. REESW A W " ° " POWDER M U.H. bil a1 ! rukvir. bulilkj BL | on FarnimM i inniiCo ,1,110 Ktlmtir'i.l.islTljlTertlll'i , I.lHl OnK.IHNi b oJ.lecn' ,3t.ll < iu.CV.t,05 , Wlllliuu. ' , , . , ' eor. Wtl.iliri > lorrtll'i , cur , llerimk N' < jj car Onf. lItlitllurr < k > ' . , : ( ; U.llir , . , fri ( Vn. tit , for. CVunt n AltMfftl Inilltut * Pole * lui n- ek'cor , r/icincp Oo B. loiln Ikll i , til : kullli llrix. L r , I'.rll. lajOiid. 1111,1 , l.-oni a , Jll | Kulin u Co. , cor. Uoujl.i , cur. lllliana ruuilur : On Huun Ur'il Dr. l H > llle' § , 1,191 , Oili- ' ' ecr. Jllh6 | ' lfl J.C'o.Sllli.u-l ll v.nioilili..fn' | , fHitlmil Att. nl Cbibr Urk'f , JJIIi < n4 Wuiil votlli Jlrtl.l'r ' UfiiKrli'l. lCl liuu-.r 1 , c' J3'-i | , c ir , Oil u I rltr | Uo > I iO | > ll > l ti. nl Mill MtW. J. tlcl.r.l.r'.j ( i.jlgr. i Co , U. UUiU. Wbuhulr , Illh > r < ) imi Urlm Uo , PUki. llrnce j. to , m LATEST PERFK EXQUIBITE FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA GOODRICH Atty ut-Law. 121 . A born Ht. , ( 'hlcauo ; iiilvlco free ; ' . ' 1 yuara ex pcrleuce ; bueluuia ijulctly and le ally traus ESTABLISHED I Chicago ? Ills. 1 Clark St. Ihe Regular Old-Established ( PHYSICIAN AND SUHCEOH h still Treating with the Greatest SmLMdjOCCESS tonic , Norvons and Private Diseases , Kf NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood. Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlbi * Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the eflccii kadine to early decay and peihaps Consurnpllon ot Insanity , treated scientifically ty new methods with never-failing success. TO-SYPHlLISnm ! all bad Blood and SUnDls. cases permanently cured. KIDNEYond URINARYccmr > bntsOleet ! , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcoccle and all disease ! of the Geulto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injuiy to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. Off No experlmente. Ago and experience tm- , portent. Consultation free and sacred. aS Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works OH Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. OS-Those contemplating Marriace ( end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male nnd Female , each 15 cents , both 3 } cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer ing and shame , and add golden years to life. # 3liooll "Life'sSecretErrors ( ) , " jocentssumps ) . Medlclnt and writings sent ever ) where , secure from cxpoaurn Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to u. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO. ILL. Heati ! ! is Wealth In. ) E. 0. WEST'S Hniivn AND HUAIX iv Mn.NT , a Ktiarnutood specillo for Hysteria , Dl7zt ness , ConvulHiona , Fin , Ncivous Ncwnlgla , Ileailncbo , NITVOUS Prostration caused by the use of alcohol tobacco. Wnkofnlno's , .Mental nopri'ssloii.SortonliiK of t'io llraln , resulting In Insiinlty and loading to misery. ilccayimililoiull , I'roinaturo Old Age. llnrreunasc , f/oss of I'owcr In'oltlicr sex. Involuntary l.ossoi ami Sp rrnat tarlici'iv caused byov-n'oxertlonof the brain , self * abuse or ovcrlndti'Bonco. Kaoh liov contain ono month's treutmcnt. ( l.Of ) a box , ofblx boxes for NUT" " , sent by moll prepaid on receipt of prlcft WE GrUANANTEE SIX BOXES. To cure any caso. With each order received oy usfor slxboxes , nccompnnloil with tVO , o win send tlio purchaser our writ ton Rinirantne to r < fund tlio monuy if the treatment does nutoirect a euro Ouurantocs Issued only by doodnirm Drug Co. DrugifistB , Solo Agents , 1110 Street , Uinnha , Nebraska. - - fan ffftr m 'W4 KM tafJ ua * v j/ WhcnyouarubiiylnKpfoiM remember that there U . , suclia'Iilngns n | irlcollmt _ , " * I ? too client' . It Is Letter to - ' pay a fair prlco nnd eet KOOll KlOtC * llkO IIlllCII- ) liifniii'n. They nro tnudo ( rommleeled bklnsln llioj best niannorniid are xarf runIfil to l the inostl sci-vlcealila made. IfJO'ifeTSSfa ' want to know rnoro alxiut vt a Eloxs In Kfiiernl nnd W f ' * ' rV" IllllrlllllMOIl'H ( illlVCH In particular , oncloiu maiiipfor the hook About ( > lovi' . U will Interest ' i Ion. isTur.isiiKii ; IB(2. ( JU1I.V O. il u rctllNbU.N , Juumtown , N. V. The * l vO Stanaaru I'Mte ' llPinMllun for thu curtj T iirlvntu allincntH uro un- rurpairnl for Jiurlly , do. Ritliractlon uiiarantccd , Order llnniily .No. 1 fur lu.ln. . . or vital iu. t for l il M.uimoa or iitjulral'deMllly In uurrlfd mm , or tliono nitirlnK on that Imppy life , 1'rli D , II W. r-u aforUoni > rrlii aor K'titIn ' tluwr sux , Acuinblnril trtatuipnl for Internal anil local nte , Cures In 1 to D daj. . Novrln .orinlcttlon. JVIIIiiotcauioflrl.turo , ( tnnrtmfor ] in > taio. Any one of thctorcinnllornimpb ly ftnt ( lealnl ) \ > r mall on icrtlit of Hie \ < rr. \ . II < f > , Ultrr.llnvlloollr tithfl fni.lnuri lulor Mttrd. STANDARD /JEMEDY CO , ClllOOgO. III. V il > li i.rcl | o i urr i . ( UHU of CTNtlUTHKUiKNLH.t , ( I , | QI b , houTtfiNO. tuitlaeoatCurrroUo. retl/lbriiuitutll wetk fArtl. reitor. ' 1 , lollr.lHi ! illln.iiinhlr.tlli | , 1'kcliH V ntTiMiriftTivor fcrftllf ) , UJOJacia. BROOKS BROS , ft CO. Importers and Wholeialo Dealer * la Walchos , Jewelry , Cutlery , Notions , Novelties , Albums , Fancy Goods , Walking Canes , Coal-Collar Springs , &c.&c. I.i reo auortmont ( or Cane llacki , Knlle Boardi , Spindles , Auctioneer ! , Etreelmen * nd I'tilillerJ. HlK variety of ic. lOa und Ko countet good * . HondforllluilruludcaUlojtue. BROOKS BROS. & . CO. , Mo. to einm < i n o t li justly cel < ebmtcd lines of llopti and Blioei , manufactun d i > r U. M. llondorian & Co , , ot Chlcnvo F a * tnrltm at Chicago. DUcn , Ilia. , and Food Du , Wli.-ihoulil write BAM. N. WATSON , rti\1 \ dtnre , 1'ltUMONT. NKI1. TruTellas ui < eiib llei.diuart rt ( or llubbers.